 Minutes of the National WASH Cluster Meeting  UNICEF Children’s Room: Friday 27 April 2012

1.0 WELCOME REMARKS AND INTRODUCTION Belete opened the meeting with a welcome to the participants. Participants logged in heir names and organizations in the attendance register.

2.0 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The previous meeting minutes which had been circulated by email were adopted as a true record of the proceedings.

3.0 UPDATES Action By & When

3.1 Epidemiological Update Report was given by Donald. Typhoid cases reported to be decreasing at a slow rate. Top 5 typhoid affected areas (in order of severity) are Kuwadzana, Dzivarasekwa, Good Hope, Mbare and Tynwald.

Malaria cases reported to be on the increase for the past four (4) weeks. Hot spot areas being , Hurungwe, , Nyanga, Chimanimani, Makonde with an outbreak being declared in

Increases in diarrhoeal and dysentery cases were reported in week 15 compared to week 14 in the following districts. • • Chiredzi • Mbire • Mutoko • Murehwa • Mazowe

3.2 Sector Update: National Co-ordination Unit (NCU) The National Sanitation & Hygiene Strategy approved by NAC, is awaiting signature of the Ministry of Health & Child Welfare (MoHCW) Permanent Secretary to be operational.

The Village Based Consultative Inventory (VBCI) was last done in 2004. Tools Inventory Tools for the inventory developed by the Information & Knowledge Management currently being Taskforce piloted in 30 rural wards (out of 34) in Gokwe South. Feedback refined by NAC for reports produced and shared with NAC. Government disbursed USD250, upscaling 000.00 for up scaling the VBCI in 10 districts (7 in Manicaland & 3 in nationally Mashonaland East Provinces) this year 2012. Nesbert explained that the districts were selected after consultation

Government also disbursed USD1,5million for the Integrated Rural Water ToT scheduled for Supply & Sanitation Programme (IRWSSP), targeting 5 districts; Bubi, Matobo, week 7-11 May Mberengwa, Nyaminyami and Sanyati districts. Urgent thrust placed on 2012 in Mutare rehabilitation of non-functional water points, strengthening CBM, institutional and . latrine construction, hygiene promotion among other things Appealing for partners to assist with training funds National Sanitation Week proposed theme on Waste management read: Proper Waste Management for a clean, safe & health environment. To be commemorated in Harare during 3rd of September 2012 with the Presidium being the Guest of Honor

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Discussion Partners wanted to know the position of the NCU on the uBVIP latrine manual uBVIP manual & and whether they (partners) can start to pilot the uBVIP latrine modalities to be finalized by mid Nesbert responded that the NCU is finalizing the implementation modalities and May 2012 by NAC working on the Final Manual for the uBVIP. Requested partners to be patient for another two (2) weeks up to mid May 2012

3.3 UNOCHA Update (Lillian) 2012 CAP is focused entirely on humanitarian response as opposed Partners to to 2011 CAP that comprised both humanitarian & recovery activities. Recovery, provide Transition and Developmental activities pushed to ZUNDAF, Government & information about NGOs’ funding, i.e. non humanitarian funding. their funding on the CAP 2012. Lillian pointed out that currently the Zimbabwe CAP 2012 received only The M&E matrix USD24.2million out of the required USD268million, about 9% of the total for 1st quarter requirements and is the worst performing in the world. Funding Requirements matrix circulated per Cluster indicate that the WASH Cluster falls in the 3rd place (from Food and by the Cluster Agriculture). The WASH Cluster is in need of USD23.6 million for CAP 2012 for Coordinator to be about 8million people with limited access to WASH/ Health facilities. Water & submitted by 4 Sanitation received 1% funding from ERF. Health is the best funded cluster at May 2012 for 26%, followed by Food at 10%. All other sector are o% funded at the moment. updating

There is a CAP Mid-Year Review (MYR) meeting on 15 May 2012. 2 GAA and Participants from the WASH Cluster to represent other partners. Mvuramanzi Trust nominated to CAP 2012 based on the 3 WASH Pillars; Emergency Preparedness & represent the Response, WASH Response & Disaster Risk reduction and Sector WASH cluster Coordination

3.4 Emergency Urban Rehabilitation Update  IWSD drafted guidelines for hygiene promotion in urban areas and circulated to partners for review.  GIZ has completed adjudication for water and sanitation rehabilitation works in five (5) towns (Kadoma, Norton, , & ). Contract award letters were sent to the prospective contractors  A follow up meeting to the phasing out of water treatment chemical held and chaired by the Permanent Secretary for Local Government and attended by Provincial Administrators (PAs), ZINWA and all local authorities. All local authorities confirmed their preparedness to take over the provision of water treatment chemicals as at 1st April 2012  Power supply remains a major challenge to urban water supply. ZESA reported available total supply of 880MW against a peak daily demand of 1700MW Discussion Partners raised the need to consider having dedicated power supply lines to water & sewer treatment works. Some towns like , Chegutu and already have dedicated power lines. The dedicated power line to Kadoma Water Treatment Plant is under construction and partially complete. A quotation of USD100, 000.00 for town to have dedicated lines provided by ZESA.

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3.5 WASH Emergency Response Updates (Cholera etc)

ACF WASH assessments were done in to prioritize on project activities. The project is a few months behind, but the team is working on modalities to catch up

GAA (Harare)  Typhoid & diarrheal cases are on a declining trend in Harare.  Cumulative Typhoid cases since October 2011 stand at 4114  Water supply remains a challenge in all areas  24 boreholes were rehabilitated through spares provided by GAA, 33 more are to be rehabilitated.  GAA is also rehabilitating/ constructing sanitation facilities in 12 poly- clinics.  Buckect chlorination in Kuwadzana and Dzivarasekwa in progress by MSF.  FRC is continuing monitoring of tap and borehole water in the Western district.  GAA is piloting Community Health Clubs in Kuwadzana, GlenView and Dzivarasekwa  Reported shortage of IEC materials and Aquatabs for distribution  Waste management in and around the City remains a challenge due to inadequate resources

GOAL  Typhoid cases on a declining trend; no new cases were reported since the 2nd of March 2012.  Seeking clearance and venues to conduct PHHE through entertainment in Dzivarasekwa extension, Whitecliff and Snake Park surrounding areas..  Rehabilitated 1 borehole at Warwick Farm.  Currently conducting Water Point Committee trainings at all rehabilitated and drilled boreholes  Engaged ZINWA to carry out a technical assessment of the water supply system at Murereka (Lions Den) in to ascertain components to be replaced.  The pump station is currently using 1 pumpset (instead of 2); and is pumping directly into the supply line. The 750m3 reservoir is not being used due to broken down valves  Activities in Kariba were suspended for the past few months. Negotiations to resume operating at provincial level were successful. Planning to conduct DRR activities, latrine construction in schools and clinics, borehole rehabilitation and drilling

IRC Manicaland  Finalizing construction of Medical Waste facilities at Sagambe and Katiyo clinics in  Upgraded a spring in Katiyo village with support from EHTs. An additional 8 springs will be upgraded in May in Mutasa district  Repaired 6 boreholes in , trained of pump minders and distributed borehole repair & maintenance tools

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 Facilitated training of the Civil Protection Department members on EPR in Mutasa district

Merlin No update given

Mercy Corps No emergencies recorded in Manicaland for the month of April  Conducting DRR activities in Chimanimani, and Mutare districts  Conducted joint assessments in 14 wards of the 3 districts  Conducted EHT refresher training on water quality testing  Trained 42 Water Point Committees an 42 EPR management committees  3 motor cycles to be handed over to the 3 districts to enhance Rapid Disease Notification & Surveillance (RDNS)

Oxfam  no emergencies reported for the month of April  Identified 14 clinics in Gokwe North and South to benefit through borehole rehabilitation, and 6 through motorized pump set rehabilitation  Identified 10 clinics for borehole rehabilitation in Mash East province (Chikomba & Mtoko districts)  Responded to increased diarrheal cases in ward 8 of by providing Aqua tabs, NFIs and water testing consumables to the district MoHCW for further distribution  Assisted Harare water (through UNICEF funding) in carrying out borehole sanitary surveys and shock chlorination. Key highlights are that 20 boreholes have loose casings and head-works need to be rehabilitated, 2 boreholes were recommended to be decommissioned (A full report to be shared)

UNICEF - CERF Partner Updates Action by & when

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Africare (Buhera)  Operating in 7 wards  Participation in mobilizing local materials for latrine construction high in schools compared to clinics  Construction of BVIP blocks at 10 schools and 6 clinics expected to be completed by mid May  Repaired and serviced 2 motorized water supply pump sets and erected 5 water storage tanks

Care (Bikita)  Constructing BVIP Latrines in 18 schools, a total of 113 squat holes are at different levels of construction  Completed 7 out of 15 borehole rehabilitations  Drilled & equipped 3 new boreholes

 Constructing 100 squat hole (household latrines) in ward 20, of which

35 have been completed

 PHHE conducted in 18 schools for school health masters and 10 village

health workers (VHWs)


No update given

3.6 Sub-Cluster Updates Action by & when  Water supply in the town remains a challenge due to regular power cuts  Min of Water conducted an assessment of boreholes in the town; the report will be shared with partners in due course  A request for sewer rods made for unblocking sewer pipes

Harare Same as highlighted under WASH Emergency Updates above by GAA

Manicaland  Meeting held and well attended WASH coordinate urged PFAs to  summarized activities done by all partners in the province emulate the  Most districts in the province have indicated a long period without reporting format of receiving Government Fund on WASH activities and requested to be Manicaland PFA - , considered in the next round of allocations by reporting on activities of all partners in their areas of operation The meeting was postponed, no report presented Discussion ACF as the PFA  Partners requested verification on the issue that some NGOs have requested to verify been stopped to operate in and update the  Care responded that the Governor’s office requested each NGO in the Cluster area to regularize its operation by renewing MoUs. Care has now resumed operations.

 There are still a few organizations that have to regularize/ renew MoUs

to resume operations

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Mash. Central  No provincial WASH cluster meeting held

Mash east  No provincial WASH cluster meeting held but key highlights reported were:  Provincial Water & Sanitation Sub-Committee (PWSSC) and the PFA identified the need to resuscitate the Water & Sanitation Sub-Committee (DWSSC).  Johanniter and the PWSSC will be holding a Planning meeting with the district stakeholders to identify the membership, draft a budget and map way forward to conduct training in the month of May Marondera Town  Marondera Municipality experiencing challenges in meeting demand for potable water  Currently pumping daily averages of 6-8ML/day against a daily demand of about 20ML/day. Also, the design capacity of the water works cannot meet the demands of the growing population estimated at about 125000 (men, women & children) people. The Water Treatment works, established in the early 1970s was designed to serve a maximan population of 20 000 people.  Has 3 sources of raw water; Nyakambiri, Nyambuya and Rufaro dams,  Rufaro dam is the major source with a holding capacity of 4 840 000m3 of water. However, due to mechanical problems and non-functional pumps at the Sewer treatment works, raw sewage is flowing back into this major source of water for the town  The Municipal received USD2.9million in 2010 for water and sewer works rehabilitation, of which works are at the following levels of completion; - Mechanical – 93% rehabilitation of sewage pumping stations - Electrical – 100% c0mplete - Civil works – 40% for both water & sewer reticulation

Mash. West  No meeting was held  Merlin & Farm Community Trust are winding up their activities in the province  Solid waste management remains a challenge

Matebeland South  No update given

Matebeland North  No update given

Midlands  Meeting well attended  Stakeholders requested partners to consider drilling and equipping new boreholes across the province as well as opposed to rehabilitating existing ones.  Concerns were raised on quality of the works done; where in some cases standards were not adhered to during construction/ rehabilitation work  Stressed that Certificates of Completion on all works done to be

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produced to verify quality of works

4.0 PRESENTATIONS Action by & when

4.1 Discussions on WASH M+E Reports first Quarter  Belete circulated the WASH M+E Reports first Quarter Matrix to all All Partners partners and asked for comments and feedback requested to fill  Partners requested the Reports matrix to be circulated/ e-mailed directly the matrix and also to their M&E officers send it to the  Oxfam highlighted that it was difficult to capture survey work that Cluster (Belete) include inventory of water points or sanitation coverage surveys that before week were also funded on the matrix ending 04 May 2012. 4.2 Discussions on WASH Funding for CAP 2012  Belete highlighted that although a lot of work has been done by partners, but no reports have been submitted by partners on what has All partners been done and the fund secured for the works requested to fill  Only ERF funded projects have been reported which account for 1% of the circulated CAP the funding 2012 funding form  Partners to report according to the 3 Pillars which are; and report by the 3 - Pillar 1 : - Emergency Preparedness & Response Pillars where - Pillar 2 : - WASH Response, & possible - Pillar 3 : - Disaster Risk Reduction & Sector Coordination, and give a total of all the money spent and committed for 2012.

Summary of Preliminary findings & lessons learnt on Zimbabwe Typhoid 4.3 Fever Outbreak Response Assessment: Household Survey (CCORE – UNICEF) Conclusion Made by the Survey  Uptake of PoUWT after free product distribution was relatively low (consistent with other research)

 Coordination of NGO response activities needs to be improved through

consistent PoUWT product choices and communication about product

 Importance of treating drinking water from all sources daily needs to be


Recommendations from the Survey

 Improve the effectiveness of educational campaigns by engaging the Social Mobilization group.  Ensure that the instructions on the use of PoUWT products include frequency of treatment and the need to treat drinking water from all sources daily.  Coordinate response activities by various NGOs to ensure standardized product distribution.  Continue social marketing of WaterGuard for all household water treatment as a long term intervention CDC is finalizing Discussion the report which  Further data analysis required to complete report and share the final will be available in report with partners May 5.0 ANY OTHER BUSINESS There being no other business the meeting was closed at 1130hrs 6.0 DATE AND VENUE OF THE NEXT MEETING : UNICEF Children’s Room, 0900hrs, June 1, 2012

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