25, 1979 '«• Gillespie Heads Bell Telephone Co
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O C E A N G R O V E -— The civic affairs here and is a member: assignment stems from Bell’s com avaSied“ itselfof‘^' the^alentiT of’ ail -Rev. Dr. H arold D. Flood is >f t h e Neptune Township public pany-wide reorganization just con Ocean Grove resident whose exper- beginning- h i s th ird year as j faculty. Mr. Shotwell suc- cluded. tise in finance and management is ^resident o f th e Ocean Grove -c1ee(^ Homer Wirth, who stepped Prior to this, Gillespie supervis ed three telephone company offices . m u m j Cm,Meeting * * * * * jSSSZ Z S S EC in Asbury Park, Long Branch and I elected here last Friday at the I James p Undemuth of Spring lted BanK. He also had community W h KSI | annual meeting- o f the board-LaKe was appointed executive di- relations responsibility for ihe m W m m o f trustees, rector. He was formerly an adver- eastern section of the county. i Others renamed were the Rev. li,s i n 8 director and former director In his assignment, he will he in Dr. Floyd E. George, vice presi-, °f cus‘omer relations for Amerada charge of Beil’s relations with tiie- ^ Media; municipal, county and state dent in charge of program; th e s p' Rev. Dr. J. M a r K Odenwelder, | ,The 197u budget w a s adopted, officials; consumer groups arifl mi. O C E A N GROVE — Mr. and tired from the P^lach Real Es- vice president for development, and w ' t *1 anticipated income of $617,- customer activities. He will also /ohn Tomba celebrated (heir sixty- late and Insurance) Company and the Rev. Ronald W. Cadmus, secre- ! 3 7 0 and expenditures of $707,903, for work with organized groups in the | | | | fourth wedding anniversary Christ- is now associated j with the Platt _ _ H • n /IrtTinW .*C (Pm /*on __.i» ! tary. Norman B. Buckman of a deficit of $91,633. Certain reven county on telephone matters. mas Eve. with a party at the home Real Estate Company, Fair Lawn, Ocean Grove was elected treasur- ues may not be anticipated, front Gillespie formerly of Neptune jjjw&C of Mr. and Mrs.. Pat Mazerall, 80 , The party was attended by many Main Avenue with whom they re- members of the family and close M er. William H. McDade, Jr., was 8 if(s> donations, wills and legacies, and a graduate of Neptune High tx&S elected assistant treasurer and $1^0 , 0 0 0 is included in opera- ^ School, began his telephone career side v : ■■ • . friends.. , j ?V 'i >>' Mrs.’ Tomba; the former C la r a - The Tomba’s havje two daughters, Howard Smoyer, assistant secre- *i°n front the Now and Forever Jn'1946 as a draftsman in the en m tary Fund, based on prior years. The m JacKson, and Mr. Tomba were mar- Claire Mazerall and Mrs. Violet gineering office. He .then held var ried at the Hungarian Reformed FinK, four grandchildren a n d Two new trustees were named to i F" nd(, ^ yfear'' °f ious positions in the -plant and Church in Passaic. M r/Tomba're- 5reat grandchildr<' the board - t h e Rev. Walter Qulgg,! whlf.h S 1 ^ ’ 0 0 0 was used for op- . -marketing departments before as pastor of St. Pauls United Method- ei'at,ons' (Sea slory ) suming his present position in the ist Church, here, who succeeds the Tne budget deficit report result qommercial department. /• Rev. Dr. Mark Hostetter of Morris- ed in board approval of the hiring ’ Ifii is married to the former- 1978 Now and Forever Fund ville, Pai,. who is retiring and of a $1 0 ,0 0 0 consultant to study the Pearl Bellissen and has three Report by the Rev. Dr. J. Mark Odenwjilder leaving the area, and David Shot- Ocean Grove operation and finances grown children who reside in' Flor-; and to make recommendations for Vice President, Development, Ocean Grove Association well. who is active in church anti jda. ■Gil” Gillespie solvency. Attorney Philip Herr, [budget committee chairman, said The .final report of the 1978 N ow anti Forevejr Fund indicates Friendship Foods that the proposed consultant has Students Enjoy ' ■ Their First Child that we reached $161,757.63 in this Awirial Giymg Program. Of 'been used with success at variotfs this sum, $137,204 were cash receipts available Foi the genera! op Topic at Club colleges and at Chatauqua. N. Y. People Place > ' ORLANDO, Fla. — Mr. ' a n d erating account. The remainder, $24,553.63, were} designated con j ' Several properties here owned by Mrs. Michael Spatola, of this.place tributions For the Temple Replacement Fund, MuSic/Organ, Audi : the Association are up for sale, in- torium Improvement, Hurricane Fund and the Life Care Services (the former Pamela Klauder) .an p i°h B^NnS!?0Vr “ g the 3-story brick building NEPTUNE — January 19, 1579 Club of Ocean Grove held^ t he r f a c , ng , Auditorium Square thaBt nounce the birth Of their first child, Fund. These \vould not be available for budget balancing which is was (iie beginning of a five day Norman B. Buckman a son, on Sunday, January-7. Chris- the primary purpose of this.Fund. ' regular meeting January 18 at the houses ^ Neptune Tourism, the enjoyable learning experience f o r toplier. Michael Spatola ‘weighed in’ $5,812 was received in late December but v6 as not deposited Buckman who resides at 31 Surf clubhouse.. - .. ' Hannah-Crosman VFW Post and a the students of Mrs. Dorris Guy’s at seven pounds, seven ounces at. and posted until' January, 1979 and hence will help to balance , the Avenue, was, until becoming co A very interesting topic “ Friend-. [aunclroinut. The real estate com- a n d M rs. Jean Coppola’s classes birth. Proud maternal grandpar 1979 budget. In 1977 only $2,138 was received Jn late Dccembtr owner arid secretaiy-treasurer of ship Foods” was presented by Jo- mittee is also considering selling i from Green Grove School. They ves ents are Mr.. d Mrs. Norman and posted in January, 1978, Also we received orily $32,151.86 in Soccer World a n d Soccer World hanna Hartman. Many members the south Main St. block just south ted Africa, China, a*d Mexico at' Ambler,. Pa., and wills a n d legacies in . 1978, whereas we received $155>824.12 from Marketing, Inc., Sea Girt retailers, missed this informative talK due s t o c K s Avenue gates. The Bradley Park School’s section summer 'residents at 40 Surf Ave wills in 1977. The unpredictable nature o f ; this Kourcc of funds importers,:distributors a n d manu to inclement weather. saje 0f ^ e former corporation yard called' “ People Place.” Their day nue, Ocean1 Grove, N. J. means that a 'better-, use of. these funds would be Sot: debt reditctioi facturers of soccer equipment and Mrs. Eveiyn ClarK, chairman o f . at Embury and Whitefield Avenues was spent working at a varieity of or endowment. However, wfthcait them in 1977 and 1978 we would active sportswear, last March, As activities was assisted by Grace has been negotiated with Samuel eifrratlontf experiences whteh hv not have Leon-able to do as-much a.‘:.> vcdid m ' apjjroacjiing sol sistant to the President and Direc Guyer, Marie Boughey and M r s. 1 Fromkin. who is preparing to con- clmKrf -j^ography, Mstory, vocabu : -The 29tH"Toumarrt<!ni vency. •. tor of Financial Planning for Stein- Robert A. Davison. struct condominium apartments, lary, irraisic,' dzccing, arffiunetic, bach Department Stores. Members attending were Mrs. C. Proosals are also being received arts and crafts, and cooking. ASBURY PARK — The City’s • It 'is interesting to note .the increase in .ihe number of contri He joined the eight unit New Jer Edward Cashore, Miss Johanna M. for the former North E n d Hotel ' Mrs KaruKo Clay, the mother 29th Annual Garden. State Elemen butors. - sey retail firm in 1971, advancing Hartmann, Mrs. E. Murgatroyd, site. of a former. Green Grove pupfl tary School BasKet'baTl Tournament 1976 — 964 contributors $86,627.97 from Director of Research and De- Mary B. Newman, Mrs. C. M ee-, Elected '.o the Program Commit- Hdbert ''Clay, 'tfisited People Place will be held at Convention Hall 1977— 1 lOO contributors ■ 93,859.43 ! velopment to Personnel Manager to han, Mrs. George Drake, Mrs. Iv- (ee vvit h Dr. Floyd E. George as and demonstrated to t h e -classes from March 15 to April 1. There 1978 — 1435 contributors 113,799.09 Budget Director to his last position an Hall, Mrs.