Town Council, Municipal Buildings, 243 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Tel/Fax: 01964 614984. Email: [email protected] Web:

Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Withernsea Town Council, on Monday 12th January 2015 at 7pm, in the Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings, Queen Street, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly at 9.30pm. The agenda is specified below.

Yours sincerely


Mrs. J. Moxon MILCM, Clerk to the Council - 6.1.15

Members of the public may speak on any item(s) appearing on the public agenda, (or on any other matter that falls within the Council’s terms of reference) during the public participation session or at the discretion of the Chair. Audio and video recording of this meeting may take place with certain restrictions.

Presentation by Mr R. Williman, Head of Withernsea High School regarding the school development.


Part 1. Public session.

1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below.

3. Resignation: To receive the resignation of Cllr Graham Gibson.

4. Election of Deputy Mayor: To elect a new Deputy Mayor.

5. Minutes: To confirm that the minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Town Council meeting – 15.12.14.

6. Public Participation: To agree public participation.

7. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. *

8. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community.

9. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the authority at outside organisations.

10. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. *

11. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To agree Meridian Centre CIO / WTC overheads split as recommended by the Finance Committee.* b. To consider RAOB letter re: donation to Italian Gardens flower bed and placement of a plaque. c. To consider application to the Local Grant Fund towards a community defibrillator with associated training and power supply, supply of grit, ice breaker if required and items for the Emergency Box. See over-

12. Development Control: To consider the following Application(s) / Note decisions made: a. Application 14/03669/PLF for change of use from residential care home to dwelling (amended location plan and certificate) for Mr M Fletcher.

13. Financial matters: Schedule of payments to be approved for December 2014. (To follow)

Part 2. Private session. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

14. The Chairman will move that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business pursuant to section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

15. In Camera: a. To adopt the 2014 – 16 National Salary Award. *

ERYC- East Riding of Council. WTC-Withernsea Town Council. *= Circulated to Cllrs. WITHERNSEA TOWN COUNCIL

The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 12th January 2015, in the Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings, Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: The Mayor Councillor Mrs Anne Blake and Deputy Chair Councillor Graham Gibson. Councillors: Mr C. Hollingworth (CH), Mr D. Edwards (DE), Mr J. Tasker (JT), Mr B. Cloke (BC), Mr K. Hardcastle (KH), Mr S. Winters (SaW), Mr G. Hodgson (GH), Mr M. Lloyd (ML) and Mr P. Spicer (PS). The Town Clerk (JM) and Deputy Clerk (KLHD).

Press: 0. Police: 1. Public: 7.

Minute Points raised or agreed Action By The Mayor addressed the fire evacuation procedure and recording of meetings policy.

A presentation by Mr R. Williman, Head of Withernsea High School regarding the school development has been deferred to the next meeting.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

5535. Apologies: No apologies.

5536. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. None. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None applicable.

5537. Resignation: To receive the resignation of Cllr Graham Gibson. Cllr GG advised his resignation was purely to move back to his family. The Mayor JM thanked Cllr GG for his work as a Councillor and as the Deputy Mayor and Mrs Gibson as Deputy Mayoress and wished them well in their move and future. GG left the chambers.

5538. Election of Deputy Mayor: To elect a new Deputy Mayor. Cllr PS unanimously elected. JM

Minutes: To confirm that the minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct 5539. record of that which took place. Town Council meeting – 15.12.14. CONFIRMED with 2 abstentions. a. KLHD Public Participation: To agree public participation. AGREED. 5540. A member of the public enquired about the possibility of The Withernsea Pirates funding a. the cost of lighting the Pier Towers in the summer months. KLHD advised she had spoken with ERYC about this, had answered the questions raised by ERYC and was awaiting their response. ERYC own the towers and power supply. WTC own the floodlights only. Cllr GH suggested the lights remain on the towers for now until ERYC respond. KLHD will chase. KLHD

Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. 5541. Clerks report circulated to Cllrs and attached to the master copy of the minutes. a. An additional verbal report was given regarding the following: b. The Primary School are now raising funds for a second defibrillator for Shores and not towards the one at the Meridian Centre. WTC will continue to apply to the Local Grant Fund. c. ERYC have been contacted regarding the mess and condition of the tarmac left behind by the BT contractors who recently installed green boxes for fibre optic broadband purposes. Six sites will be re-done. d. The new slipway is on schedule with completion expected at the end of January. e. Meridian Centre – electrical, plumbing, mechanical and first fix joinery/sound insulation is underway with plastering to follow. The lift is to be installed week commencing 26th January. Cinema equipment is ordered with PA, lighting rigs and sectional stage to be ordered soon. Telecoms/data equipment is being sorted. Gary Hornsby to arrange a meeting to discuss finishes/colours soon. There is approximately a three week delay on the schedule so the contractor will be issuing a revised (fixed) completion date. Lottery claims are on time. Valuation 5 due now. Total spend so far £222,113.80 + vat £44,315.55 (reclaimed) = £266,427.30. All in budget. Project team meetings are held every 2 – 3 weeks. f. Fishing Compound – A meeting is being arranged with ERYC to discuss a recent query about the water supply and to finalise the work that remains outstanding. The Clerk will report back after the meeting. JM g. Matters arising will be incorporated in this section at future meetings or will be included in the bulletin that will be circulated on a regular basis.

5542. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. No Ward Cllr present or report received.

It was RESOLVED to defer back to item 6 of the agenda (public participation) to allow PC Ainley to speak.

5543. Police reports have been circulated and an overview was given by PC Matt Ainley. Brief discussion was held regarding public house licences, pubwatch and CCTV.

5544. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the authority at outside organisations. Cllr BC will report back at the next meeting on a forthcoming Buddies meeting and a meeting of the Big Local. BC

5545. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. None.

5546. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To agree Meridian Centre CIO / WTC overheads split as recommended by the Finance Committee. As circulated, the overheads split between the CIO and WTC was unanimously AGREED. b. To consider RAOB letter re: donation to Italian Gardens flower bed and placement of a JM plaque. The donation from Mr and Mrs Wilson and installation of the RAOB plaque in memory of Edna Harknet was unanimously AGREED. JM c. To consider application to the Local Grant Fund towards a community defibrillator with associated training and power supply, supply of grit, ice breaker if required and items for the Emergency Box. It was unanimously AGREED that the ERYC Local Grant Fund should be applied to, for provision of a community defibrillator with an external housing case, power supply and KLHD training, items as required for the WTC emergency box, provision of a an ice breaker if in need of one in the event of adverse weather and compacted ice problems on our pavements and a further supply of rock salt/grit for community use.

5547. Development Control: To consider the following Application(s) / Note decisions made: a. Application 14/03669/PLF for change of use from residential care home to dwelling (amended location plan and certificate) at 44 princes Avenue, Withernsea for Mr M JM Fletcher was unanimously APPROVED.

5548. Financial matters: Schedule of payments to be approved for December 2014. Circulated, unanimously APPROVED and signed. JM

The Clerk advised that safety matters can be reported to her direct to act upon rather than awaiting for the next WTC meeting. It was suggested that items for the next agenda/AOB All be put back on the agenda. Cllrs

Part 2. Private session. 5549. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. The Chairman will move that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business pursuant to section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. Unanimously AGREED.

5550. In Camera: a. To adopt the 2014 – 16 National Salary Award It was AGREED as precept for, to adopt the 2014 – 16 National Salary Award. JM Meeting closed at 8.45pm. End.

Abbreviations: ERYC - Council. WTC-Withernsea Town Council. *- Circulated to Cllrs.


The minutes of the Extra Ordinary meeting held on Monday 26th January 2015, in the Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings, Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: The Mayor Councillor Mrs Anne Blake and Deputy Chair Councillor Patrick Spicer (PS). Councillors: Mr C. Hollingworth (CH), Mr D. Edwards (DE), Mr J. Tasker (JT), Mr B. Cloke (BC), Mr K. Hardcastle (KH), Mr S. Winters (SaW), Mr G. Hodgson (GH) and Mr M. Lloyd (ML). The Town Clerk (JM).

Press: 0. Police: 0. Public: 1.

Minute Points raised or agreed Action By Part 1. Public session.

5551. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. No apologies.

5552. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. None b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None.

5553. Public Participation: To agree public participation. AGREED. A member of the public spoke about the new agenda format and in camera items.

5554. Development Control: To consider the following applications / decisions: a. Application 14/03324/PLF for the installation of 1 no. air condenser (amended plans) at JM Boots, 124 Queen Street, Withernsea. APPROVED. b. Application 14/03308/PLF for construction of dormer window extension to front and JM installation of roof lights to side and rear to 66 Hull Road, Withernsea. Granted by ERYC. Noted. 5555. Part 2. Private session. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. The Chairman will move that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business pursuant to section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. AGREED

5556. In Camera. a. To discuss Withernsea AFC’s request for arbitration. After seeking advice from ERNLLCA it was AGREED that a Service Level Agreement be drawn up to clarify the JM responsibilities of both parties, to run in conjunction with the existing lease. b. To discuss/agree Service Level Agreement. Draft Service Level Agreement terms were AGREED. A covering letter and Agreement will be sent to Withernsea AFC inviting JM their Trustees to respond. The names of Trustees need updating on the lease.

Meeting closed 7.50pm. End.

Abbreviations: ERYC - East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC-Withernsea Town Council. 1. *- Circulated to Cllrs.

Withernsea Town Council, Municipal Buildings, 243 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Tel/Fax: 01964 614984. Email: [email protected] Web:

Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Withernsea Town Council, on Monday 9th February 2015 at 7pm, in the Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings, Queen Street, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly at 9.30pm. The agenda is specified below.

Yours sincerely


Mrs. J. Moxon MILCM, Clerk to the Council - 3.2.15

Members of the public may speak on any item(s) appearing on the public agenda, (or on any other matter that falls within the Council’s terms of reference) during the public participation session or at the discretion of the Chair. Audio and video recording of this meeting may take place with certain restrictions.

Presentation by Mr R. Williman, Head of Withernsea High School regarding the school development.


Part 1. Public session.

1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below.

3. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Town Council meeting – 12.1. 15. ** b. Town Council Extra Ordinary meeting – 26.1.15. ** c. Receipt of Tourism Committee – 16.1.15. ** d. Receipt of Christmas Lights Committee – 13.1.15.** e. Receipt of Summertime Special Committee – 20.1.15.** f. Receipt of Meridian Centre CIO – 18.11.15. **

4. Police Report / Public Participation: To agree to receive the police report and public participation.

5. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk.

6. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community.

7. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations.

8. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. *

9. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. Consider request from the Summertime Special Committee to apply for a Temporary Events Notice to allow a bar in Valley Gardens on 8th and 9th August 2015. *

b. To comment on preferred logo for the ‘Fishing for Litter’ project. * See over… c. Humberside Fire and Rescue Service to 2020 and beyond – to note any comments and return survey to the Clerk. **

d. Agree date and Councillors for next Council Surgery.

e. Approve to sort out contents of container (from Meridian Centre) and keep / dispose of as necessary.

f. Discuss VHEY Guide – Cllr P Spicer. *

10. Development Control: To consider the following Application(s) / Note decisions made: a. Application 14/03735/PLF for the installation of 6 replacement antennas on support poles, 2 replacement equipment cabinets, 2 additional equipment cabinets and ancillary equipment at – Museum, Hull Road, Withernsea for Cornerstone Telecommunication/Telefonica Uk Ltd.

b. Application 14/03736/PLB for the installation of 6 replacement antennas on support poles, 2 replacement equipment cabinets, 2 additional equipment cabinets and ancillary development following removal of 4 antennas, 2 equipment cabinets and 1 meter cabinet at - , Hull Road, Withernsea for Cornerstone Telecommunication/Telefonica Uk Ltd.

c. Application 14/02235/PLF for continued use of land as car park at land west of 76 Hull Road, Withernsea for Lifeboat Fisheries Ltd – Withdrawn.

11. Financial matters: a. Schedule of payments to be approved for January 2015. (To follow) b. To receive bank reconciliation report. (to follow).

Part 2. Private session.

Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

12. The Chairman will move that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business pursuant to section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

13. In Camera: a. To consider amended draft terms of Slipway Agreement from R. Holmes, East Riding of Yorkshire Council. *

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council. *= Attached copy for Cllrs. ** = previously circulated. WITHERNSEA TOWN COUNCIL

The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday 9th February 2015, in the Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings, Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: The Mayor Councillor Mrs Anne Blake and Deputy Chair Councillor Patrick Spicer (PS). Councillors: Mr C. Hollingworth (CH), Mr D. Edwards (DE), Mr J. Tasker (JT), Mr B. Cloke (BC), Mr S. Winters (SaW), Mr G. Hodgson (GH) and Mr M. Lloyd (ML). The Town Clerk (JM) and Deputy Clerk (KLHD).

Press: 0. Police: 0. Public: 6.

Minute Points raised or agreed Action By Fire evacuation and the recording of meetings policy were addressed by the Mayor.

Mr R. Williman, Head of Withernsea High School gave an informative presentation of the new school, sports hall and grounds. Construction has now started in what is the 60th anniversary of the school, which will be celebrated later in the year.

Part 1. Public session. 5557. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. Apologies tendered by Cllr K Hardcastle and PC Matt Ainley.

5558. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. Cllrs JT, DE and CH declared an interest in item 9a of the agenda re: Request from the Summertime Special Committee. Cllr ML declared a non pecuniary interest in item 10a JM and 10b of the agenda re: Planning applications for the Lighthouse. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None.

5559. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Town Council meeting – 12.1. 15. Unanimously CONFIRMED. JM b. Town Council Extra Ordinary meeting – 26.1.15. Unanimously CONFIRMED. JM c. Tourism Committee – 16.1.15. Minutes received. d. Christmas Lights Committee – 13.1.15. Minutes received. e. Summertime Special Committee – 20.1.15. Minutes received. f. Meridian Centre CIO – 18.11.15. Minutes received.

5560. Police Report / Public Participation: To agree to receive the police report and public a. participation. AGREED. Apologies received from PC Ainley due to police business. A report will be submitted for the next meeting. b. Cllr PS has previously raised questions about Pubwatch and been advised Council JM representation is not required. Pubwatch will be asked why. c. No members of the public wished to speak.

5561. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. The Clerks verbal report comprised: a. Children and Family Action have signed the lease and paid rent for the Scout Hut. They will be clearing it and giving up the lease so WTC can consider leasing to the Scouts. b. Promotion of the Town Award will start in readiness for the Annual Parish Meeting. KLHD Nominations are to be encouraged. c. The Meridian Centre is moving on very well and there is a lot happening. A confirmed completion date is awaited from the contractors. It is hoped this is for the end of March. JM A full report will be prepared for the next meeting. d. ERNLLCA advised that Parliament has confirmed town and parish councils will not be subjected to capping for 2015/16. e. Road crossing markings on Hull Road (min 5532) are Ok for the time being. ERYC may refresh them in the new financial year providing there are no significant budget cuts. f. H bar markings (min 5532) tend to be applied across vehicular accesses and the residential home in question only has pedestrian access – no driveway. Cllr Ps will make PS further contact with the staff. g. The flashing 20 mph signs from Hull Road (Min 5532) have been removed for repair purposes and will be reinstated in due course. h. ERYC are offering training sessions for Councillors in order to help tackle the problem of dog fouling. Cllrs DE, BC the Clerk and Deputy Clerk will attend. JM i. The funeral of former Councillor, Terry Render takes place tomorrow at St Matthews Church at 11am. j. Property officers report received which includes: Cemetery paths reported as mossy which need cleaning. Hedges to be cut back when a bit drier. The ditch has been cleared. Allotment 1 Kirkfield – Site clearing has started today by pay back workers. Hull Road Playing Field – Fencing now fully completed. Hull Road Car Park – Line painting required in the spring. A gap in St Matthews Church hedge has been reported. Either new hedging or another infill method to be carried out. The Clerk advised outstanding matters in the fishing compound are the contractor’s responsibility and are being chased up by ERYC. South cliff Road Toilet Block guttering required attention. There are still some pot holes to be infilled. Pay Back workers to be asked to assist. Belvedere and Valley Gardens. Play inspections have been carried out. Outside workers tasked to monitor and repair. Memorial Gardens – four new bins are on order. Broken paving slabs around the pumping station have been reported to Yorkshire Water. Valley Gardens – the vehicular entrance to remain barriered off. Further quotes are required. The Clerk will look at the budget for Valley Gardens and report back. Painting is required to the Pop-In and the stage is reported as looking tired and in need of attention. Power washing suggested. Outside workers to assess. A damaged bin is to be replaced. The Pier Piece has been damaged. Neil McLaughlan , ERYC has offered to repair it. Election of a property officer will be placed on the next agenda. JM to assign above jobs. JM

5562. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. Cllr A. Hodgson spoke regarding the contents of the VHEY brochure which is in hand with ERYC, policing in town, FLAG and poor attendance at regeneration board meetings. AH recited a list of projects the regeneration partnership has provided for Withernsea totally 32 million pounds of investment. Discussion was held regarding comments made at the last meeting which was not quorate. Cllrs GH and AB are the remaining WTC representatives on the Board.

5563. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. a. Community Partnership minutes circulated. b. Cllr BC attended the last School ‘Buddies’ meeting - a time capsule was discussed. c. Cllr PS is arranging a meeting on 19th February at 7.30pm in the Jack Gledhill Centre for people and groups to get together and talk about future summer events.

It was AGREED to adjourn the meeting to allow Mr P Crawley of the Big Local to speak. d. The Big Local are putting the draft vision together which is hoped to be ready by the end of the month.

5564. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. a. Cllr BC advised the next newsletter would be prepared for distribution around Easter. BC This edition will include election news and all summer events. Cllrs BC, KH and SaW to KH meet 27th February to prepare the content and arrange distribution via the payback SaW workers. b. Cllr DE handed in a rescission notice relating to the frequency of Town Council meetings. JM This will be placed on the next agenda. c. Cllr PS spoke regarding his request to have certain agenda items put back on the agenda. The Clerk had circulated information with the agenda and its supporting papers, relating to these particular items and advised provision for such matters is made in the agenda or can be dealt with by contacting the office. JM advised only substantive items requiring a Council decision will be placed on agendas which are set by the Clerk and Chairman. The Clerk advised Cllr PS to check this procedure with ERNLLCA which he declined to do and resigned and left the meeting.

5565. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. Consider request from the Summertime Special Committee to apply for a Temporary Events Notice to allow a bar in Valley Gardens on 8th and 9th August 2015. Cllrs DE, JT and CH declared an interest. A letter from the committee chairman was circulated and discussion held. An application requires the support of the WTC which was JM APPROVED with two against. An initial application will be made. The committee will liaise with the police and security throughout the process.

5566. To comment on preferred logo for the ‘Fishing for Litter’ project. As circulated in the 20th January Council Bulletin. Cllr GH and KLHD have met Kat Sanders and discussed JM the scheme further which will bare no cost to the WTC. The preferred logo was AGREED with one abstention.

5567. Humberside Fire and Rescue Service to 2020 and beyond – to note any comments and return survey to the Clerk. Meeting adjourned to allow Ward Cllr A Hodgson to speak as a member of the fire Authority. In light of the consultation only being received last week BC JM and WTC missing the deadline, Cllr AH suggested the opinions of the WTC still be put forward for consideration. Cllr BC confirmed he will meet the Clerk to discuss a response.

5568. Agree date and Councillors for next Council Surgery. JT BC Cllrs JT, BC, DE and SaW agreed to be present at the next surgery on Saturday 21st DE March between 10am and 12 noon in the J C Gallery. SaW

5569. Approve to sort out contents of container (from Meridian Centre) and keep / dispose of as necessary. Cllr GH confirmed he is happy to meet a member of the CIO in order to sort JM out the contents of the container and dispose of /retain as necessary.

5570. Discuss VHEY Guide – Cllr P Spicer. Not present / item withdrawn.

5571. Development Control: To consider the following Application(s) / Note decisions made: Cllr ML declared a non pecuniary interest for the following planning applications. a. Application 14/03735/PLF for the installation of 6 replacement antennas on support poles, 2 replacement equipment cabinets, 2 additional equipment cabinets and ancillary equipment at –Lighthouse Museum, Hull Road, Withernsea for Cornerstone JM Telecommunication / Telefonica Uk Ltd was APPROVED with 1 against and 1 abstention. b. Application 14/03736/PLB for the installation of 6 replacement antennas on support poles, 2 replacement equipment cabinets, 2 additional equipment cabinets and ancillary development following removal of 4 antennas, 2 equipment cabinets and 1 meter cabinet JM at - Lighthouse Museum, Hull Road, Withernsea for Cornerstone Telecommunication/ Telefonica Uk Ltd was APPROVED with 1 against and 1 abstention. c. Application 14/02235/PLF for continued use of land as car park at land west of 76 Hull Road, Withernsea for Lifeboat Fisheries Ltd – Withdrawn. Noted.

5572. Financial matters: a. Schedule of payments to be approved for January 2015. The schedule of payments for January 2015 was unanimously approved and signed. b To receive bank reconciliation report. To be placed on the next agenda. JM

Part 2. Private session.

5573. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. The Chairman will move that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business pursuant to section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. AGREED.

5574. In Camera: a. To consider amended draft terms of Slipway Agreement from R. Holmes, East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

Each item of the Agreement was considered separately. The Clerk will respond JM accordingly requesting removal of clause three and clarification of clause 5.

Meeting closed at 8.55pm. End.

Abbreviations: ERYC - East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC-Withernsea Town Council.

Withernsea Town Council, Municipal Buildings, 243 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Tel/Fax: 01964 614984. Email: [email protected] Web:

Dear Councillor, You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Withernsea Town Council, on Monday 9th March 2015 at 7pm, in the Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings, Queen Street, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly at 9.30pm. The agenda is specified below.

Yours sincerely ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council. * = copy attached for Cllrs. ** = previously circulated to Cllrs. Mrs. J. Moxon MILCM, Clerk to the Council - 3.3.15

Members of the public may speak on any item(s) appearing on the public agenda, (or on any other matter that falls within the Council’s terms of reference) during the public participation session or at the discretion of the Chair. Audio and video recording of this meeting may take place with certain restrictions.

Presentation by Maureen Yates, ERYC, Crime Reduction Resilience Officer.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below.

3. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Town Council meeting – 9.2.15. ** b. Receipt of Tourism Committee – 6.2.15 ** and 27.2.15. d. Receipt of Finance Committee – 3.2.15 ** e. Receipt of Summertime Special Committee – 10.2.15* f. Receipt of Meridian Centre CIO – 29.1.15 and 10.2.15. *

4. Police Report / Public Participation: To agree to receive the police report and public participation.

5. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. *

6. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community.

7. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations.

8. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. *

9. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To consider complaints from Piggy Lane Market traders regarding car boot sales on Memorial Car Park. b. In accordance with Standing Order 36a, a rescission notice has been received from Councillors: D. Edwards, J Tasker, K. Hardcastle, S.Winters, C. Hollingworth, P. Spicer and M. Lloyd to rescind minute 5529 (15/12/14) to allow the issue of monthly meetings to be re-considered. c. To resolve if to hold future Town Council Meetings on a monthly, fortnightly or other basis. * d. To agree final finishes to Meridian Centre meeting room tables and chairs. * e. To confirm judges for the Town Award Nominations prior to the Annual Parish Meeting. f. To confirm receipt of ERNLLCA correspondence re: May 2015 elections and Town Council agendas. ** g. To consider ERVAS Volunteen Project. * h. To elect one additional Property Officer. i. To confirm responses to Daly International re: Proposed installation of electronic communications apparatus, Hull Road, Withernsea. ** j. To discuss Hidden signage – Cllr DE and D. Perkins. k. To accept notice from Children and Family Action for the Old Scout Hut and to agree a lease for the Old Scout Hut to Withernsea Scouts. l. To receive re-circulation of the Withernsea Town Council Press and Media policy and agree to include permission to film * m. To agree response to Mr P Stephenson re: Hull Road Playing Field matters – lighting, pathway and fencing. * n. To consider email from Mr M. Mitchell re: World War One: East Riding Villagers at War. * o. To resolve to support Withernsea Play Action’s Bid for funding from Big Local – Cllr BC. p. To elect WTC representative onto Pubwatch. q. To receive letter from Mr L Day re: Trees on Hull Road and consider response and action.

10. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made : a. Application 14/03949/PLF for continued use of existing domestic brick shed as craft based workshop at 33 Hollym Road, Withernsea for Mr M Barnfather. b. DC/13/01779/STPLF Appeal to the planning inspectorate re: erection of 3no. buildings containing 27no. flats and erection of 4no. terraced dwellings with associated works at Open Market Station Road, Withernsea for Meadowlea Partners. * c. NOD. Change of use from residential care home to dwelling and provision of two parking spaces to rear – 44 Princes Avenue, Withernsea. Granted. d. NOD. Installation of 1 no. air condenser at Boots, 124 Queen Street, Withernsea for Boots the Pharmacy. Granted.

11. Financial matters: a. Schedule of payments to be approved for February 2015. *

Part 2. Private session. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. 12. The Chairman will move that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business pursuant to section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

13. In Camera: a. To consider amendments to draft terms of Slipway Agreement from R. Holmes, ERYC. b. To receive correspondence from Withernsea AFC and consider their request for arbitration. *

14. Councillors reports. ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. * = copy attached for Cllrs. WTC=Withernsea Town Council. ** = previously circulated to Cllrs. WITHERNSEA TOWN COUNCIL

The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday 9th March 2015, in the Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings, Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: The Mayor Councillor Mrs Anne Blake and Deputy Chair Councillor Patrick Spicer (PS). Councillors: Mr C. Hollingworth (CH), Mr D. Edwards (DE), Mr J. Tasker (JT), Mr B. Cloke (BC), Mr K. Hardcastle (KH), Mr S. Winters (SaW), Mr G. Hodgson (GH) and Mr M. Lloyd (ML). The Town Clerk (JM) and Deputy Clerk (KLHD).

Press: 0. Police: 1. Public: 15.

Minute Points raised or agreed Action By Fire evacuation and the recording of meetings policy were addressed by the Mayor.

Maureen Yates, ERYC gave a presentation regarding her role as Community and Crime Resilience Officer, incorporating neighbourhood watch, community payback, public spaces protection orders and graffiti.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

5575. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. No apologies.

5576. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. None. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None.

5577. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Town Council meeting – 9.2.15. CONFIRMED with one abstention and signed. JM b. Receipt of Tourism Committee – 6.2.15 and 27.2.15. Both Received. c. Receipt of Finance Committee – 3.2.15. Received. d. Receipt of Summertime Special Committee – 10.2.15. Received. e. Receipt of Meridian Centre CIO – 29.1.15 and 10.2.15. Received.

5578. Police Report / Public Participation: To agree to receive the police report and public participation. AGREED. a. Police reports circulated with an overview from PC Matt Ainley. CCTV had been used and assisting with various matters. b. Representatives from Piggy Lane Market spoke regarding there objection of car boot sales in the Memorial Gardens. c. A representative of the Withernsea Scouts spoke in appreciation of the WTC leasing the former scout to hut to them now Children and Family Action have given up the lease. They will be able to accommodate more members with the extra space. d. A resident spoke regards his concerns for the Hull Road Playing Field and suggested lighting, fencing and path widening be considered.

e. A resident spoke regarding the time councillors give up, personal conflict/ criticism, resignations and recent press coverage.

5579. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. Report circulated. Additional information was given re: A Neighbourhood Planning Workshop prior to the Shape meeting on 19th March – interested parties to confirm with the Clerk , approval of our CCTV grant application and a quote from PBS for Valley Gardens paths which will be placed on the next agenda. JM

5580. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. Ward Councillor A. Hodgson (AH) spoke regarding vehicular parking on double yellow lines, block paving on Queen Street not able to be cleaned by ERYC, sea defences, the slipway and launching.

5581. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members a. representing the WTC at outside organisations. Cllr BC spoke about a Buddies meeting he has recently attended and his attendance at a BC school council meeting on 27th March at 11am. b. Cllrs BC, GH, AB and DE attended a recent High Street Fund meeting with Cllr AH and spoke of a bid covering two aspects to improve the town centre. Contact has been made with the owner of the former Smart Homes premises. Promotional banners may be placed in the windows to brighten the area up. A. Turton, ERYC is writing a bid for a rolling information board being placed in the Meridian Centre. To be placed on the next agenda. JM

5582. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. a. Cllr GH asked for better promotional pictures in ERYC News publications and asked if Picture This have any better pictures. b. Cllr ML asked about progress regarding shutters on Queen Street and was advised the subject was ongoing.

5583. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To consider complaints from Piggy Lane Market traders regarding car boot sales on Memorial Car Park. Comments from traders were considered and discussed by Cllrs. An anonymous letter received today was read. It was unanimously AGREED to continue JM with car boots sales as they are. b. In accordance with Standing Order 36a, a rescission notice has been received from Councillors: D. Edwards, J Tasker, K. Hardcastle, S. Winters, C. Hollingworth, P. Spicer and M. Lloyd to rescind minute 5529 (15/12/14) and to allow the issue of monthly JM meetings to be re-considered. AGREED with two against. c. To resolve if to hold future Town Council Meetings on a monthly, fortnightly or other basis. Discussion was held regarding frequency of meetings, workloads and options. It JM was AGREED with two against to hold future Town Council meetings every three weeks. d. To agree final finishes to Meridian Centre meeting room tables and chairs. Samples and options were circulated for WTC to make the final decision. The style of chairs is agreed but colour choices have been changed since consultation took place between all parties. It was AGREED with 7 in favour and 3 against to proceed with an JM equal split / mix of three coloured chaired. A single board/meeting room table was AGREED with 6 in favour and 4 against.

e. To confirm judges for the Town Award Nominations prior to the Annual Parish Meeting. Cllrs DE, GH, SaW and AB will consider all nominations received and select one winner KLHD in advance of the Annual Parish Meeting. f. To confirm receipt of ERNLLCA correspondence re: May 2015 elections and Town Council agendas. Correspondence regarding agenda setting received and circulated. g. To consider ERVAS Volunteen Project. Covered in Maureen Yates’ presentation. h. To elect one additional Property Officer. Cllr GH elected. KLHD i. To confirm responses to Daly International re: Proposed installation of electronic communications apparatus, Hull Road, Withernsea. One comment raised regarding the JM positioning of the poles being too close to the edge of the pavement. j. To discuss Hidden Holderness signage – Cllr DE and D. Perkins. Before discussion can DE be held a check will be made as to which signs are referred to as not all are adopted by the WTC. k. To accept notice from Children and Family Action for the Old Scout Hut and to agree a lease for the Old Scout Hut to Withernsea Scouts. Notice received from Children and Family Action with meter readings taken and keys handed in. It was unanimously JM AGREED to offer the lease with the same terms to the Withernsea Scouts. l. To receive re-circulation of the Withernsea Town Council Press and Media policy and agree to include permission to film. Received and amendments regarding recording of meetings AGREED. m. To agree response to Mr P Stephenson re: Hull Road Playing Field matters – lighting, pathway and fencing. Cllr KH gave background information on the history of the path and previous fencing. It was suggested the Withernsea AFC or Residents Groups could apply JM to the Big Local for funding for lighting. WTC in principle support the proposals and can apply for grant funding via Commuted Sums. Consultation with Withernsea AFC would be needed. The path is however unadopted. n. To consider email from Mr M. Mitchell re: World War One: East Riding Villagers at War. Circulated. Members of the War Time Experience Group are attending. o. To resolve to support Withernsea Play Action’s Bid for funding from Big Local – Cllr BC. Item withdrawn. p. To elect WTC representative onto Pubwatch. Cllr PS elected. JM q. To receive letter from Mr L Day re: Trees on Hull Road and consider response and JM action. Property officers will meet to assess the situation and report back. P.O

5584. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made : a. Application 14/03949/PLF for continued use of existing domestic brick shed as craft JM based workshop at 33 Hollym Road, Withernsea for Mr M Barnfather. APPROVED. b. DC/13/01779/STPLF Appeal to the planning inspectorate re: erection of 3no. buildings containing 27no. flats and erection of 4no. terraced dwellings with associated works at Open Market Station Road, Withernsea for Meadowlea Partners. Noted. c. NOD. Change of use from residential care home to dwelling and provision of two parking spaces to rear – 44 Princes Avenue, Withernsea. Granted. Noted. NOD. Installation of 1 no. air condenser at Boots, 124 Queen Street, Withernsea for Boots the Pharmacy. Granted. Noted.

5585. Financial matters: Schedule of payments to be approved for February 2015. Circulated with two additional payments added, unanimously AGREED.

Part 2. Private session. 5586. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. The Chairman will move that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business pursuant to section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. AGREED.

5587. In Camera: a. 2. To consider amendments to draft terms of Slipway Agreement from R. Holmes, ERYC. Suggested amendments regarding the removal of clause 3 was AGREED as was the amended clause 6. JM to incorporate the Agreement into the fishermen’s licences due out JM in April. Licence to come from ERYC. b. To receive correspondence from Withernsea AFC and consider their request for arbitration. It was unanimously AGREED that the WTC has done everything possible to resolve the issue fairly and is no longer willing to negotiate. A service level agreement remains the way forward for clarity. If WAFC wish to instigate arbitration then all costs JM from now on relating to arbitration will be at their own expense. The Clerk was asked to reply and request a copy of their minutes.

5588. Councillors reports. None.

Meeting closed at 9.20pm. End.

Abbreviations: ERYC - East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC-Withernsea Town Council.

Withernsea Town Council, Municipal Buildings, 243 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Tel/Fax: 01964 614984. Email: info Web:

Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Withernsea Town Council, on Monday 30TH March 2015 at 7pm, in the Council Chambers, Queen Street, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly at 9.30pm. The agenda is specified below.

Yours sincerely ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council. * = copy attached for Cllrs. ** = previously circulated to Cllrs. Mrs. J. Moxon MILCM, Clerk to the Council - 24.3.15

Members of the public may speak on any item(s) appearing on the public agenda, (or on any other matter that falls within the Council’s terms of reference) during the public participation session or at the discretion of the Chair. Audio and video recording of this meeting may take place with certain restrictions.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below.

3. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Town Council meeting – 9.3.15. b. Personnel Committee – 24.3.15. c. Receipt of Summertime Special Committee – 17.3.15. d. Receipt of Meridian Centre CIO – 12.3.15. .

4. Police Report / Public Participation: To agree to receive the police report and public participation.

5. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk.

6. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community.

7. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations.

8. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8.

9. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. a. To agree judging dates after 10th April for Town Award winner. b. b. To consider VE Day 70th Anniversary celebrations. c. c. To consider support of the High Street Fund application for banners in Smarthomes windows. d. d. To consider support of the High Street Fund application for digital information screen at the Meridian Centre. e. e. To receive correspondence from the Meridian Centre CIO regarding design of the upstairs bar. f. f. To consider Property Officers recommendations regarding trees around 55a Hull Road, Withernsea.

10. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made : a. Application 15/00627/PLF for change of use from amenity land to car park (re-submission of 14/02235/PLF) at land west of 76 Hull Road, Withernsea for Mr A Sahota. b. Application DC/15/00801/PAD/EASTSE for display of 2 no. non illuminated fascia signs and 2 no. illuminated fascia signs at 205-207 Queen Street Withernsea for The Original Factory Shop. c. Application 15/00401/PLF for erection of a conservatory at rear following demolition of existing at 1A Hollym Road, Withernsea for Miss Allen.

11. Financial matters: a. Schedule of payments to be approved for March 2015.

12. Councillors reports.

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. * = copy attached for Cllrs. WTC=Withernsea Town Council. ** = previously circulated to Cllrs.


The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday 30th March 2015, in the Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings, Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: The Mayor Councillor Mrs Anne Blake and Deputy Chair Councillor Patrick Spicer (PS). Councillors: Mr D. Edwards (DE), Mr J. Tasker (JT), Mr B. Cloke (BC), Mr K. Hardcastle (KH), Mr S. Winters (SaW), Mr G. Hodgson (GH) and Mr M. Lloyd (ML). The Town Clerk (JM).

Press: 0. Police: 0. Public: 4.

Minute Points raised or agreed Action By

Fire evacuation and the recording of meetings policy were addressed by the Mayor.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

5589. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. No apologies tendered. Noted.

5590.2. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. None. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed listed below. None.

5591.3. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place.

th a. Tow Withernsea Town Council meeting – 9.3.15. The minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2015 were CONFIRMED as a true record and duly signed. b. b. Receipt of Tourism Committee – 20.3.15. Minutes received. c. . Receipt of Personnel Committee – 24.3.15. Meeting cancelled. d. d. Receipt of Summertime Special Committee – 17.3.15. Minutes received. e. e. Receipt of Meridian Centre CIO – 12.3.15. Minutes not received from CIO. Deferred to the next meeting.

5592.4. Police Report / Public Participation: To agree to receive the police report and public participation. AGREED. a. PC Ainley tendered his apologies. He and the new sergeant will attend the next meeting. Crime logs are much reduced this month. b. A member of the public made an official complaint about the handling of the Piggy Lane market traders / car boot situation. He felt they are not good for tourism and need enforcing better – comments noted by Councillors.

5593.5. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. a. No report for the last council surgery as only three people attended. No complaints, just for a chat. b. CCTV grant – An installation date is awaited.

c. Fishing compound – Contractors are on with the remedial snags now. The slip way is in full use. The fuel interceptor and rear drain was cleaned last week and are all clear. The Environmental Agency are calling back to re-test. Yorkshire Water will come back when remedial work is completed. JM will prepare a full maintenance list soon. d. Italian Gardens – Rose beds are planted. Edging and plaques are still to do. Benches will be installed soon as awaiting confirmation from ERYC. The Richard Stead memorial bench will be installed at the same time. e. Valley Gardens – The access road has been repaired by our own external staff as the contractors quote was unaffordable. f. Pop –In – Payback workers are to be asked to repaint the interior of the Pop-In (dependant on what type of crew they have) and what is left in the budget. JM to check first. g. Meridian Centre – Keys are expected for the ground floor on 17th April. The first floor will take a little longer to finish off because of steel replacement in the front wall. JM has confirmed this with the CIO. JM will sort out move - help may be required. The office will have to be closed for a week. The chamber will be left until last. Anything not disposed of – or not going into Meridian Centre can be put into the container and sorted when we have more time. All furniture and fittings etc are now ordered. When all moved out remedial work will be done (removing Mayoral board etc) and cleaned through, meters read etc and handed back to ERYC – probably on 30th April. Post is to be re-directed and everyone informed of new address etc. Depending on when we go, we will still need agendas out etc, and it is the six month audit and year end – it was agreed to see what items crop up for the meeting on 20th April to see if it is necessary – The Clerk will call one if required. A site visit for a tour round the building with the architect/builders is arranged for 4pm on Thursday 2nd April for Councillors, CIO, Friends and TC staff members. h. The Clerk reminded Councillors about the Purdah period prior to elections. i. The Pier Piece has been mended by Neil McLaughlin, he has advised that further replacement of timber sections may be necessary – property officers to be asked to assess. j. 5587b. A letter has been received from Graham Stuart MP re the AFC situation – JM will respond to the letter. k. 5583k. The Scout Hut is now leased to the Scout. l. 5581b. Andrea Turton has finished at ERYC now and Fliss Clayton has returned. m. 5587a. Licence received for the use of the slipway. The terms are to be incorporated into our fishing compound licenses in April.

5594.6. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. None.

5595. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. a. Cllrs BC and SW are attending a meeting with relevant parties regarding the art installation on Italian Gardens on Thursday 2nd April with Janet Murray.

5596.8. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. * DE made enquiries regarding the steel work in the Meridian Centre. A further inspection and report has been done by the Structural Engineer and a recommended course of action given to the builder.

5597.9. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. a. To agree judging dates after 10th April for Town Award winner. Cllrs GH, AB, DE and SaW will meet on 13th April at 10am in the Council Chamber to assess the entries for the Town Award. b. b. To consider VE Day 70th Anniversary celebrations. The Tourism committee and Withernsea Wartime Experience Group will do something associated with the celebrations and include the national lighting of Beacons on 8th May. c. c. To consider support of the High Street Fund application for banners in Smarthomes windows. It was agreed to support the application to the High Street Fund to provide advertising banners for the empty shop windows. d. d. To consider support of the High Street Fund application for digital information screen at the Meridian Centre. It was agreed in principle to support the application to the High Street Fund to provide a digital information screen for the Meridian Centre – design/type to be researched further. e. e. To receive correspondence from the Meridian Centre CIO regarding design of the upstairs bar. Correspondence received from the CIO regarding the first floor bar in the Meridian Centre. It was agreed last October that the bar should be a movable one after discussions with the lottery advisor, and due to cost restraints. It is considered too late to change this now and the cost implications remain the same. f. f. To consider Property Officers recommendations regarding trees around 55a Hull Road, Withernsea. Property Officers have visited the trees around 55a Hull Road. There is no evidence of any damage but it is recommended that the sapling be removed by the outside workers and advice be sought on the two mature trees. It was AGREED a tree surgeon be contacted.

5598.10. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made : a. a. Application 15/00627/PLF for change of use from amenity land to car park (re-submission of 14/02235/PLF) at land west of 76 Hull Road, Withernsea for Mr A Sahota was APPROVED. b. b. Application DC/15/00801/PAD/EASTSE for display of 2 no. non illuminated fascia signs and 2 no. illuminated fascia signs at 205-207 Queen Street Withernsea for The Original Factory Shop. Approved with 2 against and 2 abstentions. c. c. Application 15/00401/PLF for erection of a conservatory at rear following demolition of existing at 1A Hollym Road, Withernsea for Miss Allen was APPROVED.

5599. Financial matters: The schedule of payments for March 2015 was deferred until the next meeting.

5600.12. Councillors reports. a. Cllr SaW questioned planning consent for cafe premises on Queen Street. b. Cllr BC suggested the next scheduled Town Council meeting does take place. c. Cllr PS congratulated the Mayor on a pleasant, successful Civic Service.

Meeting closed at 7.50pm. End.

Abbreviations: ERYC - East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC-Withernsea Town Council.

Withernsea Town Council, Municipal Buildings, 243 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Tel/Fax: 01964 614984. Email: info Web:

Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Withernsea Town Council, on Monday 20th April 2015 at 7pm, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly at 9.30pm. The agenda is specified below.

Yours sincerely

J Moxon Mrs. J. Moxon MILCM, Clerk to the Council - 14.4.15

Members of the public may speak on any item(s) appearing on the public agenda, (or on any other matter that falls within the Council’s terms of reference) during the public participation session or at the discretion of the Chair. Audio and video recording of this meeting may take place with certain restrictions.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below.

3. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Town Council meeting – 30.3.15.* b. Receipt of Tourism Committee – 17.4.15 c. Receipt of Meridian Centre CIO – 12.3.15* and 14.4.15.

4. Police Report / Public Participation: To agree to receive the police report and public participation.

5. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk.

6. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community.

7. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations.

8. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8.

9. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To approve draft annual report.* b. To consider letter / request from Mr Stephenson re: Memorial to the bombing raid victims of 1942.* c. To agree cost of replacement notice board for the Meridian Centre. d. To agree quote for external paint work to the Meridian Centre. e. To consider letter from Graham Stuart M.P re: Coastal Community Teams.*

10. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made : a. Application 15/00937/TELCOM for the installation of 12m high monopole mast together with two ground based meter cabinets in connection with smart metering network at land south of Beacon Industrial Estate, Hull Road, Withernsea for Arqiva. b. NOD: Continued use of existing domestic brick shed as craft based workshop at 33 Hollym Road, Withernsea. Granted. c. WITHDRAWN APPLICATIONS: 14/03736/PLB and 14/03735/PLF for telecoms works at the Lighthouse Museum, Hull Road, Withernsea by Cornerstone Telecommunications/Telefonica Ltd.

11. Financial matters: a. To approve schedule of payments for March 2015. * b. To approve accounts for year ending 31/3/2015.* c. To approve Accounting Statements 2014/15 (Section 1 annual return).* d. To approve Annual Governance Statement 2014/15 (Section 1 annual return).*

12. Councillors reports.

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. * = copy attached for Cllrs. WTC=Withernsea Town Council. ** = previously circulated to Cllrs.


The minutes of the Town Council meeting, held on Monday 20th April 2015, in the Meridian Centre, Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: The Mayor Councillor Mrs Anne Blake (AB) and Deputy Chair Councillor Patrick Spicer (PS). Councillors: Mr D. Edwards (DE), Mr J. Tasker (JT), Mr B. Cloke (BC), Mr K. Hardcastle (KH), Mr S. Winters (SaW), Mr G. Hodgson (GH) and Mr M. Lloyd (ML). The Town Clerk (JM).

Press: 0. Police: 1. Public: 3

Minute Points raised or agreed Action By

The Mayor, Councillor Mrs Anne Blake welcomed everyone to the first Town Council meeting held in the new Meridian Centre and declared it a personal honour to be the first Mayor to chair a meeting in the new Town Council premises.

Fire evacuation and the recording of meetings policy were addressed by the Mayor.

Photos of the Mayor and Consort, Councillors and Staff present were taken by Terry Bearpark.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

5601. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. No apologies tendered. Noted.

5602. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. Cllr GH declared a pecuniary interest in item 9d of the agenda re: Meridian Centre JM painting quote. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None.

5603. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Town Council meeting 30.3.15. Minutes CONFIRMED as a true record and duly signed. KLHD b. Tourism Committee meeting 17.4.15. Deferred to the next meeting. JM c. Meridian Centre CIO meeting 12.3.15 RECEIVED and 14.4.15 Deferred to the next JM meeting.

5604. Police Report / Public Participation: To agree to receive the police report and public participation. AGREED. POLICE: PC Ainley gave a brief report on the police force new operations model now in a. practise from 15th April and will keep us posted on the changes. PC Ainley and 3 PCSCO’s are based at Withernsea Police Station but can be dispatched to other areas. In April 25 crimes were reported. Comments were made regarding: phone scams, timber thefts, scratched cars and problems on the new slipway.

b. PUBLIC: None of the public present wished to speak.

5605. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. a. The Clerk has contacted Mr Bisby regarding access to the Memorial Clock at St Nicholas Church as there was no mention of it in the paperwork received. JM has been advised continued access will be allowed which will be included in the legal paperwork. b. Cllr BC has met Mr Readymarcher of Redwood on site regarding the tree on Hull Road. Points raised and a price for removing the sapling will be put in writing to the Clerk. JM JM will also write to the resident who made the initial comments on the trees. c. Several shops / businesses on Queen Street have been written to requesting their permission for the siting of cameras and brackets on their premises. d. The Clerk clarified dates for when the Annual Council Meeting can be held and the dates when existing Cllrs stand down and the new councillors take up office. e. An ERNLLCA District Committee meeting will be held in the Meridian Centre tomorrow at 7.30pm. All Cllrs may attend. f. Jane Crossley ERYC Renaissance Programme Manager has advised they are progressing with the pavement fountains and amphitheatre seating (part of the Seafront Improvement Plan) and enquired if the Beacon could be re-located as it’s the best site for the proposed work. This is a popular and the only useable space on the Promenade. JM to contact J. JM Crossley. g. Withernsea AFC have advised the Clerk that the Trustees named on the AFC lease have not changed. h. Correspondence received from ERYC Monitoring Officer regarding a complaint made against Cllr GH under the Code of Conduct by Mr Graham Smith re: Withernsea Market Centre. No action will be taken as there is no case to investigate and no right of appeal. KLHD Correspondence to be circulated to all Cllrs. i. Our application for a defibrillator, cabinet and electrodes and equipment for the emergency box has been approved dependant on us updating our asses register and KLHD emergency plan. Queries raised on other parts of the application will be answered.

5606. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. None present.

5607. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. a. Cllr BC spoke regarding St Nicholas Church becoming an arts centre called Inspiration North. b. Cllrs SaW and BC have attended a public art meeting for the fishing compound. Faceless, from Wakefield are looking into erecting one of two vertical structures on the eastern boundary of the compound, funded by FLAG. c. The next Buddies meeting at the High School will be held on the 1st of May.

5608. Councillor’s questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. a. Question was raised about children playing in the compound. It was established, the children where those of one of the fishermen. The Safety Officer Cllr PS advised further on the situation. b. Councillors were reminded to stand when addressing the Mayor. c. The approach road sign on Waxholme Road has a Seaside Radio sign which is too big. Question was raised if permission was granted for this? d. Cllr ML asked if a letter of congratulations could be sent to the Ruby Reds after their JM appearance on Britain’s Got Talent.

5609. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To approve draft annual report. The report was APPROVED. The CIO report will be added. b. To consider letter / request from Mr Stephenson re: Memorial to the bombing raid victims of 1942. Letter circulated and discussed. The letter will be passed onto Hidden Holderness and JM will reply to Mr Stephenson. An additional wreath, laid each year on Remembrance JM Sunday in memory of the victims was proposed and unanimously AGREED. c. To agree cost of replacement notice board for the Meridian Centre. Several quotes for a WTC notice board were considered. It was AGREED to purchase JM one aluminium board to be erected on the front of the Meridian Centre. d. To agree quote for external paint work to the Meridian Centre. Cllr GH had declared JM an interest and left the meeting room. It was AGREED to proceed with the cheapest quote for the external painting of the Meridian Centre if remaining funds in the lottery bid will not cover it. One quote received, another is awaited from the decorators on site. e. To consider letter from Graham Stuart M.P re: Coastal Community Teams. The letter will be deferred for consideration by the new town council. JM

5610. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made : a. Application 15/00937/TELCOM for the installation of 12m high monopole mast together with two ground based meter cabinets in connection with smart metering network at land JM south of Beacon Industrial Estate, Hull Road, Withernsea for Arqiva was APPROVED subject to installation away from the kerb edge. b. NOD: Continued use of existing domestic brick shed as craft based workshop at 33 Hollym Road, Withernsea. Granted. Noted. c. WITHDRAWN APPLICATIONS: 14/03736/PLB and 14/03735/PLF for telecoms works at the Lighthouse Museum, Hull Road, Withernsea by Cornerstone Telecommunications/Telefonica Ltd. Noted.

5611. Financial matters: a. To approve schedule of payments for March 2015. The Payments schedule for March 2015 was unanimously AGREED. KLHD

b. To approve accounts for year ending 31/3/2015. JM The accounts for the year ending 31st March 2015 were unanimously AGREED. c. To approve Accounting Statements 2014/15 (Section 1 annual return). JM The accounting statements 2014/15 (Section 1 annual return) were unanimously AGREED. d. To approve Annual Governance Statement 2014/15 (Section 2 annual return). JM The Annual Governance Statement 2014/15 (Section 2) was unanimously AGREED.

5612. Councillor’s reports. a. Cllrs were asked to take some of the surplus newsletters for distribution. b. Cllr PS offered his deepest thanks and congratulations to Cllrs BC, GH and AB for all the time and work they have put into the council over the years. c. The Mayor Cllr Mrs Anne Blake closed the meeting and invited all present to drinks and refreshments in the function room.

Meeting closed at 8pm. End.

Abbreviations: ERYC - East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC-Withernsea Town Council.

Withernsea Town Council Municipal Buildings, 243 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Telephone/Fax: 01964 614984 E-Mail: info@ Website:

Clerk to the Council Your Ref: Our Ref: Mrs J. Moxon MILCM

Date 13th April 2015

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held at 7.00pm on Monday 27th April 2015, at The Meridian Centre, Queen Street, Withernsea.

Such persons only as are registered as local government electors for Withernsea will be entitled to vote.

AGENDA 1. Apologies. 2. Confirmation of the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 7th May 2014. 3. To receive the Annual Report of the Town Mayor & Chairman of Withernsea Town Council. 4. Presentation of Town Award. 5. Representations/Reports by: a. The Hut / Adventure Play Park – Maxine Wood and Jennifer Lount. b. Humberside Police – PC M. Ainley. c. North Holderness Community Transport – C Wegrzyn and L Seddon d. Anglican Churches – Mr J Hilton. e. Withernsea Meridian Centre CIO – Mrs P Perkins. f. Withernsea Scout Group – Mr T Wright and Mr P Whittaker. g. ‘Friends’ of the Meridian Centre – Mrs M Mead. h. Withernsea Hospital League of Friends – Mrs J. Oldfield. i. Withernsea Branch, Royal British Legion – Mr E. Oldfield j. Withernsea and District Lions – President Mr E. Oldfield. k. Withernsea Carnival - Mr J Patchett. l. Withernsea and District Health Forum – Mrs M. Mead. m. Withernsea Pirates. n. St Nicholas Church project - o. Withernsea Twirlers – Mrs KLH Dawson. p. Big Local – Mr P. Crawley. q. Older Peoples Charter Group – Mrs P. Perkins. 6. Charity Account / Reports: On the table. a. Memorial Gardens Trust. b. Withernsea Carnival. c. Withernsea Millennium Green Trust. d. Withernsea Town War Memorial Clock Trust. e. Friends of the Meridian Centre. f. Withernsea & South East Holderness Regeneration Partnership – 2013/14 Progress Report & 2014/15 Action Plan. 7. Parishioners question and answer session.


Mayor of Withernsea Councillor Mrs Anne Blake 13th April 2015. WITHERNSEA


The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 27th April 2015 in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea.

Abbreviations: WTC = Withernsea Town Council ERYC = East Riding of Yorkshire Council

Present:- The Mayor, Councillor Mrs A Blake. Town Councillors: P. Spicer, G. Hodgson, B. Cloke, K Hardcastle, D. Edwards, M Lloyd and J Tasker. The Town Clerk: Mrs J Moxon and the Deputy Clerk: Mrs K-L H. Dawson.

Resident/non-resident representatives of groups/organisations and members of the public in attendance. Chairman of Withernsea & South East Holderness Regeneration Partnership (WSEHRP) - Mr A. Hodgson. Humberside Police – Sgt J Matthews. The Meridian Centre CIO/Friends- Mrs P. Perkins, Mrs W. Hough and Mrs D . Vinegrad, Mrs M.Mead. Withernsea Hospital League of Friends – Mrs J. Oldfield. Withernsea Carnival – Mr K. Hough. Royal British Legion – Mr E. Oldfield. The Hut/Adventure Play Ground – Miss M Wood and Miss J Lount. Withernsea and District lions – Mr E. Oldfield. Withernsea Organ Society – Mrs M Read. H.A.R.T. – C Wegrzyn. Big Local – Mr P. Crawley, J Shaw, N Middleton. Dragonfest – Mr G Beastall and Mr L Malkin. Holderness Gazette photographer – Mr T. Bearpark. Anglican Churches – Mr J. Hilton Withernsea Scout Group – Mr T Wright and Mr P Whittaker Withernsea High School – Mr P Whittaker. SHORES, Big Local and Summertime Special – Mr A. Fielding. Withernsea & District Health Forum – Mrs M. Mead. Withernsea Pirates – Mr J Blake and K. Young. Cascade living Solutions – P Nicholson. Methodist Church – Mr P Ogle.

Residents – S. White. C Hudson, J Warnes, W Spicer, M. Armitage, S Lafleur, Mrs P Hardcastle, Mrs L Healing, Mr M Boodie and Mr P Millard.

The Mayor, Councillor Mrs Anne Blake welcomed and thanked everyone for attending the first Annual Parish Meeting to be held in the Meridian Centre. Fire evacuation procedures announced.

5613. Apologies. Apologies tendered by J. Crossley ERYC, Janet Murray ERYC and V. Neilan ERYC, B. Clarke and F. Thompson of ERYC, The Hut, Les Seddon H.A.R.T .

5614. Confirmation of the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 7th May 2014. The minutes of the meeting held on 7th May 2014 were CONFIRMED.


5615. To receive the Annual Report of the Town Mayor & Chairman of Withernsea Town Council. The Mayor read her report for the year 2014/15 and advised that the full annual report was available on the table for anyone wishing to read it.

5616. Presentation of Town Award. The list of nominations was announced: John Burden. Les Seddon. Paul Fisher. Keith Hardcastle. Pat Hardcastle. Margaret Read. Sandra and John Mitchell. David Cunliffe.

The judges declared they had a very difficult decision in selecting just one winner. The 2015 Town Award for Voluntary contributions and outstanding service to the community was awarded to Mrs Patricia Hardcastle. Mrs Hardcastle was presented with the Town Award shield and a certificate. Photos were taken by Terry Bearpark of the Holderness Gazette

5617. Representations/Reports by:

a. The Hut / Adventure Play Park – Maxine Wood and Jennifer Lount. The Hut has been in operation for five years for children under the age of nineteen. Children are welcome to come and go when the Hut is open with the under 8’s requiring supervision. The Carnival of 2014 was the busiest time for them with 700 children through the doors. The Summer holidays were also very busy for both local children and holiday makers attending the facility and play park. The Hut work with other groups and organisations and were delighted to report 1300 people attended their joint venture with the WRCG this Easter. The Hut will be supporting the 4th July Withernsea High School celebrations also.

b. Humberside Police. Sergeant Jo Matthews attended to introduce herself as the new Community Sergeant for Withernsea who has been in post here for one month. Sgt Matthews read a prepared report, as attached

c. North Holderness Community Transport – C Wegrzyn. A full written report is attached.

d. Anglican Churches – Mr J Hilton. A full written report is attached.

e. Withernsea Meridian Centre CIO – Mrs P Perkins. After fourteen months of repairs and upgrade works we are nearing the completion of the Meridian Centre. All those concerned should be congratulated for their involvement. The official launch of the centre will be held between the 22nd May and 13th June. Tickets will be free to each event. Further details will be published in the press. CIO membership forms and Cine Yorkshire leaflets are available on the bar if anyone wishes to take them.

f. Withernsea Scout Group – Mr T Wright and Mr P Whittaker. The Scout group continues to grow with 94 members at present. The Scouts have taken over the lease to the Hub next to the scout hut which will enable more members to be taken on as there will be more space. Several Scouts will be participating in sailing training and camps this year. A joint fund raising day with the RNLI will be held in the Valley Gardens on the 21st June with various stalls, games and entertainment. Other

2 community groups in the area are welcome to join them. The Scout Hut is available for community / group use. Plans and fundraising for the new premises will be undertaken soon. g. ‘Friends’ of the Meridian Centre – Mrs M Mead. A full written report is attached. h. Withernsea Hospital League of Friends – Mrs J. Oldfield. A full written report is attached. i. Withernsea Branch, Royal British Legion – Mr E. Oldfield. A full written report is attached. In addition the Mayor announced that the WTC will lay two additional wreaths on both cenotaphs at future Remembrance Day services in memory of the civilians killed in the bombing raid of 1942. j. Withernsea and District Lions – President Mr E. Oldfield. A full written report is attached. k. Withernsea Carnival . Mr K Hough spoke on behalf of the Carnival Committee. A full written report is attached. l. Withernsea and District Health Forum – Mrs M. Mead. A full written report is attached. In addition: the local first responders and the Fire Service, are helping the area greatly with the provision they offer. WTC has been granted funds for the installation of a community defibrillator which will be located externally at the Meridian Centre. m. Withernsea Pirates – Mr K Young. The Pirates are entering their third year this year. They started off with funding from the Star People Award and have since received £2,730 in funding. They also donate to other organisations and causes. This year’s festival will be held from Friday 31st July and Sunday 2nd August and they will be taking part in Summer Parade on 18th July. This coming weekend they will be at Freeport for a fundraising marathon sing. The Pirates are now based at the Winestead CICD School, have applied for CIC status (Community Interest Company) and meet every Tuesday evening. The premises are available for other to use too. Leaflets for the 2015 Pirate Festival were left on the table. The Pirates continue to promote Withernsea. n. St Nicholas Church project – Mr L Malkin and Mr G Beastall. A full written report is attached. It was noted that the Memorial Clock was not working. o. Withernsea Twirlers – Mrs KLH Dawson. A full written report is attached. p. Big Local – Mr P. Crawley. A full written report is attached. Several questions were raised and answered by Mr Crawley. q. Mr Whittaker, Withernsea High School. 2015 is the 60th anniversary of Withernsea High School and also the year that the new school building will be completed and occupied. On the 4th July the schools is opening an open day for all ex students and teacher to view the new building and the old before it is demolished. Anyone with memorabilia is invited to contact the school.

5618. Charity Account / Reports: On the table. a. Memorial Gardens Trust. b. Withernsea Carnival.

3 c. Withernsea Millennium Green Trust. d. Withernsea Town War Memorial Clock Trust. e. Friends of the Meridian Centre. f. Withernsea & South East Holderness Regeneration Partnership – 2013/14 Progress Report & 2014/15 Action Plan. g. Withernsea Organ Society report.

5619. Parishioners question and answer session. The public spoke regarding the responsibility of the local sergeant and police officers coverage of three areas. It was proposed and AGREED by the majority of electors in attendance that a letter be sent to The Crime Commissioner, Mr M Grove complaining about the coverage which is a disappointment to the residents of the town. M.P Graham Stuart to be copied in.

Cllr B. Cloke spoke to advise that the Police Authority Community Fund is funding the extension and upgrade of the towns CTV system for the full amount applied for.

Mr G Beastall advised this was the first APM meeting he’d attended and he thought it was incredible how many community groups there are with the need of volunteers and support in common. He agreed with Big Local and Mr K Hough’s comments about the need and benefits that a town business manager could bring to encompass promote and communicate for all groups. This was AGREED by the majority of electors in attendance in a position to vote.

The Deputy Mayor thanked the Mayor, Councillor Mrs A Blake for all her hard work, time effort and commitment over the past years to the Council and the town and presented a bouquet of flowers and letter of thanks. Councillor Gordon Hodgson, four times Mayor was also thanked for his time effort, involvement and commitment to the council and the town and was presented with a Town plaque and a letter of thanks. Cllr GH spoke to say he’d thoroughly enjoyed his time of service to the town which since retiring gave him more time to become involved in local projects. He was delighted to be a part of and to see the start and completion of the new fishing compound, slipway, Italian Gardens and the Meridian Centre. His only negative observation was the renovation of the Southcliff Road toilet block, which was successful in its self but not so viable to run cost wise. Councillor Brian Cloke was also thanked for his work and involvement with the council and the town and for been a reliable Deputy Mayor to Cllr Spicer in the past and on two other occasions. Cllr Cloke said he had enjoyed his time on the council and wished the new council all the best.

All present were invited to stay for refreshments.


Reports as submitted are attached to the master file copy of minutes. The full version of minutes are available in office to view upon request.


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Withernsea Town Council, The Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Tel/Fax: 01964 614984. Email: [email protected] Web:

Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual meeting of the Withernsea Town Council to be held on Monday 18th May 2015 at 7pm, in The Meridian Centre, 201 Queen St, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly at 9.30pm. The agenda, (issued 12.5.15) is specified below.

Yours sincerely

J. Moxon

Mrs. J. Moxon, MILCM Clerk to the Council.

Abbreviations: ERYC=East Riding of Yorkshire Council WTC=Withernsea Town Council *= Circulated to Councillors

AGENDA 1. Election of Town Mayor. 2. To accept apologies for absence and reasons if given. 3. Election of Deputy Mayor. 4. To receive the Mayor and Deputy Mayor’s declaration of acceptance of office. (All members to have signed and submitted their declaration of acceptance of office as a councillor.) 5. All members to complete/review their Register of Members Interest form (held in the office). 6. To resolve to fill 2 vacant seats by co-option at the next meeting on 8th June 2015. 7. Declarations of Interest. (a) To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. (b) To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. 8. To consider public participation in light of provisions contained in the Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007 (SI2007/115G). To include items on the agenda (to include members of the public and Councillor’s with prejudicial interests).

9. Confirmation of standing committees and groups and to re-affirm powers as per Standing Orders.

a. Christmas Lights (min’ 4) b. Summertime Special (min’ 4) c. Tourism Committee (min’ 4) d. Action Plan Steering Group e.. Emergency Plan Group f. Newsletter Working Group g. Property Officers h. Safety Officer i. Memorial Gardens Trust. j. Town War Memorial Clock Trust. k. Finance Committee (4). l. Personnel Committee ( 4).

10. To elect representatives on the following:-

a. Millennium Green Trust (1) b. ERNLLCA district committee (2) c. Hidden Holderness (1) d. Youth representative. e. Big Local Steering Group representative f. Withernsea Buddies Scheme (4) g. Holderness Community Partnership (formerly NAT/LAT) (2) h. Police and Partners Community Forum (2) i. Citizens Advice Bureau (1) j. Withernsea & District Health Forum (2) k. East Yorkshire Local Council (Chairman and Clerk) l. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (1) m. Le Maistre Trust (1) n. SHORES Management Group (1) o. Withernsea & South East Holderness Regeneration Partnership Board. (W&SEHRP) p. Meridian Centre Friends q. S.H.A.P.E (former Regeneration Parish Council Sub-Group). r. (W&SEHRP) – High Street Fund (2). s. (W&SEHRP) – Seafront Environments Improvements. t. (W&SEHRP) – FLAG u. (W&SEHRP) – Cultural Sub-Group. v. (W&SEHRP) – Public Art Project. w. Fishing compound representative. x. St Nicholas Church Project. y. Holderness Play Action/ Children and Family Action

11. Allotment Officer (1) 12. Representative for ‘The Hut’ (1). 13. Confirm appointment of internal auditor.

14. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Town Council meeting – 20.4.15.* b. Receipt of Tourism Committee – 17.4.15 and 15.5.2015 c. Receipt of Meridian Centre CIO – 14.4.15. d. Receipt of Summertime Special committee – 21.4.15 e. Receipt to Christmas Lights Committee – 31.3.15

15. Police Report / Public Participation: To agree to receive the police report and public participation.

16. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk.

17. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community.

18. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations.

19. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8.

20. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council.

a. To agree attendees / dates for the ERYC Town/Parish Council Planning Liaison meetings 2015.*

b. To agree attendees / dates for the ERYC Electronic Working with the Planning Service. *

c. To agree attendees to the ERNLLCA - Being A Good Councillor accredited course held in Withernsea on 1st June, 23rd July and 22nd September 2015.*

d. To consider offer made for the Council Chamber tables.

e. Discuss room hire in the Meridian Centre for committee meetings.

f. Agree arrangements for the 2015 Garden Competition.

21. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made:

a. Application 15/01034/PLF for the change of use of 3 no. Flats (C3) to a residential institution (C2) at 233a Queen Street, Withernsea for Meadowlea Partners.

b. Application 15/00963/REG3 for the erection of a single storey extension to form a new playroom to rear of existing children’s centre at Withernsea Childrens Centre, 56 Hull Road, Withernsea fior East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

c. Application 14/01856/PLF for the erection of detached portacabin (amended plans) at Teenyworld Day Nursery, The Mews, Station Road, Withernsea for Mrs D. Farren.

d. NOD. Change of use from amenity land to car park at land west of 76 Hull Road, Withernsea. Granted.

e. NOD. Application 15/00801/PAD for the retention of 2 no. Non illuminated fascia signs, 2 no. Illuminated signs and 1 no. Illuminated projecting sign – amended plans at 205 – 207 Queen Street, Withernsea for the Original Factory Shop. See NOD below.

f. NOD. Erection of conservatory at rear following demolition of existing at 1A Hollym Road, Withernsea, for Miss Allen. Granted.

22. Financial matters: a. To approve schedule of payments for April 2015. *

23. Councillors reports for reporting purposes only.


The minutes of the Annual Town Council meeting, held on Monday 18th May 2015, in the Meridian Centre, Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: The outgoing Mayor Mrs Anne Blake (AB). Councillors: Mr D. Edwards (DE), Mr K. Hardcastle (KH), Mr S. Winters (SaW), Mr M. Lloyd (ML), Mr P. Spicer (PS), S. Lafleur (SL), Mr T. Dagnall (TD), Mr P Barker (PB). The Town Clerk (JM) and Deputy Clerk (KLHD).

Press: 0. Police: 0. Public: 14.

Minute Points raised or agreed Action By

The outgoing Mayor, Mrs Anne Blake opened the meeting, welcomed everyone to the Annual Town Council meeting and addressed fire evacuation procedures.

5620. Election of Town Mayor. Cllr Patrick Spicer unanimously elected. The Mayors chains were handed over and Cllr PS thanked and congratulated Mrs A Blake and Mr G Hodgson for their hard work whilst in office.

5621. To accept apologies for absence and reasons if given. Apologies tendered by Cllr J. Tasker. Apologies accepted.

5622. Election of Deputy Mayor. Cllr DE and Cllr SaW both received proposals. Cllr Saw received 3 votes and Cllr DE received 5. Cllr DE elected as Deputy Mayor.

The Mayoress Mrs Wendy Spicer received her chains and the Deputy Mayoress was confirmed as Cllr Silvia Lafleur. Photos were taken by Terry Bearpark. A short adjournment was AGREED to allow members of the public to take a tour of the Meridian Centre.

5623. To receive the Mayor and Deputy Mayor’s declaration of acceptance of office. (All members to have signed and submitted their declaration of acceptance of office as a councillor.) The Mayor and Deputy Mayor signed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office. JM

5624. All members to complete/review their Register of Members Interest form (held in the office). Seven completed forms have been returned. Cllr DB and TD to submit theirs. BD TD

5625. To resolve to fill 2 vacant seats by co-option at the next meeting on 8th June 2015. Due to an uncontested election, WTC has two vacancies. It was AGREED to fill the JM vacancies by co-option at the next meeting on 8th June. ERNLLCA have prescribed an application form for proposed candidates to complete. The Clerk will contact those that have expressed an interest to date. The closing date for applications will be the 1st of June 2015.

5626. Declarations of Interest. To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. None.

5627. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. None.

5628. To consider public participation in light of provisions contained in the Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007 (SI2007/115G). To include items on the agenda (to include members of the public and Councillor’s with prejudicial interests). AGREED. a. A member of the public offered his congratulations to the new Council members and the newly appointed Mayor and Deputy Mayor. He stated that children should be kept out JM of the fishing compound and asked if the gates to the slipway could be shut for various reasons. b. Question was asked as to how many expressions of interest there had been for the council vacancies. The Clerk advised there are currently four.

5629. Confirmation of standing committees and groups and to re-affirm powers as per Standing Orders. The Clerk explained the re-affirming process and read each one out in turn, as per existing Standing Orders. a. Christmas Lights. Cllrs ML, KH, DE and SaW elected. b. Summertime Special. Cllrs DE, ML, JT and TD elected. c. Tourism Committee. KH and DE elected. d. Action Plan Steering Group. Deferred. e. Emergency Plan Group. All Councillors elected. f. Newsletter Working Group. Cllrs KH and SaW elected. g. Property Officers. Cllrs JT, PB and SL elected. Guidance notes will be provided. h. Safety Officer. Cllr PS elected. Safety matters can be made to the Town Clerk also. i. Memorial Gardens Trust. All Cllrs are Trustees by default. Cllrs elected to attend meetings are: KH, PS, DE, SL, ML and TD. j. Town War Memorial Clock Trust. The Town Council is the Trustee by default. Cllrs SaW, PB, ML and PS elected. k. Finance Committee. Cllrs SaW, DE, PS and TD elected. l. Personnel Committee. Cllrs PB, SL, TD and PS elected.

5630. To elect representatives on the following:- a. Millennium Green Trust. Cllr KH elected. b. ERNLLCA district committee. Cllrs KH and JT elected. c. Hidden Holderness. Deferred. d. Youth representative. Cllr DE elected.

e. Big Local Steering Group representative. Cllr DE elected. f. Withernsea Buddies Scheme. Cllr DE elected. g. Holderness Community Partnership (formerly NAT/LAT). Cllr PS elected. h. Police and Partners Community Forum. Cllr SaW elected. i. Citizens Advice Bureau. Cllr PS elected. j. Withernsea & District Health Forum. Cllr DE elected. k. East Yorkshire Local Council. Cllr Ps and the Town Clerk elected. l. Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Deferred. m. Le Maistre Trust. Cllr KH elected. n. SHORES Management Group. Cllr KH elected. o. W&SEHRP Regeneration Board. Cllr TD elected. p. Meridian Centre Friends. Cllr KH elected. q. S.H.A.P.E (former Regeneration Parish Council Sub-Group). Cllr PS elected. r. (W&SEHRP) – High Street Fund. Cllr DB and TD elected. s. (W&SEHRP) – Seafront Environments Improvements. Cllr DE elected. t. (W&SEHRP) – FLAG. Cllr DE elected. u. (W&SEHRP) – Cultural Sub-Group. Ward Cllr AH can report back on this group. v. (W&SEHRP) – Public Art Project. Cllr SaW elected. w. Fishing compound representative. Cllr Saw elected. x. St Nicholas Church Project. Cllr PS elected. y. Holderness Play Action/ Children and Family Action. Cllr KH elected.

5631. Allotment Officer. Cllr PS declared a non pecuniary interest as a current allotment JM holder and elected as allotment officer as regularly on site.

5632. Representative for ‘The Hut’. Cllr ML elected.

5633. Confirm appointment of internal auditor. Mr A Johnson re-elected for two internal audits prior to an external audit.

5634. Minutes: To confirm/ or receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place/ have been received by Cllrs. a. Town Council meeting – 20.4.15. b. Town Council minutes CONFIRMED as a true record by 5 members. KLHD c. Tourism Committee – 17.4.15 and 15.5.2015. Minutes of the 17.4.15 received. Minutes of 15.5.15 deferred to the next meeting. JM d. Meridian Centre CIO – 14.4.15. Minutes received. e. Summertime Special committee – 21.4.15. Minutes received. f. Christmas Lights Committee – 31.3.15. Minutes received.

5635. Police Report / Public Participation: To agree to receive the police report and public participation. Public participation already held. PC Ainley was unable to attend but a KLHD police report was submitted for circulation.

5636. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. a. A letter from Withernsea AFC has been circulated to all Cllrs. It was AGREED that any further meetings will be held here, with the whole council present to hear discussions JM with minutes taken. The Clerk was asked to reply to the club secretary inviting representatives of the AFC to attend a meeting at the Meridian Centre. b. The Art Club have thanked the WTC in writing for allowing them to use the Municipal Buildings for their Art Club over the last ten plus years. c. The Environment Agency has confirmed the last water results are satisfactory. A re-test will be done during the bathing season. d. The Meridian Centre is almost finished. A project Team meeting was held last Friday. The kitchen, cinema and electrics are due to be completed this week. The CIO’s list of queries has been passed onto the team. The Clerk has put a claim into Open reach regarding the telecoms situation we had for almost four weeks. e. The Great War plaque is to be erected in the Meridian Centre. JM f. The Holdstock family are happy for the notice board to be re-located more centrally for JM community use. After some attention, the notice board will be located in a corner of the Memorial Car Park. g. The Mayor of France has replied to our letter of condolence which was sent after the Charlie Hebdo incident. A book of condolences has been produced with our letter included in it, which was left on the table for perusal.

5637. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. The Mayor congratulated Cllr L. Healing and Cllr A. Hodgson on their election results. Cllr AH advised Withernsea will receive a water quality flag. The Community Partnership and Re-generation group is under scrutiny with the ERYC. Cllr AH advised the Community Partnership may change format and the re-generation group is on hold at the moment but not under threat. F.L.A.G funding may be changing (to be placed on the next agenda) and policing is an ongoing concern.

5638. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. None at present.

5639. Councillor’s questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. None.

5640. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council.

a. To agree attendees / dates for the ERYC Town/Parish Council Planning Liaison meetings 2015. Cllrs DE and possibly PS will attend. Cllr PS to confirm. DE PS b. To agree attendees / dates for the ERYC Electronic Working with the Planning Service. The Town Clerk, Deputy Clerk and possibly Cllr PS will attend. Cllr PS to confirm. PS JM KLHD c. To agree attendees to the ERNLLCA - Being A Good Councillor accredited course held in Withernsea on 1st June, 23rd July and 22nd September 2015. All Councillors will All Cllrs attend these sessions as will the Deputy Clerk. KLHD

5641. To consider offer made for the Council Chamber tables. An offer of £100 has been made for the tables in the Municipal Buildings. It was suggested the value of the tables be established. It was AGREED that the tables will be JM temporarily put into storage and Cllr DE will speak to Gilbert & Baitson. DE

5642. Discuss room hire in the Meridian Centre for committee meetings. As committees are opting to meet elsewhere, as meeting room fees were not part of their budget calculations, the Clerk suggested the WTC meet room hire costs until the JM committees are able to stand the costs themselves. The Clerk explained the VAT implications involved for the WTC if they were to benefit from the building and pay less fees than others. After much discussion on fees, it was AGREED that the WTC will write to the CIO expressing their concern regarding all room hire fees.

5643. Agree arrangements for the 2015 Garden Competition. It was AGREED to proceed with the Garden competition again this year using the KLHD same format as last year with the inclusion of best kept allotments. Martin Burnhill and Matthew Pottage to be asked to judge.

ERYC Ward Cllrs left the meeting.

5644. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made: a. Application 15/01034/PLF for the change of use of 3 no. Flats (C3) to a residential institution (C2) at 233a Queen Street, Withernsea for Meadowlea Partners. Application unanimously APPROVED. JM b. Application 15/00963/REG3 for the erection of a single storey extension to form a new playroom to rear of existing children’s centre at Withernsea Children’s Centre, 56 Hull Road, Withernsea for East Riding of Yorkshire Council. JM Application unanimously APPROVED. c. Application 14/01856/PLF for the erection of detached portacabin (amended plans) at Teenyworld Day Nursery, The Mews, Station Road, Withernsea for Mrs D. Farren. JM Application unanimously APPROVED. d. NOD. Change of use from amenity land to car park at land west of 76 Hull Road, Withernsea. Granted. Noted. e. NOD. Application 15/00801/PAD for the retention of 2 no. Non illuminated fascia signs, 2 no. Illuminated signs and 1 no. Illuminated projecting sign – amended plans at 205 – 207 Queen Street, Withernsea for the Original Factory Shop. Granted. Noted. f. NOD. Erection of conservatory at rear following demolition of existing at 1A Hollym Road, Withernsea, for Miss Allen. Granted. Noted.

5645. Financial matters: To approve schedule of payments for April 2015. The schedule of payments for April 2015 was APPROVED and signed by the Mayor.

5646. Councillors reports for reporting purposes only. a. Cllr SaW raised a question about a box on the exterior wall of the Lifeboat Fish and SaW Chip shop. No one was able to offer any advice on it and suggested ERYC highways may be able to help. b. Cllr TD is making further enquiries regarding a food bank for Withernsea. The CIO TD are also making similar enquiries. Cllr TD asked about the re-opening of Southcliff Road toilet block. The Clerk advised the matter had been discussed at the budget meeting and since in negotiations with another party. A check will be made on the date KLHD of the last discussion as per the six month ruling. The toilet block may well be incorporated into the seafront improvement plan.

Meeting closed at 9pm. End.

Abbreviations: ERYC - East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC-Withernsea Town Council.

Withernsea Town Council, The Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Tel/Fax: 01964 614984. Email: info Web:

Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Withernsea Town Council, on Monday 8th June 2015 at 7pm, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly at 9.30pm. The agenda is specified below.

Yours sincerely

J Moxon Mrs. J. Moxon MILCM, Clerk to the Council - 2.6.15.

Members of the public may speak on any item(s) appearing on the public agenda, (or on any other matter that falls within the Council’s terms of reference) during the public participation session or at the discretion of the Chair. Audio and video recording of this meeting may take place with certain restrictions.

Presentation by Mr R. Williman and Mr T. Nuttall, Re: Withernsea High School Open Day, 4.7.15.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

2. Co-option of councillor for the north ward.

3. Co-option of councillor for the south ward.

4. New councillors to sign the Declaration of Office and return completed Register of Interests by 29.6.15.

5. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below.

6. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Town Council meeting – 18.5.2015. b. Receipt of the Tourism Committee – 15.5.15 c. Receipt of the Summertime Special Committee – 19.5.15

7. Police Report / Public Participation: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for public participation.

8. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk.

9. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community.

10. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations.

11. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8.

12. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To consider letter from Graham Stuart M.P re: Coastal Community Teams.* b. To agree to look into appointment of a cleaner for the WTC offices and fishing compound. c. To consider response to Chipmunks Children’s Charity. * d. To consider support of the Minsters Rail Campaign* e. To consider letter received from ERYC re: Photograph Survey. f. To consider written request for hens on a Kirkfield allotment plot. g. To elect a WTC representative onto the Rural Sounding Board – Rural Priorities Action Group. h. To consider location of proposed promenade seating and pavement fountains.

13. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made : a. Application 15/01107/PLF for the erection of a conservatory at 33 Seathorne, Withernsea for Mrs A Cooper. b. NOD: Application 15/00963/REG3 for the erection of a single storey extension to form a new playroom to rear of existing children’s centre at Withernsea Children’s Centre, 56 Hull Road, Withernsea for East Riding of Yorkshire Council. GRANTED.

c. NOD: Application 14/01856/PLF for the erection of detached portacabin at Teenyworld Day Nursery, The Mews, Station Road, Withernsea for Mrs D. Farren. GRANTED.

d. NOD: Application 15/01034/PLF for the change of use of 3 no. Flats (C3) to a residential institution (C2) at 233a Queen Street, Withernsea for Meadowlea Partners. GRANTED.

14. Property Officers report/To consider recommendations made.

15. Councillors reports.

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council * = copy attached for Cllrs


The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday 8th June 2015, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: The Mayor Cllr P Spicer (PS) and Deputy Mayor Cllr D. Edwards (DE). Councillors: T. Dagnall (TD), S. Lafleur (SL), P. Barker (PB), J Tasker (JT), K. Hardcastle (KH), M. Lloyd (ML) and S. Winters (SaW). The Deputy Clerk (KLHD).

Press: 1 Public: 12 Police: 1

Minute Points raised or agreed Action No. By Fire evacuation and recording procedures addressed by the Mayor.

Mr R. Williman and Mr T. Nuttall of Withernsea High School gave an informative presentation on the High School open day which will be held on the 4th July 2015 between 10am and 4pm. They hope to engage with everyone in celebration of the schools 60th year which is in the same year as the old school is demolished and the new school is opened. Tours of the new building and a look at the old school will take place. The Humberside Police Concert band will be playing, school dinners will be laid on, exhibits of school memorabilia and stalls and activities to make it a fete type occasion for all. It is hoped all will embrace the influx of visitors to the town. Several reunions are being planned.

Meeting opened by the Mayor.

5647. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. No apologies.

5648.1. Co-option of councillor for the north ward. Co-option took place by a signed ballot be it for only one candidate, after a brief introduction. Gary Chambers was KLHD unanimously elected with nine votes.

5649.2. Co-option of councillor for the south ward. Co-option took place by a signed ballot KLHD between two candidates Mr Brian Cloke and Mr P Millard, after a brief introduction. Brian Cloke was unanimously elected with nine votes.

5650.3. New councillors to sign the Declaration of Office and return completed Register of Interests by 29.6.15. Cllrs BC and GC were welcomed onto the council and took their KLHD seats and signed their Declaration of Office. Register of Interests forms are to be BC GC returned by 29th June.

5651.5. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.

Cllr PS declared a non pecuniary interest in item 12f as allotment holder and officer. KLHD Cllr KH declared a non pecuniary interest in item 12b re: position of cleaner. KLHD b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None.

5652.6. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. KLHD a. Town Council meeting, 18.5.2015. CONFIRMED as a true record with 2 abstentions. b. Minutes of the Tourism Committee – 15.5.15. Received. c. Minutes of the Summertime Special Committee – 19.5.15. Received.

5653.7. Police Report / Public Participation: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for public participation. It was AGREED to defer the police report as the officer present had been called away on duty. It was unanimously AGREED to adjourn the meeting for public participation. a. A resident spoke of speeding cycles, bad language and abuse on the top north end promenade since the cycle route was put in. The path is not wide enough and a risk to all pedestrians. Action was requested as soon as possible. Ward Cllrs present were asked to speak with the resident and take on the case and investigate it further. b. A resident highlighted the lack of floral colour in the town. The Mayor advised hanging baskets were going out the next day. Another resident called the gardens and promenade garden areas a disgrace. c. A Another resident previously critical of cycle tracks spoke again of his concerns and asked better notice be given to the public with more consultation on local matters, and offered congratulations on the 2014 festive lighting display and hoped fundraising would be pursued in order to keep the display as good in 2015. d. Ward Cllr Mrs Lynn Healing addressed members of the public present stating they will as ward cllrs, deal with any problems that the public bring to them. All were reminded of their monthly surgery held at the SHORES Centre on the last Saturday of every month. e. A resident spoke in support of the Minsters Rail Campaign. f. PC Ainley returned. The police report was circulated. Recent coverage of incidents and complaints in the local press were discussed and clarified. Response times are a concern as are further cuts to the police authority. A reduction in licensing hours was suggested. PC Ainley showed footage of vandalism to one of the Queen Street trees. WTC, ERYC Highways and the Police to liaise further regarding payment for replacement / planting of trees as this is the second incident. A detective is present at Withernsea station. Other police related issues were discussed. Ward Cllr AH will keep the WTC informed of any public meetings or meetings with the Crime Commissioner.

5654.8. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. SL DE a. Cllrs DE, SL, TD and PB were reminded of the Code of Conduct training taking place TD PB at County Hall tomorrow at 7pm. b. A grant of £9,240 has been offered to the Regeneration Partnership to purchase new picnic equipment to deliver the picnic area project via he Seafront Improvement Plan. c. The Mayor and committees have received contact details a local Miss Teen Great Britain entrant who has been offered a place in the grand final and won the Little Miss All Teen Charity for her fundraising efforts. The young lady wants to attend local events Cllrs to promote her title and offer her support locally.

d. Smith and Derby have attended to the faults on St Nicholas Clock. A written report is awaited. Once received a Clock Trust meeting will be arranged. KLHD e. Our telecoms provider has credited our account due to the line problems we had for several weeks. f. The next Christmas Lights meeting will be held on 14th July. g. The best and final offer will be requested in writing from both parties interested in the old chamber tables. Old chairs are to be disposed off and the dining type chairs can KLHD go to auction in the hope of £10 per chair. h. Enquiries will be made into the Armed Forces Day on 22nd June – Fly a Flag with the letter circulated to other organisations. KLHD

5655.9. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. Ward Cllrs spoke on police response times and asked the public to contact them with any concerns. Ambulance, fire and first responder provision were also discussed. Cllr AH advised that the proposed water fountains can be turned off on the Promenade and won’t be affected by a weight limit. He requested that the WTC, businesses and residents work with the regeneration team and talk to them. Representatives need to attend the regeneration meetings so they can help us with funding and projects. Complaints re; litter etc at two business premises in Withernsea have been made. C 5656.10. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. a. Cllr DE recently attended a meeting of the Big Local. Funding has been secured for the pavement fountains and raised seating project on the Promenade with £141,000 included in the Big Local plan to support the project. A private sector funder is making up the rest. Contact is now awaited regarding further delivery of the project. b. Cllrs TD and PB attended the High Street Fund meeting. c. Cll Cllr ML will be attending the Hut Steering group meeting on 25th June. The Celebration meeting was cancelled and rescheduled.

5657.11. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. No questions raised.

5658.12. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To consider letter from Graham Stuart M.P re: Coastal Community Teams. Ward Cllr AH is coordinating local interest in this idea. Cllr PS will attend if evening meetings, Cllr BC will attend daytime meetings and Cllr JT expressed an interest also. PS BC JT b. To agree to look into appointment of a cleaner for the WTC offices and fishing compound. Cllr KH declared a non pecuniary interest. A two hour per week cleaning post on the minimum wage is available if anyone knows of anyone interested. c. To consider response to Chipmunks Children’s Charity. It was suggested the charity be given details of other groups able to offer them support. WTC can offer support and invite the charity to contact us with specific requests. KLHD

d. To consider support of the Minsters Rail Campaign. Information circulated. It was AGREED with one abstention to support the campaign as a benefit to all residents in the East Riding. KLHD e. To consider letter received from ERYC re: Photograph Survey. It was suggested the letter to be passed onto Picture This, Withernsea Lighthouse, Hidden Holderness, Larry Malkin and other useable sources who may be able to submit KLHD the photos required. f. To consider written request for hens on a Kirkfield allotment plot. Cllr PS declared a non pecuniary interest. The Deputy Mayor chaired this item. Item discussed. It was AGREED with two against to permit hens on the allotment. KLHD g. To elect a WTC representative onto the Rural Sounding Board – Rural Priorities Action Group. Cllr BC elected. KLHD h. To consider location of proposed promenade seating and pavement fountains. Item deferred until further information is provided.

5659.13. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s)/Receive decisions : a. a. Application 15/01107/PLF for the erection of a conservatory at 33 Seathorne, Withernsea for Mrs A Cooper was discussed. The type of application was queried as the conservatory is already in place. KLHD to respond. b. b. NOD: Application 15/00963/REG3 for the erection of a single storey extension to form KLHD a new playroom to rear of existing children’s centre at Withernsea Children’s Centre, 56 Hull Road, Withernsea for East Riding of Yorkshire Council. GRANTED. Noted. c. c. NOD: Application 14/01856/PLF for the erection of detached portacabin at Teenyworld Day Nursery, The Mews, Station Road, Withernsea for Mrs D. Farren. GRANTED. Noted. d. d. NOD: Application 15/01034/PLF for the change of use of 3 no. Flats (C3) to a residential institution (C2) at 233a Queen Street, Withernsea for Meadowlea Partners. GRANTED. Noted.

5700.14. Property Officers report/To consider recommendations made. Report received and considered. KLHD will pass remedial works onto the outside workers. A replacement lamp will be sourced for Valley Gardens. Post holders to the rear of the Meridian Centre will be removed. A wet pour infill will be applied to the play area on Valley Gardens and the Community Payback workers asked to jet wash the stage. A suggestion was made for Cllrs to form a working party for painting the stage. KLHD 5701.15. Councillors reports. a. Cllr TD reported the Car Boot sales were not policed/monitored on Sunday. Cllr TD also reported rubbish dumped on princes Avenue to ERYC. b. Cllr KH requested an agenda item for the next meeting: The Meridian Centre fees. KLHD Meeting closed at End.

Withernsea Town Council, The Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Tel/Fax: 01964 614984. Email: info Web:

Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Withernsea Town Council, on Monday 29th June 2015 at 7pm, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly at 9.30pm. The agenda is specified below.

Yours sincerely

J Moxon Mrs. J. Moxon MILCM, Clerk to the Council - 22.6.15.

Members of the public may speak on any item(s) appearing on the public agenda, (or on any other matter that falls within the Council’s terms of reference) during the public participation session or at the discretion of the Chair. Audio and video recording of this meeting may take place with certain restrictions.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below.

3. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Confirmation of Town Council minutes – 8.6.2015. b. Receipt of the Tourism Committee minutes – 15.5.15 and 19.6.15. c. Receipt of the Summertime Special Committee minutes – 16.6.15 d. Receipt of CIO minutes – 14/4 and meetings held since.

4. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation.

5. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk.

6. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community.

7. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations.

8. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8.

9. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To discuss dog control orders for Hull Road Playing fields - Cllr PS. b. To discuss co-ordination between Health and Safety and Property Officers – Cllr PS. c. To discuss Meridian Centre matters. d. Invitation to attend a Community Economic Redevelopment Programme Launch event in Leeds on 1st July. e. Consider request from Cllr BC to join Memorial Gardens Trust and Christmas Lights committees and to be WTC representative on the Health Forum and CCTV co-ordinator.

f. To consider marking bays in the fishing compound. g. To consider charges for water usage on un-serviced berths in the fishing compound. h. To consider request from ‘Fishing for Litter’ scheme for a sign outside the fishing compound. i. To consider purchase of new bins for Valley Gardens.

10. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made a. Application : 15/0159/STOUT (outline) – for the erection of 112 no. dwellings (means of access to be considered) at land east of Greythorn, Hull Road, Withernsea for A J Stephenson & Sons.

b. Application 15/01107/PLF for the retention of existing conservatory at 33 Seathorne, Withernsea for Mrs A Cooper.

c. Appeal Decision: APP/E2001/W/15/3003670. Open Market, Station Road, Withernsea. Appeal dismissed. *

11. Financial matters: a. To agree schedule of payments for May 2015. * b. To receive Internal Audit report w/e 31.3.15. *

12. Councillors reports.

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council * = copy attached for Cllrs


The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday 29th June 2015, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: The Mayor Cllr P Spicer (PS) and Deputy Mayor Cllr D. Edwards (DE). Councillors: T. Dagnall (TD), S. Lafleur (SL), P. Barker (PB), J Tasker (JT), K. Hardcastle (KH), M. Lloyd (ML), G. Chambers (GC) and S. Winters (SaW). The Town Clerk (JM) and Deputy Clerk (KLHD).

Press: 0 Public: 7 Police: 0

Minute Points raised or agreed Action No. By Fire evacuation and recording procedures addressed by the Mayor.

5702. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. Apologies tendered JM Cllr B Cloke. Apologies accepted.

5703. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. None. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None.

5704. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Town Council minutes – 8.6.2015. Minutes unanimously CONFIRMED and signed KLHD as a true record. b. Tourism Committee minutes – 15.5.15 and 19.6.15. Minutes RECEIVED. c. Summertime Special Committee minutes – 16.6.15. Minutes RECEIVED. d. CIO minutes – 14/4 minutes. Minutes RECEIVED for 14/4.

5705. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation. AGREED. The Mayor reminded all the public present the procedure for speaking outside of public participation or designated agenda items. a. A trustee of the Meridian Centre listed a range of concerns and things awaiting completion in the centre. The Mayor suggested a meeting between all parties should JM be arranged. JM to arrange. b. A resident asked if WTC could assist in freeing the Promenade of works containers for JM the summer period as they are detrimental to events.

5706. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. a. CCTV funding of £8590 has been granted with works commencing on 6th July. b. Mr P Wilkinson will commence cleaning duties in the Town Council offices and commercial fishing compound this week.

c. Further dog fouling training schemes are to be held in on 6th July and Cllrs

Skirlaugh on 20th July. Councillors are encouraged to attend to help combat dog fouling in the town. Cllrs DE and SL have attended a recent session. Interested parties were asked to contact the Clerk. d. Graham Stuart MP and Matthew Grove Police and Crime Commissioner are holding a Cllrs street surgery outside Aldi on Saturday 4th July. Matthew Grove is also attending a WTC meeting on 20th July to discuss local policing concerns. Cllr PS asked for Cllrs and members of the public to attend. e. Re. Min 5700. Community Payback workers are unable to participate in jet washing KLHD though painting projects are permitted. The outside workers to be asked about water point and hose lengths for the purposes of jet washing on Valley Gardens. f. Bollards have been installed to the rear of the Meridian Centre as a cost saving measure. They will be painted up. g. Carriageway maintenance to Memorial Avenue has been deferred until after the summer holidays. h. Code of Conduct training in Cottingham on 2nd July has been cancelled.

It was AGREED to adjourn the meeting to allow Ward Cllr A Hodgson (AH) to speak. i. The last meeting of the Regeneration Partnership was not held as several have been suspended pending the outcome of the Scrutiny Committee. Further updates and discussions will be passed on in due course.

5707. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community.

Cllr AH highlighted the following: a. The Wesley Court development will be under the ERYC control with an option for tenants to transfer and buy. There will not be a resident warden. Previous residents have first option to return to Wesley Court but none wish to. The development offers a quota for affordable housing. b. High Street Fund: the cost for full external painting of the shops is too high so they are reverting back to the coverage of the roller shutters and banners. Cllr PB suggested perhaps other decorations on the High St be looked at rather than shutter coverage. Cllr AH commented that the position of recent discussions was the result of two years work on this whilst Cllr PS advised there was always unknown history to discussions involving new councillors. Haven Leisure Park are funding and making use of Smart Homes throughout the summer and will carry out some remedial improvement repairs then hand the premises back for regeneration use. The Mayor was pleased to have the support of Patrington Haven Leisure Park and the funding that is available to us via the good work of the ERYC regeneration partnership. c. Coastal paths are moving due to erosion. ERYC Joint Local Access is looking at the constantly eroding pathways. d. Containers on the Promenade are needed for works to the groynes. The timescale for the works is unknown. They will only be a temporary disturbance but are needed for

the £80,000 works. e. There were no updates for the ambulance service or the promenade cycle paths though JM WTC could write to the Scrutiny Committee about these. f. Ward Cllr L. Healing (LH) asked for people to lobby the Police and Crime Cllrs Commissioner when he is in Withernsea on 4th July. Cllr LH has around 13 – 14 letters from residents regarding local policing concerns. A supportive Chief Inspector has visited Cllr LH in person

5708. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. a. Cllr ML attended The Hut Steering Group meeting on 25th July and reported that various and interesting events are being planned for the summer with involvement also with the Carnival. A trial horse riding scheme is being considered. b. Cllr SaW attended a recent fishing compound site meeting. Several issues were raised. The project manager should be contacting WTC with details. The fist aid box needs wall mounting. Sensors on lights and CCTV were mentioned, power supplies to unit 7 JM need checking, a rear ground pipe appears to be loose and tampered with and the roof overhang is supposed to have been done. JM advised a meeting will be held with relevant parties to decipher the purpose and testing of the interceptor.

5709. Councillor’s questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. a. Southcliff Road toilets to be placed on the next agenda - Cllr TD. KLHD b. Cllr PH stated there was no dog bins on the lower North Promenade. The clerk advised there are bins on the top layer that can be used. c. Cllr SaW reported the appalling state of the alley way between the Post Office and JM Dove House. The owners will be asked to improve it or lock the access up. d. Cllr TD was asked to follow up lighting concerns to the ten foots off Queen Street. TD e. Smells have been reported from the fishing compound. f. A request will be made to ERYC to remove the graffiti on the wall outside of Queens JM Terrace.

5710. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To discuss dog control orders for Hull Road Playing fields. Cllr PS has informally met with John Dunn, AFC. KLHD has spoken to ERYC regarding the current position with awaited Dog Exclusions and was advised there had been changes which WTC had not been informed about. An update was given by the Deputy Clerk. A complete dog exclusion is the preferred choice for the AFC. It was unanimously AGREED that a JM dog exclusion order be requested. Users of the field are encouraged to make similar requests. The AFC are permitted to hold their tournament as previously granted with sole use of the car park. b. To discuss co-ordination between Health and Safety and Property Officers. It was PS AGREED that the AFC can report Health and Safety matters to the WTC Safety P Officer /Personnel or to Property Officers, who will all report such items at a Town Officers Council meeting. c. To discuss Meridian Centre matters. The list of issues raised earlier and a list of the WTC’s need to be discussed together. Representatives of the CIO, Friends, Mr G Hornsby and WTC will be asked to attend a JM meeting which will be arranged via JM.

d. Invitation to attend a Community Economic Redevelopment Programme Launch event in Leeds on 1st July. Interested Cllrs wishing to attend are to contact JM. Cllrs e. Consider request from Cllr BC to join Memorial Gardens Trust and Christmas Lights committees and to be WTC representative on the Health Forum and CCTV co- ordinator. It was AGREED Cllr BC be included on the Memorial Gardens Trust and put forward KLHD to the Christmas Lights Committee and representative for the Health Forum and CCTV. f. To consider marking bays in the fishing compound. KLHD It was AGREED to paint bays in the compound. g. To consider charges for water usage on un-serviced berths in the fishing compound. The current split of charges has been questioned by the un serviced berth holders. JM Alternatives were discussed. It was unanimously AGREED a 50% reduction of a normal share be made to the two fishermen. Water is used and should be used for washing down of boats and equipment and reducing smells. h. To consider request from ‘Fishing for Litter’ scheme for a sign outside the fishing compound. The suggested sign was APPROVED to promote awareness of the scheme and the KLHD involvement by users of the fishing compound. i. To consider purchase of new bins for Valley Gardens. It was AGREED that five single bins be purchased for the Valley Gardens. JM

5711. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made. a. Cllr PB declared an interest . Application 15/0159/STOUT (outline) – for the erection of 112 no. dwellings (means of access to be considered) at land east of JM Greythorn, Hull Road, Withernsea for A J Stephenson & Sons was discussed and APPROVED with two abstentions. It was noted that at a later stage services, access and drainage etc be looked into further. b. Application 15/01107/PLF for the retention of existing conservatory at 33 Seathorne, JM Withernsea for Mrs A Cooper was APPROVED with three against. c. Appeal Decision: APP/E2001/W/15/3003670. Open Market, Station Road, Withernsea. Appeal dismissed. Noted.

5712. Financial matters: a. To agree schedule of payments for May 2015. Payment schedule for May 2015 was unanimously AGREED and signed. b. To receive Internal Audit report w/e 31.3.15. The Clerk advised matters arising have been dealt with. The internal audit report was ACCEPTED.

5713. Councillor’s reports. a. Cllr TD has received complaints regarding the hanging baskets. An alternative JM supplier will be asked to source them next year.

b. Cllr SaW asked to be included as a Property Officer and asked for another member to join the Newsletter Working Group. Cllrs GC and DE can assist with future KLHD publications. c. Branches overhanging Hull Road playing field are to be cut back. KLHD d. The Mayors parents, Mr and Mrs Spicer have offered to purchase a meeting room clock. e. The changing room at the Pop-In is to be cleared as soon as possible. KLHD f. The Waxholme Road storage unit is still in use and needs emptying.

Meeting closed at 9.30pm. End.


The Minutes of the Extra Ordinary meeting held on Monday 3rd July 2019, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: The Mayor Councillor T Dagnall (TD), Deputy Mayor F. Walmsley (FW). Councillors: B. Cloke (BC), K Hardcastle (KH), and the Town Clerk (JM) and Deputy Clerk (KG).

Police: 0 Press: 0 Public: 0.

Minute Points raised or agreed Action By Part 1. Public session.

4641. Apologies: Cllr S Winters.

4642 Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. DE, BC, IB & JB declared a non-pecuniary interest in 5fa as a member of the Tourism & Christmas Lights Committee. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None.

4643. Public Participation: None present.

Part 2. Private session. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

4644. The Chairman will move that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business pursuant to section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. Agreed. No public present.

4645. In Camera a. Discuss Tourism events in Valley Gardens. i. It was agreed to adopt the circulated guidance note for volunteers active on Valley Garden JM events. JM will roll out the guidance note next week. ii. It was agreed that a responsible Councillor will be appointed to oversee each WTC event, to be present throughout the event. iii. The remit of the Tourism and Christmas Lights Committee was reconsidered and requirements for events were confirmed.

Meeting closed 8:30pm

Withernsea Town Council, The Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Tel/Fax: 01964 614984. Email: info Web:

AGENDA Issued 21/7/15 Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Withernsea Town Council, on Monday 20th July 2015 at 7pm, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly at 9.30pm. The agenda is specified below.

Yours sincerely

J Moxon Mrs. J. Moxon MILCM, Clerk to the Council.

Members of the public may speak on any item(s) appearing on the public agenda, (or on any other matter that falls within the Council’s terms of reference) during the public participation session or at the discretion of the Chair. Audio and video recording of this meeting may take place with certain restrictions.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

2. Meeting with Mr Matthew Grove, Police and Crime Commissioner.

3. Declarations of Interest: To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.

To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below.

4. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Confirmation of Town Council minutes 29.6.15. b. Receipt of the Meridian Centre CIO minutes 22.6.15.

5. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation.

6. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk.

7. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community.

8. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations.

9. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8.

10. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To consider request for a yard sweeping job.*

b. To discuss renewal of 5 year licence and agreement for use of ERYC land.*

c. To discuss use of Southcliff Road toilets – Cllr TD

d. To confirm representation at the Regeneration Stakeholder Workshop – Friday 31st July at the Meridian Centre, Withernsea. 12.30pm for the W&SHRP Community Economic Development Plan.*

e. To consider approval for a Withernsea Beauty Pageant for Miss Chloe Hart.*

f. To agree judges for WTC Garden Competition from 4pm on Friday 14th August 2015.

g. To confirm councillor’s attending the ERNLLCA Conference in Hull on 23/10/15 @ £85 per delegate.

h. To consider Facebook/Twitter group/page – Cllr SL.

i. To agree request for WTC to be lead partner and accountable body for the High Street Fund application for Withernsea shop shutters project for W&SHRP.

j. To consider quote for repair of Queen Street tree basket.

k. To consider any Resolutions for the ERNLLCA 2015 AGM.

l. To consider consultation on Draft Supplementary Planning Documents.*

11. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made. All planning applications are available and accessed electronically from the ERYC website. Please use links below.

a. Application 15/01676/PLF for the installation of 6 replacement antennas on support poles, 2 replacement equipment cabinets, 2 additional equipment cabinets and ancillary equipment (resubmission of 14/03735/PLF) at The Lighthouse Museum, Hull Road, Withernsea for CTIL/Telefonica UK Ltd. (paper application on the table for perusal.)

b. Application 15/01874/PLF for an extension to the entertainment complex (re-development of Show Bar and Boathouse restaurant) at Withernsea Sands Holiday Village, Waxholme Road, Withernsea for Park Resorts Ltd. eyVal=NPZR81BJN5900

c. Application 15/00980/PLF for erection of single storey extension to rear at Withernsea Fire Station, Walter Street, Withernsea for Humberside Fire and Rescue Service. eyVal=NLTU3PBJM3200

12. Financial matters: a. To agree payment schedule for June 2015.

13. Councillors reports.

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council * = copy attached for Cllrs


The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday 20th July 2015, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: The Mayor Cllr P Spicer (PS) and Deputy Mayor Cllr D. Edwards (DE). Councillors: B. Cloke (BC), T. Dagnall (TD), S. Lafleur (SL), P. Barker (PB), J Tasker (JT), K. Hardcastle (KH), M. Lloyd (ML), G. Chambers (GC) and S. Winters (SaW). The Town Clerk (JM) and Deputy Clerk (KLHD).

Press: 0 Public: 13 Police: 1

Minute Points raised or agreed Action No. By Fire evacuation and recording procedures addressed by the Mayor.

5714. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. None.

5715. Meeting with Mr Matthew Grove, Police and Crime Commissioner. Matthew Grove thanked the WTC for inviting him to the meeting and welcomed feedback as he is aware from the recent street surgery there are concerns regarding police presence and response times. He is aware that the new force model isn’t perfect but made an assurance that it is ‘work in progress’ to identify and tackle and put right the problems. Withernsea whilst a long way from other places does have an outstanding Neighbourhood Policing Team. A question and answer session took place with various subjects discussed including CCTV, reporting crime, victims of crime and category of crime, funding and licensing.

The Mayor proposed the agenda item for public and police participation be brought forward and discussed as the next item. AGREED.

5716. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation. AGREED. a. PC Ainly gave an overview of the four week police report as circulated and identified current priority areas. CCTV is working well and the upgrade is providing quality images. M Grove and PC Ainley both spoke on the subject of licensing and licensing laws which was brought up several times with a suggestion that the laws be looked at. Two separate members of the public spoke of their repeated experiences as victims of crime and the reporting and service they had received. Mr Grove apologised and gave both his direct contact details. Staffing, funding, contacting the police and other matters were discussed. b. A member of the public asked WTC to request that ERYC select better photos of KLHD Withernsea for their tourism and promotional material. c. The Mayor congratulated Gordon Hodgson for his Steam Rally Summer parade. A round of applause was given by those present. d. The Meridian Centre CIO AGM will be held on 18th August 2015 at 7pm in the Meridian Centre. All members stand down prior to re-elections commencing. A meeting between All the CIO and WTC will take place on Thursday 30th July at 7pm, in the Meridian Centre. Cllrs e. A resident identified that ERYC had transmitted information to the media regarding the location of the water fountains, which in fact has not as yet been decided upon. The information was embargoed. Cllr A Hodgson suggested the Steering Group should deal

and design with it themselves then ask ERYC where they can be mounted. Cllr AH spoke of funds and difficulties in sorting the fountains with each other. All were reminded that Big Local funding is resident lead and not lead by WTC or the ERYC.

5717. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. Cllrs DE and SL declared an interest in 11b of the agenda. KLHD Cllr ML declared a non pecuniary interest in items 11a and 11b. KLHD b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None.

5718. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. Confirmation of Town Council minutes 29.6.15. The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 29th June 2015 were CONFIRMED as a true record with one abstention KLHD and signed. Minutes of the Meridian Centre CIO meeting on 22.6.15 were RECEIVED.

5719. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. Clerks report circulated. Additional items: a. Tombola prizes are required for the Summertime Special Committee. Any donations can All be left in the Clerks office. Cllrs b. All Councillors are reminded to attend ERNLLCA’s training session on Thursday at 7pm. All Cllrs c. A community payback worker has been assigned to WTC for 250 hours. d. Certificates for the classes involved with the temporary fish trail will be presented at the KLHD Summertime Special. Arrangements to be made. e. Extra plants have been sourced and planted into the hanging baskets to improve them. f. Any issues to be raised at the CIO meeting on 30th July should be recorded and brought to All the meeting. Cllrs

5720. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. a. Cllr A Hodgson stated ERYC funding would not be handed to the WTC to manage. JM advised we have already been asked to be the lead partner and accountable body, by an ERYC renaissance officer. b. Several representatives from Withernsea attended a funding workshop in Leeds to assist in obtaining funds for Withernsea.

5721. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. None.

5722. Councillor’s questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. a. The Clerk was asked about a personnel meeting. The Clerk will arrange a meeting in due JM

course. JM b. Town Council representation was suggested for the Meridian Centre CIO. The Clerk suggested this be deferred until after the meeting on 30th July.

5723. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To consider request for a yard sweeping job. JM TD The Clerk will liaise further with the family regarding a volunteer sweeping post and liaise with Cllr TD. b. To discuss renewal of 5 year licence and agreement for use of ERYC land. KLHD It was AGREED to request the renewal of the agreement and licence adding in the grassed area on the South Promenade between Louville Avenue and Seacroft Road. c. To discuss use of Southcliff Road toilets – Cllr TD. Enquiries have been made regarding the rates by Cllr TD who proposed the re-opening of the toilets on a two month trial basis, himself offering to be the key holder and cleaner. The alternative suggestion would be to sell them. The Clerk explained the reason for their closure was the running costs involved and cuts to our budget, though the regeneration JM partnership may be able to incorporate the facility into the seafront improvement scheme. It was AGREED to wait until the next budget and then consider a month’s trial. d. To confirm representation at the Regeneration Stakeholder Workshop – Friday 31st July at DE BC the Meridian Centre, Withernsea. 12.30pm for the W&SHRP Community Economic Development Plan. Cllrs DE and BC will attend. KLHD e. To consider approval for a Withernsea Beauty Pageant for Miss Chloe Hart. It was AGREED Miss Hart had the approval of the WTC for her Beauty Pageant. KLHD f. To agree judges for WTC Garden Competition from 4pm on Friday 14th August 2015. Cllrs JT and DE will take part in the judging. Cllr BC will stand in if required. g. To confirm councillor’s attending the ERNLLCA Conference in Hull on 23/10/15 @ £85 DE JM per delegate. Cllr DE will attend. h. To consider Facebook/Twitter group/page – Cllr SL. JM Once the new website is up and running and subject to items being approved by the Clerk SL for accuracy and the vetting of all posts, it was AGREED unanimously for Cllr SL to DE BC arrange and administer social media accounts with the support of Cllrs DE and BC. i. To agree request for WTC to be lead partner and accountable body for the High Street Fund application for Withernsea shop shutters project for W&SHRP. JM Email of request circulated and AGREED with 1 against that WTC be the lead partner and accountable body for the High Street Fund, shop shutter project. j. To consider quote for repair of Queen Street tree basket. JM It was AGREED for the repair to be considered at next year’s budget meeting. k. To consider any Resolutions for the ERNLLCA 2015 AGM. JM The Clerk explained the Resolution procedure and ERNLLCAs involvement. Suggested items to be correctly worded in advance of submitting to ERNLLCA are: The placement of difficult children being housed in premises out of their area and the cost implications incurred to the services in the placement area.

Licensing laws to be changed to aid communities, the police and health services.

The police New Model and Coastal Erosion.

Any further resolutions to be considered are to be placed on the next agenda for discussion All and correct wording. Cllrs l. To consider consultation on Draft Supplementary Planning Documents. All Circulated. Any comments to be made to the Clerk. Cllrs

5724. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made. All planning applications are available and accessed electronically from the ERYC website. a. Application 15/01676/PLF for the installation of 6 replacement antennas on support poles, 2 replacement equipment cabinets, 2 additional equipment cabinets and ancillary equipment (resubmission of 14/03735/PLF) at The Lighthouse Museum, Hull Road, JM Withernsea for CTIL/Telefonica UK Ltd was unanimously APPROVED with one declaration of interest. b. Application 15/01874/PLF for an extension to the entertainment complex (re-development of Show Bar and Boathouse restaurant) at Withernsea Sands Holiday Village, Waxholme Road, Withernsea for Park Resorts Ltd was APPROVED with two abstentions. JM eTab=summary&keyVal=NPZR81BJN5900 c. Application 15/00980/PLF for erection of single storey extension to rear at Withernsea Fire Station, Walter Street, Withernsea for Humberside Fire and Rescue Service was unanimously APPROVED. JM mmary&keyVal=NLTU3PBJM3200

5725. Financial matters: To agree payment schedule for June 2015. The payment schedule for June 2015 was unanimously AGREED. KLHD

5726. Councillor’s reports. Cllr SaW enquired about a plaque for the wining car at the Classic Car event. th Cllr KH asked fellow councillors to support the Frank Cleveland Big Band event on 14 All August. Cllrs Cllr GC will contact ERYC parking enforcement regarding parking outside Sycamore House. The clerk advised Dogs on Leads signs are on order. Street lighting on ten foots to be placed on the next agenda for discussion – Cllr TD. JM TD

Meeting closed at 9.10pm. End.

Withernsea Town Council, The Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Tel/Fax: 01964 614984. Email: info Web:

AGENDA Issued 3/8/15 Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Withernsea Town Council, on Monday 10th August 2015 at 7pm, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly at 9.30pm. The agenda is specified below.

Yours sincerely

J Moxon Mrs. J. Moxon MILCM, Clerk to the Council.

Members of the public may speak on any item(s) appearing on the public agenda, (or on any other matter that falls within the Council’s terms of reference) during the public participation session or at the discretion of the Chair. Audio and video recording of this meeting may take place with certain restrictions.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of Interest: To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.

To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below.

3. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Confirmation of Town Council minutes dated 20.7.15. b. Receipt of the Christmas Lights committee minutes – 21.7.2015. c. Receipt of the Summertime Special committee minutes – 14.7.15 and 28.7.15. d. Receipt of the Tourism committee minutes – 17.7.15.

4. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation.

5. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk.

6. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community.

7. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations.

8. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8.

9. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To consider draft Resolutions for the ERNLLCA 2015 AGM. * b. To consider concept design for fishing compound fence artwork – Heritage Lottery Fund Project. * c. Discuss footway lighting information (service level agreements). d. To consider quote for adding clocks to the annual insurance policy. e. To consider offer from Mr D Frith to be allotment officer.

10. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made. All planning applications are available and accessed electronically from the ERYC website. Please use links below. a. Application 15/02235/PLF for change of use of ground floor shop and first floor flat to general offices (Class B1a) at Cascade Living Solutions, 231 Queen Street, Withernsea for Meadowlea Partners. eyVal=NRL4H3BJ0GJ00

b. Application 15/02026/PLF for alterations to front elevation to remove existing extension and create an outdoor seating area and change of use of former dance studio to use as a micro-bar (use class A4). At 2 Seaside Road, Withernsea for Mr J R Hall. eyVal=NQP29QBJFLQ00

c. NOD. 33 Seathorne Road, Withernsea – Retention of existing conservatory . Refused. *

11. Financial matters: a. To agree payment schedule for July 2015.

12. Councillors reports.

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council * = copied to Councillors


The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday 10th August 2015, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: The Mayor Cllr P Spicer (PS) and Deputy Mayor Cllr D. Edwards (DE). Councillors: B. Cloke (BC), T. Dagnall (TD), S. Lafleur (SL), J Tasker (JT), K. Hardcastle (KH), M. Lloyd (ML), G. Chambers (GC) and S. Winters (SaW). The Town Clerk (JM) and Deputy Clerk (KLHD).

Press: 0 Public: 4 Police: 0

Minute Points raised or agreed Action No. By Fire evacuation and recording procedures addressed by the Mayor.

5727. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. Apologies tendered by Cllr P. Barker.

5728. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. Cllr BC declared a non pecuniary interest in item 10a of the agenda – planning. JM Cllr PS declared a non pecuniary interest on item 9e of the agenda – allotments. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. No dispensations.

5729. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Confirmation of the Town Council minutes dated 20.7.15. The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 20th July 2015 were unanimously JM CONFIRMED as a true record of the meeting. b. Christmas Lights committee minutes – 21.7.2015. Received. c. Summertime Special committee minutes – 14.7.15 and 28.7.15. Received. d. Tourism committee minutes – 17.7.15. Received.

Upon receiving the minutes of the Summertime Special committee the Mayor congratulated the committee for all their hard work which resulted in a fantastic weekend for the town. Matters relating to the event will be discussed by the committee at their next JM meeting.

5730. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation. a. Public/police participation AGREED. Apologies from the police officer who was dealing with police matters. Police report received and circulated. b. A resident thanked the WTC and Summertime Special committee for a brilliant weekend. The event was just what the town wanted. Thanks were also portrayed to the police who policed it perfectly and where all local with knowledge of the events. It shows local police officers are an asset to the town and should be retained here. c. Another resident agreed it was a fantastic weekend which when running a local café some years ago, used to triple their sales.

5731. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. Clerks report circulated and filed with master copy of minutes. Updates relate to : Promenade fountains, the High Street Fund, Digital screen for the Meridian Centre, The Community Economic Development leadership team, a volunteer litter picker, meeting between the CIO and WTC, ERYC dog foul campaign and the ongoing fishing compound artwork. The Mayor gave an overview on the meeting between the WTC and CIO and also the promenade fountains. Cllrs BC, TD and DE expressed an interest in joining the above JM leadership team with a local resident sat in the public gallery.

5732. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. Cllr A Hodgson congratulated the Summertime Special/Bike Fest Committee for a superb weekend and reported fly tipping in the Seathorne area has been a problem though one party responsible for it has been caught. Fishermen have mentioned their costs for the compound and an on-site drain to him. Compound costs will be reviewed at the next finance committee meeting/ budget meeting. Free electric blanket testing is on offer at JM Aldi between 12 noon and 2pm with other representatives present. ERYC are offering a collection fee of £10 for up to five items in an attempt to combat flytipping. ERYC will arrange to see if graffitti on Queens Terrace wall can be removed.

5733. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. a. BC has already applied to Community Economic Development Leadership Team. b. TD said all regeneration matters had been covered already. c. PS has met the police chief superintendent regarding policing in the town especially at night. He was advised it is all going to be reviewed. The inspector was also present at the Summertime Special event – we must endeavour to retain our local policing team.

5734. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. None.

5735. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To consider draft Resolutions for the ERNLLCA 2015 AGM. It was AGREED in principle to submit the three draft Resolutions as circulated by the Clerk. Another two were JM proposed regarding the high cost of rates on public toilets and to consider the affects of the loss of local police officers and their local knowledge due to the new police force model. The Clerk will word all Resolutions in the correct format and submit all five and place each individual one on the next agenda for confirmation. b. To consider concept design for fishing compound fence artwork – Heritage Lottery Fund Project. Ideas only have been circulated. There is still much more work to be done. The Withernsea Primary school fish trail has been put forward and Big Local have shown some interest. c. Discuss footway lighting information (service level agreements). Cllr TD has made further enquiries in support of reinstating street lighting behind some business premises. The Clerk will make further enquiries regarding the full cost and JM implications. d. To consider quote for adding clocks to the annual insurance policy. It was AGREED to include the two clocks on the annual premium at a cost of £384.94. JM e. To consider offer from Mr D Frith to be allotment officer. KLHD It was AGREED to offer Mr Frith the role of allotment officer for both sites.

5736. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made. All planning applications are available and accessed electronically from the ERYC website. Please use links below. a. Application 15/02235/PLF for change of use of ground floor shop and first floor flat to general offices (Class B1a) at Cascade Living Solutions, 231 Queen Street, Withernsea for JM Meadowlea Partners was APPROVED with 1 abstention. mmary&keyVal=NRL4H3BJ0GJ00 b. Application 15/02026/PLF for alterations to front elevation to remove existing extension JM and create an outdoor seating area and change of use of former dance studio to use as a micro-bar (use class A4) at 2 Seaside Road, Withernsea for Mr J R Hall was APPROVED with 1 abstention. mmary&keyVal=NQP29QBJFLQ00 c. NOD. 33 Seathorne Road, Withernsea – Retention of existing conservatory . Refused. Noted.

Financial matters: 5737. To agree payment schedule for July 2015.

The payments schedule for July 2015 was APPOVED.

Councillors reports. 5738. All Councillors have new ID badges which should be worn when representing the WTC.

Meeting closed at 8pm. End.

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

WTC=Withernsea Town Council

Withernsea Town Council, The Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Tel/Fax: 01964 614984. Email: info Web:

AGENDA Issued 1/9/15 Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Withernsea Town Council, on Monday 7th September 2015 at 7pm, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly at 9.30pm. The agenda is specified below.

Yours sincerely

J Moxon Mrs. J. Moxon MILCM, Clerk to the Council.

Members of the public may speak on any item(s) appearing on the public agenda, (or on any other matter that falls within the Council’s terms of reference) during the public participation session or at the discretion of the Chair. Audio and video recording of this meeting may take place with certain restrictions.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of Interest: To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.

To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below.

3. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Confirmation of Town Council minutes dated 10.8.15. b. Receipt of the Summertime Special committee minutes 25.8.15

4. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation.

5. Clerks Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk.

6. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community.

7. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations.

8. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8.

9. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To confirm Resolutions for the ERNLLCA 2015 AGM. * b. To consider further information re provision of footway lighting at Queen Street East (service level 1 agreement). c. To consider further information regarding civilian war memorial. d. Property officers Report * e. Invitation to Withernsea & District Lions Club Annual Charter Dinner 30th October 7.30pm f. Fliss Clayton: To receive minutes of initiation meeting with Innovate Educate 14th August 2015 & consider draft text for interpretation boards *

10. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made. All planning applications are available and accessed electronically from the ERYC website. Please use links below. Application 15/02219/REG3 for erection of 22 apartment building at Wesley Court Queen Street, Withernsea for East Riding of Yorkshire Council: al=NRJ9HKBJ0PH100

a. NOD. Lighthouse Museum, Hull Road, Withernsea 6 replacement antennaes & equipment. Granted

b. NOD. Withernsea Sands Holiday Village. Extension to entertainment complex. Granted.

11. Financial matters: a. To agree payment schedule for AUGUST 2015.

12. Councillors reports.

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council * = copied to Councillors


The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday 7th September 2015, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: The Mayor Cllr P Spicer (PS). Councillors: B. Cloke (BC), T. Dagnall (TD), S. Lafleur (SL), J Tasker (JT), K. Hardcastle (KH), M. Lloyd (ML), G. Chambers (GC) and S. Winters (SaW). The Town Clerk (JM) and Deputy Clerk (KLHD). Press: 0 Public: 4 Police: 0

Minute Points raised or agreed Action No. By Fire evacuation and recording procedures addressed by the Mayor.

5739. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. Apologies tendered by Cllr P. Barker and Cllr D. Edwards.

5740.2. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. None. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None.

5741.3. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Confirmation of Town Council minutes dated 10.8.15. CONFIRMED and signed as a true KLHD record. b. Receipt of the Summertime Special committee minutes 25.8.15. RECEIVED.

5742. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation. AGREED. No members of the public present wished to speak. Apologies from the police.

5743. Clerks Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. a. Clerks reported circulated comprising an update on the Meridian Centre, CIO members, KLHD revised hire fees, and the year end report and accounts. b. The cabins near the fishing compound move with the contractors who are working between Withernsea and Hornsea. c. As the location of the fountains and seats is known, a site meeting will be held to assess where cycle shelters and picnic benches will be placed on 21st September at 2pm with Matt BC JT Ives, ERYC infrastructure and facilities and Cllrs BC, JT, SaW and JM in attendance. Saw Meet at the Pier Towers. JM d. At the Withernsea Public Art Project meeting the steering group made reference to the base of the structure and the surrounding area where visitors will get the best viewing point. e. Highway improvement works commence on Memorial Avenue on 14th September for five weeks.

f. Aldi’s manager confirmed they have caretaker who sweeps/cleans up three times a week and have locked their bins to prevent the scattering of litter. Gating the alley off was suggested but questioned due to fire doors. g. Agenda and previous minutes for the East Riding of Yorkshire and Joint Local Access Forum received.

5744. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. a. Cllr A Hodgson (AH) present and spoke regarding gating the alleyway at Aldi and assistance from the anti social behaviour team. b. On 15th and 22nd September between 4 and 7pm there are meetings at Hollym regarding the new water and treatment works. c. Measuring equipment will be installed at Tunstall then Hollym by Dong Energy re: tidal surges, drifts for approximately 18 months. The turbine field off Hornsea has been taken over by Dong Energy. d. Bungalows on Northfield are to be surveyed for repairs including paths and removal of a parking restriction. Overgrowth on the north Seathorne pathway to the promenade will be seen to too.

5745. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. Cllr BC has attended a Public Art Project meeting and will feed back the website/facebook BC page. Funding is in from FLAG and other areas. Consultation carried out by Faceless Arts has involved the youngsters. Insurance may need to be considered if erected on WTC land. JM A November 2015 completion date is anticipated.

5746. Councillor’s questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. None.

5747. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To confirm Resolutions for the ERNLLCA 2015 AGM. Circulated. a1. This Association calls on the Government to urgently review the licensing laws for drinking establishments. This Town Council feels that the licensing laws need to be reviewed as soon as possible due to the effect it has on Policing. Nationally the Police Force is under extreme pressure to provide effective policing with reduced resources. We feel that staffing levels would be better managed, especially over night, if drinking was not allowed to continue until the early hours of the morning. This would also improve the pressure on busy A & E Departments caused by disruptive people in drink and reduce cases of criminal damage and antisocial behaviour. RESOLUTION AGREED with 1 against. JM a2. This Association calls on the Government to review/adopt Policy in regard to the placement of behaviourally challenged children in care homes. We feel that Government policy is required when unitary authorities are determining the placement of difficult children in care homes. At present it is common practice to place children in care homes out of their authority’s area due to cost savings. This displaces vulnerable youngsters and places additional pressure on the police force in the area in which they are placed. Regular attendance by an already reduced police force results in a reduced service elsewhere in the vicinity, increasing costs for the recipient authorities whilst reducing costs for the originating authority. Such establishments in isolated towns have a high negative

impact on the local community and when problems arise with individuals they are difficult to resolve as the social services responsible for them are not the ones in which they are residing. RESOLUTION unanimously APPROVED. JM a3. This Association calls on the Government to review its Policy on Coastal Erosion. This Town Council feels that the Government needs to urgently re-consider its policy on Coastal Erosion, which in our region – East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire – is occurring at an increasing rate. Rather than ‘managed retreat’ it is felt that all options of hard-erosion controls (seawalls, revetments, groynes and breakwaters), and soft-erosion controls such as beach nourishment, should be urgently considered to protect coastal communities and valuable farm land. RESOLUTION unanimously APPROVED. JM a4. This Association calls on the Police and Crime Commissioner and Humberside Police to review the New Force Model and its effectiveness in reducing crime. We feel that the new model spreads officers too thinly across a wide area, and loses valuable local knowledge which individual officers have of their own parish. This is having an adverse effect, resulting in increased crime, and fear of crime. An urgent review of the model is required to ensure that officers are deployed in a way that maximises their local knowledge. JM RESOLUTION unanimously APPROVED. a5. This Association calls on the Government to urgently review its policy regarding the payment of business rates on public conveniences. This Town Council feels that many town and parish councils, whilst willing to manage and maintain former unitary authority owned public conveniences are unable to do so because of the high business rates payable. There is differing ways in which different unitary authorities apply rates to toilet blocks. This should be standardised and affordable. RESOLUTION unanimously APPROVED. JM b. To consider further information re provision of footway lighting at Queen Street East service level 1 agreement). The Clerk has obtained advice, options and details of the costs involved for reinstating the three ten foot lights. It was however suggested the item be deferred and discussed further at the budget meeting. Enquiries regarding similar lights/locations to be clarified in the JM meantime. c. To consider further information regarding civilian war memorial. Correspondence circulated and discussed. Cllr BC confirmed there are two roll of honour plaques in St Nicholas Church including names given in Mr Stephenson’s letter. Removal and relocation of the plaques to be applied for along with the plaque from the JM Municipal Buildings. It was AGREED that the War time Experience Group liaise direct KH with Mr Stephenson with a suggestion of a new plaque being done and the old plaques brought to the Meridian Centre. d. Property officers Report. Report circulated. The cemetery WC door is unlocked during working hours. The water supply is in hand. A good tidy and clean up is required. JM Allotment officer’s report received. KLHD Signage on Hull Road car park to be clarified for consideration of renewal. SL All other jobs have been passed on for attention. e. Invitation to Withernsea & District Lions Club Annual Charter Dinner 30th October 2015 at 7.30pm. All Invitation to be re-circulated. Anyone wishing to attend to confirm with the Clerk for Cllrs response purposes.

f. Fliss Clayton: To receive minutes of initiation meeting with Innovate Educate 14th August 2015 & consider draft text for interpretation boards. Circulated, additional phrasing discussed and AGREED. JM

5748. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made. All planning applications are available and accessed electronically from the ERYC website. a. Application 15/02219/REG3 for erection of 22 apartment building at Wesley Court Queen Street, Withernsea for East Riding of Yorkshire Council was unanimously APPROVED. eTab=summary&keyVal=NRJ9HKBJ0PH100) JM b. NOD. Lighthouse Museum, Hull Road, Withernsea 6 replacement antennae’s & equipment. Granted. Noted. c. NOD. Withernsea Sands Holiday Village. Extension to entertainment complex. Granted. Noted.

5749. Financial matters: To agree payment schedule for AUGUST 2015. Deferred. JM

5750. Councillor’s reports. a. Cllr TD reported weeds on the South Promenade and handed in a letter he’d received KLHD regarding ambulance attendance times. Letter to be passed onto Graham Stuart M.P and KLHD b. Withernsea and District Health Forum. c. Cllr PS congratulated Cllr KH and the Wartime Experience Group for the Wartime d. weekend and thanked Cllr GC for his help throughout. Cllr KH passed on his gratitude to Cllr GC too. 5751. Cllr PS asked fellow Councillors to help sell tickets and promote events going on in the All Meridian Centre and closed the meeting stating Withernsea had had a fantastic summer Cllrs 2015.

Meeting closed at 7.45pm. End.

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council

Withernsea Town Council, The Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Tel/Fax: 01964 614984. Email: info Web:

AGENDA Issued 22/9/15 Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Withernsea Town Council, on Monday 28th September 2015 at 7pm, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly at 9.30pm. The agenda is specified below.

Yours sincerely

J Moxon Mrs. J. Moxon MILCM, Clerk to the Council.

Members of the public may speak on any item(s) appearing on the public agenda, (or on any other matter that falls within the Council’s terms of reference) during the public participation session or at the discretion of the Chair. Audio and video recording of this meeting may take place with certain restrictions.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of Interest: To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.

To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below.

3. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Confirmation of Town Council minutes dated 7th September 2015. b. Receipt of the Summertime Special committee minutes 15th September 2015. c. Receipt of Christmas Lights committee minutes 25th August 2015. d. Receipt of tourism committee minutes 18th September 2015. e. Receipt of Meridian CIO minutes 18th September 2015.

4. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report* and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation.

5. Clerks Report: To receive report* / update from the Town Clerk.

6. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community.

7. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. a. ERNLLCA AGM. b. Cycle racks and Picnic benches on site meeting. c. Any other meeting / representation.

8. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8.

9. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To consider response/action to allotment inspectors letter* and report. b. To consider letter received from S Gibson regarding family headstone.* c. To discuss email from S. Westoby re: Hollym Waste Water Treatment Works.*

d. To confirm attendees for the Community Defibrillator training session on 23th November. e. Invitation to Coastal Conference on 3/11/15 in Skegness for Coastal Community Teams.* f. Invitation to ERYC Public Transport event, 7th October at SHORES, 6.30pm. **

10. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made. All planning applications are available and accessed electronically from the ERYC website. Please use links below.

a. Application 15/02675/PLF for the retention of conservatory to the rear (resubmission of 15/01107/PLF at 33 Seathorne, Withernsea for Mrs A Cooper. 7KCBJGFW00

b. NOD. 2 Seaside Road, Withernsea for Mr J R Hall. Alternation to front elevation to remove existing extension and create an outdoor seating area and change of use of former dance studio to use as a micro- bar (use class A4). GRANTED.

c. NOD. Withernsea Fire Station, Walter Street, Withernsea for Humberside Fire and Rescue Service. Erection of single storey extension to rear. GRANTED.

d. NOD. Casacade Living Solutions, 231 Queen Street, Withernsea for Meadowlea Partners. Continued use of ground floor shop and 1st floor flat as general offices (Class B1). GRANTED.

11. Financial matters: To agree payment schedule for AUGUST 2015.

12. Councillors reports.

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council * = copied to Councillors


The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday 28th September 2015, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: The Mayor Cllr P Spicer (PS) and Deputy Mayor Cllr D. Edwards (DE). Councillors: B. Cloke (BC), T. Dagnall (TD), S. Lafleur (SL), J Tasker (JT), K. Hardcastle (KH), M. Lloyd (ML), G. Chambers (GC), and S. Winters (SaW). Deputy Clerk (KLHD). Press: 0 Public: 4 Police: 0

Minute Points raised or agreed Action No. By Fire evacuation and recording procedures addressed by the Mayor.

5752. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. None.

5753.2. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. None. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None.

5754. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Confirmation of Town Council meeting held on 7th September 2015. Minutes unanimously CONFIRMED and signed. KLHD b. Receipt of the Summertime Special committee minutes 15th September 2015. Received. c. Receipt of Christmas Lights committee minutes 25th August 2015. Received. d. Receipt of tourism committee minutes 18th September 2015. Received. e. Receipt of Meridian CIO minutes 18th September 2015. Deferred. KLHD 5755. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report* and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation. a. Public participation was AGREED. No police officer present though two reports were circulated. Ward Cllr Mrs L Healing requested future copies of the police report in. KLHD b. A resident spoke regarding repeated and targeted car crime. Ward Cllr L Healing spoke with the resident and the Deputy Clerk will contact the Police Senior Commander to KLHD request the situation be given priority and support. c. Another resident spoke of dog fouling in the Italian and Memorial Gardens and identified a shortage of signage and stickers. The Deputy Clerk invited the speaker to visit her in the KLHD office so further details can be obtained. d. Cllr DE stated that with the new police shifts, he felt crime numbers were increasing. Cllr PS suggested that perhaps crime numbers would reduce in the Autumn period.

5756. Clerks Report: To receive report* / update from the Town Clerk. a. Peter Barker has tendered his written resignation which will be placed on the next agenda.

The vacancy has been advertised. JM b. Yorkshire Ambulance Service advised the defibrillator has been used this week. After-use checks have been made on the unit so it is ready for re-use. c. A Budget Priorities Consultation 2016/17 event will be held on Thursday 26th November between 9.30am and 12.30pm at East Riding Leisure, . A workshop based around the ERYC Council’s priorities with senior managers and councillors on hand to listen to All attendees views. Travelling expenses will be reimbursed. Interested Cllrs to advise the Cllrs Clerks. d. Cllrs BC and JT will arrange with the Primary School a suitable date to attend a year 5 assembly in order to present the ‘fish trail’ pupils with a certificate. BC JT e. Graffiti on Queens Terrace wall has been removed by ERYC employing an external contractor. f. The Newsletter Working Group was asked to arrange a meeting to prepare the literature and submit it to the deputy Clerk for the next edition, which is due out early November. BC DE GC g. Recycling banks are being removed from various sites in the East Riding due to low SaW tonnage. This is due to the success of blue bin re-cycling. The plastic and can bin from Tesco car park and the paper bin at Long Meadows Caravan Site will be removed. h. A manhole cover is up outside the commercial fishing compound. Cllr GC will assess after the meeting. GC

5757. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. a. ERYC Cllr Mrs L. Healing expressed her thanks and appreciation for the 60’s and 70’s night that was put on in the Meridian Centre. The Mayor’s Charity raised £400 and it was considered a most successful night. b. Cllr Healing attended the Hollym meeting regarding the Yorkshire Water treatment works and advised there are a lot of concerned people. A planning application is expected at ERYC soon. It was suggested Yorkshire Water should attend the next WTC meeting. c. On the 8th October Cllr Healing will be joining in a walk-about of the Kirkfield area with the police, fire service and housing officers in consideration of criminal damage, anti social behaviour and dumping of furniture and litter etc in the area.

5758. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. a. ERNLLCA AGM – none attendance already discussed. b. Cycle racks and Picnic benches on site meeting – Cllrs in attendance at the site meeting agree with the siting of the new benches, the stainless steel shelter, artwork and information board. The Deputy Clerk identified all chosen locations, the type of bench, and samples of KLHD the board and artwork. Councillors were happy with them all. c. Any other meeting / representation. Cllr PS attended a Community Lead Local Development event, which is European Funding for deprived areas. Withernsea would have to join with either Hull or other coastal towns – the preferred choice was with other All coastal towns like Bridlington, Scarborough and . Ideas and comments are to be Cllrs

collated, returned to Cllr PS for further discussion and in consideration of future funding.

5759. Councillor’s questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. a. Parking outside of the Meridian Centre was raised. It was confirmed that parking on the pavement area near the side doors is intended for loading/unloading purposes only. Cars should be removed onto the car park once loaded/unloaded.

5760. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To consider response/action to allotment inspectors letter and report. Letter circulated. The Deputy Clerk agreed with the comments raised. Discussion was held regarding tenants not abiding by the licence and rules having their tenancy terminated. It was unanimously AGREED that notice would be served to allotment holders failing to cultivate their sites KLHD despite letters and reminders regarding outstanding rent. Deposit fees were discussed and it was AGREED that the deposit should increase to £100 to encourage new tenants to look after their allotments properly. The Clerks were given authority to deal with each tenancy as necessary. b. To consider letter received from S Gibson regarding family headstone. Letter and office pictures circulated. It was AGREED the Deputy Clerk would contact the family to advice further advice was to be sought and options discussed with local stonemasons. Outside KLHD workers to be advised of the situation. c. To discuss email from S. Westoby re: Hollym Waste Water Treatment Works. Letter circulated along with a letter addressed to the fishing compound, Withernsea from YWA. Councillors discussed and considered this a matter to be taken very seriously in KLHD consideration of the proximity and disturbance to Withernsea and potential smells which could take us years to recover from. Questions raised at the YWA meeting were discussed. Cllr PS will put the thoughts of the WTC in a letter to the Holderness Gazette. His alternative option for the proposed expenditure to be spent on rocks placed south of the Promenade and past the existing site would be beneficial to the site and coastal erosion, several housing areas, the chalet park and Holmpton Road. Cllr PS will attend the next Hollym meeting. YWA to be invited to the next WTC meeting. PS d. To confirm attendees for the Community Defibrillator training session on 23th November. Councillors DE, BC, JT, GC, TD, SaW, ML, KH, SL will attend. KLHD e. Invitation to Coastal Conference on 3/11/15 in Skegness for Coastal Community Teams. Letter circulated. Cllr BC will confirm his attendance. BC f. Invitation to ERYC Public Transport event, 7th October at SHORES, 6.30pm. Letter circulated. Cllrs BC and DE to attend. Cllrs SL, SaW, JT and PS will attend if spaces are KLHD available.

5761. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made. All planning applications are available and accessed electronically from the ERYC website. Please use links below. a. Application 15/02675/PLF for the retention of conservatory to the rear (resubmission of 15/01107/PLF at 33 Seathorne, Withernsea for Mrs A Cooper. eTab=summary&keyVal=NTF7KCBJGFW00 It was AGREED unanimously to reject the application. KLHD b. NOD. 2 Seaside Road, Withernsea for Mr J R Hall. Alternation to front elevation to

remove existing extension and create an outdoor seating area and change of use of former dance studio to use as a micro-bar (use class A4). GRANTED. Noted. c. NOD. Withernsea Fire Station, Walter Street, Withernsea for Humberside Fire and Rescue Service. Erection of single storey extension to rear. GRANTED. Noted. d. NOD. Casacade Living Solutions, 231 Queen Street, Withernsea for Meadowlea Partners. Continued use of ground floor shop and 1st floor flat as general offices (Class B1). GRANTED. Noted.

5762. Financial matters: a. The payment schedule for August 2015 was unanimously APPROVED. Hanging baskets were discussed in brief. KLHD

5763. Councillor’s reports.

Meeting closed at 8.15pm. End.

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council

Withernsea Town Council, The Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Tel/Fax: 01964 614984. Email: info Web:

AGENDA Issued 13/10/15 Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Withernsea Town Council, on Monday 19th October 2015 at 7pm, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly at 9.30pm. The agenda is specified below.

Yours sincerely

J Moxon Mrs. J. Moxon MILCM, Clerk to the Council.

Members of the public may speak on any item(s) appearing on the public agenda, (or on any other matter that falls within the Council’s terms of reference) during the public participation session or at the discretion of the Chair. Audio and video recording of this meeting may take place with certain restrictions.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.

b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below.

3. Presentation to Mr Elliot Stanger re: appointment of the Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet.

4. Presentation by Mr John Olivant re: Federation of Small Business and Small Business Saturday.*

5. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Confirmation of Town Council minutes dated 28.9.15. b. Receipt of the Summertime Special committee minutes 15.8.15. c. Receipt of the CIO minutes 18.9.15. d. Receipt of Christmas Lights committee minutes 6.10.15. e. Receipt of Personnel committee minutes 13.10.15.

6. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation.

7. Clerks Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk.*

8. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community.

10. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. a. Public Transport event 7.10.15.

11. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8.

12. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council.

a. To receive and agree Property officers report 7.10.15.

b. To receive resignation from Peter Barker.

c. To elect replacement member/representative to: Property Officers, Regeneration High Street Fund and the Personnel Committee.

d. To receive details of Remembrance Services and wreath laying.

e. To consider ideas for commuted sums £12,000 funding for recreational facilities.

f. To consider letter received from Mr M J Elliott re: CCTV/Piggy Lane.

g. To consider register of interest for a November event: Youth Funding Support Service.*

h. To consider support of ‘Fair Funding for East Riding Schools’ campaign. *

i. To consider report received from Redwood Landscape Services re: three sycamore trees near 55a Hull Road, Withernsea.*

j. To consider response to ERNLLCA communication re: Future Governance of the Organisation.*

k. To consider street name request from ERYC highways department. *

l. To consider presentation of a Town Plaque to John Burdon, Royal British Legion, Services to the town of Withernsea.

m. To agree recommendations made by the Personnel Committee.

13. Resolution: This Town Council in accordance with the powers of Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972, should incur the following expenditure which on the opinion of the council is in the interests of the area and its inhabitants and will benefit them in a matter commensurate with the expenditure to purchase three wreaths to lay on Remembrance Day:- £75.

14. Financial matters: a. To agree payment schedule for September 2015. * b. To receive external auditors report / certificate. c. To note comment re: error in Section 1. d. To verify scope of the work of the internal auditor, as requested, in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations.

15. Councillors reports.

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council * = copied to Councillors


The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday 19th October 2015, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: The Mayor Cllr P Spicer (PS) and Deputy Mayor Cllr D. Edwards (DE). Councillors: B. Cloke (BC), T. Dagnall (TD), S. Lafleur (SL), J Tasker (JT), K. Hardcastle (KH), M. Lloyd (ML), G. Chambers (GC), and S. Winters (SaW). Town Clerk (JM). Press: 0 Public: 6 Police: 0

Minute Points raised or agreed Action No. By Fire evacuation and recording procedures addressed by the Mayor.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

5764. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. None.

5765. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. Cllr TD declared a non pecuniary interest in item 12f of the agenda re: CCTV on Piggy JM Lane. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None.

5766. Presentation to Mr Elliot Stanger re: appointment of the Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet. Elliot Stanger was awarded a certificate of achievement and a congratulatory letter from the WTC on reaching the status of the Lord Lieutenant’s Cadet.

5767. Presentation by Mr John Olivant re: Federation of Small Business and Small Business Saturday. The Challenge commences on 26th October until Small Business Saturday on 5th December. Cllrs were encouraged to visit as many local businesses as possible to All raise the profile of local traders. Details of how to be involved were circulated. It is Cllrs hoped a local event to promote small businesses will result on 5th December. WTC in full support of the initiative.

5768. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Confirmation of Town Council minutes, 28.9.15. The minutes of the Town Council JM meeting held on 28th September were CONFIRMED as a true record. b. Receipt of the Summertime Special committee minutes 15.8.15. RECEIVED. c. Receipt of the CIO minutes 18.9.15. RECEIVED. d. Receipt of Christmas Lights committee minutes 6.10.15. RECEIVED. e. Receipt of Personnel committee minutes 13.10.15. To be placed on the next agenda. JM

5769. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation. AGREED.

No one present wished to speak. Police reports circulated.

5770. Clerks Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. Report circulated. a. An update was given regarding the Meridian Centre final account. The Meridian Centre is getting very busy now. Good progress has been made. JM is paying utility bills until the CIO have got their new signatories sorted out. Costs will then be reimbursed. b. An engineer has attended to reset the heating and ventilation. JM, TG, GH and PP know how to re-set the system now. The water has been re-set to comply with regulations and warning signs will be put in place. It was AGREED that the gas cooker be returned if possible and an electric range be purchased with extraction. JM to liaise with the CIO. JM c. Different lighting controls for the first floor rooms have been requested. d. JM has AGREED access for cabling for the CCTV system with a local shop owner. e. The Yorkshire Water Authority (YWA) Treatment plant for Hollym is on hold until further discussions have been held with the ERYC. f. A Finance committee meeting will be held on 4th November. Any comments/suggestions All are to be made to the Clerk in advance please. Cllrs g. It was AGREED in principle to support lighting for the new public art piece should JM funding be available. Fliss Clayton to be informed, solar would be preferable. h. Works on Memorial Avenue have been delayed. i. A resident has complained about cars parking on the pavement / loading bay outside the All Meridian Centre. It should ne loading / unloading only. Noted. Cllrs

5771. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. a. Cllr Arthur Hodgson (AH) advised FLAG have no money left this year. ERYC’s planning stance on the Hollym Sewage Treatment plant is that there is no issue with it being a filter bed type of installation, different to the one in Hull and Beverley. ERYC Cllrs are pushing for rock armour to be extended to the chalet park only, but are still not hopeful. The intention is still to move it to the original proposed site at Hollym. More information has been requested. If rock armour is considered for the sewage plant and cliff top protection, it would need to extend to Easington. Cost prohibitive. There is a meeting in County Hall with engineers with information brought back to the WTC. Cllr PS suggested WTC and Hollym Parish Council, YWA and Mike Ball meet so that we can have our say too. Feelings are running very high and YWA appear to be ’bulldozing’ it through. WTC has already voted unanimously to support Hollym Parish Council in this campaign. Cllr AH advised we would get our opportunity to put our point across at planning and wait for the next proposal to come through. Any objections must be valid planning objections and relevant. b. Cllr AH has spoken with Mike Ball, ERYC regarding the shift of stones on the beach near to the new slipway. He assured that a digger will level it out until the new groynes are in which should alleviate the situation. c. New doppler ‘golf balls’ will be placed by Dong Energy on the cliff tops for an 18 month period to ascertain the flow of wind currents around the new turbines. They are short term and will be removed. d. Cllr Mrs L Healing (LH) had a walkabout with the police and ASBO officers on Kirkfield. No reports. The next one will be around Cherry Tree and Ryecroft Drive as problems have been reported. Any incidents of flytipping are to be reported to Cllr LH.

5772. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. a. Public Transport event 7.10.15. Cllr JT is the ‘community Champion’ for public transport. JT More information to follow. JM b. Cllr TD has introduced the Big Local to the Tourism Committee to look at future funding. c. Cllr PS and BC presented the new Year 5 primary school pupils with a certificate of achievement for their work on the Withernsea fish trail. It is hoped if funding was found, JM this could become a permanent trail. Commuted sums to be considered.

5773. Councillor’s questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. None.

5774. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To receive and agree Property officers report 7.10.15. Report received. Cutting inside of JM the cemetery hedge to be added to jobs authourised. AGREED. b. To receive resignation from Peter Barker. Resignation email received. An election has JM been called for 26th November. JM to write to Mr P. Barker. c. To elect replacement member/representative to: Property Officers, Regeneration High Street Fund and the Personnel Committee. Tim Grinney will be joining the Property Officers. Cllr DE elected to join the Property JM Officers . Cllr TD is already an elected representative for the High Street Fund. Cllr BC KLHD elected onto the Personnel Committee. d. To receive details of Remembrance Services and wreath laying. Cllr PS will meet Roger PS Booth. JM will reply to the Royal British Legion to confirm numbers attending. The JM Deputy Mayor will lay the Civilians wreath. DE e. To consider ideas for commuted sums £12,000 funding for recreational facilities. New JT information pack received. Cllr s JT, SaW and JM to put some ideas and costings SaW together, to bring back to a future WTC meeting. JM f. To consider letter received from Mr M J Elliott re: CCTV/Piggy Lane. It was AGREED to ask the police to collate relevant crimes / incidents and ask if they have any JM suggestions. JM to make enquiries with our CCTV supplier. g. To consider register of interest for a November event: Youth Funding Support Service. It was AGREED Cllr DE will attend this event. DE h. To consider support of ‘Fair Funding for East Riding Schools’ campaign. As time is JM short, a block response from the WTC will be submitted. i. To consider report received from Redwood Landscape Services re: three sycamore trees near 55a Hull Road, Withernsea. Report circulated. JM to check if the sapling was JM removed and make contact with our insurers regarding the boundary wall.

j. To consider response to ERNLLCA communication re: Future Governance of the JM Organisation. Cllrs JT, KH and JM will complete and return. JT KH k. To consider street name request from ERYC highways department. The proposed name JM of Church View for land south of St Nicholas Church was AGREED with no objections. l. To consider presentation of a Town Plaque to John Burdon, Royal British Legion, Services to the town of Withernsea. It was AGREED to present John Burdon with a KLHD plaque after the Remembrance Day Service. m. To agree recommendations made by the Personnel Committee. The recommendation to change the WTC office opening hours to 10-4 Monday JM Wednesday and Friday was AGREED.

The recommendation to employ a customer service/administration apprentice with Hull JM Business Training was AGREED.

The recommendation to offer the Deputy Clerk City and Guilds / an NVQ training JM Course was AGREED.

The recommendations to re-arrange the outside workers into work zones and Tim to JM manage the planting budget were both AGREED.

5775. Resolution: This Town Council in accordance with the powers of Section 137 of the JM Local Government Act 1972, should incur the following expenditure which on the opinion of the council is in the interests of the area and its inhabitants and will benefit them in a matter commensurate with the expenditure to purchase three wreaths to lay on Remembrance Day:- £75. RESOLUTION unanimously AGREED.

5776. Financial matters: a. To agree payment schedule for September 2015. AGREED. b. To receive external auditors report / certificate. RECEIVED. c. To note comment re: error in Section 1. It was noted that the figure in section 1. Box 1. of the prior year comparative column, does not agree to the prior year audited annual return. Box 1. Should read 76,239. The Clerk had transposed a digit. d. To verify scope of the work of the internal auditor, as requested, in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations. The external audit report recommends that the WTC should agree the scope of work of the internal auditor to confirm that the body’s system of internal audit is adequate and effective. Two internal audits a year are conducted on the basis laid down by Audit Regulations and the WTC’s Financial Regulations. However, for clarity systematic checks are undertaken to ensure WTC procedures and policies and financial operating systems are effective ensuring economic and effective use of resources, compliance with agreed policies, procedures, laws and regulations and to safeguard assets and interests from losses of all kinds including those arising from fraud, irregularities and corrections including reliability of accounts information and data. The internal auditor provides a written report of the audit along with any recommendations for the Council to follow up to ensure corrective action is taken.

5777. Councillor’s reports. Cllr TD was advised to report a recent fall on Lee Avenue Car Park TD to ERYC. Lighting columns to the rear of shops on Queen Street have been looked at and are in reasonable condition. End.

Withernsea Town Council, The Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Tel/Fax: 01964 614984. Email: info Web:

AGENDA Issued 13/10/15 Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Withernsea Town Council, on Monday 9th November 2015 at 7pm, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly at 9.30pm. The agenda is specified below.

Yours sincerely

J Moxon Mrs. J. Moxon MILCM, Clerk to the Council.

Members of the public may speak on any item(s) appearing on the public agenda, (or on any other matter that falls within the Council’s terms of reference) during the public participation session or at the discretion of the Chair. Audio and video recording of this meeting may take place with certain restrictions.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.

b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below.

3. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Confirmation of Town Council minutes dated 19.10.15. b. Receipt of the Tourism committee minutes 16.10.15. c. Receipt of the Personnel committee minutes 13.10.15. d. Receipt of Christmas Lights committee minutes 3.11.15. e. Receipt of Finance committee minutes 4.11.15.

4. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation.

5. Clerks Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk.*

6. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community.

7. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. a. Regeneration board meeting 20.10.15. b. ERNLLCA Conference 23.11.15 and District Meeting 20.10.15.

8. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8.

9. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council.

a. To confirm appointment of apprentice as recommended by the Personnel committee chairman/town clerk.

b. To consider letter of objection from C. Lockwood re: Wesley Court development. *

c. To consider reports and action to be taken in respect of damaged headstone, H16 in J. *

d. To consider letter from British Red Cross re. Fire and Emergency Support Vehicle.*

e. To consider tree and fence work required to allotment no.1, Kirkfield.

10. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made. All planning applications are available and accessed electronically from the ERYC website. Please use links below.

a. Application 15/03122/PLF for the erection of a covered outside drinking area following demolition of existing storage building at The Butterfly, 78 Queen Street, Withernsea. For Cosy Entertainment. summary&keyVal=NVQNRBBJ0RX00

b. NOD. Application 15/01597/STOUT OUTLINE – erection of 112 dwellings at land east of Greythorn, Hull Road, Withernsea for AJ Stephenson. Granted.

c. NOD. Application DC/15/02675/PLF/EASTSE – Retention of conservatory to rear at 33 Seathorne, Withernsea for Mrs Cooper. Refused.

11. Financial matters: a. To agree payment schedule for October 2015. *

12. Councillors reports.

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council * = copied to Councillors


The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday 9th November 2015, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: The Mayor Cllr P Spicer (PS) and Deputy Mayor Cllr D. Edwards (DE). Councillors: B. Cloke (BC), T. Dagnall (TD), S. Lafleur (SL), J Tasker (JT), K. Hardcastle (KH), M. Lloyd (ML) and G. Chambers (GC). Town Clerk (JM) and Deputy Clerk (KLHD). Press: 0 Public: 3 Police: 1

Minute Points raised or agreed Action No. By Fire evacuation and recording procedures addressed by the Mayor.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

5778. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. No apologies tendered by Cllr S. Winters. Noted.

5779. 2 Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. JM Cllr PS declared an interest in item 9e of the agenda as the allotment holder. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None.

5780. 3 Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Confirmation of Town Council minutes dated 19.10.15. The minutes were unanimously JM CONFIRMED as a true record and signed. b. Receipt of the Tourism committee minutes 16.10.15. RECEIVED. c. Receipt of the Personnel committee minutes 13.10.15. RECEIVED. d. Receipt of Christmas Lights committee minutes 3.11.15. RECEIVED. e. Receipt of Finance committee minutes 4.11.15. DEFERRED. KLHD

5781. 4 Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation. AGREED. PC Ainley in attendance and gave an informative update on the next re-structuring phase for the police with a suggested ten officers and 9 PCSO’s covering five shifts for this area, concentrating on community work unless pulled to other calls for service. The changes are expected to be in place by March 2016. A brief of recent incidents was given. The police will be attending the switch on night. Payment has been made towards a new tree for Queen Street. The police Station is manned 8am – 6pm but closed for lunch 1 – 2pm. Two CCTV cameras are down.

No members of the public wished to speak.

5782. . Clerks Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. a. Report circulated and attached. Additional items discussed were: b. Dog Ban for Hull Road – Update required. KLHD c. An advert has gone in the press re: the election. Poll cards are not going out. JM d. The adjudication re: the final account has been withdrawn. Negotiations may still continue. e. Funding for the artwork has not been successful though may be looked at in the lighting scheme for the seafront. f. EYMS and ERYC have both confirmed continous vandalism to the bus timetable board and the electronic board. WTC has requested permission to erect the old WTC notice board on KLHD the north facing wall of the pumping station so it could house the bus timetable amongst other posters of local interest. g. The container at Waxholme is now empty. h. CCTV has been priced for Piggy Lane. To be revisited. Funding or business support may be required. Mr Elliott to be informed. JM i. The contact for the treatment works site at Hollym has changed to Paul Carter.

5783. 6. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. Cllr Mrs L. Healing asked for WTC support in reporting the rubbish and dumping problems All in the Ryecroft, Cherry Tree Avenue areas to her. All Cllrs were asked to assist and report Cllrs problems direct to her.

5784. 7. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. a. Regeneration board meeting 20.10.15. Cllr TD was not advised of the last meeting change and therefore missed the meeting. b. ERNLLCA Conference 23.11.15. Attended by JM/DE. Lots of subjects covered including Town Councils using social media. The Town Clerk can administer a Town Council page only. Cllrs can’t legally administer on behalf of the WTC. If using their own page and All post relating to WTC business, it must have a disclaimer stating the comments / opinions Cllrs are the personal view of the Cllr not the WTC. Other items and workshops covered: Playground inspections, NALC lobbying for business rates, the Local Awards Scheme, Council Tax Support, Code of Conduct updates and protecting playing fields which the Clerk will look further into. c. District Meeting 20.10.15. Attended by Cllr KH. Main topic of conversation was the ERNLLCA governance management structure changes. d. Cllrs DE and BC attended a coastal communities meeting in Skegness which may be beneficial in the long term and worth keeping involved with.

5785. 8. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. Standing Orders numbering to be checked. JM a. A further letter to Heron and the operational delivery team will be sent due to the chaos and JM congestion caused by delivery vehicles parking outside at school leaving times. b. Question was raised as to whether permission had been sought for the firework display on WTC land with concern for who would be responsible if any incidents had occurred at the PS event. The Mayor will discuss with the new Chairman of AFC. Permission should be sought for any use of WTC land. c. Cllr TD has reported the fall as reported at the last meeting to ERYC.

5786. 9. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To confirm appointment of apprentice as recommended by the Personnel committee chairman/town clerk. Cllr SL and the Clerk conducted the interviews and recommended one particular candidate for the apprenticeship. Subject to suitable references being received it was unanimously JM AGREED to take on the said candidate. b. To consider letter of objection from C. Lockwood re: Wesley Court development. Letter circulated. Cllr PS has replied in person to Mr Lockwood. The Clerk will respond JM to say WTC has already considered and approved the application. c. To consider reports and action to be taken in respect of damaged headstone, H16 in J. Letters circulated. It was AGREED that the owner of the headstone, use her own KLHD insurance to claim for the damage. WTC will await to hear from our insurers if necessary. d. To consider letter from British Red Cross re. Fire and Emergency Support Vehicle. Letter circulated. It was AGREED, finances were not available to support this. JM e. To consider tree and fence work required to allotment no.1, Kirkfield. Cllr PS declared an interest. It was AGREED the outside workers be asked to lop the JM bordering trees to fence height and Community Payback be asked to see where they can help with infilling gaps and making up fencing, cutting branches down. f. It was AGREED to adjourn the meeting to allow for a press reporter to speak. Owen Sheppard introduced himself as the new appointed reporter for the Hull Daily Mail who will cover our area. Contact details will be shared. Meeting resumed.

5787. 10. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made. All planning applications are available and accessed electronically from the ERYC website. Please use links below. a. Application 15/03122/PLF for the erection of a covered outside drinking area following demolition of existing storage building at The Butterfly, 78 Queen Street, Withernsea, for KLHD Cosy Entertainment was AGREED. b. NOD. Application 15/01597/STOUT OUTLINE – erection of 112 dwellings at land east of Greythorn, Hull Road, Withernsea for AJ Stephenson. Granted. Noted. c. NOD. Application DC/15/02675/PLF/EASTSE – Retention of conservatory to rear at 33 Seathorne, Withernsea for Mrs Cooper. Refused. Noted.

5788. 11. Financial matters: To agree payment schedule for October 2015. Payment schedule circulated and unanimously AGREED and signed.

5789. 12. Councillors reports. a. Standing Orders are due to be checked. JM b. The Remembrance Service was well attended with a good attendance by WTC. Cllr KH was concerned that protocol was being lost. Town Councillors should arrive together and sit en block behind the Mayor. c. The Meridian Centre had 1382 users in the premises last month.

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council

Meeting closed at 8.10pm. End.

Withernsea Town Council, The Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Tel/Fax: 01964 614984. Email: info Web:

AGENDA Issued 24.11.15 Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Withernsea Town Council, on Monday 30th November 2015 at 7pm, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly at 9.30pm. The agenda is specified below.

Yours sincerely

J Moxon Mrs. J. Moxon MILCM, Clerk to the Council.

Members of the public may speak on any item(s) appearing on the public agenda, (or on any other matter that falls within the Council’s terms of reference) during the public participation session or at the discretion of the Chair. Audio and video recording of this meeting may take place with certain restrictions.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.

b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below.

3. Mr. Philip Jackson, ERYC Youth and Family Support re partnership working for youth provision in Withernsea.

4. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Confirmation of Town Council minutes dated 9.11.15.* b. Receipt of Christmas Lights committee minutes 3.11.15.* c. Receipt of Finance committee minutes 4.11.15.*

5. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation.

6. Clerks Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk.

7. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community.

8. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. a. The Hut Steering Group meeting 10/11/15. b. ERYC budget event 26.11.15.

9. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 24.

10. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council.

a. To consider suggestions for ERYC’s Overview and scrutiny topics 2016*

b. To receive Bathing Water update for end of 2015 from the Environment Agency*

c. To consider Informal consultation re Transfer of Dog Control Orders, Designated Public Place Orders (No drinking zones) and Gating Orders to Public Spaces Protection Orders* including update from Dave Howliston ERYC Environmental Control re Dog Ban, Hull Road Playing Fields.*

d. To consider 3 yearly review of winter services, ERYC (re road and footway salting).*

11. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made. All planning applications are available and accessed electronically from the ERYC website. Please use link below. comment-on-planning-applications/how-to-use-consultee-access/

a. Planning Application. 15/03522/PLF. Change of use from residential care home to 2 dwellings at 46-48 Princes Avenue, Withernsea, HU19 2JA for Mr. Martin Fletcher.

b. Planning application. 15/03664/PLF. Erection of single storey extension to rear following demolition of existing at 9 Lascelles Avenue, Withernsea, HU19 2EA for Mr. Nigel Carr.

12. Councillors reports.

Part 2. Private session.

Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

13. The Chairman will move that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business pursuant to section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

In Camera:

14. Update re adjudication case and agree terms for 70 Five Ltd.

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council * = copied to Councillors


The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday 30th November 2015, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: The Mayor Cllr P Spicer (PS) and Deputy Mayor Cllr D. Edwards (DE). Councillors: B. Cloke (BC), T. Dagnall (TD), S. Lafleur (SL), J Tasker (JT), K. Hardcastle (KH), M. Lloyd (ML), G. Chambers (GC), P Wilkinson (PW) and S. Winters (SaW). Town Clerk (JM). Press: 0 Public: 2 Police: 0

Minute Points raised or agreed Action No. By Fire evacuation and recording procedures addressed by the Mayor. The Mayor congratulated Councillor Patrick Wilkinson on his election.

AGENDA Part 1 Public Session

5790. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. None.

5791.2. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. None. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None.

5792. Mr. Philip Jackson, ERYC Youth and Family Support re Partnership working for youth provision in Withernsea. Mr. Jackson gave a brief presentation on the Positive Activities Grant (max 5k) for town and parish councils to supply youth provision locally. Youth and Family Support will provide support throughout. Meridian Centre an ideal venue. Registration needs to be in by 29th January, money comes in March. TC would need to look at funding it long term and 5k will not meet all the costs. PJ will send details of breakdown of costs, but they indicate a 52 week provision costs in the region of £6700-7000, 39 weeks £5200. Includes DBS and insurance/equipment. Biggest cost is staffing. Can be volunteers but best to have employed staff, employed by WTC. Agreed with 1 abstention to support in principle and to JM recommend to CIO to get them involved.

5793. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Confirmation of Town Council meeting held on 9th November 2015. Minutes CONFIRMED with 2 abstentions and signed. b. Receipt of Christmas Lights committee minutes 3rd November 2015. Already confirmed c. Receipt of Finance Committee minutes 4th November 2015. Received, 1 abstention.

5794. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report* and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation. AGREED a. A member of the public questioned the positioning of the new sculpture on the Italian Gardens. b. Parish News police report had been circulated.

5795. Clerks Report: To receive report/update from the Town Clerk. a. The Clerk confirmed the appointment of Apprentice Daniel Shearsmith from 1.12.15. b. The manager of Poundstretcher said that the rubbish problem is due to someone going through their bins at night. They have reported it to the Police and are keeping an eye on them. c. All councillors are invited to the Methodist Church carol service on 20th December at 4pm. Please confirm your attendance. d. VHEY remarkable East Yorkshire Tourism Awards 2016 has now been launched and details circulated. e. Details regarding Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) Workshop was emailed round as they were at short notice.

5796. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. a. Cllr Arthur Hodgson sent his apologies. b. Cllr Healing apologised that recent figures stated in the SHAPE minutes relating to the Meridian Centre were incorrect. JM has given the correct figures and has asked Karen Wood to amend the minutes. BC and PS remain the SHAPE representatives. c. There are still problems regarding rubbish on Kirkfield/Ryecroft/Highfield. Skips supplied are being abused. Please report any incidences directly to ERYC

5797. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. a. Cllr. ML was unable to attend The Hut Steering Group meeting on 10th November 2015. Minutes will be circulated when received. b. Cllr. DE was not able to attend the ERYC Budget Event on 26th November 2015. JM c. Cllr. BC wished to step down as representative on the SHAPE committee. Cllrs.GC, PS and DE will represent Withernsea Town Council. Agreed.

5798. Councillor’s questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 24. None.

5799. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To consider suggestions for ERYC’s Overview and Scrutiny topics 2016. Cllr. BC suggested the way licensing legislation is applied, allowing pubs to remain open after midnight having an impact on policing, antisocial behaviour and vandalism. Agreed. It was agreed also to include the way business rates are applied to public conveniences. JM b. To receive Bathing Water update for end of 2015 from the Environment Agency. Received and considered good news. c To consider informal consultation re transfer of Dog Control Orders, Designated Public Place Orders (no drinking zones) and Gating Orders to Public Spaces Protection Orders including update from David Howliston ERYC Environmental control re Dog Ban, Hull Road Playing Fields. The update from Mr. Howliston is disappointing. It was agreed to persevere for an exclusion order on the playing fields as there is a legitimate case for one, same as for the school playing fields which have one. There needs to be a total exclusion there, whether a PSPO or not. Other sites listed were fine. JM d. To consider 3 yearly review of winter services, ERYC re road and footway salting. Request Hull Road, both sides from the junction with Queen Street to Carrs Meadow, the main route to all the schools. If this is considered ‘additional’ then the Promenade should be omitted from the programme. Agreed.

5800. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made. All planning applications are available and accessed electronically from the ERYC website. Please use link below. permission/viewand-comment-on-planning-applications/how-to-use-consultee-access/ a. Planning Application. 15/03522/PLF. Change of use from residential care home to 2 dwellings at 46-48 Princes Avenue, Withernsea, HU19 2JA for Mr. Martin Fletcher. Approved. b. Planning application. 15/03664/PLF. Erection of single storey extension to rear following demolition of existing at 9 Lascelles Avenue, Withernsea, HU19 2EA for Mr. Nigel Carr. Approved.

5801. Councillor’s reports. a. Cllr. TD has reported a dead seal on the beach to ERYC b. Cllr. SW raised concern about illegal parking on Hull Road at school leaving time. JM to JM contact ERYC parking enforcement officers/PCSO’s.

5802. Part 2. Private Session. Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 a. The Chairman will move that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business pursuant to section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. Agreed.

In Camera. b. Update re adjudication case and agree terms for 70 Five Ltd.

Recent adjudication has been withdrawn. The final account will be discussed with the contractor tomorrow following advice from the QS. Should an adjudication be necessary, the terms from 70 Five Ltd to defend the case were Agreed.

Meeting closed 8.25pm

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council

Withernsea Town Council, The Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Tel/Fax: 01964 614984. Email: info Web:

AGENDA Issued 8/12/15 Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Withernsea Town Council, on Monday 14th December 2015 at 7pm, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly by 9.30pm. The agenda is specified below.

Yours sincerely

J Moxon Mrs. J. Moxon MILCM, Clerk to the Council.

Members of the public may speak on any item(s) appearing on the public agenda, (or on any other matter that falls within the Council’s terms of reference) during the public participation session or at the discretion of the Chair. Audio and video recording of this meeting may take place with certain restrictions.

AGENDA. Part 1. Public session.

1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.

b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below.

3. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Confirmation of Town Council minutes dated 30.11.15. b. Receipt of the Finance committee minutes and budget notes 7.12.15. c. Receipt of the Summertime Special committee minutes 18.11.15 d. Receipt of Tourism committee minutes 10.11.15.

4. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation.*

5. Clerks Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk.

6. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community.

7. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations.

8. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 24.

9. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To consider/agree action on Property Officers report.

b. To ratify decision re: contractors final account for Meridian Centre.

c. To consider recommendations from Finance committee re: budget. *

d. Agree precept 2016 / 17 as recommended by Finance Committee. *

10. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made. All planning applications are available and accessed electronically from the ERYC website. Please use links below.

a. Application 15/03671/PLF – Construction of pitched roof to existing single storey rear extension and installation of flue at 33 Hollym Road, Withernsea, for Mr M. Barnfather. summary&keyVal=NY9D8IBJI3D00

c. APPEAL Application 15/00067/REFUSE – Retention of conservatory to rear at 33 Seathorne, Withernsea for Mrs Cooper.

11. Financial matters: a. To agree payment schedule for November 2015. *

12. Councillors reports.

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council * = copied to Councillors


The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday 14th December 2015, in the Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea.

Present: The Mayor Cllr P Spicer (PS) and Deputy Mayor Cllr D. Edwards (DE). Councillors: T. Dagnall (TD), S. Lafleur (SL), J Tasker (JT), K. Hardcastle (KH), M. Lloyd (ML), G. Chambers (GC), P. Wilkinson (PW) and S. Winters (SaW). Town Clerk (JM) and Deputy Clerk (KLHD). Press: 0 Public: 2 Police: 1

Minute Points raised or agreed Action No. By Fire evacuation and recording procedures addressed by the Mayor.

AGENDA Part 1 Public Session

5803. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. Apologies tendered by Cllr B. Cloke.

5804. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. None. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None.

5805. 3. Minutes: To confirm/receive minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. . Confirmation of Town Council minutes dated 30.11.15. Unanimously AGREED. KLHD b. Receipt of the Finance committee minutes and budget notes 7.12.15. Received. c. Receipt of the Summertime Special committee minutes 18.11.15. Received. d. Receipt of Tourism committee minutes 10.11.15. Received.

5806. 4. Public Participation including Police report: To agree to receive the police report and adjourn the meeting for police and public participation. AGREED. a. PC Matt Ainley present and reports circulated. A briefing of recent incidents was addressed as was operational changes in the locality due to take effect from February 2016. The police wish to record their police report at future meetings. Questions were answered regarding caravan site security, a recent assault and assault numbers and a police walk through in public houses. The Mayor thanked PC Ainley for his time and effort. b. A resident thanked WTC for the new website, asked for an update on the lease matter JM regarding Memorial Land. The Clerk advised that the lease is held with our solicitors who are currently looking for it. c. Seasons Greeting’s were given form both members of the public present.

5807. 5. Clerks Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. a. Information on a charity motorbike ride was circulated. A stop at Withernsea is planned for the 9th August. The Mayor for 2016 and local press will be invited to attend. The Summertime Special Committee may wish to discuss this event further and report back to KLHD WTC. b. Parking of a delivery vehicles outside Heron continues to cause congestion. There has been no response from Heron as yet. Two delivery vehicles were reported there last week as school leaving time, adding to the problem. c. ERNLLCA newsletter circulated. d. Coastal Opportunity Gateway Project details were circulated. Cllrs e. A Neighbourhood Watch meeting will be held in the Meridian Centre on Tuesday 12th PS January between 3-5pm. Cllr PS will attend to represent the WTC. f. Paperwork for the ERYC Chairman’s Award is available from the Clerks office if anyone Cllrs wishes to make a nomination. g. Making Time for Winter information and advice leaflets are available from the Clerks office. h. Phil Jackson ERYC Youth Service is meeting with the Clerk and Meridian CIO this week JM to discuss CIO possible involvement with the youth club scheme as WTC are unable to fund/sustain it. Information will be sought and information discussed with members at a future meeting. i. The Clerk will write to ERYC ward Councillors and Graham Stuart MP about the need for JM a dog ban on Hull Road Playing Fields.

5808. 6. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. No ward Councillors present.

5809. 7. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the WTC at outside organisations. Nothing to report.

5810. 8. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 24. No questions raised.

5811. 9. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To consider/agree action on Property Officers report. Report circulated by Cllr SL. Concern was expressed about the number of pots, smell, JM hooks and debris and trailers around the fishing compound. This is not acceptable and breaches the terms of the lease. Boats and equipment need to be washed to prevent bad odours. The Clerk will write to all fishermen. AGREED.

The pillars at the entrance of Hull Road Playing Fields will be removed for safety purposes. JM AGREED. b. b. To ratify decision re: contractor’s final account for Meridian Centre. The final account has been agreed with the contractor at £480,000. This was RATIFIED and AGREED with all in favour. The project overall is £2,600 over budget (0.5%). It was JM AGREED to vire £1,000 from the civic budget and £1,600 from balances to pay the difference. The Clerk was thanked for all her hard work. A letter of thanks will be sent to the architect and quantity surveyor. c. c. To consider recommendations from Finance committee re: budget. Information circulated. Cllr KH thought a cut to Tourism was unfair and disputed

inclusion of the steam rally. It was suggested that the tourism committee discuss this JM matter within their committee meetings. The Clerk advised cuts were necessary. All budgets have been scrutinised and there will more to be made next year as council tax support will be completely withdrawn. d. Repair costs to one of the tree baskets had not been included. The clerk hoped that by making savings by resourcing plants, repair costs could come for the savings made. e. Budget recommendations from the finance committee were AGREED with 1 against.

5812. d. Agree precept 2016 / 17 as recommended by Finance Committee. Papers circulated. The precept for 2016/17 of £150,810.00 was unanimously AGREED. This represents an increase of £5.24 per year on a band D house. 5.2%. £13,626.00 council JM tax support is not included . Overall expenditure budget = £164,463.00.

5813. Development Control: To resolve the following Application(s) / Receive decisions (NOD) made. All planning applications are available and accessed electronically from the ERYC website. Please use links below. a. Application 15/03671/PLF – Construction of pitched roof to existing single storey rear KLHD extension and installation of flue at 33 Hollym Road, Withernsea, for Mr M. Barnfather. APPROVED. b. APPEAL Application 15/00067/REFUSE – Retention of conservatory to rear at 33 Seathorne, Withernsea for Mrs Cooper. NOTED.

5814. 11. Financial matters: To agree payment schedule for November 2015. Schedule circulated and unanimously APPROVED and signed.

5815. 12. Councillors reports. a. Permission has been granted for a camera on Piggy Lane in the 2016/17 budget. Care is to JM be taken to the accommodating premises. b. Concern was addressed about the length of time the lolly pop lady was stood in the road JM allowing traffic to build up in an already congested area. The Clerk will write to ERYC.

Meeting closed at 7.55pm.

ERYC= East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC=Withernsea Town Council