Box Folder 16 7 Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel
MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series F: Life in Israel, 1956-1983. Box Folder 16 7 Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel. War bond campaign. 1973-1977. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 'iN-,~":::I n,JT11 n11"~r.IN .. •·nu n1,nNnn ASSOCIATION OF AMERICANS & CANADIANS IN 151tAn AACI is tbe representative oftbt America•"'"' Ca114tlian ZU>nisJ FednatU>ns for olim nd tmJ/llfllory 1Tsit/nti ill lnwl. Dr. Hara.n P~reNe Founding Pruldet1t Or. Israel Goldste~n Honorary Pres I detrt David 8resl11.1 Honorary Vice Pres. "1a rch 9, 1977 MATIDHAL OFFICERS Yltzhak K.f.,.gwltz ~abbi Her bert Friedman, President llerko De¥Or 15 ibn Gvirol St., Vlca P'resldent Jerusalem. G•rshon Gross Vice P're~ldeftt Ell~Yanow Trus-•r: o- Ede lste In Secretuy SI .. Altlllan Dear Her b, •-· P'Ht Pr.esldeftt "ECilO!W. CH'-IMEM lla;;ocJI ta;lerlnsky I wonder if I can call upon you to do something special Beersheva for the Emergency Fund Drive wh ich \-le ar e conducting. Arie Fr- You kno\-1 a 11 the Reform Rabbis from the United States Hllf1 · "1va Fr..0-n and Canada who are in Israel. Could you send a letter Jerusa.1- to each of them asking that they contribute to the 0pld Dow Ne tanya drive? 119f'ry "...._r Meta,.,.a I kno\-J that most of them will not contribute IL 1,000, Stefe11le Bernstein Tai AYlv but even sma ller contributions are we lcome at this time.
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