2016Ꭰ7ᰴܦ❴ (July 2016) Issue No: 3/2016 KDN: PP8722/12/2012(031293) ACCCIM Bulletin 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛

ㅢ 101 ᱋

ѪלѪճі਽ٵٮنЗ㔀ॕ ACCCIM 70th Annual General Meeting


95 ㄚޏٻѪ

ACCCIMACCCIM 9595thth AAnniversarynniversary DDinnerinner 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц THE ASSOCIATED CHINESE CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF BM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M̿䷄Special Features 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц 2016Ꭰ7ᰴܦ❴(July 2016) THE ASSOCIATED CHINESE CHAMBERS OF ц䃛Bulletin Issue No: 3/2016 COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF MALAYSIA じ101᱋Issue No.101 KDN: PP8722/12/2012(031293) ͙ᕧ ACCCIM Contents Ⱊᒁ

49 㜟䄆ᖙ䉦Congratulations 1  㑂䒽ࣶܦ❴㏰ͧЧ⮰䄉Notes by Chairman of the Editorial and Publication Committee 50 2Ꭰ఩ℽఎ㏿჊Ό䃍ܾ喋㈧݃θ喌ำᔄᒁオ 㒞ЖᐻThe Signing Ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Unity Internship Programme 2016 (Series 2)  ͙ᕧঔᎠцᎲᮆრGrand Dinner in Celebration 2 ͙ᕧ䊠∜఩ᰨ䅣䉤ᬿࣶេ䉰㔯ᄋఎ of ACCCIM 95th Anniversary 52 ACCCIM Trade and Investment Promotion Mission to Bangkok, Thailand 11 ͙ᕧ㏻≺๓ц SERC Global Economic Conference 2016 54 ⩟䄣Ąๆ྾ѿ䊱㏓䊜᏶౜ѹą྾ͷ጑҈㥑 Workshop on MSC Status Application 1616  ͂⩸ࡺੲ๓ц䶪䬚ༀ঄цじ⁍ц䃚  5th Meeting of World Chinese Entrepreneurs 55 ͙႒⩋ദ᱘⤲䉎᪅㗞৔䄎䃞ᏓSeminar cum Convention (WCEC) Advisory Committee Consultation on Basic Financial Literacy Education to High School Students 17 ☙◴⁎䓺⊣โଵც Warmest Welcome to Overseas Guests 56  侘Ბ㺫φ⻽႒䮎᠈ц͙ᕧ⻽ឬࣶ݇᫜㏰Courtesy Call by Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) to 21 䛹䃎侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌᜼⿷ᎠЩ Revision of the Founding Year of the ACCCIM ACCCIM Science Technology and Innovations Committee 26 ͙ᕧじᅶ፤Ꭰц঄Џ㶔๓ц ACCCIM 70th Annual General Meeting ͙఩࣒䬔๓႒ঔ䷂݆᪅ᢴݜ䃫Visit by Professor Dr. Zhou Yinggang of Xiamen University, 40 ᒙϔ͙ࡺᕧੲцঔᎠцᎲᮆრ 70th Anniversary Dinner of the Associated Chinese  ⓟ䬔͙ࡺᕧੲц䱾Ꭰༀ঄цЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫Visit by Chambers of Commerce and Industry Delegation of Youth Committee, Macao Chamber of Commerce th 41 Ꭰ͙ᕧじπᅶ䱾ੲ๓цACCCIM 5 Young Entrepreneurs Conference 2016 57 ͙఩νࢃⰭᕧੲц㏻䉤Џ㶔ఎݜ䃫Visit by Delegation of Provincial General Chamber of Commerce, China ㈧႒䮎ⵀ⾢঄ᐂᄻ֑ڟ͙఩Ꭻጊᯔࢃ๓႒఩䭱 ࢆทݜ䃫Visit by Dr. Liao Xiaojian, Researcher of η∁喏ӯ఩цܽڜ䛹⩟͙ᕧಆࣹ۟ᄥ჊㵸ж᫛  46 School of International Studies, Jinan University, 䃚঄ࣹᄥԚ₏ᵴ ACCCIM Reaffi rmed Strong Guangzhou, China Opposition to the Implementation of Hudud Law and Urge MPs to Oppose the Amendment of Act 355 ͙఩⊅↋Ⱝ侧᫜ߌ಍ੲߍЏ㶔ะͧЧݜ䃫Visit by Director of China Zhejiang Center, Singapore 47 ͙ᕧ̬ѿࡂ̺रᆊцϐ≭цIntegration of ACCCIM - Interaction Sessions with Constituent 58 ͙ᕧरᆊцͧߊ⮰ͧ㺭≧ߔ Major Activities Chambers Organised by ACCCIM’s Constituent Chambers

ܦ❴Published by 㑂䒽ࣶܦ❴㏰Editorial and Publication Committee 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌 䶪䶪䬚䬚AAdviserdviser ͧ㑂Chief Editor 䯰 ঔ᩻ဒChow Mun SeongٲTHE ASSOCIATED CHINESE CHAMBERS OF ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏႷ Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong ޛͧ㑂Deputy Chief Editor COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF MALAYSIA ⊒᪳⥨Christine Poo ᄭ䲎䃪䃍ࣶᢾ❴ 6th Floor, Wisma Chinese Chamber, ͧЧChairman Cover design and Artwork : ន㵸㑂䒽Executive Editor Dato’ Low Kian Chuan Lin GraphicڔJalan Ampang, ᠫⲏࢎ᜼ ,258 䭴⻷䠮Tan Chiew Ling 17B, Jalan SR 3/2, Taman Serdang Raya, 50450 , Malaysia. 43300 Seri Kembangan, . ޛͧЧDeputy Chairmen ߕ㑂Assistant Editors Tel: 603-4260 3090/3091/3092/3093/ Tel: 603-8945 3933 Fax: 603-8945 2933 ᫛䛸ᠫⲏᑌᬸ఩ ֱ⥘ࠐ Poh Wan Kh’ngͥ 3094/3095 Tan Sri Dato’ Teo Chiang Kok 台᪳ᚓ Kelly Wong ឫ࢜Printed by: Fax: 603-4260 3080 䅎ᓣᱯFelix Cheah Len & Hup Printing (M) Sdn. Bhd. 㩍᪳≞ᒷጴ No. 7, Jalan SR 7/11, Serdang Raya, E-mail: [email protected] ᳃䯭⣞Lim Yen Ling Mr. Michael Chai 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor. Homepage: www.acccim.org.my 䴕ҟᚿ Hon Jia Hui Tel: 03-8948 1698 Fax: 03-8941 6386 㑂䒽ࣶܦ❴㏰ͧЧ⮰䄉 1

Ꭰᰴসᰴ喏᭛䲊፤ᔅⶸ⮰ᰴЩ喏͙ᕧ᜼ߋͪߊβ܌䶥๓ಷ≧ ߔ喏࠱᠘喝ᰴЩͪ㵸⮰͙ᕧцᎲᮆრȟᎠ͙ᕧ㏻≺๓цȟ͂⩸ ࡺੲ๓ц䶪䬚ༀ঄цじ⁍ц䃚喞ᰴЩͪ㵸β͙ᕧじᅶ፤Ꭰц঄ Џ㶔๓цБࣶじᅶ䱾ੲ๓цȠ

ᰴ⮰≧ߔ喏㣣ᓃ͂⩸र౜͖఩ტ౜ࡦ⮰͙ࡺᕧੲц䶲ᄨসЏ㶔喏 䔈䕿㔸Ბܦፙ喏᜽цᙋ⓬̹ᅩȠ

ᰴЩ⮰ц঄Џ㶔๓ц喏᜽ ఩ 仂 Ⱔ ᠫ ⲏ ᫛ 䛸 ㏟ व Ϟ ͠ ͧ ᠭ ᐬ ᎁ 喏̺ ͙ ᕧ䶲ᄨͪ㵸䬙䬔ϐ≭ц喏⑀ 䃹 ͙᣼ࣶᩫᏈ㻲͙ᕧͦछ䲌সըᓃԍ䊂⮰ ऴ҈хѠ喏䃐स͙ᕧᄥ᜽఩㏻≺ࣽᆁ⮰䉍⡚Ƞ

ₐโ喏㏻䓳͙ᕧๆ᫥ࢲञ䉰᫅ᩢ䯲БࣶๆЩ䛹㺭ᝄݹ๓ц䃚ᵴᒁ⮰ࣽ ⣜喏͙ᕧ͙ ๚⤲ηц̬㜠䕆䓳₏ᐻԚ䃎͙ᕧ᜼⿷ᬑ᱋ͦᎠᰴ ᬑȠ䙹ऴцᎲᮆრ喏͙ᕧ౔ц౦ᆁܦȧ͙ᕧࢲञ䊜᏶Ȩসܦ❴ȧ㐱ᔬ じ⁍͂⩸๓ᝄݹ⮰͙ᕧࢲञప❳সᶏᵴܦȟᩪⱨ͂⩸Ȩ➥ܶ喏ᆁ 䉐⮰ࡿ䊶䉍⡚Ƞٴ䉰᫅喏㐱ᔬ

⮰Ꭰ఩ℽ Dato’ Low Kian Chuanט᱋䬠喏͙ᕧ΋࣮̺β⩝仂Ⱔ㒞఩ℽఎ㏿̺স䄼ᅬͧ ఎ㏿჊Ό䃍ܾ喏ͪߊβๆ྾ѿ䊱㏓䊜᏶౜ѹ጑҈㥑ȟ䊠 ∜ ఩ ᰨ 䅣 䉤䉤ᬿ ࣶេ䉰㔯ᄋఎБࣶ͙႒⩋ദ᱘⤲䉎᪅㗞৔䄎䃞ᏓȠसᬢ喏ᅝ͙ᕧ̬̬ѿ 拿拿督卢成全督卢成全 ࡂ喏̺ጠ⩋͙ᕧȟव͙ᕧস⣧͙ᕧ䔇㵸Ƞ


Dinner, ACCCIM set-up an ACCCIM Notes by Chairman of the Editorial Historical Gallery and published a and Publication Committee Booklet on ACCCIM History to display historical documents and photos of the he months of May and June of 2016 were extremely busy for pre-second world war period, recalling ACCCIM. We have successfully organised a few major events, ACCCIM’s history and to pay tribute to including the ACCCIM 95th Anniversary Dinner, SERC Global our forefathers and predecessors for their Economic Conference 2016 and 5th Meeting of the World Chinese selfl ess dedication and contribution. Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) Advisory Committee in Maay; During this period, ACCCIM has and ACCCIM 70th Annual General Meeting as well as the 5th Young participated at the Unity Internship Entrepreneurs Conference in June. Programme 2016 promoted by the We are delightful that the May festivities were attended by leaders Department of National Unity and and guests from all around the word, including delegations of Integration (JPNIN) of the Prime Minister’s Chinese chambers of commerce from eleven countries and region. Department, organised Workshop on MSC Status Application, Trade YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, Prime Minister of and Investment Promotion Mission to Malaysia has graced the ACCCIM Annual General Meeting held Bangkok, Thailand, and Seminar cum in June and conducted a closed-door interaction with our offi ce- Consultation on Basic Financial Literacy bearers. In his speech, the Prime Minister has regarded ACCCIM as Education to High School Students. a very reliable and trusted partner to the Government of Malaysia At the meantime, ACCCIM has visited and recognised its contribution towards the economic development Klang CCCI, CCCI and Perlis of our country. CCCI to interact on integration between Based on various pre-war important historical documents and ACCCIM and Constituent Chambers. minutes of conferences collected and discovered by ACCCIM, the This issue of ACCCIM Bulletin also ACCCIM National Council unanimously resolved to offi cially revise reported on other activities organised by its founder year to 2nd July 1921. In conjunction with the Anniversary ACCCIM for reference of readers. 2M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

͙ᕧঔᎠцᎲᮆრ Grand Dinner in Celebration of ACCCIM 95th Anniversary

᧪௾⧨ຐᙯ̽ᕬ Recalling 95, with Global Outlook 29-5-2016

ȟߌᠫ๓͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫ᶭᱻཋᄻ⩋ٴ⇧ፙ䭴ᡛͧ ȟ⩋ٴ⎼ڢׯΞ⃨ ৹⧨Ꮂ╊☋Ը ໼ȟⓟ≞㐠ๆݕφⰭ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫㟻 䴕఩͙ࡺᕧੲцह㾵ц䪫㶭఩ᴷࢆทȟᬑ᱘͙ࡺᕧ 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌κᎠᰴᬑճ ȟ㤞ࡺੲ㖀ᕧцह㾵⤲η⩋ٴੲц፤ߍ⤲η侘ν఩ ䷄㣖̳䓪䙾Ꮓ喏䃪რ⁎Ꮂ᜼⿷ঔᎠȠᮆრͧڜ䰖 ȟ͙఩Ӕੲេ䉰Э͆ࡻц⼄Β䪫κ᭿⩋ٴ⩸䪫᫩᪳ ͦĄ㐱ᔬ喏ᩪⱨ͂⩸ą喏ᮆრ౦౜ጯ㒚ȟ᰹㷱স ٴȟ࢜Ꮢᅨ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц⤲ηцͧፙ㫇๕්⩋ٴ ⦜⣗㞮Ⱊ喏БᎠЏูऐᔬᬓͦͧȠጯ␍㏎ڠ҅ БࣶЏ㶔ఎ᜼⩋ٴȟ㐱⩤͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫ॠ㐓೏⩋ ⮰რцࢱȟⅠᮢ▛◥㐬ȟ◥⛯࡯ᩛ㱍☇喏䙹̶ᔬᬓ ঄Ƞ 䛽ᰞ喏Ы҇䃕Ϧ㒚䏗౔ᬓᬢЏȠଵცИ΋㏣㏣Б͙ ᐻ᰹㷱ᝂูऐ㷱រܦፙ喏̺ͧ䷄Ⱔᭌ᜼ᒜȠᮆრᐢ ܦፙଵც΋࠱᠘͙ᕧ㏻≺๓ц⮰ͧ䃞Ϧࣶͧ ᐬፙ喏ゥༀцͧፙ᭛͙ᕧޛᕧц䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸⺉ ᠭϦȟ侧侘Ბ㺫φโϐҫ㞮ȟЭ͆䶲㷂ȟ侘Ბ㺫φ ࣷ᜼Ƞ ఩ᕓᕧੲцੲఎࡺఎ䶲ᄨᝂЏ㶔ȟ䨢㵸Џ㶔ȟڔ ྾ѿ倄ᅮȟБࣶ͙ᕧ͖ᆊц䶲ᄨসц঄ੲტȠЂ ᮆრͧც᭛侘Ბ㺫φϐ䕆䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸ᐂ͙㣝Ƞ И࠱᠘͙ᕧ㒞⤲ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟޛᕧц䪫ᠫ ፙᯔ⴮៵䊶౜᫥ͧچፙ⮰ଵც࠱᠘⴮៵䊶Ϧ㖀ܦ ⲏ䭴㐠Ꭰȟᠫⲏ᫛䛸⺉ࣷ᜼ȟͥ᫛䛸䭴᜼哅ȟᠫⲏ ᩫᏈ䘔䪫ᠫⲏ↴ᵮ䉐ࡧ⩋ȟ䉎ᩫ䘔ޛ䘔䪫ᠫⲏ㩍 ȟᕧڔȟᕧ⼄Βᠫⲏࢎ᜼⩋ٴ⎄㸁ᅬ㏱ࣶ䃤ຮ⦉݄ ᮦ߳ȟຳຟȟტᏙࣶ⹪цࣽᆁ䘔ޛ䘔䪫ᠫⅬጠᲈࢍ 䉎ᩫᠫⲏ᳃ჩ೺ȟह㾵䶪䬚ͥ᫛䛸䭴఩᎟ࣶ䭴ܛጸ ঔ㒺㟘ȟ͙఩侧侘๓ҫ台ᘌᏣ䬭̷ȟ͙ᕧⅤͱह㾵 ȟ๓侘䲷⢷ᠫⲏঔМᲜふȠ⩋ٴ ц䪫ͥ᫛䛸䩦ᐣḚࣶᠫⲏ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱ȟह㾵ц䪫 ᫛䛸Ეᔌ⹨ȟͥ᫛䛸ᱺ⌝䲅ᅬ㏱ȟͥ᫛䛸㩍ָࣷͥ ࣶͥ᫛䛸ऐ⋒䛽ȟ侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺ๓цമᕧцᕧц䪫 ₢цц䪫ͥ᫛䛸㟻ၼ ᧪௾ȟಐలӢژȟ侘Ბ㺫φࢮੲڠ᫛䛸᫥๕ͥ ᪳ȟ侘Ბ㺫φ࢜ᏒϦᕧੲцц䪫5BO4SJ%BUVL, ͦ⼜఩ᕧੲцᕧ⼄Β%BUPă ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆౔㜠䃹ᬢ㶔⹦喏࣋ڔTXBSBOȟ侘Ბ㺫φ&, 4FSJ4ZFE)VTTFJO"M)BCTIFFふȠ Ą㠝ᆊ጗Ბ⩝͙ࡺੲц㖀ऴцą喋5 IF  " TTP DJ BUF E $IJOFTF $IBNCFST PG $PNNFSDF PG #SJUJTI Ბ㜖᫜ߌ಍ȟ仅⍛ȟ∜఩ȟߌᠫ๓ȟⓟ≞ȟ䴕఩ȟᬑ .BMBZB喌⮰侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喏᜼⿷κᎠ 䒵ᆭᰴȠ䙹ऴᮆრ⮰ͪ㵸喏ٵ᱘ȟ㤞ᒷცȟ͙఩ȟ࢜ᅨБࣶ㐱⩤⮰͙ࡺᕧੲц䶲 ᰴᬑ喏䊜䓳βᎠ⮰ 喏ᆁ⹦β̹ᄽ䛹ܶ➥❵ܦस⁎Ꮂ᜽цঔᎠцᎲȠЂИ ⣜౦➥䃪͙ᕧࢲञ䊜᏶সڝᄨ喏΋䔈䕿㔸Ბ喏 ȟ仅⍛͙ࡺ 㺭ࢲञ᪳Тসᬓ៑㏤䉰᫅喏স๓ტ̬䊣ំ϶䔩ᭀ喏⩋ٴ⩋ڢ࠱᠘᫜ߌ಍͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫㩍 ࢆทȟ∜఩͙ࡺᕧੲц ఊ䶪ࢲञ喏ᆁ᱇᱖ᲑȠ⌝یᕧੲцⅤ䔈ह㾵ц䪫㩍 ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M3

ȟͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟᠫⲏ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱ȟᠫⅬጠᲈࢍঔ㒺ڔ౔䉡ცაऴᒝȠट䊣喝ᠫⲏࢎ᜼ 㟘ȟᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟ台ᘌᏣ๓ҫȟᠫⲏ᫛䛸ᐂ͙㣝ȟͥ᫛䛸Ეᔌ⹨ȟͥ᫛䛸䢪ᐣḚȟᠫⲏ㩍 ȠPhoto taken at the VIP Holding Room. From right: Dato’ Low Kian⩋ٴᮦ߳ȟげもࠐ Chuan, Tan Sri Lim Sing, Dato’ Lim Kok Cheong, YB Senator Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun, Datuk Ter Leong Yap, H.E. Dr. Huang Huikang, YB Dato’ Sri , Tan Sri Yeoh Tiong Lay, Tan Sri William Cheng, YB Datuk Chua Tee Yong, Mr. Neil Foo.

䉡ცИ౔͙ᕧࢲञ䊜᏶ऴᒝȠट䊣喝ᠫ VIP Guests having a group photo session in front of the ACCCIM ⲏ䭴䩳ᬺȟᠫⲏ᫛䛸⺉ࣷ᜼ȟᠫⲏ݄⦊ Historical Gallery. From right: Dato’ Tan Tian Meng, Dato’ Seri Choot ȟ Ewe Seng, Dato’ Liew Sew Yee, Tan Sri Koo Yuen Kim, Tan Sri Phengڠ㸁ᅬ㏱ȟͥ᫛䛸ऐ⋒䛽ȟͥ᫛䛸᫥๕ ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟͥ᫛䛸䢪ᐣḚȟͥ᫛䛸 Yin Huah, Tan Sri Lim Sing, Tan Sri William Cheng, Tan Sri Yeoh Tiong Ეᔌ⹨ȟᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟᠫⲏ᫛䛸ᐂ͙㣝ȟ Lay, Datuk Ter Leong Yap, YB Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai, H.E. Dr. Huang 台ᘌᏣ๓ҫȟ5BO4SJ,,&TXBSBOȟᠫ Huikang, Tan Sri K.K. Eswaran, YB Senator Datin Paduka Chew Mei Ⅼጠᲈࢍঔ㒺㟘ȟᠫⲏ㩍ᮦ߳ȟᠫⲏ↴ Fun, YB Datuk Chua Tee Yong, YB Senator Datuk Professor Dr. Sim ᵮ䉐ࡧ⩋ȟᠫⲏ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱Ƞ Kui Hian, Dato’ Lim Kok Cheong. 4M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

͙ᕧ⩝݇ߊ㜟϶喏䓽̬͖͂㏖БᲑ喏Ϻ㠝఩⃂ ≌ℽ౜ᬢЏস๓侘⠘⿷ݹऺ喏౔ᐦ఩⮰䕿䌛̶喏 ຐᙯ̽ᕬȟസᣪཱ ᎟ᱯ⯶喏Бࣶӯ䔇጑ੲ䶲ژ౔ࡻߕεंࡺ㸀 ᮆრͧც侘Ბ㺫φϐ䕆䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸ᐂ͙㣝䊊ម͙ᕧ ഋ㍭㢏ࣽᆁ᫥䲎喏䘩រ⑀β䊜౔ݹ䨷⮰ͧ㺭㻾 Џ㶔ᕓ⮰䶲ᄨੲц喏ๆᎠᲑͦ᜽఩⮰ڣ᭛侘Ბ㺫φᰬ 㞞喏҈ܦβ̹᎟܍⮰䉍⡚喏ൖͦảὍȠ ੲ͆҈ܦβጔ๓⮰䉍⡚喏ຮ϶ᰠ̺͂⩸ᣑ䒔喏䌋͂⩸र ౜⮰ੲц䔇㵸ჲܳ㖀㈧সऴ҈喏Ч䛹䕿䔈喏АϦ࡭ܲ 䧒 ͙ᕧ⮰̬χᆊц喏ҷຮἋጊ͙ࡺᕧੲц喏݇ߊ ҕȠ κᎠ喏᭛͂⩸̶ᰬᬕ݇ߊ⮰͙ࡺᕧੲцͷ Ђᆊцຮ䮲䰖͙ᕧȟ䱥䰟͙ᕧȟᇳᵖጠڢȠ̬ 䘔䪫⁎䓺⊣โर఩ੲц䶲ᄨݜᲑ侘Ბ㺫φ喏Ђ䃐ͦ喏㓐 ͙ᕧ喏䘩䊱䓳̬⮪⩞ڙ͙ᕧȟ侘ͥڜ䓂͙ᕧȟव 䉐℁㜟喏ᘻ͵䊱䊶βⰇ๓⮰цᎲ喏ఌͦ䔅᭛̬͖䛹㺭⮰ Ꭰࢲञ喏䪫᱋БᲑ喏ͦ㐠័সεंц঄ᱯ⯶喏 ᎟ज喏ԍᖛ⮰ϐ≭স㘽߇⮰⓬㢍喏ᓱ♢ц㵹⩋ܦᬌ᪜⮰ ⲥȠڝᐦ䃪఩ტ⹪ц̹䖃҅߇喏䉍⡚ᰵⰚͦ ऴ҈๽ᱦ喏ͦξᘌξݕ⮰ࣽᆁຌ჆ദ⵬Ƞ ౔͙ᕧᎠ⮰ࢲञ͙喏ᰵ䃤ๆᓣ倄᱇䛹⮰ੲ ⮰ᎠЏȠ◴ޓ䲎ᐬᩪ⮰ᎠЏ喏΋᭛̬͖《εڔ䔅᭛̬͖ ͆䶲㷂喏ЂИ㞜㠒๷᫃喏჊ηⅮ᭛喏Ꮐᄥβᬌ 侘Ბ㺫φ᭛͈ⰋըᎠͧፙ喏᜽Иεंា͈Ⰻ᝿䕌᜼ͦ ᪜⮰䛹๓ηТ喏౔र͖ࣽᆁ䭢⃡ंᓃβ᭪㦃⮰ 䋟䒧䛹⮰㏻≺ѿ喏БӫБᰠᑦ๓⮰《ε߇䓺ͪ⩸͂ڔ ᜼᳈Ƞ᜽И䅔ₐᄥ⃻̬ѹᰪ㏻࣮̺সᬌ⻭๵ ᣑᬑ⯶↵䛹⮰ᠽᝄȠ 䉐সݹ䒴喏㜠Бᰬሳ倄⮰᪘ᘻȠЂИٴ⮰⡚ ࠱᠘じ̬⁍๓ц⮰ͧፙসघ䯲Ϧ喏Ἃጊ͙ࡺ 䘔䪫ᠳܦ喏̬ፒ̬䌛⮰Ⴛప๓䃍喏㮩♢᭛⩝͙఩᣼ܦ喏 ȟ⩞ᓱͥढφᲑ⮰ႅ⩋ٴᕧੲцц䪫᳃ᰵ䕿 Ѳࢠ䲊፤げऴ᪠͖ࡦഋ⮰㏻≺ࣽᆁ䰬Ⅾ喏̹䃦᭛䭲̶ ȟᰪ⩋ٴڠ㣖͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫ढ䮲ڜၼþ䰖 Ƞڟ⮰̬ፒ喏ᝂ᭛⊣̶⮰̬䌛喏䘩䌋͈ࢃφर఩ᖛᖛⰤ ٴ◟Ч㠝⃂ℽᩫᏈఇጊᏈ⿷∁䃚঄⮰ᱝଵܦ ߇ᩛᠭ̬ፒ̬䌛⮰㥩჊喏Ђڔ⩸侘Ბ㺫φᩫᏈস⻭Ϧ ⩋喋व䮲಍⮰ଵ◟䌛БЂ঩ह喌ȟ䱥䰟͙ࡺᕧ ज़ߔসႸ᜼ٴ⢳ጸ᱇喏᪠͖͈Ⰻ㘩Б̬㜠⮰⿷౦喏εं ੲцц䪫ᶭ⛶ࢃᅬ㏱喋ᕍԉ⮰ᶭ⛶ࢃ䌛БЂ ፒ̬䌛౔͈Ⰻࡦഋ⮰䶥Ⱊ喏➥ݗ᭛ദ᱘䃪᫩ᐦ䕌স̬ ͙⩞ڙ঩ह喌ȠᎠЏ䊣㦃ह䶲㷂࠱᠘喝侘 㶀ᣑȠ ц݇ߊϦ᪒䭴ᶎ⺰喋वژࡺᕧੲцц䪫ᯔ侘ࡺ 㣖ڜ᪒䭴ᶎ⺰䌛БЂ঩ह喌ȟ䰖⩞ڙ䮲಍স侘 Ђ㶔⹦喏ᑿ᜽Иᩪⱨᬑऺ侘᫜倄䧭ᐦ』喏БࣶϺ᫜ߌ಍ ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫ᯔ侘Ბ㺫φ仂Ч䉎ᩫ䘔䪫᪒ ݜνࢃᬲᬺ⮰∇φ䧭䕿Ⴘ᜼喏छБ䶰㻭⇫㏫఩ტͷ䬠 ᱺႉᐻ❡ท喋व䮲಍᪒ᱺႉᐻ䌛БЂ঩ह喌喏 喏र఩ͷ䬠⮰࣋ϓ৭সݢ᜼৭ᄲᰠۻ⮰䌉⻧ᄲ๓๓㑕 Ђ᭛͙ᕧᎠᕧц䪫ȟ᫜ߌ಍͙ࡺ 䶦⩱≭䕆Ƞ ݹ喋㦃हᙴરტসࡺٵᕧੲцц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᱺ ӔЭ͆ტ䭴ଵᏆ⮰ຟྫ喌喏Ђ᭛͙ᕧᎠᕧ ⇫侘Ბ㺫φϐ䕆䘔喏Ⱊݹ₏౔ߖ߇ӯ᜼⊣̶͉㐤ͷ䌛 ц䪫ȟἋጊ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫䗝રѽᅬ㏱喋Ἃ೺ ㏫⍛ጮ㖀Ⰻ喏̺͙఩र๓⍛एज़ߔࡻ҈⮰ᱦݢ喏౔䕆 䗝રѽ䌛БЂ঩ह喌ふふȠ ȟᢎ㷱সๆᐻ㖀䓼⮰ᰵᱦ㶀ᣑ喏Бࣶߌᑦ⊣̶➕≭ԍڟ ఩➕≭㵸͆⮰๓㨉ప喏ڔᖛࡂऴ҈Ƞϐ䕆䘔ጞᣔߔ᣼ࡳ ᜽Иᙋᖕࢲᅶ䶲ᄨ䓇ࠐ㕁㕄喏͙ͦᕧ䪫䔈⮰ Б䙹ऴ䓺ᣑ⊣䭲⩱䕆᫜ᬢЏ⮰Ბ͠Ƞ ࣽᆁຌ჆β᝺჊⮰ദ⵬喏΋䕌ᅝβ͙ᕧ᜼ͦ侘 Ბ㺫φᩫᏈসर⩸倄Ꮢ㗛჆সԍЧ⮰䶲ᄨᱦ ᲰȠ

౔᫜⮰䊣◥̶喏͙ᕧ䛳ंβ⼛Ჭᣖ᫩喏䕆䓳 ⣃‟ Ή๓጑҈Ⱊᴳ喏᣼ࡳцߍ喏ᰠᰵᩴ᰹ߍц঄ੲ ͙ᕧ➥ₐᙋ䅎ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟͥ᫛䛸䢪ᐣḚȟᠫⲏ᳃ ტ喏ፒߔ጑ੲ͆ࣽᆁ⮰सᬢ喏΋ࡻߕᲰᐦ̬͖ ఩⦷ᅬ㏱ȟͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟᠫⲏ᫛䛸⺉ࣷ᜼ȟᠫⲏ Ⴔ᱇Ⱔߕ喏ᰠᰵ❝ᓯ⮰স䄼⹪цȠ͙ᕧᄲБᔃ 䭴㐠Ꭰȟͥ᫛䛸䭴᜼哅ȟᠫⲏ᳃ჩ೺Бࣶ䅎Ცಐࢆ ႄ倄䔈⮰⤲ᘟ喏⊣㏟⮪ጉ⮰䭀䓪㘤ᔬ喏Бࣶ̹ ท⮰ᚣᚔ䊊ߕ喏ҫᓃ͙ᕧцᎲᮆრȟ͙ᕧ㏻ ᫙ᐬ៿䔇ं⮰㇪⺊喏㏿ऴर᫥߇䛻喏⼛Ჭᑁ䶲 ≺๓цȟ͙ᕧࢲञ䊜᏶স➥ܶȟ͂⩸ࡺੲ๓ц䶪䬚 侘Ბ㺫φࡺ㸀Э͆সੲტ喏ាᤍ๓߫喏ᩪⱨڔ ༀ঄цじ⁍ц䃚ల␍᜼ߋͪ㵸Ƞ ͙ᕧऒ̬͖䒵♸᫜ン「Ƞۅ喏㐙⩸͂ ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M5

ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆☙◴⁎䓺ͧცᠫⲏ ᫛䛸ᐂ͙㣝⮰㢱͠Ƞጒ䊣喝ᠫ Ⅼጠᲈࢍঔ㒺㟘̶䃚঄ȟᠫⲏ ᫛䛸ᐂ͙㣝ȟᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟͥ ᫛䛸Ეᔌ⹨ȠDatuk Ter Leong Yap warmly welcome the arrival of YB Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai, Guest of Honour. From left: YB Senator Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun, YB Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai, Datuk Ter Leong Yap, Tan Sri Yeoh Tiong Lay.

ᠫⲏ᫛䛸ᐂ͙㣝ȟ台ᘌᏣ๓ ҫসᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆Ⱔ㻭⁎Ƞ YB Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai, H.E. Dr. Huang Huikang and Datuk Ter Leong Yap happily interact with each other.

ȟ⩋ٴट䊣喝Ⴗ఩᎟ ᠫⲏ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱ȟᠫ ⲏ᫛䛸ᐂ͙㣝喞ጒ ᭛ͥ᫛䛸䭴఩᎟Ƞ From right: Mr. Sung Kuoping, Dato’ Lim Kok Cheong, YB Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai; 1st from left was Tan Sri Tan Kok Ping. 6M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

拿督戴良业向贵宾们 讲解中总战前历史 Datuk Ter Leong Yap explaining the pre-war history of ACCCIM to VIP Guests

马来西亚中华总商会 ACCCIM express heartiest appreciation to all 感谢世界各地中华总 overseas Chinese Chambers of Commerce that travel from all around the world to attend 商会组代表团参与盛 its anniversary dinner. At the dinner, ACCCIM 会,特 设 互 赠 纪 念 品 环 exchange souvenirs with overseas organisations for 节,以 作 纪 念 。 commemoration.

ڢ᫜ߌ಍͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫㩍 ⩋ٴ⩋ Mr. Thomas Chua Kee Seng, President of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M7

仅⍛͙ࡺᕧੲцⅤ䔈ह㾵ц ࢆท⌝ی䪫㩍 Dr. Jonathan Choi Koon-shum, Permanent Honorary President of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong

∜఩͙ࡺᕧੲцͧፙ䭴ᡛ⇧ ⩋ٴ Mr. Jitti Tangsithpakdi, President of Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce

ߌᠫ๓͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫ᶭᱻ ཋᄻ໼ Ms. Jan Liang, President of Chinese Entrepreneurs Society of Canada

ⓟ≞㐠ๆݕφⰭ͙ࡺᕧੲц ⩋ٴ⎼ڢц䪫㟻 Mr. Saw Kee Guan, President of Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Victoria Inc., Australia 8M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

䴕఩͙ࡺᕧੲцह㾵ц䪫㶭 ఩ᴷࢆท Dr. Yuan Kuo Tung, Honorary President of Korea Chinese Chamber of Commerce

ᬑ᱘͙ࡺᕧੲц፤ߍ⤲η侘 ⩋ٴν఩ Mr. Shimizu Masao, Member of Standing Committee of Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Japan

㤞ࡺੲ㖀ᕧцह㾵⤲η䪫᫩ ⩋ٴ⩸᪳ Mr. Alfonso Siy, Honorary Chairman of Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Inc.

͙఩Ӕੲេ䉰Э͆ࡻц⼄Β ⩋ٴ䪫κ᭿ Mr. Yu Xiao, Secretary General of the China Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs Association ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M9

࢜Ꮢ ᅨ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц⤲η ⩋ٴцͧፙ㫇๕් Mr. Steven Siek, Chairman of Board of Executive of Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association

㐱⩤͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫ॠ㐓೏ ⩋ٴ Mr. U Myint Shwe (Gaw Ah Hoon), Chairman of Myanmar Chinese Chamber of Commerce

中总领导进行切蛋糕仪式欢庆95周年会庆 Cake cutting by leaders of ACCCIM to celebrate 95th Anniversary 10M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

ଵცИ㐅͙ᕧ̬͖䊊Ƞጒ䊣喝ͥ᫛䛸ᰪ⺻ Thumbs up for ACCCIM. From left: Tan Sri Eddy Chen, Tan Sri ,䯰ȟ㶭఩ᴷࢆทȟᠫⲏࢎ᜼ Soong Siew Hoong, Dr. Yuan Kuo Tung, Dato’ Low Kian Chuanٲьȟͥ᫛䛸Ⴗ ȟᠫⲏ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱ȟͥ᫛䛸䢪ᐣḚȟᠫⲏ Dato’ Lim Kok Cheong, Tan Sri William Cheng, YB Dato’ Sri Liowڔ ᫛䛸ᐂ͙㣝ȟᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟͥ᫛䛸ᱺ⌝䲅ȟ Tiong Lai, Datuk Ter Leong Yap, Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng, Tan Sri ͥ᫛䛸᳃ы᝹ȟͥ᫛䛸ऐ⋒䛽ȟႀА哅ᅬ㏱ Lim Wee Chai, Tan Sri Koo Yuen Kim, Mr. Koong Lin Loong.

ᮆრゥༀцͧፙᠫⲏ᫛䛸⺉ࣷ Dato’ Seri Choot Ewe Seng, Chairman of Organising Committee and ᜼̺͙ᕧ⼄Βะ㕸঄ᘵᔗऴ⚓ ACCCIM Secretariat Staff happily took a group photo. ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M11 SERC Global Economic Conference 2016 ౜㑄ᩫ⇧ ㏻≺ ͙ᕧ㏻≺๓ц ⻽ឬ ᫜፤ᔭ Geopolitics Economy Technology The New Normal

ፙβ͙ᕧ㏻≺๓цȠܦโ࣮ߌ㔱ڱ䕪ह఩ The SERC Global Economic Conference 2016 was attended by more than 600 participants from at home and abroad.

Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌κᎠᰴᬑճ 㣖̳䓪䙾Ꮓͪ㵸Ą͙ᕧ㏻≺๓цą喏ͧڜ侘䰖 ䷄ͦĄ౜㑄ᩫ⇧ȟ㏻≺ȟ⻽ឬ᫜፤ᔭąȠ๓ ц Б 㠝 䄙 䔇 ፙβ㏻≺๓цȠܦโ⮰࣮ߌ㔱ڱ㵸喏䊱䓳हᲑ㜖఩

౔϶๕喏౜㑄ᩫ⇧স⻽ឬ₏౔䓱䕋ᩥऄⱬ๓ტጞΌᘛ ऄ ࡂ ࣶ ̹ ⽟ ჆ ⮰ ޓ ᕑ ⤯ ڔ⮰⩋≧᫥ᐻ喋Ąᬓ፤ᔭą喌Ƞ ᅬ߫喏ጞ㏻๓๓౜ᩥऄβь㐋ੲ͆ঔ᱋ȟЭ͆Ὅᐻস Ϧ᝹⮰㖄⩔Ƞ䔅͖ᗱۡ౔䓱䕋⌄↜ᬓᰵὍᐻͷ҅喏΋ ๓䊷߫⮰Ϧ喏᣼ӇβᏊ๓⮰ੲ⤯ڔ⩔ࣶરڑ㘩๋㲹ͦ ੲ⩸䶲㷂Бࣶܦโ⮰ᲜڱᱦȠ䔅౦๓ц䖬䄣βᲑ㜖఩ र䶲ഋ̿᝹喏ܲ᲼依ҫ౜㑄ᩫ⇧ȟ㏻≺স⻽ឬ᫜፤ᔭ 䔅͖ጔ๓ऄ䲕⮰߇䛻喏БࣶຮҁϺ䔅͖᫜፤ᔭ⮰ऄ䲕 ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ࣽ㶔⁎䓺䃹Ƞ Datuk Ter Leong Yap ͙჆ѹࣶःᘌȠ delivered his welcoming address. 12M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

䬔ἇڑ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆౔㜠⁎䓺䃹ᬢ㶔 ⻽ឬ⮰ࣽᆁᩥऄβ᜽И⩋≧স጑҈⮰᫥ᐻȠ䒯Ѻ⮰ Э͆⮰ቇ䊣喏䃕ᰬᄻ⮰◥ၼ΋ک⹦喏̹᫙ऄࡂ⮰Ϧए➥ᒭ喏ҫݜर఩ᩫᏈ《 স⹪ϐ྾ѿ᎟ज喏ፒᲑ⠘㻾 Ⱔ䄯᪠఩ტᩫもȠ౔㏻≺ߔ㢍ᬢ᱋喏ᩫᏈ 㘩ऄ᜼๓⩋ᘻȠ౔䔅͖Ⳙᖛ̳ऄ⮰⻽ឬ⣛ද͙喏ᬌ䃦๓ᄻ ⮰᎞䶰᭛̬㗍䛹㺭⮰⽟჆߇䛻喏̹䓳䔅΋ Э͆䘩̹㘩ᢵБ䒧ᓯ喏ふ䬞㻲ͷȠ㮩♢Ą᫜፤ᔭąц⌄↜䃤 ҫݜᩫੲͷ䬠⮰⩸㏫ऄᓃὍㇶȠ͂⩸㏻≺ ๆ⣜ᰵ⮰Э͆喏Ⴏ΋цͦ䗏χ㘩๋ᣑः䔅䶥䒘ಷ⮰Ϧ᝿ᐬ ѿ࣮ߌ㔱₏䲎ⰷᒱڔጞ㏻ࣽ⩋βᵥ᱘ᕓ⮰ऄࡂ喏㔸㏻≺䬚䷄̺ ᬌ䭼᫜ੲᱦȠఌₐ喏ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆নभ ౜㑄ᩫ⇧᭛Ⱔξᒝ৹⮰Ƞ 䔅⻹⻹ऄࡂ喏̹᫙႒Όসᣑःᩥऄ喏᝹㘩ᓃБ㐓㐙ႄ౔Ƞ

⣛㞮喋̬喌౜㑄ᩫ⇧4FTTJPO * (FPQPMJUJDT ͧ䃞喝 ͧᠭ喝 ⾢ 䉰⌝ᩫ⇧ܲ᲼ტࣶݹ㠝఩โϐηߍ㕸͆โϐჄ䭫 ᫜ߌ಍ࢃ∷⤲጑๓႒఩䭱ηߍ႒䮎倄㏓ⵀ B S"MBTUBJS/FXUPO ႒㔱㘍䕤ᆝࢆท.⩋ٴ᫛඀ᅀ➇䶫៵ ̭℀ఌ䭫ڹ ℽࣶͧ㏻≺ηߍⵀ⾢͙ᓯ㦏η͈໽ C :".5VOLV;BJO"Mă"CJEJO5VBOLV.VISJ[

䊌䔭㏖ᔡ৭δじ̬⣛㞮 ⮰ͧ䃞ϦࣶͧᠭϦȠጒ 䊣喝ᠫⲏ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱ȟ ఌ䭫℀̭ȟᠫⲏڹ໽͈ ᝠ㞛͆ȟͥ᫛䛸䢪ᐣ Ḛȟ㘍䕤ᆝࢆทȟ䭫៵ ȟͥ᫛⩋ٴ᫛඀ᅀ➇䶫 䛸ᑌᬸ఩Ƞ Presentation of memento as token of appreciation to role- players of Session One. From left: Dato’ Lim Kok Cheong, YAM Tunku Zain Al-’Abidin Tuanku Muhriz, Datuk Ter Leong Yap, Tan Sri William Cheng, Dr. Oh Ei Sun, Mr. Alastair Newton and Tan Sri Teo Chiang Kok

㏻≺ȟੲ͆সេ䉰㔱䘩ႄᰵጔ๓⤯ڔ౜㑄ᩫ⇧⮰༭㗭ๆ̹㘈᪜喏㔸̀ๆᵣࡂูࣶᱮ喏ͦ ⮰ᗱۡ喏䔅ᄥ ⹪ц㏻≺㏿Ჰദ⵬ፒᲑᕑ䕋⮰ऄࡂ喏ͦ఩ტᩫ ⮰༭㗭Ƞ⤯ڔ ⇧ࣶࡦഋᩫ⇧ፒᲑጔ๓⮰ᒝ৹Ƞ϶๕⮰Эࣶ͆េ䉰 सѿ喋"&$喌⮰᜼ڝ≻ఌ䭫℀̭㶔⹦喏͈Ⰻ㏻ڹߌȠ ͈໽්ޓ㔱䲎ᄥ⮰ᰬ๓ᠽᝄᅝ᭛̹⶚჆ᕓᕑ ᭛౔ߟڢ᭛ᬺᮦ⮰喏Ѳ䔄䰬㺭Є䄤ᰠๆ⮰ߖ߇喏ᅐ⿷ ჊᭛౜ ጑≭ߔȟ䉰䛽স͙ᄻЭ͆᫥䲎喏㔸⣛ද䬚䷄΋᭛͈ڢᝬࣽ⩋⮰ηТ喏⤯ڔ䭫៵᫛඀ᅀ䃐ͦ喏Ⱊݹ 㑄ᩫ⇧⮰ᓖ⣛喏ҷຮϺԉ័ͧ͵⮰ࡳ䊣ȟ㏻≺ᩪ㐿ȟ Ⰻ఩ტ䲎ᄥ⮰̬๓జវ喏࠱᠘̬Ⱐజវ๓侘স᫜ߌ ℽ᫻ͧ͵⮰ู≧স̬χᑦᱯͷ䬠⮰㉓ᑌࡳ⍕喏䘩᭪ ಍⮰☋䱪Ƞᅝ͈Ⰻࡦഋ⣛දࣶ᲍Т㔸㼬喏͈ⰋᎢᬌ ᩴЫ⁓ⰋȠЂ䃐ͦੲტᏀ䕆䓳ᝬ᠑ᰵ⮰᎟जڔ⹦ⱬ䱤ᱯ⮰㏴㏿Ƞь㐋㺫᫥ᑦ఩₏䲎ᄥ̵๓ᠽᝄ喏 ∁Ⴘ ͙͈̺࢟ࡃ䲊ͷ䬠⮰ๆ䶥۞⾭ȟӰ㒃᫛⮰఩ტͧ͵ সᒝ৹߇喏Б䯲ѿ߇䛻ൽ䕌఩ტ᱖ᲑȠ ࣶࣹ㺫᫥ᗱ㐖⏷䪫ȟБࣶ͙఩䄁పंᓃࡦഋ䄉䄙ᱯ ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M13

⣛㞮喋θ喌᫜፤ᔭ⮰჆ѹ4FTTJPO ** 1PTJUJPOJOHGPSUIF/FX/PSNBM 䃰䃦ଵც喝 ͧᠭ喝 ⼄ᕧޛцц䪫ᯔ͙ᕧ⹪ц㏻≺ⵀ⾢͙ᓯ㦏 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌じ̬ژ 侘Ბ㺫φࢮੲ B ηͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸㟻ၼ᪳ Βᯔゥༀцͧፙͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏᑌᬸ఩ ࢆท⌝ی 仅⍛͙ࡺᕧੲцⅤ䔈ह㾵ц䪫㩍 C D  䴕఩͙ࡺᕧੲцह㾵ц䪫㶭఩ᴷࢆท

ࢆทȟͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸㟻ၼ᪳ȟͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ⌝ی⮰䬚䷄Ƞጒ䊣喝㶭఩ᴷࢆทȟ㩍ܦፙ㔱᣼ܦ䃰䃦ଵცଵც㕲क़ ᑌᬸ఩ȠPanel members listening to questions addressed by participants. From left: Dr. Yuan Kuo Tong, Dr. Jonathan Choi Koon-shum, Tan Sri Datuk Seri Saw Choo Boon, Tan Sri Dato’ Teo Chiang Kok.

ࢆท㶔⹦喏㏻≺ऴ҈সхѠࡻ჆ᄲц᜼ͦφ⌝یर఩ੲц䶲ᄨ㏰᜼⮰䃰䃦ଵც喏̺࣮ߌ㔱ܲϗβЂ 㩍⩝ ⮰Э͆ტ㺭ڱИᄥЭ͆ຮҁ౔䔅᫜፤ᔭ͙჆ѹ喏БⅤ㐙㏻㥑ࣶᠭ ≞㏻≺᱖Ბࣽᆁ⮰᫜፤ᔭ喏ఌₐࡦഋ ф߫সរ⑀ᶑᶭ⮰㻾ڢ⩔㐙᜼䪫⮰ⰷ∁喏Бࣶर㜖⮰㏻侸Ƞ ាᤍ䔅χᱦцȠ仅⍛छݕ Ⰻጮ౦喏सᬢࡻߕ͈ۇ౜⮰Э͆䔇ڱ㞞喏ࡻߕ͙఩ ͙఩⮰Ꮚ๓ጮ౦ȠЂᐦ䃚ੲцᏀ䄑រۇ㏻ ͈ⰋЭ͆䔇⤯ڔ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸㟻ၼ᪳䃐ͦ喏᫜፤ᔭ⮰䊷̺߫ͥ ㏻≺ᄲц䲎ᄥ ⑀ᰠ⼛Ჭ㻾㞞喏ᐬ䃪ᰠๆ᎟जᲑࣽᣄࣶាᤍጔ๓⮰⤯ڔ⮰䊜ऽ᭛ᬌ∁ܳܲ⮰喏㔸Ђ䶰䃍≻ 䪫᱋⮰㏻≺⫞ᑝȠ♢㔸喏̹䃦Ђ⮰ᣔッ᭛॒₏⶚喏Ђ ੲᱦ喏Ꭲβ㼏౔ๆऄ⮰φ≞ጮ౦͙⮰ᠽᝄȠ 䃐ͦ䏗̬ͦह᜼ߋ⮰Э͆ტ喏᭛㺭⶚ԉ̹䃦᭛౔ਖ⻹ Э͆䘩ᓃБᠭ㐙ࣽᆁȠ䄴ࣶ̬Ⱐజវ๓侘 㶭఩ᴷࢆทܲϗβ䴕఩⮰᪠ᒎࣶ㒺ქ᪳ࡂ喏䕌ᅝβڢᗱ̷ۡ喏 ⤯ڔ⮰โߟ䬚䷄喏Ђᑦ䄯䓳ᏒӉ䊂โߟ̹᭛̬͖छᠭ㐙ᕓ 䄑఩㒺ქࣶ͆ࡂາ৭⮰ࣽᆁȠ̺ₐसᬢ喏䷺䲍 βڑ∔䲎⮰᣼ࡳ̷喏ڔ⮰ὍᐻȠЂ䃐ͦᩫᏈ㑦ͻᑦ◴⮰ᘻᙫᲑ໑રะ⤲โ ⮰䴕≭喏౔ԍᖛস䕆䃛ឬᱛ ㏻ੲ⮰ ᫜≧߇喏䃕䔅㗍☙⒚ᰠᔗ䕋౜ь䓪ݜ͂⩸र౜Ƞ䔅ޓߟ䬚䷄喏᱉แАᩥ⮰ᩫもखцѐჟੲტࣶߌ జ䯪Ƞ χ䘩᭛ఌͦ⻽ឬࣽᆁ喏㔸ᄥ఩ტ᪠ѿ㏻≺ፒᲑ⮰᜼ ᳈Ƞ 14M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

⣛㞮喋̵喌㏻≺4FTTJPO *** &DPOPNZ

䃰䃦ଵც喝 ͧᠭ喝 त㦏ηᠫⲏ䭴䓪ᔬࢆทژ ͙఩ࡃϘ๓႒ⅳ͜ੲ႒䮎݇䮎䮎䪫⊣䬧᪅ᢴ ࢃ᫥䧎䧭ᰵ䭼 B C  䯱ߌ䓪∎ท䶫৔䄎䯲ఎន㵸㦏η㞪䔖䅙∎ ๆ.S&EEZ5BNCPUP

ͧᠭϦᠫⲏ䭴䓪ᔬࢆท喋͙喌౔ᄥ䄉⣛㞮͙̺ͧ䃞Ϧ㞪䔖喋ጒ喌ࣶ⊣䬧᪅ᢴ喋ट喌ϐ≭Ƞ Dato’ Dr. Tan Tat Wai (middle) interacted with Mr. Eddy Tamboto (left) and Professor Hai Wen (right) during the Q&A session.

䉓ጭȟ䛽㲹ࣶ๓Ⴣੲ৭ጮ౦⮰倄∎ߔȟ᫜⮰⣛⤯Э ᜼䪫⮰᫜ᑁ᧺᫥䲎喏⊣䬧᪅ᢴ݅᣼ܦ̵๓㺭◥喏ܲ Э͆⮰⊸⣜ȟ࣋ᰵЭ͆ ݗ᭛ᩥ䲕ȟ݇᫜স᫜⮰఩䭱も⪑喏̬࢟ፒ̬䌛⮰㥩ڠጔ๠喏БࣶАϦथ᰹⮰᫜͆ ⮰ᡏ᝺Ⅾႄ喏䘩᭛䓴ऽ᫜፤ᔭ๓㻰Ὅᩥ䲕⮰⫳⟢Ƞ ჊Ƞ

⊣䬧᪅ᢴ䃐ͦ喏⃻͖఩ტᄥκ᫜፤ᔭ䘩цᰵर㜖⮰ 㞪䔖ᠳܦ喏Э͆౔᫜፤ᔭ̷䲎ᄥⱬๆ⻹᎞វ喏䔅࠱ ڝژ䄌䛶喏ᅝ͙఩㔸㼬喏᫜፤ᔭᝬᠳ⮰᭛Ąࣽᆁ⮰᫜䕋 ᠘౜㑄ᩫ⇧ȟ᪜ⴭ᎞䶰ȟ⯽ネߌᑦȟๆऄ⣛දȟ ᏒąȟĄ㏻≺⮰᫜㏿ᲰąসĄ ් 䪫 ⮰ ᫜ ᑁ ᧺ ąȠ͙఩ࣽ ᐬᩛࢷ߇ȟݢ䕌͆㏻≺ȟ㘩⎼ߔ߇ふ喏䘩䃕᪠͖㏻ ჊΋ፒᲑ䮼㫻ڢᆁ⮰᫜䕋Ꮢ喏᭛㺭ϺĄ倄䕋ąऄ᜼Ą͙䕋ą喏䔅΋ᅝ᭛ ੲ⣛දऄᓃᰠูᱮȠ̹䓳ᰵχ᎞វ ⊵⮰ੲᱦȠЂ΋᣼ࣶь㐋《εф߫⮰Ბ⎼₏౔䔼ₑ ۻ⚓Ƞ͙఩⮰㏻≺᫜㏿Ჰ喏᭛㺭ۅ͙఩㏻≺ᩪ㐿⮰ ⮰ݢ䕌͆Бࣶ͙ᄻಷ ๝喏㠑Э͆㺭౔᫜፤ᔭ̷ंᓃ᜼ߋ喏ᓱ䶧㺭ᰵ̬͖ޕᄽѺ㉌䉔⮰ݢ䕌͆ȟϓ㘩䓳 䲎⮰もܾ喏Ϻ㲹䉰⮰ࢲ⼷ݜ͙᱋⮰ं㘈喏सᬢ⶚ڔ ᰵ㻰Ὅ㏻≺⮰ݢڣݢ䕌͆喞ߌᑦ倄㉌䉔⮰ݢ䕌͆ȟ ㏻≺䒘ᢎͦ ԉᰵ₏⶚⮰ఎ䭋ȟ㏰㏳সЭ͆᪳ࡂȠ͆ۈ䕌ࣶ͆᰹ߍ䶲ഋȠ᪠ѿ㔸㼬喏᭛Ϻ ≻䒘ऄͦ᰹ߍ䶲ഋ㏻≺Ƞ㜟κ౔㏻ڹ጑͆㏻≺ऺ喏 ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M15


䃰䃦ଵც喝 ͧᠭ喝 B  㠝఩➇≑๓႒ࡂ႒጑⼷%POBME1PMMPDL㏴䏗᪅ व䮲಍∎ท䶫৔䄎䯲ఎន㵸㦏η .S ᢴቀࢌሜ᪅ᢴ $IJOH'POH $' 0OH त倄㏓ឬᱛͧЧẶ࣋ѤϷࢆทژ '"/6$ C

ȟᠫⲏᝠ⩋ٴ͙ᕧ䶲ᄨ̺じఇ⣛㞮ͧ䃞Ϧ সͧᠭϦऴᒝȠጒ䊣喝Ặ࣋ѤϷࢆทȟᠫⲏ᳃఩⦷ᅬ㏱ȟ$'0OH 㞛͆ȟቀࢌሜ᪅ᢴȟͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏᑌᬸ఩Ƞ Group photo between leaders of ACCCIM and role players of Session Four. From left: Dr. Shinsuke Sakakibara, Dato’ Lim Kok Cheong, Mr. CF Ong, Datuk Ter Leong Yap, Professor Cui Zhanfeng, Tan Sri Dato’ Teo Chiang Kok.

⻽ឬፒᲑ⮰䷌㺲ᕓݹᮛȟᄥЭ͆⮰ᒝ৹ࣶ݇䕌⮰ੲᱦ喏ఌᏀ⻽ Ặ࣋ѤϷࢆท݅ܲϗβࡻ҈ᱦஔϦȟ➕ Э͆ጔ 㖀㑽喋*P5喌সϦ጑ᮦ㘩喋"*喌ᄥݢ䕌͆⤯ڔ᫜ڔ㏻≺㔸䄊⩋⮰⤯ڔ⩸ឬࣶξ㖀㑽ᬢЏ⮰ᬌ఩ तᝬⵀࣽژڢ౜ ㈧㐋ᝬፒᲑ⮰᭪㦃ऄࡂȠޓЭ͆ȟ㜖ߔࡂȟ⩡ၼੲߍȟࡧ⫃ԉ֑⻽ឬふ喏䘩ᕑڠ๠ࣶ᫜ ᩥऄⱬ᜽И⮰⩋≧喏ᄲ᜽ИϺĄᬓ፤ᔭąፒऽĄ᫜፤ᔭąȠ ㈧㐋⮰Ⱊᴳ喏᭛㺭჊⣜Ą䰢ֈᱦᬢ䬠጑ ࢮą喋;%5喌喏Бߌᑦ጑ࢮ⮰䓼҈⢳Ƞᰵ ᪜ᢚ᭛ц㐋̬Ѧ᰹ஔ喏䕆䓳ᮦ㘩᝷ᱦڟ 喏ڑᎶᏀ⩔⮰ࣽᆁܳ͠⫄⇧⫗ٹࡧ㢛ࣶ㏲㘊⩋ڹቀࢌሜ᪅ᢴБ ᣼ݜ⻽ឬ⮰ࣽᆁᄥ⹪ц᪳ࡂȟђ⤲সネݢ᫥䲎ᑁࣽ⮰䬚䷄ࣶε ࢟㘩䔇㵸⯽ⲏ喏Б䶰䭞সܲ᲼喏᣼Ӈᩱ䯈 喏䮻ⱬϦ጑ᮦܦࡧ㢛⮰ᗱۡȟఌ̹सჃ᪅ࣶ᪳ࡂ喏 䃶᫙ԍᖛসԚ័ȠЂ΋ᠳ⩋ڹ⩔␑⩋䃦喏䔅࠱᠘᭛॒ࣽ ڣࡧ⫃᫥ᐻ⮰ᣑः⼷Ꮢ喏Бࣶⵀ 㘩⮰ࣽᆁ喏᱖Ბ⮰ᱦᎶসᱦஔϦцᰵ⩋ڹस఩ტ̺᫻㓐⹪цᄥ㏲㘊̹ 㢛➕ࣶࡧ⫃䉥 ᰵĄ ⌝ Ꮢ ႒ Ό ą喋% F F Q  - F B S O J O H喌⮰ ߋڟࣽ䓳⼷͙ఌ㕃䉥๓䛻ᬢ䬠ࣶᏊ๓䉰䛽喏䕌᜼ᰵ 倄ᬮふȠ 㘩喏ᛮᓃϺ䩅䄛͙႒Ό喏᣼倄᜼ߋ⢳Ƞ


͙ᕧ㏻≺๓ц᜼ߋల␍ͪ㵸喏͙ᕧ➥ₐᙋ䅎ᝬᰵͧ䃞ȟ䃰䃦সͧᠭଵც喏䊊ߕੲБࣶܦፙ㏻≺๓цͷ โଵცȠڱ఩ 16M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

ٴ⩋ڢጒ䊣喝ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟ㩍 ࢆท౔⌝یȟ㩍⩋ٴ⇧ࡺੲ๓ц䶪䬚ༀ঄цじ⁍ц䃚 ⩋ȟ䭴ᡛ⩸͂ 5th Meeting of World Chinese Entrepreneurs цݹऴᒝȠ From left: Datuk Ter Leong Yap, Mr. Thomas Chua Convention (WCEC) Advisory Committee Kee Seng, Mr. Jitti Tangsithpakdi, 29-5-2016 Dr. Jonathan Choi Koon-shum ⩸ࡺੲ๓ц䶪䬚ༀ঄цじ⁍ ڜц䃚κᎠᰴᬑճ䰖͂ 㣖̳䓪䙾ᏃघᐬȠ侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲ ц喋͙ᕧ喌᭛ ₐ ⁍ ц 䃚 ⮰ ͈ 䕿 ͧ喏ゥ Ƞڔༀцͧፙ᭛͙ᕧᕧ⼄Βᠫⲏࢎ᜼

͂⩸ࡺੲ๓ц䶪䬚ༀ঄ц᭛⩝ᰪͪߊ 䓳͂⩸ࡺੲ๓ц⮰͙ࡺᕧੲцࣶࡺੲ ᱦᲰ䔵≪̬ѹͧ㺭䶲ᄨ㏰᜼喏⃻Ꭰͪ 㵸̬⁍ц䃚喏ᬔ౔ߌᑦϐ≭喏᣼Ӈ᎟ जܲϗ㏻侸喏सᬢ΋ࣽᡑर㜖⮰ф߫ सᣔߔ͂⩸ࡺੲ๓ц⮰ڝসᒝ৹߇喏 छᠭ㐙ࣽᆁȠ

ѿ⚓ Group Photo of 5th Meeting of World Chineseڔࡺੲ๓ц䶪䬚ༀ঄цじ⁍ц䃚⩸͂ Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) Advisory Committee

ܦፙₐ⁍ц䃚⮰䶲ᄨ࠱᠘喝ц䃚ͧፙ͂⩸ࡺੲ๓ц⼄ ͂⩸ࡺੲ๓ц喏छ䄠᭛̬͖͂⩸㏓⮰䯲ᕉⰇц喏⃻̬ ȟ᫜ߌ಍͙ࡺ ᅶ䘩䖬䄣̹ᄽर䶲ഋ⮰Э͆䶲㷂স̿᝹៱Чͧ䃞ଵ⩋ٴ⇧Βะᯔ∜఩͙ࡺᕧੲцͧፙ䭴ᡛ ȟ仅⍛͙ࡺᕧੲцⅤ䔈ह㾵ц ც喏ࣽ㶔ⱋⴑ▨㻭喏ϐ≭݇᫜ᕉ㐠喏᭛䃤ๆࡺੲᓱ჆⩋ٴ⩋ڢᕧੲцц䪫㩍 ࢆทȟߌᠫ๓͙ࡺᕧੲцᶭᱻཋᄻ໼ȟⓟ≞ ࣮ц⮰఩䭱ⰇцȠЂᐦ䃚喏ᒬऺ⮰͂⩸ࡺੲ๓цͧߊ⌝ی䪫㩍 ȟ侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲ ࢁѹ喏ᩢᒁ䔅χ⣹䉡⮰䃞⽫স㻲䶽喏䕆䓳ξ㖀㑽ܲ⩋ٴ⎼ڢ㐠Ⱝ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫㟻 цᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟ䴕఩͙ࡺᕧੲцह㾵ц䪫㶭఩ ϗ喏䃕ᰠๆ͂⩸र఩⮰Э͆ტᒴ᫥ӫ࢟छ㻮ⰷᝂ䬱 ᄥьឫЭ͆ڢȟ㤞ࡺੲ㖀ᕧ 䄧喏⍕ᩱⴑ᫜喏Ϻ͙ज़ࣽস႒Ό喏䔅ᅐ⩋ٴᴷࢆทȟᬑ᱘͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫ᱺಆ цह㾵⤲η䪫᫩᪳⩸ࢆทȟ͙఩Ӕੲេ䉰Э͆ࡻц⼄ ㇪ࡺࣶഥ㗞䱾ੲᰵ㣗๓⮰吿ߝসፚߕȠ ȟ࢜ᅨ͙ࡺᕧੲц⤲ηц፤ߍͧፙ㫇๕⩋ٴΒ䪫κ᭿ ፙц䃚⮰࠱᠘喝ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟͥ᫛䛸䭴᜼哅ȟᠫܦ Ƞ⩋ٴ් ࣶͥ᫛䛸ᑌᬸ఩Ƞ݃ፙцڔⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱ȟᠫⲏࢎ᜼ ٴ侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц᭛Ꭰじᅶ͂⩸ࡺੲ๓ц⮰ 䃚⮰䱾ੲЏ㶔᭛ᠫⲏॠ䕤᎟ȟᠫⲏ⍕Ⅴ᪳ȟ㒃๕䨔 Ƞ⩋ٴߊࢁѹȠᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆౔ц̶ᙋ䅎͂⩸ࡺੲ๓цघ䯲 ⩋Бࣶᱺ☀㞛ͧ ⤯ڔϦ㏰㏳喏सᘻ䃕᜽цឫߊₐ⁍⮰ц䃚ȠЂ㶔⹦喏 ࡂ᭛ᓱ♢䊷߫喏ᰵᱦц喏ᰵᠽᝄ喏᜽И҈͙ͦࡺᕧੲ じᅶ͂⩸ࡺੲ๓цᄲκᎠ౔㐱⩤ͪ㵸喏侘Ბ ц喏䶧吿ߝЭ͆ᠭ㐙䔮Ꮐᩥऄ喏⼛ᲭεंੲᱦȠᄥ͙ 㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцᄲц㐅δᩛᠭস䙹ऴ喏㏰Џ㶔ఎݹᒬ ⰇȠڢᄻЭ͆Ბ䄠喏⣜౔᭛̬͖ᐬ៿ጮ౦喏㏿ऴも⪑㖀Ⰻ⮰ 㐱⩤࣮̺ ຩᬢᱦȠ ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M17 ☙◴⁎䓺⊣โଵც Warmest Welcome to Overseas Guests

䙹ऴ侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ঔᎠцᎲᮆრȟ͂⩸ࡺੲ๓ц䶪䬚ༀ঄цじ ⁍ц䃚喏Бࣶ͙ᕧ㏻≺๓ц⮰ͪ㵸喏侘Ბ㺫φᑁᲑβ఩ტࣶ౜ࡦ⮰͙ࡺᕧ ੲцࣶࡺੲᱦᲰ䶲ᄨসЏ㶔Ƞ

⊣โଵცϺᰴᬑ㜟ᬑ䭲㐙១䓪व䮲಍喏Ꭲκᰴᬑ㜟ᬑ⻧ᐬ喏͙ᕧޛᕧ 䲎ࡻ䄯ႵᢾଵცИ⮰ᱦ౦ᣑ䔭喏̺͙๚ڔ䉎ᩫᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺ㗕䉋ϐ䕆ࣶᣑᒱ䛹Ч喏 ⤲ηੲՋ䒒䒲সतᱦȟႵᢾ᫱⍤ȟ㖵俔㡢ࡴ丼ȟ⁎䓺ᮆრস⁎䔭ᮆ丼ふ喏ߍᓱ䃕̺ 㔸ᑾȠڠ㔸Ბ喏ᅩڠцଵც䊭

机场接待 Airport Reception

⁎䓺᫜ߌ಍͙ࡺᕧੲц 喋ट喌⩋ٴ⩋ڢц䪫㩍 ࣶЏ㶔ఎȠ Warmest welcome to Mr. Thomas Chua Kee Seng (5th from right), President of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry and delegation.

⁎䓺仅⍛͙ࡺᕧੲцⅤ ࢆท⌝ی䔈ह㾵ц䪫㩍 喋ट 喌ࣶЏ 㶔ఎȠ Warmest welcome to Dr. Jonathan Choi Koon-shum (9th from right), Permanent Honorary President of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong and delegation. 18M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

⁎䓺∜఩͙ࡺᕧੲцͧ 喋ጒ喌ࣶ⩋ٴ⇧ፙ䭴ᡛ Џ㶔ఎȠ Warmest welcome to Mr. Jitti Tangsithpakdi (5th from left), President of Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and delegation.

⁎䓺㤞ࡺੲ㖀ᕧцह㾵 ⤲η䪫᫩᪳⩸ࢆท喋ጒ喌 ࣶЏ㶔ఎȠ Warmest welcome to Mr. Alfonso Siy (6th from left), Honorary Chairman of Federation of Filipino- Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Inc. and delegation.

͙ᕧκᰴ ᬑճ̳䓪䙾 Ꮓ䃪რ喏⁎䓺⊣โଵცȠ 欢迎晚宴 ट䊣喝ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟ Welcoming Dinner l 28-5-2016 ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟ㐱⩤͙ࡺᕧ ȟ⩋ٴੲцц䪫ॠ㐓೏ ᠫⲏ᫛䛸⺉ࣷ᜼Ƞट᭛ ᠫⲏ᳃ჩ೺Ƞ ACCCIM hosted a welcoming dinner for overseas guests on 28th May 2016 at the One World Hotel. 4th from right: Tan Sri Lim Sing, Datuk Ter Leong Yap, Mr. U Myint Shwe, Chairman of Myanmar Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Dato’ Seri Choot Ewe Seng. 2nd from right was Dato’ Lim Kuang Sia. ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M19

参观皇家雪兰莪锡器厂 ͙ᕧκᰴᬑႵᢾ⊣โଵცݜ⮳ტ 㣖䩍ࢮ喏࣮ 㻮 䩍 ஔ ݢ 䕌 喏Ꭲ Ϟ 㜖ڜVisit to Royal Selangor Pewter 䰖 ̷⪅ѿ侸ݢ҈ⷃ⟢㏖ᔡ৭喏䃕ଵცИ 29-5-2016 ݧ⮰࢜䆍Ƞ⌝

㣖䩍ࢮऴᒝڜଵცИ౔⮳ტ䰖 Photo taken at the Royal Selangor Pewter

㣖䩍㦏ηڜ͙ᕧᙋ䅎⮳ტ䰖 ㏻⤲ͥ᫛䛸Ე჉ᏣϞ㜖ᣑᒱ ⊣โଵც喏Ꭲ㐅δ䃞㼏 ACCCIM would like to express appreciation to Tan Sri Yong Poh Kon, Managing Director of Royal Selangor Pewter for personally received and provided a briefing to overseas guests

体验锡产品的制造 Experiencing the making of pewter product

ц 䪫Ƞޛ喋ጒ喌 䴕఩͙ࡺᕧੲцЏ㶔喏͙ͦႷ఩᎟⩋ٴ͙఩Ӕੲេ䉰Э͆ࡻц⼄Β䪫κ᭿ Mr. Yu Xiao, Secretary General of the China Overseas Delegates from Korea Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Chinese Entrepreneurs Association middle was Mr. Sung Kuoping, Vice President. 20M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

肉骨茶午餐 Bak Kut Teh Lunch 29-5-2016

ϗ⩔㒺ট⮰㖵俔㡢ࡴ丼Ƞ Enjoying delicious Bah Kut Teh lunch.

榴莲盛宴 Durian Feast 30-5-2016

͙ᕧ➥ݗႵᢾỠ㣞Ⰷრ喏䃕⊣โଵც৭ᅉȠट䊣喝㠝఩➇≑๓ 㤞ࡺੲ㖀ᕧцह㾵⤲η䪫᫩᪳⩸ࢆท喋౼喌౔ ႒ࡂ႒጑⼷ቀࢌሜ᪅ᢴȟᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺ ৭ᅉỠ㣞Ƞ ACCCIM specially arranged durian feast for overseas guests. Mr. Alfonso Siy (seated), Honorary Chairman From right: Professor Cui Zhanfeng, Donald Pollock Professor of Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of of Chemical Engineering, Oxford University, United Kingdom, Commerce and Industry, Inc. enjoying durian. Datuk Ter Leong Yap and Dato’ Tan Tian Meng.

欢送晚宴 Farewell Dinner 30-5-2016

͙ᕧκᰴᬑᮆ౔᪳ࡺ䒕丼亲䃪 რ喏ͦ⊣โଵცস͙ᕧ㏻≺๓цͧ 䃞Ϧ䌡㵸Ƞܦፙᮆრ⮰͙ᕧ䶲ᄨ࠱ ᠘ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟͥ᫛䛸䢪ᐣḚȟᠫ ȟͥ᫛ڔⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱ȟᠫⲏࢎ᜼ 䛸ᑌᬸ఩ȟᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺȟႀА哅ᅬ ふȠ⩋ٴڔ㏱ȟᱺᰵ

Ƞ Datuk Ter Leong Yap⩋ٴᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆সͥ᫛䛸䢪ᐣḚ䃪რᙋ䅎⊣โଵცȠጒθ᭛͙఩Ӕੲេ䉰Э͆ࡻ цκ᭿ and Tan Sri William Cheng hosted an appreciation dinner for overseas guests. 2nd from left was Mr. Yu Xiao of China Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs Association. ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M21


Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ݹ䏗ƈƈ㠝ᆊ ज़㝖 侘጗Ბ⩝͙ࡺੲц㖀ऴц喋5IF "TTPDJBUFE ౯ᅠܦIJOFTF $IBNCFST PG $PNNFSDF PG #SJUJTI ඟ؋աᘸeա$ .BMBZB喌喏݇໷κᎠᰴᬑȠ 㠝ᆊ጗Ბ⩝͙ࡺੲц㖀ऴцĄज़㝖ąऺ喏࢟ᐬ໷β ࡺੲݕ⯶̺㏻ੲӫݕ⮰⑗䪫᫃εȠڱ㏻䓳͙ᕧๆ᫥ࢲञ䉰᫅ᩢ䯲喏БࣶЩᝄݹ๓ц䃚ᵴ ͙ᕧ᡹ࢗ఩ ᒁ䛹㺭ࢲञ࣋໷᪳Т⮰ࣽ⣜喏࢟喝Ꭰᰴᬑͷじ 㠝ᆊ጗Ბ⩝͙ࡺੲц㖀ऴц᜼⿷ᰬ݉ᬢ᱋喏侘Ბ ᱋䃚ᵴᒁȟᎠᰴᬑͷじ᱋䃚ᵴᒁȟᎠ ᅝ᭛ٴφᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰ੲ͆㥓᲍̺䛽㲹㉓㑕⿄ද喏仂 ᰴᬑͷじ᱋䃚ᵴᒁБࣶᎠᰴᬑͷじ ͂⩸ᾍ㘢Ӈ䓳κⅮȠͦᏀᄥႄ䉓䓳ๆ喏Ꭰ㠝 ᱋䃚ᵴᒁ喏ߌ̶Ბ㜖ȧἋጊ͙ࡺᕧੲц䧧⻓㏖ᔡ➥ܶ ए䭼ݢ䃍ܾ喏㮩♢ᄥκ䃕㘢ܦ⃂ℽᩫᏈ჊᫩ᴽ㘢 喋        喌Ȩ̺ȧ᫜ ߌ ಍ ͙ ࡺ ᕧ ੲ ц   ঔ Ꭰ ㏖ ᔡ ➥ Уఊ⽟ፒᲑ̬჆⮰ᩴ᳈喏Ѳ͙ᕧ䃐ͦ᱖ᄥࡺੲȟ⻹ ܶ喋        喌Ȩ⮰ ञ ᫅ Ѽ 䃭喏࠱᠘㠝ᆊ጗Ბ⩝͙ࡺ ḹ͆㔱ࣶ侘Ბφ᪠ѿੲߍፒᲑ๖ๆ჊ᘌ喏㠑䪫ͱ ੲц㖀ऴц「⼷ȟᎠ๓цᬑ᱋ȟ౜◥ȟܦፙ ჊᫩喏⩆㜟ц䕌᜼ᢋჟ喏κ᭛౔Ꭰॴϐ䄣ᙫ Џ㶔̺䃚۟ᵴ喏͙ᕧκᎠᰴᬑघᐬ⮰͙๚⤲η Β㐅㠝ᩫᏈ⤲㬕䘔喋⃂ℽ౜䘔喌๓㜏喏㺭Ⅾं⊴ᾍ цц䃚喏̬㜠䕆䓳₏ᐻԚ䃎͙ᕧ᜼⿷ᎠЩȠ 㘢䭼ݢȠ

Ꭰᰴᬑ㜟ᬑ喏䙹ऴ͙ᕧঔᎠцᎲᮆრࣶ Ꭰ喏㠝ᩫᏈ̹⤲䭴⺛⺰ふࡺϦ䃚цЏ㶔⮰ࣹ 㣖̳䓪䙾Ꮓ⮰घᐬ喏͙ᕧ౔ ᄥ喏䕆䓳โӔネ⤲᲍ҷ喏͙ᕧ䮻ऺ΋ऽ㠝᫥⮰༭ᅀڜ͙ᕧ㏻≺๓ц౔䰖 ц౦ᆁܦȧ͙ᕧࢲञ䊜᏶Ȩসܦ❴ȧ㐱ᔬȟᩪⱨ͂ 䔶❡ทॴϐ䄣ᙫΒៃ䃚喏ࣶεंࡺϦर⻹ᱯ⯶Ƞ じ⁍͂⩸๓ᝄݹ⮰͙ᕧࢲञప❳সᶏܦȨ➥ܶ喏ᆁ⩸ 䉐⮰ࡿ䊶䉍⡚Ƞ ᵥᢚᝬ㔧ᴑݜ⮰͙ᕧᎠ⮰䃜ᒁࣶ៑ٴᵴ䉰᫅喏㐱ᔬ ᄨ喏᭪⹦βႯ̹खᄥᩫᏈ㏻≺ᩫもȟࡺੲܳ䏗ݕ⯶ ᪠ѿࡺϦ䄪䷄喏ຮ⺭ਗ਼卒❳ȟ⺭ཨȟ∔ڟࣽผ喏΋ ݇໷ ౔䌛हБࣶᩫᏈᱮ䉥ࢁস䕆ॶ්ߌ͙᪳ふȠ͙ᕧ ⩸ᩫ㏻ڱᄥ̹स䄪䷄⮰⩟䃵ᝂᘻ㻭ࣽ㶔喏ᓃݜ఩ ϙ᪟٩ϙ স㜲䃦䛹㻲喏㠝ᩫᏈߌ㉓ะ⤲喏Ԕ♢᭛侘Ბφࡺੲܦବೳ៬ᰁੜ૧྆ᕞ͎׶ ࡺϦ⮰ᰬ倄Џ㶔㏰㏳Ƞ 㠝ᆊ጗Ბ⩝͙ࡺੲц㖀ऴц仂ᅶ๓ц喏κᎠᰴ 㣖͙ࡺᕧੲڜᬑ౔ᑿᬢѹκव䮲಍㡔ࢮ㶃ण⮰䰖 цͪ㵸ᬢ喏ц䃚ͧፙ᭛ᬢЧἋỀᆫ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫᳃ ߇䛻 ᰵ䕿喏΋ᅝ᭛๓ц⮰घ䯲ϦȠ๓ц⮰घᐬ᭛ͦβ㏿ऴ߇ 䛻喏䯲ᕉ䄷もᏀᄥᑿᬢ侘Ბφ䲎ᄥ⮰ੲ̺͆䛽㲹㉓㑕喞 ᩋᠨ ᩋ֞eν៱ͽ֡ ᜼䄣ᙫΒ喏᣼ॴ㐅̵ጊᏈ喋⊣ል⃂ℽ౜喌ۅᎢᄲ䃚ᵴΒ ڱᎠЏ喏౔䭴⺛⺰ふࡺϦ䃚цЏ㶔̺఩ڑ䔇 ఇጊᏈ喋侘Ბ㖀䗒喌ᰬ倄̿঄㏖Ᏽු❡ทȠڨᕧⲏ र͙ࡺᕧੲцंᓃᰠຩ⮰ࡻ䄯ऺ喏̬㗍㏿ऴ䊣Ბ ⮰߇䛻ጞ䔼⌼᜼ᒎ喏ᰠๆࡺϦᩫ㏻⩸䶲㷂᜼͙ͦᕧ ᰵะ͙ࡺᕧੲц࣮̺喏ڝ䄣ᙫΒ΋䃭჊Ꭰ๓ц ⮰͙ಆ߇䛻喏㔸͙ᕧᝬЏ㶔⮰጑ੲ⩸সࡺϦᓯผ喏 ࢟喝᫜ߌ಍喋҄Ბवȟ⢷цЖЏ㶔喌ȟἋ೺喋᳃ᰵ䕿ȟᱺ र㏓ᩫᏈ۟もѿ㈧䛸Ƞڑ΋ᰠᰵᩴ⮰㷗ፒ 喋↴卫᳻ȟ5BO4XJ$IBOЏ㶔喌ȟ䰖⩞ڙᡛসЏ㶔喌ȟ侘 ȟᱝଵ◟Џ㶔喌ȟ䱥䰟喋ᶭ⛶ࢃȟ4BNVFMڠ㣖喋ढ䮲ڜ 䮻ⱬ͙ᕧ߇䛻⮰ቇ䊣喏रᆊцͷ䬠ᬌ䃦౔Ꮐᄥᩫ 'VOHЏ㶔喌ȟᇳᵖጠ䓂喋⨰჉㜏ȟ䭴ᵯ᳊Џ㶔喌ȟ⨈៵ もऄࡂȟ᡹ࢗࡺੲࡺϦݕ⯶ȟ⶚ԉ䃛ᖛь᧙䶦⩱ふ 㶔⹦ᩛᠭ喌ȟܩᡦЏ㶔喌ȟ᪳ۘ喋㜠ٵᎳ᱑喋ढ⺂䗏ȟ᳃ ᫥䲎喏΋⼛Ჭ䕆䓳̺㖀ऴц䙹ऴ喏ࡻ䄯ₑм喏ंᓃ सࣽ䊣ڝ㶔⹦ᩛᠭ喌喏䔅χੲц͙ͦᕧᬕ᱋ܩ喋㜠ͥڟ ᰠຩ⮰ᩴ᳈Ƞ 㔱Ƞ 22M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights


ࡺੲࣶξ䕆䃛ᖛ⮰᎟ज喏΋ᐬ໷ڱ͙ᕧ҈ͦఎ㏿఩ ःݜ఩䭱䬠⮰䃐सȠҷຮ͙఩ᩫᏈসरⰭጮ⮰ੲ͆ ormerly known as The Associated Chinese ᱦᲰ喏䘩㏣㏣䕆䓳͙ᕧ䔇㵸㻰݅ࣽጯȟᘻ㻭ᩢ FChambers of Commerce of British MalayaڟⰤ 䯲ࣶ⇋䕆጑҈Ƞ (herein after refers as ACCCBM), The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry ౔ᬑ᱘ӡࡺᝄε✲ࣽऺ喏͙ᕧ΋ፒߔ侘Ბφरੲц of Malaysia (ACCCIM) was founded on 2nd July .θᝄᝄ 1921ڑ৹Ꮐᑿᬢ⺂఩⮰ៃᝄ䉒▪጑҈Ƞ⁓≞䮣 ᖛ⼺喌ڑ⼜ऺ喏㠝ᩫᏈ౔侘Ბφᒭᩢᝬᓃ⼺喋ࣴ▗ ҈ͦᝄ䉥ͷ⩔喏݅ᑁ͙ࣽᕧ̺र๓ఎѿ๓߇ࣹᄥস Based on various historical sources and 㖀ऴ䄣ᙫ喏᜼ͦ侘Ბφ⇒䮣ݹ⮰̬๓ηТȠ documents collected by the ACCCIM, including the discovery of four (4) pre-Second World War primary historical documents, i.e. the Minutes of ᝺ᵥ the First Conference held on 2nd July 1921, Minutes of the Fifteenth Conference held on 11th January Minutes of the Eighteenth Conference ,1931 ڶ࣡ϙe୰᧓Еٯ೺ held on 8th January 1931, and Minutes of the ȠᎠ Nineteenth Conference held on 17th Novemberڠθᝄ㏿᲋喏⮪Ꮛᒱͪ喏र㵸र͆⮲ᒱู ,侘ጊࡦࢁѹ⮰ੲ⩸㇪㠝喏౔व䮲಍ 1940, coupled with The Constitution, Datesڔᰴᬑ喏 घᐬᝄऺ仂ᅶ๓ц喏䛹᫜᜼⿷侘Ბφ͙ࡺੲц㖀ऴ Venues, List of Attendance and Resolutions of цȠ the Conferences of ACCCBM between 1921-1940 that published in the “Diamond Jubilee Souvenir 侘Ბφ⇒䮣ݹแ⮰ह⼜Ⱔ℀䒯喏͙᪳ह⼜ख᭛ᄽ Magazine of the Chinese Chamber of̺ βᐬ๠⮰Ą㠝ᆊą喏㠝᪳ह⼜"TTPDJBUFE$IJOFTF Commerce (1903-1978)” as well as records of $IBNCFSTPG$PNNFSDFPG.BMBZB΋ϱϱᠫ participation of the Singapore Chinese Chamber ᢵĄ#SJUJTIąႃⱨȠ of Commerce & Industry on events and activities of the ACCCBM published in its “Souvenir ᱘ࡦഋࡺੲࡺϦ Magazine in Celebration of 75th Anniversary ofڟ䄑⁍Ąูцą๓ц喏䕆䓳βๆ䶥ᰵ ݕ⮰䃚۟ᵴ喏๓ц΋䃚჆̶Β㠝఩⃂ℽ౜๓㜏喏 the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce⺻ ៃ䃚ᑿᬢ⮰侘Ბφზ∁㡵ᵴ̹ℽͧসᰵ⁌᎟ふ喏ҷ & Industry (1906-1981), ACCCIM National Council ℽᱯ᫥䲎ᄥࡺϦ̹ݕ喏䭧ⶹ侘Ბφఎ at a meeting held on 20th April 2016 unanimouslyژຮ౔ंᓃ .喏΋̹ݕκ᱘䗒 resolved to offi cially revised its founder yearڱ㖀䗒䃍ܾڑ喞Ꭲ̀᫜ߌ಍̹݃㏿ ㏻≺স㵸ᩫȠ On 29th and 30th May 2016, in conjunction with ͙ᕧᖎู᜼⿷ऺ喏⩝̬ഌ̬ࡦὍᐻផᆁ㜟Бጊ the Grand Dinner in Celebration of the 95th ͦࢁѹȠᎠᏁᰠहͦ侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺੲц㖀 Anniversary of the ACCCIM and SERC Global ᩥͦ侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺ጑ੲ㖀ऴ Economic Conference 2016 held at One Worldڹऴц喏ᎠᏁ цȠᎠᬿहͦ侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喏ᄥโ͙᪳ Hotel, Selangor, ACCCIM set-up an ACCCIM โ䃐 Historical Gallery and published a Booklet onڱガ⼜͙ͦᕧ喏㠝᪳ガ⼜"$$$*.ᬕጞำः఩ ጊ⮰͖ᆊц䭲㐙㐋⼜͙ͦࡺᕧੲ ACCCIM History to display ACCCIM historicalڱछȠܲጯ఩ ц喏सᓯसᓣ喏䔇̬ₑ᣼ࡳ͙ᕧ৭❸喏㐓㐙ͦ጑ੲ documents and photos of the pre-second world ⩸᣼Ӈᰬф䉔᰹ߍȠ war period, recalling ACCCIM’s history and to pay tribute to our forefathers and predecessors for their selfl ess dedication and contribution. ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M23

Founding The initiation of ACCCBM marked the long and winding journey of the ACCCIM in protecting the The Associated Chinese Chambers interest and promoting a favourable business of Commerce of environment for the Chinese merchants and businesses. Established in 1921. During the early days of the establishment of The First Conference of ACCCBM was held ACCCBM, Malaya was confronted with trade nd on 2 July 1921 at the Selangor Chinese depression and commercial and fi nancial stringency. Chamber of Commerce, No. 167, Petaling The world rubber supplies surpassed its demands. Street, Kuala Lumpur. The Chairman as well as In response to the overstocking rubber market, the the coordinator of the First Conference was Mr. British Colonial Government imposed restrictions Lim Eu Toh, then the President of the Penang and limitations on export of rubber to stabilize low Chinese Chamber of Commerce. The purpose rubber prices resulting from a glut of rubber in 1922. of the Conference was to unite the strengths, to Even though rubber prices stabilized to some extent, formulate constructive proposals and remedial ACCCBM was of the view that in the long run, it measures in resolving commercial and fi nancial would not be benefi ted the industry and the entire stringency that encountered by Malaya at business in Malaya. In this connection, a Petition that period of time. Resolutions passed at the was submitted to the British Secretary of State for Conference were then embodied in a Petition the Colonies in 1925 to call for immediate removal of on Trade Depression in Malaya and submitted rubber restriction. to Sir Laurence Guillemard, Governor of the Straits Settlements and High Commissioner for In 1932, the British Colonial Government ignored the Federated Malay States. the opposition of Chinese representatives in the Legislative Council led by Tan Cheng Lock and The Petition was jointly submitted by nine (9) passed the Aliens Bill that regulate the immigration of Chinese Chambers of Commerce, i.e. from Aliens into the Colony and to control their residence Singapore (represented by Seah Lye Keat & therein. ACCCBM submitted a Memorandum to Sir Ong Hui Ghee), Penang (represented by Lim Samuel Wilson on “widespread uneasiness” of the Eu Toh & Lee Chin Ho), (represented Chinese community in Malaya at the discrimination by Sim Hong Pek & Tan Swi Chan), Selangor policy of the Government so as to protect the (represented by Yap Loong Hin & Choo Kia interests of the Chinese community. Peng), (represented by Leong Sin Nam & Samuel Fung), Batu Pahat (represented by According to various records and reports pertaining Ying Poh Sung & Tan Toh Chong), Kuala Pilah to ACCCBM between 1921-1940, besides Government (represented by Yeap Choo Nyah & Lim Kong economic policies, ACCCBM also often voice up Thong), Bentong and Kuantan (support by for the interests of the Chinese merchants and written confirmation). These nine chambers expressed its views on various issues concerning the were the founder members of the ACCCBM. interests of the Chinese community, including the prohibition of opium smoking, abolition of brothels, to add Chinese characters on road signs and at the Momentum printing of Government bills and notices, etc. With the expressive voice often heard and much attention Protecting Interest & gained from the political and economic arena, Promoting Favourable Business the British Colonial Government would expedite its response and this indeed had made ACCCBM the Environment for the Benefi ts of most infl uential organization representing the Chinese Merchants & Community. merchants and Chinese community in general. 24M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

S t r e n g t h Ro o t i n g

Collective Wisdom & Efforts, ACCCIM Reinstated After War & Compete for Success Continued Its Mission

In the 1930s, with more effective Many restorations work need to be done after rd coordination between Chinese Second World War. On 23 February 1947, representatives in the Legislative Council business elites from 13 Chinese Chambers such as Tan Cheng Lock and Chinese across 11 states had its inaugural Conference Chambers of Commerce, a strong united in Kuala Lumpur and reinstated The Associated force was gradually formed. Many political Chinese Chambers of Commerce of Malaya. and economic leaders became the central pillar of strengths for ACCCBM. The views Compared with the name adopted before and recommendations of the ACCCBM Second World War, only the word “British” was that reflected the voice of the Chinese omitted. merchants and Chinese community were more effectively heard and taken into Resolutions pertaining to the welfares of the consideration by Government decision- regional Chinese community and merchants making bodies. were passed during the reinstated conference of the Associated Chinese Chambers of With the rise of the influence of the Commerce of Malaya. At the Conference, it ACCCBM, its Constituent Chambers had also decided to submit a letter to the British worked closely with the parent organization Secretary of State for the Colonies to reject the so as to response timely to policies new constitutional proposals which was unfair changes, protecting the interests of Chinese and undemocratic, particularly unfavorable merchants and smooth dissemination of in obtaining citizenship for the Chinese which information. hinder unity in Malaya. Singapore was also not included in the Federation which was ACCCBM not only served as a platform not conducive to the administration and for local Chinese merchants, it began economics for the Federation. to receive international recognition. For example, the China Government and many After reinstatement, membership of The business-related organizations of various Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce provinces began to work with ACCCBM as of Malaya expanded into a model with a communication platform to gather and Constituent Chambers in all states. In 1963, the disseminate information. name was changed to The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce of Malaysia, and During the Japanese invasion into China, then to The Associated Chinese Chambers of ACCCBM led the various organizations in Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) Malaya to support the relief work. However, in 1975. It has been known as ACCCIM since when the British Colonial Government then, and is widely recognized locally and imposed income tax to fund its war in Europe, internationally. ACCCIM has 17 Constituent ACCCBM and various organizations in the Chambers located separately in the 13 states Malaya had expressed their disapproval of the nation, and are working closely together and submitted a Joint Memorandum to to further enhance the image and brand name the British Colonial Government. This was of the ACCCIM as well as to provide the best one of the major incidents before Malaya services to the business community. occupied by the Japanese. ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M25

㠝ᆊ጗Ბ⩝͙ࡺੲц㖀ऴц⮰䶲ᄨ じ⁍͂⩸๓ᝄݹসᝄऺ⮰͙ᕧᵤᓯ䶲ᄨ Leaders of the Associated Chinese Core leaders of ACCCIM from pre 2nd Chambers of Commerce of British world war to post war period Malaya

᳃ᰵ䕿ᅬ㏱喋Ἃ ೺喌 喌⩞ ڙ Ꭰᰴᬑ仂ᅶ๓цͧፙ ᪒䭴⺛⺰喋侘 Mr. Lim Eu Toh JP (Penang) Tun Tan Cheng Lock Chairman of First Conference (Malacca) held on 2nd July 1921

ݹࢆทٵ㣖喌 ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏᱺ ڜ ᅬ㏱喋䰖ڠढ䮲 Ꭰ仂ᅶ๓цࣽ䊣Ϧͷ̬ 喋᫜ ߌ ಍喌 Mr. Yap Loong Hin JP Ꭰ͙ᕧᕧц䪫 (Selangor) Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Lee Kong One of the founder members Chian (Singapore) in 1921 President of ACCCIM (1947)

㣖喌 ڜ ᶭ⛶ࢃᅬ㏱喋䱥䰟喌 ᪒ᱺႉᐻ❡ท喋䰖 Ꭰ仂ᅶ๓цࣽ䊣Ϧͷ̬ Ꭰ͙ᕧᕧц䪫 Mr. Leong Sin NamJP Tun Sir Henry Lee Hau Shik (Perak) (Selangor) One of the founder members President of ACCCIM (1948- in 1921 1955)

᳃ᣔ䓭喋᫜ ߌ ಍喌 Ꭰᰴᬑじᅶ๓цͧፙ Mr. Lim Chwee Chian Singapore) Chairman of 2nd Conference held on 25th December 1921

䗝રѽᅬ㏱喋Ἃ ೺喌 Ꭰᰴᬑ ᝄݹ͙ᕧþ㠝ᆊ጗Ბ⩝͙ࡺੲц㖀ऴц⮰⼄Βะ喏䃪౔ じᅶ๓цͧፙ Ἃጊ͙ࡺᕧੲцѹκ਼Ϧ㶃цᝬ⮰Ẩ̶Ƞ Mr. Khoo Sian Ewe(Penang) Secretary’s Offi ce of The Associated Chinese Chambers Chairman of 19th Conference of Commerce of British Malaya located at the Penang held on 17th November 1940 Chinese Chamber of Commerce’s Premises, Penang Street. 26M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

͙ᕧじᅶ፤Ꭰц঄Џ㶔๓ц ACCCIM 70th Annual General Meeting ᜽఩仂Ⱔͧᠭᐬᎁ Opening by YAB Prime Minister of Malaysia 22-6-2016

仂Ⱔᠫⲏ᫛䛸㏟व喋౼㔱喏͙喌ȟᒙϔጊߍ๓㜏ᠫⲏ᫛ Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌じᅶ፤Ꭰц঄Џ 䛸Ⴕࢃ喋౼㔱喏ट喌ȟ͙఩侧侘๓ҫ台ᘌᏣ䬭̷喋౼ ߾ᢣᅨͥڟ㶔๓цκᎠᰴᬑճᒙϔ 侘 㔱喏ጒ喌ȟ̺͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟⅤͱह㾵ц䪫 䙾Ꮓͪ㵸Ƞ᜽఩仂Ⱔᠫⲏ᫛䛸㏟व౔⮪ᔅ͙㢱ͦ͠ ͥ᫛䛸䢪ᐣḚȟरᆊцц䪫ȟ͙๚⤲ηц᜼঄ȟरᆊ ๓цͧᠭᐬᎁ喏ᒙϔጊߍ๓㜏ᠫⲏ᫛䛸Ⴕࢃস͙఩ ц₏ޛ仂ፙЏ㶔ȟह㾵䶪䬚ȟ጑҈㏰䶪䬚ȟ₏ޛͧЧ 侧侘๓ҫ台ᘌᏣ䬭̷ܦፙ㻮⹨Ƞ ऴᒝȠGroup photo taken between YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, Prime Minister of ͙ᕧ̺仂Ⱔϐ≭ц Malaysia (middle), YAB Dato’ Sri Diraja Hj. Adnan bin Hj. Yaakob, Menteri Besar Negeri Pahang (11th from 仂Ⱔᣑः͙ᕧ⮰䖬䄣喏౔๓цݹ̺͙ᕧⅤͱह㾵ц right), H.E. Dr. Huang Huikang, Ambassador of the 䪫ȟ͖ᆊц⮰ц䪫仂ፙЏ㶔Бࣶ͙ᕧន㵸⤲ηц᜼ People’s Republic of China in Malaysia (10th from left), ঄喏䔇㵸䓽ࡶᄻᬢ⮰䬙䬔ϐ≭цȠ͙ᕧ౔ϐ≭ц͙ऽ Datuk Ter Leong Yap, President of ACCCIM, Tan Sri ,仂Ⱔࣹᭌ጑ੲ⩸ᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰䄪䷄喏࠱᠘喝โߟ䄪䷄喋ۧ William Cheng, Life Honorary President of ACCCIM โߟ㖄䄣ȟ䛹㖄䃍ܾসϦ๠⼺喌ȟ͙ᕧ䛹⩟ಆࣹ۟ Presidents of Constituent Chambers, National Council㏿ ε Members, Chief and Deputy Chief Delegates of》ڣत⼺ࣶ͖Ϧᝬᓃ⼺ᰠژη∁ȟӯҫܽڜᄥж᫛ ,ᕓȟᐢ䪫ࣹᯠݕᱦݢȟ්ߌ㇚下⩋ϓふ喏Ꭲ㣣ᓃ仂Ⱔ Constituent Chambers, Honorary Advisers, Advisers 㐅δ₏䲎⮰ఊᏀȠц䃚౔㲹≩ȟಒ䄆সᘵᔗ⮰⅀ⅇ̷ Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of ACCCIM Working 䔇㵸Ƞ Committees.

喋ᇳᵖ͙ᕧ喌ȟᠫⲏ⩋ٴፙ䬙䬔ϐ≭ц⮰࠱᠘ᒙϔጊߍ๓㜏ᠫⲏ᫛䛸Ⴕࢃস ᳃ჩ೺喋ጠ⩋͙ᕧ喌ȟ䘙ᬺࣽܦ 喋ࡃ䱥䰟͙ᕧ喌ȟ⩋ٴፙ䶲ᄨ᭛ᕧц䪫ᠫ 䉦๕ᆝᅬ㏱喋व͙ᕧ喌ȟ䅎Ẇጉܦ仂Ⱔᩫ⇧⼄Βᠫⲏ⢷ͯᔃȠ͙ᕧ 喋⩞͙ᕧ喌ȟढ㓯⩋ٴ喋⮧͙ᕧ喌ȟ䭴ԉ᜼⩋ٴ」ⲏᝠ㞛͆喋䮲䰖͙ᕧ喌ȟⅤͱह㾵ц䪫ͥ᫛䛸䢪ᐣḚȟ ݄ԉ 喋⣧ ͙ᕧ喌ȟᠫⲏ⍕Ⅴ⩋ ٴ ∜ ̳ 喋ͥ ͙ᕧ喌ȟᎰ⩋ ٴ ⦅ ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈喋ᒙ͙ᕧ喌ȟᠫⲏ䭴㐠Ꭰ喋Ḛ͙ᕧ喌ȟ䃤ຮͥ ᕧޛᕧ⼄Βͥ᫛䛸ᑌᬸ఩ȟじθޛ喋⴮͙ᕧ喌ȟᠫⲏ᫛䛸䗒䛸⣇䷈ᄽࡺᅬ㏱喋⇅䬩 ᪳喋Ἃ ͙ᕧ喌ȟじ̬⩋ٴ⎄ ͙ᕧ喌ȟͥ᫛䛸䭴᜼哅喋ᴀ͙ᕧসᅱ䟚͙ᕧ喌ȟᠫⲏ݄ ⼄Β㩍᪳≞ᒷጴȟޛᕧ䉎ᩫᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺȟᕧន㵸⼄Β ᕧន㵸⼄Β⊒᪳⥨Ƞޛȟᕧ䉎ᩫᠫⲏ ঔ᩻ဒБࣶڔ㸁ᅬ㏱喋䱥͙ᕧ喌ȟᕧ⼄Βᠫⲏࢎ᜼⦉ ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M27

त⼺⢳⮰ᐦ䃚喏㶔⹦ᩫᏈ䃍ژѺۻܦЂ΋ఊᏀ͙ᕧ᣼ त⼺স͖Ϧᝬᓃ⼺⢳喏ᘋ⣜䭢⃡喏ژѺۻ䪫᱋䔼ₑܾ ᩫᏈᮮᬢ䔄̹㘩䔅ʹֆ喏ͧ㺭࣋ఌ᭛఩䭱࣋⇥Уᵨ๓ Ѻ⼺⢳喏ᰬۻ喏ຮ᳈䔅͖ᬢՅڑᩫᏈ⮰ᩢܧ䋸喏͑䛹۞ ㏴ᄨ㜠ᩫᏈᓱ䶧ऽ䛽㲹ᱦᲰ䉣Б㐠ᠭᩫᏈ⮰ᐬᩛȠ

ᠫⲏ᫛䛸㏟वसᬢনभЭ͆䭹Ѻᄥโߟ⮰Ӊ䊂ᕓ喏䄷 䔇ឬᱛ喏䛳⩔㜖ߔࡂসᱦᷜࡂᲑٴ⩔Ⅾ݇᫜ࣽᆁ喏䓼 ᣼倄⩋ϓ߇Ⅰ᎟喏ഥ㗞Э͆䪫䔈⮰《ε߇ȠЂͪҷ喏ᐦ ᄽᄥโߟۻぽ䶲ഋछ䕆䓳ҫ⩔጑͆ࡂᐦぽ㈧㐋喋*#4喌 ⮰䰬Ⅾ喏Ꭲ᣼倄⩋ϓ߇ȠЂ΋ᑦ䄯喏౔䊶Ბ䊶ๆ㜖⩝䉤 ㈧ࡻ჆喋511"喌⮰㥩჊̷喏ੲڟᬿࡻ჆স∇๖᎟∷хѠ ტ㠑㺭ࢌф߫喏ᅝᓱ䶧㺭᣼倄《ε߇ȠЂ㶔⹦喏᱖Ბ⮰ ᄽโߟ᣼ࡳ⩋ϓ߇喏᭛ᩫᏈᝬ㺭ⱬ䛹ࣶᑦۻᬑၼ䛸喏 䄯⮰䄪䷄Ƞ

仂Ⱔ΋᣼ࣶ喏ᄲцា͙ᕧᅝᐢ䪫ࣹᯠݕᱦݢ⮰ᘻ㻭喏 䬭䃔䃦ȠЂ䃐स䄠喏ន∁Ⴤ঄ⴗᲵ䓳₏喏ₖᰞᙫڱڑፒ ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆䓺ᣑᠫⲏᝠ㞛 ᣑ Datuk Ter Leong Yap welcomed the ᘻ喏⶚჊᭛ᄥੲტ䕌᜼β̹ӫȠ仂Ⱔ㶔⹦喏ℽ᫻ఎ㏿ȟ 仂Ⱔᠫⲏ᫛䛸㏟ arrival of YAB Prime Minister Dato’ ᩫ⇧⽟჆ȟ⹪цস䄼᭛఩ტ㏻≺ࣽᆁ⮰䛹㺭ݹ᣼Ƞᩫ व⮰㢱͠Ƞ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak. Ꮘᙫᘻժक़Э͆䃵Ⅾ喏ߖ߇ᩥર㥑ੲ⣛ද喏ᩛᠭЭ͆ ᜼䪫喏⶚ԉ఩ტ㏻≺㍭㢏ࣽᆁȠ ๓цᐬᎁ 仂Ⱔ΋㶔⹦喏͙఩ᩫᏈՍᄨ⮰Ą̬ፒ̬䌛ąᝄ⪑喏ᓃݜ ϓ͆ఙȟĄ侘Ბͥڟβ侘Ბ㺫φर⩸⮰⼛Ჭ৹ᏀȠ侘͙ ፙ喏ᒙϔ͙ࡺᕧੲܦϦ ڝ᱘ᅶ፤Ꭰц঄Џ㶔๓ц ⣜጑͆ఙふ̬㈧݃ᬃ㝜ऴ҈䶥Ⱊ喏ѿ⩞ڙ㺫φ೺ąȟ侘 ц喋ᒙ͙ᕧ喌᭛᱘ᅶ๓ц⮰ࡻߊੲцȠᒙ͙ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛ β͙఩䶲ᄨϦᄥ侘Ბ㺫φ⮰ጔ๓ԍᓯȠ侘Ბ㺫φጸ᱇ 䛸᳃䩒㘈㜠⁎䓺䃹喏͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ᕧ㏿͙ᕧ ̺͙఩ᩫᏈࣶЭ͆㉓ჲऴ҈喏吿ߝᰠๆ͙᫥Э͆Ბ侘 ౔䓳̬ࣧᎠᝬᆁᐬ⮰጑҈স≧ߔ喏Бࣶ᱖Ბ⮰጑҈䃍 េ䉰喏̹᫙᣼ࡳࣸ᫥㏻䉤ऴ҈Ⅰ᎟Ƞ ᪳ܶ⮧κ᱘᱋ц䃛喏Ӈ䄧㔱ڔȠᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆⮰⑀䃹ܾ ࣮䬱Ƞ ᱘ᅶ๓ц䕆䓳䶥᣼ᵴ喏⋡Ⰲ఩ტ⹪ц㏻≺ȟ጑ੲ͆ ࣽᆁȟ⼺ߍȟϦ߇䉰⎼ࣽᆁȟϐ䕆ȟ᫱⍤ȟ䕆䃛Бࣶ⇧ 仂Ⱔᠫⲏ᫛䛸㏟व䄠喏ᩫᏈ䛹㻲⻭ϦЭ͆⩸喏ఌ⻭Ϧ Ⴕ䄪䷄Ƞ๓ц΋̬㜠䕆䓳Ԛᩥ「⼷喏᫜්͖᲍᪳喏ܲ ȠЂ΋㶔⹦喏ᩫڑ䶲ഋͦ఩ტፒᲑੲᱦস᣼倄Ϧℽᩢ ݗ᭛じ䶥䶪䬚䊊ߕϦ喞じ䶥⺭₎সじ䶥㼏᪏Ƞ Ꮘ㻲͙ᕧͦछ䲌সըᓃԍ䊂⮰ऴ҈хѠ喏ఌₐЂ㏻፤ ᅬ⮰㺭Ⅾ喏Бڸ∔䔅̵䶥᫜්⮰「⼷᲍᪳᭛䙹ऴ⹪ఎ ̺͙ᕧͪ㵸ᄥ䄉цࣶц䄴喏β㼏጑ੲЭ͆⩸ᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰ げऴ䄑ᅬ⮰「⼷᲍᪳㻰჆Ƞ 䬚䷄ࣶ䰬㺭喏䔅ᄲᰵߕκ᝿䕌㞛ຩ⮰㏻ੲ⣛දȠ

ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ऽ仂Ⱔᠫⲏ᫛䛸㏟वࣹᭌ጑ੲ⩸䲎ᄥ⮰䬚䷄ȠDatuk Ter Leong Yap presented issues encountered by the business community to YAB Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak 28M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆喋ट喌Џ㶔͙ᕧ䊌䔭㏖ Datuk Ter Leong Yap (3rd from right) presented a souvenir to YAB Dato’ Sri ᔡ৭δ仂Ⱔᠫⲏ᫛䛸㏟व喋͙喌Ƞጒ Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, Prime Minister of Malaysia (middle) on 䊣喝ᠫⲏ䭴㐠Ꭰȟͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟᒙ behalf of ACCCIM. From left: Dato’ William Tan Wei Wei Lian, Tan Sri Lim ϔጊߍ๓㜏ᠫ ⲏ᫛䛸Ⴕࢃ喞ट䊣喝 Sing, YAB Dato’ Sri Diraja Hj. Adnan bin Hj.Yaakob, Menteri Besar Negeri ͥ᫛䛸䢪ᐣḚȟ台ᘌᏣ๓ҫȠ Pahang; From right: Tan Sri William Cheng, H.E. Dr. Huang Huikang.

ፙ๓цȠܦ侘रᆊцЏ㶔䌶䋯ڔ The AGM was well attended by delegates of Constituent Chambers from all around Malaysia. ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M29

喋じ̬ᢾट䊣喌ȟᠫⲏ᫛䛸䗒䛸⣇䷈ᄽࡺᅬ㏱ȟᠫⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱ふϦЀ㏲㕲क़仂Ⱔ⮰⩋ٴ⎄ᕧц 䪫䃤 ຮޛ͙ᕧ ᐬᎁ⑀䃞ȠACCCIM Vice Presidents Mr. Hu Yu Siong (fi rst row from right), Datuk Seri Panglima Gan Sau Wah, Dato’ Liew Sew Yee etc. listening to the opening speech by YAB Prime Minister.

Ꭰ䉒Ⱊ៑ॶȠڔᕧ䉎ᩫᠫⲏ᳃ჩ೺喋ट喌ऽ๓ц᣼ॴᎠᏒ㏻ᴑᵤͷ Dato’ Lim Kuang Sia, Treasurer (1st from right) tabled the Audited Accounts for the year 2015. 30M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

͙ᕧじᅶ፤Ꭰц঄Џ㶔๓ц ᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆⑀䃹

Ђᰠๆڢ⩸ፙ͙ᕧじᅶ፤Ꭰц঄Џ㶔๓ ⁓ⱋ⮰ࣽ⩋喏䗏㗛჆цᄥ⁓Ⰻস͂ܦ䅎๓ტ ᙋ ц喏᜽И➥ݗᙋ⓬᜽఩仂Ⱔᠫ ⲏ᫛䛸㏟ ఩ტⰠᣑ䕌᜼䉋䲎㏻≺ᒝ৹Ƞ 喏ͦ᜽И⮰ᎠᏒ๓ͥڟव喏̿⼷⩝व䮲಍䊢Ბ ц喏ͧᠭᐬᎁȠ ࢟ᄲ౔ᰴͪ㵸⮰㒺఩ᕧ㐋๓䔵喏ᄲᄥ౜㑄ᩫ ᭛ຮ᳈̷̬Ч㒺఩ᕧ㐋ڢፒᲑ᭪㦃ᒝ৹喏ᅐ⇧ 䔮䕎⺊౏⮰᪷᜾ᰴ喏᜽И㶣ᓯ⺉⺻仂Ⱔসᝬᰵ 䛳⩔স⣜Чᕧ㐋ᒴ̹स⮰ᩫもȠ ⽲᫛᳃᰷᪷ࣷ᜾ᰴᘵᔗ喏4FMBNBU#FSQVBTBȠ ᫥䲎喏Аव⫞ᑝȟጮ౦ԍᓯ̷ᡗȟЭ͆㥑ڱ౔఩ 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц᜼⿷κᎠ喏࣋⼜ͦ 䓼᜼᱘්ߌ喏䭹ѺβЭ͆《ε߇喏ۧ㏿㖄䄣โ Ą㠝ᆊ጗Ბ⩝͙ࡺੲц㖀ऴцą喏じ ̬ ᅶ ๓ ц ᭛ ߟ喏Бࣶ䯪Б㖄䄣ऴ䔮⮰঄጑喏ጞ㏻ᄨ㜠䃤ๆ 㣖͙ࡺ Э͆䘩ะκֈ␊⟢ᔭȠڜ౔Ꭰᰴᬑ喏౔ѹκव䮲಍⮰䰖 ᕧੲцͪ㵸Ƞ ጞ㏻স仂Ⱔц䲎Ꭲ䔇㵸ڠ౔䔅᫥䲎喏᜽Иᒴ倄 喏᜽∔ڟ౔͙ᕧ݇ц䔅ᎠᲑ喏᜽И⮰ц঄ᄥ఩ტᐦ䃪 䃔䃦⮰̬χ䬚䷄Ƞ仂Ⱔᄥₐ㶔⹦Ჭ๓ ̺⹪ц䔇ₑֆܦβࡿ䊶䉍⡚ȠЂИᑿ͙࠱᠘̬ Иಆԍ喏㏻≺්䪫স⹪ц䬚䷄ᄲⅤ䔈᭛ᩫᏈ⮰ η䶥Ƞٴц݇ߊϦ᪒䭴ᶎ⺰喏স侘Ბ фژχ㦃ह䶲㷂喝侘ࡺ 㺫φ仂Ч䉎ᩫ䘔䪫᪒ᱺႉᐻ❡ท喏ЂИܲݗ᭛ ͙ᕧস͙ᕧ⮰ݹЧц䪫Ƞ Ѳ᭛᜽Иᰵ⤲⩝ԉᠭͼ㻮Ƞ侘Ბ㺫φ㏻≺᠑ᰵ⩞ڙ侘 䛹㺭⮰េ䉰䶥͖܌ᑦߞ⮰ദ᱘䲎喏ₐโ喏Ⱊݹᰵ ͙ᕧ⌝ԍ๓侘϶ᬑᝬंᓃ⮰ࣽᆁস఩䭱౜ѹ喏 Ⱊ₏౔䔇㵸͙Ƞ ᭛र᫻̹ᛴߖ߇⮰᜼᳈Ƞ͙ᕧᩛᠭ仂Ⱔᣔߔ⮰ ጑͆ఙ喋.$,*1喌ᄲߌᑦͥڟĄ̬͖侘Ბ㺫φ⤲ᔡą喏᣼Սर᫻ఎ㏿̺఩ტ㲹 侘Ბ㺫φ͙఩ স䧒ጊ೺ጮͷ䬠⮰㖀㈧喏➥ݗ᭛౔᫱⍤ȟͥڟ ऴȠ ጑͆ࣽᆁস⌱ⱋ下৭⩋ϓȠេ䉰ᕧ䷉ϫАव ѿ ⮰጑͆ఙ喏ᄲ౔͈⊣ᇤ㏻≺➥ࡦ喋&$&3喌ፒᲑڔ㜖᜽ࣧᎠᣑЧ͙ᕧᕧц䪫̬㕸ऺ喏স͙ᕧ ͙͐ ϫАव⮰េ䉰喏Ꭲᄲҫᒙϔ᜼̬͖ͦⱋ₏⮰ڢसϭݢ჆β᱖Ბ̵Ꭰ⮰Ή๓጑҈䶥Ⱊ喏 䶥᭛喝Ąӯ䔇఩ℽఎ㏿ąসĄൽ䕌❝ᓯ⹪цą喏 ጑͆ᑦጊȠ 䔅স仂Ⱔ㜠߇κᣔߔఎ㏿ࣷ❝ͦস䄼ͷ᱘喏౔ ⮳Ϙ೺䃍ܾᄲፒ⩞ڙ⹪цႵ჆͙ӯ䔇ᩥ䲕ࣽᆁ⮰Ⱊᴳ喏᭛̬㘵Ⱔឫ ͙఩ាϫАवេ䉰侘 ⮰Ƞ ߔ⊣⍛⮰ࣽᆁȠ䕆䓳ᝬ᣼䃚⮰⌝⊣⍛एসጞ䃍 ⮳Ϙ೺ᄲ᭛͙఩̬ፒ̬䌛⩞ڙఙ喏侘ژ∷⊢⮰ܾ ㏻≺₏ըᠽᝄস̹⶚჆ᕓ᱋Ƞᬺ๕喏㠝఩ 喋0 # 0 3喌䌛 ㏫ ⮰ 䛹 㺭 ㏰ ᜼ 䘔 ܲ喏ҫ侘Ბ㺫φ᜼⤯ڔ េ۟჆᭛॒⻧ᐬ⁓Ⰻ⮰喏ຮ᳈㠝఩䔬 ͦ᱘ࡦഋ䶢㏓⮰ϐ䕆᳎㏩ͷ̬Ƞژᄲͪ㵸 ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M31

㥑 ߔ㖀㈧Ƞ͙ᕧゥߊβๆ͖Џ㶔ఎݜ͙఩স͈Ⰻ఩⻭ڝژ⮰侘Ბ㺫φႻᙫ䅣᭛̬͖ڜ౔Ḛ㒺 ㈧䃍ܾ喏䛹◥౔κᎫ∇⮰䔊ᣑ喏ຮ倄䕋䧭 ტ㔯ᄋϐ≭Ƞसᬢ喏౔ⴙⴙ̬Ꭰ䛸喏͙ᕧ΋ᣑᒱڟхѠ ͺ⃻͖ᭋ᱋̬܌䌛䃪᫩ȠႯ⋡Ⰲβ̳㠝ϕ㟅㧵ȟ βᲑ㜖⊣โᣑ䓽͖䃫䬚ఎ喏ژ䌛喏⍛एস ↉Ბࣶ∎ᓣ⩟ࡦഋ喏䶰᫅κᎠݹᄲፒᲑ䊱 ͖Ƞ 䓳ϫАव⮰េ䉰䷉Ƞ ̶͖ᰴᬑ喏䙹ऴ͙ᕧঔᎠцᎲᮆრ喏͙ᕧឫ ͙ᕧᩛᠭӯ䔇โ఩Ⱐᣑេ䉰喋'%*喌⮰̬ܳߖ ߊβじ⁍͂⩸ࡺੲ๓ц䶪䬚ༀ঄цц䃚喏⊣โ ߇喏᜽Иጸ᱇ᩫᏈ΋ᄲস᱘౜ੲტসЭ͆ტ喏 ͖఩ტস౜ࡦ⮰Џ㶔喏Ბ㜖᫜ߌ಍ȟ仅⍛ȟ∜ ݗ᭛౔ₐ⮰͙ᕧц঄ੲტ㉓ჲऴ҈喏ាᤍេ ఩ȟߌᠫ๓ȟⓟ≞ȟ䴕఩ȟᬑ᱘ȟ㤞ᒷცȟ͙఩ȟ➥ ڢ䉰㞛ᱦȠ ࢜ᅨȟ㐱⩤⮰͙ࡺᕧੲцЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫๓侘࣮̺ ⰇȠᩪⱨఇ⊣喏᜽Иᄲߌᑦস䔅χхѠఎѿ⮰ऴ ㈧㑽㐈̺ऴڟᠽᝄ喏Ѳ͙఩䔇̬ₑߌ๓౔ ҈喏᣼Ӈц঄ੲტᰠᎫ∇⮰Ϧ㘵␍ٱᅩネ㏻≺⣛ද 侘Ბ㺫φ⮰េ䉰Ƞࣸ䓥䉤ᬿ䷉౔Ꭰ්䪫β ҈ᱦцȠ एݜ͙఩ࢌ喈Ƞ͙ܦ喈䓪 ϫАव喏๓侘 ఩ᩫᏈᩢ䉙๓侘ᩫᏈզݤ喋.(4喌ᰬ㏴छ㘩̶ ऒโ喏͙ᕧ⼛Ჭ䙹ऴ๓侘โ䉤ӯ䔇ᅬ 喏࣮ߌβ͙఩఩䭱េ䉰䉤ᬿ≩䄴ц ."53"%& ࡳݜϫАव喏Ⱔᑿκ๓侘ᩫᏈզݤᕧ᪜⮰ एੲ৭ϐᬿц喏䃪⿷͙ᕧ亲喏䕆䓳䔅ܦ喈Ƞ౔ݢ䕌ȟᐦぽȟദ⵬䃪᫩সᝫ౜ϓេ䉰 স͙఩䔇 ⣜౔₏ะκ᭪㦃⮰Ⅰ᎟Ƞ χੲᆁ喏᣼ӇᰠᎫ∇᎟ज㐅᱘౜Э͆ᣔᎫϓ৭স ᰹ߍ喏΋ࡻߕᩫᏈ᠇ੲᑁ䉰Ƞ 㜖Ꭰᰴオ㒞ำᔄᒁऺ喏̹ݜఇᎠᬢ䬠ᅝ ᐦ⿷⮰࣒䬔๓႒侘Ბ㺫φܲᵍ喏᭛͙఩๓႒仂 ͙ᕧᄲ㐓㐙ᣔ㵸र䶥጑҈䃍ܾ喏Бࡻߕ᜽఩⮰͙ ͖⊣โᵍࡦȠ䔅㠝ϕេ䉰ᕧըϫАव⮰ ᄻЭ͆喏Ꭲ吿ߝЂИᐬ៿⊣โጮ౦喏⿷䋟๓侘喏 ܲᵍ喏౔϶Ꭰᰴᐬ໷ᐬ䄪喏䶰䃍϶Ꭰᄲ䊱䓳 䊜ऽ఩䭱Ƞ 䲎Ⴘ᜼ऺᰬ㏴්ߌڔह႒⩋喏౔じθ䭢⃡ ह႒⩋喏䄑䶥Ⱊ⮰䕋Ꮢস፱Ꮢ᭛侘͙ ц঄ੲტИᓱ䶧㜖ᑦ̹ᖛস䛳ंͧߔȠ౔⻽ឬ᫜ ݜ ๓ऄࡂ喏ϓ৭㉌䉔΋ᄲ⣜ܦसߖ߇⮰᜼᳈喏⪅㐅᜽ИऺЏᲭͦ⣹䉡 ᬢЏ喏ੲ͆Ὅᐻ߫ᓱڝ఩͐ %तⵀࣽ⮰㜖ߔ侪侢䒒ȟژ᫜喏ຩ℀䅣⁸ܦ䉰ϓȠ ᣔ䭴 ᝿࢜ឬᱛቇ䊣喏䘩䷌㺲ь㐋Ὅᐻ喏ፒᲑ᫜䲎䆸喏 ᰵݹ⳧ᕓ⮰㻲䛺喏ຮ᳈㘩㣣ᓃڣ㈧喏ຮ᳈⇍ᰵर᫥䓇ࠐ ఌₐੲტᓱ䶧ڟ侘͙ຮₐ㞛ຩ⮰ࣸ䓥 ߖ߇᭛̹छ㘩჊⣜⮰Ƞ᜽И➥ݗᙋ⓬ᄶ᪘⮰仂 ᩫᏈ⮰ᩛᠭ喏ᓱ㘩Ⱔᓃ⯶ᒜȠ Ⱔᠫⲏ᫛䛸㏟वȟͥ᫛䛸台ტ჆স台ᘌᏣ๓ҫ ڔȟࡦഋ "&$ 䬭̷喏౔ߌᑦ侘͙ࣸ䓥ऴ҈সӯ䔇͐఩ᩫᏈস ₐโ喏䕆䓳β㼏͈Ⰻ㏻≺̬ѿࡂ ㈧ࡻڟȟ䌔๖᎟∷хѠ 3$&1 ㈧ڟ䉍⡚Ƞ 䲎㏻≺хѠܦϦ⩸ͷ䬠ᝬ҈⻭ ჆ 511" ȟ̬ፒ̬䌛Ս䃚喏ᝬፒᲑ⮰ᱦ䕳সᠽ ͙ᕧ㜖ࣧᎠᰴͪ㵸፤Ꭰц঄Џ㶔๓цऺ喏͙๚ ᝄ喏ֆຩ۲ำ喏Ջ߫ंݕ喏ᐬࣽ᫜ጮ౦Ƞ ⤲ηцȟर጑҈㏰⮲侘̹ֈ䍰喏ߖ߇጑҈Ƞ ᜽Ջₐᱦцᙋ䅎᱘ц͙๚⤲ηцȟ጑҈㏰স⼄Β ͙ᕧͧߊসࡻߊβๆ䶥≧ߔ喏ࡻߕ጑ੲ⩸ᢸᤍ ะ喏䓳̬ࣧᎠᲑ౔ᣔ㵸͙ᕧцߍ጑҈᫥䲎ᝬ҈ܦ ᫜ߔᔭ᫜ⴑ䃲সੲᱦ喏࠱᠘͙ᕧ㏻≺๓цȟ͙ ⮰ߖ߇স๵⡚Ƞ ఩侘Ბ㺫φ㏻≺倄ᅮ䃦ಇȟϦℽጭऴᵨදโ ᱦᲰេ䉰㔱ࣶᩫᏈզݤ䃞Ꮣȟ͙఩喋Ꭻ͈喌侘 ᜽И΋➥ݗᙋ⓬ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈喏Бࣶᒙϔ͙ࡺ Ბ㺫φ㏻䉤ऴ҈ᄥᣑц ȟ侘͙Ą̬ፒ̬䌛ą㏻ ᕧੲцसϭ⮰໑રႵᢾস☙ᗱᒱ喏ӯ᜼᱘ᅶ ఩፤Ꭰц঄Џ㶔๓цБࣶ䱾ੲ๓ц䶦ݕͪ㵸Ƞڔ ๓цȟტ᫻Э͆ьឫ䃞ᏓふふȠ≻ 䅎䅎Ƞ ౔఩䭱᫥䲎喏͙ᕧ΋ផ๓βস⊣โ጑ੲఎѿ⮰ξ 32M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

ACCCIM 70th Annual General Meeting

Speech by Datuk Ter Leong Yap President of ACCCIM

e thank you for attending the 70th effort of all ethnic groups in the country. WAnnual General Meeting of the Therefore, we are greatly encouraged by the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce 1Malaysia concept advocated by our Prime and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM). Our Minister, which emphasizes racial unity and special gratitude goes to our Prime Minister, national integration. YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, for travelling from Kuala Lumpur to grace and Since taking over as President of the ACCCIM offi ciate the opening of our meeting today. in 2015, my colleagues and I have developed a three-year strategy consisting of Nine Action In this holy month of Ramadhan, we sincerely Plans. Two of these Action Plans are aimed wish our Prime Minister and all Muslim friends at Promoting National Unity and Creating Selamat Berpuasa. a Caring Society, which are in line with national goals of achieving transformation The ACCCIM was founded in 1921 and was and development through national unity, formerly known as The Associated Chinese solidarity, fraternity and harmony. Chambers of Commerce of British Malaya. The fi rst conference of the ACCCIM was held These are challenging and uncertain times on 2nd July 1921 at the Selangor Chinese for the global economy. Tomorrow, the UK will Chamber of Commerce in Kuala Lumpur. hold a referendum on whether to leave the European Union (EU); if Brexit does happen, During these 95 years, our members have there will almost certainly be immediate made profound contributions to society negative economic repercussions for the EU and nation-building, and they include some and the wider world. famous names: Tun Tan Cheng Lock, the founder of the Malaysian Chinese Association The US Presidential Elections in November will (MCA), and Tun H.S. Lee, the first Finance also have signifi cant impact on geopolitical Minister of Malaysia; they were also the Past events, particularly if the next US President Presidents of the Malacca Chinese Chamber adopts very different policies from the of Commerce and ACCCIM respectively. incumbent.

The ACCCIM believes that the development On the domestic front, the weakening Ringgit, and international standing achieved by declining market confidence, increasing Malaysia today is the result of the combined cost of doing business, lowering corporate ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M33 competitiveness, suspension on recruiting investments (FDI), we hope that the foreign workers, and difficulties in hiring Government will also work closely with local suitable employees have resulted in many businesses and entrepreneurs, particularly businesses are stagnating. our enthusiastic members here in ACCCIM, on capitalising on these opportunities. In this respect, we are pleased to have been able to meet and discuss some of these Despite the challenging economic issues with our Prime Minister. The Prime environment, China has further intensified Minister showed great concern, and we are investments into Malaysia. Bilateral trade confident that the economic growth and in 2015 has increased by 11% to RM230 social matters will always be priorities for the billion and 19% of our exports go to China. government. The Chinese Governement’s acquisition of Malaysian Government Securities (MGS) may But there are reasons to be optimistic. eventually rise to RM30 billion, equivalent to Malaysia has strong fundamentals and there 8.5% of all outstanding MGS. Investments in are already several important investment manufacturing, construction, infrastructure projects ongoing. and property are now at signifi cant levels.

The Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park Since the MOU was signed in October 2012, (MCKIP) will strengthen ties between the it has taken less than four years to establish cities of Kuantan and Qingzhou, particularly the Xiamen University Malaysia, the first in tourism, industrial development and halal overseas campus of a Chinese university. This food production. This RM10.5 billion industrial 150-acre campus worth RM1.3 billion offi cially park will further strengthen the RM38 billion opened earlier in February 2016. Enrolment investments in the East Coast Economic is expected to be more than 1,000 students Region (ECER), and will make Pahang a true this year, eventually rising to 10,000 students industrial powerhouse. upon full completion of Phase 2. The speed and magnitude of this project is a testament China’s RM43 billion investment into the of how well our two countries have worked Malacca Gateway project will spur the together to leave a positive legacy for future growth of seaports. With a proposed deep- generations. sea port and an Ocean Park planned, Malacca Gateway will be an important The excellent bilateral ties between Malaysia part of China’s One Belt One Road (OBOR) and China would not be possible without network, enabling Malaysia to be one of the the hard work from all sides. In particular, top transportation hubs in the region. we would like to pay tribute to Dato’ Sri Mohd , Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting, and The Malaysia Vision Valley in Negeri Sembilan Ambassador Dr. Huang Huikang for their is a public-private partnership that will focus dedication in strengthening co-operation on extensive connectivity such as high-speed and fostering closer collaboration among railway, ports and road facilities. It covers public and private sectors in both countries. a 260,000-acre region around Seremban, Nilai and Port Dickson and is expected to Since the previous AGM in July last year, the generate over RM400 billion in investments by National Council and the respective Working 2045. Committees of the ACCCIM have been actively carrying out the tasks entrusted by While ACCCIM is extremely supportive the general meeting. of efforts to encourage foreign direct 34M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

The ACCCIM has organised or co-organised also helps the Government attract foreign a number of activities to assist the business investors to Malaysia. community in accessing the latest information, knowledge and opportunities As always, the ACCCIM will continue to available. These include the SERC Global assist local SMEs spread their wings beyond Economic Conference 2016, the Malaysia- Malaysian shores by encouraging and China High Level Economic Forum, Talk on helping them explore overseas markets. Renminbi Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (RQFII), China () - But members of ACCCIM must also be self- Malaysia Economic and Trade Cooperation reliant and proactive. In this digital age, Conference, “One Belt One Road” Malaysia- business models are constantly changing and China Economic Conference, and Seminar changing very fundamentally. From crowd- on Family Business Succession. sourcing platforms to fi nancial technologies (or fi ntech), self-driving cars to 3D printing, the On the international front, the ACCCIM has technological advancement and product expanded and enhanced its connections innovation have revolutionised conventional with foreign trade organisations. In addition, business models by redefi ning business norms. it has organised a number of delegations In this brave new world, business people must overseas to interact and explore new be proactive and forward-thinking. business opportunities. In return, we have also received nearly 50 groups of foreign Furthermore, by understanding the delegates in less than a year, which amounts opportunities and challenges of major to almost one visit per week. regional trade developments such as the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), On 29th May 2016, in conjunction with our the Regional Comprehensive Economic 95th Anniversary, the ACCCIM hosted the 5th Partnership (RCEP), the Trans-Pacific Meeting of the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Partnership Agreement (TPPA), and the One Convention Advisory Committee, receiving Belt One Road (OBOR) initiatives, we can delegations from Chinese Chambers of better equip ourselves to capitalise on the Commerce in 11 countries and regions, opportunities and to develop new markets. namely Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Canada, Australia, South Korea, Japan, the Finally, I wish to take this opportunity to thank Philippines, China, Indonesia, and Myanmar. the National Council, Working Committees By enhancing cooperation with these and Secretariat of the ACCCIM for their partner-organisations, ACCCIM can provide excellent effort and dedication in discharging more extensive networks and opportunities for their duties over the past year. collaboration with Malaysian businessmen. Our appreciation goes to Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Lim The ACCCIM also worked actively with Sing and the Associated Chinese Chambers MATRADE on the China International Fair for of Commerce and Industry Pahang for Investment and Trade (CIFIT) in Xiamen, and the arrangement and warm hospitality in the China Import and Export Fair (Canton making this AGM and the ACCCIM Young Fair) in Guangzhou, where we had set up Entrepreneurs Conference a success. Thank the ACCCIM Pavilion. Participation in these you. international fairs have provided Malaysian companies with a more extensive platform to showcase their products and services; it ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M35

͙ᕧじᅶ፤Ꭰц঄ Џ㶔๓ц 䕆䓳䶥䃚ᵴ

5. " ఩ტ⹪ц㏻≺䄪䷄ ๓цभ䄣͙๚ᩫᏈসጊᩫᏈჲܳऴ҈喏Б఩ ტݕ⯶ࣶϦℽ⺻⹵ͦ䛹喏ऴ⤲ܲ䙹䉰⎼সࣽ NATIONAL ECONOMY  ᆁ᠔δरጊᆊ喏Ꭲᵥᢚरጊࣽᆁ⼷Ꮢᣔ㵸 Ѥ㑕ᕓ⮰ᩫも喏࠱᠘吿ߝ៿ᆁ᫜ࡦᎢ᣼ڣᰠ ᎟ژӇфᘌຂᣂ喏㔸रጊᩫᏈ΋ᰠݢᏒࡂস ܽڜ๓ц䛹⩟͙ᕧಆࣹ۟ᄥ౔๓侘჊㵸ж᫛.1 ⣛᪠ѿេ䉰ڱ఩ц䃚঄߇䭧䔅 ᐬᩪܲ䙹ో౜喏सᓯࡻ߇ᩥર఩چη∁⮰⿷౦喏Ꭲӯ䄣᱉䛺ᩫ 䔇఩ⰚᴳȠٴڑ䶥ᐦ䃚᣼ॴ఩ц喏ಆ۟㐠័᜽఩㖀䗒ზ∁䉷 ද喏⼛Ჭᣔߔ๓侘䓴ऽ倄ᩢ δᝬᰵϦℽ⮲᎟ふ⮰㇪⺊Ƞ 䱥䰟ȟ⣧⦯ጮ 侘   ͖ ᆊ ц喌 ڔ 喋͙ᕧ͙๚ ⤲ η ц ࣶ ఩㐋̬჊᫩喏Ѳڔᵴ⩝喝䓽ᎠᲑ᜽఩⮰䉎ᩫᩫも౔ ࣶ㏻≺ࣽᆁᗱڑ᪅҈ͦ᜽఩⮰Ⴤ᫥Ⴣ᪅ȠѲ౔ ᭛̬χᩫもദκरጊϦℽᩢڜᵴ⩝喝͙ᕧᄶ䛹ж᫛ η∁喏䔉ࣹβ๓侘ᐦ఩ᬢ⮰ ۡふ᫥䲎ႄᰵጚᐮ喏ࣹ㔸䕌᜼ࣹᩴ᳈Ƞ͙๚ᩫܽڜ๓侘჊㵸ж᫛ 䬼ᬺ๓侘͂ԃ఩⮰η჊喏㐉ᄥ̹ ᏈᏀѤ㑕ᕓ䛳㏟䔮ᑿᩫも喏ጊᩫᏈ㐅δ䙹ऴ喏ڱ∁ࡻ䃚ࣶზ ≻఩㏻ڔ⣜Ⴣ᪅⮰๓侘⹪цȠຮ᳈㥩჊ ᫥㘩ᰵᩴᣔߔरጊसₑࣽᆁ喏჊ٯ⻹᫻ๆٯ䔮჈ๆ ͐຃̹स⮰ܽη∁喏ᄥ⽲᫛᳃স䲊⽲᫛᳃᫩δ ්䪫Ƞ ̹स⮰ܽ∁喏᭛䔉ࣹ᜽఩㖀䗒ზ∁じ᲍̷᪳ ᠇ᐬژ᎟স䔻ᬺ⮰᫥ᐻژ䉷δᝬᰵϦℽ⮲᎟ふ⮰㇪⺊喏͑䛹༭㗭఩ℽఎ 6.๓цभ䄣ᩫᏈБᰠ ጑⼷䃍ܾ喏̹ܲ⻹᫻喏ڝژ喏䭧ⶹ఩ტ㐓㐙ݹ䔇Ƞ ᴳะ⤲ᩫᏈ䛳䉙ᝂ㏿ εᕓ》ڣ͙喏ҫ఩ტᩫもᰠڢ䃕ᰠๆЭ࣮̺͆ 2.๓цᩛᠭᩫᏈᣔ㵸र䶥ӯ䔇఩ℽఎ㏿̺স䄼 স䔻ᬺᏒȠ 䮲䰖  ⮰ᩫも喏Ꭲӯ䄣ᩫᏈ䛳ं㵸ߔ͑ࢵネݢࣶ䕻 ₎ᰵᢋ⻹᫻স䄼ࣶ఩ტႵႭ⮰Ჭ〛㼬㵸ふͪ तರ᫙ጮ౦⮰㏻㥑Ὅᐻ喏ژᣖ喏Бጕదर᫻ఎ㏿喏ӯ䔇఩ტႵ჆Ƞ 7. ๓цࣹᄥЧҁࢁ̬ 喌 Ꭲभ䄣ᩫᏈ͑⺭ᩫᏈᱦᲰ⊵ࣶੲ͆≧ߔ喏Б䃕ͥڜ喋䮲 䰖ȟࡃ䱥䰟ȟव त喏⮲ะκ᎟ふ《ε౜ژڟϦЭ͆সᩫᏈⰤ⻭ সᰵᎻ《ε⮰ጮ౦ѿ㈧Ƞڔ๓цনभᩫᏈ⼛Ჭᣔߔर䶥ᐬ⎼㞮≭ᣖ᫩喏 ѹ喏Ჰᐦᰠᐬᩪ֑.3 ᰠ͑䅔⯽ⲏБ⶚ԉ఩ტ䉰⎼স䉰䛽໑ર䓼⩔喏 ࡃ䱥䰟ȟ⣧⦯ጮ  䲎㖯䉖䭞ᐶ⮰ᱦݢ喏ߌ๓ᩴ㘩䬚ڔसᬢ䉛ᒧ तರ᫙ጮ౦ȠᩫᏈ᠋䛹ژᐬᴑะ๝㕸⌺㕸⮰Ⴤ঄喏Бᲈ ᵴ⩝喝《ε∁А⺭₎ࢁ̬ژ䉏߇Ꮢ喏Бࣶ ٭ࣽ◥㞛ຩ喏Ѳ̹㘩ܦস⣕ᔩ㕸Ⴔふर⻹ᐶ ᫜㻰ܾ䒒❸ᩫも喏ᅩネژ㐉䉖↍㝊ᐶȟ⊖䉥 ᪜Б࡯䃍ڱतರ᫙㏻㥑喏㔸ᒝ৹఩ژȠ 䃤⩝➥჆〚 त⮰⩋ᘻȠЧҁᩫᏈ䘔䬔㠑ᰵᘻᩥ䲕喏ژڟȟᴀ҇ȟᅱ䟚ȟࡃ䱥䰟ȟ⣧⦯ጮ喌 Ⱔڜ喋ᒙϔȟḚ㒺 䕆ࡻੲ喏Бݢ჆ᄥЭ⇋ܲٱ㔱͆ڟⰤ̺ٴᏀη Ꭲ䛳 ͆ᰬᰵݕ⮰㞛もȠₐโ喏ᩫᏈᱦᲰ̹Ꮐ࣮̺ੲ ๓цনभᩫᏈ͑₏ⰷᒱАव䉘ը⮰䬚䷄.4 ٹЂЧҁᒎᐻ⮰㥑ݕᕓ≧ߔ喏Бڢ䔮ᑿᰵᩴᣖ᫩⽟჆侘ጭ喏ࣶអᠭ᱘౜ੲ ͆≧ߔᝂ̬ܳं ტ㏪జᏀऄ喏Б⶚ԉ๓侘㏻≺ᠭ㐙ԉᠭ㞛ຩ 䭧ⶹ㜖⩝㏻≺ጮ౦⮰֑ᏣࣽᆁȠ ᑥᕓ喏ᅩ䕋ᖎู఩䭱⹪цᄥ᜽఩㏻≺⮰ԍᓯȠ ℀ȟጠ⩋喌 8. ๓цभ䄣ᩫᏈ䛹᫜ᷬ䃔ᝫᅷో㦃ࢁѹܲ䙹ڜ喋Ḛ㒺 䙹䷉ᱦݢ喏࠱᠘჊㵸ڟҷᩫも喏Ꭲ䔮ᬢ䄯᪠ᰵ ᵴ⩝喝侘ጭ⏽㥩ᄥ᜽఩㏻≺ፒᲑ⮰ѐჟጞ㏻ᒎ᜼喏 ో㦃䲊ో㦃ϓ͆ద᝿䙹䷉㜖ߔ䛶ᩪᱦݢȠₐ Ƞᑿߍ ద᝿ݢᏀត䮐โ఩䉙Μऺ䃍ッ喏Б吿ߝӯ䨬ܧโੲტস⊴䉥㔱ԍᓯ⮰᝿ڱ⊢࠱᠘ᄥ 䶪ࣽᆁੲࣶ䉙ᅷ㔱ࣸ᫥ݕڨͷᕑͯ䕋䄷ᰵᩴᄥもᲑᖎูԍᓯȠ δโ఩Μტ喏छ  36M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

ࢌ͆ۈ⯶Ƞ̺ₐसᬢ喏๓ц΋ӯ䄣๓侘఩ტ䨢㵸ᩪჩ ᵴ⩝喝䮻ⱬ఩ტࣽᆁᩫもᐬ໷̿∔κ጑͆ࡂ喏 ϓᕧը⮰℀⢳ጞϺᎠЏ䔼⌼̷䭹Ƞ⩋ڱじ̵䬠ᝫϓ䉙Μ㔱䉣䶢䷉⮰䭼ݢ喏Бࣶქ䃤 ఩ ᄽᄥᓱ䰬৭䔇ए⮰Ӊ䊂喏ᩫᏈۻឫ៱ݕᖛ䃍ܾ喏Бፒߔ๓侘ᝫϓ ͦβ⶚ԉ఩ტܦᣔڹࣽᆁੲ ͆ࣽᆁȠ 䶧ᄥ㇚下҈➕䶲ഋߌБ䛹㻲Б䓪㜠छᠭ㐙ᕓ ℽຂߝসԉ័喏ҷຮۈ ࣽᆁȠ̺ₐसᬢ喏㐅δ 䮲䰖ȟጠ⩋ȟ⮧ଵẨȟ⣧⦯ጮ ᐬᩪᰠๆో౜Ӈ㇚下⩋ϓস⪈➓͆΋᭛䰬㺭 ߍ঄喏Ꭲন ⮰Ƞ䊱䓳Ꭰҫ⩔ᱯ⼋䉭ో౜喏᫥㘩䓪㜠ᱦژ๓цᩛᠭᩫᏈ⼛Ჭघࠋᰠๆࡺ㸀.9 ☙᰹ߍༀ঄ц᣼Ӈ⮰र䶥 ᷜࡂេ䉰⮰छ㵸ᕓসछᠭ㐙ᕓȠБ᜽఩⮰ڝژभࡺ㸀ၼᑋ⣹ᘈ ᰹ߍᱦᲰ᜼ͦ ፒ⅀Յ喏๓ๆ᪜㩘㤈স⽧㆟छ᱇㣣ᓃ̬Ꭰ̵ڝژᩫᏈڑӫݕ喏䌶䋯⩟䄣ߌ ߍ঄℀⢳ᰠߌ᎟㶍Ƞ 䕌⮰ᩢ᜼喏Ꮐδ吿ߝȠژߍ঄喏ҫर᫻ژ ⣧⦯ጮ  ๓цনभ͙ᄻЭ͆₏䲎ⰷᒱᎢ⼛Ჭͧߔβ㼏 ڟ䲎㏻≺хѠڔȟࡦഋ "&$ 㘩⎼ദ䛽Ƞ ͈Ⰻ㏻≺̬ѿࡂ⩋ڹ๓цনभᩫᏈ᧐䮐.10 ȟ̬ 511" ㈧ࡻ჆ڟȟ䌔๖᎟∷хѠ 3$&1  ㈧ 䮲䰖ȟ⮧ଵẨ     ፒ̬䌛Ս䃚ᝬፒᲑ⮰ᱦ䕳সᠽᝄ喏ֆຩ۲ำ喏  ᵴ⩝喝㜖Ꭰᰴᐬ໷喏⊴䉥㔱䶧κ⃻ᰴ⮰⩡䉥 Ꭲર⩔ᩫᏈ᣼Ӈ⮰र䶥ᤠߕ䃍ܾসຂᣂ᣼ࡳ Ђ᫻㓐ੲტ喏Ջ߫ंڢε߇স⩋ϓ߇喏䙹ऴ》 ڟ㘩⎼ദ䛽⮰䷉โ䉥⩔Ƞᰵ⩋ڹ͙喏㑠Є 䭰ߌ䉥ऺκᎠᰴᬑ䄯᪠㜟Ƞ♢ ݕ喏ឿѻੲᱦ喏ᐬࣽ᫜ጮ౦Ƞ 㔸喏䮻ⱬ☙⊖⮰්ߌ喏ᐬࣽ๖䭟㘩⮰᜼᱘Ⱔ℀ 䮲䰖ȟᴀ҇ȟᅱ䟚 ੲ͆छ㵸ᕓ喏ڣ䭹喏Б㜠๖䭟㘩ࣽ⩡጑͆ᰠ̷ 䄠喏᧐䮐  ๓цনभੲტ⼛Ჭាᤍ౜⤯ᯂࡂᝬፒᲑ⮰ੲڹ㘩⎼ദ䛽᭪ᓃ̹ऴᗱ⤲Ƞ⩋ڹ㑠Є ᄽ≑䉠⮰ᩫもȠ ᱦȠۻ㘩⎼ദ䛽΋げऴᩫᏈ⩋ڹ 䮲䰖 ⩡त喋఩㘩喌䭹Ѻژ⎼๓цনभᩫᏈ̺఩ტ㘩 .11 䩚䬚ڟ䲎͠⮰ᰬ⤯ڔᯂࡂᬌ⪽᭛͂㏖⤯ڔ⩝ȟᭋ᱋ᬑ ᵴڙ䉥⢳Ꭲ᣼Ӈ䲊㍭ᔅᬢ⃡࠱᠘ᭋ᱋ ճ᱋фᘌ⩡䉥⢳δ͙ᄻಷЭ͆Ƞ ䷄ͷ̬Ƞ♢㔸喏⅀Յऄࡂ΋݇䕌βੲ͆ᱦц喏ҷڝژࣶ 䮲䰖 ຮ⣛ԉ㵸͆Ƞ

ᵴ⩝喝఩䭱࣋⇥ȟ⚐◙স⋞ࡂ๕♢⅀Уᵨ๓፱Ꮢ̷ ⏽ጞ䊱䓳Ꭰ喏ᩫᏈ̺఩㘩ᓃБ㞮Ⱝ倄䷉۬⛯ ᫅᜼᱘喏䔅χ۬ݕᏀ̺⩔ᝣܲϗȠ⩡䉥ͯᒝ৹ # ጑ੲ͆ࣽᆁ ͙ᄻಷЭ͆⩋ϓ᜼᱘⮰ͧ㺭ఌ㉌ͷ̬喏͙ᄻಷ  DEVELOPMENT OF Э͆䶲ഋ⮰⩔⩡䛻ᰠ᭛ࢌβᕧ᜼᱘⮰Ƞ䗏 COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY ๕Յ䓼҈ᱦஔ⮰͙ᄻಷЭڔχ䛳⩔ᱦᷜࡂࣶ ͆喏㕃⩡䛻ࣶ᜼᱘⮰⮪ܲ℀ᰠ倄Ƞ౔⣜䭢⃡喏 ఩㘩ख᣼Ӈੲ͆⩔ᝣࣶ͙倄⩡ࢷ጑͆⩔ᝣ౔ 16.๓цभ䄣ᩫᏈ᣼ӇȧᎠࣹᯠݕࣶУᵨᣓ 䔇㵸ٴ䲊㍭ᔅᬢ⃡⩡䉥⢳ោតȠᄥκ͙ᄻಷЭ ݢ∁АȨᰠᬺ⶚ᠳࢃস㼏䄠喏Ꭲᄥੲტ ͆⩔ᝣ喏΋Ꮐϗᰵ⩡䉥⮰фᘌ䒱ߕȠ ᪅㗞䒱ᄨ㔸ऺं㑀Ƞᄥκᔬ⪽㼒⟛∁А⮰ੲ ტ喏Ꮐᵥᢚᓱ䶧᣼Ӈ⮰᪳Тͷ㍭ガ喏㐅δჩქ 12.๓цনभᩫᏈ᣼倄㜖ߔࡂ䉰᱘≑䉠 ᱋䭼Ƞ 喋"VUPNBUJPO$BQJUBM"MMPXBODF喌ࣶᐢ䪫ᰵ ⣧⦯ጮ 䉠᱋䭼ϺᎠ㜟Ꭰ喏Ꭲᄲछ㣣㜖≑ڟ ߔࡂ䉰᱘≑䉠⮰ᐬ䨬᪜䷉᣼ࡳ㜟࡯̳Аव喏 17.๓цभ䄣䛽㲹͆䭹Ѻ䉣ݕ⢳喏ࡻߕੲტᩥ ͙ᄻЭ͆રڱसᬢ᣼ӇᰠๆຂߝӇ᣼ࡳ⩋ϓ߇স㜖ߔࡂȠ ર㥑䓼㘩߇喏̺ₐसᬢ喏ӯ䄣఩ 䮲䰖 ⩔ᩫᏈ᣼Ӈ⮰र䶥䉰ߕദ䛽সຂᣂ䔇㵸݇᫜ ්ը喏᣼ࡳ《ε߇Ƞ 13. ๓цনभᩫᏈБ㜟ᄽᎠҫ⩔ᱯ⼋䉭ᰠๆో ጠ⩋ȟࡃ䱥䰟 ϓȠ⩋͆ۈ౜喏Б吿ߝ᱘౜ᰠᠭ㐙⮰ 䮲䰖 ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M37

त喏࠱᠘㘩⎼ȟ 喋̵喌  䖡 Ⴔࣶ 㥩 ჊ 䔬 䔄 䔇 䶥 ⼺ ⮰ ᱋ 䭼喏⶚ԉژ๓цӯ䄣ᝬᰵദ⵬䃪᫩ӇᏀ.18 ڱ䔬䔄δ⩡ၼॴ៑⮰ੲტ喏ᝂ๕ڱⅠߍȟ⩡䃛ふ喏ߌ䕋ឥ۲र䶥ࣽᆁ጑⼷ᄥദ⵬ ๕ ᐢ጑⼷Ⴘ጑ϐ䉓喏Аᐦぽ 䔬䔄δΒ䲎ॴ៑⮰ੲტ喞᠂ٹ䃪᫩⮰⩟䄣喏Б ੲ㧅ः䷉โᢋ๝Ƞ 喋ఇ喌 ं⊴ੲტ㠑⇍ᰵ౔͖ᰴ᱋䭼ऺ⮰៑⼺ ᒙϔ 喏ᓱ䶧౔䄑᱋䭼ऺ⮰ٹۻ᱋⩟㉎ॲ䉒 ЂᬢՅڢᅬᕧ⯽喏㺭౔⼺ڟ䕆ⴑڱ๕ ⮰㻰჆喞ٹۻ䄣⩟ $ ⼺ߍ䄪䷄ ͆ڟᅬ ᕧ ⯽ ᠋ ჆ Ч ҁ ۟ も ݹ喏̺Ⱔ ⼺ ڟ  喋π喌 ᭛጑ੲఎѿ喏Бӫ۟ڢ㔱⇋䕆৔䄎喏ᅐ /0*5"9"5 䲎छ㵸喞ڔもᰠߌ तᝬᓃ⼺㜟ژ๓цभ䄣ᩫᏈߌ䕋䭹ѺⰚݹ⮰ .19 ̷ ⟛ ᅬ 䛳 ं 䄱 㼏 স ჩ ქ ᔭ Ꮢ ᄥ ᒱ ⼺ ڟ  喌ڙ喋 仂̳Аवڑ喏Ꭲា͙ᄻЭ͆छᒭ⼺ᩢ ឬᱛ䩅䄛⮰Ϧท喏ᎢࡻߕЂИ㼏۟ॴ៑ त⼺喏᣼倄᜽఩⼺ݢসЭ͆⮰ژखᒭᩢ⮰ সឬᱛ䬚䷄Ƞ 《ε߇喏Ꭲ।ᑁᰠๆโᲑⰠᣑេ䉰Ƞ ȟἋጊȟጠ⩋ȟڜ喋Ḛ㒺 喌⩞ڙ喋䮲 䰖ȟጠ⩋ȟᇳᵖጠ䓂ȟ侘 ȟ⣧⦯ጮ喌⩞ڙ⮧ଵẨȟ侘 20.๓цभ䄣ᩫᏈ喝 ᅬᷬ䃔ࣶԚ䃎౔ࣧᎠᰴᬑ⼺ڟ๓цभ䄣 .22 喋̬喌  ᄲ ͖Ϧ ᝬ ᓃ ⼺ ⢳ ⮰ ᰬ 倄 ⼺ ⢳ Ϻ    䔼 ᐬ໷჊㵸ͷ͖Ϧ͆ͧ㙝ਗ਼ੲ͆ϓ͆䶧ᒭᩢ ጞᩪ㐿⮰ᝫܧ䔇̬ₑ᝿ٹᎠ䭹㜟喞 ⊴䉥⼺⮰ᣖ᫩喏Б ౜ϓጮ౦Ƞ 喋θ喌  ᄲ ᪅ 㗞 ԉ 䮕 ̺ ࡧ 㢛 ԉ 䮕 ϗ ᰵ ⮰ Ἃጊ 喞 ᣼倄㜟3.ٹۻߍ⼺ .3

ᅬ౔ᎠᰴᬑԚ䃎Ꭰᕧ⯽⼺ڟ䛽ႄࣶᄫ䮕ԉ ᵴ⩝喝⼛ژ䃤㏟⼺Ϧϗᰵ٭喋̵喌 喞 ↦჆喋%JSFDUPS(FOFSBMăT%FDJTJPO喌喏͖ϦӇ䷉ٹۻАव⮰⼺ߍ 䉥र3. Ꮐੲ͆ϓ͆᫜්̬䶥᲍Т喏࢟Чҁ͖Ϧ᣼Ӈጮ 喋ఇ喌 ᄲ䉙Μ䓼ߔஔᱼ⃻Ꭰఊត⮰3.᣼ У䊱䓳̳Аव⮰ੲ͆ϓ͆ᝂో౜喏䘩䶧∔ ⼛䉥⼺Ƞₐโ喏᠑ᰵ䕪䶥ੲ͆ϓ͆ᝂ䲎⊵ڸ Аव喞 倄㜟3. ∔ϓ͆ᬢ΋䰬ڢ 䊱䓳㠝ϕో౜⮰͖Ϧ喏㙝ਗ਼ 䊱䓳3.̹ڑ喋π喌㐓㐙᣼Ӈ㐅Ꭰᩢ 䭲ڱ㗸⻧βڔ䉥⼺ੲტȠ䔅䶥۟჆Ⴘ⊵ͦڸ 喞ٹۻ⮰͖Ϧ ⮰㏟⼺Ϧ䷉โ3. ⼺䭲ڱᩢᅬ䓳̬ࣧ䉛ะ⤲⼺ߍ⮰࣋݅Ƞᄥ⼺ 喞 ᩢᅬ㔸㼬喏͖Ϧ ᠑ ᰵϓ͆ ᝂ ో ౜  喏➥ݗ᭛䪫᱋ٹ ۻ喌  䛹 ᫜ ᣼ Ӈ ᝫ 䉣 ݕ ᖛ ⮰ ⼺ ߍڙ喋 ϓ͆ᝂో౜喏᭛ᆊκ̬䶥េ䉰喏㔸䲊ڟ䃤 䉙 Μ ͖Ϧ⩡ 㘽 ȟ᎟Ძ⩡㘽ᝂᮦ㘩᝷ ᠑ᰵᰵ ٭  喋̯喌 喞 ੲ͆≧ߔȠₐโ喏䔅䶥۟჆΋ᒝ৹ݜੲ͆ϓ͆ٹۻ⮰ ᱦछ㣣ᰬ倄3. ͆ͧ⮰ऺЏᝂტϦ౔㐓ឫϓ͆ᬢ䰬㺭䲎ᄥ㑠 ⊵䊣喏࢟ Є⊴䉥⼺⮰䯪䷄Ƞ䔅᭛ఌͦᵥᢚᎠ ᣼倄㜟3.ڑ喌ាᏀ䄪⼺ᩢڗ喋  䉥⼺∁А喏Ą᣼Ӈą⮰჆͵࠱᠘βో౜⮰䒘ᢎ ๓㏒3.ڑᰴ हႃȠ ఌₐ喏̹ネ᭛ਗ਼Μᝂ᭛ឫ㐓䊱䓳͐⮪  ⩞ڙጠ⩋ȟᇳᵖጠ䓂ȟ侘  ̳⮰ੲ͆ϓ͆䘩㺭㑠Є⮰⊴䇧⼱Ƞ 21.๓цभ䄣ᩫᏈ喝  ᰵε䃚ᕓ⮰ᄽڣ⤲䭲⼺ᩢᅬ౔ะڱ๓цभ䄣.23 㐠 ᠭ ⊴ 䉥 ⼺ ⼺ ⢳ 喏ᝂ䭹Ѻ⊴䉥 ڱ 喋̬喌  π Ꭰ Б 䲎ჍᏒᎢ౔㒆ڔᝂ̹げ჊䭱⮰͖ᵴᬢ喏Ꮐ⼺៑ ژ喏Бࣶ౔ᒭᩢ⊴䉥⼺⮰सᬢ喏䭹Ѻ⼺ Ƞٹۻ᫥䲎㐅δ䔮ᑿ㔯㭽ᝂ䙸ᗱ तࣶ͖Ϧᝬᓃ⼺喞 喋ᒙϔȟἋጊ喌 喋θ喌⊴䉥⼺⮰ⅳЄ᱋䭼ᏀϺⰚݹ⮰๕ᐢ 䪫㜟๕喞 ᵴ⩝喝ᵥᢚ⣜㵸⮰ᝬᓃ⼺ݢᏒ喏౔䔇㵸⼺ߍჍᵤ ᝂ䄯ᴑᬢࣽ⣜ᄽ៑⼺ᝂᰵ̹げͷะ喏݉⟛㔱 ऺ⮰䔉ҷᄲ්ߌڢᄲ㷗㒆ᄽ៑⼺⮰喏 38M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

⮰㒆Ƞ౔Ꭰ喏ຮ᳈౔ᰴᬑͷݹ Ꭲᰵ䋟๋ᬢ䬠ᄥ࢟ᄲ჏ጯ⮰ᩥऄ䔇㵸 㑠ϐᄽ៑⮰⼺छ㣣ᓃᰠѺ㒆⢳Ƞ౔ᄽ៑ 㻰ܾস䄯᪠Ƞ 䮲䰖ȟᒙϔȟᴀ҇ȟ䱥䰟ȟጠ⩋ȟ ᄽ៑ڟ䭲⼺ᩢᅬᏀܲ⌱ᰵڱ⮰㒆䬚䷄̶喏⼺ 喌ͥڜȟव⩞ڙ᭛॒ᆊκछ䃦䃭⮰喋ҷຮ䊣ఌκᄥ∁ᒷ⮰䄌 ᇳᵖጠ䓂ȟᅱ䟚ȟࡃ䱥䰟ȟ侘⼺ 䛶喌Ƞຮ ᳈ ᭛छε 䓕 ⮰喏ᅝ̹Ꮐ㒆Ƞ 䲎ឫ䃐ࡺ᪳⠘͙㐋㔯䃭ڔ๓цনभᩫᏈᬕᬑ.27 24.๓цभ䄣ᩫᏈᮮֈᒭᩢϦ߇䉰⎼ࣽᆁദ䛽͐ Β喏Бഥ㗞ᰠๆ䕆᭿̵䄙⮰᱘౜Ϧ᝹喏Бࣶᩥ 䒧͆㔱⮰⣜䛽≭䉋៱Ƞ રर⎼≭ᄻ႒ࡺ᪳ጴ䉰ⴙ㑦⮰䬚䷄ȠۻᎠ喏Б ⩋ȟ䱥䰟ȟጠڜ䮲䰖ȟḚ㒺 䮲䰖

⇍倄κ࡯Аव㔱㜖⩝䔵 28.๓цনभ͙ᄻЭ͆সࢮੲༀ≪᠑ᰵឬ㘩ࢠڑ๓цभ䄣ᩫᏈ㐅δᰴ.25 ᠕⻭Ϧԉ䮕ᝂ⹪䮕Ƞ ᰵ䃐䃭᪳ܙ⮰ឬ጑㔯ं䃐䃭喏ტ䪫݅吿ߝᎠ䒧 䮲䰖 ႒ၼ៑䄧ឬ㕸᪅㗞喏ᢸᤍ̬ឬͷ䪫喏̺ᅝ͆ጮ ౦ᣑ䒔Ƞ ͥڜ䮲䰖ȟᴀ҇ȟጠ⩋ȟᅱ䟚ȟव ᵴ⩝喝ᰴ㫖࡯АवᝂБ̷⮰঄጑䶧κᐬ໷ः䯳ᬢ㑠 ㏟⹪䮕ȠᵥᢚĄ̬ᬒ᜼ͦц঄Ⅴ䔈䘩᭛ц঄ą ࣽٴ⮰࣋݅喏ጞេԉ⮰঄጑ᓱ䰬ᠭ㐙េԉȠ♢㔸喏 29.᪅㗞ͦ⿷఩ͷ᱘喏๓цभ䄣ᩫᏈಆᠭф ᰹ߍᅬຂ႒䛽喏ڝژ᎟ࣽᩪژេԉ㔱Ꭲ̹㘩䦴ᄥस̬ᵴТऽ⻭Ϧԉ䮕স⹪ ᆁ᪅㗞喏㐓㐙স 喏ᵩഥࣶ⪅ѻٴტᏙ⮰ф⻬⩋ͦфڑ㉎䊀Ƞఌₐ喏㺭Ⅾጞ䉙Μ⻭Ϧԉ䮕⮰Ϧ ᎢБѺᩢܦ䮕᣼ ทκस̬ᬢ䬠េԉ⹪䮕⮰ֆ∁Ꭲ̹ऴ⤲喏ᩫ ᰠๆф⻬Ϧ᝹ͦ఩䉍⡚⮰सᬢ喏΋㐿স᜽఩Ϧ 䃤ᰵ䉙Μԉ䮕⮰঄጑㜖⩝䔵᠕⻭Ϧԉ ᝹̹᫙≭๝⮰䬚䷄Ƞ٭ᏈᏀ 䮕ᝂ⹪䮕Ƞ 喋䱥䰟喌

≭⎼᎟᠔ࣽᆁरژ๓цभ䄣ᩫᏈݢᏒࡂস.30 % Ϧ߇䉰⎼ࣽᆁ䄪䷄ ᄻ႒ȟ఩ℽಷ͙႒সࡺ᪳⠘͙喏ҫ႒ᵍࣽᆁᰠ HUMAN RESOURCE ߌᰵ䃍ܾᕓ喏Ꭲᰵᩴ㼏۟ጴ䉰ⴙ㑦䬚䷄Ƞ  DEVELOPMENT 喋ጠ ⩋喌

๓цӯ䄣ᩫᏈ喝 31.๓цभ䄣᪅㗞䘔䃪⿷Ⴘર⮰ጴ䉰ഥ㗞ᱦݢ喏.26 ᰵᩴڢБഥ䃙ᰠๆげऴ䉰ᵨ⮰䄙᪳᪅ጴ喏ᅐ 喋̬喌  ԉ ᠭ ࣋ ᰵ喋    Ꭰ  ᰴ ᬑ ݹ喌⮰ โ ߟ Ϧ 䲎ڔ᣼ࡳ๓̿⩋⮰㠝䄙Ꮐ⩔Ⅰ᎟喏̺ₐसᬢ喏 ๠⼺喞 ᷬ䃔41.ࡺ᪳⻽䃚䷄喏࠱᠘ᣎ䃔᪅㗞ݢᏒȟጴ โᅝڱ᫥ᐻȟ䃰ܲᴳ۲ふ喏Б䙹ऴ఩䷄ܦ喋θ喌  ࢟ ݧ 㼏 䮐 ᝬ ᰵ 䶲 ഋ ⮰ 㖄 䄣 ᫜ โ ߟ ۧ ㏿ 䉰ȟ ᰠๆ㇪䕆ๆ䄙⮰᱘౜ϦڧА喞 ͆ጮ౦⮰䰬Ⅾ喏ഥ ᝹Ƞ 䲎 ऴ ∁ ࡂ ᜽ ఩ ⣜ ᰵ 䲊 ∁ โ ߟ ⮰ 喋䮲 䰖ȟᅱ䟚喌 ڔ 喋̵喌  ᩥ ર ⼷Ꮋ喞

ᷬ ܦ ҈ ۡ 喋ఇ喌  ᠵ र 䶲 ഋ โ ߟ Ӈ Ꮐ ̺ 䰬 Ⅾ ᗱ 䃔ࣶ㶍䛻喏Бݢ჆䔮ᑿ⮰㖄⩔โߟ⮰᲍ & ϐ䕆ȟ᫱⍤ȟ䕆䃛 Тসᠳࢃ喞  TRANSPORTATION, TOURISM κ 䒱 ߕ AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ⩔ ڑ 喋π喌  ᄲ ᒭ ᩢ โ ߟ Ϧ ๠ ⼺ ᝬ ᓃ ᩢ ͙ᄻಷЭ͆ࣽᆁ喏᜼⿷➥ݗദ䛽喏ڱ఩ ϐ䕆㈧㐋喏ڝژ᠔ᝂ᣼Ӈ≑䉠δ䯳ͧ䔇㵸ഥ䃙ȟ㜖ߔ 32.๓цभ䄣ᩫᏈߌ䕋᣼ࡳ⣜ᰵ ఩रጊ೺䩳喏ڔࡂࣶ⣜Џࡂ⩋ϓБ᣼倄⩋ϓ䛻喏ᎢༀЧ ᄲᢣ䓼ȟ౜䧭স▗䒒᰹ߍ䔊䉛 Ϧ⩸Џ㶔࣮̺䄑➥ݗദ䛽ネ⤲ༀ঄ Ꭲᅩ䕋㥩჊䮲᫜倄䧭䃍ܾ喏᣼Ӈᰠᔗᢣ⮰ϐ⻭ ц喞 䕆᰹ࠅ喏ᣔ䔇र⻹䓼䒿᫥ᐻᢎ΄㶀ᣑ⮰ӫݕ ఩጑ੲ≧ߔস᫱⍤͆Ƞڔࡂ喏ፒߔ 喌  ຮ ᰵ Ч ҁ ᷬ 䃔 โ ߟϦ ๠ ⼺ 䃍 ܾ喏䶧̺䯳ڙ喋 喌⩞ڙ喋ᇳ ᵖጠ 䓂ȟጠ⩋ȟ⮧ଵẨȟ侘 㣣ᓃ䕆ⴑ喏ٴ䕆৔䄎喏Бӫ͆㔱η⇋ͧ ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M39

オ䃭ӫٹ๓цӯ䄣ᩫᏈ᧐䨬౔⇅ጠ᫩㵸⮰⇫⊣㝖䓼ᩫ 38.๓цभ䄣ᩫᏈ᣼Ӈ͙఩⍤჎ᬌ᲍Т .33 もȠ ݕ喏ߌᑦ߇Ꮢࣽᆁ᫱⍤͆䊆ंᰠๆโⅳȠ ⇅䬩 䮲䰖

䮐͙఩⍤჎オ䃭⮰᲍ТȠ㠑̹㘩ٹᵴ⩝喝⇫⊣㝖䓼ᩫも౔⇅ጠ᫩㵸䕪Ꭰऺϓ⩋͑䛹 ᵴ⩝喝᜽఩Ꮐ䄑 オ䃭ӫݕ喏᜽఩΋䄑᣼Ӈ͙఩ٹ⮰䉋䲎ᩴᏀ喏࠱᠘㏡ქ➥჆㝥䓼͆㔱ರ᫙ȟ៘ ᣼Ӈᬌ᲍Т 倄㝥䓼䷉โ䉥ȟ⇅ጠ䭰ߌ䉥Бࣶ᱘౜䉓ᴈ䊣 ⍤჎Ⱐᣑ౔᜽఩ߊ⤲㥩౜オ䃭喋70"喌ӫݕȠ ݜ᫜ߌ⣧ᝂٴද᜽఩ݹ喏䶧ڑࢤ᝷㐙䉥ふ喏䕌᜼⇅ጠ➕У倄⋔Ƞ᧐䨬౔⇅ጠ Ⱊݹ喏͙఩⍤჎ ᫩㵸⇫⊣㝖䓼ᩫも喏छ⓬≧⍛ए̺⍛एͷ䬠⮰ ∜఩ऺ喏᝹㘩౔᜽఩⩟䄣๕⮰㥩౜オ䃭Ƞᩫ Ђ఩ტ᫱⍤⊴䉥ڢ⍛䉤ᬿࣶ䉓ᴈ䒿䔭≧ߔ喏̹Ѳᰵ ᏈᏀᷬ䃔䔅䶥⍤჎䰬㺭ᒬڑੲ͆ϐᬿȟ 䃤٭ද᜽఩᫱⍤⮰ᣖ᫩ȠᩫᏈᏀڑ䃤٭ᩴ䭹Ѻ౔⇅ጠ㏻ੲ㥑䓼᜼᱘স➕У喏ӯ䔇⇅ ऺ喏᝹ ㏻ٴጠ጑ੲ͆ࣽᆁস।ᑁᰠๆโੲݜ⇅ጠេ䉰喏 ЂИ౔᜽఩Ⱐᣑߊ⤲㥩౜オ䃭喏㔸̹䶧 ද᜽఩Ƞ࢜ᅨȟᬑ᱘ȟ∜఩ふ఩ڑЂ఩ტڢ⩝ ϒछҫ⇅ጠ౔䔊ᣑφ≞఩ტࣶ͈Ⰻ͈䘔ࣽᆁ ͙࠱᠘͙ڢ䮐ๆ͖఩ტ⮰オ䃭㺭Ⅾ喏ٹࡦ⊣䓼≧ߔ̶喏᜼ͦ๓侘ᰬ㍭ᔅ≧䋯⮰⍛एͷ ტጞ Ƞ᜽఩⤲Ꮐ̺ᬢڑȠ ఩喏Б䊆ंᰠๆ᫱⍤โⅳᩢ̬ ԝ䔇᣼Ӈₐӫݕ喏Б।ᑁᰠๆ͙఩⍤჎ݹᲑ๓ ᣖ 侘Ƞڔत჆᱋᣼ࡳ䕿䌛Ⴕژ๓цभ䄣र๓䕿.34 喏Ꭲ᣼Ӈᰠๆ䓳䌛ڔ᫩喏ԉ䯈Ꭻ๓ҫ⩔㔱⮰Ⴕ त㜠߇ᩥર⼧ߔ䕆ԍ㈧㐋ژ䉥ោតфᘌ㐅ҫ⩔⩡ၼࢍЄ䉥㔱喏Б吿ߝᰠๆ 39.๓цभ䄣र⩡䃛 䒒ͧҫ⩔⩡ၼЄ䉥Ƞ সᬌ㏫ჩ䶽㑽㐈⮰㺲Ⰲ㑽ȟ᰹ߍⅠ᎟স㉌䉔喏 ࡃ䱥䰟 ͦ჎ᝣ᣼Ӈᰠ⽟჆ȟ㞛ຩࣶ➕ᰵᝬը⮰ჩ䶽㑽 㐈স䕆ԍ᰹ߍȠ 35.๓цনभϐ䕆䘔喝 喋䱥䰟ȟጠ⩋ȟᇳᵖጠ䓂ȟ⮧ଵẨȟ⣧⦯ጮ喌 त ژ 喋̬喌  ᅩ 䕋 䛳 ं 㵸 ߔ ะ ⤲ ጠ ⩋ ⍛ ए 㝥 䓼 Ђ̹ऴ⤲䷉โ䉥ڢᒭᩢ䉓ᴈ១៨䛽ࣶ ⩔⮰䬚䷄喏Ꭲ͑ᵨ⯽ᣓ⍛ए⮰͆҅䓼 ' ⇧Ⴕ䬚䷄ ҈喞  Social & Security Issues Џ ⤲ ត ៨ ϐ 䉓 ࢁ 喏ᑦ ڢ त ᝂ ژ 喋θ喌  ะ ⤲ 㝥 䓼 䲎᣼ࡳ఩ڔएੲϐЄࢁ᫥䲎ݢ჆䷉โ䉥⩔ࣶ 40.๓цभ䄣䂒᫥䛳ंᰠᰵᩴₑ俐喏ڑ䔗 㒖ᵴ喏ᩥર⹪цܧԉႵᣖ᫩喏⼛Ჭ䭞㠯স᝿ڱ 䔄ᝬᰵ㏌㏣䉥⩔⮰ֆ∁喏䔅⻹㵸ͦ喏⌱ 喏᝿䕌ڔ䔉ࣹβੲ͆ऴ㏒ࣶ⊣∷ੲ͆∁А喞 ⇧Ⴕ喏Бԉ䯈Ϧℽ㓐у⮰⩋঩䉎ϓႵ छ䲌⮰េ䉰㏻ੲসᅱѻ⣛දȠڔߌ䛹᜼ ̬͖Ⴕٹए䉓 ᴈ ポ ⼜ 䛹 䉥 ⩔喏Бܦ⊵ ं  喋̵喌 䮲䰖ȟᴀ҇ȟጠ⩋ȟᇳᵖጠ䓂ȟᅱ䟚 एੲ⮰《ε߇Ƞܦ᱘喏ݶᑝ 喋ጠ ⩋喌

ए۲䃭喏䔇ڑᐬ↩䒒ژ๓цभ䄣ᩫᏈᅩᬕᏋ䮐.36 ̬ₑ䭹Ѻ᜽఩Ϧℽ᠑䒒⮰᜼᱘Ƞ 喋ጠ ⩋喌

₏㻲㒃 41"% ϐ䕆ༀ঄цڝژ๓цभ䄣䭲䌛.37 ژᬌ⻭喏䶧Бژ䛸䓼䒿͆㔱⮰េ䃵喏ន∁⻵ ₏ȟ䔻ᬺȟᴳ۲᫥ᐻं㑀䔉ҷ㔱Ƞ ᒙϔ

ϐ䕆ༀ঄цន∁䓳κᑦ⶘͑ᵨ喏̬ڝژᵴ⩝喝䭲䌛 χ䒧㒖㵸ݐБ䛹㒆喏ߔ䒰ᬌ䭼᱋ត៨㒃ࣄ喏ᄥ 䔉㻰㔱⮰㒆ᝂܽ㒆㑦ͻ㐋̬ᴳ۲喏ጸ᱇䄑ༀ ঄цѿᖐ͆㔱జද喏㐅δ䒱ᄨ喏㔸䲊᝿ࢷȠ 40M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights ᒙϔ͙ࡺᕧੲцঔᎠцᎲᮆრ 70th Anniversary Dinner of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry Pahang 21-6-2016

܉ាⰚᴳᩪ౔͈Ⰻস͙఩喏ٴϔ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋ᒙ͙ᕧ喌κᎠᰴᬑᮆ ࣧ喏߳κᐬ៿⊣โጮ౦喏 ߾ᢣᅨ䙾ᏃͪߊⰇ๓ᮆრ喏Ꮂ⺉ 䯲㘩䛻ࡳ㏓ᩥ㞛ऺ喏ᓱ♢छБ䊶䊜䊶䔈Ƞͥڟᒙճᒙϔ ᜼⿷ঔᎠ㏖ᔡȠᮆრͧც᭛ᒙϔጊߍ๓㜏ᠫⲏ᫛ 䛸Ⴕࢃ喏ܦፙଵც࠱᠘͙఩侧侘๓ҫ台ᘌᏣ䬭̷ȟ ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆㶔⹦喏Э͆ᓱ䶧䛹᫜჆ѹ喏ᩥऄ ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟⅤͱह㾵ц䪫ͥ᫛䛸䢪ᐣ 㜖ጝ喏Ϻर⻹䒘ऄȟर⻹⒈౔࢝ᱦ͙喏ឪݜ᫜⮰ᱦцȟ Ḛ喏ᒙ͙ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟܦፙ͙ᕧじᅶ፤ ᫜⮰ܦ䌛ȠЂᠳܦ喏϶ᬑЧҁ⮰ऄࡂ䘩⻧̹ᐬ⻽ឬࣽᆁ Ꭰц঄Џ㶔๓ц⮰रᆊцц䪫সЏ㶔ȟᒙϔጊरੲ ⮰ᒝ৹Ƞ➕㖀㑽ȟ๓᪜ᢚȟϦ጑ᮦᚓȟ䛽㲹⻽ឬふふ᫜ ఎȟ⹪ఎࣶ΍ఎЏ㶔ȟ྾ѿふ㏒ हଵცȠ ह䃹喏Џ㶔ⱬ䊶Ბ䊶ๆ⮰ᬓ᫥ᐻȟᬓϓ৭㷗᫜⮰᫥ᐻࣶ ᫜⮰η➕ᝬ⌄↜喏㔸ᰬ䛹㺭⮰喏᭛ͦर㵸र͆ፒᲑβ᫜ ᒙϔጊߍ๓㜏ᠫⲏ᫛䛸Ⴕࢃȟ͙఩侧侘๓ҫ台ᘌᏣ ⮰჆͵Ƞ 䬭̷ȟ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆Бࣶᒙ͙ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛ ᭛॒ࢌᅩф߫喏Э͆䘩̹㘩៾㐉䔇ₑ喏ٴ䛸᳃䩒㘈ः䖬౔ᮆრ̶㜠䃹Ƞ Ђ䄠喏̹䃦࣋ ̺ࣧϦ《ε喏《ε΋ጞ㏻Ბݜ᜽ܦఌͦ࢟ҫ᜽И̹䌔 ᒙ͙ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ᙋ䅎͙ᕧरᆊц喏࠱᠘䱾 И䬔ݹȠ౔⣜౔఩ტ⩸䭼䊶Ბ䊶⌍ࡂ喏㵸̺͆㵸͆ͷ䬠 ੲЏ㶔䌶䋯ܦፙцᎲᮆრБࣶ⩝ᒙ͙ᕧ㖀ߊ⮰͙ᕧ ⮰⩸䭼΋䊶Ბ䊶Ὅㇶ⮰ᎠЏ喏ᓱ䶧㺭ᰵ䌔䊶ఎ䭋ȟ䌔 じᅶ፤Ꭰц঄Џ㶔๓цসじᅶ͙ᕧ䱾ੲ๓цȠ 䊶㵸ࣶ͆᪳ࡂ⮰⇋䕆㘩߇喏᝹㘩౔᫜⮰《ε͙㙝䷂㔸 䩚Ƞڟ喏㔸౔䔅ᑿ͙喏Ϧ᝹⮰ᵩഥ᜼β۟჆᜼䉑⮰ܦ ܦࡂȟ̬ѿࡂ⮰⓬◴《ε喏Ђ吿ߝੲტ䊜⤯ڔ䲎ᄥ

ȟͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟ台ᘌᏣ๓ҫȟᠫⲏᝠڠᠫⲏ᫛䛸Ⴕࢃ喋ጒ喌ͦᒙ͙ᕧঔᎠцᎲᮆრͧᠭᐬᎁȠጒ䊣ͦͥ᫛䛸᫥๕ 㞛ࣶ͆ͥ᫛䛸䢪ᐣḚȠYAB Dato’ Sri Haji Adnan bin Haji Yaakob, Menteri Besar Pahang (3rd from left) offi ciated the opening of ACCCI Pahang 70th Anniversary Dinner. From left: Tan Sri Pheng Yin Huah, Tan Sri Lim Sing, H.E Dr. Huang Huikang, Datuk Ter Leong Yap and Tan Sri William Cheng ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M41

Ꭰ͙ᕧじπᅶ䱾ੲ๓цᎠ͙ᕧじπᅶ䱾ੲ๓ц AACCCIMCCCIM 5tthh YYoungoung EntrepreneursEntrepreneurs CConferenceonference 22016016 22-6-2016

⿷䋟๓侘喏Ⴛ㻮఩䭱 Global Opportunities, Malaysia and Beyond

Ꭰ侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌じπᅶ䱾ੲ๓ц C  ፒ䶲䱾ᎠЭ͆ტ̺఩䭱ᣑ䒔喏ߌᑦࡦഋऴ ߾ᢣᅨ䙾Ꮓͪ㵸Ƞ ҈喏ࣽᆁ͙ᄻಷЭ͆喏Б౔఩䭱጑ੲ⩸ࢌᰵͥڟκᎠᰴᬑ喏ճᒙϔ ᱘ᅶ๓цͧ䷄ͦĄ⿷䋟๓侘喏Ⴛ㻮఩䭱ą喏ࡻߊੲц᭛ᒙ ᰠ䛹㺭⮰ፙѹȠ  ࡻߕ䱾ᎠЭ͆ტ䄯᪠ᕉ㐠喏᣼倄ᄥ㜖⩝䉤ᬿ Ƞ D⩋ٴϔ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋ᒙ͙ᕧ喌喏ゥༀцͧፙ㩍͂᝹ ࡻ჆ࣶՍ䃚⮰䃐ⴑ喏ߌᑦЭ͆《ε߇Ƞ ͙ᕧ䱾ੲ๓ц᭛ᎠᏒ䱾ੲϐ≭⮰䛹㺭᎟जȠ㜖Ꭰͪ 䱾Ꭰఎѿ喏 ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ͦ๓ц҈ͧ䷄⑀䃞ࣶͧڱじᅶ喏䮐β఩ڑߊ㜟϶喏͙ᕧ䱾ੲ๓цጞ䓴 तژⰇ喏ӯ䔇ϐ ᠭᐬᎁȠ๓ц᜼ߋ䖬䄣ݜ倄ϓᳱ৭጑͆ᰵ䭼ڢ͙ᕧ΋䖬䄣φ≞఩ტ౜ࡦ⮰䱾Ꭰఎѿ࣮̺ 㡢๖ܦᕧន㵸䪫ᠫⲏ᳃ჩ೺ȟ๓侘ᬑڨ⤲喏ផ๓Ϧ㘵㑽㐈̺ऴ҈Ƞ᱘ᅶ๓ц࣮ߌ㔱࠱᠘Ბ㜖͙ 㦏η㏻≭ Бࣶ᫜ߌ಍͙ࡺᕧੲц䱾Ꭰ⩋ٴ⿷఩ȟ䴕఩ȟ᫜ߌ಍ȟ࢜ᅨȟ㤞ᒷცসⓟ䬔ふ䱾ᎠЏ㶔喏࣮ 㦏η㏻⤲ुы ߌϦ᪜䊱䓳ϦȠ Э͆ტ㖀㈧㑽喋䱾Э㑽喌ͧፙ䷈⃿⦕ຟทܲϗЂ И⮰㏻侸喏䃕࣮̺㔱Ϻ͙ज़ࣽস႒Ό喏ഥ㗞ᰠๆ じπᅶ䱾ੲ๓ц⮰Ⴣᬔຮ̷喝 ф⻬䱾ੲ喏ͦ๓侘጑ੲፒᲑᰠ₏䲎⮰ᒝ৹߇Ƞ᱘ ȟ͈Ⰻࣶ͙఩ȟ仅⍛ȟज ᅶ๓цͧᠭϦ᭛ᇳᵖጠ䓂͙ࡺᕧੲц䱾ੲఎ⻽ឬڱ ᣼Ӈ᎟ज䔇̬ₑ්䔇఩ B Ƞ๓ц⩝͙ᕧᕧ⼄Βᯔ⩋ٴ㈧喏Бࣶ៿ᆁੲ͆㑽 ̺䉰䃛㏰ͧЧ⢷ᓱⰇڟȟⓟ䬔䱾ᎠЭ͆ტ⮰ࣷຩ⎪ ᕧ㏿⑀䃞Ƞ҈ڔ㐈Ƞ 䱾ੲఎ䶪䬚ᠫⲏࢎ᜼

͙ᕧ䶲ᄨ̺ͧ䃞Ϧ সͧᠭϦऴᒝȠጒ䊣喝㩍͂ Photo of leaders of ACCCIM and role-players. From left: Mr. Chua Say ,ȟͥ᫛䛸᳃ Chai, Dato’ Oon Weng Boon, Dato’ Low Kian Chuan, Tan Sri Lim Singڔȟᠫⲏ⍕Ⅴ᪳ȟᠫⲏࢎ᜼⩋ٴ᝹ 䩒㘈ȟᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟᠫⲏ᳃ჩ೺ȟ䷈⃿㣥ຟ Datuk Ter Leong Yap, Dato’ Lim Kuang Sia, Mdm. Annie Gan Giok Em, ȟᠫⲏॠ䕤᎟Ƞ Mr. Bryan Loo Woi Lip, Mr. Ong Pik Seng and Datuk Ng Yih Pyng⩋ٴȟ⢷ᓱⰇ⩋ٴ⿷ทȟुы 42M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

ͧ䷄⑀䃞ࣶᐬᎁЖᐻ Keynote address and opening ceremony

喏ऺ䊣ͷ⻬⮰㻲ۇᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆㶔⹦喏䱾ੲ᭛఩ტ㏻≺ࣽᆁ⮰⩋߇ 䛺স݇͆ᵨᅬ喏ᄥ఩ტ㏻≺㘩॒᜼ߋ䒘ಷ喏䌋̶ࡦഋ㏻≺᪠ऴ⮰ ๓も⪑喏䃕䱾ੲࣽᡑф߫喏Бӫܦ䛹㺭Ƞᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆᣼ڟₑм喏㜟 㘩ऄ͙Ⅾ㘈

喋̬喌ᴳ 䃲 Э ͆ ᵤ ᓯ У ը ㏡㻮఩โ䃤ๆ๓Э͆ȟ㔭ႃण喏ЂИࣽᆁ䓰϶ᆥ⿷̹Ծ喏㻰Ὅ⩆ 㜟ᬑ⯶บ๓喏Э͆⮰ᵤᓯУը㻮᭛ЂИ䓴ऽࡿ䊶喏ᑁ䶲᜼ߋ⮰㺭 ㉌Ƞф䉔⮰ᵤᓯУը喏ᰵߕκ䃪჆Э͆ᬺ⶚Ⱊᴳȟҫ঩স᪳ࡂ喏ຮ ᠳ䌛ᬺ▛喏ᣔߔЭ͆ݹ䔇喏Ꭲьឫᣑ⤙Ϧ喏჊⣜Ⅴ㐙ࣽᆁȠ ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫ ⲏᝠ㞛͆ࣽ 㶔 ͧ ䷄⑀䃞ࣶ ͧ 喋θ喌߳ κ 䊜 ऽ ͂ ⩸ ᠭᐬᎁЖᐻȠDatuk Ter Leong Yap, President of ACCCIM delivered keynote address and ͂⩸㏻≺䒠ᓯᔗ䕋䒘⼧喏̹ᄽ㏻≺႒ტ̺㣭㠝 䶲㷂 䶰 㻭͂⩸㏻≺ offi ciated the opening of the Conference ᄲ⩝๖᎟∷䒘ऽ๓㺫∷⮰䊷߫喏䆍ᒭⱬφ≞ᬢЏ⮰Ბ͠Ƞ౔ᑿ϶ࡦ ഋ㏻≺᪠ऴ喏《ε఩䭱ࡂ⮰ᬢЏ喏Э͆ტ⟥ຮ䔲Ⅰ㵸㝋喏̹䔇݅ 䔬喏㺭⾭ఠ㔸ܦ喏ᅝ㺭̺ᬢᎢ䔇ȟ䌔䊶఩⩸喏䲎ऽ͂⩸Ƞ๓侘Э͆ ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆㶔⹦喏ͦβ᣼ ࡳц ߍБᰠ ᰵᩴ ౜ ᰹ ᝿ຩദ⵬喏㜖ᑦ̹ᖛ喏᝺ᵥκ᱘౜ጮ౦⮰सᬢ喏䔄㺭ᰵ۟ᝄ ߍц঄ੲტ喏ፒߔ጑ੲ͆ࣽᆁ喏͙ᕧ䃪 ჆β๓጑ٴᓱ䶧 ⱬܙᅝ᭛ഥ㗞䱾Ꭰੲტࣽᆁ喏ጸ᱇̬ڢදโ⮰఩䭱㻮喏჊⣜ᰠ□≧⮰㏻㥑᫥ᐻ喏ፒ䶲Э͆߳κ䊜ऽᐬᩪȠ ҈Ⱊᴳ喏 ᱉⅀স≧߇Ƞڑ ∔䱾ੲఎ঄И☙ᗱ∷⏎喏͙ͦᕧ ज़ऺ喏ࡻߕ᜽఩䱾ੲ̺᫜㏻≺ᬢ ٴ喋̵喌⍕ ᩱ ⴑ ᫜喏៿ᆁϦ㘵সੲ㘵 ͙ᕧᄲ㐓㐙ឫ ᜼䪫᫜ߔ߇喏ᐬ៿᫜ᵨᅬȠЂ吿ߝ݇ڝ͙ᕧ䱾ੲ๓ц⮰ᰬ๓Ⴣᬔ喏᭛䃕䱾ੲ䕆䓳䔅͖᎟जξⰤϐ≭喏౔↞ Џᣑ䒔喏 ͙ᕧ䱾ੲఎ喏䉍⡚߇䛻喏㖆䯲Ϧڑጮ౦ᰬ᫜ߔᔭ̺䊷߫सᬢ喏΋ऽ᜼ߋЭ͆႒Ό㏻㥑ͷ䕿喏Ջ䪈Ђ ᰠๆᎠ䒧Ϧߌं ϗ᜼᳈Ƞڝᰵ͖Ϧ➥㞞⮰Э͆Ⅴ㐙ࣽᆁ᫥ऽȠ 㘵সੲ㘵ȟ㏿ऴф߫喏ڣᆊκܦИ⮰Ὅᐻ喏݇䕌

⣛㞮̬  䒘ऽᕉ㔯喏݇᫜ᵨᅬ ᕧន㵸䪫ᠫⲏ᳃ჩ೺ڨ⤲त㦏η㏻ژ䃞Ϧ 倄ϓᳱ৭጑͆ᰵ䭼ͧ Session 1 : Different way of thinking, clustering innovative strategies Speaker : Dato’ Lim Kuang Sia, Group Managing Director / CEO of Kossan Rubber Industries Berhad

ᠫⲏ᳃ჩ೺ᑦ䄯喏Ą㏻ੲᔭᏒ۟჆η͆倄Ꮢą喏 ๆᄽᓯ߇̺ᝬᠭ⮰ᔭڑЭ͆ტͦᝬ㏻㥑⮰η͆េ Ꮢ喏ᄲ۟჆Э͆⮰᜼䉑ࣶ᭛॒ᓃБⅤ㐓㏻㥑Ƞ

Ђ᣼䚾䱾ᎠЭ͆ტИ喏࢟ҫ㺭݇᫜Ⅾऄ喏΋ᓱ䶧 喏䂒ᘁ㜖ጝ䖫ڑ᣼䭞㷗݇᫜⮰㵸͆।ᑁ㔸《Ⱔេ ⿷㷗ⴙᮮ⮰ݕ⯶➡ⱬ䊜ȠЭ͆ტᓱ䶧ᰵಆ჆⮰ٹ ౦喏⌱Ẇ᱘䏗ᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰䬚䷄সᠽᝄ喏Бࣶᰵ㘩߇ ᰹䬚䷄⮰᫥ᵴȠٷᄧឪ

Ђ㻮ᄋݜ᱘౜䃤ๆ͙ᄻಷЭ͆ᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰䬚䷄喏ᅝ ᭛㑦ͻ䷺䮕ネ⤲喏ᒬᒬ౔䲎ᄥ䷺䮕ᬢᏀऄ㘩߇ ̹䋟喏䕌᜼Э͆ᬌБͦ㐓Ƞ ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M43

じ̬ₑ喏Бܦੲ⩸喏䘩ᓱ䶧߳᪎䌻ڑЂ䃐ͦ喏㺭ֆᄻ⩋ᘻᎢ̹䯪喏ᰵᱦ㑄ᅝ㵸喞Ѳ᭛㺭ា⩋ Ђᑦ䄯喏ЧҁϦេ ᘻϺᄻֆ๓喏ᅝᓱ䶧䉥ߋ๗喏࠱᠘᣼ࡳ᱘䏗⮰ⴑ䃲ȟも ࣶᰵ̹ᕁ๝䉑⮰߳⅀Ƞ㜟κ㺭䃕Э͆᜼ߋ喏Э͆ტ݅䶧 ܦत⮰㶔⣜ࣶ᜼䉑䔇㵸͖ᵴⵀ⾢喏᝹㘩ܲ᲼ژЂڢ喏Бࣶន㵸߇ふ᲍ТȠसᬢ喏㺭⶚ԉЭ͆䓪㜠᜼ߋ喏 ᄥ⪒ त᱘䏗⮰《ε߇喏࠱ 䬚䷄ᝬ౔喏䃕᱘䏗ᑁБͦ䞠Ƞژ⿷㘩̺͂⩸Э͆࿞㒺喏ᅝᓱ䶧ᐦ ᠘Ⅴ̹⁳₎⮰ᩥ䲕ࣶ݇᫜Ƞ

⣛㞮θ  ᪎κ᷒ᘟ ⩋ٴ⿷㡢๖㦏η㏻⤲ुыܦ䃞Ϧ ๓侘ᬑͧ Session 2 : Dare to unleash your dreams Speaker : Mr. Bryan Loo Woi Lip, Managing Director of Loob Holdings Sdn Bhd (Chatime Malaysia)

Ђ䃐ͦЭ͆ტ㺭፤ԉᠭⅮⴑ㠑云ȟ㮆ᓯ㠑ᙆ⮰⟢ᔭ喏᝹̹ ц␍κ⣜⟢喏䳙も㜖ጝ̹᫙Ⅾ᫜ȟⅮ䔇ₑȠ䱾ᎠЭ͆ტᏀ 䄑䛶ᩪ⒈㘩喏ࣽᡑᬌ䭼݇ᘻ喏䌟ܦదᰵᵲ᳢ᕉ㔯喏㔸-PPL 喏ᅝ᭛ᰬຩ⮰ۅत-00#⮰㠝᪳㑕ژPVUPGCPY΋₏᭛Ђ ⚓Ƞۅ

㡢๖ݜ๓侘ጮ౦喏᭛౔̬⁍࣮㻮⊣โܦЂܲϗ᱘䏗ᑁ䔇ᬑ ᆁ䨬цᬢ喏ᬌᘻ͙ࣽ⣜β䔅͖ᒴᰵ⒈߇⮰η͆喏㔸ᑿᬢ๓ ᰵЏ㶔ᕓ⮰⣜Џࡂ㡢᪳ڣ͖̬⣜ܦ⇍侘䔊䨭亚下ጮ౦䔄 ࡂ৭❸喏ᝬБ۟჆඗㶑䔅͖㑦एȠसᬢ喏Ђ΋ܲϗຮҁ䃕 ጮ౦䔇̬ₑ៿ᆁȠڱ䔅͖䔊䨭৭❸౔఩

Ђᑦ䄯৭❸჆ѹ⮰䛹㺭ᕓȠЭ͆ᓱ䶧㜠߇ᐦ⿷৭❸Уը喏 ुы⿷吿ߝ䱾Ꭰੲტ㺭᪎κ᷒ᘟ喏Ꭲ䃪჆ᬺ⶚⮰Ⱊ 䶪჎̹ϱϱ᭛⊴䉥喏㔸᭛䃐सЭ͆݇䕌凈ᬺ⮰৭❸᪳ࡂ喏 ᴳ喏ᅩ̬ܳߖ߇჊䌡㜖ጝ⮰᷒ᘟȠ㮩♢᷒ᘟц౔䓳⼷ ͦ䶪჎ፒᲑ̹̬ᵣ⮰⊴䉥ѿцȠ ͙䄯᪠ᩥऄ喏Ѳ࡯̳̹㺭ᔄ䃜݉㶣ȠЂ⮰᷒ᘟᅝ᭛䕆 䓳亚下᪳ࡂាϦИ㖀㈧䊣Ბ喏κ᭛ᅝᰵβ⣜౔⮰η ुы⿷䃐ͦ᜼ߋ⮰⼄䃬᭛ಆᠭ喏݇͆䮐β⃱߇সᕾᓯโ喏 ȠℽБ下ͦ๕喏亚下᭛ϦИ⩋≧͙ᰬ̹㘩⁌㑦⮰喏 ݗᬌЂ∁ȠЭ͆ტᓱ䶧߳κᅉ䄁喏ឫ៱䷺䮕喏⁏♢ᣑः๝͆ ᝬБЂᅝᒬ䔅͖Ⱊᴳݹ䔇Ƞ 䉑喏ख㺭ᓯ͙ᰵ᷒喏ᅝ㘩ԉᰵ☙ᗱ喏ᙋःݜ݇͆⮰ͼ䋏善

⣛㞮̵  ͙ࡺ᪳ࡂ̺Э͆ネ⤲ ͧ䃞Ϧ  ᫜ߌ಍͙ࡺᕧੲц䱾ᎠЭ͆ტ㖀㈧㑽喋䱾Э㑽喌ͧፙ䷈⃿⦕ຟท Session 3 : Chinese culture and management of business Speaker : Mdm. Annie Gan Giok Em, Chairperson of Young Entrepreneurs Network (SCCCI YEN) of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry

䌛Ƞລ݇ܦ⃿㣥ܲϗ㏻ੲ⮰ᓯ䌛ࢲ⼷喏䃐ͦᕉ䌛۟჆䷈ ߊᐦ♸䯲ఎ喏౔Б⩣ᕓͦͧᄨ⮰ᐦぽ䶲ഋ͙̺⩣ᕓस͆ε ̬Მ㓥喏̬䌛䊜ᓃ㡲Ḅ␍䕀喏ᝬᎤ䲌ⱬಆᠭࣶ䉡ϦⰤߕ喏 त᜼䪫Ƞژ喏΋䃕ڟ᰹β䯪ٷᰬऺ䘩䶦ݕ

तژत๖ქᬿβ喏Ѳ㺭㏻㥑ຩ̬ტژ喏䶲͖❸⚓ᐬܦລᠳ ჊౔̹᭛Тქᬿ⮰ηȠລ⻵ឫ͙ࡺ᪳ࡂ̺Э͆ネ⤲喏Б䕿 ͵Ბネ⤲Э͆⮰঄጑喏㜠߇᝿䕌Ꭴ⺻Э͆Ƞ 44M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights

ລᑦ䄯᣼ࡳ㜖᜽Уը⮰䛹㺭ᕓ喏࡯䛸侘㠑̹䔇ं喏΋᭛ ネ⤲⮰⤲䃦ߌ̶᱘䏗⮰㘩߇ࣶន㵸߇喏Џ㶔Э͆⮰᜼ ̬ࡥᮚ䕆⮰侘喏㔸䕆䓳̹᫙႒Ό㜖᜽්ըंᓃ⮰᜼ߋ喏 ߋȠລ౔䃞Ꮣ͙喏ᑁ䔜䃤ๆЭ͆ネ⤲⮰⤲䃦喏࠱᠘Ąⵠ⿃ ჆ᒷąȟĄ㲠㲢ᩴᏀąȟĄ凰ڗݗϦ᭛ᬌ∁៎䊜⮰ȠЭ̹͆ц̬ጲ䷺䶦喏Э͆ტ౔䕳 ⤲䃦ąȟĄ᱔ᶢᩴᏀąȟĄθ ݜᠽᝄসజ䯪ᬢ喏ᓱ䶧႒Όຮҁ䲎ᄥȟ㼏ࣶ۟ᩪ̷喏Ꭲ 冨∁݅ąȟĄ凢冨ᩴᏀąȟĄ㒶㓐ᩴᏀąȟĄݦ⡘∁݅ąȟĄ Ϻ͙႒ ᓃᮦᚓȠ ᝷㶔჆ᒷąふ̺уϦܲϗȠ

ᕧ㏿⑀䃞 Closing remarks

⣜ᑦ䄯喏Ⅴ㐙㏻㥑᭛Э͆䲊፤䛹㺭⮰̬⣛喏ڔᠫⲏࢎ᜼ ࡂ䉰䃛⮰⻽ឬᬢЏ喏ᬓᬢЏ⮰㏻㥑᫥ᐻᒴ䯪̬⤯ڔ౔᭛ Џь̬Џ喏ຮ᳈䔄᭛Б̬᜼̹ऄ⮰㏻㥑᫥ᐻ喏ᒴ䯪౔䔅͖ ᫜ᬢЏⅤ㐙㏻㥑সࣽᆁ喏ఌₐЭ͆ᓱ䶧̹᫙ᐬ݇স䒘ಷ喏 ᝹छⅮႄȠ

Ђᠳܦ喏᥊Э͆㺭̿ᓯস䃐ⱋ喏̹♢ᬌ∁䲎ᄥᑦ๓⮰《ε ጮ౦喏Э͆ტᓱ䶧㜖᜽䶦Ꮐᩥऄ喏䄯᪠ᓯᔭ喏ჲܳ㻮ᄋ᪠ 倄ሜȠ݇ڹ㏻≺ࣽᆁ䊷߫喏᝹㘩ᑁ䶲Э͖͆

Ђߵߝ䱾ᎠЭ͆ტИಆᠭ᜼ߋᒴ䛹㺭喏㺭Ⴘ᜼㜖ጝ⮰ੲ͆ Ⱊᴳ᭛̬Т̹ქᬿ⮰η喏ਜ਼ᰵ⻵ᠭĄ㘽㶷۟჆ए㶷ąȟĄ݇ 䌛ą⮰㇪⺊喏౔ᓯߔ⮰सᬢ喏΋ᓱ䶧㺭ᰵᏀܦᕉ䌛۟჆͆ ᄥ⮰㵸ߔࣧ䙹ऴ喏᝹㘩ͦ㜖ጝᐬ៿᫜ᵨᅬȠ ๓ц҈ᕧ㏿⑀䃞ͦڔ͙ᕧᕧ⼄Βᯔ䱾ੲఎ䶪䬚ᠫⲏࢎ᜼ Closing Remarks by Dato’ Low Kian Chuan, Secretary- Ђ䃐̵ͦѹ⑀䃞ଵცरᰵ㜖ጝ⮰݇͆ᕉ㐠সも⪑喏Б䃕 General of ACCCIM cum Adviser of ACCCIM YEC ЂИछБ౔ੲ౦̶๷߳ݹ䔇喏Ⴛ㻮఩䭱Ƞ

䱾ੲϐ≭ᮆრ Interaction Dinner for Young Entrepreneurs ACCCIM office- bearers and speakers attended the dinner. From left: Mr. Chua Say Chai, Dato’ Jack How Chee Lean, Datuk Ling Tiong Chai, Dato’ Oon Weng Boon, Dato’ Low Kian Chuan, Mr. Hu Yu Siong, Datuk Seri Panglima Gan Sau Wah, Datuk Ng Yih Pyng, Mdm. Annie Gan Giok Em, Mr. Ong Pik Seng, Mr. Lee Yew Chen . ȟᠫⲏ䮢ज़㖀ȟᠫⲏ᳃ᔌ䉎ȟᠫⲏ⍕Ⅴ᪳ȟᠫⲏࢎ᜼⩋ٴፙᮆრ喏ᘵᔗϐ≭Ƞጒ䊣喝㩍͂᝹ܦ͙ᕧ䉋䉏Ϧ সͧ䃞Ϧ Ƞ⩋ٴڔȟᱺᰵ⩋ٴȟᠫⲏ᫛䛸䗒䛸⣇䷈ᄽࡺᅬ㏱ȟᠫⲏॠ䕤᎟ȟ䷈⃿㣥ຟทȟ⢷ᓱⰇ⩋ٴ⎄ȟ䃤ຮڔ ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M45

ፙ㔱喏࠱᠘͙ᕧ͙ ఎ΋⼛Ჭ࣮̺र䶥䱾Ꭰ≧ߔ喏៵䓽ᒨₐ䬠⮰㖀㈧喏䃕ܦѿڔ͙ᕧκ๓цऺ䃪ᮆრᒱ ᰵЏ㶔ᕓ⮰䱾Ꭰ㏰㏳ͷ̬ȠЂڣโ䱾Ꭰఎѿ ͙ᕧ䱾ੲఎ᜼ͦ᜽఩ڱ๚⤲ηȟͧ䃞ϦȟͧᠭϦȟ䊊ߕੲȟ఩ Џ㶔喏࠱᠘Ბ㜖͙఩ȟ䴕఩ȟ᫜ߌ಍ȟ࢜ᅨȟ㤞ᒷც ᩪⱨ᱖Ბ喏ᄲ䔇̬ₑា͙ᕧ䱾ੲ๓ц᝿䕌᜼ͦⅳ㖆͂ ੲᱦ⮰᎟जȠ݇ڝসⓟ䬔ふ౜⮰䱾ᎠЏ㶔Ƞᑿ๕ᮆრァᐬፙ喏๓ტ ⩸䱾ੲȟ ⁎㖆̬മ喏☙䬥⁎㚪Ƞ ᙋ⓬͙ᕧ䶲ᄨᄥ䱾ੲఎ⮰ԍ⩋ٴゥༀцͧፙ㩍͂᝹ 侘䱾ੲఎࣶ͙ᕧڔѿ᜼঄ȟڔโ䱾ᎠЏ㶔 Ч̺ᩛᠭ喏Бࣶゥༀцڱ⊢͙ᕧ䱾ੲఎᕧఎ䪫ᠫⲏॠ䕤᎟ᙋ䅎 䌶䋯࣮̺᱘ᅶ䱾ੲ๓цࣶᮆრȠЂ㶔⹦喏͙ᕧ䱾ੲ रц঄ੲц⼄Βะๆ᫥ࡻ䄯স䙹ऴ喏㓐も㓐߇䃕र͖ ఎᄲᠭ㐙ߌᑦ̺⊣โ䱾Ꭰఎѿ⮰㖀㈧喏ӯ䔇ࣸऽϐ 䶥Ⱊ౳䶦ݕႸ᜼喏ҫᓃ᱘ᅶ䱾ੲ๓цᓃБ᜼ߋͪ㵸Ƞ 喏䱾ੲڱ喏ͦ᜽఩䱾ੲᐬ៿䊜ऽ఩䭱⮰ᱦ䕳Ƞ౔఩≭

䱾ੲЏ㶔 ⁎㖆̬മ Happy gathering of YEC 46M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities

∁ηܽڜ䛹⩟͙ᕧಆࣹ۟ᄥ჊㵸ж᫛ ӯ఩ц䃚঄ࣹᄥԚ₏ᵴ

᪅∁Ꮩ喋ܽηネ䓂ᱯ喌喋Ԛ ₏喌∁ ᵴ Ƞ䔅 䶥 ∁ ᵴ 㠑 ᭛ ౔ڜᲑ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ࣹᄥ䕆䓳ж᫛ Ђጊ⿷∁ᱦᲰ㠑䔵᠕䌋䮻喏सڢጊ㥩჊喏㔸ͥڜη∁छБ౔वܽڜ侘 ఩ц㣣ᓃ䕆䓳喏ᘻটⱬж᫛ η∁Ƞ͙ᕧ䃐ͦ喏䔅䶥Ԛ₏∁ᵴጞ㏻᭛䔉ࣹβ侘Ბ㺫φᐦ఩ᬢ⮰ࡻ䃚喏㐉ᄥ̹䔮ܽڜᵣ⮰΋छ㥩჊ж᫛ ᭛䲊⽲᫛᳃ᙋݜڢ᪳ࡂ⮰侘Ბ㺫φ⹪цȠसᬢ喏䔅΋цᄨ㜠๓䘔ܲϦℽᅐٯჃ᪅সๆٯ⻹᫻ȟๆٯ჈ๆ ఩ц䃚঄ࣹᄥ䔅䶥∁ᵴȠچ㭽স៱ᔓȠఌₐ喏͙ᕧӯ䄣᱉䛺ᩫ⪾

᪅҈ͦ᜽఩⮰Ⴤ᫥Ⴣ᪅Ƞᘋ喏͙ᕧ䃐ͦ喏Ą̬͖఩ტ喏͖͐ݢᏒą喏ຮ 㥩 ჊ ͐ ຃ ܽ η ∁ 喏ڜ͙ᕧᄶ䛹ж᫛ ᄥ⽲᫛᳃স䲊⽲᫛᳃᫩δ̹स⮰ܽ∁喏᭛䔉ࣹβ᜽఩㖀䗒ზ∁じ᲍̷᪳䉷δᝬᰵϦℽ⮲᎟ふ⮰㇪⺊Ƞ 䔅䶥∁АԚ₏ᵴ͑䛹༭㗭఩ℽఎ㏿স䄼喏䭧ⶹ఩ტ㐓㐙ݹ䔇Ƞ

᪅ܽڜ䃤㥩჊䮐β₧ܽБโ⮰ᝬᰵж᫛٭౔䔅䶥∁АԚ₏ᵴ̷᫜්⮰"᲍᪳喏࢟∔ڟ͙ᕧ΋ᒴ 㒆Ƞ䔅䶥䉷δጊᆊ᠑ᰵᲭ๓ᱯ߇᭛ञᬌݹҷ⮰喏ᒝ৹ⱬ᜽఩⮰त∁ݢᏒ喏༭㗭͂ԃ∁Ꮩ⮰ᱯ䭼Ƞ

ACCCIM Reaffi rmed Strong Opposition to the Implementation of Hudud Law and Urge MPs to Oppose the Amendment of Act 355

he Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) Tis opposing the passing of Syariah Court (Criminal Jurisdiction) (Amendment) Bill (the amendment of Act 355). This Bill, if passed, mean Hudud Law can be implemented in Kelantan and in other State thereafter if state legislature choose to follow. ACCCIM opined that this amendment has violated the agreement of the establishment of Malaysia and is not suitable to a multiracial, multi religious and multicultural society like ours. This Bill will also causes anxiety to Malaysian especially the Non-Muslim. Hence, ACCCIM urges both the MPs from ruling and opposition parties to oppose the Bill.

ACCCIM respects Islam as the offi cial religion of the country and does not seek to interfere with Muslim affair. However, ACCCIM believes that “One Country, Two System”, i.e. the implementation of 2 parallel system of criminal justice and different sets of punishment to Muslim and Non-Muslim is against the supreme law of our country, the Constitution. Article 8 of Federal Constitution provides that every citizen of Malaysia is equal before the law. The amendment of Act 355 poses a serious threat to national unity and harmony of the nation.

ACCCIM is also gravely concern about the introduction of new Section 2A to the Act 355 which allows all kinds of punishment except death penalty. This kind wide ranging power to the states is unprecedented and is a serious threat to our criminal justice system and it encroaches onto the jurisdiction of civil courts. ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M47

ᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ܲݗκᎠᰴ ᬑࣶᰴᬑ喏⢳䶲͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎݜጠ⩋ࣶ 中总一体化 ̺रᆊцϐ≭ц व᝿φ㒃ท᝿喏̺ጠ⩋͙ࡺᕧੲцȟव ᝿͙ࡺᕧੲцࣶ⣧⦯ጮ͙ࡺᕧੲц⮰⤲ Integration of ACCCIM- η喏ᅝ͙ᕧ̬ѿࡂȟ⩡ၼࡂц঄䉰᫅ネ⤲ ㈧㐋ࣶᎫ᠇ц঄䓼ߔふ䔇㵸ϐ≭喏΋β Interaction Sessions with Constituent 㼏रᆊцц঄ੲტᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰䬚䷄Ƞ Chambers


ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆সᠫⲏ᳃ ჩ೺౔ϐ≭ц̶ܲϗ㏻ 侸Ƞ Datuk Ter Leong Yap and Dato’ Lim Kuang Sia shared their experiences at the interaction session.

ጠ⩋͙ᕧ㦏η䌶䋯ܦ ፙϐ≭цȠ Interaction session was well attended by Council Members of Klang CCCI.

ᬺȟᑌ㸁ℽᒷጴȟᠫⲏ䭴Ნ䒵ȟ⼄Β䪫ᝠ㞛ڹፙ㔱࠱᠘͙ᕧ㒞⤲ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸᳃䩒 ⲏ᳃ܦ ๆѹ㦏ηȠڝふ̬⩋ٴᕧ⼄Β㩍᪳≞ᒷ 友ޛȟじθڔ㘈ȟᕧ⼄Βᠫⲏࢎ᜼ ጴȟޛᕧ䉎ᩫᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺȟ͙๚⤲ηᠫⲏॠ䕤᎟ࣶ Ђᆊц䔇ڢȠ ᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆㶔⹦喏͙ᕧᄲ㐓㐙̺⩋ٴڔᱺᰵ 㵸ϐ≭喏क़ंᎢ㏿ऴरᆊц⮰ᘻ㻭喏䃕͙ᕧ̺रᆊ ጠ⩋͙ᕧܦፙЏ㶔࠱᠘ц䪫ᠫⲏ᳃ჩ೺ȟ㒞⤲ц䪫 ц⮰㖀㈧ᰠߌჲܳȠጠ⩋͙ᕧц䪫ᠫⲏ᳃ჩ೺౔ϐ ц 䪫 ᠫ ⲏ 台 ⺻ 㒺 ȟᠫ ⲏ ॠ ᪳ 䧒 ȟᠫ ≭цऺრ䄣ᮆ丼喏ࣸ᫥౔ᮆრ̶㐓㐙䒧Ცϐ≭Ƞ ޛࢆ ท ȟ ڠ ᶭ ტ 48M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities


ȟᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟᠫⲏ䉦๕ᆝᒷጴᥰκϐ≭цȠ⩋ٴ∜ȟᎰ̳ڔጒ䊣喝㩍᪳≞ᒷጴȟᠫⲏࢎ᜼ From left: Mr. Michael Chai, Dato’ Low Kian Chuan, Mr. Ch’ng Ban Pai, Datuk Ter Leong Yap, Dato’ Sunny Hoe Thean Sun at the interaction session.

ጒ䊣喝⣧͙ᕧц䪫 ȟ͙ᕧ⩋ٴ∜Ꮀ̳ ᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ ̺व͙ᕧц䪫ᠫ ⲏ 䉦๕ᆝᅬ㏱ᘵᔗϐ ≭Ƞ From left: Mr. Ch’ng Ban Pai, President of Perlis CCCI, Datuk Ter Leong Yap, President of ACCCIM and Dato’ Sunny Hoe Thean Sun, President of Kedah CCCI.

͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎ䊭䊠व᝿ܦፙव᝿͙ࡺᕧੲцঔᎠ ц̶喏ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆নभц঄ੲტ⼛Ჭࣽᆁ⊣โጮ ࣧą⮰ᩫも喏εं͙䉰ᲑܦцᎲᮆრͷ䭱喏κᑿ๕̷ࡴ̺व͙ᕧ㦏ηϐ≭喏Ꭲ ౦喏➥ݗ᭛ាᤍ͙఩Ą䊜 䖬䄣⣧⦯ጮ͙ࡺᕧੲц⮰㦏ηИ̬䊣ܦፙϐ≭Ƞ 侘េ䉰喏ᐬ៿ᰠๆੲᱦ喏㏿ऴᑿ౜ф߫喏䃕侘Ბ㺫 Ⰻጮ౦⮰ᶑ๠്Ƞ͈ڑφ᜼͙ͦ఩Э͆䊜 䮐βᎫ᠇ц঄䓼ߔࣶ͙ᕧ̬ѿࡂふ䄪䷄โ喏͙ᕧ䶲 ᕧޛȟじθڔᄨ΋㕲क़βव͙ᕧࣶ⣧͙ᕧц঄ੲტᝬ䲎ᄥ⮰̬ ͙ᕧЏ㶔ఎ᜼঄࠱᠘ᕧ⼄Βᠫⲏࢎ᜼ ᕧ䉎ᩫᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺȟ͙๚⤲ηޛχ䬚䷄喏➥ݗ᭛ో౜ȟ౜⼺ࣶ䬔❸⼺⮰䬚䷄Ƞ ⼄Β㩍᪳≞ᒷጴȟ Ƞ⩋ٴڔᠫⲏॠ䕤᎟ࣶᱺᰵ ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M49

至诚恭贺l Congratulations

͙ᕧ䅔ₐऽ̷݃౔  Ꭰ ᰴ ͙ᕧޛᕧц䪫 ͙ᕧ⹪ц㏻≺ⵀ⾢͙ᓯ㦏η 仂䮇̷ᄭ䉼߷ ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ䭴᜼哅 ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸㟻ၼ᪳ٯᬑ㣣ᓃ఩ტ 㶀ͷ䉋䉏Ϧ㜠Б☙◴⺉䉦喝 荣膺P.S.M.丹斯里勋衔 荣膺P.S.M.丹斯里勋衔 ACCCIM wishes to congratulate the following offi ce-bearers for being conferred award and honour by DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di- Pertuan Agong on 4th June 2016:

͙ᕧह㾵䶪䬚 ͙ᕧ͙๚⤲η ͙ᕧ͙๚⤲η ᠫⲏॠ⢵ϭ ⩋ٴᠫⲏ䭴ᔬႵᒷጴ 䘙ᬺࣽ 荣膺P.J.N.拿督勋衔 荣膺K.M.N.勋衔 荣膺K.M.N.勋衔

͙ᕧ͙๚⤲η ͙ᕧᕧន㵸⼄Β ঔ᩻ဒᄻ໼ ⩋ٴ⺑Ⴗᓣ 荣膺K.M.N.勋衔 㢏㛦"./߷㶀

ѿसϭ᪘䉦ڔ侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌 50M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities Ꭰ఩ℽఎ㏿჊Ό䃍ܾ喋㈧݃θ喌ำᔄᒁオ㒞Жᐻ The Signing Ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Unity Internship Programme 2016 (Series 2) 18-5-2016

ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆喋ጒ喌౔仂Ⱔ㒞䘔䪫ͥ᫛ Witnessed by Y.B. Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Joseph Kurup, Minister 䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸䗒䛸⣇Ѽ⦋ऐᒷ喋ጒ喌⮰ in the Prime Minister’s Department (5th from left), Datuk Ter Leong Yap 㻭䃭̷喏オ㒞఩ℽఎ㏿჊Ό䃍ܾำᔄ (3rd from left) signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Unity ᒁȠ Internship Programme.

仂Ⱔ㒞䘔䪫 ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛ 䛸䗒䛸⣇Ѽ⦋ ऐᒷ喋ጒ喌䶭 ࣽĄ ఎ ㏿ ऴ ҈ хѠຂą喏ᠫⲏ ᝠ㞛͆喋ጒ喌 Џ㶔͙ᕧ䶲ं ຂ⟢Ƞ Y.B. Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Joseph Kurup, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department presented the Unity Partner Award to ACCCIM, of which was received on behalf by Datuk Ter Leong Yap (4th from left).

Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌স侘Ბ㺫φ䔊䨭ࡻ ᣼ࡳЂИ⮰጑҈㘩߇ȟឬ㘩স㜖ԍȠ 侘цκᎠᰴᬑճ侘Ბ㺫φव䮲಍๓႒ 㝖⾦ឬᱛⵀ⾢ᝬ喏౔仂Ⱔ㒞䘔䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸䗒 ᱋䬠喏͙ᕧ㣣䶭Ąఎ㏿ऴ҈хѠຂą喏Б㶔ម͙ᕧ౔ 䛸⣇Ѽ⦋ऐᒷ⮰㻭䃭̷喏̺ᝬ๓႒オ㒞Ꭰ఩ Ꭰͦ఩ℽఎ㏿ᝬ҈ܦ⮰र䶥ߖ߇ȠᎠᰴ ⣇ℽఎ㏿჊Ό䃍ܾ喋㈧݃θ喌ำᔄᒁȠ䔅ᝬ๓႒ܲݗ ᬑ喏͙ᕧȟ侘Ბ㺫φ䔊䨭ࡻцȟ侘Ბφ๓႒Бࣶ ᭛ࢆ➥៵๓႒ȟ఩⿷๓႒ȟ఩䭱ఊ᪅๓႒ȟࡃ᫥๓႒ ៵጑㞦๓႒オ㒞β఩ℽఎ㏿჊Ό䃍ܾ喋㈧̬݃喌喏Ꭲ ࣶव䮲಍๓႒Ƞᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆Џ㶔͙ᕧオ㒞ᰵ ጞ౔ᎠᲖ䓪᜼Ⱊᴳ喏̬࢟࡯ѹో㦃႒⩋౔䲊ో त䔇㵸჊ΌȠژำᔄᒁȠ 㦃ڟ

఩ℽఎ㏿჊Ό䃍ܾ᭛⩝仂Ⱔ㒞఩ℽఎ㏿̺স䄼ᅬ ܦፙオ㒞Жᐻ⮰͙ᕧЏ㶔࠱᠘㒞⤲ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᠫ ᕧ䉎ޛᕧ⼄Β㩍᪳≞ᒷጴȟޛ喏Ⴣᬔ᭛ጸ᱇䕆䓳჊Ό䃍ܾ喏ߌᑦर᫻႒⩋ȟ঄ ⲏ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟじθטͧ ڠ጑̺⻭Ϧ䶲ഋ⮰ఎ㏿喏Бࣶᄥ䌔᪳ࡂস䌔㕸͆⮰䄱 ᩫᯔ఩ℽఎ㏿㏰ͧЧᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺȟ͙๚⤲ηᶭტ ふȠ⩋ٴ㼏喏सᬢ喏ࡻߕर᫻႒⩋౔⻭Ϧ䶲ഋ䔇㵸㕸͆ഥ䃙喏 ࢆทȟᠫⲏ䭴Ნ䒵ࣶ䷈᪳䧒 ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M51

͙ᕧܦፙЏ㶔̺ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸䗒䛸⣇Ѽ⦋ऐᒷ喋ጒ喌ऴᒝȠ Group photo between Y.B. Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Joseph Kurup (6th from left) and ACCCIM representatives attended the ceremony.

itnessed by Y.B. Tan Sri Datuk Seri intake of students to conduct job trainings in WPanglima Joseph Kurup, Minister in the private sector so as to enhance their working Prime Minister’s Department, ACCCIM and abilities, skills and confi dence. Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding At the ceremony, ACCCIM was granted an (MOU) on Unity Internship Programme 2016 “Unity Partner Award” for its efforts in fostering (series 2) with fi ve universities on 18th May 2016 at unity in 2015. On 26th November 2014, ACCCIM UniKL Malaysia Institute of Aviation Technology together with MRCA, University of Malaya (UM) (MIAT). These five universities are University and University Teknology MARA (UiTM) signed Putra Malaysia (UPM), University Kebangsaan the first MOU on Unity Internship Programme Malaysia (UKM), University Islam Antarabangsa of which have achieved the targeted result of Malaysia (IIUM), University Utara Malaysia having 1,000 Bumiputera students to conduct (UUM) and University Kuala Lumpur (UniKL). internship in non-Bumiputera companies in Datuk Ter Leong Yap, President of ACCCIM 2015. signed the MOU on behalf of ACCCIM. Representatives of ACCCIM attended the Promoted by the Department of National Unity signing ceremony were Deputy President Tan and Integration (JPNIN) of the Prime Minister’s Sri Dato’ Sri Lim Sing, Deputy Secretary-General Department, the Unity Internship Programme II Mr. Michael Chai, Deputy Treasurer cum is aimed at fostering unity and understanding Chairman of National Unity Committee Dato’ of cross-culture and cross-career among Tan Tian Meng, National Council Members Dr. students, employees and private sector Leong Kai Hin, Dato’ Jeffrey Tan and Mr. Gan irrespective of ethnicity, and to facilitate the Boon Khim and etc.. 52M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities

ᕧޛᕧц䪫ᯔ఩䭱䉤ᬿࣶ጑ ͙͆㏰ͧЧᠫⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱⢳ ͙ᕧ䊠∜఩ᰨ䅣䉤ᬿࣶេ䉰㔯ᄋఎ 䶲ϦЏ㶔ఎκᎠᰴᬑ㜟 ACCCIM Trade and Investment Promotion ᬑ䊠∜఩ᰨ䅣᠈䃫ᑿ౜ᩫᏈᱦᲰ Mission to Bangkok, Thailand सѿ㥩ڝ≻ࣶ጑ੲఎѿ喏ᅝ͈Ⰻ㏻ ჊ऺͦ͐఩጑ੲ⩸ፒᲑ⮰ᒝ৹ࣶᱦ 27-30 June 2016 䕳䔇㵸ੲ䃔喏सᬢ΋ᣎ䃔ߌᑦࣸ䓥 㔯ᄋఎ⩗១䓪ᰨ䅣࢟ݹᒬ᠈䃫侘Ბ㺫φ侧∜఩๓ҫ亲喏㣣ੲߍ࣮䊊.S ㏻䉤ऴ҈ȟર⩔ξ䕆ੲ䉤ԍᖛ⮰ᱦ &[SBM6[BJNJࣶ̬уჄ঄ᣑᒱȠ.S&[SBM6[BJNJऽ㔯ᄋఎ᜼঄䃞㼏౔∜ ݢ喏ߕЭ͆ᄥᣑࣶ៿ᆁੲᱦふξᘌ ఩⮰េ䉰Ắۡ喏Бࣶҫ亲ͦ๓侘ੲტᝬ᣼Ӈ⮰ࡻߕস᰹ߍȠ ξݕ⮰ऴ҈Ƞ Members of ACCCIM delegation have a photo session with Mr. Ezral Uzaimi, Counsellor (Economics) of the Embassy of Malaysia in Thailand (middle). 2nd from right was Dato’ Liew Sew Yee.

㔯ᄋఎ᜼঄̺๓侘侧∜఩๓ҫ亲ੲߍ࣮䊊.S &[SBM 6[BJNJ喋౼㔱 ͙喌ऴ⚓喏౼㔱ट᭛ᠫⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱Ƞ

ᬑ喏㔯ᄋఎݹᒬ᠈䃫∜఩጑͆⁍ 㖀ऴц喋5IF 'FEFSBUJPO PG 5IBJ *OEVTUSJFT喌喏Ꭲ࣮ߌ⩝䄑ц఩䭱䉤 ᬿេ䉰ༀ঄цޛͧፙ.S 5IJSBTJE 4BWFUTJMBͧᠭ⮰ੲߍϐ≭цȠ͙ᕧ 㔯ᄋఎ᜼঄䮻ऺ΋̺๓㏒ტЭ͆ 䔇㵸β̬ᄥ̬ੲߍ≩䄴Ƞ

͙ᕧ̺∜఩጑͆㖀ऴ ц 䔇㵸ϐ≭Ƞ ACCCIM Interaction with the Federation of Thai Industries.

᠈ࡴ丼ऺ喏㔯ᄋఎ㐓㐙㵸⼷ݹᒬ 䃫∜఩ੲߍ䘔఩䭱䉤ᬿӯ䔇ᅬ 喋%FQBSUNFOU PG *OUFSOBUJPOBM 5SBEF 1SPNPUJPO喏.JOJTUSZ PG $PNNFSDF 5IBJMBOE喌喏㣣䄑ᅬޛ ᕧ᎞η.S4PNEFU4VTPNCPPOᣑ ᒱȠц̶ࣸ᫥सᘻߌᑦᒨₐ㖀㈧喏 䕆䓳ͪߊੲߍᄥᣑ≧ߔふӯ䔇侘∜ ͐఩ੲტᰠჲܳ⮰ᲑᒬȠ ᠫⲏ݄⦊㸁ᅬ㏱喋ट喌䊌䔭㏖ᔡ৭δ.S4PNEFU4VTPNCPPOȠ Dato’ Liew Sew Yee (7th from right) presented a souvenir to Mr. Somdet Susomboon. ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M53

䮻ऺ喏㔯ᄋఎ᠈䃫β∜఩᫱⍤ ᅬᎢ̺䄑ᅬន㵸㦏η喋ࢃφࣶ ࢃ๖᎟∷ࡦഋ喌.EN 8BMBJMBL /PZQBZBLࢆท䔇㵸ϐ≭喏ᄥ侘 ∜͐఩᫱⍤͆ࣽᆁ䊷ࣶ߫ঔ䓥 ੲᱦϐᢎᘻ㻭Ƞ

͙ᕧ̺∜఩᫱⍤ᅬ䔇㵸ϐ≭Ƞ  Interaction between ACCCIM and Tourism Authority of Thailand.

じ๕⮰㵸⼷喏㔯ᄋఎ䃫䬚β∜ ఩ᕧੲцࣶ∜఩េ䉰ᅬȠ౔̺∜ ⩋ٴ⎄఩ᕧੲцន㵸㦏ηᎰϷ ࣶ⤲ηИ⮰ц䲎̶喏ࣸ᫥ᅝ͈Ⰻ सѿ㥩჊ऺͦ͐఩ੲტڝ≻㏻ ፒᲑ⮰ੲᱦࣶᠽᝄ䔇㵸β䃔䃦喏 ̬㜠䃐ͦ䶧䔇̬ₑߌᑦࣸ᫥⮰ ऴ҈ࣶ㖀㈧喏БࡻߕੲტᏀᄥᠽ 䊎ᅬڝᝄȟឿ㉓ੲᱦ喏჊⣜䉤ᬿ 䲎Ƞ

͙ᕧ㔯ᄋఎ᜼঄̺∜఩ᕧੲцܦፙЏ 㶔ऴᒝȠ Group photo between members of ACCCIM delegation and representatives of Thai Chamber of Commerce attended the reception.

ࡴ丼ऺ喏㔯ᄋఎݹᒬ᠈䃫∜఩ េ䉰ᅬ喋#PBSE PG *OWFTUNFOU PG 5IBJMBOE喌喏㣣䄑ᅬޛᕧ ន㵸⼄Β䪫.EN %VBOHKBJ "TBXBDIJOUBDIJUᣑᒱȠц ̶喏.EN%VBOHKBJ䃞㼏β౔∜ ڝ≻఩េ䉰䰬ⴑࣶܲ᲼͈Ⰻ㏻ सѿ㥩჊ऺͦ侘∜጑ੲ⩸ፒᲑ⮰ ᒝ৹ࣶᱦ䕳Ƞ .EN%VBOHKBJ"TBXBDIJOUBDIJU䃞㼏౔∜ .఩េ䉰⮰ẮۡসᱦцȠ Briefing by Mdm ٴፙ݄ᯥᰵͧޛDuangjai Asawachintachit on investment じ๕喏㔯ᄋఎ᠈цβ∜఩͙ࡺᕧੲц喏Ꭲ㣣ᓃ䄑ц Ђ䶲ᄨИ⮰ϞܳᣑᒱȠц̶ࣸ᫥ᅝ侘∜͐౜㏻䉤ࣽᆁ⟢ۡⰤڢopportunities in Thailand. ⩋ࣶ ξϐ≭喏ξ䕆䃛ᖛȠ∜఩͙ࡺᕧੲц΋䃪ࡴრᒱ͙ᕧ㔯ᄋఎ᜼঄Ƞ

͙ᕧ̺∜఩͙ࡺᕧੲцϐᢎ㏖ᔡ৭Ƞ  ACCCIM exchange souvenirs with Thai Chinese Chamber of Commerce. 54M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities ⩟䄣Ąๆ྾ѿ䊱㏓䊜᏶౜ѹąͷ጑҈㥑 Workshop on MSC Status Application 15-6-2016

喋ጒ喌䊌䔭㏖ᔡ৭δ侘Ბ㺫φ᪜ⴭ㏻≺ he ACCCIM Information and Communications⩋ٴڔᱺᰵ ᱦᲰ䃰ќͧЧ.S4JWBTFFMBO7FUIBHVSV喋ट喌喏ट TTechnology (ICT) Committee in collaboration ᭛䃤ͩᮢᄻ໼Ƞ with the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation Mr. Lee Yew Chen (3rd from left) presented a (MDEC) (previously known as Multimedia souvenir to Mr. Sivaseelan Vethaguru, Head of Development Corporation) had jointly organized Assessment of MDEC (3rd from right), 2nd from right a Workshop on MSC Status Application on 15th was Ms. Koh Lee Ching. June 2016. The workshop was attended by 80 participants.

The objective of the workshop was to assist ᕧ䉰䃛̺䕆䃛጑㞦㏰̺侘Ბ㺫φ᪜ⴭ㏻ members who qualify for the MSC status to ᱦᲰ喋ݹ⼜ๆ྾ѿࣽᆁᱦᲰ喌κ≻ ͙ submit their application so as to enjoy the Ꭰᰴᬑ㖀ߊ⩟䄣Ąๆ྾ѿ䊱㏓䊜᏶౜ѹ various benefi ts and incentives provided by the .4$4UBUVT ąͷ጑҈㥑喏ܦፙ㔱Ϧ᪜ͦϦȠ government after being awarded the MSC status in driving towards the knowledge economy. ͧߊⰚ⮰᭛ࡻߕᰠๆげऴ᲍Т⮰ੲტ᣼ॴ⩟ 䄣喏Бӫᢴδๆ྾ѿ䊱㏓䊜᏶౜ѹ喏ϗᰵᩫᏈ Ms. Faye Ng Siow Fang, Senior Business Analyst ᝬ᣼Ӈ⮰र⻹ຂᣂসᤠߕ喏䊜ऽⴑ䃲ಷ㏻≺Ƞ from Customer Service Division of MDEC shared a briefi ng on the qualifi cations, current incentives 侘Ბ㺫φ᪜ⴭ㏻≺ᱦᲰͷ჎ᝣ᰹ߍ䘔䬔倄㏓͆ and benefi ts for MSC Status Companies. ߍܲ᲼ጴ台ၼ㟟ᄻ໼ऽ࣮ߌ㔱䃞㼏ๆ྾ѿ䊱㏓ 䊜᏶⮰⩟䄣᲍Тȟຂߝࣶ⺻ݕȠ ACCCIM offi ce-bearers attended the workshop were Mr. Lee Yew Chen, National Council 䉰䃛̺䕆䃛጑㞦ڨፙЏ㶔࠱᠘͙๚⤲ηܦ͙ᕧ Member cum Chairman of ICT Committee and Чͧޛȟ䉰䃛̺䕆䃛጑㞦㏰⩋ٴڔ㏰ͧЧᱺᰵ Ms. Koh Lee Ching, Deputy Chairperson of ICT 䃤ͩᮢᄻ໼Ƞ Committee. ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M55 ͙႒⩋ദ᱘⤲䉎᪅㗞৔䄎䃞Ꮣ Seminar cum Consultation on Basic Financial Literacy Education to High School Students 2-7-2016 ͙ᕧȟԍ䉣৔䄎̺զ ߍネ⤲ᱦᲰБࣶव䮲 ಍ಐ᜼͙႒ͧ㺭䉋䉏 ϦऴᒝȠጒ䊣喝㩍ᄽᲜ ȟᠫ⩋ٴڔࢆทȟᱺᰵ ⲏ䭴䩳ᬺȟᠫⲏ᫛䛸 ⺉ࣷ᜼ȟᠫⲏ䭴ᔬႵ ᒷጴȟ%BUP)BOJGCJO 4IFS .PIBNFEȟ&O "[BEEJO/HBI5BTJSȟ ᠫⲏॠ䕤᎟ȟ偻⦊⢵ᵍ 䪫ȟᎰ఩䒵ࢆทȠ Photos of leaders of ACCCIM, Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency (AKPK) and Kuen Cheng High School, Kuala Lumpur. From left: Dr. Chua Siew Kiat, Mr. Lee Yew ᕧ㖀ऴ侘Ბ㺫φ఩ტ䨢㵸ᬃ̷ԍ䉣৔ Chen, Dato’ Tan Tian Meng, Dato’ Seri Choot Ewe Seng, Datuk ͙䄎̺զߍネ⤲ᱦᲰ喏κᎠᰴᬑ C.S. Tang, Dato’ Mohd Hanif bin Sher Mohamed, En. Azaddin ճव䮲಍ಐ᜼͙႒ͪߊ͙႒⩋ദ᱘⤲䉎᪅㗞 Ngah Tasir, Datuk Ng Yih Pyng, Principal Madam Gooi Swee ৔䄎䃞Ꮣ喏ᬔ౔╸䒿Ϧ⩋㻰ܾࣶദ᱘⤲䉎ⴑ Gaik, and Dr. Desmond Chong. 䃲δ͙႒⩋喏㏒ᰵह倄̵͙⮰႒⩋ܦፙȠ ԍ䉣৔䄎̺զߍネ⤲ᱦᲰ᜼⿷κᎠᰴᬑ喏᭛఩ტ䨢㵸 䉥৔ੲ᰹ߍ喏ຮ喝⤲䉎᪅㗞ȟ䉎ߍٹत喏ͧ㺭᣼Ӈژ䉰᠑ᰵ⮰ڔ ⯶㏰স఩ℽఎ㏿㏰ژₐ䃞Ꮣц᭛⩝͙ᕧᙴર ৔䄎ࣶզߍ䛹㏰䃍ܾȠⅮߕᄥ䆍㔱ᑿ͙̹ͻ᭛㑦ͻ䉎ߍ㻰ܾࣶ 㖀ऴゥߊ喏ͧ䃞Ϧͦ侘Ბ㺫φ఩ტ䨢㵸ᬃ̷ԍ 㧰ȟ䲎ᄥ倄ᬮࡧ⫃䉥⩔ȟ⌝䮣ԍ⩔ࢍ̺䛽㲹䃴促ȟ⩋≧᫥ᐻה 䉣৔䄎̺զߍネ⤲ᱦᲰ<$SFEJU$PVOTFMMJOH ຎҴふふ喏̀ᄥ䆍⌼ॴᎠ䒧ࡂȠᱦᲰܲ㵸ѹκἋ೺ȟᴀ҇ȟ⮧ BOE%FCU.BOBHFNFOU"HFODZ ",1, >⮰ ȟᕍԉȟ਑᝿ጠ冭ࣶφᎳ喏ͥڟȟ⩞ڙଵẨȟऐ᭷ȟφ㒃ท᝿ȟ侘 ⤲䉎᪅㗞䄪⼷ᄨጴᎰ఩䒵ࢆทȠ ᕧ䘔䃪κव䮲಍Ƞ

⺉⯶㏰ͧЧᠫⲏ᫛䛸ژᙴરڨᕧц䪫ޛ͙ᕧ ఩ℽఎ㏿㏰ͧЧᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺ喏ڨᕧ䉎ᩫޛፙ䃞Ꮣц࠱᠘͙ᕧܦ ࣷ᜼ⶁท㜠䃹ᬢ㶔⹦喏⤲䉎㘩߇ᄥϦ⩋㻰ܾ व䮲಍ಐ᜼͙႒㦏ηᯔ͙ᕧह㾵䶪䬚ᠫⲏ䭴ᔬႵᒷጴȟ͙๚⤲ ࡭ܲ䛹㺭喏Ⴏᒝ৹͖Ϧ⮰ࣽᆁȟ᜼ᅝস⩋≧喏 喏ԍ䉣৔䄎̺զ⩋ٴڔηᠫⲏॠ䕤᎟ⶁทȟ㩍ᄽᲜࢆทࣶᱺᰵ 䉎㻮স⤲䉎㘩߇᭛ᰵᓱ㺭⤲ڧఌₐ㜖ᄻᅝഥ ߍネ⤲ᱦᲰͧፙDato’ Mohd Hanif bin Sher Mohamedࣶ仂ፙន ქᄥ⤲䉎ȟ䛽㲹ふ᫥䲎ڱ⼷⮰Ƞ᜽఩⮰᪅㗞䄪 㵸঄En. Azaddin Ngah Tasir, व䮲಍ಐ᜼͙႒偻⦊⢵ᵍ䪫ふȠ ⮰ⴑ䃲䒯ͦ⁌㑦Ƞᬢ̷ᰵ̹ᄽᎠ䒧Ϧ㑦ͻ₏⶚ ⮰⤲䉎㻮喏̬χϦૈ⁎䓳ຎࡺ⮰⩋≧ȟ䉙Μ㜖 ጝᬌ∁ឫ៱⮰䉡䛹➕৭ふ喏℗ᬌ㞮ݢᡑ䰹喏ᰬ ㏴䉋զ㉛㉛喏ᰵϦ⩆㜟᱖␍ᆭᅝ჏ॶⵠϓȠ

౔̹स⮰Ϧ⩋䭢⃡喏ᰵ̹स⮰⤲䉎㻰ܾ喏᭛̬ 䬔䛹㺭⮰႒䬚Ƞᰵ䞠κₐ喏͙ᕧসԍ䉣৔䄎̺ զߍネ⤲ᱦᲰᥦ᝷ऴ҈喏䃕͙႒⩋ᰠβ㼏⤲ 䉎⮰ᮦᚓস⼄䃬喏࠱᠘ຮҁ໑ર䓼⩔䛽䧝喢 㧰喢ຮҁ㇪ᬺ⊴䉥ふȠ䔅䶥䃞Ꮣц喏᭛הຮҁ ₏⶚⤲䉎㻮ȟ䛽䧝㻮স⊴䉥ڧᑁᄨ͙႒⩋ഥ Όᘛ⮰じ̬ₑ喏䔅᫥䲎⮰ᑁᄨ̹ϱ᭛̬⻹ⴑ䃲 ㏒ह倄̵႒⩋ܦፙ͙႒⩋ദ᱘⤲䉎᪅㗞৔䄎䃞Ꮣ䃞ᏓȠ Ƞ The seminar was well attend 280 senior high school studentsڧь䔾喏ᰠ᭛̬⻹Уը㻮স倄ᅆϦᵨ⮰ഥ 56M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities

侘侘Ბ㺫φ⻽႒䮎᠈цᲑ㺫φ⻽႒䮎᠈ц CCourtesyourtesy CallCall byby AcademyAcademy ofof SciencesSciences MMalaysiaalaysia ((ASM)ASM) toto ACCCIMACCCIM SSciencecience TTechnologyechnology aandnd ͙͙ᕧ⻽ឬ݇᫜㏰ᕧ⻽ឬ݇᫜㏰ IInnovationsnnovations CCommitteeommittee 29-04-2016

Ბ㺫φ⻽႒ⵀ⾢䮎⻽ឬ̺ϓ 侘͆㖀ߔ㏰ͧЧᱝ఩ᬺ጑⼷ጴ ⢳䶲䄑ᄻ㏰᜼঄κᎠᰴᬑ ᠈䃫͙ᕧ⻽ឬ݇᫜㏰喏㣣䶪䬚ॠ◟ ȟͧЧᠫⲏ≖⹨⧓ふᣑᒱ喏⩋ٴ◈ ࣸ᫥ᅝ䔇̬ₑߌᑦऴ҈ࣶ㖀㈧䔇㵸 βϐ≭Ƞ ᠫⲏ≖⹨⧓喋ጒ喌Џ㶔͙ᕧ䊌䔭㏖ᔡ৭δ侘Ბ㺫φ⻽႒䮎⻽ឬ̺ϓ͆㖀ߔ㏰ᱝ఩ᬺ጑⼷ጴ喋ट喌Ƞ Datuk Hong Lee Pee presented a souvenir to Ir. Choo Kok Beng, Chairman of Science, Technology and Industry Linkage Committee (STILC), Academy of Sciences Malaysia on behalf of ACCCIM.

͙఩࣒䬔๓႒ঔ䷂݆᪅ᢴݜ䃫 ఩࣒䬔๓႒ঔ䷂݆᪅ᢴБࣶ⢷ᘌ⥨᪅ᢴ喏 Visit by Professor Dr. Zhou Yinggang of ͙κᎠᰴᬑ᠈䃫͙ᕧ喏⩝㒞⤲ᕧц Xiamen University, China 䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟޛᕧ䉎ᩫᠫⲏ䭴䩳ᬺ 11- 5 -2 016 Бࣶ͙๚⤲ηцႀА哅ᅬ㏱ᣑᒱȠ

ࣸ᫥ᅝ͙఩࣒䬔๓႒̺͙ᕧ᱖Ბ⮰ऴ҈喏࠱᠘᪅ 㗞সഥ䃙䃍ܾ䔇㵸䃔䃦সϐ≭Ƞ

͙఩࣒䬔๓႒ঔ䷂݆喋ጒ喌᪅ᢴ䊌䔭㏖ᔡ৭δ ͙ᕧ喏⩝ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈喋ट喌ᣑ䶲ȠProfessor Dr. Zhou Yinggang (2nd from left) of Xiamen University, China presented a souvenir to ACCCIM which was received on behalf by Tan Sri Lim Sing (3rd from right).

喏κ⩋ٴⓟⓟ䬔͙ࡺᕧੲц䱾Ꭰༀ঄ц䬔͙ࡺᕧੲц䱾Ꭰༀ঄ц 䬔͙ࡺᕧੲц䱾Ꭰༀ঄цͧЧ㣗ᔃы ⓟᎠᰴᬑ⢳䶲ϦЏ㶔ఎ᠈䃫͙ᕧ䱾ੲ ᕧఎ䪫㒃ޛЏЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫㶔ఎݜ䃫 ఎ喏⩝͙๚⤲ηᯔ䱾ੲఎ䶪䬚ᠫⲏ⍕Ⅴ᪳ȟ ふᣑᒱȠ⩋ٴVVisitisit bbyy DDelegationelegation ooff YYouthouth CCommittee,ommittee, ๕䨔 MMacaoacao CChamberhamber ooff CommerceCommerce 24-5-2016 ࣸ᫥ᅝ̬ፒ̬䌛⮰ੲᱦБࣶ๓侘㏻ੲ⣛ද䔇㵸ϐ≭喏 Ꭲसᘻߌᑦऴ҈喏ӯ䔇㏻≺䶲ഋ⮰ࣽᆁȠ

ᠫⲏ⍕Ⅴ᪳喋ट喌䊌䔭㏖ᔡ৭δⓟ䬔͙ࡺᕧੲц䱾Ꭰ 喋ጒ喌Ƞጒ䊣喝ⓟ䬔䱾ༀц݄⍉⩋ٴༀ঄цͧЧ㣗ᔃы ȠDato’ Oon Weng⩋ٴͦ㒃๕䨔 ट 䶪䬚ȟⰇ݆䶪䬚喞 Boon (2nd from right) presented a memento to Mr. Alex Mok Chi Wai, Chief of Youth Committee of the Macao Chamber of Commerce (3rd from left). From left: Ms. Liu Yu and Mr. Sheng Gang, Advisers of Macao Youth Committee; right was Mr. James Loh. ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M57

͙͙఩νࢃⰭᕧੲц఩νࢃⰭᕧੲц VVisitisit bbyy DDelegationelegation ooff YunnanYunnan ProvincialProvincial GeneralGeneral ChamberChamber ㏻㏻䉤Џ㶔ఎݜ䃫䉤Џ㶔ఎݜ䃫 ooff Commerce,Commerce, CChinahina l 2-6-2016

ц䪫Ე䩒᝹⢳䶲䄑цϦ㏻䉤Џ ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈喋ݹᢾट喌Џ㶔͙ᕧ䊌䔭㏖ᔡ৭ޛ఩νࢃⰭᕧੲц ц䪫喋ݹᢾጒ喌Ƞޛ͙㶔ఎ喏κᎠᰴᬑ᠈䃫͙ᕧ喏ᣎ䃔Ბ侘េ䉰⮰ᗱ δᲔ䩒᝹ (ࣶੲᱦ喏ߌᑦ侘͙͐఩⮰ੲ䉤ξߔȠ Tan Sri Lim Sing (front row, 6th from rightۡ presented a souvenir to Mr. Yang Jincai, Vice President of Yunnan Provincial General ͙ᕧ⩝㒞⤲ᕧц䪫ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ᣑᒱ喏ܦፙ㔱࠱ Chamber of Commerce on behalf of ACCCIM. ふȠ⩋ٴȟढ⢵䧒⩋ٲЧᠫⲏ᫛䛸㩍ͧޛ㖀㐈㏰ڝژ᠘

㈧႒䮎ڟ͙఩Ꭻጊᯔࢃ๓႒఩䭱 ᐂᄻ֑ⵀ⾢঄ݜ䃫 Visit by Dr. Liao Xiaojian, Researcher of School of International Studies, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China l 3-6-2016

㈧႒䮎ⵀ⾢䮎ᐂᄻ֑ڟ఩Ꭻጊᯔࢃ๓႒఩䭱 ͙ࢆทκᎠᰴᬑ䃫䬚͙ᕧ喏㣣͙ᕧじθ ᕧ⼄Β㩍᪳≞ᒷጴᣑ㻭Ƞц̶喏㩍ᒷጴϷ㏹β͙ᕧ 㩍᪳≞ᒷጴ喋ट喌ᣑᒱᐂᄻ֑ࢆทᎢ䔇㵸ϐ≭Ƞޛ ⮰㏰㏳㏿Ჰসࢲञ㗸ᮛȟᝬរ⑀⮰㻾㞞সߋ㘩喏Бࣶ Mr. Micheal Chai Woon Chew (right) interacted with ͙ᕧ䃪̷⮰๓጑҈ⰚᴳȠ Dr. Liao Xiaojian.

͙͙఩⊅↋Ⱝ侧᫜ߌ಍ੲߍЏ㶔ะͧЧݜ䃫఩⊅↋Ⱝ侧᫜ߌ಍ੲߍЏ㶔ะͧЧݜ䃫 ఩⊅↋Ⱝ侧᫜ߌ಍ੲߍЏ㶔ะ ͧЧॠ㝖̺⊅↋̳侘㖀ऴᣓ㗍 Visit by Director of China Zhejiang Center, Singapore ͙ ᕧ㏻⤲ॠⶁκڨ䯲ఎន㵸㦏η 28-6-2016 Ꭰᰴᬑ䃫䬚͙ᕧ喏⩝㒞⤲ᕧц䪫ͥ ⢵Чढͧޛ㖀㐈㏰ڝژ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟ ふᣑᒱȠ⩋ٴ䧒

ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈ऽॠͧЧϷ㏹β౔侘េ 䉰⮰⒈㘩ϓ͆স㏻ੲ⣛ද喏ࣸ᫥΋䔇 㵸ϐ≭喏ߌᑦ㖀㈧Ƞ

ͥ᫛䛸᳃䩒㘈喋ट喌Џ㶔͙ᕧ䊌䔭 ㏖ᔡ৭δॠ㝖ͧЧ喋ጒ喌Ƞ Tan Sri Lim Sing (4th from right) presented a souvenir to Mr. Wu Hang (4th from left) on behalf of ACCCIM. 58M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities

中总各属会主办的 Major Activities Organised by ACCCIM’s Constituent 主要活动 Chambers 居銮中总青商团举办“快乐跑2016” “Happy Run 2016” organised by Kluang CCCI’s Youth Section l 1-5-2016

ᅱ䟚͙ᕧ䱾ੲఎ ⩋ٴఎ䪫㒃๕䨔 喋ጒ 喌̺ͧ㺭 䊊ߕੲͦĄᔗͼ 䋽ąͧᠭᡑ ᬃ⹨Ƞ

巴生中总赴印尼贸易及投资考察团 Klang CCCI’s Trade and Investment Delegation to Indonesia l 11- 5 -2 016

ጠ⩋͙ᕧ䊠࢜ᅨ䉤ᬿࣶេ䉰㔯ᄋఎȠ ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M59

隆雪中总媒体之夜 KLSCCCI’s Media Appreciation Night l 16-5-2016

ᠫⲏᝠ㞛ࣶ͆ଵცИ ̺྾ѿЏ㶔ऴᥰȠ

隆雪中总主办2016年中国(深圳)–马来西亚(吉隆坡)经贸合作交流会 China (Shenzhen) - Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) Economic and Trade Co-operation Conference 2016 organised by KLSCCCI l 26-5-5016

䬭̷ȟ侘Ბ㺫φじθ䉤጑䘔䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸台ტ⦉ڠ͙఩侧侘๓ҫ台ᘌᏣ䬭̷喋ऺᢾጒ䊣喌ȟ͙఩⌝౟ጮⰭༀΒ䃜侘 ⇵ȟᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏॠᓣ㟟ȟͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏऐ⋒䛽㻭䃭͙఩̺侘Ბ㺫φ͐఩Э͆オ㒞ऴ҈䶥ⰚЖᐻȠ 60M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM Activities

槟中总举办“槟州交通大蓝图激发商机”讲座会 “Business Opportunities Arising from Penang Transport Master Plan (PTMP)” Seminar organised by Penang CCC l 31-5 -2016

ȟ⩋ٴ㠝یݹᢾጒθ䊣喝Ἃ͙ᕧц䪫ᠫⲏ᫛䛸⺉ࣷ᜼ⶁทȟន㵸䶪䬚ͥ᫛䛸ᠫⲏ᫛䛸䭴఩᎟ᅬ㏱ȟἋጊ仂ፙ䘔䪫᳃ ふЀ㏲㕲क़ͧ䃞Ϧ䃞㼏ᄥ⩋ٴἋጊ౜᫥ᩫᏈȟϐ䕆ネ⤲ࣶ⇧Ⅰༀ঄цͧፙᰥ㻮ࣷ㵸ᩫ䃚঄ȟ䭫Ӊ⌍ࡦጊ䃚঄台ⅵы Ἃጊϐ䕆๓㨉ప⓬ࣽੲᱦ⮰ⰷ∁Ƞ

柔中总举办“中国-马来西亚建材合作与投资项目对接会” Malaysia-China Building Materials and Investment Business Matching Session organised by ACCCI l 1-6-5016

͙఩ᐦぽᱼ᫅㖀ऴц ఩ტᐦぽᱼ᫅ᆁ䉤͙ᓯ ⩋ٴЧᅴϐ㘈ͧޛ፤ߍ 喋ጒ 喌䊌䔭 ㏖ ᔡ৭δᴀ ҇ጊ㵸ᩫ䃚঄ᠫⲏ䗽Ԛ ᑦ喋ट 喌Ƞट ͦ ͥ ᫛ 䛸 ᠫⲏ䭴᜼哅喏ጒͦᠫⲏ 㒃◴䉐Ƞ ͙ᕧߔᔭACCCIM ActivitiesM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M61

吉中总欢庆80周年、青商团4周年暨庆贺会员受封晚宴 Kedah CCI’s 80th Anniversary, Kedah Young Entrepreneurs Committee 4th Anniversary and Conferment Congratulatory Dinner l 23-6-2016

ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟ ᠫⲏ䉦๕ᆝᅬ ㏱ȟᠫⲏ᳃఩ ⦷ᅬ㏱Бࣶव ͙ᕧ⤲η̬स ܳ㯷㈁喏⁎Ꮂ व͙ᕧ᜼⿷ ঔᎠȠ

隆雪中总2016年常年会员代表大会 KLSCCCI’s Annual General Meeting 2016 l 25-6-5016

ц঄И䌶䋯ܦፙ፤Ꭰц঄Џ㶔๓ц喏㕲क़ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆㜠䃹ࣶⅳ៑䮲䰖͙ᕧ䓳̬ࣧᎠ⮰ࣽᆁȠ ͙ᕧ̺रᆊц ACCCIM AND CONSTITUENT CHAMBERS

侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋ガ ⼜ ͙ᕧ喌喏᭛侘Ბ ࡺ㸀ੲц⮰㖀ऴᕧᱦᲰȠڱ㺫φ఩

ᰵڝ᜼⿷κᎠᰴᬑ喏͙ᕧ ࡭̵͖ڱ࡭̯͖ᆊц喏ܲጯ౔఩ ጊȠ͙ᕧᆊцⰠᣑস䬠ᣑц঄ ᕧ᪜䊱䓳̳ह喏Џ㶔侘Ბ

͙ࡺᕧੲцͥڜतȟੲტࣶर㵸 वژ㺫φࡺϦ Kelantan CCCI ͆ఎѿȠ ⇅䬩͙ࡺᕧੲц UCCC ⣧⦯ጮ͙ࡺᕧੲц ⮧ଵẨ͙ࡺᕧੲц Perlis CCCI Terengganu CCCI The Associated Chinese ᒙϔ͙ࡺᕧੲц व᝿͙ࡺᕧੲц ACCCI Pahang Chambers of Commerce and Kedah CCCI Ἃጊ͙ࡺᕧੲц ᇳᵖጠ䓂͙ࡺᕧੲц Industry of Malaysia Penang CCC Batu Pahat CCC (ACCCIM) is the national ࡃ䱥䰟͙ࡺᕧੲц ᅱ䟚͙ࡺᕧੲц North Perak CCCI Kluang CCCI level organisation of the ᴀ҇ጊ͙ࡺᕧੲц 䱥䰟͙ࡺᕧੲц Johor ACCCI Chinese chambers of Perak CCCI 㣖͙ࡺᕧੲцڜव䮲಍ᯔ䰖 commerce and industry in KLSCCCI

Malaysia. ጠ⩋͙ࡺᕧੲц Klang CCCI

͙ࡺᕧੲцڜnd Ḛ㒺 Founded on 2 July 1921 , Negeri Sembilan CCCI ⴮៵䊶͙ࡺᕧੲц ͙ࡺᕧੲц ACCCI ⩞ڙACCCIM has 17 Constituent 侘 Chambers located separately Malacca CCCI in the 13 states of the nation. Direct and indirect membership of all Constituent Chambers are well over 100,000, representing Malaysian Chinese companies, individuals and trade associations. Malaysia Map showing location of ⟫࿊ἦΊࡀࠧ 17 ACCCIM Constituent Chambers 17ᆊцѹ㒚

侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌 The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia ( ACCCIM ) 6th Floor, Wisma Chinese Chamber, 258, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel l 603-4260 3090 / 3091 / 3092 / 3093 / 3094 / 3095 Fax l 603-4260 3080 E-mail l [email protected] Homepage l www.acccim.org.my