CLOCOLAN – FICKSBURG 88KV POWER LINE BASIC ASSESSMENT AVIFAUNAL SPECIALIST STUDY April 2013 Prepared by: Prepared for: WildSkies Ecological Services ACER (Africa) Jon Smallie Percy Langa
[email protected] [email protected] EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Eskom Holdings SOC Limited (hereinafter referred to as Eskom) is proposing to construct a new 88kV overhead power line from the Clocolan Distribution substation (Clocolan), to the Ficksburg Municipal substation (Ficksburg) in the Free State Province (Eskom Distribution’s Free State Operating Unit). This project will result in the construction of a radial feed which will ensure a secure supply should one of the power lines experience a fault. In bird terms, a fairly wide diversity of species could be found on this site (278 species recorded by South African Bird Atlas Project 1 and 2 data). Of these, 18 species are Red List species i.e. those species for which there is most conservation concern. Of these species the most relevant for this study are: Blue Crane, Grey- crowned Crane, Cape Vulture, and Melodious Lark. The likely impacts of the proposed power line on birds are as follows: Collision of species such as Blue Crane, Grey-crowned Crane and various other species is likely to be of high negative significance and will require mitigation in order to reduce it to low significance. In order to identify the high risk sections of power line requiring mitigation, it is essential that once the exact route is finalized and individual pole positions surveyed and pegged, an avifaunal walk-through be conducted. This walk through will also identify any sensitive breeding species that may require special attention.