Организация Объединенных Наций S/2012/528

Совет Безопасности Distr.: General 15 October 2012 Russian Original: English

Идентичные письма Постоянного представителя Сирийской Арабской Республики при Организации Объединенных Наций от 9 июля 2012 года на имя Генерального секретаря и Председателя Совета Безопасности

По поручению моего правительства и в дополнение к моим письмам от 16–20 и 23–25 апреля, 7, 11, 14–16, 18, 21, 24, 29 и 31 мая, 1, 4, 6, 7, 11, 19, 20, 25, 27 и 28 июня и 2 и 3 июля 2012 года имею честь препроводить настоящим подробный перечень нарушений плана прекращения насилия, совершенных вооруженными группами Сирии 2 июля 2012 года (см. приложение). Буду весьма признателен за распространение текста настоящего письма и приложения к нему в качестве документа Совета Безопасности.

(Подпись) Башар Джаафари Посол Постоянный представитель

12-54821 (R) 181012 191012 *1254821*


Приложение к идентичным письмам Постоянного представителя Сирийской Арабской Республики при Организации Объединенных Наций от 9 июля 2012 года на имя Генерального секретаря и Председателя Совета Безопасности

[Подлинный текст на арабском языке]

Monday, 2 July 2012

Rif Dimashq governorate

1. At 2000 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law en- forcement personnel in Duma, killing Colonel Yassir Hamdan and conscript Husain Ahmad and wounding 14 officers, including a lieutenant colonel, a major and a lieu- tenant. 2. At 2100 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group in the Manin district abducted Conscript Ahmad Mustafa. 3. At 2300 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law en- forcement personnel in Misraba, wounding three. 4. At 2300 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group detonated a car bomb and opened fire on a law enforcement checkpoint in Jadiyah, Ayn Tarma. 5. At 2300 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law en- forcement personnel in Jawbar. 6. At 2330 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group opened fire from sev- eral directions on the Harmalah checkpoint. 7. At 0100 hours, an armed terrorist group in Ayn Tarma abducted Lieutenant Muhammad Jaafar Isa. 8. At 0500 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire on the Dabbaghat checkpoint from the direction of Jawbar. 9. At 0630 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire on the law enforcement checkpoints in Hafir al-Fawqa and the town of Badda. 10. At 0700 hours, an armed terrorist group attacked the Adra construction group and abducted Conscript Salim Qanas and a civilian worker, Ibrahim Hamoud; a rifle was stolen. 11. At 0730 hours, an armed terrorist group detonated an explosive device as a law enforcement patrol was driving through Bayt Saham, wounding one officer. 12. At 1200 hours, an armed terrorist group blew up the oil pipeline that passes through the district of Widyan al-Rabi', east of International Airport. 13. At 1445 hours, an armed terrorist group detonated a noise bomb on the Ruhay- bah-Dumayr road. 14. At 1700 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire on border guard headquar- ters in Yabrud.

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15. An armed terrorist group blocked the Damascus-Dar‘a highway near the al-Madinah al-Munawwarah petrol station and stole a Sham vehicle, licence plate No. 595850 (Damascus), belonging to the Arab Union Company, together with the sum of 248,500 Syrian pounds from the accountant of the Lu'ayy ibn Husain al-Saqa Company. 16. The body of an unidentified man was found on Four Seasons Road in the city of ; he had been shot. 17. A seven-year-old girl, Hibbah Nazih Qadih, was admitted to the Mahjub Hos- pital in the city of Darayya after being shot by armed terrorists. 18. Armed terrorists in the city of opened fire on law enforcement check- point personnel, who returned fire. A citizen, Samir Khalaf Kanbahar (born in 1955), was killed. 19. Armed terrorists in the city of Qatana attacked the home of Salim Hamdan, di- rector of the Ibn Rushd Institute for Girls in Mu'addamiyah and stole his Govern- ment Mitsubishi double-cabin pickup, licence plate No. 894348 (Damascus). 20. Armed terrorists in the city of Qatana stole a private Hyundai vehicle, licence plate No. 000827. 21. The body of an unidentified man was found near the Fatih mosque in the town of Hirista; he had been shot by unidentified armed terrorists. 22. Armed terrorists in the city of Jaramanah stole a private Toyota Corolla vehicle, licence plate No. 484187 (Damascus). 23. Armed terrorists were heavily deployed in the towns of Irbin, and 'Ayn Tarma. 24. A civilian, Omar Muhammad Dib Homsi (born in 1959), was found to be dead upon arrival at the Fatih hospital in . Civilians Abdulkhaliq Ahmad Asi (born in 1966), Muhammad Abdulkhaliq Asi (aged 10) and Ziyad Ghunum ibn Ri- yad (born in 1946) were treated after being shot by armed terrorists. 25. The body of an unidentified man was found on the Dayr Attiyah road, behind the Anis breezeblock factory, in the city of Nabk. His hands had been tied in front with a bandage and he bore marks of torture; his skull was fractured. 26. The body of an unidentified man was found dumped in the main street in Dhi'abiyah. 27. The body of an unidentified man was found near the stadium in Ali al-Wahsh Street in the town of Babila. 28. In the town of Babila, an explosive device was detonated at the Aqraba round- about, in front of the Bara' mosque, as a law enforcement forces patrol was passing. Two members of the patrol were wounded, as were a passing civilian and two po- licemen. 29. In the town of Babila, a remotely controlled explosive device was found in a Vieira, licence plate No. 470060 (Damascus), belonging to a policeman, Fadi ibn Malik Saqr (born in 1984), when he took it for repair in the Bayt Saham district; the device was defused by military engineers.

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30. In the city of Tall, an armed terrorist group stole a Government pickup, licence plate No. 545028 (Damascus), from Engineer Bassam Rai; the vehicle belonged to the General Company for Studies and Technical Consultations. A Kia Rio belonging to the Ministry of Housing, licence plate number unknown, was stolen. 31. In the city of Tall, an armed terrorist group stole a Government Mercedes, li- cence plate No. 779095 (Rif Dimashq), from in front of the home of Jihad Surur, head of Manin municipality.

Damascus governorate

32. At 2230 hours on 1 July 2012, civilian Firas Hajj Ali ibn Adnan (born in 1983 in ) was admitted, fatally wounded, to Tishrin military hospital in Damascus. He had been shot in the head by armed terrorists. 33. At 0900 hours, the body of Chief Warrant Officer Hilal ibn Ismail Saad (born in 1967) was found. He had been shot in the chest by armed terrorists while leaving home in the Qabun neighbourhood in his Peugeot 504, licence plate No. 314830 (Damascus); the vehicle was stolen. 34. At 1000 hours, parts of the dismembered and decapitated body of an unidenti- fied man were found in the Yarmuk district. He had been placed in a nylon bag, in- side a plastic box. 35. At 1000 hours, Khalid Ibrahim Ibrahim (born in 1984 in Damascus) claimed that three unidentified men had stolen his Kia Rio, licence plate No. 695952 (Rif Dimashq), in the Zahirah district. 36. At 1130 hours, a remotely-controlled, 7-kg explosive device was found inside a rubbish container in the industrial area, by the first garden, beside Roma Flowers; the device was defused by military engineers. 37. At 1330 hours, a remotely controlled, 2-kg explosive device was found at- tached to a Peugeot 307, licence plate No. 404221/Army, belonging to Colonel Gha- yath al-Najjar, that was parked on Salahaddin street in the Ruknaddin neighbour- hood; the device was defused by military engineers. 38. At 0300 hours, armed terrorists in a private Kia Rio, without licence plates, shot and killed Ala'addin ibn Fa'iz Aas (born in 1985) in Hafiz Street in the Qabun neighbourhood as he was driving his Saba taxi, licence plate No. 464777 (Damas- cus). 39. At 0300 hours, armed terrorists in the Qabun neighbourhood shot and killed Muhammad Musa al-Masuti (born in 1977), a policeman from the law enforcement forces. 40. The body of police constable Husain Isa Abdu (born in 1977 in ) was found. He had been abducted and killed by armed terrorists in the town of Dayr al- 'Asafir. 41. Three armed terrorists with military pistols and Kalashnikov rifles stole a Mazda minibus, licence plate No. 877360, belonging to the Ministry of Communica- tions and Technology, as it was taking employees to the Yarmuk neighbourhood. The terrorists disappeared.

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42. Basim Hamadi, a policeman from the law enforcement battalion, was admitted to the police hospital after being shot by armed terrorists in the Qabun neighbour- hood as he was repairing his car. His military pistol was stolen.

Dar‘a governorate

43. At 2100 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law en- forcement personnel on the Dar‘a-Yadudah road. 44. At 2200 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group opened random fire in Manshiyah, wounding seven citizens. 45. At 2300 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group opened random fire in Dar‘a, killing civilians Mu'ayyad Muhammad and Adnan Ahmad and wounding two other civilians. 46. At 0145 hours, an armed terrorist group shot and wounded Conscript Muham- mad Darwish in Khan Dannun. 47. At 1830 hours, an armed terrorist group opened random fire in Tafas, wound- ing two civilians.

Homs governorate

48. At 2000 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law en- forcement personnel in Homs, killing Conscripts Muhsin Khalaf and Mustafa Aghaki. 49. At 2030 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group opened fire on and launched rocket-propelled grenades at law enforcement personnel in Hulah and started fires in the villages of Maryamayn and Kafr Laha; one member of the law enforcement forces was wounded. 50. At 2100 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law en- forcement personnel in Khalidiyah, killing Conscript Laurence al-Salloum. 51. At 2130 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law en- forcement personnel in Sultaniyah, wounding two men. 52. At 2200 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law en- forcement personnel in Qusayr, killing Warrant Officer Amin Ahmad. 53. At 2200 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law en- forcement personnel in Rastan and Talbisah. 54. At 2300 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group fired a mortar at the sugar factory from the direction of Khalidiyah. 55. At 0300 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group opened fire on the Sa- dad subdistrict administrative building and on two law enforcement centres in the district, wounding one member of the law enforcement forces and abducting four. 56. At 0530 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law enforcement per- sonnel in the transit complex, killing Conscript Uday Alloush. 57. At 0600 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law enforcement per- sonnel in Jurat al-Shayyah, wounding seven men.

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58. At 0700 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law enforcement person- nel in Qarabis, wounding one officer. 59. At 0730 hours, an armed terrorist group abducted and slaughtered Corporal Ali Salhab after detonating an explosive device targeting a law enforcement vehicle in the district of Za'faraniyah. 60. At 0800 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law enforcement per- sonnel in the Sultaniyah district, wounding three men. 61. At 0800 hours, an armed terrorist group opened sporadic fire on law enforce- ment personnel in Ghutah, near the Khalid ibn al-Walid school, Gardenia tower and Wadi al-Sayih, wounding one officer. 62. At 0830 hours, an armed terrorist group opened sporadic fire on law enforce- ment personnel near the citadel in Bab al-Siba', wounding three men. 63. At 0830 hours, an armed terrorist group opened sporadic fire on law enforce- ment personnel in the village of Hisn. 64. At 0900 hours, an armed terrorist group opened sporadic fire on law enforce- ment personnel in Kafr Shamsham and Cairo Street, wounding four, including a colonel. 65. At 1130 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law enforcement checkpoints in Talbisah. 66. At 1900 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire on and launched rocket- propelled grenades and mortars at law enforcement personnel in Cairo Street, Kafr Shamsham, Jubb Jandali, Bab al-Siba', near the President’s roundabout and Wadi al- Sayih. 67. At 1900 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law enforcement per- sonnel in the Qusur district, wounding two men.

Hama governorate

68. At 2015 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group planted several 12-kg explosive devices in the village of Zallaqiyat on the Mahradah-Lataminah highway. 69. At 2100 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group opened fire on a law enforcement checkpoint near the railway station, wounding one man. 70. At 2200 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group held up a vehicle, li- cence plate No. 903735, belonging to the military housing branch, seized the vehicle and abducted the civilian driver, Ahmad al-Barudi, and the equipment su- pervisor, Yassir Dargham. 71. At 0200 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire on a law enforcement checkpoint near the agricultural mechanization office from the direction of the Basil suburb. 72. At 0600 hours, an armed terrorist group on the Kubbariyah-Kawkab highway, near the Safaf farm, opened fire on a civilian, Nasr Sulayman, as he was fetching bread in his private car. 73. At 0930 hours, an armed terrorist group planted an explosive device on the Hama- highway, north of the Mazarib bridge.

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74. At 1030 hours, an armed terrorist group abducted Conscripts Muhammad Ghazawi and Jum‘ah al-Ahmad in the Hamidiyah district. 75. At 1200 hours, an armed terrorist group stole a Government vehicle, licence plate No. 633170, belonging to the General Organization for Seed Multiplication, in the Barudiyah district. 76. At 1400 hours, an armed terrorist group abducted a civilian, Muhammad Biz- bour, as he was driving his vehicle, licence plate No. 805222, along the Hama- Aleppo highway. The vehicle, containing merchandise worth 100,000 Syrian pounds, was stolen. 77. At 1600 hours, an armed terrorist group abducted a civilian, Yasin al-Mustafa, from his farm in the village of Safsafiyah. 78. At 1600 hours, an armed terrorist group at Jubb Khasarah on the Salmiyah- Raqqah road opened fire on a truck carrying iron, licence plate No. 025060, which was being driven by a civilian, Tariq Muhammad. The driver was wounded and the vehicle’s tyres were set on fire. 79. At 1630 hours, an armed terrorist group attacked the village of Qasr Abu Sam- rah. The group opened random fire on the houses of inhabitants, killing Musa al- Ajuz and Maysir al-Ajuz and wounding one other person.

Aleppo governorate

80. At 2000 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group abducted a policeman, Muhammad Dib, at the Biza‘ah turn-off in Bab district. 81. At 2100 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group planted an explosive device beside the Majd wedding hall in the Maysir district. 82. At 2245 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group in the vicinity of the juvenile prison stole two Toyota minibuses, licence plate Nos. 952106 and 952109, belonging to the Muslimiyah cement company. 83. At 2300 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group held up a tanker loaded with diesel oil on the Ramusah road and shot and wounded the driver because he failed to stop. 84. At 0100 hours, an armed terrorist group planted and detonated a noise bomb in a vehicle, licence plate No 994800, behind the Saffahiyah mosque in the Ismail Pa- sha palace district. 85. At 0200 hours, an armed terrorist group attempted to plant an explosive device on the Safirah-Aleppo highway. 86. At 0245 hours, an armed terrorist group detonated an explosive device on the Safirah- highway. 87. At 0250 hours, an armed terrorist group detonated an explosive device and opened random fire in the Bayt Ibrahim Khalil quarter of the city of Safirah. 88. At 0300 hours, an armed terrorist group broke into the International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) and stole seven pickups and a minibus.

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89. At 0300 hours, an armed terrorist group detonated an explosive device in the main market in the city of Safirah, beside a mobile telephone shop. 90. At 0300 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law enforcement per- sonnel near the agricultural directorate in the city of I‘zaz, wounding three officers. 91. At 0630 hours, an armed terrorist group stole from Kalasah square a Govern- ment minibus, licence plate No. 952108, belonging to the Muslimiyah cement com- pany. 92. At 0900 hours, some 150 armed terrorists besieged the Abraz guardhouse, at- tached to . Before the administrator of the Ma'abtali subdistrict was able to equip a squad from the subdistrict to help the Abraz guardhouse, the Ma'ab- tali subdistrict building itself and police station were surrounded by some 300 armed terrorists. They demanded that the subdistrict administrator leave the building and surrender all weapons, threatening to kill five personnel from the Abraz guardhouse whom they were holding or to fire a rocket-propelled grenade at the guardhouse. The personnel inside responded by surrendering their weapons, which consisted of five Kalashnikov rifles, seven military pistols and a quantity of ammunition. The weapons in the Abraz guardhouse were also seized; those comprised four military ri- fles, five pistols and a quantity of ammunition, as well as a police vehicle and seven motorcycles. 93. At 0930 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law enforcement per- sonnel in Kafr Nuran. 94. At 1100 hours, an armed terrorist group blocked the highway north of Aleppo, at the Hayyan turn-off, and inspected civilians with a view to terrorizing and ob- structing them; one civilian was killed. 95. At 1200 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire on a vehicle carrying ra- tions to law enforcement forces as it was passing through the town of Nu`aymah, wounding three personnel. 96. At 1200 hours, an armed terrorist group abducted Colonel Faysal Sulayman and Sergeant Ghizwan Ibrahim at Hayyan on the Aleppo-I'zaz road, as they were carrying the monthly payroll. The payroll, amounting to 7 million Syrian pounds, was stolen. 97. At 1330 hours, an armed terrorist group stole a Government vehicle, licence plate No. 954170, from the entrance to the operations and maintenance department building in . 98. At 1330 hours, an armed terrorist group stole from the Aleppo university dis- trict a vehicle, licence plate No. 395415, belonging to Brigadier Ahmad Dahkul. 99. At 1400 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law enforcement per- sonnel in Aleppo, killing two conscripts, Husain Khalaf and Radwan al-Sawas. 100. At 1530 hours, an armed terrorist group at the Mar'inaz turn-off detonated an explosive device targeting a minibus taking teachers from 'Afrin industrial school to Aleppo city, killing the bus driver, Antar Abish, and a teacher, Salih Jasir, and wounding four teachers. 101. At 1630 hours, an armed terrorist group abducted a civilian, Ali al-Husain, from Mahall Samanah in Dayr Hafir.

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Idlib governorate

102. At 0900 hours, an armed terrorist group blocked the Idlib-Abu al-Duhur high- way and opened fire on law enforcement personnel when they attempted to reopen the road. 103. At 1100 hours, an armed terrorist group detonated an explosive device target- ing a law enforcement patrol that was passing on the Idlib-Mastumah road, near the swimming pool. 104. At 1130 hours, an armed terrorist group planted an explosive device on the Jisr al-Shughur- road at Basanqul. 105. At 1200 hours, an armed terrorist group at Khan al-Basal abducted Conscript Bashar Ward, who was travelling to by bus. 106. At 1300 hours, an armed terrorist group detonated an explosive device target- ing a border guard patrol on the road between Bayta and Azmarin.

Dayr al-Zawr governorate

107. At 2200 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group opened fire on law en- forcement personnel in Dayr al-Zawr, killing Conscript Ahmad al-Ulayji. 108. At 1500 hours, an armed terrorist group attacked, broke into and took control of the cargo station in Dayr al-Zawr. They abducted 10 law enforcement personnel, including a major, and seized their weapons. 109. At 1600 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire on and launched rocket- propelled grenades at the Dayr al-Zawr officers’ club and the electricity distribution unit, wounding five personnel and destroying a law enforcement forces vehicle. 110. At 1700 hours, an armed terrorist group abducted Staff Sergeant Ismail al- Mansour.

Syrian-Lebanese border

111. At 2000 hours on 1 July 2012, an armed terrorist group opened fire on and launched a rocket-propelled grenade from inside Lebanese territory at border guard personnel in Jisr Qamar in . 112. At 0600 hours, an armed terrorist group attempting to infiltrate Syrian territory from Lebanese territory opened fire on border guard personnel in Talkalakh.

Syrian-Iraqi border

113. At 0130 hours, an armed terrorist group attempting to infiltrate Syrian territory from Iraqi territory opened fire on border guard personnel in the Khaza'at area.

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S/2012/528 10

Number of attacks and violations committed by armed terrorist groups on 2 July 2012

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Attempted infiltration by Firing of weapons and armed persons and Killed Wounded Abducted attacks against Explosive devices smuggling of weapons

Law en- Law en- Law en- Law en- Unidentified forcement forcement forcement forcement Exploded in bodies dis- Civilians officers Civilians officers Civilians officers Civilians officers Exploded Defused assembly Infiltrat ion Smuggling covered

8 18 20 60 5 11 7 55 10 5 1 2 1 6
