Pseudalbiorix, a New Genus of Ideoroncidae (Pseudoscorpiones, Neobisioidea) from Central America
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2006 (2007). The Journal of Arachnology 34:610–626 PSEUDALBIORIX, A NEW GENUS OF IDEORONCIDAE (PSEUDOSCORPIONES, NEOBISIOIDEA) FROM CENTRAL AMERICA Mark S. Harvey: Department of Terrestrial Invertebrates, Western Australian Museum, Locked Bag 49, Welshpool DC, Western Australia 6986, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] Rene´ Barba Dı´az: Dept. de Invertebrados, Instituto de Ecologı´a y Sistema´tica, A.P. 8029, C.P. 10800, Habana 8, Cuba. Current address: Grupo BioKarst, Sociedad Espeleolo´gica de Cuba, Apartado Postal 2778, Habana 13, C.P. 11300, Cuba William B. Muchmore: Department of Biology, University of Rochester, Box 270211, Rochester, New York 14627-0211, USA Abel Pe´rez Gonza´lez: Grupo Biokarst, Sociedad Espeleolo´gica de Cuba. Current address: Dept. Invertebrados, Lab. Aracnologia, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Quinta da Boa Vista s/n, Sa˜o Cristo´va˜o 20.940-040, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ABSTRACT. A new genus of Ideoroncidae, Pseudalbiorix, is described from Central America, and is found to consist of four species: the type species P. reddelli (Muchmore 1982), new combination from southern Mexico, P. veracruzensis (Hoff 1945), new combination from Belize, Guatemala and southern Mexico, and P. muchmorei Barba & Pe´rez, new species and P. armasi Barba & Pe´rez, new species from western Cuba. Pseudalbiorix reddelli and P. veracruzensis are transferred from the genus Albiorix. Mem- bers of this genus differ from all other ideoroncids principally in the morphology of the chelal externo- distal condyle. All post-embryonic stages of P. reddelli are described. Keywords: Pseudoscorpions, Mexico, Cuba, taxonomy, morphology, new species, biospeleology, trog- lobite The pseudoscorpion family Ideoroncidae ican species of Typhloroncus, and several spe- consists of several genera found in disparate cies of Albiorix, are restricted to caves. parts of the world (e.g., Harvey 1991; Mah- During research into the ideoroncid fauna nert 1984). The African fauna comprises three of Central America, we have independently genera, Negroroncus Beier 1931, Nannoron- recognized the presence of some species that cus Beier 1955 and Afroroncus Mahnert 1981, could not be placed within a pre-existing ge- mostly restricted to the eastern half of the con- nus. One of these, Albiorix reddelli Much- tinent (Mahnert 1981), while the Asian fauna more 1982, was reluctantly included in Albio- consists of the genera Dhanus Chamberlin rix by Muchmore (1982) and Mahnert (1984), 1930, Shravana Chamberlin 1930 and Nha- but a satisfactory placement could not be trangia Redikorzev 1938. The family is rep- found at the time. Our discovery of a further resented in the Americas by another three three species, including A. veracruzensis Hoff genera, Ideoroncus Balzan 1887, Albiorix 1945, from various localities across Central Chamberlin 1930 and Typhloroncus Much- America that share important morphological more 1979 where a total of 30 species have features with A. reddelli has enabled us to thus far been named. The majority of Ameri- conclude that this group of species should be can ideoroncid species are found in epigean recognized as a distinct genus, to which we habitats but some, such as Ideoroncus cavi- apply the name Pseudalbiorix. The aims of cola Mahnert 2001 from Brazil, the four Mex- the present paper are to describe the new ge- 610 HARVEY ET AL.—PSEUDALBIORIX FROM CENTRAL AMERICA 611 nus, to provide descriptions of all four species Gaul and is often thought to be equivalent to based upon the abundant new material avail- Teutates, and sometimes known as Caturix able to us, and to name two new species of (Lindemans 2005). Pseudalbiorix from Cuba, including the sole Diagnosis.—Pseudalbiorix can be distin- troglobitic species of the genus. guished from all other ideoroncid genera by The specimens examined during this study the enlarged and bifurcate condyle on the ex- are deposited in the American Museum of terno-distal margin of the chelal hand (Figs. Natural History, New York (AMNH), the ar- 10, 31). In all other ideoroncid and, indeed, achnological collection of Instituto de Ecolo- neobisioid genera (e.g., Figs. 4–7), this con- gı´a y Sistema´tica (CZACC) of the Ministry of dyle is small and rounded. Science, Technology and Environmental of Pseudalbiorix can be further separated from Cuba, the Biospeleological collection of the the other recognized genera of Ideoroncidae Cuban Speleological Society, La Habana as follows: from the American genus Albiorix (ColBK), the California Academy of Sciences, by the lack of a divided arolium; from the San Francisco (CAS), the Florida State Col- American genus Ideoroncus by the presence lection of Arthropods, Gainesville, Florida of 4 setae on the anterior margin of the car- (FSCA), and the Western Australian Museum, apace (6 setae in Ideoroncus) and the position Perth (WAM). All specimens were measured of trichobothrium st which is situated slightly with a micrometer eyepiece on a compound ventral to the level of sb in Ideoroncus but is microscope, as described by Chamberlin not ventrally displaced in Pseudalbiorix (or (1931) and Harvey (1987). Morphological ter- any other ideoroncid); from the American ge- minology mostly follows Chamberlin (1931) nus Typhloroncus by the long arolium, the and Harvey (1992). presence of eyes and by the slightly lower The maps were produced with the computer number of trichobothria (30 in Pseudalbiorix program ArcView 3.2 after the relevant local- and 32 or 33 in Typhloroncus); from the Asian ity data were stored in an Access database. genera Dhanus, Shravana and Nhatrangia and Coordinates were obtained from various the African genus Negroroncus by the ab- sources, including the GeoNet Names Server sence of a lamina exterior [except in D. sia- ( produced mensis (With 1906) which will be transferred by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agen- to a separate genus in a forthcoming review cy. Recently collected specimens were usually of the Asian Ideoroncidae]; and from the Af- provided with GPS coordinates taken at the rican genera Nannoroncus and Afroroncus by collecting site. The spellings of the Mexican the lack of stout setae on the mesal surface of place names follow Reddell (1981). the chelal fingers. Description.—Adults: All setae long, SYSTEMATICS straight and acicular. Most cuticular surfaces smooth and glossy. Family Ideoroncidae Chamberlin 1930 Pedipalps long and slender. Fixed chelal Pseudalbiorix Harvey, Barba, Muchmore & finger with 20 trichobothria, movable chelal Pe´rez, new genus finger with 10 trichobothria: eb region with 1 Type species.—Albiorix reddelli Much- trichobothrium; est region with 6 trichoboth- more 1982. ria; ib region with 4 trichobothria; ist region Other species.—Albiorix veracruzensis with 5 trichobothria; b region with 2 tricho- Hoff 1945, P. muchmorei Barba & Pe´rez, new bothria; and t region with 6 trichobothria; st species and P. armasi Barba & Pe´rez, new not ventrally displaced. Venom apparatus pre- species. sent in both chelal fingers, venom duct ter- Etymology.—The name Pseudalbiorix re- minating in nodus ramosus near est region in fers to the morphological similarity that this fixed finger and near t region in movable fin- genus bears to Albiorix. The gender is mas- ger. Chelal teeth all closely spaced. Externo- culine, following the gender applied to the distal condyle on the chelal hand enlarged and name Albiorix by Chamberlin (1930). Al- bifurcate. though not stated by Chamberlin (1930), the Chelicera with 6 or 7 long, acuminate setae name was presumably derived from the Celtic on hand; movable finger with 1 long subdistal god Albiorix, who was worshipped in ancient seta; flagellum of 4 thickened blades, all 612 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY blades serrate; lamina exterior absent; galea Muchmore 1982, to Pseudalbiorix, as they long and slender. possess all of the diagnostic features of the Cephalothorax: carapace with 2 small, genus. Indeed, both Muchmore (1982) and bulging eyes; without furrows; anterior mar- Mahnert (1984) discussed the taxonomic po- gin with 4 setae. Manducatory process with 2 sition of A. reddelli and suggested that the long distal setae. Median maxillary lyrifissure species may be misplaced within Albiorix. present and sub-basally situated. With the discovery of additional species of Abdomen: tergites and sternites undivided, similar morphology to A. reddelli, we here but medial sternites with very thin medial su- formally remove A. veracruzensis and A. red- ture line. Pleural membrane longitudinally delli from Albiorix and erect a new genus for striate. Each stigmatic sclerite with 1 or 2 se- this group of species. tae. Spiracles simple, with spiracular helix. In a separate study, Harvey & Mahnert Legs: femur I and II without basal swelling; (2006) transferred the three Brazilian Albiorix femora I and II with primary slit sensillum species, A. arboricola (Mahnert 1979), A. directed transversely; femur I much longer gracilis Mahnert 1985 and A. lamellifer Mah- than patella I; suture line between femur IV nert 1985, to a separate genus Xorilbia Harvey and patella IV transverse; metatarsus shorter & Mahnert 2006. The recognition of Pseu- than tarsus; metatarsal pseudotactile seta sub- dalbiorix and Xorilbia leaves Albiorix with proximal; legs with two bifid or trifid subter- just 11 species, distributed as follows: A. an- minal tarsal setae; arolium longer than claws, ophthalmus Muchmore 1999, A. bolivari not divided but slightly indented at fringed Beier 1963, A. conodentatus Hoff 1945, A. ed- ventral margin; claws slender and simple. entatus Chamberlin 1930, A. magnus Hoff Nymphs: Much like adults, but trichoboth- 1945, the type species A. mexicanus (Banks rial patterns as follows: tritonymph with 14 on 1898), A. mirabilis Muchmore 1982, A. par- fixed finger and 8 on movable finger; deuto- videntatus Chamberlin 1930, A. retrodentatus nymph with 9 on fixed finger and 6 on mov- Hoff 1945 from Mexico or western USA, A. able finger; and protonymph with 3 on fixed argentiniensis (Hoff 1950) from Argentina, finger and 1 on movable finger. and A.