Master Thesis The Threat of a Crisis Frontex’ Reputation Management during the European Migration Crisis

Heleen van der Donck s2094295

Heleen van der Donck [email protected]

Supervisors: Dr. E.M. Busuioc | [email protected] Dr. D. Rimkutė | [email protected]

Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs MSc Public Administration International and European Governance 10 / 08 / 2018

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I. Foreword

This is it! My thesis on how Frontex deals with reputational threats during the European migration crisis. This is the end product of my MSc degree of Public Administration, and part of the specialization International and European Governance. I’d like to thank my supervisors, Madaline Busuioc and Dovile Rimkute, for their valuable feedback. A thank you to my capstone partners, Mark Heemskerk and Floran van Amelsfort, for struggling with me, answering my phone calls, and providing a great place for discussion. A great thank you to my parents, Diana Michel and Robert-Jan van der Donck, and my brother, Jeroen van der Donck, for their endless support and love, and for offering a quiet workspace for me to write this thing. May this not scathe my reputation!

August 2018, Nijmegen


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II. Table of Contents

I. Foreword 1

II. Table of Contents 2

III. List of Abbreviations 4

IV. List of Tables & Figures 5

1. Introduction 6

2. Literature Review 11 2.1 Bureaucratic reputation theory 11 2.2 Audiences 11 2.3 Reputational Threats 12 2.4 Reputational Dimensions 13 2.5 Reputation Management 14 2.6 Conclusion 17

3. Theoretical Framework 19 3.1 Dimensions of Reputation 19 3.1.1 The Performative Dimension 19 3.1.2 The Moral Dimension 20 3.1.3 The Procedural Dimension 20 3.1.4 The Technical Dimension 21 3.2 Reputational Threats & Media 21 3.3 Managing Reputational Threats 22

4. Methodology 27 2.1 Operationalizing the dependent variable: reputation management 28 2.2 Operationalizing the independent variable: reputational threats 29 2.2.1 Data Collection 30 2.2.2 Coding 31 2.3 Difference in operationalization dependent and independent variables 32 2.4 Threats to inference 33

5. Frontex, an overview 35 5.1 The Origin of Frontex 35 5.2 Mandate and Weaknesses 36 5.2.1 Implications of Decentralization 38 5.3 Criticisms of Frontex 38 2

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6. Results and Empirical Analysis 39 6.1 Independent variable (Reputational Threats) 39 6.1.1 Results 2013 39 6.1.2 Results 2014 41 6.1.3 Results 2015 43 6.1.4 Results 2016 46 6.1.5 Overall trends 48 6.2 Dependent variable (Reputation Management) 51 6.2.1 Results 2013 52 6.2.2 Results 2014 52 6.2.3 Results 2015 53 6.2.4 Results 2016 54 6.2.5 Overall Trends 54

7. Discussion & Conclusion 58

8. Bibliography 62

9. Appendices 68


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III. List of Abbreviations

AAR Annual Activity Report AD Algemeen Dagblad EU EUROSUR European Border Surveillance System FDA Food and Drug Administration Frontex Before 14-09-2016: European Agency for the Management ​ ​ of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union Since 14-09-2016: European Border and Coast Guard ​ ​ Agency FD Financieele Dagblad GE Germany IBM Integrated Border Management JO Joint Operation NL The Netherlands RABIT Rapid Border Intervention Team UK The United Kingdom


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IV. List of Tables & Figures

Tables Table 1 Keywords - Busuioc & Rimkute, 2018 29 Table 2 Scoring Results 2013 40 Table 3 Scoring Results 2014 41 Table 4 Scoring Results 2015 44 Table 5 Scoring Results 2016 46 Table 6 Count Distribution - sorted per year 55

Figures Figure 1 Distribution of Reputational Threats - 2013 40 Figure 2 Distribution 2014, sorted per country 42 Figure 3 Distribution of Reputational threats - 2014 43 Figure 4 Distribution of all articles in 2014, as counted 43 Figure 5 Distribution of Reputational Threats - 2015 45 Figure 6 Distribution 2016, sorted per country 47 Figure 7 Distribution of Reputational Threats - 2016 47 Figure 8 Development of the Intensity of Media Coverage & Reputational Threats 48 Figure 9 Total number of negatively coded articles, sorted by year 49 Figure 10 Total distribution of counted categories 50 Figure 11 Total Distribution of Counted Reputational Threats 50 Figure 12 Distribution of Reputation Management in 2013 52 Figure 13 Distribution of Reputation Management in 2014 53 Figure 14 Distribution of Reputation Management in 2015 53 Figure 15 Distribution of Reputation Management in 2016 54 Figure 16 Distribution of Dimensions of Reputation per Year - in percentages 55 Figure 17 Development of the Procedural Reputation 56 Figure 18 Distribution of Dimensions of Reputation per year - count 57 Figure 19 The Development of the Performative Reputation 57


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1. Introduction In 2015, 1.83 million irregular border crossings were registered at the external borders of the European Union (EU), and roughly 1.25 million people applied for asylum (“Migration and Asylum”, 2018). Over 1 million people arrived by sea, of which 3,771 people drowned in the Mediterranean (“Data Portal Mediterranean Situation”, 2018). Frontex, the European Border and Coastguard Agency, was heavily scrutinized for its lack of action in this period (The Economist, 2015). This kind of scrutiny can have serious consequences for the reputation of an agency, which in turn has consequences on the agency’s ability to cooperate with other organizations or receive funds (Carpenter, 2010, p. 49). The significant increase of refugee arrivals in Europe in 2015 led to a rise in media attention for the migration crisis, and in turn for Frontex. In 2014 only 216,000 refugees arrived in Europe, just under a quarter of the refugees that would arrive in 2015 (“Data Portal Mediterranean Situation”, 2018). With the start of the civil war in Syria in 2011, an increasing number of refugees made it to Europe, often travelling over the mediterranean sea, going from Turkey to Greece, or from Libya to Italy. In 2013 the Italian navy launched an operation called Mare Nostrum to tackle the humanitarian crisis that was happening in the Strait of Sicily. The aim of the operation was to provide security and protection for the people crossing the sea, and tackling smuggler networks and human trafficking (“Mare Nostrum Operation”, 2017). While this operation was very effective, it was also very expensive, and in 2014 Italy decided to shut it down (“Mare Nostrum Operation”, 2017). Frontex took over their mission and started (ANSA, 2014). They had to work with less funds ​ and in a smaller scope of operation than Italy was operating in, which led to significant backlash (Davies, 2014). In a short amount of time Frontex went from being a relatively unknown agency, to becoming a central agency in the European debate on the migration crisis. The height of the crisis in 2015 brought ample amounts of negative


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attention to Frontex. European agencies, such as Frontex, have become an important part of the EU’s architectural set up, and are the most rapidly emerging institutional entities at the EU level (Busuioc, 2012, p. 719). There are currently more than 30 agencies operation in Europe in various areas of expertise and policy. Keleman (2002) explains that the emergency of decentralized agencies, of which Frontex is also an example, has come forth out of a political compromise between the , and the Member States. The Commission wanted to expand the EU’s regulatory capacity, and thus create more power for itself and the Union as a whole. The Member States, however, wished to maintain intergovernmental control. A solution was to decentralize certain agencies, away from Brussels (Keleman, 2002, p. 99). Not only have EU agencies increased rapidly, literature on these agencies has also grown since the first essay collection published in 1997 (Rittberger & Wonka, 2011). According to Rittberger & Wonka (2011) the literature that has developed on this topic since then, can be divided into three different thematic threads. The first thread discusses how regulatory bodies in the EU came to be, and how their design became the way it is now. This strand also discusses the dynamics of the origin, and explores alternatives to the agency format. The second body of work discusses what happens after agencies are established. It explores the consequences and the trajectories of governance with and and by EU agencies. The third and last thread encompasses the research that questions the legitimacy and accountability of EU agencies, that are seen as independent, non-majoritarian institutions (Rittberger & Wonka, 2011, p.780).

Not only has the amount EU agencies increased over recent years, the power the have has increased as well. At first, agencies would provide information or have executive power, but recently, agencies are increasingly gaining operational and decision-making powers. Sometimes agencies even seem to have a certain amount of regulatory power (Busuioc 2012, p. 719). This is also the case with Frontex, whose mandate changed a lot in recent years, and included an increase of their powers,


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beyond information sharing and executing EU policy. However, the an increase in decision-making powers for EU agencies has an effect on the democratic character of these agencies. The distance from the EU decision-making platforms might allow agencies to escape accountability and control, which would further increase the democratic deficit already present in the EU (Busuioc, 2009, p. 600). Unfortunately, the distance and disconnect from the influence of representative EU institutions is necessary for agencies to be able to operate. Because of this independence, agencies are accused of lacking democratic legitimacy (Busuioc, 2009, p. 615). This does not mean that EU agencies are not held accountable at all. This is where bureaucratic reputational theory comes in. According to this theory, different audiences hold an agency accountable. Different audiences have different opinions on the agency, which affects the agency’s reputation. Agencies want to have a good reputation, or increase it, as it affects their ability to receive funding or to collaborate with other organizations. Different audiences affect the agencies’ reputation in different manners, as some audiences are not as powerful as others. However, for an agency losing reputation means losing legitimacy and autonomy.

In this thesis I aim to dive deeper into EU agencies and reputation, using Frontex as the main case study. Most interesting to me is: how does an agency maintain their reputation in periods of criticism? The rise and decline of the European migration crisis took place in the period of 2011 - 2017, which makes this period particularly interesting to observe. This thesis aims to take a closer look at Frontex’ reputation management around the height of the European migration crisis in 2015. Looking at media coverage during the European migration crisis, it is not unlikely that Frontex was experiencing reputational threats. A change in reputation management can be expected with an organization that is put in charge of saving lives. In this context, this thesis will try to answer the question: Can changes be observed in Frontex’ reputation management? If so, to what extent are these driven by reputational threats?


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By observing Frontex, a single organization, at different points in time, two years before, during and one year after the height of the crisis in 2015, the effect of reputational threats could possibly be observed. Part of reputational theory, introduced by Carpenter (2010) are the moral, performative, procedural and technical dimensions of reputation. In this thesis, I not only aim to find out if a reputational threat will lead to a change in reputation management, I also aim to show if a specific threat, that focuses on a specific dimension of reputation, leads to a change in reputation management, that is specifically focused on a dimension of reputation.

It is relevant to discuss the way agencies react to threats, because it might help prove the democratic legitimacy of EU agencies, as Busuioc (2009) indicates they are often seen as illegitimate. If a strong response to threats can be observed, this might add to the relevant research on EU agencies, and possibly be useful for the EU agencies themselves as well, as it might show how they could gain democratic legitimacy. While there is a body of work that applies reputational theory to US regulatory agencies and national agencies (e.g., Carpenter, 2002; Gilad, 2009; Maor, 2010), EU decentralized regulatory agencies have not been extensively observed in the context of reputational theory. This thesis contributes to the research on bureaucratic reputational theory, by using Carpenter’s dimensions of reputation and applying these to both the reputational threats and the reputation management. Carpenter & Krause (2011, p.31) state that “a critical feature of moving forward in [their] research is to examine not only the various dimensions of reputation, but to also assess their persistence and variability within and across administrative contexts”. This thesis aims to discuss the dimensions of reputation, and aims to find a new administrative context, by looking at EU agencies.

This thesis covers a specific period and organization, that has not yet been researched in the context of reputational theory. While more general studies on EU decentralized agencies, including Frontex, are emerging in the academic field, research


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on reputation management around a period that might indicate a clear reason for the emergence of reputational threats, has not been done yet.

This research aims to find a causal relation between reputational threats and reputation management. To try and prove this, this thesis will be structured as follows: In the following chapter, I will give an overview of the literature of bureaucratic reputation theory, reputational threats and reputation management. The third chapter will focus on the dimensions of reputation, how reputational threats are defined, and how agencies can manage the reputational threats. Based on relevant literature, four hypotheses will be presented, that aim to explain how reputational threats influence changes in Frontex’ reputation management. In the following chapter, I will discuss the methodology, specifically how my hypotheses will be tested, and how my independent variable (reputational threats) and my dependent variable (reputation management) are to be operationalized. In the third chapter, I will elaborate on Frontex, specifying its origin, the development of its mandate and the weaknesses within the organization. In the fourth chapter, the reputational threats will be identified and the results of the analysis discussed. In chapter five, Frontex’ reputational management will be analysed using WordStat. In this chapter, I will elaborate on the results and their implications. The hypotheses will be confirmed or disproven. In the last section, the results of the analysis and the possible implications of the results will be discussed, and a final answer will be given to the research question.


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2. Literature Review

This literature review will discuss bureaucratic reputation theory, and several elements within that theory. Specifically ‘audiences, ‘reputational threats’ and ‘reputational dimensions’. Furthermore, I will discuss reputation management and the different aspects of institutional architecture that an agency might take advantage of to steer their reputation.

2.1 Bureaucratic reputation theory

According to Carpenter (2010, p.45) an organizational reputation is “a set of symbolic beliefs about the unique or separable capacities, roles and obligations of an organization, where these beliefs are embedded in audience networks”. A reputation allows an agency to receive autonomy, and it offers a guard if opposition from external audiences appears (Carpenter & Krause, 2011, p. 2). It shapes the agency’s autonomy and its administrative choice (Carpenter & Krause, 2011, p.30). An agency’s reputation influences the way it manages to maintain support and project consistency and flexibility. Reputation also has influence on the way an agency is lead during difficult times (Carpenter & Krause, 2011, p.26). According to Christensen & Lodge (2018, p. 120) reputation can be actively shaped by an agency. Therefore, understanding how a reputation is formed and managed helps understand the role of an agency in its political context.

2.2 Audiences

Audiences are individuals or groups of external actors, who observe an organization and judge it based on their observations (Carpenter, 2010, p. 33). Audiences tend to be very diverse. Audience members can be elected officials, clients, the media, policy experts, and individual citizens (Carpenter & Krause, 2011, p. 2). The presence of diverse audiences in the bureaucratic reputation theory distinguishes it from


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other bureaucratic theories. Some aspects of a reputation can positively influence one audience’s perception of the agency, and negatively influence another audience’s perception. However, each audience also tends to prioritize certain dimensions of reputation in their judgement of the agency (Carpenter & Krause, 2011, p. 27). Audiences evaluate an agency, based on past observations and experiences with that agency. This means that an agency’s perceived output (and with that its reputation) is not a mirror image of the real output, and that the idea that an audience has of the agency can control the agency’s general image (Carpenter & Krause, 2011, p. 6). To avoid satisfying and upsetting different audiences, agencies can sometimes present themselves in an ambiguous manner. They may not commit to a specific statement or course of action, or openly favor one audience over the other (Carpenter & Krause, 2011, p. 13). According to Carpenter & Krause (2011) public managers are extremely aware of their audiences, and the fact that they monitor them. Not all audiences are being watched closely, but some relevant or influential groups are being observed closely by agencies to calculate what is expected of the agency (Carpenter & Krause, 2011, p. 5). It is impossible for an agency to observe all audiences, therefore the agency must choose which audiences are deemed most important.

2.3 Reputational Threats

Carpenter (2010) stated that one should look at the threats an organization is facing, when trying to account for their behaviour (Carpenter, 2010, p. 832). Reputational threats provide a danger to an organization's identity and reputation. Scandals, substandard performance and public opposition, among others, generate risk for the stability of an agency’s reputation (Carpenter, 2010, p.48). In their research, Gilad, Maor & Bloom (2013) showed that reputational threats, identified as external signals, can lead to modification of structures, procedures or practices in agencies. A reputation is to be kept high or improved, as it influences the democratic legitimacy and autonomy of an agency.


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Reputational threats are pressures from the external audiences, that agencies hope to satisfy with they policy. Any action of the agency can invite negative judgement and in turn reputational threat. The effectiveness of a reputational threat depends on how large and loud an audience is. Reputational threats can be based on internal processes, but a bad internal process does not necessarily lead to public outrage. Reputational threats can also be based on comparisons with other similar organizations, or on media coverage (Maor, 2015, p. 14). Furthermore, reputational threats can also have dimensions, just like the reputation of an organization. The combination of the audience that threatens the organization, and the dimension of the threat, influence how an agency is to answer to it.

2.4 Reputational Dimensions

Carpenter & Krause (2011) argue that reputation has four dimensions that influence an agency’s behavior and how audiences react to said behavior: the performative dimension, the moral dimension, the procedural dimension, and the technical dimension. The performative dimension discusses how an organization performs its duties. Does the organization do its job, and is it efficient when executing their policies? The moral dimension focuses on how an institution shows compassion and if it is judged as acting in an honest and morally correct manner. The procedural dimension highlights if an agency follows the rules. This is separate from the nature of the decision an agency makes. Technical reputation shows if it is perceived to have the capacity and skill it needs to perform its duties. While it is important to have expertise in an organization to be able to execute its policy, performative and technical reputation do not rely on each other. If expertise is present, it can still underperform, and vice versa (Carpenter & Krause, 2011, p.27). It is not possible for an agency o have a good reputation in all dimensions, or to cultivate all dimension. This is simply infeasible (Carpenter & Krause, 2012, p. 27). Therefore they need to prioritize a dimension, or multiple dimensions, that they imagine will benefit the organization the most (or harm the least).


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2.5 Reputation Management

Bureaucratic reputation theory indicates that agencies are capable of protecting their own reputation. According to Christensen & Lodge “reputation management involves issues about the core mission of an agency, reflecting on the agency’s historical path, its main resources and competences, and its outputs and outcomes” (Christensen & Lodge, 2018, p. 120). Central in managing reputation is the protection of an agency’s “turf” and the establishment of protection against hostile actors (Carpenter & Krause, 2011, p.26). Because of this, reputation management has a defensive side, that aims to shuffle blame to elsewhere, and an attacking side, where there are ulterior motives behind the cultivation of reputation, that could positively influence the content of public policy (Christensen & Lodge, 2018, p. 120 - 121). Public organization have to deal with specific challenges that private organizations do not necessarily have to deal with. Waeraas & Byrkjeflot (2012, p. 193 - 200) have identified five. First is the politics problem. All public organizations are in some way connected to a political level. This problem indicates that agencies only have limited influence over the kind of “turf” they can occupy. Their missions are decided on a higher institutional level, they simply have to execute the policy, and only have a small margin of discretion in what way they intend to do this. Because of this, agencies often have to perform ‘unpopular’ tasks, and during political heat, they are often an easy target (Waeraas & Bykjeflot, 2012, p. 194). Second is the consistency problem. According to Waeraas & Bykjeflot (2012, p. 195) “Organizations with a good reputation are believed to be more consistent in terms of their values, identities, and self-presentations, compared to organizations with a weaker reputation.” However, the diverse tasks of an agency makes it difficult to develop a consistent message (Christensen & Lodge, 2018, p. 121). Public organizations might communicate different values to different audiences, and many public organizations have responsibilities that require that application of inconsistent


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sets of values, making the pursuit of consistency a substantial problem. Third is the charisma problem. Public organizations have to appeal to our identity and make us trust them. They can no longer offer us a service that we need, it needs to make us feel good (Waeraas & Bykjeflot, 2012, p. 196). In a time where most people are not satisfied with public services, public organizations are unlikely to be received well by audiences. Furthermore, many public organizations have to deal with unsolvable issues. They might be able to improve situations, but will not be able to solve the entire problem. It is highly unlikely that all audiences will universally respond positively to that. Fourth is the uniqueness problem. While many public organizations are specialized and expertise-based, they are not often recognized as unique. Most public organizations have common characteristics, specifically as they are all political, hierarchical, and rule-oriented entities (Waeraas & Bykjeflot, 2012, p. 198). While many organizations do differ in terms of function, transparency, organizational culture, or size, many organizations are not able to communicate this well, and audiences do not usual care to inform themselves on this (Christensen & Lodge, 2018, p. 121). Fifth is the excellence problem. Organizations are assumed to be searching for an excellent reputation. The excellent, and best, reputation is one that is better than others. However, as public organizations often share characteristics with other organizations with the same mission, and they often have to make decisions that are not popular with audiences, it is unlikely that they will exceed their peers (Waeraas & Bykjeflot, 2012, p. 199). These five challenges highlight that it can be very difficult for public organizations, and agencies such as Frontex, to maximise and manage their reputation. So how can an agency manage their reputation? Maor (2015, p. 26) divides the key empirical insights into two streams: (1) reputation management through changes in decision-timing, decision observability & agency outputs, more generally speaking the decision-making process; and (2) reputation management through the strategic use of ​ communication. ​ First I will discuss the strand of literature that sees decision-making as a form of


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reputation management (Carpenter 2002, 2003, 2004; Gilad & Yogev, 2012; Maor, 2011, 2015; Maor & Sulitzeanu-Kenan, 2013). According to Maor (2015) public organizations have a fundamental power in the reputation game. They are able to wait (Carpenter, 2003). Carpenter’s 2003 study shows that to ensure their reputation of an organization that ensures safety for all customers, the FDA chooses to wait and take time to approve certain drugs that might be dangerous. While a dangerous drug can be recalled, the reputation will not be mended (Carpenter, 2003, p. 492). Decision observability of agency decisions and errors is introduced in Maor’s 2011 study. He presents a different way of managing reputation. He states that agencies are actively calculating the amount of media coverage there should be a regulator’s decisions. Administrators are unlikely to put the agency in the spotlight, if errors have been made or decisions are questionable (Maor, 2011, p. 558). Carpenter’s 2002 study shows that attention given to the agency and the issue would speed up the decision-making process (Carpenter, 2002). Even more specific is Maor & Sulizeanu-Kenan’s 2013 study, which notes that negative media coverage speeds up the decision-making, while positive coverage is more likely to slow down the decision-making process (Maor & Sulizeanu-Kenan, 2013). The second stream of literature that Maor (2015) discusses is the strand of literature discussing strategic communication. Maor, Gilad & Bloom (2012) looked into agencies’ choice to react or stay silent after facing reputational threats. They demonstrated that a regulatory agency usually stays silent on issues that they already have a strong reputation in, and they stay silent on issues that lie outside their jurisdiction. They do respond to threats that are about core functional areas in which their reputation is weaker, and areas in which their reputation is still evolving (Maor, 2015, p. 29). This research proved that agencies assess the threat, and select their communication strategy based on their reputation. Gilad, Maor & Bloom (2013) later focused on how the content of allegations has an impact on communication strategies, and which type of allegation poses a higher threat, and how they are managed. They


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found that are more inclined to acknowledge problems, but will shift blame in the case of underregulation, and deny the allegations in the case of over regulation. While Maor (2015) identifies only ways agencies can manage their reputation, there are some other ways in which it can be done as well. Waeraas & Maor (2014) identify two more ways of managing reputation, which is by shadowing practices and policies pursued by agencies that possess good reputations (as shown in research by Maor 2007, 2011), and by affiliating with established players, so they can ‘borrow’ reputation and by appointing top management teams who enjoy good reputations (Petkova, 2012, p.385). Maor’s 2007 study states that certain highly uncertain and complex policy domains benefit from the presence of a scientific ‘gold’ standard. If this is embedded in the agency’s decision-making framework, it functions as the key legitimizing device, as it is not very susceptible to political moves. Maor’s 2011 study, as already discussed before, states that regulators that operate in low-level exposure markets, will find it very difficult to develop a positive technical reputation. To create a positive reputation they can free ride off the decisions made by expert regulators, which they can come into contact with through international collaboration schemes (Maor, 2011, p. 560).

2.6 Conclusion

So in short: agencies manage their reputation in several different ways. Reputational threats can speed up decision making, as explained by Carpenter (2002) and Maor & Silutzeanu-Kenan (2013); agencies may try to actively steer away from media attention (Maor, 2011); and reputational threats may influence how agencies communicatie (Maor et al., 2012; Gilad et al., 2013). To strengthen reputation, agencies can enforce universal excellence standards and embed them in their decision-making framework (Maor, 2007), borrow reputation through affiliation (Petkova, 2012), and they can free ride off decisions made by agencies that already have a reputation (Maor, 2011).


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In this thesis, I will continue to focus on reputation management, and how agencies deal with reputational threats. The research strand I will add to, is the one of strategic communication, as I will be looking at Frontex’ external communication in Annual Activity Reports. While research on reputational threats’ influence on reputation management has been done, observing the dimensions of reputation in both the threats and the reputation management through communications has not been done. Research indicates that threats can have dimensions, but I have not found any research that applies this to a case study. Furthermore, while some literature focuses on one specific action as a response to a threat, for example the option of waiting or not waiting, as described by Carpenter (2002) and Maor & Sulitzeanu-Kenan (2013), most literature has not looked into the strategy that forms the basis of the action taken by the agency. Moreover, my thesis will not only look into the strategy, it will also give insight in the dimensions the agencies aim to focus on. Maor, Gilad & Bloom (2013) indicated that agencies are aware of the dimensions of reputation that are strong, but they did not research what dimension would be chosen when an agency chooses to strengthen or defend their reputation. Lastly, the literature has shown that reputational threats, specifically through media, have an influence on reputation management, and they lead to various actions taken by the agency to safeguard their reputation. However, this mostly concerned research that focused on one event, or a short period of time, where media might be involved. My thesis will discuss a longer time period, where media attention, and threats, are almost constant. The upcoming chapter will lay out the theoretical framework on which the rest of my research will be based.


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3. Theoretical Framework

In this chapter I will conceptualize the dimensions of reputation, reputational threats and how they can be managed. Based on these three concepts, I will present my hypotheses.

3.1 Dimensions of Reputation

As briefly discussed in the previous chapter, organizational reputation is a set of beliefs about an agency that relates to the agency’s capacities and intentions (Carpenter, 2010, p. 45), and there are four dimensions to reputation: the performative, moral, procedural, and technical dimension. These dimensions all cover different aspects of an agency’s behaviour.

3.1.1 The Performative Dimension The performative dimension focuses on the audience perception of the quality of decision-making and the achievements of the agency. Do they achieve their goals and objectives? If an agency is perceived as competent and efficient, they are often seen as having a high performative reputation. A different feature of performative reputation is the ability to intimidate certain audiences. If an agency can take drastic actions, that might not be liked by some of their audiences, to pursue their goals, they are able to display their power and decisiveness, which can positively influence their performative reputation (Carpenter, 2010, p. 46). However, depending on the audience, it can also negatively influence their performative reputation. With drastic action, often multiple audiences can end up completely polarized in their perceptions of an agency. Depending on the size and influence of these audiences, the effect can go either way. Even when there is no drastic action, if an agency is performing exactly as it should, audiences can still view the agency negatively. This raises problems when it comes to measuring performance, as different audiences hold the agency to different performative standards (Christensen & Lodge, p. 122)


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3.1.2 The Moral Dimension The moral dimension focuses on all ethical aspects of an agency. Are means and ends morally justifiable? Is the agency transparent, and does it show compassion? Flexibility, honesty, compassion and the protection of constituents’ interests, are all important parts of the moral dimension (Carpenter, 2010, p. 46). The moral reputation is a dimension that is related most to perception and least related to facts or numbers. This means that an agency can be very effective, and yet it can still be considered having a bad moral reputation (Carpenter, 2010, p. 46). Audiences that find the moral dimension of reputation most important are likely to stand completely opposite audiences that value performance and efficiency. It can be difficult for an agency to choose which audience should be satisfied, as the agency wishes to perform well, but also wishes to not offend. This means that there is a very apparent possibility that moral acceptance will never be recognized by all audiences (Christensen & Lodge, 2018, p. 122). Agencies can emphasize their moral dimension by actively promoting aspects such as the transparency, flexibility, and socially inclusive nature of the organization.

3.1.3 The Procedural Dimension The procedural reputation focuses on the justness of the process. Are rules and conventions followed during the decision-making process, and were these procedures thorough? While decisions may be made in an ethical manner, they might not follow common standards of procedure. If an agency follows accepted procedures to make decisions, it is likely that this positively influences their procedural reputation (Carpenter, 2010, p. 47). According to Christensen & Lodge (2018, p. 122), the procedural dimension highlights the difficulty that agencies face when having to balance compliance, responsiveness and flexibility. The dimension also highlights the linkages between procedures and outcomes. Once again, when this dimension is positive, the performative dimension is not necessarily positive, or vice-versa. It is entirely possible for an agency to follow all the rules and be completely ineffective, or be effective, yet not follow any of the rules. ​


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3.1.4 The Technical Dimension The technical dimension focuses on accuracy and capacity. The perception of expertise and analytical capacity influence this facet of reputation. It poses the audiences the question of qualification, specifically if they deem the agency as qualified to deal with complex situations (Carpenter, 2010, p. 46). Highlighted by Christensen & Lodge (2018, p. 122) is the difficulty to define what expertise is. This can be interpreted completely differently by both audiences and the agency itself. While an agency’s performance might be efficient, it is entirely possible that it is not qualified enough to provide specialized support and services, or the other way around. However, the performative and technical dimension are closely related, as I am of the opinion that the technical ability influences an agency’s ability to perform their duties.

3.2 Reputational Threats & Media

Reputational threats are threats to an organization’s identity and reputation. These can include scandals, substandard performance, and more generally, public opposition (Carpenter, 2010, p.48). Like reputation management, reputational threats can also be focused on a specific dimension. What is to be expected, is that an agency will focus on a different dimension of reputation than the dimension that poses a threat, as they would want to steer away from the negative connotations that arise. According to Gilad et al (2013, p. 2) agencies stay silent in domains where they enjoy a strong reputation, and threats are not present. Media coverage can involve both negative and positive comments, however, according to Gilad et al (2013, p. 9) it is more likely that audience pay most attention to the negative information, which in turn harms the agency’s reputation. It is necessary for this media coverage to be intense, as a small amount of news articles that are highly negative are less likely to reach a large audience (Gilad et al, 2013, p. 9). When audiences focus most on a certain type of threat, it is most likely that agencies do the same. Therefore it can be expected that agencies focus most on negative coverage, just like audiences. Media is able to voice reputational threats of different audiences and spread them to even more audiences. This is why it is


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a relevant source to measure reputational threats. It is varied, allows for a range of opinions, and has a big reach, which in turn allows for the threats to increase, as different audiences can become exposed to the negative comments on an agency. This is one of the reasons why agencies are likely to want to resolve reputational threats. Furthermore, the threats in media can negatively influence an agency’s current reputation. According to Maor (2016, p. 84) media coverage can make audiences aware of agencies’ actions and behavior, and it has the power to create biased perceptions of agencies ánd audiences. How agencies perceive their audience determines what information they generate for them and how feedback is evaluated (Maor, 2016, p. 84). When agencies are faced with negative media coverage, they will try to manipulate emotions, so they can ensure a certain type of information about the agency will reach the audience, while other information does not. In my opinion this translates and generalizes to reputational threats and management as follows: when faced with reputational threats, an agency will manipulate the information audiences receive. Negative external opinions and allegations from audiences that are transmitted through the media have the ability to negatively influence the reputation of an agency, as the opinions and allegations can negatively the perceptions of the agency that audiences have (Maor, 2016, p. 84). Negative (and intense) media coverage has the ability to negatively affect both audiences that already have negative opinions on the agencies, and audiences that do not. Therefore I think that negative media coverage can be established as a reputational threat.

3.3 Managing Reputational Threats Agencies will steer focus towards a specific reputational dimension and away from a dimension that is perceived negatively and poses a threat to the agency’s reputation (Carpenter & Krause, 2011, p. 14). As I have shown that negative media coverage can be perceived as a reputational threat, it is to be expected that agencies try to halt or steer away from the content of the allegations. I think that agencies do this by managing their reputation, and specifically focusing on the dimensions of the reputation. The nature of the threat will also influence the nature of the shift in


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dimensions in reputation management. This shift is quite difficult to do successfully, and can be done in several ways, as discussed in the previous chapter. This thesis will focus on the strategic use of communication.

As explained in the previous section, Maor (2016) stated that when faced with negative media coverage, agencies try to manipulate the audience by selectively providing certain information. This shows that an agency is essentially accentuating a certain dimension of their reputation, and steering away from another. As intense negative media coverage is necessary to force reputational management (Gilad et al, 2013, p. 9), it can be expected that changes in Frontex reputational management will occur. During the there was intense negative media coverage on the way the EU dealt with (or failed to deal with) the problem. This is likely to include the actions of Frontex as well. The presence of intense negative media attention forces changes in an agency’s reputation management. Therefore this leads to the following hypothesis:

H1: Changes can be observed in Frontex’ reputation management during the period ​ 2013 - 2016.

Gilad et al (2013, p. 2) describes how underregulation poses a threat to an agency’s reputation, as it shows the agency’s failure to accomplish their goals. This indicates a failure of performance, and therefore threatens the performative dimension of reputation. Gilad et al (2013, p. 2) describe that overregulation in their specific case refers to the negative externalities of regulations, which indicates things such as continued suffering, which also influences an agencies reputation. This clearly indicates the moral dimension as being potentially negatively affected. By analysing a small sample of newspaper articles from 2015, I was able to define initial relevant reputational threats to Frontex. In 2015, Frontex was attacked on having a lack of funding and being dependent on the EU and Member States


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(Strupczewski & Baczynska, 2015), lacking resources (Mathiason, Parsons & Jeory, 2015), being overwhelmed and overworked, having a weak mandate and possibly acting undemocratically in the future (The Economist, 2015), failing to save people’s lives (BBC News, 2015, Kingsley & Traynor, 2015), and having a lack of authority (Bacchi, 2015). The majority of threats had consequences for Frontex’ performative reputation, as well as its moral reputation. As both the exploratory search, and Gilad, Maor & Bloom’s (2013) research indicate, threats that fall into the performative and moral dimension are likely to occur. While allegations can appeal to a lack of expertise or quality, and thus refer to the technical dimension, or they can appeal to the absence of rule-following and procedures, these reputational threats are less likely to exist without seeing threats that fall into the performative or moral dimension first. In my opinion, performative and moral threats have a larger impact on an audience. It discusses whether an organization can do its job or if they are just. I think an organization is less likely to gain media attention, and thus have their reputation threatened, if the agency performs well and fairly. While they might not have the most expertise or follow the rules and procedures, they do, mostly, as they should. Audiences are simply less likely to notice what is wrong. If audiences notice an agency, it is more likely that they will notice the performative or moral side of the organization, and if this leads to negative association for the audience, they later may choose to focus on the procedural and technical aspects of the agency. Thus, I expect that the most dominant reputational threats will be the ones that will threaten the agency’s performative dimension and moral dimension.

Maor & Sulitzeanu-Kenan (2013) showed that negative media coverage about the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) responsibilities as an agency, the FDA would take quick action, and communicate about their responsibilities. Maor & Sulitzeanu-Kenan also showed in their 2016 research that negative media coverage about an agency’s performance, and specifically their output, will lead to agencies increasing their outputs in the following year (Maor & Sulitzeanu-Kenan, 2016, p.32).


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Both of these articles show examples of agencies that act after a threat, that falls into the performative dimension of reputation, to improve and minimize (further) reputational damage. I think that both these articles are examples of agencies laying focus on the performative dimension of their reputation, to protect their reputation from the reputational threats that express bad performance. Instead of steering away from the threat, they work to show that they cán perform well. Therefore I propose the following hypothesis:

H2: When the dominant reputational threat is related to Frontex’ performative ​ reputation, the agency will follow a reputational management strategy that focuses on ​ performative reputation. ​

When it comes to the reputational threats that do not focus on performance, what kind of responses can be expected? Gilad et al (2013) showed that public allegations that focus on the moral dimension, lead to agencies trying to shift blame. According to Christensen & Lodge (2018, p. 128) agencies try to relieve themselves of blame, by focusing on the procedural dimension of reputation. In a period of crisis, agencies are likely to emphasize their proper procedural approach, to shield themselves from the dangers of the reputational threat. Hood (2011) described in his research the responses of public officials to political scandals. One of the responses he described, was that the organization would claim procedural correctness or state that the way the issue was handled was inevitable and that the outcome was unavoidable (Hood, 2011, p. 152 - 153). Therefore, I think it can be expected that agencies will respond to reputational threats that threaten an agencies moral dimension of their reputation, by applying focus to their procedural dimension. The following hypothesis comes from this:


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H3: When the dominant reputational threat is related to Frontex’ moral reputation, the ​ ​ ​ agency will follow a reputational management strategy that focuses on procedural ​ reputation. ​

In both the second and third hypotheses, I refer to the dominant reputational ​ threat. It is entirely possible for an agency to experience reputational threats from ​ multiple dimensions, but I think that an agency is most likely to respond to the most dominant threats. As the performative and moral dimension are most likely to be dominant in general, these have been chosen as the possible dominant threats in my case study. According to Majone (1997, p. 163) the EU is a regulatory state where agencies are created to facilitate credibility. Agencies provide expertise, and as a non-elected, non-majoritarian actor, they can use their expertise to legitimate themselves, despite not being part of the electoral system (Majone, 1997, p. 157). The output of an agency is their legitimation. This leads to an emphasis on their output, and thus their technical reputation. The following alternative hypothesis thus follows:

H4: Frontex’ reputation management strategy will always focus on their technical ​ reputation and is not influenced by any reputational threats


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4. Methodology In order to test the hypotheses, I will undertake a most-similar case study analysis of Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency. The period of 2013 - 2016 will be observed, by looking at Frontex’ Annual Activity Reports (AAR) of 2013 up to 2016. In the AARs, the developments and achievements of the organization’s activities are discussed. With these reports, partners and media are informed about the details of the agency’s functioning, and are important and useful when reviewing reputation management strategies. These external communications can be used to possibly try and shift focus away from threatened dimensions of reputation. As the documents are public to all audiences, whether those are media, citizens, politicians, or interest groups, it gives the organization the opportunity to decide how they wish to present themselves and it allows them to show their priorities. By observing data from 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 four (similar) cases are created: Frontex 1, 2, 3, 4. By observing the way Frontex presents itself, before and after the pivotal year 2015, the influence of the reputational threats on their reputation management can be analysed. I decided to start the analysis in 2013, to show a distribution of dimensions before 2015. I decided to analyze up until 2016, because the AAR 2016 was the last to be published. I chose to analyze 2016 to be able to show the impact of the pivotal year 2015 on reputation management and reputational threats. I selected a single case because it allows for a deeper understanding of the workings of Frontex and because it can be expected that reputational threats are visible and identifiable. Furthermore, observing more organizations would not have been able due to the time it takes to collect and code data. As stated in the introduction, Frontex went from being relatively unknown on the international stage, to becoming a central agency in the European debate on the migration crisis, in 2015. Because of this, it is very likely that criticism in the media will provide serious reputational threats, which makes this an interesting case to analyse. The developments in the organization’s mandate throughout our observed time period also indicate it’s changing importance,


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and with that, possibly, a changing reputation. This research will hopefully be able to show how Frontex dealt with that.

2.1 Operationalizing the dependent variable: reputation management

To operationalise the dependent variable of reputation management, a quantitative content analysis will be performed, using a method developed by Busuioc & Rimkute (2018). To measure Frontex’ reputation management in the period 2013 - 2016, I will use the Annual Activity Reports from each year. I will perform a content analysis on the documents, by coding words that link to the reputational dimensions. The keywords are based on the operationalization of research by Busuioc & Rimkute (2018). Documents are entered into WordStat, which counts the amount of times a word was used in each document. The program calculates general trends, frequency per Annual Activity Report, and percentages per year, which allows for comparison between the years and hopefully shows a change in focus on a dimension of reputation, which indicates reputation management. This method does not allow for much interpretation of the words, but it is structured, and can be reproduced relatively easily. To capture the technical dimension, the keywords (see Table 1) are associated with technological and scientific practices. The keywords that capture the moral dimension are related to transparency, honesty, and credibility. The keywords that concern the performative dimension are related to results and efficiency. Lastly, the keywords that capture the procedural dimension, are related to rules, governance, and procedures. Some keywords end with ‘*’ so it allows for different iterations of the word to be counted, for example: ‘accura*’ will count all words such as ‘accuracy’, ‘accurate’, ‘accurately’, etc. The ‘_’ in ‘high*_standard*’ and ‘good_governance’ indicate a space and codes only the two words if grouped together.


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Reputation Keywords

Technical accura*, analy*, assess*, data, evidence, expert*, knowledg*, measur*, methodolog*, profession*, qualitat*, quantitati*, reliab*, research, rigor*, robust, specialis*, scien*, technic*, valid*

Moral appropri*, assur*, citizen*, civil*, consumer*, ensur*, guarant*, guard*, health, high*_standard*, human, people, precaution*, protect*, public, respect, safe*, save, secur*, social*, societ*, sustain*, user*, valu*, welfare*, transpar*

Performative achiev*, action*, chang*, control, deliveri*, effect*, effici*, enforce*, impact*, improv*, outcom*, efficien*, reform*, request*, resist*, restrict*, result*

Procedural accessib*, fair*, formal*, good_governance, inclusive*, independent, legal*, open*, particip*, procedur*, process*, protocol*, representativ*, requiremen*, rule*, rule-driven, stakehold*,

(Table 1: Keywords - Busuioc & Rimkute, 2018)

2.2 Operationalizing the independent variable: reputational threats

To identify Frontex’ reputational threats, a qualitative content analysis will be performed. I will use a sample of newspaper articles from the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Germany. I will identify the main threats in newspaper articles that mention Frontex published in 2013 - 2016. I am of the opinion that a large sample, from several relevant countries in the EU will give a good overview of the criticisms of Frontex of most audiences, and will show the development of the reputational threats over the course of the analyzed period. Since I aim to show Frontex’ response to the reputational threats, it is relevant to know the dimensions of reputation the article fits


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into. The sentiment of the threat present in the article will be measured into one of the four dimensions of reputation.

2.2.1 Data Collection

I will use LexisNexis to collect articles from Dutch newspapers and Factiva to access the German and British newspapers. The keyword used was ‘frontex’, as this would show articles that really discussed this organization, and not other coast guard or border guard organizations or national organizations. Moreover, the search is limited to articles published between 01-01-2013 and 31-12-2016, to make sure it matches the time period of the Annual Activity Reports. The Dutch newspapers that will be consulted are: Algemeen Dagblad, De Telegraaf, De Volkskrant, Het Financieele Dagblad, Het Parool, Metro, Nederlands Dagblad, NRC Handelsblad, NRC Next, Reformatorisch Dagblad, and Trouw. All of these, except Het Parool, are national daily newspapers. Het Parool is restricted to Amsterdam, except for the saturday issue, which is distributed nationally, however, with the spread of news via the internet, it has a wide reader base. De Telegraaf, as the largest newspaper, has a circulation of 393,537 issues per day, and the Nederlands Dagblad, is the smallest national daily newspaper, with a daily circulation of 19,594 (Nationaal Onderzoek Multimedia, 2017). The British newspapers that will be consulted are: The Sun, Metro, Daily Mail, London Evening Standard, The Daily Mirror, The Times, Daily Star, The Daily Telegraph, The Daily Express, Financial Times, and The Guardian. All of these are the top daily newspapers in the UK, with The Sun circulating over 1.5 million copies in 2017 ("National newspaper print ABCs", 2018). The German newspapers that will be consulted are: Die Zeit, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Die Welt, Handelsblatt, Der Tagesspiegel, Der Spiegel, Stern, Focus. These newspapers (and news magazines) have the largest circulation in Germany, with the Süddeutsche Zeitung spreading 361,507 in the last ​ quarter (“Informationsgemeinschaft”, 2018). ​


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These three countries were chosen, as all three were actively part of the political debate surrounding the European migration crisis and Frontex. The Netherlands, Germany, and the United Kingdom were all contributors to the Frontex operation ‘Triton’. Furthermore, all three countries were top 10 destinations for refugees, with Germany being first on the list (Hackett, Connor, Stonawski & Potančoková, 2017). Therefore I think they all are likely to discuss Frontex in their national media. I also believe that these three countries are powerful enough in the EU that the threats from negative media coverage could influence Frontex.

2.2.2 Coding

The articles will be coded on mentions related to the four dimensions of reputations, to measure which threat was most present in each year analysed. There are three main categories: Neutral, when a mention passes no judgement on the organization; Positive, when a mention positively speaks of the organization; and Negative, when aspects of the organization are discussed that can negatively impact the agency’s reputation. The Negative category is subcategorized into the four dimensions of reputation: moral, performative, procedural, and technical. The articles will be categorized chronologically, noting author, title, newspaper, and publication date. I will read each article, and decided in which category it fit, based on the context in which the keyword (Frontex) was placed, or in some cases, the entire article, if it discussed Frontex in more detail. Some articles might cover multiple dimensions, so multiple categories will be scored. This can only occur within the negative category, as a negative comment will always count as a threat, even when the rest of an article is positive or neutral. The positive category was included, because it has the ability to indicate a decrease of threats and an increase of a positive reputation. Simply coding everything that is not negative into the same category, would not help indicate the decrease of threats, as there is no distinction possible between neutral and positive, and it will be unclear how much of the ‘not-negative’ is beneficial to the agency’s reputation.


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So how will I decide how to categorize an article? An article will be coded as ‘Neutral’, if there is no judgement (either positive or negative) present. For example: statistics as reported by the agency, information provided by a spokesperson of the agency, or simply a sentence that indicates the agency’s existence or mandate, without stating good or bad, all fall under the category ‘Neutral’. A newspaper article will be coded as ‘Positive’ only if there are no negative statements about the agency present, and it discusses for example: the agency performing well, the agency saving lives, or the agency improving compared to how it used to be. Important to note here: if the comparison then mentions incapabilities or being specifically bad, it will not be coded as positive, but will be categorized among one of the dimensions in the negative category. The ‘Negative’ category is divided into the four dimensions of reputation: moral, performative, procedural, and technical. An article will be coded ‘Negative - Moral’ if it mentions a breach of Human Rights, death, disrespect of employees of the agency, or inhumane behaviour. An article will be coded ‘Negative - Performative’ if it stresses the agency’s incapability to do its job or receive help from others,or if it stresses a lack of funds or materials. This also includes things that the agency doesn’t do, but the article states it should be doing (even if this isn’t part of their mandate). In the case of Frontex, there are certain expectations of the agency, that aren’t in their mandate, but are still considered ‘not doing their job’. Lastly, an article will be coded ‘Negative - Technical’, if the agency is accused of having a lack of expertise, no experts present, or if the author indicates a lack of trust in the data presented by the agency.

2.3 Difference in operationalization dependent and independent variables

While both variables are analysed within the framework of the dimensions of reputation, I chose to apply a quantitative analysis to the dependent variable and a qualitative analysis to the independent variable. My decision to analyse the newspaper articles qualitatively, was made because of several reasons. Firstly, it is tricky to translate the keywords used in the quantitative method to


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Dutch and German and be certain that it covers and indicates the dimensions in the same manner it would in the English articles. While direct translations might be correct, they might not be used much, or specific term that are used more often in Dutch or German media would be left out. By analyzing qualitatively, this is avoided. Secondly, the qualitative analysis, allows for nuance in the judgement of the sentiment of the articles. While some articles judge Frontex in a similar manner, and similar words are used, a small extra sentence could tip a comment from neutral to negative. Thirdly, using the quantitative method means that it will score anything that is in the article, including sections that discuss comments that do not apply to Frontex, but perhaps another organization. This would mean that an article would be coded in a certain manner, but it would not concern Frontex at all. By performing the qualitative analysis, this was avoided.

2.4 Threats to inference

There are several possible threats to inference. First of all the susceptibility of comparative research to measurement error and random variability. I would argue that the data is concise and not fuzzy. Control of the alternative hypothesis, as well as the fact that the four cases all discuss the same organization, allows us to be sure that the data will help us uncover the causal mechanism. While this research does contain a small-N, it can focus deeply on this one organization, as there are very extensive and rich resources available that allow for analysing Frontex’ reputation management. The possibility of generalizing this research is dubious, as it will describe just one case. This research is retrospective and accounts for this specific case, and cannot be generalized. However, the type of observation and causal mechanism could be observed in other decentralised agencies, and would allow for a larger body of work. The method applied to this case, could be applied to different case studies. Comparing the in-depth results of all decentralised agencies, would be constitute the entire population, but this is not possible in a master’s thesis.


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Another common threat in comparative research is the difficulty of distinguishing association from causation. To solve this, intimate knowledge of each case, or even within-case analysis is needed. This threat is controlled by the fact that this research only analyses one organization at four moments in time, creating an in-depth analysis of this specific organization, making almost all factors of the cases the same. To control for the explanation of the alternative hypothesis, it needs to be stated that the four ‘cases’ describe the same agency, so the reputational management strategies of Frontex should be the same to be able to argue that Majone’s argument is true, which in turn would indicate that Frontex is not influenced by reputational threats.


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5. Frontex, an overview In this chapter, I will first discuss the origin and development of Frontex, then I will discuss the mandate of the organization and its weaknesses, and lastly I will shortly give some insight into how the agency has been criticized in the past.

5.1 The Origin of Frontex

To strengthen cooperation in migration, asylum and security policies, the European Council on Justice and Home affairs created the External Border Practitioners Common Unit in 1999. The unit was made up of members of the Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum, as well as the leaders of national border security agencies. The Common Unit coordinated national Ad-Hoc Centres that educated on uniform border control. From this governance level, common operations could be implemented and overseen (Frontex, 2018b). The European Council decided to take this cooperation effort further. In October 2004, the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (Frontex) was established through the Council Regulation (EC) 2007/2004. The aim of this agency was initially improving procedures and methods of the Common Unit (Frontex, 2018b). The agency was established to strengthen the EU borders, through a common management system and assistance of Member States’ border security activities (Carrera, den Hartog, Parkin, 2013, p. 339). In 2007, to assist Member States with excessive flows of ‘irregular migrants’, Frontex was mandated to deploy Rapid Border Intervention Teams (RABITs) (Carrera et al., 2013, p.340). In 2011, an amended version of the Frontex Regulation was adopted, which increased the agency’s power in coordinating Joint Operations and the deployment of European border guard teams under the supervision of a Coordination Officer from Frontex (Carrera et al., 2013, p. 340). In 2013, EUROSUR, a European Border Surveillance System was established, which would improve the exchange and


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accessibility of information between Frontex and Member States (Frontex, 2017b). In 2016, after the need for a wider mandate for Frontex was expressed throughout Europe during the migration crisis, the Frontex Regulation was repealed, by Regulation (EU) 2016/1624, which established Frontex as the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex, 2018b). A need for a central European Border and Coast Guard is expressed and valued above coordinating and deploying national coast guards. In addition to running the Joint Return Operations for Member States, the new agency is now able to arrange voluntary and forced returns of migrants, deploy new RABITs to help Member States with issues like identification and registration (Slominski, 2018, p. 107). Regulation (EU) 2016/1624 led to a 60% increase in personnel and an budget increase of 18.8%, from €254 million in 2016 to €302 million in 2017. Both personnel and budget are expected to grow further in the upcoming years (Federal Ministry of the Interior, 2018).

5.2 Mandate and Weaknesses Frontex, has as its mission promoting, coordinating and developing European border management, while following the rules of the EU fundamental rights charter and the concept of Integrated Border Management (IBM) (Frontex, 2018b). IBM is based on cooperation. Individual border agencies are more effective when there is intra-agency, inter-agency, and international cooperation. Border management becomes less effective, when cooperation is lacking in any of those dimensions (Eastern Partnership ​ Integrated Border Management Capacity Building Project, 2018). The legal basis of the agency is REGULATION (EU) 2016/1624, which states its responsibilities as follows: field deployment, risk analysis, situation monitoring, joint operations, rapid response, research, training, joint returns, information-sharing, and external relations. Frontex arranges law enforcement officers, vessels and surveillance equipment for external border regions in need. (Frontex, 2018c, p. 2). Officers perform screenings, ​ debriefings, identification and fingerprinting of migrants. National authorities establish who gets international protection (Frontex, 2018b). This is one of Frontex’ weaknesses.


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While it coordinates and leads, it does not have the sovereignty to act at will (Pascouau ​ & Schumacher, 2014, p. 1). ​ Frontex estimates risks to EU border security by identifying migratory patterns and trends in cross-border criminal activity at EU borders and beyond. Findings are shared with the relevant EU countries and the European Commission. (Frontex, 2018b). However, Marin (2011, p. 478) notes that it is very difficult for media to get access to information about what is happening in remote areas. This also complicates the work of scholars, as it is thus difficult to find out facts about the situation. The information that is available is often scarce and controlled, and focuses mainly on outputs that are measurable. The reports do not go into what happened to migrants (Marin, 2011, p.478). Frontex coordinates the stationing of trained staff and technical equipment to external border areas in Joint Operations (JOs) (Frontex, 2018b). Boats and planes deployed by Frontex collect and share information, specifically related to pollution and compliance with maritime regulations (Frontex, 2018c, p. 2). Most vessels are provided by Member States and steered by Frontex. Marin (2011) states that Frontex operates in JOs without a clear legal framework. Officials of different Member States’ countries are involved, and need to abide by the laws of the national border they are protecting. Marin (2011, 477) questions whether the acts of Frontex have a sufficient legal foundation, and whether the interpretation of Frontex’ acts is within the boundaries of correct interpretation techniques. She also questions whether it threatens the rule of law (Marin, 2011, 477) Frontex coordinates the stationing of European Border Guard Teams in cases of extreme migratory pressure at external borders. Member States have to provide up to 1500 officers from the rapid reaction pool if this is requested by the agency (Frontex, 2018c, p. 3). During the migration crisis this has shown to be quite a problem. Member States would fail to send enough officers, and only ⅓ of needed feet on the ground would be present (de Gruyter, 2015). Frontex upholds relations with countries outside the EU and Schengen zone to


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ensure border control. By implementing IBM, Frontex has a strong network with non-EU border authorities, specifically with countries neighbouring the EU (Frontex, 2018c, p. 3). Operating as an EU agency outside the EU is tricky. Protecting the EU border, while going outside of the EU, can make Member States feel like their sovereignty is undermined.

5.2.1 Implications of Decentralization

In the year that Frontex was founded, Poland joined the EU as a new Member State. It did not yet host any European agency, thus the European Council decided to seat the agency there. Since Frontex mainly coordinates operation, the location of their offices do not influence their activities much. Frontex argues that the external EU borders are spread out in such a way, that there is no logical place for an office to be situated. Due to the extensive surveillance and data collection equipment, research, training development, and risk analyses can be generated from a distance (Frontex, 2018a). However, during the migrant crisis in 2015, Frontex was criticized for being disconnected from the ‘action’. Requests were made for temporarily moving the headquarters to the front lines. This did, however, not happen (Foy & Robinson, 2015).

5.3 Criticisms of Frontex

The agency has received a fair amount of criticism for its operations in the Mediterranean from NGOs, EU agencies, international organizations and civil society. It has been the most visible organization during the migration crisis, and was seen as a representative of the militarization of European borders. The critique of Frontex raised questions about how core fundamental rights, such as the right to life, the right not to be sent back to torture and inhumane treatment, and the respect of human dignity are safeguarded at the borders (Aas & Gundhus 2015, p. 3; Pascouau & Schumacher, ​ 2014, p. 1). ​


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6. Results and Empirical Analysis In this chapter, I will present the results of my research and analyse the outcome. First I will present the results that will show that nature of the independent variable, which is reputational threats, and secondly I will present the dependent variable, reputation management. I will then discuss the results in reference to my hypotheses.

6.1 Independent variable (Reputational Threats) Agencies are likely to try and cultivate their reputation, when there is intense negative media coverage. The dimension of the reputational threat decides in what direction the agency will try and steer their reputation. I have measured all relevant newspaper articles from 2013 - 2016 from the top newspapers in The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, and Germany. Based on this data I will evaluate if the media coverage was intensive and negative, and therefore can qualify as a reputational threat. Furthermore, I aim to identify which dimension of reputation was most dominant throughout this period. The articles were scored on mentions related to the four dimensions of reputations, to measure which threat was most present in 2015. There are three main categories: Neutral, when a mention passes no judgement on the organization; Positive, when a mention positively speaks of the organization; and Negative, when aspects of the organization are discussed that can negatively impact the agency’s reputation. The Negative category is subcategorized into the four dimensions of reputation: moral, performative, procedural, and technical. In the upcoming section I will first go into the results per year, and then discuss the overall trend and its implications.

6.1.1 Results 2013 The results of my analysis that cover 2013 are presented in table 2. The detailed scoring table can be found in Appendix 1, 5, & 9. As the table shows, in both the


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Netherlands and the United Kingdom, Frontex was mostly discussed in a neutral manner in 2013. Frontex was simply mentioned as a provider of research, statistics, and updates on the current situation of the European migration crisis. What can be derived from this, is that Frontex’ technical expertise is generally accepted by the public, which indicates a strong technical reputation. Furthermore, there were no incidences of reputational threats identified that threatened the technical dimension, so that confirms the presence of a strong technical reputation.

Negative Country Neutral Positive Moral Performative Procedural Technical Total Sources NL 24 9 7 12 0 0 52 UK 13 2 0 9 0 0 24 GE 16 4 3 26 5 0 55 Total 43 15 10 47 5 0 133

(Table 2: Scoring Results 2013) In 2013, Germany was not as neutral as the other countries, and Table 2 shows that most articles in Germany contained a reputational threat. The majority of articles, if they contained a reputational threat, focused on the performative dimension of reputation. Figure 1 shows the distribution of the reputational threats per country, and it clearly shows that the performative threats were most prevalent.

(Figure 1: Distribution of Reputational Threats - 2013)


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What is important to note, is that the amount of articles that mentioned Frontex in 2013 was very low. Only 131 articles were published on the topic in 2013, spread over three countries. Of those articles only 62 times a threat was identified. In my opinion, this is not an example of intense negative media coverage, therefore I conclude that in 2013, the threats that were expressed, were not dangerous for Frontex.

6.1.2 Results 2014 The results of my analysis that cover 2014 are presented in table 3. The detailed scoring table can be found in Appendix 2, 6 & 10. Table 3 shows that in 2014 only the Netherlands was mainly neutral. In the United Kingdom and Germany most results show a reputational threat.

Negative Country Neutral Positive Moral Performative Procedural Technical Total Sources NL 27 4 9 12 3 0 55 UK 12 1 0 23 0 0 36 GE 32 4 5 34 2 0 77 (Table 3: Scoring Results 2014)

Figure 2 shows the distribution of all coded articles and it indicates how varied the distribution of threats and neutral and positive comments was in 2014. While in all three countries the neutral comments are prevalent, the Netherlands and Germany show a more varied distribution of dimensions in the reputational threats, while the United Kingdom only focuses on the performative aspect. Figure 3 highlights the distribution of the threats in 2014, and it shows once again that the performative dimension is most present in the negative media coverage in newspapers in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Germany. The moral dimension, once again, comes in second, but does not show strongly. Especially in comparison to the articles that were scored neutral and positive, the moral dimension is not present in a significant manner.


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(Figure 2: Distribution 2014, sorted per country)

The amount of articles that mentioned Frontex in 2014 was still quite low. 168 articles discussed Frontex in some manner, which is a small increase. In the Netherlands only 3 more articles mentioned the organization, but in the United Kingdom and Germany, the increase is bigger. This increase is not quite significant. However, the amount of articles that pose a threat to Frontex has increased. As Figure 4 clearly shows, about half of the articles had a neutral nature, and a little more than half consisted of negative comments. Among the negative coverage, the most prevalent is the performative dimension, which is virtually as present as the neutral coverage (See figure 4). While the negative media coverage is not yet intense, the measurements of 2014 ​ ​ show that it is slowly increasing.


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(Figure 3: Distribution of Reputational threats - 2014)

(Figure 4: Distribution of all articles in 2014, as counted)

6.1.3 Results 2015 The results of my analysis that cover 2015 are presented in table 4. The detailed scoring table can be found in Appendix 3, 7 & 11. The table instantly shows a large increase of media coverage, with a total of 775 articles mentioning Frontex in three countries.


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Negative Country Neutral Positive Moral Performative Procedural Technical Total Sources NL 121 53 6 85 12 1 270 UK 127 16 5 68 5 2 221 GE 140 37 22 82 2 3 284 Total 388 106 33 235 19 6 775 (Table 4: Scoring Results 2015)

106 articles were categorized as positive. These articles did not offer any reputational threats, but were also not neutral. In these articles Frontex was often praised for saving lives or providing expert knowledge. Consulting the articles in a chronological order helped show a trend. At the end of 2015, when the EU saw Frontex as a good instrument for tackling the migrant crisis, they eventually provided a bigger budget and started discussing the expansion of the mandate. In the articles the agency is no longer scrutinized for being incapable in certain areas, instead the articles focus on what they will be able to do. Generally, trust is placed in Frontex and its future functioning. 33 articles scored on reputational threats to the moral dimension of reputation, which was less than initially expected. Very little articles attacked the agency on a lack of ethics or moral compass. While there were some comments on inaction in cases of drownings, the focus there lied mainly with the agency’s incapability of acting, based on other factors than their compassion or transparency. 235 articles showed reputational threats to the performative dimension of reputation. The articles discussed a lack of funds, a lack of physical resources, and the agency’s inability to act because of limited jurisdiction. Throughout 2015, they were regularly attacked because of a lack of action in Search and Rescue missions. This is not part of their mandate, but the Maritime Search and Rescue Convention demands every ship to help anyone drowning at sea. Because of this Frontex often had to save large groups of people from sinking boats (van Langendonck, 2015). The small scope in which Frontex operated was also scrutinized, as this meant that they would not be able


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to help people in certain areas of the mediterranean sea. At the end of 2015 Frontex planned an large scale operation to help Greece. Initially the media coverage was positive. Newspapers encouraged Greece to ‘get over it’ and accept help (Peeperkorn, 2015). However, as soon as the Operational Plan was made and resources were requested from all over Europe, Frontex was proved unable to round up the amount of border guards it needed (de Gruyter, 2015). This led to further scrutiny, which affected the performative reputation. Technical expertise was only attacked in 6 articles, which mainly focused on not believing the statistics that were presented by Frontex (De Volkskrant, 2015), however, compared to most neutrally categorized articles that used Frontex’ expertise and saw it as legitimate, these articles are outliers.. Very little articles scored in the procedural category Late 2015, there were talks about Frontex’ new mandate. This mandate would possibly allow the agency to act within EU borders without permission from any national border guard authorities (Bogaard, 2015). Articles sometimes presented this fact as being ‘not according to the norms and standards’ of the way Frontex usually operates and implements policies, however most of the time, the change in mandate was seen as something positive.

(Figure 5: Distribution of Reputational Threats - 2015)


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As Figure 5 clearly shows, the dimension of reputation that was most prevalent in the news articles, was the performative dimension. The distribution is almost the same in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. In Germany, a little bit more emphasis was put on the moral dimension, but compared to the performative dimension, it is insignificant. The media coverage showed a 461.31% increase in comparison with 2014, and the negatively scored articles increased with 319.32% in a year. This increase, together with the large amount of articles present this year, proves that the media coverage was intense in 2015, and therefore posed a strong threat to Frontex. With the performative dimension of reputation being most prevalent in the articles, this means that there was a strong performative reputational threat in 2015.

6.1.4 Results 2016 The results of my analysis that cover 2016 are presented in table 5. The detailed scoring table can be found in Appendix 4, 8 & 12. The table shows a decrease of media coverage, with a total of 587 articles mentioning Frontex in three countries.

Negative Technica Total Country Neutral Positive Moral Performative Procedural l Sources NL 94 47 14 47 5 1 208 UK 69 26 5 37 4 1 142 GE 127 45 5 50 7 3 237 Total 290 118 24 134 16 5 587 (Table 5: Scoring Results 2016)

Once again, the neutral category is strong. Interesting to note here, is that Germany stands out quite a lot in this category, with 127 articles that fall into it. More interesting, in my opinion, is the high positive count in the 2016 articles. While there are 188 less articles registered in 2016, there are 12 articles more that fall into the positive category. This shows that Frontex overall reputation improved in 2016. As Figure 6


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visualises, both in the Netherlands and Germany the positive category scores almost as high as the performative dimension.

(Figure 6: Distribution 2016, sorted per country)

Figure 7 shows that of the articles that were part of the negative category, once again, the performative dimension stands out. The distribution of the other categories varies in all countries, but clear is that in comparison to the performative dimension, they are not significant.

(Figure 7: Distribution of Reputational Threats - 2016) 47

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The moral dimension is second in both the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, however, in Germany the procedural dimension shows up among the reputational threats. Overall, the moral reputation is the strongest runner-up to the performative dimension, but it is not present enough to compete. The amount of newspaper articles that discusses Frontex in 2016 decreased with 24.26% from 2015, and the negative coverage decreases with 36.30%. However, with 587 articles published, and 180 registered threats (which is still more than the positive articles), I think the data from 2016 can still be considered as intense media coverage, ​ ​ and thus as a reputational threat, specifically to the performative dimension.

6.1.5 Overall trends While in 2013 and 2014, the general media coverage was relatively low, in 2015 ​ the amount of articles that discussed Frontex significantly increased (see Figure 8). With the increase of media coverage came an increase of negative news articles. While the media coverage dropped in 2016, the coverage was still high. The high number of articles published, together with the rapid increase of articles from 2014 to 2015 show that the media coverage was intense, and therefore can be considered a reputational ​ ​ threat.

(Figure 8: Development of the Intensity of Media Coverage & Reputational Threats)


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While Figure 9 shows that differences in negative media coverage per country are present every year, an overall trend can still be observed. The increase (and decrease after 2015) are clear, and significant.

(Figure 9: Total number of negatively coded articles, sorted by year)

Every year measured, the neutral category scored highest (see Figure 10). Articles that were put into this category described actions that the agency undertook, without any judgement, simply stated that the agency existed, or reported statistics and information provided by Frontex or specific spokespersons of the agency. The vast majority of articles that were categorized as neutral, reported statistics or other information on the European migrant crisis. As discussed earlier in this chapter, I think that this confirms that the majority of newspapers are of the opinion that Frontex has a strong technical reputation. If this was not the case, the data would not be seen as trustworthy, and would therefore not be used. However, I do not think that the use of Frontex’ data explicitly communicates a strong reputation to the agency. Only if this dimension of reputation is specifically praised, would it count as such. However, I do think, that it partially explains why very little reputational threats that cover the technical dimension were measured.


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(Figure 10: Total distribution of counted categories)

As Figure 11 shows, all years measured showed the performative dimension as the most prevalent threat in media coverage, with the moral dimension coming in at a distant second place. Only in 2015 and 2016 was the quantity and increase of media coverage enough to call it intense, so only in 2015 and 2016 the media coverage can ​ ​ truly be considered a reputational threat.

(Figure 11: Total Distribution of Counted Reputational Threats)


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What does this mean for my hypotheses? Based on these findings, it can still be expected that changes will occur in Frontex’ reputation management, as reputational threats have been established. Therefore Hypothesis 1 can still occur. My findings have established the dominant reputational threats to focus on the performative dimension of reputation. Therefore, Hypothesis 2 is still possible. I expect that Frontex will follow the performative threat with a performative reputation management strategy. This chapter also showed that the moral dimension of reputation was not present as a dominant reputational threat, but came in as a weak second in the negative category. Therefore, it is not possible to confirm Hypothesis 3. In none of the years observed was the dominant reputational threat related to Frontex’ moral reputation. I expect I will not find a strong reaction in the form of a focus on the procedural dimension in Frontex’ reputation management. While it might occur, it would be very weak. Hypothesis 4 could still occur, if Frontex’ reputation management shows no development at all, and the focus continues to lie solely on the agency’s technical reputation.

6.2 Dependent variable (Reputation Management) In this section, I will assess if Frontex manages its reputation, and if it does so as I expect. The files used are the Annual Activity Reports from 2013 up to and including 2016 (Frontex, 2014; 2015; 2016; 2017a). These were added into the QDA miner in one folder, to give an overview over time. Using SimStat, the independent and dependent variables were filed and the keywords that allow for the categorization of the dimensions of reputation were entered. Consequently, WordStat opened, and the Annual Activity Reports were scored based on the keyword file. I will continue by first observing the results per year, and how they might correspond to the threats that year, and then I will discuss the overall trends that can be observed. I will then discuss the implications of the outcomes and confirm or reject the hypotheses.


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6.2.1 Results 2013

Figure 12 shows that Frontex’ 2013 AAR focused most heavily on their technical reputation. This is followed by their moral reputation, procedural reputation, and lastly their performative reputation. As the intensity of media coverage was very low, the few news articles that did affect the agency’s performative reputation, were not very influential. As earlier researched by Maor & Sulitzeanu-Kenan (2013) it is to be expected that there is little focus on performance in reputation management, when there is little focus on it in the media coverage. The fact that Frontex’ reputation management is not concerned with overstating their performative reputation, and the fact that there were no considerable threats to their reputation in 2013, proves that Maor & Sulitzeanu-Kenan (2013) were right.

(Figure 12: Distribution of Reputation Management in 2013)

6.2.2 Results 2014

Figure 13 shows a drop in moral and procedural reputation. Technical reputation is still dominant in the AAR, but the other dimensions are almost on the same level. The low attention paid to the performative dimension can again be attributed to the low intensity of the media coverage, and the fact that the content of the articles in 2014 (while they did focus on the performative dimensions) can not be considered a threat.


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(Figure 13: Distribution of Reputation Management in 2014)

6.2.3 Results 2015

Figure 14 shows a very large increase in the attention given to the performative dimension of reputation. It is so much so, that it is almost equal to the presence of the technical dimension. This is paired with the huge increase in negative media coverage and increase in intensity of said coverage in 2015. This shows that Maor & Sulitzeanu-Kenan (2013) were right. When there is intense negative media coverage (which is a reputational threat), agencies will respond to it, by focusing on the performative dimension of reputation.

(Figure 14: Distribution of Reputation Management in 2015)


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6.2.4 Results 2016

In Figure 15, it is clear to see that Frontex is still actively paying attention to the performative dimension of their reputation. They are, however, focusing a little bit less on this than in 2015. As the negative media coverage continued to be intense, it did decrease slightly in intensity. I think that this corresponds to the decrease in focus Frontex put on their performative reputation. Difficult to explain is the sudden increase in focus on the moral reputation. With the new mandate being enforced in 2016, it is possible that Frontex decided to emphasize that they were now doing their ‘moral duty’ by performing more Search and Rescue missions. However, the moral threats in 2015 were not significant in amount, and while they are proportionally more present in 2016, I see no reason why Frontex would focus more on their moral reputation.

(Figure 15: Distribution of Reputation Management in 2016)

6.2.5 Overall Trends

I ran a count distribution (see table 6), which shows that over time, by count, technical reputation is always mentioned the most. In 2013, the presence of technical reputation is by count the highest. This might be explained the length of the report, as


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the 2013 AAR is the longest (194 pages versus subsequently 177, 112, and 155 pages). The technical dimension is the most dominant throughout all years, except in 2015, when the performative dimension was virtually equally as present. To be able to confirm Hypothesis 4, no other management can be observed. I am of the opinion that I have done so, therefore Hypothesis 4 is denied. Because significant changes can be observed, Hypothesis 1 is confirmed.

Reputation 2013 2014 2015 2016

Moral 653 461 397 403

Performative 568 446 557 458

Procedural 625 471 384 339

Technical 775 665 583 505 (Table 6: Count Distribution - sorted per year)

(Figure 16: Distribution of Dimensions of Reputation per Year - in percentages)

Figure 16 shows clearly that the presence of technical reputation decreased over


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time. While it continues to be dominant, which makes sense because Frontex is an expert-driven organization, the focus slightly decreases. This might be explained by the fact that in 2015 and 2016 the focus lies mainly on ‘neutral’ articles, where Frontex’ data and statistics are used. While this is not a move towards ‘positive’ reputation, it might explain why Frontex focuses slightly less on their expertise and more on their performance.

(Figure 17: Development of the Procedural Reputation) Figure 17 gives a clear indication of the decline of the presence of the procedural dimension in Frontex’ reputation management. While there was a small presence of the moral dimension in the reputational threats, this was not enough for Frontex to follow a reputational management strategy that focuses on procedural reputation. Not only is the presence declining, figure 18 shows that it declined, and ended up as the least present dimension of reputation. This means that Hypothesis 3 is denied.


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(Figure 18: Distribution of Dimensions of Reputation per year - count)

Figure 19 shows the development of the performative reputation, which greatly increases from 2014 to 2015. As explained in sections 6.2.3 and 6.2.4 this increase is paired with the increased threat that focuses on the performative reputation. The reputational threat is related to Frontex’ performative dimension of reputation, and Frontex responded to this by following a reputation management strategy that focused on the performative dimension. Therefore it confirms Hypothesis 2. Moreover, the development of reputational threats and Frontex reputation management (as explained in section 6.2.1 and 6.2.2) also confirms Maor & Sulitzeanu-Kenan (2013) statement that less focus on the performative dimension in media, will lead to less focus on this dimension in an agency’s reputation management.

(Figure 19: The Development of the Performative Reputation)


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7. Discussion & Conclusion I have shown that hypothesis 1 and two have been confirmed. Changes can be observed in Frontex’ reputation management in the period 2013 - 2016. In 2015 and 2016 there was intensive media coverage, where the dominant reputational threat was related to Frontex’ performative reputation, and the agency responded by following a reputational management strategy that focuses on performative reputation. This was shown by the focus on the performative reputation in the Annual Activity Reports of 2015 and 2016. Hypothesis 4 was denied as (H1) changes can be observed, and without denying this hypothesis, all the other hypotheses are impossible to confirm, because they aim to prove that reputation management is influenced by reputational threats. However, Majone (1997) was correct in saying that agencies tend to focus on their technical reputation. Frontex did do so, however my research also showed that the agency also focused on others, in response to reputational threats. Hypothesis 3 was strongly denied, as both the independent variable and the dependent variable failed to meet with the requirements for confirming this hypothesis. The reputational threats were not dominantly focused on the moral dimension of reputation, and Frontex’ reputation management was not at all focused on the procedural dimension of reputation. In fact, in a time of intense negative media coverage, the focus on the procedural dimension of reputation decreased. However, this does not mean that this hypothesis cannot be confirmed if a different case study is selected.

Based on the literature of bureaucratic reputational theory, I hoped to see an agency actively managing their reputation, using a certain strategy. Gilad et al (2013) showed that it was most likely for reputational threats to be aimed at the performative and moral dimension of reputation. Combined with my small pre-existing knowledge of the discourse around the European migrant crisis I chose to focus my hypotheses


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around these dimensions as part of the reputational threats. From Maor & Sulitzeanu-Kenan (2013, 2016) I derived that performative-based threats are likely to drive agencies to performative-based reputation management. Saying an organization does a bad job, makes them want to do a better job. If they do, they will talk about it. Based on Christensen & Lodge (2018) and Hood (2011), I hypothesized that Frontex would focus on the procedural dimension of their reputation if their moral dimension of reputation is being threatened. While an agency might not be transparent, fair or compassionate, ‘at least they are following the rules!’. I decided for my hypotheses that one threat would be dominant, and this would be identified as the reputational threat. While multiple threats can happen at once, the attention of an agency is limited. In the way they have to choose which audience to prioritize, they have to choose which threat to prioritize. The loudest and most prevalent one is most likely to be chosen.

My research managed to show that Frontex manages its reputation. Specifically, when the performative dimension of their reputation is threatened, they will respond by emphasizing the performative dimension. My research also showed that using newspaper articles from several European countries works for operationalizing media coverage, and in turn reputational threats.

However, some things are unexplained, such as the increase of the moral dimension in the reputation management in 2016. There are no clear changes in the 2016 media coverage that could explain this. Therefore there might be a different explanation. Further research might look into this. I have not yet found any literature on agencies managing their reputation specifically to the moral dimension, however, I do not think it is impossible to find an explanation for this. It might, however, not be linked to media, or specifically newspapers. Furthermore, while hypothesis 3 was denied, strong evidence exists that indicates threats with a moral dimension lead to management towards the procedural dimension. It can be interesting to take a look at different agencies in the EU, and see if


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this hypothesis can be confirmed with a different case study. A different form of media could also be chosen. Newspapers are a useful source, as they are well-archived and accessible, but media such as TV, Radio, and online platforms like YouTube of discussion forums could be interesting and relevant to look into as well. Especially the latter, as online discourse tends to be broader, and not necessarily nation-based. Moreover, this mostly structures reputational threats as forms of media, but there are also different ways to measure threats, that could be relevant for agencies such as Frontex. As indicated before, using newspapers was an effective way to identify the reputational threats. The three different countries had their own peculiarities, but generally created a consistent narrative. It would be interesting to apply this to more and different countries. For example media discourse from Italy and Greece can be particularly interesting to observe, as they were both negatively influenced by the European migrant crisis. While I would have loved to include this, language constraints limited me from reading any articles that were not in Dutch, English, or German. Using Carpenter’s bureaucratic reputation theory, and other authors’ research that was based on his theory, was very useful for analysing Frontex’ reputation management. At the basis of this theory is the fact that agencies are rational actors who are able to shape their own reputation. Moreover, the dimensions of reputation can be applied easily to both reputational threats and reputation management, and they bring clear results. The list of keywords created by Busuioc & Rimkute (2018) proved very effective in showing the development of Frontex reputation management. The results were clear and relatively quick to obtain. I do still question whether the keywords are enough, and if a slightly altered set of keywords might completely change the outcome of the discourse analysis. However, I am of the opinion that it is a great and easy way to quickly get an insight into the dimensions present in a document, and that there is great potential in it. Scoring the newspapers individually proved to be very effective. The qualitative nature of the measuring ensures that nuances are taken into account and it helps filter


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out any documents that pop up in the database that are not suitable. It is, however, very time consuming, as a large set of data is necessary. Especially when registering a ‘neutral’ category, which takes up about half of the dataset, large quantity of data is necessary to be able to show any negative media coverage.

So: can changes be observed in Frontex’ reputation management? And if so, to what extent are these driven by reputational threats? The answer is yes, changes can be observed. Frontex performs a reputation management strategy that focuses on the performative dimension of reputation. This strategy is driven by reputational threats, specifically those of the performative dimension. The year 2015 was shown to be a pivotal year. The European migrant crisis brought new attention to the agency, and with that reputational threats, which Frontex tried to deal with through their external communication.

This result has brought the research on Frontex a little bit further, and has also added to the literature on reputation management strategies and reputational threats. While there are results, it only describes one EU agency, so there is still a lot left to be explored!


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67 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 1 1 Negative Moral 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral venema obbema boogaard venema schmidt de waal smit wallet houtekamer van vlastuin & wallet rigter van zon Author hunin van 't hof van 't hof wilt van de poll van der ziel Verzamelwoede Barmhartig Malta kan niet alles aan CDA wil marine naar Lampedusa Reddingsboei voor marineschip; Coalitie probeert JSS Karel Doorman te behouden s...]* [ Bescherm de vluchteling, legaliseer immigratie Middellandse Zee hoeft geen open graf te zijn Malta wil actie EU na nieuw drama op zee Malta en Italië: nu snelle hulp EU Rode vlekken in de golven Europa komt voorlopig niet verder met het dossier over migratie Europa komt voorlopig Rutte: Nederland doet al veel We moesten weg uit Syrië. Te veel pang-pang' EU-plan tegen bootmigrant Merkels oude Nokia verdringt Lampedusa Stel je eens voor dat ze op Texel aanspoelen Malta is te klein voor zo veel zee Schuiven met asielzoekers Fort Europa afsluiten is zinloos De Balkanroute Bulgaren dichten sluiproute naar Europa Bulgaren dichten 17 EU-landen Frontex bestrijkt Op wacht in Fort Europa hulp bij grenscontrole Frontex biedt Europese je Zo'n gevlucht kind raakt vluchtelingen én bewoners zich slachtoffers Op lampedusa voelen grenzen Nieuwe burger kent geen in door visumdeal met Turkije EU damt stroom illegalen Buitenland kort af van reis naar Straatsburg Europarlement wil zelf Title 2013 5-12-2013 12-10-2013 19-10-2013 19-10-2013 17-10-2013 17-10-2013 17-10-2013 15-10-2013 14-10-2013 14-10-2013 26-10-2013 26-10-2013 26-10-2013 26-10-2013 26-10-2013 25-10-2013 24-10-2013 24-10-2013 22-10-2013 19-10-2013 31-12-2013 28-12-2013 28-12-2013 28-12-2013 28-12-2013 28-12-2013 28-12-2013 16-12-2013 21-11-2013 Date de volkskrant AD de volkskrant de telegraaf NRC Next nederlands dagblad Reformatorisch Dagblad AD NRC Handelsblad NRC Next NRC Handelsblad het parool nederlands dagblad trouw NRC Next AD De Volkskrant nederlands dagblad NRC Handelsblad NRC Handelsblad trouw De Volkskrant NRC Handelsblad het parool nederlands dagblad AD het parool Paper De Volkskrant AD Netherlands

68 0 Technical 0 Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 Performative 7 1 1 1 1 Negative Moral 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 Neutral rozema Monster schoonbeek pope ten broeke total: op de woerd boogaard peeperkorn Alonso peeperkorn peeperkorn schulte van zon schmidt & op de woerd van benthem Author Help de Turken!;Syrische vluchtelingen in Turkije Essay Help de Turken!;Syrische vluchtelingen in Turkije Energie-onafhankelijk Europa herwint macht Meer Syriërs illegaal naar Europese Unie Met drones en satellieten illegale migranten redden Met drones en satellieten We kunnen veel meer vluchtelingen redden' Europa houdt poorten gesloten Drama's op zee zijn Europese schande Vandaag, p.5 EU in een lastige spagaat bij bewaken van buitengrens Ons echte probleem: de vluchtelingen Frontex, Europa s sterke arm Allemaal voor de illegaal Vluchtelingen de dupe van grensbewaking EU EU schroeft controle op Middellandse Zee op controle op Middellandse EU schroeft met vluchtelingencijfers Gegoochel bal terug naar Italië Noord-Europa kaatst de Snellere EU-hulp voor vluchtelingenhulp EU niet op één lijn met beleid Meer toezicht, geen ander EU wil operatie tegen vluchtelingenbootjes andere koers EU-asielbeleid Lampedusa geen reden bij falende bewaking buitengrens Controle Europese binnengrens vluchtelingen redden We kunnen veel meer Title 2013 08-06-2013 05-10-2013 05-10-2013 05-10-2013 04-10-2013 04-10-2013 04-10-2013 09-07-2013 11-10-2013 10-10-2013 09-10-2013 09-10-2013 09-10-2013 09-10-2013 09-10-2013 09-10-2013 08-10-2013 07-10-2013 24-04-2013 19-04-2013 14-09-2013 13-09-2013 27-07-2013 Date volkskrant NRC Handelsblad trouw trouw nederlands dagblad nederlands dagblad Reformatorisch Dagblad trouw trouw de volkskrant het parool ad nederlands dagblad NRC Handelsblad Trouw NRC Handelsblad de volkskrant het parool NRC Next NRC Handelsblad AD Paper NRC Handelsblad trouw Netherlands

69 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 1 1 1 1 1 Negative Moral 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral dobber jorritsma valkenet valkenet van benthem de waal de waal de waal heijmans heijmans leijendekker Vermaas Chaudron ludeker gianelli Author Kas Alonso valkenet valkenet de koning van aalderen Italië krijgt hulp EU bij patrouilles Italië wil hulp bij aanpak migratie uit Afrika Italië stopt met redden vluchtelingen EU-afkeer van migranten belemmert Ghana Veel Syriërs wachten op de oversteek naar Europa Calais kan het niet meer aan; Helft uit Eritrea Calais kan het niet meer aan; Helft uit Eritrea Griekenland vreest grote toeloop migranten Nederland helpt weer bij grensbewaking EU Waarom maken we van hun nood geen deugd? Europa schiet Italië te hulp Boten van Triton vissen nog geen vluchtelingen op Boten van Triton vissen de lijken van migranten Ook in Bosporus drijven Vluchten over zee riskanter Burenhulp voor Italië we dat niet' Als ze doodgaan, zien Middellandse Zee is een massagraf De ansichtkaartkleurige gered Bootvluchteling wordt nu gestopt in plaats van EU vertrouwt op het diepe water Brug naar Europa' verdwijnt Op volle zee gered door een miljonair humanitaire opdracht Straks wordt het nóg gevaarlijker dan nu; Geen Verdeel de vluchtelingen en geef ze werk' Bescheiden hulp EU bij patrouilles Italië 'Dit zijn mensen' Heel anders dan olielekken zoeken op de Noordzee: De ene na de andere tragedie op zee De glazen bol van Teeven De glazen bol Begrotingshavik wel een piramidespel'; Het lijkt hier in Kanaal Sicilië Dode migranten gevonden grens De zee wordt onneembare veranderd' 366 doden hebben niets Title 2014 1-9-2014 05-09-2014 11-11-2014 04-11-2014 01-11-2014 08-10-2014 06-12-2014 11-11-2014 28-08-2014 28-08-2014 16-08-2014 25-07-2014 23-07-2014 15-09-2014 30-08-2014 29-08-2014 31-10-2014 31-10-2014 31-10-2014 31-10-2014 30-10-2014 28-10-2014 28-10-2014 28-10-2014 13-10-2014 27-09-2014 16-09-2014 23-12-2014 16-12-2014 25-11-2014 Date NRC Handelsblad Reformatorisch Dagblad de telegraaf trouw NRC Handelsblad NRC Handelsblad Nederlands dagblad Trouw Trouw trouw NRC Next de volkskrant NRC Handelsblad De volkskrant NRC Handelsblad NRC Next Trouw nederlands dagblad NRC Handelsblad NRC Handelsblad trouw NRC Handelsblad De Telegraaf AD Het Parool NRC Handelsblad NRC Handelsblad Trouiw Het Parool Het Parool Netherlands Paper

70 0 Technical 3 1 1 1 Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 12 Performative 9 1 1 1 Negative Moral 4 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 27 Neutral veenhof de boer heck total: peeperkorn mouissie chaudron van gelder sommer malisz Kas chaudron van benthem leijendekker Author Frontex heeft zich aan verdragen te houden Stroom migranten op komst Italië redt 4000 bootvluchtelingen in twee dagen Tweede Kamer heeftEU ineens hard nodig binnen Afrikaanse vluchtelingen dringen stukje Spanje Europa investeert flink in een luchtruim vol drones Hardere aanpak mensensmokkel Welke lessen leert de uitslag? Europa Migranten overspoelen migranten in Europa Sterke toename van aantal 'brugstad' Vang migranten op in menswaardige criminelen' Gevecht tegen 'vergeten Ephimenco Cijfers en statistieken De Europese asielstrijd is' We ontkennen dat dit een Europees probleem Niet te veel vluchtelingen redden, graag Brussel en Rome bekvechten over stroom migranten Forse toestroom Eritreërs EU-lidstaat Bulgarije verdrijft vluchteling' gered Tientallen vrouwen, kinderen en duizenden mannen Juncker opent charme-offensief Juncker opent aan prioriteitenlijstje Immigratie boven er meer Het zijn er veel en worden Europa Rome laakt struisvogelpolitiek Het spotlicht op de vluchteling Title 2014 02-01-2014 11-04-2014 10-04-2014 01-04-2014 01-03-2014 12-02-2014 06-06-2014 03-05-2014 12-04-2014 10-07-2014 05-07-2014 05-07-2014 01-07-2014 31-05-2014 31-05-2014 31-05-2014 31-05-2014 24-05-2014 20-05-2014 16-05-2014 16-05-2014 15-05-2014 14-05-2014 29-04-2014 10-06-2014 Date AD nederlands dagblad metro trouw trpiw NRC Next nederlands dagblad NRC Handelsblad de telegraaf NRC Handelsblad Reformatorisch Dagblad trouw de telegraaf trouw NRC Handelsblad trouw AD De volkskrant de telegraaf trouw De volkskrant Dagblad Het Financieele nederlands dagblad trouw het parool Netherlands Paper

71 Technical 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral peeperkorn segenhout schmidt boogaard klerks stols schmidt winkel kettenis chaudron schmidt schmidt van langendonck boogaard peeperkorn boogaard de koning van tongeren de koning alonso flohil Author jürgens sterkman spijkerboer, last peeperkorn spijkerboer, last de gruyter plan grenswacht hele kluif voor EU-voorzitter nederland grenswacht is het jongste ongewenste eu-crisiskind zee spaanse supermannen redden levens in de egeïsche soevereiniteit noodzakelijk De Europese Commissie acht deze overdracht van brussel grijpt in bij lekke grens euro-grenswacht moet buitengrens gaan bewaken plan europese grensbewaking syriër mag wel door, afghaan moet terug bewaken grenzenzaak van brussel worden frontex moet volwaardige europese grens- en kustwacht EU-landen gedwongen om meer personeel af te staan duitsland en frankrijk willen mach EU-grenswacht vergroten griekenland zwicht: EU-bewakers aan zijn grens schengen gered grieken vragen hulp frontex by grensbewaking eu houdt griekenland binnen het schengengebied passagiersgegevens vliegen door europa onbeheersbaar probleem nieuwe stap in integratieproces brussel: dwang bij falen grensbewaking schengenlanden griekenland krijgt hulp, zij het andere dan gevraagd eerdere initiatieven van Brussel zijn nog weinig succesvol Title grens griekenland frontex versterkt aan griekse zeegrens versterking frontex das', duitsland leidt weer merkel 'schafft redden we kunnen niet anders dan naar europa in 2015 miljoen vluchtelingen mensen meer doden en smokkel van papier althans ruttes 'doorbraak' is er, op mensensmokkel zo krijg je meer doden en sterke grenswacht europa kan niet zonder een oprichten brussel wil nieuwe grenswacht krijgt gemengd onthaal europese grensbewaking brussel wordt baas over buitengrenzen 2015 7-12-2015 5-12-2015 5-12-2015 5-12-2015 5-12-2015 5-12-2015 12-12-2015 12-12-2015 12-12-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 18-12-2015 18-12-2015 17-12-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 15-12-2015 14-12-2015 30-12-2015 29-12-2015 24-12-2015 23-12-2015 18-12-2015 Date 31-12-2015 trouw de telegraaf de volkskrant het financieele dagblad nrc next de volkskrant nrc handelsblad de telegraaf het financieele dagblad de volkskrant het parool nrc handelsblad nrc handelsblad nederlands dagblad ad trouw trouw trouw het financieele dagblad trouw de telegraaf de telegraaf het parool nrc handelsblad nrc handelsblad ad nrc handelsblad de volkskrant nrc next nrc handelsblad de telegraaf reformatorisch dagblad nederlands dagblad trouw Netherlands Paper

72 Technical 1 Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author van gessel peeperkorn kooiman leijendekker vos van gessel koelé, stoffelen boogaard boogaard boogaard schmidt peeperkorn winkel van gessel de gruyter winkel van gessel schmidt peeperkorn van langendonck savelberg rigter rosman Title extra nederlanders voor grensbewaking doden op zee, vooral kinderen migrantenschip kapseist hotspots zouden de oplossing zijn kamp moria is nu een EU-hotspot juncker: 'elke dag telt' steun voor sluiten buitengrenzen eu groeit 87 asielzoekers verdeeld, nog 159,913 te gaan juncker vreest taferelen van middellandse zee op balkan slovenië slaakt noodkreet eu stuurt hulp voor registratie vluchteling griekenland bereikt een neiuwe dramatische mijlpaal marine naar middellandse zee zijn? 5880 asielzoekers vertrokken vrijwillig, maar of ze weg eu-geldbuidel voor opvang regio eu gaat migranten ontmoedigen geen gevangenis maar gebiedsverbod grieken binden in na dreiging grieken binden overstag griekenland gaat vluchtelingen hulp bij aanpak crisis rond grieken vragen zaken en justitie de eu-ministers van binnenlandse asieltoestroom zweden: brug dicht bij te grote EU: grieken, bewaak grenzen uit de schengenzone te zetten europa dreigt griekenland over vluchtelingen eu verhoogt druk op athene turken krijgen hun zin nu eens bewaak die buitengrenzen rijk, ze lijkt er zelfs niet op de eu is niet het romeinse ferme asieltaal rutte rutte: nog dit jaar goede bewaking EU-buitengrens scherpere grenscontroles en europa gaat buitengrenzen systematisch controleren spaanse redders; zelfde zee, ander strand frontex blij met nederlandse hulp 2015 5-11-2015 6-11-2015 4-12-2015 4-12-2015 5-12-2015 4-12-2015 4-12-2015 4-12-2015 3-12-2015 3-12-2015 12-11-2015 12-11-2015 10-11-2015 Date 21-10-2015 13-11-2015 29-10-2015 29-10-2015 28-10-2015 27-10-2015 26-10-2015 26-10-2015 23-10-2015 22-10-2015 21-10-2015 21-10-2015 26-11-2015 26-11-2015 20-11-2015 20-11-2015 19-11-2015 16-11-2015 30-11-2015 28-11-2015 28-11-2015 de telegraaf de volkskrant trouw de volkskrant ad de volkskrant de telegraaf nederlands dagblad nrc handelsblad reformatorisch dagblad nrc handelsblad de volkskrant het financieele dagblad reformatorisch dagblad ad de telegraaf nrc next de telegraaf de telegraaf trouw de telegraaf de volkskrant nrc handelsblad het financieele dagblad de telegraaf het financieele dagblad de telegraaf reformatorisch dagblad trouw de volkskrant het parool dagblad het financieele nederlands dagblad ad Netherlands Paper

73 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author boogaard winkel schmidt boogaard peeperkorn peeperkorn van gessel gruppen peeperkorn valkenet wilts valkenet peeperkorn rosman gischler van gessel pijpers sharafi gabriel, steinmeier van benthem van middelaar van gessel schmidt winkel boogaard Title merkel: geld is niet het probleem italië vreest registratiecentra handel in valse syrische paspoorten floreert italië worstel met 'hotspots' miljarden voor opvang buiten eu een miljard euro en hotspots investeer in de syriërs, ze blijven turkije zet vluchtelingen in als politiek middel ieder voor zich; analyse vluchtelingentop eu is niet gebouwd op aanpak vluchtelingen een op de vijftig vluchtelingen is een radicaal van is migranten vliegen met turkish airlines erdogan komt zaken doen europa hoopt op akkoord met turkije over vluchtelingen dit jaar al 630.000 vluchtelingen frontex: ongekende migratiecrisis; grenzeloos 600.000 illegaal in EU ruim 1100 vluchtelingen gered bij libië de druk op duitsland moet echt afnemen de druk op duitsland voor eu turkse reddingboei voor een staat als een huid een grens is loze beloften europa veel maar doen weinig migratiecrisis: eu-landen beloven mogen alleen tijdelijk transitzones vluchtelingen naar EU in 2015 al 710.000 migranten europese buitengrenzen over brussel neemt bewaking van eu wordt zelf grenswachter buitengrens EU dichterbij gezamenlijke bewaking van terugsturen eu gaat vluchtelingen sneller vorbij dijkhoff: tijd van netjes vragen geweigerd? meteen op het vliegtuig eu: illegalen moeten sneller terug naar huis schurk turkije: lid van EU in ruil voor opvang 2015 5-10-2015 5-10-2015 5-10-2015 5-10-2015 5-10-2015 9-10-2015 9-10-2015 9-10-2015 9-10-2015 9-10-2015 8-10-2015 8-10-2015 8-10-2015 6-10-2015 Date 19-09-2015 29-09-2015 25-09-2015 25-09-2015 25-09-2015 25-09-2015 24-09-2015 24-09-2015 23-09-2015 23-09-2015 22-09-2015 22-09-2015 21-09-2015 17-10-2015 17-10-2015 16-10-2015 15-10-2015 15-10-2015 14-10-2015 14-10-2015 de volkskrant nrc next de telegraaf ad de volkskrant de telegraaf trouw de volkskrant het parool het parool nederlands dagblad trouw reformatorisch dagblad de volkskrant het parool het financieele dagblad metro trouw de volkskrant de telegraaf ad de volkskrant het financieele dagblad reformatorisch dagblad trouw reformatorisch dagblad ad het parool de telegraaf trouw het financieele dagblad nrc handelsblad nederlands dagblad nrc handelsblad Netherlands Paper

74 Technical 1 Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author juncker winkel vos vos venema de koning rosman venema de koning van tongeren winkel der nederlanden van Huet & Boogard alonso Sterman van middelaar alonso boogaard alsonso timmermans peeperkorn voskuil alsonso van gessel vos van huet ̀res op Title als je ons pakt, plegen we zelfmoord niet te controleren die donkere, natte grens italiaanse kustwacht redt 4.400 bootvluchtelingen de grensbewakers zijn geen obstakel record na record; aantal migranten elke week hoger noodsteun voor migrantenstroom al: wenen schendt rechten vluchtelingen europa in versnelling analyse duitsland, het beloofde land in paradijs europa boten regel een vliegtuig dan hoeven ze niet in gammele in mijn europa klopt ook een hart italiaanse kustwacht haalt 49 doden van libische boot hongarije is nu frontstaat tegen wil en dank kust libie bootvluchtelingen vijftig doden gevonden in boot voor vijftig doden op boot voor libische kust welke vluchteling mag waar naartoe plannen voor 'hotspots' nog in brusselse bureauladen griekse kustwacht zit er doorheen anoosh krijgt nummer 27.910 Grenzen aan barmhartigheid niet verplichte solidariteit bestaat nog voor Juncker Maar het moeilijkste komt aanpakken zo wil brussel de vluchtelingencrisis zo pakt brussel de crisis aan al mee het europarlement heeft juncker vluchten kan niet meer brussel strenger wat heeft europa tot nog toe gedaan 7000 asielzoekers erbij, kan dat wel hard europa maar migranten die niet vluchten hongarije zet waterkanonnen en traangas in waterkanonnen en traangas hongarije zet Kroatië wijken uit naar route via vluchtelingen Europa werpt barrie Geschrokken voor deze test Slaagt de Europese Unie 2015 04-09-2015 02-09-2015 11-09-2015 10-09-2015 10-09-2015 10-09-2015 10-09-2015 09-09-2015 09-09-2015 09-09-2015 08-09-2015 08-09-2015 Date 15-08-2015 15-08-2015 27-08-2015 27-08-2015 26-08-2015 26-08-2015 25-08-2015 24-08-2015 24-08-2015 24-08-2015 24-08-2015 24-08-2015 19-08-2015 28-08-2015 27-08-2015 27-08-2015 27-08-2015 17-09-2015 16-09-2015 15-09-2015 14-09-2015 14-09-2015 reformatorisch dagblad nrc next de telegraaf de volkskrant de volkskrant de volkskrant nederlands dagblad nrc handelsblad ad reformatorisch dagblad de volkskrant nederlands dagblad de volkskrant het financieele dagblad nrc next de volkskrant ad nrc handelsblad nrc next de Telegraaf de Telegraaf de volkskrant ad het parool nrc next nrc handelsblad nrc handelsblad nrc handelsblad ad nrc handelsblad de telegraaf het financieele dagblad het financieele het parool ad Netherlands Paper

75 Technical 1 1 Procedural 1 1 1 Performative Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author schoor van benthem van wessel boere raymond van 't hof leijendekker leijendekker hunin huninn kievit valkenet, godetia leijendekker, termote ader zijlstra oranje oranje leijendekker kas kas Title frontex redt 5000 vluchtelingen hij haalde de overkan wel in drie dagen 5000 migranten gered marine geeft niet thuis op middellandse zee britten nu trots op reddingsoperatie foute kijk op vluchtelingen grensbewaking EU bootvluchtelingen. extra bijdrage nederland aan grensbewaking eu retourtje voor migranten migratiebeleid in europa verhardt ruim 3700 bootvluchtelingen uit zee gered toen wij, nu zij als het zo doorgaat moeten wij onze grenzen sluiten rode kruis opent giro voor drama italie rode kruis zamelt in voor bootvluchtelingen europa middellandse zee amsterdam europa redt duizenden vluchtelingen 5000 vluchtelingen uit zee gered frontex redt in drie dagen 500 migranten uit zee nederland? daar krijg je snel een huis en elke maand zomaar geld nederland? daar krijg je snel uit een folder vluchteling kiest zijn bestemming smokkelfolder prijst nederland geld en gespreid bedje in de opvang asielfolder belooft land vol folder moet vluchteling lokken EU in vluchtelingen fietsen via Macedonië veel minder doden op zee minder druk; boot gered de dodelijkste route is nu als ze hongarije maar bereiken politieke strijd rond aanpak vluchtelingen in hongarije jullie zijn nu veilig, welkom in europa griekenland bezwijkt onder migranten griekenland bezwijkt 49550 . na ramp in Italië opgepakt mensensmokkelaars vermist vluchtboot kapseist, honderden 2015 01-06-2015 01-06-2015 01-06-2015 06-06-2015 06-06-2015 01-06-2015 01-06-2015 01-06-2015 01-06-2015 08-08-2015 08-08-2015 08-08-2015 06-08-2015 Date 29-05-2015 29-05-2015 30-05-2015 30-05-2015 30-05-2015 25-07-2015 23-07-2015 23-07-2015 21-07-2015 21-07-2015 29-06-2015 27-06-2015 24-06-2015 24-06-2015 20-06-2015 17-06-2015 30-07-2015 29-07-2015 28-07-2015 28-07-2015 28-07-2015 metro nederlands dagblad nederlands dagblad nrc handelsblad nrc next reformatorisch dagblad nederlands dagblad de telegraaf het parool metro nederlands dagblad nrc handelsblad ad nrc handelsblad de volkskrant nrc handelsblad het parool de volkskrant nederlands dagblad trouw de telegraaf nrc handelsblad nrc next de volkskrant het parool ad nrc handelsblad ad ad reformatorisch dagblad reformatorisch nrc handelsblad nrc next nrc handelsblad de volkskrant Netherlands Paper

76 1 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author oranje alonso winkel veenhof de boer van raaij peeperkorn winkel kieskam van zon winkel boon, leijendekker, kamsma van zon, van houwelingen peeperkorn boogaard boogaard de fijter van benthem mouissie winkel winkel leijendekker leijendekker de gruyter leijendekker leijendekker lehnartz franssen Title europese partijen pleiten voor quota-stelsel asielzoekers vluchtelingenbeleid EU: geen ommezwaai maar bijstellingen vooral veel syriërs en Eritreeërs naar europa ramp tot ramp immigratiebeleid van europese landen slingert van migrantenboot ramde koopvaardijschip veertien doden op weg naar EU, elke dag weer stabiel libië kan eind maken aan migrantendrama commentaren bootvluchtelingen extra boten eu vor redding vluchtelingen Frontex: geen tijd voor screenen migranten Tweet an Mudar Zahran Europa kan beter investeren in de Sahel-regio treinongeluk toont belang balkanroute kustwacht nederland net genoeg om gezicht eu te redden europese landen sturen meer geld en militaire voertuigen defensief europe redt en ontmoedigt meer geld voor bewaken grenzen eu wij zijn de smokkelaars die aan hem verdienen eu-leiders wacht op spoedtop reeks hete hangijzers nederland moet meer opvangen meer doden op strenger beleid levert juist europa een miljoen per boot richting een lachtertje europese acties op zee zijn verschoven taken van frontex zijn langzaam europe verviervoudigd aantal vluchtelingen naar in een weekend 7000 bootvluchtelingen gered op een dag 3690 mensen gered op de middellandse zee werden meer moet zijn waarom europa geen messias als europa niets doet, dan redden wij de mensen wel wij gaan patrouilleren omdat de EU faalt boovluchtelingen nederland blijft helpen bij grensbewaking EU nederland blijft helpen boovluchtelingen bij Libie gevaarlijk EU: ingrijpen verplichte spreiding vluchtelingen verzet tegen 2015 09-05-2015 09-05-2015 08-05-2015 08-05-2015 04-05-2015 04-06-2015 02-05-2015 01-05-2015 Date 21-04-2015 21-04-2015 21-04-2015 24-04-2015 24-04-2015 24-04-2015 23-04-2015 23-04-2015 23-04-2015 23-04-2015 22-04-2015 22-04-2015 22-04-2015 21-04-2015 30-04-2015 29-04-2015 28-04-2015 27-04-2015 25-04-2015 25-04-2015 23-04-2015 29-05-2015 27-05-2015 15-05-2015 15-05-2015 13-05-2015 de volkskrant de volkskrant reformatorisch dagblad nrc handelsblad ad trouw ad het financieele dagblad de volkskrant het financieele dagblad nederlands dagblad trouw de volkskrant het financieele dagblad nrc handelsblad het financieele dagblad de volkskrant trouw de volkskrant nrc handelsblad trouw nrc next nrc handelsblad nrc next het financieele dagblad het financieele dagblad nrc handelsblad trouw nederlands dagblad nederlands dagblad de telegraaf ad het parool nrc next Netherlands Paper

77 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 1 1 Negative Moral 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author van benthem venema, peeperkorn tieleman zandee venema, de vreede van gessel peeperkorn mouissie heck leijendekker houwelingen k. van houwelingen, h. van van zon venema der nederlanden de waal de waal de fijter valkenet valkenet davis-van de erve sommer besselink peeperkorn alonso heck Title dijkhoff brandt vingers niet aan VVD-asielplan het fort europa-idee gaat brussel te ver fort europa wordt versterkt kunstarmen in aleppo athene dreigt illegalen door te laten zeizen asielzoekers reddingsactie op zee, steeds meer toestroom onderzoek naar leden guardia civil ingrijpen in libië is urgent nodig spookschip blijkt een fabeltje vierhonderd vluchtelingen omgekomen op de middellandse zee vierhonderd vluchtelingen omgekomen op de middellandse honderden doden na omslaan smokkelboot tragedie bij begin lente tien keer meer drenkelingen zee nederlandsers surveilleren boven de middellandse vliegtuig kustwacht ingezet bij grens sicilië fort europa kinderen vluchten naar europa zonder ouders wagen kinderen de oversteek laat immigranten poosje werken heerlijk die schone handen wel grenzen bewaken, niet actief redden wel grenzen bewaken, niet vergeefs zoeken naar overlevenden geschokt europa zoekt oplossing actie nieuwe ramp zet EU aan tot vluchtelingendrama in zee deze ramp komt niet onverwacht misschien wel het ergste: veel meer; blijf maar buiten en het worden er nog heel dodenvaart naar europa aan te rekenen massale verdrinking valt EU chaotisch zoeken naar noodoplossingen aantal verdronken immigranten loopt op eu wil nieuwe tragedies voorkomen eu wil nieuwe met de mooie woorden de eu is klaar Europa rond bootdrama's tien plannen 2015 10-03-2015 05-03-2015 03-03-2015 03-04-2015 02-04-2015 02-04-2015 02-04-2015 01-04-2015 01-04-2015 Date 24-02-2015 19-02-2015 30-03-2015 28-03-2015 25-03-2015 24-03-2015 13-03-2015 13-03-2015 20-04-2015 18-04-2015 16-04-2015 16-04-2015 16-04-2015 15-04-2015 15-04-2015 15-04-2015 14-04-2015 21-04-2015 21-04-2015 21-04-2015 21-04-2015 20-04-2015 20-04-2015 20-04-2015 20-04-2015 trouw de volkskrant ad de volkskrant nrc next de volkskrant de telegraaf nederlands dagblad nederlands dagblad de volkskrant trouw trouw het parool trouw ad nederlands dagblad trouw nrc handelsblad trouw de volkskrant het parool nrc next nrc next ad ad de volkskrant nederlands dagblad nrc next nrc handelsblad de telegraaf nrc next dagblad reformatorisch trouw het financieele dagblad het financieele Netherlands Paper

78 1 Technical 12 Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 85 Performative 1 6 Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 53 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 121 Neutral Author stigters beunderman leijendekker beunderman d'urso leijendekker leijendekker jacobs van aalderen venema leijendekker van benthem van benthem total: somers somers gruppen gruppen somers van aalderen somers leijendekker leijendekker nazar van gessel gruppen wallet gruppen Title spookschepen stomen op spookschip vol migranten is dit een nieuwe tactiek van smokkelaars mensensmokkel met schepen op drift weer migrantenboot zonder bemanning naar italie winstgevende ellende nieuwe strategie mensensmokkel midellandse zee mensensmokkelaar laten migranten op vrachtschepen achter een tweedehands boot koop je zo gedumpt op de grote zee een tweedehandsje vind je zo mensensmokkel echt aanpakken ze komen niet meer met een gammel bootje op kade 4 begint het nieuwe leven zee hoogste aantal vluchtelingen komt nu via middellandse het vluchtelingenschip ezadeen samengepakt als vee aan dood ontsnapt truc met bootvluchtelingen spookschip vervangt vluchtbootje het grootste reisbureau ter wereld het grootste reisbureau boek hier je enkele reis wat gaat europa nu doen vn roepen op tot reddingsplan bot gezet bewaakt, bedreigd, op de dood na ramp op zee weer honderden vluchtelingen op het bootje te stappen bewaakt, bedreigd, en gedwongen deze keer bleek de kou fataal schieten niemand kon op tijd te hulp subotica overleven in de jungle van europa op zoek naar een nieuw evenwicht sterke twijfel over VN-missie in Libië sterke twijfel toestroom niet aan lampedusa kan 2015 03-01-2015 03-01-2015 03-01-2015 03-01-2015 02-01-2015 02-01-2015 02-01-2015 02-01-2015 10-01-2015 08-01-2015 08-01-2015 06-01-2015 06-01-2015 05-01-2015 05-01-2015 05-01-2015 05-01-2015 03-01-2015 03-01-2015 12-02-2015 12-02-2015 12-02-2015 11-02-2015 10-02-2015 07-02-2015 Date 17-01-2015 19-02-2015 19-02-2015 14-02-2015 14-02-2015 13-02-2015 13-02-2015 reformatorisch dagblad nrc handelsblad nederlands dagblad nederlands dagblad de volkskrant nrc next trouw ad de telegraaf nederlands dagblad nrc next nrc handelsblad nrc next nrc handelsblad nrc handelsblad reformatorisch dagblad trouw ad het parool de telegraaf het parool nrc next nrc handelsblad nrc handelsblad de telegraaf nrc next nrc next het parool trouw de telegraaf het parool nrc handelsblad Netherlands Paper

79 Technical 1 1 Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral rosman Peeperkorn kettenis termote de gruyter van langendonck van joolen de koning van de poll Author de gruyter van middelaar hamburger versteegh versteegh Matroos bedacht iets nieuws voor fregat zonder helikopter Matroos bedacht iets nieuws voor fregat zonder Dit jaar al 95.000 vluchtelingen Italië ontvangt meer migranten Gestrand op Lesbos, wat nu? kon wel later Vluchteling moest eerst worden gered, registreren Geen tijd voor controle Wat is Angela Merkels' antwoord op terreur? Speuren naar vluchtelingen tussen twee kemphanen Het is hier niet veilig voor vluchtelingen Buitengrens Balkan moet verzegeld Oost en West naderen elkaar bij opvang van vluchtelingen Weer meer migranten De vluchtelingenroute van Islamitische Staat Vluchtroute met duivelse dilemma's Marine werkt met een amateurdrone zee gered Zo’n 6500 bootvluchtelingen zijn op één dag uit Griekse eilanden als gevangenis Alleen reizen is voor kind levensgevaarlijk Bied Afrikanen opvang op hun eigen continent Bied Afrikanen opvang op Dichte grens stopt migratie jihadisten Buurt moet letten op terugkerende ons helpen Ouders en vrienden moeten Palermo Gered komen om bij crash Malta Vliegtuigongeluk Vijf Fransen Libië met reden hoofdpijndossier EU beter bewaakt EU-grenswacht officieel gelanceerd Kabul krijgt 13 miljard, maar ook de migranten Title rekening voor politieke elite Gepeperde samen de grenzen en sultan bewaakten Déja vu: keizer reddingsbootjes Ruzie tussen 2016 04-08-2016 07-10-2016 06-10-2016 10-09-2016 03-09-2016 01-09-2016 08-10-2016 07-10-2016 31-08-2016 31-08-2016 27-08-2016 22-08-2016 13-08-2016 13-08-2016 29-07-2016 29-07-2016 28-07-2016 29-09-2016 26-09-2016 26-09-2016 17-09-2016 16-09-2016 31-12-2016 17-12-2016 16-12-2016 17-11-2016 17-11-2016 29-10-2016 29-10-2016 26-10-2016 25-10-2016 Date Nederlands Dagblad AD Het Parool AD De Telegraaf Nederlands Dagblad NRC Handelsblad Trouw Trouw De Telegraaf Metro De Telegraaf NRC Handelsblad Nederlands Dagblad NRC Handelsblad NRC Handelsblad Het Financieele Dagblad De Volkskrant Trouw Reformatorisch Dagblad De telegraaf Trouw AD NRC Next Het Parool NRC Handelsblad NRC Next NRC Handelsblad AD Paper De telegraaf NRC Handelsblad Netherlands

80 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author rigter boogaard rosman Huet Veldhuizen savelberg schoonhoven jager Mak boogaard Schmidt valkenet ë Title Arts marinefregat haalt baby Geboorte op marineschip Teleurgestelde vluchteling wil terug naar turkijke Meisje geboren op fregat Marine redt migranten uit zee Marine redt ruim 440 drenkelingen bij Itali Tientallen lichamen op kust Libië Veenbrand van wantrouwen Loodzwaar, maar wél met pluspunten Twee referenda en een Turkije-deal Italianen bergen wrak vol lijken Van Amstel redt 150 migranten uit zee Marine redt vluchtelingen EU-grenswacht is in recordtijd rond Grenswacht EU begint deze zomer Europese Unie Akkoord over nieuw grenswacht slag Grens- en kustwacht EU gaat deze zomer aan de we mogen de vluchtelingen niet vastzetten we mogen de vluchtelingen Migranten uit zee gered grenswacht EU-parlement steunt Europese Deken, water en een reep EU-parlement steunt grenswacht de reservebank EU creëert grenswacht voor het zeker' Ik ben erin geluisd, ik weet schaal ’Buurtwacht’ op Europese Kort Nieuws Franse terreurbestrijding moet grondig verbouwd Nederlands fregat redt 291 migranten Knagend gevoel dat er iets niet klopt Knagend gevoel Klopt dit wel? voor migrant Frontex is veerpontje 2016 04-06-2016 07-07-2016 07-07-2016 07-07-2016 06-07-2016 06-07-2016 06-07-2016 06-07-2016 04-07-2016 02-07-2016 01-07-2016 09-07-2016 09-07-2016 09-07-2016 07-07-2016 07-07-2016 Date 30-06-2016 30-06-2016 27-06-2016 26-06-2016 23-06-2016 23-06-2016 23-06-2016 23-06-2016 18-06-2016 18-06-2016 17-06-2016 17-06-2016 16-06-2016 16-06-2016 14-07-2016 Paper Netherlands Het parool De Telegraaf Reformatorisch Dagblad Nederlands Dagblad Het parool Reformatorisch Dagblad NRC Next Trouw De telegraaf AD Nederlands Dagblad Trouw Trouw De telegraaf Het Parool Trouw Trouw Trouw NRC Handelsblad De Telegraaf Het Parool Reformatorisch Dagblad Trouw De Volkskrant Metro Nederlands Dagblad Nederlands Dagblad De Telegraaf De Telegraaf Nederlands Dagblad Nederlands De Volkskrant

81 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 1 1 1 Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author kettenis sharifi vos valkenet van gessel claus claus leijendekker 17-05-2016 peeperkorn versteegh elshout boon, heck venema brummelman boogaard venema segenhout leijendekker boogaard, van zon vos gruppen van kuijk Title Wanhoop neemt toe in Griekenland Europa moet grens echt bewaken onrust, overvolle kampen en opstandjes geef me liever beter europa - en niet méér eu eens over gezamenlijke grenswacht gevlucht uit het opvangkamp desillusie dringt door op lesbos ook recentste data geven timmermans ongelijk als het niet via griekenland kan, dan via italie Geen wankel bootje, maar scholing Turkije dicht, nu Libië nog Europese kustwacht moet deze zomer actief zijn meer verdrinkingen voor kust italie nieuwe fase in de strijd met isis Migratieprobleem zit nu in libie Komen de asielzoekers nu massaal naar Italie Invasies dreigen vanuit libie Opnieuw migrantendrama zomer met boten vol migranten Europa weer niet klaar voor Italie-route nu weer massagraf beroepszaak Deal EU-Turije op spel na branche Mensensmokkel is bloeiende terug Italie0route weer helemaal tang Europa in Turkse én Oost-Europese met vluchtelingen Europa blijft schipperen Wat mis kan gaan bij een uitzetting Als een grote kater voor het muizenhol Flitspaal op zee Fregat naar Italië om migranten Fregat naar steeds gammeler De boten worden extra noodopvang Italië zoekt naar 2016 08-04-2016 07-04-2016 06-04-2016 05-04-2016 11-04-2016 09-04-2016 06-05-2016 06-05-2016 04-05-2016 03-05-2016 01-06-2016 04-06-2016 Date 25-04-2016 22-04-2016 22-04-2016 19-04-2016 19-04-2016 18-04-2016 15-04-2016 14-04-2016 13-04-2016 28-04-2016 27-04-2016 27-04-2016 31-05-2016 30-05-2016 30-05-2016 30-05-2016 21-05-2016 20-05-2016 17-05-2016 Paper Netherlands Reformatorisch Dagblad trouw NRC Handelsblad Nederlands Dagblad trouw de volkskrant AD de volkskrant Nederlands Dagblad Het Financieele Dagblad NRC Handelsblad AD de volkskrant de volkskrant Nederlands Dagblad NRC Handelsblad de volkskrant De Telegraaf NRC Handelsblad Nederlands Dagblad NRC Handelsblad NRC Handelsblad De Telegraaf De Volkskrant Trouw NRC Next Trouw De Telegraaf Het Parool Reformatorisch Dagblad Reformatorisch De Volkskrant

82 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Negative Moral 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author kettenis ludeker kettenis alonso, kranenburg segenhout, winkel boogaard, guillet, van huet besters dempsey guillet, kettenis van gessel de boer kruk kettenis sharifi vos elshout smits scheffer de koning sharifi kruk van reenen Title rutte en merkel verrasten collega's gaat niet werken migratiedeal zonder grootschalige en legalehervestiging Deal met turkije snijdt illegalen snel de pas af niemand wil terug naar turkije eu beschermde de eigen markt en kreeg migranten schort 'schengen' op en doe iets aan de totale puinhoop De meeste migranten weten niets van een deal Bij Syriers in Turkije zit de schrik er in samen tegen terreur, maar niet heus grieken beginnen in april met deportatie Hoe vaak stuurt Turkije Syriegangers terug? Vluchtelingen vast in havenstad piraeus experts te leveren Frontex roept EU-lidstaten op sneller agenten en migranten Griekenland Frontex wil 1500 extra agenten voor terugsturen niet van plan terug te gaan deal eu en turkije staat of valt met het afschrikeffect vluchteling laat zich niet weerhouden door akkoord Deportatie moet aantonen: het is de EU en Turkije ernst Deportatie moet aantonen: haven verliep 'gladjes' het proces in de griekse maar ze blijven ook komen De vluchtelingen gaan terug Verzet aan vooravond 'deportaties' dicht EU doet symbolisch de poort in turkije eerste vluchtelingen terug aan in turkije eerste migrantenboot komt europa heeft haar grens bereikt EU blijft bij terugsturen migranten Zorgen over terugkerende vluchtelingen in Turkije Gelaten sloffen ze in Turkije van de veerboot ze in Turkije van de Gelaten sloffen van start Vluchtelingencarrousel van syriers wordt straks de uitzetting de grote test EU-deal eerste vluchtelingen terug naar Turkije Griekenland stuurt conform 2016 09-03-2016 09-03-2016 07-03-2016 04-03-2016 04-04-2016 04-04-2016 04-05-2016 04-05-2016 04-05-2016 02-05-2016 02-05-2016 05-04-2016 05-04-2016 05-04-2016 05-04-2016 05-04-2016 05-04-2016 Date 26-03-2016 25-03-2016 25-03-2016 24-03-2016 22-03-2016 21-03-2016 21-03-2016 21-03-2016 17-03-2016 16-03-2016 31-03-2016 29-03-2016 29-03-2016 26-03-2016 Paper Netherlands het parool Trouw De Volkskrant Het Financieele Dagblad AD trouw Trouw NRC Handelsblad Het Financieele Dagblad het parool Nederlands Dagblad Trouw Het Financieele Dagblad Trouw NRC Handelsblad Reformatorisch Dagblad NRC Handelsblad NRC Handelsblad Reformatorisch Dagblad NRC Handelsblad Reformatorisch Dagblad de volkskrant De volkskrant Het Parool Trouw NRC Handelsblad Het Parool Het Financieele Dagblad Trouw AD De Telegraaf

83 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author pelgrim kranenburg de gruyter tanis kettenis schmidt oostveen leijendekker kranenburg de gruyter de gruyter steketee obbema elshout van gessel claus stoltenberg kettenis pelgrim peeperkorn winkel Title Oppositie: Rutte zet data rond asiel naar zijn hand Rutte: Inspanningen Turkije lonen gebreken EU-aanpak in vluchtelingencrisis heeft nog vele EU-landen stellen griekenland ultimatum Rutte: vluchtelingenstroom vanuit turkije neemt af VN-cijfers weerspreken iptimisme van Rutte u bent geen afghaan, u komt uit iran navo is nu onmisbaar in een pijnlijke europese crisis minder vluchtelingen dankzij turkije navo bestrijdt mensensmokkel navo naar egeische zee navo moet vluchtelingenstroom gaan indammen navo gaat patrouilleren tussen turkije en griekenland NAVO stuurt zelf geen boten terug navo zet marine in tegen mensensmokkel griekse grenswacht blij met nederlandse hulp navo moet de boten stoppen, maar hoe is niet duidelijk navo eens over inzet op egeische zee navo eens over inzet op nou waar blijven die vluchtelingen eu-wacht nederland maakt hast met naar lesbos! vooral naar turkije pisnijdige merkel kijkt nu weerbericht rutte is afhankelijk van het toont het onvermogen van europa navo-hulp bij vluchytelingen natuurlijk kun je migratie stoppen Lees dit! wat is er mis met europa - en wat doen we eraan? een open deur naar de eu groeiende instroom, groeiende wachtlijsten groeiende instroom, euro vraagt eu om half miljard griekenland wilde wat het parlement ooit deden regeringen voor europa badplaats als laatste halte 2016 11-02-2016 11-02-2016 11-02-2016 11-02-2016 12-02-2016 12-02-2016 12-02-2016 11-02-2016 11-02-2016 12-02-2016 12-03-2016 12-02-2016 12-02-2016 12-02-2016 12-02-2016 02-03-2016 02-03-2016 Date 13-02-2016 13-02-2016 13-02-2016 13-02-2016 27-02-2016 26-02-2016 26-02-2016 25-02-2016 25-02-2016 24-02-2016 19-02-2016 17-02-2016 16-02-2016 15-02-2016 Paper Netherlands Het financieele Dagblad Nederlands Dagblad NRC Next De volkskrant Het Financieele Dagblad trouw Trouw NRC Handelsblad Nederlands Dagblad Reformatorisch Dagblad de telegraaf het parool Het Financieele Dagblad De Volkskrant De Volkskrant NRC Handelsblad AD Het Financieele Dagblad NRC Next NRC Handelsblad NRC Handelsblad NRC Handelsblad NRC Handelsblad Trouw Trouw De Volkskrant NRC Handelsblad Reformatorisch Dagblad Reformatorisch Dagblad NRC Handelsblad Trouw

84 Technical 1 Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 Negative Moral 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author de koning boon van der aa rosman rosman boon peeperkorn elshout leijendekker verhofstadt, in 't veld de koning bijlo hofhuis vos peeperkorn savelberg Title Timmermans kan zijn bewering niet hardmaken Zoeken naar de '60 procent' van timmermans Waar zijn de cijfers van Frans Timmermans Vraagtekens bij schattingen timmermans Timmermans: 60 procent migranten kan teruggestuurd EU dreigt Athene af te grendelen van Schengen doden op de egeische zee brussel wil niet aan nederlands terugstuurplan Frans Timmermans blijft bij eigen cijfers Per kerende veerboot terug de hel van hotspot moria Slap grensbeleid kan grieken vrij reizen kosten VN-cijfers weerspreken Timmermans Eerst checken, dan pas brullen het doel heiligt de cijfers Timmermans en de 60 procent merkel: hulp voor turken op zo los je de vluchtelingencrisis bij ons in het krijt Europa staat al vier jaar de boot in Eindelijk is het plan er dan: lapmiddel het plan-samson is een wil niet speculeren overbelaste marechaussee de leiband van duitsland we lopen weer keurig aan na VS spreekt Frontex Timmermans ook tegen nu snel controles wie gaat al die griekse eilanden bewaken twee keer zoveel irakezen grensorganisatie frontex telt minder syriers, maar Rutte: instroom vluchtelingen turkije neemt af vluchtelingen turkije Rutte: instroom accent krijgt sterker militair Grensbewaking bij vluchtelingenstroom hulp navo welkom duits-turkse as eenzame strijd merkel op 2016 10-02-2016 09-02-2016 09-02-2016 03-02-2016 02-02-2016 11-02-2016 10-02-2016 Date 29-01-2016 28-01-2016 28-01-2016 28-01-2016 27-01-2016 27-01-2016 27-01-2016 27-01-2016 27-01-2016 27-01-2016 27-01-2016 27-01-2016 26-01-2016 26-01-2016 29-01-2016 29-01-2016 29-01-2016 29-01-2016 29-01-2016 30-01-2016 30-01-2016 30-01-2016 30-01-2016 29-01-2016 Paper Netherlands NRC Handelsblad de Volkskrant Nederlands Dagblad NRC Next Trouw AD de Volkskrant het parool NRC Handelsblad AD De Volkskrant de telegraaf NRC Next Nederlands Dagblad NRC Next De volkskrant het financieele Dagblad Nederlands Dagblad NRC Handelsblad AD De volkskrant de telegraaf het financieele Dagblad NRC Handelsblad NRC Handelsblad AD NRC Handelsblad de telegraaf Reformatorisch Dagblad Reformatorisch De volkskrant Dagblad Nederlands

85 1 1 Technical 5 1 1 Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 47 Performative 14 Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 47 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 94 Neutral Author de koning de jong, wansink savelberg van gessel heeresma jr karskens total: vos winkel van dijkhuizen de koning Title opschorting schengen nabij migratie honderden gered op eigeische zee Vrouwlijke vluchtelingen misbruikt Griekenland: 851.340 migranten in een jaar tijd strijd tegen terreur duurt lang dan rest alleen nog de mitrailleur In mei breekt hier de revolutie uit eu-lidstaten willen langer grenscontroles eu-lidstaten willen langer is grote puinhoop Schifting van vluchtelingen Europa's ijzige nieuwe buitengrens bewaken Europa wil grens macedonie grensbewaking macedonie met macedonie EU wil bewaking van grens over bewaking Schengen Balkantopje in Amsterdam U bent Pakistaan? Dan kunt u weer omkeren Calais Groep vluchtelingen bestormt Britse veerboot in Duitsland isoleert zich van europa turken eisen onderste uit kan het griekse falen economische motieven 60% vluchtelingen heeft timmermans: de grenzen dicht blijven te redden, moeten Om open grenzen algeheel falen in europa 2016 12-01-2016 12-01-2016 09-01-2016 08-01-2016 Date 18-01-2016 25-01-2016 25-01-2016 25-01-2015 25-01-2016 25-01-2016 25-01-20156 23-01-2015 23-01-2016 23-01-2016 18-01-2016 26-01-2016 26-01-2016 26-01-2016 26-01-2016 26-01-2016 26-01-2016 25-01-2016 Paper Netherlands NRC Handelsblad nederlands Dagblad trouw NRC Next Reformatorisch Dagblad het financieele Dagblad De Volkskrant de telegraaf de telegraaf NRC Next Reformatorisch Dagblad de telegraaf het parool het financieele Dagblad Reformatorisch Dagblad NRC Handelsblad De Volkskrant Nederlands Dagblad Reformatorisch Dagblad De Volkskrant Dagblad het financieele Dagblad het financieele

86 0 Technical 0 Procedural 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 0 Negative Moral 1 2 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 Neutral Fontanella-Khan Bone Dinmore Fontanella-Khan Dinmore Mason Nolan Raab total: Bone Kington Fontanella-Khan Fielding-Smith Bone Traynor,Kington Bremner Author Smith Fontanella-Khan Spiegel Bremner Kauchner Freeman Bone Bone Barroso heckled on migrant deaths Brussels seeks extra funds to bolster sea patrols off Italy Up to 300 Africans die after boat sinks in flames Migrants die in Italy sea tragedy issue Italy calls for increased EU aid to deal with migrant Death toll from migrant boat disaster climbs migrants from entering Europe The EU is paying Morocco millions to stop illegal €2m cost of sending back 724 immigrants Justice works across borders without Brussels Budget airlines accused of fuelling illegal immigration into Europe Budget airlines accused rescue migrants from ‘sea of death’ Italy deploys drones to boat sinks 50 dead as a second migrant 200 on board Migrant boat capsizes with victims to get state funerals Hundreds of Lampedusa in face of migrant misery Border agency hamstrung for fresh start Life is ever tougher for Syrian refugees looking Lampedusa islanders barrack EU chief Lampedusa tragedy EU pressed to rethink immigration policy after EU is asked for patrol boats to save refugees Title They just disappeared' migrant deaths overhaul to halt EU weighs asylum drives migration Failed' Libya as 250 more boat refugees die Europe wrings its hands on the European Union Lampedusa brings shame 2013 10-10-2013 10-10-2013 10-10-2013 09-10-2013 09-10-2013 05-12-2013 12-10-2013 12-10-2013 10-10-2013 03-10-2013 03-09-2013 09-10-2013 08-10-2013 04-10-2013 04-10-2013 04-10-2013 21-10-2013 16-10-2013 Date 24-12-2013 29-10-2013 24-10-2013 23-10-2013 21-07-2013 22-01-2013 The Times Financial Times The Times The Guardian The Guardian Financial Times The Times The Times The Times Financial Times The Daily Telegraph Financial Times Financial Times The Times Paper The Guardian United Kingdom The Times The Times Financial Times Financial Times The Guardian The Times Financial Times London Evening Standard Financial Times

87 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative Negative Moral 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Dixon Ashton Willan travis Doyle Travis Robinson davies Barrett Boyes Robinson Walker Andersson Willan Pennington Kirkup Davies Boyes Sherwood, Smith Author Politi Politi Politi Ashdown Squires Politi Davies , Neslen 200 feared dead in Libya boat disaster Who will stop the tide of these desperate people? Italy faces record wave of migrants It’s drowning season in the sea of despair EU's looming migrant tragedy EU border must be strong Surge in illegal refugees on way to Britain Major calls to take back our borders UK accused over migrant rescue plan Wind-down of Italian sea rescues causes alarm Refugees: 'It's desperation' Operation Archimedes swoops on EU crime groups tide The West’s navies could help control this human Hundreds feared dead after 'shipwreck' Refugee count could surpass Arab spring Abolish the 'illegality industry' at Europe's borders Navy saves 3,500 in weekend An inhumane answer to the Mediterranean migrants' plight An inhumane answer to Meditterranean migrants operation Fears as EU takes over rises sharply Threat of watery grave thousands at risk' End of sea mission 'puts Operations compared on boat people Europe's rudderless strategy refugee crisis plan in disarray Europe’s Mediterranean factor' Saving lives acts as 'pull a great moral challenge The millions fleeing war present Europe with NO MORE RESCUE MISSIONS TO SAVE MIGRANTS Title becoming 'vast cemetery' warns of Mediterranean Pope Francis left to mercy of the sea pledges to save lives Triton patrol of migrant flow Lampedusa still at apex 2014 27-08-2014 25-08-2014 24-08-2014 19-08-2014 26-06-2014 31-05-2014 31-05-2014 31-05-2014 29-10-2014 29-10-2014 29-10-2014 28-10-2014 13-10-2014 24-09-2014 16-09-2014 16-09-2014 25-11-2014 14-11-2014 13-11-2014 30-10-2014 30-10-2014 Date 11-06-2014 03-06-2014 03-10-2014 06-09-2014 01-11-2014 01-11-2014 01-11-2014 01-11-2014 01-11-2014 The Sun The Guardian Daily Express Daily Express The Guardian The Times The Times The Times The Daily Telegraph The Guardian Financial Times Financial Times The Times Financial Times Financial Times The Guardian The Guardian Daily Mail The Guardian The Times The Guardian The Guardian The Guardian Financial Times The Daily Telegraph Financial Times Financial Times Financial Times Paper Financial Times Financial Times United Kingdom

88 0 Technical 0 Procedural 1 1 1 23 Performative 0 Negative Moral 1 Positive 1 1 1 12 Neutral Author Barrett Dinmore, Segreti Howie Dawar Hope Dinmore total: Title Italian navy picks up 2,000 boat migrants in one week Italian navy picks up 2,000 out of Greece Our £2m bill to kick illegals fails to smile on illegal migrants Greek god of hospitality of migrants Italy faces latest wave Illegal migrants in 2014 may exceed Arab Spring total in 2014 may exceed Illegal migrants of African migrants calls for end to navy's rescue Italy's right 2014 Date 31-05-2014 22-04-2014 20-03-2014 15-02-2014 10-03-2014 07-02-2014 Paper United Kingdom Daily Express Financial Times Financial Times Financial Times London Evening Standard The Daily Telegraph

89 1 Technical 1 1 1 Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Robinson, Barker Author Trew Brown Hope, Robinson Waterfield, Elliott Robinson, Spiegel Foy, Robinson Maddox Stevens Huggler Robinson, Foy Foy, Robinson Waterfield, Coates Doyle Robinson, Barker Barker, Robinson Traynor Robinson, Barker Holehouse Spiegel O'Neill Lamb Smith charter, Carassava Howie Charter, Carassava Greece to set up island screening centres to ease refugee crisis Greece to set up island screening centres to ease Cameron hails razor-wire barrier across EU border EU to press ahead with plans to suspend Schengen rules Austria builds Schengen zone's first border fence Athens seeks cash to deport migrants Reader’s guide to leaked migration communiqué Paris killers' link to Birmingham Playing God over dinghies of the desperate Greece risks becoming 'black box' for migrants, says Tsipras Greece risks becoming EU army to protect borders border force EU seeks power to impose squabble with Poland EU border guard HQ provokes FORCE £230M PLAN FOR EU BORDER BE PART OF 'EU NAVY' BRITISH GUARDS WILL Merkel keeps rebels at bay with pledge to cut refugees Border agency hamstrung by meek mandate EU border force Frontex chief welcomes plan for more powerful Cameron offers troops to guard Europe’s borders dream Brussels sets up border force in bid to save EU Border Follies to police borders of EU Brussels wants own frontier force and coastguard in the history of integration Accord on European border force would be a milestone over borders Brussels plans to strip Schengen nations of authority EU plans border force to police external frontiers MILLION MIGRANTS REACH EUROPE MILLION MIGRANTS to Europe on stolen passports Jihadists get FRENCH JET HIDDEN ABOARD THE FAKE BOMB tackle migration EU needs a strategy to top 1m Refugees to Europe will Title Trapped in limbo, the 300 refugee inmates of a 'Greek Guantanamo' EU threat to expel Greece from Schengen 2015 06-12-2015 05-12-2015 04-12-2015 09-12-2015 09-12-2015 08-12-2015 07-12-2013 06-12-2015 12-12-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 10-12-2015 12-12-2015 04-12-2015 03-12-2015 15-12-2015 14-12-2015 13-12-2015 13-12-2015 17-12-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 23-12-2015 22-12-2015 21-12-2015 19-12-2015 19-12-2015 Date The Guardian The Times Financial Times Financial Times The Times The Times The Daily Telegraph The Times Financial Times The Guardian Financial Times The Times Financial Times Financial Times The Times Daily Mail Daily Mail The Daily Telegraph Financial Times Financial Times Daily Express Financial Times The Times Financial Times The Daily Telegraph The Sun Daily Mail The Times Daily Mail United Kingdom Paper London Evening Standard The Times

90 1 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 Negative Moral Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author Hope Wagstyl Holehouse Kingsley, Weaver, Kassam Traynor stevens dawar Cecil Dawar Fotiadis Boone Barker, Robinson Holehouse Barker, Robinson Reid Barker, Wagstyl Holehouse White Worth Munchau Holehouse Domokos, Kingsley Whittell Cecil, Randhawa Henley, Traynor Nardelli Title Illegal migrants flood eu on tackling crisis Child migrants die in Med as leaders head for summit An immigration crisis Illegal EU entries quadruple in a year Growing migrant numbers could have been halted Paris terrorist mastermind 'was riding Metro as attacks unfolded' Paris terrorist mastermind 'was riding Metro as raise EU security questions Movements of Isis extremist prior to Paris attack relocations EU states miss deadline to appoint officers for refugee Isis links Greece holds two Syrian migrants over alleged The syrian passports to terror Is it the end for European dream of free travel? Backlash over refugees leaves Merkel looking vulnerable in doubt Travel pass plan to send migrants home to Africa grows Sweden introduces border checks as refugee crisis Malta summit EU's deep dilemmas over refugees laid bare at EU Border breached 1.2M times this year Migrant blunder splitting germany in two Migrant blunder splitting over loss of passport-free travel Europe heads for a jam admits Juncker Schengen zone is semi-comatose, to post-Paris realities is EU-wide task Adapting agreement won’t make Europe safer Cancelling the Schengen Europe End the folly of a borderless Juncker resisting end to visa-free Schengen system favours Syrians Chaos on Greek islands as refugee registration and mobilise everyone' We must rebuild the republic, rethink French values Paris: more cooperation, not less The Guardian view on EU border controls after Kicking Greece out of Schengen won’t stop the refugee crisis out of Schengen won’t Kicking Greece to Greece deported migrants back Pakistan sends suspension eye temporary Schengen EU ministers suspended for two years Schengen zone could be Schengen suspension over migrant response Greece threatened with 2015 11-11-2015 11-11-2015 11-11-2015 11-11-2015 11-11-2015 12-11-2015 12-11-2015 11-11-2015 11-11-2015 03-12-2015 03-12-2015 03-12-2015 03-12-2015 02-12-2015 Date 18-11-2015 14-11-2015 23-11-2015 23-11-2015 21-11-2015 21-11-2015 20-11-2015 20-11-2015 19-11-2015 18-11-2015 18-11-2015 18-11-2015 28-11-2015 27-11-2015 26-11-2015 24-11-2015 24-11-2015 United Kingdom Paper Daily Express Daily Express Daily Express Daily Express London Evening Standard The Guardian The Guardian daily Mail The Times Financial Times The Daily Telegraph Financial Times Daily Mail London Evening Standard The Guardian The Guardian The Times The Guardian Financial Times The Daily Telegraph The Guardian The Daily Telegraph The Guardian The Guardian Daily Mail Financial Times Financial Times The Times Financial Times The Guardian The Guardian

91 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative Negative Moral 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author Robinson, Spiegel Dixon Charter Traynor Weaver Traynor Thomas Robinson Hall Stevens Hall Traynor Waterfield Topping, Khomami Traynor Khomami Weaver Holehouse Traynor stevens Brunsden, Wagstyl Nardelli Foster Holehouse, Bremner Doherty Robinson Chrisafis Title Get tough on migrants, or far-Right will win power, says leading EU official Get tough on migrants, or far-Right will win power, to tackle refugee crisis Divided European leaders meet to devise plan We have lost control of borders, warns EU chief Brussels pushes for greater sway over EU borders Refugee crisis: we must act together, says Merkel ahead of emergency summit Think leaving the EU would strengthen Britain’s borders? Take a closer look Greece needs urgent help with migrant crisis Deportation Camps in Africa to House Migrants Secret Plot to Kick Out Migrants asylum seekers EU governments call for faster deportations of failed Secret plan to deport thousands of migrants Trusting Turkey new migrant routes to Britain UK in talks with Holland and Belgium to close off plan EU leaders ask Erdogan to back radical refugee UK and France to sign Calais security deal years UK will resettle 20,000 Syrian refugees over five EU scrambles to shelter migrants as winter looms EU scrambles to shelter refugees for 100,000 places in reception centres for EU and Balkans agree plan to power in Poland Anti-immigrant party sweeps EU quotas to tackle refugee crisis Germany to push for compulsory arrive at a British base on Cyprus Refugee crisis: Syrians Turkey 'action plan' on migration crisis European leaders offer Arrival in Lesbos Merkel's growing agony over refugee crisis summit Paris to push EU border guard proposal at Brussels 710,000 arrive in Europe this year EU claims refugee influx will boost growth EU claims refugee commitments funding and resource EU states failing to meet Refugee crisis: refugee policy to battle over her open-door Merkel goes drownings off Greece 11 children die in migrant for Europe's refugee crisis cannot work why Tony Abbott's plan 2015 09-10-2015 08-10-2015 09-10-2015 07-10-2015 06-10-2015 05-10-2015 05-10-2015 05-10-2015 06-11-2015 05-11-2015 05-11-2015 Date 23-09-2015 29-09-2015 25-09-2015 24-09-2015 24-09-2015 23-09-2015 23-09-2015 18-10-2015 16-10-2015 16-10-2015 15-10-2015 14-10-2015 13-10-2015 30-10-2015 28-10-2015 26-10-2015 26-10-2015 26-10-2015 24-10-2015 21-10-2015 United Kingdom Paper The Guardian Financial Times The Guardian The Daily Telegraph The Guardian Daily Mail The Guardian The Guardian The Guardian The Times The Guardian Daily Express The Guardian The Times Financial Times Daily Mail Financial Times Financial Times Daily Express The Guardian Financial Times The Times The Guardian The Guardian Financial Times The Guardian The Daily Telegraph The Times The Guardian Financial Times The Guardian

92 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 1 Negative Moral 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author Dawar O'Neill Fotiadis Tran Waterfield Weaver Abdul-Ahad, Kingsley McCarthy Verhofstadt Mason Squires, Foster Rayner, Dominiczak Waterfield Elliott Traynor Lawton Holehouse, Hall fagge Buckley, Dombey Hawkes Dawar stevens, bains Binns Reid Siddique, Weaver Weaver Smith Brunsden Dawar Title Aylan’s photo has shocked the world — and it’s about time Aylan’s photo has shocked the world — and it’s his asylum policy David Cameron is allowing Nigel Farage to run - its institutions are broken This refugee crisis is too big for Europe to handle Washed up on a beach, the symbol of despair Plight of migrant children stirs Europe's conscience Europe split over plan to impose migrant quotas How Europe’s tangled asylum laws came to be Fresh Syrian Terror Fears questions asked Alarm as Syria sells 10,000 passports with few Border guards on alert for bogus Syrian refugees Tough Choices Europe into a fortress Juncker talks of welcoming refugees, while turning Juncker calls for EU to take 'bold, concerted action' Juncker Britain must be part of migrant quota system, says Juncker unveils EU quota plan Syrian passports Concern over burgeoning trade in fake and stolen How is Fighters can buy passport to eu How is Fighters can buy as Hungarian crackdown intensifies Migrants surge into Croatia Welcome to Hungary halt the tide of migrants EU nations slam gates to hungary shuts border Migrants left stranded as migrant total so far in 2015 504,000 in 8 months…the How many are genuine? to Romania Refugee crisis: Hungary to extend border fence Germany says it could take 500,000 people a year Refugees open new route through Bulgarian badlands OECD calls for urgent response to unparalleled refugee crisis for urgent response to unparalleled OECD calls meet amid deadlock anti-quota EU leaders Refugee crisis: Champ Amir's a True quotas to deal with refugees Germany wants mandatory says Turkish Airlines fuels crisis Blame game EU agency 2015 06-09-2015 04-09-2015 04-09-2015 03-09-2015 03-09-2015 02-09-2015 11-09-2015 11-09-2015 11-09-2015 10-09-2015 10-09-2015 09-09-2015 09-09-2015 09-09-2015 09-09-2015 Date 16-09-2015 16-09-2015 15-09-2015 15-09-2015 15-09-2015 14-09-2015 22-09-2015 21-09-2015 21-09-2015 19-09-2015 19-09-2015 18-09-2015 17-09-2015 17-09-2015 16-09-2015 16-09-2015 United Kingdom Paper The Times The Guardian The Daily Telegraph The Daily Telegraph The Times The Guardian The Times The Guardian The Guardian The Guardian The Guardian Daily Express The Times The Times Financial Times Daily Express The Guardian The Guardian The Times Metro Daily Mail The Sun Daily Express Daily Mail The Daily Telegraph Daily Mail Financial Times Daily Star The Daily Telegraph The Guardian The Guardian

93 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 Negative Moral 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author Kingsley Burleigh Traynor Robinson, Politi Dehghan Reid Slack Radnedge Brown, Sheldrick Sheldrick Young Philp Vasagar, Robinson, Byrne Squires Connolly Brown Freeman Tran Robinson Verhofstadt Stevens Kingsley Barker, Brunsden Barker, Brunsden Chazan Vogt Robinson, Byrne Nolan Title EU BORDER GUARDS COULD HELP FRENCH TACKLE CRISIS EU BORDER GUARDS COULD HELP FRENCH fire incident Mediterranean rescue boats involved in friendly people smugglers admits Sicilian unit unable to target Libyan The Catastrophe that will really tear Europe apart European leaders scrap plans for migrant quota system Brussels in U-turn over asylum-seekers Plus ça change ... on the Calais frontier Record 107,500 migrants crossed into EU in July Germany braced to receive 800,000 asylum seekers week Greek islands soak up 21,000 migrants in a single year, reports claim Germany to receive 750,000 asylum seekers this We must send Africa migrants back home Europe: Turkish online visas The easy back-door route for migrants to enter vehicle on M1 Lorry driver arrested after 17 migrants found inside Greece seeks help to handle migrant crisis Greece at risk of being 'overwhelmed' by migrants to help the Calais asylum seekers Instead of building walls, the UK must do more Twin tragedies raise pressure on politicians Twin tragedies raise pressure holes in Hungary's razor-wire fence strategy Desperate migrants find Europe's Challenge police lines at Greek border Migrants try to charge Macedonian BIG GROWING FAT ON MIGRANTS PISTOL-PACKING MR JUNE PREVIOUS RECORD OF 70,000 ... SET IN LATEST TALLY SMASHES EU borders 100,000 try to get across NEW WAR ON MIGRANT MAYHEM 100,000 reach the eu In a sIngle month Migrants Hit Record High Crisis exposes Schengen weak points Crisis exposes pressure put EU's Schengen under Migrant flows and Italy arrival centres in Greece to set up migrants' EU chiefs urged with people-smugglers Teenager shot in clash 2015 05-08-2015 10-08-2015 10-08-2015 09-08-2015 08-08-2015 07-08-2015 06-08-2015 02-09-2015 01-09-2015 Date 26-06-2015 31-07-2015 21-07-2015 27-06-2015 26-06-2015 20-08-2015 20-08-2015 20-08-2015 20-08-2015 20-08-2015 20-08-2015 20-08-2015 19-08-2015 19-08-2015 19-08-2015 31-08-2015 31-08-2015 29-08-2015 28-08-2015 26-08-2015 25-08-2015 25-08-2015 United Kingdom Paper Financial Times The Guardian Daily Mail The Guardian Daily Mail The Guardian Financial Times Financial Times The Guardian Daily Express The Daily Telegraph The Guardian The Daily Telegraph The Guardian The Daily Telegraph The Times Financial Times Daily Express Daily Star Daily Mail Metro Daily Express The Guardian Daily Mail Financial Times The Guardian The Times Financial Times The Daily Telegraph The Daily Telegraph Financial Times

94 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author sparrow Trew Norton-Taylor Lawton Brown Rice-Oxley, Walker Haynes Haynes padoan Trew, Kington robinson, barker Traynor Travis Robinson Travis Traynor Robinson travis Young marsden Nolan Dawar Robinson Willan Kingsley Bagot, Beattie Reid Title Britain goes solo on Med mission to rescue migrants in Let us help make refugees' countries safe to live by politicians Migrant crisis: charities have filled the gaps left boats Smugglers scoff at European plans to destroy migrant UK and Germany rethink migrants stance EU leaders to triple funding of rescue operations UK sends just five workers to assist EU Trident and stealth bombers, however powerful, no use against Isis Trident and stealth bombers, however powerful, Isis fiends pose as boat people EU AS MIGRANTS IS FIGHTERS SHAVE BEARDS TO SNEAK INTO Europe’s worsening migrant crisis Med Britain finally allowed to rescue migrants in the EU warns of casualties in fight against traffickers EU warns of casualties rescue with HMS Enterprise deployment UK 'pulling back' from migrant Tour de Migrants bikes in race to reach britain Now Migrants get on their to block migrants Hungary's 'Iron Curtain' boat sinks Hundreds saved after migrant in no-man's-land Failed asylum-seekers caught Pressure on EU to tackle death boats Sea Record 5,500 migrants rescued crossing the Mediterranean boost Mediterranean migrant death rate slows after search-and-rescue Dying for a Better Life DESPAIR BIKINIS, SUN LOUNGERS . . . AND A TIDE OF Royal Navy to rescue early next year Hammond suggests eu renegotiation could conclude 40,000 refugees EU sends more ships and asks members to take EU plan to share asylum seeker burden collapses asylum seeker burden EU plan to share operations people-smuggling will 'smash' Mediterranean UK taskforce Turn Back system for Mediterranean migrants EU to create new quarantine 2015 03-05-2015 05-05-2015 05-05-2015 01-06-2015 12-06-2015 11-06-2015 02-06-2015 02-06-2015 01-06-2015 Date 24-04-2015 27-04-2015 24-04-2015 24-04-2015 24-04-2015 24-04-2015 22-05-2015 18-05-2015 18-05-2015 30-05-2015 29-05-2015 28-05-2015 28-05-2015 23-06-2015 23-06-2015 20-06-2015 19-06-2015 18-06-2015 26-06-2015 26-06-2015 25-06-2015 24-06-2015 United Kingdom Paper The Guardian The Guardian The Times Financial Times The Times Financial Times The Guardian The Guardian The Times The Guardian Daily Star Daily Mail The Guardian The Times Daily Mirror Daily Mail The Times The Times The Guardian Daily Express Financial Times The Daily Mirror Daily Star Daily Mail The Daily Telegraph Financial Times The Guardian The Guardian The Times The Guardian Financial Times

95 Technical 1 1 Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 Negative Moral Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author Politi Politi, Lewin Parry Jones, Kingsley, Anderson Hoare burleigh Kington Traynor Waterfield Traynor, Kingsley Kingsley, Gayle Freeman freeman Kington Coghlan, Kington Kingsley slack robinson Traynor Byrne, Vasagar Holehouse, Hope Holehouse, Waterfield Savage Travis Kingsley, Traynor Freeman Title European commission considers third-country immigrant processing centres European commission considers third-country immigrant backlash Mass exodus from Kosovo raises fears of political Refugees Swell Saving lives should pose no dilemma for Europe Hypothermia claims 29 migrants fleeing across Med Shipping groups warn of migrant rescue risks They put us in the hold and nailed it shut... then the crew abandoned us to our fate Should the EU rescue migrants in the Med? Europe’s shame over migrant boat people people The Guardian view on the Mediterranean boat their way Gangs tip off Italians about the migrant tide sailing Children among 400 lost as migrants sail to Europe WAY TO EUROPE 400 DIE AS LIBYAN MIGRANT BOAT FLIPS ON the Med Hundreds feared dead as refugees flood across in Mediterranean this year Record number of migrants expected to drown CALAIS IN CRISIS burden of refugees EU migration chief urges member states to share EU borders chief says saving migrants' lives 'shouldn't be priority' for patrols EU borders chief says saving the human tide Libya's the key to stemming – at least I won't be tortured' If I die at sea, it's not a problem the wretched history of migrant voyages ‘The sea does not care’: BORDERS TO STOP SUCH TRAGEDIES WE MUST RECLAIM EUROPE'S as rescuers tell of horror Hundreds more stranded against migrant-smugglers in Libya EU to launch military operations Ministers face tough choices Mediterranean Two more migrant boats issue distress calls in rescue hopes led to sinking in Mediterranean Armed Forces could be sent to 'smash' smuggling gangs could be sent to 'smash' Armed Forces 'failures' in Libya migrant deaths to Cameron Miliband links traffickers in Med crisis Spooks hunt to only 5,000 refugees EU summit to offer resettlement 2015 05-03-2015 09-02-2015 06-01-2015 02-04-2015 06-03-2015 Date 19-01-2015 15-04-2015 14-04-2015 23-03-2015 26-02-2015 18-02-2015 14-02-2015 21-04-2015 21-04-2015 20-04-2015 20-04-2015 17-04-2015 17-04-2015 16-04-2015 16-04-2015 16-04-2015 15-04-2015 22-04-2015 21-04-2015 21-04-2015 21-04-2015 21-04-2015 24-04-2015 24-04-2015 23-04-2015 23-04-2015 United Kingdom Paper Financial Times Daily Mirror The Sun Financial Times Financial Times the guardian Financial Times The Guardian Daily Mail Financial Times Daily Mail The Times The Guardian The Daily Telegraph The Times The Daily Telegraph The Guardian The Times The Guardian The Guardian The Times The Guardian The Guardian daily mail The Guardian The Guardian The Guardian The Daily Telegraph the times The Times The Daily Telegraph

96 2 Technical 5 Procedural 1 68 Performative 5 Negative Moral 1 16 Positive 1 1 127 Neutral Author Copps segreti sanderson, russell squires total: Title Italians rescue another migrant 'ghost ship' Italians rescue another As water ran out, even the men cried As water ran to Italy danger in perilous passage migrants to new Smugglers expose ship saved as crew abandon 500 migrants 2015 03-01-2015 04-01-2015 03-01-2015 03-01-2015 Date United Kingdom Paper The Daily Telegraph Financial Times Daily Express The Times

97 Technical 1 1 1 Procedural 1 Performative 1 1 1 Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Waterfield Kington Chazan, Hope Trew Kington Carassava Carassava McKinstry Kingsley Howes Kingsley Stevens, Sinmaz Trew Reid Stevens Hope Robinson Author Trew Samuel Robinson Trew Drury Robinson Brunsden Edmonds STILL IN FAVOUR OF UNLIMITED MIGRATION, MR CLOONEY? STILL IN FAVOUR OF UNLIMITED MIGRATION, MED MIGRANT GIVES BIRTH ON RESCUE SHIP IN THE Greek islands split by contrasting east-west fortunes migrants sets sail Death boat raised from the deep as new wave of Border guards fail to secure right to intervene without consent UNDECIDED? You cannot jail illegal immigrants, court says Greece rescues 49 refugees from boat abandoned by captain Greece rescues 49 refugees from boat abandoned Search is launched off Samos for migrant boat purge EU migrant deal with Turkey stalled by Erdogan’s Migrants on the Med are getting a free ferry service pact Turkish police withdrawal from Greece stalls EU migration 6,500 migrants saved at sea in a single day 6,500 migrants rescued off Libyan coast in one day rescued at sea Dramatic photos show refugees fleeing Libya being Thousands of migrants rescued off Libya TURKEY: FEAR OF MIGRANT SURGE Italy struggles as migrant front line moves to Sicily Rescue boats help traffickers to flourish, says border agency Rescue boats help traffickers racket in back of a lidl lorry £5K-a-time people smuggling the role of NGOs Death in the Mediterranean: Desperate measures in fireball at Malta airport Five killed as plane crashes board rescue boat Three babies delivered on slow handling of asylum claims Merkel chides Greece for near Egypt Scores of migrants drown crowded migrant boat sinks Hundreds feared dead after Johnson: Turn back migrant boats 23k face Med hell' Title a month boasts of making 30000 People trafficker flaws to the EU's fundamental Germany must face up Sooner or later, claims EU agency collude with smugglers, Migrant rescuers 2016 02-07-2016 08-06-2016 01-09-2016 07-07-2016 07-11-2016 06-10-2016 02-09-2016 30-08-2016 18-07-2016 18-07-2016 16-07-2016 30-06-2016 23-06-2016 22-06-2016 22-09-2016 16-09-2016 16-09-2016 14-09-2016 13-09-2016 31-08-2016 31-08-2016 30-08-2016 30-08-2016 31-12-2016 22-12-2016 16-12-2016 16-12-2016 16-12-2016 15-12-2016 24-10-2016 29-09-2016 22-09-2016 Date Financial Times Daily Mail The Times Daily Mail Financial Times The Times Daily Mail The Times Daily Mail The Guardian Financial Times The Guardian Metro The Times London Evening Standard The Times Daily Express The Sun The times The Daily Telegraph The Times The Times London Evening Standard The Times Financial Times Financial Times Financial Times Financial Times The Times Daily Mail Paper The Times The Daily Telegraph United Kingdom

98 1 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author Slack Greaves, Munshi Lamb Maddox Raab Rankin Turner Stevens Lewin Coghlan Gysin, Martin Gayle Smith, Kingsley Wilkinson stevens Brown Harpera, Campbell Reid Kingsley Kingsley, Smith Raab Hope Kelly Little Stevens Slack Title Tighten border controls to fight terror, say police chiefs RESULTS A NEW ROUTE TO EUROPE... WITH SAME TRAGIC Migration to Greece halved in March for Italy At least 400 migrants feared drowned on boat heading EU 'guilty' of migrant deaths after cutting rescue missions SAVED BY THE LIGHT FROM THEIR MOBILE The Norway option: what is it and what does it mean for Britain? New refugee crisis fear as visas-for-Turks talks falter arrivals drop Italy now No.1 Refugee Route into Europe after Greek Proof that we don't control our borders 77 million bill for border failure Border agency's £76m reward for failure Analysis Week Ahead Political Diary: Emergency cover hit I was after squid but heard crying. I saved 14 babies' attacks Brussels law leaves UK borders 'open' to terrorist Lax EU border controls put us in peril Turkey Council of Europe condemns EU's refugee deal with Migrants find new route out of greece - as turkey threatens deal Migrants find new route out WIDE OPEN DOORS TO BRITAIN LEFT reaching 7,700 miles of coast Three boats to stop migrants despite Balkan crackdown Hundreds pour in every day they are not real refugees The tragic but brual thruth: IOM refugees have reached Europe this year, says Over a million migrants and deal will begin despite doubts over EU-Turkey Greece insists refugee deportations RULE THAT'S WEAKENED OUR BORDERS MADNESS OF BRUSSELS fall short as fears of summer surge rise Migrant returns to Turkey in bid to enter Europe Now Migrants from Caribbean fly 6,000 miles to turkey Migrant deal with Turkey is under threat TRAFFICKERS' NEW WAY INTO EUROPE TRAFFICKERS' is to come first step but true test migrant deal takes symbolic Calm as EU boat sinks from the Med after migrant Hundreds saved 2016 11-04-2016 04-06-2016 03-06-2016 04-06-2016 Date 22-04-2016 21-04-2016 20-04-2016 20-04-2016 19-04-2016 18-04-2016 18-04-2016 18-04-2016 15-04-2016 16-05-2016 16-05-2016 14-05-2016 14-05-2016 14-05-2016 29-04-2016 28-04-2016 28-04-2016 25-04-2016 24-04-2016 24-04-2016 31-05-2016 30-05-2016 29-05-2016 29-05-2016 28-05-2016 27-05-2016 27-05-2016 19-05-2016 Daily Mail the guardian Financial Times The Times The Daily Telegraph the guardian The Daily Telegraph Daily Mail Daily Express The Daily Telegraph Daily Mail Financial Times The Times Daily Mail Daily Express Daily Express Daily Express Daily Mail Financial Times Daily Mail Daily Express The Guardian The Guardian Daily Mail The Times Daily Mail Daily Mail Daily Mail The Times Daily Mail The Guardian Standard London Evening Paper United Kingdom

99 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author Dixon Smith, Carassava Slack Dawar Swinford Walton Ford Cole Cole Kingsley Rankin, Kingsley Dixon Dixon Slack Clark Domoniczak, Whitehead sheridan cole Cole Kelly raab malone Hope, Zelewski reid dixon Maddox McCann Slack Title Terrorists exploiting border chaos to return from Syria Border chaos Warning of terror risk from migrants TIDE OF TERROR EU SENDS IN THE HEAVY MOB TO DEPORT JUST 200 MIGRANTS Greece returns 200 migrants to Turkey at start of Brussels deal 202 migrants sent out of Europe amid chaotic scenes Boom in migrants using fake papers INFLUX 'CAN BREAK UNION' Wave of faked ID migrants Open Warfare asylum checks Border force warns terrorists could enter EU by abusing asylum rules EU to set out proposals for overhaul of European is to quit EU Upsurge in illegal immigration proves 'safe option' ILLEGAL MIGRANTS FLOODING INTO EU STAGGERING' NUMBER OF EUROPEAN JIHADISTS Terrorists using overrun border posts for EU raids EU border force Terrorists are arriving as migrants untracked, admits Germany and a sinister bid to hide the truth about migrant sex attacks Germany and a sinister bid EU over migrant crisis Older voters want to quit Turkey deal Cameron's doubt over new leaflet play fast and loose with the facts? So does the £9million pro-EU but they're still evil Angela's killers were failed EU VALUES SAYS ITS OWN REPORT IMMIGRATION WILL DESTROY REALLY STAND UP TO SCRUTINY? BIG CLAIMS...BUT DO THEY its powers over asylum Brussels seeks to extend by 70 per cent Use of fake documents soars Brexit voters will be in the dark over asylum Europe's porous borders must be plugged Mayhem borders on farce Mayhem borders back migrants of the eu deal to send human tide making a mockery I witness the policy begins to bite surge as new returns Asylum claims 2016 06-04-2016 06-04-2016 06-04-2016 06-04-2016 06-04-2016 06-04-2016 06-04-2016 05-04-2016 05-04-2016 05-04-2016 07-04-2016 07-04-2016 07-04-2016 07-04-2016 07-04-2016 07-04-2016 07-04-2016 06-04-2016 06-04-2016 06-04-2016 06-04-2016 09-04-2016 08-04-2016 08-04-2016 08-04-2016 08-04-2016 08-04-2016 08-04-2016 07-04-2016 07-04-2016 07-04-2016 10-04-2016 Date Daily Express The Times The Sun The Sun Daily Mail the times The Times Daily Mail The Daily Mirror The Daily Telegraph The Guardian Daily Express Daily Express The Sun The Sun The Guardian The Times The Sun Daily Express The Daily Telegraph The Daily Telegraph Daily Mail Daily Express The Daily Telegraph The sun Daily Mail Daily Mail Daily Express Daily Express The Sun Daily Mail financial Times Paper United Kingdom

100 Technical 1 Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Author waterfield Henley, Rankin, Smith Robinson, Spiegel, Hope huggler, holehouse slack, stevens Stevens Charter Smith Taylor, Graham-Harrison Foy Wagstyl Fotiadis Howie Smith Carassava, Waterfield Carassava, Charter Trew Trew Amin Oliver Rankin, Smith Little Gibb Barber Cecil Title 1M More Migrants CRISIS WE FACE BILL OF MILLIONS TO TACKLE EU MIGRANT migrants Belgium brings back checks at French border to stop Greek police remove people from border with Macedonia MIGRANTS STRANDED AS EUROPE STARTS TO SLAM BORDERS SHUT EU asks tech firms to pitch refugee-tracking systems Don't write this stuff' And still they come...EU deal fails to stem the tide How to tackle Europe's migration crisis The Times law/One Essex Court winning essay frontier North Africa is in danger of becoming the forgotten Nato chief Task force' will not turn back migrant boats, says Border Control deepen EU in emergency talks to eJect migrants as divisions support for Greece Refugee crisis: European leaders demand urgent Aegean Sea Nato launches mission to curb migrant smugglers; vote on migrant quotas EU fears 'referendum contagion' as Hungary calls 1M MORE MIGRANTS ARE ON THEIR WAY First migrants deported to Turkey under EU deal First migrants deported to in Greece Deportation of refugees begins to deport migrants Border chaos threatens deal in its hands Greece has Europe’s reputation for sending first migrants to Turkey Greece cannot meet deadline floodgates into Europe Libya threatens to open migrant find frontline recruits Isis seize migrant trail to limbo over tourism, refugees – and its future Lesbos: a Greek island in Brussels Blog: Will it work? April deadline to return migrants to Turkey 'not realistic' EU Migrant trade row EU Migrant trade Crisis? Crisis? what to Turkey to return asylum seekers Greece prepares are going ‘smoothly’? Take a closer look So the Greece deportations 2016 10-03-2016 08-03-2016 08-03-2016 07-03-2016 02-03-2016 04-04-2016 04-04-2016 04-04-2016 04-04-2016 04-04-2016 04-04-2016 03-04-2016 01-04-2016 05-04-2016 Date 27-02-2016 25-02-2016 25-02-2016 25-02-2016 24-02-2016 24-02-2016 23-02-2016 23-02-2016 22-02-2016 20-02-2016 21-03-2016 21-03-2016 21-03-2016 17-03-2016 17-03-2016 29-03-2016 28-03-2016 24-03-2016 The Guardian Financial Times The Times The Guardian Daily Mail The Sun Daily Mail financial Times The Daily Telegraph daily mail The Times The Times The Guardian financial Times London Evening Standard Daily Express The Times The Times The Guardian financial Times The Guardian The Times The Times The Times The Guardian The Times The Guardian London Evening Standard The Times The Times financial Times The Sun Paper United Kingdom

101 1 Technical 4 Procedural 1 1 1 1 37 Performative 5 Negative Moral 26 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 69 Neutral Author slack byrne traynor, smith waterfield holehouse, mccann total: strick, stevens stevens slack, doyle, Doyle Chazan Hall, Chazan Smith May whitehead, coughlin Title Four in 10 migrants have no hope of getting asylum Four in 10 migrants have off coasts of Italy and Greece Bodies of 31 migrants recovered migrants Boat sink op finds 7 drowned Schengen's Slow Death to enter UK Jihadists using migrant crisis fewer migrants arriving here every year EU Exit could mean 100,000 migrants Odds widen for casino town brink after Amsterdam talks Schengen scheme on the Greece given six weeks to stop migrant surge EU considers border checks Even in the depths of winter, there's no end to the human tide of misery end to the human tide of winter, there's no Even in the depths REAL CRISIS EUROPE: THE MIGRANTS TO COME 3 MILLION MORE strikes on Syria Merkel 'shocked' by Russia 2016 10-02-2016 09-02-2016 08-02-2016 Date 25-01-2016 23-01-2016 20-02-2016 29-01-2016 28-01-2016 27-01-2016 27-01-2016 27-01-2016 26-01-2016 26-01-2016 20-02-2016 The Guardian The Times the daily telegraph Daily Mail Financial Times The Sun The Times The Daily Telegraph The Daily Telegraph The Guardian Daily Mail Daily Mail Financial Times Daily Mail Paper United Kingdom

102 Technical 1 1 Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 Negative Moral 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 Neutral Grefe, Friedrichs, Ladurner Lau Meier Eubel Prantl caceres Beckstein Schmidt Metz ludwig dembach, kreiner rossmann Springer Author Ruehle Trotier van Bebber Schiltz Tayyip Caceres Prantl Caceres CDU will Schutz für Flüchtlinge Falsche Humanisten Lampedusa: Das Massengrab im Mittelmeer DEUTSCHE AUSSENPOLITIK; Wofür stehen wir? Europas Stillstand Neues kontrollsystem Flüchtlingsfang per Satellit Nicht das Europa, das wir wollen Von Tag zu Tag Umdenken nach der Katastrophe Sichere Wege nach Europa Push-Back FLÜCHTLINGE AUS SYRIEN; Immerhin solidarisch Stimme der Flüchtlinge ein Zwischenruf zum Rettet unsere Seelen Seeretter in Not Fluchtlinge; mehr rettung tut not Widerstand gegen Hilfe für Flüchtlinge in Seenot Lehren aus Lampedusa Jenseits des Mittelmeers Drehtur ohne ausgang Unbedingt abwehrbereit "Die Menschen wissen um die Gefahren" Das Elend der Welt, das Elend Europas Es ist unser Meer, ganz allein Es ist unser Wir Raten Zu Deutschland ist keine Insel Katastrophe zu Zentralafrika steurert auf Europa Ein großer Schritt nach Title 2013 10-10-2013 10-10-2013 10-10-2013 10-10-2013 09-10-2013 11-10-2013 10-10-2013 10-10-2013 10-10-2013 10-10-2013 05-12-2013 12-10-2013 22-11-2013 26-10-2013 21-10-2013 20-10-2013 19-10-2013 19-10-2013 19-10-2013 19-10-2013 18-10-2013 16-10-2013 15-10-2013 13-10-2013 13-10-2013 30-12-2013 27-12-2013 23-12-2016 19-12-2013 17-12-2013 Date Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Die Zeit Die Zeit Der Tagesspiegel der Tagesspiegel Handelsblatt der Tagesspiegel der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Die Zeit Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Germany Paper

103 0 Technical 1 1 1 5 Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 26 Performative 3 1 1 Negative Moral 1 4 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 Neutral ehrenstein caceres hoehler kirchner hoehler total: Caceres Bewarder Ludwig Prantl Ruehle Dernbach Caceres bachstein Caceres schoepp Hoenig prantl Caceres bota prantl Caceres prantl Author Verschlossene Gesellschaft Zahl illegaler Einreisen sinkt In Griechenland eskaliert der Rassismus Europa vor dem Kadi "Wir können nicht nur zuschauen" Wer ist ein Flüchtling? Es sind Europas Tote Warten auf den Winter Der Schrei nach Freiheit Flüchtlingsdrama vor Lampedusa Tod am Eingang zum Paradies Merkel-Transport und Luftrettung Europas Rechtskraft 1000 Einwanderer pro Woche Ohne Namen, ohne Gesicht Wohlstand drinnen, Armut draußen Europas neue grenzen Verdammte dieser Erde Harmonie nach einem phantom-streit Die Zahl der illegalen Flüchtlinge geht zurück Lampedusa – und nichts ändert sich Lampedusa unverändert Flüchtlingspolitik Europa schottet sich ab Das Boot ist leer Überleben verboten Title 2013 03-01-2013 10-04-2013 05-10-2013 05-10-2013 05-10-2013 04-10-2013 04-10-2013 01-10-2013 03-09-2013 11-07-2013 01-07-2013 01-06-2013 09-10-2013 09-10-2013 08-10-2013 07-10-2013 07-10-2013 19-04-2013 19-04-2013 19-01-2013 13-01-2013 23-08-2013 25-05-2013 29-04-2013 20-04-2013 Date Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Zeit Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Die Welt Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Germany Paper

104 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 1 Negative Moral 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral braun, guenther Lessnich Frenzel springer carbajosa caceres siems dembach caceres Hoppe, Ludwig, Kolf prantl prantl Bayer caceres scheffer schulze Author Bachstein Drobinski Legien, Simon, Hoenisch kort bayer Neue Realität Massengrab im Mittelmeer paris stoppt umstrittenen russland-deal Frontex Das Drama im Mittelmeer Hilfsangebote statt Ausbau der Festung Die Unschuld des Mittelmeers Kaum noch Hilfe für Flüchtlinge im Mittelmeer Langem" "Das wäre das schlimmste Schiffsunglück seit Massensterben im Mittelmeer Auch unser Meer Todesurteil fur viele fluchtlinge im Mittelmeer Angst vor Tausenden Toten Neben uns die Sintflut Stimme der Hoffnung Mare Nostrum aus" "Die Schlepper nutzen Anwohner klagen gegen asylantenheim Alle, die ihn brauchen, wissen Am Anfang war die Katastrophe Ansturm aus Afrika Widersprüchliche Signale Mittelmeer-Flüchtlinge // Ende des Mitleids Europaweite Polizeiaktion gegen illegale Flüchtlinge AKTUELLES LEXIKON; Triton Gedenken ja, Solidarität nein Grenzen des Lebens Grenzen des aufs Ganze Ein Papst geht für die Welt Nötig ist ein Marshall-Plan Gag-Berge und Gaudi-Taeler Kritik an EU-Flüchtlingspolitik Title 2014 7-11-2014 16-09-2014 16-09-2014 29-09-2014 29-09-2014 16-09-2014 16-09-2014 30-10-2014 27-10-2014 25-10-2014 23-10-2014 22-10-2014 22-10-2014 15-10-2014 13-10-2014 26-11-2014 21-11-2014 20-11-2014 Date 04-09-2014 03-09-2014 03-09-2014 02-10-2014 06-11-2014 03-11-2014 01-11-2014 10-10-2014 08-10-2014 07-10-2014 04-10-2014 11-12-2014 der Tagesspiegel der Tagesspiegel der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung der Tagesspiegel der Tagesspiegel der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Handelsblatt der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Germany Paper

105 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 1 Negative Moral Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Bayer Schuster Eder Bachstein Staas steinke bachstein, caceres, preuss Bayer during zekri Bayer braun caceres caceres neudeck bachstein, caceres frenzel bewarder, lutz Ludwig Ludwig gammelin Author Deutlich mehr Flüchtlinge kommen illegal nach Europa Deutlich mehr Flüchtlinge kommen illegal nach Uberfordertes Land Check-in-Betrüger aufgeflogen Am Strand der Toten Italien ächzt unter dem Druck der Flüchtlinge "Es kommen noch Jahrzehnte Flüchtlinge nach Europa" "Es kommen noch Jahrzehnte Flüchtlinge nach „Wir haben keinen Tag gefeiert“ Europas Schande Seelenverkaeufer Europa erwartet Rekord bei Flüchtlingen Flüchtlinge in Berlin // Auf der Straße Flüchtlinge in Berlin // Auf Kriegsschiffe zu Rettungsbooten Rettung - dringend gesucht Hilferuf aus Rom Caritas rügt Italien Flucht nach Hellas Die Ruhe nach dem Sturm "Deutschland ist Zielland Nummer Eins" Durch die Hölle ins Paradies Prävention statt böses Erwachen Italiens Meer, Europas Meer Kein sicherer Hafen Matteo Renzi gibt den italienischen Schröder Mut zur Abschreckung Frontex plusplus alte probleme Neue mission, Mare Nostrum Minus helfen EU will Italien bei Flüchtlingsrettung „Mare Nostrum“ talien fordert EU-Hilfe für Title 2014 15-05-2014 19-04-2014 15-04-2014 22-05-2014 17-05-2014 15-05-2014 26-08-2014 20-08-2014 20-08-2014 19-08-2014 18-08-2014 17-07-2014 14-07-2014 26-06-2014 25-06-2014 29-08-2014 29-08-2014 28-08-2014 28-08-2014 Date 11-04-2014 11-04-2014 05-06-2014 02-06-2014 08-08-2014 09-07-2014 09-07-2014 09-07-2014 06-06-2014 03-09-2014 Handelsblatt Die Welt der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Zeit Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung der Tagesspiegel der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Handelsblatt der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Germany Paper

106 0 Technical 1 1 2 Procedural 1 1 34 Performative 1 5 Negative Moral 1 4 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 32 Neutral Mueller buchen, obermaier preuss ziedler hollstein total: Author bachstein bachstein bachstein nowak caceres 2000 Euro Kopfgeld Verzweifelter Ansturm 100 000 Flüchtlinge auf EU greift 2013 mehr als die EU Mehr Flüchtlinge erreichen Hilfspflicht für Frontex Enklave Melilla Afrikaner stürmen die spanische Tödliche Abschlepp-Aktion Gedränge an Europas blauer Grenze Gescheitert an den Grenzen Trip zur Radikalisierung Sind sich noch nicht grün Lehren aus Lampedusa Gegen den Mainstream 4000 Menschen im Mittelmeer gerettet 4000 Menschen Die große Überfahrt Unerlaubte Einwanderer Mehr Sicherheit im Meer Vorbild Italien RETTUNG VON FLÜCHTLINGEN; Title 2014 21-02-2014 18-02-2014 13-02-2014 13-02-2014 25-01-2014 20-01-2014 18-01-2014 13-01-2014 21-03-2014 21-03-2014 Date 12-03-2014 05-03-2014 05-03-2014 05-03-2014 07-02-2014 10-04-2014 10-04-2014 07-04-2014 der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung der Tagesspiegel der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung der Tagesspiegel Zeitung Süddeutsche Focus Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Germany Paper

107 1 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Hildebrand, Hoehler, Ludwig Brössler Bewarder van Ackeren, Reitz Bolzen, Tauber Muelherr Eder Mueller palacios Kirchner Ziedler, Meier Ludwig Leubecher Ludwig Meiler Gammelin Meier Tauber Balfanz Author ruediger Grabitz crolly Ludwig Hoehler EU will robusten Grenzschutz Zahl der Flüchtlinge in Griechenland geht zurück EU baut neue Einheit für den Grenzschutz auf Letzte Chance für Schengen EU will Außengrenzen besser schützen "Weinen Sie ins Kissen, weil Europa vor die Hunde geht?" "Weinen Sie ins Kissen, weil Europa vor die Hunde Europas Außengrenzen voller Löcher Europas Zahlenzauber Versprochen, gebrochen Brüsseler Schönfärberei Griechische Bitte EU will Frontex stärken Der gute Wille ist da Die Mühsal der Ebene Angela Merkel erwartet keine schnelle Lösung Hüter von Europas Grenzen Hotspots bleiben kalt Seid umschlungen Merkel macht Druck vor EU-Flüchtlingsgipfel Eine Frage der Souveränität Balkanroute oder Business Class Balkanroute oder Business IN DEUTSCHLAND? FLÜCHTLINGE MIT IS-PÄSSEN Hoffnung auf Brüssel Auf Nummer sicher ist "staatsgefährdend" Unkontrollierte Einreise IS erbeutet Passdokumente Title falsche Angst Falscher Pass, INNERE SICHERHEIT; Plan für Grenzkontrollen Bund lehnt Bayerns Chaos gesehen Wir haben das in Kassel endet Wenn der deutsche Traum "Alleingänge funktionieren nicht" ANTHONY GARDNER; 2015 19-12-2015 19-12-2015 19-12-2015 18-12-2015 17-12-2015 17-12-2015 17-12-2015 17-12-2015 17-12-2015 17-12-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 16-12-2015 19-12-2015 19-12-2015 19-12-2015 19-12-2015 19-12-2015 Date 28-12-2015 28-12-2015 23-12-2015 23-12-2015 23-12-2015 23-12-2015 23-12-2015 22-12-2015 22-12-2015 21-12-2015 21-12-2015 Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Handelsblatt Die Welt Handelsblatt Der Spiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Der Spiegel Focus Die Welt Die Welt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Handelsblatt Der Tagesspiegel Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Die Welt Germany Paper Handelsblatt

108 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Berschens Flueckiger, Ziedler Exner Piegsa Thuman Meier, Scheffer Stuermer broessler, kirchner Lachmann Ziedler Reuscher Broessler Sauerbrey Delhaes Kirchner Scheffer, Ziedler Ludwig, Delhaes, Hoehler Delhaes Schraven Anesi, Richter, Rubino, Blume Dams, Greive Eschbach, Brors Ludwig Kees Kirchner Pantel Technik gegen den Terror "Nichtstun ist so eine Taktik der Politik" Europäische Taktiker Palmen, Pool, Flüchtlinge Einfach zu langsam Flüchtlingskrise war schon früh absehbar Europas Polizei will Zugriff im Netz Gummigeschosse und Pfefferspray Griechenland droht Rauswurf aus der Schengen-Zone Viele Flüchtlinge, wenig Gemeinsamkeiten Es geht um Millionen Und unser Wohlstand? Sie lernen für Lampedusa Ziehen Sie doch weiter! Anspruch und Wirklichkeit Dreiergipfel geplant Der Terror vereint Mehr Schutz an EU-Grenzen Äußerste Grenze Pläne, k(l)eine Wirkung Wer auch noch auffiel: Große Integration unter Freunden Bug und Trug Land" "Deutschland ist ein komisches Kritiker reuelos Tsipras nennt seine europäischen "Kein Mensch ist illegal" Mehr Grenzschutz soll Schengen retten Bespuckt, geschlagen, ausgenommen Sabotage Mehr Kontrolle an Europas Grenzen Mehr Kontrolle Merkels Etappensieg in die Offensive Tsipras geht Echter Grenzschutz zwingen zu mehr Grenzschutz EU will Staaten 8-12-2015 09-11-2015 09-11-2015 10-11-2015 10-11-2015 08-12-2015 07-12-2015 07-12-2015 05-12-2015 04-12-2015 04-12-2015 03-12-2015 12-12-2015 12-12-2015 12-12-2015 12-12-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 11-12-2015 10-12-2015 26-11-2015 26-11-2015 24-11-2015 19-11-2015 18-11-2015 17-11-2015 14-11-2015 13-11-2015 30-11-2015 27-11-2015 16-12-2015 15-12-2015 15-12-2015 Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Zeit Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Die Zeit Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Handelsblatt Handelsblatt Der Tagesspiegel Die Zeit Der Tagesspiegel Handelsblatt Handelsblatt Der Spiegel Zeitung Süddeutsche Süddeutsche Zeitung Handelsblatt Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche

109 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Kirchner Ziedler Birnbaum, Meier Lobenstein Pantel Delors Hoppe Schmid Drobinski Kuhn Mueller Assheuer Raether Klingst Tauber Delhaes, Siebenhaar kirchner Kirchner Meier, Ziedler Ludwig Bielicki, Braun Kirchner Sauerbrey Wanner Endt Koelbl Berschens, Sigmund, Louven Begrenzter Effekt MACHER UND MÄRKTE; Flüchtlinge doppelt gezählt Kälte, Durst und warme Worte Gegen das Chaos EU-Parlament will mehr Geld für Flüchtlinge Unsere Willkommenskultur Warum sind diese Menschen nicht im Trockenen? Was helfen Zäune? Gehen, wo man längst rennen müsste Bayerns Gebrüll ins Alpenland In schlechter Verfassung Politik des Durchwinkens endlich beenden Das große Versprechen Wie realistisch ist dieser Plan? Lehren aus dem Chaos Der lange Weg zurück Zwischenstation Hotspot EU will Kontrolle für Balkanroute Der Anfang vom Ende? Flüchtlingskrise Wie die Parteien sich annähern Flüchtlingskrise Wie die Europas gewaltige Aufgabe Grenzen aus Papier zu Und Frontex schaut nur Problem Hotspot Freundliche Mahnungen In Europas Netz In Europas Netz Außer Kontrolle nur eine Cash-Maschine“ „Europa ist nicht den Motor Schüsse auf Flüchtlinge bis 2017 EU: Drei Millionen Schulden für Flüchtlinge Wirtschaftsfaktor Flüchtlinge Lang lebe Schengen! 05-11-2015 03-11-2015 03-11-2015 07-11-2015 06-11-2015 06-11-2015 06-11-2015 05-11-2015 09-11-2015 07-11-2015 07-11-2015 28-10-2015 28-10-2015 27-10-2015 27-10-2015 27-10-2015 26-10-2015 26-10-2015 26-10-2015 26-10-2015 26-10-2015 23-10-2015 22-10-2015 22-10-2015 22-10-2015 29-10-2015 29-10-2015 29-10-2015 29-10-2015 28-10-2015 31-10-2015 31-10-2015 30-10-2015 Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Zeit Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel der tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Handelsblatt Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Die Zeit Die Welt Handelsblatt Die Zeit Die Zeit Der Spiegel Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Handelsblatt Handelsblatt Die Welt Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Zeitung Süddeutsche Der Spiegel Der Tagesspiegel

110 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Schiltz, Tauber Hassel Broessler, fried Broessler, kirchner birnbaum ludwig braun kirchner dehmer, scheffer Kuhr Meier schiltz Springer Streit, Ludwig, Hoehler Kirchner Guesten, Haselberger Haselberger Vornbäumen Munzinger, eisenreich Schiltz Broessler, kirchner Meier, Ziedler Schiltz, Tauber Ludwig Lau, Thumann ziedler Meier, Ziedler Schiltz Einsam vorn Slowenien will Soldaten einsetzen Slowenien will gerettet 8500 Fluchtlinge abblitzen lassen die Kanzlerin eiskalt Osteuropäer Fataler Querschläger Flüchtlinge aufnehmen EU will weniger Nur nicht träge DAS CHAOS DIESER WELT AN BORD Ganz grob geschätzt Mageres aus Brüssel Klimawandel in Europa EU will gemeinsam registrieren Flüchtlinge ein Thema für Gerichte EU sucht Partner für die Abschottung vor Herrmann wirft Österreich Missachtung des Rechts Geld gegen Hilfe "Wir brauchen die Türkei" Frontex fordert mehr Personal Annäherung an die Türkei ERDOGAN IN BRÜSSEL Keine Freunde, aber Partner Er nennt seinen Preis Merkel: Ich ducke mich nicht weg "Viele toxische Themen auf dem Tisch" "Viele toxische Themen eigene Adresse EU-GIPFEL; Appell an die braucht Deutschland" Türkei unter Druck; "Erdoğan Starke Abwehr Hilfe und Härte und zahlt nicht EU verspricht Geld für Flüchtlinge Frontex: 710 000 Flüchtlinge Drohnen und Stacheldraht Lasten und Listen Botschaften der Härte 06-10-2015 06-10-2015 05-10-2015 05-10-2015 05-10-2015 01-10-2015 12-10-2015 10-10-2015 09-10-2015 09-10-2015 08-10-2015 07-10-2015 06-10-2015 06-10-2015 21-10-2015 20-10-2015 17-10-2015 17-10-2015 16-10-2015 16-10-2015 16-10-2015 26-09-2015 25-09-2015 25-09-2015 25-09-2015 24-09-2015 15-10-20105 15-10-2015 15-10-2015 15-10-2015 15-10-2015 14-10-2015 14-10-2015 Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Die Welt Die Welt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Stern Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Handelsblatt Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Zeit Der Tagesspiegel Handelsblatt

111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Kurz Moritz Lobenstein Bielicki Meier, Funk, Ziedler bigalke Esslinger Delhaes, Ludwig Ziedler, Meier vetter doerner, fruendt, Cardenas, grabitz balfanz Ettel, Zschapitz Brech Kalnoky Schiltz Kotynek, Dausend Springer broessler kirchner ludwig hildebrarndt, wefing Ludwig Meier, Ziedler Es trifft die Falschen "Bedrohung für die weiße Rasse" Politik Kompakt I An der Grenze der Solidarität Auf Kurssuche Offenes Land, verschlossenes Land „Wir brauchen einen EU-Grenzschutz“ Politik Kompakt II Die Zukunft; Ja, wir schaffen es Immer schön flexibel Weit entfernt von einer Lösung "Wir brauchen eine mediale Abrüstung" Aufruf zur Solidarität "Sie können mich ja gern fragen, was ich täte" Der Plan Was wir jetzt tun müssen, um die Krise zu meistern "Wir brauchen die Quote" SYRISCHE PÄSSE Fluchthelfer Smartphone Fluchthelfer wir die EU" "In dieser Krise brauchen Zur Person: Fabrice Leggeri auf dem Sprung Halbe Million Flüchtlinge Geld bekommen Wo Asylbewerber am meisten syrischer Pass besorgen So einfach lässt sich ein Deutsche in Ungarn sein als wir" "Am Ende werden sie mehr Grenzposten-Teams" "Das Ziel sind gemeinsame Ungarns Premier rechnet mit 100 Millionen Flüchtlingen Weiß sie, was sie tut? Geldspritze für die Vereinten Nationen Geldspritze Chaos Wege aus dem mit Ansage Konfrontation Widerstand Gegen allen 01-09-2015 01-09-2015 10-09-2015 10-09-2015 05-09-2015 05-09-2015 05-09-2015 03-09-2015 02-09-2015 02-09-2015 02-09-2015 02-09-2015 12-09-2015 10-09-2015 31-08-2015 18-09-2015 18-09-2015 17-09-2015 17-09-2015 17-09-2015 17-09-2015 16-09-2015 15-09-2015 14-09-2015 24-09-2015 24-09-2015 23-09-2015 23-09-2015 22-09-2015 21-09-2015 21-09-2015 21-09-2015 18-09-2015 Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Die Welt Focus Der Tagesspiegel Die Zeit Süddeutsche Zeitung Focus Der Tagesspiegel Handelsblatt Die Zeit Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Die Zeit Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Die Welt Die Welt Die Welt Die Welt Die Welt Die Welt Handelsblatt Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Handelsblatt Der Tagesspiegel

112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hildebrandt Stehle, Specht Kahlweit Bielicki, Fried, Bachstein, Seeling Alexander von Uslar Kahlweit Juncker Fengler Brost, Wefing Bielicki Lauterbach, Fengler Dembach Rentzsch Broessler Bachstein, broessler Dembach Broessler roll ludwig Dembach ludwig Mihai Hoppe. Riedel, Berschens, Siebenhaar Hoppe. Riedel, Berschens, Finanzielle Hilfe aus Brüssel Mehr Geld für Flüchtlinge Es riecht nach einer "Mischung aus Seewasser, Benzin und Kotze" Seewasser, Benzin und einer "Mischung aus Es riecht nach mit der Not Das Geschäft bei Schießerei Flüchtling stirbt viel“ für Deutschland zu „Auf Dauer auch sich ein ? Europa Mauert Volk auf der Flucht als in China Durchschnittslohn niedriger Versperrte Wege Vergiftete Flüchtlingsdebatte Europas Mauern "Wo ein Wille ist, ist ein Weg" Eine typische Nacht Wie viel mehr ist genug? Bootsunglück Rettung ohne Plan Frontex soll am Eurotunnel helfen Die Rechte der Heimatlosen Unsicherheit im Umgang Mehr Chance als Last Hilfe in der Not: 75 Fragen, 75 Antworten Und, Action Einigung ohne Lösung Neue Katastrophe im Mittelmeer Gemeinsame Sache machen "Europa ist belastbar" im Morgengrauen Wege der Flüchtlinge; Abschiebung Zumutung Zahl der Flüchtlinge auf Höchststand Die Wege der Flüchtlinge Forschen für den Grenzschutz Abschrecken auf Dänisch 04-08-2015 04-08-2015 04-07-2015 10-08-2015 07-08-2015 07-08-2015 07-08-2015 06-08-2015 05-08-2015 31-08-2015 31-08-2015 31-08-2015 31-08-2015 30-08-2015 28-08-2015 27-08-2015 27-08-2015 27-08-2015 26-06-2015 25-06-2015 20-06-2015 19-06-2015 18-06-2015 31-07-2015 26-06-2015 27-08-2015 25-08-2015 24-08-2015 22-08-2015 20-08-2015 19-08-2015 17-08-2015 17-08-2015 Handelsblatt Die Welt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Handelsblatt Zeitung Süddeutsche Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Die Zeit Der Tagesspiegel Handelsblatt Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Handelsblatt Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Die Zeit Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung

113 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Gerwien Bielicki Fetscher Halbuer Bayer, Kalnoky, Kielinger Scheffer Schiltz Drechsler, Heumann, Ludwig Broessler Hildebrandt Theile Broessler Zielcke ludwig Dernbach Schiltz Finger Ludwig Ludwig Meier, Simantke Birnbaum, Sauerbrey Bolzen, Vitzhum Ludwig Staas Ludwig Scheffer Dueker Afrikas Schweigen Leere Worte und ein paar Kriegsschiffe Marmelade gegen Frontex-Chef "Das ist nur was für ganz harte Kerle" Willkommen in Rostock! EU-Gipfel verspricht Hilfe Aus der Not eine Untugend machen Deutsche Schiffe vor Kreta Zehn Tote und Tausende Gerettete Das Meer und die Moral Einwanderung, made in Germany passieren? Das Mittelmeer wird zum Massengrab - was muss Fakten auf der Flucht Berlin will die Europäer nicht mehr schonen Enttäuschung über den EU-Flüchtlingsgipfel Viele offene Fragen EU plant Militäreinsatz gegen Schleuser im Mittelmeer „Größte Welle von Migranten“ Solidarität zeigen Asyl nach Quoten Eine Quote für 40 000 NACHRICHTEN in Europa Die Grenzen der Solidarität Drittstaaten EU braucht Fachkräfte aus Wohin mit den Vagabunden? "Grenzen sichern und Leben retten" Mare Nostrum 2.0 "Game of Drones" Ein Volk von Angsthasen? Ein Volk von als Front Das Mittelmeer Flüchtlingen Harte Linie bei Trost und Telefonkarten Politik Kompakt 11-05-2015 11-05-2015 07-05-2015 05-05-2015 04-05-2015 12-06-2015 11-06-2015 10-06-2015 09-06-2015 01-06-2015 01-06-2015 23-04-2015 23-04-2015 25-04-2015 25-04-2015 25-04-2015 25-04-2015 24-04-2015 24-04-2015 24-04-2015 24-04-2015 23-04-2015 23-04-2015 15-05-2015 15-05-2015 13-05-2015 30-04-2015 29-04-2015 26-04-2015 28-05-2015 28-05-2015 28-05-2015 22-05-2015 Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Die Zeit Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Handelsblatt Die Welt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Focus Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Stern Der Tagesspiegel Die Zeit Handelsblatt die Zeit Handelsblatt der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Handelsblatt Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Handelsblatt

114 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Rienhard ludwig, kort dembach bewarder Reuscher Posener Bachstein Kreiner, Meier Bachstein Schiltz Braun Hahn Schuemer Kanning Frenzel Bewarder, Kogel Ludwig Gammelin Ruehle Bachstein, Caceres Frenzel Broessler Braun Gienke Kersting Hoppe, Ludwig, Scheffer Tragoedie Im Mittelmeer uberfordert Europa Sie kommen weil sie mussen Der Tod wartet in Europa 300 Flüchtlinge sterben auf dem Mittelmeer "IS könnte die Flugüberwachung angreifen" Hochrüstung an den Grenzen Von Kuttern und Seelenverkäufern Mafia-Reisen Die Ministerin der Abschreckung zeigt Gefühl Seetüchtig "Grenzschutz bedeutet nicht Flüchtlingsabwehr" Schon 52.000 Asylanträge in diesem Jahr Europas Hilflosigkeit MEINE PRESSESCHAU Das Flüchtlingsverbrechen Europas offene Flanke Mit Gottes Willen sicher ankommen als AL Qaida Deutsche Sicherheitsbehorden halten IS fur gefahrlicher Kosten der Abschottung "Eine Tragödie enormen Ausmaßes" im Mittelmeer "Eine Tragödie enormen Europas Mittelmeerpolitik Entsetzliche Gewohnung Instinkte Appell an die niedersten im Mittelmeer 400 Fluchtlinge sterben Hunderte Tote befürchtet Papier und Krieg Papier und Krieg Robuste Mission nichts mehr wert sind Wenn Worte in Notlagen bringen Reeder Mittelmeer-Flüchtlinge Tödliches Mittelmeer Retten - und vorbeugen Per Fischkutter in den Tod Europa muss handeln 12-02-2015 12-02-2015 10-04-2015 09-04-2015 08-04-2015 01-04-2015 12-03-2015 07-03-2015 20-03-2015 13-03-2015 13-03-2015 28-02-2015 28-02-2015 26-02-2015 26-02-2015 19-02-2015 13-02-2015 13-02-2015 28-03-2015 23-04-2015 22-04-2015 22-04-2015 21-04-2015 21-04-2015 21-04-2015 20-04-2015 20-04-2015 20-04-2015 17-04-2015 16-04-2015 16-04-2015 16-04-2015 15-04-2015 Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Stern Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Die Welt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Die Welt Handelsblatt Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel

115 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 82 1 1 1 22 37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 140 bayer, schiltz Balfanz Bachstein caceres, zick simantke bayer ludwig, berschens, thibaut Total: faigle, lobenstein bachstein, meiler kreiner juergs meiler caceres seibert sturm bayer, kogel specht, hoppe kreiner kreiner fried, ulrich lehnartz Geister an Europas Grenzen brutaler Schlepper werden immer Elendige Geschäfte Keine Skrupel, solange der Gewinn stimmt Geisterschiffe sind neuer grad der grausamkeit Mission Triton Das Rennen ums Entkommen Größere Schiffe, größere profite Geisterschiffe mit Fluchtlingen Fluchtlingsrettung auf eigene kosten Zwischen allen Stühlen Die Geisterschiffe von Mersin aus der Politik Wir brauchen einen Aufschrei als letzte Hoffnung für Syrische Flüchtlinge Das Facebook-Reisebüro Geschäft mit der Not Die Kriege der Anderen Was bewegt Frabrice Leggeri? Was bewegt Immigration Massaker der erfroren im Mittelmeer Ertrunken und SOS Europa See Horror auf hoher Viel Europa, wenig hilfe 01-02-2015 06-02-2015 05-01-2015 05-01-2015 04-01-2015 03-01-2015 03-01-2015 03-01-2015 03-01-2015 03-01-2015 03-01-2015 03-01-2013 03-01-2015 02-01-2015 02-01-2015 12-02-2015 12-02-2015 11-02-2015 11-02-2015 11-02-2015 12-02-2015 24-01-2015 Die Welt Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Die Welt Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Handelsblatt Die Zeit Zeitung Süddeutsche

116 1 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Leubecher, Bewarder kahlweit Siebenhaar Siebenhaar Bewarder, Schiltz Bewarder Schuster Schwenkenbecher Schwenkenbecher stuermer Bewarder friederichts, lobenstein Grabitz Meister Berschens, Hoppe kirchner Dernbach Jungholt reuscher Tauber schiltz, tauber Krauel Author Koepf Jungholt, Reuscher Bewarder, Geiger, Reuscher Bewarder Merkel will Gegner mit härterem Flüchtlingskurs beschwichtigen Definitionen vol Solidaritat Blaupause Türkei-Deal Merkel fordert Fluchtlingspakt mit Nordafrika Deutschland will Rom und Athen helfen "Das wäre keine Petitesse, sondern ein sehr ernster Vorgang" Weltpolitik im Wirtshauys Wir werden das schon hinkriegen Illusionen von Sicherheit Ein bisschen Grenzschutz Die gekaufte grenze Signal an Putin Frankreich hat sich lächerlich gemacht Ausland Kompakt Ein kleines bisschen solidarisch Eine für alle Mehr Macht Für Frontex Wie Nato-Schiffe das Mittelmeer abriegeln könnten Wir brauchen einen Islam Light Europa muss weiter mit Grenzkontrollen leben Wir werden viele Migranten aufs Festland bringen Balkantrick der Kanzlerin Das EU-System zur Überwachung der Außengrenzen Das EU-System zur Überwachung CSU redet über EU-Grenzen Gespräche über Schutzbefohlene will Migranten, die niemand haben Die rote Grüne umgesetzt werden Der Bürger will, dass Gesetze Title Wildbad Seeon Fragen und viele offene Ende eines Albtraums Italiens Grenzen? Wie sicher sind Nachrichten Ende der Illusion die Logik des Rechts außer Kraft Die logik des Verdachts setzt 2016 07-10-2016 06-10-2016 11-11-2016 11-12-2016 09-12-2016 02-12-2016 11-12-2016 26-09-2016 26-09-2016 26-09-2016 25-09-2016 21-09-2016 30-09-2016 30-09-2016 29-09-2016 28-09-2016 26-09-2016 26-09-2016 27-10-2016 26-10-2016 25-10-2016 20-10-2016 18-11-2016 18-11-2016 16-11-2016 27-10-2016 23-11-2016 22-11-2016 19-11-2016 24-12-2016 23-12-2016 19-12-2016 17-12-2016 Date 29-12-2016 Die Welt Die Welt Die Welt Die Welt Die Welt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Die Welt Handelsblatt Die Welt Die Zeit Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Germany Paper Zeitung Süddeutsche Die Welt Handelsblatt Handelsblatt der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung

117 1 1 Technical 1 Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Schiltz Reuscher Krieger Reuscher Leubecher Ciesinger, Funk Delhaes Haubrich Klingst, Ulrich, Lau Weiler Behrendt van Ackeren, Dometeit, Kutzim, Moll, Nordhausen, Woehrle kelnberger szymanski bewarder, pauly meier Flade Sauer, Widmann pantel hoppe Schloegel sirleschtov probst Svensson, Khalil Braun, Roll Bewarder Bewarder Fried Stier Author "Schmuggler finden neue Wege" Gesprächstherapie Hart an der Grenze EU-Kommission fordert mehr Hilfen für Athen Unter aller Kanone Drei Fur Europa Mal eben Europa retten Eine Abschiebung kann Zehntausende kosten Merkel will mehr Jobs für Flüchtlinge "Henkel und Heilmann haben völlig versagt" Schiffeversenken im Etat von de Maizière Vereint standhalten Erdoğan, der Retter? Forschen für ein besseres Europa Eisbrecher im Mittelmeer Was passiert, wenn der Flüchtlingsdeal platzt? Rassistischer Facebook-Eintrag beschäftigt Südwest-AfD Mehr Überwachung 6500 Bootsflüchtlinge gerettet „Deutschland wird Deutschland bleiben“ Merkel und Europa Frontex-chef befurchtet neuen Anstieg der Fluchtlingszahlen Die Vergessenen von Moria Die Vergessenen nach Deutschland Viele Wege fuhren Feuer in Flüchtlingslager 27 raufen sich zusammen Provinz Im Auftrag des IS in die norddeutsche "Merkels Koalition ist bankrott" Parcours aus Stacheldraht "Zäune sind nur Symbole" Neuvermessung Europas; Die Mahnerin Mosaik der Schicksale das neue Paradies Für Schlepperbanden ist Ägypten Title 2016 11-08-2016 11-08-2016 10-08-2016 08-08-2016 06-08-2016 06-08-2016 12-08-2016 01-09-2016 12-09-2016 08-09-2016 05-09-2016 03-09-2016 22-08-2016 20-08-2016 14-08-2016 13-08-2016 29-08-2016 27-08-2016 27-08-2016 25-08-2016 24-08-2016 23-08-2016 31-08-2016 31-08-2016 31-08-2016 29-08-2016 14-09-2016 13-09-2016 21-09-2016 20-09-2016 20-09-2016 17-09-2016 14-09-2016 14-09-2016 Date Germany Paper Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Focus Handelsblatt Die Welt Die Zeit Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Handelsblatt Die Welt der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Die Welt Die Welt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung der Tagesspiegel Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Die Welt

118 Technical Procedural 1 1 Performative 1 Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Kirchner Rossmann Baverez Sinn Klohn leubecher, bewarder Seibel Lau Dehmer Scheffer Meister Wambach Hecking, Tatje Bewarder Broessler Meier Broessler Bachstein Jungholt Bielicki krueger kirchner meggers Bewarder Bewarder, Leubecher Reuscher Bewarder, Jungholt, Leubecher Author Syrische Staatsbürgerschaft wird massenhaft vorgetäuscht Die Lügen der Flüchtlinge erfunden Dieser Mann hat für Angela Merkel den Flüchtlingsdeal Europa will in Afrika investieren AUSLAND Hinterm Horizont "Ich hätte Merkel nie allein zu Erdogan gehen lassen" Europas Vorteile BREXIT; Die nackte Wahrheit über Europa Frontex vermisst Vorkehrungen gegen erneute Flüchtlingskrise Projekt Mega-Bündnis 200 Deutsche für den Grenzschutz Beeindruckt auf der „Bonn“ Retten und abschrecken Merkels ungleicher Deal Mit echten Papieren 2700 migranten Neue Agentur für Grenzschutz Abschied vom Willkommen Anleitung zum Brexit "Deutschland ist der größte Verlierer" Polizei: Sexismus und Fremdenhass? Politik Kompakt Die Schleuser von Abu Qir Die Schleuser weniger Hilfe Weniger Flüchtlinge, und im Mittelmeer Am Gartenzaun Terror, Amoklauf, Asylmissbrauch Lücken im Asylsystem umkrempelt Der Mann, der Italiens Asylpolitik Mehr Flüchtlinge in der Ägäis Krieges Flüchtlinge des vergessenen Mehr Flüchtlinge aus Afrika Einig nur beim Grenzschutz Tausende Flüchtlinge gerettet Title 2016 09-06-2016 03-06-2016 10-06-2016 07-07-2016 06-07-2016 04-07-2016 01-07-2016 08-07-2016 07-07-2016 05-08-2016 03-08-2016 02-08-2016 27-05-2016 23-05-2016 20-05-2016 14-05-2016 16-06-2016 16-06-2016 16-06-2016 15-06-2016 24-06-2016 24-06-2016 23-06-2016 23-06-2016 19-06-2016 18-06-2016 30-06-2016 29-06-2016 25-07-2016 23-07-2016 20-072016 27-07-2016 26-07-2016 25-07-2016 Date Germany Paper Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Handelsblatt Die Zeit Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Die Welt Die Zeit Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Die Welt Die Welt Handelsblatt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche

119 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Hoppe, Hoehler Yücel Szymanski Broessler Bemath, Seibert Kade Stehle, Hoehler Ulrich Szymanski Bossong Reuscher Albrecht Kastner Bewarder, Pauly Barluet, Bridel, Regnier, Schiltz Hickmann Bachstein Kirchner Hickmann Brockmann Krieger, Hoppe. Ludwig Scheffer Boehmer, jungholt Ludwig, Krieger Mihai, Monath, Haselberger Vitzthum Author Papst auf Lesbos "Es braucht ein Islam-Gesetz" Der Tauschhandel Von Lesbos zurück in die Türkei Der Schlüsseltag Athen schickt 202 Flüchtlinge in die Türkei zurück Zurück übers Meer Grüne wollen sich um die Wähler der AfD kümmern EU-TÜRKEI-DEAL; Start ins Ungewisse Flucht ins Völkerrecht Die Unwillkommenen Der Brenner wird der nächste Brennpunkt Hilft Beten doch noch? Abschiebung von Flüchtlingen geht weiter Wird Italien das neue Griechenland? Wie Schengen noch zu retten ist Mehr Zuwanderer als je zuvor Rückkehr in die Heimat, die keine mehr ist Rückkehr in die Heimat, die Neues Drama im Mittelmeer? Suche nach Toten im Mittelmeer Wir brauchen ein europäisches FBI Italien fordert besser koordinierte Flüchtlingshilfe Zwei gegen eine Papst gedenkt Völkermord Papst gedenkt vor Gericht Spitzenpolitiker auf eine Verfassungsklage Bayern verzichtet nicht Weniger Flüchtlinge - mehr Politik Kompakt II auf Russland reagieren" "Mit Stärke und Abschreckung Fregatten gesucht Vom Meer verschluckt „Die Botschaft verbreitet sich“ Land in Sicht Neue Tragödie im Mittelmeer? Title 2016 01-04-2016 05-04-2016 05-04-2016 04-04-2016 04-04-2016 04-04-2016 04-04-2016 05-04-2016 05-04-2016 05-04-2016 02-05-2016 11-05-2016 10-05-2016 07-05-2016 31-03-2016 30-03-2016 29-03-2016 27-03-2016 22-03-2016 17-04-2016 13-04-2016 19-04-2016 19-04-2016 19-04-2016 18-04-2016 18-04-2016 18-04-2016 29-04-2016 23-04-2016 21-04-2016 21-04-2016 19-04-2016 14-05-2016 14-05-2016 Date Germany Paper Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Zeit Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Die Welt Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Handelsblatt Die Welt Handelsblatt Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Die Welt Die Welt Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Die Welt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche

120 Technical Procedural 1 1 1 1 Performative 1 Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Tauber Dernbach Ziedler Bernath Riedel Tauber Frauscher Kirchner, Muehlauer Hoehler, Krieger, Siebenhaar Hoidn-Borchers, Vornbäumen Broessler, szymanski Muehlauer Kirchner, Gammelin meier, Scheffer Exner Hoehler, Riedel Stoltenberg Broessler, Kirchner Preuß, Broessler Moche, Leubecher Schmid Seeling, Szymanski, Broessler Krueger Meier, Woelfl Lambsdorff Lehming Ziedler Grabitz, Meier, Muelherr Afhueppe, Berschens brost, dausend Siems Muehlauer Author GASTKOMMENTAR; Keep calm! Über Albanien nach Italien "Wann holen Sie Plan B aus der Tasche, Herr Altmaier?" Minenfeld der Empfindlichkeiten Die Kosten des Schlagbaums Deutsche Schiffe reisen auf einem Frachter nach Griechenland Helfer mit Handbremse "Schauderhafte Bilder" "Mehr deutsche Polizisten nach Griechenland schicken" Merkel setzt weiter auf die Türkei Ich bin stolz auf die Nato Einigung über Anti-Schlepper-Operation Wende in der Flüchtlingspolitik rückt näher 600 Prozent mehr Einreisen als vor einem Jahr Plan B ist Plan A Kein Schiff wird kommen Assad akzeptiert Feuerpause Ihr Weg Engel der Griechen Die Nato im Einsatz gegen Schlepper Sondergipfel in Brüssel: Worum geht es eigentlich? "Weg vom Durchwinken" Brüsseler Graben Die Operation "Abschiebung" läuft an Die Operation Merkels Grenzen Der neue Pakt "Nicht als Bittsteller auftreten" "Die AfD ist ein Ausrutscher" DIE SPD?; "Kohl lag nicht so falsch" LANDTAGSWAHLEN: UND Europa Wirtschaft ringt um geeintes 10 000 vermisste Flüchtlingskinder Balkanroute Trügerische Ruhe auf der an EU-Grenzen mmer mehr deutsche Polizei Nach dem EU-Gipfel Title 2016 02-03-2016 04-03-2016 03-03-2016 03-03-2016 03-03-2016 02-03-2016 02-03-2016 09-03-2016 08-03-2016 07-03-2016 07-03-2016 05-03-2016 12-03-2016 11-03-2016 09-03-2016 09-03-2016 23-02-2016 24-02-2016 24-02-2016 24-02-2016 24-02-2016 24-02-2016 29-02-2016 29-02-20156 26-02-2016 26-02-2016 26-02-2016 17-03-2016 18-03-2016 22-03-2016 20-03-2016 19-03-2016 18-03-2016 17-03-2016 Date Germany Paper Der Tagesspiegel Handelsblatt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Handelsblatt Die welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Die welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Handelsblatt Stern Handelsblatt Die welt Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Handelsblatt Die Zeit Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel

121 Technical 1 Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Performative Negative Moral 1 1 1 1 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Neutral Yücel Hoehler Glas Szymanski Boehme, Dernbach Casdorff Meier Yücel Meier von Bullion Kirchner Meier Heid Delhaes Szymanski Gnauck Hoehler Hassel, Broessler Mumme, Poschardt Jungholt Broessler Schiltz Broessler Brost, Dausend Ludwig Book, Krieger Broessler Broessler Broessler Author MUSS SIE GEHEN? - Union der Grenzen Blaue Briefe aus Brüssel Nato prüft Einsatz gegen Schleuser in der Ägäis Nato prüft Einsatz gegen Schleuser in der Ägäis Noch einmal zusammenraufen Nato soll in der Ägäis Flagge zeigen Sein Schiff wird kommen Merkel „entsetzt“ über russische Angriffe Merkels dritter Versuch Besuch in Ankara Wien fordert Kontrollen auf dem Balkan Zigtausende Syrer harren an türkischer Grenze aus Österreichs "Plan B" Zehntausende Syrer flüchten vor Militäroffensive Polizisten und Boote für Hellas Der Ton wird schärfer Drei Boote, kein Internet Verschleppte Krise Kriegsschiffe im Einsatz gegen Schlepper Kriegsschiffe im Einsatz gegen Nato-Schiffe gegen Schleuser Die Nato soll die Ägäis überwachen Putin ist zynisch "Nicht da, wo wir sein sollten" Die Insellösung Die Wahl im Nacken im Hotspot Kaum Abkühlung EU-Grenzschutz EU-Recht behindert Regierung anlegt Der Mann, der sich mit Polens helfen nicht" IOANNIS MOUZALAS; "Grenzschließungen Zaun um Zaun Drei Fragen an Josef Joffe Lernprozess" "Integration ist ein lebenslanger Bundeswehr als zivile Berufsschule Brandbrief an die Genossen Title 2016 08-02-2016 06-02-2016 06-02-2016 04-02-2016 03-02-2016 01-02-2016 09-02-2016 09-02-2016 09-02-2016 08-02-2016 08-02-2016 10-02-2016 10-02-2016 10-02-2016 09-02-2016 09-02-2016 09-02-2016 12-02-2016 12-02-2016 12-02-2016 11-02-2016 10-02-2016 10-02-2016 30-01-2016 16-02-2016 15-02-2016 13-02-2016 13-02-2016 13-02-2016 23-02-2016 22-02-2016 20-02-2016 19-02-2016 18-02-2016 Date Germany Paper Der Tagesspiegel Focus Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Handelsblatt Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Zeit Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Handelsblatt Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Die Welt Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Focus Die Welt Handelsblatt

122 3 Technical 1 1 1 1 1 7 Procedural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 Performative 5 Negative Moral 1 1 45 Positive 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 127 Neutral Kuerschner Anger Berschens Total: Meier Hanke Hoehler Seeling Ulrich Muelherr, Schiltz Ludwig Kirchner Kirchner Appenzeller Pancevski Bewarder Braun, Kornelius Brost, Krupa, Ladumer, Niejahr, Thumann Kirchner Meier, Bockenheimer, Birnbaum Exner, Dams Ludwig Schiltz Theisen Winterbauer Stratmann Afhueppe, Sigmund, Steingart, Specht, Schiltz Siems Wuellenweber Author Fluchtreflexe So wird in Europa abgeschoben Alle klagen über alle Wirkung nach außen "Ich warne vor Arroganz" De Maizière; Migration hat ihre dunkle Seite DER 10-PUNKTE-PLAN; Rezept gegen die Krise Flüchtlingspolitik wird zum großen Bluff in Brüssel Grenzen verzweifelt gesucht "Wir können so nicht weitermachen" SPD-Fraktion schärft ihr Profil Rettet die Reisefreiheit! Unmögliche Forderung VON STEFAN ULRICH EUROPA; Alpha und Omega; Griechenland droht Ausschluss aus Schengenraum EU-Innenminister drängen Griechen Harsche Appelle an Athen Harsche Appelle an Athen Integration klappt nicht mal so nebenbei Mazedonischer Freund Bundespolizei weist mehr Flüchtlinge zurück Nachrichten Finale furioso So machtlos sind Europas Grenzschützer So machtlos Flucht nach vorn Karte Die türkische Tod vor Samos laut EU ohne Recht auf Asyl 60 Prozent der Flüchtlinge Griechisches Pokerspiel wir nicht Obergrenze - das schaffen auf Athen Mängel bei Sicherung Brüssel erhöht den Druck um die Seele Europas" MATTHIAS FEKL; "Es geht Unmögliche Forderung Title 2016 09-01-2016 09-01-2016 08-01-2018 07-01-2016 06-01-2016 15-01-2016 26-01-2016 25-01-2016 25-01-2016 25-01-2016 23-01-2016 21-01-2016 20-01-2016 20-01-2016 20-01-2016 19-01-2016 19-01-2016 28-01-2016 28-01-2016 28-01-2016 27-01-2016 27-01-2016 27-01-2016 27-01-2016 26-01-2016 26-01-2016 26-01-2016 26-01-2016 29-01-2016 29-01-2016 29-01-2016 29-01-2016 28-01-2016 Date Germany Paper Handelsblatt Handelsblatt Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Handelsblatt Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Zeit Die Welt Die Welt Die Welt Der Tagesspiegel Süddeutsche Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel Die Welt Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung Stern Der Tagesspiegel Handelsblatt Süddeutsche Zeitung Die Welt Die Welt Handelsblatt Zeitung Süddeutsche Die Welt