‘ :.; V;:.■ /'.!':V-vi;^i:.^--'-;;i'-!'-:.v* V1; ' - ’■ v .......»■ - r '-*' . ■■■•. :■;;•■ .'■•■ - » « t J !> ’V1»//->'r77"\"v!- ';.*': • ;*-.: ■ 1 **•v, t y / ; *.;, r THE NEPTtJNE TIMES AND 104 Years Old ■ j Public Legal . and NEW Notices Every Thursday 0^ «an <i^trdtoe Page 8 VOL. CIV NO. 1 0<’P,AN OROVK TIMES. TOWNSHIP OF: NRPTIJNE, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JAN. 25, 1979 '«• Gillespie Heads Bell Telephone Co. 64th Anniversary Is Celebrated Norman BucKman A ss’n. E leds O fficers.1 Community Relations In Monmouth Ass n. Treasurer r Ki a a , ^ WWM - I wo New (Members, ana ASBURY-, PARK — New Jersey OCEAN GROVE — When the Bell has announced the appoint­ Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Asso­ ment o f Gil Gillespie, OaKhUrst, ciation elected Norman B. Buck- A dopts Deficit Budget as Community Relations Manager rrian treasurer and a member of for Monmouth County. This new th e Executive Committee at its at nK,i n ui*ci a l meeting last Friday, it.. O C E A N G R O V E -— The civic affairs here and is a member: assignment stems from Bell’s com­ avaSied“ itselfof‘^' the^alentiT of’ ail -Rev. Dr. H arold D. Flood is >f t h e Neptune Township public pany-wide reorganization just con­ Ocean Grove resident whose exper- beginning- h i s th ird year as j faculty. Mr. Shotwell suc- cluded. tise in finance and management is ^resident o f th e Ocean Grove -c1ee(^ Homer Wirth, who stepped Prior to this, Gillespie supervis­ ed three telephone company offices . m u m j Cm,Meeting * * * * * jSSSZ Z S S EC in Asbury Park, Long Branch and I elected here last Friday at the I James p Undemuth of Spring lted BanK. He also had community W h KSI | annual meeting- o f the board-LaKe was appointed executive di- relations responsibility for ihe m W m m o f trustees, rector. He was formerly an adver- eastern section of the county. i Others renamed were the Rev. li,s i n 8 director and former director In his assignment, he will he in Dr. Floyd E. George, vice presi-, °f cus‘omer relations for Amerada charge of Beil’s relations with tiie- ^ Media; municipal, county and state dent in charge of program; th e s p' Rev. Dr. J. M a r K Odenwelder, | ,The 197u budget w a s adopted, officials; consumer groups arifl mi. O C E A N GROVE — Mr. and tired from the P^lach Real Es- vice president for development, and w ' t *1 anticipated income of $617,- customer activities. He will also /ohn Tomba celebrated (heir sixty- late and Insurance) Company and the Rev. Ronald W. Cadmus, secre- ! 3 7 0 and expenditures of $707,903, for work with organized groups in the | | | | fourth wedding anniversary Christ- is now associated j with the Platt _ _ H • n /IrtTinW .*C (Pm /*on __.i» ! tary. Norman B. Buckman of a deficit of $91,633. Certain reven­ county on telephone matters. mas Eve. with a party at the home Real Estate Company, Fair Lawn, Ocean Grove was elected treasur- ues may not be anticipated, front Gillespie formerly of Neptune jjjw&C of Mr. and Mrs.. Pat Mazerall, 80 , The party was attended by many Main Avenue with whom they re- members of the family and close M er. William H. McDade, Jr., was 8 if(s> donations, wills and legacies, and a graduate of Neptune High tx&S elected assistant treasurer and $1^0 , 0 0 0 is included in opera- ^ School, began his telephone career side v : ■■ • . friends.. , j ?V 'i >>' Mrs.’ Tomba; the former C la r a - The Tomba’s havje two daughters, Howard Smoyer, assistant secre- *i°n front the Now and Forever Jn'1946 as a draftsman in the en­ m tary Fund, based on prior years. The m JacKson, and Mr. Tomba were mar- Claire Mazerall and Mrs. Violet gineering office. He .then held var­ ried at the Hungarian Reformed FinK, four grandchildren a n d Two new trustees were named to i F" nd(, ^ yfear'' °f ious positions in the -plant and Church in Passaic. M r/Tomba're- 5reat grandchildr<' the board - t h e Rev. Walter Qulgg,! whlf.h S 1 ^ ’ 0 0 0 was used for op- . -marketing departments before as­ pastor of St. Pauls United Method- ei'at,ons' (Sea slory ) suming his present position in the ist Church, here, who succeeds the Tne budget deficit report result­ qommercial department. /• Rev. Dr. Mark Hostetter of Morris- ed in board approval of the hiring ’ Ifii is married to the former- 1978 Now and Forever Fund ville, Pai,. who is retiring and of a $1 0 ,0 0 0 consultant to study the Pearl Bellissen and has three Report by the Rev. Dr. J. Mark Odenwjilder leaving the area, and David Shot- Ocean Grove operation and finances grown children who reside in' Flor-; and to make recommendations for Vice President, Development, Ocean Grove Association well. who is active in church anti jda. ■Gil” Gillespie solvency. Attorney Philip Herr, [budget committee chairman, said The .final report of the 1978 N ow anti Forevejr Fund indicates Friendship Foods that the proposed consultant has Students Enjoy ' ■ Their First Child that we reached $161,757.63 in this Awirial Giymg Program. Of 'been used with success at variotfs this sum, $137,204 were cash receipts available Foi the genera! op­ Topic at Club colleges and at Chatauqua. N. Y. People Place > ' ORLANDO, Fla. — Mr. ' a n d erating account. The remainder, $24,553.63, were} designated con­ j ' Several properties here owned by Mrs. Michael Spatola, of this.place tributions For the Temple Replacement Fund, MuSic/Organ, Audi­ : the Association are up for sale, in- torium Improvement, Hurricane Fund and the Life Care Services (the former Pamela Klauder) .an­ p i°h B^NnS!?0Vr “ g the 3-story brick building NEPTUNE — January 19, 1579 Club of Ocean Grove held^ t he r f a c , ng , Auditorium Square thaBt nounce the birth Of their first child, Fund. These \vould not be available for budget balancing which is was (iie beginning of a five day Norman B. Buckman a son, on Sunday, January-7. Chris- the primary purpose of this.Fund. ' regular meeting January 18 at the houses ^ Neptune Tourism, the enjoyable learning experience f o r toplier. Michael Spatola ‘weighed in’ $5,812 was received in late December but v6 as not deposited Buckman who resides at 31 Surf clubhouse.. - .. ' Hannah-Crosman VFW Post and a the students of Mrs. Dorris Guy’s at seven pounds, seven ounces at. and posted until' January, 1979 and hence will help to balance , the Avenue, was, until becoming co­ A very interesting topic “ Friend-. [aunclroinut. The real estate com- a n d M rs. Jean Coppola’s classes birth. Proud maternal grandpar­ 1979 budget. In 1977 only $2,138 was received Jn late Dccembtr owner arid secretaiy-treasurer of ship Foods” was presented by Jo- mittee is also considering selling i from Green Grove School. They ves­ ents are Mr.. d Mrs. Norman and posted in January, 1978, Also we received orily $32,151.86 in Soccer World a n d Soccer World hanna Hartman. Many members the south Main St. block just south ted Africa, China, a*d Mexico at' Ambler,. Pa., and wills a n d legacies in . 1978, whereas we received $155>824.12 from Marketing, Inc., Sea Girt retailers, missed this informative talK due s t o c K s Avenue gates. The Bradley Park School’s section summer 'residents at 40 Surf Ave­ wills in 1977. The unpredictable nature o f ; this Kourcc of funds importers,:distributors a n d manu­ to inclement weather. saje 0f ^ e former corporation yard called' “ People Place.” Their day nue, Ocean1 Grove, N. J. means that a 'better-, use of. these funds would be Sot: debt reditctioi facturers of soccer equipment and Mrs. Eveiyn ClarK, chairman o f . at Embury and Whitefield Avenues was spent working at a varieity of or endowment. However, wfthcait them in 1977 and 1978 we would active sportswear, last March, As­ activities was assisted by Grace has been negotiated with Samuel eifrratlontf experiences whteh hv not have Leon-able to do as-much a.‘:.> vcdid m ' apjjroacjiing sol­ sistant to the President and Direc­ Guyer, Marie Boughey and M r s. 1 Fromkin. who is preparing to con- clmKrf -j^ography, Mstory, vocabu­ : -The 29tH"Toumarrt<!ni vency. •. tor of Financial Planning for Stein- Robert A. Davison. struct condominium apartments, lary, irraisic,' dzccing, arffiunetic, bach Department Stores. Members attending were Mrs. C. Proosals are also being received arts and crafts, and cooking. ASBURY PARK — The City’s • It 'is interesting to note .the increase in .ihe number of contri­ He joined the eight unit New Jer­ Edward Cashore, Miss Johanna M. for the former North E n d Hotel ' Mrs KaruKo Clay, the mother 29th Annual Garden. State Elemen­ butors. - sey retail firm in 1971, advancing Hartmann, Mrs. E. Murgatroyd, site. of a former. Green Grove pupfl tary School BasKet'baTl Tournament 1976 — 964 contributors $86,627.97 from Director of Research and De- Mary B. Newman, Mrs. C. M ee-, Elected '.o the Program Commit- Hdbert ''Clay, 'tfisited People Place will be held at Convention Hall 1977— 1 lOO contributors ■ 93,859.43 ! velopment to Personnel Manager to han, Mrs. George Drake, Mrs. Iv- (ee vvit h Dr. Floyd E. George as and demonstrated to t h e -classes from March 15 to April 1. There 1978 — 1435 contributors 113,799.09 Budget Director to his last position an Hall, Mrs.
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