Decreto N? 76.623, De 17 De Novembro De 1975

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Decreto N? 76.623, De 17 De Novembro De 1975 Decreto n? 76.623/75 Decreto n? 76.623, de 17 de novembro de 1975 Promulga a convencao sobre comercio internacional das especies da flora e fauna selvagem em perigo de extincao o Presidente da Republica, Havendo 0 Congresso Nacional aprovado, pelo Decreto Legislativo n? 54, de 24 dejunho de 1975, a Convencao sobre Comercio Internacional das Especies da Flora e Fauna Selvagens em Perigo de Extincao, concluf­ da em Washington, a 3 de marco de 1973; E havendo a referida convencao entrado em vigor, para 0 Brasil, em 4 de novembro de 1975; Decreta que a Convencao, apensa por c6pia ao presente Decreto, seja executada e cumprida tao inteiramente como nela se contern '. Ernesto Geisel Antonio Francisco Azeredo da Silveira (DOD de 19.11.75 - RET. 28.11.75) ! Ancxos I c 2 das cspccics conslanlc da rcfcrida convcncao. 372 Decreto n? 76.623175 BRAZIL - Annex 1 / Anexo 1 Native CITES Species / Especies Nativas CITES Common Name / Nombrc Cormin Scientific Name / Nombrc Cicntifico English / Ingles Portuguese / Portugucs Appendix I/ Apcndicc I: Mammals / Mamiferos: Balaenoptera glaeialis Black right whale Balaenoplera edeni Brydc's whale Balaenoptera physalus Fin whale Blastoccrus diehotomus Marsh deer Cervo do pantanal Braehyteles araehnoides Woolly spider monkey Mono, miriqui, muriqui, mono car­ vociro Caeajao ealvus White uakari Uacari braneo Caeajao mclanocephalus Black-headed uakari Uacari-dc-cabcca-prcta Callimico gocldii Gocldi's marmoset Calimico CalJithrix aurita White-cared marmoset Sagiii Call ithrix Ilaviccps Bully headed marmoset Sagiii do nordeste, sagut eomum Chiropotes albinasus White-nosed saki Cuxiu-de-nariz-braneo Felis pardalis mitis Ocelot Jaguatiriea Felis wiedii Gato-do-rnato rnaracaja Felis trigina gato-do-rnato Hyperoodon plani frons Southern bottlenose whale Lcontopitbccus rosalia I Golden lion tomarin M ico-lcao, rnico-lcao-dc-cara-dourado Sagiii cara de fogo, sagiii una Lutra (platensis) longicaudis Long-tailed otter, Lontra ncotropical Oller Maegaptera novaeangl iae Humpback whale Ozotoccrus bczoartieus Pampas deer Vcado-campciro Panthera onea Jaguar Onca, onca neg ra (varidade rnclanica) Physeter macrocephalus Sperm whale Priodontcs maximus (gigantcusj' Giant armadillo Tatu-canastra, carrcta Pteronura brasiliensis Giant Oller Ariranha Saguinus bicolor Bare-faced tamarin Sagiii bicolor Sotalia Iluviatilis Tucuxi Bolo, boto-tucuxi Spcothos vcnaticus Bush dog Cachorro-do-mato-vinagrc Trcmaretus ornatus Spectacled bear Oso frontino, oso andino Trichcchus inunguis Amazonian manatee Pcixc-boi de agua dace Triehcchus manatus West Indian manatee Pcixc-boi marinho I Includes L. chrysomelas and L. chrysopygusrlncluye L. chrysomelas y L. chrysopygus 2 Registered in Brazil as Pciodontes giganteus/Registrada en Brasil como Priodontes giganteus 373 Decreto n? 76.623/75 Common Name I Nombrc Cornun Scientific Name I Nombrc Cicntffico English I Ingles Portuguese I Portugucs Birds / Aves: Amazona brasiliensis Red-tailed amazon Papagaio Amazona pretrei Red-spectacled amazon Charao, papagaio-charao Amazona vinacca Vinaceous amazon Papagaio-dc-pcito-roxo Anodorhynehus glaucus Glaucous macaw Arara-azul pcquena Anodorhynchus lcari Indigo macaw Arara-azul pcquena Ara macao Scarlet macaw Arara-piranga Andorhynchus hyacinhinus Hyacinth macaw Arara-azul Cotinga maculata Banded cotinga Crejoa Crax (Mitu) mitu mitu Razor-billed curassow Mutum do nordeste Crax blumenbachii Red-billed curassow Mutum Cyanopsitta spixii Spix's macaw Ararinha-azul Falco percgrinus Pcrcgri nc falcon Falcao peregrino Harpia harpyja Harpy eagle Uiracu, harpia, gaviao real Pionopsitta pilcata Pilcatcd parrot Cuiu-cuiu Pipile (Aburria) jacutinga Black-fronted piping guan Jacuntinga Ramphodon (Glaueis) dohrnii Hook-billed hermit Bcija-Ilor-dc-dohrn Tinamus solitarius Solitary linamou Macuco Vultur gryphus Andcan condor Condor andino Xipholena atropurpurea While-winged cotinga Cotinga Reptiles / Reptiles: Caiman latirostris Broad-nosed caiman Jacarc de papo arnarclo Carella caretta Loggerhead sea turtle Carcbc amarcla, tartaruga de morro Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle Tartaruga-vcrdc, aruana Dermocbclys coriacea Leatherback sea turtle Tartaruga-dc-couro Eretrnochclys imbricata Hawksbill sea turtle Tataruga-dc-pcntc, tartaruga lcgftirna Lcpidochelys olivacca Olive Ridley sea turtle Tartaruga casco mole, tartaruga comum Melanosuehus niger Black caiman Jacarc-acu ou una Common Name I Nombre Cormin Scientific Name I Nombrc Cientflico English I Ingles Portuguese I Portugucs Appendix -II I Apcndicc Il: Mammals / Mamiferos: Alouana bclzebul Black and red howler Bugio Alouana earaya Black howler Bugio prcto, guariba Alouarta fusca Brown howler Barbado, bugio Alouana senieulus Red howler Bugio ruivo Actus trivirgatus Night monkey Macaco da noitc, quatro-olhos Arctoccphalus australis Southern fur seal Lobo marinho Ateles bclzebuth Long-haired spider monkey Macaco aranha, coata 374 Decreto n? 76.623/75 Common Name / Nombrc Coml1n Scientific NameI Nombre Cientifico English I Ingles Portuguese / Portugues Ateles paniscus Black spider monkey Macaco-aranha, coata Balaenoptera acutorostrata Minke whale Bradypus variegatus (bolivicnsis)? Brown-throated sloth Prcguica de tres dcdos Callicebus moloch Dusky titi Japuca Callicebus personatus Masked titi Guigo Callicebus torquatus Widow monkey Japuc a Callithrix argentata Silvery marmosel Sagiii Callithrix humeralifer Golden marmoset, silky marmosel Sagui Callithrix jacchus Common marmosel Sagiii de nordeste, sagiii eomum CebueUa pygmaca Pygmy marmoset Mico lcaozinho, mico-anao Cebus albifrons Brown pale-fronted eapuchin Caiarara Cebus apeUa Black-capped capuchin Macaco-prego Cebus olivaccus (nigrivittatus)" Weeper capuchin Macaeo-prego Chiropotes satanas Black-bearded saki Cuxiii Chrysocyon brachyurus Maned wolf Guara, lobo-vermelho, lobo gum Felis colocolo Pampas cal Gato palheiro Felis concolor Puma Onca parda sussuarana Felis geoffroyi Geoffroy's cat Gato-do-rnato Felis pardalis Ocelot Jagualirica Felis tigrina Lillie spotted cat Gato-do-rnato Felis wicdii Margay Gato maracaja-mirim-peludo Felis yagouaroundi Jaguarundi Jaguarundi, gato mourisco Inia geoffrensis Boutu, Amazon porpoise Bolo vermclho, bolo rosado, bolo rosa Lagothrix lagolhricha Common woolly monkcy Macaeo barrigudo Myrmccophaga tridactyla Giant anteater Tarnandua-bandcira Pithccia albicans Black saki, white saki Paranacu Pithccia hirsuta Hirsute saki Paranacu Pithecia monachus Mona saki Paranacu Pithecia pithccia While-faced saki Paranacu Pontoporia blainvillei La Plata dolphin Delfin do prata Pseudorca crassidens False killer whale Saguinus fuseicollis Saddle-backed tamarin Sagiii Saguinus imperator Emperor tamarin Sagiii de bigodc Saguinus inustus Monied-faced tamarin Sagiii Saguinus labiatus White-lipped tamarin Sagiii Saguinus midas Red-handed tamarin Sagiii Saguinus mystax Moustached tamarin Sagiiiboca branca Saguinus nigricollis graellsi Black and red tamarin Sagiii Saimiri sciureus Common squirrel monkcy Mico-de chciro, mao-de-ouro StcneUa plagiodon Spoltcd dolphin Siena bredancnsis Rough-toothed dolphin Tapirus terrestris South American tapir Anta Tamandua tetradactyla clapadensisLcsser anteater Ziphius cavirostris Cuvier's beaked whale 3 Registered in Brazil as Bradypus tridactylus/Registrada en Brasil como Bradypus tridactylus 4 Registered in Brazil as Cebus nigrivittatus/Registrada en Brasil como Cebus nigrivittatus 375 Decreto n? 76.623/75 Common Name I Nombre Cormin Scientific Name I Nombrc Cientffico English I Ingles Portuguese I Portugucs Birds / Aves: Accipiter bicolor Bicolored hawk Gaviao-bornbachinha-grandc Accipiter poliogaster Grey-bellied goshawk Accipiter striatus Sharp-shinned hawk Gaviaozinbo Accipiter superciliosus Tiny sparrow hawk Gaviao-rniudinho Aegolius harrisii Buff-fronted owl Amazona acstiva Blue-fronted amazon Papagaio-verdadeiro Amazona amazonica Orange-winged amazon Papagaio-do-mangue Amazona autumnalis Rcd-lorcd amazon Papagaio-diadcrna, papagaio-do-arnazonas Amazona rhodocorytha Blue-checked amazon Papagaio-chava, jaua Amazona farinosa Mcaly amazon Papagaio-moleiro Amazona festiva Festive amazon Papagaio-cacau Amazona ochroccphala Yellow-crowned amazon Papagaio-do-none, papagaio campciro Amazona xanthops Yellow-faced amazon Papagaio-acurau, papagaio goiaba Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus Hyacinth macaw Arara azul Ara ararauna Blue and gold macaw Arara caninde Ara auricollis Yellow-collared macaw Maracana-dc-colcira; arara-de-colar Ara chloroptcra Green-winged macaw Arara-vcrrnclha Ara manilata Red-bellied macaw Ararinha Ara rnaracana Blue-winged macaw Maracana, ararinha Ara nobilis Red-shouldered macaw Arara nanica, ararinha de testa azul Ara severa Chestnut-fronted macaw Maracana-acu Aratinga acuticaudata Blue-crowned conurc Jandaia-dc-cabcca-azul Aratinga aurca Peach- fronted conurc Jandaia-corcinha Aratinga auricapilla Golden-capped conurc Jandaia-mincira Aratinga cactorum Cactus conurc Jandaia-vaqucira Aratinga jandaya Jandaya conure Jandaia Aratinga leucophthalrna White-eyed conure Araguac Aratinga pertinax Brown-throated conure Mcrrcqucm Aratinga solstitialis Sun conure Jandaia-sol Aratinga weddellii Dusky-headed conure Pcriquito-cstrcla-do-arnazonas; jandaia­ dc-cabcca azulada Asio fiammeus Short-cared owl Asio stygius Stygian owl Brotogeris chrysopterus Golden-winged parakeet Pcriquito-dc-arcia, pcriquito-dc-asas­ dourada Brotogeris cyanoptera Cobalt-winged parakeet Pcriquito-dc-asas azuis Brotogeris sanctithomae Tui parakeet Pcriquito-cstrcla Brotogeris tirica Plain parakeet Pcriquito-rico Brotogeris versicolorus Canary-winged
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