Le journal bilingue de Glendon | Glendon’s bilingual newspaper Issue 7: le 13 février 2019 In This Issue Of Gods and Monsters : le visage glendonien de la mythologie Campus - Apprenez-en plus sur la récente pièce de Glendon, Of Gods and Monsters, et passez à un article d’opinion sur la diversité raciale sur le campus. Arts - Reviews aplenty! See what fellow students think of The Crimes of Grindelwald, Into The Spi- der-verse, and the newest album by . Metro - Lisez les commentaires sur le prochain gratte-ciel majeure de Bloor-Yonge et spéculez sur le statut (actuel et futur) des festivals de Toronto. Issues - Découvrez les différenc- es judiciaires entre la France et le Canada, comment Howard Schultz pourrait influencer les élections de 2020 aux États-Unis et l’expéri- ence d’une étudiante en voyage d’échange. Health - Hear about life with de- pression, changing our attitude Jordan Tzouhas towards fatty foods, and one stu- Gabriella Giordan man et Sarah (Westy) Weston, afin différentes classes sociales », souligne dent’s experience with surgery. Rédactrice adjointe français d’écrire un scénario qui combinerait Guet-McCreight. On a ajouté le mythe Expressions - Head on over to Ex- les trois mythes : « Brontë et Westy ont de Pandore pour accentuer les dif- pressions for some light poetry and Du 23 au 26 janvier, les Productions chacune écrit le brouillon de leurs his- férences entre Perséphone, déesse de rich prose. Sitting by a fireplace Cœur de Lion ont mis en scène Of Gods toires avec les mythes de Perséphone, la terre et de la nature, Hadès, dieu de with a pensive gaze as you read is and Monsters, une pièce inédite qui unit d’Hadès et de Pandore. Il a ensuite l’enfer, et Pandore, une mortelle prise recommended but not required. tout en modifiant les mythes grecs de fallu réécrire la plupart du texte, ce qui entre les jeux des dieux. » Prométhée, de Perséphone et Hadès, m’a permis d’y ajouter mes propres Prométhée a été ajouté plus La prochaine date limite: ainsi que celui de la boîte de Pandore. idées et le personnage de Prométhée, tard dans le scénario. Le jeune titan, le 15 février À la fois traditionnelle et moderne, la afin de former un tout cohérent qui incarné par Jamie Salloum, est à l’orig- pièce, écrite de manière rigoureuse et aborderait les thèmes de la mortalité, ine de tous les obstacles de la pièce. ingénieuse par des étudiantes de Glen- de l’amour, des hiérarchies, de la reli- Habillé de façon décontractée avec une don, tisse des liens entre les quêtes gion et de la famille. » veste et des pantalons en cuir, l’exis- identitaires, amoureuses et familiales Selon la metteure en scène, tence de Prométhée dicte indirecte- que mènent divers personnages mor- les histoires tout à fait différentes mais ment toutes les décisions que prend tels et divins tout à fait distincts les uns connexes de Perséphone et Hadès Pandore, jouée par Jordan Lie, jeune des autres. offraient énormément de possibilités mortelle « fabriquée » pour punir le ti- En août 2018, la metteure en diverses de construction de l’intrigue. tan, au grand désarroi des mortels. scène, Delphine Guet-McCreight, s’est « Je voulais une pièce qui illustrerait mise d’accord avec Brontë Link-New- plusieurs facettes du monde et des (Suite à la page 3) Pro Tem Team Letter from the Editor

Comme il fait froid, Glendon! du temps qui vous reste ici : soyez re- their meaning to you before your time is Notre Équipe connaissant(e)s des expériences que up, take it from an old lady like me. Editor in Chief | Rédactrice en chef I hope everyone has been keeping vous avez acquises et remerciez les Sarah Ariza-Verreault warm in the crazy climates we’ve been personnes qui vous ont soutenus pen- À la prochaine, [email protected] experiencing lately. Il semble que l’hiv- dant vos études. These experiences Chief of Operations | Chef des opérations er est finalement arrivé, et nous avons and people are what shape Glendon for - Sarah Kaya Harris-Read tous hâte qu’il se termine aussitôt que you, and its important to acknowledge [email protected] possible! It feels like with the snow and English Editor | Rédactrice adjointe anglais the cold came papers, presentations, Amanda Sears [email protected] and thesis proposals; I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe that the French Editor | Rédactrice adjointe français Gabriella Giordan semester is already half over. [email protected] Pour quelques étudiants ou étudiantes, Media Officer | Agente des médias Krysta Veneruz y compris moi-même, la fin de ce seme- [email protected] stre sera la conclusion de leurs études Photographer | Photographe à Glendon. I whine and gripe standing Adrienne Arzaga in my soggy boots in the salt and slush [email protected] with snow hitting my face every morn- Layout Editor | Maquetteur ing just dreaming of the very last time Connor Boyd I will ever have to take the 11 Bayview [email protected] in my life. Section Editors | Chroniqueurs Campus Life | Vie étudiante Cela dit, je vous encourage à profiter Ayse Koca [email protected] Issues & Ideas | Actualité et opinions Sabrina Sukhdeo [email protected] Metropolis | Métropole Gulsvert Dela Cruz [email protected] Arts & Entertainment | Arts et divertissement Bruno Da Costa [email protected] Health & Wellness | Santé et bien-être Sarah Ariza-Verreault John Kemp Editor in Chief [email protected] Expressions | Expressions Ayla Sljivar [email protected] About Us Pro Tem est le journal étudiant du collège Glendon. Publié pour la première fois en 1962, c’est la plus ancienne publication de l’Université Kaya Harris-Read Amanda Sears Gabriella Giordan Krysta Veneruz York. Chief of Operations Assistant English Editor Assistant French Editor Media Officer

Opinions published in Pro Tem are those of the individual writers, and do not reflect the views of the publication as a whole. We will not print copy deemed racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise oppressive.

Les lettres adressées au journal peuvent être éditées au niveau de la clarté ou de contenu. All Sabrina Sukhdeo copy appearing in Pro Tem is at the discretion of Adrienne Arzaga Connor Boyd Ayse Koca the editorial team. Photographer Designer Campus Life Issues & Ideas

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Be sure to follow us on Facebook for Gulsvert Dela Cruz Bruno Da Costa John Kemp Ayla Sljivar 2 reminders about upcoming deadlines Metropolis Arts & Entertainment Health & Wellness Expressions and events: @ProtemGL Vie étudiante

Why is Glendon So graduates are white, they uphold white spaces which further exclude people of White? colour and their narratives from such areas of influence. Ayse Koca This is not to say that the study Campus Editor of Liberal Arts is useless. Liberal Arts, and especially the social sciences, are When contrasted with the Keele Cam- necessary to produce leaders and crit- pus, one easily notices the diversity ical thinkers. These areas of study pro- lacking at Glendon. It’s surprising to vide students with a range of skills and see that, although part of the same methods of thinking that may not be de- university, Glendon and Keele are im- veloped by a STEM-oriented education. mensely different in their racial and eth- It is also worth noting that nic diversity. At the Keele campus, one is comprised mostly of white students. ries of society, whilst not applying those course curriculums at Glendon often sees the population of Toronto reflect- This can be attributed to the historical to itself. The composition of liberal arts do make an effort to challenge white ed more accurately within the student whiteness of liberal arts. Derived from colleges by mostly white students in the supremacy and class privilege (ex. the body; while at Glendon, international Ancient Greece, liberal arts became the same economic class suggests that this love of Marx at York). However, this is students contribute to a large portion cornerstone of studying Euro-American knowledge is only valuable when taught left within the curriculum. There is little if of the multiculturalism on campus. If civilization. The Greco-Roman origins to a certain race and class. any effort to diversify the incoming stu- it weren’t for the international student of Liberal Arts which filtered through Glendon promises a diverse dent population, faculty, or staff. Reflec- population on campus, the racial and European, then American, civilization education to students that will chal- tive of the student population, the fac- ethnic demographics of Toronto are reflect the whiteness of the education lenge their views and acquaint them ulty, staff, and often guest lecturers on hardly reflected in the student, faculty, provided at such institutions. Despite with students of backgrounds differing campus are also overwhelmingly white. and staff population on campus. A stroll superficial liberal motions of inclusion, from their own. But what efforts are be- There should be efforts to further di- past the hall of Glendon alumni reveals white supremacy and acts of hatred can ing made to diversify Glendon’s student versify not only the student population, the predominantly white history of Glen- be bred at Liberal Arts schools, which body, administrators, faculty, and staff? but also the faculty. Often educators of don graduates. Walking down the hall we unfortunately have seen on campus Leadership is an important colour have expertise and specializa- towards earlier years, it gets increas- in past years. skill that Glendon aims to instill in its tions regarding race and ethnicity that ingly difficult to spot a person of colour Often, the study of Liberal arts students. As a liberal arts college, white professors may be lacking. With a in the composites. is dominated by the white upper and Glendon produces journalists, authors, lack of diversity, a liberal arts education Part of the reason for this over- middle class. It is conflicting that the economists and policy advisors. These continues to give students perspectives whelming whiteness is attributed to the study of liberal arts in itself promotes people have considerable influence from the ivory (white) tower. subjects of study at Glendon. Tradition- education for the sake of acquiring within their occupations. Consequently, ally, enrolment in liberal arts colleges knowledge and preaches critical theo- when a considerable portion of these

le bleu, le vert et le blanc illuminent sa fille Perséphone et la conduite de interprète le rôle d’Hermès, messagère Of Gods and l’Olympe. Le silence règne pendant la Zeus, son mari manipulateur, l’enrage. divine, par le biais d’un langage factuel Monsters (cont.) majorité des scènes pour laisser place Leur fille, jouée par Allison Holden, est et teinté d’ironie. Les personnages div- au drame. douce, discrète, solitaire et aimée de ers contribuent au développement de Des scènes simultanées à l’action prin- Le chœur, invisible quoique tous. Elle se lie d’amitié avec Pandore, l’intrigue. cipale ainsi que des scènes se dérou- omniprésent, représente l’humanité dont le caractère ressemble à celui de « J’aurais aimé que l’intrigue se lant en enfer prennent place sur deux souffrante. Recroquevillé et perché Perséphone. corse un peu plus, mais dans l’ensem- petits paliers superposés d’un côté de au-dessus des dieux, le chœur observe Pourtant, les deux adoles- ble, les bouts de l’histoire étaient bien la scène. De l’autre côté, un rideau et commente tout ce qu’il voit, d’une voix centes trahissent les attentes du public liés », affirme Marie Gomez, une specta- transparent met en évidence des per- unie, déchirée, sans se faire entendre. en défiant les souhaits de Zeus. Holden trice. En effet, l’amour entre Prométhée sonnages observant de loin l’action, Lorsque Pandore regrette d’avoir ou- maîtrise son rôle de « bonne fille » qui et Perséphone, quoiqu’unique dans sa faisant d’eux les témoins, en quelque vert la boîte mystérieuse que Zeus lui est déchirée entre le désir de répon- forme et incarné avec passion par Sal- sorte, du public. Au fond, deux escali- avait interdit d’ouvrir et essaie d’aider dre aux volontés de sa mère et celui loum et Lie, aurait pu être plus dével- ers mènent à une sorte de balcon, sous les mortels, le meneur du chœur, joué de connaître l’amour, mais qui finit par oppé. De plus, le public ne voit pas lequel se dessine un couloir. Les esca- par Nicholas Mackenzie, crie d’une se plonger dans un amour improbable Épiméthée lorsqu’il trouve le couteau liers et le balcon produisent un effet de voix puissante et glaçante dans le et ambivalent avec Hadès, soit Jirah fatal d’Hermès, ce qui suscite à la fois grandeur chez les personnages qui s’y vide : « Elle n’aurait pas eu besoin de Greaves, son parfait contraire. surprise et confusion. trouvent. Cependant, cet effet ne sem- faire quoi que ce soit de plus si elle Certains personnages, joués Malgré tout, les comédiens in- ble pas s’appliquer aux mortels, êtres n’avait rien fait du tout! » Les comédi- par des comédiens doués, suscitent carnent avec grâce les forts liens émo- invisibles aux yeux des dieux. ens qui forment le chœur personnifient des réactions de dégoût, de colère et tionnels qui s’esquissent tout au long de L’éclairage et le jeu de lumière ainsi la misère. Leur sort touche sans même d’humour. Zeus (Jordan Stal) est la pièce. Of Gods and Monsters marque sont adaptés à la théâtralité de la pièce aucun doute la sensibilité du public. égoïste, Épiméthée (Ryan Yacknovets) une importante transition théâtrale pour et illustrent avec succès le contraste Il en est de même pour le a un orgueil démesuré. Les Maux per- les Productions Cœur de lion, qui écrira entre les ambiances des scènes : le personnage de Déméter, la mère de sonnifient le mal et sèment le chaos, et mettra sans doute en scène d’autres rouge assombrit le monde infernal des Perséphone. Incarnée par Elsie Abang, même si l’on se demande ce qui fait pièces originales. mortels et l’enfer même, tandis que Déméter est entièrement dévouée à d’Espérance un mal. Madeleine Borg 3 Health and Wellness

dark place. Depression First But sometimes, without there Hand even being an easily identifiable rea- son, I do. I’m suddenly back in the dark- Fresange Maleka ness. The heavy feeling has made its home in my chest once again, and now Contributor I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be okay. #BellLetsTalk used to be one of the When I first started experiencing this up most uncomfortable days of the year for and down I didn’t know how to deal. I’d me. The endless tweets and retweets feel like my depression was gone for- about checking in on your friends and ever, and when it would come back, I’d John Kemp knowing the signs of an anxiety attack feel like a complete failure. I felt like I terrified me. I mean, I still participated was failing my friends, my family and John Kemp’s the role that nourishment plays has and used the filters like a “woke” person ultimately, myself. I couldn’t understand changed significantly from what it was of my generation would, but it was all why I kept going through this cycle. Kitchen: In Praise of even as little as 20 years ago. The for- just an act. This time around, I’ve decid- Why couldn’t I just always be okay? mal family dinner of the Leave It to Bea- ed that I’m trading in the sharades for To this day I do not know the Fat ver days is long past, and we now often a more genuine look at mental illness. answer to that question. I might never eat on-the-go, dedicating relatively little Here is a small part of my ongoing jour- know why I can’t just be “okay,” whatev- John Kemp cognitive effort to actually appreciating ney. er that means. But, what I have learned Health and Wellness Editor what we’re eating. Food has become, Coming to terms with men- is that depression and a stomach flu in many respects, a necessity rather tal illness can be extremely difficult. cannot be compared. There’s no way Since about the mid-70s, we as a so- than an indulgence. This, compounded You think you’ve seen every symptom for me to miraculously be “cured”. ciety have become increasingly wary by our collective contempt for fat, salt, and faced every challenge when, sud- That truth scares me almost more than of the effect that our diets have on our sugar, and all the other components denly, a whole new layer is revealed. anything. However, I still believe it will health and potential for disease. Some that make food enjoyable, makes for a One of the biggest issues I face when always be better than the lies I used to of the many culprits include cholesterol, rather dismal environment for food in it comes to my own mental illness is tell myself. sodium, various types of sugar, preser- our lives. the unknown. For instance, if you get a So, that’s where I’m at right vatives, colourings, and even flavour- The larger problem with this stomach flu you know it will eventually now. I know it may not sound like much ings. However, no one food component is that it doesn’t only devalue food, it come to and end. You’ll rest, take your but accepting this reality has saved my has been given as much heat by the makes it the enemy. We become leery medication, and eventually feel normal life. I’ve learned to seek help when the public eye as fat. about each bite we take and each dish again. lows are getting the best of me. I’ve It seems nowadays that wheth- we order for fear that we might gain Depression is a completely learned that I deserve to enjoy all the er you’re buying milk, cheese, chicken, a few too many pounds or that we’re different beast. I can get eight hours of happiness that I possibly can. or really anything that could possibly cheating on our diets by celebrating sleep every night, take the antidepres- Even if my story is nothing like be associated with fat, the words “lean” “cheat day” 48 hours too early. We start sants prescribed by my doctor, eat well, yours, I hope it can help you in some and “low fat” are plastered on them as thinking of certain foods as “sinful” and exercise regularly and still suffer. How- way. You are never required to share selling points. We avoid high-fat milk ultimately associate the enjoyment of ever, I’ve also gone through periods your mental health journey, but if you and eating too much sour cream, fried fatty foods with misbehaviour and neg- when I didn’t feel depressed at all. I’m do, I hope you consider the power of foods are a sin in-and-of themselves ativity. This is not a healthy relationship happy, productive, and genuinely feel- what happens when we share our sto- and don’t even get me started on but- to have with the very thing we need to ing better. It becomes almost unthink- ries with honesty. ter. Fat, in our North American diets, live. able that I could ever go back to that has become enemy number one. Instead, we should take a kind- Now I’m no dietician, but when er, gentler, more balanced approach to we get to the point where we need fat and the foods that contain it. Per- to process and remove things from haps rather than having five slices of ul- our foods so far as to eliminate entire tra-low-fat-so-light-it-floats-off-the-plate groups of macronutrients, I start to take cheese, one enjoys a couple slices of issue. a lovely smoked gouda. Or maybe it’s There are many articles that thoroughly enjoying the big roast dinner will tackle this same issue, often stress- on a Sunday night and having a light- ing the importance of fat in a balanced er but equally as enjoyable lunch the diet and discussing its benefits in cell next day. Either way, the idea in all of growth and insulation. This, however, is this is that we simply need to develop not one of those articles. Although I do a relationship with fat and with food of agree that we physiologically need fat all shapes and sizes more generally in our diets, I think there’s something to that emphasizes not substitutions and be said for needing it psychologically as compromises, but balance, moderation, well. and enjoyment. After all, the great Julia What I mean by that is that I Child did always say, “The only time to think, above all else, that food should eat diet food is while you’re waiting for be enjoyable. the steak to cook.” If that’s not wisdom, 4 In our busy modern lives, I don’t know what is. Santé et bien-être How Getting a Breast Reduction Helped Me Unlearn Heterosexism


Getting a breast reduction was one of the most difficult, intimidating, exhila- rating, and satisfying decisions of my life—in that order. I had bad luck in the Russian roulette of genetics which granted me small measurements with a dispro- portionately large chest. Needless to say, my body strained to support what eventually became a chest in the size of 32G. Neck pain, back pain, deterio- rating posture, and sexual harassment gradually became my normal. I was no longer identified by childhood nicknames à la Lisa Simpson, but rath- er, I was the girl with the large chest, and nothing more. No amount of good grades or soul-searching led me to be- come more than that in the eyes of oth- ers (read: most men, some women). me imposed personality traits upon me other words, healing began long before your rawest, purest form by simple vir- When I wore high-neckline in hopeful misdemeanour. Male teach- surgery. tue of your humanity. clothing to cover up, I was accused of ers commented as early as elementary Regardless of gender, people Since my surgery, I have en- enhancing the size of my chest. When I school. I was one-third human, two- get breast reductions. But for a cisgen- couraged numerous women consid- wore low-cut clothing, I was accused of thirds sex symbol. der woman, getting a breast reduction ering a breast reduction to go through showing it off. When I dressed to mim- For four years I played with the forced me to face raw, vicious hetero- with it. Like me, many of them consid- ic other girls my age, I was accused of idea of a reduction in the sterile envi- sexism head-on. So ladies, if you’re ered backing out, and are now glad dressing inappropriately by sheer virtue ronment of my doctor’s office. A push- even considering a breast reduction, it’s they didn’t. I repeat like a mantra: the of my figure. My ability to represent my- and-pull of pros and cons stretched probably a sign that you should get one. only thing you will regret is not doing it self became trapped in a catch-22, and endlessly across my mind. I bit my And if your experience will be anything sooner. I was slut-shamed to no end. tongue every time before requesting a like mine, keep a couple things in mind: For the reasons I have men- What other people considered referral, for fear of losing a part of my- First: men in your life will try to steer tioned above, the process is much my defining characteristic, and some, self and my value. More accurately, I you off course, pointing out harm that more gruelling in the emotional sense equally derogatorily, my best trait, might say, a part of myself that others will befall you and conjuring up every than the physical sense. For many of quickly became my biggest insecurity. had defined for me in terms I didn’t like reason why you shouldn’t. Whether us, a breast reduction can seem like we Somehow it invited comments. Regard- and under circumstances I didn’t want they’re your friends, your partner, your are removing something of value from less of the people, the setting, or my to be associated with. colleagues, your coworkers, your fam- our beings—this is simply not true, and efforts, it was always a topic of discus- Once I reached the point of ily, or just strangers—don’t listen to anyone who claims that it is has deeply sion. suggesting a surgeon by name, my them. They will treat it like the tragedy (and discriminatorily) misplaced their For a few years, I tried to over- doctor sent me the referral. She told me it never was and never will be. The only priorities in loving you. come this insecurity by embracing it. I to schedule an appointment—it could tragedy is continuing to live in pain and would be the first to make statements be strictly informative; I could always discontent to appease them. about the size of my chest or crack a say no. My doctor detected what I could Second: you are valuable in joke. I was always told to approach my only detect in retrospect: I was already every sense. This is not negotiable. You insecurities with humour. But this didn’t too emotionally invested, whether I re- are valuable naked and trembling of work. I was still a slut, just a self-pro- alized it or not. cold in front of the mirror after a shower. claimed one now. Luckily, my surgeon detected You are valuable baggy-eyed and slow Men in my family barely looked the same thing, scheduling my surgery in the mornings. You are valuable hairy me in the eye when I spoke. Men on date during my first visit to her office. and bare-faced. You are valuable re- the streets, many of them decades Later, I would remember this as one gardless of the relative size of various older than me, invited themselves into of the most fortunate events in my life. body parts. You are valuable in pain my life to compliment me with cheap- Thus, the slow process of undoing so- and suffering, but also in your self-pre- ly disguised intentions. Men who knew cietal notions of female value began. In serving demands. You are valuable in 5 Arts and Entertainment

fan service, but just enough so as to not ter franchise and contains a lot of the it becomes disappointing when people The Problem with be gimmicky. We got to see different same problems as The Hobbit mov- create these theories to compensate Prequels: A response magical creatures adapted to film that ies. The appearance of Nicolas Flamel for lazy writing on the author’s part. I had been excluded from the original was exclusively fan service, and added don’t blame people for assuming that to The Crimes of movies, a nod to those who had read nothing to the plot, much like Legolas there’s a clever explanation; Rowling is the books, without it feeling forced or in The Hobbit. And then there’s Nagini. a clever writer. But the McGonagall plot Grindelwald disingenuous. Unfortunately, the sec- The introduction of her character under- hole appears among several continuity ond installment to this movie franchise mines the three Harry Potter books in issues, and other things which seem Kaya Harris-Read is a different story. which she appears, because there was extremely unlikely based on what we Chief of Operations In order to illustrate common never any indication to the reader that know about the universe. problems associated with prequels, I this was more than just a snake. This These problems with the movie I grew up with the Harry Potter books will draw a parallel with my favourite was never a character we were meant wouldn’t bother me if they only impact- and movies, and for a long time, as example of a bad prequel: The Hobbit to sympathize with, and the reader is ed the movie, but once you know some- someone who loves to write, consid- movies. Although not based on a book supposed to feel jubilant when she is thing it’s hard to pretend otherwise. It’s ered Rowling one of my inspirations. written as a prequel, the movies fit into killed. The humanization of her charac- hard to hold separate the information There are lots of things she does well, this category largely because if The ter works against this, and changes the given by this movie that dampens the and credit is earned where credit is due. Lord of the Rings movies hadn’t been reading of the original books. enjoyment of the original series. This However, it seems that recently she so successful, they would have never There are other references illustrates what results from a bad has been rubbing a lot of her fans the been made. What originated as an epi- and name-drops throughout the movie. prequel, the undermining of the works wrong way. Although there are several sodic, adventure-based children’s book There were some that didn’t raise any from which it is based. It is not just dis- reasons for this, the one I’m focusing was turned into a three part high-fan- issues, but then there was the McGona- appointing because I was looking for- on stems from a trap into which many tasy epic packed with characters and gall cameo, which blatantly contradict- ward to this movie and felt let down. It’s creative individuals have fallen: making references to the original trilogy, for ed the timeline laid out by the original disappointing because it undermines a bad prequels. (I should mention, this no better reason than fan service. This novels. As in she wouldn’t have been series that was a huge part of my child- will involve spoilers for the Fantastic is not to say that fan service is inher- born yet, let alone teaching. I took to hood. It would be untrue to say that it Beasts movies.) ently bad, but when it undermines the the internet to see what other people has been ruined for me. I still enjoy The Understandably, when it was plot and integrity of the piece of work thought about this plot hole, and while Lord of the Rings and I’ll still enjoy Har- announced that there was to be a mov- in which it appears, it feels as though some people theorize that it could have ry Potter all the same. It’s a disappoint- ie based in the Harry Potter universe, the artistic minds behind the project been her mother, this goes against who ment because I believe that if this mov- a lot of people were excited, myself in- don’t trust their work to hold up without she is credited as in the movie, and also ie didn’t fall into patterns so common of cluded. And I genuinely enjoyed it. Even constantly connecting it to the original what we know about her family based on prequels, which the first movie avoided, though it involves a storyline brought up storyline. what Rowling has told us. Some other it could have been a great stand alone in the Harry Potter books, it was sepa- The Crimes of Grindelwald had people have brought up other sugges- series which, while complementing the rate enough from the original series to a very similar flavour, as it rides on the tions, such as time travel. While usually Harry Potter stories, doesn’t take it feel like its own story. There was some coattails of the successful Harry Pot- I’m all for creative fan theories, to me over.

6 Arts et divertissements

I’m not a huge fan of superhero Morales, and Jake Johnson gives one of the movie.) In particular, “Sunflow- Spider-Man: Into the movies. Sometimes I enjoy them quite of the best performances of his career. er” serves as the perfect anthem for Spider-verse Review a bit, like when I saw Iron Man, Captain However, I want to talk about Miles (the main character). Daniel America: The Winter Soldier, or Guard- what the film does that very few oth- Pemberton’s score, which combines DJ ians of the Galaxy. Spider-Man: Into ers do. I think Spider-Verse manages scratching, breakbeat, and orchestral David Rosen the Spider-Verse, however, was some- to reach two audiences: comic-book music, is sublime. The score is great to Contributor thing else entirely. It’s not just that it’s fans and movie-lovers. What’s more listen to outside of the film. a gorgeously animated movie in a time impressive is that it does so seamless- I will shamelessly admit that I There are certain moments in life that when we haven’t seen groundbreaking ly. It speaks to both audiences with have seen Spider-Verse five times in just stand out. These moments may be animation from American studios, it’s the same imagery and the same lan- theatres, and I want to see it yet again. happy, sad, loud, quiet, intense, or re- also what the film did to me. It has been guage. I went to see it with a couple of It just speaks to me in a way that few flective. What they have in common is a long time since I’ve spent the whole friends, both of whom are comic-book films do, and I think it will have that ef- how they manage to bury themselves time watching a movie both laughing fans. I, on the other hand, fall firmly into fect on many people. It is, after all, a into our minds and to utterly redefine and crying (not simultaneously). The the movie-lover camp (I’m practically superhero movie; it’s very easy to like. I us, sometimes immediately. For me, film is an emotional roller-coaster. comic-book illiterate). After the movie also think that the message at the core some of these moments take the form Spider-Verse has been getting ended, we were all buzzing about the of the film actually gets to the heart of of cinematic experiences. Such experi- really good press since its release. If same scenes and the same characters, why superheroes, and Spider-Man in ences include my first exposures toThe you read the reviews, you’ll see var- albeit for different reasons entirely. Spi- particular, are important to our society. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the ious aspects of the film praised, the der-Verse, instead of being two movies Simply put, this movie rocks. King, Sense & Sensibility, Toy Story, animation and the writing in particular. rolled into one, manages to be a singu- See it as soon as you can, on the big- Raiders of the Lost Ark, There Will Be It’s true; both are superb. The writing is lar vision, enjoyable for anyone. gest screen possible! Blood, and, more recently, Moonlight. especially gratifying given that superhe- I also want to mention the These movies all came along suddenly ro films tend to prioritize good dialogue music. In this case, I mean both the and without warning, broke me apart, least. As well, its voice performances soundtrack and the score. The songs, built me back up, and simply sent me and character development are just generally blends of modern R&B, pop, reeling. In December of 2018, yet an- fantastic. I think Shameik Moore is out- and trap, fit the story extremely well. other film worked such magic on me. standing as the main character, Miles (The soundtrack is just okay outside

rated by Siri. The song brings attention different. The song “I Like America & As previously mentioned, A Review of A Brief to how bizarre it is that literal robots America Likes Me” is a heavily auto- Matty Healy took a break from music Inquiry Into Online like Amazon’s Alexa have become so tuned song with Soundcloud rap vibes to check into a rehabilitation center normalized. The theme of the modern about today’s youth and gun violence in to overcome his drug abuse, and the Relationships technological age is present throughout America. “” is by next songs express his internal strug- all the songs on the album, but espe- far my favourite song on the album be- gle with addiction. “I Couldn’t Be More Brianna Carrasco cially in these following songs. cause it is a song of hope. Healy told in Love” seems like a love song, but Contributor The 1975 is known for their online magazine, Pitchfork, that he col- it’s about struggling with his addiction dance-pop ballads with the main pur- lected the headlines of newspapers for while making music for his fans. Healy pose to make people sing at the top of a year in order to write the song, whose apparently recorded the song the day On November 31, British pop-rock band their lungs. The pop-punk track, “Give lyrics reference political issues like po- before he went to rehab, and you can The 1975 released their third album A Yourself a Try,” is a great example of lice brutality, Syrian refugees, and Don- definitely hear the fear and raw emotion Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships. that, and tells listeners that it’s okay ald Trump’s presidency. While Healy in his voice. “Surrounded By Heads and The 1975 have reached tremendous to not have the perfect life like people makes reference to the terrible things Bodies” is a short piece dedicated to a success since their first album, but they pretend they have on social media. The happening in the world, he repeats the woman Healy met in his rehab facility took a brief hiatus so that lead singer title of “TOOTIME” is wordplay for the line “But, I’d love it if we made it,” mean- and “It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You)” Matty Healy could receive treatment for phrase “two-time” and is simply a tune ing that he hopes the world will continue is what he calls “the big heroin song,” heroin addiction. The overall theme of about infidelity, especially over social to push through the hardships. which explains his addiction in detail. the album is the impact of social media media where actions such as liking The 1975 are also known for The album ends with the song, on our relationships, mental health, and somebody else’s Instagram picture or their deeply heartbreaking lyrics, which “I Always Want to Die (Sometimes),” lifestyle, along with stories of Healy’s texting another person, may be consid- are definitely present in this album. which may seem a bit depressing, and drug abuse. It definitely makes listeners ered “cheating.” “Mine” and “Be My Mistake” are both while it is about depression, it’s main- question the current age of technology The jazz-inspired song, “Sin- melancholic songs about being afraid ly about dealing with mental illness in in which we live. cerity is Scary,” talks about how people of commitment and hurting someone the age of technology when most of The 1975 starts every album tend to hide behind a facade over so- who meant a lot to you. The song “In- our lives are online for the world to see. with a remix of the same song, co- cial media. Matty discusses how being side Your Mind” is creepy, piano-driven Surprisingly, it is a hopeful song about incidentally titled “The 1975.” In this sincere and genuine over the internet is song about wanting to know what your making it through the hard times. The version, the band sets the tone of the scary and vulnerable, which is why he partner is thinking, which includes grue- song is the perfect way to end the al- album by manipulating Healy’s voice believes people lie about their image some, bloody imagery. Healy told Pitch- bum, which takes listeners through a to sound robotic. They similarly make online. fork, “‘Inside Your Mind’ is just the idea range of emotions. The album is such a Healy’s voice more electronic in “How Fans of The 1975 know that of sometimes wanting to know what powerful comeback from The 1975 and to Draw / Petrichor.” Another track, “The the band never shies away from dis- your partner is thinking so much that I’m so excited for more music in the fu- Man Who Married a Robot,” is not a cussing important world issues in their you want to smash their head open to ture! song at all, and is instead a poem nar- music and the following songs are no look.” 7 Lionheart Productions Presents: Of Gods and Monsters

8 All photo credits to Jordan Tzouhas Lionheart Productions Presents: Of Gods and Monsters

All photo credits to Jordan Tzouhas 9 Metropolis

Winter Events in Toronto: One in Ten Words What Not to Miss Is Field Trip international festivals. What about To- ronto’s very own? If you’re around Toronto and hear of an The Facebook Fix: How to Get Your Announcement a Toronto Urban Roots Festival event that might be of interest to our Content Seen (T.U.R.F.) has been absent for sever- community, write to us at: metropolis@ Camp Tech, Feb 13 Farewell to Toronto al summers now, and Time Festival, protemglendon.com. though short lived, has yet to make an Annual Move Your Paws For the Po- Festivals? appearance since 2016. Edgefest is Arts and Culture lar Bear Cause – 1k & 5k marathon Toronto Zoo, Feb 23 presumed to be defunct too, ever since Wildlife Photographer of the Year Anastasiya Dvuzhylov its namesake 102.1 The Edge came to Royal Ontario Museum, Community and Environment Contributor an end. Is this faltering scene caused Jan 13 – Mar 31 by big corporate buyouts or have Toron- Free Skating tonians lost their passion for festivals? Stage Russia – Anna Karenina Evergreen Brickworks, Every Friday – With the announcement that Field Trip, Digital Dreams and Veld seem to be Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema, Feb 10 Sunday until end of February one of Toronto’s music and arts festi- faring well but they’re the new kids on vals, is going on hiatus, it seems like big the block. Toronto Black Film Festival North York Community Blood Drive musical events in the city are becoming The music festival decline may Various Locations, Feb 13 – Feb 18 St. Gabriel’s Parish, Feb 11 scarcer. If it doesn’t return in 2020, it seem discouraging but it isn’t an accu- will join Bestival, Warped Tour, and Riot rate reflection of Toronto’s overall blip Wavelength Winter Festival Light Up! 2019 Toronto-Qinhuai The Garrison, Feb 15 – 17 Lantern Festival – Celebrating the Fest in the festival graveyard. While in the North American music scene. year of the Pig cities like Montreal seem to be thriving, We’re still a stop on almost every ma- Jukebox Hero the Musical Bond Education Group, Feb 18 why is Toronto on a downward spiral? jor tour with bands often adding two or Ed Mirvish Theatre, Feb 20 – 24 Riot Fest cited removing To- three dates. Local venues may not of- Food and Drink ronto from their stops because of “local fer the comfort of grassy patches and The Artist Project changes in Riot Fest’s partnership.” rows of porta-johns but the drinks are Exhibition Place, Feb 21 – 24 Oyster Sundays ($2/shuck) Union Events, the original organizer, a hell of a lot cheaper. While this may Eastbound Brewing Co, Every Sunday had been bought out by Live Nation be a downward trend, it can always be Winterfolk XVII Blues & Roots Entertainment in early 2016 and Riot turned around. New public spaces like Festival Rose and Rose Wine – A Cake Deco- Fest was one of the events that they the Bentway are promising for the com- Various Venues around the Danforth, rating Workshop decided to no longer support. Warped munity, with Toronto bands like Brave Feb 22 – Feb 24 230 King St East, Feb 16 – 17 Tour founder, Kevin Lyman, had differ- Shores and The Darcys playing shows Impressionism In the Age of Indus- Music and Entertainment ent reasoning behind ending his festi- there. And if Field Trip does return, To- try: Monet, Pissarro, and More val, citing a decline in ticket sales and ronto’s music scene might just become Art Gallery of Ontario, Feb 16 – May 5 The 2019 Motorcycle Show Toronto band participation. Though a 25-year a little bit louder. Enercare Centre, Feb 15 – 17 anniversary celebration is set to hap- Career & Education pen in 2019, Toronto doesn’t seem like Tales of Two Cities it will be one of the stops, marking the TechTO The Leipzig-Damascus Coffee House end of the punk rock heyday. UK-based RBC WaterPark Place, Feb 11 Feb 21 – 24 Bestival pulled out after only two 10 years in the city, but these are all Métropole

Le gratte-ciel le plus également à cause des rangées infinies de boulons et d’écrous qui l’entourent. grand du Canada : N’y a-t-il pas assez de structures métal- celui qui obstruera la liques qui nous cachent le charme rustique de la ville? Au moins, l’énor- vue des Torontois mité de ces bâtiments servirait à abriter facilement le gorille géant bien-aimé, Dana Vuckovic King Kong, qui en profiterait au maxi- mum! Contributrice Faute d’un raffinement es- thétique, le gratte-ciel ne s’intégrera En tant que citoyenne de Toron- pas à l’aspect urbain du quartier. Je to, je crois que la construction du gratte- concède qu’un revêtement extérieur Gulsvert Dela Cruz ciel de 306 mètres, nommé The One, en or apparaît dans toute sa splendeur, qui se situera à l’angle des rues Yonge mais la brillance quasi aveuglante d’un stroll. They were mostly centred around et Bloor et dont l’achèvement est prévu tel revêtement n’ira pas bien avec cer- Winter Lights at manipulating or directing light in the pour 2022, mérite un certain respect de tains bâtiments néo-gothiques. Norman Ontario Place dark through structures to create vari- notre part. Cependant, ce projet sus- Foster, le chef du projet, a beau mettre ous effects and symbolisms. The most citera une grande indignation chez les l’accent sur le style sophistiqué de l’édi- intriguing one for me was Christine De- Torontois. Malgré le zèle et l’enthousi- fice, l’élégance a-t-elle vraiment besoin Gulsvert Dela Cruz wancker’s “The Faraway Nearby.” It is asme débordant de Giles Robinson, d’être aussi tapageuse? Metropolis Editor essentially a spread of illuminated crys- l’un des concepteurs du gratte-ciel, je Construire le plus grand gratte- tal towers of varying heights (reminis- pense que les architectes du projet ciel au Canada est sans doute très im- Winter’s shorter days and colder weath- cent of Superman’s icy Arctic fortress) devraient fortement revenir sur leur dé- pressionnant, mais à cause de la hau- er definitely force me to work harder on along the lake, where from specific cision de bâtir l’édifice, à cause de ses teur effrayante de celui-ci, les citoyens not slowly slipping into a frozen leth- angles, you can see the towers line up poutres métalliques gigantesques, de ne pourront pas apprécier à fond ses argy. So why not try exploring Toronto to bring faraway backgrounds in closer son revêtement extérieur peu flatteur et diverses caractéristiques, telles que le a bit? I knew about the Aurora Winter view. Moreover, the backdrop on the de sa hauteur démesurée. petit bosquet d’arbres au sommet de Festival, but to be honest I’m a bit broke lake facing west was beautiful—distant Certes, son architecture à la l’édifice. Effectivement, les gens auront after the holidays and want to do some- buildings in Mississauga and Etobicoke fois moderne et classique nous fait mal au cou en essayant de trouver ce thing more… free? So, (among other glittered with bright, tiny lights against penser à la magnificence des bâtiments bois masqué par une centaine d’é- reasons) I decided to try out the event the empty, cold sky. It was definitely a de la Renaissance, mais ses poutres tages. next door to the Winter Festival and ex- place I would want to just sit in for hours métalliques n’émerveilleront point les Je reconnais que la construc- plore the Lights Exhibitions at Ontario on end (if not for the harsh realities of passants parce qu’elles auront caché tion de ce gratte-ciel pourrait accroître Place. winter and human body temperature). l’immense beauté des fenêtres. À quoi le prestige de la capitale de l’Ontario, It was not as packed as the The relative solitude and tran- sert-il de vanter la beauté d’une chose mais à quoi servira cet « honneur » si more “touristy” and heavily advertised quility, as well as the emotional warmth si elle ne peut pas être véritablement seulement les gens de la haute société Winter Festival, but the aura definite- brought about by the teeming lights admirée? Par conséquent, le gratte-ciel peuvent l’admirer en y habitant et en ly shouted winter holidays with trees throughout the winter night, made me aura l’air d’une prison dont la hauteur fréquentant ses restaurants chics et in- strung with lights in a Christmas fashion more appreciative of the now-beyond vertigineuse terrorisera les citoyens. La abordables? Comment établirons-nous in nearly every corner, as well as a fes- social media. It’s moments like these vue des passants et des habitants sera une harmonie à Toronto si un bâtiment tively lit skating rink to top it off. How- that give you a sense of just being. It désagréable non seulement à cause de d’une telle valeur creuse l’écart social ever, it was a relief that there were not takes you away from your reality be- l’apparence carcérale de l’édifice, mais et économique entre les citoyens? too many people and, more important- yond the moment, not having to work ly, barely any stores selling overpriced towards some goal or against some food and knick-knacks. difficulty in life, but just to accept and Most of the area was reserved appreciate the beauty of where you are. for art pieces, making for a great, nightly

Klaus Johansson 11 Issues and Ideas

Sabrina Sukhdeo Finding Places to out of a completely unfamiliar city. And change. Across the continent, the refu- Whatever the reason, the real- in my defense, studying abroad is fre- gee crisis has taken a profound toll on istic part of me knows these privileges Find Yourself… and quently glamourized as a panoramic European countries, sparking divisive have allowed me to be the exception getaway, brimming with life-changing debates and bringing humanity’s ugli- rather than the rule. I can’t help but Racism: Studying adventure and potential for self-discov- est inclinations to the fore. Denmark, of wonder about my experience had I ap- ery. Rarely mentioned is the fact that, in course, has been no exception. Danes peared more strikingly, more stereotyp- abroad while “Brown” the same space you’re given to discov- have had to grapple with a flux of peo- ically “Brown.” What if I wore a hijab? Sabrina Sukhdeo er yourself, others are discovering you, ple who seem to be nothing like them, What if my name was less “White”? Issues and Ideas Editor too. You’re a traveller, but you’re also and have chosen in response to tight- What if I had a passport from a Middle a foreigner, and that label comes with en their borders, render Denmark eco- Eastern or North African country? The On the first day of my exchange in Co- a lot of baggage—especially if you’re nomically unlivable for immigrants, and twinge of alienation I felt being a Brown penhagen, I was greeted by the sight of a Brown person visiting a dominantly even institute a burqa and niqab ban. To girl in a sea of White people in no way the most adorable, well-mannered tod- White country. be clear, these policy decisions reflect compares to the very real threats of dlers waddling their way to school—all The history of brown-skinned the opinions of a dominant segment of violence and discrimination that face of whom were blond-haired and blue- people voyaging to “White” lands itself Danish society that is undeniably hos- others outside my unique position. eyed. Along with the cobblestone paths is deeply political and fraught with neg- tile toward Brown people. However, more importantly, maybe my and Danish-language road signs, it was ative stereotypes. Sometimes, we’re a By the end of my four months feeling of alienation foreshadows those one of the strongest reminders that I sympathetic cause: poor, desperate, abroad, though, I completed my ex- threats. was far, far away from Toronto. The and simply in search of economic and change largely unscathed. Between the As fortunate as I was to have geographical borders of my life have social refuge. Other times, we’re a occasional “random” selection at the had the space to explore Europe and only stretched so far as Vaughan, Eto- scourge, burdening government wel- airport and the throwaway comments grow as a person—as every student bicoke, and North York, so racial homo- fare systems, bolstering criminal ac- from some of my Danish peers about who embarks on an exchange ought to geneity was a largely distant concept to tivity, and stuck in our backwards cul- “lazy criminals” in Nørreboro, a domi- have—there is certainly merit in people me. As the reality of my new home sank tures. We’re an otherized monolith in nantly Middle Eastern neighbourhood, of colour discussing the underbelly of in, I began to wonder how much my either perspective, detached from our I didn’t experience anything radically travel. Racialized students shouldn’t brown skin would shape my life abroad. complexities—our different identities different from the racism I’ve witnessed feel deterred from going on exchange Truthfully, it wasn’t something and our diverse motives for movement. here at home. This could have been for as a result, but they should be allowed to which I gave much thought while Perhaps worst of all, we are refused the any number of reasons. I have a cute to prepare themselves for uncomfort- planning my exchange. I was excited luxury of anonymity: the ability to travel White first name. I have a Canadian able encounters. After all, studying about the opportunity to study political without being subject to a hypercritical passport and my place of birth is Toron- abroad is about finding places to find science through a non-North American gaze, questioning our every step. to. I speak English fluently and I don’t yourself—not the stress and restriction lens. I wanted to experience in- These thoughts formed the have an identifiably “foreign” (read: of racism. 12 dependent travel, make a home backdrop of my circumstances on ex- non-American or European) accent. L’actulité Could Howard Schultz be 2020’s Ralph Nader? Kameron Faridani Contributor

Though not officially in the presiden- tial race yet, on January 27, former Starbucks CEO and billionaire Howard Schultz announced that he would be exploring the possibility of running for president in the 2020 election. While it is unlikely that Schultz, who is running as an independent, will win the presi- dential election, by taking a centrist role in the race, his presence could expose weaknesses in the current left-leaning lineup of presidential hopefuls aiming U.S. Department of Defense to become the Democratic presidential nominee. lone advocate for these policies during the table? A lifelong Democrat, self-de- ot ran an effective campaign in 1992 as One of the biggest issues the the 2016 Democratic Party presidential scribed fiscal conservative, and social an independent, winning 18.9 percent Democrats face on the road to the U.S. primaries. This ideological shift in the liberal, Schultz has attacked Elizabeth of the popular vote. Interestingly, Perot 2020 presidential election is the lack of Democrat Party could potentially alien- Warren by calling her a “socialist,” and drew support mainly from self-described ideological diversity among Democrats ate moderate voters, posing a major is currently endorsing a number of pol- moderates. According to the previously who have announced White House strategic problem in terms of casting a icy positions contrary to those running mentioned Gallup poll, voters that tradi- bids. The policy platforms of many that wide net for attracting voters in 2020. A for the Democratic nomination. This in- tionally support the Democrats appear have officially announced presiden- Gallup poll released in December indi- clude opposition towards both Medicare to account for the majority of moderates tial bids, including Cory Booker, Julian cated that 54 percent of Democrats and for all and increased marginal tax rate going into the 2020 election. The major- Castro, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gilli- Democrat-leaning independents say for Americans whose annual income ity of Democrat-leaning voters appear brand, and Elizabeth Warren, capture that they would prefer a “more moder- exceeds $10 million. In addition, Schul- to want their party to be more moderate, the party’s leftward shift. Incredibly, ate” Democratic Party. Consequently, tz has emphasized the need to address while in contrast, 57 percent of Repub- all of the aforementioned candidates the current lack of a moderate candi- the national debt, and positioned him- lican-leaning voters believe their party have adopted policies touted by Bernie date among the Democrats running for self as a vocal critic of President Don- should become more conservative. As Sanders during his 2016 primary run, president may create an opportunity for ald Trump’s proposed border wall while a result, it seems that a moderate like including support for universal health- a more moderate, third-party candidate also supporting LGBTQ rights. As a Schultz may find more success draw- care, free college tuition, and job guar- to play the role of an election spoiler. result, Schultz is putting himself in an ing away Democrat voters rather than antee programs. The most likely candidate for attract- excellent position to attract the typical Republicans. This would greatly impact This development demon- ing moderate voters thus far would be moderate Democrat voter that may not the performance of any Democrat can- strates how democratic socialism has Howard Schultz: an independent and have felt comfortable voting for Sand- didate in the 2020 election and could taken the Democrat Party by storm as self-described centrist. ers in 2016. potentially increase the likelihood of a Sanders was, for the most part, the What does Schultz bring to Adding credence to the possi- Trump victory. bility that Schultz’s candidacy could play Of course this doesn’t neces- a significant role in the 2020 election is sarily guarantee a Trump victory in the the fact that, in the past, independents 2020 election. A number of prominent have successfully induced the spoiler Democrats including former New York effect by splitting votes between candi- City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and for- dates. For example, while only nabbing mer Governor of California Jerry Brown 2.74 percent of the popular vote, Ralph have been critical of the lack of mod- Nader cost Al Gore the 2000 Presiden- erate candidates currently running the tial election because a majority of the in presidential race. Moving forward, 97,421 Floridian voters who allegedly perhaps more moderate candidates will considered Al Gore their second choice emerge in the Democratic presidential cast votes for Nader instead. As a re- primaries. A more moderate presiden- sult, Gore lost the state of Florida to tial candidate for the Democrats could George W. Bush by a mere 574 votes. be the simple solution the Democrats Furthermore, in a development need in order to mitigate the possible that perhaps draws more similarity to threat Howard Schultz poses to the par- the current dynamics of the 2020 elec- ty if he decides to make his presi- tion, in 1992 fellow billionaire Ross Per- dential bid official. 13 Issues and Ideas Common Law and Civil Law Systems: Elementary Contrast Christian Kaldjon Contributor

What is the difference between the civil law system and the common law sys- tem? The answer typically given is that civil law is codified whereas common law is formed by case law. Although ba- sically true, it is both simplistic and mis- leading. In fact, there are several key differences between civil and common law. It is appropriate to first define some keys concepts: Legal system: the set of laws in a country and the ways in which they are interpreted and enforced. For ex- ample, common law and civil law are two legal systems. Civil law: a legal system that has its origin in Roman law. Civil law is a comprehensive system of rules and principles usually arranged in codes and easily accessible to citizens and concern is clarity of expression, lucid- and predictability as the public must law. In order to avoid discordance with- jurists. ity, uniformity and predictability of the know what the law is and consistent in the court system, the ‘’court of cas- Common law: a legal system law, so everything is codified. By con- disregard of precedent would be so- sation’’ ensures that judicial decisions that has its origin in English law. Com- trast, common law developed as case cially intolerable. Second, because the are uniform. In the French system, the mon law is a system of law based on law with a strong sense of reality and a judges from lower courts know that their government and parliament create the precedent and custom rather than on flavor of judicial individuality. Thus, we decisions can be appealed by a higher law in France because they are the rep- written laws. usually see countries that follow com- court. And finally, to save intellectual la- resentative of the people. If a statute is Precedent: a rule or princi- mon law without a written constitution bor as judges are too busy in every sin- unfair and violates the code, or is un- ple of law that has been established and countries that follow civil law with a gle case to engage in an independent constitutional, the case will be dealt by through a previous ruling by a court of written constitution. interpretation of law. a specific institution, called the “conseil higher authority. Precedent means that In theory, the role of precedent I will now examine the impor- constitutionnel.” Statutes are primary in the principle announced by higher court is the same in both systems—the dif- tance of statute law. In common law, the French system, and judicial deci- must be considered, and often followed, ference is the degree of importance ac- judicial decision are the law. Judges in sion are secondary as they support the in later cases. corded. In common law, precedents are Canada, for example, answer cases in statute. In the French code system, cit- Jurisprudence: the science binding, whereas in civil law, the judge is accordance to the Charter of Rights and izens are not bound by any rules other or philosophy of law. It helps establish not so bound and is assumed to decide Freedoms, and then those decisions than those formally enacted statutes. a better understanding of the princi- every case upon the basis of their own become the new law. Rules, principles, But how do lawyers approach ples that lead courts to make decision judgment. In common law, it is a judge’s and laws enacted by legislators (stat- the law? Lawyers from civil law tend by analyzing the legal reasoning, legal decision apply to a specific case, and utes) are usually secondary and come to be more conceptual while lawyers systems, legal institutions, and the role if a general rule needs to be created to to support judicial decisions. In common from common law are considered more of law in society. fill the gap, legislators will do so in ac- law, statutes complete and support judi- pragmatic. In civil law, lawyers usual- Having now clarified these cordance to the judge’s decision on the cial decisions—in other words, statutes ly start from a legal norm contained in ideas, let’s turn to the main difference case. In common law, judges decision are secondary. The judiciary can easily legislation, and by means of deduction, between common law and civil law: His- are the law. In the French system, the appeal a law passed by the government makes conclusions regarding the actu- torical growth. Historically, common law judge does not have to follow the de- or the legislature (known as the proce- al case. On the other hand, a lawyer in involved a single, centralized system of cisions of others because laws already dure of judicial review). common law starts with an actual case courts wherein the creators of the law exist and are both specific and broad In the French civil law system, and compares it with the same or similar were judges supported by a strongly enough to be applied to different cases. because of the separation of power legal issues that have been dealt with organized profession that came to be In the French system, the ju- from Montesquieu, the judiciary can- by courts in previously decided cases, attached to it—that is, the case-by-case diciary only applies the law created by not create the law. The idea is that, and from these relevant precedents, system. Civil law, on the other hand, the legislator. In practice, however, it is because the courts deal with a case, the binding legal rule is determined by was not administered by judges but a little different. Judges in civil law tend they cannot be subjective enough to means of induction. by universities and professors. to pay attention more to precedent for create the law. Therefore, their role is 14 In the French system, the main three main reasons: First, for stability only to resolve a case by applying the Expressions Through the Window Vrijdag in de trein / When I Opened The Dana Vuckovic Door Contributor As he glanced up to see what the si- Anike Morrison lent passengers were doing, those who Contributor were conversely typing away at their Slender, ruler-straight planks of wood technological fiends, he closed his frame the world outside. newspaper, took off his black-rimmed Potent sunrays slant into the house, glasses which accentuated the darkly, creating diamond-shaped zones of heat tired bags under his eyes, and leaned on the carpeted floor. his head against the seat as he ever- Looking out the window, what do I see? lastingly sighed an exhausted breath Trees, swaying in the heavy breeze. of fatigue. Fortunately, it was Friday af- ternoon; that meant his wife would be I cool my forehead on the hard glass, preparing his favourite dish; a congrat- eyes closed and mouth open. ulatory way of celebrating the end of yet My hot breath issues a shifting, disap- another capitalistically-infused week. pearing patch of condensation. As he imagined her standing in I hear a rushing, whispering sound. the kitchen wearing her apron and wip- Looking out the window, what do I see? ing her face with the back of her hand Winter’s heavy coat and stillness. as her palms were covered in flour, he could not help but want to feel grateful A capricious black squirrel catches my for the life he worked so tremendously languid gaze. hard to create. He had a loving spouse Its small body moves in a sinuous wave who endlessly supported him, whether across my field of vision that was when he lost his job for the and with a twitch it is gone up the maple umpteenth time or his mother to that tree. deadly disease of sinful reproach. De- Looking out the window, what do I see? spite the uncertain beginnings of his Chickadees I wish I could shrink myself journey, he is now steadily working a to accompany for a lark. modest job with a relatively satisfying think of the other tourists, those of the cows, thinking about how curiously fun- salary, even though almost half of it is quasi-extinct race, who come here to ny it was to contemplate over such bi- The air is surprisingly brisk drained to pay for public transportation. explore the country’s diversely charm- zarre statements and such mysterious and rays of sunlight twinkle off each He may dread having to empty every ing cities, indulge in the spirit of the art passengers. She sat right across from fat, falling flake. inch of his pockets for the increasingly museums and remember their stay on him and opened something that looked I stick out a black mitten; on its high train fare, however, the moment a most agreeable note; so much so that like a notebook. As she thoroughly read brushed surface I observe fractals: he steps in the locomotive and finds a they decide to move and create a life over it and started to write, erase, and the sacred geometry of stars that have seat to settle down, he is overwhelmed of their own. How he envies those of then write more things with a pace of jumped from their place in the night sky by a joyous feeling of ease; finally, he the brave heart! He may think he has utmost haste, his station was called. He And landed, shrunken, on my hand. can indulge in those 30 endearing min- worked hard, but his efforts are incom- stood up, brushed past the woman’s utes and travel home from Amsterdam parably effortless to those who have thin legs and stepped out of the wagon The miniature architecture of each in absolute bliss; well at least until the taken the grand risk of starting again knowing that he would most probably fragile shape mesmerizes me. aggravatingly, distasteful tourists start in a country which, at times, may not never encounter the passenger again. A bitter wind slaps my uncovered face, hopping on. always be the most welcoming. It is The moment the door closed prompting me to close the door He looked upon the settling only natural to think of one’s own life and he stepped off, she put her notepad and retreat into the warm house to sunset at a clan of patterned cows and as that of the most challenging, but is on her lap and looked up, her round, observe the unfurling of a winter storm. philosophized about the two groups of it not also in our nature to learn and to brown eyes desperately seeking for the Through the glass, I see flurries stirred tourists he categorically established. empathize and to reflect on not solely door to open once more so the man by the wind: First, there are those who simply wish the mission of oneself, but also of those could come back and continue explor- a whimsical white scene. to visit the Netherlands for its undis- who surround us, whether they be in ing his thoughts. She wished to contin- puted capital of freedom so as their the streets, the shops or in the train? ue meticulously reading him as he did The children across the street escape sober thoughts can turn into desirably As he kept pondering about her so she could try to understand why from their pristine homes drunk words. such abstractedly unanswerable ques- such heavily dark bags encircled the lu- and frisk around in the abundant You imbeciles! he thought, tions, the door opened and a young, minescent green eyes of the enigmatic whiteness. isn’t our undoubtedly magnificent art, dark-haired woman wearing a grey hat passenger. A snowman begins to take shape. our advanced ecological mindset and entered. As her hat was covering her The sun, a dim orb, peers lazily from tasteful bluntness not enough to sat- eyes, he could not speculate upon her behind a thick cloud cover. isfy your narrow-minded putrid souls? as much as he wanted to, so he sim- Looking out the window, what do you As his pulse rapidly raged in a turmoil ply looked in the other direction and see? of unsettled displeasure, he began to continued to count the endless array of 15 Expressions

pulling at it with their long, acrylic nails. The Classroom Pop! There goes that bubble you’ve Dana Vuckovic been so laboriously concentrated on Contributor creating; her and the way her plump, ruby red lips smirk at Monsieur’s each It’s hot, it’s boiling… My God it’s scorch- and every phrase. ing in here! I can’t take it anymore! She takes out her mirror to I want to rip off this white blouse and precisely reapply the rouge and meticu- hear the breaking of its delicately wo- lously rubs her lips together in a state of ven seams; the call to which my Tarzan matrimonial intimacy. Due to the class- will respond. Or rather, he might simply room’s perversely petit size, I’m un- swing by this Godforsaken classroom avoidably glued right next to her. I smell which attributes more of its resem- her overwhelmingly pungent perfume, I blance to Dante’s Inferno rather than a hear her bangles tap against the desk most scholarly and erudite environment each time she picks up her pen and I reserved for the brightest, most innova- see her feline eyes scrupulously target tive of minds of our soon-to-be future her next prey. She asks le Monsieur: leaders. “S’il vous plaît, pourriez-vous ouvrir un My God, now I’m even starting peu la fenêtre, il fait tellement chaud ici, to sound like one of them. As Monsieur non?” le professeur continues to so interest- The gentle hush of the wind ingly divulge about the anatomy of the brings upon a most exuberant moan; mouth and the position of the tongue garments of clothing majestically dance when pronouncing typical French pho- from one desk to the other, hair elas- nemes such as /e/, I can’t help but look tics are ferociously pulled off to free at his widespread grin as he licks his a wild tame of long flowing hair and lips after each articulately pronounced laughs—oh such free-spirited liveli- syllable. His teeth are a staled yellow; ness! The growling wind’s pace quick- the colour of a sporadic smoker who, ens and the crescendo of the banging despite his several attempts at quit- window against the frame deafens my ting, can’t resist the sweet sound of ability to think, my desire to learn, my his cheap lighter bringing rise to its ir- willingness to concentrate; albeit the idescent flame which unfailingly makes alarming epiphany of liberal conscious- love to the tip of a long, suave and per- ness soon subsides. The window, now fectly smooth cigarette. His smile, one closed, leaves my wonderingly curious of both innocence and playful mischief thoughts astray and I’m once again certainement knows how to beguilingly confined to the inescapable realm of charm my fellow camarades who, whilst obsolete despair: the classroom—oh listening ever so carefully to the lesson, what a heavenly utopia! are rubbing sweat off from their fore- heads and playing with their deliciously artificial strawberry-flavoured gum by 16