Electrical Wizard: How Nikola Lit Up the World

AUTHOR: Elizabeth Rusch PUBLISHER: Candlewick Press COPYRIGHT DATE: 2013 GENRE: Picture-Book Biography LEXILE: 840

SUMMARY: Starting at a very young age, was drawn to energy and electricity. He spent much of his life trying to figure out ways to make electricity run more smoothly. Fighting his way through several obstacles and with much hard work and determination, Tesla made some amazing discoveries and inventions that would change human lives forever.

BOOKTALK: We’ve all heard of Thomas Edison and his great contributions to our lives. But, have you heard of Nikola Tesla? Do you know that he made some amazing discoveries about electricity that changed people’s lives forever? Read this book to learn about Nikola Tesla’s life, his discoveries, and his rivalry with Thomas Edison.


Author’s Name: Elizabeth Rusch Author’s Website: www.elizabethrusch.com Other books written by the author: A Day with No Crayons For the Love of Music The Planet Hunter Volcano Rising Generation Fix Muddy Max Will It Blow? The Mighty Mars Rovers The Next Wave Eruption!

CHALLENGING WORDS mystified (v)--confused, puzzled ricocheted (v)--bounced off at an angle conjured (v)--produced as if by magic propeller (n)--a device made of blades that turn quickly to move an airplane pummeled (v)--beat bigwig (n)--an important person generators (n)--a machine that turns mechanical energy into electrical energy

YHBA Intermediate Book Committee Final Activity Sheet, Last Revised 2013 alabaster (n)--white-colored stone gawked (v)--stared baffling (adj)--confusing astounding (adj)--amazing limelight (n)--center of attention toiled (v)--worked hard throng (n)--a crowd unfathomable (adj)--impossible to understand

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. How did Nikola use his imagination? How do you use your imagination like he did? 2. Why would Thomas Edison not work with Nikola? Have you ever felt like Edison? 3. How would our lives be different without electricity? Think of very specific examples in our daily lives. 4. What life lessons can readers learn from studying Tesla’s life? 5. If you could meet Tesla, what question would you ask him?


Language Arts

● Compare and contrast life before Nikola’s discoveries and inventions and after them. Be sure to include a list of his inventions that we still use today.

4.RN.4.2 Combine information from two texts on the same topic in order to demonstrate knowledge about the subject. 5.RN.4.2 Combine information from several texts or digital sources on the same topic in order to demonstrate knowledge about the subject.

● Watch a movie about Tesla. (The bibliography at the end of the book has a few listed.) Then, use facts and information from the book and the movie to create a way to teach others about Tesla. Challenge yourself to come up with an original, creative format instead of just typing up what you’ve learned.

4.W.5 Conduct short research on a topic. 5.W.5 Conduct short research assignments and tasks on a topic. 6.W.5 Conduct short research assignments and tasks to build knowledge about the research process and the topic under study.


● Research and describe alternating and direct currents. Include examples from the text and others you discover. Share with your classmates, including some real examples.

4.W.5 Conduct short research on a topic.

YHBA Intermediate Book Committee Final Activity Sheet, Last Revised 2013 5.W.5 Conduct short research assignments and tasks on a topic. 6.W.5 Conduct short research assignments and tasks to build knowledge about the research process and the topic under study.

● Research ways electricity is used and places it is found outside of (not including) objects powered by electricity. Some examples include static and lightning.

4.W.5 Conduct short research on a topic. 5.W.5 Conduct short research assignments and tasks on a topic. 6.W.5 Conduct short research assignments and tasks to build knowledge about the research process and the topic under study.

● Read about Thomas Edison. Read another book about Tesla. Compare and contrast the men’s lives. When you are done, make an argument for the one you think was the better inventor.

4.W.3.1, 5.W.3.1, 6.W.3.1 - Write persuasive compositions in a variety of forms…

● Find out about another invention that people thought would never work that ended up changing our lives forever.

4.RN.2.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what a text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. 5.RN.2.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what a text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

LIFE SKILLS: persistence courage creativity problem solving

RELATED INTERNET SITES: http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/scientists/nikolatesla.html Biographical facts about Tesla. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/5-things-you-didnt-know-about-nikola- tesla/ Fun facts about Tesla! http://www.eia.gov/kids/energy.cfm?page=4 Links to info about the history of electricity and Tesla.

YHBA Intermediate Book Committee Final Activity Sheet, Last Revised 2013 ACTIVITY SHEET CREATED BY: Name: Melissa May Position/Location: 4th Grade Teacher, Glenns Valley Elementary, Indianapolis

YHBA Intermediate Book Committee Final Activity Sheet, Last Revised 2013