东 风 汽 车 公 司 2013社会责任报告 官方微信 官方微博 Dongfeng, the nurturing east wind Ⱋᒂ Contents

 ͚ప͉ᷓ䷻⋓ 㔲䉐ШڠDongfeng Nurturing Dream ݖ⯷Ⱕ  Stakeholders’ Responsibility

᜽䪬ڞ㔲 ̻͸ڠȟ⹫ч䉐Шጒ҉⤳ᔢ ⋓∪ݖ⯷Ⱕ

ȟ⹫ч䉐Ш͚᱌㵹ߕ䃎ܿÿÿ⋓䃎ܿ ȟͧ㗎͉݈䕍Фթఋ្ ȟ⹫ч䉐Ш㻳㻶㶕⣝ ȟͧঅጒᐧ䃫Ꭵ⺼უచ ȟ⹫ч䉐Шノ⤳὎ಸ ȟͧ჏ᝤ᣽ӈх䉕ϔ৮ ȟ⹫ч䉐Ш䃛䷅䔶᠖ 䊏Ꭰझڞȟͧцѡᥚᐧ  ȟ⹫ч䉐Ш⇌䕇

᜾Й̭䊤䔪ᄨ⮱͉䷻ᷓ ȟ⹫ч䉐Ш㘪߈ᐧ䃫 Let’s Work Together to Pursue Dongfeng Dream ȟ䉐Ш㢐㾶






ȟ㏱㏴ᱧᲱȟ ȟ䄇ԎႵ∂ Ԋ䃮Ю͇⽠֒ࣾᆂ ȟЮ͇᪴ࡃ ϔ ᐧ䃫֒Ꮴ䓽㥒⣜ධ⩌ڕȟႶ  ȟ㜗݈ͨ᫝ ក䕍ℾ᫼↪䒓৮❹ 䊝䔈͉䷻⮱̓⩹ ㏼≻䉐Ш Walk into the World of Dongfeng  Economic Responsibility ㍮㢐ڞ㞟ప䃎ℾ⩌ ̻పუ⋓ ⯷䉐Шڙ⹫ч  Public Welfare Responsibility 䔈ₒڞ⯷θ͇ ̻⹫чڙ㒻⋓



Ꭱᆂ᱈  Outlook 2014



λ᱙្ॷڠȟ ȟႹ઱⣜ධノ⤳ ȟᘼ㻮ࣺ亵㶕 ȟᐧ䃫㐬㞟ጒࢯ ȟᗲ㈨᪴ࡃθ͇ ȟ⩌ϔ⣜Ԋϔ৮  ȟᑂᄩ֒Ꮴ↪䒓᪴ࡃ ⣜ධ䉐Ш 䭱ᒂ  Environment Responsibility ᪴ࡃ䉐Ш The Appendix  Cultural Responsibility হ䄽ڞ㜗♣ ̻⣜ධͪ⋓ ࣾᆂڞ᪴ࡃ ̻᪴ᬻ⊥⋓ थ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷڙ䒓↪䷻͉ DFM CORPORATION SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2013

ై͛ˇῨ℗ঌᔻ˝▚ཝ Let’sL Work Together to Pursue Dongfeng Dream


༁Γ䃝ڇथ㦐θ䪬Ƞڙ䒓↪䷻͉ Chairman of Board and Secretary of CPC Committee, DFM

㦐θ䪬㜡䓋 Chairman of Board

थౕ⹫чڙहఋ䶫䓴̭ࣨᎡ͉䷻↪䒓ڞᓰȠᩜᠮȠԎШ͉䷻θ͇⮱ҍЙ喑ڠ䕇䓴Ȩ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷȩ̻̭Ⱑڡ䲋፥倅 㐅᱗Გ⮱ࣾᆂ̻ᷓᘠȡڞ䉐Шθ͇᫦䲏ःᓄ⮱䔈ₒ喑ܳϘ᜽ߌ⮱ૉᗓহᙌߕ喑

थ䨭ਜ਼↪䒓  ̴䒳喑ᅲڙᎡڕथಇᠮ⽠͚Ⅿ䔈喑ऱ䶦θ͇䓵̷᫝⮱झ䭣喑θ͇ᵦധᰡߍ➏ధȡڙ䷻Ꭱ͉  䲏倅䉕䛼Ⴙ᜽ȡڕϬٰ喑㏼㥒䉕䛼ᓄݝ䔈̭ₒ᣽ࡴ喑పߎ䮏ప䉱༁㔰ᵥᠴᴴ  ڒ㵹͇すι喑჋⣝䨭ਜ਼ᩣ

㔲䉐ڠ㞟ᆒ㵹㏼≻䉐ШȠݖ⯷Ⱕܧ䉌䉐Ш⮱๛Ю喑͉䷻ᠶ⚔⹫ч䉐Ш͚᱌㵹ߕ䃎ܿÿÿĄ⋓ą䃎ܿ⮱䘕㒟喑ౕͧ҉ थ⹫ч䉐Шڙह⮱ߗ߈̸喑ڞ⯷䉐ШȠ᪴ࡃ䉐Шぶ᫦䲏⮱ᆒ䉐ጒ҉ȡౕ᜾ЙڙШ⮱हᬣ喑⼜Ხᐭᆂ⣜ධ䉐ШȠ⹫ч 㔲ą喑Ѻλ㵹͇ݺ݄喑Ꭳ㢐㣤Ą͚పЮ͇⹫ч䉐Шࢀ䊷຃ąぶ㈨݄ᆒ䉐㢐㾶ȡٵĄ䶳ڒࣾᆂᠴ᪝仃⁎ϻĄ䔪䊣㔲ą䔈

ᣕ䔈჋᫪͉䷻Ąⷠڒ⌞ᄾ↎ᴀᢿᩫহ㘪⎽⊵㕄喑ߍᔘࣾᆂ㞯㘪̻᫝㘪⎽↪䒓喑ۼФթ䨫㜡߈λڕ䓴̭ࣨᎡ喑᜾Йౕ ᢿⰛᴴ喑ͧᲱᐧ⣜ධࣸສಸ↪䒓⹫ч䉎⡛γ㜗ጞ⮱߈䛼ȡ᜾Й䕇䓴Ą͉ۼᎠ㶎ą⩌ᔮ᳄ぶ䶦Ⱋ喑倅ᴴ۳Ⴙ᜽ᎡᏓ㞯㘪 㠄㵹ߕąȠĄ⃺ϟ֒Ꮴᔘ䒓ąȠĄᄦऐ፛ឣᤡᐧąぶ䶦Ⱋ喑ᎡᏓ㉜䃎᡽䊍  ̴ٰ喑๔߈ᩜᠮౝ᫦㏼≻⹫⋓䷻ чহ᪆㗟࢘⩌θ͇⮱ࣾᆂȡ➦ݘ᭜  䯲Ⴖ㟓ᆞౝ䰴ࣾ⩌͸ऻ喑᜾Йᓰ㈨▫ࡧȠᔘ䕌ࣺᏁȠ̷̸ࡼह喑㉜䃎ा▫ࡧ ⼜᡽Ƞ᡽➖䓾ࡰ̴ٰ喑ᅪᰭ๔⮱ߗ߈ᩜᠮ▫ࡧ䛺ᐧȡₑใ喑᜾Й㜡߈λ͚ప↪䒓⹫чᐧ䃫喑̺᫚͝ჹ֒ᏤࣸສȠ 喑ͧ჋⣝ϧȠ䒓Ƞ㜗♣Ƞ⹫ч⮱হ䄽ࣾᆂ̺ᛵߗ߈ȡ⋣ڲᲮा̷⮱↪䒓᪴ࡃ

थ⹫ڙ䲏჋᫪喑䔈̭ₒ጖ధڕᎡ喑᜾Йᄳ⻶ឬĄ͉䷻ࡃ䰕Ƞ⋓∪ఈ᫦ą⮱ᆒ䉐⤳ᔢ喑䔈̭ₒᣕ䔈Ą⋓ą䃎ܿ⮱  ᰡ๔⮱ₐ㘪䛼喆ܧ⡛ౝѺȡ䃖᜾Й̭䊤ߗ߈喑ͧ჋⣝͚పᷓহ↪䒓ᑧపᷓ喑䉎ٵч䉐Шθ͇⮱㵹͇䶳

4 ᜾Й̭䊤䔪ᄨ⮱͉䷻ᷓ Let’s Work Together to Pursue Dongfeng Dream

I am very glad to, by virtue of Social Responsibility Report, work with you who have been caring for, supporting and trusting Dongfeng course, review the progress that Dongfeng Motor Corporation has made in terms of social responsibility over the past year, share with you the joy and moving of success, and jointly depict future development and dream.

In 2013, Dongfeng insisted on seek improvement in stability and lift various causes to a new level, thus reinforcing its cause foundation. The company sold 3.5349 million vehicles in the whole year, ranking second in the industry, and achieved a sales income of 453.4 billion yuan. It has further improved its management quality, and comprehensively reached the indexes of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.

As a responsible central enterprise, Dongfeng actively performs its environmental responsibility, public welfare responsibility, cultural responsibility and other aspects while excellently performing its economic responsibility and stakeholder responsibility, in accordance with the deployment of the “Nurturing” plan, a mid-term action plan on social responsibility. With our common efforts, the company’s social responsibility development index changes from the “chaser” into the “leader” for the first time, and is at the forefront of the industry, and won a series of honors such as China Corporate Social Responsibility Excellence Award.

In the past year, in terms of the whole value chain, we were committed to reducing pollution emission and energy consumption, speeding up the development of energy-saving and new-energy-using vehicles, and further implemented Dongfeng’s “carbon balance” ecological forest and other projects and fulfilled annual energy-saving and emission-reducing objective with a high standard, contributing our part to building the society with environmentally friendly automobiles. Through “Dongfeng Children Benefiting Action”, “Mother Health Express”, “Counterpart Assistance in Construction” and other projects, we have cumulatively donated 56.963 million yuan in the year to vigorously support the development of local economic society as well as education and health undertakings. Especially, after an earthquake took place in Lushan County, Ya’an City on April 20, 2013, we were concerned about the disaster area and make a rapid response and make an overall coordination, and cumulatively donated money and materials worth nearly 10 million yuan, in hope of making every effort to support the disaster area reconstruction. In addition, we were committed to the construction of China’s auto society, and constantly enriched healthy, friendly and positive culture connotation, making unremitting endeavor to realize harmonious development of people, , nature and society.

In 2014, we will adhere to the concept of “Dongfeng喑the nurturing east wind”, further comprehensively implement the Nurturing plan, and constantly enrich the content of performing social responsibility and further reinforce the company’s leading position in the industry in terms of corporate social responsibility. Let us work together to achieve China Dream and the dream of a strong auto country, and contribute more positive energy!



Γ䃝ޜ༁ڇथᕨ㏼⤳Ƞڙ䒓↪䷻͉ President and Member of CPC Standing Committee, DFM

ᕨ㏼⤳㜡䓋 Address by the General Manager

す̭ȡ↪䒓ጒ͇҉ͧప⤰ڕ喑䔋㐚ρᎡѺᅲڠࢳट᫝倅喑ࣹࣹ⾮ⵡ  ̴䒳๔݈ںఋ䶫  Ꭱ喑͚ప↪䒓ϔ䨭 थ҉͚ͧప↪䒓ጒ͇⮱ڙ䷻喑ᄦλᣕߕ̓⩹↪䒓ጒ͇ࣾᆂࣾᡒⱭ䊷Გ䊷๔⮱҉⩕ȡ͉ܧ⾮უᩜᴞᕔϔ͇⮱ౝѺᰡߍ 俕᎟Ю͇喑㘪์㻮䃮Ƞ࣯̻হᣕ䔈䔆̭ࢳट䔈⼸喑᜾Й⌞ᙌ㢐Ꭵȡ

᰺ఝ䯫喑ߴλᠾᝅ喑჋⣝γĄ䊲ࢳटȠ䊲䶱᱌Ƞ䊲㵹͇ą⮱䛺๔⾮ⵡȡٸथڙ䒓㵹͇ᖏฺᕔ෋䪬⮱ᕨҀᒏᐼ̸喑↪ౕ Ꭱ䨭ਜ਼↪䒓  ̴䒳喑ह℁෋䪬 喠̷㑡⼻䉦  Ϭٰ喑ह℁෋䪬 喑౴݈ࢳट᫝倅ȡڕ䷻͉ 䨭ਜ਼  ̴䒳喑ڞथ㜗ͨ৮❹↪䒓ڙᎡ喑ڕथ㜗ͨࣾᆂₒн䔈̭ₒߍᔘ喑㜗݈ͨ᫝㘪߈䔈̭ₒ᣽ࡴȡڙहᬣ喑 ⼜थڙह℁෋䪬 喑ᔘλ㵹͇  ͗⮫ܳ◦喠㜗ͨ৮❹΅⩕䒓䨭ਜ਼  ̴䒳喑ϻ㵹͇すఈ䋰ᅲ㵹͇ݺ̶ȡ ㈨喑ڠȠᓤపटჳ᫜ᐧ⿸व䉱व҉ٸ៶➦Ხᣕ䔈䛺๔ᝅ⪒䶦Ⱋ喑̻↰ᅁ↰ᐧ⿸ੳ⩕䒓ᝅ⪒㖁Ⰼ喑̻∂ప䰤䄧Ƞᓤపᵩ ͉䷻ప䭲ࡃᝅ⪒ጰᅭ̺᫚хࡃȡ

䩛䊣㔰᱌ą喑᜾Йᄳ⼜Ხᣕ䔈䒙ಸ䄰᪡̻㜗ͨࣾᆂ喑䔈̭ₒ⌞ࡃᩦ䲖喑ڠ჋⣝⮫Ꭱ͉䷻⮱Ąڒथᄳ䔈ڙ䷻Ꭱ喑͉  ߍᔘĄ䊝ܧࣨą⮱ₒн喑Ꭳౕₑധ⵭̷߈ζႹ᜽  ̴䒳⮱ᎡᏓ㏼㥒Ⱋᴴȡౕߎ჋ᐭᆂ㏼㥒ጒ҉⮱हᬣ喑͉䷻໸㏵ थ⹫ч䉐ШĄ⋓ą䃎ܿ⮱჋᫪ȡ᜾Йᄳᐭᆂ仃͗Ą⹫ч䉐Шᰵą㈨݄≨ߕ喑ड़ڙᔅ⼜Ხᆒ㵹Ю͇⹫ч䉐Ш喑ᣕ䔈̺ ℾ᪴ࡃ≨ߕ喑ͫߋĄ͉䷻ᷓᘠ䒓ą͚ప䱿Ꭱ⣜Ԋ↪䒓݈ᘼ䃫䃎๔䊈喑ᠮ㐚ᣕ䔈͉䷻ĄⷠᎠ㶎ąڙߕĄহ⩲͉䷻ą↪䒓 ⩌ᔮ᳄হĄ͉䷻⋓㠄㵹ߕąぶᆒ䉐䶦Ⱋ喑⼜Ხក䕍͚ప↪䒓Ю͇ᆒ㵹⹫ч䉐Ш⮱㠰᱙ȡ

⁏ᓰহ፛ߖ喑Όڠᰡສౝᆒ㵹⹫ч䉐Ш喑ߗ߈Ⅵᬍ₏ධ喑䉐Шᰡߍ䛺๔ȡౕₑ喑᜾Йⱌ䄇᱌ᒲऱѺ᰸̭ࣸຯᬏᒭ⮱ हᣕߕ͉䷻⹫ч䉐Шθ͇̺᫚ࣾᆂȡڞ䓻ᗕᄦ᜾Й⮱ጒ҉䔈㵹⯾Ⲑহᠴᄩ喑

6 ᜾Й̭䊤䔪ᄨ⮱͉䷻ᷓ Let’s Work Together to Pursue Dongfeng Dream

In 2013, China’s automobile production and sales both exceeded 20 million units, reaching new record high and ranking top in the world for five consecutive years. The status of the auto industry as a national pillar industry becomes more prominent, and plays a more and more important role in promoting the development of the world’s automobile industry. Dongfeng Motor Corporation, as a backbone enterprise in the Chinese auto industry, is able to witness, participate in and promote this historical process, for which we feel greatly honored.

Along with the overall recovering growth of the automobile industry, the company has strived to achieve major breakthrough, namely “beyond the history, prospect and industry” against all difficulties. For the year, Dongfeng sold 3.5349 million cars, up 14.83% on YoY basis, and contributed tax of RMB 40.616 billion, up 12.09% on YoY basis, both set new records. Meanwhile, the Company has sped up the pace of independent development and improved the ability of independent innovation. For the year, the Company sold 1.2711 million cars of proprietary brands, up 13.37% on YoY basis, faster than the industrial average by 3.16%, as well as 655,000 passenger vehicles of proprietary brands, pushing its position in the industry ranking from forth to top three. The company actively promoted major strategic projects, established commercial vehicle strategic alliance with and forged partnership with French , Germany Getrag, and Germany Smith Corporation, and thus the cause layout of Dongfeng has been constantly optimized.

In 2014, the 100-year Dongfeng will enter the “key test period”. We will be actively promoting transformation and independent development, push the boundaries of self evolution to the next level, speed up the pace of “Globalization” process, and then achieve the annual sales target of 3.8 million. With practical operation, Dongfeng will keep the social responsibility of enterprise in mind and execute “Nurturing Program” for the purpose. We will carry out first series activities of “Social Responsibility Month”, start “Dongfeng Free Travel” automobile citizen culture activity, hold “DFM dream car” China Youth environmentally-friendly automobile creative design competition, and continuously promote “carbon balance” ecological forest project, Dongfeng Children Benefiting Action and other projects, so as to actively set an example for Chinese auto manufacturers to perform their social responsibilities.

In order to better fulfill social responsibility, we will make unremitting efforts to undertake more responsibilities. We hereby sincerely look forward to your continuous care and help and your supervision and guidance on our work.


䷻᫦Ⱪ͚⮱͉ڠݖ⯷Ⱕ Dongfeng in the Eyes of Stakeholders

ℾąڙևĄЮ͇ڞ䷻͉̻ ䷻࡮Ꭱ䔪䮼 ᙌᖖ͉

࡮ᎡⰥ䮼喑፥ጋ͚๖ϟⱩ㻮䃮γ͉䷻⮱ᔘ䕌ࣾᆂ喑Όܴ ݈ᐧ㐬㞟Ю͇喑჋⣝ᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ喑᭜͉䷻ੳ⩕䒓̻Ꭼ๔ӈ ȡౕ͉䷻ Ꮑੳव҉⮱ധⴠȡౕ͉䷻ੳ⩕䒓⮱ᠴᄩহ፛ឣ̸喑᜾Й❞ڠ჋ᙌऄݝγ͉䷻ᬒϔ㐆ε㏼䨭ੳ⮱ᩜᠮ̻ γ⣜ධノ⤳ᱧᲱহݣᏓ喑Ꭳڕᬒϔ⮱ᙌङ̸喑፥ጋ͚๖͇ߎ̺᫚ࣾᆂ⮱हᬣ喑⼜Ხᆒ ᐧ⿸γ⣜ධノ⤳Ҁ㈨喑֒ ⤳λ  ᎡᏂ䕇䓴γ͚㖁䃑䃮͚ᓰ *40 ⣜ධノ ❞ڠ㵹⹫ч䉐Шȡϻ᜽⿸Ą͚๖ᄾ٬㞧ᱜఏąȠĄ͚๖ 䉱᡽ᐧĄ͉䷻ᬒϔ͚๖ Ҁ㈨჎ᵥ喑߈ζҬЮ͇̻⣜ධȠ⹫чহ䄽ࣾᆂ喑Ҭ㐬㞟ܧധ䛾ą喑ݝౕ䲖প㔮ࡧ๔ݘᆞ 䃫䃎Ƞ㐬㞟⩌ϔȠ㐬㞟ӈᏁȠ㐬㞟㏼㥒᜽ͧ᜾Й⮱ᵥᓰ ڙ䉱⮫̴হ፥ጋጯ᪴ᬻߋȠ፥ጋጯܧݝںጹ᱈ᄼ႓ą喑 ह⮱ᷓڞ⯷≨ߕぶȡ፥ጋ 》ζ߈ȡ҉͉ͧ䷻็Ꭱ⮱व҉цѡ喑᜾ЙᰶⱭڙहͫߋĄϑ䕇᪴ᬻ͸ᭌą๔ಸڞႶᅭ ͚๖⮱Ѕܧহ៲ᒀ喑᭜͉䷻ᬒϔ৮❹ᒏ䆎⮱⩌ߕҀ⣝喑 ᘠȡ᜾Йᙬᘼ̻͉䷻̭䊤ߗ߈喑㜡߈λ᜽ͧ↪䒓㵹͇䶳 ℾȡڙ⮱Ю͇ٵ まĄ͉䷻ᷓą⮱ᰭᰶ߈ᑍយ喆ڞΌ᭜̻͉䷻ᬒϔ

㏼䨭ੳȟ፥ጋ͚๖ ӈᏁੳȟ࡮൝ࡻ䔗

Following DFM with Gratitude for Ten Years Work with Dongfeng to act as “Enterprise Citizen”

Through cooperation with DFM for ten years, Changzhou Creating green enterprise and realizing sustainable Zhongtian has witnessed the rapid development of development are the foundation for Dongfeng Dongfeng , and also deeply feels the support Commercial Vehicle Company to cooperate with many and care which gives to dealers. suppliers. Under the guidance and support of Dongfeng Inspired by Dongfeng Nissan, while developing business Commercial Vehicle, we set up the environment constantly, Changzhou Zhongtian actively fulfills its social management system and improved the environmental responsibility. For example, we established Zhongtian management organization and system. At the end Children’s Art Troupe, Zhongtian Care Fund, made of 2013, we passed the ISO14001 environmental donation to build Dongfeng Nissan Zhongtian Hope management system examination made by China United Primary School in old revolutionary base area Dabie Certification Center, so as to promote harmonious Mountains, made donation of a million yuan to work with development of enterprise, environment and society and the civilization office of Changzhou City and Changzhou make green design, green production, green supply, Municipal Public Security Bureau to hold “transportation and green operation as our core competitiveness. As civilization star” large-scale public welfare activity and Dongfeng’s partner for many years, we share the same other activities. The input and efforts of Changzhou goal with Dongfeng. We are willing to work together with Zhongtian vividly reflect the brand image of Dongfeng Dongfeng, and devote ourselves to becoming a leading Nissan, and fully represent the joint efforts of Zhongtian corporate citizen in auto industry. and Dongfeng Nissan to achieve “Dongfeng Dream”.

Supplier Shiyan Huadi Dealer Changzhou Zhongtian

8 ᜾Й̭䊤䔪ᄨ⮱͉䷻ᷓ Let’s Work Together to Pursue Dongfeng Dream

Independently Create Future Guided by Dongfeng Nurture Children’s Mind and Beautify Childhood Dream In 2013, we had the honor to become a beneficiary of Independent brand is the root for achieving Dongfeng Dongfeng Children Nurturing Action because we got Dream. Nowadays, Dongfeng cars are sold across China the 1 million yuan fund from DFM’s Peugeot Citroen and the world, winning a good reputation, of which Automobile Co., Ltd. for the purpose of building each Dongfeng employee feels proud. the growth of the “Dongfeng Hope Primary School”. We received all-round company also provides me a stage for giving my skills care in terms of five aspects, i.e. clothes, food, shelter into play. Over these years, I have participated in R&D and travel, study. Today, the complex building, teaching appraisal and experiment on each type of Dongfeng building, student canteen, sports ground hardening cars, and have grown from a common appraiser to a projects have been started. A school with complete chief engineer in charge of appraisal and experiment. I hardware and standardized management is emerging. was granted by Dongfeng the honorary title of Working What should we do in return for so much help? Our Model. There are a lot of people, like me, who grow teachers often tell children that only by studying hard and together with Dongfeng, and we all have the same setting up lofty ambition to become useful talents, they dream. Because of the dream, we persist in making can be worthy of each benefactor’ care. efforts. Because of persistence, we will achieve success. I believe that with the dream cherished in my mind and Zhuo Yongshun, headmaster of with my feet on the ground, I will have a better future. Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Hope Primary School in Enshi City

Shi Tianying, an employee at Dongfeng Motor Corporation Passenger Vehicle Company

ᓰᔭ͉䷻ᷓ 㜗݈ͨ᱗Გ ⋓⊥〒ᓰ 㒻ສ〒Ꭱ

͉䷻ᷓᘠ喑㜗ͨ᭜ᵦȡຯϷ喑͉䷻䷻⺋䒬䒓依侸ౕ⺃ప  Ꭱ喑᜾ЙᰶᎥ᜽ͧĄ͉䷻⋓㠄㵹ߕą⮱ऄ⯷㔲喑 थ  ̴ٰ⮱䉱ߖ喑ᤡڙऱౝ喑䔉䨭̓⩹喑Ꭳ㣤ᓄ㞜ສऐⶾ喑䔆᭜᜾Й⃼̭͉͗ ᓄݝγ͉䷻ᬄ̸⺋哆↪䒓ᰶ䭽 थ⮱᜽䪬Ό㐆᜾᣽ӈγ᫪ᆂឭ㘪⮱㝋झ喑 ᐧĄ͉䷻ጹ᱈ᄼ႓ą喑ᎣϻĄ㶐Ƞ丌ȠѼȠ㵹Ƞ႓ąρڙϧ⮱㢐㔭ȡ䷻ ȡຯϷ喑㐩वẩȠ᪆႓ẩȠ❞ڠ᫦Ѻڕ䔆ψᎡ᜾࣯̻γ͉䷻䷻⺋⃼̭᫝䒓⮱ᐭࣾ䃱Фহ჋侹 ͗᫦䲏㐆ε᜾Й Ƞڕጒ҉喑Ꭳϻ̭ऺᮛ䕇⮱䃱Фঅ᜽䪬̭ͧऺͨノ䃱Ф̻჋ ႓⩌丌യȠ䓽ߕ౧⶙ࡃ䶦ⰛⰥ㐔ड़ߕȡ̭᝭⶙У命 थᢵεߠߕ὎㠰⮱㢐㾶⼝ ノ⤳㻱㠰⮱႓ᵎₐౕᒏ᜽ȡᓄݝຯₑ็⮱፛ߖ喑᜾Й䄒ڙ䷻侹⮱ͨШጒ⼸ጵ喑䔅㷘͉ প䓽⮱ϧᒵ็ᒵ็喑᜾ ຯ҂ఋ្喤᜾Й⮱㔮ጵ፥፥ॷ䃶႖ၽЙ喟ੜᰶݨ㠓Ⅿ႓喑ڞ᜽䪬Ƞڞ䷻तȡ׼᜾̭ᵤহ͉ ᜾Й᜽䪬⧵ڠЙ䘪᠒ᰶह̭͗ᷓᘠȡ఍ͧᰶᷓ喑᝭Вಇᠮ喠఍ͧಇᠮ喑 ᴾ⿸䔉๔ᔄा喑㿀ևᰶ⩕ϧ᝺喑᫦ज᚝㫶 ᝭В᜽ߌȡ᜾ⰥԎ喑ᓰᔭᷓᘠ喑㙇䌼჋ౝ喑Ⴧч᠒ᰶ㒻 ⮱⃼̭͗ᖖϧȡ ສ⮱ᬻ๖ȡ ᖖ᫪ጯ⺋哆↪䒓ጹ᱈ᄼ႓ᵎ䪬ȟࢀⅥ䶧 थঅጒȟट๖厝ڙ䒓⩕΅䷻͉


ΰℂ˝▚ᔻ˘ᒋ Walk into the World of Dongfeng

थキϸڙ Corporate Profile

͙఩఩ᰵЭ͆ᑦ喝じ Top 500 Enterprises in China: No. 18;

ѹ ͙఩ݢ䕌͆Э͆ᑦ Top 500 Manufacturing Enterprises in China: No. 4 すѺ


じ ѹ  ͚పపᰶЮ͇ᑧ Fortune Top 500: No. 146 ⹫ч䉐Шࣾᆂᠴ᪝ᢿऺ Social Responsibility Development Index of Chinese Top 100 State-owned Enterprises: No. 37


໸ᐧλ Founded in: 1969


ᕨ䉱ϔ Total Assets  Ϭٰϧℾጮ One hundred million yuan


̴ϧ Number of Employees: 164,100;

10 䊝䔈͉䷻⮱̓⩹ Walk into the World of Dongfeng


ᰭᑧȠప䭲̭≮⮱↪䒓ݣ䕍ੳ喠ڲក䕍᜽ͧప䷻͉ិ ⮱⯵ݖ⢴喠ٵ䕍ह͇͚ప䭲ᅲݺȠ͚ప䶳݈ ჋⣝जᠮ㐚᜽䪬喑ͧ㗎͉Ƞঅጒহ⹫ч䪬᱌݈䕍Фթȡ

Business Goals:

Building Dongfeng into the most powerful in China and the first-class international auto manufacturer; The industrial profitability reaches one of the tops in the world and leadings in China; Realizing sustainable growth and creating long-term values for shareholders, employees and the society.


ͨ㥒͇ߎ 喟 Main Business:

Commercial Vehicle, covering the whole series such as ㈨݄ڕੳ⩕䒓⋢Ⰳ䛺ࢎȠ͚ࢎȠ䒨ࢎȠᓛࢎȠ჏䒓ぶ heavy trucks, medium trucks, light trucks, mini-trucks, and buses ΅⩕䒓᠒ᰶ㜗ͨ৮❹হ็͗व䉱৮❹喑ϔ৮㺳Ⰳ倅Ƞ͚ȠᄼȠ

㈨݄ Passenger Vehicle, possessing self-owned brands andڕᓛಸ multiple JV brands, including the whole product series of 亝㈨㐌Ƞ high, medium, small and mini typesڲ䒓䰣䘕У⋢Ⰳߕ߈㈨㐌Ƞݣߕ㈨㐌Ƞᗙ᳣㈨㐌Ƞ↪ 䒙ा㈨㐌Ƞ↪䒓⩢ၽぶ Auto Parts, covering power systems, braking system, suspension system, interior system, steering system and ぶڤȠ䛼ڤܭȠڤ䒓㷲ิ⋢Ⰳ̀⩕䃫ิࣷ㜗ߕ㏬喑᜽ຄ὎↪ auto electronics, etc.

ऐȠ➖≮Ƞ↪䒓䛾㲺Ƞᬔ䒓 Auto Equipment, covering special equipment, automaticܧߎ㺳Ⰳ㥒䨭᰺ߎȠ䔈͇ڠ䒓Ⱕ↪ ߎ lines, complete moulds, cutters and measuring͇ڠ㒛ᢏぶⰥ instruments, etc. θ͇ጰᅭ 喟 Auto Relevant Business, including marketing service, ็ڲప喑ᒏ᜽Ą  ąθ͇ጰᅭ喑ౕపڕ䋠⎃ࡄȠ䲏ा⿸ import & export, logistics, auto finance, old vehicle ͗೻ጯᐧᰶၽЮ͇ȡ replacement and other relevant business Ąą喟ₓⅶȠ࡮൝Ƞ㹱䭠ȠᎬጋ

Ąą喟䗾ጋȠ⯽೻ Business Layout: Ąą喟ᴠጋȠᲚጋȠ䛺ᎳȠ፥ጋ Based on , facing the whole country to shape a business layout of “4+2+4”, Subsidiaries distributed in ⊤ใ͇ߎ 喟 over 20 cities of China. “4”: , Shiyan, Xiangyang, ܧ㈨݄㜗ͨ৮❹ੳ⩕䒓Ƞ΅⩕䒓ϔ৮ጟڕथ⩌ϔ⮱ڙ䒓↪䷻͉ “2”: , Yancheng ⿸थᐭ໸ౕᝅ⪒ጯ౧ᐧڙऐݝγ็͗పუহౝࡧȡहᬣ喑 “4”: Liuzhou, , Chongqing, Changzhou थ喑̺᫚Ⴙ઱⊤ใጯ౧⮱䨭ਜ਼হ᰺ߎ㑾㐉ᐧ䃫ȡڙ䉱䨭ਜ਼ڕ

Overseas Business: The whole series of self-owned brand commercial vehicles and passenger vehicles manufactured by Dongfeng Motor Corporation have been exported ਒ѓ℁χ ៶⦌ڲ䭬ᅁࣷݖχ ᮧȟݖ ༁ to more than 140 countries and regions. Meanwhile, Dongfeng began to establish wholly-owned sales companies in strategic markets and constantly improve ∝ȟప 䊷ȟࢄ ⼅ȟ冮 sales and service network in overseas markets. The main countries (national flags) include Algeria, Chile, Venezuela, Colombia, Thailand, Vietnam and Peru.

12 䊝䔈͉䷻⮱̓⩹ Walk into the World of Dongfeng

⤳⇨थڙ Corporate Governance

थ᭜పߎ䮏పᰶ䉱ϔ⯾Ⲑノڙ䒓↪䷻͉ थ͒ڙ༁অчノ⤳⮱పᰶ⠙䉱Ю͇ȡ⤳ 㺮Ⅿ喑͒ڠथノ⇨Ⴕ݆ȩⰥڙᵩ䖢ႵȨ ᵩᠶ⚔䃏⿸⮱ऱ䶦㻱」ݣᏓᠴᄩᬒ፥㏼ 㥒≨ߕ喑㜡߈㐡ᠮ倅Ⅱ۳⮱Ю͇ノ⇨ȡ

Dongfeng Motor Corporation is a wholly state-owned enterprise supervised by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. Dongfeng strictly follows the relevant requirements of Corporate Governance Code, guides the daily operation activities in strict accordance थ⇨⤳຃ą䛾຃ڙथ㢐㣤Ȩ䉏䉱ȩᎡᏓĄᰭҠڙᎡ喑 with all rules and regulations established In 2013, Dongfeng was awarded the Golden Prize of Annual and is committed to maintaining high- “Best Corporate Governance Award” of The Assets. level corporate governance.

थ⇨⤳㐀Ჱఫڙ Corporate Governance Structure

㗎͉๔ч General Meeting of Shareholders

㦐θч喍ϧ喎 ⯾θч喍ϧ喎 Board of Directors (11 persons) Board of Supervisors (5 persons)

჎䃎༁অч喍ϧ喎 ᣽ऺ༁অч喍ϧ喎 㫗䚙༁অч喍ϧ喎 Audit Committee (3 persons) Nomination Committee (3 persons) Remuneration Committee (3 persons)

ノ⤳ᅯ The Management

थ⼅Γϧ ᢵᱰА㶕ϧ ᣒऄ∂ᒸ⼸Ꮌ᪴Уࣷ䕇ⴒΓ⮱А⤳ϧڙ Agent receiving legal procedure documents Corporate Secretary (2 persons) Authorized Representative (2 persons) and notifications


㏱㏴ᱧᲱ Organization Structure

༁ڇथڙथ ͉䷻↪䒓ڙ䒓↪䷻͉ Dongfeng Motor Corporation Party Committee of Dongfeng Motor Corporation

䱿 অঅOrganization & Information Dept. ఏ༁㏱㏴Ԏᖜ䘕 ч ч Business Dept. International অప䭲θ͇䘕 чStaffing (Cadre) Dept. ϧθڞ䘕㏗ᒸ ბLabor Union Committee ᷭጒчᴒ༁Communist Youth League Committee ༁ ڙ༁ጒ啗Supervision Dept. ⯾ᄌ ҉ߋDiscipline Inspection Committee 䘕ڇ䘕 Party Committee Work Office ᪴ࡃ䘕༁ ڇथ⤳Enterprise Culture Dept Ю͇ 啖ڙႰ ጒSocial Business Management Center ҉ 䲋፥⹫ч ᎠCapital Operation Dept. 䃫Ꭰझ θ䉱᱙ झ ͇Strategy Planning Dept. 䓽ᝅ⪒㻱ܿ䘕 ノ㥒䘕Financial & Accounting Dept. ⤳䉏ߎ ͚Law & Securities Affairs Dept. ч∂ ᓰ 䃎Technology and Engineering Dept. ᒸ⻾ឭጒ 䘕 ̻䃮ݥθߎ䘕Audit Dept. ჎䃎 ⼸Operation Management Dept. 䘕 䘕㏼㥒Corporate (Party Committee) Office ノڣ৮New Energy Vehicle Platforms θ᫝㘪 ั ͇Other Non-standing Platforms ⎽↪䒓θ͇ᎠझۈBeijing Office 侨ࡄMilitary Product Business Working Platform ϙߋθ


थ 啗 ڙ 啖 ΅⩕䒓θ͇䘕 啗 啖 ͉ ䷻⩢㻳᪴ࡃэ྿ᰶ䭽

थ थ ڙ჋͇ ڙ䭽 啗 थڙ थ थᰶ 䒓 ࡮ थ 䭽ᰶ ൝ ڙ 䒓 ↪ 啖ڙ ڙ 䭽 ↪ ䷻͉ٲ䯳ఏ ξ͉䷻ 䒓 थDongfeng (Shiyan) Industrial Company ࢄ ᰶ䭽ᰶ ࢄڙ .Dongfeng Yunnan Automobile Co., Ltd. ᣔ ䷻䒓೻➖≮㗎Ъᰶ䭽 ᰶ䭽 䊤χ↪͉䷻ थ 㗎Dongfeng Nanchong Automobile Co., Ltdڙᰶ 卬थDongfeng Checheng Logistics Co., Ltd. 䭽㗎Ъ ∝ᗓ䓫͉ ䷻͉ڙ ䷻ 䘕 㸂䮳 㻳Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd. ᄼᏤ͉ झ थ↪䒓ᰶ䭽Dongfeng Hongtai Holdings Group Co., Ltd. ䷻ ↪͉ ↪䒓䯳ఏDongfeng Yueda KIA Motor Co., Ltd. 䒓 ䷻͉ڙ䒓थ⩢Dongfeng Xiaokang Motor Co., Ltd. ⤳ ䷻ 䘕 䉥ᭀ ⤳ ͉ڙ ࡮ ͚ᓰDongfeng Automobile Trade Company थ ൝͉䷻↪ 䒓 㹱䭠ノノDongfeng Motor Co., Ltd ڙ ↪䷻थ䒓 ឭᱜ थ͉ڙ Dongfeng Motor Corporation TV Stationڙ 䒓(Dongfeng TV Culture Media Co., Ltd.) 䒓 थ ڙ ↪䷻͉⩕ थDongfeng Motor Corporation Shiyan Management Dept. ䷻ ጒ⼸͉䷻↪ ↪䒓 ΅Dongfeng Motor Corporation Xiangyang Management Dept. ⵁ⾣䮏ڙ Passenger Vehicle Business Dept.) Passenger Vehicle Company of Dongfeng Motor Corporation ͉Dongfeng Automotive Engineering Research Institute ䷻͉䷻↪ ↪Technical Center of Dongfeng Motor Corporation 䒓͉ 䒓) Technical Center of Co., Ltd. Passenger Vehicle Company of Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd. Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd. Special Commercial Vehicle Company of China Dongfeng Motor Industry Imp.& Exp. Co., Ltd. Dongfeng Motor Finance Co., Ltd. Dongfeng Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. Dongfeng Motor Co., Ltd. Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile Co., Ltd. Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd. Engine Co., Ltd. Dongfeng Honda Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Dongvo (Hangzhou) Truck Co., Ltd. Dongfeng Nissan Auto Finance Co., Ltd. (China) Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. Dongfeng Smith Special Vehicle Co. Ltd. Dongfeng Getrag Automobile Transmission Co., Ltd. थ ڙ マᰶ䭽 थ ڙ 䒳 थ ↪䒓अ䕌 ᰶ 䭽 ڙ थ 䭽 थ ٸ៶➦थ ᵩ ڙ ᰶ ڙ ䷻ ڙ 䒓ᰶ ᰶ 啗 ䷻थ 䭽͉ 䭽 ᰶ䭽䒓 टჳ᫜̀⩕䒓 ڙ ͉↪䒓ࢎ䒓ᰶ䭽Dongfeng Renault Motor Co., Ltd. थ啖 ᴠጋ↪͉䷻ 䛾 ͚ 㲺 ప 䰤䄧 ䷻͉ڙ Ლ ᬒϔ थ᱙⩝↪䒓 ጋ ↪啗 ڙ थ͉䷻ 啖 ڙ ↰थ थ䷻᱙⩝ࣾߕᱧᰶ䭽 थ थ͉ ䷻᱙⩝↪䒓䰣䘕Уᰶ䭽͉ ڙ ڙ ͉ڙ ڙ थ䭽 ䷻᱙⩝↪䒓ᰶ䭽 थ ڙ ᰶ ᰶ䭽͉ڙ 哆↪䒓ᰶ䭽 㗎Ъ 䒓 थ थ ੳ⩕䒓⺋ڙ ⻺➦ ڙ ᰶ͉䷻↪ थੳ⩕䒓ᰶ䭽 䭽 䒳 ऐᰶ䭽 ܧ䔈 ䷻ڙ ឭᱜ ䷻ ᰶ䭽 䉏ߎ थ͉ ͇ ⩢ߕ䒓 ͚ᓰ ΅⩕䒓 ڙ ᰶ䭽 㗎Ъ ↪䒓ጒथ͉ 䒓 ڙ䷻ ↪䷻䒓䯳ఏ ䷻ ↪䒓䯳ఏ͉ 㗎Ъ ䷻͚ప͉ ↪䒓䯳ఏ ᰶ䭽 㗎Ъ͉↪ ͉䷻ ͉

14 䊝䔈͉䷻⮱̓⩹ Walk into the World of Dongfeng

Ю͇᪴ࡃ Corporate Culture


ÿÿݣ䕍х䉕↪䒓喑᣽ӈ␎ᘼ᰺ߎ喑хࡃ⩌≨৮䉕喑჋⣝ϧ̻㜗♣⮱হ䄽 Corporate Mission: Produce high quality vehicles, provide satisfying services, optimize the quality of life, and realize the harmony between human and nature.


ÿÿⅥ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱⮫Ꭱ͉䷻喑䲏ा̓⩹⮱ప䭲ࡃ͉䷻喑ౕᐭᩫ͚㜗ͨࣾᆂ⮱͉䷻ Corporate Vision: Century-old Dongfeng with sustainable development, international Dongfeng with global competitiveness, and innovational Dongfeng with independent development.


ÿÿ䃟⾣䄇Ԏ喑ሴᅇ͇㐖喑๶⡛⹫ч Corporate Values: Value integrity, advocate performance, contribute to society


⃼̭䘕䒓❞ڠᔭ⃼̭͗ϧ喑ڠÿÿ Corporate Operation Principle: Care for every person, care for every vehicle


ÿÿ႓΍ȟ݈᫝ȟ䊲䊷 Corporate Philosophy: Learn, innovate, surpass


ÿÿ჋⣝Фթ喑ᠾᝅ᱗Გ Corporate Spirit: Realize the value, challenge the future

15 ˩ށཝ˝▚ᅽ DongfengD Nurturing China Dream

⹫ч䉐Шጒ҉⤳ᔢ TheThe conceptconcept of socialsocial responsibilityresponsibility aandnd aactionction plplansans

Ą͉䷻ࡃ䰕ąϻĄ᭒䷻ࡃ䰕ą㔹Გ喑Ą᭒䷻ࡃ䰕ą㈨⩞Ą᭒䷻ąࣷĄࡃ䰕ą͑䃺䄚㏱व㔹᜽ȡĄ᭒䷻ąĄ͉䷻ࡃ䰕ąϻĄ᭒䷻ϻĄ᭒ ࡃ䰕ą㔹Გ喑Ą᭒䷻ࡃ䰕ą㈨⩞Ą᭒䷻ąࣷĄࡃ䰕ą͑䃺䄚㏱व㔹᜽ȡĄ᭒䷻ą ᭜ܧ㜗ⅶe݅ाȨ䄡㟾eࢤρe䉢ᓤȩĄ᭒䷻䷻ϧą喑Ąࡃ䰕ą݆᭜ܧ㜗Ȩႌၽeᅪᓰ̷ȩĄᬣ䰕ࡃ͸ą喑᭜ܧ㜗ⅶe݅ाȨ䄡㟾eࢤρe䉢ᓤȩĄ ᭒䷻䷻ϧą喑Ąࡃ䰕ą݆᭜ܧ㜗Ȩႌၽeᅪᓰ̷ȩĄᬣ䰕ࡃ͸ą喑 㷘⎽ व⩕⩕᜽Ą᭒䷻ࡃ䰕ą喑喑ࣵ⼝Ą͉䷻ࡃ䰕ą喑ᄀᘼैၽч׼᭒䷻̭ᵤহ⚓Ƞ׼ࣷᬣ䰕̭⎽ڥ͗ 㷘व⩕᜽Ą᭒䷻ࡃ䰕ą喑ࣵ⼝Ą͉䷻ࡃ䰕ą喑ᄀᘼैၽч׼᭒䷻̭ᵤহ⚓Ƞ׼ࣷᬣ䰕̭Გ䔆͑䔆⎽ڥऻᲒऻᲒ䔆͑͗ ➖㏳ᬍฝąȡ⋓➖㏳ᬍ㏳ ฝąȡ⋓ ้ڒᬣ喑ᬣ ⋓㗟ݘϧȠ፛ߖݘߖ ϧȡ͚ప䄄౐Ᲊ⩘ᰶऒ㦄ऺऺ⮱䄄喟Ą䮼䷻⒉้ڒᵤࣷᵤࣷᬣ喑⋓㗟ݘϧȠ፛ߖݘϧȡ͚ప䄄౐Ᲊ⩘ᰶऒ㦄ऺ⮱䄄喟Ą䮼䷻⒉

थᙬᘼڙथឬ៲⹫ч䉐Ш⮱݊㶤ȠᘼᙬহᔮᏓȡ͉䷻↪䒓ڙथᙬᘼ⩕Ą͉䷻ࡃ䰕喑⋓∪ఈ᫦ą᫦ Გ㶕䓫͉䷻↪䒓ڙथឬ៲⹫ч䉐Ш⮱݊㶤ȠᘼᙬহᔮᏓȡ͉䷻↪䒓ڙĄ͉䷻ࡃ䰕喑⋓∪ఈ᫦ąᲒ㶕䓫͉䷻↪䒓⩕ ᫦㣤ः㜗᜾ФթᎣ⼜Ხ㜡߈λ⹫чহ䄽Ƞ⣜ධԊ៑喑჋⣝⻾႓ࣾᆂȠजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂȡ᫦㣤ः㜗᜾ФթᎣ⼜Ხ㜡߈λ⹫чহ䄽Ƞ⣜ධԊ៑喑჋⣝⻾႓ࣾᆂȠजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂȡڠ᫦㣤ः㜗ፓߕⰥڠፓߕⰥ

Dongfeng,Donggfeng, thethe nurturingnurturing east windwind

“Dongfeng,“DonDongfeng, tthehe nurnurturingturing easeastt wiwind”nd” comecomess from “li“life-givingfe-ggiving spspringring breezebreeze andand seasonableseasonablee rain”rain”n whichwhicwhich coconsistsnsists ooff twtwoo paparts,p rts, namely,namely, “life-giving“life-ggiving spspringring bbreeze”reeze” and “seasonable“seasonable rain”.rain”. “Life-giving“Life-giving springspriingn bbreeze”reezze” ccomesomes ffromroom “T“Thehe sspringpriing breebreezezee bbringsrings ppepeopleopple ttoo lilife”fe” in PreciousPrecious VVirtues,irrtues, VoVolumelume 5 of GGardenarden of SStoriestoriess writtenwrittten byby LiuLiu XiangXiang in the HHanan Dynasty.Dynasty. “Seasonable“Seasonable rain”rain” is fromfroom “T“Therehere aarere somesome onon whomwhom hishis influenceinflunfluence descendsdescends likelike seasonableseasonable rain”rain” in MeMenciusncius. LLaterater tthesehese twtwoo phphrasedrased are cocombinedmbined intintoo ““life-giving“life-giving sprspringing breezebreeze and seasonableseasonable rain”,rain”, alsoalso knownknown as “life-giving“life-giving easteast windwind andand seasonableseasonaablb e rain”,rar in”, whichwhich impliesimpm lies thatthat thethe gentleman nurturesnurtures andand helpshelps othersothers like thethe springsppring breezebreeze anandnd seseasonableasonaba lee rrain.ainn. CChinesehih neeses ““Poet-Sage”Poet-Sage” DDuu Fu ooncence wrwroterote susuchch sstanzastaanzas iinn hihiss famousfamousu poem:poem:m “On“OnO the heelsheels ofof thethe windwindn it slipssllipi s secretlysecretly intointo thethe night.night. SilentSilent andand soft,sos ft, it moistensmoio sttens everything.”evereve ything.”

“Dongfeng,“Dono gffeng,g thethe nurturingnurturing easteast wind”wind” expressesexpresses thethe originaloriginal intention,intention, willingnesswillingness anandd atattitudettittudde ooff DongfengDongn feng MotorMotor CorporationCorporation to take socialsocial responsibilities.responsibilities. DongfengDongfeng MotorMoto orr CorporationCoro poratiiono isis willingwilling too drivedriive thethe relevantrellevant partiespartiiees to obtainobtbtaain self-worthself-wortth andandn bebe activelyactiively committedcomo mim tted toto socialsocial harmonyharmony andand environmentalenvironmental prprotectionotecctit on inin ororderded r to aachievechieve sscientificcientific dedevelopmentvelopmment anandd sustainablesuststaia nan ble development.devev lol pment.t

166 ⹫ч䉐Ш͚᱌㵹ߕ䃎ܿÿÿ⋓䃎ܿ⹫ч䉐Ш͚᱌㵹ߕ䃎ܿÿÿ⋓䃎ܿ Medium-termMedium-term Action Plan for Social Responsibility – NurturingNurturing plplanan

Ąቈą⧨Մ᭲ȧ໴ᦷeᣑ⇨̲ϝȨ᠒̬៲⧨Ąቈą⧨Մ᭲ȧ໴ᦷeᣑ⇨̲ϝȨ᠒ ̬៲⧨ “Nurturing”“Nurturing” cocomesmes frfromom ““nurturednurtured bbyy wiwindnd aandnd rrain”ain” iinn ,ĄቈĄቈ͡ν⚴◛ąȠ٘νợῸ͖⧶͡ν⚴◛ąȠ٘νợῸ͖⧶Ą⚴Ą⚴ąༀ͂⚴⧨ąༀ ͂⚴⧨ thethe fifirstrst cchapterhapter of Book ooff ChChanges,anges, TThehe GreatGreat Treatise,Treatise VolumeVolume 11,, whwhichich cacann be intinterpretederpreted aas:s: “wi“wind”nd” memeansans eaeastst ą͡Ą ◛ąȠ◛יą͡Ą◛ąȠༀĄ ͂⚴◛יༀĄ͂⚴◛◛ wiwindnd whilewhile rainrain iiss ffromrom “lif“life-givinge-giving east wwindind aandnd sseasonableeasonable ༀ͡ༀ͡‐Ąቈ͡ν⚴◛ą‐Ą‐ ቈ͡ν⚴⚴◛ąȠ rain”.rain”.” Thus,Thus, “nurtured“nurturu ed bbyy wiwindndd aandndd rrain”ain”n aappeared.ppeared. ⧶ ໦⧨⃉ͻĄቈąঽν໇ợ⧶໦⧨⃉⃉ͻĄቈąঽν໇ợ٭໦٭ ૣૣ⇶ᘝ̱᎚ᅺ⧨⇶ᘝ̱᎚ᅺ⧨ MeMeanwhile,anwhile, “nurturing”“nurturing” hhasas nnewew intinterpretation:erpretaationn: tthehe tthreehree λṓλṓᙰό̀ᝂϙ₡ωᦷԀᓬᾹ͎ᘝ̱⌚ୂᦧ⧨ᙰό̀ᝂϙ₡ωᦷԀᓬᾹ͎ᘝ̱⌚ୂᦧ⧨ dropsdrops ofo thethe wwaterater oonn thethe leftleft ofof thethe charactercharaacteer standstand forfoor thethe ththreeree bobbottomttom llinesines ooff DoDongfeng’sngfeng’s claclassicalssical thetheoryory ooff ෢⋾෢⋾೴ρ௡♿੢ṅཔࡸཀྵᘝᦷሚ₡ωȟ೴ρ೴ ௡♿੢ṅཔࡸཀྵᘝᦷሚ₡ωȟ socialsocial resresponsibility,ponsibbilityy, tthathat iisis,, DoDongfengnggfeng mmustust tatakeke tthehe mosmostt ⧷ ⧷ᝂϙ₡ωڼᝂϙ₡ω₡ωڼᓍࢮᓍࢮ₡ω bbasicasic economic,economic, environmentalenvironmental andand socialsociala responsibilities.responnsibiliities. ٜ᩷⇶ᘝٜ᩷⇶ᘝĄ┹ąঽ⌙☎ᘝĄᒽąঽ⧨Ą┹ąঽ⌙☎ᘝĄ ᒽąঽ⧨ TheThe charactercharacter “Wang“Wang (k(king)”ing)” insiinsidede the ccharacterharacter ““MenMen λλṓᙰ͎ࠅϝᧇᘝӌ৻఑౽͎ᘝĄᒽ≕ąṓᙰ͎ࠅϝᧇᘝӌ৻఑౽͎ᘝĄᒽ≕ą (door)”(door)” on tthehe rrightight rrepresentsepresents the trtraditionaladitional “kingl“kinglyy waway”y” ࠘ᓎ࠘ᓎλό̀ᝂϙ₡ω͎ᘝಊ͠⧨ᓎλό̀ᝂϙ₡ω͎ᘝಊ͠⧨ iinn ConfucianismConfucianism reflectedreflected in modernmodern enenterpriseterprise socsocialial ,” ąȠ responsibility,responsibility, thatthat is,is, DongfengDongfeng shouldshould valuevalue “virtue”,“virtueuڼąȠĄ΢ąȟ⌚Ąڼ෢⋾෢⋾೴ρ⌚Ą௛ą೴ρ⌚Ą ௛ą௛ ȟ⌚ȟ⌚Ą΢ąȟ⌚Ą “benevolence”,“benevolence”, and “harmony”.“harmony”. ⧨ࠆ࿒ࠆ࿒ν؎៲஫୿ṓ᜿⧨ν؎៲஫୿ṓ᜿

ༀ͎ࠅ؎ༀ͎ࠅ؝྆ᕗν໿хᘝ⧨؝྆؝ ᕗν໿хᘝ⧨ TheThe icicononon iiss dedesignedesigned iinn thtthee foformrmm of stampsts ammp ththatat hhasass aalwayslwwayys؎ хড়Ƞ beenbeen uusedsed to showshow “trust”“trust” in CChina,hina, exexpressingppressingg tthehhe ssolemnollememnڼхড়Ƞ⇸ͺਝ₡ωᘝ̬᝿⊟⌚രῷڼṓṓ⇸ͺਝ₡ωᘝ̬᝿⊟⌚രῷ commitmentcommitmentt andand iinsistencensistence in rresponsibility.esponsibility.

17 Ą⋓ą䃎ܿⰛᴴĄ⋓ą䃎 ܿⰛᴴ

䲏᣽ࡴ⹫ч䉐Шノ⤳喑ᄳ⹫ч䉐ШڕڕथĄ̶͉͗䷻ąᙬᮜহĄ࡮ιρąᝅ⪒⪒㻱ܿ㻱 喑ڙ䲏᣽ࡴ⹫ч䉐Шノ⤳喑ᄳ⹫ч䉐Ш䉜ᒨ㥪჋⻾႓ࣾᆂ㻯㻯喑డ㐂ڕथĄ̶͉͗䷻ąᙬᮜহĄ࡮ιρąᝅ⪒㻱ܿ喑ڙ䉜ᒨ㥪჋⻾႓ࣾᆂ㻯喑డ㐂 Фթ䨫ノ⤳͚喑䔪Ⅿ㏼≻Ƞ⹫чȠ⣜ධহϧ᪴⮱㐩वФթᰭ๔ࡃ喑ͧĄևᑧևх喑ᐧ䃫పڕथᝅ⪒হڙڒФթ䨫ノ⤳͚喑䔪Ⅿ㏼≻Ƞ⹫чȠ⣜ධহϧ᪴⮱㐩वФթᰭ๔ࡃ喑ͧĄևᑧևх喑ᐧ䃫ప⤳ᔢ㲺ڕथᝅ⪒হڙڒᔢ㲺⤳ ࣾࣾڡᰭᑧȠప䭲̭≮⮱↪䒓ݣ䕍ੳą⮱ Ⱋᴴ䉎⡛Фթ喑Вࢀ䊷⮱䉐Ш჋䌢喑ఋ亵⹫ч喑Ӱ䔈͚ప↪↪䒓ጒ͇ᡜڲࣾڡᰭᑧȠప䭲̭≮⮱↪䒓ݣ䕍ੳą⮱Ⱋᴴ䉎⡛Фթ喑Вࢀ䊷⮱䉐Ш჋䌢喑ఋ亵⹫ч喑Ӱ䔈͚ప↪䒓ጒ͇ᡜڲ ᆂ喑ͧ჋⣝Ą͚పᷓąহĄ↪䒓ᑧపᷓą䉎⡛߈䛼ȡᆂ喑ͧ჋⣝Ą͚పᷓąহĄ ↪䒓ᑧపᷓą䉎⡛߈䛼ȡ

GoalsGoals of “Nurturing”“Nurturing” pplanlan

By impleimplementingmenting ththee SScientificcientiffic OOutlookutlook on DeDevelopment,evelopmentt, aandnd ffocusingocusu ing on ““threethree veversionsrsiionss ooff DoDongfeng”ngfeng” anandd thtthee “12th“12th Five-YearFiF ve-Year Plan”,Plan”, wewe willwill improveimprove thethe managementmanaggemennt ofo socialsocial responsibilityresponsibilityy comprehensively,comprehene sivelyy, andand infuseinfuse itit inintoto Dongfeng’sDongfenng’s strategystrategy aandnd tottotalal vvaluealue chachainin mmanagement,anagement, ttoo mamaximizeximize tthehe comcomprehensiveprehensive valuesvalues of eeconomy,coonoomym , socsociety,iety, environmentenvironment andand culture,culture, makemake contributionscono tributions toto thethe goalgoal ofof “building““buiu lddinng DongfengDongfeeng intointn o thethe strongeststrongest domesticdomestic andand fifirst-classrst-class internationalinternatioonan l auautoto mmaker”,akker”, givegivve babackckc ttoo thethhe societysociety withwith ooutstandingutstanndinng responsibleresponsibblel ppractices,ractices, anandd PrPromoteromote thethe prosperityprosperity andand developmentdevvelopment ofof ChineseChinese automobileautomoobile industryindustry to makemake contributioncontribution toto realizerealize “China“China DrDream”eaam”m aandnd ““DreamDDream of PPowerfulowerful NaNationtion tthroughhroughg AAutomobile”.utomobile”.


㍮㢐㍮㢐ڞ㍮㢐పუڞ㞟ప䃎ℾ⩌⋓㞟ప䃎ℾ⩌ℾ ̻ప̻ ̻పუ⋓ NurtureNurture nationalnationala ececonomyonomy and ththeepe ppeople'seopeo le's LLivelihood,ivelihood, and pprprosperosper wwithith tthehe natnationion

䪬 ڞ᜽ڞ᜽䪬͸ڞ㔲 ̻͸ ̻͸ڠ㔲⋓∪⋓∪ݖ⯷ݖ Ⱕڠ䔈ₒ ⋓∪ݖ⯷Ⱕڞڞ䔈ₒ⹫чڞ⯷θ͇ ̻⹫ ̻⹫чڙ⯷θ͇⋓㒻ڙ㒻⋓ NurtureNurture PublicPublic wwelfare,elfare, /VSUVSFBOEHSPXXJUI/VS/VSSUVSFBOEHSPSPPXXX JUUI and adadvancevance witwithhsh ssocietyociety TUBLFIPMEFSTTUBLFIPMEFFST

হ䄽䄽ڞڞহ䄽ධڞࣾᆂࣾᆂ ⋓ͪ㜗♣⋓ͪ⋓ͪ㜗㜗♣ ̻⣜ ̻⣜ධڞᬻڞࣾᆂ᪴ᬻڞ᪴ࡃ⋓⊥᪴ࡃ ̻᪴ ̻᪴ᬻ⊥⋓ NurtureNurturure cucculture,ltul re,e, aanandd ddevelopeveelopop NurtureNurN ture tthehe natnature,ure, aandndn pupurpursuesueue withwitw thhc civilizationciiivii lizizatia on harmonyhara monony wwithithit enenvironmentvirronmonmente

1818 ㏼≻䉐Ш Economic responsibility

㍮㢐ڞ㞟ప䃎ℾ⩌ ̻పუ⋓ Nurture national economy and the people’s livelihood, and prosper with the nation

थĄ࡮ιρąࣾᆂⰛᴴڙ⣝䲏჋ڕ Strive to comprehensively achieve Dongfeng’s development goals in the “12th Five-Year Plan”

ȓΫ%㜗ͨ৮❹͚᱌ࣾᆂ䃎ܿ Medium-term development plan of Dongfeng’s self-owned brand "Qian" D300

ȓ%)⊤ใθ͇͚᱌ࣾᆂ䃎ܿ Medium-term development plan of DH310 overseas business

ȓ䄇Ԏ㏼㥒喑ӊ∂㏠⼻ Good faith management and taxation according to law

19 㔲䉐Ш ⣜ධ䉐Шڠݖ⯷Ⱕ Stakeholder Responsibility Environmental Responsibility

হ䄽ڞ㜗♣ ̻⣜ධͪ⋓ ᜽䪬ڞ㔲 ̻͸ڠݖ⯷Ⱕ∪⋓ Nurture the nature, and pursue harmony with Nurture and grow with stakeholders environment

ᢿȠ᫝㘪⎽↪䒓̻㐬㞟䕍᳄᫦ۼ㐔㐚Ԋᠮౕ㞯㘪 ڠ䊏Ƞহ䄽喑㖇♓অጒڞ㔲⮱ݖ⯷喑ڠ䲏⚔䶫ݝⰥڕ ᔭ 䲏⮱⣜Ԋߗ߈ڠȠ჏ᝤ❞ Take the interests of all related parties into Continuously make efforts in energy account to achieve win-win and harmonious conservation, emission reduction, new development, and care for employees and energy vehicles and afforestation, dedicating customers to:

ȓ㜡߈λ᫝㘪⎽↪䒓ࣾᆂ Development of new energy vehicles 㗎͉ অጒ 4IBSFIPMEFST &NQMPZFFT ᢿጒ҉ۼȓ㜡߈λᠮ㐚ᐭᆂ㞯㘪 Continuously carrying out the work ჏ᝤ ӈᏁੳ of energy conservation and emission $MJFOUT 4VQQMJFST reduction

ȓ㜡߈λក䕍͉䷻ĄⷠᎠ㶎ą⩌ᔮ᳄ ㏼䨭ੳ 㵹͇ࡼч *OEVTUSZ Building Dongfeng’s “carbon-balanced” %FBMFST BTTPDJBUJPOT eco-forest

20 ⯷䉐Ш ᪴ࡃ䉐Шڙ⹫ч Social Welfare Responsibilities Cultural Responsibility

ࣾᆂڞ䔈ₒ ⋓⊥᪴ࡃ ̻᪴ᬻڞ⯷θ͇ ̻⹫чڙ㒻⋓ Nurture public welfare, and advance with Nurture culture, and develop with civilization society

В倅Ꮣ⮱᪴ࡃ㜗㻶হ䉐Шᘼ䃳ड़ߕᰶФթ⮱ϧ᪴䶦Ⱋ Launch the valuable cultural programs with ⯷≨ߕڙᐭᆂĄহ⋓͉䷻ą㈨݄ high cultural self-consciousness and sense of Carry out “Dongfeng Nurturing” public benefit responsibility: activities

ℾ᪴ࡃ≨ߕڙȓĄহ⩲͉䷻ą↪䒓 ȓĄ͉䷻⋓㠄㵹ߕą❞ᓰߖ႓ “Dongfeng Free Travel” Auto Cultural Activity “Dongfeng Children Nurturing” education-aid for Citizens activity

ȓĄ͉䷻ᷓᘠ䒓ą͚ప䱿Ꭱ⣜Ԋ↪䒓݈ᘼ䃫䃎๔䊈 ȓᄦऐ፛ឣᤡᐧ “DFM DREAM CAR” Green Auto Design Counterpart assistance in construction Competition of Chinese Youth

ᑞ߬㓑Ҁ⧵ڠȓ ȓĄ͉䷻፛ឣ๔႓⩌᱾Ⴥ̀䶦ധ䛾ą䶦Ⱋ Caring for the disadvantaged “Dongfeng Special Fund for Supporting College-Graduate Village Officials” program ⯷≨ߕڙȓప䭲 International public benefit activities


⹫ч䉐Ш㻳㻶㶕⣝ Social Responsibility Visual Expression

थ⹫ч䉐Шᒏ䆎 -0(0喑Ꭳڙᵦᢛᒏ䆎ദ㗟হэ᧚⮱䰭㺮喑➦䃫䃎͉䷻↪䒓 ∪⋓Ą͉䷻ࡃ䰕Ƞܧȡ䃫䃎⎽㜗Ąξ㵹䰕᫪ͧ⋓ą⮱ắᔢ喑э䓫ڹ⧵䄤ੳᴴ⩠ ȡ㗹ᮜͧ㨊㞟喑᪡Ҁͧళ⤰ᒏ喑ᄀᘼౝ⤰⮱ცᎬᬍ್喑ᰡА㶕͉⋣ڲఈ᫦ą⮱ Ąρ㞟⺒ξąడ㐂ౕౝڣࡃ㻳䛻喠ĄξąВĄ䷻ą҉ͧ㵹ߕ⮱ӊច喑⤰ڕ⮱䷻ ⤰̷⮱䕍ಸ喑э䓫ܧ̭⻺䓽㵹̺ᖜȠश⺒হ㒻⮱ᘼ䆎喠⺒ξ䷉㞟ͧ喟㏏㞟Ƞ叱㞟Ƞ ⰥӊȠ⩌ڞ㐬㞟Ƞ⮪㞟Ƞ叾㞟喑ܳݘ̻͚పэ㐌᪴ࡃ͚⮱ρ㵹ⰥᄦᏁ喑ᰶ̴➖ 㔲䉐ШȠ⣜ධ䉐ڠᖜ͸ᘼ喠हᬣ喑䔅А㶕᜾Йᄳчౕ㏼≻䉐ШȠݖ⯷Ⱕ̺⩌⩌ ߗ߈̻䉎⡛ȡܧ⯷䉐ШȠ᪴ࡃ䉐Шρ๔᫦䲏ևڙШȠ⹫ч

According to the demand for image cultivation and dissemination, Dongfeng specially designed its social responsibility image logo and applied for trademark registration.The design originates from the concept that “train caused by cloud with nurturing”, conveying the connotation that “Dongfeng, the nurturing east wind”. The blue background and the overall sphere not only imply the infinity of the earth but also represents Dongfeng’s globalized horizon; “Cloud” moves relying on “wind”. The image of “5-color auspicious clouds” surrounding the earth conveys an imagery of endless motion, fortune and beauty;The colors of the auspicious clouds include red, yellow, green, white and black, which correspond to the Five Elements in traditional Chinese culture respectively, symbolizing that everything depends on each other and life continues without an end. Meanwhile, they represent that Dongfeng will make efforts and contributions in five aspects of economic responsibility, stakeholder responsibility, environmental responsibility, social welfare responsibility and cultural responsibility.

⹫ч䉐Шノ⤳὎ಸ ᩬᏉ Government Social Responsibility Visual ჏ᝤ 㗎͉ Shareholders Clients

㈨㘪߈ᐧ䃫䉐 ᴴҀ Ш㔰 ᠴ ᵥ  䉐 ࡃ Ш 㻱 ⇌ ⪒ 䕇 ᝅ

៑   ღڲ⤳ノ Ԋ  Management Content 䯳 ධ ఏ ⣜  অጒ ڙ  фڙ Public ᆂ थ Employees

ࣾ    ࡧ     ⹫ ̸  

᪴ ᇪ͗᠉͉ Ѻ 䒓 ᵥᓰ䃛䷅ 䉐ШͨҀ

Core issues Responsibility subject 



Social Responsibili- ㏼

ty Management 䨭




⹫ࡧ 㜗 ϔ͇䨫


Community  Industrial chain

䛼 Management function

䒓 ↪

ϧ ᝺ ノ ⤳ ⤳ ノ  䮖 䉱 ䷻ ϔ ⤳ ノ⤳ ノ ڕ⻾ Ⴖ ឭ ⤳ ノ⤳ 䛼ノ ⯷ノ⤳⣜ධノ⤳䉕ڙ ⹫ч㏱㏴ Social व҉цѡ organizations Partners

》ζᄦ᝸ Competitors

22 ͚పᷓȟ͉䷻⋓ Dongfeng Nurturing China Dream

⹫ч䉐Ш䃛䷅䔶᠖ Social Responsibility Issue Selection

䃛䷅ᩣ䯳 Issue collection

ใ↪䒓ڲȠప◦⧵ڠ䶫పუᩬゃ㺮ⅯȠ⹫ч㜳䃧ک⮱⹫ч䉐Шᴴ۳ͧͨ喑हᬣڲथ⹫ч䉐Ш䃛䷅䔶᠖Вప䭲Ƞపڙ थࣾᆂ㻱ܿȡᎣᵦᢛ䃛䷅⮱ᕔ䉕ᄳ䃛䷅ܳͧ㏼≻䃛䷅Ƞ⣜ධ䃛䷅Ƞ⹫ч䃛䷅হ㵹͇䃛䷅ȡڙЮ͇䃛䷅䊸߬Вࣷ

Dongfeng’s social responsibility issue selection focuses on the international and domestic social responsibility standard and gives consideration to national policy, public opinion focus, auto companies’ issue trend at home and abroad as well as company development plan. Based on the nature, the issues are divided into economic issue, environmental issue, social issue and industrial issue.

჎ᵥ⶛Ⴧ្ॷ䃛䷅ Examination and determination of report issues

䷅᫦⮱䛺㺮ᕔą͑͗㐡Ꮣᐧ⿸䃛䷅よ䔶ⴖ䭢喑ᄦ䃛䷅↍͚⮱䃛ڠथ͇ߎ⮱ᒞ৺ąহĄᄦݖ⯷ⰥڙᵦᢛĄᄦ͉䷻↪䒓 थ⹫ч䉐Ш䃛䷅ȡڙぶ㏔ᢿᎼ喑Ꭳᰭ㏵⶛Ⴧٵ䔈㵹х

Based on the “influence on the business of Dongfeng Motor Corporation” and the “importance to stakeholders”, establish issue screening matrix to prioritize the issues in the issue pond, and finally determine Dongfeng’s social responsibility issue.

e h o l d e r s t a k s ( l o w e t o ) n c r t a p o I m ) h 倅 i g H High ( ↪䒓 ᢿۼᕔ 㞯㘪 ڕVehicle energy ↪䒓Ⴖ conservation and Vehicle safety 㺮 emissions reduction

⯷ᙵ઱ 倅ڙ 䛺 ݖ⯷ ᫦ノ⤳ Charity HighڠⰥ ⮱ Stakeholder ↪䒓䉕䛼 management Vehicle quality ᫦ ჏ᝤ᰺ߎ Customer ڠ service 䄇ԎႵ∂ Honest and law-abiding ⤳⇨थڙ Ⱕ Corporate ↪䒓 governance ⯷ ⅁Նᝅ⪒ 㜗ͨ৮❹ ᪴ࡃڕClimate OBM Ⴖ strategy Vehicle ఋ្㗎͉ ݖ safety culture Rewarding shareholders

s ᄦ অጒ অጒ s

ᱰ⯷̻᜽䪬 㕹͇֒Ꮴ e 䓽㥒 Employees’ Employee n rights and growth i ⩌ᔮ᩵⢴ ᣕߕ occupational цѡᆒ䉐 health s Biodiversity u Pushing the conservation b fulfillment of partner g responsibilities ϔ n⩌ڕႶ ᰺ߎ ᣕߕ eۉ̶ Safety Service of 㵹͇䔈ₒ f production g agriculture, Promoting industry progress n farmer and o rural area D

n o

e c n e u ิוϧ᝺॥ᑂহ fl Talent attraction I n ͚ and reserve 䉱᱙䓽㥒 ৺ Middle Capital operation ᒞ ⮱ ߎ ͇ थ ڙ ᄦ ͉ ䷻ ↪ 䒓


⹫ч䉐Ш⇌䕇 Social Responsibility Communication

Ⴧ᱌⇌䕇 Regular communication

थጟ䔋㐚 Ꭱࣾጰ⹫ч䉐ШᎡᏓ្ॷ喑ڙ䷻Ꭱ䊤喑͉  㔲䉐ШȠ⣜ධڠथౕᆒ㵹㏼≻䉐ШȠݖ⯷Ⱕڙ᫦Ѻ㼐䄨ڕ ⮱ߗ߈ȡܧ⯷䉐ШВࣷ᪴ࡃ䉐Шぶ᫦䲏᝭҉ڙ䉐ШȠ⹫ч ⯷ᙵ઱ڙथ䔋㐚࣯ߍ͑ᅷĄ͚పڙᎡহ  Ꭱ喑  䶦Ⱋϑ≮ᆂ⹧чą喑䕇䓴ᆂ㻵ᆂ⹧হοߕҀ侹⮱ᒏᐼ喑ᄦ ⯷ധ䛾чąᐭᆂ⮱ͨڙ䷻⹫ч䉐ШĄ⋓ą䃎ܿহĄ͉䷻͉ ⯷䶦Ⱋ䔈㵹⩌ߕᆂ⣝ȡڙ㺮

Since 2008, Dongfeng has released annual social responsibility reports for five consecutive years, comprehensively interpreting our efforts in performing economic responsibility, stakeholder responsibility, environmental responsibility, social welfare responsibility and cultural responsibility etc. In 2012 and 2013, Dongfeng participated in “China Charity Fair” for two consecutive terms. In the forms of exhibition and interactive experience, it vividly revealed the major public welfare programs carried out by Dongfeng social responsibility “Nurturing” plan and “Dongfeng Benevolence Foundation”.

̺Ⴧ᱌⇌䕇 Irregular communication

㵹Ƞڵ⯷䶦Ⱋ叱ڙ⯷侫㵹Ҁ侹͸᫲ȠĄ⃺ϟ֒Ꮴᔘ䒓ąڙࢂѺᐭᆂĄ͚పᷓȠ͉䷻⋓ą⣜Ԋڠथࡼहᬄ̸ⰥڙᎡ喑  ⯷䋠䔦ąぶᆒ䉐䶦Ⱋఋ䃬≨ߕ喑㔰ᄌ䶦Ⱋ჋᫪ᗲۢ喠࣯ߍ仃ᅷ͚ప↪䒓㵹͇Ю͇ڙᐧ㒻ͪუΎȠᄨ䃬͉䷻ឣ䉘ڞĄ ⹫ч䉐Ш䃧ಈ喑Ȩ ͚ప↪䒓㵹͇Ю͇⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷȩࣾጰчぶ≨ߕ喑ࣾጰĄ͚పᷓȠ͉䷻⋓ą͉䷻⹫ч䉐Шጒ ϑ≮̻ᣏ䃕ȡڒ⌞喑ᅞ䒓Юຯ҂ᰡສౝᆒ㵹⹫ч䉐Ш̻࣯ч㔲䔈㵹γ䷅ͨ҉

In 2013, Dongfeng and the subordinate units concerned carried out a series of responsibility-fulfilling project return visits such as “Dongfeng Nurturing China Dream” Driving Experience Tour with Environmental Protection and Public Benefit, “Mother Health Express” Huanggang Tour, and “Co-building Beautiful Hometown and Looking for Dongfeng’s Poverty Alleviation Footprints” to inspect the project implementation; participated in the first Corporate Social Responsibility Forum of China Auto Industry, “2013 Corporate Social Responsibility Report of China’s Auto Industry” conference, etc., published “Dongfeng Nurturing China Dream” Dongfeng social responsibility work theme, and made deep exchanges and discussion on how auto manufacturers can better fulfill social responsibility with the participants.

24 ͚పᷓȟ͉䷻⋓ Dongfeng Nurturing China Dream


ڙ ䷻ ͉ ᰵᬒᬒ喑 थĄ͚పᷓȠ͉䷻⋓ą⣜Ԋ ⯷侫㵹Ҁ侹͸᫲≨ߕౕڙ ⎃ࡄⰮᖖ᫪ጯᆂᐭȡ≨ߕ ⯷䶳ڙВ͉䷻⣜ධ̻⹫ч ഌ䛺◦ᆒ䉐䶦Ⱋ㔰ᄌͧᵥ ᓰ喑हᬣᐭᆂγक़͉䷻䷻ ⺋&-Ƞ#4(⇦ ⩢ ⌤ व ⮱㞯㘪⣜Ԋϔ৮䄂ڲ䒓ౕ ΅䄂侫≨ߕ喑䕇䓴䔆ψߎ ჋Ƞ็ٰ⮱≨ߕႶᢿ喑͉ थౕᄦ⹫ч䉐Шᆒ䉐ڙ䷻ ᜽᳉䔈㵹ᆂ⹧⮱हᬣ喑ᰡ ᩣ㣤γ䃥็Გ㜗㵹͇̀უ


During October 30-31, “Dongfeng Nurturing China Dream” Driving Experience Tour with Environmental Protection and Public Benefit was held in Enshi, Hubei. The activity took the key responsibility-fulfilling project inspection on Dongfeng environment and public welfare fields as the core, with the launching of energy-saving and environmentally-friendly product test driving activities including Dongfeng E30L and BSG petrol-electric hybrid vehicles. Through these pragmatic and diverse activity arrangements, Dongfeng not only displayed the responsibility-fulfilling achievements, but also gathered many targeted advices from industry experts and media.

䷻㔲䔈㵹⼜Ხ⇌䕇ȡहᬣ喑ᐭ䕇͉ڠфࣷݖ⯷Ⱕڙथ䕇䓴྿ҀᎠझ喑ౕᎠ䲏Ƞ⩢㻳Ƞ㑾㐉྿Ҁࣾጰᆒ䉐Ԏᖜ喑̻ڙ ⯷≨ߕᓛⰡ᧚ȠĄͧᷓᘠȠह㵹ߕą❞ᓰߖڙф჋⣝ౕ㏬⇌䕇̻οߕ喑䕇䓴ᐭᆂڙ⯷ധ䛾чĄ᫝⊗Ⴥ᫦ᓛࢇą喑̻ڙ ⯷ąڙ⯷Ƞϧϧ࣯̻ڙ⧵ڠℾ᪴ࡃ≨ߕぶ㏬̷≨ߕ⁎喑㥒䕍Ąϧϧڙ⯷≨ߕВࣷĄाϑ䕇䭸΍4BZ/Pą↪䒓ڙ႓ᓛ 㞜ສᅭ䲏ȡ

Dongfeng released responsibility-fulfilling information via the media platform on print, TV and network media, actively communicating with the public and stakeholders. Meanwhile, Dongfeng created “official Sina Weibo” account of Dongfeng Benevolence Foundation to achieve online communication and interaction, through launching online activities such as micro broadcasting of public benefit activities, “working together for dream” education-aid public benefit activity, and “say no to bad driving habits” auto cultural activity for citizens 7 times, creating a sound situation in which everyone pays attention to and participates in public welfare”.


᫦䃶ⅯڠఋᏁݖ⯷Ⱕ Response to the appeals of stakeholders


Dongfeng attaches great importance to the communication and exchange with stakeholders, and makes responses to the appeals of stakeholders via various channels and means.

⇌䕇⍍䖀হ᫦ᐼ ᫦ 䃶Ⅿڠݖ⯷Ⱕ Communication channels and Stakeholders Appeals means ৺Ꮑపუᩬゃ ࣯̻ᩬゃȠ㻱ܿ䄰ⵁ̻ݣჇ Response to national policy; Participation in policy, planning research and 䄇ԎႵ∂㏼㥒 formulation; ᩬᏉ Good faith management; 䋠䷊㏠⼻ ӊ∂㏠⼻ Government Taxation in full; Taxation according to law; ݈䕍ᅞ͇ᇄѺ ፓߕᅞ͇ Jobs creation Employment promotion

ែ䉱㔲ϑ≮ⅴ្ч పᰶ䉱ϔԊթ෋թ Investors exchange briefing; ܧ䉱ϧ State-owned asset value remaining and increment; ្㶕Ԏᖜ៘䱟 ;थ⇨⤳䭟㠰㏼㥒䷻䮖 Disclosure of report informationڙ㻱㠰 Sponsors Regulation of corporate governance and ᣒऄప䉱༁⮱⯾Ⲑ㔰ᵥ Precaution against operational risk Acceptance of supervision and examination from SASAC

჏ᝤ␎ᘼᏓ䄰ᴒ ᣽ӈ倅৮䉕ϔ৮ Client satisfaction investigation; ⤳㈨ノڠTo provide high-quality products; ჏ᝤ ;Client relation management ڕ჏ᝤ ⶛Ԋϔ৮Ⴖ Clients To ensure product safety; ჏ᝤᏔ䄵̻䊝䃬 ᣽ӈх䉕᰺ߎ Client forum and visit; To provide excellent service ⼜ᲮᏁᄦ჏ᝤែ䃶 Active responses to client complaints

㕹ጒА㶕๔ч Congress of workers and staff; অጒᱰ⯷ Employees’ rights and interests; ጒч㏱㏴ Labor union organization; অጒ Ԋ䯉অጒ㕹͇ࣾᆂ অጒ࣯̻Ю͇ノ⤳⍍䖀 Guarantee of employees’ career development; Employees Employees’ participation in Dongfeng management ;channel ❞ڠঅጒ Employee care ᘼ㻮হव⤳ࡃᐧ䃛ᒮ䯳 Collection of opinions and ratioposals

࣯ߍ㵹͇ч䃛 Ϙڞ㏼侹 㵹͇цѡ Participation in industry conference; Experience sharing; ͇̀ឭᱜ℁ₓ̻ϑ≮ Industrial ឭᱜϑ≮ Professional technological competition and partners Technical exchange exchange

䖢Ⴕੳ͇䖀ᓤ Abidance of business ethics; ᐭ䛴䉚Ԏᖜڙ ₐ䛴䉚ڙᎠȠڙᐭȠڙ व҉цѡ Disclosure of information purchase; Purchase under openness, fairness and justness; ≯Cooperative 䄵ݑ̻ϑ हࣾᆂڞ䊏Ƞڞοݖ partners Negotiation and communication Mutual benefit and win-win results, as well as joint development

⯷≨ߕڙ⹫ࡧ Community-related public benefit activities; θ͇ࣾᆂڞڙ⹫ࡧ ᐧ≨ߕڞ⹫ࡧ̻⣜ධ ⹫ࡧ Development of community-related public utilities; Community co-construction activities; Community and ⣜ධԊ៑ ̻⣜Ԋ䘕䬕হఏҀԊᠮ⇌䕇Ƞ႓΍ environment Environmental protection Communication and learning maintenance with environmental protection department and groups

26 ͚పᷓȟ͉䷻⋓ Dongfeng Nurturing China Dream

⹫ч䉐Ш㘪߈ᐧ䃫 Social Responsibility Capacity Building

⹫ч䉐Шノ⤳Ҁ㈨ᐧ䃫 Social Responsibility Management System Building

थ㦐θ䪬Ƞᕨڙ⩞थ⹫ч䉐Шጒ҉༁অч喑Ꭳڙ䷻͉⿸थ倅Ꮣ䛺㻳⹫ч䉐Шノ⤳ጒ҉喑䃫ڙ थڙ㈨㐌⹫ч䉐Шጒ҉ȡहᬣ喑ڕ⤳ბ҉ͧ➢๡䘕䬕喑ᑿऐノڙ㏼⤳Ш༁অчͨШ喑䯳ఏߋ ̸ᆋऱࢂѺΌ䃫㒛γⰥᏁ䘕䬕হϧঅ䉌䉐⹫ч䉐Шᬒ፥ጒ҉⮱ᄦᣒহᣕ䔈ȡ

The company has attached great importance to social responsibility management work, established Dongfeng Social Responsibility Committee headed by the company chairman and general manager, with the group office as the leading department, for centralized management of the system-wide responsibility work of Dongfeng. Meanwhile, the company subordinate units also arranged corresponding departments and personnel responsible for connection and promotion of daily social responsibility work.

थ⹫ч䉐Шノ⤳ߋ∂ȩ喑ᬻ⶛Ю͇⹫ч䉐Ш㻱ܿノ⤳Ƞប㵹ノ⤳হ䓽㥒ڙथᠶ⚔Ȩ͉䷻↪䒓ڙ ღ喑͒ᵩប㵹ᄦใ᡽䊍≮⼸হԎᖜ្䔮ݣᏓぶ喑჋⣝⹫ч䉐Шጒ҉㻱㠰ڲ䃱Фノ⤳ぶ᫦䲏⮱ ࡃȠݣᏓࡃȠҀ㈨ࡃȡ

In accordance with “Dongfeng Motor Company Social Responsibility Management Measures”, the company has clarified contents of corporate social responsibility program management, execution management and operations evaluation management, strictly enforced foreign donation processes and information submission system etc., to achieve standardization and institutionalization and systematization of the social responsibility work.

⹫ч䉐Шጒ҉༁অч Social Responsibility Committee

㕹㘪䘕䬕ڠბ Ⱕڙ䯳ఏߋ Group Office Relevant functional departments

थ ၽࢂѺڙၽ Subsidiaries Sub-units


⹫ч䉐Шദ䃚 Social Responsibility Training

थ̭᫦䲏㏱㏴ᬄ̸䘕ܳࢂѺ⹫ч䉐Шጒ҉䉌䉐ϧ喑࣯ߍప䉱༁Ƞ͚ప⹫⻾䮏Ƞ͚పጒ㏼㖁ぶࢂѺ㏱㏴⮱ऱㆨ $43ڙ 䲏⮱⹫чڕथ⹫ч䉐Шጒ҉ϧঅᐭᆂ㈨㐌Ƞڙڕദ䃚≨ߕ喑ओ̭᫦䲏㖅䄤͚ప⹫⻾䮏х⻭ጵ䉱߈䛼䊝䔈͉䷻喑䲏ा थ⹫ч䉐Шጒ҉ᕨҀⅡᎠȡڙใ㐀व⮱ᒏᐼ喑ߗ߈᣽ࡴڲ䉐Ш⤳䃧̻჋䌢ദ䃚ȡ䕇䓴

On the one hand, the company has organized the persons in charge of social responsibility work of the subordinate units to participate in various CSR trainings organized by the SAC, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China Federation of Industrial Economics and other units. On the other hand, it has employed outstanding faculty of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences to carry out systematic and comprehensive training in theory and practice of social responsibility for the corporate social responsibility personnel of the company. Through a combination of the internal and external forms, it strived to improve the overall level of the corporate social responsibility work.

⹫ч䉐Шⵁ⾣ Social Responsibility Research

ᠶ⚔పߎ䮏ప䉱༁ᐭᆂĄノ⤳᣽ࡴą≨ߕ⮱ᕨҀႶᢿ䘕㒟喑͉䷻ ܳ ᄳĄݣჇ჋᫪⹫ч䉐ШᕨҀ㻱ܿ喑Ⴙ઱⹫ч䉐Шノ⤳Ҁ㈨ą҉ 䶳 Leader ٵ थ㏔䄫䷅喑Ꭳ㏱᜽䌕㕹㘪$'5ఏ䭌䔈㵹䄫䷅⿸䶦ᣕ䔈ȡ䕇 㔲ڙͧ 61.57 ܳ 䓴ᄦᴴⵁ⾣ܳᲽȠ⶛⿸䄫䷅ⰛᴴȠݣჇ㵹ߕ䃎ܿぶ⣜㞯喑ःᓄ 58 γ䭣⃢ᕔ᜽᳉ȡᢛ͚ప⹫⻾䮏ࣾጰ⮱ȨЮ͇⹫ч䉐Ш㨊⯛ 53.5 Chaser 䔪 Γÿ͚పЮ͇⹫ч䉐Шⵁ⾣្ॷȩÿÿ͚ప⮫ᑧЮ͇⹫ч䉐Ш 䊣

㔲 44.3 थ⹫ч䉐Шࣾᆂᠴ᪝ͧڙࣾᆂᠴ᪝᭫⹧ 喟Ꭱ喑͉䷻↪䒓 ܳ 㔲ą㵹݄ȡٵĄ䶳ڒ喑仃⁎ϻĄ䔪䊣㔲ą䔈ܳ

In accordance with the overall arrangements and deployments 21.2 of the State Council SASAC to carry out “management 14.6 13.6 13.2 improvement” activities, Dongfeng has adopted “develop and implement the overall planning of social responsibility, improve  the social responsibility management system” as a company- ܳ wide issue and formed a cross-functional CFT team of project 2010 2011 2012 2013

थ ϑ䕇䓽䓀䃫ิݣ䕍͇ڙestablishment and advancement. Through benchmarking ͉䷻↪䒓 Dongfeng Motor Transportation Equipment research and analysis, establishing task goals, developing action Manufacturing Industry plans and other links, it achieved periodic results. According to “2013 Corporate Social Responsibility Blue Book – Chinese ᪝ᢛᲒ⎽ 喟͚ప⹫ч⻾႓䮏㏼≻႓䘕Ю͇⹫ч䉐Шⵁ⾣͚ᓰࣾጰ⮱ Corporate Social Responsibility Report” released by the Chinese ᎡÿᎡȨЮ͇⹫ч䉐Ш㨊⯛Γÿ͚పЮ͇⹫ч䉐Шⵁ⾣្ Academy of Social Sciences, China Top 100 CSR Development ॷȩ

Index indicates that in 2013, Dongfeng Motor Corporation Social Source: “2010-2013 Corporate Social Responsibility Blue Book – Responsibility Development Index was 61.57 points, changing Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility Report” released by Corporate Social Responsibility Research Center, Economics Division, Chinese from the “Chaser” into the “Leader” for the first time. Academy of Social Sciences.

28 ͚పᷓȟ͉䷻⋓ Dongfeng Nurturing China Dream

䉐Ш㢐㾶 Responsibility and Honors

⯷ࢀ䊷຃ڙ͚పЮ͇⹫ч䉐Ш 2013 China Corporate Social Responsibility Public Benefit Case Excellence Award

↪䒓Ю͇⹫ч䉐ШĄᎡᏓ䉎⡛Ю͇຃ą 2013 Auto Manufacturer Corporate Social Responsibility “Annual Contribution Enterprise Award”

⯷຃ڙ͚ప 2013 China Public Benefit Award (Collective Award)

⯷݈᫝຃ڙᰭҠ 2013 Annual Best Public Benefit Innovation Award

䔈䯳Ҁٵᱰ⯷〒ప㐡៑ິຠ٬ڕ National advanced collective to safeguard interests of mothers and children

䔈ጒ҉䭌ąٵ᱾ᐧ䃫ĄۉࡄⰮ᫝⎃ “Advanced Task Force” of New Rural Construction in Hubei Province in 2013

⎃ࡄⰮĄ̶̴ą≨ߕх⻭㏱㏴ࢂѺ Outstanding organization unit of “30,000” campaign in Hubei Province in 2013

⯷䶦Ⱋ຃ąڙ⹫ч䉐ШĄ⋓ą䃎ܿ㣤䃱ĄᰭҠ䷻͉ Dongfeng social responsibility “Nurturing” plan won “2013 Best Public Service Project Award”

Ą͉䷻⋓㠄㵹ߕą㣤䃱ప䉱༁Ąх⻭⹫ч䉐Ш჋䌢ᵵҸąহĄ࡮๔ᰭҠ⹫ч䉐Ш჋䌢ᵵҸą “Dongfeng Children Nurturing Plan was rated by SASAC as “Outstanding Social Responsibility Practice Case 2013” and “Ten Best CSR Practice Case 2013”

⯷ᙵ઱θУą຃ڙ⯷ധ䛾ч㖇߈ᩜᤡ▫ࡧą㣤ᓄĄ͚ప↪䒓⩹࡮๔ڙ䷻Ą͉ “Dongfeng Benevolence Foundation Support of Disaster-Hit Areas” won award of “Top 10 Charity Events of China 2013”



ٯϫ 䨬䛻 4534

353.49̳䒲 ㏟⼺ᕧ䷉

ٯ406.2ϫ ㏼≻䉐Ш Economic Responsibility

㍭㢏Economic Responsibility ㏼≻䉐Шڝ఩ტ̺ 㞞఩䃍ℽ⩋ थ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷڙ䒓↪䷻͉ DFM CORPORATION SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2013

䄇ԎႵ∂ Ԋ䃮Ю͇⽠֒ࣾᆂ Guarantee the Robust Development of Enterprise by Integrity and Law Compliance

ࣾᆂ֒⽠ The robust development

थ䨭䛼ڙ䷻͉ ㇫⺋喑➏➏ិᤎĄևᑧևхą䔆ڠ䲏䉜ᒨ㥪჋͚๛হపߎ䮏ప䉱༁⮱ᰶڕथڙ䷻Ꭱ喑͉ ̭͚ᓰহĄ㜗ͨࣾᆂȠᩦ䲖ᐭᩫą͑䶦㺮ߎ喑ಇᠮ⽠͚Ⅿ䔈喑䊝䉕䛼᩵⯷ಸ䖀䌜喑ͨ㺮㏼㥒ᠴ  थࣾᆂ䓵̷᫝झ䭣ȡڙᴴ݈ࢳटᰭສⅡᎠ喑 ̴䒳

In 2013, Dongfeng fully implemented the spirit of the central government and SASAC, firmly ڒ䨭ਜ਼ᩣ grasped the focus to be “stronger and better” and the two priorities of “self-development, reform and opening up”, and adhered to steady, high-quality and efficiency-oriented  development. The main business indicators hit the record in history, pushing the company Ϭٰ development to a new level.

2010 1806.19 ↪䒓㵹͇䨭䛼喍̴䒳喎 2011 1850.51 Auto industry sales (10,000 units) 2012 1930.64 2013 2198.41

2010 272.48 थ䨭䛼喍̴䒳喎ڙ䷻͉ 2011 305.86 Dongfeng sales volume (10,000 units) 2012 307.85 2013 353.49

2010 15.09% 㐩वጯ౧ࢍᰶ⢴ 2011 16.53% Combined market share 2012 15.95% 2013 16.06%

2010 197.73 थ΅⩕䒓䨭䛼喍̴䒳喎ڙ 2011 232.90 Company passenger car 2012 245.52 sales (10,000 units) 2013 290.15

2010 74.45 थੳ⩕䒓䨭䛼喍̴䒳喎 2011 72.96ڙ Company commercial 2012 62.33 vehicle sales (10,000 units) 2013 63.34

2010 4.87 ऐ䨭䛼喍̴䒳喎ܧथڙ 2011 6.41 Company export sales volume (10,000 units) 2012 8.48 2013 6.90

2010 3688 喍Ϭٰ喎ڒ䨭ਜ਼ᩣ 2011 4067 Sales revenue (100 million yuan) 2012 3904 2013 4534

32 ㏼≻䉐Ш Economic Responsibility



Dongfeng Motor was awarded “2013 China Top 10 Most Influential Enterprises”

䔶⤳⩞ 喟ĄВᐭᩫӰࣾᆂ喑͇㐖݈ࢳट᫝倅ąȡڒ ⋓হݖڒᎡ㥒͇ᩣڕ㏬丅㏏喑ڕथ͇㐖ڙᎡ喑͉䷻↪䒓 थ̺᫚᣽ࡴᄦใᐭᩫڙ䷻౴݈ࢳट᫝倅ȡ̻ₑहᬣ喑͉ ⅡᎠ喑ߍᔘĄ䊝ܧࣨąₒн喟➢᝸↰ᅁ↰ᲱᐧВ䉱᱙ͧ㏪ፓ⮱ᝅ⪒㖁Ⰼ喑䛺㏱̶↌䰤䄧喑̻䰤䄧カ㒟व䉱㏼ ⮱Ą㏱ܧथౕᐭᩫव҉᫦䲏កڙ䷻㥒वह喑͉䷻ÿ䰤䄧ÿᬒϔĄ䛾̶㻿ą䄋⩌ćć䔆ψव䉱व҉䶦Ⱋ᭜͉


Reason: “Promote development with opening up and hit the performance record”. In 2013, the performance of Dongfeng Motor gained across the board, and the annual revenues and profits hit the record highs. Meanwhile, Dongfeng has constantly improved the level of opening-up and accelerated the pace of “going global”: it joined hands with Volvo to build strategic alliance with capital as the link, restructured Sanjiang Renault, signed a joint venture agreement with Renault, gave birth to the “Golden Triangle” of Dongfeng – Renault – Nissan… These joint venture projects represented the concerted effort of Dongfeng in opening-up and cooperation, which caught the industry’s high attention.

䄇Ԏ㏼㥒 Business integrity

थಇᠮ䄇Ԏ㏼㥒喑ӊ∂㏠⼻喑ᴾ⿸㞜ສੳ͇Ԏ㾶হЮ͇ᒏ䆎喑ᲱᐧЮ͇Ԏ⩕৮❹ȡᎡڙ 喎喑℁̷Ꭱ෋䪬ȡ⼻ڠ㑡ऱ䶦⼻䉦Ϭٰ喍क̷़

The company has upheld integrity when carrying out business, paid tax by law, established a sound business reputation and corporate image, and built a business credit brand. In 2013, the company paid taxes of 40.62 billion yuan (including tariffs), an increase of 12.1% over the previous year.

(201.9Ϭٰ (100 million 2009

(310.7Ϭٰ (100 million 2010

(372.2Ϭٰ (100 million 2011

(362.3Ϭٰ (100 million 2012

(406.2Ϭٰ (100 million 2013


Ⴕ∂व㻱 Law compliance

ӊ∂⇨Ю Corporate governance by law

थऱ䶦㻱」ݣᏓȠ㏼≻वहহ䛺㺮۠ゃ⮱∂ᒸ჎ᵥ⢴ጟ჋⣝喑हᬣ䕇䓴ᰶ᩵ڙथ䃑ⱌ䖢Ⴕపუ∂ᒸ∂㻱喑ڙ ͚უ̸ᆋڣथᕨ䘕হͨ㺮Წ಄䘪䃫⿸γ⠙⿸⮱∂ᒸθߎᱧᲱ喑ڙ䘕ᣔݣノ⤳喑㏼≻वहᆒ㏓⢴჋⣝ȡڲ⮱ ᕨ喎∂ᒸ䶫䬛喑∂ᒸ䷻䮖䭟㠰ᱧݣ⮱Ⴙ᪡䨫᲎ധ᱙ᒏ᜽喑఍Ю͇㜗䏘䔊∂䔊㻱ᑂࣾ⮱䛺๔∂ᒸ㏍ޜࢂѺጟ䃫⿸γᕨ喍 䲏Ᲊ㐊ȡڕ㏤ᵵУ

The company has conscientiously abided by state laws and regulations, rules and regulations of the company, economic contracts with important decision legal approval rate of 100%, and economic contract compliance rate of 100% through effective internal control management. The headquarters and main sectors have established independent legal affairs institutions, and 13 subordinate units have set up chief (deputy chief) legal counsel, forming the complete chain of legal risk prevention mechanism and fully eliminating major legal dispute cases due to violation of laws and rules by the company.

᏶∮ϻ͇ Honest business

чڕ⁎чȠ͚๛㏗༁ιڕᅷ̶͚ژ๔Ƞ࡮ژ⮱࡮ڇ䉜ᒨ㥪჋ڒ⌞थڙ 䶦㻱Ⴧ喑ߍژহ͚๛Ю͇ࣺ㙽Վ᏶ᐧ䃫ጒ҉ч䃛㇫⺋喑䃑ⱌ㥪჋͚๛ ᏶ᩬᐧ䃫䉐Шݣ喑䷻ڇߍᑧᴒߋᵵУጒ҉喑͒ᵩប㵹 ᑧ᎟䘕҉䷻ᐧ䃫 ᐧ䃫হࣺ㙽Վ᏶ጒ҉ःᓄ᫝᜽᩵ȡ䷻ڇ

The company has thoroughly implemented spirits of the 18th National People’s Congress, and the third plenary session of the 18th National People’s Congress, the second plenary session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and central enterprise anti-corruption building work conference, earnestly implemented the eight rules of the central government, strengthened the working style of cadres, strengthened the case investigation work, strictly implemented the responsibility system for the construction of the party conduct and an honest and clean government, and has made new achievements in party style construction and anti-corruption work.

অ᎟䘕ጒ҉҉䷻䔈̭ₒ䒙ڇ䶦㻱Ⴧ჋᫪ߋ∂ȩ喑㥪჋ጒ҉ᣗ᫪喑ߍᑧࣺᄦĄఈ䷻ą䪬᩵ᱧݣᐧ䃫喑ژ䃑ⱌݣჇȨ͚๛ 䉦Ƞ͇ߎڙथρ䶦䉦⩕喍ጛ᫲䉦Ƞߋڙअ喑᪴䷻ч䷻ᬻ᭫ᩦ䔈喑ᒏ᜽γߎ჋㞯㏓Ƞ䷻⌲⅁ₐ⮱㞜ສⅈడȡᎡ喑 ᠈ᒲ䉦Ƞч䃛䉦Ƞܧపϧঅ䉦喎व䃎ह℁̸䭺ȡ

34 ㏼≻䉐Ш Economic Responsibility

The company has carefully developed the “Measures for the Implementation of Eight Rules of the Central Government”, implemented working measures, and strengthened the building of a long-term mechanism against the “Four Styles”. The party members and cadres have further changed the working style, significantly improved the style of writing and meeting, forming a good atmosphere of being pragmatic, conserving and faithful. In 2013, five expenses of the company (travel expenses, office expenses, entertainment expenses, conference expenses, and overseas personnel costs) fell by 12.6% over the previous year.

᏶ᩬ䷻ڇ᏶ᩬᐧ䃫აэ᪆㗟ᰵ≨ߕȡ䕇䓴㏱㏴ᐭᆂ䷻ڇВĄჳܴ㖁㈨㓑ф喑ᩦ䔈ጒ҉҉䷻ąͧͨ䷅喑ᐭᆂγす࡮̰͗ 䔈θ䔦្ॷчȠĄ⌲᏶Ⅵ侨ᓰ͚ą⑁䃟℁䊈ぶ᏶∮᪴ࡃ≨ߕ喑ٵ㏗∂㻱ⴒ䃳㑾㐉≸䄂Ƞ̀䷅䃟ᏔȠ䘚⊤≟हᔄڇᐧ䃫 㥒䕍γ⊀ࣇ⮱᏶∮ⅈడȡ

On the theme of “closely linking with the masses and improving the work style”, the company carried out the 17th clean and honest government construction publicity and education month. By organizing an honest and anti- corruption government, party discipline and regulation knowledge test online, seminars, report of Comrade Guo Haizhou’s advanced deeds, “incorruptness in hearts forever” speech contest and other cultural activities, an intensified atmosphere of honesty and integrity has been created.

ᢿᴒ᏶∮䷻䮖◦͗喑ݣჇ䭟ᣔᣗ᫪͗ 喠䔈̭ₒхࡃ䛺◦䶳ڞथऱᅯ䲏ڙڕᣕ䔈᏶∮䷻䮖䭟ᣔጒ҉喑ڒ⌞ ≯䩛⣜㞯⮱͇ߎ≮⼸喑Ⴙ઱γĄ̶䛺̭๔ą۠ゃݣᏓ჋᫪ߋ∂ࣷ۠ゃఋ䖬Ƞ㔰ᵥ䃱ФȠऻ䃱ѝȠ㏍䩆ᩦₐݣᏓڠഌহ ⼸ぶȡ

The company has further promoted integrity risk prevention and control work, and checked 9,471 risk points at all levels of the company, and developed 10,063 prevention and control measures, further optimized business processes of the key areas and links, improved “three important and one major” decision-making system implementation measures and decision avoidance, evaluation appraisal, post evaluation, correction system processes and so on.

थ㏔᩵㘪⯾ᄌ䶦Ⱋ䶦喑䶦Ⱋ჋᫪෋ߍڙ㏱㏴჋᫪ڞᎡڕᣕ䔈ノ⤳᣽ࡴȡڒ⌞డ㐂⩌ϔ㏼㥒䶳ഌᐭᆂ᩵㘪⯾ᄌ喑 ᩦ䔈ᐧ䃛᲎ȡܧ㏼≻᩵⯷Ϭٰ喑㞯㏓䉱䛾Ϭٰ 喠Ⴙ઱ݣᏓ䶦喑᣽

The company has focused on the field of production and business to carry out performance monitoring and further promote the management improvement. The company has organized and implemented 119 company-level efficiency supervision projects, increased economic efficiency by 513 million yuan of project implementation, saved funds of 643 million yuan, improved 111 systems and proposed 234 recommendations for improvement.


⮱㓑ф䌜㏬᪆㗟჋䌢≨ߕڇ Party’s mass line educational practice

थᠶ⚔͚๛⮱㐌̭䘕㒟喑ڙ䒓↪䷻͉ ڙڕ㜗Ꭱᰵ㜠Ꭱᰵ喑ౕ ڇঅ͚ᐭᆂγڇҀڕ㏱㏴হڇथऱ㏔ ڇ⮱㓑ф䌜㏬᪆㗟჋䌢≨ߕȡౕ͚๛ ⮱㓑ф䌜㏬᪆㗟჋䌢≨ߕ䶳ᄩᄼ㏱⮱ ₐ⶛䶳ᄩহ͚๛すⲐᄩ㏱⮱ᖶᓰ थ᪆㗟჋䌢≨ߕᠶ⚔Ą⚔ڙᠴᄩ̸喑 Ƞ≄≄ⓎȠ⇨⇨⫲ą⮱ۍ䪉ၽȠₐ㶐 ᕨ㺮Ⅿ喑ВĄࣺᄦఈ䷻喑ᑅយ侙▜㇫ ⺋ 喠ӊ䲍㓑ф喑ᣕߕ͉䷻ࣾᆂąͧͨ অڇ㏱㏴হᎬ๔ڇथऱ㏔ڙ喑䕇䓴䷅ ᎟䘕䃑ⱌ䉜ᒨ㥪჋͚๛㇫⺋喑̺ៅ̺ ᪡䶬҉䷻⮱۠ᓰহߴ⅁喑ࢀᰶ᜽᩵ౝᐭᆂγܧថប㵹͚๛ᠴ⹧㺮Ⅿ喑̺᫚᣽倅ᕊᘠ㜗㻶হ㵹ߕ㜗㻶喑㜗̷㔹̸э䓫 অ᎟䘕⮱ᕊᘠ䃑䃳喑ڇ႓΍᪆㗟Ƞख़ःᘼ㻮喑ᴒᥳ䬛䷅Ƞᐭᆂឦ䃱喑᪡ᩦ㥪჋Ƞᐧ」⿸ݣ̶͗⣜㞯⮱ጒ҉喑᣽倅γ γ䪬᩵ᱧݣ喑჋⣝γ᪆㗟჋䌢≨ߕহЮڕ֒⿸㈨喑ᐧڠ㓑᎟㓑ڇ෋ᑧγ䶳ᄩ⤚ၽ⮱व߈喑ᩦ䔈γጒ҉҉䷻喑ჳܴγ γ᫝⮱ߕ߈ȡڒ⧵㏼㥒≨ߕ⮱ⰥοӰ䔈喑͉ͧ䷻θ͇ࣾᆂ͇

In accordance with the unified arrangements of the central authorities, from July 2013 to March 2014, Dongfeng has carried out the party mass line educational practice at all levels and among all party members across the company. Under the correct guidance and of the central party’s mass line educational practice leadership team and guidance by the central leading group No. 35, the company educational practice has followed the general requirements to “mirror, dress up, take a shower and cure”, the theme of “oppose four styles, promote the lantern spirit; rely on the masses, and promote the development of Dongfeng”, the party organizations of the company at all levels and party members and cadres have conscientiously implemented the central spirits and directives, continuously improved consciousness in thoughts and actions, conveyed the determination and courage for rectification in a top-down style, carried out learning education, opinion seeking, problem revealing, criticism, reform implementation, system establishment, improved the ideological understanding of party cadres, enhanced the force of the leadership, improved the work style, closed the relationship between cadres and the masses, established and improved the long-term mechanism, achieved mutual promotion of educational practice and business activities, and injected new power into the business development of Dongfeng.

36 ㏼≻䉐Ш Economic Responsibility

ϔ ᐧ䃫֒Ꮴ䓽㥒⣜ධ⩌ڕႶ Construct a Healthy Operating Environment with Safety Production

⤳ϔノ⩌ڕႶ Safety production management

ϔノ⤳Ҁ㈨⩌ڕႶ Safety production management system

ノ⤳Ҁ㈨喑⼜Ხᣕ䔈Ąąڕथ䕇䓴ᐧ⿸Ⴙ઱ Ⴖڙ ጒёᘼใ⮱ࣾ⩌喑В᱌䓫ݝĄ䰣θᩲȠٺጒ⼸喑߈Ⅿ䖬 䰣ёრȠ䰣ᢌ๞ą⮱ノ⤳Ⱋᴴȡ The company has established a sound 6+1 safety management system, actively promoted the “333” project, sought to avoid the occurrence of occupational injuries and accidents, to achieve the management objective of “zero accident, zero injury, and zero loss”.

ノ⤳Ҁ㈨喟 Ąąጒ⼸喟ڕႶ   6+1 safety management system: “333” project:

stem θ͇䃎 ility sy ܿҀ nsib ㈨ C spo are l re er p na lan tio ni iza ng an sy rg st O em ノ⤳⤳ᔢ ㈨ Ҁ ㏱㏴ᱧᲱ Management philosophy Ш ⣜ධܳᲽȠᄦᴴノ⤳ 䉐 ㏴ 䉐ШݣᏓ ㏱ ノ⤳ⰛᴴȠ䃎ܿܳᲽ ϧঅ䙺ิ Ⱋ Ą̶Ѻ̭Ҁą ᫦ᵵᣗ᫪Ƞ␇ߕᷭᴒ ᴴ ノ⤳὎ᐼ喑ࢠ 喟ڕθᩲᴒั 㔰 ㈨㐌Ⴖ

m ᵥ r ᪴ࡃȠឭᱜጒ⼸Ƞノڕo Ⴖ f Ҁ t ៀສ̶У๔θ 喟 a l ㈨ p ⤳Ҁ㈨Ą̶Ѻ̭Ҁą㈨㐌

e ᔮȠ⟢ڕg T ⊵䮑➖⮱̺Ⴖ ڕn ノ⤳㏼侹 a ᣕ䔈喑ᩦअ㷘ߕᐼៀႶ a r g 㵹ͧȠڕh ⊵䮑ϧ⮱̺Ⴖ e c t x a ڤ᫦∂ጒ e s ⊵䮑ノ⤳㑧䮤 t s n e e Ⱋᴴ䃫㒛 s ឭᱜ sڕႶ m Trinity system security m e g e 䰣θᩲ .㷲ิ 㐖᩵㔰䃱 n management model, i.eڕa Ⴖ n t

a Three major events: s

y zero accident safety culture, technology M

s  䃷᫚ノ⤳ ᜽᳉ t eliminate the unsafeڕႶ e

m project, management system झ conditions, eliminate 䰣ёრ Ꭰ ⣝౧႓΍ Trinity system promotion, no Ⱋᴴ⤳ᔢ unsafe acts of people, ≮ zero injury longer passive safety

Ideas and goals eliminate management ϑ

⤳ defects 䰣ᢌ๞ ノ

ദ zero loss

∂ᒸ∂㻱 䃚

ദ䃚䉱⎽ ᪴ ጒ҉䛺◦

ݣᏓ㻱」 ࡃ Work focus

ദ䃚䃎ܿ Ҁ

≮⼸ノ⤳ ㈨ ⾮ܧጒ҉䛺◦喑ៀສ̶͗ノ⤳䛺◦ 喟

 ノ⤳䛺◦ T


ϔݣᏓᐧ䃫Ƞឭᱜጒ⼸Ꮑ⩕Ƞദ䃚᪆㗟 Management focus⩌ڕაэ᪆㗟 a Ⴖ i

ݣ n

ᴴ۳ᐧ䃫 i n

Ꮣ g

᪴ࡃ cڕႶ

ᴴ u

䓽㵹ノᣔ l Highlight the work focus, focus on three


䉜ᴴ u

r ۳



management priorities: production safety system

Ҁ s


⯾Ⲑᷭᴒ s

㈨ t

e construction, technology engineering application, L m aw education and training s Ԏᖜノ⤳ a nd r eg Ꮑᕒั⤳ ula tio n m yste rol s ノ cont ᣔԎᖜҀ㈨Information



ა㼭ࣷڕथĄႶڙᰵᬒ喑ᬄ̸͉䷻ᬒϔ΅⩕䒓 ⤳ᔢࣾጰчąౕᎬጋ㟞䘪ͫ㵹ȡч̷喑͉䷻ᬒϔ㈨ ⰛڕᙬᮜȠႶڕФթ䨫Ҁ㈨⮱Ⴖڕ㐌ࣾጰγ⋢Ⰳ ᪴ࡃ὎ᐼ喑᜽ͧڕҬপহႶڕФթ㻯ȠႶڕᴴȠႶ ᔢ⮱व䉱䒓Юȡ⤳ڕ仃უࣾጰ̀ᆋႶڲ͇

On July 25, Dongfeng Nissan Passenger Vehicle Company “Safety Declaration and Idea Conference” was held in Huadu, Guangzhou. At the meeting, Nissan released safety vision, safety objectives, safety values, safety mission and safety culture model covering the whole value chain system, becoming the first joint venture auto manufacturer releasing the dedicated safety concept.

᪆㗟̻ദ䃚ڕႶ Safety education and training

᪆㗟ദ䃚ڕϔĄगᰶ䊤◦喑⇎ᰶ㏵◦ą⮱㻯ᔢȡ䕇䓴 Ⴖ⩌ڕᔢ喑➏ధᴾ⿸Ⴖ⤳ڕथಇᠮĄВϧͧ᱙ą⮱Ⴖڙ  ϔധ᱙ⴒ䃳হឭ㘪喑᣽倅Ⴖ⩌ڕദ䃚হᒏᐼ็ᵤ⮱჋䌢≨ߕ喑፛ߖঅጒᢹᤎႶڕ๔߈ᐭᆂႶ ➦͚喑̶㏔᪆㗟ϧ⁎Ƞڣദ䃚অጒϧ⁎喑ڞⅈడȡᎡڕᘼ䃳喑㥒䕍Ⴖڕ ⻺҉͇ϧঅϧ⁎Ƞ㕹͇֒Ꮴദ䃚ϧ⁎ȡ ϧ⁎࣯̻

The company has adhered to the “people-oriented” safety concept, firmly established “only starting point, no end” for production safety. By vigorously carrying out safety training and practice in various forms, it helped employees master the basic knowledge and skills of production safety, improved safety awareness and created a sound atmosphere for safety. In 2013, a total of 123,033 staff were trained, including 22,537 person-times of third-level education, 9,415 person-times of special operations personnel, and 46,034 person-times of occupational health training.


ᰵąᎼᎂȡऱࢂѺ㉔㉔డ㐂Ąᑧࡃڕथ៶ᐭĄႶڙᰵᬒ喑 ڕߕͨ䷅喑㏱㏴ᐭᆂ≩ڕࣾᆂą⮱Ⴖڕധ⵭喑ᣕߕႶڕႶ ᰵ㈨݄აڕ⑘⩨ᆂぶႶڕϔⴒ䃳め䷅Ƞദ䃚ȠႶ⩌ڕঅႶ э᪆㗟≨ߕȡ

On June 1, the company opened the prelude for “Safety Month”. All units focused on the safety theme of “strengthening the safety infrastructure and promoting safety and development”. It organized all-staff safety knowledge Q&A, training, safety comics fair and other safety month series publicity and education activities.

38 ㏼≻䉐Ш Economic Responsibility

ᏁᕒᱧݣڕႶ Safety emergency mechanism

थᠶ䃎ܿႹ᜽γ䛺◦䘕ѺȠ䛺◦ᇄѺহ䛺㺮㷲㒛Ą̶䛺ą⮱⣝౧Ꮑᕒั㒛᫦ᵵ㑃ڙᎡ喑  थ⣝౧Ꮑᕒัڙݣጒ҉喑჋⣝⣝౧Ꮑᕒั㒛᫦ᵵキᬻࡃȠఫ㶕ࡃȠᢿ❵ࡃȠᴴ۳ࡃ喑᣽ࡴγ 㒛ⅡᎠহᏁᕒ㘪߈ȡ

Dongfeng has formed production safety emergency plan system which consists of the company’s overall plan, department-specific plan and third level units contingency plan and position (part) on-site emergency response plan. In 2013, the company completed emergency plan programming for pilot units, making the scene emergency response plan condensed, charted and standardized, and thus improving the on-site emergency response capabilities of key positions, key jobs and important devices.

ᬄ̸ऱࢂѺϻ჋䭲ܧࣾ喑ᰶ䃎ܿȠᰶ䦵ᄦᕔౝ㏱㏴ᐭᆂᏁᕒ䶱ᵵ⑁㏰Ƞԛ䃏ぶጒ҉喑ᷭᴒ䶱 ㏱㏴γጒёᕒڞथऱࢂѺԛ䃏䶱ᵵ͗喑ڙᵵ⮱჋⩕ᕔহᏁᕒ䭌к⮱჋ᝅ㘪߈ȡᎡ ᩾Ƞ⚑⅁⇱␼Ƞ䭟≗Ƞ▘▫✳◥ぶ⁎⑁㏰Ƞ࣯ߍ⑁㏰ϧ᪝ϧȡ

The subordinate units have started from reality to organize emergency drills, amendments, etc. in a targeted and planned manner to check the plan practicality and handling capability of the emergency teams. In 2013, the company units amended 807 plans, organized 958 drills of first aid of injuries, gas leak, flood prevention, fire explosion prevention, etc., and 57,667 staff participated in the drilling.

㕹͇֒ᏤԊ៑ Occupational health protection

ᒸȠ∂㻱Ƞᴴ۳喑̺᫚ߍᑧȠႹ઱㕹͇⫲䭟⇨ऱ䶦ጒ∂ڠथ͒ᵩប㵹పუ㕹͇⫲䭟⇨Ⱕڙ Ƞ࢘⩌Ƞ⹫Ԋą̶Ѻ̭Ҁ⮱㕹㘪ڕȡ䕇䓴ᲱᐧĄ䭟Ƞ⇨ȠԊą㕹͇֒Ꮴノ⤳Ҁ㈨喑ᐧ⿸ĄႶ҉ Ҁ㈨ȡ

The company has strictly implemented the national occupational disease prevention laws, regulations, standards, and constantly strengthened and improved various occupational disease prevention work. By building the occupational health management system characterized by “prevention, treatment and protection”, the company has established a Trinity functional system of “safety, health, social security”.


ጒ⼸ឭᱜȠ͗Ҁ䭟៑Ƞノ⤳Ƞ֒Ꮴ⯾៑ĄఈѺ̭Ҁą⮱㕹͇֒Ꮴጒ҉䛺ܧ⾮थڙᎡ喑 थ㕹͇֒Ꮴノ⤳䃱ڙथ㕹͇֒Ꮴノ⤳ߋ∂ȩ喑ݣჇγȨ͉䷻↪䒓ڙ喑㏱㏴ԛ䃏γȨ͉䷻↪䒓◦ Ꮴᩦ઱᜽᳉ࣾ㶕чȠ㕹͇֒ڕȩȠङᐭႶڹФᴴ۳喍ᮯ㵹喎ȩぶ喑Ꭳ䕇䓴㑃ࣾȨ㕹͇֒Ꮴⴒ䃳᝸ Ꮴദ䃚ぶ喑ᮛࣷ㕹͇֒Ꮴⴒ䃳喑᣽倅䶱䭟㕹͇࢞რ⮱ᘼ䃳হ㘪߈ȡ֒

In 2013, the company has highlighted “four in one” occupational health priorities of engineering technology, personal protection, management and health care, organized and revised the “Dongfeng Motor Corporation Occupational Health Management Methods”, developed “Dongfeng Motor Corporation Occupational Health Management Evaluation Criteria (Provisional)” and compiled “Occupational Health Knowledge Handbook”, published safety and health improvement results announcement campaign, vocational health training, publicized occupational health knowledge and improved awareness and ability for the prevention of occupational hazards.

ϔ㐖᩵⩌ڕႶ Production safety performance

थ჋⣝γρ͗Ᲊ㐊 喟Ᲊ㐊γ䒰๔В̷఍ጒёώθᩲ喠Ᲊ㐊γ䛺๔▘▫θᩲ喠Ᲊ㐊ڙᎡ喑 γ䨲▶Ƞࢸ߈ღகȠࢸ߈ノ䖀䛺๔✳◥θᩲ 喠Ᲊ㐊γ࢞䮖ࡃ႓৮䛺๔⇱␼Ƞ✳◥θᩲ 喠Ᲊ㐊 γ䛺๔㕹͇͚⃿θᩲȡ

In 2013, the company achieved five eliminations: Eliminated larger work-related casualties; eliminated major fire accidents; eliminated boilers, pressure vessels, pressure piping and major explosions; eliminated significant leakage of dangerous chemicals and explosions; eliminated major occupational poisoning accidents.

2010 2011 2012 2013 θᩲ᪝喍ࢂѺ喟䊤喎ڕࣾ⩌⩌ϔႶ Production safety accidents 56 50 51 59 (Unit: number of work safety accidents) ₨ώθᩲ 3001 Fatalities ͚ 䛺ёθᩲڣ 4184 Including Injuries 䒨ёθᩲ 49 49 43 54 Minor injuries ➦⻺喍࢞䮖喎҉͇ϧঅᠮ䃮̷ᇄ⢴ Special (hazardous) operating personnel 100% 100% 100% 100% certificate holding rate ➦⻺䃫ิӊ∂Ⴧᷭ⢴ࣷवᵩ⢴ Special equipment inspection and passing 100% 100% 100% 100% rate in accordance with the law 㕹͇⫲ࣾ⫲⢴ The incidence of occupational diseases 0.28Ĉ 0.19Ĉ 0.14Ĉ 0.17Ĉ

40 ㏼≻䉐Ш Economic Responsibility

㜗݈ͨ᫝ ក䕍ℾ᫼↪䒓৮❹ Build National Car Brand by Independent Innovation

᪡व݈᫝䉱⎽ Integrate innovative resources

ᐧ䃫݈᫝Ꭰझ Build an innovative platform

ᐧま䲏⼜ ͧᩜᦾ͉䷻㜗ͨ৮❹ N ΅⩕䒓θ͇⮱ऻ㐚ࣾ ᆂ喑䔈̭ₒ᣽倅㐩व थड़ߕڙ䶦Ⱋᕨែ䉱 ⵁࣾ჋߈喑 ͉䷻ឭᱜ͚ᓰι᱌㘪 Ϭٰ  ߈ᐧ䃫䶦Ⱋȡ䄒䶦Ⱋ ᭜ౕ̭᱌ധ⵭̷䔈㵹 ⮱ពᐧ䶦Ⱋ喑ᐧま䲏 ⼜̴Ꭰ᫦ㆠ喑 ᕨែ䉱 Ϭٰ喑䶱 Ҭ ڒ 䃎  Ꭱ ែ ღ࠲᠙ϔ৮䃫䃎ẩι᱌ࣷ䙺ຄጒ⼸Ƞ䄂ݣጒ㞧䒓䬡ι᱌Ƞ㖁व䄂侹ბ喍⩞ߕڲȡ䶦Ⱋᐧ䃫⩕ ߈ᕨ᜽䄂侹ბȠ䒓䏘䄂侹ბȠᏂⰅ䄂侹ბȠ⩢ၽ⩢க䄂侹ბȠᱽ᫆䄂侹ბ㏱᜽喎Ƞ⣜ධ䄂侹ბȠ ጒ㞧։䒓ẩぶȡ

In order to support the future development of passenger vehicles with Dongfeng’s independent brands and to further improve the comprehensive R&D capacity, the company has launched the capacity construction project for Phase II of the Dongfeng Technology Center. As an extension project of Phase I, this project, with the structural area of 125,000 square meters and the total investment of RMB2 billion, is expected to be launched to operation in 2016. This project includes the construction of Phase II of the Product Design Building & supporting projects, Phase II of the Trial-production Technology Workshop, the Combined Lab (consisting of the Powertrain Lab, Bodywork Lab, Chassis Lab, Electronic and Electrical Appliances Lab and the Material Lab) the Environment Lab and the Technology and Parking Building, etc.

᫝ϧ᝺݈ڨദ Cultivate innovative talents

थᝅ⪒̻ऱ䶦θ͇䃎ܿ喑倅Ꮣ䛺㻳݈ڙथВĄ࡮ιρϧ᝺㻱ܿąͧ㐌䶳喑㉔ჳ㐀वڙ㏼㥒ノ⤳Ƞ͇̀ឭᱜȠ Ꭱ 䋠⮱ᮧ߈হϧ߈䉱⎽ᩜᦾȡ᝗₏ᎡᏂ喑͉䷻㏼㥒ノٲथ᣽ӈڙ喑ͧڨ᫝ϧ᝺⮱ᑂ䔈̻ദ ڞ倅ឭ㘪ϧ᝺ Ƞ͇̀ឭᱜȠ倅ឭ㘪̶ᩜϧ᝺䭌кᕨ䛼ϧ喑ࢍౕᇄवहݣঅጒᕨ᪝⮱ȡ⤳ ϧ


In 2013, guided by “12th Five-Year Talents Plan”, the company closely integrated the company’s strategy and business plan, attached great importance to the introduction and cultivation of innovative talents, provided the company with sufficient intellectual and human resources support. By the end of 2013, the teams of Dongfeng operation and management, professional and technical, and highly skilled personnel reached 58,330, accounting for 46% of the total number of the contracted staff.

थ࡮ιρϧ᝺ࣾᆂ㻱ܿ喑Ჱڙथͧ჋⣝Ą̶͉͗䷻ą⮱ᙬᮜ喑ಇᠮ჋᫪ϧ᝺ᑧЮᝅ⪒喑㑃ݣγڙ थ㜗ڙϧ᝺䭌к喑ͧۈใᑂ䔈⮱䶳ڲ⊤᜽䪬হڨᐧγĄ̶ὗ̶㏢ą⮱ϧ᝺Ҁ㈨喑᠒ᰶ̭ᩜ㜗ͨദ ݈ͨ᫝θ͇ࣾᆂ᣽ӈγᰶ߈⮱ϧ᝺Ԋ䯉ȡ

To achieve the vision of “three Dongfeng”, the company has insisted on implementing the talent-driven enterprise thriving strategy, prepared the company’s twelfth five-year talent development plan, built a “three-level vertical and three-level horizontal” talent system, fostered a leading pool of talents self-trained and introduced from home and abroad, which provided strong personnel support for the innovation and development of the company.

͇̀ឭᱜ Professional and technical 670 32%

ᕨጒ⼸ጵޜथڙ Deputy chief engineers of the company ㏼㥒ノ⤳ 6 Operation management थ͇̀ᕨጵڙ 1312 थ倅ノȠ̭㏔ϧ᝺Ꮐ̀უ Professional chief engineers of the companyڙ 62% Ჱ᜽ᗲۢ 11 Expert ͇̀ឭᱜ༁অчͨШȠޜͨШ༁অ constitution of the थ倅ノȠ̭㏔ϧ᝺ The chairman and vice-chairmen members of theڙ͚喟ڣ first-level technical committee Ꮐ̀უ  ϧ talent pool 55

倅ឭ㘪 Highly skilled 倅〜ϧ᝺ 120 6% High level talent

పუ㏔ϧ᝺ National talents 130 32%

ప䉡̀უ ͚〜ϧ᝺ Experts enjoying national allowance 99 Middle level talent ࡰϧ䃎ܿ Ⱞ䘕㏔ϧ᝺ Recruitment Program of Global Experts Provincial and ministry- 10 level talents 㢐㣤ऱ㏔ᩬᏉ̀უ⼝त⮱̀უ 106 పუ⮫ࡰ̴ϧ᝺ጒ⼸̀უ ᗲۢ 26% Engineering Expert of National Million Talents Experts awarded the title 1 ̭㝙ϧ᝺ of expert by different levels of government ͚ࡻឭ㘪๔຃ Talent The Chinese skill awards 3

పឭᱜ㘪᝸ڕ ⤳㏼㥒ノ 倅ឭ㘪 National technical experts ͇̀ឭᱜ Operation management 17 Highly skilled Professional and technical

ጯࡧ㏔ϧ᝺ City and district-level talents 166 42%

42 ㏼≻䉐Ш Economic Responsibility

ᩜᠮ݈᫝჋䌢 Support innovation practice

喑็⍍䖀ウ䯳䉱䛾喑В⶛Ԋ⻾ឭᐭࣾጒ҉⮱䶧ݖᐭᆂȡᎡᏓڒथ໸㏵倅Ꮣ䛺㻳⻾ឭែڙ ڒឭ≨ߕ㏼䉦ែ Ϭٰ喑㐔㐚Ԋᠮڒ͚喑ⵁ⾣̻䄂侹ࣾᆂ㏼䉦ែڣϬٰ喑ڒथ⻾ឭ≨ߕ㏼䉦ែڙ  䔈ⅡᎠȡٵᅲ㵹͇ڒγ⃼Ꭱ⮱෋䪬⢴喑⻾ឭ≨ߕ㏼䉦ែ Ϭٰ

The company always attaches great importance to investment in science and technology, and ⃼Ꭱ෋䪬 raises funds through various channels to ensure smooth progress in science and technology  development work. In 2013, the company input 12.757 billion yuan in science and technology activities, of which, the research and experimental development fund was 6.397 billion yuan, maintaining the growth rate of 12% each year, and the input in science and technology activities reached the industry’s leading level.

थ㣤ᓄ͚ప↪䒓㵹͇⻾႓ឭᱜ຃̭ぶ຃䶦Ƞιぶ຃䶦Ƞ̶ぶ຃䶦喑㣤ᓄ⎃ࡄⰮڙᎡ ⻾႓ឭᱜ຃ιぶ຃䶦ȡ

In 2013, the company obtained one first prize, 1 second prize and 6 third prizes for Science and Technology Award in Chinese Automobile Industry, and 1 second prize for Hubei provincial Science and Technology Award.

喍ࢂѺ喟Ϭٰϧℾጮ喎 ܧⵁ⾣̻䄂侹ࣾᆂ㏼䉦ᩜ䷻͉ Expenditure of Dongfeng research and experimental development fund Unit: 100 million yuan Ϭٰ 

Ϭٰ 2010 35.92  2011 40.48

2012 54.58

2013 63.97

ॷ⮱ڙ㵹͇ᄦ℁喍Вపუ̻ܧथ⻾ឭ≨ߕ㏼䉦ᩜڙ Ꭱ᪝ᢛͧҸ喎

喍ࢂѺ喟Ϭٰϧℾጮ喎 ܧComparison between Dongfeng and the industry in terms ͉䷻⻾ឭ≨ߕ㏼䉦ᩜ of science and technology activity fund (take the 2012 Expenditure of Dongfeng science and technology activity fund Unit: 100 million yuan data announced by the state as an example) ᢿऺݺ⮱ܧ䒓Ю͇⻾ឭ≨ߕ㏼䉦ᩜ↪ڲᎡప Ꭰ౴թ 喟Ϭٰ 2010 61.71 Average expenditure in 2012 of top 10 Chinese auto 2011 86.85 manufacturers in terms of science and technology activity fund: 5.214 billion yuan 2012 93.11 喟Ϭٰ 2013 127.57 ܧᎡ͉䷻⻾ឭ≨ߕ㏼䉦ᩜ Expenditure in 2012 of Dongfeng science and technology activity fund: 9.311 billion yuan


ក䕍㜗ͨ৮❹ Build self-owned brand

❹す̭Ƞ̓⩹す̶Ƞ㜗ͨ৮ڲᵦᢛĄΫą%䃎ܿ喑㜗ͨ৮❹䨭䛼䓫ݝ300̴䒳喑ੳ⩕䒓ప ΅⩕䒓⽠ᅲす̭䭢㥒ȡ

According to “Qian” D300 plan, sales of vehicles with self-owned brand will reach 3 million units. The sales of commercial vehicles with self-owned brand will reach No. 1 in China and No. 3 in the world. Passenger Vehicle with self-owned brand will occupy the top position steadily.

̴䒳 ̴䒳 1 million units ̴䒳 1 million units 1 million units


44 ㏼≻䉐Ш Economic Responsibility

ݺ̶ą⮱Ⴧ⤰ڕす̭ȠڲᎡ喑͉䷻㜗ͨ৮❹θ͇㐔㐚ᠶ⚔ĄΫą%䃎ܿᣕ䔈჋᫪ȡ͉䷻৮❹ੳ⩕䒓ᠶ⚔Ąప ࣾᆂ⮱ധ⵭̷喑⼜Ხᣕ䔈ప䭲ࡃࣾᆂ喑⌞ࡃ̻↰ᅁ↰⮱ᝅ⪒व҉喑ߍᔘᣕ䔈⊤ใθ͇ࣾᆂȡ͉䷻৮ڲѺ喑ౕ⿸䋠ప Ⴐ㜗ͨ৮❹᫦ڣぶၽ৮❹Გߍᑧ㏳ܳጯ౧⮱ࣾᆂȡౕٶ䷻䷻䒓䕇䓴䃫⿸͉䷻䷻⺋Ƞ͉䷻䷻㵹Ƞ͉䷻䷻ᏓȠ͉⩕΅❹ 䲏喑๔߈ࣾᆂव䉱㜗ͨ৮❹喑͉䷻ᬒϔ⮱ड़䓝᜽ͧ㵹͇ࣾᆂᰭᔘ⮱व䉱㜗ͨ৮❹喑Ꭱ䨭䛼⾮ⵡ̴䒳喑ᑂ䶳 㵹͇व䉱㜗ͨ৮❹ࣾᆂȡ

In 2013, Dongfeng’s self-owned brand cause continued to be implemented according to “Qian” D300 plan. Dongfeng-branded commercial vehicles were oriented according to the objective of “No. 1 in China and No. 3 in the world”. Based on development in China, Dongfeng actively promoted international development, deepened strategic cooperation with Volvo, and accelerated the overseas business development. As for Dongfeng-brand commercial vehicles, Dongfeng Fengshen, Dongfeng Fxauto, Dongfeng Fengdu, Dongfeng Fengguang and other sub-brands were used to strength the development of market segments. In term of other self-owned brands, Dongfeng vigorously developed joint venture independent brands. Dongfeng Nissan’s became the joint venture independent brand which developed the most rapidly in the industry, and the sales in 2013 exceeded 100,000 units, making Venucia lead the development joint venture independent brands in the industry.

थ㜗ͨ৮❹ౕ㵹͇͚⩞すѺڙ䷻Ꭱ喑͉䷻㜗ͨ৮❹䨭䛼⾮ⵡ̴䒳喑㜗ͨ৮❹䨭䛼෋䕌倅λ㵹͇ⅡᎠ喑͉ ᣽ࡴݝすѺȡ

In 2013, the sales of Dongfeng’s self-owned brands exceeded 1.27 million vehicles. The sales of self-owned brand grew faster than the industry’s level, and Dongfeng’s self-owned brands rose from the third place to the second place in the industry.



Ϧ⁍ ࣽᎠᏒ⣜䛽㗍ݕ 519≫

ٯϫ 䛹๓ᝄ⪑ऴ҈䶥Ⱊ 12.92

46 㔲䉐Шڠݖ⯷Ⱕ Stakeholders’ Responsibility

㔲䉐Шڠ᜼䪫Stakeholders’ Responsibility ݖ⯷Ⱕڝͷ̺ 㔱ڟݕ⯶Ⱔ∩


ͧ㗎͉݈䕍Фթఋ្ Create Value Return for Shareholders

⤳㈨ノڠែ䉱㔲 Investor relation management

थ͇ߎ⮱ڙ㈨≨ߕ喑ߍᑧ̻ែ䉱㔲⮱⇌䕇喑ϻ㔹ߍ⌞ែ䉱㔲ᄦڠथಇᠮ䕇䓴⼜Ხ⮱ែ䉱㔲ڙ थ⮱͇ߎࣾڙथ⮱䃑ह喑Ҭڙथ᱗Გࣾᆂ⮱Ԏᓰ喑Ӱ䔈ጯ౧ᄦڙ㼐হԎШ喑ᴾ⿸ែ䉱㔲ᄦ⤳ Ҁ⣝ȡܳٲᆂ⒉߈হ჋䭲Фթ㘪ౕጯ౧͚ᓄݝ

The company persists in strengthening communication with investors through positively carrying out active investor relation activities, so as to deepen investors’ understanding and trust of the company’s businesses, establish investors’ confidence about the company’s future development, promote the market’s recognition of the company, and enable the company’s business development potential and actual value to be fully reflected in the market.

⩢㈨ノ⤳≨ߕ喑䕇䓴ङᐭ̭ᄦ̭⩢䄊ч䃛Ƞ๔ಸڠथ⼜ᲮႶᢿহ㏱㏴ऱㆨែ䉱㔲ڙᎡ喑 ใែ䉱ч䃛Ƞ䔈㵹䲋ϑᭀ䌜⑁হᣒᒲ᫦ा䌜⑁ఏڲፚऱ⻺ධܧथ䃬䬛Ƞڙ䄊㏱чȠᣒᒲ჏ᝤ थ䓾᱌㏼㥒⟣ۢȡڙγ㼐ڣ䭌ぶऱ⻺ᒏᐼ喑Ԋᠮ̻㗎͉Ƞែ䉱㔲হጯ౧⮱㏼፥ᕔ⮱㖁㈨喑Ҭ

In 2013, the company actively arranged and organized all kinds of investor relation management activities, such as holding one-to-one telephone meeting, convening large telephone group meeting, receiving clients’ visit to the company, attending all kinds of domestic and overseas investment conferences, carrying out non-trading roadshow, receiving roadshow team and other various forms, so as to maintain regular contact with the shareholders, investors and market and let them understand the recent operation status of the company.

ఋ្㗎͉ Return to shareholders

थ๔ ܳ㏏ڙथ࠲क़γڙ͚喑ౕ仆⍜)㗎̷ጯ⮱͉䷻↪䒓䯳ఏ㗎Ъᰶ䭽ڣथȡڙᬄ̸ᰶ̶უ̷ጯ䷻͉ थ̭Ⱑ㜡߈λ᣽ࡴ㗎͉ఋ្喑Ԋ៑͚ᄼ㗎͉ᱰ⯷喑჋᫪ڙ䘕ܳͨ㥒͇ߎ喍㗎⺕А⴮),喎ȡ Ϭٰ थᅞᎡᏓ͇ڙथ̷ጯВᲒ㉜䃎ܳ㏏㏓Ϭٰȡ㏼㗎͉কᎡ๔чឦ۳喑ڙᠮ㐚ܳ㏏ᩬゃ喑 㐖喑㦐θч≫ࣾᎡᏓ⣝䛾㗎ݖ㏓Ϭٰ喑⃼㗎ٰϧℾጮȡ ࣾ⣝䛾㗎ݖ≪ Dongfeng has three listed companies. Among them, Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd (stock Ϭٰ code HK0489) which issues H shares on deals with a majority of main businesses of the company. The company has been committed to improving return to shareholders and implementing continuous dividend policy, and has cumulatively offered

48 㔲䉐Шڠݖ⯷Ⱕ Stakeholders’ Responsibility

dividend of about 5 billion yuan since it was listed. Approved by annual general meeting of shareholders, board of directors allocated annual cash dividend of about 1.292 billion yuan, i.e. 0.15 yuan per share, based on the 2012 annual result of the company.


ᕿ⩌ᠴ᪝ ͉䷻䯳ఏ Hang Seng Index Dongfeng Motor Group


৮❹Фթ̷ጯڤ थą຃ȡప䃮ݥĄ䛾㉘㡳ą຃ 䶦 ͚Ą ᰭڙ৮❹Фթ̷ጯڤथ㢐㣤͚ప䃮ݥĄ䛾㉘㡳ą຃䶦͚Ąᰭڙ

The company won the award of Most Brand Valuable Listed Company among the Chinese Securities Golden Bauhinia Award.


ͧঅጒᐧ䃫Ꭵ⺼უచ Construct Happy Homeland for Employees

ᱰ⯷Ԋ䯉 Rights and interests guarantee

ᒸ∂㻱㻱Ⴧ喑カ䃏ߠߕवह喑Ꭰぶ䯴Ґ喑Ᲊ㐊Ш҂ᒏᐼ⮱㕹͇ₔ∂ڠथ䖢ႵȨߠߕ∂ȩぶⰥڙ 㕹ϧঅহߠߎ≫䖐ጒᱰݖ喑Ҭঅጒ⮱ऱ䶦व∂ᱰݖکᏤᱰ⯷喑Ԋ䯉֒ڕ㻳喑Ԋ䯉অጒߠߕႶ 㥪ݝ჋ัȡ

The company abides by the Labor Law and other relevant laws and regulations to make employment on an equal basis, put an end to any form of job discrimination, protect employees’ privacy, protect the rights of part-time personnel and dispatched personnel, and put various labor rights of employees in place.

थౕݣჇ⊶ࣷঅጒܴ䏘ݖ⯷⮱㻱」ݣᏓᬣ喑Ꭼ∈ख़ःጒч㏱㏴ᘼ㻮喑̻ጒчᎠڙℾͨノ⤳ 喟 γ㼐Ю͇⮱ܳٲᐭȠĄ䶳ᄩᣒᒲᬒąぶ็⻺ᒏᐼ喑䃖অጒڙぶࡼੳ喑䕇䓴㕹ጒА㶕๔чȠࢯߎ ࣾᆂȠ࣯̻Ю͇⮱ノ⤳ȡ

Democratic management: When formulating rules and regulations involving the vital interests of employees, the company listens extensively to the opinions of workers’ congress, conducts equal consultations with the trade union. Through workers’ congress, making factory affairs transparent, leader reception day, and other forms, the company makes employees fully understand the development of the enterprise and participate in the management of the enterprise.

थ⩌ϔ㏼ڙथಇᠮĄͧᇄѺЅ㫗喑ͧ㘪߈Ѕ㫗喑͇ͧ㐖Ѕ㫗ą⮱Ѕ㫗⤳ᔢ喑ᵦᢛڙ㫗䚙⺼ݖ 喟 ᰶ㵹͇Ƞౝࡧ》ζڤ㥒➦◦হ㏼≻᩵⯷喑ݣჇঅጒ⮱ጒ䉱ܳ䙺᫦ᐼহጒ䉱ⅡᎠ喑ͧঅጒ᣽ӈ थ俕᎟ϧ᝺͚䪬᱌ڙथ䃫⿸䊲ᠾᝅ຃ߞহঅጒܳϘ㏼㥒᜽᳉ᱧݣ喑Ⴙ઱ڙ߈⮱㫗䚙Ƞ⺼ݖȡ थ䋠䷊ͧঅጒ㑡㏠Ąρ䮖̭䛾ą喑Ꭳͧঅጒᐧ⿸Ю͇Ꭱ䛾䃎ܿ喑䉚ڙߞᱧݣȡౕ⺼ݖ᫦䲏喑⓭ ΝᘼใёრԊ䮖ぶੳ͇Ԋ䮖喑Ⴧ᱌㏱㏴অጒ䔈㵹֒ᏤҀᷭ喑䃑ⱌ䉜ᒨ჋᫪ፓ㫗ᎡоմݣᏓȡ

Compensation and welfare: The company insists on the salary payment concept of “paid for the post, paid for the capacity and paid for the performance”. According to the company’s production and operation characteristics and economic benefits, it has formulated the employees’ salary distribution mode and wage level, and provides employees with compensation and welfare which are competitive in the industry and the local region. The company has set up awards for meeting challenges and the mechanism of operation results shared by employees, and improves medium- and long-term mechanism for incentive to the company’s backbone talents. In terms of welfare, the company pays five social insurances and one housing fund in full amount for employees, and establishes enterprise annuity plan for employees, purchases accident insurance and other commercial insurances, conducts health check-up for organizing employees and earnestly implements the system of annual leave with pay.

50 㔲䉐Шڠݖ⯷Ⱕ Stakeholders’ Responsibility

অጒ℁Ҹ Employee Proportion

Ѓ҉͇ϧঅڣ ຠᕔ female 21% other practitioners 21% ᰺ߎϧঅ service personnel 4% ឭᱜϧঅ technical personnel 11%

ノ⤳ϧঅ management personnel 19%

ᕔ ౕᇄवहݣϧঅ ឭ㘪ϧঅ⩥ male 79% on-the-job skilled works 66% contract personnel 79%

㐖᩵ᠴᴴ Performance Indicator

2011 2012 2013 ߠߕवहカ䃏⢴喍%喎 100% 100% 100% Labor contract signing rate (%)

᝭ᆋࢂѺ̻ጒч䯳Ҁवहカ䃏⢴喍%喎 Signing rate of collective contracts between the 98% 98% 100% unit and the trade union (%)

࣯ߍጒч⮱অጒ℁Ҹ Proportion of employees participating 90% 95% 98% in trade union

䕇䓴অጒ⩠䃶ᱧݣ㼐۠অጒ⩠䃶᪝䛼喍Ҹ喎 Number of cases of employees’ complaints 21 19 25 solved through employee complaint mechanism

॥㏠ᅞ͇喍ϧ喎 10410 5287 7993 Number employees absorbed (persons)

᱙ౝࡃ䯴Ґ℁Ҹ喍%喎 97% 98% 98% Proportion of localized employment (%) অጒ≮๞⢴喍%喎 2.4% 2.5% 4% Employee turnover rate (%)

Ꭱϧ౴ፓ㫗Ꭱоմ喍๖喎 Average per capita number of days for annual 10 10 10 leave with pay per year (days)

ຠᕔ倅㏔ノ⤳㔲℁Ҹ 6.7% 6.7% 6.6% Proportion of female senior managers


ڨঅጒദ Employee Training

थ̺᫚ᐧ⿸হႹ઱অጒ㕹͇᜽䪬䖀ڙ 䌜喑䃫⿸ឭᱜহノ⤳͑͗ࣾᆂ䕇䖀喑 ڕᎣౕঅጒ㕹͇ࣾᆂ⮱ऱ͗䭣⃢᣽ӈ थВ⌞ࡃദڙ䲏⮱ദ䃚ȡᎡ喑 䃚Ҁ㈨ࣷᵥᓰ㘪߈ᐧ䃫ͧ䛺◦喑᪡व ㏼侹喑݈᫝ڨ॥㏠ऱࢂѺх⻭ϧ᝺ദ ദ䃚᫦ᐼ᫦∂喑㐌ウᐭᆂऱㆨ㕹ጒ䭌 кദ䃚喑ᰶ߈ᩜᦾ㏼㥒Ⱋᴴ჋⣝হঅ ጒ㕹͇ࣾᆂȡ

The company constantly sets up and improves the employees' professional growth path, has established two development channels in terms of both technology and management, and offers comprehensive training at different stages of employee career development. In 2013, focusing on deepening the training system and core ability construction, the company integrated and absorbed talent training experience from various units, made innovation of training methods and made a plan as a whole to carry out training on various employee teams in order to vigorously support the business goal realization and employee career development.

थᝅ⪒ᣕ䔈喑ᰶڙ䕇䓴ݣჇദ䃚᜽⛌Ꮣ὎ಸぶ䶣ᅯ䃫䃎喑䔈̭ₒ๜჋γദ䃚ノ⤳ധ⵭ 喠డ㐂 喠ࣾយĄВ䊈Ӱ䃚ą⮱х㞜 ڨ䦵ᄦᕔౝᐭᆂ倅ノദ䃚Ƞ⊤ใ䓽㥒ϧ᝺হ㜗݈ͨ᫝ϧ᝺⮱ദ䃚ദ э㐌喑̺᫚хࡃឭ㘪ϧঅദ䃚Ҁ㈨ȡ

Through making top-level design on training maturity model and so on, the company has further consolidated the foundation of training management. Centering round the company's strategy, it carries out targeted training on senior management, as well as training and cultivation of overseas operation talents and independent innovation personnel. The company adheres to the tradition of “promoting training with competition” and constantly optimizes skill personnel training system.

2011 2012 2013

ദ䃚⁎᪝喍̴喎 Number of training times (10,000 times) 1.4 2 2.5

喍Ϭ喎ڒദ䃚ែ Input in training (100 million yuan) 0.69 1.03 1.27

ദ䃚ϧ⁎喍̴喎 Person-times of training (10,000 person-times) 49 64.7 64

52 㔲䉐Шڠݖ⯷Ⱕ Stakeholders’ Responsibility

❞ڠঅጒ Care for Staff

ᄦ➦₷ϧ㓑Ԋ៑ Protection of special groups

थ⃼͑ᎡႶᢿ㕹ጒ䔈㵹̭⁎֒Ꮴᷭᴒ喑ᄦᗐ⫲ࡨ⫄᱌␎অጒႶᢿ䔯ᒀጒ҉喑ϻݣᏓ̷ᄦ๔ڙ 䯴Ґ₸⫫ϧ  䘕͔ܳ๞ߠߕ㘪߈⮱অጒ㐆ε➦₷⚔䶫ȡᵦᢛຠঅጒ⮱⩌⤳➦◦হ᝭ϻθጒ҉⮱㕹͇➦◦喑 थ⼜Ხ݈䕍᲎У॥㏠⹫ڙᄦౕ㏼᱌Ƞႂ᱌Ƞϔ᱌ȠਧΠ᱌হᰡᎡ᱌⮱ຠঅጒ㐆ε➦₷Ԋ៑ȡ ϧ 䯴Ґ₸⫫ϧϧȡڞч₸⫫ϧᅞ͇喑

The company arranges its staff to receive health check once every two years, and arranges suitable work for those employees whose treatment period is ended, and gives special care for those employees who lose a majority of labor ability. According to female employees’ physiological characteristics and the characteristics of their occupations, the company provides special protection for female employees during menstrual period, pregnancy, perinatal period and lactation period. The company actively creates conditions to offer employment to the handicapped, and has employed 1,650 handicapped persons.

ఝ䯫অጒ፛ឣ Assistance to employees in difficulties

थᄳĄ䔈ࡰუ䬕Ƞᯃ̴ϧᓰąͧⰛᴴ喑ᲱᐧγĄ䉡ᓰ፛ą❞ᓰጒ⼸፛ឣ᩾ߖҀ㈨喑ᒏ᜽γВڙ ䷊᩾ߖ䛾 Ꭱ㉜䃎፛ឣ᩾ڕĄ❞ᓰጒ⼸ąȠ᚝䬛䔮⍖ᯃȠᬒ፥᩾ߖ̶๔᩾ߖ὎ᐼͧᩜᦾ⮱፛ឣጒ҉᳣Ჱȡ  ͚喑Ą❞ᓰጒ⼸ąᄦ㕹ጒ๔⫲Ѽ䮏Ƞ㕹ጒၽຠ๔⫲Ѽڣߖϧ⁎喑ࣾᩫ᩾ߖ䛾䷊̴ٰȡ ̴ٰ 䮏ȠუᏚ䖚ऄᘼใ▫რȠ₨ώぶ⻺ᗲۢ䔈㵹᩾ߖ喑᩾ߖϧ喑᩾ߖ䛾䷊̴ٰȡ

The company takes “assisting 1,000 households to warm 10,000 people” as the goal, has built a “Sincere Help” love project helping and aiding system, and has formed an assistance work framework supported by three major relief modes, i.e. “Love Project”, making visit to warm employees in difficulties, and daily aid. In 2013, the company cumulatively offered assistance to 519 person-times and issued 1.73 million yuan of aid amount. Among them, “Love project” offered aid to six circumstances, e.g. hospitalized employee due to a serious illness, employee’s hospitalized child due to a serious illness, by employee’s family suffering accidents, death; the Love Project has offered aid to 258 people, with the aid amount of 1.093 million yuan.



༁Γ䃝ᒽᎠ̭㵹᚝䬛͉䷻჋͇थఝڇथ㦐θ䪬Ƞڙ᭒㞯ݺโ喑 ᔭȡڠ䯫অጒ喑㶕䓫㏱㏴⮱

On the eve of Spring Festival, Xu Ping, the company’s chairman and secretary of the party committee, led other leaders to visit employees of Dongfeng Industrial Co., Ltd. who were in difficulties, and showed care to these employees on behalf of the company.

ጒ҉⩌≨Ꭰ㶎 Balance between work and life

थᄷ䛺অጒუᏚ䉐Шহ͇҆⩌≨喑ߗ߈ͧঅጒ㥒䕍হ䄽⮱ጒ҉⣜ධ喑᣽ӈᰡ็ౝࣾᆂᱧчহᆂ⹧㜗᜾⮱Ꭰझ喑呀ڙ 䋐ᄼ㏱喑㏱㏴অጒ䓽ߕчȠ͝ჹ⮱͇҆᪴ࡃ≨ߕ喑፛ߖঅጒ჋⣝ጒ҉⩌≨Ꭰ㶎ȡڡߞঅጒ㏱ᐧऱ⻺ࡼчহ

The company respects employees’ family responsibility and spare-time life, makes efforts to create a harmonious working environment for employees, provides more development opportunities and self-display platform to them, encourages employees to form various associations and interest groups, organizes staff sports meets and rich spare-time cultural activities, so as to help employees achieve a balance between work and life.

54 㔲䉐Шڠݖ⯷Ⱕ Stakeholders’ Responsibility

ͧ჏ᝤ᣽ӈх䉕ϔ৮ Provide Customers with Quality Products

⶛Ԋ↪䒓䉕䛼 Ensure the quality of vehicles

थិĄݣ䕍х䉕↪䒓喑᣽ӈ␎ᘼ᰺ߎ喑хࡃ⩌≨৮䉕ą҉ͧЮ͇Ҭপ喑ᐧ⿸γႹ઱⮱䉕䛼Ԋ䃮Ҁ㈨হ䉕䛼䃱ѝҀڙ थ䉕䛼᫦䦵⮱ᠴᄩ̸喑͉䷻〚䄇ाᎬ๔჏ᝤᠮ㐚᣽ڙ㈨喑Ԋ䃮⃼̭䒳䒓⮱⩌ϔ䘪ัλ͒ᵩ⮱䉕䛼ノ⤳⯾ᣔ͸͚ȡౕ ϧᓰ喑჏ᝤ␎ᘼᏓΌᓄݝᠮ㐚᣽ࡴȡڒ⌞ӈ倅䉕䛼⮱ϔ৮হ᰺ߎ⮱৮❹ᒏ䆎ጟ㏼

The company takes “manufacturing high-quality automobiles, providing satisfactory services and optimizing the quality of life” as the enterprise mission, and has established a perfect quality assurance system and quality evaluation system, so as to ensure the production of every vehicle is under strict quality control monitoring. Under the guidance of quality policy of the company, the brand image that Dongfeng is dedicated to continuously providing large number of customers with high-quality products and services has been deeply rooted in the hearts of people, and the customer satisfaction has also been improved continuously.


ڕԊ䯉↪䒓Ⴖ Guarantee vehicle safety

थᣕ䔈䛺㺮৮䉕ノ⤳Ҁ㈨喑ౕϔ৮䃫䃎ᐭࣾȠ䰣䘕У⩌ϔȠ䰣䘕У䛴䉚ノ⤳Ƞ᪡䒓⩌ϔȠߕ߈ᕨ᜽Ƞ䉕䛼ᣔݣぶڙ ڙᕔ㘪ȡڕ䮽ᗐ喑᣽ࡴ↪䒓Ⴖڕࢯ⮱䒓䒳䘪㏼ᓄ䊤͒ᵩ⮱䉕䛼჎ᴒ喑⊵䮑ϔ৮Ⴖܧ喑Ԋ䃮⃼̭䒳ڠऱ͗⣜㞯ᅯᅯិ थхࡃႹ઱ጯ౧ั㒛≨ߕノ⤳喑ᐧ⿸Ⴙ઱⮱ϔ৮ङఋݣᏓ喑ᰶ᩵ౝ␎䋠∂㻱㺮Ⅿ喑ܴ჋㐡៑⊵䉦㔲ᱰ⯷ȡ

The company promotes important quality management system, and makes control of each link such as product design and development, parts production, spare parts purchasing management, whole vehicle production, power assembly, quality control and so on, so as to ensure each vehicle leaving factory can pass strict quality examination, eliminate product safety hidden trouble and improve vehicle safety performance. The company optimizes and improves market disposal activity and management, sets up perfect product recall system, effectively meets regulatory requirements, and earnestly protects consumers’ rights and interests.


थ᝭⩌ϔ⮱ᕊ༮喍$3ڙᬄ̸͉䷻᱙⩝↪䒓ᰶ䭽 7喎Ƞᕊഌ喍$*7*$喎ȠᲝᓤ喍+"%&喎ぶ͗䒓ಸ喑๔䛼 ឭᱜ喍"#4䭟៞₨ݣߕڕ䔈⮱ͨߕႶٵ⩺䛴⩕γ̓ ឭڕ㈨㐌Ƞ&4$⩢ၽ↪䒓⽠Ⴧᣔݣ㈨㐌喎হ㷘ߕႶ ΅ፅВࣷ⅁ڕȠႶ௷⅁ڕፓȠႶڕᱜ喍䭽߈䶱㉔ᐼႶ ㈨݄䒓ಸڕथ⩌ϔ⮱ڙঅ๡䶵Ԋ៑㈨㐌喎ȡⰛݺ喑䄒 ᰭ͒ᵩ⮱$/$"1Ⴖڲ喍࠲᠙ϔ৮ᢏА喎䘪䔈㵹γప


The six vehicle models produced by DFM’s Dongfeng Honda Automobile Co., Ltd., such as CR-V, CIVIC, JADE, have adopted the world’s advanced active safety technology (Anti-lock Braking System and Electronic Stability Control System) and passive safety technology (load-limited pretensioner seat belt, air bag restraint system, safety gas curtain and whip lash protection system). Currently, the whole series of models produced by this company (including product replacement) have passed the most stringent C-NCAP safety system assessment in China with excellent results.

䛺У⮱䉕䛼᣽ࡴ≨ߕ喑డ㐂䃫䃎ڠथᐭᆂڙ喑ͧ჏ᝤ䉌䉐ȡᎡ喑ڕႶ⧵ڠąࢎ䒓喑ڕĄᰭႶڲथⱭ߈ក䕍పڙᬄ̸͉䷻ੳ⩕䒓ᰶ䭽 䬡喑ᵦᢛጯڣᕔȡڕ䛺Уι㏔ӈᏁੳԊ䃮㘪߈᣽ࡴ̶͗⣜㞯喑ࡴ㏔䛺Ԋ䶦Ⱋ⮱䉕䛼Ԋ䃮㘪߈喑⶛Ԋ᪡䒓ႶڠхࡃȠݣ䕍ԊႶ䭟▫䓴⼸Ƞ 䮽ᗐ 喠Ꭱᰵڕ䘕ܳ๖哆➢ᑂ䒓ႅౕ᎟✒க䔈⅁䧏ノ᪐☚᩵᳉̺㞜喑ज㘪ᒞ৺᪡䒓ݣߕ᩵᳉喑ᰶႶܧ౧ࣺ亵䉕䛼Ԏᖜ喑ࣷᬣ䃳ݘ


DFM’s Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Company is focusing on producing “the safest” trucks, pays attention to safety, and is responsible for customers. In 2013, the company carried out the activities of quality improvement of key and important parts. Centering on three links of design optimization, manufacturing safety guarantee and disaster prevention process, improvement of ability of secondary suppliers of key and important parts, the company upgrades the quality guarantee ability of key preservation projects to ensure the safety of whole vehicles. During the period, according to quality information fed back from market, the company timely identified the problem that the air inlet steel pipe of dryer of some Kinland tractors have poor heat dissipation effect, which may affect the whole vehicle’s braking effect, with safety hidden danger; on March 7, 2013, Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Company voluntarily recalled 7,882 units of Kinland tractors. At present, all Kinland tractors have been recalled as planned.

56 㔲䉐Шڠݖ⯷Ⱕ Stakeholders’ Responsibility

䊲䊷჏ᝤ䰭Ⅿ Exceed customer demand

჏ᝤ䰭Ⅿ喑჋᫪ጛᐯࡃ᰺ߎᝅ⪒喑̺᫚᣽ࡴ⩕ᝤ␎ᘼᏓ喑⧵ڠथ໸㏵ಇᠮВ჏ᝤ͚ͧᓰ喑∕䛺Ԋ៑჏ᝤ䮽⻮喑ᠮ㐚ڙ В᣽ӈх䉕ज䲍⮱ϔ৮হ䊲ܧ䶱᱌⮱᰺ߎ喑䊏ᓄγᎬ๔⩕ᝤ⮱䃑जȡ

The company always adheres to customer-oriented principle, pays attention to protecting the privacy of customers, continues to focus on customer needs, implements differentiated service strategy, constantly enhances customer satisfaction, and wins the recognition of many users with high-quality and reliable products and services beyond expectation.


䷻थ⮱͉䷻䰗䧮哆হ͉ڙᎡ喑ᬄ̸⺋哆↪䒓ᰶ䭽 㑾◦ᣕᎬĄĂ̭ᄦ̭ăᄷϘ᰺ߎąڕᴴ㜡͑͗৮❹䔽ₒౕ ⮱㏼侹喑Вхࡃ⮱Ԏᖜノ⤳㈨㐌喍%.4㈨㐌喎ͧឭᱜ᝸ ⃢喑ͧ⃼͗⩕ᝤ䙺ิధჇ⮱᰺ߎ䶫䬛喑अĄ㷘ߕ᰺ߎąͧ ㈨ノ⤳ą䒙अ喑ڠĄͨߕ᰺ߎąȠϻĄ㐡ԛ䒓䒳ąाĄ჏ᝤ 〚䄇ͧ჏ᝤ᣽ӈᰡ็ᰡສ⮱᰺ߎȡ͉䷻䰗䧮哆⮱ਜ਼ᬣȠ ਜ਼ऻ᰺ߎ䉕䛼ᢿऺ౴ͧすऺ喍ਜ਼ᬣԊᠮγᎡ⮱ᢿ ऺ喑ਜ਼ऻݺ䔈̭Ѻ喎喑͉䷻ᴴ㜡ܳݘͧすহすѺ喍ਜ਼ᬣ ݺ䔈Ѻ喑ਜ਼ऻݺ䔈Ѻ喎ȡ

In 2013, two brands, Dongfeng Citroen and Dongfeng Peugeot, of DFM’s Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile Company Ltd., strengthened the promotion of “one to one” premium service experiences in the national outlets. With the optimized information management system as technical means, it equipped each user with fixed service consultancy, changes from “passive service” to “active service”, from “vehicle repair” to “customer relation management”, so as to offer more and better services to customers. The sales and after-sales service quality of Dongfeng Citroen ranked third (the sales service quality maintained the rank in 2012, and after-sales service quality ranking rose to 1 place. Dongfeng Peugeot’s service quality ranked the fifth and the first place (the sales service quality ranking rose by three places, and the after-sales service quality ranking rose by four places).

᫝ਜ਼ऻ᰺ߎ৮❹Ą჋䉕⮱Ԏ䊃ąౕࡄϙȠᲚጋȠ᜽䘪ȠₓⅶȠᎬጋρౝहᬣࣾጰȡڕथڙᎡᰵᬒ喑ᬄ̸͉䷻᱙⩝↪䒓ᰶ䭽 ͸ᗲ喠ᔘ喑ᔘ䕌Ꮑᄦ݆᭜͉❞ڠγĄᗲȠᔘȠ⶛Ƞ჋Ƞ䄇ąρ๔➦㞟ȡᗲ喑ࢠᄦ჏ᝤ⮱ิڤPOEBਜ਼ऻ᰺ߎ৮❹Ą჋䉕⮱Ԏ䊃ą(䷻͉ ღ喑͉ͧ䷻)POEBᄳĄ჋䉕⮱Ԏڲ䄇ᘼ⮱᰺ߎԊ䯉␎ٲPOEBᄦ჏ᝤ⮱ឬ䄧 喠⶛喑⶛჋⮱㐡ԛ৮䉕 喠჋喑व⤳჋ౕ⮱Фᵩ 喠䄇喑(䷻


On March 15, 2013, the brand new after-sales service brand “Substantial Trust” of DFM’s Dongfeng Honda Automobile Co., Ltd. was released simultaneously in Beijing, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan and Guangzhou. Dongfeng Honda’s after-sales service brand “Substantial Trust” has five characteristics, i.e. affection, rapidness, assurance, honesty, and sincerity. Affection refers to caring for customers; rapidness refers to that rapid response is the promise of Dongfeng Honda to customers; assurance refers to repair quality; honesty refers to the reasonable and honest price; sincerity refers to sincere service guarantee contents. They lay a solid service foundation for building Dongfeng Honda’s brand “Substantial Trust”.


䊏Ꭰझڞцѡᥚᐧͧ Build a Win-Win Platform for Partners

ᣕߕᝅ⪒व҉ Promote strategic cooperation

䘕䬕হ͇̀ఏ䭌ᥚᐧᝅ⪒व҉䶦Ⱋ⮱ⵁ⾣Ƞ჋᫪ᎠझᎣ㏱ڠथ㏱㏴Ⱕڙᠶ⚔͉䷻ᕨҀᝅ⪒ጰᅭহθ͇ࣾᆂ⮱䰭㺮喑 ㏴ᣕ䔈჋᫪ȡ

According to the overall strategic layout and the needs of the business development of Dongfeng, the company organizes relevant departments and professional teams to set up the research and implementation platform for strategic cooperation projects, and organize the implementation of platforms.


On January 26, 2013, Dongfeng Group and Volvo Group signed a strategic alliance agreement to formally build the world’s largest commercial vehicle strategic alliance with capital as the link.


On May 16, 2013, Dongfeng Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Fujian Provincial Government.


On December 16, 2013, Dongfeng Group and Renault signed a cooperation agreement to establish a joint venture .

58 㔲䉐Шڠݖ⯷Ⱕ Stakeholders’ Responsibility

ក䕍䉐ШӈᏁ䨫 Build responsibility supply chain

ᰶᵥᓰ》ζ߈হᠮ㐚≨߈⮱ڤ䊏⮱ӈᏁ䨫Ҁ㈨喑ក䕍ڞӈᏁੳ䊝जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ͸䌜喑䕇䓴ᐧ⿸倅᩵ࡼहȠοݖ̻䷻͉ ㈨喑Ҭӈ䰭ࣹڠहࣾᆂȡᬄ̸ࢂѺ䕇䓴̻ӈᏁੳᐧ⿸䪬᱌ᝅ⪒व҉ڞӈᏁ䨫Ꭰझ喑߈Ⅿ჋⣝̻व҉цѡⰥοԎ䊃喑 Ϙጯ౧ࣾᆂፓᲒ⮱ᱧ䕴喑ᣕߕᰶᎼ》ζ̻ࡼहࣾᆂȡڞहᏁᄦጯ౧䷻䮖喑ڞ᫦व҉ᰡߍ㉔ჳ喑

Dongfeng and suppliers take the path of sustainable development. By establishing efficient, synergetic, mutually beneficial and win-win system of supply chain, the company builds the supply chain platform with core competitiveness and sustainable vitality, so as to make every effort to achieve mutual trust and common development with partners.Through establishing long-term strategic partnership with suppliers, DFM’s units make closer the cooperation between suppliers and demanders, so that suppliers and demanders can jointly cope with market risk, share the opportunities brought by market development, and promote orderly competition and collaborative development.


Фթ䨫㐬ڕ䉜ᒨĄ㐬㞟䃫䃎Ƞ㐬㞟ӈᏁȠ㐬㞟ݣ䕍Ƞ㐬㞟䨭ਜ਼ą⮱ͧ थ㺮ڙ㞟⤳ᔢ喑᣽ࡴӈᏁੳ⣜ධԊ៑ノ⤳ⅡᎠ喑ᬄ̸͉䷻ੳ⩕䒓ᰶ䭽 ⅯহⲐᄩ᝭ᰶӈᏁੳݝᎡᏂ䰭䕇䓴*40⣜ධҀ㈨䃑䃮ȡⰛ ͚Ꭱ᫝෋䕇䓴䃑䃮ӈᏁڣݺ喑ጟᰶ䓾ࡷ᪝ӈᏁੳ䕇䓴γ䄒䃑䃮喑 थ䔅᜽⿸γВĄ፛ڙੳუ喑᫝෋ड़ߕ䃑䃮ӈᏁੳუȡहᬣ喑䄒 ߖȠᩜᠮȠᩦ઱ąͧͨ䷅⮱Ą8ąᄼ㏱喑ᄦӈᏁੳ⮱⣝౧⩌ϔノ⤳Ƞݣ ᫦Ѻ⮱ᠴᄩহᩦ઱喑Вڕጒ㷲ぶ䔈㵹ڤ䕍ጒ㞧Ƞ➖≮࠲㷲Ƞ䃫ิࣷ὎ ፛ߖӈᏁੳ䭺ѻ䓽㥒᜽᱙喑᣽倅ӈᏁੳ⮱㐩व》ζ߈喑ߗ߈჋⣝ӈᏁ 䊏ȡڞੳȠͨᱧࢯȠ⩕ᝤ̶᫦

To implement the whole-value green concept of “green design, green supply, green manufacturing, and green marketing”, enhance the suppliers’ environmental protection and management level, DFM’s Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Company requires and supervises all suppliers to pass ISO14000 environment system certification at the end of 2014. Currently, nearly half of suppliers have passed this certification, of which 116 suppliers passed the certification in 2013, and 57 suppliers are ready to pass the certification. Meanwhile, this company also established “3W” group themed on “help, support and improvement”, aiming at offering comprehensive guidance and improvement on on-site production management, manufacturing process, logistics and packaging, equipment and mould & tooling, etc., so as to help suppliers reduce operation cost, improve the comprehensive competitiveness of suppliers, striving to achieve three-win situation between suppliers, manufacturers and users.

हࣾᆂڞᥧ᝸㏼䨭ੳ Achieve common development with dealers

Фթȡ̭᫦䲏喑፛ߖ݈ڞहࣾᆂ喑ڞᬄ̸Ю͇Вࣹ䊏⮱ੳߎᩬゃ፛ߖ㏼䨭ੳ̺᫚᣽ࡴ᰺ߎᘼ䃳হ჏ᝤ␎ᘼᏓ喑䷻͉ ㏼䨭ੳͨߕ᣽倅᰺ߎϧঅ⮱ឭ㘪হ㉍䉕喑෋ᑧ᰺ߎ㘪߈ 喠ओ̭᫦䲏喑呀ߞ㏼䨭ੳ㐀व㜗䏘჋䭲喑⼜Ხ݈᫝ͧ⩕ᝤ᰺ ღহ䕁ᒱ喑Вጛᐯࡃ᰺ߎᒏ᜽㜗䏘➦㞟হх߬ȡڲߎ⮱

DFM’s enterprises help dealers enhance service awareness and customer satisfaction with a win-win business policy, make common development and create value. On the one hand, dealers take initiative to improve the skills, quality and service ability of service personnel; on the other hand, DFM’s enterprises encourage distributors to make active innovation in combination with their actual situation, so that dealers form their own characteristics and advantages based on differentiated services in terms of user service content and way.


喍喎⢴ۼ෋ߍթ㐩व㘪㕄෋̴ٰ -19.87

喍喎⢴ۼ40ᢿᩫ䛼෋ -18.35 ᵪ⻺ⷠᎠ㶎᳄ 10000ϕ 喍喎⢴ۼ$0%ᢿᩫ䛼෋ -3.45 ⣜ධ䉐Ш Environment Responsibility

স䄼Environment Responsibility ⣜ධ䉐Шڝද⣛̺ ͩ㜖♢ थ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷڙ䒓↪䷻͉ DFM CORPORATION SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2013

Ⴙ઱⣜ධノ⤳ Improve the Environment Management

ᑧࡃ⣜ԊҀ㈨ᐧ䃫 Strengthen the construction of environmental protection system

थ⮱㞯 㢐㣤 喟ڙथაጰВĄ㞯㘪⣜Ԋౝ䕍䒓喑䕍㞯㘪⣜Ԋ⮱䒓ą͉ͧ䷻↪䒓ڙᎡᰵ喑 थ㞯㘪⣜Ԋ͚᱌θ͇䃎ܿ喍喎ȩ喠ᐧ ͚๛Ю͇ڙ㘪⣜Ԋጒ҉⤳ᔢ 喠ࣾጰγȨ͉䷻↪䒓 ᰶ͉䷻➦㞟⮱㞯㘪⣜Ԋノ⤳Ҁ㈨喑ࢠ 喟θ͇䃎ܿҀ㈨Ƞ∂㻱ݣᏓҀ㈨Ƞノᣔ ᎡᏓڤγ⿸ ᢿх⻭Ю͇ۼѺ̭Ҁ⮱Ą ą㞯㘪⣜Ԋノ⤳Ҁ 㞯㘪ښҀ㈨Ƞ⯾≸Ҁ㈨ȠⰛᴴ㔰䃱Ҁ㈨হԎᖜϑ≮Ꭰझ ㈨ȡⰛݺ喑͉䷻ᬄ̸⮱Ю͇ᐧ⿸γ*40⣜ධノ⤳Ҁ㈨Ꭳ䕇䓴䃑䃮ȡ थ຃ڙԊ̷ጯ⣜ܧᲝ

In June 2013, Dongfeng announced the work philosophy of energy-saving and environmental protection “Manufacturing Energy-Saving and Environment-Protective Vehicles in an Energy-Saving and Environment-Protective Way”, released the Mid- term Business Plan of Energy-Saving and Environmental protection of Dongfeng Motor Corporation (2013-2016) and established the energy-saving and environmental protection management system with Dongfeng characteristics, that is the six-in-one “5+1” energy saving and environmental protection management system integrated with business planning system, laws and regulations system, management and control system, monitoring system, target examination and evaluation system and information exchange platform. Currently, 82% of DFM’s subsidiaries have established ISO14001 environment management system and passed the certification.

㞯㘪⣜Ԋ⮱ ⼸㐬㞟䛴䉚 ݣ䕍䓴 Green purchase Energy-saving and environment-protective manufacturing process

㞯㘪⣜Ԋ 㞯㘪⣜Ԋ 㞯㘪⣜Ԋౝ䕍䒓 䃫䃎 ⮱ϔ৮ Energy-saving and 䕍㞯㘪⣜Ԋ⮱䒓 Energy-saving environment-protective Manufacturing Energy-Saving and and Environment-Protective design Vehicles in an Energy-Saving and environment-protective Environment-Protective Way products

倅λ㵹͇ⅡᎠ ⢴䔈㵹ఋᩣݖ⩕ ⮱ఋᩣ Recycling and utilization Recycling rate exceeding industrial level

62 ⣜ධ䉐Ш Environment Responsibility

㥪჋⣜Ԋ䶱䂓ᱧݣ Implement the environmental protection warning mechanism

⣜थ⾮ࣾڙथᏁᕒノ⤳Ҁ㈨͚喑ݣჇγȨ͉䷻↪䒓ڙ䒓↪䷻͉ڒथᄳ⣜Ԋ䶱䂓ᱧݣ㏠ڙ䷻͉ ධθУᏁᕒ᩾ᤡ䶱ᵵȩ喑ᒏ᜽ᕨ䘕Ƞι㏔Წ಄Ƞ⩌ϔጒࢯ̶㏔⣜ධ䶱䂓ᱧݣ喑⣜Ԋ䶱䂓ᱧݣౕ کВϧͧ᱙Ƞ䶱䭟ͧͨ⮱ݺ᣽̸喑ಇᠮ㐌̭ᠴᡒȠܳㆨノ⤳Ƞܳ㏔৺Ꮑ 喠ಇᠮᎠᝅ㐀वȠ̀ ݖ⩕⣝ᰶ䉱⎽ 喠ಇᠮᆋౝノ⤳Ƞӊ䲍⻾႓ȠࢂѺ㜗᩾হ⹫ч᩾ᤡⰥ㐀व⮱݆࣌ȡܳٲ㐀वȠ

Dongfeng incorporates an environmental protection warning mechanism into the emergency management system of Dongfeng Motor Corporation and develops Environmental Emergency Rescue Plan for Environmental Emergencies of Dongfeng Motor Corporation, so a three-level environmental warning mechanism is formed including the headquarter, secondary sections and production factory. Such mechanism is under a human-based and precaution premise and under a unified command, and is managed by category and responded to by levels. Dongfeng insists on combining routine practices and emergency actions, the dedicated and non-dedicated personnel and takes full advantages of existing resources. It also adheres to the territorial management principle, technology-based principle and the principle of rescue jointly carried out by the enterprise and society.

थ᝭ᆋపᣔ↎ᴀЮౕ͇㏬⯾ᣔ㈨㐌Ⱑᣒ̻ⰮȠጯ⣜Ԋ䘕䬕㖁㑾喑⃼႐ᏓౕⰮ㏔⣜Ԋ㑾〆̷ڙ ⹧⯾≸㐀᳉ȡڙ

The Online Monitoring System for State-Controlled Polluting Enterprises of Dongfeng is directly connected to the provincial and municipal environmental protection departments, and the monitoring results are quarterly publicized on provincial environmental protection websites.

Վᄩ㐬㞟Ю͇᪴ࡃ Advocate green enterprise culture

౧᝭ⅡȠڙᄾߋۼ㵹喑ܧঅጒౕᬒ፥ጒ҉͚⮱㞯㘪⣜Ԋᘼ䃳喑Վ䃛অጒѻⷠڨथ䛺㻳ദڙ 䉏➖喑ᐣ䪬➖৮Ҭ⩕ᄬপ 喠呀ߞ䉱⎽̻➖ڞڙ㕄ᱽ⮱Ҭ⩕ 喠Վᄩঅጒ❞ᘉڙȠ⅁Ƞ㏥হߋ⩢ ϧڒ⌞Ƞࣹ䲏ក࢝Ƞ฼๖⾧䄰⍖Ꮣ̺ѻλᏓぶ㞯㏓ᘼ䃳ጟ㏼▜ڠݖ⩕ȡ䮼᝸ں䉱⮱ఋᩣ थᒏ᜽γ㐬㞟⣜Ԋ⮱Ю͇᪴ࡃȡڙᓰ喑


Dongfeng attaches importance to fostering the energy-saving and environmental protection awareness of employees in their daily work, proposes the low carbon travel of employees and reducing the consumption of water, electricity, gas, paper and office consumables in office places; advocates cherishing public properties to extend the service life of articles; encourages recycling and reusing resources and materials. The saving awareness, such as turning off lights when leaving, printing on both sides of paper and air conditioning temperature no less than 26°C in summer, has been deeply rooted in the minds of employees, forming the enterprise culture of green and environmental protection.


थ䕇䓴ᐭᆂĄ䕍㐬㘪ϔ৮喑まڙᬄ̸͉䷻㸂䮳↪䒓ᰶ䭽 ᢿϻᄼۼ᜾ᓰ喑㞯㘪ౕڕ㐬㞟Ю͇ąカऺឬ䄧≨ߕȠĄႶ θև䊤ąͨ䷅⑁䃟℁䊈Ƞ⣜ධԊ៑ⴒ䃳》䊈ВࣷࣾᩫȨ㞯 ⣜ȩぶ㈨݄㞯㘪⣜Ԋაэ᪆㗟≨ߕ喑᣽ࡴঅጒڹ㘪ⴒ䃳 Ԋᘼ䃳হ࣯̻㞯㘪⣜Ԋ≨ߕ⮱☚ᗲȡ

Dongfeng Yulon Motor Co., Ltd. carried out series of energy-saving and environmental protection publicity and education activities, such as the signature commitment activity of “Manufacturing Green and Energy- saving Products and Building Green Enterprise”, the theme speech contest of “Bearing Safety in My Mind, Practicing Energy Saving and Emission Reduction by Small Actions”, competition of environmental protection knowledge and distribution of Brochure of Energy-saving Knowledge to promote the employees’ environmental protection awareness and enthusiasm to participate in energy-saving and environmental protection activities

す̶᫦ᱰ༮䃑䃮ᱧᲱ喑ౕ᪡͗䨭ਜ਼ڒथВĄϧ•䒓•⣜ධ⮱হ䄽㐌̭ąͧ⤳ᔢ喑ᑂڙᬄ̸͉䷻ᬒϔ΅⩕䒓 ᰺ߎ㑾㐉ᐭᆂ*40⣜ධҀ㈨䃑䃮⮱㐬Ꮔ≨ߕȡⰛݺጟ㏼ᰶ䊲䓴უ̀㥒Ꮔ᜽ߌ䕇䓴䃑䃮喑᜽ͧ ៲ឬڣᬒϔ㐬㞟̀㥒Ꮔȡ͉䷻ᬒϔₑͫ喑๔๔᣽倅γ㏼䨭ੳ⣜ධᘼ䃳হ䖢Ⴕ⣜Ԋ∂㻱⮱㘪߈喑呀ߞ䷻͉ Ꮑᅪ⮱⹫ч䉐Ш 喠ౕᩦ઱⣜Ԋധ⵭䃫᫪䃫ิ̺䋠⮱ധ⵭̷喑Ხ๔⮱䭺ѻγⅡȠ⩢ぶ㘪⎽⮱⊵㕄ࣷ䓽㥒᜽ ᱙ȡВⰛݺ͉䷻ᬒϔጟႹ᜽㐬㞟ࡃ㏼㥒⮱Გუ̀㥒Ꮔ䃎ツ喑Ꭱ㞯Ⅱ㏓̴ॕȡ

Dongfeng Nissan Passenger Vehicle Company takes the concept “Harmony and Unity of People, Vehicle and Environment”. It has introduced the third-party certification authority and carried out the Green Store activity of ISO14001 environment system certification for the whole sales and service network. Currently, over 260 franchised stores have been certified successfully and become Dongfeng Nissan Green Franchised Stores, by which Dongfeng Nissan greatly improved the dealers’ environmental awareness and abilities to comply with the environmental laws and regulations, and encouraged them to bear their own social responsibilities. By improving insufficient environmental infrastructure and equipment, Dongfeng Nissan greatly reduced water and electricity consumption and operating costs. The water-saving volume per year now has reached about 400,000 tons calculated on the basis of 260 Dongfeng Nissan franchised stores that implement the green operation.

64 ⣜ධ䉐Ш Environment Responsibility

⯷ڙԊ⣜ Environmental protection and public benefits

थВ݈᫝⮱ᕊ䌜喑ओ䓌䍷ᒱᣏ㉏ᆒ㵹⣜ධ䉐Ш⮱᫝ڙ䩛䃛䷅̷喑ڠධԊ៑䔆̭⹫ч䉐Ш⣜ౕ ὎ᐼ喑䕇䓴჋᫪͉䷻ĄⷠᎠ㶎ą⩌ᔮ᳄䶦Ⱋࣾܧγ䔪ⅯĄⷠᎠ㶎ą⮱ฝ䴠ȡ

As for environmental protection, the key issue of social responsibility, Dongfeng explored a new model to fulfill the environmental responsibility in other approaches with innovative thinking and demonstrated its target of “carbon balance” by carrying out the “carbon-balanced” eco-forest project.




The “carbon-balanced” ecological and economic forest aims to offset CO2 from the development of

industrial enterprises in terms of absorbing CO2 so as to achieve a balance point between carbon absorption and emission.


थౕ⎃ࡄⰮᖖڙᬄ̸͉䷻↪䒓㗎Ъᰶ䭽 ᫪ጯᆜൎΎក䕍͉䷻ĄⷠᎠ㶎ą⩌ᔮ㏼≻ ᳄ϔ͇⹧㠰ധౝ喑䄒䶦ⰛᎡᰵₐ ąͧͨۉᐼड़ߕ喑ВĄḺᴾధⷠȠВጒ㶒 ጒ͇ⷠٲᬕ喑⼜Ხ჋䌢䒓ЮḺᴾధⷠ២ ᢿ᫝὎ᐼȡᎡ喑䄒䶦ⰛႹۼᢿᩫ⮱ ᜽γすιឦϖ⇦㡣᳄̻ϖᵥ ᵰ᳄⮱⻺Ḻጒ҉ȡ㜠ₑ喑̴ϖ⩌ᔮ㏼≻ थ㏱ڙ䘕⻺ḺႹ᜽ȡౕₑ᱌䬡喑䄒ڕ᳄ ㏴̀უ䊡ᖖ᫪䔈㵹䶦Ⱋ⣝౧䃷᫚喑Ꭳ䕇䓴ङᐭ䶦Ⱋᣕ䔈ⵁ䃕чぶ᫦ᐼ喑իख़䶦Ⱋऱ᫦⮱ᘼ㻮হᐧ䃛喑Ӱ 䔈䶦ⰛᕨҀ᩵᳉⮱᣽ࡴȡ

Dongfeng Automobile Company Ltd. established an industrial demonstration base of “carbon-balanced” ecological and economic forest in Tunbao Town, Enshi City, Hubei Province. The project, officially launched in March 2012, aims at "planting trees for carbon sequestration and benefiting agriculture by industry". The Company has been practicing the new emission reduction model that vehicle enterprises plant trees for carbon sequestration to offset industrial carbon emission. In 2013, Dongfeng completed the second batch of planting 4,000 mu of camellia forest and 1,000 mu of walnut forest in the project. So far, 10,000 mu ecological and economic forests have been completely planted. During this period, Dongfeng experts went to Enshi to carry out a site diagnosis of the project, and listened to opinions and suggestions of all parties of the project by convening the project promotion seminar so as to enhance the overall effectiveness of the project.


ᐧ䃫㐬㞟ጒࢯ Build Green Factory

ᢿۼ㞯㘪 Energy saving and emission reduction

ᢿឭᱜᩦ䕍হ᫝ឭᱜᣕᎬᏁ⩕ȡ䔆ψ ែ䉱ۼែ䉱Ϭٰ喑⩕λхࡃ⩕㘪㐀ᲱȠ㞯㘪ڞथڙ  ڙ䩛ᕔ⮱ᩜᦾ҉⩕ȡᎡᰵڠᢿⰛᴴ䊤ݝۼथ倅䉕䛼⮱Ⴙ᜽㞯㘪ڙ䶦Ⱋ⮱ᰶ᩵჋᫪喑ͧ ᅯ㏔Ƞ͗⩌ϔጒࢯȠ̰͗ڲथ㠰డڙᢿノ⤳Ԏᖜ㈨㐌ₐᐼ䓽㵹喑䄒㈨㐌჋⣝γۼथ㞯㘪 Ϭٰ ᢿノ⤳Ԏۼᢿ᪝ᢛ喑㞯㘪ۼथ㘪⎽⊵㕄᪝ᢛ㑾̷Ⱑ្ߌ㘪喑㜗ߕ⩌᜽ऱᅯ㏔㞯㘪ڙ喍ၽ喎ܳ Ϙ喑᣽倅γጒ҉᩵⢴喑⶛Ԋ᪝ᢛ⮱ⱌ჋Ƞ۳⶛ȡͧ㻱㠰㘪⎽ノڞᖜ㈨㐌⮱ᐧ⿸喑჋⣝γ᪝ᢛ Ą̴უڒथ㏠ڙथऱࢂѺ⼜Ხᣕ䔈(#5㘪⎽ノ⤳Ҁ㈨喑䃎ܿᎡᏂڙ喑⤳ 䘕䕇䓴Ҁ㈨䃑䃮ȡڕЮ͇㞯㘪ѻⷠ㵹ߕą⮱უЮ͇

In 2013, Dongfeng invested a total amount of 181 million yuan in optimization of energy consumption structure, technical reform of energy saving and emission reduction and promotion and application of new technology. The effective implementation of these projects plays an important supporting role in helping Dongfeng achieve the target of energy saving and emission reduction in a manner of high quality.In June 2013, Dongfeng Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Management Information System started to operate officially. It enables the function of direct online report of energy consumption data from 193 production factories and branches (subsidiaries) at seven levels within Dongfeng, and automatically generates energy saving and emission reduction data of each level. The establishment of the management information system of energy saving and emission reduction realizes data sharing, increases work efficiency and ensures authentic and accurate data.In order to normalize energy management, each department in Dongfeng has actively promoted the GB/T23331-2012 energy management system and it is planned that all the 14 enterprises of Dongfeng, involved in the Enterprises Energy Saving and Low Carbon Action, pass the system certification by the end of 2015.

В2009Ꭱധ᪝ В2010Ꭱധ᪝ В2011Ꭱധ᪝ В2012Ꭱധ᪝ Based on 2009 Based on 2010 Based on 2011 Based on 2012

0.00 -18.35 -19.87 -3.45 -23.69 -10.00 -25.15 -31.61 -15.80 -34.43 -20.00 -35.92 -42.67 -46.89

-30.00 -48.77




喍喎⢴ۼ喍喎 $0%ᢿᩫ䛼෋⢴ۼ喍喎 40ᢿᩫ䛼෋⢴ۼ෋ߍթ㐩व㘪㕄෋̴ٰ

Value added energy consumption every SO2 discharge (%) COD discharge (%) 10,000 yuan (%)

66 ⣜ධ䉐Ш Environment Responsibility

⌲∮⩌ϔ Clean production

䷻थȠ͉ڙथȠ͉䷻᱙⩝↪䒓䰣䘕Уᰶ䭽ڙथȠ͉䷻᱙⩝ࣾߕᱧᰶ䭽ڙथȠ͉䷻᱙⩝↪䒓ᰶ䭽ڙᬄ̸⺋哆↪䒓ᰶ䭽 ⊴⎽थぶუЮ͇౴䕇䓴γᩬᏉ⣜Ԋ䘕䬕⌲∮⩌ϔ჎ᵥ侹ᩣȡ䔆ψࢂѺ䕇䓴⌲∮⩌ϔ჎ᵥ喑ᴒឫ㘪ڙᴠጋ↪䒓ᰶ䭽 㕄倅হ↎ᴀ➖ᢿᩫ๔⮱⨣䶵䘕Ѻ喑ᐭᆂᰶ䦵ᄦᕔ⮱ᩦ઱≨ߕ喑䕇䓴ᅪᔘ჋᫪⌲∮⩌ϔᬍ喍ѻ喎䉦⩕⮱ᩦ઱᫦ᵵ喑ᠮ㐚 ↎෋᩵⮱Ⱋᴴȡۼ჋᫪͚喍倅喎䉦⩕⮱ᩦ઱᫦ᵵ喑჋⣝γ㞯㘪䭺㕄Ƞ

DFM’s five subsidiaries of Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile Company Ltd., Dongfeng Honda Automobile Co., Ltd., Dongfeng Honda Engine Co., Ltd., Dongfeng Honda Auto Parts Co., Ltd. and Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Co., Ltd. all passed the clean production audit and acceptance by the environmental protection department of the government. These organizations found out their bottlenecks such as high energy consumption and large pollutant discharge through the clean production audit, and carried out targeted improvement measures. Thus, the target of energy saving & consumption reduction and pollution reduction & effectiveness increasing was realized by implementing the costless (low cost) improvement plan of clean production and continuously implementing the medium (high) cost improvement plan.

ᓗ⣜㏼≻ Circular economy

थ̻す̶᫦Ю͇͸䬡ᒏ᜽ڙᢿ᫝䕁ᒱ喑็⍍䖀ᄨឫ⹫ч䉱⎽喑ᐭᆂᏌ➖㐩वݖ⩕喑ᣕߕۼᬄ̸ऱࢂѺ⼜Ხᣏ㉏㞯㘪 ⿸थ͑͗䨥䕍ጒࢯᐧڙ⻺οᘍοݖ⮱ᓗ⣜㏼≻ϔ͇䨫ȡᎡ喑ᰶᎼᣕ䔈䨥䕍Ꮜ⴯ݣⵃ䶦Ⱋ喑ౕ͉䷻ੳ⩕䒓ᰶ䭽̭ 㞯 䓽㥒喑ऱࢂѺጟݖ⩕γ҆ॕक़⇦↎−ڒݖ⩕ϔ͇ࡃധౝ 喠࡮൝ധౝक़⇦↎−ݣⵃϔ͇ࡃധౝₐᐼែںᏌ⴯ थᏌ䛾ᆋȠ▶⍐Ƞㆶ⚑▝㐩वݖ⩕喑ጒ͇⩕Ⅱ䛺ฺݖ⩕⢴䓫ȡڙ㏓ั㒛᜽᱙̴ٰȡⰛݺ喑

Each organization of Dongfeng positively explores new ways of energy saving and emission reduction, looks for social resources in multiple channels, carries out multipurpose use of waste and promotes a mutually beneficial industrial chain of circular economy between Dongfeng and the third party enterprises. In 2013, Dongfeng promoted the project of brick production with casting sand waste and established industrialization bases of sand waste recycle at two casting factories of Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. Shiyan industrialization base of brick production with oil- bearing sludge has put into operation officially. Each organization makes use of over 3,700 tons of oil-bearing sludge, and thus saves disposition cost of 3.3 million yuan.At present, Dongfeng realized 100% comprehensive utilization of waste metals, slags and flyash and 70% reuse rate of industrial water.


⩌ϔ⣜Ԋϔ৮ Produce Green Products

䭺ѻϔ৮ᢿᩫ Product emission reduction

थ⩌ϔ⮱᝭ᰶڙ㞯㘪⣜Ԋಸ↪䒓ȡܧथ㜡߈λ䕇䓴ᣕߕ⣜ԊឭᱜⵁࣾহҬ⩕喑̺᫚䭺ѻэ㐌↪䒓ϔ৮⮱ᢿᩫ喑ᣕڙ 䒓ϔ৮䘪␎䋠పუহౝ᫦⮱↪䒓ᢿᩫᴴ۳ȡ↪

Dongfeng dedicates to producing energy saving and environment protective vehicles by promoting the research, development and utilization of environmental protection technologies and continuously reducing the emission of traditional vehicles. The emission of all the vehicles produced by Dongfeng is in conformity with national and local emission standards.


थՎᄩহ䌢㵹Ą&$0-*7&ą㐬㞟⩌ᔮ⤳ᔢ喑䕇䓴В᫝ឭᱜ჋ڙᬄ̸͉䷻ੳ⩕䒓ᰶ䭽 ᫦Ѻ᣽ڕᢿহ⣜ධᩦ઱ȡ⼜Ხⵁ⾣⌤वߕ߈Ƞ䒨䛼ࡃȠ㘪䛼ఋᩣぶឭᱜ喑ۼ㞯㘪⣝ थ⛰⅁䒓䔽ₒᓄݝጯ౧⮱䱿ⱽ喑䨭ਜ਼ڙࡴͨ߈䒓ಸ⮱⩌ᔮᕔহ㏼≻ᕔȡᎡ喑䄒


The subsidiary Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. advocates and practices the green ecological idea of “ECO LIVE”. It realizes energy saving and emission reduction and environmental improvement through new technologies and positively studies technologies such as hybrid power, light weight and energy recycling, thus improving the ecology and economy of the major vehicle types in all respects. In 2013, gas fueled vehicles of the company gradually won the popularity of the market, with a sales volume of 1,980 units, increasing by 114%.

㞯㘪̻᫝㘪⎽↪䒓 Energy saving and new energy source automobile

ࣾᆂᝅ⪒ Development strategy

थᎡࣾጰγ᫝㘪⎽↪䒓ࣾᆂᝅ⪒喑ᬻ⶛γĄВ㏜⩢ߕ䒬䒓҉͚ͧ䪬᱌䛺◦ᝅ⪒Ⱋᴴ 喠В⌤वߕ߈喍क़᣿ڙ䷻͉ ᐼ喎↪䒓҉ͧ䭣⃢ᕔ䛺◦Ⱋᴴহᒀݺ⮱ϔ͇ࡃ䛺◦Ꭳ̻э㐌↪䒓㞯㘪㐀व喠⿸䋠᪡䒓䯳᜽̻᪡䒓ᣔݣ喑᪡वᵥᓰ⩢ ᕔឭᱜх߬ 喠ᣏ㉏㏜⩢ߕ↪䒓⮱ੳ͇Ꮑ⩕὎ᐼą⮱ᕨҀᝅ⪒ȡڞ⿸䉱⎽喑ᐧ

In 2010, Dongfeng released the development strategy of new energy vehicles, firmly indicated the general strategy of “Taking pure electric cars as a key mid-term and long-term strategic goal; taking hybrids (including plug-in hybrids) as the key interim goal and the focus of industrialization at the current stage, and combining them with energy saving technologies of conventional vehicles; Grounded on vehicle integration and vehicle control, integrating core resources to establish the advantage of common technology; exploring the commercial application mode for pure electric vehicles”.

68 ⣜ධ䉐Ш Environment Responsibility

Ą ą ᫝㘪⎽↪䒓䛺๔ᝅ⪒䶦Ⱋ a major strategic projects of “9+7” new energy vehicle

䶫⌤वߕ߈کथᷠ⤳Ꭳड़ߕγĄ ą᫝㘪⎽↪䒓䛺๔ᝅ⪒䶦Ⱋ喑䔆ψ䶦Ⱋ㺳Ⰳγϻੳ⩕䒓ݝ΅⩕䒓⮱็͗Ꭰझ喑ڙ ڠݝ㏜⩢ߕぶ็⻺ឭᱜ䌜㏬喑ᎣᲱᐧγⰥᏁ⮱᫝㘪⎽↪䒓θ͇ᣕ䔈Ҁݣহᱧݣ喑䕇䓴̺᫚᪡वহ㣤ः᫝㘪⎽↪䒓⮱ थ㞯㘪̻᫝㘪⎽↪䒓θ͇⮱ࣾڙ䷻䊏ぶ็⻺᫦ᐼ喑ᰶ᩵⮱Ӱ䔈γ͉ڞ䩛ឭᱜȠᵥᓰ䉱⎽喑ᑧࡃ㜗ͨⵁࣾ喑呀ߞव҉ थႶᢿϬٰ̀䶦䶱ツ䉱䛾喑⩕λ㞯㘪̻᫝㘪⎽↪䒓⮱ϔ৮ឭᱜᐭࣾহϔ͇ࡃᐧ䃫喑ВԊڙ䷻ᆂȡ࡮ιρ᱌䬡喑͉ 䯉͉䷻㞯㘪̻᫝㘪⎽↪䒓ᝅ⪒⮱ᰶ᩵჋᫪ȡ

Dongfeng organized and launched a major strategic projects of “9+7” new energy vehicle, which covered multiple platforms from commercial vehicle to passenger vehicle, combined multiple technology routes from hybrid to pure electric power and built corresponding promotion system and mechanism of the new energy vehicle business. It effectively facilitated the development of energy-saving and new energy vehicles business of Dongfeng through multiple ways such as continuously efforts to integrate and obtain key technologies and core resources of new energy vehicles, strengthen independent research and development and encourage win-win cooperation. During the “12th Five-Year Plan” period, Dongfeng has arranged 3 billion yuan special budget funds for product technology development and industrialization construction of energy-saving and new energy vehicles, so as to ensure the effective implementation of Dongfeng energy-saving and new energy vehicles strategy.


ࢍౝ҆ϖȠែ䉱Ϭٰ⮱͉䷻΅⩕䒓᫝㘪⎽ጒࢯλ Ꭱᰵᬒౕₓⅶ㏼≻ឭᱜᐭࣾࡧᐭጒᐧ䃫喑ₑͫᴴᔄⱭ͉䷻ 䩛ᕔ⮱̭ₒ喑͉䷻᫝㘪⎽θ͇ڠγܧ᫝㘪⎽↪䒓ाⱭϔ͇ࡃ䓵 ᅞₑ㔨ᐭγ᫝⮱ヴ」ȡᐧ᜽ऻ⮱͉䷻΅⩕䒓᫝㘪⎽ጒࢯ喑࠲᠙ ☷㷲Ƞ⊯㷲Ƞᕨ㷲̶๔ጒ㞧হ⩢ߕ↪䒓ࣷ⩢ၽ䒓䬡喑ͨ㺮⩕λ 㞯㘪̻᫝㘪⎽↪䒓ࣷэ㐌↪䒓⮱⌤व⩌ϔȡጒࢯᐧ䃫̭⁎ᕔ㻱 ͚̭᱌ϔ㘪̴䒳喑䶱䃎ڣ喑ܳ͑᱌჋᫪喑ᕨϔ㘪̴䒳ȡܿ ᎡᏂᐧ᜽ែϔȡ

Dongfeng Passenger Vehicle New Energy Plant, covering more than 400 mu, phase investment of 2.4 billion yuan, was put into construction in Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone on September 29, 2013. This move marked a critical step for Dongfeng new energy vehicles to walk to industrialization, and a new chapter for Dongfeng new energy vehicle business. The built Dongfeng Passenger Vehicle New Energy Plant mainly focuses on three major processes of welding, coating and final assembly and it is mainly for mixed production of energy- saving vehicles, new energy vehicles and traditional vehicles. The plant construction was planned in one time and its total capacity is 160,000 vehicles. The construction was carried out in two phases. And in the first phase, it produced 80,000 vehicles. It is predicted the plant will be put into operation at the end of 2014.



Ꭱᰵ喑ౕすᅷ̷⊤ప䭲䒓ᆂ̷喑͉䷻ᬒϔᬄ̸৮❹ड़ 䓝ࣾጰγ᫝㘪⎽Ą7㨊ᝅ⪒ą喑ᎣᆂܧγВĄᭀϘ㏜⩢ߕ䒓ąͧⰛ ᫝ắᔢ䒓WJXB喑हᬣ喑ጟ๔㻱὎⹧㠰䓽㥒⮱ड़䓝Fڕᴴᐭࣾ⮱ ৮❹⮱჋߈ۈ࣯ᆂ喑ᆂ⣝γड़䓝᜽ͧ᫝㘪⎽䶳⁎ں䛼ϔ⩢ߕ䒓Ό ᓰȡĄ7㨊ᝅ⪒ąܳͧ͑͗ᅯ䲏喟ࢠⱭⱩ᱗Გ喑В჋⣝Ą䰣ᢿ̻۠ ᩫąͧ㏵ᲮⰛᴴ喑ಇᠮᄳ&7 ㏜⩢ߕ↪䒓 ҉ͧ᱗Გ↪䒓⮱㏵Ხ㼐 हᣕߕ&7ੳڞ⩺჋⩕ᕔ⮱&7䒓喑Ꭳ̻⹫чऱڤ᫦ᵵ喑ᐭࣾᰡ۠ ڣᮛࣷ 喠ओใ喑᣽ࡴэ㐌ᑂ᧻ឭᱜহ㘪᩵ߍ䕌᣽ࡴ喑हᬣᐭᆂ͇


In April 2013, at the 15th International Auto Show, brand of Dongfeng Nissan released the new energy “V Blue Strategy” and showed the brand new concept vehicle viwa developed for the purpose of “Yixiang pure electric vehicle”. The electric vehicle Venucia e30 of mass production, which will be in a large-scale demonstration operation within the year, was present in the show again. It showed its strength and determination of becoming the leading brand of new energy vehicles. There are two aspects of the “V Blue Strategy”: firstly, looking forward to the future, that is to take “zero emission” as the ultimate goal, to consist to take EV (electric vehicle) as the ultimate solution of future vehicles to develop more practical EVs and together with all communities of the society to promote EV vehicle. In addition, it is to improve traditional engine technologies and energy efficiency, and carry out innovation and practices of other new energies to reduce emission.

ⵁࣾᗲۢ Research and development

थጟ㏼ᢹڙⵁ⾣喑Ⱋݺ喑ڒ⌞ᰭᬖϻθ᫝㘪⎽↪䒓ⵁࣾ⮱Ю͇͸̭ȡ䕇䓴็Ꭱᄦ᫝㘪⎽↪䒓ឭᱜ⮱ڲथ᭜పڙ䷻͉ ಸڥᤎ⌤वߕ߈↪䒓ᐭࣾ⮱᪡䒓䯳᜽হхࡃࡦ䙺ឭᱜȠ᪡䒓ᣔݣゃ⪒⮱ᐭࣾឭᱜȠ⌤वߕ߈ᕨ᜽⮱ᱧ⩢㕓वឭᱜȠ 䩛䰣䘕У⮱ڠ䓽㵹ጒۢЬⱌឭᱜȠ᪡䒓ݣߕఋ亵㈨㐌ឭᱜ 喠ᐧ⿸γ⌤वߕ߈᪡䒓⮱ࡦ䙺ᴴჇȠ᪡䒓Ƞ㈨㐌Ƞᕨ᜽ࣷ ䷻थ䔅䕇䓴ᄦ⶙У䃫᫪ᐧ䃫䔈㵹ᓲ㺮⮱ែ䉱喑ᑧࡃγ⩢ߕ↪䒓ⵁࣾ⮱ധ⵭ȡⰛݺ喑͉ڙ䄂ឭᱜᴴ۳হ䃱ѝҀ㈨ȡ≹ ॷȡڙጟ㏼ᰶ㞯㘪̻᫝㘪⎽↪䒓䒓ಸःᓄపუ

Dongfeng is one of the first enterprises to work on the research and development of new energy vehicles. With deep research on the technology of new energy vehicles for many years, Dongfeng now has mastered the vehicle integration and optimal matching technology of the hybrid power vehicle development, the technology of development of vehicle control strategy, the technology of electro-mechanical coupling for hybrid power assembly, the simulation technology of typical operating conditions and the technology of vehicle braking feedback system, and established the technical standards and evaluation systems for matching and calibration, and the test of vehicle, system, assembly and key parts of hybrid power vehicles. Dongfeng also made necessary investment on the hardware facilities construction to strengthen the basis of the research and development of EVs. At present, 43 categories of energy-saving and new energy source vehicles have obtained national announcement.

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"᫝ᐭࣾ⮱ڕथധλ㏜⩢ߕ䒬䒓➦ᕔڙ䷻㈨݄㏜⩢ߕ䒬䒓᭜͉&⺋䷻䷻͉ ㏔Ꭰझ䒓ಸ喑᪡䒓䕍ಸᬣᅇȠ䴢㜡Ƞэ⺋喑हᬣ䛴⩕䨊व䛾俕᳣⮱䒨䛼ࡃ䃫䃎 ᫦ᵵ喑᪡䒓ፓ⩢↍᪡ิ䉕䛼LH喑␎䋠.΅⩕䒓ⷝ᧋∂㻱㺮Ⅿȡ᪡䒓䙺ิ䨯


Dongfeng E30 pure is a new A000 model developed based on the features of pure EVs. This fashionable, elegant and impressive EV complies with the collision regulations for M1 passenger cars with the total weight of only 860 kg (with batteries) thanks to the aluminum alloy body frame with lightweight design. Equipped with a li-ion battery and a permanent magnet motor, this car can run a distance of 150 km after fully charged.

ែᩫ䓽㥒 Put into operation

थጟᰶ҆䒳ऱㆨ㞯㘪̻᫝㘪ڙथ倅Ꮣ䛺㻳᫝㘪⎽↪䒓⮱⹧㠰䓽㥒ȡ᝗₏Ⱋݺ喑ڙ䷻Ⴙ઱ϔ৮ឭᱜ⮱हᬣ喑ౕ͉ ᰶᎼ⮱ᐭᆂ⹧㠰䓽㥒喑Ꭳ㣤ᓄ㞜ສࣺ৺ȡڕ䒓ౕᎬጋȠ̷⊤Ƞ๔䔋ȠₓⅶȠ㹱䭠ぶౝႶ↪⎽

Dongfeng also paid high importance to the demonstration operations of the new energy vehicles as well as improving product technologies. Up to now, 1,745 vehicles including energy-saving vehicles and new energy vehicles are under safe and orderly demonstration operation in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Dalian, Wuhan and Xiangyang, which have gained good social responses.


䷻⮱᫝㘪⎽↪䒓ⅡᎠ⮱͉䷻ᬒϔ㏜⩢ߕ䒓㕳ٵᎡᰵ喑䒳А㶕̓⩹䶳 䒓䶳⼌ܧڒ๔䔋⹧㠰䓽㥒喑䔆᭜๔䔋ጯᩬᏉ仃⁎ᄳ㏜⩢ߕ↪䒓ᑂڒ喍-&"'喎ₐᐼែ ഌȡ䮼Ɑ͉䷻ᬒϔౕₓⅶȠᎬጋȠ๔䔋̶ౝ㏜⩢ߕ䒓䄂䓽㥒⮱ᆂᐭ喑ጟ䔽ₒᒏ᜽γ


In March 2013, 5 Dongfeng Nissan pure electric vehicles “LEAF” which stands for the world’s leading level of new energy vehicles have been put into Dalian for demonstration. This was the first time that Dalian Municipal People’s Government introduced pure electric vehicles into the taxi sector. With the pilot operation demonstration progress of pure electric vehicles in Wuhan, Guangzhou and Dalian, a “point to area” and “south to north” layout promoting new energy vehicles was gradually formed.


⯶≧ߔژᐬᆁरㆧ ᎡᏓᄦใ᡽䊍 117⁍ Ϧℽጭٯ5696.3̳


2258Ϧ ⯷䉐Шڙ⹫ч Public Welfare Responsibility

⯷䉐Шڙ䔇ₑPublic Welfare Responsibility ⹫чڝ⹪ц̺ ⯶η͆ژ㒺 थ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷڙ䒓↪䷻͉ DFM CORPORATION SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2013

⤳⯷ᙵ઱ノڙ Manage Public Welfare Charity

⯷ധ䛾ڙ䷻λ͉ڠ About Dongfeng Benevolence Foundation

⯷ധ䛾чąȡ䄒ڙ䷻थウᐧ᜽⿸Ą͉ڙᎡ喑㏼పუℾᩬ䘕ឦ۳喑͉䷻↪䒓 थĄ⋓ą䃎ܿڙࠌധ䛾ч喑∕䉱䉱䛾ͧϧℾጮ̴ٰ喑ͨ㺮ͧڙധ䛾чͧ䲋 ⯷䶦Ⱋ჋᫪᣽ӈប㵹Ꭰझহ䉱䛾ᩜᠮȡᎡ喑ധ䛾чᣒऄᲒ㜗⤳θࢂڙ͚ 䃎̴ٰ喑ᄦใ᡽䊍➖̴ٰȡڞѺ⮱᡽䊍

In 2012, approved by the Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs, Dongfeng Automobile Company prepared to establish Dongfeng Benevolence Foundation. This foundation is a non-public-raising foundation, with a registered capital of 50 million yuan, mainly providing platform and financial support for the implementation of public welfare projects in the company’s Nurturing plan. In 2013, the foundation received a total of 33,632,100 yuan of donation from directors’ units, and donated money and articles worth 27,471,700 yuan.

ᐭȠℾͨȠ䔼ᬻȡ͒ᵩᠶڙധ䛾чВ⤳θчͧ䃛θ䒪Ҁ喑჋⣝䛺㺮θ䶦۠ゃ ⚔Ȩ」⼸ȩ㻱Ⴧ喑ᠶᬣङᐭ⤳θч喑ᅞ䛺㺮θ䶦䔈㵹䃕䃧Ƞ۠䃛 喠ⅴ្ᎡᏓጒ 喑ⵁ䃕ጒ҉䃎ܿ 喠䕇្ധ䛾чᕨҀᩣᩜᗲۢ喑჎䃛ᎡᏓ䉦⩕䶱ツぶȡ҉

The foundation takes board of directors as the carrier, and makes important issue decisions to be open, democratic and transparent. In strict accordance with the Articles of Association, the foundation timely holds the board meeting to discuss and determine important issues, reports annual work, discusses work plan, informs the overall balance of payments to the foundation, and reviews annual expense budget, etc.

ВႹ઱ጒ҉ݣᏓহ≮⼸ͧ䕁ᒱ喑⶛Ԋധ䛾чጒ҉㻱㠰倅᩵ȡᎡ喑ധ䛾чݣ ჇܧझȨധ䛾Ҭ⩕ノ⤳ߋ∂ȩ喑ᬻ⶛ധ䛾⮱⩠䄤Ҭ⩕㻱݆ࣷ≮⼸喠ाऱ⤳θࢂѺ ȩ喑㻱㠰ധ䛾ч㻳㻶㵹ͧ㈨㐌喑㐌̭ᒏ䆎ȡڹ⯷ധ䛾ч7*᝸ڙ䷻ࣾᩫȨ͉

The foundation, by improving working system and process, ensures the foundation to work in a standard and efficient way. In 2013, the foundation formulated Foundation Use Administration Measures that clarifies fund use application rules and processes; the foundation distributed to each director unit VI Manual of Dongfeng Benevolence Foundation that regulates the visual behavior system of the foundation and unifies image.

74 ⯷䉐Шڙ⹫ч Public Welfare Responsibility

ᔄᙬ㔲ノ⤳ Volunteer management

थᠮ㐚ևᑧĄ͉䷻ᔄᙬ㔲ą৮❹≨ߕ喑ⰛݺᲱᐧγᩜĄ̶ࡃఈᰶą喍㻱㠰ࡃȠᱧݣࡃȠ፥ᔮࡃ喑ᰶ㏱㏴ȠᰶݣᏓȠڙ ᰶ䃎ܿȠᰶ≨ߕ喎ᔄᙬ㔲᰺ߎ䭌喑᠒ᰶᔄᙬ㔲҆ϧȡ䕇䓴ݣᏓ䃫䃎喑≨ߕ݈᫝喑ߗ߈ិ᰺ߎЮ͇̻᰺ߎ⹫ࡧȠ᰺ ߎ⹫ч㐌̭䊤Გ喑В჋䭲㵹ߕ䌢㵹Ą๶⡛Ƞࣸ❞ȠοߖȠ䔈ₒą⮱ᔄᙬ㔲㇫⺋喑ͧহ䄽͉䷻ᐧ䃫䉎⡛䱿᭒̻߈䛼ȡ

The company continues to strengthen brand activity of “Dongfeng volunteers”, and has currently established 50 volunteer service teams that are standardized, institutionalized, and normalized, and are under organization and system, implement plan and activities, with more than 2,000 volunteers. Through system design and active innovation, the company strives to integrate serving enterprises, community and society, take concrete actions to practice the volunteer spirit of “dedication, love, mutual aid and progress”, contributing youth and power to building harmonious Dongfeng.

थ⹫ч䉐ڙݝڒथ᜽⿸Ą͉䷻ᔄᙬ㔲ጒ҉ᠴᄩ༁অчąȡ䄒༁অч⮱᜽⿸喑̭᫦䲏ᄳ͉䷻ᔄᙬ㔲ノ⤳㏠ڙᎡ喑 Шノ⤳Ҁ㈨͸͚ 喠ओ̭᫦䲏䕇䓴ࡼ䄰ȠᠴᄩऱᲬ಄䱿Ꭱᔄᙬ㔲ࡼчᐭᆂጒ҉喑䔈̭ₒ᣽ࡴ͉䷻䱿Ꭱᔄᙬ᰺ߎⅡᎠȠ λߍᑧ͉䷻ᔄᙬ㔲㏱㏴ᐧ䃫হ᰺ߎ≨ߕ⮱㻱Ⴧȩ喑Ȩ͉䷻ᔄڠथ䔅ݣჇࣾጰγȨڙ෋ᑧ͉䷻ᔄᙬ᰺ߎᒞ৺߈ȡहᬣ喑 थⰡᆋࢂѺఏ༁䱿Ꭱᔄᙬ᰺ߎጒ҉㐖᩵ノ⤳ߋ∂ȩぶ㻱」ݣᏓ喑ᠴᄩऱࢂѺ㻱㠰Ƞڙᙬ㔲ጒ҉ᠴᄩ༁অч」⼸ȩ喑Ȩ ⻾႓ౝᐭᆂᔄᙬ᰺ߎ≨ߕȡ

The company founded Dongfeng Volunteer Work Steering Committee in 2013. On the one hand, the establishment of the committee incorporates Dongfeng volunteer management into the company’s social responsibility management system. On the other hand, through coordinating and guiding Youth Volunteer Association to carry out work, it further improves the service level of Dongfeng youth volunteers and enhances the influence of Dongfeng volunteer service. Meanwhile, the company also released rules and regulations such as Regulations on Strengthening the Organization Construction and Service Activities of Dongfeng Volunteers, Regulations of Dongfeng Volunteer Work Steering Committee, Performance management measures on Youth Volunteer Service Work of Youth League Committee Directly under the Company, so as to guide various units to carry out volunteer service activities in a standardized and scientific way.


थౕₓⅶധౝ⹫ࡧͫ㵹Ą͉䷻ᔄᙬ㔲ጒ҉ᠴᄩ༁অч᜽⿸๔ڙᰵᬒ喑 чᯕᎡ͉䷻ᔄᙬ᰺ߎड़ߕчą喑ₐᐼ᜽⿸Ą͉䷻ᔄᙬ㔲ጒ҉ᠴᄩ༁ অчąᎣͧₓⅶധౝऱᲬ಄䱿Ꭱᔄᙬ㔲ࡼчᢵ❹ȡ

On March 3, the company held the Conference on the Establishment of Dongfeng Volunteer Work Steering Committee and 2013 Volunteer Service Launch Meeting in Wuhan Base Community. At the conference, the company formally established Dongfeng Volunteer Work Steering Committee, and granted plaques to various youth volunteer associations in Wuhan base.


⯷䶦Ⱋ჋᫪ڙ Implement Public Welfare Projects

ᩜᠮ▫ऻ䛺ᐧ Support post-disaster reconstruction

थȠ͉䷻᱙⩝Ƞ͉ ᡽䊍ڙथᕨ䘕ᔘ䕌ࣺᏁ喑⿸ࢠ㵹ߕ喑̻ᬄ̸⺋哆ڙ䯲Ⴖ㟓ᆞౝ䰴ࣾ⩌ऻ喑 ䷻ᬒϔȠ䗾ጋᬒϔȠ͉䷻᱙⩝ࣾߕᱧȠ͉䷻᱙⩝䰣䘕УぶࢂѺࡼहᐭᆂ▫ऻ᩾ߖጒ҉ 喠ऱࢂ  ȡₑ⁎ౝܧ⯷ധ䛾ч喑⩞ധ䛾ч㐌̭᡽ڙ䷻Ѻす̭ᬣ䬡ᄳᕨФթ̴ٰ⮱᡽䊍➖ⅴ㖇͉ ̴ٰ 䃎᡽䊍➖̴ٰȡڞथ喍䯳ఏ喎ڙ䰴喑͉䷻↪䒓

After an earthquake took place in Lushan County, Ya’an City on April 20, 2013, the company’s headquarters made rapid response and took immediate action to work with its subsidiaries Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile Company Ltd, Dongfeng Honda, Dongfeng Nissan, Zhengzhou Nissan, Dongfeng Honda Engine, Dongfeng Honda Auto Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd, and so on; the subsidiaries delivered their donations worth 8.5 million yuan to Dongfeng Benevolence Foundation, and the foundation made a unified donation. In response to this earthquake, Dongfeng Motor Corporation donated money and materials worth 9.8625 million yuan.

76 ⯷䉐Шڙ⹫ч Public Welfare Responsibility

ᩜᠮౝࡧࣾᆂ Support regional development

ᤡ㫼 Support Tibet

थĄ࡮ιρąᤡ㫼ڙч䃛㇫⺋喑ᠶ⚔ڠथすఈឦᤡ㫼᎟䘕͒ᵩ㥪჋͚๛ᤡ㫼ጒ҉Ⱕڙ䒓↪䷻͉ ᫦ѺȠڕ⮱ڲ䲏ᣕ䔈࠲᠙ϔ͇ᤡ㫼Ƞࡨ⫄ᤡ㫼হᮧ߈ᤡ㫼ౕڕጒ҉㻱ܿ⮱ᕨҀ㺮Ⅿহ䘕㒟喑 㫼䉱䛾̴ٰȡႹ᜽⊶ࣷԊ䯉ℾᤡڒᅯ⁎⮱ᤡ㫼ጒ҉喑ᖗᅪ㕹Ⴕ喑᝻჋ጒ҉喑㉜䃎ែ็ ⩌Ƞᩜᠮ᪆㗟᪴ࡃȠࡨ⫄࢘⩌Ƞࣾᆂ➦㞟ϔ͇ȠႹ઱ധ⵭䃫᫪ᐧ䃫ぶ͗᫦䲏⮱ᤡ㫼䶦Ⱋȡ 䌜হڙ᱾ۉ͚喑Ꭱ᠕Ѕᤡ㫼䉱䛾̴ٰ喑ᤡᐧ䉎㻶࣬㞧ᱜఏ喑䉎㻶࣬㵹ᩬᎬ౧喑᫝ڣ ͉䷻⹧㠰᱾ᐧ䃫ȡ

The fourth batch of Tibetan-supporting cadres of Dongfeng Motor Corporation strictly implement the central government’s related conference spirit on supporting Tibet, in accordance with the overall requirements and deployment of the company’s 12th Five-year Tibet-aiding work, and fully promote all-around, multi-leveled Tibet-aiding work such as industrial aiding, medical aiding, and intellectual aiding. They work scrupulously and steadily to fulfill duties, the cumulative fund for aiding Tibet is 22 million yuan. The Tibet-aiding projects were fulfilled in the following 14 aspects: guaranteeing the people’s livelihood, supporting education culture and medical health, developing characteristic industries, improving infrastructure construction, etc. In which, the Tibet-supporting fund earmarked in 2013 is 2.95 million yuan to support the construction of Gonjo County art troupe, Gonjo County administrative plaza, new rural road and Dongfeng demonstration village construction.

䲏ड़ߕ᫝෋ឣ䉘◦ᄦऐ፛ឣ䶦Ⱋڕ Fully launch newly added counterpart support projects aiming at poverty relief

䲏ड़ߕపߎ䮏ឣ䉘ߋ᫝෋ឣ䉘◦ᄦऐ፛ឣጒ҉ȡ䊡᫝⪳ᴜಗ࣬ȠᎬ㺬侙ᆞ࣬ڕथڙᎡ喑 䔈㵹ឣ䉘ጒ҉㔰ᄌ喑䄰ⵁឣ䉘䶦Ⱋ喑ᎣݣჇᎡᏓ፛ឣ䃎ܿ 喠㐀वౝ᫦ጒ҉჋䭲হ䰭Ⅿ喑᡽䊍 ȡ̴ٰڒ㜗ͨ৮❹䒓䒳喑⼜Ხᅊ䄂Ą⩌ᔮឣ䉘ą᫝὎ᐼ喑㉜䃎ែ䷻͉

In 2013, the company fully started the poverty-relief counterpart support projects newly added by the Poverty Relief Office of the State Council. The company assigned relevant personnel to conduct survey on poverty relief work in Kalpin County, Xinjiang and Mashan County, Guangxi, investigated the poverty relief projects, and formulate annual support plan; in combination with the practice and need of local work, the company donated Dongfeng vehicles with self- owned brand, and actively tried to adopt new mode of “ecological poverty alleviation”, and accumulatively input 1.62 million yuan.


ᄦऐ፛ឣጒ҉ڲᲮᐭᆂ⎃ࡄⰮ⼜ Actively carry out counterpart support work in Hubei province

࣯̻Ą̶̴ą≨ߕ Participate in “30,000” Activity

Ꭱ喑͉䷻⼜Ხ৺Ꮑ⎃ࡄⰮ༁ȠⰮᩬᏉतङ喑࣯̻ᐭᆂĄ̴ऺ᎟䘕䔈̴᱾∮̴უą≨ߕ喑 थВĄߋ჋θȠᴾᒏ䆎Ƞ݈ڙᕨ䌜ভ䩴⮱ఈ͗᱾㥪ᐭᆂ⣜ධ᪡⇨ጒ҉ȡ̶͗ᰵᲒ喑ڵᄦऐ叱 䉱䛾䓾̴ٰ喑䕇䓴ߍᑧധ⵭䃫᫪ᐧ䃫喑ក䕍Ą∮̴უ⹧ڒᵤᲬȠ䄸⺼⹶ąͧჄᬕ喑㉜䃎ែ 㠰ፓą喑ᐭᆂ๔ಸͶ䃷≨ߕ喑᡽䊍⣜࢘䒓ぶ≨ߕ喑ក䕍㒻ͪΎ᱾ȡ

In 2013, Dongfeng actively responded to the appeal made by the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Hubei provincial government, and got involved in the activity of “10,000 cadres enter 10,000 villages and clean 10,000 households” to carry out environmental improvement in four villages at Zongluju Town in Huanggang City. Over three months, based on the tenet of “handling concrete affairs in a down-to-earth manner, building an image, setting an example, and seeking well-being”, the company cumulatively input funds of nearly 1 million yuan through strengthening the construction of infrastructure, built “demonstration zone of cleaning 10,000 households”, carried out large activity of seeing patients on a volunteer basis, donating sanitation vehicles and other activities, in a bid to build beautiful countryside.


थĄ∮̴უ⹧㠰ፓą䶦Ⱋ【ጒᯕ⌲∮䒓ϑڙᰵᬒ喑 थళڙЅЗᐼౕఏ䷻࣬ᕨ䌜ভ䩴⨓ౌᏀ᱾ͫ㵹喑ᴴᔄⱭ ␎Ⴙ᜽ᎡᏓĄ̶̴ą≨ߕጒ҉Шߎ喑Ą∮̴უ⹧㠰


On April 11, the company held the completion of the project of “demonstration zone of cleaning ten thousand households” and sanitation vehicle delivery ceremony in Watuku Village, Zongluju Town, Tuanfeng County, which marked that the company fulfilled the 2013 work task of “10,000 cadres enter 10,000 villages and clean 10,000 households”, and that the project of “demonstration zone of cleaning 10,000 households” has begun to benefit the people in relevant villages.

78 ⯷䉐Шڙ⹫ч Public Welfare Responsibility

ᄦऐ፛ឣጒ҉̭㻵ڲⰮ List of counterpart support work within Hubei Province

ȕጒ⼸ 喟ᖖ᫪ጯ 616 Project: Enshi

ᣕ䔈͉䷻ĄⷠᎠ㶎ą⩌ᔮ᳄⮱ᐧ䃫 Promote the construction of Dongfeng’s “carbon balance” ecological forest ᐧĄ͉䷻ጹ᱈ᄼ႓ąᤡ̴ٰڒឦែܳ Input 1.45 million yuan in installment to support the construction of Dongfeng Hope Primary School

ȕ㙞䉘ກᄼᏤጒ҉ 喟ͦ↌ऐጯ Poverty relief work: Danjiangkou

ᐭᆂϔ͇፛ឣጒ҉喑䛺◦፛ឣఈუͦ↌᱙ౌЮ͇ Carry out industry support work, mainly support four local enterprises in Danjiangkou City. ᐧĄ͉䷻ጹ᱈ᄼ႓ąᤡ̴ٰڒឦែܳ Input 1.08 million yuan to support the construction of Dongfeng Hope Primary School

᱾ᐧ䃫 喟ᝬ࣬Ƞ⊍Ⅱ࣬ۉȕ⹫чͨͶ᫝ Construction of new socialist countryside: Fang County, Xishui County

ᝬ࣬༇ಗΎᤡᐧĄ͉䷻ጹ᱈ᄼ႓ą̴ٰౕڒឦែܳ Invested 930,000 yuan to support the construction of Dongfeng Hope Primary School at Yaoping Township, Fang County ᩜᠮᝬ࣬⮫ༀ些Ⅱ䶦Ⱋ̴ٰڒែ Invested 500,000 yuan to support the drinking water project for the people in Fang County ᩜᠮ⊍Ⅱ࣬ರ౫↍ᩦ䕍䶦Ⱋ̴ٰڒែ Invested 320,000 yuan to support the cesspit renovation project in Xishui County.

ᆞ࣬ڡȕᩜᤡ̶ሎ⼨ℾጒ҉ 喟 Support the work on migration from Three Gorges area: Xingshan County

ᆞ࣬⼨ℾᄼࡧ͉䷻Ꭼ౧ᐧ䃫ڡᩜᠮ̴ٰڒែ Invested 700,000 yuan to support the construction of Dongfeng Plaza in Migrant Community, Xingshan County ᩜᠮ͉䷻Ꭹ٬చᐧ䃫̴ٰڒែ Invested 100,000 yuan to support the construction of Dongfeng Kindergarten


ᩜᠮ᪆㗟θ͇ Support education career

䲏ᐭᆂĄ͉䷻⋓㠄㵹ߕąڕ Comprehensively carry out Dongfeng Children Nurturing Action

थड़ߕĄ⎃ࡄጹ᱈ጒ⼸͉䷻⋓㠄㵹ߕą喑̻⎃ࡄⰮ䱿ᄾڙᰵᬒ喑 䉘ఝᆞࡧȠڲ䉱䛾̴ٰ喑ౕ⎃ࡄⰮڒᎡࣾᆂധ䛾чव҉喑ែ 䲖প㔮ࡧȠᄾ᪝ℾ᫼ぶౝࡧ喑ᤡᐧ᝭Ą͉䷻ጹ᱈ᄼ႓ą喑䉱ߖ㜠 ҀϻĄ㶐Ƞ丌ȠѼȠ㵹Ƞڤᄾऺ䉘ఝ⩌Ⴙ᜽ᄼ႓䭣⃢᪆㗟喑 ႓ąρ᫦䲏჋᫪ᤡᐧȡ


On May 6, the company launched Dongfeng Children Nurturing Action under Project Hope in Hubei. It worked with Hubei Youth Development Foundation and invested 10 million yuan of funds to construct ten Dongfeng Hope primary schools in impoverished mountain areas, old revolutionary base areas, and ethnic minority areas in Hubei Province, and funded at least 1,000 impoverished students to complete the education in primary schools. The support is offered from five aspects, i.e. clothes, food, shelter and travel, study.

80 ⯷䉐Шڙ⹫ч Public Welfare Responsibility

す̭ឦᤡᐧ⮱Ą͉䷻ጹ᱈ᄼ႓ą䭳㐚ᐭጒ The construction of the first batch of Dongfeng Hope Primary Schools was commenced successively

͉䷻⋓㠄㵹ߕ仃ឦᤡᐧ⮱᝭ጹ᱈ᄼ႓౴⩞ ⯷ധ䛾ч⤳θࢂѺ࠲ᐧȡᎡ喑ڙ䷻͉ 䲏ᐭጒᐧ䃫喍⺋哆↪䒓ጹ᱈ᄼ႓Ƞڕ᝭႓ᵎ ͉䷻卬∝ጹ᱈ᄼ႓Ƞ͉䷻ੳ⩕䒓ጹ᱈ᄼ႓Ƞ ͉䷻➦⻺ੳ⩕䒓ጹ᱈ᄼ႓Ƞ͉䷻䷻⺋ጹ᱈ᄼ ႓Ƞ͉䷻ᰶ䭽ጹ᱈ᄼ႓喎ȡऱ͗ࢂѺ䕇䓴᡽ 䉱ᐧ䃫᪆႓ẩȠწ㜺ẩȠ丌യ喑᡽䊍ᵎ᰺Ƞ ߖ႓䛾Ƞᵎ䒓ぶ჋⣝Ą㶐丌Ѽ㵹႓ą㈨݄ߖ 㺳ⰃȡᎡ喑す̭ឦᤡᐧ⮱ڕ႓䶦Ⱋ⮱ Ҭ⩕ȡڒĄ͉䷻ጹ᱈ᄼ႓ąᄳⰥ㐔【ጒᎣែ

6 Hope Primary Schools supported by DFM’s Children Nurturing Action were all built by the directors’ units of the Foundation. So far, the construction of six schools has fully commenced, including Peugeot-Citroen Hope Primary School, Dongfeng Hongtai Hope Primary School, Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Hope Primary School, Dongfeng Special Purpose Commercial Vehicle, Dongfeng Hope Primary School, and Dongfeng Motor Hope Primary School. DFM’s units donated money to build teaching buildings, dormitories and dining halls, also donated school clothes, grant-in-aid, school buses and others, so as to achieve full coverage on study aiding projects in terms of five aspects, i.e. clothes, food, shelter and travel, study. It is expected that the construction of the first batch of Dongfeng Hope Primary Schools will be completed successively and put into use in 2014.


⯷㈨݄≨ߕڙᐭᆂĄ͉䷻⋓㠄㵹ߕąÿÿ❞ᓰߖ႓ᓛ Carry out Dongfeng Children Nurturing Action – Student-aiding micro public welfare series activities

ȕᓰ䄚ᓰᙬ 喟 Heartfelt wishes:

⯷ڙ⯷ധ䛾ч᫝⊗ჅᓛᐭᆂĄᓰ䄚ᓰᙬąᓛڙ䷻थ䘕ܳࢂѺȠすιᅷᙵ઱ᆂВ͉ࣷڙ⯷ധ䛾чౕڙ䷻ᰵÿᰵ喑͉ 䃎ͧڞथঅጒВࣷ⹫чऱ⩹❞ᓰϧธ⮱⼜Ხ࣯̻喑ڙߕȡ≨ߕВĄ␎䋠႖ၽЙᐭ႓ݺ⮱ᄼᓰᙬąͧͨᬕ喑ᓄݝγ≩ ऺᄼ႓⩌␎䋠γ᫝႓Ꭱ⮱ᙬ᱈ȡ

In August and September, Dongfeng Benevolence Foundation carried out “Heartfelt Wish” micro public welfare activities at some units of the company, the second charity exhibition, and official Microblog of Dongfeng Benevolence Foundation at weibo.com. The activities are aimed to meet small wishes of children before schools are started. The company’s employees and the loving people from all walks of life actively participated in the activities, and helped a total of 462 pupils to achieve their wishes for the new school year.

ȕ͉䷻ጹ᱈䄫യ 喟 Dongfeng Hope Class:

थ⼜Ხ㏱ڙथȠ͉䷻卬∝ᣔ㗎䯳ఏᰶ䭽ڙᰵ喑ᬄ̸⺋哆↪䒓ᰶ䭽 ㏴䱿Ꭱᔄᙬ㔲ౕᤡᐧ႓ᵎᐭᆂĄ͉䷻ጹ᱈䄫യą≨ߕȡЃЙᲒݝĄ͉ ䷻ጹ᱈ᄼ႓ą⮱䄫യ̷ͧ႖ၽЙ䃟ᢵ㠞䄚䄫Ƞ䴠ͽ䄫Ƞ⣜Ԋ䄫Ƞ❞ ప᪆㗟䄫喑᠀ცγ႖ၽЙ⮱㻳䛻হⴒ䃳䲏ȡ

In October, DFM’s Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen and Dongfeng Hongtai actively organized youth volunteers to carry out “Dongfeng Hope Class” activity in the schools whose construction was supported by Dongfeng. They came to the class of Dongfeng Hope Primary School to teach children English, music, environmental protection, and patriotic education, which broadened the children’s field of vision and knowledge.

82 ⯷䉐Шڙ⹫ч Public Welfare Responsibility

ȕ֒Ꮴ⯷䊤Გ 喟 Benefiting health:

थఏ༁Ƞ͉䷻ᕨࡨ䮏ౕ͉䷻ੳ⩕䒓ጹ᱈ᄼ႓Ƞ͉䷻ᰶ䭽ጹ᱈ᄼ႓ᐭᆂĄ֒Ꮴ⯷䊤Გąڙ⯷ധ䛾ч㖁वڙ䷻ᰵ喑͉ ᓰҀᷭ≨ߕ喑ͧ䓾ऺ႖ၽࣷऺ᪆ጵ䔈㵹γ֒ᏤҀᷭȡ❞

In November, Dongfeng Benevolence Foundation worked with the Youth League Committee of Dongfeng and General Hospital of Dongfeng to carry out “Benefiting Health” love physical examination in Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle Hope Primary School and Dongfeng Motor Hope Primary School, providing physical examination service for nearly 300 children and 40 teachers.

⋣ڲ᫚͝ჹĄ͉䷻⋓㠄㵹ߕą≨ߕ䒪Ҁ̻̺ Constantly enrich the carriers and connotation of Dongfeng Children Nurturing Action

䉱̴ٰ喑̻࡮൝ጯᙵ઱ᕨчౕ͉䷻̭͚Ƞ࡮ܧथڙ ą喑䉱ߖऺ৮႓⤚ٶ൝̭͚㖁वͫߋ͗Ą͉䷻䭠 х⮱倅͚⩌Ⴙ᜽倅͚䭣⃢⮱႓΍ 喠̻ఈጊⰮ䱿ധчک थȠ͉ڙव҉喑͉䷻䯳ఏࡼहᬄ̸͉䷻᱙⩝↪䒓ᰶ䭽 थౕ䯲Ⴖ㟓ᆞౝ䰴▫ࡧᤡᐧ᝭ڙ䒓㗎Ъᰶ䭽↪䷻ Ą͉䷻ጹ᱈ᄼ႓ąȡ

The company invested 900,000 yuan to work with Shiyan City Charity Federation to establish two “Dongfeng sunshine classes” in No. 1 Dongfeng High School and No. 1 Shiyan High School, in a bid to fund 100 high school students excellent in character and learning during the high school stage. In cooperation with Sichuan Provincial Youth Foundation, Dongfeng Group worked with its subsidiaries Dongfeng Honda Automobile Co., Ltd. and Dongfeng Automobile Company Ltd. to build two Dongfeng Hope primary schools in disaster areas after the earthquake occurred in Lushan, Ya’an city on April 20, 2013.


⯷ߖ႓≨ߕڙ㞟⮱➦ڤᬄ̸ऱࢂѺᐭᆂऱ DFM’s units carry out public welfare study-aiding activities of their own characteristics

ȕߖ᪆᱗Გą䶦❞ڠٶᰵ㜠ᰵ喑ᬄ̸͉䷻ᬒϔ㐔㐚ᐭᆂĄ䭠 Ⱋ喑㏱㏴็ऺ❞ᓰ䒓ͨݺᒭ⩅㖰⩅ࢄࡃᬓᅃᣗ႑٬႓ᵎȠ ⎃ࡄ࡮൝䱿ᆞ䩴⩹ᆞᄼ႓Ƞ䉢ጋ叨㟊Ύ๔᫝ℾ᫼႓ᵎ̶͗〆◦ ౧Ƞ⩢᪆கᱽহ᪴᪆᧺ٶФթ̴⮱䭠ܧ᡽ڞᐭᆂ᡽䊍≨ߕ喑 ߖ᪆≨ߕȡٶపᐭᆂγ〆䭠ڕ৮ȡ䓱Ϸͧ₏喑͉䷻ᬒϔౕ⩕

From September to November, Dongfeng Nissan continued to implement the project of “Sunshine Care ȕ Assistant to the Future”. More than 120 kindhearted car owners were organized to visit 3 campaign stops (Gannan Huadanjiancuo Orphan School in Gansu Province, Qingshan Town Jieshan Primary School in Shiyan City Hubei Province, Mazhi Township Daxin Ethnic School in Guizhou) for donation activities. Goods with total value of 620,000 RMB were donated, which included sunshine playground, audio-visual equipments and stationeries. Up until now, Dongfeng Nissan has carried out “Sunshine Teaching Assistant” activities in 12 campaign stops nationwide.

ߖ႓❞ڠᰵ喑ᬄ̸͉䷻ࢄ᫦䯳ఏᐭᆂ⮱Ą〒ᷓह㵹͉䷻ࢄ᫦ थाࡄ⮫⇶᱾ᄼ႓᡽䉱̴ٰ喑Ꭳڙ㵹ą≨ߕ䊝䔈⇠ࡄⰮȡ䄒 ᐧĄ͉䷻ࢄ᫦ጹ᱈丌യą喑㼐۠႖ၽЙर亚䯫⮱䬛䷅ȡ䔆ᤡڣͧ ᭜㐔䉢ጋ̻䛺Ꮃ〆ऻ喑͉䷻ࢄ᫦ᤡᐧ⮱す̶᝭Ą͉䷻ࢄ᫦ጹ᱈ 丌യąȡ

In June, DFM’s DFS Industrial Group implemented the activity of “Help Children to Achieve Dream – Care and Study-aiding Trip of DFS Industrial Group” in Hebei Province. The company donated 100,000 yuan to the primary school in Beibaiquan Village, and funded the constructions of DFS Industrial Hope Dining Hall to solve the eating problem facing children. This is the third DFS Industrial Hope Dining Hall constructed under support of DFS Industrial Group after dining halls constructed in Guizhou and Chongqing.

❞ڠथĄ➢᝸ᯃۙÿÿڙᰵ喑ᬄ̸䗾ጋᬒϔ↪䒓ᰶ䭽 ℾጒၽᑌ႓ᵎͫ㵹ȡₑ⁎䄒ۉڕℾጒၽᑌ≨ߕąౕ䗾ጋጯᓤۉ था႓ᵎऺ႓⩌᡽䊍γФթ̴ٰ⮱Ъᯃᓰ࠲喑Ꭳڙ ℾጒၽᑌ⍖ᯃ䓴ۙȡۉा႓ᵎ᡽䊍̴ٰ䓴ۙ䉦⩕喑፛ߖ

In December, DFM’s Zhengzhou Nissan carried out the activity of “Caring Children of rural migrant workers in cities in warm winter in 2013” in Dequan School for Children of Rural Migrant Workers in Zhengzhou City. This time, the company donated 500 loving packages worth 50,000 yuan to 500 students, and donated RMB100,000 to the school to help students spend a warm winter.

84 ⯷䉐Шڙ⹫ч Public Welfare Responsibility

ᩜᠮࡨ⫄࢘⩌θ͇ Support medical and health undertakings

⃺❞ڠ⯷ധ䛾чा⎃ࡄⰮິ㖁᡽䊍䒳Ą⃺ϟ֒Ꮴᔘ䒓ą喑͉䷻㜗ͨ৮❹↪䒓䔋㐚̶Ꭱ᜽ͧĄڙ䷻थ䕇䓴͉ڙᰵ喑 ᏤąҬপ⮱ឬ䒪㔲喑ጟ㉜䃎᡽䊍Ą⃺ϟ֒Ꮴᔘ䒓ą䒳喑Фթ̴ٰ҆ȡ֒⧵ڠϟȠ

In October, the company donated 12 “Mother Health Express” to Hubei Province Women’s Federation through Dongfeng Benevolence Foundation. Dongfeng vehicles with self-owned brand have become the carrier of the mission of “care for mother, pay attention to health”. Dongfeng has donated 36 “Mother Health Express” worth more than 3.1 million yuan.

䃎᡽䊍Ą⃺ϟ֒Ꮴᔘ䒓ą㉜ 䒳 ᎡᎡ ϧऄ⯷

ᢛ㐌䃎喑ᎡᎡ᡽䊍⮱Ą⃺ϟ֒Ꮴᔘ䒓ąͨ㺮ែ ᩫౕ๔ݘᆞȠₓ䮢ౝࡧ⮱͗䉘ఝռ䔉࣬ጯࡧȡ᝗₏ 䔈㵹γ֒Ꮴᮛᴒ喑䓽䔮γ〒Ꭱ喑ጟͧऺິຠ٬ ऺႂϔິ喑㉔ᕒ᩾ߖγऺᗐ㔲ȡ䕇䓴䄒䶦Ⱋ⮱ ᐭᆂ喑͉䷻Όᣏ㉏ᅊ䄂γ䒓Юᆒ䉐᫝὎ᐼ 喟䕇䓴㐀वЮ͇ϔ ৮➦㞟喑ౕͧ⹫ч᣽ӈх䉕↪䒓ϔ৮হ᰺ߎ⮱हᬣ喑䉸εϔ ⯷Фթȡڙ৮ᰡ倅⮱⹫ч

According to statistics, “Mother Health Express” donated in 2011 and 2012 are mainly placed to 24 poverty-stricken and remote counties, cities and regions in Dabie Mountains and Wuling Mountain areas. At present, the vehicles have provided health screening for 303,838 women and children, conveyed 24,818 pregnant and lying-in women, and offered emergency rescue to 5,099 patients. Through implementation of this project, Dongfeng tried the new duty-performing mode of vehicle enterprises, that is, in combination with enterprises’ product characteristics. While providing quality automobile product and service to the society, the company endows the products with higher social public welfare value.




700̳҅Ϧ ᪴ࡃ䉐Ш Cultural Responsibility

ࣽᆁCultural Responsibility ᪴ࡃ䉐Шڝ᪳ᬺ̺ ⊤᪳ࡂ थ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷڙ䒓↪䷻͉ DFM CORPORATION SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2013

ᗲ㈨᪴ࡃθ͇ Concern about Cultural Undertakings

Ą͉䷻፛ឣ๔႓⩌᱾Ⴥ̀䶦ധ䛾ą Dongfeng special fund for supporting college-graduate village officials

थ᡽䉱̴ٰ䃫⿸Ą͚ప䱿Ꭱ݈͇ᅞ͇ധ䛾ч͉䷻፛ឣ๔႓ڙᎡ㜠Ꭱ喑͉䷻↪䒓 పڕ᱾Ⴥ̀䶦ധ䛾ą喑ᩜᠮ๔႓⩌Ą᱾ჅąౕШ㕹䬡ͨߕ݈͇ᅞ͇喑≨ߕࢳᬣ̶Ꭱ喑㺳Ⰳ⩌ ͗Ⱞ͗࣬ȡ

From 2011 to 2013, Dongfeng Motor Corporation donated 10 million yuan to set up Dongfeng special fund for supporting college-graduate village officials under China Foundation for Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment, in order to support college-graduate village officials to positively start business during their tenure. The special fund lasts for three years and covers 500 counties in 22 provinces in China.

थ፛ឣ๔႓⩌᱾Ⴥ݈͇ڙ䷻పх⻭๔႓⩌᱾Ⴥ䊝䔈͉䷻≨ߕ喑࠲᠙͉ڕथͫߋڙᎡᰵ喑 ą᠈㖅Ꮤ䄵чȠĄᙌऄ͉䷻ąጒ͇⍥̶䘕ܳ喑̭᫦䷻͉ڒపх⻭๔႓⩌᱾ჅĄߍڕ䶦Ⱋᕨ㐀чȠ ⩌䲏ᕨ㐀喑ओ̭᫦䲏䃖๔႓ڕ䲏ᄦࢳᬣ̶Ꭱ⮱Ą͉䷻፛ឣ๔႓⩌᱾Ⴥ̀䶦ധ䛾ąᆒ䉐䶦Ⱋ䔈㵹 Юౕ͇जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱हᬣ喑ܧ⣝喑᠀ც㕹͇ࣾᆂ⾧䬡 喠हᬣ喑ΌҀ䷻͉ڒ᱾ჅЙγ㼐͉䷻Ƞߍ ⮱⼜Ხ҉ͧȡัڞᲮᆒ㵹⹫ч䉐Ш喑̺᫚݈᫝ᆒ䉐䒪Ҁ喑㜡߈λЮ͇̻⹫чহ䄽⼜

In May 2013, the company arranged national outstanding college-graduate village officials to visit Dongfeng, and held Summary Conference on Venture Projects Launched by college- graduate village officials supported by Dongfeng, Forum on Recruitment of national outstanding college-graduate village officials into Dongfeng, “Experiencing Dongfeng” Industrial Trip.

88 ᪴ࡃ䉐Ш Cultural Responsibility

Through these activities, on the one hand, comprehensive summary was made to the three- year duty-performing project of Dongfeng special fund for supporting college-graduate village officials. On the other hand, college-graduate village officials understood Dongfeng and joined Dongfeng, thus broadening their career development space; Meanwhile, it also manifests that during sustainable development, enterprises actively fulfill social responsibility and make constant innovation of duty-fulfilling carriers, and are committed to positive behaviors aimed at harmony between enterprise and society.

ᩜᠮ᪴ࡃθ͇ࣾᆂ Support the development of cultural undertakings

ᰶ͚ప➦㞟⮱↪䒓᪴ڤहߗ߈喑̭䊤݈䕍֒Ꮴহ䄽⮱ڞℾ㺮ڙथՎᄩ⹫чȠЮ͇Ƞڙ䷻͉ ࡃ喑჋⣝↪䒓ϔ͇ᑧపᷓȡ

Dongfeng advocates that society, enterprises and citizens should make joint efforts to create healthy and harmonious automobile culture with Chinese characteristics and achieve the dream of a strong auto country.


थͨ䊋ߖ⮱す̶ᅷ͚ప↪䒓᪴ڙ䷻͉⩞ᰵᬒ喑 ڠࡃ䃧ಈౕₓⅶͫ㵹ȡ䃧ಈ̷喑Გ㜗పუহౝ᫦ᩬᏉⰥ უぶВĄ↪䒓̀ڲノ䘕䬕䶳ᄩȠ㵹͇ࡼч䉌䉐ϧȠ͇ͨ ᪴ࡃ⮱߈䛼ąͧͨ䷅喑డ㐂↪䒓䃫䃎ݣ䕍᪴ࡃȠ৮❹᪴ ࡃȠ↪䒓᪆㗟Ƞ↪䒓᪴ࡃϔ͇చࡧᐧ䃫হ↪䒓Ю͇⹫ч ღᆂᐭγڲ䉐Ш្ॷВࣷ↪䒓⹫ч⮱䬛䷅̻ᄦゃぶ᫦䲏 䃕䃧ȡ

On September 15, the 2013 Third China Automobile Culture Forum sponsored by Dongfeng was held in Wuhan. At the forum, based on the theme of “power of automobile culture”, leaders from relevant departments of central and local governments, persons-in-charge of industry associations and industry experts conducted discussion on automobile manufacturing culture, brand culture, automobile education, automobile culture industry park construction, automobile enterprises’ social responsibility reports, automobile society and other problems as well as measures.


ᑂᄩ֒Ꮴ↪䒓᪴ࡃ Guide Healthy Car Culture

ദ㗟ϔ͇᫝⩌߈䛼 Cultivate industrial new forces

हͫߋγĄ͉䷻ᬒϔ•䱿Ꭱڞथ㖁व͚ప䱿Ꭱ្Ƞ䱿Ꭱ࣯㔰ڙᰵᰵ喑ᬄ̸͉䷻ᬒϔ΅⩕䒓 ᬒą≨ߕ喑䄒≨ߕܳͧĄᰭ㒻ड़䓝䒓䃫䃎๔䊈ąȠ䱿Ꭱᬒ࣯㻯䛴䃬≨ߕ͑๔䘕ܳȡĄᰭ㒻ड़䓝䒓 ᩣݝᲒڞ喑ڲহ☚ᗲ࣯̻喑ⴚⴚ̭͗ᰵ⮱ᒮ䯳᱌⧵ڠ∋䃫䃎๔䊈ąᓄݝγ͚ప倅ᵎ႓ၽ⮱Ꭼ γ᫝凉㵭⋟喑ᰡᄳڒ⧵ప҆᝭䮏ᵎ⮱У҉৮ȡ๔䊈Ꭰझ͚ͧప᱗Გ↪䒓ጒ͇䃫䃎ڕ㜗 Ӱ䔈᪡͗㵹͇݈᫝߈䛼⮱㨙߰ࣾᆂȡᰵ喑͉䷻ᬒϔᐭᆂĄ͉䷻ᬒϔ•䱿Ꭱᬒą㈨݄࣯㻯䛴䃬 ≨ߕ喑ߍ⌞γ䱿Ꭱ㓑Ҁᄦ͚ప↪䒓ጒ͇⮱䃑䃳হ⤳㼐喑⓭ࣾ䱿Ꭱ㓑Ҁᰡ็⮱▢ᙌ̻⓭ᗲ喑䃖 䱿Ꭱ߈䛼࣯̻ݝ↪䒓ϔ͇ᑧపᷓ⮱჋䭲㵹ߕ͚Გȡ

In May and June, Dongfeng Nissan Passenger Vehicle Company joined hands with the China Youth Daily and the Elite Reference to hold the activity of “Dongfeng Nissan – Youth Day”. This activity was divided into two parts: Most Beautiful Venucia Car Design Competition, and Visit and Interview on Youth Day. University students in China have widely concerned about and actively participated in Most Beautiful Venucia Car Design Competition. Within just one month of the collection period, 168 design works from over 100 universities across China were collected. The competition injected fresh blood to the future automobile industry design in China, and promoted vigorous development of innovation forces in the whole industry. In June, Dongfeng Nissan carried out visit and interview activities of “Dongfeng Nissan – Youth Day”, which helped young people deepen understanding of Chinese automobile industry, stimulate their inspiration and passion, so that more youth forces participate in action aiming at realizing the dream of a strong auto country.

90 ᪴ࡃ䉐Ш Cultural Responsibility

Վᄩ᪴ᬻܧ㵹 Advocate civilized travel

ڙℾᐧ⿸ₐ⶛⮱䖀䌜Фթ㻯喑͉䷻↪䒓ڙ⹫чڕℾą⤳ᔢ⮱ᮛࣷ喑፛ߖڙ䔈̭ₒᣕ䔈Ą↪䒓ͧ ڕℾႶڙ⯷ധ䛾чĄ᫝⊗Ⴥ᫦ᓛࢇą᫝྿ҀᎠझ喑ᠮ㐚ౝाᎬ๔ℾфᮛࣷڙ䷻थ̭᫦䲏䕇䓴͉ ℾą⤳ᔢ⮱ᮛࣷ䊤ݝγ⼜Ხ⮱ᣕߕڙহ䃕䃧喑ͧĄ↪䒓⧵ڠ侫侣ⴒ䃳喑ᑂ䊤γᎬ๔㑾ࣸ⮱☚ᗲ ⯷≨ߕ喑ᕨ䃎ϧ࣯̻≨ߕ喑э䔿᪴ᬻȡओ̭᫦ڙȡຯᐭᆂĄाϑ䕇䭸΍4BZOPąᓛ⩕҉ 侫侣䃚㏰㥒喍/*44"/5FDIOJDBM4BGFUZڕथͫߋ͉䷻ᬒϔႶڙ䲏喑ᬄ̸͉䷻ᬒϔ΅⩕䒓 Ƞ㐬ڕⴒ䃳喑ВⅯ㥒䕍ᰡߍႶڕℾ䖀䌜ϑ䕇ႶڙSJWJOH'PSVN喑キ⼝/54%'喎喑๔߈ᮛࣷ% ప͗ⰮЪ͗೻ጯ喑㉜䃎䓽㥒ڕ侫侣䃚㏰㥒䊝䓴ڕ㞟Ƞহ䄽↪䒓⹫чȡ᝗₏Ꭱ喑Ⴖ 侫侣Ҁ侹ᐼ᪆㗟ȡڕ౧喑̴҆ℾф࣯̻γႶ

侫侣䃚㏰㥒 In order to further promote the popularityڕႶ ͗Ⱞ of “car citizen” idea and help citizens in the whole society to build right path 䓽㥒౧ values, on the one hand, through new media platform Weibo.com of Dongfeng ̴ℾф Benevolence Foundation, Dongfeng continuously popularizes safe driving knowledge to a great number of citizens, which arouses enthusiastic attention and discussion of Internet citizens. This action plays an active promoting role in the popularization of “car citizen”. For example, when the micro public welfare activity of “Saying No to bad driving habits” was held, 870 persons participated in it to pass civilization. On the other hand, DFM’s Dongfeng Nissan Passenger Vehicle Company held NISSAN Technical Safety Driving Forum (NTSDF) to vigorously spread road safety knowledge, so as to build a more safe, green and harmonious automobile society. By 2013, NTSDF was held 665 times in 225 cities in 34 provinces, and more than 5 million people participated in safe driving experience education.


઒ুລ OutlookO 2014

ᣕ䔈⹫ч䉐Ш͚᱌㵹ߕ䃎ܿÿÿڒ⌞थᄳౕĄ๔ࡼहąᝅ⪒⮱ᠴᑂ̸喑ڙࡃ䰕喑⋓∪ఈ᫦ȡᎡ喑͉䷻↪䒓䷻͉ ℾ᪴ࡃ≨ߕȠĄ͉䷻ᷓᘠ䒓ą͚ప䱿Ꭱ⣜ԊڙĄ⋓ą䃎ܿ⮱჋᫪喑ВĄ⹫ч䉐Шᰵąͧ䒪Ҁ喑ゃܿᐭᆂĄহ⩲͉䷻ą↪䒓 㔲Ƞ⣜ධȠ⹫ڠ䲏ᆒ㵹㏼≻Ƞݖ⯷Ⱕڕ⯷ߖ႓≨ߕぶ̭㈨݄ᆒ䉐჋䌢䶦Ⱋ喑ڙ䒓݈ᘼ䃫䃎๔䊈ȠĄ͉䷻⋓㠄㵹ߕą↪ ⯷Ƞ᪴ࡃ䉐Ш喑㜡߈λ⹫чহ䄽Ƞ⣜ධԊ៑喑჋⣝⻾႓ࣾᆂȡڙч

Dongfeng, the nurturing east wind. In 2014, guided by the “great synergy” strategy, Dongfeng Motor Corporation will further promote the implementation of the social responsibility intermediate action plan – Nurturing plan. With “social responsibility month” as the carrier, it will mastermind a series of duty-fulfilling practice projects such as “Dongfeng Free Travel” automobile citizen culture activity, DFM DREAM CAR environmentally-friendly automobile creative design competition, Dongfeng Children Nurturing Action public welfare study-aiding activity and so on to fully fulfill economic responsibility, stakeholder responsibility, environmental responsibility, public welfare responsibility, and cultural responsibility, contribute to social harmony and environmental protection, and realize scientific development.

थВĄᐧ䃫Ⅵ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱⮫Ꭱ͉䷻喑䲏ा̓⩹⮱ప䭲ࡃ͉䷻喑ౕᐭᩫ͚㜗ͨࣾᆂ⮱͉䷻ąͧЮ͇ڙ䲏ा᱗Გ喑͉䷻↪䒓 ᙬᮜ喑ВĄևᑧևхą͚ͧᓰ喑ВĄ݈᫝侞ߕȠ㜗ͨࣾᆂąহĄᩦ䲖ᐭᩫȠ᣽ࡴव҉ąͧ㺮ߎ喑㜡߈λិ̭͗㜗ͨᐭ ᰶప䭲》ζ߈⮱͉䷻ᣕा̓⩹ȡڤᩫȠजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂȠ

In face of future, Dongfeng Motor Corporation takes “Building Sustainable Century-old Dongfeng, world-oriented internationalized Dongfeng, and independently developed Dongfeng in openness” as corporate vision, centers on the target of “being strong and excellent”, gives priority to “Reform and opening up, promotion of cooperation”, strives to promote to the world Dongfeng which is independent in an open environment, and conducts sustainable development with international competitiveness.

92 䭱ᒂ The Appendix

⑯૿ The Appendix

ᠴᴴ㉏ᑂ Indicator Index

្ॷᠴᴴ㉏ᑂ Report Indicator Index ͚ప⹫⻾䮏 CSSS-CSR 3.0 ᄦᴴ ღ CRI ᄦᴴڲॷ្ Benchmark of Chinese Academy of Report Contents Benchmark of CRI Social Sciences on CSSS-CSRS 3.0 ᜾Й̭䊤䔪ᄨ⮱͉䷻ᷓ Let’s Work Together to Pursue Dongfeng Dream

᜾Й̭䊤䔪ᄨ⮱͉䷻ᷓǶ䶳ᄩ㜡䓋 P3.1, P3.2 1.1-1.2 Let’s Work Together to Pursue Dongfeng Dream/Address from the leader

䷻᫦Ⱪ͚⮱͉ڠ᜾Й̭䊤䔪ᄨ⮱͉䷻ᷓǶݖ⯷Ⱕ P2.3 4.16, 4.17 Let’s Work Together to Pursue Dongfeng Dream/Dongfeng in the eyes of stakeholders

䊝䔈͉䷻⮱̓⩹ Walk into the World of Dongfeng

थキϸ 2.1/2.2/2.4ڙ䊝䔈͉䷻⮱̓⩹Ƕ P4.1-P4.4, Walk into the World of Dongfeng/Corporate Profile 2.6/2.7/2.8

⤳⇨थڙ䊝䔈͉䷻⮱̓⩹Ƕ 4.1 Walk into the World of Dongfeng/Corporate Governance

䊝䔈͉䷻⮱̓⩹Ƕ㏱㏴ᱧᲱ 2.3/2.9 Walk into the World of Dongfeng/Organization Structure

䊝䔈͉䷻⮱̓⩹ǶЮ͇᪴ࡃ 4.8 Walk into the World of Dongfeng/Corporate Culture

͚పᷓ ͉䷻⋓ Dongfeng Nurturing China Dream

͚పᷓ ͉䷻⋓Ƕ⹫ч䉐Шጒ҉⤳ᔢ G1.1 4.8 Dongfeng Nurturing China Dream/Social Responsibility Concept ͚పᷓ ͉䷻⋓Ƕ⹫ч䉐Ш͚᱌㵹ߕ䃎ܿÿÿ⋓䃎ܿ Dongfeng Nurturing China Dream/Medium-term Action Plan for Social G1.4 4.8 Responsibility 喒 Nurturing plan ͚పᷓ ͉䷻⋓Ƕ⹫ч䉐Ш㻳㻶㶕⣝ G1.1 4.8 Dongfeng Nurturing China Dream/Social Responsibility Visual Expression

͚పᷓ ͉䷻⋓Ƕ⹫ч䉐Шノ⤳὎ಸ Dongfeng Nurturing China Dream/Social Responsibility Management Model

͚పᷓ ͉䷻⋓Ƕ⹫ч䉐Ш䃛䷅䔶᠖ G1.3 4.8 Dongfeng Nurturing China Dream/Social Responsibility Issue Selection

͚పᷓ ͉䷻⋓Ƕ⹫ч䉐Ш⇌䕇 G5.1-5.5, S1.6 4.14-4.17 Dongfeng Nurturing China Dream/Social Responsibility Communication

͚పᷓ ͉䷻⋓Ƕ⹫ч䉐Ш㘪߈ᐧ䃫 G2.1, G2.3-2.5, G6.1, G6.4喑 4.8 Dongfeng Nurturing China Dream/Social Responsibility Capacity Building

͚పᷓ ͉䷻⋓Ƕ䉐Ш㢐㾶 P5.3 2.10 Dongfeng Nurturing China Dream/Responsibility and Honors ㍮㢐ڞȲ㏼≻䉐Шȳ⋓㞟ప䃎ℾ⩌ ̻పუ. ̭ [Economic Responsibility] Nurturing People’s Livelihood and Prosperity of the Country 喍̭喎䄇ԎႵ∂Ԋ䃮Ю͇⽠֒ࣾᆂ M1.4-M1.6, S1.1-S1.5, M3.4 S05, S07, S08, EN28 1. Guarantee the robust development of enterprise by integrity and law compliance


ϔᐧ䃫֒Ꮴ䓽㥒⣜ධ⩌ڕ喍ι喎Ⴖ S3.1-S3.4, S3.6, S2.17-S2.18 HR7/HR8 2. Construct a healthy operating environment with safety production

喍̶喎㜗݈ͨ᫝ក䕍ℾ᫼↪䒓৮❹ M2.7-M2.9, M2.11-M2.12 3. Build national car brand by independent innovation ᜽䪬ڞ㔲 ̻͸ڠ㔲䉐Шȳ⋓∪ݖ⯷ⰥڠιȠȲݖ⯷Ⱕ [Stakeholders’ Responsibility] Nurturing Stakeholders and Achieving Common Growth 喍̭喎ͧ㗎͉݈䕍Фթఋ្ M1.2, M1.3 EC1 1. Create value return for shareholders

喍ι喎ͧঅጒᐧ䃫Ꭵ⺼უచ S1.8, S2.1-S2.7, S2.11-S2.13喑 EC1-2.1c, EC3, EC5, 2. Construct happy homeland for employees S2.15, S2.22, S2.24-S2.29, S4.6 EC7, LA3, LA14

喍̶喎ͧ჏ᝤ᣽ӈх䉕ϔ৮ M2.1, M2.3-M2.5, M2.13 EN26, EN27 3. Provide customers with quality products

䊏Ꭰझ M3.1, M3.2, M3.3, M3.5, M3.6喑ڞ喍ఈ喎ͧцѡᥚᐧ EC6, EC9 4. Build a win-win platform for partners M3.10, E3.1, E3.2 হ䄽ڞȠȲ⣜ධ䉐Шȳ⋓ͪ㜗♣ ̻⣜ධ̶ [Environment Responsibility] Nurturing the Nature, and Pursuing Harmony with Environment 喍̭喎Ⴙ઱⣜ධノ⤳ EV2, EN5, EV7, E1.1-E1.2, E1.10, E4.5 1. Improve the environment management EN30

喍ι喎ᐧ䃫㐬㞟ጒࢯ EV16-EN23, E1.5, E2.1-E2.4, E2.11, E2.13 2. Build Green Factory EV26, EN27

喍̶喎⩌ϔ⣜Ԋϔ৮ E1.8, E2.8 EN6 3. Produce Green Products 䔈ₒڞ⯷θ͇ ̻⹫чڙ⯷䉐Шȳ⋓㒻ڙఈȠȲ [Public Welfare Responsibility] Nurturing Public Welfare Cause and Making Common Progress with Society ⤳⯷ᙵ઱ノڙ喍̭喎 S4.9-S4.10, S4.12-S4.14 SO1, SO5, SO6 1. Manage public welfare charity

⯷䶦Ⱋ჋᫪ڙ喍ι喎 2. Implement public welfare projects ࣾᆂڞρȠȲ᪴ࡃ䉐Шȳ⋓⊥᪴ࡃ ̻᪴ᬻ [Cultural Responsibility] Nurturing Culture and Making Common Development with Civilization 喍̭喎ᗲ㈨᪴ࡃθ͇ S1.7, S4.10, M3.6-M3.7 4.12 1. Concern about cultural undertakings

喍ι喎ᑂᄩ֒Ꮴ↪䒓᪴ࡃ 2. Guide healthy car culture

2014 Ꭱᆂ᱈ A1 Outlook in 2014

䭱ᒂ The Appendix

្ॷᠴᴴ㉏ᑂ A3 3.12 Report Indicator Index

្ॷ䃱㏔ A2 Report Rating

λ᱙្ॷڠ P1.2-1.5, P2.1 3.1-3.11 About This Report

ᘼ㻮ࣺ亵㶕 A4 Feedback Form

94 䭱ᒂ The Appendix

្ॷ䃱㏔ Report Rating

थ  ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷȩ䃱㏔្ॷڙȨ͉䷻↪䒓

थ༁ច喑ϻĄ͚పЮ͇⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ䃱㏔̀უ༁অчą͚ڙ͚ప⹫ч⻾႓䮏㏼≻႓䘕Ю͇⹫ч䉐Шⵁ⾣͚ᓰ喍В̸キ⼝Ą͚ᓰą喎ऄ͉䷻↪䒓 थ  ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷȩ喍В̸キ⼝Ȩ្ॷȩ喎䔈㵹䃱㏔ȡڙ៪䔶̀უ㏱᜽䃱㏔ᄼ㏱喑ᄦȨ͉䷻↪䒓

̭Ƞ䃱㏔ӊᢛ ȩȡ  ȩᯕȨ͚పЮ͇⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ䃱㏔ᴴ۳ $"44$43 ᠴࢄۆȨ͚పЮ͇⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ㑃

ιȠ䃱㏔䓴⼸ थ⹫ч䉐Ш䉌䉐䘕䬕喠ڙ䓴⼸ᕔ䃱ѝᄼ㏱䃬䄵͉䷻↪䒓  䉱᫆喠ڠ䓴⼸Ⱕۆथহ̸ᆋࢂѺ⮱⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ㑃ڙ䓴⼸ᕔ䃱ѝᄼ㏱჎ᴒ͉䷻↪䒓  ღ䔈㵹䃱Ф喠ڲ䃱㏔ᄼ㏱ᄦЮ͇⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ⮱ノ⤳䓴⼸ࣷȨ្ॷȩ⮱៘䱟   ᱙⁎䃱㏔ധλЮ͇䄇Ԏহज䲍ᕔԊ䃮҉ܧȡ


䓴⼸ᕔ喍ȚȚȚȚ喎 ᩬゃȠ㵹͇ᄦᴴڠथ䛺๔θ䶦ȠపუⰥڙ᫦䔈㵹䃳ݘ̻ᢿᎼ喑ᵦᢛڠ㏱ᄦݖ⯷Ⱕۆ㏱喑倅ᅯ䶳ᄩ࣯̻ᣕ䔈ࣷ჎Ⴧ喠㑃ۆࢲ➢๡᜽⿸㑃ڙ䯳ఏߋ ᰶх⻭⮱䓴⼸ᕔ㶕⣝ȡڤᲽぶᄦ჋䉕䃛䷅䔈㵹⩹Ⴧ喠᠌Ⴧङᐭ̀䶦្ॷࣾጰч喑ᎣᄳВ࢝ݤ৮Ƞ⩢ၽ❵Ƞキ❵ 115 ぶᒏᐼॵ⣝្ॷ喑ܳ

჋䉕ᕔ喍ȚȚȚȚȚ喎 ϔąȠĄ㞯㘪̻᫝㘪⎽ϑ䕇䓽䓀䃫ิ⮱ⵁ̻ࣾ䨭ਜ਼ąȠ⩌ڕᕔąȠĄᩜᠮ⻾ឭⵁࣾąȠĄϔ৮ङఋᱧݣąȠĄႶڕȨ្ॷȩ㈨㐌៘䱟γĄ⶛Ԋϔ৮Ⴖ ᰶࢀ䊷⮱჋䉕ᕔȡڤ喑ܳٲ䩛ᕔ䃛䷅喑आ䔝䄓㏳ڠĄ㕹͇֒Ꮴノ⤳ąȠĄ㞯㏓䉱⎽㘪⎽ąぶϑ䕇䓽䓀䃫ิݣ䕍͇

Ⴙ᪡ᕔ喍ȚȚȚȚ喎 ⯷䉐ШąȠĄ⣜ධ䉐ШąȠĄ᪴ࡃ䉐Шąぶ㻿Ꮣ៘䱟γϑ䕇䓽䓀䃫ิݣ䕍͇ᵥᓰᠴᴴ⮱ڙȨ្ॷȩϻĄ䉐Шノ⤳ąȠĄ㏼≻䉐ШąȠĄ 喑Ⴙ᪡ᕔ㶕⣝х⻭ȡ

Ꭰ㶎ᕔ喍ȚȚȚȚ喎 थĄ๖哆➢ᑂ䒓ङఋąθУ⮱࣌఍ࣷᩦ䔈ᣗ᫪䔈㵹៘䱟喑Ꭰڙθᩲ᪝ąȠĄ㕹͇⫲ࣾ⫲⢴ąぶ䉌䲏᪝ᢛԎᖜ喑ᎣᄦڕȨ្ॷȩ៘䱟γĄ⩌ϔႶ 㶎ᕔ㶕⣝х⻭ȡ

ज℁ᕔ喍ȚȚȚȚȚ喎 Ƞڲ䔈㵹పڲąぶౕ㵹͇ܧ䩛㐖᩵ᠴᴴ䔋㐚  ᎡВ̷⮱᪝ᢛ喑ᎣᅞĄ↪䒓䨭䛼ąȠĄ㜗ͨ৮❹䨭䛼ąȠĄ⻾ⵁ≨ߕ㏼䉦ᩜڠ͗  Ȩ្ॷȩ៘䱟γ ప䭲ᄦ℁喑ज℁ᕔ㶕⣝ࢀ䊷ȡ

ज䄨ᕔ喍ȚȚȚȚț喎 Ȩ្ॷȩᵳ᳣⌲ᮝ喑ヴ፲䔯჉喑䄚㼭≮⩲喠䃫䃎䷻ᵩ⌲᫝х䯲喑Ҭ⩕ఫ❴Ƞఫ㶕Ƞ≮⼸ఫぶ㶕䓫᫦ᐼ喑ᵵҸȠ̀䷅㐀वᓄᒀ喑Ꭳᄦ͇̀ᱜ䄚䔈 ⮱ज䄨ᕔ㶕⣝ȡٵᰶ䶳ڤ㵹㼐䛷喑Ҭ្ॷⰡ㻯ᭀ⤳㼐喑

݈᫝ᕔ喍ȚȚȚȚ喎 ᫦䃱Ф喑᣽倅γ្ॷ⮱जԎᏓ喑݈᫝ᕔ㶕⣝х⻭ȡڠݖ⯷Ⱕڒヴ喑ౕऱ」В჋䌢䄍䛷⤳ᔢ喑㲺वᏓ倅喠ᐭヴᑂڕ⾬Ȩ្ॷȩВ͉䷻Ą⋓ą⤳ᔢ䉜

㐩व䃱㏔喍ȚȚȚȚț喎 ⮱Ю͇⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷȡٵथ  ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷȩͧఈᭌࡷ㏔喑᭜̭Ъ䶳ڙ㏼䃱㏔ᄼ㏱䃱Ф喑Ȩ͉䷻↪䒓

ఈȠᩦ䔈ᐧ䃛  ෋ߍ㵹͇ᵥᓰᠴᴴ⮱៘䱟喑䔈̭ₒ᣽倅្ॷ⮱Ⴙ᪡ᕔȡ ᫦࣯̻Ꮣȡڠߍᑧ្ॷ䓴⼸ᕔノ⤳喑䔈̭ₒ᣽倅ݖ⯷Ⱕ 

䃱㏔ᄼ㏱ ㏱䪬喟᫝ࡻ㑾ޜᕨ㷮ȟȟ偼㉘ጊ ᜽অ喟Ȩ850 ㏼≻ᄩܷȩޜ⹫䪬ȟȟ⃤ᵩ䲋

ბͨШȟȟ䴖ȟ᪹ 䃱㏔̀უ༁অчͨፚ 䃱㏔ᄼ㏱㏱䪬ڙ๾㏓ᣕ䔈ߋ⤰ڕ͚పЮ͇㖁वч ͚ᓰ䃱Ф䘕䓴⼸ᕔ䃱ѝঅȟȟ᫦ᄼ䲆Ƞ⢸ᷓཌ ͚ᓰ፥ߎޜ⤳θ䪬 ͚ᓰޜ⤳θ䪬


λ᱙្ॷڠ About This Report

្ॷᬣ䬡㠰డ喟Ꭱ  ᰵ  ᬒ㜠  Ꭱ  ᰵ  ᬒ喑 Report time range: From January 1, 2013 to December 䔝㠰డȡ 31, 2013. Parts of the contents are beyond the above̷ܧღ䊲ڲ䘕ܳ time range. थ㏱ڙथ̸ࣷᆋᱧᲱ喍࣯㻮ڙॷ㏱㏴㠰డ喟͉䷻↪䒓្ Report organization range: Dongfeng Motor Corporation ㏴㐀Ჱ喎ȡͧӬλ㶕䓫喑្ౕॷ⮱㶕䔝͚ܳݘҬ⩕Ą͉ and its subsidiaries (see the company’s organization थąȡ structure). For convenience of expression, DongfengڙथąȠĄڙ䷻थąȠĄ͉ڙ䒓↪䷻ थ ȠȠ Motor Corporation is expressed respectively as DongfengڙВݺ្ॷࣾጰᗲۢ喟ጟ䔋㐚ࣾጰ Motor Corporation (DFM), Dongfeng Motor, and the ࣾጰ⁎ښȠȠ ᎡᏓ្ॷ喑ₑ្ॷͧす company. ⮱ᎡᏓ្ॷȡ Release of previous reports: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, .ॷ᪝ᢛ䄡ᬻ喟᱙្ॷ᝭ᑂ⩕⮱  ᎡࣷВݺ⮱᪝ᢛ 2012 annual reports have been released consecutively្ ͧ㐌䃎᪝ȡ This report is the sixth annual report released.

थ Note on report data: the data in 2013 and previous dataڙҀౝ៘䱟ڤॷᩦ䔈᫦ा喟㏳ࡃᠴᴴ喑Вᰡߍ䄓჋្ cited in this report is statistical data. ᫦Ԋᠮ⇌䕇ȡڠᆒ㵹⹫ч䉐Ш⮱Ԏᖜ喑ᰡສౝ̻ݖ⯷Ⱕ Report improvement direction: Refine indicators, in order ᐭ݆࣌喑ڙॷ࣯⚔ᴴ۳喟្ॷ͒ᵩ䖢Ⴕⱌ჋Ƞ჏㻯Ƞ្ to disclose the information on fulfilling social responsibility ࣯⚔పߎ䮏పᰶ䉱ϔ⯾Ⲑノ⤳༁অч喍キ⼝Ąప䉱༁ą喎 in a detailed and concrete way, and better communicate .ॷ with stakeholders្⤰ڕλ͚๛Ю͇ᆒ㵹⹫ч䉐Ш⮱ᠴᄩᘼ㻮ȩȠڠȨ

Վ䃛㏱㏴ (3* Ȩजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ្ॷᠴࢄ  ❵᱙ȩȠȨ͚ Report reference standard: The report strictly abides ȩȡ by the principle of “real, objective and public”, and $"44$43 ᠴࢄۆపЮ͇⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ㑃 refers to Guiding Opinions on the Performance of Social ॷ㣤ः喟᱙្ॷ᣽ӈ㏥䉕࢝ݤ❵হ1%'ᵩᐼ⩢ၽ᪴ᶐ喑្ Responsibility by Central Enterprises promulgated by थ㑾〆⹫ч䉐 the State-owned Assets Supervision and AdministrationڙᗕजВ䕇䓴В̸ౝ౭㉏ः្ॷ喑ᝃ䕇䓴 Ш̀ᴼ̸䒪喟 Commission of the State Council, Sustainability Reporting Guidelines of GRI (version 3.0) and Chinese ౝ౭喟⎃ࡄⰮₓⅶጯ㏼≻ឭᱜᐭࣾࡧ͉䷻๔䖀➦  त Corporate Social Responsibility Report Writing 䗛ᩬ㑃⴮喟 Guidelines (CASS 喒 CSR2.0).

⩢䄊喟 Report access: This report is available in printed and electronic PDF versions. You can obtain the report by 㑾౭喟IUUQXXXEGNDDPNDO contacting the following address or downloading from the social responsibility column of the company’s online portal: ⼸≯ۆॷ㑃្ Report writing process Address: Extra No. 1 Dongfeng Avenue, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei Province

Postcode: 430056

Telephone: 027-84285555

Website: http://www.dfmc.com.cn

96 䭱ᒂ The Appendix


ᄷ᪙⮱䄨㔲 喟

Ъ⹫ч䉐Ш្ॷ喑ͧγ̺᫚ᩦ䔈្ॷ㑃ݣጒ҉喑᜾Й➦ݘጹ᱈իख़ᗕښᐭࣾጰ⮱すڙथा⹫чڙ᱙្ॷ᭜͉䷻↪䒓 䬛䷅喑Ꭳ䔶᠖В̸᫦ᐼࣺ亵㐆᜾Йȡڠ⮱Ⱕܧ⮱ᘼ㻮হᐧ䃛ȡ䄤ᗕࡼߖႹ᜽ࣺ亵ᘼ㻮㶕͚᣽

䗛ჱ 喟⎃ࡄⰮₓⅶጯ㏼≻ឭᱜᐭࣾࡧ͉䷻๔䖀➦1त602ბ喑䗛㑃 喟430056

ᗕ⮱Ԏᖜ 喟

ༀऺ 喟 ጒ҉ࢂѺ 喟 㕹ߎ 喟

㖁㈨⩢䄊 喟 эⱌ 喟 E-Mail:


थᄦ㏼≻Ƞ⹫чȠ⣜ධ⮱䛺๔ᒞ৺ȡڙ䲏Ƞ۳⶛ౝࣺ᭍γڕ᱙្ॷ ᒵສ 䒰ສ ̭㝙 䒰ጛ ᒵጛ ᓰ䬛䷅⮱ఋᏁহ៘䱟ȡڠ᫦᝭ڠ᱙្ॷᄦݖ⯷Ⱕ ᒵສ 䒰ສ ̭㝙 䒰ጛ ᒵጛ ᱙្ॷ៘䱟⮱ԎᖜȠᠴᴴȠ᪝ᢛ⌲ᮝȠ۳⶛ȠႹ᪡ȡ ᒵສ 䒰ສ ̭㝙 䒰ጛ ᒵጛ ღ䃫䃎Ƞ䄚㼭᪴ႄহ❵ᐼ䃫䃎ȡڲ᱙្ॷ⮱ज䄨ᕔ喑ࢠ្ॷ⮱䕨䒾ͨ㏬Ƞ ᒵສ 䒰ສ ̭㝙 䒰ጛ ᒵጛ






Feedback Form

Dear reader:

This report is the sixth social responsibility report released by Dongfeng Motor Corporation to the society. In order to constantly improve the report preparation work, we especially hope to listen to your opinions and suggestions. Please assist us in filling in the related questions in the feedback form, and feed it to us in the following way.

Mailing address: Room 602, Extra No. 1 Dongfeng Avenue, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei Province. Postcode: 430056

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Choice questions (please tick at the corresponding position)

This report fully and accurately reflects the company’s significant impact on economy, society and environment. Very good Fairly good General Poor Very poor This report makes a response and disclosure with regard to the problems which stakeholders are concerned about. Very good Fairly good General Poor Very poor The information, indexes and data disclosed by this report disclosure is clear, accurate and complete. Very good Fairly good General Poor Very poor What about the readability of the report in terms of logic main line, content design, language, and format design of this report. Very good Fairly good General Poor Very poor

Open questions

Which aspect of this report do you think make you most satisfied ?

What necessary information do you think has not been reflected in this report ?

What advices do you have on our future release of social responsibility reports ?



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