2016Ꭰ7ᰴܦ❴ (July 2016) Issue No: 3/2016 KDN: PP8722/12/2012(031293) ACCCIM Bulletin 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䃛 ㅢ 101 ѪלѪճіٵٮنЗ㔀ॕ ACCCIM 70th Annual General Meeting З㔀 95 ㄚޏٻѪ ACCCIMACCCIM 9595thth AnniversaryAnniversary DDinnerinner 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц THE ASSOCIATED CHINESE CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF MALAYSIA BM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M̿䷄Special Features 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц 2016Ꭰ7ᰴܦ❴(July 2016) THE ASSOCIATED CHINESE CHAMBERS OF ц䃛Bulletin Issue No: 3/2016 COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF MALAYSIA じ101Issue No.101 KDN: PP8722/12/2012(031293) ͙ᕧ ACCCIM Contents Ⱊᒁ 49 㜟䄆ᖙ䉦Congratulations 1 㑂䒽ࣶܦ❴㏰ͧЧ⮰䄉Notes by Chairman of the Editorial and Publication Committee 50 2Ꭰℽఎ㏿Ό䃍ܾ喋㈧݃θ喌ำᔄᒁオ 㒞ЖᐻThe Signing Ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Unity Internship Programme 2016 (Series 2) ͙ᕧঔᎠцᎲᮆრGrand Dinner in Celebration 2 ͙ᕧ䊠∜ᰨ䅣䉤ᬿࣶេ䉰㔯ᄋఎ of ACCCIM 95th Anniversary 52 ACCCIM Trade and Investment Promotion Mission to Bangkok, Thailand 11 ͙ᕧ㏻≺๓ц SERC Global Economic Conference 2016 54 ⩟䄣Ąๆ྾ѿ䊱㏓䊜ѹą྾ͷ҈㥑 Workshop on MSC Status Application 1616 ͂⩸ࡺੲ๓ц䶪䬚ༀцじ⁍ц䃚 5th Meeting of World Chinese Entrepreneurs 55 ͙႒⩋ദ᱘⤲䉎᪅㗞䄎䃞ᏓSeminar cum Convention (WCEC) Advisory Committee Consultation on Basic Financial Literacy Education to High School Students 17 ☙◴⁎䓺⊣โଵც Warmest Welcome to Overseas Guests 56 侘Ბ㺫φ႒䮎᠈ц͙ᕧឬࣶ݇㏰Courtesy Call by Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) to 21 䛹䃎侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌⿷ᎠЩ Revision of the Founding Year of the ACCCIM ACCCIM Science Technology and Innovations Committee 26 ͙ᕧじᅶ፤ᎠцЏ㶔๓ц ACCCIM 70th Annual General Meeting ͙࣒䬔๓႒ঔ䷂݆᪅ᢴݜ䃫Visit by Professor Dr. Zhou Yinggang of Xiamen University, China 40 ᒙϔ͙ࡺᕧੲцঔᎠцᎲᮆრ 70th Anniversary Dinner of the Associated Chinese ⓟ䬔͙ࡺᕧੲц䱾ᎠༀцЏ㶔ఎݜ䃫Visit by Chambers of Commerce and Industry Pahang Delegation of Youth Committee, Macao Chamber of Commerce th 41 Ꭰ͙ᕧじπᅶ䱾ੲ๓цACCCIM 5 Young Entrepreneurs Conference 2016 57 ͙νࢃⰭᕧੲц㏻䉤Џ㶔ఎݜ䃫Visit by Delegation of Yunnan Provincial General Chamber of Commerce, China ㈧႒䮎ⵀ⾢ᐂᄻ֑ڟ͙Ꭻጊᯔࢃ๓႒䭱 ࢆทݜ䃫Visit by Dr. Liao Xiaojian, Researcher of η∁喏ӯцܽڜ䛹⩟͙ᕧಆࣹ۟ᄥ㵸ж 46 School of International Studies, Jinan University, 䃚ࣹᄥԚᵴ ACCCIM Reaffi rmed Strong Guangzhou, China Opposition to the Implementation of Hudud Law and Urge MPs to Oppose the Amendment of Act 355 ͙⊅↋Ⱝ侧ߌੲߍЏ㶔ะͧЧݜ䃫Visit by Director of China Zhejiang Center, Singapore 47 ͙ᕧ̬ѿࡂ̺रᆊцϐ≭цIntegration of ACCCIM - Interaction Sessions with Constituent 58 ͙ᕧरᆊцͧߊ⮰ͧ㺭≧ߔ Major Activities Chambers Organised by ACCCIM’s Constituent Chambers ܦ❴Published by 㑂䒽ࣶܦ❴㏰Editorial and Publication Committee 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌 䶪䶪䬚䬚AAdviserdviser ͧ㑂Chief Editor 䯰 ঔ᩻ဒChow Mun SeongٲTHE ASSOCIATED CHINESE CHAMBERS OF ͥ䛸ᠫⲏႷ Tan Sri Dato’ Soong Siew Hoong ޛͧ㑂Deputy Chief Editor COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF MALAYSIA ⊒᪳⥨Christine Poo ᄭ䲎䃪䃍ࣶᢾ❴ 6th Floor, Wisma Chinese Chamber, ͧЧChairman Cover design and Artwork : ន㵸㑂䒽Executive Editor Dato’ Low Kian Chuan Lin GraphicڔJalan Ampang, ᠫⲏࢎ ,258 䭴䠮Tan Chiew Ling 17B, Jalan SR 3/2, Taman Serdang Raya, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor. ޛͧЧDeputy Chairmen ߕ㑂Assistant Editors Tel: 603-4260 3090/3091/3092/3093/ Tel: 603-8945 3933 Fax: 603-8945 2933 䛸ᠫⲏᑌᬸ ֱ⥘ࠐ Poh Wan Kh’ngͥ 3094/3095 Tan Sri Dato’ Teo Chiang Kok 台᪳ᚓ Kelly Wong ឫ࢜Printed by: Fax: 603-4260 3080 䅎ᓣᱯFelix Cheah Len & Hup Printing (M) Sdn. Bhd. 㩍᪳≞ᒷጴ No. 7, Jalan SR 7/11, Serdang Raya, E-mail: [email protected] ᳃䯭⣞Lim Yen Ling Mr. Michael Chai 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor. Homepage: www.acccim.org.my 䴕ҟᚿ Hon Jia Hui Tel: 03-8948 1698 Fax: 03-8941 6386 㑂䒽ࣶܦ❴㏰ͧЧ⮰䄉 1 Ꭰᰴসᰴ喏᭛䲊፤ᔅⶸ⮰ᰴЩ喏͙ᕧߋͪߊβ܌䶥๓ಷ≧ ߔ喏࠱᠘喝ᰴЩͪ㵸⮰͙ᕧцᎲᮆრȟᎠ͙ᕧ㏻≺๓цȟ͂⩸ ࡺੲ๓ц䶪䬚ༀцじ⁍ц䃚喞ᰴЩͪ㵸β͙ᕧじᅶ፤Ꭰц Џ㶔๓цБࣶじᅶ䱾ੲ๓цȠ ᰴ⮰≧ߔ喏㣣ᓃ͂⩸र͖ტࡦ⮰͙ࡺᕧੲц䶲ᄨসЏ㶔喏 䔈䕿㔸Ბܦፙ喏цᙋ⓬̹ᅩȠ ᰴЩ⮰цЏ㶔๓ц喏 仂 Ⱔ ᠫ ⲏ 䛸 ㏟ व Ϟ ͠ ͧ ᠭ ᐬ ᎁ 喏̺ ͙ ᕧ䶲ᄨͪ㵸䬙䬔ϐ≭ц喏⑀ 䃹 ͙ࣶᩫᏈ㻲͙ᕧͦछ䲌সըᓃԍ䊂⮰ ऴ҈хѠ喏䃐स͙ᕧᄥ㏻≺ࣽᆁ⮰䉍⡚Ƞ ₐโ喏㏻䓳͙ᕧๆࢲञ䉰᫅ᩢ䯲БࣶๆЩ䛹㺭ᝄݹ๓ц䃚ᵴᒁ⮰ࣽ ⣜喏͙ᕧ͙ ๚⤲ηц̬㜠䕆䓳ᐻԚ䃎͙ᕧ⿷ᬑͦᎠᰴ ᬑȠ䙹ऴцᎲᮆრ喏͙ᕧц౦ᆁܦȧ͙ᕧࢲञ䊜Ȩসܦ❴ȧ㐱ᔬ じ⁍͂⩸๓ᝄݹ⮰͙ᕧࢲञప❳সᶏᵴܦȟᩪⱨ͂⩸Ȩ➥ܶ喏ᆁ 䉐⮰ࡿ䊶䉍⡚Ƞٴ䉰᫅喏㐱ᔬ ⮰Ꭰℽ Dato’ Low Kian Chuanט䬠喏͙ᕧ࣮̺β⩝仂Ⱔ㒞ℽఎ㏿̺স䄼ᅬͧ ఎ㏿Ό䃍ܾ喏ͪߊβๆ྾ѿ䊱㏓䊜ѹ҈㥑ȟ䊠 ∜ ᰨ 䅣 䉤䉤ᬿ ࣶេ䉰㔯ᄋఎБࣶ͙႒⩋ദ᱘⤲䉎᪅㗞䄎䃞ᏓȠसᬢ喏ᅝ͙ᕧ̬̬ѿ 拿拿督卢成全督卢成全 ࡂ喏̺ጠ⩋͙ᕧȟव͙ᕧস⣧͙ᕧ䔇㵸Ƞ Ђ≧ߔ៑ᄨ喏䄣䄧㔱࣮䬱Ƞڢ᱘ц䃛ᩢᒁβ͙ᕧ Dinner, ACCCIM set-up an ACCCIM Notes by Chairman of the Editorial Historical Gallery and published a and Publication Committee Booklet on ACCCIM History to display historical documents and photos of the he months of May and June of 2016 were extremely busy for pre-second world war period, recalling ACCCIM. We have successfully organised a few major events, ACCCIM’s history and to pay tribute to including the ACCCIM 95th Anniversary Dinner, SERC Global our forefathers and predecessors for their Economic Conference 2016 and 5th Meeting of the World Chinese selfl ess dedication and contribution. Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) Advisory Committee in Maay; During this period, ACCCIM has and ACCCIM 70th Annual General Meeting as well as the 5th Young participated at the Unity Internship Entrepreneurs Conference in June. Programme 2016 promoted by the We are delightful that the May festivities were attended by leaders Department of National Unity and and guests from all around the word, including delegations of Integration (JPNIN) of the Prime Minister’s Chinese chambers of commerce from eleven countries and region. Department, organised Workshop on MSC Status Application, Trade YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, Prime Minister of and Investment Promotion Mission to Malaysia has graced the ACCCIM Annual General Meeting held Bangkok, Thailand, and Seminar cum in June and conducted a closed-door interaction with our offi ce- Consultation on Basic Financial Literacy bearers. In his speech, the Prime Minister has regarded ACCCIM as Education to High School Students. a very reliable and trusted partner to the Government of Malaysia At the meantime, ACCCIM has visited and recognised its contribution towards the economic development Klang CCCI, Kedah CCCI and Perlis of our country. CCCI to interact on integration between Based on various pre-war important historical documents and ACCCIM and Constituent Chambers. minutes of conferences collected and discovered by ACCCIM, the This issue of ACCCIM Bulletin also ACCCIM National Council unanimously resolved to offi cially revise reported on other activities organised by its founder year to 2nd July 1921. In conjunction with the Anniversary ACCCIM for reference of readers. 2M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights ͙ᕧঔᎠцᎲᮆრ Grand Dinner in Celebration of ACCCIM 95th Anniversary ᧪⧨ຐᙯ̽ᕬ Recalling 95, with Global Outlook 29-5-2016 ȟߌᠫ๓͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫ᶭᱻཋᄻ⩋ٴ⇧ፙ䭴ᡛͧ ȟ⩋ٴ⎼ڢׯΞ⃨ ৹⧨Ꮂ╊☋Ը ȟⓟ≞㐠ๆݕφⰭ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫㟻 䴕͙ࡺᕧੲцह㾵ц䪫㶭ᴷࢆทȟᬑ᱘͙ࡺᕧ 侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌κᎠᰴᬑճ ȟ㤞ࡺੲ㖀ᕧцह㾵⤲η⩋ٴੲц፤ߍ⤲η侘ν ䷄㣖̳䓪䙾Ꮓ喏䃪რ⁎Ꮂ⿷ঔᎠȠᮆრͧڜ䰖 ȟ͙Ӕੲេ䉰Э͆ࡻц⼄Β䪫κ⩋ٴ⩸䪫᪳ ͦĄ㐱ᔬ喏ᩪⱨ͂⩸ą喏ᮆრ౦ጯ㒚ȟ㷱স ٴȟ࢜Ꮢᅨ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц⤲ηцͧፙ㫇๕්⩋ٴ ⦜⣗㞮Ⱊ喏БᎠЏูऐᔬᬓͦͧȠጯ␍㏎ڠ҅ БࣶЏ㶔ఎ⩋ٴȟ㐱⩤͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫ॠ㐓⩋ ⮰რцࢱȟⅠᮢ▛◥㐬ȟ◥⛯ᩛ㱍☇喏䙹̶ᔬᬓ Ƞ 䛽ᰞ喏Ы҇䃕Ϧ㒚䏗ᬓᬢЏȠଵცИ㏣㏣Б͙ ᐻ㷱ᝂูऐ㷱រܦፙ喏̺ͧ䷄ⰤᭌᒜȠᮆრᐢ ܦፙଵც࠱᠘͙ᕧ㏻≺๓ц⮰ͧ䃞Ϧࣶͧ ᐬፙ喏ゥༀцͧፙ᭛͙ᕧޛᕧц䪫ᠫⲏ䛸⺉ ᠭϦȟ侧侘Ბ㺫φโϐҫ㞮ȟЭ͆䶲㷂ȟ侘Ბ㺫φ ࣷȠ ᕓᕧੲцੲఎࡺఎ䶲ᄨᝂЏ㶔ȟ䨢㵸Џ㶔ȟڔ ྾ѿ倄ᅮȟБࣶ͙ᕧ͖ᆊц䶲ᄨসцੲტȠЂ ᮆრͧც᭛侘Ბ㺫φϐ䕆䘔䪫ᠫⲏ䛸ᐂ͙㣝Ƞ И࠱᠘͙ᕧ㒞⤲ᕧц䪫ͥ䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟޛᕧц䪫ᠫ ፙᯔ៵䊶ͧچፙ⮰ଵც࠱᠘៵䊶Ϧ㖀ܦ ⲏ䭴㐠Ꭰȟᠫⲏ䛸⺉ࣷȟͥ䛸䭴哅ȟᠫⲏ ᩫᏈ䘔䪫ᠫⲏ↴ᵮ䉐ࡧ⩋ȟ䉎ᩫ䘔ޛ䘔䪫ᠫⲏ㩍 ȟᕧڔȟᕧ⼄Βᠫⲏࢎ⩋ٴ⎄㸁ᅬ㏱ࣶ䃤ຮ⦉݄ ᮦ߳ȟຳຟȟტᏙࣶцࣽᆁ䘔ޛ䘔䪫ᠫⅬጠᲈࢍ 䉎ᩫᠫⲏ᳃ჩȟह㾵䶪䬚ͥ䛸䭴ࣶ䭴ܛጸ ঔ㒺㟘ȟ͙侧侘๓ҫ台ᘌᏣ䬭̷ȟ͙ᕧⅤͱह㾵 ȟ๓侘䲷⢷ᠫⲏঔМᲜふȠ⩋ٴ ц䪫ͥ䛸䩦ᐣḚࣶᠫⲏ᳃⦷ᅬ㏱ȟह㾵ц䪫 䛸Ეᔌȟͥ䛸ᱺ⌝䲅ᅬ㏱ȟͥ䛸㩍ָࣷͥ ࣶͥ䛸ऐ⋒䛽ȟ侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺ๓цമᕧцᕧц䪫 ₢цц䪫ͥ䛸㟻ၼ ᧪ȟಐలӢژȟ侘Ბ㺫φࢮੲڠ䛸๕ͥ ᪳ȟ侘Ბ㺫φ࢜ᏒϦᕧੲцц䪫5BO4SJ%BUVL, ͦ⼜ᕧੲцᕧ⼄Β%BUPă ͙ᕧᕧц䪫ᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆㜠䃹ᬢ㶔喏࣋ڔTXBSBOȟ侘Ბ㺫φ&, 4FSJ4ZFE)VTTFJO"M)BCTIFFふȠ Ą㠝ᆊᲑ⩝͙ࡺੲц㖀ऴцą喋5 IF " TTP DJ BUF E $IJOFTF $IBNCFST PG $PNNFSDF PG #SJUJTI Ბ㜖ߌȟ仅⍛ȟ∜ȟߌᠫ๓ȟⓟ≞ȟ䴕ȟᬑ .BMBZB喌⮰侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喏⿷κᎠ 䒵ᆭᰴȠ䙹ऴᮆრ⮰ͪ㵸喏ٵ᱘ȟ㤞ᒷცȟ͙ȟ࢜ᅨБࣶ㐱⩤⮰͙ࡺᕧੲц䶲 ᰴᬑ喏䊜䓳βᎠ⮰ 喏ᆁβ̹ᄽ䛹ܶ➥❵ܦस⁎ᎲцঔᎠцᎲȠЂИ ⣜౦➥䃪͙ᕧࢲञ䊜সڝᄨ喏䔈䕿㔸Ბ喏 ȟ仅⍛͙ࡺ 㺭ࢲञ᪳Тসᬓ៑㏤䉰᫅喏স๓ტ̬䊣ំ϶䔩ᭀ喏⩋ٴ⩋ڢ࠱᠘ߌ͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫㩍 ࢆทȟ∜͙ࡺᕧੲц ఊ䶪ࢲञ喏ᆁ᱇᱖ᲑȠ⌝یᕧੲцⅤ䔈ह㾵ц䪫㩍 ♒◥HighlightsM侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M3 ȟͥ䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟᠫⲏ᳃⦷ᅬ㏱ȟᠫⅬጠᲈࢍঔ㒺ڔ䉡ცაऴᒝȠट䊣喝ᠫⲏࢎ 㟘ȟᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟ台ᘌᏣ๓ҫȟᠫⲏ䛸ᐂ͙㣝ȟͥ䛸Ეᔌȟͥ䛸䢪ᐣḚȟᠫⲏ㩍 ȠPhoto taken at the VIP Holding Room. From right: Dato’ Low Kian⩋ٴᮦ߳ȟげもࠐ Chuan, Tan Sri Lim Sing, Dato’ Lim Kok Cheong, YB Senator Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun, Datuk Ter Leong Yap, H.E. Dr. Huang Huikang, YB Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai, Tan Sri Yeoh Tiong Lay, Tan Sri William Cheng, YB Datuk Chua Tee Yong, Mr. Neil Foo. 䉡ცИ͙ᕧࢲञ䊜ऴᒝȠट䊣喝ᠫ VIP Guests having a group photo session in front of the ACCCIM ⲏ䭴䩳ᬺȟᠫⲏ䛸⺉ࣷȟᠫⲏ݄⦊ Historical Gallery. From right: Dato’ Tan Tian Meng, Dato’ Seri Choot ȟ Ewe Seng, Dato’ Liew Sew Yee, Tan Sri Koo Yuen Kim, Tan Sri Phengڠ㸁ᅬ㏱ȟͥ䛸ऐ⋒䛽ȟͥ䛸๕ ͥ䛸᳃䩒㘈ȟͥ䛸䢪ᐣḚȟͥ䛸 Yin Huah, Tan Sri Lim Sing, Tan Sri William Cheng, Tan Sri Yeoh Tiong Ეᔌȟᠫⲏᝠ㞛͆ȟᠫⲏ䛸ᐂ͙㣝ȟ Lay, Datuk Ter Leong Yap, YB Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai, H.E. Dr. Huang 台ᘌᏣ๓ҫȟ5BO4SJ,,&TXBSBOȟᠫ Huikang, Tan Sri K.K. Eswaran, YB Senator Datin Paduka Chew Mei Ⅼጠᲈࢍঔ㒺㟘ȟᠫⲏ㩍ᮦ߳ȟᠫⲏ↴ Fun, YB Datuk Chua Tee Yong, YB Senator Datuk Professor Dr. Sim ᵮ䉐ࡧ⩋ȟᠫⲏ᳃⦷ᅬ㏱Ƞ Kui Hian, Dato’ Lim Kok Cheong. 4M侘Ბ㺫φ͙ࡺᕧੲц喋͙ᕧ喌ц䃛M♒◥Highlights ͙ᕧ⩝݇ߊ㜟϶喏䓽̬͖͂㏖БᲑ喏Ϻ㠝 ≌ℽᬢЏস๓侘⠘⿷ݹऺ喏ᐦ⮰䕿䌛̶喏 ຐᙯ̽ᕬȟസᣪཱ ᱯ⯶喏Бࣶӯ䔇ੲ䶲ژࡻߕεंࡺ㸀 ᮆრͧც侘Ბ㺫φϐ䕆䘔䪫ᠫⲏ䛸ᐂ͙㣝䊊ម͙ᕧ ഋ㍭㢏ࣽᆁ䲎喏䘩រ⑀β䊜ݹ䨷⮰ͧ㺭㻾 Џ㶔ᕓ⮰䶲ᄨੲц喏ๆᎠᲑͦ⮰ڣ᭛侘Ბ㺫φᰬ 㞞喏҈ܦβ̹܍⮰䉍⡚喏ൖͦảὍȠ ੲ͆҈ܦβጔ๓⮰䉍⡚喏ຮ϶ᰠ̺͂⩸ᣑ䒔喏䌋͂⩸र ⮰ੲц䔇㵸ჲܳ㖀㈧সऴ҈喏Ч䛹䕿䔈喏АϦܲ 䧒 ͙ᕧ⮰̬χᆊц喏ҷຮἋጊ͙ࡺᕧੲц喏݇ߊ ҕȠ κᎠ喏᭛͂⩸̶ᰬᬕ݇ߊ⮰͙ࡺᕧੲцͷ Ђᆊцຮ䮲䰖͙ᕧȟ䱥䰟͙ᕧȟᇳᵖጠڢȠ̬ 䘔䪫⁎䓺⊣โरੲц䶲ᄨݜᲑ侘Ბ㺫φ喏Ђ䃐ͦ喏㓐 ͙ᕧ喏䘩䊱䓳̬⮪⩞ڙ͙ᕧȟ侘ͥڜ䓂͙ᕧȟव 䉐℁㜟喏ᘻ͵䊱䊶βⰇ๓⮰цᎲ喏ఌͦ䔅᭛̬͖䛹㺭⮰ Ꭰࢲञ喏䪫БᲑ喏ͦ㐠័সεंцᱯ⯶喏 ज喏ԍᖛ⮰ϐ≭স㘽߇⮰⓬㢍喏ᓱ♢ц㵹⩋ܦᬌ⮰ ⲥȠڝᐦ䃪ტц̹䖃҅߇喏䉍⡚ᰵⰚͦ ऴ҈ᱦ喏ͦξᘌξݕ⮰ࣽᆁຌദȠ ͙ᕧᎠ⮰ࢲञ͙喏ᰵ䃤ๆᓣ倄᱇䛹⮰ੲ ⮰ᎠЏȠ◴ޓ䲎ᐬᩪ⮰ᎠЏ喏᭛̬͖《εڔ䔅᭛̬͖ ͆䶲㷂喏ЂИ㞜㠒᫃喏ηⅮ᭛喏Ꮐᄥβᬌ 侘Ბ㺫φ᭛͈ⰋըᎠͧፙ喏Иεंា͈Ⰻ䕌ͦ ⮰䛹๓ηТ喏र͖ࣽᆁ䭢⃡ंᓃβ᭪㦃⮰ 䋟䒧䛹⮰㏻≺ѿ喏БӫБᰠᑦ๓⮰《ε߇䓺ͪ⩸͂ڔ ȠИ䅔ₐᄥ̬ѹᰪ㏻࣮̺সᬌ⻭ ᣑᬑ⯶↵䛹⮰ᠽᝄȠ 䉐সݹ䒴喏㜠Бᰬሳ倄⮰᪘ᘻȠЂИٴ⮰⡚ ࠱᠘じ̬⁍๓ц⮰ͧፙসघ䯲Ϧ喏Ἃጊ͙ࡺ 䘔䪫ᠳܦ喏̬ፒ̬䌛⮰Ⴛప๓䃍喏㮩♢᭛⩝͙ܦ喏 ȟ⩞ᓱͥढφᲑ⮰ႅ⩋ٴᕧੲцц䪫᳃ᰵ䕿 Ѳࢠ䲊፤げऴ᪠͖ࡦഋ⮰㏻≺ࣽᆁ䰬Ⅾ喏̹䃦᭛䭲̶ ȟᰪ⩋ٴڠ㣖͙ࡺᕧੲцц䪫ढ䮲ڜၼþ䰖 Ƞڟ⮰̬ፒ喏ᝂ᭛⊣̶⮰̬䌛喏䘩䌋͈ࢃφरᖛᖛⰤ ٴ◟Ч㠝ℽᩫᏈఇጊᏈ⿷∁䃚⮰ᱝଵܦ ߇ᩛᠭ̬ፒ̬䌛⮰㥩喏Ђڔ⩸侘Ბ㺫φᩫᏈস⻭Ϧ ⩋喋व䮲⮰ଵ◟䌛БЂह喌ȟ䱥䰟͙ࡺᕧ ज़ߔসႸٴ⢳ጸ᱇喏᪠͖͈Ⰻ㘩Б̬㜠⮰⿷౦喏εं ੲцц䪫ᶭ⛶ࢃᅬ㏱喋ᕍԉ⮰ᶭ⛶ࢃ䌛БЂ ፒ̬䌛͈Ⰻࡦഋ⮰䶥Ⱊ喏➥ݗ᭛ദ᱘䃪ᐦ䕌স̬ ͙⩞ڙह喌ȠᎠЏ䊣㦃ह䶲㷂࠱᠘喝侘
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