Burkhard Rost CV BURKHARD ROST TUM Informatics/Bioinformatics i12 Boltzmannstrasse 3 (Rm 01.09.052) 85748 Garching/München, Germany & Dept. Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics Columbia University New York, USA Email
[email protected] Tel +49-89-289-17-811 Photo: © Eckert & Heddergott, TUM Web www.rostlab.org Fax +49-89-289-19-414 Document: CV Burkhard Rost TU München Affiliation: Columbia University TOC: • Tabulated curriculum vitae • Grants • List of publications Highlights by numbers: • 186 invited talks in 29 countries (incl. TedX) • 250 publications (187 peer-review, 168 first/last author) • Google Scholar 2016/01: 30,502 citations, h-index=80, i10=179 • PredictProtein 1st Internet server in mol. biol. (since 1992) • 8 years ISCB President (International Society for Computational Biology) • 143 trained (29% female, 50% foreigners from 32 nations on 6 continents) Brief narrative: Burkhard Rost obtained his doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) from the Univ. of Heidelberg (Germany) in the field of theoretical physics. He began his research working on the thermo-dynamical properties of spin glasses and brain-like artificial neural networks. A short project on peace/arms control research sketched a simple, non-intrusive sensor networks to monitor aircraft (1988-1990). He entered the field of molecular biology at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany, 1990-1995), spent a year at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI, Hinxton, Cambridgshire, England, 1995), returned to the EMBL (1996-1998), joined the company LION Biosciences for a brief interim (1998), became faculty in the Medical School of Columbia University in 1998, and joined the TUM Munich to become an Alexander von Humboldt professor in 2009.