S4096 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 1, 2001 Identification Laboratory have under- As we continue to debate and develop scure our policy objectives. And we taken the most challenging assign- new legislation aimed at improving the cannot determine China policy based ments to locate and identify former health of Americans and our environ- on vague ideological images. American prisoners of war or service- ment, we should take a moment to con- Like all Americans, I am outraged by men missing in action. Some exca- sider and thank the men and women, the behavior of the Chinese Govern- vations have consumed months of like ‘‘Mr. Health,’’ who initiated this ment in holding the crew of our recon- painstaking labor under very difficult crusade. I am extremely pleased that naissance plane and demanding an conditions to retrieve the smallest Paul Rogers’ tireless efforts are being American apology, when the blame was items of evidence to help identify duly recognized by the National Insti- so clearly with a reckless Chinese pilot American casualties. Much of the work tutes of Health. following reckless orders. is done by hand in order not to disturb f I congratulate President Bush on his potential evidence. Our service per- handling of the first foreign policy cri- sonnel such as those who lost their U.S. POLICY TO CHINA AND sis of this administration. He kept lives last month have routinely ex- TAIWAN emotions in check. He rejected the ad- posed themselves to significant dan- Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, these vice of those who wanted to take pre- gers in the quest for honoring our past few weeks have been eventful ones cipitous action. He secured the safe re- former POW–MIAs. Sadly, they lost in our relationship with China. lease of our crew without giving China their lives in their deeply patriotic President Bush announced a robust the kowtowing apology they demanded. quest. arms sale package for Taiwan. It in- President Bush’s decision last week I call on all Americans to pause and cluded several major weapons systems on which defense items to transfer to remember Major Lewis and the brave and, of greater long-term significance, Taiwan was also responsible and cor- men and women of the Joint Task it provides for increased cooperation rect. It will provide Taiwan with the Force and Central Identification Lab- and coordination between our two mili- hardware and the ‘‘humanware’’ it oratory who have given their lives in tary forces. He also announced the end needs to defend itself, while avoiding such a noble cause. of the annual review of arms needs, actions that would have been unneces- f putting our support for Taiwan’s de- sarily provocative vis-a-vis China. Un- DEDICATION OF THE PAUL G. ROG- fense on a more regular and less polit- fortunately, he followed this measured ERS PLAZA AT THE NATIONAL ical setting. decision with a ‘‘shoot from the hip’’ INSTITUTES OF HEALTH We secured the release of our recon- comment on a possible U.S. response to naissance plan’s crew that was being Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- Chinese military action against Tai- held on Hainan Island. Subsequently, dent, I rise today to honor and recog- wan. That remark has created unneces- there were several important, albeit in- nize the achievements of a distin- sary confusion uncertainty, and poten- conclusive, meetings with Chinese rep- guished Floridian and former congress- tial instability across the Taiwan resentatives about the return of the man, the Honorable Paul Rogers. The Strait. plane and about establishing future National Institutes of Health is dedi- We need to look at what is good for cating the Paul Rogers Plaza at Be- rules of engagement to ensure that U.S. interests, not what is bad for thesda, MD on June 12, 2001 in recogni- there will not be a repeat of this irre- China. There is no room for emotion as tion of his phenomenal efforts and ar- sponsible Chinese action. we defined the relationship we want President Bush made a potentially dent advocacy for public health and with China and determine how to move medical research. dangerous gaffe in an interview where them in the right direction. Paul Rogers represented Florida’s he seemed to reverse precipitously a Last year Congress approved, by a 11th District in the House of Rep- two decade old policy that has resulted wide margin, legislation granting Per- resentatives from 1956 to 1979, where he in relative stability across the Taiwan manent Normal Trade Relations status earned the distinguished and fitting Strait. I believe that the trilateral re- to China once they join the World title, ‘‘Mr. Health.’’ During his twenty- lationship among the PRC, Taiwan, Trade Organization. The benefits of in- four years of service in Congress and and the United States, and the ‘‘One corporating China into the world trade eight years as the Chairman of the China’’ policy must adapt and evolve. community were clear. House Subcommittee on Health and But change must be made with extreme American farmers, businesses, and Environment, he consistently dem- care. workers would be well served by a onstrated his heartfelt commitment to The United States approved a visa for growing and liberalized economy in improving medical care and technology former Taiwan president Lee Teng-hui China. Economic growth in China and preserving our fragile environ- to visit for a month, and we have would, over the long term, lead to a ment. His extensive list of legislative agreed to issue a transit visa for cur- larger middle class making its own de- accomplishments and contributions is rent Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian, mands on the government for greater too great to fully recount, but there although the conditions set on Presi- accountability and personal choice, are several legislative achievements dent Chen’s visit are still under nego- just as happened in South Korea and that are particularly noteworthy. The tiations. Taiwan. Membership in the WTO would National Cancer Act, the Clean Air China continues to hold as a prisoner bring international disciplines to the Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, and Gao Zhan, an innocent scholar who is a Chinese economy. And the reformers, the Medicare-Medicaid Anti Fraud and permanent resident of our country led by Premier Zhu Rongji, would be Abuse Act are just a few of Paul Rog- with a U.S. citizen husband and son. strengthened. ers’ endeavors that continue to impact They also hold several other American The events of the last few weeks have our nation today. citizens of Chinese origin. not changed this calculation. If any- It is fitting that the National Insti- Some of these developments are infu- thing, nurturing growth in our eco- tutes of Health has chosen to honor riating and frustrating. After our plane nomic and trade relationship with him with a permanent plaque at the was downed, some in Congress called China is more important than ever. Paul Rogers Plaza, as I am certain that for revenge, retaliation, and retribu- Let’s be clear about what happened the beneficial effect of his public serv- tion. Proposals include that congress in China while our crew was detained ice on the health of American people reverse its approval of PNTR, Perma- on Hainan Island. will continue to be felt for many years nent Normal Trade Relations, for The delay in releasing our crew mem- to come. Paul Rogers’ foresight in the China; that the United States oppose bers was a reflection of a monumental areas of medical research and environ- holding the 2008 Summer Olympics in struggle for China’s future between re- mental regulation brought about cut- Beijing; and that we reduce or cease formers led by Premior Zhu Rongji and ting edge policies that continue to pro- military-to-military relations with President Jian Zemin, on one side, and tect Americans everyday. His prolific China. the old guard, including the People’s efforts helped bring these critical Our long-term interests with China Liberation Army, the managers of issues to the forefront of our nation’s require a carefully measured course of most state-owned enterprises, and agenda. action. We cannot allow emotion to ob- many entrenched politicians, on the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:00 Dec 20, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA425\1997-2008-FILES-4-SS-PROJECT\2001-SENATE-REC-FILES\RECFILES-NEW\S mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY May 1, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4097 other side. That is, a battle between Twenty-five years ago, April 30, 1976, to our Nation. Inter-city passenger rail those who we hope will be China’s fu- the Federal debt stood at is a critical link to our Nation’s his- ture and those who should be made $601,974,000,000, Six hundred one billion, tory, reminding us of how we used to part of China’s past. nine hundred seventy-four million, travel this glorious country. And that’s One manifestation of this struggle is which reflects a debt increase of more a link which many members of Con- political and perhaps increasing mili- than $5 trillion, $5,059,373,798,002.65, gress have taken great pains to main- tary friction with the United States. Five trillion, fifty-nine billion, three tain in their states and districts. At Taiwan remains the No. 1 flashpoint. hundred seventy-three million, seven the same time, in many places, such as Add disputes over human rights, polit- hundred ninety-eight thousand, two the northeast, a modern inter-city pas- ical prisoners, arrest of American citi- dollars and sixty-five cents during the senger rail network is not a luxury, it zens and permanent residents of Chi- past 25 years. is a necessity. ’s challenge of nese origin, Tibet, regional policies, f late has been to satisfy both of these weapons transfer. These issues will re- roles while trying to act like a profit- ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS main with us for years. if not decades. making company. This task has not Our decisions must be measured been easy for a quasi-independent gov- through one optic: What are the core THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF ernment agency that, for its whole life, American strategic and economic in- has operated under many Congression- terests vis-a-vis China? AMTRAK ∑ ally-imposed burdens but has received First, we want stability in the Asian Mr. KERRY. Mr. President, today sporadic and insufficient financial sup- region. We must ensure that China marks an important day in the history port from the federal government. does not threaten this stability. That of national passenger rail transpor- I think we are all aware that Amtrak means committing the United States tation. Today is the thirtieth anniver- is subject to unique political pressures to being a full participant in Asia—eco- sary of the American National Pas- that private companies do not face. nomically, politically, and militarily. senger Rail Corporation, Amtrak. As And I think we all know that those This includes ensuring peace across the we mark Amtrak’s birthday, we need pressures, which often require the com- Taiwan Strait, and that means pro- to understand that the demands on our pany to operate unprofitable routes, in- viding Taiwan with the tools necessary national passenger rail system are fluence the company’s bottom line in a for its defense and assisting with the changing. Amtrak can no longer be negative way. But high speed rail has peaceful resolution of the China-Tai- solely a link to a bygone era, when a proven to be a financial success in the wan issue. long train ride was the only way to get Northeast, and is projected to add $180 Second, we want to help in the trans- from one city to another. The Amtrak formation of China from a totalitarian million annually to Amtrak’s bottom of the next 30 years must be a faster, line when all 20 Express trainsets state with a nonmarket economy to- more competitive transportation op- ward a more liberalized political and are in operation. High speed rail is a tion for the American traveler. A popu- good investment for Amtrak, and it’s a economic regime. That means incor- lation that is more mobile than ever porating China into the world trade great investment for our nation’s before but faces gridlock on our high- transportation infrastructure. community while insisting on respect ways and capacity limitations in our for basic human rights. It is time to bring Amtrak into the skies demands this of Amtrak. Our Na- 21st century by creating an effective, Third, we want full access for Amer- tion’s passenger rail system has al- ican goods and services to the largest truly inter-modal transportation net- ready begun to change in the Northeast work. Let’s make high speed rail serv- country in the world with the fastest Corridor, where in just four months, growing economy. That means com- ice an indispensable element of our Amtrak has shuttled over 55,000 people transportation infrastructure—our pleting China’s accession to the WTO, between Washington and New York on granting them PNTR, and supporting overburdened highways and skyways four daily high-speed trains. This unex- our businesses’ efforts to penetrate the require it and the traveling public de- pectedly high ridership has helped Am- Chinese economy. It does not mean re- mands it.∑ trak beat revenue estimates for the voking China’s established normal f by four percent. trade status. Overall, ridership in the Northeast is TRIBUTE TO SUE HENSLEY To isolate China and to seek retribu- up eight percent over last year. tion might feel good, but it would not ∑ Mr. HUTCHINSON. Mr. President, I It is my hope that the Congress com- do good. Even worse, it threatens our rise today to say thank you to Sue memorates Amtrak’s thirtieth birth- core long-term interests. We should re- Hensley for all of her efforts on my be- day by passing legislation this year sponsibly protect our interests and half to serve the people and the State that allows Amtrak to continue to im- confront China when situations war- of Arkansas during the past six years. prove high-speed rail service in the rant. But reason, not emotion, must In those six years, I found her counsel Northeast Corridor and replicate that guide our decisions. to be invaluable and of great aid, and I success in the Northeast. The High am proud to say that she is not only a f Speed Rail Investment Act is Amtrak’s former employee but also a good THE VERY BAD DEBT BOXSCORE future. This legislation would allow friend. She worked long hours and did Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, at the Amtrak to sell $12 billion in tax-ex- whatever was required to competently close of business yesterday, Monday, empt bonds to finance the development fulfill her duties as my Communica- April 30, 2001, the Federal debt stood at of high-speed rail corridors throughout tions Director. I am indebted to Sue for $5,661,347,798,002.65, Five trillion, six the country, and would allow for con- her service and I wish her the best of hundred sixty-one billion, three hun- tinued track improvements in the luck in her new position as Director of dred forty-seven million, seven hundred Northeast Corridor. Though Amtrak Communications of the Department of ninety-eight thousand, two dollars and will raise $12 billion, the High Speed Labor and continued success in her ca- sixty-five cents. Rail Investment Act will cost tax- reer.∑ Five years ago, April 30, 1996, the payers only about one-third of that f Federal debt stood at $5,102,049,000,000, amount. I am proud to be working Five trillion, one hundred two billion, closely with my colleagues Senators TRIBUTE TO THE ROTC PROGRAM forty-nine million. BIDEN and HUTCHINSON, as well our AT PROVIDENCE COLLEGE Ten years ago, April 30, 1991, the Fed- leaders, Senator LOTT and Senator ∑ Mr. REED. Mr. President, I rise eral debt stood at $3,445,059,000,000, DASCHLE, to enact this legislation this today to recognize the achievements of Three trillion, four hundred forty-five year, and I am excited to see that the the ROTC Program at Providence Col- billion, fifty-nine million. bill has 55 cosponsors and wide bipar- lege on the occasion of their 50th Anni- Fifteen years ago, April 30, 1986, the tisan support. versary. Federal debt stood at $2,008,271,000,000, On Amtrak’s birthday, I hope each ROTC dates back to 8 January 1951, Two trillion, eight billion, two hundred one of us will take a serious look at the when the Very Reverend Robert J. seventy-one million. importance of inter-city passenger rail Slavin, O.P., President of the College,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:00 Dec 20, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA425\1997-2008-FILES-4-SS-PROJECT\2001-SENATE-REC-FILES\RECFILES-NEW\S mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY