In -. ~· .la~-• Full 'fexi of ParkiRg Group

-Urge K·aste.n ::P-Orch~se, Meters I • Soon . HlCKSVJLLE...:...Recommendations of the Citi1e11s' Ad­ visory Committee>on Parking and Traffic to serve immediate . and future· needs were presented at the public hearing of Oyster Bay 'Town Bol!Td held in Nicholai ·St. School audi­ torium lasf nig,ht (Tuesday). .The four-page report waa unanimously adopted by the · committee; repre­ senting tbe BMA, Civic Association, Lions _and Kiwanis. !Keynote "Of· t-he report is the expression-· that- the committee ••feels certain the Town Board is aware- of what 1les immedl.ateJy ahead for Hicksville with the plan, that the Levitt _fum__ haa for hom e construction witliin our ~ommunity; • and the ""hope the Board '1.VHl speed these recommendations into reality without delay.'' The text of the report followa; ''The Committee which consist:£ of representatives of the Hicks­ ville Business Men's Associat ion Inc. Hicksville Kiwanis Club, lliclm­ ville Lions Club and Hicksville Civic and 0:t-mmunity Association met Oct. 13 and prepa red the following st:ata"n4?nt and recommendations: 'The -committee appreciates the interest of the Oyster Bay Town Boarm!-., ' ancc t.o b~ ra ised .by a loc:al real damage-" was ca~ .to a. two­ the mid-Island area. The Press Wireless Statement is publisheil in this iesue of the Herald estate tax.. on page three. otocy frame dwelling at Jerunlom Press \Vireless ha.s an applica• A eurv·ey by the Hera.Id made and 10th n. Thursdo,y'lbon­ t i~n up fof tomonp:W . yesterday ) ndicated li~~. su~~rt b:~r 12 !J09b when a tit'& 'broke night in Oyster Bay Town H.W. for the. proposal. O ne c1v1c teadeJ" out in the attk and on tbe root. "-Jowttlildget at$91,352.W'lthout Tax; sa id he kftew of ..n o communlty s tarting at 7:30 . o'clock, 'for a Local firemen under Assla1mtt \·ariance to permit the -erection of demand" for parking fields except Chief Stanford Weiss reapcmded . Highway Rate Up 12 Cents for Next Year a dditional poles. posi:libly from- the few merchants to the alarm. and were on the · Counts 367 Poles in the cornmun it r. Poin tir.,g to the scene tor more than an hour unW OYSTER '.BAY- - The o!tlce ot qutSitlon ol' lands and construetion · lsaac Penner, Cantaigue Rd. p1 esent fiscal o blig ations on Betb­ the blaze was brought under con­ of parking fields in t he parking totwn engin~r will be <::reated and resident and PW neighbor, iWhO 1ttxpayen with a projected trol funds for the new department .are districts the township. or has led a determined camgaign to new school and recent construc­ The house is C1WT1ed and otCU­ provided in the 1:enatlve 1950 :1. AlmMt Mllllon l>ollan oust the radio transmitter station~ tion of firehouse-library, he as~ p ied by Marion- J o~son. NearbJ Town Budget which <:<>mes up for The total amount of the budget .t old the He~d the people along s.e rted he would go to the hearing hle;Hway workeni first oooerwd a ptd)llc hearlni here Thunsday, for 1950 is $998.352.30 as compared t he road. are going to the hearing a nd protest t he propo6al. the tire, tumed In the alarm IDd morning, October Zl. With $595;021.8'.J for the current in an effort to prevent the u:­ Another pl'Omineht resident notified the woman who w.u ill rI'he: ·townahip needs an engineer year. Again In 1950 there will be pans.ion of the station. He .said a. charged that Bethpage has already the bullding at tlio, lime. run time . to enable the _,, to 1 no general town tex levied, the rec:ent c.otmt showed there are· 131 mis!l,00 the boat &8 a potential keep abreut with public projects ..,.ount ol money n@ecled to aper• high a.ntennae poles on the prop­ shopping centre, New businesses 10 CASES 01'_POUO and _,...,,. as former farm at• the town being obtaln!ld from erty, 90 poles uv to 105 feet high ure .s pringing up a.Jong Hempstead MINEOLA- The 10th eaae al Janla='>eeome the sites for !lloua­ ted revenues, state-shared an 146 transmi.s.:sion po)e1 1 ·to Tl>rllpike and will aoon dra.w otf polio -In fflckaville - repal'lad andl al - homeo. s_,,i.or - fees collected and from 3u feet high. whatever local s hopping exisb to­ by the Cclunty Health n.pu,t­ ~t Ha"1> Tappen pointecl t~. inveated town surpluo ftiilds. Penn-eT added that he is institut­ day. ment this week, a slxyeaNlld boy, 'lib~ lrudpt an Item of Includes · (continued on page 14) ing legal a'ction ft8aiMt the Town N o vote will be taken tonight There are 3:. cases. in Levlttown.. tor of lands, $400.roo acquisition of O~-ter Bay, Press Wireles$, · at the hearing eight In Bethpage. planning and supervision, labor· Inc., and J efftr"B0n Standard ln* a.nd mater.lab on pruposed town Literacy Tests Set projects. . HICKSVlLLE-Literacy tests :-< urance-- Co, t~ compel the town ­ .s hip tQ aet upon filed petitions re- • "Another new item in the budget for first vot ers who are not in Is the rum of $150,000 represellt• possession or a diploma indicatin~ (e:ontinue d on page 14 ~ ing the towns' sh~re for the aca co mpletion of grammar school in ­ struction will be held at the high Break Ground ,;chool three dars next month, ~­ No School Friday d uJing Electio n Day. Testa will H icksvi l:le- Pu'blic Schools w ill be· For New School Lt(' given in Room 101 011 Tuesday, closed all day this }""' riday, October .'\'ov. l. at 7:30 . m. ; Thursday. 21, ln order iha t t-he teachers m:,y ISLAND TRE:ES-Ground was Nov.::;;, at 7 :io p. m., a nd Elect ion attend the L. [. Zone Toochers hroken Saturday al Farm Edge me,eling in Hempstea d. Rd. and Boone St. for e modern Pay from 9 a . m. to 6 p. m. pubUc school in Schoot District 26. The structure is expected to Events During Coming Week be ready for the fall tenn in 1950. TODA)' (\\l~d. )- 9:SO a.m. to 4 p.m..-Rummag~ tiale st Old Parochial It will consist of 12 classI"OOm.s Scilool by Altar Society of St. lgnathts Church. Hlck&vllle. and two kindergartens. T ak.Ing TONIGHT (Wecf.)-7:S0 p.m.-Publlc hearing of Oyat•r Bay Town Board in Bef..hpage F1rebous.e Ob local parktnl', parl in U,.e ceremony were Mich­ TOMORRO\ V (Thurs.)-1 I :30 to 2:30 p.m.-Luncheon at;y ael F. Stokes, president of the Luthe ran Chur-ch baMmeot. Wee:i.t Nlcholal St... HlcklT'llle. school board: Louis Blodgett T0"10RROW (Thun.)----3 p.m.-Whlte Elephant Sal& a t N"""'l&I St. prlneipal ; Mrs. Thomas Zinz!, P ·TA SellooJ SPonoored by P-TA. · TOMORROW (Thur!l,)----8:15 p.m.-Loolul'6 by Dr. Younghlll llaq­ THE HICKS , racing te•m of Hicksville Fire Dept., poses proudly president and G<,orge Marthen. at 1Dek:11vll1~ Free Publln Library. t Civic Assoc. president. t'RIDAY ( Oct. 21)-41:BO p.m.-Card p&rty by Bethpo,go VPW Aux­ -ond with good reoson-in fro•I of the firehouse with the 36 iliary at c lubhouse on Le::dogton Ave. trophies they brought ~o me from various tournaments during the Last Opportunity FRIDA\' (Oct 21 )-11:SO p.m.-Card party at lertabo School spon- eurre•I yeor. The best loom on long Island, which automatically 90r,ed by J.,rtcho VFW Poat.. ;ndudes the stale erown, they will be in •clion Sunday •ft•r· On Adult Classes l'RJDAYD~::;.;t.,:!>;.--i;t:r ~~~. .1:fu. ~~•Uc noon at Rockville Centre in a benefit tourney of Neswu racl•9 maK.SVJLLE-Flllal Nljllatn• =- le•ms for the polio fun n. Members of the team, front row, laft tioa for adult educatloll oouneo SATURDAY (Oct. 22)- 10:80 a.m. t.o ( p.m,.....Oake 11114 -~ Nie takM p1.,,. tomorrow ('I!lmadaY) by LadlH Aid Sooioty of St. 8tephen'e Luthe.ran Cha:rcb at lo right, ore Mederd O lenloch, Buddy Pelche[, Capt. Lawrence· chu.rcb hou&e. :z7r. Broadwa;r', B1cbvUle. , atsht betw""ll 7 a.DI! B p.m. at the Small, Co-Capt. Gerard Ofenloch, Ed Ei .. m1nn. Shndiit9, 111&;11 oellool. 8'>e page H for lull SATURDAY (Oct. 2%)-11 p.m,-Fair and Fab Nl.-ht at Be~ Clifford Davis, Fred Masters Jr., Ralph Straub, Ed Dwyer, Ed otory. School by ll<>tllpairo Girl Scout Town «-I- Detailed HE&.U.D Commm,tt,y Oaien411r oa Pap 10 Keuler ond H. Hubert Olenloch. I Webber Photo I. ------~ ___ ... t OH YES! 1 1 t we-oo AAVE---,;-,RIVATE DINING ROOM .~ FOR PARTIES, WEDDINGS AND MEETINGS. OYSTER 8AY TOWN' BOARD w:111 ~Ive bhh ha,·~ o,·erbead type doon, 18 feet wJde and 1% feet. So,·. 1 upon construction of thb new cu-ace for hJgb. The f'Mt section (at rlcbt) eontalu tile ol~ ToWII Hlp!wa.y ,eq_alpment on tll.e norfll .ide of floe. stock room and repair abop. The latteP hae a 'RAINBOW REST AUR-ANT Miller Rd., adJa,cent to the lnclner&tor property. hohit and 1J reet lall(b doon.. Theo ballcltD&' will be 1s, BROADWAY. HICKSVILLE I Grove. Tbe englneer', esdmate oa· the coat eonsh'uct:ed "ith concrete low·er walla 1111d ftoor. lHld:sville 3-1866 We feoture Telovi,io • l of construetJoa 1f\ '80,000. The aP"Uctu:ni wUJ bfJ 'l'be fropt wall wtll be ftnlebed In brick with oan­ set back IO ,..,, from MIU... BNd -..fib. - ·crete ooplnp. S-1 window eUII wlll be - U_. _____ Belhpage Is Host /Dear Jea!l · .. Griffin &· ~ushmore lro (~~nty Vamps Wekome to Hicksville to these l"lW l!omeownen: MR. and'''MRS. ~AGE - Ab>ut "200 ,,,.;,,. JA.MES . .LANZONE and girls, 10 orui°l2 -years, hom B,;poklyn. ·.. hers of 1he Nassa\l County VoJun. •MR. and .M~. FRANK CORCORAN. their daughter, 'l, _and aon, 12 "~ Square" Brand Seed Po.+atoes teer Firemen's Association were years, are frotn HoHis- . -.-- . MR. and' 1MRS. RICHARD MOORE aft guests 9f the looal dep8..rtment at · from \Voodhaven. Their children are married. . . , M.R. al\d MRS. a regular meeting held in t.he new Ji.AllES KELLER and 3-year-old daughter are from Flushing. He's 'blue coal'-America's Finest firehouse on Broadway, Wednes- a TWA employ..,. . . MR. and MRS. DONALD MOTT and 4-year­ day nlgbt. old son ""' from Brooklpi. He works at ,Mitchel t'ield .. . MR. and ·Edmond n>ome, c hief of Beth• MRS. WILWAM SACK.A, their girls, 8 and 10, and 1100, 6 years, a:re ~---1----'------nth~adte- ____ , welamed- the--vamps-on-1:,e,' -from- borJ3- lsland...City~ -..-llUI.E1111.£A.GE,.in.J:>rlmd...!1.el..!l.=...J1._.,r .__~-1-- half or the community. - MR and JrnS. FRANCIS McCARROLL, thejr girls, 6 and 8 )'.ear>, Kopper"s Coke 'An interesting roport on rm,.: and son, 5 y~n . . . MR. an

"With bas~ball a :. t ~~ ~~\ i ~~~~ ti~l r ~;1~ ~~~tl}~ ~/ t::~r I~~ ~~tslsrl:1~~.i~~mtTie s mad~ J. J. Smith & Son out and foot· ball in. I wan- . M rs. J . G. Goldschmidt, of Eeast < ~ -;-club hf'ld MonJa)' ni~ln : ~~!n~ow8 [~~ 1 !\u i"t hport _was the g uest _spea~er IOct. 10, at the Teachers· Cluli. Shot.· , Drug Stores ~o wonder h e 1 ~~t a mec--trn g of> Hick.!l' vi!I E> spoke on the life ir> AustTalia. 1 1s sore at u I~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~-- -...:..~ :....:.:.:..:..::=:.:..::::=_ w hen we EO 1 ~- 53 No. Broadway 271 S Hempstead Tpke. :m withou t much fu ss enjoying i' Phone Hleksville 3 - 131>~ Phone Hleksville 3-005-4 thin~ that free men shoold, when II VINCE BIAUN"S Cor. John St. cor. Wolcott Rd. he would ha n1< us if he could. I I Willi M h MEAT MARKET Ned to Green Acres think Old Joe is on lhe ropes wtth I am O lenhoff FROZEN FOODS HICKSVILLE LEVITIOWN li t tle left but shattered hol)e$. I Men In tJ,19 free land at ours 1111N Quelity Moots of All Kind, PHONES PHONES ROOFING SIDING Hieb. 3-1099 Hick,. 5-6420 ~h';~ ~ '-;'J:?.;.,~I•~: • ~2 Broadway Hichvillo, L.·1. 3-1055 ,, 5-2635 -'lcllhlr kind and Ulm u mb: LEADERS . GUTTERS ~IIIIIIIUIIUIIIIAIIIIIU'i,tt~m1m1nm11111111111~ 3-1408 ~-2623 your ~own we wDI be clad to artve ::c1o0":1 °":.. INSULATION I ELECTRIC . SHOP iii -=-;:;~ liJ STANFORD WEISS ra.vortte brand Just. phone DJek> 30 JAMES STREET I <111& 3-1~ FOB l'1I.Ell DELIV- iii l':I oon-lcol Oontractlas and I .FREE DELIVERY I 8-ln 11:KY. Lio. No. L4IM& Perr,-'o HICKSVILLE, L. I. I! j!l Liquor Shop. HlekmlleH'erlcho I I567 WUloaa:hby AVO. HlckAvlll•i! Road. ii Phone : fflckfflll~ 8-'!2-U = 0 ,llllllllllllllllllfflllllllltllfflllHIIIAIIIIIUll"lnffllNlli;! r•••flllll i Saturday Night __ ~-The·­ of the fire department will be on p...Uc · parado and iupectlon 11111 ·1-\·n ~Open Letter Saturday night, Oct; 22, atartlng . .. at 7 :30 o'dock, according .to Chlet Daniel Munch. T he P•'1'd•, led by th•· high To~._ the:· Residents of the Mid-·Island Area. school band and !ollqwed by the apparatus at the department, ,will Sine• the~ advent of Public t•levi,iO'n reception, ma_ny Jicen,ed are verY much lower than those •mployed ~.,y take the following route: leaving 1>f _t he ·•••!dents c>f the.Mid-l~lend erea he_ve been diHp- the tel~vis ion stantion, and any inte,ference th•t might the firehouse on- !Marie St .• po, w•t-h the _result.s obtain~d from +heir TV ~ets. occur as a r-e-s-a;;,lt- of Pres s. Wirel4!ss opet'a tian is not due no Otl B roadway to John St. Some of the poor reeer,t1on has been attributed to t . . I ( h . . . comer. s-0u th on J erusaJe,m-Ave. to­ -1:.bLoperotions of Pren Wir-~e_!!., lncoreor.ated, located on · 0 our_ main-wave . si9ni11 s .• t 1111 ~ 15, signals. on eu19ned ,t Old Country Rd., " ast on Old Canliegua Road in Hick,ville. Therefor e, fni,'piirposeof-operahng-freque nc,o,-1 amv,ng at-the-TV rueive o~ -tele r­ • Country to Broadway, north on this letter is to acquaint the Mid-Island residents with vision ~h1nnel frequencies. It is emphesi~ed here that e .. Broadway to Marle St. and return the nature of the business conducte d by Pren W ireleu, tela-vision rec.iever will .admit and reproduce as noise or r. to , the firehouse. Inc. and its possible relationship to p.-oblems of television as a distorted picture many types. of electrical impulses At fire hea(kluartel"3 'the volun,,. interference in this. vicinity. sent i~o the ether. Th•se may eman•te from household teers will be inspected .by the Press Wireless., Inc. wa, organi2ed by leading Amer- apr,liences, other television receivers. di•th•rmy m•chiM,, · I!oard of Fire, Commi8$ioners !eel icon newspaper ,1ncl press associations in 1929 for the leaking power linH, automobils ignition system., end ..,.ri- by Chairman Vincent W. Brallll. purpase of h,1ndling press messages between the Un.ited- ous redio signal, transmitted by lend, mobile, and Nro• Pres~nt as a special guest of the S·tate5 and foreign countries; A number of years ego·; one nautical sta·tions. This is due to variou, inherent receiver evening will be Assemblyman ·of it~ !••••milting ~lents _.,..., bu\lt on the present ,ito on desi7n feetu,es •~d largely to the fact t hat the telnisi!'n David S. Hill J r, of Glen Cove. Cant1ague Rtiad, this ste,on be1n9 but one of the esse- receiver has, as 1t were, t111 large open doer where 1h . tial linlcs in the Company's world-wide communications antenna _is connected., That is to ·s,ey, the rec~i\rer i&. not • I A l system. As the radio arts developed, Press Wireless selective. t~, for instance, is designed to odmit in norm•I SpeCIG fforney edded to its service, redio-photo .ad .international bro•d· operation a ban,:! of frequenc:iu 6,000 kilocycles wide, •-bes Sanc1p·1ts . - cast tnnsmiHion, ·~ and from foreign countries. In .ad- whereas the inexpensive mulget broadca,t HI ,1dmih • Pr._ dition, we ·are transmitti'l,9 e large volume of press traf- band,of frequencies ordinarily not more then 10 kllocyQes OYS'l1Elt 13>,.Y - W illiam E. fie for the United Sfatu Govefn.ment. in width: hence the TV set wiU admit many •random elec- ,. Jaokson, Jr., Glen Head lawyer, In rendering the above.mentioned services, a large trical impulses which cor-.pete ~with a signal from the ·, nas been appointed to assist To~ number of transmitters and antennas a re n~cessary. These television station tho11t iJ weelc: a, comp.ared with the' r­ Attorney Theodore Summen in transm itters. are now operating in the bu ilding on th• signal from • standard b~oadcast station. This is partiC- .d the matter c\l the Old Bethpage west side of Cantiague Road (tho buildings on the e.,I ularly ·true in areas approaching, in di.tance, the limits

sand pits ,where, resi ts claim1 side •re nof owned by Press Wireless, Inc.) cf t~e ·"service range" of the TV dations, these being '•=----+-----<-her-e-:-,.a-r-e--alleged- v-iolat:ions of the - H------lli8--Signal ►ar:e-Sent-0u f-int space-b.y- tha-ed.anii¥e Jio..w..n_as~tjnge-a'r.eas... '. .~-,-Hiclnville is in • fringe erea- ____·_ s, town ordJnances. The appointment system of antenna wires which ete supported by the for all matrOj)olitan New York stotions. r- ·hal'been mad,, by the town board familia; tilwers al\d poles. It might interest tho reoder · The technical nature· of the subject doOnding pre- Nylund III dlarp Df tile.- ~•.r~.2-?pu<:-at•umL -.,-~~...,______· lflllalSVliLLI: · - comm.,,,.tie ■ ' will .-e ' - 'lbe JUDlor cede on "old fuhloned" Bepubli• cade, which may lncl11ile the Ufa- · Nlck A-Y · and b1o Harmon,: · Red Crou wut ot the Nlcboial lk- can ~ly at tile Wublnstoa k me H!cksvµt. Gl?I' CIUb'• . ei.: ~lli•r& will provide tile male. •· h 1 blpn Its .ctlvlly for - cl11bhouae . hon next T11eeda:, phalli. - Plano for the rally and motor- S far I,g t c:urrenl __, by electlDi tile fal- night, Oct. 26, GOP eandlcleteo for Other committee uslgnmenta cade were made at a recut meet- • lowing room .repraentat.ivee: eu,. election will .be preMl\t fl'Om the inclllde Jobn J. Gifford, :reff{>tion• ing of the club. Amons tb­ ol Kelley, Lucille Gruber, CuDl town and coont,-. The're will he ist; Nick .Arceri1 •muaic and !Jlter'· ,present were Em~ Francke and Krumenacker, Linda Kulbat>a, lk>- entertainment -,id refre1hmenta tainment; Richard , Rabu and Slrt IMuller, Eulil¥ Kennedy, J..,.. for tho.. attendillj(: Joseph Leo, hol'5•i Robert GI- Club. - - · quellne !Dempsey, £rick •&:bu• A large committee of the Thei>- er, Louis Agieota and lrelle Sokol· Accepted for membenhiji at lhe macher, Jessioa Wettereau, .Jud,y dore Roosevelt · ·Republican Club ski, publicity; Marie An:eri~ May rneetiJlK were Kurt Fels, Rudolph W.ycoff. Elaine Brownell, SUly has been named to work on 1,he Strong, Mary Carnpa_gil\ Emma Grumminger, James Horton, Irene Fink, Carol Sakaris and Georze program. Jack Strong iE genen.l Kassinger, Charles Campaign, and Sokolski, and Michae·I Kallnyak. Rinne-. chairman and James ,;Happy'" Gus Diebet't, refre!lhmenta; Rose Regular meetings are held the 2nd OfficersAor l9-i9-50 were elect:- No'rman will be master of --«re- Maggi and Sisla. new of the month.

ed O, t . 6. Robert Muller was cho6- en for president; J-essica Wettier­ Judge Collins East Street P-T A I ~~:~=.:~i~:nv'..~Af:Uth. eau ls '\.ice-pres.iderrt; F.mily Ken­ Speaks In Jericho Hears Traffic Talk ClubFranklin held Rooseveltthe Hicksville Democratic Legion nedy is treasurer, and Jacqueline Dempaey is _...,ia,y, J udgc Henry J . A. Collins wa• Protection of 9!ibool erosslngs Hall o!'. October n was a IOcl&! t he guest speaker at a •meeting near Eut Street .school. !Hicks· and inancl&1 suocesa, Cbahman The group decided lo provide 'aa the Jericho .. , f,al!ents Assoc. ville, was discussed by Deputy In· Marie Ramcmdl repot'ted tnl& opportun.ty for NlcboJai 11U1mnts ,ot Monday night~it. 10, at tbe spect.or LouisSchnelderoltMNas- weel<.She wiahes to thank611 who , to contribute money ·1o ltelp l'igbt J ericho Schd-of. Speaking on the _ . helped to make It a success. Mrs. polio, and a colleclion bank was topic, MJuvenile Delinquency," he sau Co~nty Police Department at William Suppa won a Jl)eclal pri2:e macle available in the main ball. said t hat the percentage of delin• a meeting al the Sl!reet P-TA of a ham. Christmas boxes to be sent over­ quency has dec~ased in .recent Thursday night in t he school. · seas are being prepared. years. • Signs are now 1n use during legal Advertisement !Miss Mabel Harris is in chuae He attributed this decrease to school ho~ in the school aree ---,-..:.______of the group. the fine work of the churches, and Inspector Schneider said that 'NOT.DOE IS HEREBY GIViEN The Nicholal Student CounclI schools and civic organizations. he )'IQUlween Parade and Party on the nieeting. T.he next se.s:!!iioD will b PtJ. Er;t.1, rd !McCa l .. ~ TI1ursday, Oc~_ be on Nov. 7. --·--- Y · · · a u ey. have an opportunity to be beard , • •· Councilman' iFrank Chlwnslcy upon- the folk>win&: !lftolution of - -AnnlAl....Lunchaon 'llomorraw Hoo- Ta - anno~ .tllat be would pre.....t ~'!'r"i;/3oal'd of the ~own of The annual luncheon sponsored .Mrs. Ruth ~·-'-aeffler of Me&• a pe.Ution to the Oyster Bay Town RESOLVED tJun upon· - an.. by the Ladie•' Aid Socieiy of the . =• - to restrict the speed limit plication of Ben:lamii, Hallmarli · Trinity Lutheran Churieh wi.ll be ck;,v Lane, Hicksville, was hostess along East St. Sr. and Mary -Hal.lm&rk the held tomorrow (Thursday) in tbe a_t a House of Regent demonatra- Building Zone Ordinaoce of the ('hurch basement oo West Nicbo- -tion held Fnday e\-e.ning October Jt was announced tbat the P- ~ of Oyster Bay and the I 1ai St., Hick5i,.;lle. The public is 14 at her home. Mrs.' Mildred TA bazaar " ill be held in the af· bcnih"8rles . of the use cliltricts I invited to the lunchPon from 11 :80 }{artig of Hicksvil~ was the dcm- temoon and evening on Nov. 17 at therein established be,_ amended , 8 _ m. to 2 :30 p. m. ollStrator. . - the school. There will 1be hand ~!1!'18~~~)' tf;~m::_~ _th~ AU home made foods, coffee, The guests included: Mrs. Edith rnade articles ' elld home rnade premises situate at Jertcho now I·tea and d_essert5 will be served. Borley, Mrs. Katie Bean, Mrs. F . foods on sale. Re-f:reshmenls. will ~n Residential "D" District.. be- : There will be a free--will offering, Schae£fler, Mrs. Ann Hanner, be sold. ~d rg:re . puUcula.rJy. bounded i a.s no admission will be c.barged. M~.. Charlotte Hanrey. ·Mrs. Olga -:\liss .Lenneth entertained ,~i1h B~~cllSl~~~int on Mrs. Charles Sharratt and Mrs. Heilig, ~- Peggy Huttle, IMrs. C. accord.Jan solos. Retreshments the ~es.terly side or Brush Hol- ; Ca rl Ka rl3on are co-chairmen. R Mellish, Mrs Al!

SOTICE TO BIDDERS FARMERS' MARKET Sealed prop0sals for t he exten· sion of \Valer Mains will be re· ceived by the Board of ~ ­ sioners of the Central P k Wa­ HICKSVILLE AIRPARK ,ter District, Bethpaj.te, N York, at their office at 8 P. M. o Oct. 31. 1949 at which t.-ne they will Robbins Lane, Hicksville be . publicl y opened and read. Copi~ of the ol.ans and specifi· cations are on me at the Orflce LOOK FOR DIRECTIONAL SIGNS of the Board a nd may be obteined~ uoon the d~posit of Ten Dollars ($10.00), 20-ACRE PARKING FIELD The Board of Commissioners re­ senees the right to reject any or a.lJ bids, a nd to accept the bid which it deems most favor-able to lhe interest ot the Water Diatrlct. Open Every Friday Night 5 pm to 10 pm BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS -of the ­ Roin or Shine CENTRAL PARK WATER DLSTIUCT EVERY PURCHASE A BARGAIN OR MONEY REFUNDED Be-thpa~e, N. Y. H. G. Holzmacher All Merchandise Guaranteed First (i)uall A. A. Lana S. J . Greco 17, 1949 10 ,/26 Miff f'Hi LAOIIS: ' M~~~~~is1st 3: Boy Sc~~;~!~. t Tending, t o the material needs ... WeE!k- end ·camlng trips-Ior the ?f 60 active- Boy Scouts ii\ thre, sco uts- on L_abor Day and Dec~ra- , of t~e local troops has kf?pt the tion ' Da"y a re also made possible "I' Hicksville Boy Scout Mothera from Auxiliary funds. At Christ- . AuxiUary one of the busiest ;f n,aa time a. ~ig pa":y f Or the '" loeaJ women'.s organizations for mothers and scouts - of -the three I the past 14 years. Mrs. Willi~rn C. ·I troops i.s sponsored by the · Aux- !1 Muhlenbruck, president of t.J:e ilinry. · _ • -->.... ·I mothers' gi·oup, is very enthusi- ; The annual card party in -Febru-1 ast.jc in, the auxiliary"s progl'am , ary nnd the memh~rs' duies are the and would enl!otn·age other Sco·ut i sole t;ources of revenue · for :tlie mothers to take part in the im- j Auxilia1-y. Local merchants donate porta.nt work of a ssisting the, Boy the prizes and the ladies bake ----wh~re you Scout. pro in this-community:- - home made- cakes and fix refresh- Organized in 1935 j mcnh. The card party er.,joys a The Auxiliary ha!! a present large attendance each yekr and membersh ip of 32 mothel'S, whose res ults in enough funds to cam \ will enjoy s3ns ar,e Boy Scouts in Troop 64, 1 · on most of the _year's activities:" Explorer P o_st 64, or. Sea._4- Scout MRS. WM. C. MUHLENBRUCK During t hi:, war, all former ~scout.s doing bu$ine~s· Ship 18, It w .. organized 1n 193li •. (Hallock Photo) received a ,mall check from t he to assist both financially and ao- ______AuxHiacy every fo,ur months. cially the Boy Scouts, to foster as wheh her own sor/was a Scout. Metnbership 'is open to any·· ,LONG ISLAND NATIONAL BANK civic bettc-rmcr~ and to promote ~ residenl of this community to~ mother of a boy who is -at least . . OF HICKSVILLE .~ co ut participation in service to 5Q years. Mrs. Muhlenbruck attend a TendedoOt Scout in either the communRy. The charter mem- end the Plainview- School. The Troop 64, Explorer P ost 64 or Sea Member F. D. I. C. hers 'are: Mrs. Raymond Abrams, former c,a.t herine Hoberg, he for• Ship_ l8. The next meeting will ~ Open Mon. lhru Thur. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.; ,Fri. 8 a.m. lo 8 p.m. Mrs. Ge"l'ald B~can, Mn . Christian merly resided in Brooklyn. IMotbe-r h eld niext Wednesday night, Oct. Giese, MTs. John Kerbs, Mrs. _ _f t wo married daughtexs,-a .11on,- -26,---in· the E~t St-ree"t ---SchOOl. -lei, HlcksviHe 3-0 1·00 - • Hicksville.- N. Y, 0 -"IDD~JH/lllfflll~llllilDIWIIIIHIIIIIIIQllllflll-,ltJl-oaulll!IIIUlll-lllmml~ r!IIIUIIII- . Eugene StaeP,le, Mrs. H. Szilagy, and two younger daughters: at Mrs. Frank Thorman, Mrs. Oscar home, Mrs. Muhlenbruck ,goes t o Berry and the late Mn. Arthur busine.s.s each day, but .still f inds Gerdes. time to tend _:to ,the gardens· at her Mrs. Muhlenbruck first became: home 11t 373 Broadway. · active in the Auxiliary ab·out 11 Taking 8 ~ active and sincere years ago, when her son, Wttliam, inte:rest in ·all .matters that con­ was- a Tenderloot Scout-During- cem her tov.'ll an home, Mrs. the war ht! served ir.• the E;,uropean Muhlenbruck i.s a member- of the Theater with the Air Force and H icksville Civic Assoc. and t he was a prisoner of wa:r ior eight Ladies' Aid Society of St. Ste• months. He ig now married and , phen's Lutheran Church. S.he has living in Huntington, but Mrs. been pre,5ident of the Boy Scout Muhlenbruck continues her Scout -.nd day of a iwo-day q uests for uniforms, troop 'flags, rummage sale wilt be held t oday American flags, har.-dicraft ma­ ( Wednesd&)' ) -at the Old P11rochial teria ls, ten ts and othcl' supplies Sc hool, Broa dway, under the- ams - needed for the Scouts' frequent pices ..o f t he Alta r Society of St. camping t rip~. Each summer at Ignatius Church, H ic ksville. Mrs. least two Boy Scouts a re sent off A. Ner.mi nger I and .Mi ss Clara to camp fo r a \\"' l?ek with a.JI ex­ Nav1·ot will p'e in chuge of -the penses paid by th,e Auxiliary. The sale from 9:30 a . m. to ~ J). m. winning scout~ are choseu ac-

"Bverybody's 'l'alking"' . I> ' , "' ~ .·- • - I • I fii/!-~~-:fou'te slowed down br sluggish .naniag, Won mm.mer lubricants sdlfen, batteries weaken--bdon cold weather makel fterythiog about yout trucks harder to manage and a,atrol, get lt1b!b .J<,._ national Winterizing Service; Come io aod let oar Intemational.traioed me~cs hlfte ap your truck engines, thoroughly check lubrication, · electrical and cooling "7Stems. We'll give your uacb the winter proe " - . "IF YOU KEEP THAT UP , YOU WILL BE BUYING THAT teetion•· it .~e• to UIIU'e profitable,· crouble._&ee wimer uuddag. SWELL BEER FREDERICK KRAMER SUPPLIES TO THE 1 CLUB FOR THE 19th HOLE! " . I No matter how rough the game, there is always that re• freshing be verage ·waiting to eool you off. You c.on be s ure that a will be good whe n FREDERICK KR.AMER supplies it. Hicksville Implement Co. Inc.

0 ·•o:•i· Hredk Kram .. I I HE ITZ PLACE HICKSVILLE, N. Y. •a• er=:;~ O:,! r • • Oc d Tel. Hlcksville 3-0363 0 :o·• BEVERAIE DISTRIBUTOR •~'b•o ... -. ...--..-...------~-- -- . ~ . ~ - l. ••• 0 s 0 . : :°NI~-~::;; JAmr11e.1-a;2i . For Tour ConvNience wo aro opon S1ndays 1 ro 6 p.m. ·r U,'U=l;ULO[.).'fff- :bl :6 · ,Lutheranism e.m• HasTwo&.Nts Ameotll\soflliewa.-11. lnA ~!!!!P!t~~l Go- Jr.; ,v,r.w Amdlluf of Europe Today" I>)' tit• Rev. Wal• Hicks,'ille w);,.__ held Tlt~•J' &lie ...... _... AINl RP-- · · 'ter Dail> will be held at.St. Paul's night at the courth~~ _with llln. . - -:!19U llfta""""""1'dJtv. Lutheran Chun:h, Bethpqe, thil Winifred Fittlnc P~- er-t 00-. dlM alleft "81' · SundaJ at 7:30 p. m. The con- Mrs. Helen Mathew,, ~~t baak ..,..._, It _.._ gregation and public ue in,·ited to the presidem of the D181nct 1 SB011LD ...._, It •- to attend. \IIFW Auxiliary, and Mn. ~ NOT% Let tbla ...-oY tell Rev:' i:>aib is a former chaplain Rientt, past county coft'llll,,IDd,e.r, yea aNWt nal pl"electloa. ir, tbc .. U. $. Army and a recent ""·ere guests ot the e \·ei1fnf:. AM- r !f .'.t and about tts low 'eoat. - repre'sentatiYc o:f t.he Lutheran Th• ·Auxiliary will hold Its Synod during a annual ca-rd pai-ty on NOv. &, at ".. 8'f}5U'PfOS'\N- _ ~ tour or' northern Gcrm1mY.,.tind the the }! \('ksviUe Masonic Temple. Scllniliuavian countnes· and the­ MTS . Dorothy Mulligan ,.-m be the Lutheran Chu1·ch of those coun- l LEBKUECHER · & LYNCH Inc. chairmnn. t ries. I Mrs. Fitting and Mrs. Arthur leaf fst_ate and Insurance Representatives rro m all t.he so­ A·racil represen_ted ~e auxili_&rf at ciet ies of the ~h.u rc.h arc making 1· Ia district mcetmg m Elmhurst on 29 W. Marie St. Hicksville Phone Hicks. 3-1000 the arrangements. Sunday. . . . Mrs, l\'I ulligan will -be hostess tit .S a ndra F'aith, duughter - of .M r. her home oo Twinla~rns 4,.w. tor­ and ::'i1r s. Kad Frey o r 34 Swe.n a social.·mecting on Oct. 27. Lant, Le-,;,i ttown, was cbrist!Md . . . WILLIAM KROEMER & SONS, Sunday, OcL 9, duzing the 11 a. m. Plan Christmaa Sale Inc. Sel'"\•ice at the Trinity Luthe.tar.­ A meeting of the Dorcas Aid· Church, H;cks,·ille. Tbf Rev. Ed- MB. AND MRS. SOB1J~ TESTED SEEDS • SEED POTATOES · Society of SL Paul's Lutheran ward S tammel officiated. The m!"·.:u'a!n,.~ ,I~ Chur<:h, Bethpage, wa11 held AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES . godJ)arents were \Vatter- and · folJowln« telr IIIU'1'la«e oo... ~­ Thursday, Oct. 13, at the ch11n:h. Hilda )lahnehe·. 17 at the TrtaJty . J.a.,-,rAD Mrs. Haro!a Steele pn:sided. The -vtlle. 'D[e ·- la annual Christmas will be held 11,ec1m-. · West John -Streetr Hicbviller L. I LllRla Ruth, infsnt daugnter of former M1A- Duriitb;I' Law, 1 daql,ter of Mr, aa4 Mn. Jo... 0 n Dec. 6 in the Chlirch·basefflent. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grimmer of Law or nr,1 ·M-. , __ . .;:: Mrs: -Albert will be the chair· Telophone• Hlc;li:svillo 3-0500 - 3-050 I 390 Elmore AYe ,, Eas't Meado~t m•n. assisted .. by Mrs. Lorraine was christ~ned Su.nday, Oct. 9, at ~Is~~'~" Vail and Mrs. Mary Young. There St.. llleb\ilk, (Bllllool< l'tlotol. the . Trinity Lutheran Church, will be stuff•d toys, crocheted Hicks"·ille. The godparenti5 were •Vi.b Italy handiwork. aprons, plants, pies Mld Agnes Lange anJ-""Peter Grimmer. Charles Robert Bradley, cakes on sale. Religious articlPS .apprentice, USN; of H icksville, "\\~ill .al so be offered fpr sale. .F ~EE -;-1-JOM E TRIAL --,REXALL F..A.LL recer.. tly - -.--isi.t,ed_ V'enic.eJ.taly,_as Donations wer e made to , ·t.b.e a cTew member a~oa.-rd th~ radar -Lutheran Dea9>niess Assoc.. of pieket•type demoyer USS Perr,. Fort- Wa;>-ne, In'd., and from- tM _._ where he to'"tlred the many mitts" Luthe-ran Educai ior.- SocietT, of the. city'& waterways- in • gon- BToru;\·ille, N". Y. HEW IIJ-INCH $ET AT A ~ Sal dola.. . • • • ,...r • • • . Caron Margaret, in(aJtt daugh &JEW WW ,t')Ourf! TODAT TO SATURDAY Elcct.ed,Cl&M Presideot ter or Mr. and !ttrs. Jamh O'CoD• ~[ iss Dorothy Herud of WeSt nor of :!21 Persl1ing An•., ' Beth­ An.• .• Hick.5".·p1e, was\ .P-:e~· \ page, v.a~ chri -; U'n('d s~tard11y. ~ - -- r~ I v ident of her class at the Domrn.i- Oct. 8, a.t the Trinity . Lu\ ~io',i;w~ can Commercial High School in Church, Biclc.sviUe, at 4 p. m._'.J'h e • nd ff.• DR U 6 SHOP Jamaica. A graduate of st._lg - Re\'. Ed.,.ard Stammel ,,rt:c-iated. natiu!- Parorhial St:!'h ool, Hicks• Thie_ godparent..s were ! Jay Smith ARTHUR GERDES, P,.;p _' villt>. she ii; also n. member or ~e and June Smith. ~ THE REX.I.LL STORE Leo Honor Society of thf' high I 08 Broodwoy, Hic;hville 1 school. !ttr.s, Lillian Taylor of S~ PauJ'5 Phone Hlcbville 3-0077 Mi !! ~ Gc~rude• w:ueraucr or Lutheran Church. Bethpace. at· WE DEUYD: t he Hicksville- High &hool -(.a.cult)• tended the o~tober mtttir.,g of the v,~ been elc(!'t.ed chairman of the Cont:ordia Women"s Guild of New York State Social Studie:r. Long Island held at Ovr Saviour -=----~ Council mttting t.o be held at the Lutheran Church, Port: Wuhi:ng• you ...... _ .USi _ ftotf.'1 Stattle-r in Febru11-ry. ton. Tbe Rev. Herbert KeTD, pas• • • • tor, presented an ill111trated lee• J-'-'--"""1 f!l-'IMI,. . Mn;. 1 Ro&e We~ner was award:. · Lure n f his auto-trailer miuion -•--"' ed a green pitcher and gluses &et work, throuJhout the New Eng­ (JJ,,~1.-nf ~ B! the door prize at the card party land States in recent summe1'5. 11...-.c.--•Y- held Wednesda7 night by th• As a re2,11lt of Rev. l.trn's work, ~ Rosary Sodety of SL lllartin of th,.. Luth,ran co...,_tioas $.PIRO'~ 1111-0f~-- Toun, Church, Bethpage, Rl,:h ba,·e been orpnlsed In · defunct At scottrs were Mrs_ Henry Spindle.r. churches in and 10--- pinochle; Mrs. Koy Daum, 1"hunco, Vermont. and Mrs. Harry Stolz, 500. Mrs. Tarlor is \"ice-president uf 145-SQUARE-INCH SCREEN d~ The annuai ca~ p•arty sponsor· . the Concordial Women's Guild, ed ,by th e Je-richo VFW Po!t win and program chairman. be. held this Friday at the J ericho T9 pt..., • -- call Bldl•­ One took ot the,.. big, 145-squar•• only School. ,·Ule S-14" or ....._ inch Eye Witness pictures-ond you'll SH why RCA Vktor television it!ri­ · Phone Hick.ville 3-0341 E. T. Wright 00 oltloo __ _ ca's No. I favorit~. 5395 W..oanlh..,_-- DUN ROAMIN' KENNELS Thi, exciting model •. . priced a1 o Plus $1.63 .Fed Tax ..,_ea.-, BOARDING OH GROOMING wonderful new RCA Victor low , .. shows ln.-stall aticm F.x'tr.t ...... Specializing in whelping •nd lifter raising. you bright, dear, / in lune televi­ RFD 1, l'lol..,,lew Road, W- of l'lolavlew FlrNau .. sion, tt ...... hos oU the most odvor,ced -~ ·- We,t Hi9hland White Terrier Puppie, RCA Victor feature. including a plac.t1 Take Years At Stud: Scotty, Wmle. to plug-iii a record ployer . . .J ike the new RCA V-tetor 45 rpm attachment rr•,:W:!W..;~~ ~Z!Mli a!I 1 1~~ 1'. thot ploys. the thrilling, distorttOn•fll'ee To Pay 7-indi recorCb. S... it today! AC. ~=._ - , ·: ~,A..:-· -. Fireplace TERMS TO SUIT .... .,._ ... .., Fixtures --­-~c.. ---·-J•-' COMBINATION SPIRO'S CHAS H. BEA ITT COAt AND LOG GRATES Si ne() 19 1() i & SON "Friendly Credit" Glfb aold •lft W,-,pl1191 SAUSMER'S I oe B'woy, Hic;ksvlllo HOME AND GARDEN SUPPLIES. HARDWARE 67 B'w.,y, Hicksville· Phone Hicks. 3-0005 ,._,. Hicks. 3-0323 A&P \• We _g,;,ver . Phone Hicks. 3·0017 ~OOOOODOOOOeeo~ee1 .~1.':z.:.LloPE· ~.. • ...... ~ ...... u-.o,c,...... Tak.- Ind:°"• . •mu ui~ -..u; 11111111 ..,~..,.~ ~---.J-, ...... ed. RJCJtlML~ -: A ,_ ~ el~, - - Mn. "'7 ~ Mr• ...i ,Mn. Clw-lH JIIOcl'b of 20 croup, the ,P-1et~ C\ub, w,u . or- Marion Lov~tt ,will aerv.- \'A ~ ra. VaDOJ Rd., Lenttown, - ganized nicbt, Oct. :&,, '!t \ary.. • .. \ 1 .. .GENTJLE _BEER DISTRIBUTORS the bride of lllchael Jamea Bar- a meeting held In tbe ltigh sehool· ·, The,group piano to hold an ex­ :nt one, son of M:r. and Mn. Mie.hae) with 16 artiste preaent. Olp hibit ot: loC.I art. Work aom«tme ' l Barone of 108 Morgan St. • Hiek.s- Hoebel or 30 Tei-race Pl, · wu this winter. Further Plana tor the . SODA - ICE • ICE· CUBES ville, Sunday, Oct. 2, at the Levit- er, toWn' Baptill Church. exhllii t will be di1cu1&ed at the- COLD KEG BEER • CANNED. Hitt . The .bride wore a gown of white I Hold ~ ·Te.a tentatively set :t:Jov:• 1 meeting. Its satln fa&b. t<, ned with long slev..:i e8 A misflion,a:I'}' tea aponso:red by Present . at the first meeting BOTILED BEER •t and with ~ pearls. the Wom~n's Society for Ch.rl.tian ,Je. wer~. Mrs. Hoebel, Mrs. Lovett, . fingert:p veil fell from a St"n·ice of t he Hicksvil le Metho­ Mrs. A.rme Morris, Robert Grosse, :he crown (,-f seed p ea i-1s and she c"!r- d,~t Church was held Friday i.f­ Everything For Your Partiei An~ Home Use. ' Rolf Holm, Rudy Supper. Walter .iied a casr.9dM of white roses. lt>mnon. Oct. 14, ut 2 p. m. in the Supper, Miss Catherine Sarli, Miss 11" Mrs. :,ym, Harris of Levittown c- hu 1c-h. '.\fr~. Meyer or New York at Irene. Stoffel · Miss Bessie Wll· 96 Old Co~ntry Rd., Hicksville w!ls· th't mutron o f honor. Edwa rd City, an former missioIUlry in Hams, Mrs. Peter ·Heilig, Mrs. on Waldeck '"o f Hicks ville, was th ':! ,1:.J Jl:i n, was the guest speaker. JoJhn ChaplaJn, all of Hld of Syoo;set. I.f'gion H·,J1, Hicksville.. After u. l::i. r.-ow .n retired past,l,)'T':'--­ _,_rip to N"? w Mexieo, 1 the... n~wly-:, l · ·; •.. • '-,.. · ~id• w~ds w: i: reside in F o~ Wo~h. Vi'sited Turkey ran Tex., wt.e :c! the g ..oom i:s sb.tion- '-._ Adolph D. Lehmann1 Scaman, eld ,.,1 with tb,, A.!"'!· • · um. ;·or 189 West Nic bolai St.. -ch. Hicksville, recently visited Istan­ Pil.inedce P-TA Meet, rhe · bul, T~~ey, o. s a crew~ member A meeting of the • Plainedge ,eld P -TA ·was held T uesday night, aboard .the clestro,yer USS TUrner, ,nt. Oct. 11, ·at the school, with Mrs. which t he crew to spend - ··Geo~ Ve.per presiding-. liberty a,hore iifter i1! tensive &in• Mrs. Edward Briggs reported maneuvers in the M~iterranean FRI-DAY-SATURDAY .ere on her talk with Nassau County with the Sixth T ask fle~t P..olice officials about protection fo r school grade crossings. She -rles said that the police will make a AT o( Road 1irt$f0n~ - sunrey the Hicksville and th• Hempstead- T urnpike . ctossing. of ·'Howeve.r, because th'e Count)' is _the_ growing »o fast and many 11 urveys Mc KETTRlCK WINDSH.l~LD__ ety, are required, it will be se,:eral · week5 before an answer wi ll be ) C/4.,.JL..,, ree..1vec1," she sa1t1. I ICE AND SNOW igh An open forum on "How to 1 :on- :\fake ChildTen Become More In• eth• terested in qotor Sc~emes and SCRAPER dar. F u1T1ishings of tlie Home" _was !1'8-n led by Mrs. Edwir .. H offman, as­ The sisted by Mn;. Rudolph Grimmin­ .ted. ger, Mrs. B. F . Reinke and Mrs. BOO of these handy car acces-· nith Briggs. sories ready for Mid-Island The .Jer icho 1ul'a held a meeting motoris+s. at· at the firehouse. th• HaUenn reported on the recent Come In - Get Yours Today or rummage sale whieh was a fi nan• iour iug- ci ~r:.u~;:~ Gurla an<) Mrs. Mil- ( pu- dred Podrue were proposed ns ~ lee- new. members. Birthday gifts were / lf.s Part t>f Firestone's' Big-Winter Safety Tire Cam­ •ion p!'esented to Mrs. Jinny Proffee 1 ~ll&- and 'Miss Anne Greggo. Mn, Mar­ paign. We Just Received Our Allotment of Famous L ion Wal!ky v.·as the dark hone winner. 0118 Host._. for \he evenln11 were POLAR GRIP TREADS "'""Dnct Mias Greg~ a nd Mrs. Maey and ·oavis.

it of uild, ...,,..._ DON'T TAKE CHANCES Get Yours Today!

NEW LOW PRICES ON KODACH!lOME As low As $1.SO - PRINTS AND CHAMPION TREAD DES"N A Week Installs STUDDED TREAD DESIGN ENLARGEMENTS • . • For Front Whttls to give Four Polar Grip ... For Rt ■ r Wheer1 te Skid-Protection . . • For Raor give htra Troctlen Whu The 2X site {2 1/4 x3 ¼1 :;,:, - ··- Driving the Highway or I• now costs but 55 cents . Whispering toffet,e; with ro- Treads! o• :.hepe~~.!: f!::. ~:~• 1c':.actlon Soft Sn-. Other ,i,e, up to I Ix I ◄ mantic -1· tary: -~t n-..i.. ~- ...... ftU,...... _ ~-- jt9:.....-: Rev. RevJ- La-Wialer. -tut,Ballwec. ...,lo ..,.,._ __ _. _.._...., ,..._ .r den;Katbleen.ll0G''6re seen eMl8liii tall llalllactt;- preiident: Frank F1-ppi11Rer, secre- as the place of trial. .l-a1M. • • , \ Sun.-! a.m.. Hob C.Om.m~n: 9:fil Lm. Co . d Z tary: .James Watson, reporter. SUmmons with Notice Ll'1'TUt WllJTIC OH1JIICB IN ...... u. ••=• ··•-1- .,...... Rev pelan one Room 260: Ernest Evaschuk, ACTION TO ANNUL 'l'IIIC WD,.DWOOD, JISLVILLE g:e.:uni:~ ::re~ Lm. Holy L •d J C I president; Richard swain. vice- MARRIAGE Rev H. J Elliott., putor Wed..-8 a.m. Dol1 Communion. SuTlce ea er ft GfflPG CJft president; Barney Ruggiero. sec- PJa,lnti1Y resides in Nassau UU1an Ab1am. music 'r · ~.~• • ,,o_ ,...._ a,,....., '""" HICKSVILLE-The Rev. G. P. r-ctary: Michael Canll!o. reporter. a..ino,. saa.-1'61 p.a. a.a.. s.JMoL a ~ Fri.-1 L& Bob eo---. Copeland of the Holy -Trinity Boom :GS: Eli~ Stetz. presl- To the above named Defendant: · - · Rob 1>..-e--0 o.a. Ho17 C-.••'°• · dent; Raymond Guckenberxer, YOU >,RE HEREBY SUK- ,..,., llaot\MaW UN a.wa u • • • · Epi!copa! Church i& a sone chilli"- v~t; Janet Weller, sec- MONED to -answe.r complabrt in =--~--~ ~-= swm ROLLOW man fo~ the &nnWLl Every Mem- retary; Nancy Ouistian&en, r. this action, and to aerve • C0PY ...-.. -· .._ PIIDl!D'TSBIAN ~r Can\.·&ss camaign wh,ich opens Porter, of your answer, or if the com~ ..,..,,_.,... C.:--.-":' "'.' · OW ~ 114., llel9llio . Sunday, Nov. '.Ii, arnona: 96.0!"l - 250: Joseph Fenar<>, plaint Js not served with thla llUIIII• .Rev Outrles "Vertanes, pulor president.; Philit> MWevolte, vice- mons. to serve a notice oI _.... 'Ji'la8T BEFO&llr.D c::DIIJSOll ea~,u L-. ~ 9e1,oo1. 11 Epiecopalians in the 170 Long oresident; Arthur BaU1Tiach, sec- ance on the Plaintltf's Attonaey ~. A.., a& Newlldllp. M. &.m. 9~ .....1p. . • Island parishes. The goal is $~.- rctary; Tim Tanne~. reporter. . within t\,\,·enty days after ~ ur- ~ N. 'Ir. ~~J_;--· :C "=""w.._.., 600,000, of whicll $2,334,000 wdl . - :M: Mane ~o, vice o[ this summons, exclualve ot ~, M.~ ~l'1-beol.~l~~ ..~~••~.:. meeta ,~ be for local t uport; $129,000 for pre&!dent; Barbara Savage. v1ce: the day of sen'ice; 1lnd in case of •-----:--. • San~ °'.1111.":tjj .s 1:;a. miSSionary Work ovel"Seas, and ,~ide~t~ ~~ec.retarY, !f~~~jf ~~ = ~~~~ . ~ -==:IST I~;,~. t~ n=:~om:uni::si::. d~~:lri~~~; ~ ~~ t:f~~~L~ef ~- ~~ ~~..J:".i Rev. R. o. Brvwn, Putor. I Long Island. _ l;r;:'~de~ ~~~er~ecn,tary; Dat~~~iJr~ at __ ti-...... _. sa~-:!li~SIIIUIQ: Sclloot ! ------Boom tu: Rich~ Sco_tt. presl- Attorncy(.for Plaintiff • • • • . • • Organ Recital Set dent: Leonora Auabn, w:e--pres.i: Offtce and P"S R. c. dent: Sylvia LdunAnn, reporter, Address· QIDIBT-80IJl:NTJ8T---- Hem~end _Turnpl)l:e. Le~lttO'o\7\j ~or Trinl+v. Lutheran. Dorothy Ft-1,yvogel, secretary. 26 Court Slrff-t. - ~ W...... ,, - Rev. Thomas .J:"'O'lbien HICKSVILLE-Charles Boehm Room-ZOO: Stanley Kellner,- Brook!yn,- New-Y'.ork------_,., ..._ a■ o. -• 11 ._.. Rev. Robert Barnwell d pn,siden1; Harold Rothstein. vice- To Qyde Winslow· The fOatt• ..-;- p.m. Sanda,- &•DOI on 80111. who discu~.sed w:ith the associa- ened PUbliclY and read· aloud. nership is to exist ls from the 29th Tel HlebYltle l-.1702 · · • " • \ions members the many insor- Aiiy bid received after the day or AUJ:USt.. 1949. unW 30 days - UNITED ~ CIJUBCII ance probJem~ faced by home ~ih~~nft!~t~~!J !t°: ~~~~~ ~~tedi~,~~~no~e ~~~~•= W ■ ntacb A"'-- 1/4 JIU• 8oath own~rs. der unopened. The Informatio11 oartner to the other perm~ or 0 1 ~~":i!, lr:~ I s~nday Sebool u Lm. Cta.•u foT all ~or~~Pi~~i~n! ~cii:~~~ d~!; h l~t~~~ ~~~t= ~~ Rev. Hans B . Ahlsen:.._ _ ~ ~=~ Wonhlp n"tce u a.m. may be examined a nd obtained al t ion or law. The amount of cash ------t he office of Sidney B. BoY..-ne , En- :~t~~..tiu~~~a~=~: ~~~~- 2'22 Front Street. Mineola, ~ATSCHKF. Three thounnd All inquiri("S be addressed (,'S,'l,000.00) DolJars. ROSE KAR.­ Look Outf to thl' Er,:gineer. Each bid must NJ\TSCHKE Th rec thousand Make Sure , be accompanied by a certified ($3,(X)().00) Dollars. No other ' ch<"Ck or bid bond made gayable oroJ>l"rt,y is contributed and no Y01,1r Insurance and in thl~ emoont as set forth in additional oonlribuUons are agreerl the Inforrrintion to Bidders. to be murill be given to the Mrs, J sle ~ 11~luville. J~•• Harold1 Carter of Hicks- PASTRY most popular Girl. Scout, who will Albut Aviuoam Grossman of v1He, 2 yrs, ff -Ii• selected· by ticket-ballots cut Hick5ville, 1· yr. • by the fair goeTS ; Some of the ~ Bano<::zl of Hlclmrille. Wedd"" Alullvenary b·a h-, en b'u :r g • s booth!S ~II include! plants, with Wll:llam M~-:: Hickmlle,. 2nd-Cotto~~rax:Mrs. Stan· IUfflR MAIC£5 THE DIFFUENCE ,t Mn. Ehr.abeth Jens in charge; Elten JankowsRf of Hicksville. 2 ley Macuska of. Hicksville. B' w• At Marie St. - - Hichvillii - Fllclcsville no,·elties, with Mrs. Ethel Sur- Yl"S. 8th- Bronze-Mr. and Mn;. John prise; home made articles such as Joel 8arton Morris of Hicksville~I Petrone of Hicksville. ·•·(1L11:;•'l!T~-::ii~f.llll Dllll'IIIIPIIIUIR'lllrfl!h1ITllllllil:18Dfl.lUl3l;IRMfflDllll!lr.llDI lll[lfllllllllalrn, ~ :tuffed .toys and c,:och~d art·\ 2 yrs, oc-• is . 2Sth-Mr. :.:::i,1:o:;:._ 1~hn w. Asi• NOW THAT YOU HAYE TRIED THE REST tries, w,th M-rs. EI01e King and Arthur Maxey of Hick.mile. ' drews of Hiclcsvi!le. TRY THE ll!ST Mrs, Cathorine Achilich; fish- ILoqi, Bartel of Hicksville. Ocwber n . M P0nd• wi!b Miss Jeanette Mi- ~~ITYF~,.1~'K,.'f.1f! ,":i"~11e. 33:i';;-:-~;s- Charles An- FA.VA'S ITALIAN • AMERICAN t: chae~s; h_ome made cakes and sue Ann Sohwamb of Hicksville. 50th-Golden- Mr. · and Mrs. Cos- JK. cook,.,., w,th Mrs. Edythe Scala; titantlno Botto of HicksVllle. I Grocer-Delicatessen- t In Girl Scout cooki08, with ·Mias Announer U 62 JoruHl•m Ave., Hicksville GIii· Cathe tine S eit"z. and Mri.. Claire Announccm~nt has bef!n made 1st-Paper-Mr-. . and ~ Law- um­ - Skellington. . of the: maniage of Miss C,therine ;:;:"__:"Mr~~~- tlnof~~er A Complete 11 s=:i'•d I' ~c -..,.. 29 0 ::.~J:::' Urs. Marie .Johnson and Mrs. Doxey. daue-htt.u,. of Mr. arHI Mrs. of H ickswlle. "'llllirM i!DDl/llill!l~ll!mlll DI i!llllllllflll!lllllllilmM~ lll--lil!lt ...... 'Del' Rose Moulton will be ill charge Raymond Doxey of Glen Cove, Co 37th---;"Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mittle· • of of t he refreshment booth. W. Horan. son of J\ir. a:id ll~~Morf. Ha~d~.!:: Emil HaCk• m 1n1RBM111'.!ltllllllfmijill11JUrJl:IIIIWlll!m , i'llllillmlllllll[!IITTnmTl'G!Smmlr:::lllllD. • ot • • Mrs. Samuel J . Horan of Wood- ~a~k of Hic~e. ADDITIONS - AlTER!-TIONS -· NEW HOMES ..... Mr. and Mrs. J, Gordon Ulmer bury iWay, Syosset, on Oct 1, at oeto~ M ilnlt of Roosev~t Ave, HicksTille, a.nd ,st. Phi; ·: p Neri R. C. Church, 21st- Mr. and Mn. Vjncent Mc• . GUS. -REINHARDT M· . their two :c~ildren, mado a ·S11Jlday Northpqrt. The newlyweds •••· re• , · Gunnl~le of Hicksville. CAIPINTD AND BUILDER 'dsit to Darien, Conn, to see Mrs. -•iding. b an _apartment on Old \ 2nd-Cotlan~~•..:: Mrs. Med-) ',f Ille and their children, Haro]~ James, eola, 11/2 Rooe-Man· ancl Belt:, Anne, have mo..-ed here from Hempstead. M---. !ii or Dyckman sper.,t his boyhood ir, 1011' Hicksville.. EBY g-eln !>&rt· 1 of /ork, l tll, y of "" js Fra11• DeMo■aco part- CALIFORNIA .FRUITS AND DN• PRODUCE al lbe ·Ou,/ 111 .... clwey Hlcbv,'lle ,saili ICtlon Tel. Hlcbvllle 3. 1231 idp&l ?turle OLD RANGE BOUND-VP Nu• illDce Holden's ~ l:ioJgeal .,_ f""'J9 eaJe la aoir ---a•• Iba Magic Cbel Old~ lla,,a: StaffONry Store RIIUDll'Up--Y the 115 lroodway Hlckavifle Vllllt our ~ are free gitt. :,pen- Pltone: Hlch•illo J-1249 f cash tor all and pr!aee, loo, ~: ,ua,md KAR- usand other id no lgT'eed TED'S SUPERETTE \ part- bution MEATS - GROCERIES I to be of the FROZEN FOODS ,

:i lim- D lf the WE DELIVER FltEE : ,_,,Y1D i part- Open Sundays 'Till 7 P·"'· iee .. BOTt·o BROS r may llllm- 16N.....,.,.__, Al'l'UANCft : give1"1 (Cor. Thorman AYe.l 2] I Broodway, Hicks•ille Tel. Hicksville 3-0816 U' the No Parking Problem - Few Steps South Of Old Country Rd. .. tx> No Perklft'J Problem Hore :ioome. gilt to :_ SMART COOKS KNOW ·C· GAS H S GOT IT! •--' part- above ,P .ren• ·Schemer's Herald COIIIIIIUllity Calelldar To-•Dale, ..... ~•1- IIM ' 1 ,wlWlilnsr: r • e.,..... Phannacy- • 1 • ' - " • OcL -Meetini{ of HlcksV'lla Ex•,Nev, 1-ll:30 p.m. Jericho Parents WEsnltN UNION OFR&° empt Firemen, . - Assoc. . meetin« at sehool, OcL 16-Beth- Republican Nff, - a.m. 11> 7 p.m.• Elec-. . 141 ln/eclway Htcbwlla, N. Y. . Oet,~07-HldcovWe Civic --1N:-V~"1o "s:'.!i.~.3 ~~ meetln,r at llrehouse. l!:30 p.m. Rosary Society .ot St. Martin of ' Telephonas: Oct. -.Z1- Annual bazaar, aup- Tours O.urch, Bethpaee. Hlc:bville 3-1314 • 3-1365 0c'f"~pa~=e N~:-.!:;;t~~~ et First 'v IW Lelc,t, :I0-4 · p.m. Orpn recital at Episcop,al Chapel, Carle Place. riage on Sept. 4 at St. 19 ■ -tius R~ Church, r,lep~one Hlcksvillo 3-02,6 Trinity Lutheran O:,un:h, West New. 18-10 p.m. Mercy• Ball at H(cksville. Tho bride i1 the former M,ss C.mala Nichohll St.. Hicksville, by Garden City Hotel. Ru~iero daughter · of · the late Mr, and Mrs. Charles Boehm. · Nov, IS-Card party by Hicksville Berney Ruggiero of Hicksville. The groom is . OcL SO--Annual daJK:e of ·Hicks· fire auxiliary at firehouse. tho ,on of Mr.--.nd ,Mrs. Henry Ki Hal of Jarus- · ville White Eaa'le Soc. at SL lg· Nov, 19-Da.nce at Leinpn club- elem Ave. Hicksville. The newlyweds are no~ JERICHO N~~~~~!~Mannetto Hill l~~- Hicksville Girl Scout residing ;t I 00 Old Country Rd., Hicksville. HEATING SERVICE P-TA. or Plainview meeting· at Nov. %1-ll:30 p.m. caro party by (Weiser Photo). scbool. H:cksvme Lettion Auxiliary at OIL BURNERS INSTALLED Nov. l-.'!:30 p.m. ~eetini: of Old .cLubh!>use. _ _ __ ,,, L d P - 1 ·Tea guest.5 ente~ined by Mrs. SERVICED AND CLEANED );I:;~~"'" av1c As,;oc. at School· N;"g.,:;;;:W,~htf'Sc~JitJ:; in a Ompa Pom'r·a were Mrs. Grace Cranmer, •rthd Mrs. Betty Cocks, -Mrs.· Peggy ·EfflcleacJ Test Glfte N-;;-;;b~"l?i~b~ Hieksville Re· ~illei and %--Bazaar at Hlcks- H a S 5th B, I ay · Knstn,r Mrs. Dorothy Richie, . Wltllout CllaNJe Nov. 5---S:30 p.m. Dance for teen- ville Methodist Church. 10 a.m. Lan da Pompa, daughter ol Mr, . Mr,;, Ida Hertel, Mrs. P•t Hortkl< Or Obllgatloll agers at hi~h school ,gyui spon• 1 to 8 p.rn. - and Mrs. 'R en P ompa of 8 Edward and Mrs. Pauli ne Sw11ltek. Phone Hicks. 3-1167 sored by Hicksville Jr. and Sr. ~- !-!-Annual ca.rd party of A\·e., Hicksville. was hosteS!. at a Tlfe- roc:m\ was-det!.orat.ed--i n- pink,------tr~ --24- HaurSam...-- · Nov:~~by William M. 1!,;~~~~~.f.:""~.,[ binJ\day party Tuesaayift~on. and_blue- with--eolored ba)1ons. Oct. 11. on her -fifth -oirthday. - ! ~ksvJii~~=.,~~--at- Christmas party - Linda has be<"n a Ham· Con­ Oard Pany Friday for Jr. and Sr. Hil:h School over tbiJd model for the past two be P-TA. of Incksville at high years. A card p_arty will held this schools. Friday night, Ort. 21, .by the Bute• Her young guests were: Tutker FOR. THE FINEST Dec. 6-7 p.m. Ouistmas sale by horn Brothers VFW A\l.ltiliary of Dorcas Aki Society of St. Paul's and Lynn. J ohnson, Ruth Ellen Bethpage at the VFW dubhooBe Lutheran O.urch. Bethpage. Cranmer, T ommy Cranmer. Carol CAND.D WEDDING ALBUMS Dec. 9------Christmas saJ,p by Altar on Le xir.gton A\·e. a.nd Schn-.j.d­ and Berni~e Schaeffer, Eliz.abeth Society of S t. Ignatius Church. e r's Lant> at 8:30 p. m. AND Hicksvi1Je .in Parochial School. a nd Lucille Hendricksor.·, Donald PHOTOGRAPHY Dec.. 14----1-nck:sville Qvjc .N!1J,oC... Kan ne r, Elle n R ichie, Barbara n:_ee~~~, N:g Goidback. Midgie Kremer. Louis bv Hicksville Classroora Teaeh• 1S waltek, Gordon and Betty J~ne WE DELIVER ttS Assoc. Cocks, Bruce Miller, ~hrie .iryd Phone Hlchville 3-1284 -K. HALLO CK Dtt. 19,....-Comrnun!ty ~I sign Diane Odell. Ellen Ho1tiek, Pa ul PHOTOGIAPHEI :-nonsored by H1cksnlle Class- Hertel and Gladys Ohsenski. I room Teachers Assoc. SAMPLES SHOWN AT NO OBLIGATION Dec. 20---8:30 p.m. Plainview Civic l • - TONY .& un Phone• FArmingdelo 2-1196 ~::,i. meeting at Mane tto Hill A. C. OCIU, JR. 11 · or Hlc)Jsvillo 3-1400 • MARKET ~~ :hlldre~t ~~':!\ Lic:ensed Plavhouse· Theatre J?lven by LI ELl:CTRICAL MEATS • GROCERIES »:•~"l.o~: Free Cbristmas CONTRACTOR HICKSVILLE CHEMISTS narty fo.- children by L..J. Na- Slnce 1912 VEGETABLES FRED EBERHARDT, Pharmacist ,{!~~ ~k of Hicksville at IIHlustrlal • C-lc,I 00 FROZEN FOODS '"qa,llty at 1M ligllt Price" A card party will be held tbi• ll9htin9...... Fixture,'"" 71 IROADWAY (Opposite AIPJ HICKS'lllLE, L. I. 30 BROADWAY T.lephoae Hlckmlle 3-0971 Fr:iday at the Kn~ta of Colwn-· Oil Burner Wirin9 bus clubhouse on Eaat Jolm St., ~ J.04H Opp. Profe111-1 Mdg. Hfo ksvill@, by the Catholit Daugh- Old CountrY. Road, Hicksville HICKSVILLE . FOR COMPLETE You Get Better Service --- Here Insurance Service From These Friendly MID-ISLAND Firms 1 WEDDING INVITATIONS Star: Light Fuel Co. Tet. m..- s.-. -SEE- -~~SOCIAL PRINTING I Belll-. L. 1, ------Lie. No. L-595 NASSAU PRESS 'ttH:: FINEST OOAL MlNf;D WINES - Ll(i)UORS lfJ I:. Martt! Street In ~ Deart.,:~~he AnthacJte 98 Jerusalem Aveaae Lawrence C. McCaffrey 1nno. H icksville Playhouse) .\,ik the Man W'ho Bumi ft! INc-,ct toMotorVeti.icleBW'eau ) Phoo,r: fffektt,rllle 1-1186 IDelmvlll~ ,-oose ARTHUR O. PEAB,0E REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BOS LET'S FArmlnll'fale 2-013' EMIL G. PEAJIOE 11>2 BROADWAY HICKSVILLE . L. I. ad STATIONERY STORE Phonti mcksvtDe 3-t12S-R Hic:ksvnle-leThpage H- PHONE HICK~VILLE 3-23 I b Toy11 Model Supplies Wi•dow Clecffllll-ISLAND HERALD & P . 0 . Box 306 ELECTRIC SHOP Welding - Machine - Iron Works 162 Broadway, Hickmlle. N . Y. • 60 E. Buday St. Hicks.viii• raun Brothers, Inc. AUTO AND HOME Esta,bl!shed 1915 Enclo6ed find $ .,. __ _ ·- ~·-··-· Please fiend mr the HE"rald IADIO Sl!IVICI ••I. Hlck1v;lle 3.0467 "'eeldy by man !One year $2; three ye""' S5l RAOIO AND TELEVISION Frank X. Brady PLUMBING • HEATING SALES AIIID SERVICE JEWELElt ,01L IURNEIS ' Name --·- ·----- ·- - - •"- ---···------ta BBOADW.AT Expert W'atdi lepaln !Cor. Barclay SLl 75 llroadway Sa-t - ·------fflOK8VILLl!l. N. T. 81 BROADWAY Phnnf'l Rlckllvflle IJ...M!1 HICKSVILLE. L. I. HICKSVILLE, N. Y. Pait Ofllce ------···'Pa_rking :P~oposals

(i:ontlil1'8d from - 1) acquialtJob en4 imPl'OVmwit on OcL 1B alnce illla. J:'9COlllliZe:- All ex-,ryti,emm In Town Board and Councilman Chlwnsky. However we also :believe U,., area are being lnY)led to Join they deserve N!petition here for ~xtra emphasis. in the fun. rrhe post is· now CODCtuctiDc-111 RR Station Plam Propositilo• annual membership campaign un• ''1-'l'hat the town board devote every possible etiort to arrange der tlie leadership of Bob Beard. for -the iu.ll · of the area between Jerusalem Avenue and Broadw-ll)' Twenty ~ - members en­ (known as the Station PJaia A 'tea) for commuter and shopping park­ rolled in recent weeks and all new ing. l t has been established that by pavinRI and rearran£ement of the residents a re being urged to be: spaces here, the utility of this field could be about doubled 1n auto come moo>bers. RegµJar Poot capacitr, T he proper lighting of this area shouJd also be considered. ~ meetings are held the 1st and 3rd While it ,is ex,PeCted that this field will get a, big play from com- ..-0 Monday nights. muters duririg the week, it will also be of tremendOUs value ·to shap­ pel"' on Fl-iday ni&hts and Saturdays, ("A" on Map) !Present LegionnaiNS &ff re,. · "'2-That the town board a.rran.e:e ·with' the County of~ Nkssall 1 - • 1950 dues ~ ~ for the desii:ll!ltion ol the 'island' in the middle of West John Street; -THIS MAP show,. ..,,eas. ,ecom_mended for cl>nsiderotion oF the =~,!',."t , rrom: Broadway west to Sackett, Wycoff and peOO.aps beyond as public Town Boafd by the Citizens' AdviSo.ry Committel on local park• parking areas. This space is convenient to the station for commutf?r ing and traffic made last night (Tuesday I·. "A'' is th• RR plaza, we and. would be used more fully if marked with siJ:IlS to indicate "B" is the "islond" in the middle of John Street, behind the that it can be utilh;ed by commuters. ("Rt' on Map) -- police booth... ; i, C" is the property in the rear of stores but is not Kiwanis aml Lions · ''The Corwnittee beuevee tha& both 1 aod 2 can be achieved available: and "D" is the prop-rty · ocross the tracks from the with a milll!"W" expense and yet provide convenient parking /or present public field._ The locat!on of the Kasten parcel at New- To Meet on No,. 9 .» who now are forced to me ICIU"b ll)aCei. ~ bridge and Duffy tan_ be noted end its relati"on to the station "3-That the town bQard proceed to acquire through_ the ~ro- and business centre., I Herald-Staff Map I. iH!OClKSVJ!LlJE - The Lion& cesses at iLs dispasaI the So-Called Kasten property of approximately ------''------~ Club will hav~ mem:bers ot the-- four acres whiCh runs west off Newbrtdge Road and parallels the , Kiwanis Club ..,, =•ests at a joint south side of Duffy Avenue. It is hoped that the town board will mended also installation of a stop on Newbndge Road (north side) 50 8 "" edneaday acquire th~ parcel befor.e -it be<.'Ollles the site of buildings and con• feet, west from the corner or Jerusalem Avenue. dinner meeting on W :n_:_.__. structlon, It is also hoped that the town will 'be ,able ,19 require com- 1 W nt Toxi R- ■ lation Ordinonce night, Nov, 9, at the ...... ,.,.. muters to use the wes~erly end o! this parcel.;~1J{;,, the easterly a --. . . · _ . Restaurant, according to Lions - ____._ ____ - end fronting on Newbridge Road for shoppers. "Expen.s'e of .improve• ! "l V- ln the public interest and in the interest of highway s at1::ty, President Roland Heberer ~,. nen-t--of- Lhis tract--could he kept- -at a--mininu.1m--Lor--tb.e present by , \Ve also recommend that efforts be made to regulate the operation· , · -~ -~------cleari~ and lexeJling_thc-gtouruLand_covering it with inexpensive•- of t axi CiiibS in Hicksville and particularly in e area near 'the depot. Peter Lynch-ol--the- county--tlre cinders. Lighting should also be provided. ·~ \ T fie7)ublic deserves-th proteetion- oL..t:egisMred_ drivers! pbsted marshal's office was guest speaker "4-That the I.own board investigate the possibllity of acqoiring fares and ra.te.s in_ the cabs, etc. s4ch as have been establish(Xl for at a fU'e prev.entiori Week program the property between East Marie and East Nil'.rlol,ai Streets on the I Port fWashington and other progressive ~nitles. . of the Lio held Ia$t Wednesday east side of the Long .Island Rail &ad for future parking. This ''V-That U-TL!1-ns o_n ~roadway be prohibited by lcx::aJ o~nance , llli • would, in effect, enlarge the pres-en t Robert Williams Field with onJy or State Trarnc _ConunLSs:on ~1der. ~ the law may reqwre, and evening. Cl'rtel Daniel Munch was the LIRR slicing through the middle. ("D" on Map) ' tha t the street l>e posted to ~ve ·notice_ of such regulation. _ a special guest of the club. L)'nch 5UCJ9Ht Rear of Professional ·Bldg. · i Buil~~~~~d~JY,~c·~u~!~t:dz~~eu:ie!:~~~ ttte Profe~~uonal was int~d by Vln~nt w. '5--Thst the town bo!lrd investigaLe the possibility or acquiring 'VIf- That commercial traffic be prohibited 'by local ordinance Braun, chairman of the flre com- the properts, in the r@ar of lhe Professional building east o( Brot1.d· from using Underhiil /we, ,where there are complaints of residents missioners. , way and south of l3arday S treet for both shopper and commuter regarding th£> coruac1.nt movement of heavy trucks.· During lhe'l)ast year, Lynch parlting. r Si9nal LkJht For LH Avenue said, bhere ha,...., been fewer l\ires . •~6-'Dtat. the _t own board remain alert _to aC9ui:te the present "VIII-That efforts be made to have a trip-signal I1iht installed which chlldern adnUttiec:1 set-ting, ~lt~ ~f the_ Nicholai Stree: School on West. ~icJ:tolai_ Slreet for park- at the corner of South Broadway and Lee Avenue, the signal to be He believes the fact that mothers mg 11ekis 1f and when th, present school building JS no longer used ueth·ated. by traffic coming out of Lee Avenue. Lee- Avenue is the • ror school purposes. . . rnain point of entrance !or this large new development which has are ~o longer working in war ln- ·'7- That the to~vn board attempt to acq~1 re u~e to the P,fOP· 1·ew other exit or entrance points. dus.tnes and are thus able to take erty Irom WesL Marie Street .south l0 _West N1chola.i Street, para.lJcJ ··IX-That cooperaliun of the State be obtained in having New- care o;f their youngsters may be a Lo and behi~ the stor~ on 1he west s ide of Bro~w~ for a ~rvke bridi::e Road from Ol_d Country Road south widened to handle the reason fo.r t he (lecllne in juvenile 0 1 0 stl 1 1 ~;:~J st~/;1~! ~~~r p~~~~~~~ be1~~~ ~~~ftna:r?s ~idi~,;-B~~nroJ~ \" a ,:\J~cr::t ~c. [:/~ \~1~n7h~c~e~wri Boa rd is aware o( wh-at lies delinquency, north wid come out between Peter and Wendy Shop and the OU inunediately ahead for l1iclt..sville with the plans that the Levltt firm iMunch invited the Llona to aee St:" concern on the south. has for ,home construction within our conununlty. We hope the ·Board the local vactps on parade end ln- Coll' For Parkil'IC) Meters wiU ·s peed those n•commendations jnto r~ality without delay." spectio.1. on Oct. 22. ··S-That as soqn as possible, ~ inciding if ~ible w~th ~teps CITJZEN'S• AD'71e5~¥~~~ ON PARKING ,,..., ______llllill nos. 1, 2 and 3 outlined above, parltin~ meters be mrtalled m Hicks- Hicksville Business Men's Assoc. Inc. HIClC$YILLELAUNDR:l ville m the areas whe1·e curb spa~ 1s •t a prenuum. Ten~atJvely By PmLIP ILLMAN suggested, pending further s tudy, are Broadway from the Rail south Hicksville Civic and Community Assoc Daily - 8 A.M. to 8 P. M. to Cherry street; .MaI'je S treet from the _Rail Road west to Jerusalem by ROBERT BOTl'O · S A " 30 p M Avenue. and Herzoi: Piece. Hicksville Kiwanis Club at. 8 , M. to 5: • • ••We alllO wlab at tbJa time to ..._t and ••- &Ile follow• By REV. HOW.ARD ROGERS Hlcknllle 3-0140 IDS reeommeadallona oa local IIUklDK and tralllo ooadltlonl wltlob Hicksville Lions Chili 233 B clw ba.-e already been voleed IDdlvldually by oome of oar -Uva By STANFORD WEISS roa •Y ' orpnlsatlom: Member at Larae .. I- Installation of stop .and go traffic signals at: FRED J. NO.ETH "a-West Marie S treet and Jerusalem Ave. ---1 ''b-\Vest Marie Street and Newbtidge Road. ~ .:~;~iiiai"1uii"IMll!l~Jl~ILl~1i!J!r111;1;i!llll!ill'.lli.Imil iil!J;.>ilf1.".IJJ~ 1tc1:;1c..;i.:,;;1:~11j'll,~,.i/:tlllll!•11111!~H ililllta;~J11Jn1•& Arig•lo ···u~~~:~:;i';:re!';a;!a:~~£D~:t~:e~~~ude the EAST side · Sell insurance, so do many others. . . I BUONAGURA .I a s well as the WEST side of Jerusalem Aven, Ude beJtweealn ManA'e and But we give you on added r~t:tor; t Pl • .ii] •,, I Nicholai s :reel.8,. Further extenswn to inc u e erus em venue Better Service ... Insurance is im· ~~ :.I;_ - down to Herzog Place when arrangements ,for rnore off-street facili- l ,_-.;:.•- ·_.'-/~.-- 1 I lies have been ac,.~icved. (See 1' and 2). Epor tent. -ser¥ice is more - important. '· •·nt- F urther designation of ateas near the Rail Road Station w Call us, without cost. We will check for bus stops. There are now three busses arriving at l)OtJ:1.t and . __ your present polie:ies and advise you application for a franchise for a fo urth al~~ Newbridge 1s n~w properly. We may H1,ve you mOney i AND FRUIT I before your Board. There is also the poss1b1 llt~ of a fifth bus conung in the process . , open 7 days e week. t Bro•dw•y I in along Broadway from lsl~nd Trees. There is only one orflcial bus 106 "" .. I s top at the depot. The d esignation of an area on the north side of WILLIAM A. MANNILLA II Hicksville Henog Place m front of the new service station hns already been 38 B'way Hicks. 3~1052 Phone Hlcksville 3~0948 recommc-ndc

I O LC A ,·r ~~~:;lr•~o/M~=-~~e- HearYe I SPECIALTY SHOP . Phon• Hicksville 3-0516-W i:'- SPECIAL CHECKING I Private and Cloau Lessons in f, ACCOUNTS I L'AIGON TAP - BALLET - TOE - ACROBATIC ~ -Initial Deposit •• Little u 'I BALLROOM VOICE · PIANO ~• $I.OD and -No Minimum Balance Re. COME TO ENROLL quired MacKETTRICK - lne:xpensive to Use FALL AND WINTER TERM ,1949-1950 i\11 o ( lhe Convenience, Safety DRESSES and Service of a ReiNl&r 3 STUDIOS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Checkln.1t Account • I fARMINGDALE AMITYVIW HICKSVILLE BANK OF HICKSVILLE 134 BROADWAY · Veterans Hall. 209 Broadway 87 Old Country Rd. Richard St. Mon,, Ttles,. Wed Fridays 2 to 8 p .M. HICKSVILLE, N. Y. HICKSVILLE Saturdays Thurs. I 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. 2 to 9 P.M. Phone Hicksville 3-2000 Member ~.D.I.C. 1~-~Phone Hicksville 3-0462 ,•--_____. l,sta'BIJWi:br.ailtsD-1 · Movi~ OYSTJ:lt BAY-;-TIM pro..S banMr af tlle 0nllp 11ml lll&ck =:-1:i,. ~ ::-.•. : and the feancl ,rldlron power It once np-wc\ ,,_ mattla~ ·'111a a:35 8"4l 8:IIO US·EI) _CARS tn the dut here SatmdaJ, u OJater Ba7'1 ~ conditxmed · .Aiiventwew-. m BaltlajoN 1:80 eleven gnuad out at 2'1~ win over Bicle wont T M Ii' Ff d Tbe •Window 7:lll 10:15 .i.,eat· a Jllcbrille team baa nf- 00 UC 10Y Adventure 1n Baltimore 111.U• - PARTS SERYICE- fered th handa of a mic:tlJ Jlllil 0- 11:00 • at e . • . Fin\ downs ---- 8 8 8"a., Mon., ()Cl&, :U. 16. • Clua •B opponent in over a decade Number ruahea --- 28 21 Anna Lucuta 3:15 6:30·9:.U . coMIUTE PARTS AND RECONDmONINS administered by th• unbeaten Bay- Yards gained rushing - 70 11M Mr. Soft Touch 1:30 4:'60 8 ,00 me.n . . Passes attempted -- 16 15 ~ 00&...16 ' BODY SHOP Passe~ completed -- :; 'f AnRel on tile Amazon 3:20 6;35 R_,.,. ao Yard, Yards gained passing _ 79 68 9:50 M. KNIPFING SONS, Inc. Cs.using the Comets considerable Average Punts - --· 30 32 The Last Bandit 1 :30 4 :45 8:05 J. & pain was fleet.-footed half-back ~~~~ci>UKJ~oifs-:: = ~ ~ Rlwoll, H....,..._ Est. 1903 GeneF!o)'d.iln thesecondperiodhe !wturn kickolis ---~- ff1 85 Wed. to sun~ Oct. 19 to %8 slipped or er the left side on a fake Yard lost. penalties .- 35 65 The Window 1:00 4 :15 7:34 SHOWROOM OPEN FIIIDAY MNINGS TIL 9 P.M. re\·erse w,hi.c:.h_____mo.m.enta.rily de- Pas~s mt.ercepted -- 2 1 10:5-1 ,..._ WEstlNay 7-0159 - ployed the Hlcks,1lle defeJI.. to b~,';;~:nbles ..T1!COYered i ~ .tif's~ in Baltimore 2 :46 WESTBURY, N. Y. tJ;ae right, amd romped 80 yards SCORE 6 27 I 265 POST AVENUE for the first score. He then went . AmltyvlU. TllecllN wide on an open S\'\'eeJ) tor the ex~ on the one, and Stetz threw a \.Ved.., Tbnn. "<""e - Anna Lucasta 4:03 7:00- l'o:14" • Ray G i,bbons accompli.J.}{ed on- a on it for~Oyster Bay. · - Mr. Sott Touch 2:30 8:41 . AND YOUR UGULAlt STATION IS CLOSED- 2'-yard run around 'right end. Lou Zirk kicked off to the Oys- Sat, Oct. 22 TION Meehan- pasi:;ed t 0 Floyd for the tei- &y 15 where Genther caught Anna Lucasta 3 :48 7:02 10:16 CALL US .AND WE'LL TOW YOU TO HIS STA Uth point. ·. the ball. He started to his right Mr. Soft Touch 2:15 5 :29 8 :43 D - @_ . ,.__ H. ldlnlleGUS 3-l 7'4 The ' third Oyster BaJJ',> touch- but handed .off to Flof\l, w!>o rar, Hlclis.•• ,i.,._ •1111!11 i) do\\'11 was the personal property up the' S11leli ne k5 yards to another Wed. ·to Sat.. OeL 19,to U '.t' of Len Genther. He bulled 15 touchdov.-n. That made it the 2'1-6 I •Was A Male war Bride 2 ,15 ER'S yards to the Hicksville 25 and fol- final. 5:40 9 :10 . RIEDLING lowed a 5 yard of!aide gain with Flnt Quarter Team s.!'.''I.i'~!!.!'~t=·to ia • ESSO $EllYICI STATION a 16-yard dash to the four. He Hicksville was a Jirst qua?ter Scene of the Crime 4:00 7:'45 . Emergency C.n , lammed over on the first play. team, and after Floyd escaped Edwanl My Son 2:00 5 :44 9 :28 ,_ - . Meeh;an passed to Hamosky for I w ith bis 80-yard run in the second Colcler-, Hempstead iJ~--1.J~~~!'•lllii~lil~a'!"== ~H~le~k~s~v~,~ll~e:_:3~-~1~4~9~8'.._~~_.'.'.'.the 21st point. p~ riod, the Comet• were thro111rh. wed. to Tue9., Oct. 18 to za - Taking the kickoff on its own With ·chesiock · doing the run- AiriC& Screiuna "1:53 5:22 8 :51 WASHING. LUllllCATION, _./,11.S; AND TUNI-UI' 36, Hicksville drove 64. yards for ning and a U-;ard paaa from Good Old-Summertime 3:17 6:46 its only score. An Elias Stets paaa Steb to Zeiber thrown in, Hicks- ,lk=7• Oat. 11 Broadway end Old Country Roed Hicbvllle, LI. to C>-ril Rumens gained 28 Jania ville moved fl'Om ita own 36 to the Africa Screama 3:07 6 :13 9:24 and 'I,. (,eorge Cheslock pull to Oyster Bay 20· ib the opening Good Old SUmmertlme 1 :15 4:26 SJetz chalked off 11 more to the minutes, before lo11ing on .down.a.. 7 :32 10~_:_43______wip.ners; 28. Cheslock ran for ~our After tl].at the best ad.vance was ~IIMha.D.. De Lucia, ·Hawburt .. and Pete Zeihe-1' for 6~ ~ to the Oyster Bay 45, until th~ ~:=t: no:,d. Koott. Nixon. S•~J. A lP.-,-.nL . ro~ penaltJ icoring drh-e came • ·ith the score• ~E.. st~::et- ~:t;;_bora-ott -against Oyster Bay put the ball .board showing 21 points against T-.k.lin-Trios:oU , zrrk and six minutes left, ~~e:s~i>k~:':iu , , Oya.- S., (DJ . Ba,ck.,_Z..lbu-. Che.1lotlr:. Steta. 0 '8.u.rn.- ~ --· a--,,. Prioc'" S.:ou.. Wise motor ists know that ex­ lfiebw1fJe ...,.. Taicla.l.-lhludin!kl, Yan11" 1!. i0 lie- , f' $ $ • ~ A Herald \\'&n~Ad ces;;lve .speeds waste ~ and 0 $ . Uper erYICe c.,..,._t,~;., SHPlaooftr America In 149t--On oct. n . 0 . K., you K'UYs of 3211, it'6 time t-0 FALL IN for five minute.,; UII! Columoot1 ,U,.t,ted an h- I and hear the latest from the old sarge. The last meeting was re.atty Laad which be called Saa Sal· SEE OUR vador, and which luaa al.Dee beea an enjoyable one after we finaJly g ot underway. One . comrade 'ldOlltUled with Wattlnc blalld. (initi&la J. H.), a mail c11.rrier, must have gotten lost between the O ■ !Lio Snl voyap. la UN, .. TIRE BAR.GAIN church and t e mple, be<".ause at 10 p. m. he strolled in very ci.lm, -.ror-8.ratUme,t. mainland of S-tll Amel1eL 1 COUNTER cool and collective. Everyone at the meeting seemed wide awake and 1 WATCH THIS SPACI in spire 0£' the Ja\e hour, acted \•ery much like Enger Beavers. Si,e&k­ -11111:Eneyelopedla edl- 11--'&Ba"-nll -- - ing o( Eager Beavers, did yo\J bear about ou.r good friend and com­ lw:Jdcp :Ila"'. I - ...... NEXT WEB FOil PROOF $3.50 UI' rade Al Wancenheim~ It. seems that he wu SJven a potter advertisinc the auto n.eH and not having any other plat'e to display it, he lt\lCk $1 Down-l'ay Al You 111• --ABB- lt on bi■ ear. A midity fine place, indeed, but, while riding along the Northern State Parkway, the StateTrooper didn't agree with him- Eisemann Motors. Inc. Tire Craft, Inc. 4nd he was flagged over to the side 1and told to take iL off. Needless 15-17 HERZOG PLACE 'to say our comrade complied-immediatel)·- Buick Sales and Service HICKSVILLE When the discussion came up as t o jus t who thC' old sarge 15 West Marie Street Hicksville, N. Y. Phone Hlcbville 3-0349 . is, I must say that our Commandu took it li ke a good soldier- . ..._ Hldmt.. 3-0900 .. nice work, A l = I j r •• r : C IC YCC a,Q:!J , ..... Looking about the m'teting room ·and glancing o\·er the face:s pceser.<:, J not iced t hat our e"·er fanhful and loya l comrade Frank~ Sutter was the onl)-· one o( the W o rld Warl vet1 present. If some o! Frank's buddies wo 11ld co me out and work a s hard as he docs, Wt! would really ha,:e a Cine organizatio n. Fnrnk and h is committee on ~ake y OUR date with the 8 8 the auto races d id a•elous jjob and deserve the h ighest or p rai11es . It (:OUldn't have be-en pli:ic ~ in better· hands. Learn for yourself the feel of the car that outperforms any Say, did y ou fellows see the P ost H istorian's-Comrade l-'rar.•k on the road . Unbelievable smootl,neu end simplicity of HaUet's-book on the activities and d uties of o ur Post 3211 ? It if operation is yours with the performance of "Roc~et'' really done up un grand style, and if you ha,·en' t seen it as yet, you power plus hydra.matic drive are in for a r thrill.Co mrade Hallett is bringing to li fe at last this much neglected office. Good w o,l<. . Speakjng o f work, do n't forget, JUST GIVE US A CALL TODAY fellows, that our Ladies' Auxiliary are have in a card part y Nov. :,, AND ARI.ANGE TO DRIVE THIS CHAMl'ION in the Masonic T e mple, and I' m sure that anything we might d o, OLDSMOBILE WIU DO THE I.EST individually or collectively, for them wil l be greatly apprecia t ed. Let's see, I believe Les~on :t is due on h ow to bust UJ> a VF\\. Easy GMAC terms available po&t. H ere 'tit: " Ho nothing more thu.n is absolutely uccessary to mak e the Post a success. But when others roll u p their sleeves and deYolt­ CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE t ime and money to the organi1.&tion, h owl like lh f' dev il about tht• po.s t being run by a clique." SALES - SERVICE - PARTS ThAt's it-so FALL OUT. ' ,------·- THE OLD SARGE. MacPHEIUON MOTOR SALES Ulmer & Coue ASK FOK ROGJmS SILVERWARE CARDS 16 JERICHO RD. !Jerusalem Ave.I HICKSVltLE. N. Y. HANLEY SERVICE STATION Old'"7 Bd. I One b~ !IOrlh of Railroad Station - GENERAL AUTO REPAIBS and PABTS ... W. Qarl llt., lln.kes BeUaed - Jl,attery Se"lce I Phon.,: Hicksville 3-0242 - 3-1886" llldon1De Herzos;.? Place -and Jerusalem. Ave. Hldlnm. l-1255 TeL Hlcuvllk> ll-UM .J-ph 0. Hanley, Pl'Op. VALLEY STREAM-In.' the 6,000-aeat atadum tbia village once had to build to anlf.wer the demand for hlch a Garbarluo llffllll .,. ia '*~rt/@ school and !eDli-pro football, 300 fall8 .huddled, Sunday, to yard, to tbi, H_I•~ '5· bl watch the Hicksville Field Club ~ore, 20-6, over the Vall83": "Tom Hennerty ~~ an& By HOWARD FINNEGAN Stream A. C. ·. · ob< :,arc1 i ._ • South Side High School of Rockville Centre brings a Wearing. the patchea from ud I / . · • play f9r • . ou, • · truly remarkabl$ scholastic gridiron record to Hicksville, showing the sign8 of lts brulaing A Paulag Story :,ard nm and a J.Z-,u,l - pb,- . Saturday afternoon.. • • struggle with Glen Cove, Hieb- , Jlll'O VSAO ed first down.,.,.,on tho 14. _. J'oar Not in 39 consecutive games have the Siders been de- ville did not i-egi•ter a pollahed First dowm ·---- 12 8 plays lawr.Ailiss' •Wameke lldrted feated. ,'Dhat string of defeatless games has extended over victory'. ~ut i_ts renowned ~•fe1111e ~::kbe~~ -:-- : . ~ ' the right. ~nd for the tally. . a period of five years. - st~mped it with some ~onv1ct-1on. P&88es atteltlpted - 23 38 Aft er that . Hic6ville reached . . The last time t he Orange and. Black was in contact with The- Blaek and White., attack Passes completed -- 9 9 the Valley Stream 33 •and tbe South Side was back in ·1943, wnen Lou Millevolte applied li:_enerated two touchdo~ In the ~ -~t~i.;;.----::-__ ~~__!QS •-losers- in· turnr<>lleut only succeeded in !mt half, but had not_ • nd _Lou Average punts ___ 31 31 Club ten before Stetz intercepted, holding Coleman & Co. down to a 50-0 victory. Koj, retu~ed one of nine H1eks- Average kickoffs - '48 58 but t he l4-Hlcksvllle gap couldn't In 1942, the Comets held the favored Rockville team ville pass mtereeptions 20 yards Fwnbles ------. ·· 3 2 r ally stimuiate any interesting to"""a 0-6t1e. - for a second periQd TD the Field- °ms,i1®1es ~vered J- --J ~."~c~,o~n~.------~- A f ter the 1943 beating Hicksville was dropped from the Club would have had • fu.iou, Y•scoR't1 pena es - 20 6 The lir.eups: South Side schedule. Ever since, Comet players and support- fight for life on its hal\ds in th" L..------:-c- Hlcknilla 1201 ers have been aching fQ r a chance to sever the string. last two quarrers. ville star, paced the •Hicksville E~~ug.e~l!Ji Bimnut,, _ L. K.oJL N Stetz Shaws Way backfield to victory.~ Tadalm--Ba111:i1u, Ratui&1:&0. Rapa, - ow that the ret'urns are in from N9rth Bellmore With Ben Ardito and Richie He carried for 21 rushes ~d 0 ~~~~11~[:~l~lWJ.~ B. and Oyster Bay, there is a good chance, Hicksville Will Robertson held to the bench with gained 70 yards. He also complet- w.uoo. . , be aching.before SatJll'day aftem · · "-' , _Injuries, . Ed :Stet:, coming- ~ka- ed 7 of 1~ passes for 82 ~~._ Bia g:~'!:c:!.~.~'!... c.,1a-., 'For.:..Thyeaersp~Ht'.;~ov0,·f1·1etQ0v0a.(min· t·e·d ~ relat1'ons" · w,·= th' - ; .. ,.~ ._. ~ ',':;.,;·,~· .. -cc-- 9-yV-d,-Jumi> i,asa to Ko)( """ri!d' · ..}J.'~a•il' .. ,.'l~•~ :. ~-"""~...... ,., - ··= '' " '" " · . · the t6ir.r Hieksvilfe •·. ,

t wo games is a fortunate tie and a dandy 27-7 t humping. n,s Sat. urday In the first pe riod, Hic~Ue Gum!_ •••- ..... ,. Jla,eh.. l, .....,....,, Hardly anything to d~corate the trophy case with. · - . took a. 2-0 lead when Jack Lucas C-■ ta-r-wetnb~. Jim o-eum•- This battle with South Side has long .been awaited as the F.AliRGROUNDS _ nie, best fumbled and re~~yer~· in his own· 811t,~1i0~~;_.i;-811:,~~1~~-~~:t!·•• t1t Game_o_f the. Year. It still could be. . . . . ~- - -- · Stock car drivers in- t:he~East will en zone for an automatic safety. _Kr ■ bon, Klnne7. Bailey Gomes, LHU Hicksville hasn't shown Any of its a:bility yet~ It could Soon after a s_treamer quick ~~~~e•;~'b,,;.,~ · ·.: ·. ·. ! 1: : :=1: be the old story ilf just not "jelling"." George Cheslock, race thl• S-turday. O.,fober 22• on kick was blocked in .tbe Hicksville Hi!,~.~•1'1,";.,~I.,!_ ~ E\ias Stetz, Dick Scott and Pete Zei\jer·are all proven football lhe,hal!-mile dirt track or Mineola line and. th• B&W took over on · players . They need not prove it again. . . !Fairgrounds, Starting • t 2 o'clock. the· losers• .2'7. \ They could ver y quickly snap out of their present slump. The show was ,prevmusly scbedul- Bill Gaxbarino fli pped a 20- Y.F.W. LEAGUE GAME And if they are going to, it should be Saturtlay. Nothing ed tor last Satw-clay but repeated yard lefthanded to Charlie much will count after that. , warnings from the· .weatherman of Kuechler on the nin•- •n then Our own idea fa that they w.ill, and we ·expect the South ·continued~ showen ""~ drizzle to<>k a 9.yard toss from Tom -- -Football · Side streak to be checked one short of forty. caused Promoter, Jake Ke to th0 veterans' building .fund. 38 pA.SBea. Hicksville picked off FIELD CLUB Legol Advertisement nine ofthem and Kojl ,made b1a vs. second period grab pay off_ HEMPSTEAD Tie ·for Firs.t P-lace PUBLIC NO'I'ICE OF CBAN'OE In all, 61 passes were thrown in _ At . IN ZONING the game and 32 fell incomplete, Hempstead High School tio~~-jf;.t ~?°fi: causing an endless afternoon of Adults 85c · Students 45c In Post Office Loop Building Zone Ordinance of the futile play for the fans, only part ChRdnn Under 12 Yrs. 25c ISLAND TREES-By knocking over 1,659 and 1,667 pins respec• Town of Oyster :Bay and the boun• of whom stayed to see the fin,ish lively, the Sportsmen and the Hotrods moved into a first place tie for :::.:~:JeJ~ bese =c:d the:!~ long after sundown. leadership in the Hicksville Post Olliee Bowling League, Friday changed_by_ incJ.uding~in._Bu.sineu. Late in the second period, Stetz night. on the Levittawn alleyo. --G" District, the premises situate · ran-·from the A---;-C:-4"67.0tb""e"3~­ C(Colo_Gv,: SEZ C. Tierno rolled the high senes with 516 while high game went at Hicksville, N Y., (now In Resi- and then passed 19 yards to KojL to s. Klevanosky with 195. · dential '"D'' District}: Sid Rigby took another Stetz for- J. Knapp holds the season high pme-of 211. f~·:l /:if.:'!¼"o~ ward for 4 ,ya.rdo and on the fourt~ The ,individual bowling for the fourUl night of the sea.on is as the nortl)erly line of WOOltN . Rettbei'i:: ·East a distance c4 129.90 feet L06ES l,ll5 APPUITf• . Gibbon• f r 011 t .. to the westerly line of the WINE and LIQUOR. Tierno Say Yongster! South Oyster Bay Road ,md running thence southerly along STORE MEAT8A.U-5 the westerly line of said Road Saurer .. , . You May Win 69 BROAD.....,AY Williama South 7" 24' 45" West 207.15 Oliveri reet to the point or place of be­ Ne~t door to A&P MarkM Hanifan ginning; known as lots #5 to 16 HICKSVILLE AC£5 hlclusive in Block 'T' on Map Ki!!rthow No. 2 of property belonging to Phone HlchvHle 3-0414 K lul', John J . Pollock and .shown On Owe."\ Licerue L-914 T r i.ppi .... the Nassau Co. Tax Map in S ec. 12. Block 92. lots $-16) inclu­ SNEAKY PET £S sive. ., :~ i,. no Said premises shall be burden­ W ■ tkln• l': i1eman ed with a set-back that any and L c..oney an buildings to he con.strt1cted on the premises shall be- set back 30 feet from Woodbury High Tide Table Show 'Stage Coach' Road •nd South Oyster &y Road. (Specific:al! y for t he ,vater of For Children Saturday 'BY OR.DER OF TilE TOWN I run t lni;:t on Harbor. Also incli­ HICJ{SVI L LE- "Stage Co.ach" ·BOA!RD OF THiE TOWN OF (;a tes o t.her high points a long the OYSTER BAY. . will b4! shown• at the TrirJity LUth­ Leslie C. Dlobrow, Tc,wn Clerk AND EV!h' HIGKl' uccm Sut-lDAY .Sound.) Dated, Oyster Bay, N. Y. THI WIN CO/IQIHATIOH'I A n!iah1 a.m. p.m. eran Church, W. N icho,1.a.i St., this ,.,wl,h .good frierw:ft , ,,1,1 1 lh ■ trait.,. October 4. 1949 PAlJ.MU1UB.S. Dalt'f R~l• ,;IClu$ Today, Oc t. 19th .. 8 :43 9 ;()17 Saturday, Oct. 22, as one of the 111 e,;1s. Thrilling 8-rocapt"Q11rono. Thur~day, Oct. 20th ... 9:32 9:58 movies su itable for you ng people ~~IEl: mrm~11rnrn·m1'1ml!llllil1:lllll111i llll\ll1Jtllll1Ur111111 i.~,11 TAKI SHCIA.L 11:.ACf TIIAWrl or drt,,• out1ti:ikec;")'l-dlngorl.,-ytoi1A.i,,eolo 2 selected by the Men's Clllb of the ... th= """"a Old c ..... t,y Roo d 1(1, t~~~~?'i:\~, Wni : f~ '~ i~:~ BIKES Ro•...,eJtlaowaylnW•IW)'.P~ S un d11. y, Oct. 23rd ...... 11:54 · rhurch. All boys and girl& of the Rep a ired' - Ac:cenorles - ol paRha 1pa.:• ol rQCSW'Cly. Monday, Oct. 24th ¥ .... 0:25 12:42 1r ommunity are inYited. There wfll Wl.llTKn NIWS I T\1!11 !n WMGM CLIFl"S ESSO SDVICI !1 0 50 otiyou'dla lJatft,JO p.m..o, Tuc~d.iy, Oct. 25th ---- 1:16 1:321 also be another chapter in the W. J<>hft St., car. l'lfte St. 7,00p. ,.,, 1, 1r'ldoubl•w• clll'..,01ft01" ~hi Moon-New Moon, serial, 11 \Vinn&rs of the West." fll C. M WUl- ■ flll. RACEWAY b~~6eif21 HlcbYllle 3.1618 1 '------~ The sOow starts at 1:30 p. m . ------··· ~-~ ...... -'~)jmii::~~'E ,___ ,.... ___ ::t"--::.-==..,""=..H m eoun.a of atudy at tho hish -• J•rlcl>o aad vlc:lnlt)- are alao womoa. W'i ., W Ill ,._ _. ,~ l,o \\ "" ~t;1 ~r;o:nd ~T!ar.:'~ being 91!counpl to rqiator and wo~i=. ..::i .:.."=:... ~ Ben, we are, puttitl&' oar heada tosetbtt acaln! . _, · • ~ wa, annomicecl .Monday bJ ElerJ ~~- of the •- wblc!I leather working in tho hip achool 81JION8»N vlslt

0 GREN took a triJ) -on he:r ·awit's ca.bin- cruiser when it &lliled on the Jnstallatj:Q_n 11 §nd _bW14ings &ti •~ set, arc the parent. of a dauahter, 1upon your -~~lY·. -and .. IO!'·. illlilscm Ri~ .. ~?nn~icut was visited by JUDITH LA THAM.!,nd · lEg:d."' and a second, June, bo"m on Oct. 6 at the.Nortlr-Coun: emment. All of the 'home' counes BAR.BARA JIOW,NE . . . . MICHAEL ROCHMAN ·went to the re,wests ouster of Jeffeno1> Stan- try ·community Hospital, Glen sueh as drapery .ma,~, canning Empire State Building on Columbus Day .... JOSEPH DA COSTA dard, an insurance fion whlcb ac- Co"•· · .. bf chain, up.bol•tiry, etc., will be ~ back from his camping tnp .. . Today (Wednesday) is the day quired the manufactuTing plant (Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Simons of forth_ while.'' for the pa.rents to visit Junior- High at S o'clock. It will be an oppor- and some acreage in June, 1948, Floral Park are :the parents of a The present .schedule wit h in- tanity for parents and· teachers to discuss problems affecting '1.he because its .structure, '"violate the daughter bom on October 16 at structors ~d evenings follows : c~ . . .. 'EDW ADD MARTIN has. been a "'baby sitter" for his building zone ordinance of the Horice -iia.nlirig ltospitil:-Mn. A? little cousin ... A few farm helpers!-ltONALD TOPPS, DANIEL townshlp." Simons is the- fonner Miss Ottilie Ele:r:,roJ:t d".u• clN-.tu-11.n, DOYLE ..... ""NALD HA"~· ~·s ..R" NCI$ WILLIAMS ...... :1ter or iKicksville. !Mr. Simona w ...., Colo~llba -... WIDlamL .,..u ,...... ,, nA....1..1.,' • • .. U"L.J. · · The Civic Association enter=~ I_ a1 f 1 f Hi ksvill Tb Agto Dr1vhur hul.nlriloa- • 18 SW&llowcd a bug on his way home from school one day. Tl'}'lllg to the picture in Apnl, when if asked sole h:::;.0 °_,'-_: _. e. e ~!!kk~~~~ .... I Mondu or •ve JOUl' family the cost Of a meal, FRANCIS~ ,ve"d suggest a better -~wn--bo&;rd- to --make-"an- !.AP:~- ~--··~-~-=-~·~'l>l>""..,_-+""'?11uuj. i+--- -:,Ce'iee-•~'f.£R went lo he - 1ty of Glass . hausti,.•e study of the claima o( j Mr. and Mrs. Dctnal!i Motto! 13 ~~~ido~i:cal ~o--lli.. llAPl;.r BLR.THiOAY to ALBERT RIFE! ... VICTOR TRIOLO's the petitioners" and to •~ke such ' Clarissa Drive, Hiclaville, an ec.!=~;-wi:;:;;-~. c. Wbkt.aaoa- H,-,---"® -tbaD teamJ:>eat__D_ONALIL_OHRTM.AN's team ~th a score of 10 action as may be warranted.,. parent& of twin&, a-boY- and- gitl. ~-ed.i!.e1•,~----- to -6 and gamed a tie w ith ROBERT PATON'S team fo r fitst place The first petitions were circa- born yesterday morning (Oct. 18) ~~cc.1.:11,;. Nnmaa &ad Jin. . MISS KESTER has beeD a ttending a series of tours sponso~ ~ted community-wise. at ,Mea~ Ho.spital. Tbe- D~~~°.kluF11.n, l:i~t;war&llls-. ------: by th6 Lona: Island .Social Studies Association • . Red Cross bo:r:es Quote FCC Official Motts fflO\~ here from Brooklyn Elll'llSb.. JDC11,,_lia• ud WrtU.. t• or- u. in the proc:esa of being Cilled . . . T OMMY KLEMENKO, The Press Wire1eu statement is reoently. .a:i:=~~:,-1t--v■::-.-::m-~ RIOBARD ADA.11S and TOMMY M>AMS \·isited the lndian museum the Iii-st issued by the firm since JMr_ am1 Mrs. stephen Fox ol c~.. : .. ~~!:!:xw. •~ at Kauapequa as part of their bicycle hike . , . HAPPY BIRT..HDAY the Cantiague Rd. agitation be- 117 Newbridge Road HJcksville, Pr!,•;:~" E Hal't-Brau-n■ l"MQ'. ·to CLARE CUCCIL. - -• _o.n...Erida.;, Oetobor 21, sch 0ol& will .. be gan. It qllotes a letter from the are the parents of a daughter, Pv.bll• s.,.~nc-.11u... Wood-II..,..,.. closed because 9! the Teachen' C.onference a t Hempstead . . . . . No F e-detal Communications Commis- 1Karcn Arm ..born on October 12 at t~~~Sbo~.;i:ti;-wii!!~:U;~':!t Jl6'Ws column will appear next w-~k1 . . You'\] be heating from us sion, .,·hich states bluntly: 11 Pres:s M-t;-rcy Hospital, Rockville 01 J::"!h-::-:.a_":.~~~S::"~. in two week&! THE JOTT ERS. \V ireless cannot be held reispon• -~~--- t'~~!tr!!~~i:':!~b-T-a..d.:7 sible for interfe1·enee to television ' ~ · W-ed.DNd.a:,", RONALD HAWKINS IRENE ROGERS Belhpa: ge.10· Fom Pr.1itleal Matbem.atlc1-Jlllu ~enklD. lte.ce ption a.s a result of radio fre- '!,, 1•• a.,.. KA.REN KEENA CLAIRE HARTMAIER quency energy being transmitted Mual .,.,,k-Xll••urtb -- Tu~~du "1f!NNEY DO,RWARD NINA.SIMONSEN on t heir assigned frequencies.'' c1·,·1cs Wednesday ...~:~~~ ;., F=hU,S. SANDRA OLSEN There is a ~rang inference in Plwn growth BEJ,THPAGE - Dr. Sidney i~.::t~Lk:f.i--ra .. with miles and miles qf new Freed, forme.r:ly o·f Brooklyn, ha.s against off-channel aignAla." I United Organizations. The public W,!:t1:_.':.7j;;~'lu~~~.. _r-:-r:::~d..!; The hearittg tomonow (Thur!)- is invited to attend a t 8:30 p. m. WednHda,-. 'lbe budgetealhfor$(()6,- opened a practice at his new home -u. day) night is made, according t o 0llll.36 u com_.ed Ith $258,630.06 on Adams Gate and Stewart Ave. PW, at the reques1 of the U. S. for l9C9. 'lbe ~ rate will be H e anJ his wife moved her~ three weeks ago. Air Force "'in furtherance of its WANT ADS • cmta -- with zr cenu progt'llm of national defenae." Ad~ -'100tbla-- Dr. Freed ia a graduate of To­ ronto University and spent hia iD­ ditionaJ antennae an nquind to BATl!:8: 'lllree _._ a wonL - -..e le oat. temeship at Hotel Dleu in W"m­ oparate radio clrcuita for the Alr OOMMUNl'IT NOTICl:II: 111- -led. - .._ .... ---- - tbetbe - - - notlclea ....,-pallllobet "7 tlle 1U11LU.D ae a ...... - ermnentdlputmmt IDok - a whmtaryof pay cut. sor, Canada,' ond Greenpofut, "Force, it is claimed. !, aad no clml'Se 19 made for t:belr IIIAertloa. , S11eh aoU...... ,. At the l°"'"'t point the pay for Brooklyn . not exceed 15 wonllli. the'·department heads wa.s $4,500 FRANK BERGOLD ADS fot' eun-ent week must be In the He-raid office, 1ft B"wa7, ------RJekfJVlll e-. not later than 5 PM Monday. Ads W1H be ~ a year. During the yeacs since each of S-250 above the current · HUNTINGTON - Frank Ber­ untll Tu~,day noon but lnurti<>n cannot be a.H ared. there have been .small increases, pay. [ gold of Huntington and formerly Phone Ricksvflle a.u.oo. S11pervlsor Tappen explained, but The salar.ies of the .four town I of Hi cksvill~. djed · on Oct. 5 in Sr:BVICES OFFERED. S ITUATION WANTED the piy remained below the $6.000 counciknen is S2.500 a year, each. I :rn auto accident. He is sun'ived pay ac:ale of 1931. T!:le propooed The saJary for the proposed tovm. b)- hi s wife, the former Anne PHONE NUMBER In Hicksville FOltMF.R TYPIST, now a mother. exchange avalJable for business . l,Qdget restores the salaries for de­ engi.n~r is set at the same scale Feitr1er o! H icksvill e; five sons, would like typin~ to do at home. Messrte-es for you taken on this No dictation or stencils. Monthly partment beads where it was 18 as !or other department heads. 1 ::.n d one hr.,ther, J osc> ph Rergold, to nhonP. fn:wn 9 am . to 5 p.m. Month- statements. manuscripts. letters, yean ~. allowing an increase for $6.000. ,,f Hick..: d ll c> . 1y arran~ement. For lnfonnatlon. envelope.~ addr~ etc. Work can ------caU HJcksville 3-HOO. be nicked up after fi ve o"clock. Mid-Island Herald In Our Opinion: CENTRE TSLAND floor Waxl;rr PhonP mcksville 3·232"7•J. Published each week on Wednesday at Hicks· tlfl~ic;ffi~~s.Hi<;,.~•y~~!ie~neP~ ~~~ SE~ETARY, s tenographer. . ~ · ville, Long l.sland, N . Y .. for the MJd-lsland com­ Grumma.n Building Rockets? yme 3-1138. cn:~~~~f~. bc:~ln~lJ~v~~•nfc; munity. ·,' THE CURRENT ISSUE• o f Ncwswc<'k carrie:; a - - - · - tr·ave1, Hicksville 3-2450. FRED J . NOE'I'H. Ed.tor and Publisher MIMEOGltAPHING, on:rnpl •er· MARY HAUGHEY, Associate Editor full -color front paJ:c conr- picture of Admiral vice on mee!fng notices, ronn 1------l'er.,f'icld . l" hiPr c, f :,.,· :waJ Op...rat ion :- . let tet-s. [ nQuin• at H e r11ld oftke. A.RTICI.J:.8 FOR SALE HOWARD FINNEGAN. Sports Editor 162 Broadway, Hlcksvnte. Addraaa corN!t,pon.aenee to P .O. Bos SM " ' hat make~ thr: pict urE> o f special in tere~t for HA'.\"D SAWS fl.led and MJt. 91 HISTORY OF H ICKSVILLE. 52 Oftlce: 16: -y. Blc,b.W• is th" pla~t ic-base m1 d-h;la.11der:c mounted model the E ·•:-- 1 S treet . H lc k■ vllle . pages in regular edition $1. and ' Telephone: Hlcksvilla 3-1400 A•lmir-a l is pictured h olding in h i~ hand.& . It apr,ea r:-. deluxe $Li.:;, at Mid-hland H erald Hlcksville 3-0346 to b~ a slender tub space OCC"UPled by lh~ ffnR'. • Oci. I 7th. ':nr:\_~rn<1hle. ti521