Herald of the Golden Age V8 N7 Jul 1903
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»? Circulation in Thirty-seven Countries. Postage—One Halfpenny. ™e HERALD ONE PENNT. Entckco at Station«*«' Hall, Published Mo n t h l y Edited by Sidney H. Beard. Contents YAQt The^ Power o! the Spirit Sidney H. Beard 73 An Unrecognized Death-trap Josiah Oldfield, M .A., D.C.L, 74 Wisdom Let Loose torlai Notes ... ... ... Sidney U. Beard A Scientific Resurrection—The Quest for Truth—The Psychic Sense— The Increase of Vivisection—Summer Foods—The Evils of City Life- Health and Beauty—A Lamentable Accident—Tuberculosis. A Plea (or Humaneness R ev. J . Todd F errier S Interpretation The Order of the Golden Age Headquarters and Offices:—PAIGNTON, ENGLAND. G e n e r a l C o u n c i l : S id n e y H . B eard (Provo^tl. Barcombe HalL, Paignton. R o b ert H . P e r k s , M .D ., F .R .C .S ., Eng., Ferndale, Paignton. R e v . J . T o d d F e r r ie r , Roselle, Paignton. H aro ld W . W h isto n , Ovcrdale, Langley, Macclesfield The above constitute the Executive Council, Frances L. Boult, 9, Greeneroft Gardens, South Hampstead, K.W. E u s ta c e H . M ile s , M .A ., King’s College, Cambridge. R e v . C h a rle s A . H a il, Meiklerlggs, Paisley, N.B. R e v . A . M. M itc h e ll, M .A ., The Vicarage, Burton Wood, Lancashire. R ev A rth u r H a r v ie , II, Blrchfield Road, Northampton. R e v . W a lte r W a ls h , 4, Nelson Terrace, Dundre. L y d ia A . Iro n s , Milan, Spokane Co., Washington, U.S.A. R e v . H . J . W illia m s , The Rectory, Kinroti, N.B. Bon. Secretary : Robert H. Perks, M.D., F.R.C.S., Eng. Hon. Auditor: C h a rle s N. F o y ste r, Ilfracomhe. Ron. Treasurer: Sidney H. Beard, Hon. Solicitor: Geo. Cozens Prior, Portsmouth. FOUNDED, 18 9 5 :- ■npo proclaim a message of Peace and Happiness, Health and Purity, Life T ° advocate the adoption throughout Christendom of a bloodless and and Power. natural diet, because the practice of eating the flesh of animals i s ;— "po hasten the coming of the Golden Age when Love and Righteousness * shall reign upon Earth—by endeavouring to promote universal benevo 1st.—A violation of one of the most important Physical Laws which lence. by protesting against all social customs and ideas which hinder its govern man’s being, and the cause of a large proportion of the advance, and hy proclaiming obedience to the Laws of God—physical and disease and depravity with which our Race is cursed. moral—as a practical remedy for the misery and disease which afflicts Mankind. 2nd.—A transgression against Moral Law; because it involves the massacre HTo plead the cause of the weak, defenceless, and oppressed, and to depre* | of millions of sentient creatures, and the infliction of an appalling A cate cruelty, and injustice, and all that is opposed to the true spirit 1 amount of cruelty which is totally unnecessary. of Christianity. -pho Members of The Order are pledged to seek the attainment of these objects by daily example and personal influence. They are divided into two classes 1 —Companions and Associates—the former being abstainers from flesh, fish, and fowl, as food ; the latter from flesh and fowl only. TH E minimum A n n u a l S ubscription i s Two S h il l in g s a n d s ix p e n c e , w h ich e n t it l e s ea c h M e m b e r t o r k c ii v x a Corr or t b i Cuscial J ournal, an d or a l l Pa m p h l e t s and L e a f l e t s w h ic h a r e p u b l ish i d . A Copy oj the Prospectus and Rules, and a Form of Application for Membership t t s il be forwarded, i f requested, together with any Information that may be desired. The Report ol tncnme and Expenditure for 1902 (duly audited) will also be supplied gratis upon application. OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS. “A Comprehensive Guide-Book to Natural, Hygienic and Humane Diet,” by Sidney H. Beard. Illustrated. Price i /-, Post Free. (In Art Canvas, 1/6) “ Is Flesh-Eattng Morally Defensible.” Seventh Edition. Thirly-fifth Thousand. By Sidney H. Beard. Price Threepence, post free. “ Essays of the Golden Age.” Josiah OLDFtELD, M.A., D.C.L., L.R.C.P. Price Sixpence, post free. “ T h e Penny Guide to Fruitarian Diet and Cookery.” J o siah O l d f ie l d , L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. Price One Penny. (Three Halfpence post free). PAMPHLETS. LEAFLETS. Price One Penny, Five Shillings per Hundred (asserted II desired). Pnst Free. Price One Shilling per Hundred (assorted II desired). Post Pree, The Coining Revolntton in I»let. Sidney H. Beard T h e P o te n c y o f F a ith Sidney H. Beard. A Canee of the Fallnre of Christian puissions In the P e t e r ’ s Vision * - - - - • K a s t. Rev. W. D. Etherington, M.A. A r e A n im a ls I m m o r t a l? • Dr. Josiah Oldfield, M.A., L.R.C.P. Is Flesh-Fat! ng a Violation of Apoefolfc Teaching? Aristophagy - - - Rev. J. H. N. Nevill, M.A. An Unrecognized Death-Trap * - ,, „ „ » »» What the Scientists say a g a in st Fleali-Fallug Sidney H. Beard The Festival of Peace - - - „ „ „ „ M Facta Concerning Right living, Second Edition. Dr. Josef Drzeweicki Bnl Who Slew all These? - - „ „ „ „ „ C h r is t ia n C H I seen« hip . Rev. W. J. Closs, BA. The Drink Problem: How to Solve tt. • Harry Cocking Vegetarian Athletics H. Light. Is Vegetarianism Scientific? Dr. Walter R. Had wen, M.D., L R C.P. The Overcoming of Pain and I>eath „ „ masonic Food Reformers. A T a le o f S h a m e Dr. Josiah Oldfield,M.A„ M.R.C.S. Vegetarianism ..... Bramwell Booth H u m a n ity in D iet Horace J . Snow. D ie tetic D iffic u ltie s Robert H. Perks. M.D., F.R.C.S. The Higher Economics o f Diet - * Rev. J. Todd Ferrier A re A n im a ls Im m o rta l By Dr. Josiah Oldfield, M .A..D.C.L. The Divine Man .... - „ „ Bound Volumes of "The Herald of the Golden Age." B o u n d in W h it e A r t C a n v a s w it h G o ld L e t t e r in g . "These Volumes record a protest against the inhumanity of the Age in general and Carnivorism in particular. By perusing them, young men or * women who wish to qualify themselves to take a prominent part in the work of the Food Reformation, may obtain the requisite knowledge and also much inspiration for altruistic service. The volumes for 1896, 1897, 1900 and 19 0 1 are sold out, but lhose of 1898, 1899 and 1902 can still be supplied. A considerable number of useful Vegetarian Recipes, and also Dietetic Information will be found in them. Price Three Shillings. Post Paid. THE "HERALD OF THE GOLDEN AGE” 19 published on the 1st of each mouth, and may be ordered of any Newsagent, or at any Railway Bookstall, or it can be obtained direct from The M a n a g e r P a ig n t o n , E n g l a n d , for l,e per annum. Suitable Articles. Poems, and News, will always be welcome, LONDON PUBLISHERS W. R. RUSSELL & Co., Ltd., 5a, Paternoster Row, E.C, The Official Journal of T he Order of t h e Golden Age. Founded to proclaim a Message of Peace and Happiness, Health and Purity, Life and Power. Vol. 8.—No. 7 . [Entered at Stationers’ Hall]. JULY, 1903. [Published Monthly). ONE P E N N Y . seen as they are, instead of as they appear to be to mortal The Power of the Spirit. vision. Such illumination reveals the world's need, and gives to “ Oil could I tell, ye surely would believe it! O could I only say what I have seen ! the Cross of Christ, and to the prophetic vocation, an How should I tell or how can ye receive it, attractive force that no earthly prospect can exert. How, till He bringeth you where f have been? The soul then longs to consecrate its all to the work of he ardent desire of every truly awakened and regenerate ministry, and yearns to be spent in loving service for the up- T soul is to experience the influence and power of the liftment of its brethren. Divine Spirit. It enters into fellowship with Him who wept over our Once experienced, or even wit fallen race at Jerusalem, and counts it a high privilege to nessed, such can never be follow in the Way marked by those feet that trod the Via forgotten ; and every foretaste Dolorosa and left for evermore upon the sacred earth a of that spiritual banquet does clearly defined path for all who aspire to the highest.