Birthday Balls Net Miluon and a Half

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Birthday Balls Net Miluon and a Half AVBBAQB DAILY C0BCULAT1O91 for the Month of Deeonber, 1988 5,348 Member of the Audit Borean of CXrcnfaitlone. VOL. Lni., NO. 103. (OaaeUtod AdvwtiBiBg on Pnge lA.) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1934. BIRTHDAY B A U JAP WARSHIPS Balloon, Members of Crew In Rnsstan Trasredy CROWD BREAKS TO OUTNUMBER BIRTHDAY BALLS NET RECO^S HERE U . S . M O F ’36 MILUON AND A HALF Check at Door Shows 833 Admiral Osnmi Gives Infor­ Befiere Figures WiD Be fa- Were at Armory — Town mation at Session of $11,000 Is Collected creased When AD Retoms House of Representatives; WiD Raise Over $500 for In State For Cripples A re In— Earfa Estiniates Compares the Navies. President’s Fund. from 41 States. (By Associated Press) <^t central affairs and capacity throngs at parties held by indlvlduM Tokyo, Jan. 31.— (A P )—Admiral Connecticut swelled the National Machester’s Birthday Ball for the organizations. donation fimd for the Warm Springs (Copyright 19S4 by Associated Press) President held last night at the Mineo Osumi. minister o f the Foundation In (Seorgla by ovei $11,- Judge John E. Mack of Pough­ New York, Jan. 31.— (A P )— F ig­ State Armory e:jceeded the expecta­ navy, stated to the House of Repre­ 000 through its functions held last keepsie, N. Y., a personal friend ot- ures from 41 states and the District tions of General Chairman Wiiliam sentatives today that Japan's night In honor of President Roose­ the Pfeirident, who induced him to J. Thornton when the attendance strength in cruisers, destroyers and velt on his 62nd birthday it was dis­ ented politics, spoke warmly of the of C!olumbia showed today that the submarines will be slightly superior closed today. More chan 12,000 per­ Chief Executive *at the birthday mark reached exactly 833. Although Nation’s “Birthday Paxtjr” to Preai- to that of the United States at the party In Danbury. not all ticket returns have been sons In their respective communities dent Roosevelt and to the Warm end of 1936. throughout the state attended the ' ‘‘No country which follows the made and checked yet Chairman Springs (Ga.) Foundation for suf­ The Euimiral’s statement was pre­ various events. leadership of a mEm so noble CEm Thornton, Tresisurer Robert E. sented in writing in response to per­ Hathaway and Ticket Chairman In New Haven where Governor ever fEdl, be said. ferers from tefantUe pemalysls was sistent questioning by representa­ WUbur L. Ch-oss was one at the Attorney (Senersd Homer S. (Cum­ a soclEd and flnandEd success. tives on the relative sea power ot guests and in Norwalk, 1,600 per­ mings, Emotber Intimate of the No effort was Twaiia by besulquEff- Japan and America. sons turned out for the celebrations President, joined in prsdsing him on ters here to bring in reports from ’The admiral aid not mention the his birthday, although his spirits the tens of thousands of cities and navy of Great Britain or of any in each city while 1,000 persons at­ were dampened through the critical villages where balls Emd parties other power,‘>but confined himself to tended dances in Waterbury, Meri­ were held Umt night, but the Associ­ a comparison of the Japanese and den and Bristol. injury to his son in Ein automobile ated Press, through its bureaus in United States navies at the end of A t many of the observances, huge accident. every state, gathered avEdlable fig­ 1936 when the present navsd treaties birthday cakes were auctioned off to He sent his greeting to the Presi­ ures which indicate that the totid re­ may possibly expire. the highest bidder to add to the fund dent from StEunford. ceipts will probably reach $1,500,000 When Ships Are Bollt which will be sent the President to Throughout the state, there was Emd maybe more. The figures assumed the comple­ aid his favorite charity, the helping just one incident reported which in tion of the present Japanese naval of Infantile paralysis sufferers. anyway marred the birthday pro­ The first figures available which Commanded by Paul Fedoseenko (upper left), a scientist with no program for which appropriations Hartford reported some 500 at the ceedings. A thief stole the big birth­ were incomplete and in most cas^ stratosphere experience, the Russian balloon Osoaklakaim (above), set are included in the 1934-1935 day CEike awarded at the pEurty in unofficially estimated, showed 737,- a new world’s altitude mark when It rose more than twelve and three- birthday ball there Including David budget, now up for discussion by the Greenwich, while 700 guests listen­ 067 persons contributed a total fourths miles in a secret flight over Moscow. Andrew Vasenko (lower A. Wilson, chairman of the Demo­ Diet as well as the United States ed to a rEwlio address by the Presi­ $839,568 at the several hundred cel­ left), the engineer who constructed the gondola, also made the ascension. cratic state central committee. Other ebrations reported. program as approved by the United places in the state reported crowds dent. States Congress, exclusive of the Today’s dispatches einnounce death o f the above mentioned meh when PhiladelplflE^ with more thitn lo,. balloon crashed. 1 Vinson bill. 000 at one bEdl topped the list for (The bill referred to Is that of­ that form of entertainment in first fered by Chsdrman Vinson of the reports. At Birmingham, Ala., 8,000 naval committee which was passed pEulicipated in a pEurEide. In New York. yesterday by the American House of “HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY,’’ TO PROBE CHARGES Throughout the President’s home Representatives providing for a SOVIET BALLOONISTS DIE program of naval replacements to state couples danced and played - cost $475,000,000 to $570,000,000. cards, 52 communities outside of By this bill 66 destroyers, 30 sub­ OF eWA GRAFTING DECLARES PRESIDENT New York C3ity reporting attendEmco marines, and one Mrplane carrier AFTER STRATOSPHERE HOP 51,586 with receipts o f $48,218.. would be constructed over a five- Forty major psirtlea in New York william J. Thornton year period.) Q ty attrEmted Em estimated 80,000 General Chairman Osuxni's statement climaxed sev­ U. S. Attorneys in F^mr Leaves “Buddy” Party to INCLUDES LAWYER persons. eral days of debate in the lower Three Rassians Killed Try­ Gifts swelled the totals in some Francis E. Bray believe that well house of the diet on the naval FRENCH RADICALS cities Emd in WEishington eleven over 5500 will be forwarded as Man­ policy of Japan. Previously the State Prepare Cases — Express Gratitude by Ra­ tables at one hotel went for $1,000 chester’s contribution to the Warm naval minister had reiterated ing to L an d — BaDoon IN EECnON CASE eEmh to boost the capitEd’s contrfira- Springs paralysis foundation fund. Japan’s detennination to demand in­ ASSAIL PRESIDENT tlon. InEmmuch eu only two toteia Records Broken creased ratios at the next confer­ Kentucky Trouble Serious dio in Behalf of Crippled had reported there the dt]r’8 total Ball attendance records were ence of naval powers although be Breaks from Gondola and was expected to be swelled consid­ broken last night. The highest mark declined to indicate the extent of i Children for Party Aid. Alcorn Would Bring in Pal- erably in a final Emcounting. the Japanese demands. In New England. previously reached was 636 when Disej ^ m the Clonds. Washington, Jan. 81.— (A i») — that number attended the annual Have Y mit DeHte 9 Say H a t of England states re­ Masonic Ball in the Armory. Repre­ He likewise declined to state tJiflted Statu attorneys “In four b t f o Counsel ao^Party^o potted' 96 lE^hrEitlons attended ‘to*’ sentative Thornton was also general whether Japan woijld denounce the s^tdtirii'todEiy were dnritlng criminal WasUagtoa, Jan. 81. — (A P ) — A. 90,200 persons. Etortimated eontri-- Daiadier as Prenier' WQI chairman of that baU. Moscow, JEm. 31 — (AP) — All charges for prosecuting EiUeged Civil Across the greatest pile at greetiags butions were |67,S00. ^ The success of the affair wels not (Oonttnoed ep Pag* Two) three members of the crew o f the Works g rt^ cases, ever known to modem tlmes-^from A B ^ e d Consphltcy. Texhs, home state of iViea Prdsl- measured alone by the number of Soviet stratosphere balloon “ Osoa- i Lead to Disturbauces. Prosocutfons in six cases were dent Garner estimated a turnout of arsons attending, but also by the crowned heads Emd humble— x rank- klakhim” were killed between 3:30 ordered last, night by the Public approximately 66,000 With receipts I rilllance of the ball itself and the iin D. Roosevelt today looked back Hsulford, JEm. 31.— (A P )—State’s estimated at $65,000. representative groups that were p. m. and 5 p. m. yesterday, several Works Administration’s investigat­ on what he adjudged the ultimate of MUST OBEY CODES ing division, to which HEury L. Hop­ Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn in Su­ In only one state, Kentucky). Was present. It seemed that nearly himdred kilometers southeEist of Pari*, Jan. 81.— (A P )— SoclaUot happy .lirthuays. kins, e W A head, consignee 175 com­ there an estimated not total Sever­ everybody in town was there. Dress bitterness Eigainst EdouEuxl Daiadier For him there was mixed in both perior (Dourt this morning clEdmed al cities, however, gave estimates of Moscow, near the village of Potis- plaints submitted from 45 states. was optional and there was no divi­ flared today Into Em open attack the memories of what proven a rol­ the right to.,introduce testimony the amount the Foundation will re­ kyostrog.
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