
PAC Skills Make the Difference Assessment Quiz Questions for PAC Skills Make the Difference Answer Key

1. Where is the “map” located that tells the left side of your body how to function? a. At the back, bottom of your brain b. On the right side of your brain c. On the left side of your brain

2. What are the two main areas, or functions, of the brain that Teepa mentions? a. Smart brain and dumb brain b. Front brain and back brain c. Thinking brain and primitive brain

3. What part of the brain serves as the survival and threat system? a. The amygdala b. Outer parietal lobes c. Left temporal lobe

4. What are the three responses that the brain gives to perceived threats? a. Fear, hatred, disgust b. Anger, crying, sadness c. Fright, flight, fight

5. What should you do when approaching someone living with dementia to complete a task? a. Tell the person exactly what you are going to do and then do it to the person as quickly as possible b. Know your agenda, but don’t show your agenda by getting the person moving in the needed direction without giving the whole task away c. Get someone to help you hold the person down or get the job done

6. When someone living with dementia “resists” your care or asks you to stop or go away, what is an appropriate response that will help you stay positively connected? a. “I’m sorry, I was trying to help, but it just isn’t working like this.” b. “I’m sorry you can’t understand this, but you need it.” c. “I don’t know why you don’t like this, you used to do it every day.”

© 2018 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow. All rights reserved. [email protected]

7. What is one of the easiest mistakes to make when using PPA™ to connect before completing a task? a. Angering the person with small talk b. Telling the person the bigger task, or agenda, rather than keeping the tasks small and simple c. Making the person feel bad by touching his or her hand

8. What is the best way to approach someone who is sleeping using PPA™? a. Call his or her name repeatedly, louder each time, until he or she wakes up b. Turn all of the lights on and possibly pull covers off of the person if he or she is covered while calling the name c. Say the name low and slow twice, then get low, and touch the knee, and possibly take the hand in Hand-under-Hand™ to slowly wake the person up

9. What phrase can be helpful in getting someone who is more of a diamond to stand up and go with you? a. “I need some help, would you help me with something?” b. “You need to go to the bathroom, let’s get up.” c. “You have been sitting here for a long time, I need to get you up and moving so that you don’t go to the bathroom here and so that you can get your exercise in.”

10. If someone, especially an emerald, is having a hard time with a bigger task, like sitting up straight, what can you do to help the person be successful? a. Speak a bit louder so that he or she can hear you better b. Break the task down into single movements and give positive reinforcement with each step c. Move the person yourself as he or she is clearly not able to do this task anymore

11. What do ambers need to be successful in completing tasks mostly independently? a. Visual and verbal cues that match on you and on them b. Ambers are no longer able to do any tasks on their own c. You will always have to use Hand-under-Hand™ with ambers as they don’t understand cues anymore

12. What will rubies need you to do when partnering in care? a. Rubies need us to do the work for them, they do not want to be a part of their own care anymore b. Rubies will only need visual cues, but should be able to do most of the skills independently c. Rubies will need us to go slow and provide the skill, but be aware of discomfort, acknowledge it, and either to keep moving or back off a bit

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13. With a pearl, how can you still use Hand-under-Hand for tasks when the hands are contracted or closed? a. Use comforting joint pressure, stay on the dominant side, go slow, show what you want, and use your body to show movement on the arm. b. Try to get your hand inside of theirs, even if you have to pry it open a bit. c. Just do the task yourself as we are not able to use Hand-under-Hand at all with pearls

14. What are the FOUR zones of hypersensitivity on the body with dementia? (Choose four) a. Mouth (lips and tongue) b. Elbows (outer joint) c. Hands (fingertips and palm) d. Feet (soles and toes) e. Back (shoulder blades and muscle) f. Genitals (and surrounding area)

15. Why is it important not to force someone onto the toilet, or to cause them alarm prior to trying to get to the toilet? a. No one likes to be scared and they may hit you b. When someone is in fear, the sphincters shut for 20 minutes and he or she will not be able to go to the bathroom until they have calmed down c. If you make one mistake in the bathroom, they will be scared forever and will never go to the bathroom with you again

16. What is one way to take away the fear of the clear water that can be very uncomfortable in the shower? a. Place a large towel over the person’s shoulders before spraying the water on his or her body b. Make sure the water is warm and start at the head c. Get into a bathing suit so that he or she can feel less vulnerable

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