Withernsea Town Council, Municipal Buildings, 243 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HH Tel/Fax: 01964 614984. Email: [email protected] Web: www.withernseatowncouncil.co.uk Dear Councillor, You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Withernsea Town Council, on Monday 12th January 2015 at 7pm, in the Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings, Queen Street, Withernsea. Please note Council meetings will finish promptly at 9.30pm. The agenda is specified below. Yours sincerely JMoxon Mrs. J. Moxon MILCM, Clerk to the Council - 6.1.15 Members of the public may speak on any item(s) appearing on the public agenda, (or on any other matter that falls within the Council’s terms of reference) during the public participation session or at the discretion of the Chair. Audio and video recording of this meeting may take place with certain restrictions. Presentation by Mr R. Williman, Head of Withernsea High School regarding the school development. AGENDA. Part 1. Public session. 1. Apologies: To receive and approve any apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. 3. Resignation: To receive the resignation of Cllr Graham Gibson. 4. Election of Deputy Mayor: To elect a new Deputy Mayor. 5. Minutes: To confirm that the minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct record of that which took place. a. Town Council meeting – 15.12.14. 6. Public Participation: To agree public participation. 7. Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. * 8. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. 9. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the authority at outside organisations. 10. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. * 11. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To agree Meridian Centre CIO / WTC overheads split as recommended by the Finance Committee.* b. To consider RAOB letter re: donation to Italian Gardens flower bed and placement of a plaque. c. To consider application to the Local Grant Fund towards a community defibrillator with associated training and power supply, supply of grit, ice breaker if required and items for the Emergency Box. See over- 12. Development Control: To consider the following Application(s) / Note decisions made: a. Application 14/03669/PLF for change of use from residential care home to dwelling (amended location plan and certificate) for Mr M Fletcher. 13. Financial matters: Schedule of payments to be approved for December 2014. (To follow) Part 2. Private session. Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. 14. The Chairman will move that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business pursuant to section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. 15. In Camera: a. To adopt the 2014 – 16 National Salary Award. * ERYC- East Riding of Yorkshire Council. WTC-Withernsea Town Council. *= Circulated to Cllrs. WITHERNSEA TOWN COUNCIL The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 12th January 2015, in the Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings, Queen Street, Withernsea. Present: The Mayor Councillor Mrs Anne Blake and Deputy Chair Councillor Graham Gibson. Councillors: Mr C. Hollingworth (CH), Mr D. Edwards (DE), Mr J. Tasker (JT), Mr B. Cloke (BC), Mr K. Hardcastle (KH), Mr S. Winters (SaW), Mr G. Hodgson (GH), Mr M. Lloyd (ML) and Mr P. Spicer (PS). The Town Clerk (JM) and Deputy Clerk (KLHD). Press: 0. Police: 1. Public: 7. Minute Points raised or agreed Action By The Mayor addressed the fire evacuation procedure and recording of meetings policy. A presentation by Mr R. Williman, Head of Withernsea High School regarding the school development has been deferred to the next meeting. AGENDA. Part 1. Public session. 5535. Apologies: No apologies. 5536. Declarations of Interest: a. To record declarations of pecuniary / non pecuniary interests by any member of the Council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared. None. b. To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items below. None applicable. 5537. Resignation: To receive the resignation of Cllr Graham Gibson. Cllr GG advised his resignation was purely to move back to his family. The Mayor JM thanked Cllr GG for his work as a Councillor and as the Deputy Mayor and Mrs Gibson as Deputy Mayoress and wished them well in their move and future. GG left the chambers. 5538. Election of Deputy Mayor: To elect a new Deputy Mayor. Cllr PS unanimously elected. JM Minutes: To confirm that the minutes of the following meeting(s) are a true and correct 5539. record of that which took place. Town Council meeting – 15.12.14. CONFIRMED with 2 abstentions. a. KLHD Public Participation: To agree public participation. AGREED. 5540. A member of the public enquired about the possibility of The Withernsea Pirates funding a. the cost of lighting the Pier Towers in the summer months. KLHD advised she had spoken with ERYC about this, had answered the questions raised by ERYC and was awaiting their response. ERYC own the towers and power supply. WTC own the floodlights only. Cllr GH suggested the lights remain on the towers for now until ERYC respond. KLHD will chase. KLHD Clerks’ Report: To receive report / update from the Town Clerk. 5541. Clerks report circulated to Cllrs and attached to the master copy of the minutes. a. An additional verbal report was given regarding the following: b. The Primary School are now raising funds for a second defibrillator for Shores and not towards the one at the Meridian Centre. WTC will continue to apply to the Local Grant Fund. c. ERYC have been contacted regarding the mess and condition of the tarmac left behind by the BT contractors who recently installed green boxes for fibre optic broadband purposes. Six sites will be re-done. d. The new slipway is on schedule with completion expected at the end of January. e. Meridian Centre – electrical, plumbing, mechanical and first fix joinery/sound insulation is underway with plastering to follow. The lift is to be installed week commencing 26th January. Cinema equipment is ordered with PA, lighting rigs and sectional stage to be ordered soon. Telecoms/data equipment is being sorted. Gary Hornsby to arrange a meeting to discuss finishes/colours soon. There is approximately a three week delay on the schedule so the contractor will be issuing a revised (fixed) completion date. Lottery claims are on time. Valuation 5 due now. Total spend so far £222,113.80 + vat £44,315.55 (reclaimed) = £266,427.30. All in budget. Project team meetings are held every 2 – 3 weeks. f. Fishing Compound – A meeting is being arranged with ERYC to discuss a recent query about the water supply and to finalise the work that remains outstanding. The Clerk will report back after the meeting. JM g. Matters arising will be incorporated in this section at future meetings or will be included in the bulletin that will be circulated on a regular basis. 5542. Reports by Ward Councillors: To receive brief reports from Ward Councillors representing Withernsea on matters of interest to Town Councillors and the local community. No Ward Cllr present or report received. It was RESOLVED to defer back to item 6 of the agenda (public participation) to allow PC Ainley to speak. 5543. Police reports have been circulated and an overview was given by PC Matt Ainley. Brief discussion was held regarding public house licences, pubwatch and CCTV. 5544. Reports by representatives to outside bodies: To receive any reports from members representing the authority at outside organisations. Cllr BC will report back at the next meeting on a forthcoming Buddies meeting and a meeting of the Big Local. BC 5545. Councillors questions: To answer questions raised under Standing Order No. 8. None. 5546. Items: Items to consider / confirm / agree / adopt by Withernsea Town Council. a. To agree Meridian Centre CIO / WTC overheads split as recommended by the Finance Committee. As circulated, the overheads split between the CIO and WTC was unanimously AGREED. b. To consider RAOB letter re: donation to Italian Gardens flower bed and placement of a JM plaque. The donation from Mr and Mrs Wilson and installation of the RAOB plaque in memory of Edna Harknet was unanimously AGREED. JM c. To consider application to the Local Grant Fund towards a community defibrillator with associated training and power supply, supply of grit, ice breaker if required and items for the Emergency Box. It was unanimously AGREED that the ERYC Local Grant Fund should be applied to, for provision of a community defibrillator with an external housing case, power supply and KLHD training, items as required for the WTC emergency box, provision of a an ice breaker if in need of one in the event of adverse weather and compacted ice problems on our pavements and a further supply of rock salt/grit for community use. 5547. Development Control: To consider the following Application(s) / Note decisions made: a. Application 14/03669/PLF for change of use from residential care home to dwelling (amended location plan and certificate) at 44 princes Avenue, Withernsea for Mr M JM Fletcher was unanimously APPROVED.
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