Project name Residential Development at Quarry,

Design note title Transport Assessment Addendum

Document reference 07799-HYD-RP-TP-5001-P01

Author Tim Jopling EngTech FIHE CMILT

Revision P02

Date 9 August 2019 Approved ☐ 1. INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND 1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Transport Assessment Addendum (TAA) has been prepared by Hydrock for Clifton Emery Design. The purpose of this TAA is to review the previous highways related planning submissions associated with the outline consent granted by Exeter City Council (ECC) for the proposed redevelopment of Pinhoe Quarry, in Exeter (PA10/2088/01). The outline consent consists of: -

Full permission for re-profiling of quarry to provide platform for accommodation of residential development and outline permission for up to 380 residential units, community facilities, shop, associated open spaces (including allotments) and infrastructure (all matters reserved for future consideration apart from access)

1.1.2 The quarry re-profiling work has been completed and a reserved matters application for the outline element is now to be submitted. Given the passage of time between the original Transport Assessment (TA) submission, which presented traffic modelling data based on 2007 traffic surveys, the Local Highway Authority (LHA) being County Council (DCC) has requested that the TA be reviewed and updated as necessary.

1.1.3 This TAA will examine the various highways and transportation issued covered in the submitted TA and providing the necessary updates with the intention of providing both the LHA and the Local Planning Authority (LPA) with comfort that the residential development will have the anticipated highway impacts suggested in the submitted TA. 1.2 Background

1.2.1 The transport strategy outlined in the submitted, and previously approved TA, had developed around a balanced and integrated package of measures that sought to mitigate the vehicular impacts of the development on the local highway network, as they were then forecast to be and to enhance development related movement by alternative modes to the private car, thereby supporting the sustainable redevelopment of the site.

1.2.2 The submitted TA is divided into eight sections, the first being an introduction. The remaining seven sections were:-

Section 2 - provided a review of national and local transport policies in relation to the Pinhoe Quarry site.

Section 3 - provided a description of the site in its strategic and local context in terms of access to the local and wider transport network. This section considered the site in relation to its local facilities and amenities as well as reviewing the operational performance and safety of the local highway network.

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Section 4 - presented the proposed site access and wider transport strategy for the proposed development, considering access and movement to and from the site for pedestrians, cyclists, public transport and vehicular traffic. Vehicular and cycle provision were also considered within this section.

Section 5 - considered the anticipated travel demand resulting from the development proposals and provided detailed analysis of predicted person and vehicle trip generation and modal splits of journeys to and from the site. This section also discussed the measures proposed anticipated to have an impact on travel behaviour within the local community as well as for the proposed residential site.

Section 6 - considered the transport impact of the proposed development. Information on the proportional impact and detailed capacity assessments for key local junctions was presented.

Section 7 - summarised the mitigation measures discussed in Section 4 of the submitted TA and discusses whether any infrastructure improvements were required following the traffic impact assessment.

Section 8 - provided a summary of the findings of the TA and identified the key transport issues, opportunities and objectives for the Pinhoe Quarry residential development proposal.

1.2.3 This TAA will review these sections in turn, updating or amending them as required to reflect the passage of time between the submission of the TA at Outline to the current reserved matters application some 10 years later.

1.2.4 Figure 1.1 shows the proposed Master Plan layout.

Figure 1-1 – Proposed Master Plan Layout 1.2.5 The site consists of a self-contained highway network that has been designed in accordance with the Manual for Streets (MfS) and the Devon County Council Design Guide and will be offered for adoption under a Section 38 agreement. Both vehicular access general arrangements were approved as part of the outline planning consent.

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1.2.6 Predominantly the highway spine network will have a nominal with of 5.5m with provision of two 2m footways, with smaller side streets reduced down to 4.8m and being of a shared surface nature. Speed reduction features such as localised narrowing’s and raised table junctions have been employed across the site. A 3.5m wide shared use footway/cycleway route is proposed as agreed with DCC highways and will allow residents access to the local cycle network.

1.2.7 Shared surface highway will be implemented where it is appropriate, however the use of block paving has been minimised in adopted areas (subject to S38) to suit DCC highways preference. Table top areas will be provided with raised rumble strip type ramps (with setts set in concrete) to ensure adoption.

1.2.8 Primarily, the development will look to achieve the following objectives: -

• Create a safe and nuisance-free environment for all residents and road users, prioritising pedestrians and cyclists; • Provide pedestrian linkage to existing public open space located adjacent to the development; • Reflect the speed of traffic appropriate to the location and use; • Provide car parking in a way that does not result in problems to road users, including cyclists and pedestrians, and does not result in the street scene being dominated by parked vehicles; and, • Allow for the requirements of access by service and emergency vehicles as necessary. 1.2.9 The Section 106 agreement secured a travel plan and significant financial contributions towards sustainable transport, measures outlined in the travel plan and a car club. In addition, the Section 106 included significant financial contributions towards local highway improvements. These contributions and the measures outlined in the Travel Plan target a modal shift to more sustainable transport, which will complement the design strategy of prioritising pedestrians and cyclists within the development and creating connections with the wider area.

1.2.10 To accord with the 'ECC Sustainable Transport Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)' regarding sustainable transport provision that developments should include, a 'car club' will be encouraged at the site and electric vehicle charging points provided where necessary.

1.2.11 There is also an aspiration to tie the site into the wider cycle/shared use route that is currently under consideration of Devon County Council (DCC) Highways. In line with this it is proposed that the onsite shared use path will tie into the future DCC shared use link at the western junction with Harrington Lane.

1.2.12 In regard to car parking, it is considered that due to the site being located out of town and the fact that it is important to ensure that the new development does not result in on street parking occurring on the local highway network from residents associated with the site, the proposed parking provision on- site is considered appropriate.

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2. POLICY & GUIDANCE 2.1 Preface

2.1.1 Rather than simply review the previous Policy and Guidance as presented in the submitted TA, this section updates the Policy and Guidance to that regarded as being relevant in 2019. This demonstrates that the reserved matters application is compliant with current relevant transport and highways policy and guidance. 2.2 National Policy

National Planning Policy Framework

2.2.1 The NPPF, updated in February 2019, sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these should be applied. The NPPF is a material consideration in planning decisions.

2.2.2 Chapter 9 deals with promoting sustainable transport, with Paragraph 102 setting out the consideration of transport issues:

“Transport issues should be considered from the earliest stages of plan-making and development proposals, so that:

the potential impacts of development on transport networks can be addressed;

opportunities from existing or proposed transport infrastructure, and changing transport technology and usage, are realised – for example in relation to the scale, location or density of development that can be accommodated;

opportunities to promote walking, cycling and public transport use are identified and pursued;

the environmental impacts of traffic and transport infrastructure can be identified, assessed and taken into account – including appropriate opportunities for avoiding and mitigating any adverse effects, and for net environmental gains; and

patterns of movement, streets, parking and other transport considerations are integral to the design of schemes, and contribute to making high quality places.”

2.2.3 Paragraph 103 sets out how growth should be managed:

“The planning system should actively manage patterns of growth in support of these objectives. Significant development should be focused on locations which are or can be made sustainable, through limiting the need to travel and offering a genuine choice of transport modes. This can help to reduce congestion and emissions, and improve air quality and public health. However, opportunities to maximise sustainable transport solutions will vary between urban and rural areas, and this should be taken into account in both plan-making and decision-making.”

2.2.4 Paragraph 108 sets out how planning applications should be assessed:

“In assessing sites that may be allocated for development in plans, or specific applications for development, it should be ensured that:

appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be – or have been – taken up, given the type of development and its location;

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safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved for all users; and c) any significant impacts from the development on the transport network (in terms of capacity and congestion), or on highway safety, can be cost effectively mitigated to an acceptable degree.”

2.2.5 Paragraph 109 details when development can be refused on highways grounds:

“Development should only be prevented or refused on highways grounds if there would be an unacceptable impact on highway safety, or the residual cumulative impacts on the road network would be severe.”

2.2.6 Paragraph 110 sets out the requirements for development proposals:

“Within this context, applications for development should:

give priority first to pedestrian and cycle movements, both within the scheme and with neighbouring areas; and second – so far as possible – to facilitating access to high quality public transport, with layouts that maximise the catchment area for bus or other public transport services, and appropriate facilities that encourage public transport use;

address the needs of people with disabilities and reduced mobility in relation to all modes of transport;

create places that are safe, secure and attractive – which minimise the scope for conflicts between pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles, avoid unnecessary street clutter, and respond to local character and design standards;

allow for the efficient delivery of goods, and access by service and emergency vehicles; and

be designed to enable changing of plug-in and other ultra-low emission vehicles in safe, accessible and convenient locations.”

2.2.7 Finally, Paragraph 111 sets out the need for supporting documentation for planning applications:

“All developments that will generate significant amounts of movement should be required to provide a travel plan, and the application should be supported by a transport statement or transport assessment so that the likely impacts of the proposal can be assessed.”

Planning Practice Guidance (TA section)

2.2.8 The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) launched the Planning Practice Guidance in March 2014. The guidance accompanies the NPPF and provides more detailed advice for planning. This TAA has been prepared following the principles set out in the Planning Practice Guidance. 2.3 Local Policy

Devon and Torbay Local Transport Plan 3 (2011-2026)

2.3.1 The Devon and Torbay Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3) was adopted in April 2011 and covers the period 2011-2026. It is a joint plan for Devon and Torbay that is intended to reflect an integrated cross boundary approach to transport and aims to deliver a transport system that can meet economic, environmental, and social challenges.

2.3.2 The purpose of this document is to ensure and support the delivery of a transport system to meet economic, environmental, and social changes across the Torbay and Devon area, with the main aim of delivering a low-carbon future.

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2.3.3 The LTP3 states that Devon and Torbay councils are working to help people make smarter transport choices, through making walking and cycling more realistic by improving accessibility, and strengthening the existing public transport network, making it a better travel alternative than the private car.

2.3.4 The LTP3 identifies five key objectives:

“Deliver and support new development and economic growth

Make best use of the transport network and protect the existing transport asset by prioritising maintenance

Work with communities to provide safe, sustainable and low carbon transport choices

Strengthen and improve the public transport network

Make Devon the ‘Place to be naturally active’”

Exeter Core Strategy Development Plan

2.3.5 The Core Strategy, adopted in 2012, represents the Councils vision and objectives to 2026. The vision is to embrace Exeter as an area of growth:

“by providing houses, jobs and supporting infrastructure through maximising the use of previously developed land within the city, and through sustainable urban extensions to the east, at Newcourt and Monkerton/Hill Barton, and to the south west at Alphington; and

by maintaining a vital and viable mix of uses in the City Centre and delivering development to enhance Exeter’s position as a premier retail and cultural destination.“

2.3.6 To support and deliver the vision, the Core Strategy sets out ten objectives to achieve a sustainable balance that meets the overall needs of the city, but also respond to the challenges arising from climate change. The ten objectives are:

• Mitigate and adapt to climate change; • Develop the potential for economic and commercial development; • Provide decent homes for all; • Provide and enhance retail, cultural and tourist facilities; • Achieve a step change in the use of sustainable transport; • Meet community needs; • Promote development that contributes to a healthy population; • Protect and enhance the city’s character; • Achieve excellence in design; and • Provide infrastructure to deliver high quality development, enabling the Monkerton and Hill Barton urban extension to be delivered successfully. 2.3.7 The Exeter City Local Plan comprises the Core Strategy Development Plan Documents, as reviewed above, as well as policies in the Exeter Local Plan First Review that have been saved

2.3.8 Saved policies in the Exeter Local Plan Review include the following transport related policies:

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• Saved Policy DG6: Vehicle Circulation and Car Parking in Residential Development – sets out how the design of new residential developments should ensure that parking provision layout does not dominant the street scene and is safe and secure. Along with this the development should ensure it provides permeable road systems linked to adjoining roads and ensure traffic does not detract from the character of the townscape. • Saved Policy T3: Encouraging Use of Sustainable Modes – details how development should be laid out and linked to existing or proposed developments and facilities in ways that maximise the use of sustainable modes of transport. • Saved Policy T10: Car Parking Standards – sets out the maximum car parking standards of 1.5 spaces per dwelling. Exeter Sustainable Transport Supplementary Planning Document.

2.3.9 The ECC Sustainable Transport Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was produced in March 2013. This document provides guidance to applicants for planning permission on the design features and contributions that may be required to satisfy planning policies and ensure that development results in sustainable travel outcomes.

2.3.10 The SPD sets out the sustainable transport provision that developments should include. Areas covered include:

• Accessibility for people with disabilities; • Cycle parking and other facilities; • Car Parking; • Connections between the site and surroundings; • Travel Plans; • Off-site improvements; • On-site movement networks; • Car clubs; and • Specific significant transport infrastructure. 2.4 Transport & Highways Guidance Documentation

Manual for Streets 1 & 2 (MfS) - 2007/2010

2.4.1 Manual for Streets (MfS), published in March 2007 and 2010, provides guidance for practitioners involved in the planning, design, provision and approval of new streets, and modifications to existing ones. It aims to increase the quality of life through good design which creates more people-oriented streets. It is used predominantly for the design, construction, adoption and maintenance of new residential streets, but it is also applicable to existing residential streets subject to re-design.

2.4.2 MfS aims to assist in the creation of streets that:

» Help to build and strengthen the communities they serve; » Meet the needs of all users, by embodying the principles of inclusive design (see box); » Form part of a well-connected network; » Are attractive and have their own distinctive identity;

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» Aare cost-effective to construct and maintain; and » Are safe. 2.4.3 Manual for Streets 2: Wider Application of the Principles (MfS2) forms a companion guide to Manual for Streets (MfS1). MfS2 builds on the guidance contained in MfS1, exploring in greater detail how and where its key principles can be applied to busier streets and non-trunk roads, thus helping to fill the perceived gap in design guidance between MfS1 and the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB).

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Site Location

3.1.1 The site is located to the north of Harrington Lane, approximately 4.5km (2.8 miles) by road from Exeter city centre. The development site is bounded on its southern side by the rear of residential properties fronting Harrington Lane, Harrington Lane itself and the Ibstock Brickworks to the south of Harrington Lane. The site is also bounded by open fields to the north, west and eastern sides. Church Hill lies approximately 330m to the east of the site boundary. Cheynegate Lane is situated approximately 150m to the west of the site boundary.

3.1.2 The site extends to approximately 44.2 acres (17.88 hectares).

Figure 3-1-Extent of Approved Development Site Local Highway Network

3.1.3 Harrington Lane itself extends between approximately 40m to the west of the site boundary (at the junction with Cheynegate Lane) and the junction with Church Hill to the east. The Harrington Lane alignment continues as Beacon Heath, Beacon Lane, Calthorpe Road and Prince Charles Road before reaching the Stoke Arms roundabout to the west.

3.1.4 The entire length of carriageway has a 20mph speed limit and the carriageway width ranges from approximately 6.3m at the Stoke Arms roundabout to approximately 7m at the existing site access and approximately 6.3m at the junction with Harrington Drive, although on-street parking does reduce the effective carriageway, in limited sections, to single lane working at some times of the day.

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3.1.5 To maintain low traffic speeds along Harrington Lane, there are localised carriageway pinch points and speed cushions to allow comfortable bus access. There are uncontrolled pedestrian crossing facilities along Harrington Lane with tactile paving on either footway, there are flat top road humps either side of the junction with Chancel Lane, both providing uncontrolled pedestrian crossing facilities with appropriate tactile paving. Historically, traffic speeds along the frontage of the site were observed to be significantly over the 20mph speed limit and this is addressed as part of the transport strategy to support the development proposals.

3.1.6 DCC's Pinhoe Area Access Strategy notes that this corridor provides an east-west link connecting the communities of Pinhoe, Beacon Heath and Pennsylvania with the city centre as an alternative to the Pinhoe Road. The Strategy also notes that the single lane bridge, near the junction with Cheynegate Lane, is a constraint on this corridor with limited capacity to accommodate large volumes of traffic.

3.1.7 Equally, it is also considered that this local pinch-point acts as a deterrent to wider and increased rat- running traffic. However, the footway stops immediately west of the Cheynegate Lane Bridge, with an approximate 30m section of Beacon Lane without footway provision until the footway along the northern side of Beacon Lane with fronting residential properties.

3.1.8 The entire length of carriageway has a 20mph speed limit and the carriageway width ranges from approximately 6.3m at the Stoke Arms roundabout to approximately 7m at the existing site access and approximately 6.3m at the junction with Harrington Drive, although on-street parking does reduce the effective carriageway, in limited sections, to single lane working at some times of the day.

3.1.9 At the eastern end of Harrington Lane, Church Lane provides a connection to the Pinhoe Double Mini Roundabouts on the B3181 Main Road. DCC's Pinhoe Area Access Strategy notes that there are existing queues between 8am and 9am on the B3181 approach from Cullompton. However, this is a concentrated period of queuing, with the junction operating within capacity either side of this morning peak, providing scope for people to adjust their journey times by either leaving earlier or later to avoid the congestion.

3.1.10 Chancel Lane joins Harrington Lane approximately 250m east of the Site access and provides a link through to Venny Bridge to the south, thus providing a route into Whipton along the B3212 and a secondary route into Exeter. Chancel Lane is a two-lane carriageway approximately 6.5m wide and serves the residential properties along this route. Chancel Lane is also subject to a 20mph speed limit.

3.1.11 At the point where Chancel Lane crosses the railway, the width drops to approximately 3m (single-lane) over the railway bridge before widening again to approximately 5m. The railway bridge has reduced forward visibility due to its vertical alignment, together with a weight restriction preventing HGV use. However, a review of Personal Injury Collision records (See Section 3.10 of this TAA) identifies that no collisions have been recorded within the latest five years at this location.

3.1.12 Beacon Lane provides another link south from the site to Pinhoe Road – the B3212. It offers a single lane in each direction, with a carriageway width of ranging from approximately 5m at its narrowest point to approximately 6.3m. It is currently subject to a 20mph speed limit for its entire length.

3.1.13 Pinhoe Road forms part of the B3212, a main arterial route into Exeter City Centre. It also connects with Cumberland Way, Ambassador Drive and the Moor Lane roundabout, providing a direct link to junction 29 of the M5.

3.1.14 Pinhoe Road is, for the most part, a single lane in each direction carriageway, but it does increase to two lanes either way at the junction with the B3181. The carriageway width ranges from approximately

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12m where it increases to two lanes in either direction to 6m at its narrowest point (where the road passes under the railway bridge) at Polsloe Bridge.

3.1.15 The local road network benefits from good footway provision along all routes, with the exception of a 30m section of carriageway with no footway provision to the west of the site after the Cheynegate Lane Bridge and along Chancel Lane.

3.1.16 However, the Cheynegate Lane Bridge effectively operates as a single lane carriageway with westbound traffic giving way to eastbound traffic, with suitable width available for informal safe pedestrian navigation. Furthermore, a review of Personal Injury Collision records identifies that no collisions involving pedestrians or cyclists have been recorded within the latest five years at this location.

3.1.17 Footways along Chancel Lane also stop short of the bridge, with no footways provided between the new Chancel Park development (previously the Cold Store) and Venny Bridge. 3.2 Strategic Road Network

3.2.1 Junction 29 of the M5 motorway provides full directional access to the M5 motorway. It is approximately 3km (1.9 miles) by road from the approved residential development.

3.2.2 Junction 29 of the M5 motorway also provides access to the A30 which in turns connects to the A303 and destinations to London and the east. 3.3 Highway Safety

3.3.1 Information has been obtained covering the most recent three-year period available. Current guidance suggests that PIA data should be assessed for a period of three years, so the analysis presented below is very robust.

3.3.2 The extent of Pinhoe examined is shown is Figure 3.1

3.3.3 The purpose of examining PIA data is to ascertain if there are elements of the highway examined that may be causal factors in PIA events.

3.3.4 It is unlikely that a single incident at a particular location will be of sufficient evidential value to implicate highway design or condition as a causal factor, unless the particular highway issue is in some way extreme, so particular attention is paid to accident clusters. Notwithstanding the foregoing, weather conditions can also affect the level of highway risk but mitigating hazardous weather conditions is not usually achieved through alterations to the highway.

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Figure 3-2: Extent of PIA Data Search 3.3.5 Table 3.1 shows the number of PIA that occurred within the analysis period. Collision classification has been categorised into three types; slight, serious and fatal. For clarification, the ‘Serious’ injury collision category includes incidents that have resulted in serious injuries to one or more persons, but do not include fatalities.

Table 3.1: PIA Records Year Slight Serious Fatal Total 2016 2017 2 2 2018 1 1 2 Total 3 1 - 4 3.3.6 Table 3.2 displays a summary of the location and severity of the PIA records in the study area over the analysis period.

Table 3.2: PIA Records Road/Location Slight Serious Fatal Total Trends Harrington Lane - - - - - Church Hill - - - - - Main Road 3 1 4 None Apparent Total 3 1 4 3.3.7 As detailed in Tables 3.1 & 3.2, there is not considered to be a significant pattern of incidents on the local highway network recorded in the latest five year period within the study area.

3.3.8 Whilst there are four incidents which have occurred within the study area, these are not untypical of a highway network of this nature. Of the incidents, there have only been one serious incident and three slight incidents over the latest three year period assessed. These have been attributed to driver error/misjudgement and /or drivers failing to give-way at the junctions.

3.3.9 Consequently, it is reasonable to suggest that the local highway network in the vicinity of the application site, and at the junctions where development related impacts might occur on the nearest routes, operates in a low risk manner that is unlikely to be adversely affected by any additional trips generated by the proposed residential development.

3.3.10 Copies of the PIA records are contained at Appendix A to the rear of this report, along with plans identifying accident locations.

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4.1.1 The application site is considered to be accessible by non-car-modes for local trips, including education, employment, shopping and leisure activities.

4.1.2 The site largely complies with ECC’s accessibility criteria for residential development, being in close proximity to food and non-food retail, educational and leisure facilities, meaning that the accessibility targets are met. There are primary, secondary and further education establishments which are readily accessible from the site and the City Centre is within the public transport and car travel time limits. 4.2 Local Services, Facilities and Amenities

4.2.1 The following section summarises the existing services, facilities and amenities in relation to development site that are likely to be utilised by residents and visitors. There are a number of local services, facilities and amenities within reasonable walking/cycling distance of the development site. These include community, employment, education, retail, leisure and transport facilities.

4.2.2 Manual for Streets (MfS) (paragraph 4.4.1) states that ‘walkable neighbourhoods’ are typically characterised by having a range of facilities within 10 minutes (up to 800m) walking distance of residential areas, which residents may access comfortably on foot. In addition, the CIHT document ‘Planning for Walking’ (2015) states that “Across Britain about 80 per cent of journeys shorter than one mile (1.6km) are made wholly on foot”. Therefore, it is apparent that the distance to the local services and facilities including the nearest bus stops are within a suitable walking/cycling distance.

4.2.3 Table 3.1 identifies the indicative distances to the services, facilities and amenities provided as actual walking/cycle distances rather than 'as the crow flies' distances. Please note that the distances are indicative and have been measured from the existing access point via Harrington Lane.

Table 4.1: Local Services, Facilities and Amenities Service/Facility Indicative Distance from Site Approximate Journey Time Approximate Journey Time on Foot1 (Minutes) by Cycle2 (Minutes)

Aldi 1100m 13 minutes 45 seconds 3 minutes 25 seconds

Sainsbury’s 1400m 17 minutes 30 seconds 4 minutes 20 seconds

Spar Convenience 900m 11minutes 15 seconds 2 minutes 50 seconds

Nearest Bus Stops (All within 400m 5 minutes 1 minute 15 seconds 400m) Railway station 1400m 17 minutes 30 seconds 4 minutes 20 seconds

Primary School (Pinhoe) 650m 8 minutes 10 seconds 2 minutes

Secondary School (St Luke’s) 1400m 17 minutes 30 seconds 4 minutes 20 seconds

Surgery (Primary Care) 1800m 22 minutes 30 seconds 5 minute 40 seconds

Pharmacy 1100m 13 minutes 45 seconds 3 minutes 25 seconds

Public Library 1000m 12 minutes 30 seconds 3 minutes 10 seconds

1 Based on walking speed of 80m/minute, taken from ‘Providing for Journeys on Foot’, IHT 2 Based on cycling speed of 320m/minute (19.2kph), taken from Cycling England Design Guide

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4.2.4 It is apparent that the majority of services and facilities are within a 20 minute walking distance. In addition to the major name food superstores there are local convenience stores that fall marginally outside of the MfS “walkable neighbourhood” definition. With the exception of the surgery, which falls just outside, all of the listed facilities are within one mile of the development site access. Consequently, these are considered to constitute sustainable options for residents of the development site.

Bus Services

4.2.5 The nearest bus stops in relation to the site are situated on Harrington Lane, to the immediate south of the application site. There are a number of bus stops located along Harrington Lane which all serve the same bus timetables.

4.2.6 The services accessible at these stops include the L/B, and the 972 School Bus service. The L service is a regular service running between St Thomas and Monkerton, services are approximately 15 minutes apart throughout the day. The B service is a single service (in Pinhoe) except on Sundays when it runs hourly during the day, running between Pinhoe, Exeter City Centre and Exminster. The 972 is a “School bus” service running between Pinhoe and St Peters School in Heavitree. There is a single morning bus and a single afternoon bus timed to coincide with school arrival and departure times.

4.2.7 A summary of the available bus services is shown in Table 3.2. The local bus timetables are included in Appendix B.

Table 4.2: Summary of Local Bus Services Service Days of Hours of Approximate Weekday Operator Route No. Operation Operation Frequency

06:50 – 23:40 St Thomas – Exeter City Stagecoach L 7 & Centre – Pinhoe – Every 15 minutes South West 06:50 – 22:45 Monkerton and reverse 05:55 Exminster- Exeter City Stagecoach B 7 (Sundays 09:00 Centre – Pinhoe not Single one way service South West – 18:00) reversed.

07:37 Stagecoach 5 during Term Pinhoe – St Peters School 972 (Outbound) One each way. South West time and reverse 15:30 (Inbound)

4.2.8 The information set out in Table 3.2 is sufficient to conclude that the development site has 'good' road based public transport accessibility to a number of key destinations likely to be sought after by residents and visitors of the site.

4.2.9 Further information on bus routes and frequency can be obtained from

Rail Services

4.2.10 Service L provides a direct connection to the National Rail network at Pinhoe station (journey time four minutes). Bus stops are located on Pinn Lane to the south of the level crossing adjacent to the station. This is located approximately 1.6km (1 mile) by road from the site and is served by the following route:

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Table 4.3: Train Frequencies from Pinhoe Railway Station Frequency Operator Route Mon - Sat Eve & Sun

Exeter St Davids - Exeter Central - Honiton - South West Axminster - Yeovil Junction - Gillingham - Salisbury 17 journeys each way 60 mins Trains - Andover - Basingstoke - Woking - Clapham Junction - London Waterloo (and reverse)

4.2.11 Table 3.3 above indicates that Pinhoe station is served by a broadly-hourly frequency service seven days per week, although there are AM and PM peak enhancements on services to/from Exeter and Honiton. Services commence early in the morning (first train to London Waterloo departs 05:19) and finish late at night (last train from London Waterloo arrives 23:49). Journey time to Exeter Central is 4-10 minutes 1 1 and to London Waterloo 3 /4-3 /2 hours.

4.2.12 In addition, approximately 10 minutes by bike, access is also available to Polsloe Bridge railway station, from where the following services run:

Table 4.4: Train Frequencies from Polsloe Bridge Railway Station Frequency Operator Route Mon - Sat Eve & Sun

Exmouth - Lympstone Village - Topsham - Digby & Sowton - Exeter Central - Exeter St First Great David's ((services continue to either Newton 30 mins 60 mins Western Abbot - Torquay - Paignton or Crediton - Barnstaple) and reverse)

4.2.13 Polsloe Bridge provides access to the Exmouth branch line services provided by First Great Western on a 30 minute frequency during Monday to Saturday daytimes and every 60 minutes in the evenings and on Sundays. Trains operate between 06:00 (08:30 on Sundays) and 00:00.

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5.1.1 At outline stage, it was agreed with DCC and the Highways Agency (HA) that the area of influence the approved residential development at Pinhoe Quarry was deemed to have a material net vehicular impact upon the following significant junctions, and that these required capacity analysis: -

• Junction 1: Pinhoe Quarry Site Access(es)/Harrington Lane; • Junction 2: Harrington Lane/Chancel Lane Priority ‘T’ Junction; • Junction 3: Venny Bridge (Chancel Lane)/Pinhoe Road Priority ‘T’ Junction; • Junction 4: Harrington Lane/Church Hill Priority ‘T’ Junction; • Junction 5: Church Hill/ Langaton Lane/ B3181 Main Road Double Mini roundabouts (B3181 Double Mini-Roundabout); • Junction 8: Beacon Lane/Summer Lane/Pinwood Lane Priority Crossroads junction; • Junction 10: Calthorpe Road/Beacon Lane Priority ‘T’ Junction; • Junction 11: Beacon Lane/Pinhoe Road 3 arm Signalised Junction; and • Junction 12: Prince Charles Road/Union Road/Stoke Hill/Old Tiverton Road/Mount Pleasant Road roundabout (Stoke Arms roundabout).

5.1.2 Furthermore, to satisfy the HA’s requirements, the Moor Lane roundabout was also analysed to ensure assessment of the level of traffic accessing Junction 29 of the M5 motorway from the A30 Honiton Road. 5.2 Traffic Survey Details

5.2.1 To enable junction capacity analysis to be carried out, traffic flows were commissioned by Peter Brett Associates. The surveys were undertaken as fully classified AM and PM peak hour manual turning counts and queue surveys at the junctions within the assessment study area. The surveys were carried out on the 25th March 2010, with the flows identifying an AM network peak of 08:00 – 09:00 and a PM network peak of 16:45-17:45. 5.3 Modelling Software Utilised

5.3.1 The approved junction capacity testing was undertaken in the weekday AM (08:00-09:00) and PM network peak hour (16:45-17:45) for all existing local junctions identified in the assessment study area using TRL's ARCADY 7 and PICADY 5, JCT's LinSig 3 and SIAS's Paramics software.

5.3.2 Paramics is a microsimulation package used to assess either individual junctions or highway networks, for capacity and queuing. Paramics is generally considered to be a more accurate model than either the TRL packages or the JCT package. 5.4 Approved Junction Modelling Results

Junction 1. Site Access

5.4.1 This junction was not modelled as it was designed to be capacity efficient.

Junction 2. Harrington Lane/Chancel Lane Priority 'T' Junction Assessment

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5.4.2 In the 2017 Base plus development scenario, this junction is shown to operating well within theoretical capacity in both the AM and PM peak periods, with a maximum RFC of 0.59 and queue of 1.69 vehicles on the Chancel Lane arm in the PM peak.

Junction 3. Venny Bridge (Chancel Lane)/Pinhoe Road Junction Assessment

5.4.3 This junction was modelled using Paramics.

5.4.4 The AM peak (08:00 - 09:00) scenario highlights that the Venny Bridge junction was capacity efficient, albeit approaching capacity. Queuing on the Venny Bridge arm reached a maximum point of 13 PCUs but showed on average that the queue did not get above 10 vehicles. The queuing at the junction was largely due to the high flow of traffic on Pinhoe Road, although at times eastbound traffic queuing at the Cumberland Way junction did block back to the Venny Bridge junction causing slight delays.

5.4.5 In the PM peak (16:45 - 17:45) the model demonstrated that the junction operated within capacity throughout the peak hour, although queuing levels did begin to build towards the end of the hour. It was considered that the building of queues was likely to drop off again as flow levels at the junction decreased moving into the next hour (from 17:45) and therefore did not represent a significant concern.

5.4.6 The queuing on the Venny Bridge arm of the junction reached a maximum of 12 vehicles during the PM Peak, although there was an average queue of approximately five at the junction throughout the peak hour. The queuing at this time was again largely due to the high flow of traffic on Pinhoe Road although at times westbound traffic queuing at the Exhibition Way junction did block back to the Venny Bridge junction causing slight delays.

Junction 4. Harrington Lane/Church Hill Priority ‘T’ Junction

5.4.7 The Harrington Lane/Church Hill Priority ‘T’ Junction continued to operate within capacity, with the residential development at Pinhoe Quarry, in both the AM and PM peak periods, with a maximum RFC of 0.59 and a queue of 1.48 vehicles on the Harrington Lane arm in the AM peak.

Junction 5. B3181 Double Mini-Roundabouts

5.4.8 The B3181 double mini-roundabouts operates over theoretical capacity in the AM peak period with the residential development at Pinhoe Quarry, with a maximum RFC of 1.12, and a queue of 95.36 vehicles and average delay of 7.0 minutes on B3181 North arm in the AM Peak.

5.4.9 The results demonstrated that whilst the development does marginally impact upon the operational performance of the junction during the peak periods, compared with the base scenario, the impact of 23 additional vehicles (approximately one vehicle every three minutes) in the AM peak only increases queuing by four vehicles and delay by approximately 20 seconds on the B3181 North arm and five vehicles and 30 seconds on the Church Hill arm.

Junction 8. Beacon Lane/Summer Lane/Pinwood Lane Priority Crossroads Junction

5.4.10 The Beacon Lane/Summer Lane/Pinwood Lane Priority Crossroads Junction continues to operate within capacity, with the residential development at Pinhoe Quarry in both the AM and PM peak periods, with a maximum RFC of 0.86 and queue of 5.32 vehicles on the Summer Lane arm in the PM peak.

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Junction 10. Calthorpe Road/Beacon Lane Priority ‘T’ Junction

5.4.11 The Calthorpe Road/Beacon Lane Priority ‘T’ Junction continues to operate within capacity, with the residential development at Pinhoe Quarry in both the AM and PM peak periods, with a maximum RFC of 0.63 and queue of 1.63 vehicles on the Calthorpe Road (West) arm in the AM peak.

Junction 11. Pinhoe Road/Beacon Lane Signalised Junction

5.4.12 The Pinhoe Road/Beacon Lane Signalised Junction continues to operate within capacity in the AM peak period with the residential development at Pinhoe Quarry.

5.4.13 The signalised junction continues to operate at capacity with the residential development at Pinhoe Quarry in the PM peak hour, with a maximum DoS of 101.7 on the Pinhoe Road East arm and a maximum queue of 44.9 PCU’s on the Pinhoe Road West arm.

5.4.14 The junction modelling predicted that the approved development will increase traffic at the junction by only 22 PCU’s (approximately one PCU every three minutes) during the PM peak, resulting in queuing at the junction increasing by only five PCU’s on the Pinhoe Road (W) arm. All other arms remain unaffected. The results therefore demonstrate that the development has an immaterial impact upon the operational performance of the junction.

Junction 12. Stoke Arms Roundabout

5.4.15 The Stoke Arms Roundabout potentially operated over capacity, with the residential development at Pinhoe Quarry in both the AM and PM peak periods, forecasting a maximum RFC of 0.94 and queue of 10.8 vehicles on the Prince Charles Road arm in the AM peak.

Moor Lane Roundabout

5.4.16 The HA requested that the approved TA set out the proportional impact of the approved development proposals on the SRN to simply quantify the impact in reporting terms, rather than assess the operational impacts of the additional traffic.

5.4.17 The proportional impact of development at the Moor Lane Roundabout in the 2020 AM and PM peak hour scenarios was shown to be 1.1% and 1.2% respectively. 5.5 Approved TA Junction Modelling Summary

5.5.1 The results of the 2017 Base Scenario assessments demonstrated that all identified junctions, except for the Pinhoe double mini roundabouts, the Venny Bridge/Pinhoe Road junction and the Pinhoe Road/Beacon Lane signalised junction were predicted to operate within capacity in both the AM and PM peak periods.

5.5.2 The Pinhoe Double Mini Roundabouts were predicted to work within capacity during the PM Peak, although the junction is predicted to operate at capacity in the AM Peak. However, DCC acknowledged that this was a concentrated period of queuing, with the junction predicted to operate within capacity either side of the morning peak hour, providing scope for people to adjust their journey times by either leaving earlier or later to avoid the congestion.

5.5.3 The Venny Bridge/Pinhoe Road junction was predicted to operate over capacity in the 2017 base AM peak scenario with queuing on the Venny Bridge arm expected to exceed 18 vehicles. The PM peak scenario showed similar results and is therefore also considered over capacity, again with queuing expected to exceed 18 vehicles, without residential development at Pinhoe Quarry.

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5.5.4 The Pinhoe Road/Beacon Lane signalised junction was predicted to operate within capacity during the AM Peak, although it was predicted to operate at capacity during the PM peak. Whilst this identifies a future capacity issue, the junction operates as part of a constrained arterial route into Exeter City Centre and forms part of a wider existing issue along the Pinhoe Road corridor, to be addressed through DCC’s LTP3.

5.5.5 The results of the 2017 Base plus Development Scenario assessments demonstrated that all identified junctions, except for the Pinhoe double mini roundabouts, Venny Bridge/Pinhoe Road junction and the Pinhoe Road/Beacon Lane signalised junction were predicted to continue operating within capacity in both the AM and PM peak periods with residential development at Pinhoe Quarry.

5.5.6 The results of the Pinhoe Double Mini Roundabouts assessments, including the sensitivity test on the level of extant landfill traffic generation, demonstrated that the junction continued to operate within capacity during the PM peak, and has an immaterial impact on the junction’s operational performance or safety during the AM Peak, following residential development at Pinhoe Quarry.

5.5.7 The Venny Bridge/Pinhoe Road junction was shown to operate much as it did in the base scenario, albeit the introduction of development traffic slightly increased the predicted level of queuing at the Venny Bridge junction and the nearby Cumberland Way and Exhibition Way junctions.

5.5.8 As a result of this, a signalised scheme was designed for this junction in order to mitigate the effects of the proposed development and provide a safer junction arrangement for all road users. This junction arrangement was modelled along with the two signalised junctions on either side (Pinhoe Road/Exhibition Way and Pinhoe Road/Monkerton Link) and was found to operate within capacity in both the AM and PM peak hour 2017 plus development scenarios.

5.5.9 The Pinhoe Road/Beacon Lane signalised junction was predicted to continue operating within capacity during the AM Peak, with development at Pinhoe Quarry, and had an immaterial impact on the junction’s operational performance or safety during the PM Peak, with only minor increases in queuing and delay predicted.

5.5.10 The proposed site access junctions both operated well within capacity with the residential development in both the AM and PM peak periods.

5.5.11 As agreed with the HA, the proportional impact of the development traffic was been calculated on the SRN. A review of the SRN included Moor Lane roundabout, the A30 Honiton Road link and the M5 Junction 29.

5.5.12 From the analysis presented, the approved development was predicted to have an immaterial impact on the operation of the SRN, with a maximum 1.2% impact at the Moor Lane Roundabout and only one additional vehicle every minute predicted to travel through Junction 29 of the M5 during the PM Peak hour.

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6. 2019 REVIEW OF TRAFFIC DATA & MODELLING 6.1 Approved TA TEMPro Forecast Review

6.1.1 The approved TA forecast likely traffic volume increase based on the output of the DfT TEMPro software modified with committed development. This means that the TEMPro forecast utilised was lowered to reflect background traffic growth with the known committed development traffic flows deducted. This avoided potential double counting and should as a result be a more accurate forecast.

6.1.2 It was established that approximately 25% of committed vehicular trip generation would pass through the study area identified in the approved TA in the AM peak. The AM peak being the absolute local highway network peak. It is important to understand that the committed development traffic flows were themselves based on TEMPro forecasting.

6.1.3 The agreed permitted development flows and distribution are shown in Table 5.1 and Table 5.2 respectively.

Table 6.1 – Summary of Transport Demand AM Peak

Summary of transport demand

i) Cranbrook new community, 179 hectares with 2,900 dwellings by 2011.

AM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips: Inbound Outbound TOTAL 2900 dwellings 319 1218 1537

ii) Skypark business park, 25 hectares by 2011 approx 110,000sqm of employment space (60% B1 , 40% B2)

AM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips: Inbound Outbound TOTAL

110,000sqm Gross Floor Area 1483 198 1681

iii) Exeter Airport, 2 million passengers per year by 2030, estimated 1.21 million passengers by 2011.

Trip generation expected to be 200 vehicles in each direction in the AM peak hour at 2011.

iv) A 44 hectare Intermodal freight facility for the transfer of freight and a freight distribution centre.

IMFT: AM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips: Inbound Outbound TOTAL 2011 AM Peak 191 76 267

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Table 6.2 – AM Peak Trip Distribution

Trip Distribution

The following table summarises the trip distributions for each of the developments in the AM peak hour to the major origins/destinations in the area.

Trip Distribution for the Exeter AEA Developments: EDNC Skypark Airport IMFT M5 North of J29 5.00% 8.00% 7.00% 10.00% M5 South of J30 18.00% 24.00% 21.00% 24.00% A30 East of Exeter Airport 0.00% 8.00% 3.00% 15.00% Old A30 (Rockbeare) 9.00% 2.00% 6.00% 2.00% Broadclyst 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 2.00% A376 (East of J30) 5.00% 6.00% 5.00% 5.00% Exeter via J30 13.00% 10.00% 11.00% 8.00% Honiton Road (West of J29) 28.00% 26.00% 27.00% 27.00% Internal AEA Developments 10.00% 9.00% 8.00% 6.00% Other 5.00% 0.00% 6.00% 1.00% TOTAL 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

v) The Science Park, total of 25 hectares with completion of 26,000 sq metres of floorspace by 2016 and total of 55,000 sq metres ultimately with approximately 2,000 employees. 6.1.4 A review of the TEMPro forecasting following the passage of time, is considered not only reasonable but necessary as this will ascertain whether the junction modelling presented in the approved TA is still relevant.

6.1.5 At the time that the approved TA was drafted the current version of TEMPro was TEMPro 6.2 with National Traffic Model AF09 (2003 – 2035). TEMPro 6.2 forecasting suggests that traffic volumes in Exeter would increase by approximately 6% between 2011 and 2017, by approximately 13% between 2011 and 2020 and by approximately 21% between 2011 and 2024.

6.1.6 This information is not strictly relevant due to the traffic volume growth forecast methodology adopted. However, it is still useful as the adopted methodology would have been calibrated against the TEMPro only forecast. The methodology adopted was intended to avoid double counting which could have had serious adverse consequences for modelling outputs of junctions with marginal base capacity.

6.1.7 If the traffic volumes have increased in line with the forecasting presented in the approved TA, there is unlikely to be any need to revisit the available junction capacity within the study area. Obviously, if the traffic volume increase were in excess of the forecasting, this situation would be different, and remodelling some or all of the relevant junctions would be reasonable.

6.1.8 However, the reality is that the traffic volumes in Exeter have decreased since 2010/11 rather than increased. 6.2 Changes in Exeter Traffic Volumes 2005 to 2015

6.2.1 DCC as part of the transport evidence base for the Exeter Transport Strategy and Greater Exeter joint Strategic Plan produced a report issued in January 2019 entitled “Exeter Transport Strategy Evidence Document”.

6.2.2 This report provides an overview of the empirical travel data for the Greater Exeter Area, going back at least 10 years. This includes a review of the key characteristics and usage of the local and strategic highway network.

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6.2.3 Traffic count data was collected from 30 local ATC sites and 15 TRADS sites within the identified study area to assess the annual and hourly variation of traffic flows. Significantly, the study area included, but was not limited to:-

• An Inner Cordon of Exeter Radial Routes; • Exeter Outer Ring Road; • An Outer Cordon of roads into Exeter; • Strategic Road Network 6.2.4 At each site, where data was available, analysis was undertaken and the following information calculated:-

• Annual trends and average growth in Annual Average Daily Traffic (AAWT) from 2005 to 2015; • Identification of peak hours of traffic flow on a typical weekday through looking at traffic profiles for the year 2014. 6.2.5 Table 6.3 presents the annual traffic volumes recorded in Exeter between 2005 and 2015.

Table 6.3 – Change in Traffic Volumes in Exeter – 2010 (Recorded) – 2024 (extrapolated) Additional Years Since 2010 Average Site AAWT Annual No. Total 4 9 change No. Site Name 2005 2010 2015 change yrs Change 2019 2024 1 Cowley Bridge Road 16426 15297 14758 -1.0% 10 -10.2% -9.1% -14.1% 2 Pinhoe Road (Whipton) 18477 22291 21084 1.6% 10 14.1% 13.5% 21.5% 3 Honiton Road 28804 27573 27168 -0.6% 10 -6.1% -5.5% -8.5% Topsham Road (King 4 28074 27617 26892 -0.4% 10 -4.0% -3.6% -5.6% George)

5 Alphington St 30297 29273 29148 -0.4% 10 -4.0% -3.6% -5.6% InnerCordon 6 Cowick St 15203 14760 13958 -0.9% 10 -9.2% -8.2% -12.7% Total 137281 136811 133008 -0.3% 10 -3.1% -2.8% -4.3% 7 Monkerton link road 115821 14076 16300 5.1% 8 40.7% 40.8% 66.3% 8 Hill Barton Road 24797 18263 18720 -2.5% 10 -24.5% -22.3% -34.8% 9 Rydon Lane 36473 35363 33255 -0.9% 10 -8.8% -8.0% -12.5% 10 Bridge Road 36728 33961 33912 -0.8% 10 -7.7% -7.1% -11.1%

11 Western Way 32983 32124 31982 -0.3% 10 -3.0% -2.7% -4.2% -5.85% Exeter Routes Exeter Total 142563 133787 134169 -0.7% 10 -5.9% -5.8% -9.3% 12 A377 Half Moon 12842 13268 13386 0.4% 10 4.2% 3.7% 5.7% 13 A396 Rewe 7077 6493 6734*2 -0.5% 10 -4.8% -4.4% -6.9% 14 B3181 Broadclyst 10428 8807 9515 -0.9% 10 -8.8% -8.0% -12.5% 15 Clyst Honiton 6066 6180 6216 0.2% 10 2.5% 2.1% 3.1% 16 A3052 17217*6 15392 16345*3 -0.6% 8 -5.1% -5.0% -8.0% 17 A376 21780 21030 20899 -0.4% 10 -4.0% -3.6% -5.6%

18 A379 Exminster 9927 10098 9917*3 0.0% 9 -0.1% -0.1% -0.1% Outer Cordon Outer 19 A379 Peamore *4 18387 18452 0.0% 5 0.4% 0.2% 0.2% 20 Dunsford 1713 1598 1633 -0.5% 10 -4.7% -4.4% -6.9% Total (excluding Peamore) 85337 81268 83012 -0.3% 10 -2.7% -2.6% -4.1% 6.2.6 The total change in traffic volumes between 2005 and 2024 (five years post submission of the reserved matters application) is forecast to be an average reduction of 5.85% across the Exeter study area. This is a far more area and time specific assessment than TEMPro could provide.

6.2.7 The clear implication of this finding is that the junction modelling undertaken in support of the outline application remains a robust worst case assessment that does not require to be updated in support of the reserved matters application.

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6.3 2017 Base + Development Approved Flows

6.3.1 In order to appreciate the significance of this finding the junction modelling results approved at outline are presented in this section. It is apparent that the development impact was predicted to be acceptable on these junctions.

6.3.2 A summary of the 2017 Base plus Residential Development at Pinhoe Quarry ARCADY, PICADY and LinSig results for the local road network are set out in Table 6.4 and Table 6.5.

Table 6.4 – 2017 Base + Development - All Flow Capacity Results for Junctions 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12 AM Peak PM Peak

2017 Base + Development RFC MMQ Delay RFC MMQ Delay

Junction 2. Harrington Lane / Chancel Lane Priority 7' Junction (B) From Chancel Lane 0.351 0.72 0.23 0.599 1.69 0.22

(C) From Harrington Lane 1.71 (North) 0.579 0.24 0.355 0.62 0.15

Junction 4. Harrington Lane / Church Hill Priority 7' Junction (B) From Harrington Lane 1.48 0.598 0.23 0.461 0.89 0.18

(B) From Church Hill North 0.06 0.055 0.11 0.025 0.03 0.12

Junction 5. B3181 Double Mini-Roundabout Church Hill 1.004 3.060 0.852 5.05 1.231 20.91 B3181 North 1.122 7.000 0.605 1.54 0.199 95.36

Langaton Lane 0.384 0.61 0.592 0.106 0.12 0.182

B3181 South 0.311 0.159 0.231 0.30 0.111 0.45 Station Road 0.437 0.097 0.722 2.59 0.190 0.78 Junction 8. Beacon Lane / Summer Lane / Pin wo o d Lane Priority Crossroads Junction (B) From Summer Lane 0.547 1.18 0.19 0.860 5.32 0.38

(A) From 0.005 0.12 0.058 0.07 0.13 Beacon Lane 0.00 (D)East From Pinwood Lane 0.285 0.39 0.21 0.113 0.13 0.18

(C) From Beacon Lane 3.84 West 0.719 0.42 0.424 1.01 0.22

Junction 10. Calthorpe Road / Beacon Lane Priority 7' Junction

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From Beacon Road 0.372 0.58 0.27 0.511 1.02 0.29

(C) From Calthorpe Road 1.63 West 0.627 0.28 0.437 0.76 0.20

Junction 12. Stoke Arms Roundabout Stoke Hill 0.740 0.203 0.406 0.68 0.106 2.78 Prince Charles Road 0.942 10.84 0.875 0.700 2.29 0.185

Mount Pleasant Road 0.765 2.98 0.530 0.853 5.09 0.617

Old Tiverton Road 0.324 0.47 0.131 0.714 2.38 0.337

Union Road 0.435 0.122 0.826 4.26 0.551 0.76

Table 6.5 - All Flow Capacity Results for Junction 11 AM Peak PM Peak 2017 Base + Deg Sat Av. Delay Av. Delay Development MMQ Deg Sat (%) MMQ (%) (s/p cu) (s/p cu) Junction 11. Pinhoe Road / Beacon Lane Signalised Junction Beacon Lane (both 86.5 9.9 60 64.3 4.6 42.2 directions) Pinhoe Road East (RT + 85.2 22.3 25 101.4 35.8 86.1 Ahead) Pinhoe Road West (LT + 77.8 17.0 27.3 101.7 44.9 100.9 Ahead)

6.3.3 Due to the nature of traffic flows through junctions, it is difficult to draw firm conclusions regarding the likely impacts upon each junction of a near 6% reduction in traffic volume, however it is reasonable to assume an improvement in operation at the junctions in question.

Junctions Modelled in Paramics (Micro-Simulation)

6.3.4 The length of local highway modelled utilising Paramics is considered highly likely to benefit in capacity terms in the same manner as the junctions modelled separately. 6.4 Section Summary

6.4.1 Based on the data collected and analysed by DCC, specifically relating to changes in traffic volumes in Exeter between 2005 and 2015, it is suggested that the "base" traffic volumes are actually likely to be approximately 6% lower than forecast at the outline application stage.

6.4.2 This being the case, it is reasonable to suggest that the original junction capacity modelling conducted at outline, and approved by both the LPA and the LHA is still relevant, and in fact represents a robust assessment of the likely impact of the approved developments vehicular impacts.

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7.1.1 This Highway Appraisal Review (TAA) has been prepared by Hydrock for Clifton Emery Design. The purpose of this TAA is to review the previous highways related planning submissions associated with the outline consent granted by Exeter City Council (ECC) for the proposed redevelopment of Pinhoe Quarry, in Exeter (PA10/2088/01).

7.1.2 The transport strategy outlined in the submitted, and previously approved TA, had developed around a balanced and integrated package of measures that sought to mitigate the vehicular impacts of the development on the local highway network, as they were then forecast to be and to enhance development related movement by alternative modes to the private car, thereby supporting the sustainable redevelopment of the site.

7.1.3 This TAA reviewed the original TA data and junction capacity modelling sections, updating or amending them as required to reflect the passage of time between the submissions of the TA at Outline to the current reserved matters application some 10 years later. 7.2 Conclusion

7.2.1 This TAA has examined a range of issues that cover the most important highways related considerations arising from the passage of time between the grant of outline planning consent and the submission of a reserved matters application. It is suggested that this TAA demonstrates that:-

a. The reserved matters application remains policy compliant; b. The local highway network remains suitable to accommodate the approved vehicular trip generation associated with the approved residential development; c. The local highway network operates in a low risk manner with very few PIA incidents recorded; d. In terms of non-motorised accessibility, the reserved matters application site remains highly accessible and sustainable; e. Traffic volumes in Exeter reduced by approximately 6% in the period between 2005 and 2015; f. The previously submitted and approved junction capacity modelling was based on TEMPro growth factors which indicated local traffic volume growth within the same time period, of approximately 6%, an over estimation of 12%; g. The traffic volume reduction is considered to be a continuing trend; h. The submitted and approved junction capacity modelling is therefore considered to be a highly robust worst case scenario, which remains sufficiently informative to allow the LPA and LHA to draw a conclusion regarding the acceptability of the reserved matters application transport impacts. 7.2.2 On the basis of the findings within this TAA and in the context of the guidelines within paragraphs. 108 & 109 of the NPPF it is considered that there are no residual adverse cumulative impacts in terms of highway safety or the operational capacity of the surrounding transport network and therefore planning permission should not be withheld on transport grounds.

Hydrock Consultants Ltd

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Appendix A


TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT ADDENDUM | Residential Development at Pinhoe Quarry, Exeter | 07799-HYD-RP-TP-5001-P01 | 9 August 2019 26 Crash Date: Tuesday, February 07, 2017 Time of Crash: 2:45:00 PM Crash Reference: 2017500161701

Highest Injury Severity: Slight Road Number: U0 Number of Casualties: 1

Highway Authority: Devon Number of Vehicles: 3

Local Authority: Exeter City OS Grid Reference: 296436 94504

Weather Description: Fine without high winds

Road Surface Description: Wet or Damp

Speed Limit: 30

Light Conditions: Daylight: regardless of presence of streetlights

Carriageway Hazards: None

Junction Detail: Not at or within 20 metres of junction

Junction Pedestrian Crossing: No physical crossing facility within 50 metres

Road Type: Single carriageway

Junction Control: Not Applicable

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Page 1 of 2 7/16/2019 4:02:20 PM Vehicles involved Vehicle Vehicle Type Vehicle Driver Driver Age Vehicle Maneouvre First Point of Journey Hit Object - On Hit Object - Off Ref Age Gender Band Impact Purpose Carriageway Carriageway 3 Car (excluding private 17 Female 36 - 45 Vehicle is slowing down or stopping Front Other None None hire) 2 Car (excluding private 11 Female 36 - 45 Vehicle is slowing down or stopping Back Journey as None None hire) part of work 1 0RWRUF\FOHRYHUFF 8 Male 16 - 20 Vehicle is passing another moving vehicle Front Other None None and up to 125cc on its offside


Vehicle Ref Casualty Ref Injury Severity Casualty Class Gender Age Band Pedestrian Location Pedestrian Movement 1 1 Slight Driver or rider Male 16 - 20 Unknown or other Unknown or other

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Page 2 of 2 7/16/2019 4:02:20 PM Crash Date: Wednesday, August 02, 2017 Time of Crash: 8:43:00 PM Crash Reference: 2017500211228

Highest Injury Severity: Slight Road Number: B3181 Number of Casualties: 2

Highway Authority: Devon Number of Vehicles: 2

Local Authority: Exeter City OS Grid Reference: 296398 94462

Weather Description: Raining without high winds

Road Surface Description: Wet or Damp

Speed Limit: 30

Light Conditions: Darkness: street lights present and lit

Carriageway Hazards: None

Junction Detail: Roundabout

Junction Pedestrian Crossing: Central refuge - no other controls

Road Type: Roundabout

Junction Control: Give way or uncontrolled

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Page 1 of 2 7/16/2019 4:04:42 PM Vehicles involved Vehicle Vehicle Type Vehicle Driver Driver Age Vehicle Maneouvre First Point of Journey Hit Object - On Hit Object - Off Ref Age Gender Band Impact Purpose Carriageway Carriageway 2 Motorcycle 50cc and -1 Male 16 - 20 Vehicle proceeding normally along the Front Other None None under carriageway, not on a bend 1 Car (excluding private 17 Female 21 - 25 Vehicle proceeding normally along the Nearside Other None None hire) carriageway, not on a bend


Vehicle Ref Casualty Ref Injury Severity Casualty Class Gender Age Band Pedestrian Location Pedestrian Movement 1 1 Slight Driver or rider Female 21 - 25 Unknown or other Unknown or other 2 2 Slight Driver or rider Male 16 - 20 Unknown or other Unknown or other

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Page 2 of 2 7/16/2019 4:04:42 PM 2018 data is provisional and is subject to change Crash Date: Friday, January 12, 2018 Time of Crash: 4:58:00 PM Crash Reference: 2018500261240

Highest Injury Severity: Slight Road Number: B3181 Number of Casualties: 1

Highway Authority: Devon Number of Vehicles: 2

Local Authority: Exeter City OS Grid Reference: 296452 94528

Weather Description: Other

Road Surface Description: Wet or Damp

Speed Limit: 20

Light Conditions: Darkness: street lights present and lit

Carriageway Hazards: None

Junction Detail: Not at or within 20 metres of junction

Junction Pedestrian Crossing: No physical crossing facility within 50 metres

Road Type: Single carriageway

Junction Control: Unknown

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Page 1 of 2 7/16/2019 4:00:33 PM 2018 data is provisional and is subject to change Vehicles involved Vehicle Vehicle Type Vehicle Driver Driver Age Vehicle Maneouvre First Point of Journey Hit Object - On Hit Object - Off Ref Age Gender Band Impact Purpose Carriageway Carriageway 2 Car (excluding private -1 Male 16-24 Vehicle is slowing down or stopping Unknown Other None None hire) 1 Car (excluding private -1 Female 25-34 Vehicle is slowing down or stopping Unknown Other None None hire)


Vehicle Ref Casualty Ref Injury Severity Casualty Class Gender Age Band Pedestrian Location Pedestrian Movement 2 1 Slight Vehicle or pillion Female 25-34 Unknown or other Unknown or other passenger

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Page 2 of 2 7/16/2019 4:00:33 PM 2018 data is provisional and is subject to change Crash Date: Friday, February 09, 2018 Time of Crash: 2:24:00 AM Crash Reference: 2018500271833

Highest Injury Severity: Serious Road Number: B3181 Number of Casualties: 1

Highway Authority: Devon Number of Vehicles: 1

Local Authority: Exeter City OS Grid Reference: 296408 94458

Weather Description: Raining without high winds

Road Surface Description: Wet or Damp

Speed Limit: 30

Light Conditions: Darkness: street lights present and lit

Carriageway Hazards: None

Junction Detail: T or staggered junction

Junction Pedestrian Crossing: No physical crossing facility within 50 metres

Road Type: Single carriageway

Junction Control: Give way or uncontrolled

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Page 1 of 2 7/16/2019 4:06:11 PM 2018 data is provisional and is subject to change Vehicles involved Vehicle Vehicle Type Vehicle Driver Driver Age Vehicle Maneouvre First Point of Journey Hit Object - On Hit Object - Off Ref Age Gender Band Impact Purpose Carriageway Carriageway 1 Car (excluding private -1 Female 35-44 Vehicle proceeding normally along the Unknown Commuting Roadworks None hire) carriageway, not on a bend to/from work


Vehicle Ref Casualty Ref Injury Severity Casualty Class Gender Age Band Pedestrian Location Pedestrian Movement 1 1 Serious Driver or rider Female 35-44 Unknown or other Unknown or other

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Page 2 of 2 7/16/2019 4:06:11 PM TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT ADDENDUM

Appendix B

Bus Timetables

TRANSPORT ASSESSMENT ADDENDUM | Residential Development at Pinhoe Quarry, Exeter | 07799-HYD-RP-TP-5001-P01 | 9 August 2019 27 B Pinhoe - Exeter City Centre -Exminster 2B Exeter - Exminster - Dawlish -Teignmouth

Stagecoach South West Timetable valid from 26/05/2019 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service B B B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 0550 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) arr 0553 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) dep 0553 Pinhoe, Church Hill (NW-bound) 0526 0556 Beacon Heath, Arena Park (W-bound) 0530 0600 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (W-bound) 0533 0603 St James, Devonshire Place (W-bound) 0535 0605 0757 0827 0852 0948 1018 1048 1118 1148 1218 1248 1318 Exeter City Centre, Bus Station (Bay 2) 0538 0608 0627 0658 0735 0805 0835 0900 0926 0956 1026 1056 1126 1156 1226 1256 1326 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 4) arr 0540 0610 0630 0701 0738 0808 0838 0905 0931 1001 1031 1101 1131 1201 1231 1301 1331 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 4) dep 0540 0610 0630 0702 0740 0810 0840 0907 0933 1003 1033 1103 1133 1203 1233 1303 1333 Cowick, Stone Lane Retail Park (SE-bound) 0547 0617 0637 0712 0752 0822 0852 0919 0945 1015 1045 1115 1145 1215 1245 1315 1345 Marsh Barton, Denbury Court (SE-bound) 0552 0622 0642 0718 0758 0828 0858 0925 0951 1021 1051 1121 1151 1221 1251 1321 1351 Marsh Barton, Matford P&R (S-bound) 0554 0624 0653 0720 Exminster, Milbury Farm (S-bound) 0647 0658 0803 0833 0903 0930 0956 1026 1056 1126 1156 1226 1256 1326 1356 Exminster, Victory Hall (S-bound) 0649 0700 0805 0835 0905 0932 0958 1028 1058 1128 1158 1228 1258 1328 1358 Exminster, Royal Oak (E-bound) 0652 0703 0808 0838 0908 0935 1001 1031 1101 1131 1201 1231 1301 1331 1401 Kenton, adj Triangle 0708 0813 0913 1006 1106 1206 1306 1406 Starcross, Rail Station (Stop A) 0713 0818 0918 1011 1111 1211 1311 1411 Dawlish Warren, Sainsburys (W-bound) 0719 0824 0924 1017 1117 1217 1317 1417 Dawlish, Shutterton Industrial Estate (S-bound) 0721 0826 0926 1019 1119 1219 1319 1419 Dawlish, The Green (Stop A) 0730 0835 0935 1028 1128 1228 1328 1428 Teignmouth, Seaview Diner (Stop A) Mondays to Fridays Service B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B 2B B B Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) arr Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) dep Pinhoe, Church Hill (NW-bound) Beacon Heath, Arena Park (W-bound) Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (W-bound) St James, Devonshire Place (W-bound) 1348 1418 1448 1518 1548 1622 1652 1720 1752 1833 1903 Exeter City Centre, Bus Station (Bay 2) 1356 1426 1456 1526 1556 1646 1716 1740 1800 1840 1910 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 4) arr 1401 1431 1501 1531 1601 1650 1721 1746 1806 1844 1914 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 4) dep 1403 1433 1503 1533 1603 1652 1724 1748 1808 1846 1916 Cowick, Stone Lane Retail Park (SE-bound) 1415 1445 1515 1545 1615 1705 1736 1800 1820 1855 1925 Marsh Barton, Denbury Court (SE-bound) 1421 1451 1521 1551 1621 1710 1742 1806 1826 1900 1930 Marsh Barton, Matford P&R (S-bound) 1932 Exminster, Milbury Farm (S-bound) 1426 1456 1526 1556 1626 1717 1747 1811 1831 1903 Exminster, Victory Hall (S-bound) 1428 1458 1528 1558 1628 1719 1749 1813 1833 1907 Exminster, Royal Oak (E-bound) 1431 1501 1531 1601 1631 1722 1752 1816 1836 1910 Kenton, adj Triangle 1506 1606 1727 1821 1841 Starcross, Rail Station (Stop A) 1511 1611 1732 1826 1846 Dawlish Warren, Sainsburys (W-bound) 1517 1617 1738 1832 1852 Dawlish, Shutterton Industrial Estate (S-bound) 1519 1619 1740 1834 1854 Dawlish, The Green (Stop A) 1528 1628 1749 1842 1902 Teignmouth, Seaview Diner (Stop A) 1911 Saturdays Service B B 2B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 0550 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) arr 0553 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) dep 0553 Pinhoe, Church Hill (NW-bound) 0526 0556 Beacon Heath, Arena Park (W-bound) 0530 0600 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (W-bound) 0533 0603 St James, Devonshire Place (W-bound) 0535 0605 0718 0748 0818 0848 0918 0948 1018 1048 1118 1148 1218 1248 1318 1348 1418 Exeter City Centre, Bus Station (Bay 2) 0538 0608 0735 0756 0826 0856 0926 0956 1026 1056 1126 1156 1226 1256 1326 1356 1426 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 4) arr 0540 0610 0738 0801 0831 0901 0931 1001 1031 1101 1131 1201 1231 1301 1331 1401 1431 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 4) dep 0540 0610 0740 0803 0833 0903 0933 1003 1033 1103 1133 1203 1233 1303 1333 1403 1433 Cowick, Stone Lane Retail Park (SE-bound) 0547 0617 0752 0815 0845 0915 0945 1015 1045 1115 1145 1215 1245 1315 1345 1415 1445 Marsh Barton, Denbury Court (SE-bound) 0552 0622 0758 0821 0851 0921 0951 1021 1051 1121 1151 1221 1251 1321 1351 1421 1451 Marsh Barton, Matford P&R (S-bound) 0554 0624 0653 Exminster, Milbury Farm (S-bound) 0658 0803 0826 0856 0926 0956 1026 1056 1126 1156 1226 1256 1326 1356 1426 1456 Exminster, Victory Hall (S-bound) 0700 0805 0828 0858 0928 0958 1028 1058 1128 1158 1228 1258 1328 1358 1428 1458 Exminster, Royal Oak (E-bound) 0703 0808 0831 0901 0931 1001 1031 1101 1131 1201 1231 1301 1331 1401 1431 1501 Kenton, adj Triangle 0708 0813 0906 1006 1106 1206 1306 1406 1506 Starcross, Rail Station (Stop A) 0713 0818 0911 1011 1111 1211 1311 1411 1511 Dawlish Warren, Sainsburys (W-bound) 0719 0824 0917 1017 1117 1217 1317 1417 1517 Dawlish, Shutterton Industrial Estate (S-bound) 0721 0826 0919 1019 1119 1219 1319 1419 1519 Dawlish, The Green (Stop A) 0730 0835 0928 1028 1128 1228 1328 1428 1528 Teignmouth, Seaview Diner (Stop A)

Data Provided by National Public Transport Information (National PTI) - 33 - 02/07/19 B Pinhoe - Exeter City Centre -Exminster 2B Exeter - Exminster - Dawlish -Teignmouth

Stagecoach South West Timetable valid from 26/05/2019 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Saturdays Service B 2B B 2B B 2B 2B B B Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) arr Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) dep Pinhoe, Church Hill (NW-bound) Beacon Heath, Arena Park (W-bound) Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (W-bound) St James, Devonshire Place (W-bound) 1448 1518 1548 1618 1648 1718 1748 1818 1848 Exeter City Centre, Bus Station (Bay 2) 1456 1526 1556 1626 1656 1726 1756 1826 1856 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 4) arr 1501 1531 1601 1631 1701 1731 1801 1831 1901 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 4) dep 1503 1533 1603 1633 1703 1733 1803 1833 1903 Cowick, Stone Lane Retail Park (SE-bound) 1515 1545 1615 1645 1715 1745 1813 1842 1912 Marsh Barton, Denbury Court (SE-bound) 1521 1551 1621 1651 1721 1751 1819 1848 1918 Marsh Barton, Matford P&R (S-bound) 1920 Exminster, Milbury Farm (S-bound) 1526 1556 1626 1656 1726 1756 1824 1853 Exminster, Victory Hall (S-bound) 1528 1558 1628 1658 1728 1758 1826 1855 Exminster, Royal Oak (E-bound) 1531 1601 1631 1701 1731 1801 1829 1858 Kenton, adj Triangle 1606 1706 1806 1834 Starcross, Rail Station (Stop A) 1611 1711 1811 1839 Dawlish Warren, Sainsburys (W-bound) 1617 1717 1817 1845 Dawlish, Shutterton Industrial Estate (S-bound) 1619 1719 1819 1847 Dawlish, The Green (Stop A) 1628 1728 1828 1856 Teignmouth, Seaview Diner (Stop A) 1838 Sundays Service B B B B B B B B B B Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 0904 1004 1104 1204 1304 1404 1504 1604 1704 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) arr 0906 1006 1106 1206 1306 1406 1506 1606 1706 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) dep 0910 1010 1110 1210 1310 1410 1510 1610 1710 Pinhoe, Church Hill (NW-bound) 0913 1013 1113 1213 1313 1413 1513 1613 1713 Beacon Heath, Arena Park (W-bound) 0919 1019 1119 1219 1319 1419 1519 1619 1719 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (W-bound) 0923 1023 1123 1223 1323 1423 1523 1623 1723 St James, Devonshire Place (W-bound) 0928 1028 1128 1228 1328 1428 1528 1628 1728 Exeter City Centre, Bus Station (Bay 2) 0835 0935 1035 1135 1235 1335 1435 1535 1635 1735 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 4) arr 0838 0938 1038 1138 1238 1338 1438 1538 1638 1738 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 4) dep 0842 0942 1042 1142 1242 1342 1442 1542 1642 1742 Cowick, Stone Lane Retail Park (SE-bound) 0854 0954 1054 1154 1254 1354 1454 1554 1654 1754 Marsh Barton, Denbury Court (SE-bound) 0859 0959 1059 1159 1259 1359 1459 1559 1659 1759 Marsh Barton, Matford P&R (S-bound) Exminster, Milbury Farm (S-bound) 0904 1004 1104 1204 1304 1404 1504 1604 1704 1804 Exminster, Victory Hall (S-bound) 0906 1006 1106 1206 1306 1406 1506 1606 1706 1806 Exminster, Royal Oak (E-bound) 0909 1009 1109 1209 1309 1409 1509 1609 1709 1809 Kenton, adj Triangle Starcross, Rail Station (Stop A) Dawlish Warren, Sainsburys (W-bound) Dawlish, Shutterton Industrial Estate (S-bound) Dawlish, The Green (Stop A) Teignmouth, Seaview Diner (Stop A) Bank Holidays Service B B B B B B B B B B Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 0904 1004 1104 1204 1304 1404 1504 1604 1704 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) arr 0906 1006 1106 1206 1306 1406 1506 1606 1706 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) dep 0910 1010 1110 1210 1310 1410 1510 1610 1710 Pinhoe, Church Hill (NW-bound) 0913 1013 1113 1213 1313 1413 1513 1613 1713 Beacon Heath, Arena Park (W-bound) 0919 1019 1119 1219 1319 1419 1519 1619 1719 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (W-bound) 0923 1023 1123 1223 1323 1423 1523 1623 1723 St James, Devonshire Place (W-bound) 0928 1028 1128 1228 1328 1428 1528 1628 1728 Exeter City Centre, Bus Station (Bay 2) 0835 0935 1035 1135 1235 1335 1435 1535 1635 1735 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 4) arr 0838 0938 1038 1138 1238 1338 1438 1538 1638 1738 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 4) dep 0842 0942 1042 1142 1242 1342 1442 1542 1642 1742 Cowick, Stone Lane Retail Park (SE-bound) 0854 0954 1054 1154 1254 1354 1454 1554 1654 1754 Marsh Barton, Denbury Court (SE-bound) 0859 0959 1059 1159 1259 1359 1459 1559 1659 1759 Marsh Barton, Matford P&R (S-bound) Exminster, Milbury Farm (S-bound) 0904 1004 1104 1204 1304 1404 1504 1604 1704 1804 Exminster, Victory Hall (S-bound) 0906 1006 1106 1206 1306 1406 1506 1606 1706 1806 Exminster, Royal Oak (E-bound) 0909 1009 1109 1209 1309 1409 1509 1609 1709 1809 Kenton, adj Triangle Starcross, Rail Station (Stop A) Dawlish Warren, Sainsburys (W-bound) Dawlish, Shutterton Industrial Estate (S-bound) Dawlish, The Green (Stop A) Teignmouth, Seaview Diner (Stop A) B Exminster - Exeter City Centre - Pinhoe 2B Teignmouth - Dawlish - Exminster - Exeter

Stagecoach South West Timetable valid from 26/05/2019 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service B B 2B 2B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B B Teignmouth, W H Smith (Stop B) 0643 0703 Dawlish, Brookdale Terrace (Stop B) 0653 0716 0739 0843 0943 1043 1143 1243 1343 Dawlish, Lady’s Mile Caravan Park (N-bound) 0700 0723 0747 0851 0951 1051 1151 1251 1351 Dawlish Warren, Sainsburys (W-bound) 0702 0725 0750 0853 0953 1053 1153 1253 1353 Starcross, Opposite Rail Station (Stop B) 0709 0732 0758 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 Kenton, Triangle (NW-bound) 0714 0737 0803 0905 1005 1105 1205 1305 1405 Exminster, Royal Oak (W-bound) 0654 0719 0742 0808 0840 0910 0940 1010 1040 1110 1140 1210 1240 1310 1340 1410 1440 Exminster, opp Victory Hall 0656 0721 0744 0810 0843 0913 0943 1013 1043 1113 1143 1213 1243 1313 1343 1413 1443 Exminster, Milbury Farm (N-bound) 0658 0723 0746 0812 0845 0915 0945 1015 1045 1115 1145 1215 1245 1315 1345 1415 1445 Marsh Barton, Matford P&R (S-bound) 0556 Marsh Barton, Denbury Court (NW-bound) 0557 0703 0728 0755 0821 0851 0920 0950 1020 1050 1120 1150 1220 1250 1320 1350 1420 1450 Cowick, Stone Lane Retail Park (W-bound) 0602 0708 0733 0802 0827 0857 0925 0955 1025 1055 1125 1155 1225 1255 1325 1355 1425 1455 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) arr 0620 0726 0750 0820 0845 0916 0940 1010 1040 1110 1140 1210 1240 1310 1340 1410 1440 1510 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) dep 0751 0821 0846 0941 1011 1041 1111 1141 1211 1241 1311 1341 1411 1441 1511 St James, Devonshire Place (E-bound) 0756 0826 0851 0946 1016 1046 1116 1146 1216 1246 1316 1346 1416 1446 1516 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (E-bound) Beacon Heath, Central Avenue (E-bound) Pinhoe, Church Hill (SE-bound) Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) Mondays to Fridays Service 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B 2B Teignmouth, W H Smith (Stop B) Dawlish, Brookdale Terrace (Stop B) 1443 1543 1643 1756 1845 Dawlish, Lady’s Mile Caravan Park (N-bound) 1451 1551 1651 1804 1853 Dawlish Warren, Sainsburys (W-bound) 1453 1553 1653 1807 1855 Starcross, Opposite Rail Station (Stop B) 1500 1600 1700 1815 1903 Kenton, Triangle (NW-bound) 1505 1605 1705 1820 1908 Exminster, Royal Oak (W-bound) 1510 1540 1610 1640 1710 1755 1825 1913 Exminster, opp Victory Hall 1513 1543 1613 1643 1713 1758 1828 1915 Exminster, Milbury Farm (N-bound) 1515 1545 1615 1645 1715 1800 1830 1917 Marsh Barton, Matford P&R (S-bound) 1922 Marsh Barton, Denbury Court (NW-bound) 1520 1550 1620 1650 1720 1805 1835 Cowick, Stone Lane Retail Park (W-bound) 1525 1557 1627 1657 1727 1810 1840 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) arr 1540 1614 1644 1714 1744 1825 1855 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) dep 1541 1615 1645 1715 1745 1826 1856 St James, Devonshire Place (E-bound) 1546 1620 1650 1720 1750 1831 1901 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (E-bound) Beacon Heath, Central Avenue (E-bound) Pinhoe, Church Hill (SE-bound) Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) Saturdays Service B B 2B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B B 2B Teignmouth, W H Smith (Stop B) 0708 Dawlish, Brookdale Terrace (Stop B) 0718 0743 0843 0943 1043 1143 1243 1343 1443 Dawlish, Lady’s Mile Caravan Park (N-bound) 0724 0751 0851 0951 1051 1151 1251 1351 1451 Dawlish Warren, Sainsburys (W-bound) 0726 0753 0853 0953 1053 1153 1253 1353 1453 Starcross, Opposite Rail Station (Stop B) 0734 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 Kenton, Triangle (NW-bound) 0739 0805 0905 1005 1105 1205 1305 1405 1505 Exminster, Royal Oak (W-bound) 0645 0715 0745 0810 0840 0910 0940 1010 1040 1110 1140 1210 1240 1310 1340 1410 1440 1510 Exminster, opp Victory Hall 0648 0718 0748 0813 0843 0913 0943 1013 1043 1113 1143 1213 1243 1313 1343 1413 1443 1513 Exminster, Milbury Farm (N-bound) 0650 0720 0750 0815 0845 0915 0945 1015 1045 1115 1145 1215 1245 1315 1345 1415 1445 1515 Marsh Barton, Matford P&R (S-bound) Marsh Barton, Denbury Court (NW-bound) 0655 0725 0755 0820 0850 0920 0950 1020 1050 1120 1150 1220 1250 1320 1350 1420 1450 1520 Cowick, Stone Lane Retail Park (W-bound) 0700 0730 0800 0825 0855 0925 0955 1025 1055 1125 1155 1225 1255 1325 1355 1425 1455 1525 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) arr 0710 0740 0810 0839 0909 0939 1009 1039 1109 1139 1209 1239 1309 1339 1409 1439 1509 1539 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) dep 0712 0742 0812 0841 0911 0941 1011 1041 1111 1141 1211 1241 1311 1341 1411 1441 1511 1541 St James, Devonshire Place (E-bound) 0717 0747 0817 0846 0916 0946 1016 1046 1116 1146 1216 1246 1316 1346 1416 1446 1516 1546 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (E-bound) Beacon Heath, Central Avenue (E-bound) Pinhoe, Church Hill (SE-bound) Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) Saturdays Service B 2B B 2B B 2B 2B Teignmouth, W H Smith (Stop B) Dawlish, Brookdale Terrace (Stop B) 1543 1643 1743 1900 Dawlish, Lady’s Mile Caravan Park (N-bound) 1551 1651 1751 1908 Dawlish Warren, Sainsburys (W-bound) 1553 1653 1753 1910 Starcross, Opposite Rail Station (Stop B) 1600 1700 1800 1918 Kenton, Triangle (NW-bound) 1605 1705 1805 1923 Exminster, Royal Oak (W-bound) 1540 1610 1640 1710 1740 1810 1928 Exminster, opp Victory Hall 1543 1613 1643 1713 1743 1813 1930 Exminster, Milbury Farm (N-bound) 1545 1615 1645 1715 1745 1815 1932 Marsh Barton, Matford P&R (S-bound) 1934 Marsh Barton, Denbury Court (NW-bound) 1550 1620 1650 1720 1750 1820 Cowick, Stone Lane Retail Park (W-bound) 1555 1625 1655 1725 1755 1825 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) arr 1609 1639 1709 1739 1809 1839 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) dep 1611 1641 1711 1741 1811 1841 St James, Devonshire Place (E-bound) 1616 1646 1716 1746 1816 1846 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (E-bound) Beacon Heath, Central Avenue (E-bound) Pinhoe, Church Hill (SE-bound) Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound)

Data Provided by National Public Transport Information (National PTI) - 33 - 02/07/19 B Exminster - Exeter City Centre - Pinhoe 2B Teignmouth - Dawlish - Exminster - Exeter

Stagecoach South West Timetable valid from 26/05/2019 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Sundays Service B B B B B B B B B B B Teignmouth, W H Smith (Stop B) Dawlish, Brookdale Terrace (Stop B) Dawlish, Lady’s Mile Caravan Park (N-bound) Dawlish Warren, Sainsburys (W-bound) Starcross, Opposite Rail Station (Stop B) Kenton, Triangle (NW-bound) Exminster, Royal Oak (W-bound) 0913 1013 1113 1213 1313 1413 1513 1613 1713 1813 Exminster, opp Victory Hall 0916 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 Exminster, Milbury Farm (N-bound) 0918 1018 1118 1218 1318 1418 1518 1618 1718 1818 Marsh Barton, Matford P&R (S-bound) Marsh Barton, Denbury Court (NW-bound) 0823 0923 1023 1123 1223 1323 1423 1523 1623 1723 1823 Cowick, Stone Lane Retail Park (W-bound) 0828 0928 1028 1128 1228 1328 1428 1528 1628 1728 1828 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) arr 0840 0940 1040 1140 1240 1340 1440 1540 1640 1740 1838 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) dep 0843 0943 1043 1143 1243 1343 1443 1543 1643 1743 St James, Devonshire Place (E-bound) 0848 0948 1048 1148 1248 1348 1448 1548 1648 1748 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (E-bound) 0852 0952 1052 1152 1252 1352 1452 1552 1652 1752 Beacon Heath, Central Avenue (E-bound) 0857 0957 1057 1157 1257 1357 1457 1557 1657 1757 Pinhoe, Church Hill (SE-bound) 0903 1003 1103 1203 1303 1403 1503 1603 1703 1803 Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 0904 1004 1104 1204 1304 1404 1504 1604 1704 1804 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) 1806 Bank Holidays Service B B B B B B B B B B B Teignmouth, W H Smith (Stop B) Dawlish, Brookdale Terrace (Stop B) Dawlish, Lady’s Mile Caravan Park (N-bound) Dawlish Warren, Sainsburys (W-bound) Starcross, Opposite Rail Station (Stop B) Kenton, Triangle (NW-bound) Exminster, Royal Oak (W-bound) 0913 1013 1113 1213 1313 1413 1513 1613 1713 1813 Exminster, opp Victory Hall 0916 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 Exminster, Milbury Farm (N-bound) 0918 1018 1118 1218 1318 1418 1518 1618 1718 1818 Marsh Barton, Matford P&R (S-bound) Marsh Barton, Denbury Court (NW-bound) 0823 0923 1023 1123 1223 1323 1423 1523 1623 1723 1823 Cowick, Stone Lane Retail Park (W-bound) 0828 0928 1028 1128 1228 1328 1428 1528 1628 1728 1828 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) arr 0840 0940 1040 1140 1240 1340 1440 1540 1640 1740 1838 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) dep 0843 0943 1043 1143 1243 1343 1443 1543 1643 1743 St James, Devonshire Place (E-bound) 0848 0948 1048 1148 1248 1348 1448 1548 1648 1748 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (E-bound) 0852 0952 1052 1152 1252 1352 1452 1552 1652 1752 Beacon Heath, Central Avenue (E-bound) 0857 0957 1057 1157 1257 1357 1457 1557 1657 1757 Pinhoe, Church Hill (SE-bound) 0903 1003 1103 1203 1303 1403 1503 1603 1703 1803 Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 0904 1004 1104 1204 1304 1404 1504 1604 1704 1804 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) 1806

Data Provided by National Public Transport Information (National PTI) - 33 - 02/07/19 L St Thomas - Exeter City Centre - Pinhoe - Monkerton

Stagecoach South West Timetable valid from 26/05/2019 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays St Thomas, Dunsford Gardens (N-bound) 0730 0800 0845 0918 0948 1018 1048 1118 St Thomas, Precinct (NE-bound) 0739 0809 0854 0926 0956 1026 1056 1126 Exeter City Centre, Fore Street (Stop 13) 0632 0717 0732 0800 0845 0916 0946 1016 1046 1116 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) arr 0635 0720 0735 0749 0804 0819 0849 0904 0920 0934 0950 1004 1020 1034 1050 1104 1120 1134 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) dep 0638 0723 0738 0752 0807 0822 0852 0907 0923 0938 0953 1008 1023 1038 1053 1108 1123 1138 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (E-bound) 0644 0729 0744 0758 0813 0828 0858 0912 0929 0944 0959 1014 1029 1044 1059 1114 1129 1144 Beacon Heath, The Devon Yeoman (NE-bound) 0648 0733 0748 0802 0817 0832 0902 0917 0933 0948 1003 1018 1033 1048 1103 1118 1133 1148 Pinhoe, Church Hill (SE-bound) 0654 0739 0754 0809 0824 0839 0909 0924 0940 0955 1010 1025 1040 1055 1110 1125 1140 1155 Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 0656 0756 0911 0926 0942 0957 1012 1027 1042 1057 1112 1127 1142 1157 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) Monkerton, EDF Energy (S-bound) 0746 0816 0831 0846 Mondays to Fridays St Thomas, Dunsford Gardens (N-bound) 1148 1218 1248 1318 1348 1418 1448 1515 1545 St Thomas, Precinct (NE-bound) 1156 1226 1256 1326 1356 1426 1456 1524 1554 Exeter City Centre, Fore Street (Stop 13) 1146 1216 1246 1316 1346 1416 1446 1516 1545 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) arr 1150 1204 1220 1234 1250 1304 1320 1334 1350 1404 1420 1434 1450 1504 1520 1534 1549 1604 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) dep 1153 1208 1223 1238 1253 1308 1323 1338 1353 1408 1423 1438 1453 1508 1523 1537 1552 1607 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (E-bound) 1159 1214 1229 1244 1259 1314 1329 1344 1359 1414 1429 1444 1459 1514 1529 1543 1558 1613 Beacon Heath, The Devon Yeoman (NE-bound) 1203 1218 1233 1248 1303 1318 1333 1348 1403 1418 1433 1448 1503 1518 1533 1547 1602 1617 Pinhoe, Church Hill (SE-bound) 1210 1225 1240 1255 1310 1325 1340 1355 1410 1425 1440 1455 1510 1525 1540 1554 1609 1624 Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 1212 1227 1242 1257 1312 1327 1342 1357 1412 1427 1442 1457 1512 1527 1542 1556 1611 1626 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) 1613 1628 Monkerton, EDF Energy (S-bound) 1620 1635 Mondays to Fridays St Thomas, Dunsford Gardens (N-bound) 1625 1645 1715 1745 St Thomas, Precinct (NE-bound) 1634 1654 1724 1754 Exeter City Centre, Fore Street (Stop 13) 1620 1715 1750 1815 1845 1914 1944 2014 2044 2114 2144 2214 2244 2314 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) arr 1624 1644 1704 1719 1734 1754 1804 1818 1848 1917 1947 2017 2047 2117 2147 2217 2247 2317 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) dep 1627 1647 1707 1722 1737 1757 1807 1820 1850 1920 1950 2020 2050 2120 2150 2220 2250 2320 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (E-bound) 1633 1653 1713 1728 1743 1803 1813 1826 1856 1926 1956 2026 2056 2126 2156 2226 2256 2326 Beacon Heath, The Devon Yeoman (NE-bound) 1637 1657 1717 1732 1747 1807 1817 1830 1900 1930 2000 2030 2100 2130 2200 2230 2300 2330 Pinhoe, Church Hill (SE-bound) 1644 1704 1724 1739 1754 1814 1823 1836 1906 1936 2006 2036 2106 2136 2206 2236 2306 2336 Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 1646 1706 1726 1741 1756 1816 1825 1838 1908 1938 2008 2038 2108 2138 2208 2238 2308 2338 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) 1648 1708 1827 2310 2340 Monkerton, EDF Energy (S-bound) 1655 1715 Saturdays St Thomas, Dunsford Gardens (N-bound) 0918 0948 1018 1048 1118 1148 1218 St Thomas, Precinct (NE-bound) 0926 0956 1026 1056 1126 1156 1226 Exeter City Centre, Fore Street (Stop 13) 0717 0747 0817 0847 0916 0946 1016 1046 1116 1146 1216 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) arr 0720 0750 0820 0850 0919 0934 0949 1004 1019 1034 1049 1104 1119 1134 1149 1204 1219 1234 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) dep 0723 0753 0823 0853 0923 0938 0953 1008 1023 1038 1053 1108 1123 1138 1153 1208 1223 1238 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (E-bound) 0729 0759 0829 0859 0929 0944 0959 1014 1029 1044 1059 1114 1129 1144 1159 1214 1229 1244 Beacon Heath, The Devon Yeoman (NE-bound) 0733 0803 0833 0903 0933 0948 1003 1018 1033 1048 1103 1118 1133 1148 1203 1218 1233 1248 Pinhoe, Church Hill (SE-bound) 0740 0810 0840 0910 0940 0955 1010 1025 1040 1055 1110 1125 1140 1155 1210 1225 1240 1255 Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 0742 0812 0842 0912 0942 0957 1012 1027 1042 1057 1112 1127 1142 1157 1212 1227 1242 1257 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) Monkerton, EDF Energy (S-bound) Saturdays St Thomas, Dunsford Gardens (N-bound) 1248 1318 1348 1418 1448 1518 1548 1618 1648 St Thomas, Precinct (NE-bound) 1256 1326 1356 1426 1456 1526 1556 1626 1656 Exeter City Centre, Fore Street (Stop 13) 1246 1316 1346 1416 1446 1516 1546 1616 1646 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) arr 1249 1304 1319 1334 1349 1404 1419 1434 1449 1504 1519 1534 1549 1604 1619 1634 1649 1704 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) dep 1253 1308 1323 1338 1353 1408 1423 1438 1453 1508 1523 1538 1553 1608 1623 1638 1653 1708 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (E-bound) 1259 1314 1329 1344 1359 1414 1429 1444 1459 1514 1529 1544 1559 1614 1629 1644 1659 1714 Beacon Heath, The Devon Yeoman (NE-bound) 1303 1318 1333 1348 1403 1418 1433 1448 1503 1518 1533 1548 1603 1618 1633 1648 1703 1718 Pinhoe, Church Hill (SE-bound) 1310 1325 1340 1355 1410 1425 1440 1455 1510 1525 1540 1555 1610 1625 1640 1655 1710 1725 Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 1312 1327 1342 1357 1412 1427 1442 1457 1512 1527 1542 1557 1612 1627 1642 1657 1712 1727 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) Monkerton, EDF Energy (S-bound) Saturdays Sundays St Thomas, Dunsford Gardens (N-bound) 1718 St Thomas, Precinct (NE-bound) 1726 Exeter City Centre, Fore Street (Stop 13) 1716 1746 1815 1845 1914 1944 2014 2044 2114 2144 2214 2244 2314 0808 0908 1008 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) arr 1719 1734 1749 1818 1848 1917 1947 2017 2047 2117 2147 2217 2247 2317 0813 0913 1013 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) dep 1723 1738 1753 1820 1850 1920 1950 2020 2050 2120 2150 2220 2250 2320 0816 0916 1016 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (E-bound) 1729 1744 1759 1826 1856 1926 1956 2026 2056 2126 2156 2226 2256 2326 0822 0922 1022 Beacon Heath, The Devon Yeoman (NE-bound) 1733 1748 1803 1830 1900 1930 2000 2030 2100 2130 2200 2230 2300 2330 0826 0926 1026 Pinhoe, Church Hill (SE-bound) 1740 1755 1810 1836 1906 1936 2006 2036 2106 2136 2206 2236 2306 2336 0831 0931 1031 Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 1742 1757 1812 1838 1908 1938 2008 2038 2108 2138 2208 2238 2308 2338 0833 0933 1033 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) 1759 2310 2340 Monkerton, EDF Energy (S-bound) Sundays St Thomas, Dunsford Gardens (N-bound) St Thomas, Precinct (NE-bound) Exeter City Centre, Fore Street (Stop 13) 1108 1208 1308 1408 1508 1608 1708 1808 1908 2008 2108 2208 2308 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) arr 1113 1213 1313 1413 1513 1613 1713 1813 1913 2013 2113 2213 2313 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) dep 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 1916 2016 2116 2216 2316 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (E-bound) 1122 1222 1322 1422 1522 1622 1722 1822 1922 2022 2122 2222 2322 Beacon Heath, The Devon Yeoman (NE-bound) 1126 1226 1326 1426 1526 1626 1726 1826 1926 2026 2126 2226 2326 Pinhoe, Church Hill (SE-bound) 1131 1231 1331 1431 1531 1631 1731 1831 1931 2031 2131 2231 2331 Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 1133 1233 1333 1433 1533 1633 1733 1833 1933 2033 2133 2233 2333 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) 2335 Monkerton, EDF Energy (S-bound)

Data Provided by National Public Transport Information (National PTI) - 33 - 15/04/19 L St Thomas - Exeter City Centre - Pinhoe - Monkerton

Stagecoach South West Timetable valid from 26/05/2019 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Bank Holidays St Thomas, Dunsford Gardens (N-bound) St Thomas, Precinct (NE-bound) Exeter City Centre, Fore Street (Stop 13) 0808 0908 1008 1108 1208 1308 1408 1508 1608 1708 1808 1908 2008 2108 2208 2308 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) arr 0813 0913 1013 1113 1213 1313 1413 1513 1613 1713 1813 1913 2013 2113 2213 2313 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 3) dep 0816 0916 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 1916 2016 2116 2216 2316 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (E-bound) 0822 0922 1022 1122 1222 1322 1422 1522 1622 1722 1822 1922 2022 2122 2222 2322 Beacon Heath, The Devon Yeoman (NE-bound) 0826 0926 1026 1126 1226 1326 1426 1526 1626 1726 1826 1926 2026 2126 2226 2326 Pinhoe, Church Hill (SE-bound) 0831 0931 1031 1131 1231 1331 1431 1531 1631 1731 1831 1931 2031 2131 2231 2331 Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 0833 0933 1033 1133 1233 1333 1433 1533 1633 1733 1833 1933 2033 2133 2233 2333 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) 2335 Monkerton, EDF Energy (S-bound)

L Monkerton - Pinhoe - Exeter City Centre - St Thomas

Stagecoach South West Timetable valid from 26/05/2019 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Monkerton, EDF Energy (S-bound) 0749 0819 0833 0849 Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 0644 0656 0714 0726 0756 0811 0826 0841 0856 0911 0926 0942 0957 1012 1027 1042 1057 1112 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) 0648 0703 0718 0733 0800 0815 0830 0845 0900 0918 0933 0948 1003 1018 1033 1048 1103 1118 Pinhoe, Church Hill (NW-bound) 0651 0707 0722 0737 0804 0819 0834 0849 0904 0922 0937 0952 1007 1022 1037 1052 1107 1122 Beacon Heath, Arena Park (W-bound) 0657 0712 0727 0742 0809 0824 0839 0854 0909 0928 0943 0958 1013 1028 1043 1058 1113 1128 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (W-bound) 0701 0717 0732 0747 0814 0829 0844 0859 0914 0932 0947 1002 1017 1032 1047 1102 1117 1132 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 6) arr 0709 0724 0739 0754 0823 0838 0853 0908 0923 0939 0954 1009 1024 1039 1054 1109 1124 1139 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 6) dep 0712 0725 0742 0755 0827 0839 0857 0909 0927 0940 0958 1010 1028 1040 1058 1110 1128 1140 Exeter City Centre, South Street (Stop 10) 0728 0758 0842 0912 0943 1013 1043 1113 1143 St Thomas, Railway Station (SW-bound) 0718 0748 0833 0903 0933 1004 1034 1104 1134 St Thomas, Dunsford Gardens (N-bound) 0726 0756 0842 0912 0942 1012 1042 1112 1142 Mondays to Fridays Monkerton, EDF Energy (S-bound) Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 1127 1142 1157 1212 1227 1242 1257 1312 1327 1342 1357 1412 1427 1442 1457 1512 1527 1542 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) 1133 1148 1203 1218 1233 1248 1303 1318 1333 1348 1403 1418 1433 1448 1503 1515 1533 1545 Pinhoe, Church Hill (NW-bound) 1137 1152 1207 1222 1237 1252 1307 1322 1337 1352 1407 1422 1437 1452 1507 1519 1537 1549 Beacon Heath, Arena Park (W-bound) 1143 1158 1213 1228 1243 1258 1313 1328 1343 1358 1413 1428 1443 1458 1513 1524 1543 1554 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (W-bound) 1147 1202 1217 1232 1247 1302 1317 1332 1347 1402 1417 1432 1447 1502 1517 1529 1547 1559 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 6) arr 1154 1209 1224 1239 1254 1309 1324 1339 1354 1409 1424 1439 1454 1509 1524 1538 1554 1608 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 6) dep 1158 1210 1228 1240 1258 1310 1328 1340 1358 1410 1428 1440 1458 1510 1528 1539 1558 1609 Exeter City Centre, South Street (Stop 10) 1213 1243 1313 1343 1413 1443 1513 1542 1612 St Thomas, Railway Station (SW-bound) 1204 1234 1304 1334 1404 1434 1504 1534 1604 St Thomas, Dunsford Gardens (N-bound) 1212 1242 1312 1342 1412 1442 1512 1542 1612 Mondays to Fridays Monkerton, EDF Energy (S-bound) 1626 1641 1656 1716 Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 1556 1726 1741 1756 1816 1838 1908 1938 2008 2038 2108 2138 2208 2238 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) 1600 1730 1745 1800 1820 1845 1915 1945 2015 2045 2115 2145 2215 2245 Pinhoe, Church Hill (NW-bound) 1604 1634 1649 1704 1724 1734 1749 1804 1823 1848 1918 1948 2018 2048 2118 2148 2218 2248 Beacon Heath, Arena Park (W-bound) 1609 1639 1654 1709 1729 1739 1754 1809 1829 1854 1924 1954 2024 2054 2124 2154 2224 2254 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (W-bound) 1614 1644 1659 1714 1734 1744 1759 1814 1833 1858 1928 1958 2028 2058 2128 2158 2228 2258 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 6) arr 1623 1653 1708 1723 1743 1753 1808 1822 1841 1906 1936 2006 2036 2106 2136 2206 2236 2306 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 6) dep 1627 1657 1709 1727 1744 1757 1809 1825 1842 1907 1937 2007 2037 2107 2137 2207 2237 2307 Exeter City Centre, South Street (Stop 10) 1712 1747 1812 1844 1909 1939 2009 2039 2109 2139 2209 2239 2309 St Thomas, Railway Station (SW-bound) 1633 1703 1733 1803 1831 St Thomas, Dunsford Gardens (N-bound) 1642 1712 1742 1812 1840 Saturdays Monkerton, EDF Energy (S-bound) Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 0644 0714 0742 0812 0827 0842 0857 0912 0927 0942 0957 1012 1027 1042 1057 1112 1127 1142 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) 0648 0718 0748 0818 0833 0848 0903 0918 0933 0948 1003 1018 1033 1048 1103 1118 1133 1148 Pinhoe, Church Hill (NW-bound) 0651 0721 0751 0821 0836 0852 0907 0922 0937 0952 1007 1022 1037 1052 1107 1122 1137 1152 Beacon Heath, Arena Park (W-bound) 0657 0727 0757 0827 0842 0858 0913 0928 0943 0958 1013 1028 1043 1058 1113 1128 1143 1158 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (W-bound) 0701 0731 0801 0831 0846 0902 0917 0932 0947 1002 1017 1032 1047 1102 1117 1132 1147 1202 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 6) arr 0708 0738 0808 0838 0854 0909 0924 0939 0954 1009 1024 1039 1054 1109 1124 1139 1154 1209 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 6) dep 0709 0739 0809 0839 0858 0910 0928 0940 0958 1010 1028 1040 1058 1110 1128 1140 1158 1210 Exeter City Centre, South Street (Stop 10) 0712 0742 0813 0842 0913 0943 1013 1043 1113 1143 1213 St Thomas, Railway Station (SW-bound) 0904 0934 1004 1034 1104 1134 1204 St Thomas, Dunsford Gardens (N-bound) 0912 0942 1012 1042 1112 1142 1212 Saturdays Monkerton, EDF Energy (S-bound) Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 1157 1212 1227 1242 1257 1312 1327 1342 1357 1412 1427 1442 1457 1512 1527 1542 1557 1612 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) 1203 1218 1233 1248 1303 1318 1333 1348 1403 1418 1433 1448 1503 1518 1533 1548 1603 1618 Pinhoe, Church Hill (NW-bound) 1207 1222 1237 1252 1307 1322 1337 1352 1407 1422 1437 1452 1507 1522 1537 1552 1607 1622 Beacon Heath, Arena Park (W-bound) 1213 1228 1243 1258 1313 1328 1343 1358 1413 1428 1443 1458 1513 1528 1543 1558 1613 1628 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (W-bound) 1217 1232 1247 1302 1317 1332 1347 1402 1417 1432 1447 1502 1517 1532 1547 1602 1617 1632 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 6) arr 1224 1239 1254 1309 1324 1339 1354 1409 1424 1439 1454 1509 1524 1539 1554 1609 1624 1639 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 6) dep 1228 1240 1258 1310 1328 1340 1358 1410 1428 1440 1458 1510 1528 1540 1558 1610 1628 1640 Exeter City Centre, South Street (Stop 10) 1243 1313 1343 1413 1443 1513 1543 1613 1643 St Thomas, Railway Station (SW-bound) 1234 1304 1334 1404 1434 1504 1534 1604 1634 St Thomas, Dunsford Gardens (N-bound) 1242 1312 1342 1412 1442 1512 1542 1612 1642

Data Provided by National Public Transport Information (National PTI) - 33 - 15/04/19 L Monkerton - Pinhoe - Exeter City Centre - St Thomas

Stagecoach South West Timetable valid from 26/05/2019 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Saturdays Monkerton, EDF Energy (S-bound) Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 1627 1642 1657 1712 1727 1742 1812 1838 1908 1938 2008 2038 2108 2138 2208 2238 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) 1633 1648 1703 1718 1733 1748 1815 1841 1915 1945 2015 2045 2115 2145 2215 2245 Pinhoe, Church Hill (NW-bound) 1637 1652 1707 1722 1737 1752 1818 1844 1918 1948 2018 2048 2118 2148 2218 2248 Beacon Heath, Arena Park (W-bound) 1643 1658 1713 1728 1743 1758 1824 1850 1924 1954 2024 2054 2124 2154 2224 2254 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (W-bound) 1647 1702 1717 1732 1747 1802 1828 1854 1928 1958 2028 2058 2128 2158 2228 2258 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 6) arr 1654 1709 1724 1739 1754 1809 1836 1902 1936 2006 2036 2106 2136 2206 2236 2306 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 6) dep 1658 1710 1728 1740 1758 1810 1837 1903 1937 2007 2037 2107 2137 2207 2237 2307 Exeter City Centre, South Street (Stop 10) 1713 1743 1813 1839 1905 1939 2009 2039 2109 2139 2209 2239 2309 St Thomas, Railway Station (SW-bound) 1704 1734 1804 St Thomas, Dunsford Gardens (N-bound) 1712 1742 1812 Sundays Monkerton, EDF Energy (S-bound) Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 0733 0833 0933 1033 1133 1233 1333 1433 1533 1633 1733 1833 1933 2033 2133 2233 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) 0740 0840 0940 1040 1140 1240 1340 1440 1540 1640 1740 1840 1940 2040 2140 2240 Pinhoe, Church Hill (NW-bound) 0743 0843 0943 1043 1143 1243 1343 1443 1543 1643 1743 1843 1943 2043 2143 2243 Beacon Heath, Arena Park (W-bound) 0749 0849 0949 1049 1149 1249 1349 1449 1549 1649 1749 1849 1949 2049 2149 2249 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (W-bound) 0753 0853 0953 1053 1153 1253 1353 1453 1553 1653 1753 1853 1953 2053 2153 2253 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 6) arr 0801 0901 1001 1101 1201 1301 1401 1501 1601 1701 1801 1901 2001 2101 2201 2301 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 6) dep 0802 0902 1002 1102 1202 1302 1402 1502 1602 1702 1802 1902 2002 2102 2202 2302 Exeter City Centre, South Street (Stop 10) 0804 0904 1004 1104 1204 1304 1404 1504 1604 1704 1804 1904 2004 2104 2204 2304 St Thomas, Railway Station (SW-bound) St Thomas, Dunsford Gardens (N-bound) Bank Holidays Monkerton, EDF Energy (S-bound) Pinhoe, Parkers Cross (SE-bound) 0733 0833 0933 1033 1133 1233 1333 1433 1533 1633 1733 1833 1933 2033 2133 2233 Pinhoe, Railway Station (W-bound) 0740 0840 0940 1040 1140 1240 1340 1440 1540 1640 1740 1840 1940 2040 2140 2240 Pinhoe, Church Hill (NW-bound) 0743 0843 0943 1043 1143 1243 1343 1443 1543 1643 1743 1843 1943 2043 2143 2243 Beacon Heath, Arena Park (W-bound) 0749 0849 0949 1049 1149 1249 1349 1449 1549 1649 1749 1849 1949 2049 2149 2249 Stoke Hill, Margaret Road (W-bound) 0753 0853 0953 1053 1153 1253 1353 1453 1553 1653 1753 1853 1953 2053 2153 2253 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 6) arr 0801 0901 1001 1101 1201 1301 1401 1501 1601 1701 1801 1901 2001 2101 2201 2301 Exeter City Centre, High Street (Stop 6) dep 0802 0902 1002 1102 1202 1302 1402 1502 1602 1702 1802 1902 2002 2102 2202 2302 Exeter City Centre, South Street (Stop 10) 0804 0904 1004 1104 1204 1304 1404 1504 1604 1704 1804 1904 2004 2104 2204 2304 St Thomas, Railway Station (SW-bound) St Thomas, Dunsford Gardens (N-bound)

Data Provided by National Public Transport Information (National PTI) - 33 - 15/04/19 972 Pinhoe - St Peters School

Stagecoach South West Timetable valid from 01/10/2014 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service Restrictions Sch Pinhoe, Lloyds Bank (NE-bound) 0737 Beacon Heath, Northbrook Close (SW-bound) 0742 Pennsylvania, opp Queensland Drive 0748 Stoke Hill, Stoke Arms (SW-bound) 0755 Whipton, Shops (E-bound) 0801 Whipton, Warwick Way (E-bound) 0804 Heavitree, St Peters School (SE-bound) 0820 Saturdays no service Sundays no service Bank Holidays no service

Service Restrictions: Sch - Devon School Days

972 St Peters School - Pinhoe

Stagecoach South West Timetable valid from 01/10/2014 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service Restrictions Sch Heavitree, St Peters School (SE-bound) 1530 Whipton, Shops (W-bound) 1538 Stoke Hill, Stoke Arms (NE-bound) 1544 Pennsylvania, Queensland Drive (S-bound) 1551 Beacon Heath, Beacon Heath Shops (NE-bound) 1557 Pinhoe, Heart of Oak (SW-bound) 1602 Saturdays no service Sundays no service Bank Holidays no service

Service Restrictions: Sch - Devon School Days

Data Provided by National Public Transport Information (National PTI) - 33 - 08/10/18 972 Pinhoe - St Peters School

Stagecoach South West Service Restrictions

Sch - Devon School Days Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu 2019 July 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 August 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 September 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

# Days of operation # Mo = Monday, Tu = Tuesday, We = Wednesday, Th = Thursday, Fr = Friday # Sa = Saturday # Su = Sunday

Data Provided by National Public Transport Information (National PTI) - 33 - 08/10/18