SELENOLOGY TODAY 25 NOVEMBER 2011 including the ongoing photographic lunar album by KC Pau 1. Introduction Selenology Today is devoted to the publication of contributions in the field of lunar studies. Manu- scripts reporting the results of new research con- cerning the astronomy, geology, physics, chemistry and other scientific aspects of Earth’s Moon are Editor-in-Chief: welcome. Selenology Today publishes papers devoted ex- R. Lena clusively to the Moon. Reviews, historical papers and manuscripts describing observing or space- craft instrumentation are considered. Editors: M.T. Bregante The Selenology Today J. Phillips Editorial Office C. Wöhler
[email protected] C. Wood Cover KC PAU Selenology Issue 25 November 2011 SELENOLOGY TODAY #25 November 2011 Selenology Today website Humboldt: Concentric Crater and LPDs by H. Eskildsen and R. Lena………………………………………………..1 A photographic lunar album by KC Pau……………………………………………………………………………17 Study of a shallow dome near the lunar crater Autolycus by R. Lena, J. Phillips and P. Lazzarotti………………………………..36 Wallace and thedomes of “Mons Giraffe” by F. Corno………………………………………………………………………...51 Detection of two probable meteoroidal impacts on the Moon By M. Iten, R. Lena and S. Sposetti……………………………………….60 GEOLOGIC LUNAR RESEARCH SELENOLOGY TODAY 25 Humboldt: Concentric Crater and LPDs by H. Eskildsen (a) and R. Lena (b) (a) Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers, American Lunar Society, Alachua Astronomy Club (b) Geologic Lunar Research (GLR) group Abstract: The concentric crater in Humboldt falls in the typical range of diameter and ratio of inner to outer ring (Di/Do) for concentrics. The proximity of two much younger, non-concentric, craters similar in size to the concentric crater suggests that conditions causing the concentric crater formation no longer existed at the time of their impact.