Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47185-5 — the New Samuel Beckett Studies Edited by Jean-Michel Rabaté Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47185-5 — The New Samuel Beckett Studies Edited by Jean-Michel Rabaté Index More Information Index Abandonment of works, 36–45 Barry, Liz, 238 Abandonné, 36 Barthes, Roland, 94–95 Abbott, H. Porter, 30, 75, 233 Bataille, Georges, 95–96 Abu Ghraib, 12–13 Beckett, Samuel. See also specific topic or work Ackerley, Chris, 138, 145, 216–217, 218, 228–229 bilingualism of (See Bilingualism of Beckett) Acton, William, 178 collaboration by, 120 Acts of Literature (Derrida), 95 digital media and (See Digital media) Admussen, Richard, 36 as director, 7–8 Adorno, Theodor W., 4, 8–9, 10–12, 88–89, 164 disability and (See Disability) Aesthetic Theory (Adorno), 9 enduring popularity of, 3–13 Algerian War of Independence, 12 historical context of works, 103–114 (See also All Strange Away, 30–31, 37–43, 224–225, 228 Historical context of Beckett’s works) All That Fall, 121–122, 134, 137, 138, 139, 140–141, letter writing by, 48–55 142, 143, 149 literary criticism of (See Literary criticism of Anacreon, 70 Beckett) Anders, Günther, 4–7 mathematics and (See Mathematics) Annales School, 107 moving image works by, 122–124 Aphasia, 198–199, 207 poetry of (See Poetry of Beckett) Apollinaire, Guillaume, 74 political resistance and, 8–9 Aragon, Louis, 203–204 politics of, 12 Arendt, Hannah, 110 queer issues and (See Queer issues) Arikha, Avigdor, 41, 50, 53, 59, 74–75 radio works by, 120–122 (See also Radio works) Art and Language (collective), 124–125 reflexes and (See Reflexes) Art: 21 (documentary), 125 revolution in approach
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