DERBYSHIRE; [K:ILLT'b North-East from Eyam
206 DERBYSHIRE; [K:ILLT'B north-east from Eyam. Divine service is conducted every ·ScHOOLS:- Sunday morning in the ~~ehoolroom at Grindleford Bridge: Endowed Church of England (mixed & infants) (the old here is a Reformed Wesleyan chapel. The Duke Qf Devon- school-room, built in 1826, is now disused), built in 1817 shire K.G. is lord of the manor. The principal landowners by subscription, for 200 boys & girls & so infants; average are the Duke of Rntland P.c., G.C.B. Col. Robert Athorpe attendance, 87 boys & girls & 30 infants~ Richard Owen, R.E. Thomas Booth esq. E. A. J. Maynard esq. and the master; Miss Eliza Sutton, infants' mistress. The enf trustees of William Dixon esq. The acreage is t,ogr ; dowment consists of £soo left by Miss Rawson & rents of rateable value, £r,os9; the population in r88r was 237. land in this parish & at Bradwell, the total income p · h Cl k W'lli D n amounting to about £42 yearly arlS er • 1 am a e. Grindleford Bridge (mixed), a stone building, built in 't & P OST, M . 0 . & T . 0 ., S . B. & A nnur v . 1nsurance Offi ce.- tiJ76, f01" 8o children; averag-e~ attendance, S4: Miss Thomas Wilson Froggatt, receiver. Letters are received Patrick, mistress :I the Church of I<~ngland service is con- through Sheffield at a. m. & dispatched at 5·25 p.m. ducted here every sunday morning Money orders are granted & paid from 8 a. m. to 8 p.m OMNIBUSES TO! • Chesterfield, Joseph Robinson, sat, return- ing same day; Sheffield, Robert Cooper, tues.
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