Why was the new government called the “”? Weimar

LO: To evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution Political Spectrum

• Despite the unrest, the Provisional Government moved towards establishing a permanent institutions in , and elections for the Constituent Assembly were scheduled for 19th Jan 1919. • There were many political parties that cover the range of ideologies.


• Copy and complete the table below, showing the main beliefs of these political parties (pg 5+7)

Name Foundations Aims Support

Lesson 1.1.2 To evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution 1919 elections

• Women were allowed to Party Number of seats vote for the first time. SPD 163 • SPD secured the largest ZP 91 share of the votes (38%) DDP 75 the largest number of DNVP 44 seats (163) in the USPD 22 Assembly. DVP 19 • However, they failed to Others 7 reach an overall majority so had to compromise • Ebert was elected the first with other parties to President govern and establish a • Scheidermann was new constitution. appointed Chancellor

Lesson 1.1.2 To evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution Weimar Constitution

Create your own diagram for the Weimar Constitution. Must include explanations of: President, Chancellor, , /Lander and the voting system. (Pg 7) Strengths and Weaknesses of the Constitution

• Create a table showing the strengths and the weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution.

Lesson 1.1.2 To evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution Plenary essay question – conclusion • ‘The Weimar constitution was not democratic nor did it provide the basis for stable government.’ • Assess the validity of this view.

Lesson 1.1.2 To evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution