Bus Vote No Impact on Tax Levy

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Bus Vote No Impact on Tax Levy VOLUME 26, NUMBER 5 January 2016 MISSION STATEMENT: The Gilbertsville-Mt. Upton School District is committed to an educational environment that assures equitable opportunity for individuals to become College and Career Ready and ultimately, responsible, productive members of society. We will encourage individual excellence in students of all ages that they may gain a lifetime enthusiasm for work and learning. Superintendent’s Message Hoping that 2016 is a reward- No Impact on Tax Levy ing year for all! Our new Principal Ms. Wickham has almost been here a month. She has met several students and parents and is working hard to get to know our GMU school community and all that is important to us. If you have not met Ms. Wickham, please take the opportunity to introduce yourself to her when you are in the school. Thank you to all who came out to meet Ms. Wickham at our meet and greet on December 1. You certainly made her feel welcome to our school and community. One great way to start off this year is to join us for the Junior Musical production of Captain Bree and Her Lady Bus Vote Pirates. It will be held here in our Auditorium on January 29 at 7:00 p.m., and January 30 at 2:00 p.m. You can also join us this basketball season which is in full-swing. Please check Tuesday, February 2, 2016 our website for a link to the sports schedule. Noon- 8:00 PM We had 148 community members who came out to vote for our Capital Project on Tuesday, December 1. The changes Gilbertsville-Mt. Upton Front Lobby designated in this project will allow us to create a more secure Proposition One: School Bus Purchases environment for all students and staff. Support of this project Shall the following resolution be adopted, to-wit: demonstrates that we are a community that values students and RESOLVED, shall the Gilbertsville-Mount Upton their safety and I am very proud to be your superintendent. Central School District, Otsego County, New York, Thank you! be authorized to purchase two 66-passenger school We are in the process of developing a budget for next school year. busses at $117,000.00 each, and to expend therefore We hope to receive the governor’s executive proposal this month, a maximum estimated cost not to exceed two hun- which will give us some direction on funds allocated to schools. dred and thirty four thousand dollars ($234,000.00), The district continues to be committed to providing an out- including incidental expenses in connection there- standing educational program for our students balanced with with, and that $234,000 Capital Reserve Fund monies a reasonable tax levy for our district taxpayers. I will offer shall be used to pay the cost thereof. budget updates for you in our upcoming newsletters. Please note: Residents must present —Annette D. Hammond, identification in order to vote. Superintendent and CSE Director Elementary News MS/HS News Happy New Year! With January comes very Happy New Year! All students need to attend school during cold weather! Students do go out for recess if the Regents Week because we will be having regularly scheduled classes. temperature and wind chill is above 20°F. Please There are only a few students who will be pulled from classes to be sure your child is appropriately dressed for the take exams. Regents week is January 26-29. outdoor weather with boots, hat, mittens, snow pants no school on Monday, January 18 and a winter coat. Unless your child has a doctor’s There will be in observance note, they will be required to go outdoors for fresh of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The second marking period ends air. Also, please recognize that the temperatures on January 29. The end of this marking period marks the half-way of the classrooms vary so your child should dress point for the school year! in layers or keep a sweater/sweatshirt in school As you know, the weather this time of year is unpredictable (labeled with their name). Please do not send your and can be dangerous to travel in. Students who typically drive to child to school wearing tank tops, capris, shorts or school are always welcome to take the bus on a day that they or clothing not appropriate for winter weather. The lost their parents are concerned about the weather. Students just need and found is also accumulating winter garments, to be out at the bus stop prior to the bus arriving so that the driver so remind your child to check the nurse’s office sees the student. It is important that students listen to the radio for any lost items. on questionable days so they can be alerted to a delay or possible As you are aware, we have been using the auto- school closing. Radio stations that broadcast our school information mated call system for information, including early are: WCDO, WDOS, WKXZ, WZOZ, WSKG or watch WBNG-TV dismissals due to the weather. For this to be suc- Channel 12. See below for a full list of stations. You can also access www.gmucsd.org. cessful we need to be sure your phone numbers are this information on the district website You will updated with us at all times. Early dismissals and also receive a School Messenger call at the phone number, which delays are also still available on the website and on you provided to the District this year. Please make sure your phone any of the following radio stations: WCDO, WDOS, number is up to date with the school. You can call Mrs. Ostrander WKXZ, WZOZ, WSKG or watch WBNG-TV Chan- in the Main Office. As always, please do not hesitate to contact us nel 12. When having to dismiss early, children will with any questions or concerns. —Ms. Denise Wickham, Principal be sent to the address you gave us on your Student Information Sheet. If this person/location changes, please let us know immediately or if you know in the Emergency Closings morning that there will be a change in your child’s drop off point that day, please send in a note to A call will be made to all parent/guardians of students who attend Mrs. Cabrinety at the front desk. As a reminder, we GMU by our Automated Phone Messaging System notifying them cannot take last minute phone calls of changes—for of any delays or cancellations. your child’s safety. Notifications of delays or a school closing will also be made on January Reminders the following broadcast stations: Radio Stations: Television: 18 NO SCHOOL—Martin Luther King, Jr. WCHN (AM 97) WBNG-TV (Binghamton) Day. WKXZ (FM 94) Time Warner Cable News 29 Junior Musical, Auditorium, 7:00 p.m. WDOS (AM 730) WUTR/WFXV 30 Junior Musical, Auditorium, 2:00 p.m. WSRK (FM 103.9) News Channel 34 Pre-K Registration Info WZOZ (FM 103.1) YNN TV If you have a child that will be 4-years-old by WDLA (AM 1270, FM 92.1) December 1, 2015 and are considering applying WDHI (FM 100.3) GMU Website: for the Pre-K program for next school year, please WIYN (FM 94.7) www.gmucsd.org contact Mrs. Clapp in the Guidance Office to be WTBD (FM 97.5) sure we have your name and address for mailing out WBKT (FM 95.3) GMU Facebook Page information and applications. She can be reached WCDO (FM 101, AM 1490) at 783-2207, ext. 141. I encourage you to please WHWK (FM 98.1) continue working with your child(ren) on learning WAAL (FM 99.1) their phone number and address, too many of the WWYL (FM 104.1) students do not know this information. WLTB (FM 101.7) —Ms. Denise Wickham, Principal 2 HS Guidance Office Senior Interviews Completed • Entering the wrong address—your permanent address The fall semester is in full swing, and believe it or not, is not your campus or summer address. graduation is only six months away! Mrs. Wilcox has met • Sending in a copy of your income tax returns—you with each senior to discuss future plans after graduation. will be contacted if your information needs verifica- A packet of information was also provided containing tion; you don’t need to send a copy of your tax returns resources for college searches, financial aid, and scholar- in with your application. If selected for verification we ship information. Please refer to the Senior Checklist for a would need verification documents along with tax return general list that seniors should be working on. transcripts (copies of tax returns are not sufficient). It is FAFSA Time! • Create a Federal Student Aid ID - An FSA ID gives January is the time to file the Free Application for Fed- you access to Federal Student Aid’s online systems and eral Student Aid! Do not wait, do not procrastinate! Seniors can serve as your legal signature. Only create an FSA ID need to complete the FAFSA to be eligible for federal, state using your own personal information and for your own and college sponsored financial aid. The FAFSA can be exclusive use. completed online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. The FAFSA needs If you have any questions while completing your FAFSA, to be submitted as early as possible to be sure you meet please call to make an appointment to meet with Mrs. Wilcox your college’s aid deadline and allow time for corrections if in the Guidance Office, (607) 783-2207, ext.
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