Media Advisory Free Culture Forum With special guest Lawrence Lessig

For Immediate Release

Date: March 23rd, 2006 Time: 11:30 am - 2:30pm Location: 450 Dodge Hall, Northeastern University For: Students, faculty, staff and the public Cost: Free

Join us for a lively discussion on issues related to free culture including artistic freedom, the , , control of the media, open access, open source, free software, academic journals, institutional repositories, and consumer rights. Learn about organizations and projects such as and the Directory of Open Access Journals that support open dialogue and public access to creative works—from scientific, scholarly journals to websites, from photography to music, from literature to courseware.

What is the free culture movement? A healthy, vibrant culture must continually be improved and refashioned by those who live in it. This requires a thriving public domain and cultural commons that anyone can build upon or reshape. To achieve this ideal, free culture seeks to promote open intellectual property policy and channel the power of technology toward appreciation, creation, and distribution of participatory culture. According to Lawrence Lessig, free culture is concerned with big media protecting the interests of big media over creators. Free culture supports and protects creators and innovators and seeks the transformation of culture through the free exchange of ideas.

The Participants A panel of free culture advocates and experts and you!

Professor Lawrence Lessig, Founder, Creative Commons & author of Free Culture Derek Slater, Activist, Electronic Frontier Foundation Nelson Pavlosky, Founder, FreeCulture.Org William Wakeling, Associate Dean, Northeastern University Libraries

The Design A panel structure to facilitate high-level interaction between the audience and speakers that will enrich general understanding of free culture by means of free culture -- community collaboration and contribution.

The Sponsors Northeastern University Libraries, WRBB Radio, the Department of Communication Studies, Music and Entertainment Industry Students Association (MEISA) and the Intellectual Property Society.

Contact Danielle Capalbo Christopher Budnick Maria Carpenter, NU Libraries 203.300.7253 908.268.3278 617.373.2821 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]