DocuSign Envelope ID: C14F70EF-F12C-4393-9C8F-3DF4E7E5FB3A REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION OF SOUTHERN NEVADA REVISED NOTICE AND AGENDA OF PUBLIC MEETING TRANSPORTATION ACCESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1:30 P.M. NOVEMBER 18, 2020 In support of the Nevada State Governor’s recommendations to reduce the spread of COVID-19 made on November 10, 2020, the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada will now be holding the Transportation Access Advisory Committee meeting virtually. [REVISED] On March 22, 2020, the State of Nevada Executive Department issued Declaration of Emergency Directive 006, which suspends the requirement contained in Nevada Revised Statute 241.023(1)(b) that there be a physical location designated for meetings of public bodies where the public can attend and participate. Directive 006 was subsequently extended by the following Emergency Directives: Emergency Directive 010 on March 31, 2020; Emergency Directive 016 on April 29, 2020; Emergency Directive 018 on May 7, 2020; Emergency Directive 021 on May 28, 2020; and Emergency Directive 026 on June 29, 2020; and Emergency Directive 029 on July 31, 2020. Pursuant to Directive 006, the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada will not provide a physical location for the public to attend the meeting of the Transportation Access Advisory Committee. The meeting of the Transportation Access Advisory Committee will be available to livestream at the following link: Additionally, the Transportation Access Advisory Committee will be accepting public comment via email. Public comment relating to the Committee may be submitted via email to
[email protected]. Public comment via email submission received by 5:00 p.m.