Modern Alongside Traditional Taxonomy
RESEARCH ARTICLE Modern alongside traditional taxonomyÐ Integrative systematics of the genera Gymnangium Hincks, 1874 and Taxella Allman, 1874 (Hydrozoa, Aglaopheniidae) Marta Ronowicz1*, Emilie Boissin2, Bautisse Postaire3,4,5, Chloe Annie- France Bourmaud4,5, Nicole Gravier-Bonnet4,5, Peter Schuchert6 a1111111111 1 Department of Marine Ecology, Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences, Sopot, Poland, 2 USR3278 Centre de Recherche Insulaire et Observatoire de l'environnement, Universite de Perpignan, a1111111111 Perpignan, France, 3 Aix Marseille UniversiteÂ, CNRS, IRD, Avignon UniversiteÂ, IMBE UMR 7263, Marseille, a1111111111 France, 4 Universite de La ReÂunion, UMR ENTROPIE, Faculte des Sciences et Technologies, Saint Denis, a1111111111 France, 5 Laboratoire d'Excellence Corail, Perpignan, France, 6 Natural History Museum of Geneva, a1111111111 Geneva, Switzerland * OPEN ACCESS Abstract Citation: Ronowicz M, Boissin E, Postaire B, Bourmaud CA-F, Gravier-Bonnet N, Schuchert P We studied the diversity within the former genus Gymnangium in the South West Indian (2017) Modern alongside traditional taxonomyÐ Ocean by using an integrative approach of both traditional (morphology-based) and modern Integrative systematics of the genera Gymnangium molecular taxonomy. Nine species were recorded in the material collected. A total of 97 16S Hincks, 1874 and Taxella Allman, 1874 (Hydrozoa, mitochondrial DNA sequences and 54 Calmodulin nuclear sequences from eight Gymnan- Aglaopheniidae). PLoS ONE 12(4): e0174244. gium/Taxella species were analyzed. We found both morphological and molecular differ- ences in the studied Gymnangium species that make it necessary to split the genus. It is Editor: Covadonga Orejas, Instituto Español de OceanografõÂa, SPAIN proposed to revalidate the genus Taxella which is currently regarded as a synonym of Gymnangium.
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