Building Community with and


1. Camillo Sitte, The Art of Building (New York: Reinhold Publishing Co., 1889/1945)

2. R. Raymond Unwin, Town Planning in Practice, (Princeton: Princeton Architectural Press, 1904/1994)

3. Clarence S. Stein, Toward New Towns for America (Cambridge and : The MIT Press, 1957/1973.)

General Approaches / Form Based Code

4. R. Duany Plater-Zyberk & Co, The Lexicon of the New , Version 3.2. (2002) from

5. "Villages, Towns, Cities, and Territories" and "The Codes", In Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, Towns and Town-Making Principles, (pp. 25-94, 96-104) (New York: Rizzoli International Publications, 1991)

6. Robert Steuteville, Philip Langdon, et. al. : Comprehensive Report and Best Practices Guide, (3rd Ed.), (Ithaca: New Urban Publications, 2003)

7. R of Albuquerque, Form Based Code – Draft, (July 2007), from Topic 7, Building Community with Land Use Planning and Zoning in

8. R “Emerging Formats for Town Centers, Main Streets, and Urban Villages”, In Charles Bohl, Place Making, (pp. 80-83, 91-102, 104-109) (Washington, D.C.: ULI – Urban Land Institute, 2002),

9. , Home from Nowhere, Remaking Our Everyday World for the 21st Century (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1996)


10. R “The uses of city neighborhoods”, In , In The Death and Life of Great American Cities (pp. 112-140) (New York: Random House, 1961)

11. “The District”, In Kevin Lynch, Image of the City, (pp. 66-72) (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1960)

12. "Communities of Place", In and William Fulton, The Regional City, (pp. 31-40) (Washington: Island Press, 2001),

13. R "Remembering", "Creating the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative", "Don't Dump On Us: Organizing the Neighborhood", "Planning the Urban Village”, "Controlling the Land Through ", and “Land and Housing Development: The Triangle and Beyond”, In Medoff and Sklar, Streets of Hope, (pp. 7-167) (Boston: South End Press, 1994).

14. R "The Neighborhood, the district, and the corridor" and "Neighborhoods should be compact, pedestrian friendly, and mixed-use,” In Congress for the New Urbanism, Charter of the New Urbanism, (pp. 73-82) (New York: Congress for the New Urbanism, 2000)

15. "Bumping Into People", "Knowing Where You Are", "Little Necessities", "Waste Not, Want Not", In David Sucher, City Comforts: How to Build an Urban Village, (pp 24-43, 78-85, 112-124) (Seattle: City Comforts Press, 1995)

16. R Louis Colombo (ed.), O’Fallon Neighborhood Housing and Commercial Center Plans, from Topic 7 – Building Community with Land Use Planning and Zoning in

17. R. Levi Romero (May 2001), La Nueva Resolana, New Mexico, pp. 26-31

18. Ken Balizer, “Arbolera de Vida (Orchard of Life): A Case Study of Community Development”, In Paul Lusk and Alf Simon, Building to Endure, (pp. 215-235) (Albuquerque: UNM Press, 2009)

Streetscape and Corridors

19. R , Livable Streets (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of Press, 1981)

20. Allan B. Jacobs, Great Streets (Cambridge and London: The MIT Press, 1995.)

21. Dan Burden, Street Design Guidelines for Health Neighborhoods (Sacramento: Local Government Commission, Center for Livable Communities, State of California, Revised 2002), from

22. City of Albuquerque, Huning Highland EDo 2005 Regulatory Plan, 2005. From Topic 7 - Building Community with Land Use Planning and Zoning, in

Town Planning

23. R “Timeless Design Principles for Town Centers”, In Charles Bohl, Place Making, (pp. 56-79) (Washington, D.C.: Urban Land Institute, 2002)

24. R City of Albuquerque, Volcano Heights Sector Development Plan – Final, (October 2006), from Topic 7 - Building Community with Land Use Planning and Zoning in

Defensible Space – Crime Prevention Through (CPTED)

25. R “The uses of sidewalks: safety”, In Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities (pp. 29-88) (New York: Random House, 1961)

26 R "Defensible Space", "Territoriality", "Natural Surveillance"; and "Image and Milieu" (pp. 103 - 109), In Oscar Newman, Defensible Space: Crime Prevention Through , (pp. 1-21, 51-109) (New York: Collier Books, 1973)

26. “Defensible Space Principles”, "Mini-neighborhoods in Five Oaks, Dayton, Ohio", In Oscar Newman, Creating Defensible Space, (pp. 9-17, 39-58) HUD, Office of Policy Development and Research, 1997

27, “Factors that Enhance Safety and Security in Public Space”, Iin Gerda Wekerle and Carolyn Whitzman, Safe Cities, Guidelines for Planning, Design, and Management, (pp. 28-60) (New York: Van Nostand Reinhold, 1995)


27. R National Charrette Institute, Portland, Oregon.

28. Louis Colombo (ed.), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Department of Urban Affairs and Planning, East Fall Church Transit Oriented Development Plan (2004), from Topic 7 - Building Community with Land Use Planning and Zoning in

R - Recommended