For JK Panchayat, J&K Bank PO/ Clerk Exam Important J&K History Questions Free e-book

Important J&K History Questions

1. The valley originally was a huge lake. What was the name of the lake?

Ans. Sitasar

2. Which historian has given a great account of early ?


3. The ancient text in which the pre-history of kashmir is given is ______.

Ans. Nilmata Puran.

4. Which place did the huge historic lake Sitasar formed its boundary?

Ans. Baramulla (Varahmulla)

5. Which saint killed the demon Jalod Bowa so as to make people settle in valley?

Ans. Rishi Kashyap

6. The earliest name of Kashmir adopted by people from the name of Rishi Kashyap was?

Ans. Kashyap-Mar and Kashyap-Pura

7. What does the word 'kashmir' mean?

Ans. 'ka' meaning 'water' and shimeera 'to desicate'. So 'Kashmir' implies ' land dedicated from water'

8. Famous chinese pilgrim Hein-Tsang who visited valley called the valley as:

Ans. Kashi-Mi-Lo

9. The earliest name of the river Jhelum in sanskrit scripts is

Ans. Vitasta

10. The period of rule of famous sultan Zain-ul-Abdeen is

Ans. 1420- 1470

11. The old city of , Pandrethan was founded by

Ans. Ashoka. The earlier name of the city was Purandisthan.

12. Who is also believed to be Samudra Gupta of Kashmir?

Ans. Lalitaditya Muktapid (724 - 761 A.D.). Lalitaditya belonged to Karkota dynasty

13. What is the name of the work done by Kalhan that provides a detailed account of the history of Kashmir? Ans.

14. Parihaspur was the capital of kashmir in the reign of

Ans. King Lalitaditya Important J&K History Questions Free e-book

15. Who built the world famous sun temple (Martand) built on Mattan Karew?

Ans. Lalitaditya

16. Avantipur (Avantipura today) was the capital of kashmir during the reign of

Ans. Maharaja Avanti-verman.

17. Sopore was founded by ______

Ans. Suya

18. Harsha ruled in kashmir from

Ans. 1089 to 1101 A.D

19. Kalhan completed Rajatrangini during the reign of

Ans. King Jaisimha

20. Who was the first lady ruler of Kashmir?

Ans. Didda

21. The last Hindu ruler of (medieval) Kashmir is

Ans. Urban Dev

22. First Muslim ruler of Kashmir is

Ans. Shah Mir (also known as Sultan Shamas-ud-din) in 1339. Founded Shah-Miri dynasty

23. Who were the two great Muslim rulers of Shah-Miri dynasty?

Ans. Sultan Shihab-ud-din and Sultan Zain-ul-Abdin

24. Who founded Shadipur?

Ans. Sultan Shihab-ud-din

25. Moghul period lasted in kashmir from

Ans. 1587 to 1752

26. Nagar-Magar, a town near Hariparbat, was built by

Ans. Akbar.

27. Shalimar and Nishat gardens in Kashmir were built by

Ans. Jahangir

28. Garden of Chashma-shai was built by

Ans. Shah Jahan

29. French traveller who accompanied Aurangzeb during his visit to kashmir was

Ans. Francis Bernier

30. How long did Afghan rule in Kashmir? Important J&K History Questions Free e-book

Ans. 1752 - 1819

31. Which rule is the darkest rule in the history of Kashmir?

Ans. Afghan or Parhan rule.

32. Who established Afghan rule in Kashmir?

Ans. Ahmad Shah Abdali

33. What is the period of Sikh rule in Kashmir?

Ans. 1819 - 1846

34. Who was the first sikh ruler of Kashmir?

Ans. Maharaja Ranjit Singh

35. Which river is known as “Suryaputri”?

Ans. Tawi

36. Maharaja Gulab Singh entered Srinagar on

Ans. 9th November 1848

37. Who laid foundation of modern J&K?

Ans. Maharaja Gulab Singh

38. The last ruling Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir was

Ans. Hari Singh

39. The Constituent Assembly of J&K ended Dogra hereditary rule on

Ans. 26th January 1957

40. The instrument of accession was signed on

Ans. 26th October 1947

41. Who were the signatories of instrument of accession?

Ans. Jammu and Kashmir Maharaja Hari Singh and Lord Louis Mountbatten of

42. The instrument of accession came into force in J&K from

Ans. 27 October 1947

43. Who founded Bahu Fort?

Ans. Bahu lochan

44. How many parts Kalhan's work ' Rajatrangini' is divided?

Ans. Rajatrangini consists of 7826 verses, which are divided into eight books called Tarangas ("waves"). Important J&K History Questions Free e-book

45. What is the name given to river Jhelum by ancient Greeks?

Ans. Hydaspes

46.The Battle of Hydaspes River was fought between

Ans. Alexander and the Indian king, Porus in 326 BC.

47. What is the kashmiri name for river Jhelum?

Ans. Vyeth

49. Which sacred shrine of Kashmiri Pandits is located on Hari Parbat?

Ans. Sharika Mata temple

50. Which Sikh Gurudwara is associated with sixth Sikh Guru, Guru Har Gobind?

Ans. Gurudwara Chatti Patshahi.

51. Which mountain temple of Mata Vaishno Devi is located?

Ans. Trikuta Mountain

52. Where in Khanqah of Shah Hamdan situated?

Ans. On Bank of river Jhelum

53. Who built Raghunath temple?

Ans. The temple was built by Maharaja Gulab Singh and his son Maharaja Ranbir Singh.

54. Who was the Last ruling king of J&K? Ans: Raja Hari Singh

55. Who killed Mian Dido? Ans: Gulab Singh

56. Who founded Jammu? Ans: Raja Jambu Lochan

57. When was Amritsar Treaty signed? Ans: 1846

58. Who was the first Justice of J&K High Court? Ans: Justice Kawar Singh

59. When was the first Sadr-e-riyasat of J&K? Ans: Dr Karan Singh

60. The territories of J&K were transferred to Gulab Singh through which Treaty? Ans: Treaty of Amritsar

61. Who wrote the book Titled Aitash-e-Chinar? Ans: Sheikh Abdullah

62. Who was the first Mughal emperor to rule J&K? Ans: Akbar Important J&K History Questions Free e-book

63. Who was appointed the Chief of Army Staff of Gulab Singh? Ans: General Zorawar Singh

64. When did Chinese Pilgrim Hiuen Tsang visited Kashmir? Ans: AD 629-631

65. In which year “Treaty of Amritsar” signed? Ans: 1846

66. Karvan-e-Aman bus service was launched between? Ans: Srinagar and Muzaffarbad

67. Who was the founder of Jammu city? Ans: Jammu Lochan

68. Who was the founder of Gupta Dynasty? Ans: Parva Gupta

69. In J&K Martyrs Day is observed every year on? Ans: 13th July

70. When was J&K Constituent Assembly was constituted? Ans: September 1951

71. The constitution of J&K was adopted on? Ans: 17th November 1956

72. When did constitution of J&K comes into force? Ans: 26th January 1957

73. When did J&K acceded in India? Ans: 26th October 1947

74. How many parts are there in the constitution of J&K? Ans: 13 parts

75. Which part of J&K’s constitution describes it’s relationship with India? Ans: Part-II

76. Which section deals with Right to compulsory and Free Education? Ans: Section 20

77. Which section Deals for Rights of Women & Children? Ans: Section 21 & Section 22

78. Which part of constitution deals with “Directive Principles of state Policy”? Ans: Part-IV

79. Which part of constitution deals with “Permanent Residents”? Ans: Part-III

80. How many sections are there in Part-IV (Directive Principles) of Constitution? Ans: Section (11-25) are covered in Part-IV

81. How many articles does constitution of Jammu & Kashmir have? Ans: 158 Important J&K History Questions Free e-book

82. How many schedules are there in the Constitution of J&K? Ans: 7 Schedules

83. Which section of constitution, describes the Relationships of state with the Union of India? Ans: Section-3

84. Under which section Governor rule can be imposed in J&K? Ans: Section-92

85. Which regional language was added on J&K constitution by 26 amendment act 1999? Ans: Gojri

86. Which part of J&K Constitution deals with Elections? Ans: Part X

87. Who can nominate women for legislative assembly of J&K? Ans: Governor

88. Right of property according to constitution of J&K is? Ans: Fundamental Right FREE Ebooks Current Affairs

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