东 风 汽 车 公 司 2013 社会责任报告 东风汽车公司社会责任报告 DFM CORPORATION SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 官方微博 官方微信 Dongfeng, the nurturing east wind Ⱋᒂ Contents ͚ప͉ᷓ䷻⋓ 㔲䉐ШڠDongfeng Nurturing China Dream ݖ⯷Ⱕ Stakeholders’ Responsibility 䪬ڞ㔲 ̻ڠȟч䉐Шጒ҉⤳ᔢ ⋓∪ݖ⯷Ⱕ ȟч䉐Ш͚㵹ߕ䃎ܿÿÿ⋓䃎ܿ ȟͧ㗎͉݈䕍Фթఋ្ ȟч䉐Ш㻳㻶㶕⣝ ȟͧঅጒᐧ䃫Ꭵ⺼უచ ȟч䉐Шノ⤳ಸ ȟͧᝤӈх䉕ϔ৮ ȟч䉐Ш䃛䷅䔶᠖ 䊏Ꭰझڞȟͧцѡᥚᐧ ȟч䉐Ш⇌䕇 Й̭䊤䔪ᄨ⮱͉䷻ᷓ ȟч䉐Ш㘪߈ᐧ䃫 Let’s Work Together to Pursue Dongfeng Dream ȟ䉐Ш㢐㾶 ȟ㦐θ䪬㜡䓋 ȟᕨ㏼⤳㜡䓋 ䷻Ⱪ͚⮱͉ڠȟݖ⯷Ⱕ थキϸڙȟ ⤳⇨थڙȟ ȟ㏱㏴ᱧᲱȟ ȟ䄇ԎႵ∂ Ԋ䃮Ю͇⽠֒ࣾᆂ ȟЮ͇᪴ࡃ ϔ ᐧ䃫֒Ꮴ䓽㥒⣜ධ⩌ڕȟႶ ȟ㜗݈ͨ ក䕍ℾ↪䒓৮❹ 䊝䔈͉䷻⮱̓⩹ ㏼≻䉐Ш Walk into the World of Dongfeng Economic Responsibility ㍮㢐ڞ㞟ప䃎ℾ⩌ ̻పუ⋓ ⯷䉐Шڙч Public Welfare Responsibility 䔈ₒڞ⯷θ͇ ̻чڙ㒻⋓ ⤳⯷ᙵノڙȟ ⯷䶦Ⱋڙȟ Ꭱᆂ᱈ Outlook 2014 ȟᠴᴴ㉏ᑂ ȟ្ॷ䃱㏔ λ᱙្ॷڠȟ ȟႹ⣜ධノ⤳ ȟᘼ㻮ࣺ亵㶕 ȟᐧ䃫㐬㞟ጒࢯ ȟᗲ㈨᪴ࡃθ͇ ȟ⩌ϔ⣜Ԋϔ৮ ȟᑂᄩ֒Ꮴ↪䒓᪴ࡃ ⣜ධ䉐Ш 䭱ᒂ Environment Responsibility ᪴ࡃ䉐Ш The Appendix Cultural Responsibility হ䄽ڞ㜗♣ ̻⣜ධͪ⋓ ࣾᆂڞ᪴ࡃ ̻᪴ᬻ⊥⋓ थч䉐Ш្ॷڙ䒓↪䷻͉ DFM CORPORATION SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2013 ై͛ˇῨ℗ঌᔻ˝▚ཝ Let’sL Work Together to Pursue Dongfeng Dream ᒽᎠ XU PING ༁Γ䃝ڇथ㦐θ䪬Ƞڙ䒓↪䷻͉ Chairman of Board and Secretary of CPC Committee, DFM 㦐θ䪬㜡䓋 Chairman of Board थౕчڙहఋ䶫䓴̭ࣨᎡ͉䷻↪䒓ڞᓰȠᩜᠮȠԎШ͉䷻θ͇⮱ҍЙ喑ڠ䕇䓴Ȩч䉐Ш្ॷȩ̻̭Ⱑڡ䲋፥倅 㐅᱗Გ⮱ࣾᆂ̻ᷓᘠȡڞ䉐Шθ͇䲏ःᓄ⮱䔈ₒ喑ܳϘߌ⮱ૉᗓহᙌߕ喑 थ䨭ਜ਼↪䒓 ̴䒳喑ᅲڙᎡڕथಇᠮ⽠͚Ⅿ䔈喑ऱ䶦θ͇䓵̷⮱झ䭣喑θ͇ᵦധᰡߍ➏ధȡڙ䷻Ꭱ͉ 䲏倅䉕䛼ႹȡڕϬٰ喑㏼㥒䉕䛼ᓄݝ䔈̭ₒࡴ喑పߎ䮏ప䉱༁㔰ᵥᠴᴴ ڒ㵹͇すι喑⣝䨭ਜ਼ᩣ 㔲䉐ڠ㞟ᆒ㵹㏼≻䉐ШȠݖ⯷Ⱕܧ䉌䉐Ш⮱๛Ю喑͉䷻ᠶ⚔ч䉐Ш͚㵹ߕ䃎ܿÿÿĄ⋓ą䃎ܿ⮱䘕㒟喑ౕͧ҉ थч䉐Шڙह⮱ߗ߈̸喑ڞ⯷䉐ШȠ᪴ࡃ䉐Шぶ䲏⮱ᆒ䉐ጒ҉ȡౕЙڙШ⮱हᬣ喑⼜Ხᐭᆂ⣜ධ䉐ШȠч 㔲ą喑Ѻλ㵹͇ݺ݄喑Ꭳ㢐㣤Ą͚పЮ͇ч䉐Шࢀ䊷ąぶ㈨݄ᆒ䉐㢐㾶ȡٵĄ䶳ڒࣾᆂᠴ仃⁎ϻĄ䔪䊣㔲ą䔈 ᣕ䔈͉䷻Ąⷠڒ⌞ᄾᴀᢿᩫহ㘪⎽⊵㕄喑ߍᔘࣾᆂ㞯㘪̻㘪⎽↪䒓喑ۼФթ䨫㜡߈λڕ䓴̭ࣨᎡ喑Йౕ ᢿⰛᴴ喑ͧᲱᐧ⣜ධࣸສಸ↪䒓ч䉎⡛γ㜗ጞ⮱߈䛼ȡЙ䕇䓴Ą͉ۼᎠ㶎ą⩌ᔮ᳄ぶ䶦Ⱋ喑倅ᴴ۳ႹᎡᏓ㞯㘪 㠄㵹ߕąȠĄϟ֒Ꮴᔘ䒓ąȠĄᄦऐឣᤡᐧąぶ䶦Ⱋ喑ᎡᏓ㉜䃎䊍 ̴ٰ喑๔߈ᩜᠮౝ㏼≻⋓䷻ чহ᪆㗟࢘⩌θ͇⮱ࣾᆂȡ➦ݘ᭜ 䯲Ⴖ㟓ᆞౝ䰴ࣾ⩌ऻ喑Йᓰ㈨▫ࡧȠᔘ䕌ࣺᏁȠ̷̸ࡼह喑㉜䃎ा▫ࡧ ⼜Ƞ➖䓾ࡰ̴ٰ喑ᅪᰭ๔⮱ߗ߈ᩜᠮ▫ࡧ䛺ᐧȡₑใ喑Й㜡߈λ͚ప↪䒓чᐧ䃫喑̺͝ჹ֒ᏤࣸສȠ 喑ͧ⣝ϧȠ䒓Ƞ㜗♣Ƞч⮱হ䄽ࣾᆂ̺ᛵߗ߈ȡ⋣ڲᲮा̷⮱↪䒓᪴ࡃ थڙ䲏喑䔈̭ₒధڕᎡ喑ЙᄳឬĄ͉䷻ࡃ䰕Ƞ⋓∪ఈą⮱ᆒ䉐⤳ᔢ喑䔈̭ₒᣕ䔈Ą⋓ą䃎ܿ⮱ ᰡ๔⮱ₐ㘪䛼喆ܧ⡛ౝѺȡ䃖Й̭䊤ߗ߈喑ͧ⣝͚పᷓহ↪䒓ᑧపᷓ喑䉎ٵч䉐Шθ͇⮱㵹͇䶳 4 Й̭䊤䔪ᄨ⮱͉䷻ᷓ Let’s Work Together to Pursue Dongfeng Dream I am very glad to, by virtue of Social Responsibility Report, work with you who have been caring for, supporting and trusting Dongfeng course, review the progress that Dongfeng Motor Corporation has made in terms of social responsibility over the past year, share with you the joy and moving of success, and jointly depict future development and dream. In 2013, Dongfeng insisted on seek improvement in stability and lift various causes to a new level, thus reinforcing its cause foundation. The company sold 3.5349 million vehicles in the whole year, ranking second in the industry, and achieved a sales income of 453.4 billion yuan. It has further improved its management quality, and comprehensively reached the indexes of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. As a responsible central enterprise, Dongfeng actively performs its environmental responsibility, public welfare responsibility, cultural responsibility and other aspects while excellently performing its economic responsibility and stakeholder responsibility, in accordance with the deployment of the “Nurturing” plan, a mid-term action plan on social responsibility. With our common efforts, the company’s social responsibility development index changes from the “chaser” into the “leader” for the first time, and is at the forefront of the industry, and won a series of honors such as China Corporate Social Responsibility Excellence Award. In the past year, in terms of the whole value chain, we were committed to reducing pollution emission and energy consumption, speeding up the development of energy-saving and new-energy-using vehicles, and further implemented Dongfeng’s “carbon balance” ecological forest and other projects and fulfilled annual energy-saving and emission-reducing objective with a high standard, contributing our part to building the society with environmentally friendly automobiles. Through “Dongfeng Children Benefiting Action”, “Mother Health Express”, “Counterpart Assistance in Construction” and other projects, we have cumulatively donated 56.963 million yuan in the year to vigorously support the development of local economic society as well as education and health undertakings. Especially, after an earthquake took place in Lushan County, Ya’an City on April 20, 2013, we were concerned about the disaster area and make a rapid response and make an overall coordination, and cumulatively donated money and materials worth nearly 10 million yuan, in hope of making every effort to support the disaster area reconstruction. In addition, we were committed to the construction of China’s auto society, and constantly enriched healthy, friendly and positive car culture connotation, making unremitting endeavor to realize harmonious development of people, cars, nature and society. In 2014, we will adhere to the concept of “Dongfeng喑the nurturing east wind”, further comprehensively implement the Nurturing plan, and constantly enrich the content of performing social responsibility and further reinforce the company’s leading position in the industry in terms of corporate social responsibility. Let us work together to achieve China Dream and the dream of a strong auto country, and contribute more positive energy! 5 थч䉐Ш្ॷڙ䒓↪䷻͉ DFM CORPORATION SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2013 ᱞ⺼ᄬ ZHU FU SHOU Γ䃝ޜ༁ڇथᕨ㏼⤳Ƞڙ䒓↪䷻͉ President and Member of CPC Standing Committee, DFM ᕨ㏼⤳㜡䓋 Address by the General Manager す̭ȡ↪䒓ጒ͇҉ͧప⤰ڕ喑䔋㐚ρᎡѺᅲڠࢳट倅喑ࣹࣹ⾮ⵡ ̴䒳๔݈ںఋ䶫 Ꭱ喑͚ప↪䒓ϔ䨭 थ҉͚ͧప↪䒓ጒ͇⮱ڙ䷻喑ᄦλᣕߕ̓⩹↪䒓ጒ͇ࣾᆂࣾᡒⱭ䊷Გ䊷๔⮱҉⩕ȡ͉ܧ⾮უᩜᴞᕔϔ͇⮱ౝѺᰡߍ 俕Ю͇喑㘪์㻮䃮Ƞ࣯̻হᣕ䔈䔆̭ࢳट䔈⼸喑Й⌞ᙌ㢐Ꭵȡ ఝ䯫喑ߴλᠾᝅ喑⣝γĄ䊲ࢳटȠ䊲䶱Ƞ䊲㵹͇ą⮱䛺๔⾮ⵡȡٸथڙ䒓㵹͇ᖏฺᕔ䪬⮱ᕨҀᒏᐼ̸喑↪ౕ Ꭱ䨭ਜ਼↪䒓 ̴䒳喑ह℁䪬 喠̷㑡⼻䉦 Ϭٰ喑ह℁䪬 喑݈ࢳट倅ȡڕ䷻͉ 䨭ਜ਼ ̴䒳喑ڞथ㜗ͨ৮❹↪䒓ڙᎡ喑ڕथ㜗ͨࣾᆂₒн䔈̭ₒߍᔘ喑㜗݈ͨ㘪߈䔈̭ₒࡴȡڙहᬣ喑 ⼜थڙह℁䪬 喑ᔘλ㵹͇ ͗⮫ܳ◦喠㜗ͨ৮❹΅⩕䒓䨭ਜ਼ ̴䒳喑ϻ㵹͇すఈ䋰ᅲ㵹͇ݺ̶ȡ ㈨喑ڠȠᓤపटჳᐧ⿸व䉱व҉ٸ៶➦Ხᣕ䔈䛺๔ᝅ⪒䶦Ⱋ喑̻↰ᅁ↰ᐧ⿸ੳ⩕䒓ᝅ⪒㖁Ⰼ喑̻∂ప䰤䄧Ƞᓤపᵩ ͉䷻ప䭲ࡃᝅ⪒ጰᅭ̺хࡃȡ 䩛䊣㔰ą喑Йᄳ⼜Ხᣕ䔈䒙ಸ䄰᪡̻㜗ͨࣾᆂ喑䔈̭ₒ⌞ࡃᩦ䲖喑ڠ⣝⮫Ꭱ͉䷻⮱Ąڒथᄳ䔈ڙ䷻Ꭱ喑͉ ߍᔘĄ䊝ܧࣨą⮱ₒн喑Ꭳౕₑധ̷߈ζႹ ̴䒳⮱ᎡᏓ㏼㥒Ⱋᴴȡౕߎᐭᆂ㏼㥒ጒ҉⮱हᬣ喑͉䷻㏵ थч䉐ШĄ⋓ą䃎ܿ⮱ȡЙᄳᐭᆂ仃͗Ąч䉐Шᰵą㈨݄≨ߕ喑ड़ڙᔅ⼜Ხᆒ㵹Ю͇ч䉐Ш喑ᣕ䔈̺ ℾ᪴ࡃ≨ߕ喑ͫߋĄ͉䷻ᷓᘠ䒓ą͚ప䱿Ꭱ⣜Ԋ↪䒓݈ᘼ䃫䃎๔䊈喑ᠮ㐚ᣕ䔈͉䷻ĄⷠᎠ㶎ąڙߕĄহ⩲͉䷻ą↪䒓 ⩌ᔮ᳄হĄ͉䷻⋓㠄㵹ߕąぶᆒ䉐䶦Ⱋ喑⼜Ხក䕍͚ప↪䒓Ю͇ᆒ㵹ч䉐Ш⮱㠰᱙ȡ ⁏ᓰহߖ喑Όڠᰡສౝᆒ㵹ч䉐Ш喑ߗ߈Ⅵᬍධ喑䉐Шᰡߍ䛺๔ȡౕₑ喑Йⱌ䄇ᒲऱѺ̭ࣸຯᬏᒭ⮱ हᣕߕ͉䷻ч䉐Шθ͇̺ࣾᆂȡڞ䓻ᗕᄦЙ⮱ጒ҉䔈㵹⯾Ⲑহᠴᄩ喑 6 Й̭䊤䔪ᄨ⮱͉䷻ᷓ Let’s Work Together to Pursue Dongfeng Dream In 2013, China’s automobile production and sales both exceeded 20 million units, reaching new record high and ranking top in the world for five consecutive years. The status of the auto industry as a national pillar industry becomes more prominent, and plays a more and more important role in promoting the development of the world’s automobile industry. Dongfeng Motor Corporation, as a backbone enterprise in the Chinese auto industry, is able to witness, participate in and promote this historical process, for which we feel greatly honored. Along with the overall recovering growth of the automobile industry, the company has strived to achieve major breakthrough, namely “beyond the history, prospect and industry” against all difficulties. For the year, Dongfeng sold 3.5349 million cars, up 14.83% on YoY basis, and contributed tax of RMB 40.616 billion, up 12.09% on YoY basis, both set new records. Meanwhile, the Company has sped up the pace of independent development and improved the ability of independent innovation. For the year, the Company sold 1.2711 million cars of proprietary brands, up 13.37% on YoY basis, faster than the industrial average by 3.16%, as well as 655,000 passenger vehicles of proprietary brands, pushing its position in the industry ranking from forth to top three. The company actively promoted major strategic projects, established commercial vehicle strategic alliance with Volvo and forged joint venture partnership with French RENAULT, Germany Getrag, and Germany Smith Corporation, and thus the cause layout of Dongfeng has been constantly optimized. In 2014, the 100-year Dongfeng will enter the “key test period”. We will be actively promoting transformation and independent development, push the boundaries of self evolution to the next level, speed up the pace of “Globalization” process, and then achieve the annual sales target of 3.8 million. With practical operation, Dongfeng will keep the social responsibility of enterprise in mind and execute “Nurturing Program” for the purpose. We will carry out first series activities of “Social Responsibility Month”, start “Dongfeng Free Travel” automobile citizen culture activity, hold “DFM dream car” China Youth environmentally-friendly automobile creative design competition, and continuously promote “carbon balance” ecological forest project, Dongfeng Children Benefiting Action and other projects, so as to actively set an example for Chinese auto manufacturers to perform their social responsibilities. In order to better fulfill social responsibility, we will make unremitting efforts to undertake more responsibilities. We hereby sincerely look forward to your continuous care and help and your supervision and guidance on our work. 7 थч䉐Ш្ॷڙ䒓↪䷻͉ DFM CORPORATION SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2013 ䷻Ⱪ͚⮱͉ڠݖ⯷Ⱕ Dongfeng in the Eyes of Stakeholders ℾąڙևĄЮ͇ڞ䷻͉̻ ䷻Ꭱ䔪䮼 ᙌᖖ͉ ᎡⰥ䮼喑፥ጋ͚๖ϟⱩ㻮䃮γ͉䷻⮱ᔘ䕌ࣾᆂ喑Όܴ ݈ᐧ㐬㞟Ю͇喑⣝ᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ喑᭜͉䷻ੳ⩕䒓̻Ꭼ๔ӈ ȡౕ͉䷻ Ꮑੳव҉⮱ധⴠȡౕ͉䷻ੳ⩕䒓⮱ᠴᄩহឣ̸喑Й❞ڠᙌऄݝγ͉䷻ᬒϔ㐆ε㏼䨭ੳ⮱ᩜᠮ̻ γ⣜ධノ⤳ᱧᲱহݣᏓ喑Ꭳڕᬒϔ⮱ᙌङ̸喑፥ጋ͚๖͇ߎ̺ࣾᆂ⮱हᬣ喑⼜Ხᆒ ᐧ⿸γ⣜ධノ⤳Ҁ㈨喑֒ ⤳λ ᎡᏂ䕇䓴γ͚㖁䃑䃮͚ᓰ *40 ⣜ධノ ❞ڠ㵹ч䉐Шȡϻ⿸Ą͚๖ᄾ٬㞧ᱜఏąȠĄ͚๖ 䉱ᐧĄ͉䷻ᬒϔ͚๖ Ҁ㈨ᵥ喑߈ζҬЮ͇̻⣜ධȠчহ䄽ࣾᆂ喑Ҭ㐬㞟ܧധ䛾ą喑ݝౕ䲖প㔮ࡧ๔ݘᆞ 䃫䃎Ƞ㐬㞟⩌ϔȠ㐬㞟ӈᏁȠ㐬㞟㏼㥒ͧЙ⮱ᵥᓰ ڙ䉱⮫̴হ፥ጋጯ᪴ᬻߋȠ፥ጋጯܧݝںጹ᱈ᄼ႓ą喑 ह⮱ᷓڞ⯷≨ߕぶȡ፥ጋ 》ζ߈ȡ҉͉ͧ䷻็Ꭱ⮱व҉цѡ喑ЙᰶⱭڙहͫߋĄϑ䕇᪴ᬻᭌą๔ಸڞႶᅭ ͚๖⮱Ѕܧহ៲ᒀ喑᭜͉䷻ᬒϔ৮❹ᒏ䆎⮱⩌ߕҀ⣝喑 ᘠȡЙᙬᘼ̻͉䷻̭䊤ߗ߈喑㜡߈λͧ↪䒓㵹͇䶳 ℾȡڙ⮱Ю͇ٵ まĄ͉䷻ᷓą⮱ᰭᰶ߈ᑍយ喆ڞΌ᭜̻͉䷻ᬒϔ ㏼䨭ੳȟ፥ጋ͚๖ ӈᏁੳȟ൝ࡻ䔗 Following DFM with Gratitude for Ten Years Work with Dongfeng to act as “Enterprise Citizen” Through cooperation with DFM for ten years, Changzhou Creating green enterprise and realizing sustainable Zhongtian has witnessed the rapid development of development are the foundation for Dongfeng Dongfeng Nissan, and also deeply feels the support Commercial Vehicle Company to cooperate with many and care which Dongfeng Nissan gives to dealers.
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