Tracking and Analyzing TV Content on the Web through Social and Ontological Knowledge Alessio Antonini Ruggero G. Pensa Maria Luisa Sapino University of Torino University of Torino University of Torino Torino, Italy Torino, Italy Torino, Italy
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Claudio Schifanella Raffaele Teraoni Prioletti Luca Vignaroli University of Torino RAI-CRIT RAI-CRIT Torino, Italy Torino, Italy Torino, Italy
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION People on the Web talk about television. TV users’ social ac- In recent years the way users watch television is radically tivities implicitly connect the concepts referred to by videos, changing. With the introduction of digital television and the news, comments, and posts. The strength of such connec- growing number of generic and thematic channels the final tions may change as the perception of users on the Web user tends to use new forms of navigation in the television changes over time. With the goal of leveraging users’ social content space. To enable users’ navigation the broadcast- activities to better understand how TV programs are per- ers provide new enriched metadata services such as EPGs ceived by the TV public and how the users’ interests evolve (Electronic Program Guide) which describe the scheduled in time, we introduce a knowledge graph to model the in- programs. Also the home ambient environment in changing, tegration of the heterogeneous and dynamic data coming many smart users watch television while using a portable from different information sources, including broadcasters’ PC or a tablet as secondary screen related or not to the archives, online newspapers, blogs, web encyclopedias, so- broadcasted programs [7, 5].