Contracts for Fresh Beef. Fresh Beef
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Abergavcnny, Hardwick, Lloyndu, Llanfoist, And it its also intended, by such Act or Llamvcnarth, Llanellen, Aberistrwyth otherwise to incorporate a company for the purpose of carry- Blaenau Gwent, Blina, Bedwclty, all in the county ing into effect the said intended undertaking, and of Monmouth; Cwmyoy, Fwthog otherwise Toot- to take powers for the purchase of lands and hog, Bwlch Trewyn, in the counties of Hereford houses, by compulsion or agreement, for the and Monmouth, or one of them; Llanelly, Aber- purposes thereof, and for levying tolls, rates, and baidan, Maesgwartha, Llangattoc, Penallt, Prisk duties in respect of the use thereof, and to confer and Killey, Llangynidr, Blainey, Duffryn, Vro, certain exemptions from such tolls, rates, and Faenor, Coed-y-Cymrnar, Dyflfrin otherwise Dyff- duties. ryn, Gelli, CantrefF, Nant Ddu, Ystrad-fellte, And it is also intended, by such Act or Acts, Ystrad-fellte Higher, Ystrad-fellte Lower, Pen- to vary, alter, or extinguish all existing rights or deryn, Penderyn Higher, Penderyn Lower, all privileges in any manner connected with the lands in the county of Brecon; Dowlais, Gelli-Gaer, or houses proposed to be purchased or taken for Merthyr Tydfil, Forest, Garth, Gellideg, Heol- the purposes of the said intended undertaking, or wenncod, Taff and Cynon, Aberclare, Cefn Pen- which would in any manner impede or interfere nar, Cwmdare, Forchaman, Llwydcoed Ystrd-y- with the construction, maintenance, or use of the fodwg, Clydach, Home, Middle, and lihigos, nil said intended works, or any of them, and to confer in the county of Glamorgan; also a branch rail- other rights and privileges. way, from and out of the line of the said first- And notice is hereby further given, that maps mentioned intended railway, commencing at cr or plans and sections of the said intended railway, near Abergavenny, in the parishes of Aber<ra- branch railways, and works, and of the lands pro- venay and Llantillio Pertholey otherwise' Llan- posed to be taken for the purposes thereof respec- deilo Berfcholey, or one of them, in the county of tively, together with books of reference to such Monmouth aforesaid, and terminating by a junc- plans, containing the names of the owners or re- tion with the Monmouth branch of the South puted owners, lessees or reputed lessees, and occu- Wales Railway, in the parish of llagland, in the piers of such lands, will be deposited, on or before county of Monmouth, which said branch railway, the thirtieth day of November instant, with the and the works connected therewith, will pass Clerk of the Peace for the county of Hereford, at from, in, through, or into, or be situate within the his office-in the city of Hereford; with the Clerk several parishes, townships, and extra-parochial of the Peace for the city of Hereford, at his office or other places following, or some of them; that is in the same city; with the Clerk of the Peace for to say, Abergavenny, Hardwick Lloyndu, Llan- the county of Monmouth, at his office in Usk; the tillio Pertholey otherwise Llandeilo Bertholey, Clerk of the Peace for the county of Brecon, at his Llanthewy Skirrid, Llanthewy Rhytherch, Llan- office in Brecon; and with the Clerk of the Peace fetherine, Llanvapley, Llangattoc-juxta-Usk, 'for the county of Glamorgan, at his office in Llanfihangel-juxta-tJsk, Llansamtffraed, Trostrey, Cardiff; and that a copy of so much of the said RettwsTNewydd, Usk, Gwehellog, Glascoed, maps or plans and sections, and books of reference, Llanarth Clytha, Llantillio Crossenny, Bryngwyn, as relates to each of the parishes in or through Llaudenny, Llangoven, Tregaer, Penrose, and which the said intended railway, branch railways, Ragland, all in the county of Monmouth; also and works are intended to be made, will be de- another branch railway, from and out of the line posited, on or before the thirty-first day of Decem- of the said first-mentioned intended railway, com- ber in the present year, with the.parish clerks of mencing near Llanfoist House, in the parish of those parishes respectively, at their respective Llanfoist, in the said county of Monmouth, and residences.—Dated this tenth day of November terminating at or near Pont-y-Moyle, in the 1345. parishes of Llanfihangel, Pont?y-Moyle, Pantteg Elmslie and Preston, 47, Moorgate-street. otherwise Panteague, and Trevethyn, or one of them, in the county of Monmouth aforesaid, which said last-mentioned branch railway, and the works connected therewith, will pass from, in, through, CONTRACTS FOR FRESH BEEF. or into, or be situate within the several parishes, Department of the Comptroller for Vic- towns)lips, and extra-parochial or other places tualling and Transport Services, So- following, or some of them; that is to say, Llan- merset-Place, November 18, 1845. foist, Llanellen, Llanover, Llanvair, Kilgiden, r^lUE Commissioners for executing the office of Goytre, Mamhilad, Llanfihangel, Pont-y-Moyle, _j__ Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom Pantteg otherwise Panteague, Trevethin, and of Great Britain and Ireland do hereby give notice, Pont-y-pool, all in the said county of Monmouth. that, on Friday the 12th of December next, at one And it is also intended, by such Act or Acts, o'clock, they will be ready to treat with such to take power to alter, or divert, or to stop up, persons as may be willing to contract for supplying •whether temporarily or permanently, all turnpike (under separate contracts) all such quantities of and other roads, railways, tramways, aqueducts, canals, streams, and rivers within the aforesaid parishes, townships, and extra-parochial or other FRESH BEEF, places, or any of them, which it may be necessary as may be demanded for the use of IJYr Majesty's to stop- up, alter, or divert, by reason of the con- ships and vessels at the following places, from the struction of-the said intended works, or any of them. 1st of January to the 31st of December 184G.J.