Itatfe's Budget Totals $1.78 Billion by DAVID M
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CgUfge Stpientf to Get State Lottery Windfall SEE STORY BELOW y and Cold and cold today. Clear cold tonight. Fair, milder ttW and Thursday. (See Details, Page 2) EDITION Monmouth County9? Home Newspaper for 92, Years 9$ IM). 160 RED BANK, N. j, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16,1971 18 PAGES TEN CENTS itatfe's Budget Totals $1.78 Billion By DAVID M. GOLDBERG admission of 17,000 more stu- lion in supplemental appropri- vetoes are rare. was sufficient because only $6 TRENTON (AP) - Gov. dents to the state college and ations has already been made. The main method of balanc- million a year of that money William T. CahDl presented university system to be fi- If that figure were repeated ing the budget was through was spent and the $23 million the legislature today with a nanced with the heavier than this year, the state would go the use of what was called jjeed only last for two years $1.78 billion budget that uses a anticipated lottery receipts. over the limit, but' Cahill said "lapses," which added an ad- more. series of bookkeeping trans- But Cahill conceded the he expects to hold the figure ditional $65 million in revenue, "No municipality could pos- fers to avoid new taxes. But budget is largely an austerity down. •compared to $21 million added sibly be hurt by this," he said Cahill warned that the finan- budget which holds the line in The governor's recommen- for this year through the same at the news conference at cial maneuverings can last the face of numerous depart- go to the legisla- methods. But because so which .the budget was re- only for this year. mental requests for new or in- ture's joint -appropriations much was used this year, it leased. "I feel the people have had tensified programs. committee which will conduct will not be available next Throughout the budget mes- it up to here with taxes," said "In each instance," he said, public and private hearings on year. sage, Cahill emphasized that the governor^ who maintained "I weighed the merits of these the proposed spending pro- Basically, lapses are items he is trying to augment the that his choice was adding to proposals against the weight gram. The-committee-will rec-* appropriated in previous state's services, and noted °what he called the "hodge- of the tax burden already ommend what, if anything, years for use by counties and that every year the demands podge" of state taxes or wait- borne by toe New Jersey tax- should be,cut or revised. municipalities but never ap- on state government increase. ing for comprehensive reform payer. I viewed each request . The budget will then be sub- propriated because the local But he said that the solution proposals from' his tax study against the stark background mitted to the full legislature government never put up the is only in the kind of compre- commission, which will report of a harsh economic climate in the form of an appropria-. matching funds for the proj- hensive tax reform now being after the legislative elections only now beginning to show tions bill, for a vote, probably ects. studied by his tax commis- in November. signs of thaw." in late March. The appropria- Thus, the budget eliminates sion.. , Up $200 Million The budget, which by state tions bill will then be returned $45 million in highway funds "New programs, new insti- The total budget is nearly law must be balanced, con- to the gotemor who has the appropriated in the last few tutions, new commitments to $200 million higher than this tains ,a surplus of only $11.5 power of line-item vetoes. years; another $10 million for . education, to new mode's of ' year's, an increase of about 10 million in anticipated reve- This permits him to put back mass transportation, and $10 transportation, to our cities per cent: It includes an urban nues over expenditures. specific items erased by tiie million from a variety t) and to our citizens generally, aid program doubled from $12 Surplus Lower lawmakers. partments. cannot be accommodated million to $24 million and ex- By comparison, the project- However, the governor But Cahill maintained that without new revenues," he panded from six to 24 munici- ed surplus this year was $50 usually abides by the legisla- tile $25 million still left in the said. palities and provisions for the million and more than $12 mil- ture's decision and line-itent budget for the highway funds JSee Cahill's page 2) Cahill Eyes Urban Aid Hike TRENTON A(P) - Four much each would receive was would have received less un- ment is that people are up to sharing through block grants times as many communities a combination of the number der the Cahill plan based on here with new taxes," he said. to the states. will be eligible for twice as of school children enrolled in the scale outlined by the gov- Cahill said he foresees no Gov. Cahill proposed the fol- BUDGET DISCUSSION - New Jersey Gov. William T. Cahill discusses the new much money under a complex the Aid to Dependent Children ernor. Elizabeth would have problems in giving the money lowing urban grants: budget with reporters. _^ (AP Wirephoto) New Jersey urban aid formula welfare program and a com- received $424,000 instead of to municipalities in outright Atlantic City $610,272; Cam- proposed by Gov. William T. parison of the local tax rate $090,000 as it had in the past grants with no provision for a den, $2,230,632; Bridgeton, Cahill in his 1971 budget with a state norm. State offi- two years. state audit of how the funds $242,256; Millville, $106,824; cials said they did not know, But under the provision that are used. Vineland, $254,568; East Or- proposed to his midg- off hand, what figure was no city should be given less He said many of the cities ange, $934,368; Irvington, State College Students et message to the legislature used as the state norm. than it has in the past, Eliza- were operating "under new $236,776; Newark, $7,435,872; that the state give almost $24 Formula Promoted beth will receive the same management," an apparent Orange, $379,296; Bayonne, million to the sa largest New- "The $24 million should be $890,000. Trenton's share of specific reference to Negro $118,416; Hoboken, $711,072; Jersey cities and to 18 lesser distributed among the qualify- the state package would have Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson of Jersey City, $3,861,840; Union cities ^uid towns in eight coun- ing municipalities in accord- risen less tran $150,000 but the 'iNewark. City, $662,976; Trenton, $1- Win in Lottery Windfall ties. ance with a formula which capital will be almost "Some of their houses are 925,760 plus $500,000; New - The money would be pre- gives appropriate weight to $650,000 richer with the spe- not in order because of the Brunswick, $290,736; Perth TRENTON (AP) - New June 30, the end of the current he. said, "that the most re- sented to the local govern- the above factors, as well as cial appropriation ,"for the ex- prior management," the gov- Amboy, $240,072. Jersey college students are fiscal year. Another $25 mil- sponsible Use of the lottery ments in block grants "with to the amount of residential tensive municipal services it ernor continued. And, Asbury Park, $227,112; the real winners in the state lion is expected during the funds this year should be in no strings attached.". property in the municipality," renders the state," Cahill Trust Extended Long Branch, $275,928; Nep- lottery this year and next, next fiscal year. this vital area that will in a Significant Boosts Cahill said in his budget re- said. "I'm saying if I feel I can tune Township, $158,784; with the state's share being Spaces for an additional large measure shape the fu- Under the governor's plan port. Cahill said there would be be trusted by the federal gov- Lakewood, $175,656; Passaic, used to provide space for 17,- 11,521 students were created ture of our state." each of the six cities would Cahill's package would in- no new state (axes in 1971, but ernment then the mayors $402,984f Paterson, $1,768,272; 000 more students. this year, for which $J0 mil- Figure* Low get at least as much as they further state aid to the cities ought to be,trusted by us," Plainfield, $304,636, and Eliza- 1 crease aid to Newark from Gov, William T. Cahill said lion in lottery funds will be The revenue estimates froar" ' received from the state in the $4.5 million to $7.43 million, would have required new tax- said Cahill who is a staunch beth, $424,464' plus the differ- today in his budget message, used, in addition to $15 million last two years: The urban aid es or tax hikes. "My judg- backer of federal revenue ence between $890,336. the lottery are iojjservative, while cities like Millville and he plans to use the lottery already appropriated. Some the governor said. Ii revenue package would provide signifi- Irvingtoa would receive direct proceeds in 1971 and 1972 "ex- $16 million in general appro- cant increases for Newark, is greater than anticipated, state aid for the first time. clusively in the field of higher priations will be required to any excess would be used for Camden, Jersey City and Pa-, Millville would receive education:" continue these students in tenon while Elizabeth would aid to elementary and second- $108,824, the smallest cut of By law, the lottery revenue school.