In -. ~· .la~-• Full 'fexi of ParkiRg Group -Urge K·aste.n ::P-Orch~se, Meters I • Soon . HlCKSVJLLE...:...Recommendations of the Citi1e11s' Ad­ visory Committee>on Parking and Traffic to serve immediate . and future· needs were presented at the public hearing of Oyster Bay 'Town Bol!Td held in Nicholai ·St. School audi­ torium lasf nig,ht (Tuesday). .The four-page report waa unanimously adopted by the five.man · committee; repre­ senting tbe BMA, Civic Association, Lions _and Kiwanis. !Keynote "Of· t-he report is the expression-· that- the committee ••feels certain the Town Board is aware- of what 1les immedl.ateJy ahead for Hicksville with the plan, that the Levitt _fum__ haa for hom e construction witliin our ~ommunity; • and the ""hope the Board '1.VHl speed these recommendations into reality without delay.'' The text of the report followa; ''The Committee which consist:£ of representatives of the Hicks­ ville Business Men's Associat ion Inc. Hicksville Kiwanis Club, lliclm­ ville Lions Club and Hicksville Civic and 0:t-mmunity Association met Oct. 13 and prepa red the following st:ata"n4?nt and recommendations: 'The -committee appreciates the interest of the Oyster Bay Town Boar<! In calling a •pecial public hearing on local parldnz field alto (eontinaed on page 11) . Bethpage Parking 1Faces_~Opposition· -· BETHPAGE-Voc11l opposition to the propos(ld et~iott Vot. I......No. 41 Wednesday, Oc,tober 19, 1949 Single Copy Sc, of a park and pai;king district is anticipated tonjght (Wed­ needay} when the Oyster Bay Town Board holds a public 'BATTLE' OF CANTIAGUE .ROAD:. hearing at t he firehouse: The hearing has been called to consider formation of a special district, such as Hicksville's and to levy -a local tax for acquisition and improvement of Residents Protest Additional Poles; - property-ior_ auto parking, --- • ' The notice or' the li'ea.ring &tates it is p roposed to spend up ,to $30t- .fee:Clears Press Wireless-on TV 1 000 on, such a program for Betb­ Road Workers &In ' HICKSVILLE-While Cantiague Rd. residents · prepared to go in a body to the page, one half (op to $15,900) to Zoning Appeals -Board .hearing• tomorrow (Thursday) night and oppose the erection of be contributed by the township Alarm, House Bunls any further poles and antennae on the Press Wireless acreage here, the radio concern from surp1us funds and the bat-~ today made public a statement denying responsibility for faulty television reception in HICKISVWU; - "'oC:<>m!-., ' ancc t.o b~ ra ised .by a loc:al real damage-" was ca~ .to a. two­ the mid-Island area. The Press Wireless Statement is publisheil in this iesue of the Herald estate tax.. on page three. otocy frame dwelling at Jerunlom Press \Vireless ha.s an applica• A eurv·ey by the Hera.Id made :A.ve. and 10th n. Thursdo,y'lbon­ t i~n up fof hetrii.ng tomonp:W . yesterday ) ndicated li~~. su~~rt b:~r 12 !J09b when a tit'& 'broke night in Oyster Bay Town H.W. for the. proposal. O ne c1v1c teadeJ" out in the attk and on tbe root. "-Jowttlildget at$91,352.W'lthout Tax; sa id he kftew of ..n o communlty s tarting at 7:30 . o'clock, 'for a Local firemen under Assla1mtt \·ariance to permit the -erection of demand" for parking fields except Chief Stanford Weiss reapcmded . Highway Rate Up 12 Cents for Next Year a dditional poles. posi:libly from- the few merchants to the alarm. and were on the · Counts 367 Poles in the cornmun it r. Poin tir.,g to the scene tor more than an hour unW OYSTER '.BAY- - The o!tlce ot qutSitlon ol' lands and construetion · lsaac Penner, Cantaigue Rd. p1 esent fiscal o blig ations on Betb­ the blaze was brought under con­ of parking fields in t he parking totwn engin~r will be <::reated and resident and PW neighbor, iWhO p:1.ge 1ttxpayen with a projected trol funds for the new department .are districts the township. or has led a determined camgaign to new school and recent construc­ The house is C1WT1ed and otCU­ provided in the 1:enatlve 1950 :1. AlmMt Mllllon l>ollan oust the radio transmitter station~ tion of firehouse-library, he as~ p ied by Marion- J o~son. NearbJ Town Budget which <:<>mes up for The total amount of the budget .t old the He~d the people along s.e rted he would go to the hearing hle;Hway workeni first oooerwd a ptd)llc hearlni here Thunsday, for 1950 is $998.352.30 as compared t he road. are going to the hearing a nd protest t he propo6al. the tire, tumed In the alarm IDd morning, October Zl. With $595;021.8'.J for the current in an effort to prevent the u:­ Another pl'Omineht resident notified the woman who w.u ill rI'he: ·townahip needs an engineer year. Again In 1950 there will be pans.ion of the station. He .said a. charged that Bethpage has already the bullding at tlio, lime. run time . to enable the _,, to 1 no general town tex levied, the rec:ent c.otmt showed there are· 131 mis!l,00 the boat &8 a potential keep abreut with public projects ..,.ount ol money n@ecled to aper• high a.ntennae poles on the prop­ shopping centre, New businesses 10 CASES 01'_POUO and _,...,,. as former farm at• the town being obtaln!ld from erty, 90 poles uv to 105 feet high ure .s pringing up a.Jong Hempstead MINEOLA- The 10th eaae al Janla='>eeome the sites for !lloua­ ted revenues, state-shared an 146 transmi.s.:sion po)e1 1 ·to Tl>rllpike and will aoon dra.w otf polio -In fflckaville - repal'lad andl al - homeo. s_,,i.or - fees collected and from 3u feet high. whatever local s hopping exisb to­ by the Cclunty Health n.pu,t­ ~t Ha"1> Tappen pointecl t~. inveated town surpluo ftiilds. Penn-eT added that he is institut­ day. ment this week, a slxyeaNlld boy, 'lib~ lrudpt an Item of Includes · (continued on page 14) ing legal a'ction ft8aiMt the Town N o vote will be taken tonight There are 3:. cases. in Levlttown.. tor of lands, $400.roo acquisition of O~-ter Bay, Press Wireles$, · at the hearing eight In Bethpage. planning and supervision, labor· Inc., and J efftr"B0n Standard ln* a.nd mater.lab on pruposed town Literacy Tests Set projects. HICKSVlLLE-Literacy tests :-< urance-- Co, t~ compel the town ­ .s hip tQ aet upon filed petitions re- • "Another new item in the budget for first vot ers who are not in Is the rum of $150,000 represellt• possession or a diploma indicatin~ (e:ontinue d on page 14 ~ ing the towns' sh~re for the aca co mpletion of grammar school in ­ struction will be held at the high Break Ground ,;chool three dars next month, ~­ No School Friday d uJing Electio n Day. Testa will H icksvi l:le- Pu'blic Schools w ill be· For New School Lt(' given in Room 101 011 Tuesday, closed all day this }""' riday, October .'\'ov. l. at 7:30 . m. ; Thursday. 21, ln order iha t t-he teachers m:,y ISLAND TRE:ES-Ground was Nov.::;;, at 7 :io p. m., a nd Elect ion attend the L. [. Zone Toochers hroken Saturday al Farm Edge me,eling in Hempstea d. Rd. and Boone St. for e modern Pay from 9 a . m. to 6 p. m. pubUc school in Schoot District 26. The structure is expected to Events During Coming Week be ready for the fall tenn in 1950. TODA)' (\\l~d. )- 9:SO a.m. to 4 p.m..-Rummag~ tiale st Old Parochial It will consist of 12 classI"OOm.s Scilool by Altar Society of St. lgnathts Church. Hlck&vllle. and two kindergartens. T ak.Ing TONIGHT (Wecf.)-7:S0 p.m.-Publlc hearing of Oyat•r Bay Town Board in Bef..hpage F1rebous.e Ob local parktnl', parl in U,.e ceremony were Mich­ TOMORRO\ V (Thurs.)-1 I :30 to 2:30 p.m.-Luncheon at Trl.o.lt;y ael F. Stokes, president of the Luthe ran Chur-ch baMmeot. Wee:i.t Nlcholal St... HlcklT'llle. school board: Louis Blodgett T0"10RROW (Thun.)----3 p.m.-Whlte Elephant Sal& a t N"""'l&I St. prlneipal ; Mrs. Thomas Zinz!, P ·TA SellooJ SPonoored by P-TA. · TOMORROW (Thur!l,)----8:15 p.m.-Loolul'6 by Dr. Younghlll llaq­ THE HICKS , racing te•m of Hicksville Fire Dept., poses proudly president and G<,orge Marthen. at 1Dek:11vll1~ Free Publln Library. t Civic Assoc. president. t'RIDAY ( Oct. 21)-41:BO p.m.-Card p&rty by Bethpo,go VPW Aux­ -ond with good reoson-in fro•I of the firehouse with the 36 iliary at c lubhouse on Le::dogton Ave. trophies they brought ~o me from various tournaments during the Last Opportunity FRIDA\' (Oct 21 )-11:SO p.m.-Card party at lertabo School spon- eurre•I yeor. The best loom on long Island, which automatically 90r,ed by J.,rtcho VFW Poat.. ;ndudes the stale erown, they will be in •clion Sunday •ft•r· On Adult Classes l'RJDAYD~::;.;t.,:!>;.--i;t:r ~~~. .1:fu. ~~•Uc noon at Rockville Centre in a benefit tourney of Neswu racl•9 maK.SVJLLE-Flllal Nljllatn• =- le•ms for the polio fun n. Members of the team, front row, laft tioa for adult educatloll oouneo SATURDAY (Oct.
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