SACRED MUSIC Volume 139, Number 3 Fall 2012 EDITORIALS Submissions Invited | Jennifer Donelson 3 Repetition, Time, and Recollection | William Mahrt 4 ARTICLES The Solesmes Chant Tradition: The Original Neumatic Signs and Practical Performance Today | Charles Cole 8 Chivalric Orders as Musical Patrons | Duane L. C. M. Galles 25 REPERTORY Victoria’s Doubting-Thomas Motet, O decus apostolicum | William Mahrt 4549 COMMENTARY Address to Participants in The National Congress of Scholae Cantorum 54 Organized by the Italian Association of Saint Cecilia | Pope Benedict XVI The Church’s Hymnody as a Source of Theology: Notes on Translation | Kathleen Pluth 57 Towards a New Culture in Liturgical Music: An Address to the Blessed John Henry Institute 63 of Liturgical Music | Msgr. Andrew Wadsworth BOOK REVIEW Living Liturgical Music: Music in the Liturgy by Ben Whitworth | Christopher Hodkinson 70 SACRED MUSIC Formed as a continuation of Caecilia, published by the Society of St. Caecilia since 1874, and The Catholic Choirmaster, published by the Society of St. Gregory of America since 1915. Published quarterly by the Church Music Association of America since its inception in 1965. Offi ce of Publication: 12421 New Point Drive, Richmond, VA 23233. E-mail:
[email protected]; Website: Editor: William Mahrt Managing Editor: Jeffrey Tucker Associate Managing Editor: Jennifer Donelson Editorial Assistant: David Sullivan Editor-at-Large: Kurt Poterack Typesetting: Judy Thommesen Membership & Circulation: 12421 New Point Drive, Richmond, VA 23233 CHURCH MUSIC ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Offi cers and Board of Directors President: William Mahrt Vice-President: Horst Buchholz Secretary: Janet Gorbitz Treasurer: William Stoops Chaplain: Rev.