2016Ꭰ8ᰴܦ❴ (August 2016) Issue No: 4/2016 KDN: PP8722/12/2012(031293) ACCCIM Bulletin ப޼ੋнЗԡ㔀֋ѪͣЗ㔀ͤ ㅢ 102 ᱋ ѫ઒

Љॕзએݛ଑େѪ੠ Meeting with YB Minister of Finance II

ѢЎऺԆઁߓ۶ղسЗٵѢЎऺԆઁߓ۶ղسЗٵ ReportReport oonn SMESME TTaxationaxation SSurveyurvey 22016016

侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц THE ASSOCIATED CHINESE CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF BM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M̿䷄Special Features 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц 2016Ꭰ8ᰴܦ❴(August 2016) THE ASSOCIATED CHINESE CHAMBERS OF ц䃛Bulletin Issue No: 4/2016 COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF MALAYSIA じ102᱋Issue No.102 KDN: PP8722/12/2012(031293) ͙ᕧ ACCCIM Contents Ⱊᒁ 28 ఩ℽఎ㏿჊Ό䃍ܾ Unity Internship Programme 1  㑂䒽ࣶܦ❴㏰ͧЧ⮰䄉Notes by Chairman of the Editorial and Publication Committee 㜟䄆ᖙ䉦Congratulations

2  ᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆఩Ꮂᬑ⡚䃹 29 ȧ㠝䯰ຂȨ  National Day Message by Datuk Ter Leong Yap,  “My Hero” 2.0 Award President of ACCCIM 31 㜟䄆ᖙ䉦Congratulations ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆㣣ༀЧͦ఩ℽఎ㏿๓ҫ Datuk Ter Leong Yap, President of ACCCIM Appointed As National Unity Ambassador 3  ͙ᕧц㻭じθ䉎ᩫ䘔䪫ᠫⲏѼ৴䛸喏ͦ጑ੲ㏻≺ 䬚䷄ᄧᄥも ⁎Ꮂ侘Ბ㺫φᬑ㖆丼ц Meeting between YB Datuk Johari bin Abdul Malaysia Day Celebration Gathering Ghani, Minister of Finance II and ACCCIM 䕋ᝂ᫜፤ᔭ喢͙఩㏻≺䄯᪠ᄥ͈ࢃφ⮰ᒝۻĄ๓ 32 6 ͙ᕧᎠ͙ᄻЭ͆⼺ߍ䄯ᴑ៑ॶ ৹ą఩䭱ⵀ䃔ц Report on SME Taxation Survey 2016 International Workshop “Great Fall or New Normal? China’s Economic Restructuring and its 9  ႏᏒ㏻≺៑ॶ喋Ꭰᰴ㜟ᰴ喌 Quarterly Economy Tracker (April – June 2016) Impact on Southeast Asia” ఩ᕧੲцᐬ᪷㞮᠇ᒱцڔ侘Ბ㺫φ 1313  㠝㙝⁓⮰ᒝ৹ᰵҁ᱋᱇喢 33 Brexit’s Aftershocks – What to Expect? NCCIM Raya Open House ज⎪Ӕߍༀ঄цЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫  Visit by Delegation of Overseas Community Affairs Council, Taiwan 1919  ͙ᕧ㏰ఎ䊠͙఩͈ࡃ̵Ⱝϐ≭㔯ᄋ व䮲಍๓႒Џ㶔ఎݜ䃫 Visit by Delegation of  34 ACCCIM Delegation to Northeast China (Liaoning, University (UniKL) Heilongjiang, Jilin) აЏ㶔ఎژ͙఩व᳃ⰭϦℽᩫᏈโη喋Ӕߍ喌ߊ  Ꭰ͙ᕧ䱾ੲఎ䶲㷂ഥ䃙䄪⼷ ݜ䃫Visit by Delegation of Foreign and Overseas 22 ACCCIM Young Entrepreneurs Committee Chinese Affairs Offi ce of the People’s Government Leadership Team Workshop 2016 of Jilin Province ఩͙႒⻽ឬ݇᫜℀䊇ą䶭ຂЖᐻڔ͙ᕧĄᎠ 24 ACCCIM STI Competition 2016 Prize Giving ͙఩䓩ႭⰭ጑ੲ㖀⊣ᑾ఩䭱ӯ䔇цЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫 Ceremony Visit by Delegation of International Oversea Returnees Promotion Association of Liaoning, China त͆ߍস䉏Чą䃞Ꮣژत∁Аຮҁᒝ৹ᗔژĄ᫜ 26 Seminar on “New Company Law’s Impact on Your 35 ͙ᕧरᆊцͧߊ⮰ͧ㺭≧ߔMajor Activities Business and Duties” Organised by ACCCIM’s Constituent Chambers

ܦ❴Published by 㑂䒽ࣶܦ❴㏰Editorial and Publication Committee 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌 䶪䶪䬚䬚AAdviserdviser ޛͧ㑂Deputy Chief Editor 䯰 ⊒᪳⥨Christine PooٲTHE ASSOCIATED CHINESE CHAMBERS OF ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏႷ Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong ន㵸㑂䒽Executive Editor COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF MALAYSIA ͧЧChairman ᄭ䲎䃪䃍ࣶᢾ❴ th 䭴⻷䠮Tan Chiew Ling : Dato’ Low Kian Chuan Cover design and ArtworkڔFloor, Wisma Chinese Chamber, ᠫⲏࢎ᜼ 6 258, Jalan Ampang, Assistant Editors Lin Graphic ޛͧЧDeputy Chairmen ߕ㑂 17B, Jalan SR 3/2, Taman Serdang Raya, .Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏᑌᬸ఩ ֱ⥘ࠐPoh Wan Kh’ng 43300 Seri Kembangan, 50450 Tel: 603-4260 3090/3091/3092/3093/ Tan Sri Dato’ Teo Chiang Kok 台᪳ᚓ Kelly Wong Tel: 603-8945 3933 Fax: 603-8945 2933 3094/3095 㩍᪳≞ᒷጴ 䅎ᓣᱯ Felix Cheah ឫ࢜Printed by: Fax: 603-4260 3080 Mr. Michael Chai ᳃䯭⣞Lim Yen Ling Len & Hup Printing (M) Sdn. Bhd. E-mail: [email protected] No. 7, Jalan SR 7/11, Serdang Raya, ͧ㑂Chief Editor 䴕ҟᚿHon Jia Hui 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor. Homepage: www.acccim.org.my ঔ᩻ဒChow Mun Seong 䅎఩㢏Sia Kok Eng Tel: 03-8948 1698 Fax: 03-8941 6386 㑂䒽ࣶܦ❴㏰ͧЧ⮰䄉 1

ڟፙᰵܦᕧ⃻Ꭰ䘩ः䖬᣼ॴ఩ტ䉎ᩫ䶰ッᵴำᔄᒁ喏Бࣶ ͙ ৔䄎ᄥ䄉ц স㈧݃̿ᵴᄻ㏰ц䃚Ƞᕧц䪫΋⢳ఎ᠈ц᫜Ч じθ䉎ᩫ䘔䪫ᠫⲏѼ৴䛸䭫䘩⩄ᅨ喏᣼ॴ͙ᕧ⮰ᐦ䃚সⰷ∁Ƞ

ጯᎠ͙ᄻЭ͆⼺ߍ䄯ᴑ៑ॶ喏ᬔ౔β㼏ੲტ౔ژ͙ᕧ౔ᰴ 䉥⼺჊᫩̬Ꭰऺᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰䬚䷄喏ᎢᄧⅮ㼏۟᫥ᵴȠ⊵

त͆ߍস䉏Чą䃞ژत∁Аຮҁᒝ৹ᗔژ౔ᰴ喏͙ᕧͧߊβĄ᫜ त᲍ҷ㡵ᵴȨ喏ദ κ ₐ ∁ А ⮰䛹ژᏓȠ᜽ ఩ ᩫ Ꮘ 䕆 䓳 βȧᎠ 㺭ᕓБࣶᄥЭ͆⮰ᒝ৹喏͙ᕧ䖬䄣 ̿ტݹᲑ䃞㼏喏Ꭲᩢ䯲ᘻ㻭ఊ 亴Ƞ

఩͙႒⻽ឬ݇᫜℀䊇ͷ࣮䊇҈৭Ⅰ۲⌼⌼᣼倄Ƞ϶Ꭰᓃຂڔ͙ᕧ 䭋йݜ∜఩࣮ߌじθᅶ͈Ⰻ႒⩋⻽႒䶥Ⱊ℀䊇喏䊎ᓃ݇᫜㏰じ̬ ह喏छૈछ䉦Ƞ

喏ఌₐ᱘᱋ Dato’ Low Kian Chuan∔ڟ喏じθႏᏒ⮰㏻≺䊜߫΋ำः⤯ڔ᧨㠝఩㙝⁓䰳 κ㠝఩㙝⁓ऺࣶじθႏᏒ㏻≺⮰ܲ᲼喏ڟц䃛΋ܶ⮧β͐݅ܲݗ Бݕᘌ䄧㔱Ƞ 拿拿督卢成全督卢成全

Ђ≧ߔ៑ᄨ喏䄣 䄧㔱࣮䬱Ƞڢ᱘᱋ц䃛΋ᩢᒁβ͙ᕧ

Notes by Chairman of the Editorial and Publication Committee

ach year, ACCCIM is invited to submit National Budget The Winning Teams participated at Memorandum, and attend National Budget Consultation the ASEAN Student Science Project and various focus groups meetings. The President of ACCCIM Competition (ASPC) 2016 held in led a delegation to pay a courtesy visit to YB Datuk Johari Thailand and won the 1st prize under bin Abdul Ghani, the newly appointed Minister of Finance II the Innovation Category. Well done to submit the ACCCIM’s recommendations and proposals. and congratulations!

ACCCIM announced the Report on the SME Taxation Survey Brexit shocked the world, the 2016 in July. The survey aimed at solicits feedback from 2 nd quarter of the economy businesses on problems encountered after one year of performance concern many parties. implementation of GST so as to seek remedial measures. This issue of Bulletin published two articles respectively on Brexit’s ACCCIM organised a Seminar on New Company Law’s Aftershocks and Quarterly Economy Impact on Your Business and Duties in August. The Tracker for benefi t of readers. Government passed the Companies Bill 2015, in view of the importance of this new law and will impact businesses, ACCCIM Bulletin also reported ACCCIM invited experts to conduct briefi ng, at the same on other activities organised by time, to solicit feedback. ACCCIM for reference of readers.

The standard of entries for ACCCIM Science, Technology and Innovations (STI) Competition has gradually improved. 2

侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ 总总会长拿督戴良业会长拿督戴良业 国庆日献词 National Day Message by Datuk Ter Leong Yap, President of ACCCIM


㏿౔݆ 喏᜽఩⮰䓼ߔ֑٫܍఩϶Ꭰ䓺ᲑじঔᎠ఩ᎲᬑȠ϶Ꭰ఩Ꮂᘻ͵䲊 ߇Б䊠喏ͦ᜽఩εं㢏㾵喏ᰬ㏴㣣ᓃ䨢䨈ҟ㐕喏჊ڔ᲋⮰䛸㏒ຑ䓼ц̶ ন᝿⅀喏̹⁎ℽͦ᜽఩֑٫ڔࢲञᕓ⾭ⵠ喏ͪ఩⁎㚪ૈᗒ喏吿㝊ϦᓯȠຑ䓼᱋䬠⣜ ⣜ѿܲٱふर͖䶥Ⱊ⮰䔵᝷喏ܧ䃦᭛㓩⤯ȟ䌟Ⅰȟ㙆䒒ȟ⩜ᒰȟ倄ᅀ๗⤯ȟጲ㝥ȟᄰ β఩Ꮂᬑͧ䷄Ą̬ᓯ̬ᘻą⮰ఎ㏿̺❝఩㇪⺊Ƞ

ڝ⻹᫻⮰⹪ц喏⠘⿷БᲑࣽᆁ㜟϶喏᝿䕌β⽟֑⮰㏻≺ദ⵬喏᭛र᫻ٯ᜽఩᭛͖ๆ 䩚᱋喏रڟसߖ߇⮰᜼᳈喏ᓃᲑ̹ᬿ喏᜽Иᓱ䶧ߌԹ⣹ᘈȠ๓侘₏㏻ࢲᩥ䲕ࣽᆁ⮰ 喏᫥㘩㐠័ℽ᫻স䄼喏ӯ䔇⹪ц ⽟჆喏ߌᔗ఩ტ≻ڝ᫻ 䶧ᬌᬢᬌݧఎ㏿ࡻ߇喏স㶣 ऽݹ䓴䔇Ƞ

》㏻≺̬ѿࡂ喏䕆䃛̺䉰䃛጑㞦上䕋ࣽᆁ喏《εᬌะ̹౔喏๓侘䰬㺭ᰠๆᰵ⤯ڔ ε߇⮰䱾Ꭰ喏҈ͦӯ䔇఩ტ㏻≺ᠭ㐙ࣽᆁ⮰䛹㺭ᣔ᝷Ƞ䱾Ꭰͦᐦ఩ͷᴷᶭ喏఩ტ㺭 㐓㐙ݹ䔇喏ࣽࣽ ᣄসᵩഥ䱾Ꭰݧ̹ქ㐿⮰⮰Ƞᝬ䄿⮰ᵩഥഥ喏̹ϱ᭛ഥ䃙႒ᱛ̿᝹সᕉ 䱾Ꭰ⮰❝఩ᗱᔬসᄥ఩ტ⮰䃐सᙋȠᩫᏈ౔䔅᫥䲎ڧᘟ৭ᓣࣽᆁ喏ᰠ䛹㺭⮰᭛ഥ ำᕉ㔯߇ȟᏀऄ߇স《εڣ䶧㇪ᓯもܾস㥩჊ᰠๆᣖ᫩স䃍ܾ喏䃕᜽఩䱾Ꭰᰠߌ ᓯ ⹪ ц喏ͦ ఩ტࣽᆁ䉍⡚߇䛻Ƞ ڟ߇喏Ꭲ౔र㜖䶲ഋࣽᡑᝬ䪫喏̺ ᬢ Ꭲ 䔇 喏

ఎ㏿ࣷ❝ͦস䄼ͷ᱘喏͙ᕧ΋ᄲ㐓㐙㜠߇κᣔߔर䶥ӯ䔇఩ℽఎ㏿সൽ䕌❝ᓯ⹪ ц⮰≧ߔ喏࠱᠘఩ℽఎ㏿჊Ό䃍ܾȟͪߊ㠝䯰ຂふふ喏ಆ჆̹⼧㐠័๓侘⮰স᎟⽟ सࣽᆁȠڝ჆჆喏ӯ䔇

ըₐ఩Ꮂ๓ૈᬑၼ喏᜽Џ㶔侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌喏⺉䉦侘Ბ㺫 φ఩∜ℽ Ⴕ喏఩ℽႵᏣ善ᩪⱨ᱖Ბ喏̀ 䃕 ᜽ И स ᓯ ࡻ߇喏݇䕌ᰠ㒺ຩ⮰侘Ბ㺫φȠ ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M3

ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆Џ㶔͙ᕧ᣼ॴᠫ ͙ᕧц㻭じθ䉎ᩫ䘔䪫ᠫⲏѼ৴䛸 ᎠᎠᏒ䉎ᩫ䶰ッᵴำᔄᒁδじθ䉎 ᩫᩫ䘔䪫ᠫⲏѼ৴䛸䭫䘩⩄ᅨȠ ͦ጑ੲ㏻≺䬚䷄ᄧᄥも ጒ䊣喝ႀА哅ᅬ㏱ȟᠫⲏ䭴䩳 ȟᠫⲏ䭴㐠Ꭰȟڔᬺȟᠫⲏࢎ᜼ ȟᠫⲏѼ৴䛸䭫䘩⩋ٴ㸁ڠMeeting between YB Datuk Johari bin Abdul ᱺ Ghani, Minister of Finance II and ACCCIM ⩄⩄ᅨȟᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟͥ᫛䛸䭴᜼ ⩋ٴ哅哅ȟ㩍᪳≞ᒷጴȟ⮩᪳᭑ l 2-8-2016 DDatuk Ter Leong Yap submitted tthe ACCCIM Memorandum ffor 2017 National Budget Consultation to YB Datuk Johari Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆κᎠᰴᬑ喏⢳ bin Abdul Ghani, Minister of 侘䶲͙ᕧϦЏ㶔ఎ喏⹨䆸᠈цじθ䉎ᩫ䘔䪫ᠫⲏѼ৴䛸䭫䘩⩄ᅨȠ Finance II. ,ȟじ From left: Mr. Koong Lin Loongڔᕧц䪫ᠫⲏ䭴㐠Ꭰȟͥ᫛䛸䭴᜼哅ȟᕧ⼄Βᠫⲏࢎ᜼ޛፙ㔱࠱᠘ܦ θޛᕧ⼄Β㩍᪳≞ᒷጴȟޛᕧ䉎ᩫᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺȟ͙๚⤲ηႀА哅ᅬ㏱ȟ⮩ Dato’ Tan Tian Meng, Dato’ Low ,ふȠ Kian Chuan, Dato’ William Tan⩋ٴ㸁ڠȟ⹪ц㏻≺ⵀ⾢͙ᓯន㵸㦏ηᱺ⩋ٴ᪳᭑ Mr. Lee Heng Guie, YB Datuk 䬭ᩥ㏰㷗ᨎࡳͦじθ䉎ᩫ䘔䪫喏Ꭲ䃐 Johari bin Abdul Ghani, Datukڱᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ᖙ䉦ᠫⲏѼ৴䛸౔ᰴ ᠫⲏѼ৴䛸౔Э͆⩸ๆᎠ͜ჸ㏻侸喏ᄲᰠ⌝ݧβ㼏সѿц጑ੲ⩸䬚䷄ Ter Leong Yap, Tan Sri Tan Sengͦ Leong, Mr. Michael Chai and ࣶ䰬㺭Ƞ Mr. Peck Boon Soon

๓侘㏻≺⮰ࣽᆁ喏⃻Ꭰ䘩ः䖬᣼ॴ䉎ᩫ䶰ッᵴำ∔ڟ͙ᕧ̬ⰠБᲑჲܳ ≻㏻⤯ڔᔄᒁ㐅䉎ᩫ䘔Ƞ϶Ꭰ䉎ᩫ䶰ッᵴ⮰ͧ䷄᭛Ąߌ䕋්䪫ȟ⶚ԉჍᙺ䉎ߍネ⤲ ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆㶔⹦喏ᑿݹ 䏗喏ڢ䶥䄪 ්䪫ᩪ㐿喏๓侘ϒ䯪⠘રڝࣶ᣼倄Ϧℽ⺻ݕą喏͙ᕧᅝᎠ䉎ᩫ䶰ッᵴำᔄᒁ᣼ॴβ̬ ఩ტ㏻≺ࣽᆁ䄪䷄喏Ӈ र㵸र͆䲎ᄥᰠ͑ሧᠽᝄȠ͙ᕧڟߍস䶥ᰵ⼺ڟ⮰ⰷ∁সᐦ䃚喏⋡Ⰲ䶥ᰵ䷄ ᩫᏈ㔯㭽Ƞ ऽᠫⲏѼ৴䛸ࣹᭌ጑ੲ⩸ᄥᑿݹ ܦ᣼ژ喏ᐬ䄆ጯ∔ڟ㏻ੲ⣛ද⮰ ፙ䉎ᩫ䶰ッ ⰷ∁喏ᄧⅮᰠᰵᩴ⮰㼏۟᫥ᵴȠܦ͙ᕧ⮰ᘻ㻭সᐦ䃚㣣ᓃᩫᏈ䘔䬔⮰䛹㻲Ƞ͙ᕧ⃻Ꭰ⮲ः䖬 ᵴ৔䄎ᄥ䄉цБࣶ䉎ᩫ䘔ͪ㵸⮰㈧݃̿ᵴᄻ㏰ц䃚Ƞ϶Ꭰᰴᬑ喏仂Ⱔ ₐโ喏጑ੲ⩸⃣ܳጸ᱇ᩫᏈБᰠ ᕧ⼄ ߍ჊সႻ㻮⮰㻾Ꮢ᣼ࡳ᫩ᩫ㘩ޛ䉎ᩫ䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸㏟वͧᠭ䉎ᩫ䶰ッᵴ৔䄎ᄥ䄉ц喏͙ᕧじ̬ڨ ፙ喏ࣹᭌ጑ ߇喏䉛ᒧᰠᐬᩪᐬᬺ⮰ݕੲᣖ᫩ܦЧᑌ఩᳃ⶁทЏ㶔ͧޛΒͥ᫛䛸ᑌᬸ఩স⹪ц㏻≺ⵀ⾢㏰ ੲ⩸ᄥ䶰ッᵴ⮰ᘻ㻭Ƞₐโ喏䉎ᩫ䘔κᎠᰴᬑघᐬϦ߇䉰⎼ࣽᆁ সфᘌᩫも喏Ⴤੲसᓯࡻ߇喏ᥦ᝷ ፙ喏Ꭲᅝ ᝿䕌ᰠ㞛ຩ㏻ੲ⣛දস᲍Т喏᣼ܦڔ৔䄎ц䃚喏䃪➥ݗⅳ៑ϐ≭⣛㞮喏䖬䄣͙ᕧᕧ⼄Βᠫⲏࢎ᜼ โߟ䄪䷄㶔䓪ⰷ∁সᐦ䃚Ƞ ࡳЭ͆《ε߇Ƞ 4M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

中总的建议包括: ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆⢳䶲͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎ̺じθ䉎ᩫ䘔䪫ᠫⲏѼ  ͙ᕧ౔ᰴᬑࣽጯβ͙ᄻЭ͆⼺ߍ䄯ᴑ៑ॶȠᵥᢚ ৴䛸ϐ≭Ƞ Datuk Ter Leong Yap led the ACCCIM ᩫᏈࣽጯ⮰᪜ᢚ᭪⹦喏㜖Ꭰᰴᐬ໷㥩჊⊴䉥 delegation to have an interaction with YB Datuk Johari 䶰ܦऺ喏Ϻᰴݜᰴᅝ㣣ᓃϫАव⼺ᩢ喏䊱⼺ bin Abdul Ghani, Minister of Finance II. ᱋⮰ϫАव喏Ꭲ䶰䃍౔Ꭰ䕆䓳⊴䉥⼺ंᓃ 䉥⼺喏⊵ڸ∔ϫАव⼺ᩢȠ䮻ⱬ䊶Ბ䊶ๆ⮰ੲტ छБ䶰㻭ᩫᏈ⮰⊴䉥⼺⼺ᩢᄲ䔼Ꭰ්ߌȠ͙ᕧጸ᱇ ** ጸ᱇ᩫᏈᖎูࣽᆁੲឫ៱ݕᖛ䃍ܾ喋Developer ᩫᏈ㘩๋ર⩔䔅぀⼺ᩢ喏᝿䕌ᰠݕੲ⮰㏻ੲ⣛ද喏 Interest Bearing Scheme, DIBS喌㐅 仂 ⁍ 䉙 Μ ᝫ ᅷ 㔱喏 䒧仂䉙㔱⮰䉋៱Ƞۻ 䒧Ϧℽ⮰䉋៱喏΋ጸ᱇ᩫᏈ㘩๋ߌ䕋ⰤᏀ䭹Ѻᝬۻ तᝬᓃ⼺䔼ₑ䭹Ѻݜ喏Ꭲᄲ͙ژᓃ⼺⼺⢳喏ᄲ त ***͙ᕧ΋ᐦ䃚ᩫᏈ喏౔̹ᒝ৹఩Ϧᝫᅷ䰬Ⅾ̷喏ᩪჩژ仂̳Аवखᒭᩢ⮰ڑᄻЭ͆छᒭ⼺ᩢ ⼺Ƞₐโ喏͖Ϧ ᝬ ᓃ ⼺ ⢳ ⮰ ᰬ 倄 ⼺ ⢳΋ Ꮐ 䄑 Ϻ    ᝫ౜ϓᩫも喏䭹Ѻโ఩Ϧ䉙Μᝫᅷ⮰䬔ἇ喏ᐬᩪ Ђጊᆊ݅᭛ڢ䔼Ꭰ䭹㜟Ƞ䔅ᵣ̬Ბ̹ϱ㘩๋᣼倄᜽఩⼺ݢস ጠ⩋䅣সἋጊਗ਼У̳АवБ̶喏 Э͆⮰《ε߇喏।ᑁᰠๆโᲑⰠᣑេ䉰喏΋䃕⊴䉥㔱 ̳АवБ̶⮰ᝫᅷ㐅โ఩Ϧ䉙ΜȠᝫᅷ᭛̹ߔ ㏻≺ᩴᏀȠ ϓ喏᭛䪫᱋េ䉰喏ᩫᏈᏀ䄑㐅δᩛᠭস吿ߝȠڱ㘩๋ᰵᰠ倄⮰⊴䉥㘩߇喏䔇㔸ፒߔ఩

͙̬͖ᵤᓯⰚᴳ᭛఩ℽڢጞϺᎠ  ᩫᏈᣔ㵸じ๓侘䃍ܾ喏ڑᩫᏈᣔ㵸㏻≺䒘ಷ䃍ܾ喏఩ℽϦ౳ᩢ  喋๓㏒̳Аٯ㺭౔Ꭰ䓪ݜ̳㒺ڑ⮰̳Аव්㜟Ꭰ⮰̳Аव喏छ᭛ Ϧ౳ᩢ ఩⮰ᠳᴳȠ౔䔅᫥䲎喏͙ᕧᑦ䄯ڑ᜼᱘丅⋔ȟტᏙզߍ倄Э喏࢟ҫ៑ॶ᭪⹦Ϧℽᩢ व喌喏Бげऴ倄ᩢ≦⩋ 䪫ᓱ䶧স⩋ϓ߇᣼ࡳᠮ䧕喏॒݅ख᭛ᒾ්጑ੲ්ڑᩥર喏䃤ๆ๓侘ϦӉ♢ᬌ∁ᥲ㙝㏻≺䛹៱喏⩋≧㉌ ᩢڑ 䉔᱖㻭᣼ࡳȠ͙ᕧጸ᱇ᩫᏈ䕆䓳⼺ߍ䄯᪠喏࢟⃻ᎠᏀ ⩸⮰㏻㥑᜼᱘Ƞ͙ᕧጸ᱇ᩫᏈ৔䄎጑ੲ⩸ᘻ㻭喏সЭ ㏒࡯ ͆ऴ҈喏᣼ӇᰠๆϦ߇䉰⎼ࣽᆁຂᣂসഥ䃙䃍ܾ喏᣼ڑ䊱䓳̳Аव喏ᝂ⃻ᰴᩢڑ䄪⼺ᩢ ຮ᪅㗞সࡧ㢛ԉ 倄఩ℽ⮰㘩߇সឬᱛⅠ᎟喏᣼ࡳ⩋ϓ߇সᩴ⢳ȠٹАव᝹䶧㏟⼺喏Бࣶ᣼倄⼺ߍ䅭 䛽ȟ䉙Μ䓼ߔஔᱼȟ䉙Μ᎟⼛ژ䮕ȟϦᄫԉ䮕স䯳঄ ᭛͙Ѻᅮ  ๓侘䉰⎼͜ჸ喏ో౜ๆ̀㗑↯喏౔㇚下⩋ϓ᫥䲎⤲ᏀڢᲫ⩡㘽সᮦ㘩᝷ᱦふ䷉Ꮢ喏㏪㐿Ϧℽᅐ ए䔼Ꭰ්ߌ喏䕌᜼โڑ喏ͦጮ౦∔ छБ㜖㐅㜖䋟喏छ᭛᜽఩㇚下ڑტᏙ⮰㏻≺䉋៱喏᣼倄छᩛ䙹ᩢڑᩢ 㕁౜ۈℽ⮰䃵Ⅾ喏ᷬ䃔ۈ∔ڟ䛽≭Ƞ ⅳ≭๝Ƞ͙ᕧጸ᱇ᩫᏈ⣜ڑ ए㇚ڑ౜䃍ܾ喏㐿㼏᜽఩ᄥڢᩫも喏ᬕᬑ㥩჊㕁㔱ᰵ ➥➕҈ۈएጮ౦䰬ⅮᄲᰵߕЭ͆ផ๓⩋ϓ喏Бₐ 下⮰Ӊ䊂Ƞ͙ᕧ΋ᐦ䃚ᩫᏈ᣼Ӈຂᣂ喏吿ߝܦᑦߞ⮰  ፒߔ఩ტ㏻≺ߌ䕋්䪫Ƞ͙ᕧᐦ䃚ᩫᏈ᣼Ӈ⼺ᩢ ݗ᭛㩘㤈সⅠ᳈⮰ੲ͆ࡂ⻹ḹ喏Бࣶ᣼Ӈឬ㕸ഥ䃙喏 ϓۈڑएͦᄨऽ⮰͙ᄻЭ͆䔇 ᣔᎫ⣜Џࡂ㕁҈᣼倄ϓ䛻喏吿ߝᰠๆᎠ䱾Ϧេܦए喏ፚߕБܦຂᣂӯ䔇 ≭ᄽโⅳۻͷ䭱喏΋㘩ڑₑᐬ៿⊣โጮ౦Ƞₐโ喏䙹ऴᩫᏈ㜠߇ᣔᎫĄ๓ ͆喏්ߌᅝ͆ᱦцࣶ᣼倄ᩢ̬ 侘৭❸ą喏ӯ䨬᜽఩৭❸ϓ৭ࣶ᰹ߍݜ఩䭱ጮ౦喏 ๝Ƞ ͙ᕧጸ᱇ᩫᏈ㐓㐙ࣽᩪ৭❸ᣔᎫᤠߕ䛽喋#SBOE 1SPNPUJPO(SBOU喌喏ࡻߕ๓侘Э͆ᐦ⿷সᣔᎫ㜖ጝ  ᜽఩጑ੲ⩸ᑿݹ䮐β䲎ᄥโఠ㏻≺ݹᮛ̹ᬺ᱃喏ੲტ ⮰৭❸Ƞ ΋䲎ᄥ᜼᱘倄⋔喏䨬ਗ਼͆㐕̷⏽喏ߌ̶ᩫᏈ჊᫩̬㈧ ⇥͙࠱᠘⊴䉥⼺ȟᰬѺ㫖䛽ݢȟऴ⤲ࡂ⛯ڢᩫも喏݃ ≻㵸͆䊣ⱬፒߔ҈⩔喏 ≑䉠ふ喏䃕጑ੲ⩸ᮚ䕹̶ᄥ϶Ꭰ̺᱖Ბ͐Ꭰ⮰㏻ڟᐦぽ͆⮰ࣽᆁᄥ㏒䶥Ⱔ  䔊䨭ᩴᏀ᭛ጔ๓⮰喏͙ᕧጸ᱇喝 ݹᮛ䯪Бͼ㻮Ƞ͙ᕧ᱋ᒱᩫᏈᣔ㵸ᰠๆϞੲᩫも喏㥩ڢ ჊倄ᩴ⮰⯽ⲏѿݢ喏ガࡂᩫᏈᱦᲰ⮰㍭᪳㑇㞮ȟᮮ㐿 䃪᫩ᒭ䉥喏᣼Ӈ㲹䉰ຂߝ喏ࡻߕ͙ᄻЭ͆㐠⩔ژ⋔ᩫᏈᩪჩᝫ䉣⩟䄣⮰Ⴭឥ喏᣼倄䉣䷉Ꮢ喏ݦ⓬ 䄯 * ጮ౦喏ӯ䔇ᝫ౜ϓ͆ᠭ㐙ࣽᆁȠ ᠭᰠ⽟჆⮰ࣽᆁȠ ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M5

ᄽ⊖䉥喏჊㵸 ͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎ̺ᠫⲏѼ৴䛸䘔䪫䔇㵸βۻ䘔䬔㜠߇᣼倄⩋ϓ߇স጑҈ᩴ㘩喏ڝژ͙ᕧনभ  ⮰ϐ≭Ƞ䘔䪫ᙋ䅎͙ᕧ᣼ॴβڑ⌝喏Ⴭ ಒ䄆ܦरᩫᏈ䘔䬔⮰㥑䓼ᐬ䨬喏фࡂ䉎ᩫᩛۻ㞮㏒᜼᱘ᣖ᫩喏ݶ ᙺ⤲䉎ȠᩫᏈᑿߍͷᕑ᭛㺭ួݢ➕Уস㏻ੲ᜼᱘丅⋔Ƞᅩネᩫ ᐦ䃪ᕓᘻ㻭সᐦ䃚喏ႯᄲᰵߕκᩫᏈ ⁎तᒬᒬᒭᩢ倄ᬮ䉥 ݢ჆ᰠๆݕੲᘌℽ⮰ᩫもȠ䘔䪫΋ژᏈͦβ㞮Ⱝᐬᩛ喏吿ߝโ࠱᰹ߍ喏Ѳ᭛โ࠱ ⩔喏䕌᜼ᰠ倄⮰㏻ੲ᜼᱘喏΋ᰵⶹጮ౦㏻≺⮰̬㝘㻰ᒷȠᩫᏈ䘔 䓺͙ᕧᠭ㐙̺䉎ᩫ䘔ߌᑦ㖀㈧喏ჲܳऴ ֑⽟≻ᄧᰵᩴᄥも喏⶚ԉ఩ტ㏻ڝᐬ᠇ᴳᱦݢ喏Б⶚ԉ ҈喏ژᱦᲰ䶧ߌᑦ⯽ネ喏䛳ं䔻ᬺ⮰ڟ䬔ࣶⰤ 䔇఩⮰ⰚᴳȠٴत᰹ߍರ᫙ጮ౦喏Бࣶ⶚ԉ ᜼䪫喏჊⣜Ⴛᙫژᰬᰵ《ε߇⮰Уᵨ喏΋䶧䭞₎โ࠱ ጑҈ᩴ⢳স᰹ߍ䉔䛻๓፱᣼ࡳȠ ఩ტ䉎ᩫ䶰ッᵴ ͙ᕧᐦ䃚̬㻴㶔

A. 税务课题  ᣼倄䃐छᙴર᡼⼺ߍఊត䭼 and to Boost the Property Taxation Issues ䷉ Development and  To Increase Tax Deduction Construction Sector Limit for Approved Charitable Donations ⩡䉥সネ䒿๕♢⅀჆У 》ڣत⼺স͖Ϧᝬᓃ⼺ᰠژҫ  ε߇  Electricity Tariff and Piped Gas Pricing ٹMaking Corporate and  ᩪჩ䯲ఎ⼺ߍ䅭  Personal Tax Competitive  Liberalisation of Group Relief 㘩⎼ദ䛽⩋ڹ (Renewable Energy (RE  ٹ䕆䓳㜖ߔࡂ䉰᱘㶑䉠䭹Ѻߟ጑ ౔㕸⃹Ϟ⼺ߍ䅭  ჲ䯲Ꮢ  Tax Relief for Working Fund  Reducing Labour via Mother 䉰᱘ᐬᩛ Automation Capital Capital Contributions  ٹ౔㕸ͼ咰Ϧท⼺ߍ䅭 Allowance Incentives  Tax Relief for Working Senior ᣼ࡳឬ㘩ࣽᆁ  ৭❸ᣔᎫᤠߕ䛽 Citizen  Skill Development  Brand Promotion Grant  ᩪჩ➥䃤下৭⩋ϓ䶥Ⱊ⼺ߍф  ӯ䔇ܦए⮰⼺ᩢфᘌ B. 国家经济课题 ᘌ⮰䭼ݢ  Tax Incentives to Promote National Economic  Restriction on Tax Incentives Exports Issues for Approved Food  ᣼ࡳ⻭Ϧ⩸⮰ឬᱛ䛳⩔ Production Projects (AFPP)  Adoption of Technology in ⊴䉥⼺ 㕁౜ᩫもۈᷬ䃔 Private Sector  Goods and Services Tax (GST)  Land for Food Production ⼺䭲⼺ᩢᅬᒭᩢڱᩫᏈᱦᲰࣶ  ݢ下৭᜼᱘̶ࡳួ ⋔㏻㥑᜼᱘̶∔ڟ সछត⼺ᐬڑ喝⽩ᴑȟੲ͆ᩢ  Ease the Rising Cost of Food 䨬  Concern over Rising Cost of Doing Business ᜼᱘ᣖ᫩ۻRevenue Collection by ჊᫩ݶ  Government Agencies and ᷬ䃔ᰬѺ㫖䛽ݢ  Implementing Cost Cutting IRB: Field Audit, Business  Review of Minimum Wages Measures Income and Allowable Expenditures โߟ䄪䷄ ᣼ࡳξ㖀㑽ჩ䶽䕋Ꮢ  Foreign Worker Issues  Improve Internet Broadband  㞮Ⱝఊត䃍ܾȟ᣼ࡳ㘩⎼ᩴ⢳ Speed  Save Rebate Program ㏪㐿ួ₎េᱦ▾Ẩᣖ᫩ࣶ᣼ᡛ (Chiller), Energy Effi ciency ᝫ౜ϓᐬࣽসᐦぽ͆ࣽᆁ䃍ܾ ᣼ࡳ᝷᣼⩡䄉㑽㐈᰹ߍ  &BTJOHUIF.FBTVSFTUP  Hand Phone Network Curb Property Speculation 6M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

中总2016年中小企业税务调查报告 Report on the SME Taxation Survey 2016 14-7-2016 ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆喋टθ喌㔧䬱͙ ᕧᎠ͙ᄻЭ͆⼺ߍ䄯 ᴑ៑ॶȠጒ䊣喝ᱺы͊ⶁ ทȟᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺȟႀА哅 ᅬ㏱ࣶ㩍᪳≞ᒷጴȠDatuk Ter Leong Yap (2nd from right) read the Report on the SME Taxation Survey 2016. From left: Mr. Lee Hooi Seng, Dato’ Tan Tian Meng, Mr. Koong Lin Loong and Mr. Michael Chai.

ጯᎠ͙ᄻЭ 调查目的ژᕧ⼺ߍ㏰κᎠᰴᬑ 䲎ڔ͙͆⼺ߍ䄯ᴑ៑ॶȠ᜽఩㜖Ꭰᰴᬑᐬ໷ Objectives of Survey ڱ჊᫩⊴䉥⼺䓰϶䕪̬Ꭰ喏͙ᕧጸ᱇Ջₐ䄯ᴑ喏β㼏఩ ䷄䬚ڟ䄪䷄喏Бࣶᰵڟ͙ᄻЭ͆ᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰र䶥⼺ߍⰤ Ȕ β㼏᜽఩͙ᄻЭ͆౔⊴䉥⼺჊᫩ऺःݜ⮰ᒝ৹ȟ 䘔䬔ࣶᱦᲰ喏ᄧⅮ 䲎ᄥ⮰ᠽᝄȠڟ᭛॒ᒝ৹㥑䓼᜼᱘喏Б᣼ॴᩫᏈⰤ 㼏۟᫥ᵴȠ To understand the impacts and challenges faced by Malaysian businesses arising from GST after one ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆౔ͧᠭ᫜䬧ࣽጯцᬢᠳܦ喏⊴ year of implementation. 䉥⼺౔ࣧᎠᰴᐬ໷㥩჊ऺ喏ᩫᏈ჏ጯࣧᎠ㜟ᰴ㣣 䘔䬔᣼ॴำᔄڟ䶰᱋⮰ϫАव喏ќ䃍 Ȕ䄯ᴑ㏿᳈ᄲ҈͙ͦᕧऽᩫᏈࣶⰤܦᓃϫАव⼺ᩢ喏䊱 Ꭰछ䕆䓳⊴䉥⼺㣣ᓃϫ⼺ᩢȠ ᒁࣶᄥ䄉ᬢ⮰Ӊᢚ喏Бࣶ͙ᕧᄲᲑ᠋჆≧ߔ䶥Ⱊ স጑҈䃍ܾᬢ⮰࣮㔯Ƞ 䉥⼺喏छБ䶰㻭ᩫᏈ⮰ The survey results will provide the basis for ACCCIM⊵ڸ∔Ą䮻ⱬ䊶Ბ䊶ๆ⮰ੲტ ⊴䉥⼺⼺ᩢᄲ䔼Ꭰ්ߌȠą in the submission of memoranda and related dialogue sessions with the Government and its ͙ᕧጸ᱇ᩫᏈ㘩๋ર⩔䔅぀⼺ᩢ喏᝿䕌ᰠߌݕੲ⮰㏻ related agencies. It will also be used as a reference तᝬᓃ⼺ for future events and action plans to be formulatedژ䒧Ϧℽ⮰䉋៱喏सᬢ̷䄯͖Ϧসۻੲ⣛ද喏 .喏᣼倄᜽఩⼺ݢসЭ͆⮰《ε߇喏㐓㔸ݦ⓬সፒߔ by the ACCCIM⢳⼺ ㏻≺ᩴᏀȠڱ఩ 回复者背景 䔅䶥䄯ᴑκᎠᰴᬑ㜟Ꭰᰴᬑ䔇㵸Ƞ䄯 Background of Respondents त⮰㥑䓼ژᴑࣽ⣜喏⮰ः䃫㔱㶔⹦⊴䉥⼺්ߌβ ᜼᱘喏㔸᪠ѿ̶喏๓䘔ܲ⮰ੲტᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰⊴䉥⼺䬚䷄喏 䄯ᴑκᎠᰴᬑ㜟Ꭰᰴᬑ䔇㵸喏ࣽܦ Щ䬚ࢣ喏ఊᩢݜЩ喏ఊᩢ⢳ͦ喈Ƞ ᄽ喏ᘋϹᰵ䓳ࡶ⮰ः䃫㔱㶔 ㏒ۻࣧᎠⰤ℀ጞ᭛๓፱Ꮢ̺ th ߔ䉰䛽ఌ⊴䉥⼺㔸ःݜᒝ৹Ƞ The survey was conducted during the period of 29≭ڢ⹦喏 April 2016 to 31st May 2016. A total of 1,200 survey ጯऺ喏㖀㈧͙ᕧ喏㶔⹦ጸ᱇͙ questionnaires were distributed, with 806 returnsژᅬ౔៑ॶ⼺ڟ๓侘⮳ტ .received. The response rate is 67.17% ⼺ڟᕧ᣼Ӈ䲎ᄥ䔇䶥⼺ఊ䔬䖙᠂ᐢ⮰ੲტ䉰᫅喏Бӫ ᅬछ䌋䔇ะ⤲Ƞ 䄯ᴑͧ㺭䕆䓳͙ᕧܲጯκ侘Ბ㺫φ͖ጊ⮰͖ᆊ ఩ᕓੲцȟ㵸͆ఎѿຮ㏦㏳৭ڔЂڢц䔇㵸喏Ꭲ㣣ᓃ ᕧ⼄Β㩍᪳≞ᒷ ݢ䕌͆ȟ䉙➕͙ᓯȟᐦぽࣶᐦᱼȟᱮ䉓ੲȟ䰢ਗ਼͆ȟޛፙ᫜䬧ࣽጯц⮰䔄࠱᠘じθܦᑿ๕ ఩र౜̹सڔᕧ䉎ᩫᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺȟ͙ᄻಷЭࣶ͆Ϧ߇䉰⎼ࣽᆁ 䙾Ꮓ͆ふ⮰࣮̺Ƞ䄯ᴑ㏿᳈ࣹᭌβᲑ㜖ޛጴȟ সᠫⲏ䭴Ნ䒵 㵸͆ȟ̹स⻹᫻⮰᪠ѿᘻ㻭Ƞ⩋ٴ⦅Чढ㓯ͧޛ㏰ͧЧႀА哅ᅬ㏱ȟ ࣶ⼺ߍ㏰ޛͧЧᱺы͊ⶁทȠ ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M7

The survey was conducted mainly through ACCCIM’s 17 A. 消费税 constituent chambers located throughout Malaysia in 13 Goods and Services Tax (GST) states and participated by other national level chambers of commerce, trade and sectorial organisations such as textile manufacturing, shopping malls, construction and Chart 3: Does GST increase the cost of operation building materials, sundry goods merchants, retailers, knitting manufacturing, hoteliers etc. The survey fi ndings refl ect the collective views of industries and Yes No businesses irrespective of ethnic group. 82% 18% Chart 1: Profile of Respondents’ Operating Location in Malaysia 0% 50% 100%  त⮰ژEast Malaysia Northern Region हఊᏀ㔱ᑿ͙喏㶔⹦⊴䉥⼺්ߌβ 11% 26% 㥑䓼᜼᱘喏खᰵ 㶔⹦ЂИ⮰㥑䓼᜼᱘⇍ᰵఌₐ East Coast 9% 㔸්ߌȠ Out of the 806 respondents, 82% revealed that GST has increased their cost of operation, only 18% indicated that they are not affected. Southern Region Central Region 33% 25% Chart 4: GST Implementation Issues Encountered तᝬ౔ѹ㒚ࡦܲ喏Ბ㜖ࢃ侘喋ᴀ҇ȟژӉఊู㔱 26% ࡃ侘喋⣧⦯ጮȟव᝿ȟἋ೺ࣶ䱥䰟喌ࣶ GST accounting software 58%ͦ⁍ڢ喌喏⩞ڙ侘 not working properly 喌喏रݗᰵࣶఊู㔱Ƞ 30%ڜ͙侘喋䮲䰖ȟḚ㒺 Employee/yourself has problem 63% In term of the geographical distribution of the in operating GST software responded entities, 33% were from Southern Region Having problem in submitting 13% report to Customs 42% 2016 (, Melaka), followed by Northern Region (Perlis, 2015 Client/customer 29% , and Perak) and Central Region refused to pay GST 32% 58% (Kuala Lumpur, Selangor & Negeri Sembilan) which Company's cash flow affected 61% contributed 26% and 25% respectively. Not sure which product/service 26% is SR supply, ZR supply or 58% Chart 2 : Respondents’ Industry Sector Exempted supply 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Travel, Leisure & ICT Entertainment 3% 1% ᪠ѿ̶喏̺ࣧᎠ⊴䉥⼺݆჊᫩ᬢⰤ℀喏๓䘔ܲੲ ᄽ喏Ѳ᭛Ϲᰵ䊱䓳̬ࡶۻRestaurant ტᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰䬚䷄ጞ๓፱ (F&B) ߔ䉰䛽ఌ⊴䉥⼺㔸ःݜᒝ≭ڢ⮰ఊᏀ㔱㶔⹦  Professional 2% 10% ৹Ƞ Hotel Manufacturer Overall, as compared with last year survey results 1% 31% when the GST was implemented on 1st April, 2015, Imports & Exports encouragingly, there was a sharp drop in issues and 3% Wholesale & problems face by businesses. However, more than Retails half of the respondents (58%) are still encountering 27% Logistics cash flow problem due to GST. 4% ᜽И΋ࣽ⣜ϹᰵⰤᑿๆ⮰჎ᝣ  ̹ᙫ㑠ϐ⊴ 䉥⼺Ƞ Construction & Agriculture,Timber, By far, still a fairly sizable portion (29%) of Property Contractor Fishery, Farming & 11% Gardening Development respondents claimed that their customers refused to 2% 5% pay GST. 8M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

Chart 5: Whether facing any delay in claiming B. 销售税特别退税 back input tax Special Refund of Sales Tax

100% 90% ੲტछБܙᢚᎠᰴᬑᬢЂИ᝷̶ጞ㑠ϐ䨬 80% ਗ਼⼺⮰ႄ䉓⩟䄣➥ݗ䔬⼺喏Ѳ᭛౔हఊᏀ㔱ᑿ 60% 56% 62% 70% 72% 67% 76% 74% ͙喏खᰵᰵ⩟䄣➥ݗ䔬⼺喏Б㉎ఊጞ㑠ϐ⮰䨬 83% 92% 88% 85% 60% 50% 100% 40% No ਗ਼⼺喏ᑿ͙खᰵ喏ⰤふκहఊᏀ㔱⮰⩟䄣㣣 30% Yes ᓃឥ۲Ƞ 40% 44% 38% 20% 28% 33% 24% 26% 10% 15% 12% 8% 17% A person is entitled to a Special Refund equal to 0% the amount of Sales Tax in respect of the goods Hotel F&B ICT Logistics held on hand as at April 1, 2015. However, only Manfacturing Professional Imports & Exports 11% out of 806 respondents applied for the Special Wholesale & Retails Property Development Construction & Contractor Refund of Sales Tax, of which 58% representing 51 Agriculture, Timber, Fishery, Farming & Gardening Travel, Leisure & Entertainment respondents were approved.

㶔⹦ЂИ⮰䔇䶥⼺䘩㘩䶦ݕ㉎ Chart 7: Time duration taken by Customs for  ๓䘔ܲ͆㔱 ఊ喏खᰵ䲎ᄥ᠂ᐢ䬚䷄喏ͧ㺭Ბ㜖䔇ܦए䉤ᬿ the Refund  ȟ丼亚͆  ȟᝫ౜ϓࣽᆁ  সᐦ more than 6 months ぽࣶ጑⼷ឫ࠱  Ƞ 2% less tha 1 month Majority of the businesses (74%) indicated that they 4 months to 6 months 10% have their input tax credit refunded, of those (26%) 12% that do not, mainly are from Imports and Exports 1 month to (44%), F&B (40%), Property Development (38%) 2 months and Construction and Contractor (33%). 22% 2 months to 4 months Chart 6: Reason given by Customs on the 54% delay of crediting input tax Mismatch of banking Lack of documents ᅬ౔ะ⤲㣣ឥ۲⮰䔬⼺䶥ᬢ喏๓䘔ܲ䘩౔⼺ڟ information thus unable 14% 䔬ఊδੲტȠ♢㔸喏౔㷗៾  ڱNo idea, no reply to credit the money ⩟䄣⮰͖ᰴ from Customs 5% 㐉⮰⩟䄣͙喏๓䘔ܲ  䘩̹ⴑ䕿⩟䄣㷗侟ఊ 36% Submit in wrong ⮰࣋ఌȠ tenure Most of these approved cases, majority (86%) were 5% reimbursed within 4 months from its application. Submit with incorrect form However, amongst those rejected cases, a relatively 3% large percentage (79%) do not know the reason for Customs needs time disapproval. No apportion for to verify due to mixed supply big amount 9% 28% ͙ᕧᎠ͙ᄻЭ͆⼺ߍ䄯ᴑႸ᪠៑ॶछ౔͙ᕧ㑽 々 XXXBDDDJNPSHNZ ̷䒩 ᜽И΋ࣽ⣜ϹᰵⰤᑿๆ⮰჎ᝣ  ̹ᙫ㑠ϐ⊴ The full report on ACCCIM SME Taxation Survey can 䉥⼺Ƞ be downloaded from ACCCIM website (www.acccim. By far, still a fairly sizable portion (29%) of org.my) respondents claimed that their customers refused to pay GST. ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M 9

季度经济报告(2 0 1 6 年 4 月 至 6月) QUARTERLY ECONOMY TRACKERR (April-June 2016)

stretched central banks to do more with less Executive summary given the limited monetary space. The Bank of England (BoE) and European Central Bank (ECB) A. GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT will have to do more monetary easing. The US Federal Reserve (Fed)’s forward guidance of future interest rates hike not only will be data .Brexit raises global recession fears. dependent but also weighs on the Brexit’s impact Amid still-slow and weak global growth, the on global economy. Some Asian central banks Brexit’s aftershocks have cast a doubt over the might err on the side of monetary easing. global economy. There remains a lot uncertainty over the precise impact of Brexit on global fi nancial markets and economy, particularly in .Key events to watch. Global financial the United Kingdom (UK) and European Union and economic scenarios will continue to be (EU). However, it is comforting that major shaped and infl uenced by a number of key events central bankers have taken all necessary steps or policies uncertainty. i) The Fed’s forward to contain the risk of a global fi nancial contagion guidance of interest rates direction; ii) the cloud as well as to avert a sharp slippage in global of uncertainty surrounding the UK leaving EU; growth. iii) a disruptive China’s rebalancing process; iv) the unexpected large devaluation of Chinese renminbi; and v) the US Presidential election on .Mixed performance in advanced and 8 November. emerging economies. The US economy is somewhat stabilizing but not that exciting. The moderate growth in eurozone will be challenged B. MALAYSIA’S ECONOMIC by negative spillovers from Brexit. Japan’s economy continues to mire in stagnation even PERFORMANCE AND if policymakers step up stimulus measures. OUTLOOK The on-going rebalancing of China’s economy hit the growth target in 1Q16 amid worries of an . Malaysia - Has the slowdown “L-shaped” recovery. bottomed out? The Malaysian economy slowed for four successive quarters since .Will Brexit recalibrate global 2Q15 to 4.2% yoy in 1Q16 from 4.5% in 4Q15, monetary policy? Major central bankers weighed down by continued external shocks amid are facing competing interests. Brexit may force moderating domestic demand. 10M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

.Domestic demand remains the .Private consumption and investment driver’s seat. While domestic demand still indicators. Car sales turned around to underpinning overall GDP growth in 1Q16, the rise marginally in June after falling for five strength of private consumption and private months in a row. Consumption credit remains investment continued to remain in focus. In moderate. Imports of capital picked up strongly particular, private investment growth has slipped while intermediate goods declined marginally to 2.2% in 1Q16, the slowest pace since 3Q11. in May. Loan indicators showed improvement Cautious consumer and business sentiments in May, with loan approvals, applications and would continue to weigh on household and capital disbursement registering increases. spending.

.The Ringgit’s volatility is here .Maintain 2016’s GDP growth to stay. After a good rally in 1Q16, the estimate of 4.2%. Malaysia’s growth ringgit succumbed to downward pressures prospects are expected to remain challenging on investors’ risk aversion toward emerging in remaining quarters given the state of global market currencies as investors fret about the economic outlook as well as on-going adjustment Fed’s rate hike amid aided by some strength in in domestic economic condition. Lead economic oil prices. The Brexit’s aftershocks also weighed and fi nancial indicators for the second quarter on the ringgit though somewhat milder. In 2Q16, suggest that economic growth will likely to the ringgit down by 3.2% against the US dollar remain fl at or slightly better before improving a (+10.1% in 1Q16). YTD, the ringgit gained 5.5% little in the second half-year. against the US dollar to RM4.0710 as of 22 July 2016 from RM4.2935 at end-Dec 2015. The ringgit’s volatility is here to stay, infl uenced by .Export outlook is ‘guarded’. There volatile capital fl ows, continued uncertainty over are reasons to expect a slow improvement the Fed’s future rate hikes, global oil prices as in Malaysia’s exports. 1) A prolonged period well as how will Brexit play out? of subdued global demand; 2) uneven export performance of electronics and electrical products; and 3) moderate commodity prices. .Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) to maintain accommodative interest rates. BNM unexpectedly cut its benchmark .Inflation pressure appears interest rate by 25 basis points to 3.00% on 13 diminishing. Headline inflation, which July after keeping it unchanged at 3.25% since averaged 3.4% in 1Q16 eased to 1.6% in June Jul 2014. The Monetary Policy Committee’s for four consecutive months, aided by the high statement painted a cautious view about the base a year ago as well as lower pump prices. domestic economy, nothing that external Infl ation is expected to trend lower for the rest uncertainties could weigh on Malaysia’s growth of the year due to the low energy and commodity prospects. BNM is expected to keep the policy prices. rate steady at 3.00% for now while assessing the incoming data. .2Q16 GDP growth estimate at 4.0- 4.3% yoy. High-frequency economic data and fi nancial indicators signal further moderate expansion in economic activity. Real GDP growth is estimated to grow by 4.0-4.3% in 2Q16 compared to 4.2% in 1Q. ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M 11


fter a rocky start in early this year, global model the UK will adopt when negotiating its trade Aeconomic scenario seems to show some relationship with the EU. The IMF also revised lower incipient signs of positive momentum in eurozone’s GDP growth estimates from 1.7% to recent months, albeit still soft and it is still a long 1.6% this year and next year, to just 1.4% from 1.7%. way from being satisfactory. The US economy, as The Brexit’s impact will last through 2018, when the the data’s showing, is not exciting but absolutely eurozone will grow 1.6% rather than 1.7%. not recessionary. While economic activities in some emerging economies were somewhat better than Prior to the Brexit, the World Bank its latest expected but still not robust. Global Economic Prospects report (June) slashed its 2016 global growth forecast to 2.4% from the 2.9% The narrative of global recession risks, which estimated in January, due to stubbornly low commodity seemed elevated in January and February prices, sluggish demand in advanced economies, weak have receded, supported by incoming data for the trade and diminishing capital fl ows. second quarter. But, the unexpected referendum of British leaving the European Union (EU), In its World Economic Outlook July update, Brexit on 23 June has clouded global fi nancial the IMF marked down global growth markets and cast a shadow over global estimates by 0.1% pt each to 3.1% and 3.4% economy. respectively in 2016 and 2017, taking into account the short-and medium-term impact of Brexit on The greatest market fear is that Brexit, if it is the world economy. GDP growth estimates of major not managed well politically, may spark a political advanced economies also revised lower. The World contagion within the continent and hence, trigger Economic Outlook (WEO) report, which is slated for the break-up of the United Kingdom (UK) and release in October, is expected to review global growth along with it, prompting other members of EU estimates for 2016 and 2017. to bid for an independence, which will result in the disintegration of the EU. Will Brexit cause a global recession? In this current weak and slow global growth, the immediate There is a fear that Brexit-induced economic and concern is whether the anticipated UK recession and financial market ramifications would risk tipping its negative spillovers to the EU would put pressure on the already weak and slow global economy into a global growth, heightening the risk of a global recession. recession. The main culprit is the anticipated fi nancial We peg the risk of a global recession at and economic risks in the UK and EU. Besides that, less than 50%. While a fragile global growth the aggressive rate hikes by the Federal Reserve and makes it vulnerable to shocks, policymakers in major strong US dollar appreciation as well as a disruptive advanced and emerging economies must prescribe the economic rebalancing of the China economy also right policies to prevent the global growth from falling remained a risk. off the cliff.

Despite the world’s major central bankers’ strong There are fundamentally differences between state of preparedness to counteract against every the Brexit and 2008-09 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) fi nancial repercussion from the Brexit’s aftershocks, or Great Recession. The falls across the world weren’t financial disturbances or fresh triggers associated deep enough to constitute a Lehman’s moment. with Brexit’s lingering uncertainties will continue to rattle global fi nancial markets in the months ahead. • The Brexit-induced turbulence is not infl icted by a severe fi nancial distress Immediately after Brexit, the International or bursting of assets bubble. There were Monetary Fund (IMF) expects the UK economy no over-leveraging problems. Major central banks to contract by between 1.5% and 4.5% have ring- fenced to stem a liquidity crisis. over the medium-term, depending on which Brexit’s 12M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

• The 2008-09 GFC was infl icted by the The Bank of England and European Central implosion of a scalable US subprime Bank are expected to do more monetary easing mortgage crisis, which was uncontainable to mitigate the risks on investment, consumption and and morphed into a full-fl edged fi nancial crisis. It growth. The Federal Reserve is likely to recalibrate was the speed and magnitude of falling equities, its interest rate hikes because of Brexit uncertainty. liquidity crisis, credit crunch as well as massive debt defaults that caused a negative feedback What risks/events to watch? There remains loop to the economy and financial markets. considerable key events or policies uncertainty that would Banks suffered huge losses, capital base shrank shape as well as infl uence global fi nancial and economic and freezed lending. Household balance sheets scenarios. were severely impaired. As the US was the i) The Fed’s forward guidance of interest epicentre of the crisis, this accentuated the rates direction; depth of global recession, worsened by the European debt crisis erupted in the wake of the ii) A disruptive China’s economic rebalancing Great Recession around late 2009. process could have strong international spillovers through trade, commodity prices, confi dence, fi nancial Even if the UK economy (which makes up markets and currency valuations; 3.9% of world GDP) goes into recession and iii) The unexpected large devaluation of Chinese together with a protracted slow recovery in renminbi; the EU (makes up 16.5% of world GDP), iv) The the global economy will continue to chug cloud of uncertainty surrounding the ; and along slowly amid the downside risks. UK leaving EU v) The US Presidential election on 8 November. The US economy should be able to withstand Brexit’s headwinds, growing by 2.0-2.3% but not that The outcome of the US presidential election in November exciting. China and India are still riding on the path will have profound consequences for US economic policy, of expansion, albeit moderately in the case of China. and thus for the global economy. Republican candidate, Facing with multi-headwinds, Beijing authorities are Donald Trump’s ideas on trade are dangerous and would expected to safeguard growth and fi nancial stability reverse decades of American leadership’s preaching through targeted fi scal and monetary measures. of trade liberalization, with the erection of tariff walls against Chinese goods. Hillary Clinton now opposes the With major central banks taking all steps necessary Trans-Pacifi c Partnership, which she promoted when she to safeguard financial stability, including liquidity was the Secretary of State. The Democrats favor loose backstop, this helps to ensure the orderly functioning monetary policy and a depreciated dollar while Republicans of fi nancial and foreign exchange markets, and hence worry about excessively loose monetary policy. helping to contain the risk of fi nancial contagion. Fig 1: Real GDP Growth (% yoy) 2014 2015 1Q2016 IMF 2016E WB 2016E IMF 2017F WB 2017F US 2.4 2.6 1.6 2.2 (+2.4) 1.9 2.5 2.2 Euro area 0.9 1.6 1.7 1.6 (+1.5) 1.6 1.4 (+1.6) 1.6 Japan 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.3 (+0.5) 0.5 0.1 (-0.1) 0.5 China 7.3 6.9 6.7 6.6 (+6.5) 6.7 6.2 6.5 India 7.3 7.3 7.9 7.4 (+7.5) 7.6 7.4 (+7.5) 7.7 Singapore 2.9 2.0 2.1 1.8 - 2.2 - Indonesia 5.0 4.8 4.9 4.9 5.1 5.3 5.3 Thailand 0.8 2.8 3.2 3.0 2.5 3.2 2.6 Malaysia 6.0 5.0 4.2 4.4 4.4 4.8 4.5 Philippines 6.2 5.9 6.9 6.0 6.4 6.2 6.2 Vietnam 6.0 6.7 5.5 6.3 6.2 6.2 6.3 Source: Offi cials; IMF World Economic Outlook, April 2016 & July 2016; World Bank’s Global Economic Prospects, June 2016 Figures in bracket refer to estimates made in April 2016 This article was prepared by SERC Sdn. Bhd. (July 2016) ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M 13 㠝㙝⁓⮰ᒝ৹ BREXIT’S AFTERSHOCKS ᰵҁ᱋᱇喢 – WHAT TO EXPECT?

MAKING SENSE OF BREXIT’S AFTERSHOCKS  BREXIT, an event uncharted by history 3. Will the global economy sink into a recession? Is it like the 2008-09 Global Financial Crisis  A long period of uncertainty is a certainty (GFC) or Great Recession?  A number of questions and issues stand out: 4. What can the major central banks do to 1. What does Brexit mean for the UK and fi rewall the risk of a global fi nancial contagion? Europe? 5. Can Malaysia withstand the Brexit’s 2. And what comes next? A break-up of the aftershocks? UK EU’s disintegration? THE PATH TO BREXIT – A WAITING GAME  Negotiation process cannot proceed  A political stalemate is the key risk- a sustained immediately if Article 50 of the Libson Treaty is period of uncertainty and instability will rise not invoked across the continent  It is entirely up to the UK to trigger Article 50  Markets will be watching closely who the main hopefuls of the new PM (Home Secretary  If triggered, the UK has two years to negotiate Theresa May and Energy Minister Andrea trade, business and political links with the EU Leadsom), which will be known by 9 September  It’s membership of the EU will automatically  Political risks associated to the Brexit: cease if the deal is not concluded within two years, unless there is a unanimous vote to i) Trigger a potential break-up of the UK; extend the deadline and ii) Cause the disintegration of EU NEGATIVE FOR THE UK ECONOMY IF THE UNCERTAINTY PROLONGED  Uncertainty over the pace, breadth and market and confidence channels: weak scale of the UK’s future trade and political consumer sentiment and shattered investor relationship with the EU confi dence, defl ation risk, dent consumption, trade and fi rms delay investment  How soon the negotiation process starts and how successful new agreements are ratifi ed?  Will London be dislodged as Europe’s leading international financial centre? Sustained by  Issues of focus: the terms of UK’s withdrawal; inherent advantages, a large network of content of trade, investment and financial- fi nancial and professional services. However, related agreements; what form of Brexit some businesses would be likely to move to model? Eurozone fi nancial centres or be lost to Europe  Negative factors reinforced through fi nancial The UK economy may well dip into recession over the next 6 months 14M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights


*Except for the UK Sources: UK Parliment, UK Treasury, UK Offi ce for National Statistics, Centre for Economics and Business Research, FullFact.org, Blommberg Creedits: James McBride, David Foster WILL BREXIT CAUSE A GLOBAL RECESSION?  Cast a shadow over a “weak and fragile” bubble. Major central banks have ring-fenced global economy to stem a liquidity crisis and credit crunch  Policymakers in major advanced and  The 2008-09 GFC was infl icted by the implosion emerging economies must take all necessary of a scalable US subprime mortgage crisis, steps to safeguard financial stability amid which was uncontainable and morphed into a limited monetary and fi scal policy buffers full-fl edged fi nancial crisis  Fundamentally differences between Brexit and  As the US was at the epicentre of the GFC, this the 2008-09 Global Financial Crisis (GFC) accentuated the depth of global recession, worsened by the European sovereign debt crisis  The Brexit-induced turbulence is not infl icted erupted in the wake of the Great Recession by financial distress or bursting of assets around late 2009 THE RISK OF A GLOBAL RECESSION IS LESS THAN 50%  Global economy still “muddling through’’ amid 2016 World GDP ranking (Value in US$ trillion the risk of “secular stagnation” and % share of world GDP)

 BoE will do more monetary easing; ECB and US$ trillion BoJ will either maintain status quo or go even 20 25.1% further 18 16 18.3%  The Fed is likely to recalibrate its interest rate 14 15.4% hikes because of Brexit uncertainty 12  The US economy should be able to withstand 10 Brexit’s headwinds, growing by 2.0-2.3% this 8 year but not that exciting 6 6.0% 4 3.7%  China and India economies are still riding on 2 the path of expansion, albeit moderately in the 0 case of China US China Japan EU 27 UK ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M 15

QUANTIFYING THE BREXIT’S IMPACT ON MALAYSIA  Brexit’s impact on Malaysia via trade and  The strengthening of ringgit against the financial channels are expected to remain pound sterling (+18% from RM6.3607 at end- manageable Dec 2015 to 5.3910 at end-June 2016) means lower education cost for Malaysian students  Even there is a recession in the UK economy studying abroad. It also presents lower entry (1.1% of Malaysia’s exports; 5.1% of FDI stock cost of investment into the UK and 1.7% of Malaysia’s tourist arrivals)  The exchange rate volatility remains until the  A prolonged period of economic disruption dust settles and fi nancial disturbance in the UK could drag the recovery pace of EU (the EU makes up 9.3%  Malaysia’s GDP growth is estimated at 4.2% in of Malaysia’s exports; 2.6% of tourist arrivals 2016 and 4.0-4.5% in 2017 (Offi cial estimates: and 20.1% of FDI stock) 4.0-4.5% in 2016; Market consensus: 3.9%-4.5%)

Malaysia-UK-euro area GDP growth trend Malaysia’s GDP growth: Domestic demand remains the prime mover 14 12 10.0 10 8 6 5.0 4 2 0.0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 2016 1Q -2 -4 -5.0 -6 Changes in inventories (% pts contribuon) -8 Net exports (% pts contribuon) -10 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Domesc demand (% pts contribuon) Malaysia United Kingdom Euro Area GDP growth (% yoy)

MALAYSIA-UK’S TRADE AND INVESTMENT LINKS  Malaysia’s total trade with the UK declined by  Malaysia’s major export items to the UK are 0.4% pa in 2004-15 as exports contracted 1.1% transport equipment (>50%), machinery while imports grew 0.7%. appliances and equipment (>25%). The  The share of bilateral trade between Malaysia- balance are mining and commodity- UK currently stands at 1.1% of Malaysia’s external related. trade (exports and imports share at 1.1% each).  Exports of services: fi nance, wholesale and  With the exception of incurring small trade transport, IT and professional services. defi cits in 2012-13, Malaysia had enjoyed trade surpluses ranging between RM0.8 billion and RM3.9 billion in 2004-2015.  British companies’ long-term direct investment  Investment in chemical and chemical in Malaysia accounted for an average of 5.1% of products, petroleum products (including total FDI stock in 2008-2015. petrochemicals), electronics and electrical  Since the 2008-09 Global Financial Crisis, the products, rubber products and plastic UK’s investment interests in Malaysia has been product industries. dwindling over the years, from 6.8% of total FDI  A prolonged sharp economic downturn stock at end-2009 to 4.3% at end-2015. in the UK economy would dampen its investors’ investment interests in Malaysia. 16M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

 UK investors’ cumulative portfolio investment in  In the face of persistent market uncertainty Malaysia registered net infl ows of RM23.4 billion, and volatility associated to Brexit, the risk making up 55.0% of cumulative net portfolio of capital reversals may ensue as investors investment inflows in 2008-2015. In 1Q2016, it could liquidate their position to meet some recorded a net infl ow of RM1.6 billion. redemption back home.  Malaysian companies’ outward investment  Malaysia’s investment interests are in in the UK economy have increased in recent utilities, hotels, automobiles, healthcare years, bringing an average of 3.4% of total and retail. outward investment abroad during the period  Malaysian companies and institutions are 2008-2015. also among the largest investors in London’s commercial and residential property, namely the Battersea Power Station Project.  While the cloud of uncertainty in the UK economy would cause investors to remain cautious in the short-term, Malaysians are expected to take a long-term view of committing large-scale investments in the UK given its potential growth prospects and steady economic fundamentals.


Malaysia-UK trade makes up 1.1% of Malaysia’s UK’s direct investment in Malaysia reduced to 4.2-4.3% total trade of total FDI stock in recent years from 6.1-6.8% in 2008-09

4,500 30.0 8.0 25,000 4,000 7.0 20.0 20,000 3,500 6.0 10.0 3,000 5.0 15,000 2,500 0.0 4.0 2,000 -10.0 3.0 10,000 1,500 2.0 1,000 -20.0 5,000 1.0 500 -30.0 0.0 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1Q 2016

0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1Q2016 -500 -40.0 -1,000 -50.0 Trade balance (RMm) Exports (% yoy) Imports (% yoy) UK direct investment in Malaysia (RMm) % share (LHS)

UK’s portfolio investment fl ows into Malaysia Malaysia’s outward investment to the UK rose to have been volatile in recent years 4.5-4.7% in 2014 - 1Q 2016

20,000 5.0 30,000 4.5 15,000 4.0 25,000 10,000 3.5 20,000 3.0 5,000 2.5 15,000 0 2.0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1Q 2016 1.5 10,000 -5,000 1.0 5,000 0.5 -10,000

0.0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1Q 2016 0 -15,000 -20,000 UK porolio investment in Malaysia (RMm) Malaysia outward investment to UK (RMm) % share (LHS) ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M 17


 The EU is Malaysia’s third largest trading  More than 90% of trade is dominated by partner. Malaysia’s total trade with the EU has industrial goods such as machinery and been declining steadily from 10.9% in 2007 appliances. Other products of relevance are to 9.1% at end-1Q16. Exports share to the EU plastics and rubber; and animal and vegetable stood at 9.3% and imports share at 8.8%. fats and oils.  During the period 2004-2011, Malaysia had  The level of trade in services between the EU enjoyed a sizeable trade surplus averaging and Malaysia currently remains low but has RM11.9 billion per year before reversing into experienced gradual yet steady average defi cits of RM3.3-4.6 billion in 2012-13. Since annual growth of 8% during the past 10 years. 2014, the trade balance was in Malaysia’s favour.  The EU is the second largest foreign investor in  Investment primarily in greenfi eld investments Malaysia, contributing 20.1% of Malaysia’s FDI in manufacturing (mainly consumer products), stock as at 1Q 2016. but increasingly also in fi nancial services such as insurance.  EU’s FDI share of total FDI stock has been rising steadily after the 2008-09 Global Financial  A prolonged slow economic growth in the EU Crisis. would hamper the inflows of investment in Malaysia.

 EU investors’ portfolio investment in Malaysia  Faced with market uncertainty and volatility recorded cumulative net outfl ows of RM52.7 induced by the Brexit, the risk of capital billion in 2008-15. However, it reversed to reversals may ensue as investors could liquidate a net infl ow of RM10.9 billion in 1Q16 from – their position to meet some redemption back RM14.3 billion in 2015. home.  Malaysian companies’ outward investment  Investment in IT and telecommunications as in the EU reduced to a mere 0.2% of well as oleo chemicals. Malaysia’s outward investment from 2.4% in  Malaysia’s investment in the EU continues to 2008. grow, particularly through acquisitions in the mining and quarrying sectors (oil and gas), as well as in fi nancial services. This demonstrates the breadth and diversity of mutual trade and investment interests.

MALAYSIA-EU’S TRADE, INVESTMENT AND FINANCIAL TREND Exports to EU make up 9.3% of Malaysia’s EU’s direct investment in Malaysia has risen exports steadily

25.0 20,000 25.0 120,000 20.0 20.0 100,000 15.0 15,000 80,000 10.0 10,000 15.0 5.0 60,000 0.0 5,000 10.0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 40,000 1Q 2016 1Q -5.0 5.0 20,000 -10.0 0 0.0 0 1Q 2016 1Q -15.0 -5,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 -20.0 -25.0 -10,000 Trade balance (RMm) Exports (% yoy) Imports (% yoy) EU direct investment in Malaysia (RMm) % share (LHS) (RHS) 18M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

EU registered net portfolio investment Malaysia’s outward investment to the EU has outfl ows from Malaysia in most years been trending lower

30,000 3.0 7,000 6,000 2.5 20,000 5,000 10,000 2.0 4,000 3,000 1.5 0 2,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1Q 2016 1.0 1,000 -10,000 0 0.5 -1,000 -20,000 0.0 -2,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1Q 2016 1Q -30,000 -40,000 % share (LHS) EU porolio investment in Malaysia (RMm) Malaysia outward investment to EU (RMm)

ASIA’S EXPORTS SHARE TO THE UK AND EU % share of total exports matrix (YTD 2016) Exports to (% share) US EU UK China Japan ASEAN North Asia NIEs … from (% share)

China 17.4 18.6 2.6 - 6.4 12.7 20.0 Japan 20.7 12.0 2.2 16.9 - 14.7 17.7 ASEAN-5 Singapore 6.6 9.2 0.9 12.6 4.7 28.7 20.8 Malaysia 10.4 10.2 1.1 11.2 8.8 29.2 10.7 Indonesia 11.2 13.4 1.1 10.0 12.1 22.2 9.6 Thailand 10.8 10.3 1.3 10.1 9.9 24.1 8.6 Philippines 16.1 9.6 0.8 9.6 22.0 13.7 18.2 North Asia NIEs Korea 14.4 9.9 1.6 24.4 4.7 13.3 8.0 Taiwan 12.1 10.0 1.3 24.8 7.3 18.2 17.8 Hong Kong 9.2 9.4 1.5 52.5 3.5 7.9 3.4

US - 19.4 3.9 7.3 4.2 4.9 6.8 UK 15.1 47.5 - 4.3 1.6 2.7 4.3 EU 15.3 - 15.4 7.4 2.4 3.8 4.2 Based on Asia’s trade exposure matrix above, UK leaving EU would seem minimal since UK is not a major trading partners with most Asian countries. However, because the uncertainties are rather diffi cult to quantify, the repercussion of a global economic slowdown can be a threat to many Asia trading countries, including Malaysia. The risk of a global economic slowdown may pose challenges to the Asian interests especially in on-going preferential trade agreements such as TPPA, RCEP, etc. CONCLUSION  Brexit raises fears of a global recession and  Malaysia’s decent economic growth has been fi nancial contagion propelled by the strength of domestic demand,  Brexit uncertainty will escalate the risk of albeit slower amid anemic export growth recession in UK. Prolonged negative spillovers  Amid the limited fiscal space, selective and will dent the recovery of the EU targeted fiscal spending programmes are  Prompt policies intervention to safeguard expected to cushion domestic economy fi nancial stability as well as adopting pro-  Bank Negara Malaysia’s policy priority is to growth measures safeguard financial stability. A cut in interest  Malaysia will be affected via both trade rates is warranted if the downside risk to GDP and financial channels but should remain growth rises manageable Prepared by SERC Sdn. Bhd. (11 July 2016) ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M19

ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈 中总组团赴中国东北三省 交流考察 喋ጒ喌䊌䔭 ㏖ ᔡ৭δ䓩ႭⰭ ACCCIM Delegation to Northeast China ੲߍࢱ⢷ᮛᬺ (Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Jilin) ޛࢱ䪫喋ጒ喌Ƞ टͦᠫⲏॠ⢵ 11-7-2016 - 19-7-2016 ϭȠ Tan Sri Lim Sing (7th from left) presented a souvenir to Mr. Wang Jingming, Vice Director of Department of Commerce of Liaoning Province. 5th from right was Dato’ Ng Yok Gee. Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌౔㒞Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌౔ 㒞 侘⤲⤲ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸᳃䩒ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸᳃䩒 㘈⮰㘈⮰⢳䶲̷喏⢳䶲̷喏κᎠᰴᬑ⢳䶲κᎠᰴᬑ⢳䶲 ϦЏ㶔ఎ䊠͙఩ϦЏ㶔ఎ䊠͙఩͈ࡃ̵Ⱝ喏͈ࡃ̵Ⱝ喏࢟䓩Ⴍȟ叽 哅↋ȟव᳃䔇㵸व᳃䔇㵸㔯ᄋ喏㔯ᄋ喏ᬔ౔ߌᑦ͙ᕧᬔ౔ߌᑦ͙ᕧ̺̺ ͙఩͈ࡃⰭϦℽ͙఩͈ࡃⰭϦℽᩫᏈȟੲߍࢱ̺र጑ᩫᏈȟੲߍࢱ̺र጑ ੲੲ㏰㏳⮰㖀㈧̺ϐ≭喏㏰㏳⮰㖀㈧̺ϐ≭喏៿ᆁ侘͙ࣸ䓥 䉤䉤ᬿ̺េ䉰ऴ҈Ƞᬿ̺េ䉰ऴ҈Ƞ

͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎκᰴᬑ១䓪͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎκᰴᬑ១䓪↴䭟喏↴䭟喏ܲݗܲݗ ⢷აژ䃫β䓩ႭⰭ᠈䃫β䓩ႭⰭੲߍࢱস↴䭟ጮϦℽᩫੲߍࢱস↴䭟ጮϦℽᩫ ↴䭟ጮϦℽᩫᏈโηߊ᠈ ̺͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎᏓ ↴䭟ጮโӔߊͧЧ⢷ᮢ㣥౔ᣑ ጒ ა喏Ꭲ䔇㵸Ꮣ䄴ϐ≭Ƞ͙͙ᕧᕧ ᮢ㣥ͧЧژა喏โηߊژᏈᏈโηߊ সস䓩ႭⰭੲߍࢱᅝߌᑦϐ≭ऴ҈䓪㜠䓩ႭⰭੲߍࢱᅝߌᑦϐ≭ऴ҈䓪㜠 䄴ϐ≭Ƞ Mr. Wang Jingying, 㻭͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎᬢ喏Ϸ㏹↴䭟ጮ 䃲喏喏ᙫᘻ䔇̬ₑᙫᘻ䔇̬ₑऴ҈喏ऴ҈喏ͦ๓侘স䓩Ⴍͦ๓侘স䓩Ⴍ Director of Foreign Affairs ᰬ᫜㏻≺ࣽᆁẮ᠘喏Ꭲ䃐ͦ౔ڝ䃲ڝ ⰭЭ͆ტ⾫䦴ᑁ㏫ⰭЭ͆ტ⾫䦴ᑁ㏫喏吿ߝᰠๆ๓侘Э喏吿ߝᰠๆ๓侘Э Office of Shenyang Municipal ᠇ੲᑁ䉰᫥䲎㠑㘩̺͙ᕧᥦ᝷ th ऴ҈喏ⰤԍηࡶߋԹȠ ტ͆ტݹᲑ䓩ႭⰭ喏ݹᲑ䓩ႭⰭ喏ា๓侘ϓ৭স᰹ߍ People’s Government (4 from͆ ͙఩͈ࡃⰭȠ left) interacted with members ofڑ͙఩͈ࡃⰭȠڑፒፒ ACCCIM delegation. ⁍ᬑ喏͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎݹᒬ᠈ц䓩 ግޛაژႭⰭโη喋Ӕߍ喌ߊ 㻲঄ॠ͂ಐޛግ㻲঄Ϸ㏹䓩Ⴍ Ⱝࣽᆁ⟢ۡ喏सᬢ΋ᑦ䄯䓩Ⴍ ⰭᩫᏈ䲊፤䛹㻲̺͈Ⰻ఩ტ⮰ ㏻䉤ऴ҈喏ᄥκ͙ᕧц঄ੲტ აᄲژݜ䓩ႭⰭេ䉰喏โηߊ ߇䙹ऴȠڔ㐅δ

ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈 ट 䊌䔭㏖ᔡ৭ ግޛაژߊ Ӕߍ δ䓩ႭⰭโη 㻲঄ॠ͂ಐ ጒ Ƞጒͦ䓩ႭⰭ აӔ㖀㖀㐈ะژโη喋Ӕߍ喌ߊ ̈́ᇟะ䪫Ƞ Tan Sri Lim Sing presented a souvenir to Mr. Wu Shikun, Deputy Director General of Liaoning Provincial Offi ce of Overseas Chinese Affairs (6th from left). 5th from left was Mr. Yau Ngok, Chief of Communication Division of Overseas Chinese Affairs. 20M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities

Џ㶔ఎ΋౔̷ࡴ᠈цβ䓩ႭⰭ጑ 喏Ꭲ࣮ߌ䓩ႭⰭڠیੲ㖀ͧፙᲔ ጑ੲ㖀ᆊ̷⊣ᑾ఩䭱ӯ䔇цͧ ߊ⮰Э͆Ꮣ䄴цȠ䓩ႭⰭ጑ੲ㖀 ጸ᱇স͙ᕧ᜼ͦࣷຩੲц喏㐓㐙 䄷ࣽᆁȠڝᐬ݇ऴ҈⾦䬠喏

ڠی䓩ႭⰭ጑ੲ͆㖀ऴцͧፙᲔ ጒ Ϻͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈喋ጒ喌᝷͙ ᣑ䶲㏖ᔡ৭Ƞ Mr. Yang Guanxing, President of Liaoning Federation of Industry & Commerce (9th from left) received souvenir form Tan Sri Lim Sing (8th from left).

じ̵๕喏͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎ១䓪৴ᅀ ␔喏㣣叽哅↋Ⱝޛግ㻲঄䒒䋯ᣑ ᒱȠ᱘⁍㔯ᄋ⮰Ⱊ⮰ͷ̬᭛ᣎ䃔 ͙ᕧ౔͙఩ࡃ䘔࣮ᆁ⮰ᱦц喏࠱ ᠘͙Ӱࢆ㻴цȠ

͙ᕧЏ 㶔ఎ᜼঄̺叽哅↋Ⱝੲߍ ࢱЏ㶔䔇㵸ϐ≭喏ϐᢎᘻ㻭Ƞ Members of ACCCIM delegation interacted with representatives of Department of Commerce of Heilongjiang Province.

͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎ΋ݹᒬ᠈ц叽哅↋Ⱝ጑ ੲ͆㖀ऴцͧፙᑌ⊣ࡺ喏͐цオ㒞ࣷ ຩࡻ䃚Ƞ͙ᕧস叽哅↋Ⱝ጑ੲ㖀ᄲߌ ᑦࣷຩᒬᲑ喏ᥦ᝷ͦц঄Э͆ᐬᆁ఩ 䭱ऴ҈᣼Ӈ᰹ߍȠ

͙ᕧ㒞⤲ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈喋 ጒ喌স叽哅↋Ⱝ጑ੲ㖀ᑌ⊣ࡺͧፙ 喋ट喌オ 㒞ࣷ ຩ ࡻ 䃚 ȠTan Sri Lim Sing left) and Ms. Zhang Haihua, President of Heilongjiang Federation of Industry & Commerce (right) signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

͙ᕧЏ 㶔ఎ䮻 ऺܦፙ叽哅↋ⰭϦℽ ᩫ არ䄣ᮆრȠపͦژᏈโη喋Ӕߍ喌ߊ Ч喋ጒ喌䊌䔭㏖ᔡͧޛაᒼᎫᬺژ䄑ߊ ৭δͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈Ƞ Heilongjiang Foreign Affair Office hosted a dinner in honour of members of ACCCIM delegation. Photo showed that Mr. Xu Guangming, Deputy Director General of Heilongjiang Foreign Affair Offi ce (7th from left) presented a souvenir to Tan Sri Lim Sing. ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M21

͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎκᰴᬑ១䓪व᳃Ⱝ䪫᭑ ጮ喏㣣व᳃Ⱝੲߍࢱޛࢱ 䪫䃤⋇ᣑ ᒱȠ व᳃Ⱝੲߍࢱ吿ߝव᳃ⰭЭ͆ݜදโេ 䉰喏䔅̬͐Ꭰݜ͈ࢃφ఩ტ⮰Э͆΋䊶Ბ 䊶ๆȠ

ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈 ጒ Џ㶔͙ᕧϺव᳃Ⱝੲ ߍࢱ䃤⋇ޛࢱ䪫 ट ᝷͙ᣑ䶲㏖ᔡ৭Ƞ Tan Sri Lim Sing (4th from left) received a souvenir from Mr. Xu Tao, Vice Director- General of the Department of Commerce of Jilin Province (4th from right).

Џ㶔ఎ΋౔䪫᭑ጮ̺व᳃Ⱝ጑ੲ͆㖀ऴцͧፙᱺ㐠᫃ͧፙц䲎Ƞͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈̺ᱺ㐠 ᫃ͧፙ౔ц̶オ㒞βࣷຩऴ҈䄱㼏ำᔄᒁ喏ߌᑦ㖀㐈喏්䔇ࣷຩऴ҈Ƞ䒯ऺ喏͙ᕧЏ㶔 ఎ΋সव᳃ⰭЭ͆Џ㶔䔇㵸Э͆Ꮣ䄴সϐ≭Ƞ

ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈 喋ट喌সव᳃ Ⱝ ጑ੲ㖀ᱺ㐠᫃ͧ ፙオ㒞ࣷຩऴ҈ 䄱㼏ำᔄᒁȠ Tan Sri Lim Sing (right) and Mr. Li Weidou, President of Jilin Federation of Industry & Commerce signed a memorandum of understanding.

Џ㶔ఎ౔㵸⼷㏿᲋ݹ១䓪व᳃Ⱝ ᐢ䓥᱉凈᫻㜖⇧ጊᐢवጮ喏̺ᐢ ц䲎ϐ≭Ƞᐢ⊢ژጊ䪫㨉ޛ䓥ጊ 䓥ጊ౜ะ͙఩ȟӰ㒃᫛স᱉凈ϐ ⩸ะ喏ጊᩫᏈ⁎䓺侘Ბ㺫φ⮰Э ݜᐢ䓥ጊ㔯ᄋস៿ᆁ͆ߍ喏̺͆ ᐬࣽ౔ڢᐢ䓥ጊЭ͆ტऴ҈喏ᅐ ദ⵬䃪ำȟ᫱⍤ȟోϓߌ጑͆ȟ䉰 䃛䕆ԍ͆ȟⴟ⇥ࡂ጑ふ䶲ഋ⮰ऴ ߇ᩛᠭ̺ڔ䶥Ⱊ喏Ꭲᙫᘻ㐅δ҈ ࡻߕȠ

ޛ⊢ژव᳃Ⱝᐢ䓥᱉凈᫻㜖⇧ࡦ㨉 ጊ䪫 ट ᣑ㻭ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈⢳䶲ͷ ͙ᕧЏ 㶔ఎȠ Mr. Lan Gonghai, Vice Governor of the People’s Government of Yanbian Korean Nationality Autonomous Prefecture (right) received ACCCIM delegation led by Tan Sri Lim Sing. 22M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities

Ꭰ͙ᕧ䱾ੲఎ䶲㷂ഥ䃙䄪⼷ ACCCIM Young Entrepreneurs Committee Leadership Team Workshop 2016

29-7-2016 to 30-7-2016

Ꭰ͙ᕧ䱾ੲఎ䶲㷂ഥ䃙䄪⼷๓ऴ⚓Ꭰ͙ᕧ䱾ੲఎ䶲㷂ഥ䃙䄪⼷๓ऴ⚓ GGrouproup photophoto ofof ACCCIMACCCIM YoungYoung EntrepreneursEntrepreneurs CCommitteeommittee LLeadershipeadership TTeameam WWorkshoporkshop 22016016

ᕧ䱾ੲఎκᎠᰴᬑࣶᬑճν䶢 ᱦᲰᣑ≩Б㣣ᓃ݇͆ദ䛽喋TUBSUVQGVOE喌喏᝹㘩 ͙ 䭫༯཈䙾Ꮓ喋"XBOB(FOUJOH喌ͪߊ͙ᕧ䱾 ๋ᰠ჊䭱౜ͦ䱾ᎠЭ͆ტ㼏۟ܳ䏗䬚䷄喏Ꭲា䱾ੲ ᰵ।ᑁ߇Ƞڣ侘रᆊц䱾ੲఎ ๓цߊᓃᰠڔੲఎ䶲㷂ഥ䃙䄪⼷喏ѹᲑ㜖 ఎ䪫ࣶនༀ࣮ߌβ๕่⮰ഥ䃙䄪⼷Ƞ ๓ტ䬼ᬺ͙ᕧΉͦڔᕧ⼄Βᯔ䱾ੲఏ䶪䬚ᠫⲏࢎ᜼ ᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ͦഥ䃙䄪⼷҈ᐬᎁ⑀䃞ᬢ㶔 ๓጑҈Ⱊᴳ⮰䛹◥喏Бࣶͦ䱾ੲఎ࣮̺স䙹ऴ͙ᕧ ≦䃕ڬᎠᲑ䱾ੲఎ౔๓ტ⮰ߖ߇ সरᆊццߍ጑҈স≧ߔ᣼Ӈᐦ䃚সⰷ∁喏܌ⰷݜ䔅ڠ⹦喏Ђᒴ倄 㠭บ᜼䪫喏΋ᒴ⁏᚜䱾ੲИ㐅δ͙ᕧসरᆊц ߔᓃБᰠ䶦ݕ䔇㵸Ƞ̷ 喏ЂИ⮰☙ᗱস䃐ⱋۇ⮰ᩛᠭস䙹ऴȠ䱾ੲ᭛⩋߇ त-FBEFSTIJQ*OTJHIU4EOژज़ऺȟ㐓ᒬᐬᲑ⮰㇪ ͙ᕧ㖄Ч̿͆ഥ䃙ٴѿ⣜͙ᕧఎ䭋ឫܲٱ喏ڑេ ፙЏ㶔͖ܲͦᄻܦȠ #IE჆ݢഥ䃙䄪⼷ࣶ≧ߔȠ⺊ ㏰喏䕆䓳र䶥䃔䃦স≧ߔ喏ߌᑦ䶲ᄨ㘩߇সఎ䭋㇪ 䃔䃦স≧ߔ喏ξߔϐڑᩪⱨ᱖Ბ喏᱋䃤͙ᕧ䱾ੲ๓цᄲ䋯ࡳͦࡦഋᕓ喏⩆ ⺊⮰䃐ⴑȠ᜼঄И⼛Ჭេ 㖆߇Ƞᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ܉ѿ⣜͙ᕧ䱾ੲఎ⮰ܲٱੲᱦ⮰ᎠᏒⰇцȠఌ ≭喏݇ڝ㜟఩䭱ᕓⅳ㖆͂⩸䱾ੲȟ ₐ喏ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆䃐ͦ䱾ੲ๓ц䮐β䖬䄣ⴑहЭ͆ტ 㞛͆ȟ䱾ੲఏ䶪䬚ᠫⲏࢎ᜼সᠫⲏ⍕Ⅴ࣮̺᪳ഥ䃙 ܲϗ㏻侸ȟ᣼Ӈ䉰䃛সⴑ䃲โ喏΋Ꮐ䄑්䃪䶥Ⱊͦ 䄪⼷喏স䱾ੲఎ঄Иξߔϐ≭喏Ꭲ౔र䶥䃔䃦স≧ ߔ͙喏㐅δ䔮ᑿ⮰ᠳᄨ喏䃕̺цЏ㶔И㣣⯶㞛ๆȠ ڟ䱾ᎠЭ͆ტИ៿ᆁੲ͆㑽㐈喏БࣶࡻߕЂИ̺Ⱔ ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M23

㏻䓳䃔䃦সょ䔵喏̺цЏ㶔Иݢ ჆͙ᕧ䱾ੲఎ⮰ᵤᓯУը᭛喝

1 团队合作Teamwork

2 诚信Integrity

3 领导能力Leadership

4 热诚Passion

5 学习Learning


喋̬喌 Ꭻ᠇ц঄喏Б᱋౔Ꭰᅶ␍ᬢ䓪 ѹ䱾ੲఎ঄⮰Ⱊᴳ ఩ڔ㜠 ఩䱾ੲఎ঄⮰䉰᫅Ꮏڔ喋θ喌 ᪠ऴ ژ 喋̵喌 ߌ ᑦ 䱾 ੲ ᔃ ጑ 䭋 ᄥ ͙ᕧ ᙴ ર ⯶㏰⮰ᴳ۲᧹҈≭⼷喋4UBOEBSE 0QFSBUJOH1SPDFEVSF 401喌Бࣶ 䉴▪᩽ᕑ≧ߔ⮰䃐ⴑ 喋ఇ喌 ߌᑦ͙ᕧ䱾ੲ๓ц⮰䃞ጴ䭡ქস㔯 㭽්ߌЭ͆ᄥᣑȟᆁ䨬цふ䶥Ⱊ ڟ喋π喌 ߌᑦ͙ᕧ䱾ੲఎ౔ᩫᏈ䘔䬔ࣶⰤ ᱦᲰ⮰Џ㶔ᕓ স⊣โ䱾ੲڱ喌 ߌᑦ͙ᕧ䱾ੲఎ̺఩ڙ喋 ఎѿ⮰㖀㈧

ఎ঄И⼛Ჭ࣮ ̺र䶥䃔䃦 স≧ߔ YEC members actively participated in the discussion and activities 24M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities ఩͙႒ ACCCIM STI Competition 2016ڔ͙ᕧĄᎠ ⻽ឬ݇᫜℀䊇ą䶭ຂЖᐻ Prize Giving Ceremony 16-7-2016

.ᓃຂ䭋й̺͙ᕧ䉋䉏Ϧऴ⚓Ƞݹᢾጒ䊣喝 Photo taken between the winning teams and ACCCIM offi ce bearers ȟᑌ㏥䕆ࢆท᪅ᢴȟᲔ႒䧓 Front row from left: Mr. Foo Wei Keong, Professor Dr. Chong Wen⩋ٴыᑦ⊑ ޛ᪅ᢴȟᲔ⊣ᭋ᪅ᢴࢆท倄㏓䮎ทȟᠫⲏ Tong, Associate Professor Dr. Yeoh Hak Koon, Academician Professor ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱ȟᠫⲏ≖⹨⧓倄㏓䮎ทȟᅐ㟟 Dr. Yong Hoi Sen, Dato’ Liew Sew Yee, Ir. Academician Datuk Hong .Ƞ Lee Pee, Professor Ir. Dr. Ewe Hong Tat and Mr. Siang Teck Siong⩋ٴ⺑䓪ࢆท᪅ᢴࣶႷᓣ

ܦፙ䶭ຂЖᐻ࠱᠘ᠫⲏ≖⹨⧓倄 ఩͙႒⻽ឬ݇᫜℀䊇䶭ຂЖᐻࣶڔᕧκᎠᰴᬑͪ㵸 ȟᅐ㟟䓪ࢆท⩋ٴ⺑㏓䮎ทȟႷᓣ ᓃຂ҈৭ᆁ⹦Ƞ䶭ຂЖᐻ⩝͙ᕧޛᕧц䪫ᠫⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱ͧ ͙ ᪅ᢴȟᲔ⊣ᭋ᪅ᢴࢆท倄㏓䮎ทȟ 䋏喏Бࣶ᣼ڠᠭȠₐ℀䊇⮰Ⱊ⮰ᬔ౔Սᄨ䱾ᄽᎠ႒⩋ᄥ⻽ឬ݇᫜⮰ ȟᲔ႒䧓⩋ٴ͜ٲȟ亢⩋ٴыᑦ⊑ ࡳ䱾ᄽᎠ႒⩋ᄥ⻽ឬ݇᫜⮰䃐ⴑসࣽᡑ݇᫜㘩߇Ƞ ޛ᪅ᢴБࣶᑌ㏥䕆ࢆท᪅ᢴȠ

࣮䊇҈৭Б⻽႒ȟ጑⼷ᝂ⻽ឬͦͧ喏छБ⩝႒⩋͖Ϧᝂ㏰᜼䭋й 䮐βຂ䛽ȟຂ⟢ࣶຂᲛ喏㣣ຂ䭋й ͙Ή䶥㏰ݗ䔇㵸喏࢟⩋঩⻽႒ڢ喋̹ 䊱 䓳 ̵ Ϧ喌᣼ ϐ喏҈৭छЧ䔵 तᝂ๓̿䮎ژᰵᱦцः䖬࣮̺ݜ 喋⩋➕ȟḹ➕႒ȟ下৭⻽႒ふ喌ȟ➕⤲⻽႒喋➕⤲ȟࡂ႒ȟ๕᪳႒ふ喌ȟ ᵍⴙ᱋჊Όȟ࣮ߌᎠव䮲಍ ࡧ႒ࣶ֑Ꮳ⻽႒ȟ౜⤯̺⣛ද⻽႒ȟ጑⼷̺⻽ឬȟ⩡㘽጑⼷̺䉰䃛 ڟ጑⼷⻽႒ᆁ喏Ꭲ㷗᣼ह࣮ߌⰤ ⻽ឬȟ᪜⤲ȟ㵸ͦস⹪ц⻽႒ȟБࣶ䌔䶲ഋ⻽႒Ƞ℀䊇κᎠ ఩䭱䊇цȠ ᣑ㣣ᩛ䭋й⮰࣮䊇ڝᰴ䊣㜟Ꭰᰴᬑᐬᩪ⩟䄣Ƞ͙ᕧ̬ 䄣喏ܲݗᲑ㜖䬠⠘͙ࣶ䬠఩ℽಷ͙႒Ƞ⩟ ͙喏じ̬हসじθहᓃຂ䭋йڢ ጞ౔ᰴᬑ㜟ᬑЏ㶔侘Ბ㺫 仂䒚䃰Ⴭఎ᜼঄ͦᲔ๕఩ޛ᪅ᢴȟ䗽Ⅴ䆖ޛ᪅ᢴࣶᑌ䓼ࡺߕ⤲᪅ φݜ∜఩࣮ߌじθᅶ͈Ⰻ႒⩋⻽ ⧓䊇Ƞᰬ㏴䃰Ⴭఎ᜼঄᭛ᠫⲏ≖⹨۟ڑ㏰࣮䊇䭋й䔇ܦ䔵ڝᢴ喏 ႒䶥Ⱊ℀䊇ȠἋ೺䧋□喋⠘⿷喌͙ 倄㏓䮎ทȟᲔ⊣ᭋ᪅ᢴࢆท倄㏓䮎ทȟҁ◩ᬸ᪅ᢴ倄㏓䮎ทȟᲔ႒䧓 ႒䭋й౔℀䊇͙㙝䷂㔸ܦ喏䊎ᓃ ޛ᪅ᢴȟ᳃⊸㘈᪅ᢴࣶᲔ๕఩ޛ᪅ᢴ喏ЂИκᎠᰴᬑ౔͙ ݇᫜㏰じ̬ह喏͙ᕧ౔ₐ㜠Б㜟 ᕧ̺࣮䊇䭋й䔇㵸̬ᄥ̬䲎䄁Ƞ 䄆ᖙ䉦Ƞ

ᓃຂ䭋й喝 得奖者 作品 学校 奖项 文竣、杨政鸿、赵启宣 轻松遥控系统 槟城钟灵(独立)中学 第一名(RM5,000) 蔡纾宜 蒸气设备 吉隆坡坤成中学 第二名(RM3,000) 谢郁达、陈哲颖、丘子辉 自动化学生签到与 槟城钟灵(独立)中学 第三名(RM2,000) 签出记录系统 江晓薇、钟渊新、杨棓陞 自动导向救生圈 吉隆坡坤成中学 优秀奖(RM1,000) 邱苛翡、黎劭辉、陈惠雯 威力发电鞋 居銮中华中学 优秀奖(RM1,000) ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M25

The prize giving ceremony was also he ACCCIM’s Science, Technology and Innovations (STI) attended by Ir. Academician Datuk TCompetition Prize Giving Ceremony and Showcase of Winning Hong Lee Pee, Mr. Siang Teck Siong, Projects were held on 16th July 2016. The Prize Giving Ceremony Professor Ir. Dr. Ewe Hong Tat, was presided by Dato’ Liew Sew Yee, Vice-President of ACCCIM. Academician Professor Dr. Yong Hoi The main objective of the competition is to enhance the interest and Sen, Mr. Foo Wei Keong, Mr. Yau inculcate the spirit of innovation and creativity in school students. Chau Fong, Associate Professor Dr. Yeoh Hak Koon and Professor Dr. Competition entries must be based on Science, Engineering and Chong Wen Tong. Technology. The entry can be submitted by an individual student or a team of not more than three students. The entry shall be from one of Apart from receiving cash prize, the following nine categories: i.e. Life Sciences (Biology, Botany, Food certifi cate and trophy from ACCCIM, Science, etc.), Physical Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, etc.), winning teams will be granted Medical and Health Sciences, Earth and Environmental Sciences, opportunity to conduct short term Engineering and Technology, Computer Science and Information internship in companies or higher Technology, Mathematical Sciences, Behavioral & Social Sciences learning institutions, to participate and Interdisciplinary Sciences. The competition was opened for at Kuala Lumpur Engineering registration from November 2015 till 31st May 2016. There were 237 Science Fair (KLESF) 2016, and applications received by ACCCIM from 12 Chinese Independent High to be nominated for international Schools and 4 SMJK Schools. competition.

Judges for short listing round were Associate Professor Dr. Yong We are happy to inform that the 1st Thian Kok, Associate Professor Dr. Tay Yong Haur and Assistant prize and 2nd prize winning teams had Professor Dr. Chang Yun Fah. A total of 12 participating teams were represented Malaysia to participate at selected for the fi nal round and were invited for viva by judges on 18th the ASEAN Student Science Project June 2016 at ACCCIM. Judges for fi nal round were Ir. Academician Competition (ASPC) 2016 held in Datuk Hong Lee Pee, Academician Professor Dr. Yong Hoi Sen, Thailand from 24th to 30th July 2016. Academician Professor Dr. Ho Chee Cheong, Associate Professor Chung Ling Private High School Dr. Yeoh Hak Koon, Professor Ir. Dr. Lim Yun Seng and Associate (Penang) has won the 1st prize under Professor Dr. Yong Thian Kok. the Innovation Category. Well done and congratulations! The winning teams: Winners Project School Prize Boon Jun, Yong Gent Hoong Eazy Remote Control Chung Ling Private High 1st Prize Cornelius Teoh Qi Xuan School, Penang (RM5,000) Chai Shu Yi Steam and Hot Kuen Cheng High School, 2nd Prize Water Equipment Kuala Lumpur (RM3,000) Cheah Yeok Tatt, Chin Zhe Ying Automatic Attendance Chung Ling Private High 3rd Prize Chew Tzi Hwee System School, Penang (RM2,000) Kang Xiao Wei, Chong Yuan Shing Tracking Lifebuoy Kuen Cheng High School, Merit (RM1,000) Yong Bei Sheng Kuala Lumpur Hen Ke Fei, Lai Shao Hui Power Generating Chong Hwa High School, Merit (RM1,000) Teng Hui Wen Kluang, Johor じ̬ह1st Prize じθह2nd Prize

᪳』ȟᲔᩫ卫ȟ䊡ज़჏Ბ㜖Ἃ೺䧋□喋⠘ ⿷喌͙႒Ƞ 㩍㏪჈Ბ㜖व䮲಍ಐ᜼͙႒Ƞ Boon Jun, Yong Gent Hoong, Cornelius Teoh Qi Xuan Chai Shu Yi from Kuen Cheng High School, Kuala Lumpur. from Chung Ling Private High School, Penang. 26M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities

त∁Аຮҁᒝ৹ SSeminareminar oonn ““NewNew CompanyCompanyژत∁Аຮҁᒝ৹᫜ژĄĄ᫜ त͆ߍস䉏Чą䃞Ꮣ䃞Ꮣ LLaw’saw’s ImpactImpact oonn YYourourژत͆ߍস䉏Чąژᗔᗔ 116-8-20166-8-2016 BBusinessusiness aandnd DDuties”uties”

ጒ䊣喝⣇ͩ཈ᄻ໼ȟ㩍᪳≞ ȟᠫⲏᴑ⩋ٴᒷጴȟ台䓪О ៵䭫䘩ࡺऴȟᠫⲏ݄⦊㸁 ᅬ㏱ȟᠫⲏ台⇇Ẍᒷጴȟ䭴 ଵ᪸ᒷጴࣶ䃤㐋͵ᒷጴȠ From Left: Ms. Marina Nathan, Mr. Michael Chai, Mr. Wong Tat Chung, Dato’ Zahrah Abd Wahab Fenner, Dato’ Liew Sew Yee, Dato’ Wong Pui Lam, Mr. Tan Kar Peng and Mr. Philip Koh.

त⇧⤲්ࣶߌ䔻ᬺᏒȠसᬢ喏΋╸䒿Э͆ژᲑ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌∁ᒷ㏰κᎠᰴᬑճ ۲⮰ त∁Аຮҁᒝ৹ᗔ 䛳㏟छᠭ㐙ࣽᆁ⮰ֆ∁Ƞژ侘͙ࡺᕧੲц๓࣒᜼᳗മͧߊĄ᫜ तژत͆ߍস䉏Чą䃞ᏓȠ䃞ᏓБ㠝䄙䔇㵸喏㏒हᲑ㜖ژ 㦏ηࣶऴхϦȟ⼄Βȟᒷጴȟ仂ፙ䉎ߍ঄ȟ仂ፙ㥑䓼঄ふ̿͆ ͙ᕧޛᕧц䪫ᠫⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱౔㜠⁎䓺䃹ᬢᠳ Ϧทܦፙ䔅䶥䃞ᏓȠ ܦ喏͙ᕧ⁎䓺ガࡂर䶥ੲߍ⼷Ꮋ⮰ᣖ᫩喏ఌͦϞ ੲᩫもᄲ㘩๋ᰵᩴ౜ࡻߕЭ͆ࣽᆁস《εȠ͙ᕧ त᲍ҷ㡵ᵴȨ喏ं ΋⁎䓺ᩫᏈჍᴑ⣜ᰵ⮰Э͆㏻㥑সネ⤲∁㻰喏⶚ژ఩ц̶̷䃚䮎ጞ౔϶Ꭰᰴ䕆䓳ȧᎠ त∁АȨȠԚ䃎䔅䶥㡵ᵴ ԉ䔅χ∁㻰げऴ⣜ЏЭ͆ȠژЏ㜖ᎠБᲑᝬន㵸⮰ȧᎠ 䘔⯽ネȟ⇧⤲ࣶЭ͆䉏Ч喏Ꮛ䮐̹ڱतژ⮰Ⱊ⮰᭛ͦβᩥર げऴ⣜ЏЭ͆⮰⼷Ꮋ喏Б᱋䕆䓳ガࡂ∁ᒷসᩪჩ㻰ネᣖ᫩Ბ ܦፙ䃞Ꮣц⮰࠱᠘͙ᕧޛᕧ䉎ᩫᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺȟह 䭹Ѻ᜼᱘喏ͦ᱘౜Э͆ტൽ䕌̬͖ᰵݕࣴϞੲ⮰⣛දȠ 㾵䶪䬚ᠫⲏ䭴ᔬႵᒷጴȟ͙๚⤲ηႀА哅ᅬ㏱ȟ ȟᱺы͊ⶁทȟᠫⲏ䭴Ნ䒵ȟ䷈᪳䧒⩋ٴڔᱺᰵ ふȠ⩋ٴ ߖ̭ڹ⇅䉤ᬿȟऴ҈⹪ࣶ⊴䉥䘔䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸䴕ڱ䃞Ꮣ⩝఩ तༀ঄ц仂ፙន㵸঄ᠫⲏᴑ៵䭫䘩ژᠭᐬᎁ喋⩝侘Ბ㺫φͧ 㣖͙ࡺᕧੲцসڜत⼷Ꮋ喏ᄲ吿 䃞Ꮣࡻߊੲц᭛व䮲಍ᯔ䰖ژ⿷त∁Аガࡂ᜼ژࡺऴЏ㶔喌Ƞ䘔䪫㶔⹦喏᫜ तㆧݗ喏㐋̬᜼ ጠ⩋͙ࡺᕧੲц喏侘Ბ㺫φ఩䭱ᕧੲцস侘Ბ㺫ژߝᰠๆᎠ䒧Ϧ݇͆Ƞ᫜∁А̷΋㥩჊ᵥᢚ ц᭛ₐ䶥≧ߔ⮰ᩛᠭࢁѹȠ䃞Ꮣц΋ژ䉥⩔喏Ⱔԍᄲᰵߕκ䭹Ѻ݇͆᜼᱘Ƞ᫜∁ᒷ⮰᳢Ჰ㮩♢ⰷ φᒷጴ⿷ 䘔ᣓݢ喏㺭Ⅾᰠ倄ᴳ 㣣ᓃ侘Ბ㺫φ఩䭱ᕧੲцࣶ哅೺䯲ఎरݗ䊊ߕڱѨ㜖⩝ࡂЭ͆䶲ഋ喏Ѳη჊̶ᬔ౔ߌᑦ 3. Ƞ

त᱖Ბ᣼ॴᎠᏒ⩟៑㶔喋"OOVBMژत᲍ҷ㡵ᵴȨẮ䔜ȧ ₐโ喏ژ㞮̬ ȧᎠ⣛ ҫ⩔㶔ᵨ喏ࣹͷᄲц䛳㏟ຮڹतༀ঄цЭ͆もܾ䘔ͧЧ⣇ͩ཈ᄻ໼ 3FUVSO喌ᬢ喏ᄲ̹цژ䃞Ϧ喝ͧ䃞Ϧ 侘Ბ侘Ბ㺫φͧ ͧᠭϦ喝͙ᕧ∁ᒷ㏰ޛͧЧ䭴ଵ᪸ᒷጴ स⩡ၼ៑⼺⮰⩡ၼ⩟៑ὍᐻᲑंЏȠ

तᎠᏒ⩟៑㶔সჍ䃍ᎠᏒ䉎៑΋ᄲᬌ䰬̬स᣼ژ त᜼⿷ঔᎠ⮰๕ژतᎠᏒ⩟៑㶔䰬㺭౔ژत喏㔸 ॴȠژत ᲍ ҷ 㡵 ᵴȨ̷喏̬͖Ϧӫ㘩᜼⿷̬ტ ژ ౔ȧ     Ꭰ तख䰬ژ᣼ॴȠ㠑䓳̬ࣧᎠ⇍ᰵϬʹᩥऄ喏䄑ڱ त݅㺭ᰵ㜟ᄽ͐ह㦏ηȠژЂ΋छБ᭛ࢁ⠘㦏η喏㔸̶ጮ त㠑䔊㐙̵Ꭰ⇍ᰵ᣼ژ䬼ᬺĂ⇍ᰵᩥऄăȠ̬ტ त⮰㦏ηͷ㫖䚘̬჆㺭౔㗍͈๓ц͙㣣ᓃឥژतᝂၼژጮ̶ छ㘩ц㷗᧐䨬Ƞڸ∔ڢॴᎠᏒ⩟៑㶔喏 㫖䚘喏Ѳ᭛̬჆䕆ⴑڟत喏㦏ηᅬछБឥ۲ᰵژ۲Ƞ㜟κ⻭Ϧ ࣹᄥȠܦ㔸᣼ژत̹ژ㗍͈喏㗍͈छఌ㫖䚘ᄥ त䰬㺭౔ࣽ㐅㦏ηऺژत䉎៑᫥䲎喏⻭Ϧژ㜟κ त݅䰬㺭౔ᎠᏒц঄๓ژ᣼ॴ喏㔸̶ጮڱ⮰๕ Ƞڸ∔Ⴤڸ∔तژत⼄Βᓱ䶧ऽژ᫜᲍ҷ΋㻰჆喏ᝬᰵ ᣼ॴȠڱцऺ⮰๕ ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M27

त㜖ᙫژĄܦऒ̬᫥䲎喏᫜᲍ҷ̷ᣔ զႵᢾą喋$PSQPSBUF 7PMVOUBSZ֫ "SSBOHFNFOU喌সĄत∁ネ⤲ą喋+ V E J D J B M  䉎ߍజ䯪⮰ڑBOBHFNFOU喌喏Бᩥ䕌䮣. ⌱तژⰠᣑᄲٹत᣼Ӈᩥ䕌᳢Ჰ喏䖫ژ ⰄȠ

त̺զᱯϦژĄЭ͆㜖ᙫ֫զႵᢾą᭛ ᰵ㏒᲋⮰໑ࡻᝂႵᢾ喏Ѳ䄑໑ࡻڣ䓪᜼ ∁ᝂႵᢾ᭛ᬌ䰬䕆䓳∁Ꮩ⮰ឥ۲ȠĄत ፙ㔱⮰ܦतༀ঄цЭ͆もܾ䘔ͧЧ⣇ͩ཈ᄻ໼㼏むژネ⤲ą݅᭛౔∁Ꮩ⯽ⲏ̷ᮮᬢᕓ᠛᩽᫥ 侘Ბ㺫φ ᵴ喏ःༀ⮰त∁㏻⤲䰬㺭౔⇍ᰵ⌱Ⰴ⮰ ᣼䬚喏टͦ䭴ଵ᪸ᒷጴȠMs. Marina Nathan, Head of Corporate ,⒈㘩༭㗭̷喏۲ำস㥩჊ᩥ䕌䃍ܾȠ Strategy Section of SSM responded of questions from the fl oor right was Mr. Tan Kar Peng.

त᲍ҷ㡵ᵴȨ͙⮰㗍᱘ࣶ䉰᱘ԉႄȧژ㞮θ ȧᎠ⣛ 㺫⩋ٴत∁সੲߍ∁ༀ঄ц㖀ऴͧፙ台䓪Оژцژ䃞Ϧ喝ͧ䃞Ϧ 侘Ბ侘Ბ㺫φᒷጴͧ ᒷ㏰ͧЧ㩍᪳≞ᒷጴ∁ڨᕧ⼄ΒޛᠭϦ喝͙ᕧじθͧ

त᲍ҷ㡵ᵴȨᄲ㥩჊㗍⺔ᬌ䲎ըݢᏒ(No-ParژȧᎠ Value Regime)喏ᅶᬢ౔Ꮛ䮐㗍⺔䲎ըݢᏒऺ喏㦏η᠑ᰵᰠ๓ ⮰㜖⩝㷭䛻ᱯ喏۟჆㗍⺔УᵨȠ

ᩪ᝷䃕㦏η䮻ᘻݢڔ䓳喏ᅩネᏋ䮐㗍⺔䲎ըݢᏒ喏Ꭲ䲊Ⴘ̹ ჆㗍⺔Уᵨ喏ࣹͷ㦏ηᓱ䶧៱䊣ԍង䉏Ч喏䄆ԍ჆УȠ

䔅᭛ദκ࣋ᰵ⮰㗍⺔䲎ըݢᏒᬔ౔ԉ័㗍͈ࣶզᱯϦ⮰ᱯ у⮰䩅䄛㻮ژत⮰䉰ϓУը喏Ꭲ̀ᑁࣽژ⯶喏Ѳᬌ∁ࣹᭌ 䃞Ą㗍᱘ࣶ䉰᱘ԉႄą᲍᪳Ƞͧ⩋ٴ台䓪О ᔡ喏䄛Бͦ㗍⺔䲎ը᭛㗍⺔⮰჊䭱УըȠ Mr. Wong Tat Chung presented a talk on “Share Capital and Capital Maintenance Provisions in ำ⮰䰬ה㥩჊㗍⺔ᬌ䲎ըݢᏒऺ喏ᄲ݌䮐㗍Щ⏎У䉒ᝣস ”तБោតУࣽ㵸㗍ЩȠ The Companies Billژ㺭喏ҫ

त᲍ҷ㡵ᵴȨ͙⮰㦏η㕸䉏ȧژ㞮̵ ȧᎠ⣛ 㺫⩋ٴ͵䃞Ϧ喝ͧ䃞Ϧ 侘Ბ侘Ბ㺫φ倄ふ∁䮎䉰⌝ᒷጴ䃤㐋ͧ ͧᠭϦ喝͙ᕧ∁ᒷ㏰ޛͧЧᠫⲏ台⇇Ẍᒷጴ

᫜᲍ҷ㥩჊ऺ喏㦏η⮰䄌䛶᭛҈ͦネ⤲ࣶᠳᄨȫ喋喌 ᲍᪳Ȭ喏Ꭲᬺ⶚䬼ᬺ㦏ηᝬ᠑ᰵ䔇㵸ネ⤲ȟᠳᄨࣶ⯽ⲏ 䃤㐋͵ᒷጴऽ࣮ ⮰ᱯ߇ȫ喋喌᲍᪳Ȭ喞㔸᲍᪳΋䬼ᬺᓱ䶧㺭Ӊᢚ ߌ㔱䃞㼏Ą㦏η㕸 त⮰「⼷Ƞ 䉏ą᲍᪳Ƞژ Mr. Philip Koh ∁А΋䬼ᬺ喏㦏η⮰䉏Чস㕸ߍͦԍងȫ喋喌᲍᪳Ȭȟ briefed participants ⚓̺᫅ឬ㘩ȫ$BSF4LJMM喋喌᲍᪳ȬȠ on “Director’s Duties” Provisions ₐโ喏ᵥᢚじ喋喌᲍᪳喌⌱Ẇ䬼ᬺ喏࢟ҫ䔅ह㦏ηᄲ त⮰ژࣧ喏Ђ䔄᭛䰬㺭ឫ៱ᰬ๓⮰䉏ЧȠ Ђᑦ䄯喏रѹ㦏η䘩ᓱ䶧㺭䃐䃲সβ㼏㜖ტܦ጑҈ܲ䙹 त⮰䉰ϓ᭛ᆊژ喏Ꭲ̀᣼䚾㦏ηИ喏㺭ᬢݧ➎䃜⼷」 ⩔त喏㔸̹᭛㜖ጝᝂЧҁरݗ㗍͈⮰喏ఌₐ౔䓼ژतͷ䬠⇍ᰵႄ౔ κژ౔ԍង⮰䉏Ч᫥䲎喏㦏η䰬㺭⶚ԉস Ђ䮼㫻Ⱊ⮰Ƞڢᱯ߇ᬢ喏̹㘩ᰵڢ त⮰ᱦц䒘⼧ݜ㜖ጝ⮰䏗̶Ƞژݕ⯶۞⾭ᝂ᭛ᄲ 28M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities

ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆喋ጒ喌 㻭䃭䄱㼏ำᔄᒁ⮰ オ㒞Ƞጒ䊣ͦᠫⲏ 䭴䩳ᬺȟᠫⲏ⺂䭫 ৴ȟ㟻៵䯱ࣶᠫڥ ⲏ᳃ႵᔌȠ Datuk Ter Leong Yap witnessed the MOU signing ceremony. From left: Dato’ Tan Tian Meng, Datuk Dr. Zul Azhar, Puan Suraya and Dato’ ఩఩ℽఎ㏿჊Ό䃍ܾℽఎ㏿჊Ό䃍ܾ Lim Aun Choong. Unity Internship Programme 20-8-2016

ᕧ⼄Βᠫⲏ᳃Ⴕᔌオ㒞䄱㼏ำᔄޛ喏͙ᕧস侘Ბ㺫 㺫φ䔊䨭ࡻц̷ט仂Ⱔ㒞఩ℽఎ㏿ᅬ⮰ͧ ౔φ䔊䨭ࡻцጞ㏻সᝬ๓႒オ㒞఩ℽఎ㏿჊ ᒁȠ㻭䃭Ϧ᭛͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆Ƞ Ό䃍ܾ䄱㼏ำᔄᒁ喏࢟侘Ბφ๓႒喏⣇៵጑㞦๓႒喏 ࢆ➥៵๓႒喏侘Ბ㺫φ఩ℽ๓႒喏侘Ბ㺫φ఩䭱ж ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ጸ᱇䔅䶥䃍ܾ㘩䃕ో㦃ᰠβ㼏䲊ో㦃⮰ ㈧Ƞࣧڟ 侘Ბ㺫φࡃ᫥๓႒ࣶ侘Ბ Э͆᪳ࡂ喏ᢸᤍ጑҈⣛ද喏ߌᑦरℽ᫻স䄼 ๓႒喏व䮲಍๓႒ڜ᫛ हᲑ㜖侘๓স⣇៵጑㞦๓႒⮰ో㦃 ᰵڝ㺫φ⣧⦯ጮ๓႒Ƞ Ꭰ喏 त჊Ό喏㔸϶Ꭰ΋सᵣᄲႵᢾژ႒⩋喏≪ᒬ䲊ో㦃 侘Ბ㺫φ⣧⦯ጮ๓႒᭛࣮ߌₐ䃍ܾ⮰じᝬ๓႒喏  ह჊Ό⩋࣮̺Ƞ 䄱㼏ำᔄᒁκᎠᰴᬑճ䄑๓႒オ㒞Ƞڟᰵ ڔ఩ℽఎ㏿㏰ͧЧᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺЏ㶔͙ ͙ᕧ㒞⤲ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟᕧ⼄Βᠫⲏࢎ᜼ڨᕧ䉎ᩫޛ͙ᕧ ᕧ喏̺఩ℽఎ㏿ᅬ⹪цఎ㏿̺㲹ऴ㏰ͧЧ㟻៵䯱ȟ ࣶ⣧⦯ጮ͙ᕧц䪫Ꮀ̳∜΋ܦፙ㻮⹨Ƞ ৴Бࣶ侘Ბڥ侘Ბ㺫φ⣧⦯ጮ๓႒ᵍ䪫ᠫⲏ⺂䭫

᭵ῗశ₸ |Congratulations 仂ᄭ䉼ٯ中总永久名誉会长 ᎠἋጊ ᠫⲏ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱ 创办的 侘Ბ㺫φᓱ㘈亚᫅䯲ఎ (Spritzer)


⩋ٴ荣获“2016年世界品牌奖” ᱺ◛㞛 荣膺PKT勋衔

ѿसϭ᪘䉦ڔ侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌 ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M29 ȧ㠝䯰ຂȨ

“My Hero” 2.0 Award l 6-9-2016

ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆喋ጒ喌ȟͥ᫛䛸Ѽ⦋ऐ Datuk Ter Leong Yap (2nd from left); YB Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima ᒷ喋ጒ 喌ࣶ ᠫ ⲏ ᎞ᓣḚ喋ट喌ȟ݄ᔃ Joseph Kurup (3rd from left), Dato’ Gandesan (2nd from right); 喋ጒ 喌ͦ Mr. Richard Lau Chi Chiang (1st from right) and Mr. Chan Aun Kuang⩋ ٴ ٵ 喋ट 喌স 䭴 ⅵ⩋ ٴ ᑦ ȧ㠝䯰ຂȨ 䶭ຂ⹨ͧᠭᐬᎁȠ (1st from left) launched “MyHero” Award 2.0 Presentation Ceremony.

㣖͙ࡺᕧੲцκᰴᬑճ͙ࡺᕧ Ą⣜϶ϦИ⩋≧౔౜⤯ᱽ喏ϦϦ䘩ᰵ䉏Ч᡹ࢗ఩ڜ䮲಍ᯔ䰖 वੲц๓࣒᜼᳗മͪߊȧ㠝䯰ຂȨ䶭ຂ⹨喏 ტস䄼Ƞ఩Ϧᓱ䶧ᬢݧ䂒ᘁ喏䕆䓳㐠័ზ∁স఩ Б㶔ម᜽఩⮰ℽ䬠㠝䯰喏ӯ䔇఩ტఎ㏿ࣶϦℽস ტ࣋݅喏䔇̬ₑጕదर᫻ͷ䬠⮰⤲㼏Ƞą 䄼Ƞ͙ᕧͦₐ≧ߔ⮰ᩛᠭࢁѹȠ ͥ᫛䛸Ѽ⦋ऐᒷ⺉䉦ह㠝䯰ຂᓃͧȠЂ䄠喏ᩫ ᭪㠝䯰ຂᓃͧᙫᘻ➦➞㜖ጝ⮰ᬢ䬠ȟܤЂ Ꮘᰵᓱ㺭ڢ仂Ⱔ㒞䘔䪫ͥ᫛䛸Ѽ⦋ऐᒷ᭛䶭ຂ⹨⮰ͧც喏 ଵცᰵ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟ఩ℽఎ㏿ࣶ㲹ऴᅬ 䛽䧝স㇪⺊ࣧፚߕЂϦ⮰ຩϦຩη喏䬠ᣑ᪅㗞 स᝿䕌ࣷ❝㇪⺊Ƞڝᕧ⯽ᠫⲏ᎞ᓣḚȟゥༀцͧፙ݄ᔃᑦ喋ट喌সȧࢃ ⹪ц Ƞٵੲ៑Ȩᕧ㑂䒽䭴ⅵ∷ ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆౔㜠䃹ᬢᠳܦ喏఩ℽఎ㏿ࣶ⻹᫻স䄼 ȧ㠝䯰ຂȨ᭛ጸ᱇䔻䓳䔅䶥≧ߔាर᫻Ⴔ᱇Ⱔ ᭛఩ტᠭ㐙䔇ₑস⽟֑ࣽᆁ⮰ᵥദ喏䔅ᄥ᠑ᰵๆ ᪳ࡂ㞞ᒕ⮰侘Ბ㺫φ㔸㼬喏ᰠ᭛Ჭٯℽ᫻ȟๆٯ ߕ喏̬χℽ䬠ᄻጮℽᝬֆ䓳⮰ы๓η䔥ߌБ㶔ម喏 䔻䓳र䄙᪳៑「ᝂネ䕿჏មĄຩϦຩηą喏ᄲ̬χ᎟ ͦ䛹㺭Ƞ ܍Ϧ➕⮰߳᪎㵸ͦȟͦ⹪ц҈ܦ⮰䉍⡚ふᙋϦ⮰ᩱ Ђᄽ᪜᫻㓐सѻ̬͖ᅷㅣ̷喏ڢߵߝ⮰䃛ᖛȠ Ąࡺȟ጗ȟ࢜সܦη喏ፒ ᜽Иᅝຮ̬͖๓ტᏙ喏ᅩネ⃻͖ტᏙ᜼঄⮰ᕓ 喏侘Ბ㺫φ϶ᎠᎲ⺉じঔᎠ ᵨȟᕉ㐠ᰵᝬ̹स喏֢ᅀцϓ⩋ⴇⰪܲₓ喏Ѳ᭛ܦ᫛䛸Ѽ⦋ऐᒷᠳͥ ⠘⿷喏र᫻Ϧℽ⩋≧౔স᎟ȟস䄼⮰⣛ද喏㔸᜽఩⠘ ๓ტ䘩цߖ߇౜⇋䕆ȟ⤲㼏ᄥ᫥喏䃪∁Ⅾसႄ ֑⽟⻹᫻ȟ᪳ࡂ㗸ᮛ喏ӯ᜼᜽఩϶ᬑᝬ᠑ᰵ⮰᜼ ᐮȟᄶ䛹ᒨₐ喏ͦ⮰ᅝ᭛䃕᜽И⮰఩ტ㐓㐙ٯ⮰ๆ➥ ᅝȠЂᑦ䄯喏᜽఩ႄᰵ⮰̹सჃ᪅ȟ᪳ࡂȟ䄙㼬喏Ꭲ ࣽᆁȟ㍭㢏ᬸⰇȠ ̹цᄨ㜠఩ტऄᑝ喏ࣹ㔸᭛఩ტ⮰̬䶥ф߫Ƞ 30M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities

⮰छ䉡㇪⺊喏䮲䰖͙ᕧ㐓❝ڟβᠭ㐙ᣔᎫসՍᄨࣷ᫻ͷ䬠ξⰤͦ ߊȧ㠝䯰ຂȨ喏ᬔ౔㶔ᒜ᜽఩रℽ᫻ͷ䬠̹ 6名英雄奖得主ͪ⁍ڹᎠऺ喏϶Ꭰ ⻹᫻ȟჃ᪅喏ξⰤࡻߕ⮰ᙋϦ჊䭱Ƞ϶Ꭰ喏΋➥ݗ්䃪Ą㑽㐈េ䔵ܲ ᰬः⁎䓺㠝䯰ą喏⩝㑽ࣷИេ䔵ܦЂИᓯⰚ͙⮰㠝䯰Ƞ e陈美成喋 ᆭ喏ᒙϔ喌 ڧ䭴㒺᜼ϺᎠЏᐬ໷喏̺໧ၼᩢ ᰵϦ㣣ᓃ᣼ह喏㏻䓳᣼हȟᣔ㡼ȟᴑᵤふ⼷Ꮋ ႐㠒Ѣϯ⮰႐٫喏㜟϶㛉̷⮰हڝȧ㠝䯰ຂȨ ၼຟ喏ᰵ侘ᲑϦȟࡺϦȟ࢜ᏒϦȟڧ हげऴ䃰䔵ᴳ۲⮰Ą㠝䯰ąȠЂ И ܲ ݗ ᭛ 䭴 㒺ܦऺ喏䃰Ⴭఎ䖠䔵 Ϧসో㦃喏䘩ጞ䪫๓᜼ϦȠٷࢆทȟ̈́厐᎟ȟ⢷᪳䯰ࣶ台⻬ᖕȠᓃຂ㔱䮐β 䩍ڥ᜼ȟႵᵨ៵ȟ䭫䘩䭫 ःༀఎ㏿๓ҫ喏΋㣣ᓃАव⣜䛽ȟຂ⟢ࣶຂᲛȠĄ㑽㐈េ䔵ᰬ ः⁎䓺㠝䯰ąᓃͧ݅᭛䭫᱗ᑃ⇅Ƞ e安格拉喋  ᆭ喏㟅㧵喌  Ⴕᵨ៵᭛7JOBTIJOJᙴરͷტ݇ߊϦ 䮎䪫喏ፚߕ̹ᄽ㇪⺊̶স㗎ѿ̶ڨ ᰵ₷⫪⮰႕】ࣶ᜼ϦȠ

喌⩞ڙe阿都阿兹博士喋  ᆭ喏侘 ႕ڧࢆท౔Ꭰݹᐬ໷䶲ڥ䭫䘩䭫 ၼ౔Ђ⮰ഥ㗞̷᜼Ϧ᜼ڧၼ喏ๆह ᝹ȠⰚݹЂ 䮐β हϞ ⩋ ႕ၼ喏΋䶲 βहर᫻⮰႕ၼȠڧ

㣖喌ڜe丘鹤平喋  ᆭ喏䰖 ᆭᬢͦፚߕ᰷ࣷ⮰᰷ࣷ㔸᡼㵬喏 રͪ΋ᙋڢᰵ⁍喏ڝ㜟϶᡼㵬 ᳿๖๖喏̬䊣᡼㵬᩽ϦȠ

喌ͥڜe 王文雄喋ᆭ喏व  㮩♢䏗ᰵ₷⫪喏ѲϺ̹ᕔᖔЧҁ ٴȟ台⻬ᖕຟทȟ⢷᪳䯰⩋ٴहȧ㠝䯰ຂȨᓃͧȠጒ䊣喝̈́厐᎟ Ϧ喏ࣹ㔸⼛Ჭ᪏᧙₏㘩䛻㐅ঔఠ⮰ ࢆทȠڥȟႵᵨ៵ຟทࣶ䭫䘩䭫⩋ٴȟ䭴㒺᜼⩋ ఩र౜⮰႒ᵍͪߊ⓬ߝڔϦ喏Ꭲݜ Six winners of “MyHero” Award 2.0. From left: Mr. Hew Hock Peng, 䃞Ꮣ喏ᄲ䃤ๆ䓥㑄႒⩋ᑁఊ₏䒔Ƞ Mdm. Wong Siew Yin, Mr. Ong Boo Siong, Mr. Tan Bee Seng, Mdm. A Angela Devi and Dr. Abdol Aziz Sahat. e 黄秀恩喋  ᆭ喏⇅ጠ喌 台⻬ᖕ㏻፤̹ܲ⻹᫻ࣶჃ᪅喏᡼ߕ ⹴⺣ᝬȟ⺊Ꮕふ喏Ꭲፚߕ̹ᎤϦท喏 ࠱᠘ͦ▗▪▪叺Ԛูᝫၼȟ䊌䔭䒚 ḱ㐅₷⫪ϦทふȠ

ͥ᫛䛸Ѽ⦋ऐᒷ喋ट喌౔ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ 喋ጒ 喌⮰䮖स̷喏䶭ࣽຂᲛȟὍ᠋ᩛ⺔স 喋ጒ 喌Ƞ⩋ٴༀЧ⟢δ䭴㒺᜼ YB Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Joseph Kurup (3rd from right) accompanied by Datuk Ter Leong Yap (2nd from left), represented the trophy, mock cheque and certifi cate of appointment to Mr. Tan Bee Seng. ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M31

᭵ῗశ₸  Congratulations

中总总会长拿督戴良业 获委任国民团结大使 Datuk Ter Leong Yap, President of ACCCIM Appointed As National Unity Ambassador

Ⱔ㒞䘔䪫ͥ᫛䛸Ѽ⦋ऐᒷ౔ȧ㠝䯰 仂 ຂȨ䶭ຂ⹨̶჏ጯ喏఩ტఎ㏿ࣶ㲹ऴᅬ ༀЧ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ͦ఩ℽఎ㏿๓ҫ喏㶔 មЂᣔߔ఩ℽఎ㏿ᝬ҈ܦ⮰䉍⡚喏㐓㐙ߌᑦर᫻ ㈧Ƞڟͷ䬠⮰ࣷຩ

ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆喋ጒ喌Ϻͥ᫛䛸Ѽ⦋ऐᒷ ट ᝷͙ᣑ䓳 ఩ℽఎ㏿๓ҫ⮰ༀ Ч⟢ȠDatuk Ter Leong Yap (left) received the certificate of appointment as National Unity Ambassador from YB Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Joseph Kurup (right).

⁎Ꮂ侘Ბ㺫φᬑ㖆丼ц Malaysia Day Celebration Gathering l 15-9-2016 㣖͙ࡺᕧੲц喋䮲䰖͙ᕧ喌κڜ䮲಍ᯔ䰖 वᎠᰴᬑճ͙ࡺᕧੲц๓࣒᜼᳗മͪߊ⁎Ꮂ Ꮂ侘ڝፙ喏ܦ侘Ბ㺫φᬑ㖆丼ц喏䖬䄣र᫻Ϧℽ Ბ㺫φᬑ喏ӯ䔇఩ℽఎ㏿ࣶস䄼≧ߔȠ

䔅䶥≧ߔ⮰ͧცͦ仂Ⱔ㒞䘔䪫ͥ᫛䛸Ѽ⦋ऐᒷȠ ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟじ̬ޛᕧ⼄Βͥ᫛䛸ᑌ ᬸ఩ȟじθޛᕧ⼄Β㩍᪳≞ᒷጴȟޛᕧ䉎ᩫᯔ఩ ℽఎ㏿㏰ͧЧᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺБࣶ䮲䰖͙ᕧ఩ℽఎ㏿ 㹰ⰇͪȠڝፙ㖆丼喏ܦस̬⩋ٴ㏰ͧЧ݄ᔃᑦ

YB Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Joseph Kurup (6th from left) waved the Jalur Gemilang togather with Datuk Ter Leong Yap (5th from left), guests and kids 仂Ⱔ㒞 䘔䪫ͥ᫛䛸Ѽ⦋ऐᒷ喋ጒ喌̺ᠫ ⲏ ᝠ㞛 ͆喋ጒ喌ࣶ from various races. From 2nd of left: Mr. Richard Lau ౔ц̶ᡑߔ఩ᬃ喏⁎Ꮂ侘Ბ㺫φᬑȠጒ䊣 Chi Chiang, Dato’ Tan Tian Meng, Tan Sri Teo Chiang【уଵცসर᫻٫ .ȟᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺȟͥ᫛䛸ᑌᬸ఩ȟ㩍᪳≞ᒷጴȠ Kok and Mr. Michael Chai⩋ٴ喝݄ᔃᑦͦ 32M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities Ą࣯Բ∷೸ ໇ଓ௿⧻ ͙఩㏻≺䄯᪠ᄥ͈ࢃφ⮰ᒝ৹ą఩䭱ⵀ䃔ц International Workshop “Great Fall or New Normal?

China’s Economic Restructuring and its Impact on Southeast Asia” 28-7-2016

͙ᕧܦፙЏ 㶔̺侘 Ბφ๓႒ޛᵍ䪫 ऴᒝȠጒ䊣喝侘Ბ φ๓႒͙఩ⵀ⾢ ᝬᝬ䪫台ၼಆ᪅ ᢴࢆทȟ䗽ᔃ⃱ࢆ ทȟᠫⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ ㏱ȟ侘Ბφ๓႒ޛ ᵍ䪫1SPGFTTPS %S "XBOH #VMHJCB "XBOH.BINVEȟ ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟᠫ ⲏ䭴䩳ᬺȟᠫⲏ ٴ㸁ڠӶȟᱺٲ䭴 ⩋Ƞ rganised by Institute of China Studies From left: Professor Dr. Danny Wong, Director of ICS, Dr. O(ICS), University of Malaya (UM) and Teh Chee Ghee, Dato’ Liew Sew Yee, Professor Dr. Awang co-organised by ACCCIM, the International Bulgiba Awang Mahmud, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Workshop “Great Fall or New Normal? China’s University Malaya, Datuk Ter Leong Yap, Dato’ Tan Tian Economic Restructuring and its Impact on Meng, Datuk Tan Teow Choon, Mr. Lee Heng Guie. Southeast Asia” was held on 28th July 2016 at the Auditorium of ICS. The workshop was sponsored by Sunsuria Berhad. By bringing together scholars and experts from academic institutions and think tanks in China, U.S., This is the first joint collaboration between Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, Laos, Philippines, ACCCIM and ICS in organising an event. Datuk Indonesia and Malaysia, the workshop aimed to Ter Leong Yap, President of ACCCIM and provide insights on the impact of China’s economic Professor Dr. Danny Wong Tze Ken, Director slowdown on Southeast Asia. Mr Teoh Kok Lin, of ICS delivered speeches; and Professor Dr. Deputy Chairman of ACCCIM Socio-Economic Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud, Deputy Vice Research Committee moderated the session on Chancellor (Academic & International) of UM “Domestic Response on New Normal” whilst Mr. officiated the opening of the International Lee Heng Guie, Executive Director of SERC Sdn Bhd. Workshop. moderated the session on “Impact of New Normal on SEA: Perspectives of Trade and Investment”. Given the fact that China is one of ASEAN’s most important trading partners, ACCCIM recognizes ACCCIM representatives attended the workshop the need for a comprehensive understanding were Vice-President Dato’ Liew Sew Yee, Deputy on China’s recent economic development. For Treasurer Dato’ Tan Tian Meng, National Council that reason, ACCCIM and ICS jointly organised Members Dr. Leong Kai Hin and Mr. Loo Chea Hee, this workshop in order to contribute to a more Honorary Adviser Datuk Tan Teow Choon, Deputy intensive and substantive economic interaction Chairman of Commerce Committee Dr. Wong between ASEAN and China. Hong Chau and etc. ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M33

఩ᕧੲцᐬ᪷㞮᠇ᒱцڔ侘Ბ㺫φ National Chamber of Commerce andIndustry of Malaysia (NCCIM) Hari Raya Open House 28-7-2016

ጒ䊣喝͈໽㟻㣝ᰨ⇅ȟᠫⲏ䊇䭫䛸㣗৴᱗䭫 ៵䓪᫛ȟᠫⲏᝠ㞛ࣶ͆ᠫⲏ᫛䛸䊇㘍⩟৴ ᫛℀ξⰤϐ≭ȠFrom left: Tengku Sulaiman Shah Alhaj Ibni Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, Datuk Syed Ali Mohamed Alattas, Datuk Ter Leong Yap and Datuk Seri Syed Hussien Al Habshee at the Hari Raya Open House.

఩ᕧੲцκᎠᰴᬑճव䮲಍4FSJ1BDJGJD 侘Ბ㺫φ䭫㖀䙷ੲߍ⤲ηцͧፙ͈໽㟻ڔᲑ㺫φ 侘䙾Ꮓͪߊᐬ᪷㞮᠇ᒱц喏䖬䄣रᆊцࣶ๓ҫ亲Џ㶔ȟᩫᏈ 㣝ᰨ⇅΋ः䖬ܦፙȠ͙ᕧܦፙЏ㶔࠱᠘ᠫ ȟ㩍᪳≞ᒷጴȟᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺȟᠫڔᎲᐬ᪷㞮Ƞ ⲏࢎ᜼ڝᱦᲰჄ঄ڟࣶⰤ ふȠ⩋ٴȟु䩿ૈ⩋ٴⲏॠ䕤᎟ȟ䷈᪳䧒 ఩ᕧੲцц䪫ᯔ侘Ბ㺫φ侘ᲑϦᕧੲڔᐬ᪷㞮㡢ц⩝侘Ბ㺫φ ఩ᕧੲц᜼⿷κᎠ喏᭛ڔፙ䶲ᄨ࠱᠘ 侘Ბ㺫φܦцц䪫ᠫⲏ䊇䭫䛸㣗৴᱗䭫៵䓪᫛ͧᠭȠरᆊцͷ ᰵ͖ᆊц喏͙࢟ڝ侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟ侘Ბ㺫φ఩䭱ᕧ ᜽఩⻭Ϧ⩸ᰬ倄㏰㏳喏 ੲцц䪫ᠫⲏଵͩ៵㟙㟙ȟ侘Ბ㺫φ࢜ᏒϦᕧੲц㒞⤲ᕧц䪫ᠫ ᕧȟ侘Ბ㺫φ侘ᲑϦᕧੲцȟ侘Ბ㺫φ࢜ ᏒϦᕧੲцȟ侘Ბ㺫φ఩䭱ᕧੲцБࣶ侘 ٴڜፙ䓪㐠᫛䓪㏟㠝ᓣͧޛцژⲏ៵ᘥ᫛ࢍ㨉ȟ侘Ბ㺫φࢮੲ цȠژ఩ᕧੲцᕧ⼄Βᠫⲏ᫛䛸䊇㘍⩟৴᫛℀Ƞ Ბ㺫φࢮੲڔȟБࣶ侘Ბ㺫φ⩋

ज⎪Ӕߍༀ঄цЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫 ͙ᕧ⩝㒞⤲ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟᕧ⼄Βᠫᠫⲏ ᕧ䉎ᩫᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺȟ͙๚⤲ηᠫⲏॠ䕤᎟ȟႀАޛȟڔࢎ᜼ Visit by Delegation of Overseas 哅ᅬ㏱স䉰䃛ࣶ䕆䃛጑㞦㏰䶪䬚台ਞᑦᣑᒱȠ Community Affairs Council, Taiwan 6-8-2016 ͙ᕧ̺ज⎪Ӕༀцͷ䬠̬Ⱐ䘩ᰵᲑᒬ喏䮐β⃻Ꭰᣔ㡼ц঄ੲ ტݜज⎪࣮ߌӔༀцͧߊ⮰र䶥ഥ䃙䄪⼷โ喏㜖Ꭰᐬ ໷喏͙ᕧ౔Ӕༀц⮰䊊ߕ̷喏⃻Ꭰ౔侘Ბ㺫φͪ㵸㏻䉤ግఊ ࢆทڠӔߍༀ঄ц᫜Чༀ঄䪫ॠ᫜⎪ 䃞ᏓȠ ᠈ݹᲑۃ喌᠔ڙκᎠᰴᬑ喋ᭋ᱋ ज  ц͙ᕧ喏̺͙ᕧ䶲ᄨᅮ䔇㵸ϐ≭Ƞ䮻㵸⮰ᰵज ࣸ᫥ᅝຮҁӯ䔇侘ज͐౜ͷ䬠⮰㏻䉤䄪䷄䔇㵸βϐ≭Ƞ͙ ⎪Ӕ⩋ะะ䪫Ꮀ⥨᳉ȟ侧侘जࡃ㏻≺᪳ࡂߊη ⻽͆ۈᕧ⁎䓺ࣶ吿ߝᰠๆजੲݜ侘Ბ㺫φេ䉰喏➥ݗ᭛౔ ะ「䃍᎟Џ㶔ȟӔߍ㏰᳃⍙ᓣ㏰䪫ࣶ᳃㉌⤌ Ⰻጮ͈ڑឬȟ⩡ၼੲߍস⩋➕⻽ឬ䶲ഋ喏Б侘Ბ㺫φ҈ͦ䔇 ⼄ΒȠ सᐬ៿⌱ⱋጮ౦Ƞڝ౦⮰䬔ἇ喏Ꭲ̺侘Ბ㺫φ጑ੲ⩸ऴ҈喏

ༀ঄䪫喋ጒ喌䊌䔭ڠॠ᫜ ㏖ᔡ৭δ͙ᕧ喏⩝ͥ᫛䛸 ᳃䩒㘈喋ट喌ᣑ䶲Ƞ Dr. Wu Hsin-hsing (5th from left) presented a souvenir to ACCCIM, which was received on behalf by Tan Sri Lim Sing (6th from right). 34M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities

व䮲಍๓႒ Visit by Delegation of University Kuala Lumpur (UniKL)

Џ㶔ఎݜ䃫 5-8-2016

䮲಍๓႒ᵍ䪫Prof. वDato’ Dr. Mazliham Mohd Su’ud ⢳䶲ϦЏ㶔ఎκ Ꭰᰴᬑ᠈䃫͙ᕧ喏㣣͙ᕧᕧ ц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ᣑᒱȠࣸ᫥ ᅝ఩ℽఎ㏿჊Ό䃍ܾࣶࣸ᫥ ऴ҈䔇㵸ϐ≭Ƞ

ܦፙ㔱࠱᠘ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟ व䮲಍๓႒ᵍ䪫1SPGDato’ Dr. Mazliham Mohd Su’ud喋ጒ喌䊌䔭 ㏖ ᔡ৭δ͙ᕧ喏 ȟ ⩝ᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆喋ट喌ᣑ䶲Ƞ Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mazliham Mohd Su’ud, Presidentڔ᫛䛸䭴᜼哅ȟᠫⲏࢎ᜼ͥ 㩍᪳≞ᒷጴȟᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺБ of University Kuala Lumpur (8th from left) presented a souvenir to ACCCIM which was .(Ƞ received on behalf by Datuk Ter Leong Yap, President of ACCCIM (6th from right⩋ٴࣶ䷈᪳䧒 ͙఩व᳃ⰭϦℽᩫᏈโη Visit by Delegation of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Offi ce of the People’s Government of Jilin Province აЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫 M9-8-2016ژ喋Ӕ ߍ喌ߊ ᱺᐦࡺޛͧЧ喋ጒ喌 䊌䔭㏖ᔡ৭δ͙ᕧ喏⩝ ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈喋ट喌 ᣑ䶲ȠMr. Li Jianhua, Deputy Director General of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Offi ce of the People’s Government of Jilin Province (6th ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈κᎠᰴЩ from left) presented aͥ ͧޛაژ఩व᳃ⰭϦℽᩫᏈโη喋Ӕߍ喌ߊ 喏κ ⢳䶲͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎ䊠͙఩͈ࡃ̵ souvenir to ACCCIM⩋ٴโ㖀䘔ะ䪫⢷ࡂ̺⩋ٴ͙Чᱺᐦࡺ აₐ which was received onژᎠᰴᬑ᠈䃫͙ᕧ喏⩝㒞⤲ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸᳃ Ⱝ㔯ᄋ喏व᳃ⰭӔߍߊ 䩒㘈ᣑᒱȠܦፙ㔱࠱᠘ᠫⲏॠ⢵ϭȟᠫⲏ᫛䛸≖ ⁍᭛Ꮐ͙ᕧ䖬䄣Ბ侘喏䔇̬ₑ behalf by Tan Sri Lim .(㈧Ƞ Sing (6th from rightڟふȠ ߌᑦࣸ᫥⩋ٴȟढ⢵䧒⩋ٲᲑૈȟᠫⲏ᫛䛸㩍 ͙఩䓩ႭⰭ጑ੲ㖀⊣ᑾ Visit by Delegation of International Oversea Returnees ఩䭱ӯ䔇цЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫 Promotion Association of Liaoning, ChinaM11- 8-2016 ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈喋ट喌 䊌䔭㏖ᔡ৭δ͙఩䓩 ႭⰭ጑ੲ㖀⊣ᑾ఩䭱 ⩋ٴӯ䔇цц䪫ቀዹ 喋ጒ喌ȠTan Sri Lim Sing (7th from right) presented a souvenir to Mr. Cui Wei, President of International ࣸ᫥ᅝӯ䔇侘Ბ㺫φস Oversea Returnees ⢳⩋ٴ఩䓩ႭⰭ጑ੲ㖀⊣ᑾ఩䭱ӯ䔇цц䪫ቀዹ ͙䶲ϦЏ㶔ఎ喏κᎠᰴᬑ᠈䃫͙ᕧ喏⩝㒞 ͙఩䓩ႭⰭ⮰㏻䉤ऴ҈ Promotion Association ȟ ᱦц䔇㵸ϐ≭Ƞ of Liaoning (9th from⩋ٴ⺑ፙ㔱࠱᠘Ⴗᓣܦᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ᣑᒱȠ⤲ .(ふȠ left⩋ٲȟᠫⲏ᫛䛸㩍⩋ٴᠫⲏु⊣Ꮩȟढ⢵䧒 ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M35

͙ᕧरᆊц Major Activities Organised by ͧߊ⮰ͧ㺭≧ߔ ACCCIM’s Constituent Chambers

吉隆坡暨雪兰莪中华总商会配合广招会员的目标, 前往拜访马来西亚华人医药总会  Visit by KLSCCCI to Federation of Chinese Physicians & Medicine Dealers Association of Malaysia in line with membership drive activity. 2-7-2016

䮲䰖͙ᕧ䙹ऴᎫ᠇ц঄⮰Ⱊᴳ喏̺侘Ბ㺫φࡺϦࡧ㢛ᕧц䔇㵸ϐ≭Ƞపͦ䮲䰖͙ᕧޛц䪫 喋ጒ喌ξ䊌㏖ᔡ৭Ƞ⩋ٴᠫⲏ᳃ᐦࢃ喋ጒ喌স侘Ბ㺫φࡺϦࡧ㢛ᕧц⼄Β䪫䘙ᕍᢣ

居銮中华总商会与各属会以及青商团联办 “消费税讲座:销项税遗漏的风险” “GST Seminar Risk on Omission of Output Tax” jointly organised by Kluang CCCI and its Constituent Chambers and Youth Section 16-7-2016

⩋ٴ⺑✁↴ఎ䪫ޛፙ㔱࠱᠘ᅱ䟚͙ᕧ䱾ੲఎܦ䃞䨬䶥⼺䖃␻⮰䷺䮕Ƞͧ⩋ٴᅱ䟚͙ᕧ䖬䄣䭴ᔃ᜼ 喋ट 喌Ƞ⩋ ٴ ≞ 喋ट 喌ࣶ 䉎 ᩫ 䊂 ກ⩋ ٴ 喋ጒ 喌ȟᅱ䟚͙ᕧᕧߍ᳃ ͜䕪ᒷጴ喋ጒ喌ȟ⤲ η ᱺ 㸁 Ꮂ 36M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities

柔佛中华总商会主办“中国一带一路和英国脱欧 对马来西亚的冲击和商机”座谈会 Seminar on “China’s One Belt One Road Initiatives and UK Existing the European Union (Brexit): Threats and Opportunities for Malaysia Market” organised by Johor CCCI. 21-7-2016


峇株巴辖中华总商会主办“中国一带一路和英国脱欧 对马来西亚的冲击和商机”座谈会 Seminar on “China’s One Belt One Road Initiatives and UK Existing the European Union (Brexit): Threats and Opportunities for Malaysia Market” organised by Batu Pahat CCC. 21-7-2016

ݹᲑܲϗ̬ፒ̬䌛স㠝఩㙝⁓ᄥ๓侘⮰ᒝ৹Ƞጒ䊣⩋ٴᇳᵖጠ䓂͙ᕧ䖬䄣䃭ݤഥ䃙̺ⵀ⾢͙ᓯ݇໷Ϧ台᱔ݕ Ƞ⩋ٴ⦷ࣶ㥓Ꮂ⩋ٴȟ᳃ԉᒏ⩋ٴȟ఩㵸䘔䬔㏻⤲ຑ᫛ᰨ⩋ٴȟ䘙ᬺࣽ⩋ٴȟ台᱔ݕ⩋ٴ⩋఩㵸Џ㶔Ეᒒͦ ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M37

槟州中华总商会主办筹募恒毅国民型华文中学峇央峇鲁分校建校基金晚宴 Fund Raising Dinner for SMJK Heng Ee Cawangan Bayan Baru organised by Penang CCC 27-7-2016

ゥ㣣̳АवȠపͦἋ͙ᕧцڝἋ͙ᕧͪߊゥࠋᕾ⃱఩ℽಷࡺ͙᪳႒ᇳ๚ᇳ冭ܲᵍᐦᵍദ䛽ᮆრ喏 䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸⺉ࣷ᜼ⶁท喋ጒ喌Џ㶔Ἃ͙ᕧ⼧ϐὍ᠋ᩛ⺔δᕾ⃱఩ℽಷࡺ͙᪳ᄻ႒ᯔᎨ⽆ఙ㦏ηцͧፙᠫ ࣶἋ͙ᕧន㵸䶪䬚ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸䭴఩᎟ᅬ㏱㻭䃭Ƞ⩋ٴ㠝یⲏ台㐓Ἵ喋ट喌喏Ꭲ⩝Ἃጊ仂ፙ䘔䪫᳃

巴生中华总商会举办“2016年华侨银行与巴生中总慈善义跑” “OCBC Bank-KCCCI Charity Run 2016” organised by Klang CCCI 6-8-2016

ጠ⩋͙ᕧц䪫ᠫⲏ᳃ჩ೺喋ጒ喌ͦ͵䋽ͧᠭᐬᎁȠ 38M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities

巴生中华总商会欢庆成立70周年晚宴 Klang CCCI 70th Anniversary Dinner 6-8-2016

ጠ⩋͙ᕧц䪫ᠫⲏ᳃ჩ೺喋ጒ䊣喌ȟ͙ᕧц䪫ᠫ ⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟじθ఩䭱䉤ᬿࣶ጑͆䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸台ტ ⇵ȟ͙ᕧ㒞⤲ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ふଵცͪᲛ⁎Ꮂጠ⩋͙ᕧ᜼⿷ঔᎠȠ

诗巫中华总商会85周年晚宴 Sibu CCCI 85th Anniversary Dinner 12-8-2016

уଵცͦ㯷㈁◥̶㱍☇喏Ꮂ⺉䄃጗͙ᕧ݇цঔᎠȠट䊣͙ͦᕧޛᕧц䪫ᠫⲏ䭴㐠Ꭰȟ͙ᕧह㾵䶪䬚ᠫ ⲏ台఩ᔌȟ䊊ߕଵც݄ᓱ⎄ȟ䄃጗ጮ䃚цͧፙ⿷ༀᠫⲏᑌ∜ࢫȟゥༀцͧፙ䃤Ԛ්ࢆทȟ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫ ȟ䄃጗ⰭࡺϦᰬ倄䶲㷂๕⩋ٴۇȟ͙఩侧ऐ᭷ᕧ䶲η亲ᕧ䶲ηЄव⩋ٴⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟ⴮͙ᕧц䪫䃤ຮⰤ ᠫⲏ݄ݕℽȟ䄃጗͙ᕧⅤͱह㾵ц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᑌЁ఩ȟह㾵䶪䬚ᠫⲏ台ጸๆȟ仅⍛͈ፉ↢ᕧੲц݇ژ⡇ цц䪫㾥⣇ࣶ͙ͩᕧ㒞⤲ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈Ƞ ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M39

砂拉越中华总商会2016年常年会员代表大会 2016 Annual General Meeting of ACCCI 13-8-2016

ۃ喋ट喌䊌䔭㏖ᔡ৭δ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆喋ጒ喌喏ᙋ䅎ऺ㔱᠔⩋ٴ⎄⴮͙ᕧц䪫䃤ຮ ͦ⴮͙ᕧᎠ፤Ꭰц঄Џ㶔๓цͧᠭᐬᎁȠ

玻璃市中华总商会70周年纪念晚宴 Perlis CCCI 70th Anniversary Dinner 20-8-2016

喋ݹᢾट喌̺͙ᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆喋ݹᢾट喌ȟ㒞⤲ц䪫ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈喋ݹᢾट⩋ٴ∜͙ᕧц䪫Ꮀ̳⣧ ᕧ䉎ᩫᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺ喋ݹ ᢾጒ喌ࣶ уଵ ც ̬स ܳ 㯷 ㈁ 喏Ꮂ⺉⣧͙ᕧޛ喋ݹᢾट喌ȟڔ喌ȟᕧ⼄Βᠫⲏࢎ᜼ ᜼⿷ঔᎠȠ 40M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities

登嘉楼中华总商会参与登州国庆日庆典列队 Terengganu CCCI participated at National Day Parade of Terengganu State 31-8-2016

⮰Ϛڤ䭋喏ో⩋ࡺϦ⮰ᒎ䆍ᑁϦⳕⰚ喏ͦᎲ݃ڤĄ㒺ང̺䭫ᬦą࣮̺⮧ጊ఩ᎲᬑᎲܦ≫⮧͙ᕧ ◥ͷ̬Ƞ

峇株巴辖中华总商会参与峇株巴辖县国庆庆典游行 Batu Pahat CCC participated at National Day Parade of Batu Pahat District 31-8-2016

⍤㵸Ƞڤ喋ݹ ᢾጒ 喌⮰⢳ 䶲 ̷喏࣮̺ᇳ࣫఩ᎲᎲ⩋ٴᇳᵖ͙ᕧ⮰㦏ηࣶ䱾ੲఎ⤲η౔ц䪫䘙ᬺࣽ


侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋ガ ⼜ ͙ᕧ喌喏᭛侘Ბ ࡺ㸀ੲц⮰㖀ऴᕧᱦᲰȠڱ㺫φ఩

ᰵڝ᜼⿷κᎠᰴᬑ喏͙ᕧ ࡭̵͖ڱ࡭̯͖ᆊц喏ܲጯ౔఩ ጊȠ͙ᕧᆊцⰠᣑস䬠ᣑц঄ ᕧ᪜䊱䓳̳ह喏Џ㶔侘Ბ

͙ࡺᕧੲцͥڜतȟੲტࣶर㵸 वژ㺫φࡺϦ Kelantan CCCI ͆ఎѿȠ ⇅䬩͙ࡺᕧੲц UCCC ⣧⦯ጮ͙ࡺᕧੲц ⮧ଵẨ͙ࡺᕧੲц Perlis CCCI Terengganu CCCI The Associated Chinese ᒙϔ͙ࡺᕧੲц व᝿͙ࡺᕧੲц ACCCI Pahang Chambers of Commerce and Kedah CCCI Ἃጊ͙ࡺᕧੲц ᇳᵖጠ䓂͙ࡺᕧੲц Industry of Malaysia Penang CCC Batu Pahat CCC (ACCCIM) is the national ࡃ䱥䰟͙ࡺᕧੲц ᅱ䟚͙ࡺᕧੲц North Perak CCCI Kluang CCCI level organisation of the ᴀ҇ጊ͙ࡺᕧੲц 䱥䰟͙ࡺᕧੲц Johor ACCCI Chinese chambers of Perak CCCI 㣖͙ࡺᕧੲцڜव䮲಍ᯔ䰖 commerce and industry in KLSCCCI

Malaysia. ጠ⩋͙ࡺᕧੲц Klang CCCI

͙ࡺᕧੲцڜnd Ḛ㒺 Founded on 2 July 1921 , Negeri Sembilan CCCI ⴮៵䊶͙ࡺᕧੲц ͙ࡺᕧੲц ACCCI Sarawak⩞ڙACCCIM has 17 Constituent 侘 Chambers located separately CCCI in the 13 states of the nation. Direct and indirect membership of all Constituent Chambers are well over 100,000, representing Malaysian Chinese companies, individuals and trade associations. Malaysia Map showing location of ⟫࿊ἦΊࡀࠧ 17 ACCCIM Constituent Chambers 17ᆊцѹ㒚

侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌 The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia ( ACCCIM ) 6th Floor, Wisma Chinese Chamber, 258, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel l 603-4260 3090 / 3091 / 3092 / 3093 / 3094 / 3095 Fax l 603-4260 3080 E-mail l [email protected] Homepage l www.acccim.org.my