NEWSZAK A April 2013 / Iyar 5773 / No 25

MEIR GURVITZ Chairman, ZAKA International Board Of Directors

RAFAEL AHARONI President, ZAKA, Hong Kong Macau and China

YAACOV PERI Chairman, ZAKA Board of Trustees



Welcome to another edition of NewsZAKA, bringing you up to date with some of the latest activities in the organization. During the first few months of 2013, the 1500 ZAKA volunteers were as busy as ever, on call 24/7. Even during the holidays of Purim and Pesach, they were assisting on land and at sea, as you can read in this newsletter. In fact, the ZAKA Diving Unit was particularly busy with too many fatal drowning incidents as the weather improved and brought Israelis on to the beaches. ZAKA continues to expand its activities and reach overseas, with training in Paris and plans to open a unit in Australia. Thank you for your generosity. Secure donations can be made via our websites (dollars); (sterling) or (euros). Please forward this e-newsletter to family and friends.

Yehuda Meshi-Zahav ZAKA Chairman Main Office: 234 Jaffo St. P.O. Box 36060 Jerusalem 91360 | Tel. 972-2-5015120 | Fax. 972-2-5015121 Email: [email protected] USA: 1303 53rd st. #170 Brooklyn N.Y. 11219 USA | Tel: 1718-676-0039 | Fax: 1718-865-0948 Email: [email protected] France: 20 bis rue Louis Philippe 92200 Neuilly sur Seine | Tel. 01-74-900-600 | Fax. 01-73-049-207 Email: [email protected] England: 233a Golders Green Road London NW11 9ES Registered Charity No. 1099639 | Tel: 020 8458 5391 Email: [email protected] Canada: 6 Stormont Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5N 2B8 Canada Email: [email protected] HK, Macao & China c/o The Jewish Community Centre One Robinson Place 70 Robinson Road Mid Levels Hong Kong E-mail [email protected]

NEWSZAK A 2 Australian Ambassador to Israel Ms. Andrea Faulkner recently visited the ZAKA headquarters in AUSTRALIAN Jerusalem within the framework of plans to expand the ZAKA International Rescue Unit into Australia. Accompanied by Immigration Officer and Manager of AMBASSADOR the Visa, Immigration and Citizenship section at the Australian Embassy Mr. Abdullah Azar and Australian lawyer Michael Kadoury, the Ambassador received TO ISRAEL a full briefing on the activities of the UN-recognized international humanitarian volunteer rescue and recovery organization from ZAKA Founder and VISITS ZAKA Chairman Yehuda Meshi-Zahav. JERUSALEM HQ ZAKA International Rescue Unit commander Mati Goldstein related to the Ambassador how volunteers in 14 units around the world receive regular, specialized training in mass casualty disaster management and emergency rescue and recovery from the Israeli team. The readiness of these equipped and trained volunteers in key communities and cities around the world, from North and South America to Russia, Europe and the Far East, significantly reduces the response time of the ZAKA volunteers to a mass casualty incident, thereby saving lives.

During her visit to the ZAKA headquarters in Jerusalem, Ambassador Faulkner noted that, while she knew about the activities of ZAKA in Israel and around the world, she was not aware of the “scope and sheer number of incidents where the organization has provided assistance.” The ambassador expressed gratitude that the volunteer organization was planning to establish a unit in Australia and promised to connect ZAKA with the relevant emergency and rescue services in her country. “My door will always be open for you”.


The family of Dr. Martin Jerome Lee z”l presented and recovery volunteer organization which five sets of ceramic vests and protective helmets Martin dearly admired and respected for its to the ZAKA Rescue and Recovery organization tireless dedication and contribution ‘on the front on the occasion of his first yahrzeit, February 25, line’ of the Jewish State of Israel.” 2013 also Shushan Purim during a Purim Seuda Chavi continues: “Martin obtained great joy from held in his memory in Jerusalem. the blessing to become one of the "men within Martin Jerome Lee, PhD, (Tanchum ben Chaim) the gates where he sat among the nation's elders", z"l, who served as CEO of Savyon Diagnostics in as part of the Jerusalem Jewish community. , made aliyah with his wife Chavi in 1999 Martin was a dedicated Zionist and considered after retiring as CEO and Laboratory Director of himself as another "soldier on the front line" of Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory in Asheville, the Jewish State. I will always remember him best North Carolina. He held seven United States as my "Aish Chayil". patents and authored thirty-eight scientific In accepting the donation, ZAKA Chairman publications. A devoted husband, son, father, Yehuda Meshi-Zahav said “On behalf of the five grandfather, uncle and friend, Martin passed ZAKA volunteers who will receive these protective away in 2012, at the age of 69, five years after vests and helmets, I thank you and your family suffering a debilitating stroke. for this generous donation. During the recent According to his wife Chavi, who lives in Jerusalem, hostilities in the south, ZAKA volunteers were the family selected ZAKA as the beneficiary of particularly vulnerable, as the organization did a donation in her husband’s memory because, not have enough protective gear for all of them. “everyone who lives in Israel has seen the ZAKA This donation will certainly help protect and save volunteers at work. His family wants to remember lives, those of the ZAKA volunteers and those him by contributing to ZAKA, a lifesaving rescue who they try to help under fire.”


On a recent visit to Israel, the President of unteers use on a daily basis – white over- the Jewish Community in Shanghai, China, alls and disposable gloves and shoes, as Maurice Ohana met well as ZAKA body with ZAKA Chair- bags. man Yehuda Meshi- On a later occasion, Zahav and ZAKA Maurice Ohana also Director of Interna- presented rescue tional Resource De- and recovery equip- velopment David ment to ZAKA vol- Rose who thanked unteers in the Lach- him on behalf of the ish region that he ZAKA volunteers for donated to the or- his generous sup- ganization. port of the rescue and recovery organization. Meshi-Zahav: “It is an honor to meet such a generous sup- Ohana, who is a firm supporter of Israel’s porter of ZAKA. It is thanks to the gener- dominant rescue, recovery and life-saving osity of Maurice Ohana and other good volunteer organization, donated hundreds friends overseas that ZAKA volunteers can of the iconic yellow ZAKA vests, as well as continue their sacred work, whenever and much of the equipment that the ZAKA vol- wherever they are needed.”

NEWSZAK A 5 POINTS FOR PEACE SCORES NEARLY $47,000 IN ZAKA SUPPORT By Deb Silverthorn, as published in Dallas News

Shooting from across the courts to across the globe, Yavneh Academy’s Students Against Terrorism scored again with its 11th annual Points for Peace Basketball Tournament recently. When the final buzzer sounded, chairwomen and Yavneh seniors Rachel Goodman and Kelly Herson directed 71 teams and hundreds of volunteers to can respond to a terror scene and undoubtedly save come together to raise nearly $47,000 — all for countless lives.” strangers that they’ll likely never meet. Previous SAT events have supported the foundation ZAKA — Rescue & Recovery, the beneficiary of this of Yavneh’s Students Against Terrorism organization, year’s Points for Peace tournament, is a volunteer which has directed SAT Movie Nights, Strong4Israel organization that serves in search, rescue and recovery bracelets, Roses for Israel, all of which have raised operations following terror attacks, bombings or more than $600,000 to support programs. natural disasters. These programs include Camp Koby, which provides “We fell in love with ZAKA because they volunteer to a nurturing camp program; the Keren Malka do the work that nobody wants to do,” Goodman said. Foundation, which provides long-term no-cost loans “Those who work with ZAKA go out every day, saving of expensive medical equipment; to ATZUM, which lives. Once we knew that our money could literally distributes funds directly to families whose lives have make the difference between life and death for been irreparably shattered; to One Family Fund’s someone, we knew this was where we would donate Adopt-A-Family; AfterShock; Lifeline to the our proceeds.” North projects; and to the NATAL Israel Trauma Center. “The funds that Points for Peace is donating will allow “Not only were we able to raise funds for ZAKA, but we us to appoint, train and equip many new volunteers also raised awareness about the important work they with funds going directly to communications do and the overall situation in Israel,” Goodman said. upgrades,” said Avi Berg, director of the New York- “It is one thing to just call people asking for money, based ZAKA office. “After a terror attack occurs, our but to see kids enjoying playing for a cause and see all volunteers know that literally every second can mean the fundraising they did on their own, is to know that the difference between ‘rescue’ and ‘recovery.’ The our goal to raise awareness outside of just the Yavneh better communications they have, the faster they or Jewish community is being fulfilled.”


In an emotional reunion at the recent opening of the new ZAKA Rehovot headquarters, Sarit Ofek met with the man who saved her life after a fatal car accident in 2008 on the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway in which she was critically injured and three others were killed. ZAKA Rapid Rescue volunteer Shimi Grossman, who was traveling the highway at the time, saw the crash unfold in front of his eyes and immediately stopped to assist the injured and attend to the dead. Sarit was so critically injured that he was sure she would not survive the journey to Asaf Harofeh hospital. Five years later, ZAKA headquarters received a call from Sarit’s friend, explaining that Sarit did indeed survive the crash and after many years of painful and painstaking rehabilitation, she has recovered and has asked to meet the ZAKA volunteer who saved her life. In a tearful encounter, the two met once again, this time at the opening of the new ZAKA Rehovot headquarters. “It is a miracle”, said Sarit to Shimi. “I am full of gratitude to this angel, a ZAKA volun- teer. Without him, I would not be here today.” ZAKA Chairman Yehuda Meshi-Zahav: “When a ZAKA volunteer meets a person he has rescued, this gives him renewed energies to continue his volunteering.”


For the first time in the history of the ZAKA Diving Unit and the ZAKA Sapir Jet-Ski Unit, the volunteers found themselves launching their boats onto suburban streets to help rescue and evacuate trapped families. When the river burst its banks in January during one of the worst winter storms Israel has known for decades, the streets of Bat Hefer, a small community near Netanya, were flooded up to a depth of four meters in parts.

ZAKA Divers Unit Commander Haim Outmezgine: “This was the first time that the ZAKA Diving and Jet Ski Units have been called out to the city streets. Our volunteers were among the first to arrive with the equipment needed to access the flooded homes. We were able to evacuate about 20 people on the six jet skis and inflatable craft that we brought with us. Never before have I ridden a jet-ski alongside a bus!”


Against the background of the ever-growing anti-Semitic violence and the threat of ter- ror attacks in Europe, the ZAKA International Rescue Unit recently ran a three-day intensive ZAKA training workshop in Paris in emergency preparedness, mass casualty incidents and the halachic issues related to honoring the dead (kavod hamet). The course, which was led by Israel-based Rab- bi Yaacov Roget, Chairman of the ZAKA Rab- binical Council, ZAKA International Rescue Unit Commander Mati Goldstein and ZAKA spokes- man Motti Bukchin, was attended by many rab- bis from Paris and the environs. The course, which included a simulation of a mass casualty incident in the courtyard of the main synagogue in Paris, took place within the framework of the Rabbinical Council in Paris in the presence of the Chief Rabbi of Paris, Michel Guggenheim.


While the vast majority of Israelis enjoyed quality family time over the Pesach period, which is regarded as one of the main times for family activities, hikes and touring, the dedicated ZAKA volunteers found little time to rest and relax. For several families, the Passover period was a time of tragedy – and the people of ZAKA were there to help them in their time of need. ZAKA on land Tragedy struck on the evening of 26 March (Motzei Hag in Israel), when a 52 year old security guard allegedly murdered his wife in front of their 14 year old daughter while travelling in a car near Petah Tikva. ZAKA Ambulance 30 was dispatched to the scene of the reported murder and volunteers raced to the scene. ZAKA regional commander Yisrael Godlewski, ZAKA: "When I got to the scene with the ZAKA team from Petah Tikva, we found a woman shot dead in the car and a very distraught daughter who had witnessed the incident. Two volunteers evacuated her for further treatment at hospital and additional volunteers handled the body and collection of the remains." ZAKA volunteers braced themselves for the inevitable calls on 27 March, the first day of Hol Hamoed - but did not expect to deal with four fatal incidents. The first occurred in Netanya with reports that a woman had fallen to her death from a window in the Carmel Hotel. The incident remains under investigation, with a foreign national who plays for an Israeli football team suspected of murder. The other fatal incidents were caused by car crashes – an all-too-familiar sight on Israel’s roads during holidays. The ZAKA North team dealt with one fatality near Nazareth; while ZAKA South volunteers worked at another fatal accident at the Junction, where one person was killed and seven others including five children were badly

NEWSZAK A 10 injured. An hour later, ZAKA volunteers were back on the same highway at a fatal accident in which one person died. ZAKA at sea During the second day of Hol Hamoed, 28 March, ZAKA received an emergency report of a suspected drowning of three brothers off the Delilah Beach in . It took less than an hour for the specialist ZAKA Diving Unit and the ZAKA Sapir Jet-Ski Unit to arrive on the scene and begin the painstaking search of the stormy seas. The 43 ZAKA volunteers, many of them secular professional divers, continued the search until nightfall, resuming their activity with sunrise. After an agonizing three day wait at the beach by the family from the Negev town of Kuseife, the bodies of all three brothers, aged 16, 19 and 26, were located. ZAKA Divers Unit commander Lazer Rothstein: "This was a very difficult area to search. Divers combed meter by meter under the water, while five ZAKA boats and Jet-Skis scanned over the water, working closely with the Israel Police Boat Unit and Navy Units. It was very moving when the father of the missing brothers came to the ZAKA Mobile Command Center and thanked the volunteers for locating his sons." Just days after this tragic incident off the Ashkelon coast, the ZAKA volunteer divers were once again called out to assist in the search for a swimmer swept out to sea. This time, the call came after shouts for help were heard coming from the sea at the Bograshov beach in Tel Aviv on Saturday evening (6 April). Ten specially-trained ZAKA volunteer divers, together with two boats from the ZAKA Sapir Jet-Ski unit, searched until nightfall on Saturday, resuming the search at dawn the following day. At about 15:00, the ZAKA divers located the man’s body in the sea at a depth of 5 meters just opposite the breakwater . ZAKA Special Units Commander Chaim Otmazgin said, "Since the beginning of the season, ZAKA divers have been called out to tens of incidents at beaches to save lives and locate those who have been swept out to sea. We appeal again to the Israeli public to please follow the safety rules and not to enter the sea without a lifeguard present.” NEWSZAK A 11