The Lepidosaurian Reptile Champsosaurus in North America
Photograph bJ, fames Wagoner. LIFE RESTORATION OF CHAMPSOSAURUS HUNTING. Painting by J erome Connolly in The Science Museum of Minnesota. THE LEPIDOSAURIAN REPTILE CHAMPSOSAURUS IN NORTH AMERICA BRUCE R. ERICKSON CURATOR OF PALEONTOLOGY MONOGRAPH VOLUME 1: PALEONTOLOGY Published by THE SCIENCE MUSEUM OF MINNESOTA ST. PAUL: March 31, 1972 MONOGRAPH OF THE SCIENCE MUSEUM OF MINNESOTA VOLUME 1 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 77-186470 Standard Boole Number 911338-78-0 CONTENTS Page Illustrations ......................................... 2 Introduction ................................................. 5 Species of Champsosaurus . 7 Skull of Cha;rnpsosauru.s gigas, New Species. 12 Postcranial Skeleton of Champsosaurus gigas, New Species ... 26 General Morphology . 52 Skull ................................................... 52 Postcranial Skeleton . 53 Some Aspects of Functional Morphology . 72 Responsive Functions . 75 Correlations and Distribution. 82 Phylogeny . 86 Summary ................................................... 89 Bibliography . 90 ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURES Page 1. Correlation Chart of Champsosaurs. 9 2. Skull of Champsosaurus gigas, dorsal view, PU 16239. 13 3. Skull of Champsosaurus gigas, ventral view, PU 16239. 14 4. Skull of Champsosaurus gigas, dorsal view, PU 16240. 15 5. Skull of Champsosaurus gigas, ventral view, PU 16240. 16 6. Restoration of skull, C hampsosaurus gig as, dorsal view. 19 7. Restoration of skull, Champsosaurus gigas, ventral view. 22 8. Occipital region of skull, Cha.mpsosaurus gigas. 23 9. Lateral view of mandible, Champsosaurus gigas. 25 10. Cervical vertebrae, Champsosa.urus gigas. 27 11. Pleurocentrum of atlas, Champsosaurus gigas. 28 12. Hypocentrum of atlas, Champsosaurus gigas. 28 13. Posterior cervical centrum, Champsosaurus gigas. 29 14. Intercentrum of cervical vertebra, Chmnpsosaurus gigas. 29 15. Dorsal vertebra, Champsosaurus gigas. 30 16. Sacrum, lateral view, Champsosaurus gigas.
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