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12-25-1913 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-25-1913 Journal Publishing Company

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TMinTV-KIFTI- I VI Ml. I'mIIv by t'nrrhT or Mall, HH. MEXICO, DECEMBER 1913, .hi f'XXXX. N". ALBUQUERQUE, NEW THURSDAY, 25, a Month. Mingle Copies,

that ihcir crlta wurninit thr people ih, ml tin lhai nothing wus wrung were futile. A OF Tin shlldren evan were seined with TRUSTS IN HURRY CHICAGO OBSERVES Christum tii ,' had I u erected' MERCILESS WAR SCORES OF CHILDREN KILLED panic, but the smaller iiiiik, in n ii : In thi.widci of the pity's downtewg I lot nunc thnn five yean uf HI. WON streets ami sang spproprlats sung. soon iii luivj'U or tear with th eaul Tho Ii i. i .ition opened with the ring oui of their iixcs under the in i ringing of lbs eManss of Ckrlsl (TERMINATION ol in.- larger k" t nunn aim blindly, nr TO COMPLY WITH FIRST MUNICIPAL church, Kpiocopni citthcdral, a block El liCI UN, inlllvilill bV .III..-.- ' behind In 1 WHEN M SOUIO fUSeM ii. ..I hi'lr own offspring nswstwper today dks)rlbitdd PilG In i u t x Inn, dri ll Park, In BOntalB-- iltalh five I 10 t One iimn win. ll0 pal. IN Ins L'hriataiM diaaera BY up Ills little hEirl II. . pushed vi- - GOVERNMENT'S CHRISTMAS KtundrodK ihmughnui tho cllv PUNCHED 1' iillv fii-i- behind nil trod tor be tn in- - fund th,it mule tlf, neath him women wnjn attempted gifts pssMhla, to lift up thru- small Iiovh was SHOUTS FIDE' i ueh ii tg death Ith them. DlfTfl i RUM i i i Om liilil year of age, aim DEMANOS GRANT PARK .mi i.nv BEN. VILLA in. , HM M was Inn greatly frightened to gixe PfOOfUM

made her mo unharmed to the 1 K ii iik.i Cltj 1 Tim thou street bj way i the fire escape altar nil Rod Iiiiiin tirnii others who ,r, free me f I, , Blie by ni CHRISTMAS TREE hmi been knorked down th' General's Off it e Is Thousands View Seventy-five-Fo- ot ihmiigh Hi, Forty-tw- o Hundred Cavalry mini rtiah but no one hud stepped Attorney 'mo ra iinn bcic today, her she w;h nosr I lie ml of the ai With Applications Tiee Loaded With o . Sent Against Ojinaga With line. Besieged With o.,p ,it haw fay two wat i A search was lies tin t. night for Ills From Corpoiations in Dan- Piesents and Beautifully Instructions to Take No Bun who caused the panic, Boms of the strikers asserted thai they had! ger of Prosecution, 'ii Co PiisonerSi CELEBRATION reason to bellere that the man wai member of the Clilsene' sllUnes, re- Ml Ml ll'XI. t IfHIKl M n cently organised in restore law and II ( llll N l tllllO nrder In thr sone affected iy thoj TELEPHONE CASE IS MUSIC FURNISHED BY FEDERAL OFFICERS TO minor strike which in ji n severs I PolUinhua Ohio, Pec H Tt weeks ago. This was quick I) STIMULATING EXAMPLE GRAND OPERA STARS BE PROMPTLY EXECUTED denic i b) alllancs members, hundred DREADFUL TRAGEDY CLAIMS of whom were quickly no th scene Chrhrtmaa ever hold in thosa ' inn-- 1 ialtlng in removing the bodies snd nn.iiiiis with CjtrMKmas trees and tuiiug inr the lnlure.1. Department Informs All In- Mayor Harrison Speaks to npli ti d for rilM "01 eon Is Again Practically in SEVENTY-FOU- It was snM hf thnas ngpr the rieoi thounnnds nf iinfm tunales with R PEOPLE AS thai the ni.iii iiune up stuns finin :i quirers That Conditions of Jubilant Throng; Gifts Dis- Ohrlatmss dinnrrs, Hands of Constitutionalists saloon below, mil that his breath t'hurch chlinis. Clwtrs, UUVt Re- iim' blown forth, with tho weed "fire." , Competition Must Be tributed ThroughoGI City by ehorusss and brass bands furnished mid Other Important Towns smtlled strongly s( alcohol, it was! iiiiikI, tli I , VICTIMS AT CALUMET, MICH, Rich People, for muni, pal elehfBUOBl aid by some ,,f Lhose present that stored in Good Faith, vt iin- Ohio penitentiary, Are Captured. tho to, in mm h.ivo I,, rn iii ii miiiiil- - tains iin condition and shouted wHhoul an - thought as t.i what he was doing ibt asssiss Jtwwat rnm tasss ami IS- - MOSNISO JOUSMAL SSICtAL WlSII Many men In the crowd i at ihe ll'tlfl Washington, Dec, 34 When Attor-- j Tin- Coiumba commualt) Christ Chlliu.ihoii. Mexico. Pe H, Por- - hall, . ft, i i io fui. i accident, swore . , .. Hundreds Crowd Miners' Hall to Capacity When Terrifying ' ..greed with iio Mi IMTAIi in. is tree In nf Ihe ity-tw- o rebel cavalry rente. If Ihc mtti Id be f id. """ stands front slat' hundred with ten Ar I lit BH - i spltol building a i, ei ot Ii is alsu re, red thai the distraught 1,,' American Telephone tlv small Cannon Slid six machine guns have ' peaauts Oeii i to,iu Shout of Irresponsible Person Wild Scramble for of mind under which many s reocfgaiixatlon of that lb left Chihuahua tn the long (b- - Starts condition fr Rri shiuutoii, Jec, L't IVac,. house r.ii in, are laboring as a result of the 'corn to make it fit tho groove tho state sttulrrsls' attach on the federals at t'ji- - ii i arts, good win in nu n m is treat catastrophe max renew open hostility 'held out - FUlga, re- Exits; Little Ones Are Trampled to Death Under Feet of courts have fr tho anil- This Sentence hliixiiiu ll. .in opposite PrSSldlOi Tex. The u ctween memoer .,1 ins miners t nr ' bel-, by arl invuimion iiautiv ueniiii tie Hi, mi i I t ni Ii i IIIIIKTM s I III I s cammaadod tienerul Ortega. ..,, ihe cltlsens' alliance, ., ,,. ,, ,, .,11,., ,.,) been f m;lk,,,M Iseil to lb,, dome of IN M'W VOIUC I 111 hae Instructed to exterminate Older Persons, or Are Smothered In Deadly Crush at the Th,. coroner began tonight to Int , .. . , . ,M the iiipitoi. pre- - Ihc or ,.,l,,l ,. Jury to a thorough In '"' "" IIIIU II. Ol.ll, reflected the federals drlw ihem across the make '"" dominant ihe iiimi- - uf ihe .Meetings upon the department of justice scori sentiment nf ew fork, lei-- 24, 1 Die pub. I I'nlted Stutes border No Sign of or to Alarm vosliaatlon lisii.-- saadj whn in Doors; Flames Smoke Justify the wlH !" held Christmas day to de- of Inquiries from pi rsons morn or assembled capttol tree "woep the border ofsaf or ptagg tonight n celebrate Wash- - federals cide wheth'-- i in hold general funeral less Interested III t met stilts about tonight lM,i a., L ,. u the logton'S fhst "community Christ- - 4 an ntlsoni'is iu Fiend Guilty of with u procession compoeed of heart) . pads "f New york-sn- t Which Caused Horror: Wholesale Murder possibility of other nKieeiiieuts of like in..-- OeMral Kran. tsc. Villa's order to ever resilient of Calumet two Chriatmai lenoi . A ulant N.iiwiij spruce. Illuinl- - Ml Hi toga. "There must not be llolidav in many private Iguare and cltv hall Re- festivities nated with glimmering left Effects Escape During Excitement and His Identity homes were saddened tonight by the Since the announcement that the red, whtti lion had Its in, , n federal alive this side of the and blue ett Ma- - 4 m Many par- plans for the reorganisation of the trie butbs; Ihe th an organiaittion border." disaster Italian hall. .i pug, do-la- Hue bund, electric of Rigid Is ents Who had MM to il telephone trust would be ac- star known as tin "idealists. Oanoral yMIe said If the federal mains Unknown; Investigation Under Way. rushd learn the east and a , horns of l.onn i triiKody to thi cepted the telephone Tk--S io i;. I-.- i rof,i ... nf the returned ir of the attorney stngsrs with Ihe capitol Itself tree of the "Ideiillsls' in Snlnsar and Itojas homos an.i suspended decoration of Square, u general's private set rotary has been outlined as the bacUKlunnil I in Madison the site d last are captured, they are to be shot as mr UURN.NO jrUINL tPSCIAL LI All D WIKK) family Christmas trees oui (,f regpeei season. The Inauguration or I splen- - the hulldinK. This disposition of the jangled to the tune ,,f s hundred calls Kgalnsl the dark curtain of the I traitors. 21. Kour boilji... for the childless homes that resulted lights OO Calumet, Mich., Deo. Crumpled ns found inadvis- and there have been scores of letters sk.v. made a scone of IWPTassivi did Incaadi si out ami or UlS Loaded in lv tr.iinH l, it h lurv- - ami. score parsons, mostly children, Wers from the panic H the hull. ns l.y p.ulniL able because of ihe hysteria it raasnil many t beauty, Tableaux, representing attended the of the pbes ,,r t b Among ih- und telegrams seeking learn unimunltlon, the (ijinana killed tonlt-h- ut a 'hliatDIM eels-- among (he spectator! ami the corpses thi nun kilted In han the story of nativity, chimes of nearby churches and the by was John 1. Westola, secretary of what may be expected In thp suit of the srert sliming left here on the Kansas City. ration held copper mine strikers wore Oanisd buck In the ball as soon preseated in liwprovteed am- - I of Christmas carols by the oom- - the government against the Mexico . i In Italian hitll, because of i Dsedless ii ii uus emptied of the frightened Mutual Life Insurance John ami phltheater, Oratorio societ) of New vrnk. irlent railroad, purposing parry, CalumeC William I toe, a McKeynoMg panic cattssd bj false alarm of fir. persons. ,ll Hm chairs were lined at trust. Mr. a. To He second tree, standing in city f 10 ,r"01 ttormigao ana While several hundred mini ra ami With bodies and nther corpses hud to In Several Instances nearly whole left Washington for Kentucky Satur ii, ni park, Mnym Atlolph L. Kline gavel fheesoe to inn. h averland to ojinagu. families were wiped out by the dkv -- n ' their wives looked on and scores of b placed n tin kitchen of the ball day and "III tini t... - Utin bj touching i but- - Oeneral Vill departure Maid KotSjarVl his wife i.iur:: ,r,- witnessed the ihlldren pressed enierb towards tos and beneath the stage, aSter. and weok. ; ,,r of - daughlisrs killed fhlcn tile boiisiiiids bn. soldiers and expressed confi- Marc to rscetsc t'hrtstmas presents, Inside an everyone and iwo wire uii h!i h of hour nearly Christian Klarlch ami two daughters lit his iibsence th.uv Is no one au- - j munlctp ' ver the outcome, ..iniiu: the a man stuck his head In at the door In - Calumet u,is .is the scene lis lor- lives leaving only Mrs. Ki n tkorlsed to act tor Mm In taking up- - 1,1 " when tho federals iltlo r would I,.. ,h Iv. n across i, I the hall and Veiled fire." it wew. tn t. pole their jsjilhl, The i surviving. and . ,. ; or Up The ry was taken up al once lv ( a cordon und Ihe John itHkkeuen frsh proffers t which wish KIu t'.lhe border broken Into small, kept back l i tWo ihlldren and rtenr) kfanie) Ihi.Ko in n. ill. Kvcryone Mprunit Crowd. per- l" reform The inquiries and reports , the Alter much effort and two children were all kill, d to- - and e-- The bottling up up and started for the doora, The u lnue wan opened through of negotiations ami protective aRii 1 iijiem m ng U i ponib .1 of the federals In suasion gethei . sk's Ihioiiah in thai this fi,ul Weaker parsons wore thrown to tho the crowd anil (lie bodies of tho ini tits hatnt persisted, however, and aphunea ti tho roll horns of L'T emploM- - or the Now York lh" '" of Tnrienn, 200 miles south , Mrs Henry sola, who Is believed the flnor hehlnd tried to limb dren oago Qrs no , . I i o, ,, . rn lb,- and those there carried through ranks of to be dead, had her 11 It ! loy anil Cirl in the lisl that has been mentioned ipers niiipiiiiy ami llallKC ible hue. occupation by the rebels ,,i i Hvmnn harrier. watting people to Viiiac,.- spe by of e ths "Red Jacket by th' hand when the pnult startett. have appeared what are regarded at ,'hos Mayor Harrison ami 'Id fK'.DKS among themse This purl ,.f the city and the rebel cap-lur- Ill a panic was hall," which was into a others, 1 t In few minutes the turned Th.- poy ss lorn from his mother the department as some ,,r tho most in. mi,, of exchi .if Lerdo and Homer Pulaelo, nt iiy stAlrSHty" morgue, as many all it lopped Ihe fact that ths it hours before and finally got out of the building importanl suits hnve An oddlt of atrooapherii cond.tlons rl bell Hint' than $..",lui. adjoining towns, were con- . L. , ,. thai been tiled in und i' venues of egress were the bodies identified. j ... . I,,.,.. ths other wire Mit-i- "in in" nine ..llv;ni VNiis M,i, ic many years. permitted the testing or th effect of firmed In reports received today. t!en- - hluiked effectually Unit thosd in-- i In tin- i i i so ...illusion several bodies of er. il to death. Tin mother's body Ihe flrand Park llhimlnattoM during i. nun low si'iitn is MOIII ho,-V- t with- - Mr. Mcltoynnlds, in llll hil,l lli'll'el u',ia siile could not gi out and those children were wrongly Identified by was nol round near that of the alrl discussing the three hours of the forenoon nwing to I'ltl M I NI IN - noi ' nded oui could no: k. t in to aid ih' maimed mothers and taken away only to be ami II is believed thai die was American Telephone k- Telegraph the srhoks ami gloom which plunged qem-ra- i and to remove the dead. returned luler by the parents who crushed after the mother was separ- aareemenl with callers and in talking tin' i ity into Ihe darkness of midnight ladianapoiis, Dee, it, Thousands rh" rb1 aiWhteh said The alarm .cms spread mitside the happily had found their own off- ated from her. over the efforts of callers ti'nm the Among the first whose attention ur Indlaa residents bagnu, in mam "error,, nmi bad Turreon practically by persons In many - hull a few who hud hern springs safe. Other eases a large number of families lost two New fork, Mi w Raven s- Hartford was lulled to the din were wealthy tiuikht In take the Christmas Oder his control Willi little loss or near ihe and escaped unhurt, a cursed It- - .J dour mothers fainted while cattle's or mure children. railroad, has mad it plain ihnt ho s residents of Nnrtn shore suburbs, it spirit to Ho leas fortunate neighbors. and that In would await furlher crOWtj soon work nil who Moyer, i , , assembled and the those Interfered with them President of the Western not willing to accept is the custom ur many r theag, man Municipal s, lor tin- first time in reinforcements before uttemptinK ,,f clearing tho hall baffua, In their mail scan h for boys and girls, of Miners, said tonight: offers which do who I ws Federation not mean to motor from their offices to their the st.ili became a Iciidliig leature In ompleto iiiuii- ,,r (lie federals under The only rWUlar exit was a narrow For hours frantic women wi re about "I have "ircii President Wilson, reform in aocord with the homes lo distribute tips ruuniiiK eel, bratlon. department's own Ideas. nslhe fleneral ROfUglo 'aliseo. The fed-- I Stairway at th' back of the Haiti the streets i'liiiiiiK for their tittle ones. flovernor Ferris, Secretary of Labor Speaking of high as rive dollars m policemen From some th,- ,,f. trees presents Sal-itlll- were of the agreement ersl telegraph to Monterey and o When this had been cleared of tin Kfforls made to culm the hys Wllion and Secretary Morrison the with the telephone of- Whom they meet every day or the were distributed, while al largt ac- others was cut ami should Va- - bodies that filled It to the lop ami terical women and many were taken American Federation of Labor ficials he pointed out that their plan sear Between the city nml B vans-to- n i horn.-- . sung Henernl to-- Christmas carols for ,, MUlak amounting had been made, it inlo homes thai hnd not been be- quainting them wlih the details of 1 bad gone further even than the a motorist ordinarily meets five the thousands Slithered. I,,, driven alard. it wns said. .ih that 71 corpses had been reaved so that they might have night's disaster and urging Immediate policemen bUt evening It h WOUM nn found could hope a eourl tn go If this and In som of the cities the "good fel- have alternative but a piled up buildinjf. It proper In way some- 'national and investigations Into sea-sun- , beside the hall attention. this state suit were j a usual occurrence at this desperate retreat Torraon hnd been dozen times wives were sepa- cause. My is that instituted, ami he referred low" plan of lurrying cheer to tho was thought that probably a husbands and the information as well th pathway was particularly needy OtteM captured or Inst by side. more hud been away by rated. Jni, striker brought about the catastro- to the evident restoration of was adopted. either carried well guarded. One millionaire whom rall-rin- Ompetltlon ill Hungry given a lis Importance Ilea in lis being a d friends. Of the seven hundred persons ill phe. There arc liiuny who testify that the telephone field. the incident provides with merrlmenl horses will be i;i I hrce-foui- a yelled I igh-i- Chrigtmas feast In BwansvlU al tin center. The dead Included :it Kiris, boys, the b.'ll. more than 'l hp mull from the outside "fire." nere are in proooss ur adjudication every year, said that he counted 13 r A expetUM uf Adolph stabler, phllgn- - n, m Villa proposes to women und men. The excited were children, jnany of them having public meeting of citizens has been the courts less than a dozen antl-t-n "f them on bin way homo Th 'o remain to Ihiopisl and friend of animals. I re Ojl-nag- a relatives stood about tin building, gone without their parents, These tailed for tomorrow take relief trust enses that are regarded e or tips or one policeman nt n pending tho outcome of tho dazed by change tin ti s but wish to sav thai sonic the sudden lathers and mothers soon rushed to pram u, ii- - i"""it'infnt boulevard orosslng are said oampalgn. importance cither to th. 1 from holiday festivities to tragedy, tin scene and added to the confiurtoh. Federation of Miners will' to average tzoft. 1)1 I II C'KlJCIItl 11 s I I HST Di pne Villa' to - bearing on points In the untl-tru- st oaneral statement others caiiina hMterlcally for a miss- They did nol understand what had bury Its own dead and that the Amor- Ml Mt II'M. llfllHTM I H law yet to be ruled upon, or us to The lights and shadows nf die da the I'nlted Mates government that he ing child and a few even threatening taken place and hindered Ihe rescu- lean labor movement will take can showed in f deceased, No upon big many spots, lira Francis nol detaining th ''Ives anrl chil- violence to ih rescuers for keeping ers bv insisting on Information as to of the relatives the their effect combinations. B. KchUltX, Denver, Hinging nut in - traveling with her yotfflg Iv dren ,,r men who have coun- them back from the Ioiil; row of bod- What was the matter. aid will be accepted from any of In this lii ai.- he actions against the daughter iin crisp iero uii, two hundred buys' left the cltlsens who a ago! from st Joseph, Mich,, to try, it Is Weil know n tea W84 ii escape at thoas short time i'nlted States steel corporation, tho Lo Angeles, ,,,os singing the Christinas enrol, her that he There fire the rear pronounced people far her health, lost cverj had denied There was not much work for the of the building, but only those who these undesirable International Harvester company, the iccnl she hail "Hark, the in laid sag I sing, glory them facilities to leave. many who W the citizens." between trains liele when The doctors hurried Were vary m ar it could make any use United shoo Machinery company, purse - to the new burn King." us the iioy . demand for trains fnr military Ma, Na lighten, man- - j the pickpocket stole her ci.nlaln- settle as soon as the alarm was .lames general preceded by bolttc torch-bear- purposes xwas given us a ror ;of it until after the fatal rush Was ager th Mining Motion Picture Patents company, the '"g Site. rhe Christmas dinner will ai and reason spread, for those who were not killed of Calumet and Hecla i over. Probably not more than a hun- hurtmnn Kodak company '"' Provided by eharlti mar, bed to the ivlc square nol providing means to transport the in the first rush wen. held upright company, said. and the teuaici-iui- dred escaped In by way of - tonigbl begun Denver's Ciral l on- rirst rush is Heading Itallr I company. Robert W. gander, OOUnty d- rk. had Mexican families who uish to leave, and safe by the very force of the this rire escape. About a score more "This th most awful calamity Suits roramemoiation of lh WrtM ofj OnTy has ever been known in Calumel rtav begun m"'' celebratlj f his Own. This til eiupic fretski car hav been or-d- i rush towards the exit. three jumped from the wlndowg near which that against the Ainerieati Can . Christ. Mimultaneotisl) with the Injured persons were taken tn hospi- and tile sympathy ol llll goes out In cotnpanv an alleged nun in-- icKouii uii- inr having oui al- i. .i to Juarea to bring ooal and pro- they sat. As windows were not and Combination burst of sous, was heard in all parte i the of fafnllliw." ;, lowance for women whose husbands visions. tals, and a few went home with the Ibejrremberx bereaved wholesale and ol i ii i jo) many feet from the ground the Jump Maclvaughton prepos. manufacturing lea tcer compelled by law 10 support the the nits sound of church usslstance of friends. did not cause injury. said: "It s ",h",M chimes, ushering in the holiday One million pesos In rebel money many duys children of the icons to suppose thai any men ,1'"1' " ,ni,"lv them, There were 168 of these wom- For the hall' was n.i oonsidoia-tempto- son, an as the bo iioir bed tin tins ben issued under the seal of The Italian bull! about at- - "" "' ttM '"' "ml"r an at his office today and reai the copper had Waited anx- the Citizens' alliance Should have with each i mine strikers 'live years ago and was well provided epgi prved inr hem i in mi the I do of Chihuahua. greatly eh-- to a eele-.'io- n which officials do not look upon allowance he gave a box of candy and This iously for the tree Christmas tree i dtSUtrb Christmas i. a for emergencies, it was bought. The b by of a card bearing the gOOd Christmas tree, thousand of the financial altuation brought ercisea had been arranged by the ration the children of strikers in as prime Importance, So suit is wishes uf the . that entrance was a hallway about ten feet ,i, s tOOk up the refrain nml tin by 111 such a manner. The Is pending against season. about th lack of small currency. Woman's auxiliary ol western deep. A stairway about eight feet alliance made the New Haven rail belli ts of Deny r people were attune Federation of. .Miners. Th enter tatn-l- y up ui uuauucot men sou us omy onjeci road, but it has been nn open secret III', Iwlde led up from this vestibule to a ( I ill harmony of "peace on e rttt to secure a ,,. HOW'S (tlltl s .i I I II M 1 mi nt was set for the a evi nfng small landing about eight by tea feet. is strict .ntoreeinei BVeral months that one was in and gi mi win toward men," ll Al s Till and is on second am ia in uie cupper iieiii nn TO ("oon ( ini, dim the hall which the The main door of the hall opened on uitrnin contemplation whan that company be- n:i it Tlo- e, la ,.f IN APK I0HO8S BOKOHR I or mem- sh Denver were decor floor wua soon filled to In limit. The landing. is a (tisturnunce the strtg, Many gan this There small cloak negotiations with tin department i ated With double rows of great Christ- hiUlreii recited Christmas select ions square ber uf the alliance have contributed st, Paul, Minn., ice. 14, Promt room about ten feel to one side liberally tn Of the suits enumerated no authen- nont girls In Stag mas urculhs and die liollox poles arc Preatdlu, Tex. Dec. it. TJttitd and saim Christmas songs ami bad fin- of main uoor. The loss of life was the unfurtiinates, and chorus Ultlre and the even given money tic advices have come to lleparl- - orlppled newaboys, till saw Christ- a mass of rvergreeg and rtecoratlons, Slabs trmy officers today received ished their pari of the program and heavy at the small Moor of room. to Ihe strikers tn the the this enjoy happy Nearly jment mas tree - word of the rebel advance inward OJI-aag- a tho man selected to play the part of The rush apparently ttimed many Christinas. all tram the steel corporation, the entertainment at ihe udl- In gala the members of (he alliance whn wore company, eom-- torlUm this evening. of GUARDS STILL WATCH opposite it is believed Hantu ciaus had appeared his 'against the BOOT of this room and Harvester the Kodak i Hundreds hre, the dress to distribute thi presents thai in the city tonight made every effort pan.', tim Reading company, or Pali- and thinly cjd children, ,, tried Mexican federals, if driven hard, win crushed them to death Within the thej L were piled around the large, brilliantl- to aid broken families and help the Cap company, so gov- - to the Celebration in automobiles and EOR DESPERADO nitcinpi to cross Into the Cnltcd y doorway. bares cd." far as th special street curs, were lighted tree. ' eminent lawyers know fltuhed with siai.s i. iiiu r then fall Into the hands The children were Instructed to The greatest number of dead in tiny Tin. coroner is checking up the these concerns excitement al the conclusion of s hot-iio- ni ol the n bels from they up 'one pine,-- however, was at the cloud by families and found Unit fifty egpeCt to flghl tO the end. Negntia ai performanoe, tn 1ST MOHNtNta JOUSriAL SPfCIAL LOUD WIRKI whom could insroh the aisles to the tree ( which everi I tin- Those who c&ached do- UloghuK), Dec, expec no mercy, The oppo-Rlt- e that presents could in- handed to ot stairs. lour lamilies bad suffered the loss lions nith shoe Machinery com- - theater in town contributed and manj Utah, In redernls the evidently w them. Thi- aisles wi re filled with the the stairs first were hurled one or more mi mbi rs. Patty hptV been in progress for a lung, cried out iii gbe whin Santa Clan snow on iin- narrow shelvas f tho here represent hat pj iert of nu- - to by behind and in canyon posse - buys and girls when a large man with the bottom those tim but they have en fai been unsuc- - began distributing presents from two wall, the socking Ita- ' a t In the fur north. stairway was filled to op, z. heavy beard like the one usually this fashion tho CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS huge, brightly illuminated tree r.iei i. si.iyei oi six men. spent They have been busy taking provi the ceiling. During a com i evs Pictured as belonging to St. Nicholas. ihe celebration which was nrisinius guarding the sions from this .side ever since their-arriv- degth in most oases was due by tunnel uf tin Apex mine. Put his head in il the door of the That With rootleg whiskey provided "ihe good feitow," auto- months riah after the retreat from main hallway and yelled "fire." to suffocation under the weight of ,rTL!2 mobile VlSltCd all part ni tin city Discover) iuil. iv nf the existence of , without completion Mrs Caesm-- of bnrtpn). who was lhose who fall last was indicated by nuni of tho suit, distributing fund and clothing tu lie un old incline lending from the udner corpses ( iaglllllSt It, Is tO 8C- -j near the door, realised the danger In- the fact thut few of the bore HOHNINO JOUSNAL SCIAv. UtAltL, W,SI1 llllt llOt llll lilli'd poor. tu the lower ixnrkinuH through "liiib I w stantly, sin- seised the man by the marks of Injur'. Indies i re crum- Qrand Junction, Colo.. Dc. 1M -- - cede to Mi. Mi Heynold's demand, Indira I Inns tonight " ere thut Si Paul! Ih" gunman muy tin vi escaped, added VSI I.XIE IC.ENT ArCKAI.S shoulders and tried to counteract the pled and broken, but th, features Four prisoner in tho city jail m- - ftepretntatlve of the .Motion vw- - woidd have ps fourth groan Chrit discouragement to their discomfort. tt ni'ini r tn HPANIAIWfl alarm, but her efforts were useless. were not cut or bruised. day fastened a wire tn a brouin han- - lure company and of Ihe jeweler1 mas since the establishment of the lo- Sheriff Smith I toileted. however , w The grasp It was tonight uonacu a a uti .,, , cal IN72. thai the Incline, the existence ofwhloh Ca-rot- man tore loose from her ascertained that narrei to eniciit Iljivp hl ut,,r(,, several times cither office in t3 Paso, Tex., Dec. 21. Q. C. ht rn- i was called to by a and dashed away. The fatal word there was no fire In noar the build- cell dour, and cb braled the holiday t ,., ,. his attention miner. Ml, ' ' ,.,u. With Mr .Mo American i'onatllar agent at had many ing to cause witti "nil,.,. ,,t bootleg whiskey ' ' v I 1 i , i was not used by Lope tu reached the ears of in the the false alarm. Even that , s mi c imp n n s descend Into ann . i.. moo, tile nssis- - Torreon, today retarned from a con-fere- a hall and it was repeated throughout thi Christmas tree did not show any was being held for evidence. The IV CITY or lllWIM' tho ktWer levels before llle mitt XX'IIS e ro evidence of fire. It was lighted by whiskey barrel was In a locked eel!, itant attorney general In charge of eaied Hp. Th exits to the lower with Oeneral Villa at Chi- "Fin was shouted in several electricity and every precaution had but they reached through the bars, j trtiiA prosecution, it I possible that Miniicapulis, Doc., 31, The holldai tunnels wpire not closely guarded for huahua regarding the expulsion of languages as fond parents rose and been taken b these in barge of the after getting II to the door, and tipped these two suits will be settled without festivities were publicly ushered in to- .vital da.xs utter Lopez enteri'il the Bpaniarda by the rebels and the treat-in,- :! rushed fcrtrjsrtl to reach thetr chil- entertainment to avoid danger on It up so that the whiskey would run i long litigation. In every case Mr. night with a municipal Christmas upper li'Vels. of other foreigners. Mr. Ca-- i dren. Lives were crushed out in al- of the larg,' number present. into un old tin bucket that they found Todd has made il clear that to meet tree, Governor a. o, Eberhard and ii is probable thai thi- - mine will be edict s, who was on a mission in a corner. for most a twinkling. Then the physical Mrs. Anne Cletnens, president of the When Chief of Police the department's approval, reorgatti- - Mayor Wallace made addresses and a opened and searched Friday, when it the state department, would not talk impossibility Woman's Auxiliary in vi'.in ....a r,.,,u..,,.n ah;..,.,, i,...u program is hoped to find despi r of further movemeot association - municipal was given. that the uin Of ' ',1 plans must conform to th i'ulll of tin. results his xislt, hut it was "'light the panic stricken persons to etiarge of the entertainment, sani she tigat. the loud staging In the PMtt The poor of Minneapolis have been succumbed either to starvation or to I plaint made by gnvel learned that VI II had given their senses, it wos realised ton late was distributing mils wncn I lie panic bey found the remains of w hat had the ninent. If mad glad by th gift ,,r thousands poisonous ge which were generated renewed 'hat then, was no fire. Most r those Mai ti ll, and other women had been a very merry soiree. Those who this Is ib Be there Is no Objection ti or presents, dinners, etc, gathered by with smudges nearly u month ago aasurancer thai foreigner would be In the hull could not net out of the be.-- intent on keeping the children In enjoyed the si us,- wi re booked us settling ; case without litigation. the ";;nnd fellows, " the Sulvulloii eager QertX, , Jam that they had caused. line and orderly, as they were Tunc Spaniolo, John Will Cod-- tArmy, the Volunteers nr America and "Human I l; Calls tu Hii Dcnlh. la ii h T. II. Loud. w l N l Policeman and firemen hurried to to see what San had brought jdard and Miner Killed hy t,a Kxpjoalon. other ori.:anizations. hile their i hil- - San Cram 1st 0, Deo, '.'4. inf Cam I'HDKH (.1 Wil s the I iM building only to find the hallway them. Seattle, An cxplnsinn of dren were ainiisi-- by free theatrl al i owskl. a slceplejack know n iumih K TO DUHKItT boy Militia Become U blocked by bodies. Several officers Mrs. Clemens said that the and lo ttbtute. as today in the tenth level uf entt rtalhmi ! local throughout the country us the "hll- - i' limbed escapes girls bad been xt-r.- ' patient ill spite of - vxo.1 u iu n ' 14 mini of Pacific the fire and entered i',,. the Coast Coal theaten. mail fly," was found dj lug today an llciinusillu. Mi x . Dee. '.'4. All fed- the hall by th" windows. In a short ths tiresome Walt and that the women l.emiui I' nines IS U,,uiug III Olglill company at Black Diamond, near this the first floor landing of the S:. eral outpost about Ouaymu were 1mie had just remarked the militia of California Intu a big caused Ihe or the uninjured and those who had of the committee le illy, doiith Jack John- HltlsTJLs in ki;mii:t ram is hotel amn now III pl'l ss aithdrawn today, according to in- - well youngster athletic association in an t son, a TWO w,-- fainted had been pulled from tho to each other how the sndeaver miner. other miners in t. ins i L'.N'SKT i f Coiwtructlon. His skull was frac- - formatiOll received here. This was 'Hide behaved when Hie cry of "fire" spread have California) capture first honor severely burned, it is supposed ihi iti lured ami nearly every bom. in hi.i Interpreted as having been i aused h) Sh- - said the in the International military tourna- Were - an Other men began to pull the bodies through the house. that three men working in u chuni- St. Louis, Mo.. Dec. St. Lou's body was broken Appa renth he had the continued Jearrt Ions from the of to stem the ment which will be held In San - a el ur gss i the dead and helpless from the women in charge tried Fran- her when was unrov-- 1 its Hon a iuil, w II Ccib-ra- l ' ihrlstmas nelebrat short terrible bill from earrisun. soldiers conn Ide, ou-ruu- jud quiet lilt people, oui '"' and lay them in a tow be ly after sunsel thi evening xvhi-- 6no ol when, nobody kn straggling into the insurgent camps TWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 25. 1913. gap siov, coal CAR DF PBESIHI PREACHER CHARGED EXPERT IB T8 Pure Aef per ton hto WITH HAVING TOO SUPERVI Z WORK - Blood MR mm.- jjjj" HAND It absolutely necessary to give SCREENED 6 ULF COAST OF IRRIGATION the health that bring happiness, MOa inn wis sleep, a good appetite, reattul and makes you eager for life's nip CO. duties. HOOD'S SAR8APARILLA AZTEC FUEL Willi makes pure blood and so creates mo, Sli Fede ral Government Is Prob Secretary Lane of Interior De i'Hmm: sai. thie much-deaira- condition. ing Numerous Matrimonial partment Appoints I, D To Our Many Depositors and Friends Places and Leaver Cai for Ventures of Founder of New O'Donnell to Aid Farmers io MISS BRANCE CALLS I hi- - tin nl: uKIk'n Us mail i uitroii and frieiuU the H. P. WANNER I Week in Allniitu, Make Success of Work, FOR DEAD LAWYER eri I New Vear. HII Nil in i applnd CliriattaM Md

-- I 1.1U1I . ,OUBHAL AtriAL I A..I r We apprei the nlKtaiitlal ami growing l.AMAt l M iv.aff) IWf MOAN jounnal easel, ,n wist) nmm will hate put. N V., Dec. 24. Minn Navajo Blankets n. I leg. 24 Mr. I. D liccllo. roaiafje iMtltBiion ) tha yetfks of i. m. i pinim-i- in :iun ihii ii)uipicnn l flllltiic. Mi. n, the !, i'iniiiv the flftt h, 111 sT tl I.ITY Coui gag! l,lnll. ami in rotnrn we desire lo render Norvlec Mi who ilit'.i I.imI Saturday ol h.; N f ii! -- Mill .i voluntary prison, i' In i . wlili ii uiti giie the utmost satisfaction at all I III li I I'llll l hit, line. IH TOWN, Phyatclana who examined bet toil. y My thnt she i.i oti the verge of men , MK.llcw lilt U NUiiltK ,1 ml iiinl physical collapse. trained M 0BM in i "Ii has iiml nurse has charge of her. I I in her raying tha wonaaa rails ii.lilluully for flinch anil plead for death in urdar thut aha may Join rl early. Tl tluil mi the Ik at irai i im of him. MANSION CAFE lily circle In 1 DM irrigation, .in nn of A brother uf AHmh Hrnnco, living at tl Nuulb I Nnrl. Hl'r'l IlinilM. of Harlwlck, N. Y., ciillcil on Sheriff Clean, load Kxruiai market for farm a. and all Kinnc today .ind announced that he neale or eh'ir' orders I'hmeae (!bo h ti would taki- - the woman home nasi uey and Noodlaa. Private isata Friday. Hn limi believed IiIh sister to ZELM DISPOSES OF 'wr parties and han'mets Mandarin i tun-i-s bf 'h until tho event of lust M!.!1 1.1 i it American efvle tin fron r, wln la wiliI I" ulll alan i nonsuit ami with 'i ujt ini I'll it ii her brother's Prompt earvlre, rnnrtersi I -r 4aoT tar. If iifl- three i i ii m h cif h iilliiriil dopurl-u- f of .mikx suld Unit HUt, Open day the the fir. Branca she Mn.Jtnei MeTtmie Riitoref eioea and ulaht the project, would glftdl) leervs atontlceMa. nho the Bottom ookinz School jiar lo I ha depart insists, however.' tier departure N take place al night and after she hud Thta Jelly Rotl in fat hrromiiijj very Al lll Qt'l IHI I t MV ii. an opportunity to aaa the grave of IE popular "ii account of the , it 1 the dead lawyer. (rcsh. With proper luiullinc it ahould MiiinifiH I loners iiiiiii mtferi hlT rllllil WIS given in of nil mull. keep fresh a whole week, providing anil JuIiIhtk. ii mllv In Chkugo. Jennie culture by Irrigation NEW YORK lau't eaten up in the meantime, ! i it ii (' BANK ACCOUNTS FOR 210 Wot hi. nxo; lllhn. i standpoint. every bit as good as it looks. 33 Mlur Xiiiinr. ' Im," iiiii H to I a great m. hi' vole m IN waul i'hiniK Jle said. havi ctt over LOS ANGELES NEWSBOYS riioiic ii referred in. a aomewaal anil Martini r vigorous looking stiitionniae- - - . HORAINA JOUMNAL ACCIAL I All r Wl Former President of Nicaragua oxernment baa built. Th, ople, ax Loa Angele;i, Dec. 24. every ln 11 Is Christmua and i ltd that I nil--- , do not realize the .it "..ik bring new them eacnpeil while on will aix hundred acconnta Leaves for Barcelona After outu a ei l"n already done. Oui to the hanks of I.os Angeles, every La hi Col, Pablo IVilrar.a 11 n t spii KiiIIh. Win roin he ell lea. fat In t news-ho- liiy M of to the credit of a Completing Business Tra aclllera aurri nilereo lo to .f f i, t h The aeeounts will be for one atitntioiiallNtH Mi tit uttla knowi-am- i dollar each mid if the recipients show It la ri'potlHil that lleneia! e eapaclaUy im-- a disposition to aave their pennies and ahnwlng by pluck deposit them to their various aot ountf h( J, li loll ev. r, that they "re furl nt; the coming year a second dol- - fBy MOASIN9 JOI1ANAL i cup .'niiil hnlf lie 111'- various Proli- lar will he addod next Christmas. tAt lAftO f "I Our st'fttJ flour f trf ant Hum In taking New York, Dee. nt os Kalaya, tpoonfal salt; 2 Icvtl Uaootuh A' C To encourage the saving habit 1 TOKRKtIN I'. Ill sll I.I i liv L 111 , ion, In president of tgua. before Jlakiire Powder; era lid rind of I among the newsboys throiiKhout the OONeTITI IHiN UII4 , y his departure for Hureelonn, Spam, btatcn 1 il.ikl lite II," lid lo pi CM Mama of thalr water 1, lemon; 2rfgj Vqht; rnfsuritri city a well now n local merchant today, issued a statement explaining t. ihey have ahowa this scheiiie. U hoi mil.':; gli of jtllyi ICeaiiefi City, Doc, 24 Torre01 themaelvet well nble to cope with the nature and purpose of his stay sugar. male of CoakQila, which recent rj wa luialneaa mnttera The reclamation In the 1'nlted States. ruMllie taken from Die rebela the fed, i aervlcn on Ita part, ith tin gioi era "I was undo'- no agreement what- Beat tha ruTir into t!ieep;g;s; Inleri'Hl "I iecrelfirv line for the GRAY soever to leave the t'niieil States," lemon rind, Utcs kha Sour, HfM thrai DARKEN RAIR ; Vi am old, welfare of the man who wants 0 he said. "This assen'.on can be read- tunc3 with the salt anil baking pow-.Vr- rnra. hn been m a. un led, iii i oril leaks ling-- p home on the land, will undoubtedly ily he confirmed by tha department of nnd, lastly, the milk. Bake in 0 bat to uaotfii iui repoi in ieeivi hern la he lead to arcnt good." stale. turn nut ouml-at- p day. ttnd dripping panj Tin rapoft thai Torraon la Mr. O'Donn l will make his - "1 am leaving the eonn'iv cloth, off crisp edges; pci n iier alike trim the abaaara lo ha iiuuhuh quartan at niilinun. Hon., and win LOOK YOUNG.PRETTY now heianse I have completed with jellv and turn ovct and over inta Well ailthenile.ileil. 111 ellcr polygumv, spend most of his time In the field. my private business and I am roll while still warm. Dredge the top Velnai o y being glad a feneral miine lime a(u with the fed. Ha ballevea in In rloee touch to relieve the slate de- vrith pcT.dcrcd sugar. rover ad Torraoti from tha rebela wli ( place 111 lii UJ with Hia ntatto la atsott' partment of any ' the settlers. embarrassment out raalilanee Hinee then the v car one of his many boo omy combined with Rood service, la may h ive umiki I them. The depart- Hot milk used In ,tlic jelly roll nlll, e here Inn, mi, .on . ,1 li.ii th" aubjecl of mothi ter farming and iioth ment has handled my case with the it to be rolled wiihout danger ol t Sage Tea and Sulphur Dark- Wua PM'lii'lnu lo dire, evoeilli lotiu lad ft "to he mulls Willi settlers and Rn nment. ensider.itlon end justlee whieh Is to cracking. Ihvc the ,nilk ataJfUnghat ta expected a great ens So Naturally That from and honor- also le caraJni to have the ajrga and able government, for which I atu together very lisrfit af rvlN-l- wen lu'iniiiiiiK lilm In DROVE TWENTY MILES grateful." Biijrar beaten until SHQ Nobody Can Tell, aud creamy. Bake in a moderate ovta. LAWYER T TO GIVE HIMSEL 13 Mr. Zeluya opluined he bus loaned MOMIt l I I I II III It tha bulk of his fortune to the XI- - K C Jelly Roll is Rtuatrtted n H i;- 1 III - it 1 . ALIENIST BELIEVES a Iguan government 10 hi toJfgiHt the thirty-tw- o of the new and haml.-- i ipely Almost t i knows Sa;-- " ci o. lri in Its war ugalTWT TTondurne (T MOAN",.; 'CUANAl SPICIAt lOIID WIAt rvoiie that illustrated e K CConk'l Iksik, , ., Crug, !4. SCHMIDT IS SANE Tl Sulphur, properly compound- ID 14)7, and that as of Is a Dec. 24. a and evidence the j 1 I Hn S Hukersfleld. f lit.. After which may secured fltt ;. " returned to Vi ra 1111 WHO KILL had killed Ron bterthaW, a fellow ed, blind hnck the natural color nnd government s Indebtedness he had is- ' "onsti-tut- e the cettdficnta tucked in Svery 23an id UM Btati .1 y lustre to the lmlr when faded, streak- sued got al nment bonds Which ' rnite.t iav uossisn jptinsAl amaai iirkman. II. Price, employed Ot C I tue I Hill I. iaicial lulin ed or nay; alao ends dandruff, Itch- an absolute first lien upon can K liaking l'onder lliolle John n i W II p twanty the Man oi k, s 14, a iioie ntllat j , Ihartei jAQViiS Mlli. Co., Clica;;o, 1.1. Wilson s at oj . and i.ids with tH ,1 lllll- - ing scalp and stops falling hair. Years customs receipts of Nicaragua. These Mm In n ild waa railed by Ihe stale ago only gpt says, onsnl. W. W. Canada let Wounds iii his body lo sum n ler the way to this mlxturo bonds. Mr. Kalaya have been todaj to rafute iin- teattntony Ivan was to la M Id by to Join hin I'm 'hi ihi ma., dinner oil f HIMSELF himself t. Coitatable Henr) W'lrth, at make it at home, which him . an American com- tin-1- flugshlp lay the aUanlMi af tha In sixi-eh;- mussy and troublesome. Nowadays, pany, the transai-tlo- his dalanaa KernvlUe, miles from nei essitating Two ( iiiilltel fi lters Captured. ii by asking at any drug store for "Wy-eth- 's presence in this country. of Hans Hrhmldt, accused of the here He Was hiiltlKhl to the county Chicago. Dee. L'4. llovi rimi' lil Huge and Hulphur Half Ilein-edy,- " murder of Anna Aumulh i He exam tail today, auffering mucti pain from s today captured here two i mi- - ,ni will ret a largo bottle of Demented Man JUBBM i 501-50- 2 I in d th on He ptember 24, his wounda, and aodarwanl a minor Train licta ami racoVared a complete outfit PHONE removal thin minus old recipe for about CO DoUglga, Ariz., Dee. 24 Throwing and quotad Bchmldl as Hiiilng that uf- - Fiank Klimek, Convicted of operation al the for tha cents. for printing counterfeit five and tea of a ballet In hl ban k. Tha quarrel hit bat out of tha window of an El lalwanl hi. miller "he fi it th. In t Don't stay gray! Try It! No one ,V dollar bills. The mon are Witli-o- ut ITtad Thurado) morning when Mer-tlin- l'aso Southwestern train ten mflca OttO Of .1 peraoa Practicing Medicine enn possibly you Wistootl and Allen. both who bad seyomptiahed a ra calfad prisoner a vile name tell that darkened Weal of here today, a Herman be- the yoUr hair, It does It 80 whom have served terms for countar. dull d art 01 iuii'iiand." shot al him twice. Price aa naturally lieved to be temporarily insane, felting. The; License, Opens Fire on later and evenly. You dampen n sponge leaped Allen, alias "Charles Morrill,' buntban Which call tha nldeat hr MnrDnnald was nol abja t.. fired three shots Into his asaall-a- n headfirst after the bat The trip or soft brush with It and draw this clew of a freight following had Just returned from a teal nui. kest and nn st reliable meaMHgM otniili'te the 1, of his xnminstlofl Attorney, upon learning he had killed train the with the counterfeit bills In the COUH through your hair, taking one. small passenger picked up 1 aetvlce In Ihe elty. Hois, autna and f the man owiiiK io adjournment of Ihe man, hind the rig at Kairviiw the man an of he hud passed hi strand at n time; by morning the gray brought to a hospital In which them wagons ready to give public and drove to KernviH. here. His QTand Rapida, .Mich., St. the llw court until Friday, hair disappears, and after another ap- juries were superficial, b Cincinnati. OUI) n keat service possible. Mrs. U U. vtti ntptg an tha peg of Mchmldt 'HV MOANIHn JOIIANAL ASICIAL , 'AID ,, plication or two, your hair becomes Rl Louis and Racine, Wis. to Mother IVom HOVMO, the train at Paso but It Martin, aaisTeaaoi to tl N. Bryant atturnai to effect .. reconciliation be- Chicato, in :i Churlea AHiim. Son IaIcI beautifully dark, thick and glossy. is unable to give his name. Angeles, In c. 24. years In I " for hoard of Ua Dentists lo tleel Sun ranciseo. - tween accused man and counstl Ih" Illinois state , the his father t, McCann ob Fran'-iseo,- 11 ml socially. of Utlgatlnn, rvllilan LAY-OF- San Dec. 24. Dinlists and sister bale I. .en renewed Mi health prominent Was F FOR CONVICTS General Haas in 1 m Cms. shot down In his offlc today by lamed today a COUM Order giving him from every land where there Is a m.'ii A Sehnhlei, tlatar "f Sehnihll, ih eject aged mother, Vera Cruz, Dec. 24. Oen. Joaquin Prank Kljmak, whom Ailing had Ihe light lo his IN MISSOURI PEN Maas ami With u tOOthecha will be in Sua lain, she ulll not ce BJfothei Mrs. Mi from the home staff arrive here toilai rHtnclBCO 1116, her prosei iitcii for praetiulni ntadJclMa Mali ''aim. ihoard gunboat Zarago.-.- a in to attend the OOCUplcd for Neir.s. Shi mas; the from congreas. Prajjt on iiniii jie recoa;ntaa his rathai she h is TUgpan. He reports were dental 101 day. Tha that there e Hchmldl has rflfhaad to do ihla, laave her hrlatmaa ,ST MOANINa JOUASAL StCIAL LIAEIO WlAfl no near the oil fields urations will he made to hinged on signed rebels when - All Mt. I. liostdtul in an to litigation documents Jefferson City, Mo., lcc. J). AH mote than 3.000 of the profea- Wishing for a likes eiideaor b) years ago for aidn. his life ami Ins recover) is ex- Mis. Mcfunn s,eral the liberty thai can b granted within sale ITini and when she ten-ac- re pected. Klimel, tatullj shot hlinselt a conalderutlon ot tha walled enclosure and un- ij. was in Ignorance of tin- fojai that one FEDERALS DRIVEN alter woliadlng Ailing, lie died a U IV der the rules of the prison. Will be w.i a del d. sin- said. lvi-- to 2,46)1 In iter 111 he nunt hvi pitni the prisoners the I'i ler II Sihwaha, a distant I'OUIaK'l Mlasour! penitentiary here tomorrow. Tired ? just as tired in the mominf; :is at in 1 hilaiBjiaa, All workahopi warn Very for the board uf health, wan silghtjy total l. lakes Pun the closed today niRht? Tmnfa took dark? Lark nerve v h k Cleveland, Dec. 24. John Rooltc-tel- li not to ll sned until BYldaV uuiulcd klliai l. power? : INTO r will take part in the community morning T Just remember this Aycrs k, iiinl, si e I" A onic I I Kllnn who iiir '.hn. M H, word The a is a strong tonic, entirely free pa a ana ij IJtOty, h ..i atudg aavargl celebration tomorrow1. in in tin- p of Hrrangenienta t nl Ihi man: ,,l negroes, Make na mn(c. Consult your own from AJIlng'i .11 attempt to tin eommttti i, wnot lire alcohol. It puts red corpuscles into islts to ufUvc an toy pa- will hi Merry to h.iie the fine rajhlttad ami had that he wruuld attend the supplied with an orchestra doctor first. Takt only those mtdii Mm the blond; gives steady, even power to the and bund concert at Wade Park and permitted to dance all day it best doctors 0 threat, mil Ailing. II" repeated Ills rade the: the endorse. nerves ; strengthens the digestion. REBEL FORCE in tin- afternoon, loose. A" MUAA. dciiiaiiiU today 111 the presence of a number of ellenta Ailing and Bchwrg-- 1 Im said tin i) wile willing to ak that Christmas it he PI dttCI d lo $ini. "! won't go to fceajMEre ihe workhouae to serve a sentence." Hn Repulses Attack he i i h d, and dren a rcvolvi-- and n al homing. AlUng Is Id years old en ruxpifl and and unman 0 ,1.

1, -- t and Leader Is rullk'M s, i, t, r "aped t rtuvk'ts. San iinclseo. Ilee. 24. Kvori 1 sinceie appreciation ot house In the village of San Quentln was searched today In an effort " , diacovar the two cottvlcta who eaoaped T trom Qucnttn pcnltentlury last, THE San ECONOMIST theii valuable patronage nifhl Not a elue Has found, .lames I Pana f it the strength of um rahala Hurley ami frank Melville, the pair' urroundlni Torn on this mornlni of fugitives, were ringleaders In the whan ami, r ordara i i .oi riot of icioi, or. inn. Huriay 1 it from Uenaral Va during the past year , lasi o. commander of tha tadarala at has a long prison record. Torn on. he nut ii that . iii li 1. I I'KIt ! w recapture no aiigu, ,i oin.i tueiiii Wli 1 shall be om aim to con- miles from Turrson, fcua encounter i Mi i nil: MOVE "d heav; re'.. forces which nhiigi ii Best Corn, um lbs, si. us i n.n AND him tn turn k 10 Torreuh, Mlitnone I liiilil. alio ANNOUNCES pee um Kmsi i i to Boat Wheat, tinue deserve youi Good Hay, bale Hock suit, UT lb Within 60 days The Economist Store joins the westward movement, 1 lullei'iilillonal I'nnltrv I'oisl. 50c being, transplanted T good will. lm 111. i Reputation. Good Will all Heel Pulp, ill led, 100 sack. . and to its new home at 308 and 310 West Central Avenue, in T I Vrlet'i ion t ollc lli uuil.v, all" v bottle the heart of the retail dry goods district, and in order to effect I'lc.-is- order promptli while thej an immediate clearance of bomb v. , v tilodi d t last. Vou ran ordtet hy phone and Kebnli under i he biadi i b T when dclivcretl, stocks prior to removing to their new quarters early in February, they are holding T i w ii r, n Dead o. I'lnuu T

I f , I i t l , can still be found at 402 BUTT'S tu he th and I Nth re T of he ciineiiiutlooalhtt arm) Removal Reduction Sales apt to operate passeni North First street, with the IncJ i tha ,! from h town best quality of coal and wood ot..., his i esu 1 "Ii"! noon Throughout their present establishment. As all merchandise to be sold is Second and Central, iielv The pilot train in the city. Phone 912. Hugh taken from reg- 1 ant t waive im-- wi Phone 65 ular stocks and is of the highest grade, very exceptional T ry o, omission Trotter. Coal and Wood. economies are offered. mln foi Man: T m dlplfl-ha- s run l imi- - i ,.l,s Wldlc I'm ( ait. ar- - More d.ingcr In tl t real links cold Will Today ,. I We Close r Mexico City, than In any other of the minor all-- ! 12 to 4 o'clock. Intents, ihe awre way is io mse i nam-- i Commencing Friday, January iugh Remedy and rid your- - 2nd 1914 i eold as fUlck!y as possible.!


land John II. (luf f ney. known through out the baseball world a row years SMITH MAY FIGHT IN THE ago na the ' king of umpire"." Tho most notable death In pugilist i WORM clrdeH wna that of Luther McCnrty, i lalmant to tho heavy eight ihnni-ploiiMhl- OF who was killed at Calgary carpentieh for SPORT in a ring battle with Arthur Polko) A.ROther victim of the ring was John (Hull I fount, w,,o died from the ef- fects nf a blow roceli od In a fight T ITULARHQNORS 10 BE GIVEN A SPOR WORLD HAS with Joss V ut Vernon, Cnl. liS I Jim Hall, best remembered for the ( eo.itoii right with at Now Orleans. In 1KS, died In a CARD sanitarium In Wisconsin. Negotiations Under Way for CHRISTMAS LOST MANY STARS The nut loat Tommy fturha. y f a mou as JocUey. and International Boxing Match .lames K. Keetie, whoso racing stable in New York wna for many yours tho most noted to Be Staged BY MARK LEVY HR0U6H DEATH In America. Also prominently iden- City, I tified with the HTf Were Stephen Sunford. owner of tho Hurricane ( also a prom- 'buries II. Kohlor. The probability H "' International inent owner of race horses, and Jo- heavyweight match, the winner of Judge. Series of Classy Bouts at Past Year Marked by Unusual seph J. I'.inko, a noted which would In ull likelihood be rOC' were : Football fatalities notubh ognlied as the whit- - heavy-weigh- Gymnasium This After- - Mortality Among Notables in few, only union,: at the deaths recorded hatnplon nf the World, looks i the college aluyor being those ol i noon Will Delight Lovers of Athletics; William H, Locke sing if a Now York promoter mid Vernon S. Ilelyea, halfha. k OH tin London mat, b maker are serious In N'orwl. h Kd Morrls-rey- , Manly Art of Self Defense, Most Prominent Victim, university team; heir Intentions to I k (leorge Cat - rapttiln of Saint Ambrose collect oontlor, the frenchman, with an S. Wrny, plnyei team, and Homer a American boxer. TO MON,N JOUKNkl) on the ciottysburg eolloCO team. , utcrtalnmont VMch will he IMCIll COHrOHOtNCI Directly after the Parisian pugil- Doe, year severe Dl mo Chicago, :'t. In the Amateur athletics sustained one-roun- n at the gylnnilKllllll .ew ist's d victors over ex- ('. jltllco Athletic club (hit afternoon now nearing its cloao death ha losses Iti the passing of Michael Wells, the Kngllsh h, ivs the benefit Of the Iport fane inn) acted n heavy harvest from tho ranks Murphy, the famous I'liiversity ol weight champion, Carpentler was ',.i he designated M "Murk l.cvy'a of those prominent in the varied field ronnaylvanlu trainer; llalph ltose, 11 a match with Ounboal smith (hriutm" card." It will ho treat of aport and athletics. Itasehall. foot- holder of the Olympic world's record (olkrtTOT of tho manly iirt ran o be staged ut tho National kportini. ti" ball, pugilism, the turf, (rap shooting, for shot-puttin- Hilly Qnlnn. tralnei 10 inlaa. luh ol London at a future data, afford the green aport, track and men I at big doinga will ho between table the of the weight an hurdlers According to Inform itlmi KCMVOa Th' field all koto paid heavy toll to Qoorco TYaooy, whi Hltthewi mid Torres, and a n boii Harvard, and from across the drink'' CarpentlOr thn (Irim during the past once half-mil- e run- vtio li aeod of excitement to etlnv 0POT held the amateur has eonaontOd t" meet Smith, and tho Horn-ott- t n twelve 0 gkttc nervoM win unci months. ning ' haiupionshlp of America. London promoter has started com- hllll OHO ellCOUIl- - hi' re. The Iio.VH hiivo The most notable death of the year Well known automobile racers wh Huokley, II. ,..1 ...... ,41"...... nil munications with Jim Smith's (,r WHICH won vuiiT-.- ti in major league baseball circle1 w:i met denth on the track during tin to bout. ot thotn iiro noro hcruuae they manager, relative the both killed a Fr.m-Isc- occa- that of William II. I.ocko, preaidcnl ear were l.nais Manghetti, Is working oul 111 San didn't get tho deelalon on thai (' Smith Im of the Philadelphia National league Norfolk. Nob. Harry Knight, kille. sion I'ach one Hiiro that ho can at the present time for his l willing club, who died in t'lty I'olumhus, ()., and Jack Forest I hl.k ,h' other, and each to Atlantic pist'iit bedi boat With Arthur Pelk out- - in HI l'asc-rho- e take everything ho hu on tlM August, after a long Illness. Forme" who met death the In the C.olden (late city New Your ,mo of tin battle thin afternoon club owners and managers who passed nlx road race. Also well known Ir en, onntor Is being laltlifully for ifternoon. The Torre has trained ..way luring the year included J. f. American racing circles was Camil'i by Coffroth for the U feather edge uaccd Jim ,, event, anil M Kiifoyic, ex-i- Mitent of tho Cleveland Jeniiizy, the llelglan pilot, who wa, Ho t In 'heavyweight championship of the f,,r the encounter. couldn't club; It. Illll- - accidentally shot and killed lira' condition, and Mr many frbtulH American league James World." better lugs, thirty years uno of the own- - Uriisscls several weeks ago. , .1,1, to Make all tho contonta f for Tho report from deah of Lunnoii - league In , tocKlaa that in- win eiB of the Huston National Heaths of notables other branch Cnrponller has an the urtaUnu , llan stales that returned tho victor before nighl-f- club: wiiiiam Dwyer, who managed os of sport in mis included those nounced his intention of betting 11 ballroom It II i. Til,' local hoy is not the lies Moines team when Won Frank Mag, ,li, well known profes pri-loso- d Him-pi- )00 a side on the result of the I a fighter purr and e N nufll'lHt ho the Western league pennant In 1909, tional billiard player; ('apt. A. battle with Smith. The prop htiymnkor that anybody P. with a and the Chris! Hogart.s and ('apt. John Ttrewoi a fin ne ml si indpolui. well lo keep at IX dlxtanrr. isltlon, from Would do old St. j both whom hold the world', alay out of rrarh ol Vnii dor Aho, owner of tho of had nude to the dinner bis not been llattbOWl ean IS If of I s s - S , j championship as wing shots, am ,.,, awful wallop ho "III furniah a Louis champion ball team nade public. and for many years one nf the boat Harry Coulter, at one time ChamplOl leeeiitly ro- - HiirpriMo to Torres and his barkers. Tom n'Hoiirke, who to on ihe other haml. It mtiHt BO aald known hasehall marinates in tho coun- single scull oarsman of the l'nlte pened the National Sporting Club of We wish to extend to every citizen of Albuquerque and Matthewa id on- - of the cleverest try. States. that t,, Uaerica In Now York, has cabled for a Ud! that has ever sinned hil name Tho great army of active ball play-- ' to visit each visitor witfin our gates our most cordial wishes AlbU(iicriie, ami Hod arpontior n temiiting offer a Hotel register In era has boon singularly fortunate in President Im Sox. metropolis and dlsplav Year, one of the rleanost lighters, Huston, DOO, 24. Jo icph L. Lull he American Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Uls losing none of Its members during wares, wants to It righting Ik an exact aclenoo with him. ning of Now York and this city, wa is ii'ltoitrke mat' v. the year, so far as the big leagues! who The man who lirks him must ha ele, ted proald nt of the Huston Amei he Frenchie with Porkv Flyiin, niothing more than a punch he were concerned, while the only minor1 lean league bisehall club today. H s un.ier the promoter's nMUiagenx m land the It passed O & Co, muKt have the ablllt to IfUO player of note who Kticcee is Janu s II. McAleer, At Carpentb'r is under lUapenBlon Albuquerque Gas, Electric light Power has out-field- BUBCh, and that Ik Mumming that away was Clare Patterson, star Voutigstown, nhio, whose Interests to y tho Hoxlng Federation of France, by any ant. that d Chicago mer. not boon done ironist in 19K', of the champion gdher with those of Is to tho New Yolk hoy met elneo ho has i.aiiniiig rooenUy acquired. rhkCl, related the St l.oulK has team of the Pacific Coast kpagVft, boxing commission, Ihe bun, In our midst. Always cool ami late botn phys- Former ball players who died dur- stand- - over '.c,,i;i s hoadv alwas In the ery host herefole, also a ing year, some of them widely ONCE NOTED INDIAN put .1 ical cimdltlnn, Matthews Is dnnnei tho n the big burg. This would every OtaCO of the game, famous in their day, were "Jlggs" Carpenti.-r-F- 1111 encotin-e- r OtM fighter at ATHLETE DROPS DEAL rimp in a of whom he ma meet. DOMttatSta, former star first baseman In York. reeardloHs the New I THE CHRISTMAS (if harillv less Importanre than for tho Chicago White Sox; Jack is likely, that Smith Day srini-windu- p It howi,r, One he base-- WINI, Cured in main event will the Boyle, I forni'-- catcher and first ' IWt MOSNINO JOU.NAt SPECIAL LIAIIO 111 meet big Sj NUMBER! of Albuquer-.u- t be the big man to the lir Our PktnlMs an4 B1m1Im Hudson for Signs Kurta Of .Maine. Dee. --m Lobb - S Offlo between Baron CaMfor- - man the Phillies and other clubs;. Uangor, Tenebman, as the Qunbaal win prob- O) of Itnttrte Tmtmui and Tonal aUfeather, J. Dolan, who caught for the. Sockale.xis, a Ponobs, ot Indian, in, Hate rta rnit Hie 11 olid Is all HortK of 'lass to Thomas bbj defeat Polkoy. Smith Is being nla There old Louis Hrowns when they held won fame as a hall player, droppe. nuiiilu r of la StiHtliweat j hoys ami a real hallle ia In store St. jdead wnile worKiti, diked the winner b almost over VARICOCELE these will go Association champion-bip- ; of Heart disease 0WB fiction 10. on hi) when they meet. This fight tho American In a lugginif cait.p at llurllngton todaj uxing critic the country over. Hydrocele, Rupture (Hernia) Wall Paper Charles PabOT, who was said to for eight rounds. His bouy was removed to his hoiu BnCkley had RHtnpOd to take Smith N Detention from Huilnon or Horn. he between d The preliminary will have been the first great bore tonight. ver to tho other side some lime ago VAHII IH Kl.K U a knotty. twUt'd toy Cllna, both a Pa , d worra-llk- of tlm with FeTrail Battling Cruoe and pitcher; Frank L C ited") Donahii. was 41 years agi. cun-elle- coadltloa vain, TheSanta born hut he , HUDSON have 0 meet Jack Johnson, 1 pala, Fourth local boya. These rooaaartara for St. Louis, Phil- - His grandfather waa at on. ,.;.. Mich na truing and it is who had pitched paternal the voyage when he was dablllty. In k f energr boon aeen In action before, and of an nerrousiiess, Klw adelphiirfel'Slweland and other major'llme goxernor the Penopscott big hla, k had re- ad amblUon. A ninn iifferliia frmu for Picture Street and unnecessary to aay that they will that the H. money when league teams; Harry o'llagati. onco'tne iainny was ,i oin in, in in in a Viirioeele rinnot enter the 0. arui. Magazine a run tot their was an line, used to iweii consider Smith lor tVe In one tronttnent of a few udu- - Ave the fans l.n..(..n ..u .. Umm M III ill. N'll fairs of the tribe. Louis jerc Framei Copper they meet today. " bout. utei. No pain. No duuger. No I e I"""' of Andrew Sockulexis, the marailio. -- M at d g none Director LOVy has arranged to tional, Lastorn ami Now Lizar nepn,.W( U,nt If Smith trims Polkoy, and provld-l- renlenee. It la a great big rip . I.:., i,. ,ii, and It Is Certain leagues; McFarland, formerly HVDKOrFT.R la a dlMrr-Mln- publication, foiitiirlng the Nee) rmd. Mount Mo,.kH1,.xjM W11S a natural athlete an. tho Kngllsh promoter's offer la requiring eipert attention, go out to enjoy his . that those who witli the Chicago American leacuajwaa Abie to run IM yards in ten sei. likely BUCklO) Drawing off fluid Is only tamapr-arjr- Mexico country. ... get full itisfnetory, it Is that the a,. Mud1' will their team; Hrv Ion, who had raught loiKts when at his best. Ho lacam' Knropo IF joa aro eufferfr frma Hy- j OOOOOOOO OOOO OOOQOOOOOOOO i. III chaperon the dinner to yott will do well to Inreitl-gnt- l not fail to mv the llolida money! worth. ,,r Indianapolis and Washington known as a baseball player In Lillu on drocele t the iulto a few Americun henvies are onr MBTHOD Ol' TBBATM1 NT 1111 111 her. It I -ie, lally lint A. J. Hauer, who played with when he played centerftcld on tn, wblch euraa uauouipllcated raaea In SO BUY YOUr, c wants bring resulta becauae teams lie other side Just now, including ( II Ih llliiMtnited In rokM Journal the first Wilkesburre team In lS6;Holy Cross team, his work uttractin, ulnutea. every body reada The lournaL big OOOUU rank Moran. Sam MKBKford and lie c (liroiigboiit. big, and hmi.(t rae E. ("Chummy") Cray, once alne attention of the Kl PTUBB (IIKRMA) - Hlnresanl e fat 1897 was for ennnetto, and If Smith takes the trip of Ituptura baa coat many Htm. A Lumber, Glass, Paints In .1, it, . hiilU he an outfielder c (o-- l It at netVH Ntand, ea known pit, her ,.,,.,,.,,,, , f . alight strain, catiaed by eneezlng or tour ln(.n .Nilllnil 10 will prooumy mooi mese ie,,oir I -- Michael Dr.ssell. an CO, IK hlng, lifting or "topping down tffid direct 1,1 us. Hotter I'll and little leagues; .ttfU). Afterwards he played o. n rings also. 0 foreign qalckly, may cuua deaoent nf the uiTicnt UH -- , and llllMllptl'MI. Catcher for the St. leagues of New lis-- ' and D 0 gltf JUUr I'"flu.amM in th" minor Smith has not had a meteoric reanlttng In Straniialstbin c 1'iowns; Michael J. Connors, many j Kngland. For several seasons he ha. requiring an operation. We cure mimy 0 o on the pugilistic horizon, by N 0 will give to ago In tho Old j ofpciated umpire in local leagues. fame raaee lu one treatment. 3 AT THE Fe Trail Publishing Santa Claus years a star pitcher as my No tmtlueaa. 0 Santa moans. detention from 9 0 American league; Jerry Harrington, big fellow had his name put 3 Red The A Sure Cure For A Small Fee 0 SUPERIOR LUMBER 0 Company all children who call at onto catcher for the Cincinnati QUILLEN THREATENS TO n tho time when in 0 Louisville; Hoscoe Miller, print for first 3 and also for he service nf the I'nlted States navy 0 0 Incorporated of R. E. 'who Pitched for Detroit, Now York JOIN CHICAGO CLUB a; o & MILL CO. 0 the residence Vhlle tho ship Smith was on lay 0 0 103 North Third Street. and Pittsburgh: Charles ft. Hobinsor., the din- o Albuquerquo, New Mealco team OF FEDERAL LEAGUL nchor in the Cldcn date i PUTNEY, 1101 WEST who played with the Providence er,' shown promising form 00000000000000000000000000 league; John J. who had of the National .'Ith his against his fellow sail led New Kngland fists CENTRAL, on Christ- O'Brien, who the 1v mokninq jounl icial li aid w,ti rs, was invited to don the mitts with league In baiting one season and later Neb., Dec. 24. Lie Quil Lincoln, aok Johnson, in San Francisco whei 1 (dub: Kdmondjlen, years baseman 0. Drummer Bowling Alley Candy and manage tho Louisville for three third his battle DUKE CITY mas Day, i, nn,l nt - winning Denver club, an. '. Arthu was training for m.. ,.,iv.i f,,r ivnrin the Henna HHi XV. UOLD. Wal-- ; before that with the SIOUX City clu, Ith Jim Jeffries. olher minor league clubs, and n Cleaners-Hatte- rs Oranges, as Usual. when it won the Western league pen Smith consented to spar with John-o- tor (Hutch l Mooro, once well known tonight announced be woun. course of thelt ROWLING AfXETH AND Tri-Stat- e nanl, and during the in Kastern, Western and I 44 servo notice on the Denver manage ttle spat tho tar landed one of his fUtr lllnlomAAV. CVJ fill W. I'hone POCKETf MILLIARDS league circles, mcnt that if not given his release o. ight pUnchOO on Jack's Jaw. Reaiatrallona. im be aeon la of club, he wouK band ofneaa, prove na to be the meal Also under tho bend baseball transfer to the Lincoln wont to mat. may names to the 'hiengo Federal ohnson the expert mat beet aimJIiled Come This Morning chronology be placed the jump were sent the In Kl M0G0LL0N old-tim- suys a, Iloports to this effect of Henley power, e club, from which he he has V: Charles Qulllen'a Uncoil, ountry over. Smith was advised to ynnaWntlW'?FRENCH FEMALE ball player, umpire and lor many offer. botha is in Give Up A Visit Will Tel and Auto Uno prefers to play here if his sor ike up tho manly all and alter In Don't Stage years u Pittsburgh sporting writer, and he latest and beat vicoH are want,, I. vas "paid off," the dinner wont east, Wa alio rnre by the HAIL mmuum spills. Hloed Poteoa. Hkla lUaewaee, A Kti for HofaRBMin UtHwrmomtim. ill metbo'la ! a, ty Cwiraiv iif le stopped off Philadelphia and Noko Throat Leave Silver m ' lllinumatlam, alarrb. and NEVER INOWN TO Mil. y' fiffi 4 p. m 1,1 ht.uu-- H"J t Oi l CHICAGO BOOTBLACKS net Jack Fitzgerald in the squared Trouhlri, Kpllepay, Nerva Kenllne, Arrive Mogollon l.naiam MB1 .1 IIH'I ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooe very "good Nerrouaneaa, Knlarged l'rwatnte, Leave f.,ogllon 7 a. rr l.00 jwr hm. Will owntl Uteguugt trial, to hu wta fwr In le. Smith did not look Kldnry, Mladdrr r. when rcltnTod. HoUitplea r rf. If ;mr drundal ttocai oat (Strietor), Silver City 4 p. m. m arnd your ordf ra lo Its) c UNDER SUSPICION OF n that botlt and I'rinar.r DlaeMea, IUea od all Arrive hart the j o Special nra on KoqatMl UNITCO HIOICAL CO., io T4, UWCQiTt P. o This was about throe years ago, bin Itm tal Dlaeasea, and ail pecUl dtoeaaaa BEING TRUST MAGNATE!. of Mea anil Women. oil or Adilrwa U W. MsgfMtj IVn 0 Ince then Smith has plugged along AjriVIPK A o CONHtXTATION, KB Silver f!Mv. N. M M4 ft rlftoautrout tf Itrr'el FHAMMMY , o onacivntlOtMly and under the abb atX-RA- KXAMINATtON I ItKH, - of town, o .IPCCAu CORftMPONUSNCC TO MOHNINS JOURNa. utelage of Jim Buckley, he has tin- If oat write. o Chicago, Dec. 24. Investigation was illy developed into a good boxer as o INTERNATIONAL SPECIALISTS bOCOn .yesterday by d'eilera Judge rell as a hard hitter. His most not o Attorney Jamet nr. Ketnlierald A do. o Lunula and District ble victory to date Is his win OVOl Serond Floor. Ilniuinett Block, eomai O if It CHRISTMAS Happy Wilkerson to aseeitaln there am Lungford in Huston recently. Tciaa Si and Mean Ave.. Kl Paeo, Tea. fS A Merry Christmas and a o a "bootblack trust," utilizing a peon- Entrance 112 Mete Ave. I a o age system whereby young Creeks art Ilniira, " "i lo P- - m. to 1 p. aa. ELKS TilfATRf ATTRACTION o giieitay, 10 a, m. to 1 p. m. o brought Into this country and palu WHEN HER BACK ACHES Year all is my sincere wish. 0 scant wages for long hours of labor New to o The jurist Questioned eeveral of the o Michaloti, mils ISros tlfldfl Ml Energy Dec. 25 o omnlovcs of the Woman Her "'"I Matinee and Night, Thursday, of my o , porators of three shoo shining par- Ambition Slipping Away. iiNo444 For the accommodation 0 lors In the loop district, in connection Albuquerque women know bow the 11 & ( Inc.) Anm With the ease of Liokopios Tsimpros, iches and pains that often come when On ski MacVI niiice 1 who pleaded guilty to swearing falsel ho kidneys fail make life a burden, National Foundry o Immigration at New and to make delivery of some 0 to the authorities lackaches, hip pains, headaches, aa a s 0 patrons s, 0 t ors izzy spells, distressing urinary trou-de- & iviacnine tompany o Despite the fart that all of the. wi- are frequent Indications of weak "-'i- H I 1 1 II I M aaWaMiitgaaaiaMMWSMaMM last tnesses who were haled into court ,u. Idneya nn,i should be ohecked in delayed Christmas Goods bought tanpoonaa denied that the' had conn. Una. Doan's Kidney pills arc for the General Foundry Work, 0 Inti this country on contrai l to worn Idnoys only. They attack kidney dis- o lor the "shine bosses, the inquiry re- uses by striking at the cause. Here's Iron and Brass Castings. will kept open until 1 2 o vealed that tho boys wore paid a ironf of their merit in an Albuqiier-u- e night, store be o low as $11) a week for working Iron, woman's wolds: BABBITT METAL thirteen to fourteen hours a day. The) Mrs. J. Hall, 409 W. Iron Ave.. A- locelve their board and lodging, ac- lbuquerque, N, M., says: "One of my Albuquerque, New Irlexico noon today. cording to tho testimony, but are Kept 'amlly was subject to attacks of back-- 1 almost constant sui n ilium b iche for several months. Soinetlmea ee the bosses. In many Inst incea tin ihf was laid up for a day or two. uo "lips" which are given to shoo Bhin- - Doan's Kidney pills quickly ended by she had 11 sign era are taken away from them the his trouble and hasn't FARR COMPANY ,oss. if It during the past several years. I THE WM. After hearing the testimony Judge have publicly recommended Doan's Wholesale and Hetall Dealera In - I say Landla oostponod sentence on Tslm- 'Idnoy Pills before and can that I I. ! AND SAIT MKJVTS pros until tomorrow afternoon, anu f have since used a few doses of KaitsagcM a M Kidney Pills myself. They II Is expected that the Inquiry will he Doan's For Cattle and Hoga tn Htggaat fSUALLY EXCELLENT CAST continued. auvo helped me, too." Market Prlcoa Are Paid. PRESENTED Tsimpros had staled previously tnnt For sale by all dealers, Price r.O Fostor-Mllbiir- n Buffalo, had posed as the father of two ents. Co., Love, and Heroism. he "slew sole agents for thy United A Gripping Story ol Mystery boys whose real father hud made ar York, in thi. tates. The Most Popular1 American Book Made Into a Great Play. rangementa for them to work Remember the name Doan'a and BALDRIDGE country. ake no other. LUMBER COMPANY MATINEE PRICES: NIGHT PRICKS A Danger Signal. Wheezing In lungs lndlcatea the Paints, Glass, Cement. Roofin - Hoarseness in a child that la aut hat phlegm Is obstructing the air 50?, 75r- and .SI. 00 7.V, $1.00 anl $1.50 Ject to croup la a sure sign of an ap aaaaages. HALLAKD'S HOREHOUND Civo Chamberlain' 11 and Builders' Supplies proachlng attack. ITTJBUP loosens the phlegm no thai BOOK STORE Cough Remedy as soon as (he ohlb an be coughed up and ejected. Price SEATS ON S LE AT MATSON'S becomes hoarse and the attack maj 25c, 60c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by aule by all dealers drugglata. I ItoHUltg from Journal Want Ada. D0000OOOOO0O0O00O0O0000OO0OO00O00000000000000O00OO00O be warded off. For all FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 25, 1913.

time in the Otarks, day before the Catarrh Cannot Be "STARVATION DOCTOR" of period of Cured, coming the railroad, the . I S TO . . . i v.llh GREAT INTEREST SHOWN IN TOUR GOES' TO PENITENTIARY CONNORS STIRS OP CONTRACT 00N hacking. houralini. rougn nmi .. of dUute with the QM laborious farming, highway rOfc r OCUI. "red-blood- .i.l nuL llllll Ml rric and no on. It U n " ; uttic, 14.-M- r. I. In. In Ru I". A .vet one that has n dtof) CAMPAIGN: MAN! NEW CANDIDATES no-- , JOAREZ WITH BE LET FOR BIG iliuF p)a. the nilci "Han char-tacter- ' It In filled with unio,'" s t r who I under vni' n e t.icearc. snd in idents. The fai t thai lh- novel, from which the piny was ' RACE TO G IROLE GLOBE F hi tde. ha held the record for five JOIN MERRY MIMIC BATTLE AIR BUILDING eare a the leading "best seller,'' ia !anple proof that it I what the public j. I Ml M t'. r. t'ttr.Nr.T a ro., rh muni tt ,.i t nM l.T briitlstv prtv.. .mil Tkr liull'4 lisllj rtila ' Nfta Early Start the Thing and Then Activity Spells Success in H "i) When ,500 Contsituttonalis's Nev Mexico Commissioners Re-hri- ne YOU CAN CURE THAT BACKACHE, Thus, the Greatest Affair of Its Kind Ever Inaugurated in , Guns, Race turn From San Diego With Tun ilaos ' tuck, dizxirs-w- lieuUclie and 'tiers' New Have Now: Next nr . Oct package of Hu:h,f Or)' AKO. Mexico; Entrants Best Chance Track Gr; News That Edifice Will Short- M 1 1 tile pmtDi rnot ant htb ear or Kidoer, dJ I niarTtroiiblw. Wbea Big ' 1 " feptranfc With Standings Published Sunday. l'lot wrvi" her Alarmed: N ly Assume Definite Form. C.oarxnteed not t GBPbrieture. Wrrtnti WHY NOT CURE SJc lo travel , YOURSri n Mother Urar'i r it aottl by Ii n,--- . br mail foi toi-tt- Humpl afot Flitl. FatltealatawhhaaJ Utile Bu' k manager of forami"-sio- n Ttnt V. oiii4 mil Connor. Th- - three rafmlnrn of the AJurrti. Tat aatkerUrar I e Hot, BVANS ai n Ttll! ih, AlhitqtlPrque Him Producing TU avn ' having in charge the work of .I mpany, who on TueaJay staged an exhibit for Ncv Mcxii o at LUBMER COMPANIES pleturc of , '.On mounted Mexican the Panama --CanTore la expooltlon, who ARE const it utinnnllat in action near FINED $436,000 Junrex, war here yesterday on hit way recrntlv wi nt to San Diego to liegiti Glass-Pai- nt the work of getting the elate1 bulld-n- g wr.v. have New wo-- jn.iN.u t .i L"ae i.rtdrr returned to LUMBER Cement-Plaste- r Mint ii i and give a splendid report el the piognxs that haa len made. Co. Cmmnlnaioncr f'.uy A. Itetd. of Albuquerque Lumber jaUMori from Missouri by the supreme l - rariinad: Dr. J. J. Shuler. of Tlalon. 4? Nortl Finft Strr- - Jceiirt f the date today a the result "t tr are to he used in war J ami I). Clark, nf were 'of antl-tru- i pro ceding which have atkwtal story The ' tew troop- - constitution-- ! the menitier thlf work la iNn in ndlnc- sewr l years .nt haunt Rlevra of th' rompanle are ousted taken ..a two aeate h i ..-- "inpanied by AfeMtCOt thir- .In vm Ah It WB!l III .111 it u( 1'iiial I: .pp and Ketretary Paul A. F. Walter.! unilreh against the nearly teen other w ur nded on the aimed a rie thev ai nt to San Dleo everal 9 jcnndltinn thai !! fin. lc paid wlth-- I fun tot purpoe of lo-- l the M J ami the definitely In thirty day. Failure to pay with- .nira the ite of the Xew ICaxiCO Gift in time will ouster In H that make thr ror con-iiu- i Will their rne alo ii'ienlute me plant. firlnK theli 'iiiininK, K'curins ''id ita $t thlnkiiiK that fe.l-i- n and attending to oth r de-- i i who are lilirr fr i ijinaca had a t. a" ii.cident to gettinc the work A SERVO LANDIS 'CALLS' MAN Ho- . tt to of their started. Certificate ward of Ihe Jiiurcx HUM WHO Mr. Clark returned to Dentins well, Wh' CLAIMED HIM AS ie liundreii nf nhnt.i nay nt of iho s.mthern Pacific route and Who undrad ani the iale DRINKING COMPANION Mi! .in reta cr.milsiand, became did DOl come through Albuquerque. UK lhl Reed 1 friabtened. think mc that I battle ana M"ffr. and Shuler arrived r A MERRY CHRISTMAS i one M In proKre. ami nany ran to the thb k HohU Fe Mo. eiicrday. Mr. Hhulei will be v. .11 a.lnh,' hlnli M fur aafi'ty, whiie p Inn on through to Raton and .Mr. ('hleaam. Dae It.- Fed- - I - Storie that er riiahe onlalde ii ki I Hupping over in the eity to - A e ..f the smblen oul- to mne peraonnl bunlnesa. AND HAPPY NEW YEAR Mr. Reed was vede rdry and' Tin- movmr; .i i t. ..perai.r an.l en j ai tor who aere nnrtlripiitinif in the I glouing aceoiint of the work: I bla battfe arene aluo became n ft being done by the New Mex c i, Greetings nl irmed at th andili n firing M tin ooxuniaaton. While in Haa fot it. I) lir.pri Diec' native, fur it wa an act not on the j he Mid, "we rnnaulted with ome of: n iTcn-- From piiigram Jlurt it nnt hat for ' jthe liest and mot responilde eon-- j ernl lletiavidna and H. riian.le. In I In . a tt acton California with reference by hargina retx-l- miitht have run fmnlhed free . to ihe of Address wna a defendant in a u' t. down many of thoae watchlna the erection the New Mexico telephoning tin - 'building. n- - it Jn.lae l..ui.l. henrd torle whl. ii re- maneuver. but ibe . ..mmiin.l. t's Thee contractor were Morning of the latad ! hini.'lf and mietioneil VII- - with their ta.ff, rude in fmni of the weu ten day within which to to IT e number i fard. and compelled to "piiillinlt bid for the work, as 1 them and 'Sometime afler I wa arreKted I up" their ponie. Jsoon aa practicable after the hlda ir Mint In Jam" T. !'n-- l and .'inked I Name 0LIN W. LASATER With H..mer A. Hoott, camera man. mealV ad a meeting of the commtaali n jhiin If he thiiuahl he rOttld Deputy l aJt.,1 . IRd Statea Marahal raP() ol(hPr 3T my eaae." wild Vilford when be ti.-.- ;,,, Ff Street No City. IS APPOINTED CLERK I ',T'j.';;! ";:'.: .W;:ll':':;,Al.ii)aernue. n may be moat e.mven- - . fi r the purpoe of awarding OF TORRANCE COUNTY latter wanted M heat near the hack of the grandatand it the State if the atory whi.b he 'lrace and noojtracC a aooa aa the contract la the tooh a picture tie won id Iwen e re ii la ted . of the Mexican rebel, reviewed by bt. work on the building will Imn HOININ4 I thought he cook) and dl triy begin, I Win 111 While ,0 KyL Central Hcnnvlde. lb mmanding and t;iink it la ue to' y note fur I1M. i tto n i.ffi. er. The trotipa roua taclr horaai ay llMU the New Mexico building will, THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOUKXAL, unit a dmibt the InM r . C ini gui to talking with t to near the foothill in the eaM. u, be a ttunity way the-.iex- at you will h under within Hubert r. Ilradv. He of i line up for S mf action th the thul .'ay and that it will be com-- l t.FNTl.tMl Id M villi the I 'a or . hark'-'- . pb ted by sum-- 1 I Holiday a u III time and effort The trnopi to auppoacd Ui the early part of the knw of un more oppmpriata Urcetirut that grand-cvolve- iKTlption Kindly above on if nii take advnnt 81 to the r mer." to The MortUii' Journal. enter the name , .'ff.-- In Mr. Fteed Klatid that the comnnP-'- 0. the suhM-riiulo- Hen ia jour hisiks and semi mimt for mouths. Ill )'.U Will la- nlr. and yell fnani he Indian. constantly working on plait f a couple of Week be but not to h tt had the cam-- e to nnd enlarge wful! the Hnnl mi broaden the scope of siarUiiR 191 to the addrcasi given. tredit ii v.lth the nairt ho that era in an op to reel in th" the N.-- Mexico plan-- b'l la made exhibit. It ia ' and Id be dropped." charge when gnu I was given lied i lo place on the wall of the build- alb sulrxcrlptlnn a Inner Tin ri leil Vilfor I' Ktatement. - points on thin lo tor the Mexi. am nn." Put- ing in Kan Dlcgo an enormous map I : ln- ofi tName of Candidate) ting spurs to thV i.laes. am. g the sUt- jiiIiu-ck-s with Ihe Hiieed (if wind In the producta Mthe Bnwtoecd flml aiiiount covering subscription or Mnd to nit ihe the a direction of the V amera man, with in ountica and sections, nnd and 1 will remit upon of roreipt. rcnuiiki .Vttfirney It F. Connor and Modre a few feet away backing up the showing made hy the Yours truly. recently iif i.nlei! Jatni a T. acting their part in iir scenario. in'i aill be exhibits of the product MOM D AS AHOVK. ngreaalye a bn.ther of ltobert F l!lail. Winn within hundred yard of the the inyelve so thnt the visitor niny nsel lor Vilford. the i ae earner neveral or the lender. becom-!hnv- e nn m wan actual demonstration of what wlu illmtacil. j ing M j excited. firing their gun, t obUlned from the soil of the! t'ollttlMIC .e. .lie ,,,m.,,.i,. noiH- -l up 'o, . No Subscription Taken for Less Than Six Months reg.m. Dec. .'t Men m-- mn ran ' "iiht. , ., n. rvia: lnalin, also Marled shoot- .V It lit also by i Ii on tuber of tin I Copper Hill. Tenr., Dec. 21. .11 mi.'. Mora tbun l.tlOft ronndu v. r. planned the Anile The Mornin"; Inurna!. Every Day in tiie Year, Delivered ihatge of crowd- - 'eault of a mie.i uuel with revolver.; I geiL klon to issue an encyclopedia of . liar-- , i Anvwhere on K.irth for S7.C0 a Year. big i attng p.... and hire lodav. lown .Marshal rju Tb. Mime frlghteni") and regarding the advantages lay I Heputv ! them, telling the dead uin! Sheriff i: finied I., vtm. it tin spii'ifted iipot In of New Mexico. This w ill be compiled ' i I Bald ,o lie d.viiig wiit, tWi 1 .front or tlie ri mera. and Beolt liu to i bv exnerta and on, In n.-- ...n.-r..- . .,. bullet wound In hla breast. Barclay run for royei u it tt ma. hi hine. form aa - had arrested Hood IWtf In the IhsI to be readily available for ref- Rates of Subscriptions and Schedule of Points M- -k erence ptirpie-e- Coples of thi hook out of them. f..r drunkenneaa. They fired on liaiu Woman tint of .in ami Mm.,. Point are issued pald-li- luartera 111 np on i advance subscriptions, based on th torln (ell ft w fi i t -- w ,nr sign, and wllhin a lain Angeles Dec. I . Ilentn n "" n'in" fre distribution following scale: the grnnd I i i.l, nt Uet Oovrted Palming. of each other. Chris Camnbell. a voung F.nalishinHii 'he fair. DAILY M 9CXDAY and Hill be N'.w York, Dec. 14. A painting who is said to be a relative of an Mr. Beed was enthusiastic in re-- ' Points Allowed in Ii Preside,!, Wia drow Wilson haa JurinM'ii sk la, iisr ton Klein. Fngllsh earl, appeared at the city t.ard to the progress beinR made by Plane Old Sub. New Sub. Portland, Ore.. Dec. 24. Before prison today, balled out Mr. Nettie the fair management and the beaut v, Six Months ) 3.50 1,500 .".,000 .liulge Kavanaugh pasne Frl-da- y a, sentence Putnam, who was rested bist week ,y,., .u expomtlo one Year 7.00 4,000 8,000 tonight. The picture la a land - on F.dinund K. C Von Klein, of en charges of having passed hau ' "e the w U' of1 Two Year $14.00 10,000 20,000 "the VV i Chopper," by H. 'Chicago, convicted bigamist, he will I.e. k ., and Immediately married ' The arrangement l,!rk!-- . nree tears but ion of c. itt NIebol, widely known a a 'be petitioned bp some of the Juror her. Qunpbell gave his age as ti he declared, is one of the finest $21.00 - be grand i i ape artist Mrs. Wilson herself. in the case to be lenient. Von Klein's and Mrs. Putnam, who is an attract- to found In the I'nited States, and NOTR Where a subscription is taken for attorney, VV T. Hume, i I v circulating lie wiuow, said she was It. ill form a spectacle which is urel than three years, points will be allowed in nccordi with the ratio petitloa among I the danor. the the Juror and any to i.i light the eve nf the eastern vlsl-- l 01 Increase as ner seal.. two of signed today. above them Statue Bought b Italy. vyork - j,,,r on the buildings is pro- No subscription taken for less than six month. All arrearages Florence, Dec. 24 Danutello'H fa-- 1 easing so Back at my o4d stand and Rovceao r, rapldlv, said Mr Iteed must be paid at least three months In advance in order to secure Parttoaai Ten Oneirtcta. motU .tatue of John the Baptist tha, j, ow Columbus, O., Dec ChrtaUne efmg ,ha, a, of point ballots. will give all orders my personal woo ii huh run iitrii lor ins irienu anil more Important Where gift In the form of pardons were I patron, Murtelll, and pun based by structures will be clubbing arrangement is made with weekly newspapers hy c.,x "napieieo ana natty occupancy by In the campaign attention. Quantity and qual- made (tovernor today lo ten the Italian government for Js.unO was lor territory 1,500 additional points will he. allowed for priimtii r Jlll-- - in the uhio penitentiary. Plied today in Danatello's hall in ,!"4- every yearly subscription taken for the weoklv in conjunction with ilea. ling ihe lists of those given I - ity guaranteed. Hugh Trotter, Ini the t.'itionat tiiuseum aftfr having r.-- Mr. Bced left for Carlsbad on the The Morning Journal. mediate freedom was u Paul Zeltnet iiiaiiicu niniien lor live ceniurics, in vut-o- nam last nigni. Coal Wood. of Wood county. Helving a hf sen the old Martelli palace. and unce lor mutoer Schedule of Points on Cash Slips Would LARGE ADVANCE SALE Forcibly Treat Drunks. p Ints ouilitiil satila Clans Itiinieil. Indianapolis. Ind.. Dec .4. The Purchase c.i.bsbiirg, III.. Dec. 24-- The FOR MATINEE AND NIGHT Is ued firs establishment ot a county InsM'utlon t 1.00 chrlHlmas tree fire ai blent in llli for lh. compulsory treatment of pris- - noiH. i in SHOW AT ELKS TODAY $ a.OO not me country, occurred loners arrested for Intoxication U rec-la- 600 ASERVO 8Y8TEIVI e $10.00 Ilel night when (Men Sharks. oumi, n, led i.v m.. r,..,.i tun hi..h ' 1 144 the 1 Santa C.1Us at n'm.-i- l. its report today. $20.00 in ol entertainment, was serious! Inn, cations are for capacity audl-- j $50.00 Nomination burned, sharks' costume mught fin Young Fire Fiend All purchases Blank MfMti, encee at both the and night In cents or below $0.00 from a candle on the I'brisinias tree Qulncq, matinee will be hono the Mass, Dec. 24. I'pon his peiformancea at Klks' theater todu ' rate 01 ti.Nh. POJKT TOR BACH CENT HXPF.NDF.D The Albuquerque Morning Journal's 'Round the World Ooafeaaton in court that he had set Purchase, v.. yiotor VvMcJca hj iTxpoaMhaa, of H: robi Hell Wright's drnmatkaationl above $50.01. will entitle the candidate to points as issued on amounts fire to seven buildings within two below $,..00 as per and Tropical Tour Campaign. S in Francisco. I). 24 - The ilnvs, Herbert Whittaker, a of his celebrated novel, "The Shep-- ! "chedulov Kxample: A purchase of $60.00 will OipoBtttOn miinagetnent boy, was held to ihe grand Jury he,il of the Hills." entitle the candidate to 13.&00 points, etc. announced today that no motor vehi- today. He has written a storv of rough cles will be allowed lnsldi the en- Good for 1,000 Points closure to the fair grounds In lilt. YOU CAN HELP SOME WORTHY YOUNG WOMAN WIN IteaMMee IMUM I herd., initiate Mrs. of lltnamited. JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO OOOOOOO OOO 00 ooofrj' Ml, ir Wheeling, vv a.. Dec. 24. The, A TOUR OF THE WORLD residence of K.nll Detnnrco, nn Italian 0 storekeeper, was o of . . DM. No. dynamited today at Or $1,000 in Gold p.eiinire. O., by two unidentified men, o eligible o A candidate In die Mbnqiieique Morning Journal 'Hound Ihe who made their aecnp 0 CRUISE IN THE TROPICS o TI us' KIIIimI at t.rade t io lim. Store Will Be Open o With o a Visit to Panama Canal Signed H.imiiiiinton, J Dee 24. Three FREE wen- o A perons killed at a grade cross o $400 JESSE FRENCH PIANO ing here (oday whf B rail- - o Until 12 Today A Addrews road expriKs train at. Ml o $75 I. C. S. SCHOLARSHIP and demolished It. o NOT! No candidate villi he credited with imltits m ured on more o one o than nomination blank. Pan Payment. 0 tjiain Dealer - Vou owe me .! fort o SAVE Your Cash Slips on .eats, Jim, you I o Aservo System Stores; They If don't pay me. ll o 'have to take your horse. We Wish All Our o Are Valuable for Points. Uncle Jim All right, euh. And I'll! o u o pay you .i de balance d lust es o MONEY Spent in Aservo Re- l Stores Means edm as kin. Puck. Patrons, and Others, c a Material A8ERVO SYSTEM o duction in YOUR Cost Living-Sa- How Mm o of ve Five Per t.ot out. o "ef re. Ulane," said first worn- - too, Merry Cent All FREE COUPON the a Christmas o on Cash Purchases. in. over a seasonable dish of turkey! o The Albuquerque Morning Journal's 'Round the World and cranberry sauce. 't In your 0 el any more. Is she " and a Most Prosperous o "No. poor thing' She had to drop o and Tropical Tour Campaign. 0 ENTER THE RACE TO nut. was the ri ply o GIRDLE THE GLOBE Tin- i'ltsi port- rvi- . i.t woiiian ordered two New Year 0 woman, 16 years or age or over. Is eligible to ion- ..f pumpkin pie and resumed o peti r """'e livery out: Why. o . a.irds. sursenber benefits. Send In your name THIS "Drop she told me she and start in race ...... climbed Washington o the at ll rfuT GOOD FOR 5 POINTS out'" Star. o oiAtutD. Send in your COUPON o name TODAY. l et Him Try It. o I B ITUTlIKi; INFORMATION, 1X)B VOID "Have von many close friend o CAM,. PHONF OR WB1TF hen-.-" o o AFTER Can't ay. I've never tried to Imr-fo- ' 0 a cent Boston Transcript. Powell Drug Company 0 Hist No JAN. o o Tour Manager Is symptom Tin- - coupon Is good only If Heartburn a of indi- Fourth and Central 0 '..ill dcixislted at the gestion. Take a doae of IIKUBINK In " lie i.l .d lie Moinin on or o .louinal, 3 such oaas. The pain disappears 0 The Albuquerque Morning fore the date priniod above. Trim ucatly for Tin- o Journal fllluc. bowels operate speedily PHONE 1T8 i. fr3H . .and you leaJ fine, vigorous and cheer-iiu- 'Jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oc Ml W GOLD AVE, J'ikc K. Sold by all Ururtliva. WSO! MOT nvr A C "HE MORNING JO'lRNAi . THl rtSDAY. 25. 1913. JM -S- T?'- Fur-Border- ed Scarves to Match the Gown

d Bead Embroidery and Bead Fringe Again in r avor; Cold Winds Blow Ostrich and Goura Feathers for Hat?, tee ,' 1 ih- - VOBK. If. On J li Interested In varloiia cM.roh miJ Ftarnoon of M hi nl. Btattffe, ami. In quoit of i i if i ri uwime Hi'. m, I iiioiii'i in one bates iv moMi tii hiili tin' KM 'il ;i eertiiln protnlHWll liOtrl. A f women ji I crowd i i KmI, I lay Hi"!'' of tlx Tlx "'lint United BtatM. fiv h'i.'s feowni (or'On and fftre wear. Tin' leilli uoin utl ill t'.tad ' im UMFonfed. Garme if Vaucs fur lh Fxceetiona in 'ii'i.r nM . ihr i, ilhO, cneh j, r kvt liy iva nttnu tivi da-- l iitrN, wlm n'oniid irtn tn ut- -, i ffvM h h nihrr in i ti irnihit ryattunea

' Mil- ttrlklnaly.Rnwned ynung teowi rtn I hnun Tii rmr flni k i h. Shi wiiH iment for n kIv' fortuni'-ll- lt Your Way ii'inilj. H"r ji.-r- ti'iliii i.iift i h, r with hrr extreme tqWn, hw n iiroinl-naf- ll fiKurr In the anwnWiii;e The Material araa naavy atat-aolara- fl t Ik prplin, broaada with n bft itllovM putty -- colon d nltern, lm developed In thi' Kiinplcit fiiHlilon. Tin hlniiw win niiidr with thr lod nnd In one. A broad lilun o plain 'J iu Remarkably xilk poplin wciii mound Ih' uoi'l;. Suits, Coats and Dresses Reduced nt' the fr6ntciaalna In point. An mid tho alrevaa atora bandi af iho poplin, while ii iilm k velvet ulnllo thi' wajati oiidlnji with .i inrRts butterfh now direct!) In the front. left Warn by a different woman, n miht miicjtifcsa of the Weather until recently, we still have an have Norn In extninel poor uutta; but Oving lo the up Kipay. It 90 bolongrd to her thnt II araa only te t Su;ls, Coats iifterw.ird realized exceeding! .' . (k of the season's newest irkchls in ana hoa s:!il;!i it might huve been. hfavy In ttiviBf contniKt wnx ii frotmf .ill woman arron thr room, viim wu Dresses. no mistC-tlWs- e are (ksirabl seasonable garments, and .noldm; trade f..r "the Mofi wnnii.Tful M kr dull hhow In (he world." Mouse ot December j.'ix mi ftlmplr ii miirht lta, ii,wn in orcta decisively clear the thelyed an J wind up the month in l rme.l a hlrt wnlNt. if It hnrt? I.oen almnat any other piio, m the .ir)d. remarlcab'y low figure which will The lllilleliiil nued w.'is :io enllroldar rousiiv tenner we have cut the prws to a ed J:ipiinee xilk. The nleeves wnrp a eut in raff Inn faahlon. The mom nn- -l that do ordmarily find amal feature of the wajat was tho afford yea an xceptional buying oppwiunity you not treatment 01 the embroidery, which) brouglit down tha'aldea fro tho liiuian aiaevaa, inatead ( Aowi tho at this season oi the vear. front" :ii h.-i- been euptoni. the The - cklit w.'is of duvetvne and very plain. i " . wide Birdie or velvet with lonK ends. Kiie .:i fitiishini; OtMl (0 ihlf xnnple uoatunta. Tunica nnd ihree-tiero- d t.klrt are Earlv Buyers Will Find Complete Assortments extretnr populiir, and BOW and then p i pat-to- H Keen draped awav 110m the over a pan I, Values lo front and h.i narrow to S35.00 at the aftkloa thai it aeama ImpoaalMa Values $2 .00 for the woarirn to move. As It is, many have iienulred the nri of niinc-in- jf iilon quite riipldly In a truly J now manner. now Jei . , ii I biid tnmmiiit; l won on some of the neweat Imporini i.ii, . 1 nw a black Kown trimmed with a ureen 'od frlnpe nerowK the front: while u handaome matron, witb beiiu-tlfu- l Kniy hair, wore a Mack net nown hiivinK a conventional drfdirh 118,95 beaded upon it with jet; with thin was $8.75 worn an aaieedingly arid airdle of brillUpjl , tAJientul i i.bon. whiehe T minds me that ribbons are extremely e smart and are belnn worn a ureal deal An extremely pretty draaa f Matt had two wide rttfflea or hlffon tuxin the Kubrtn Willi Iiiiiild bold (lined with fur. The Mum Ifotifi dtiltronAlly Values to $50.00 Hi' Sim il Made. tipper one ran from the Values to $25.00 apex of one Mp to well below the drawn in loss the lips of thi' ahould-lis- . crusKed a' the waist, and fits -- i nei! Willi .1 large heel: at the back. now now sioie.s nnd aearfa of the name ua- - leiiiil us H'lil or com are extremely tmaft. some ate mmmcd elagantl) With fur, While others are UBtrtmmed, A atyUab coal of rough el cloth, worn by a vry smart woman, had a Ions narrow scarf of the same ma- terial edffed about for about eitjhtecu 113.95 123.95 inches In ibe middle with fitch fur. Then the cunntnsest little muff hung by a cord from the neck, it was shaped like a good-size- d handling, the flup opening ovr a tiny coin pocket. Th day of still pieats and prim See These Goods on Display in Our Front Window lines has passed witb many another Inartistic whim of fashion. In their pluce lire soft fol is and druyerles, iven In small street costume. The Silhouette Is the same in street as In evening gowns, a large waist, hips u decided inward $1 a 3.95 larger, $23.95 little and $8.95 $18.95 llope to the narrow ankle width of the skirts. The feet are unite promi- nent in the lata mode of dressing, Dresses in Crepes, Messaline. Dresses in Charmeusc, Mes- Dresses in Novelty Crepes, Dresses in Brocaded Poplii. every well-dress- e I Mai It behooves Moire, Silk Poplin, Crepe Crepe Meteor, Charmeuse, womnii lo Ue p a watch on the latest Crepe de Chine, etc. saline, Crepe de Chine, thing In footgear. Low shoeB, with etc.. In all shades. Meteor, Messaline, etc. Chiffon, etc. thin silk stockings, are very popular, although the weather is steadily crowing colder. Also shoes with Coats in Plain and Mixed upper are high style. Goods, Novelty Stripes, etc., Coats in Chinchilla, Zibilene, Coats in Zibilene, Chinchilla, Coats in Astrakhan, Matlasso, icmhroiiiered itocklngs iii' another Iat whim of Dame Fashion. They Fur and Velvet Trimmed. Plush, etc. Matlasse, etc. Wool Brocade, Chinchilla, etc. are embroidered with designs appro- priate to the occasion on which they hockey ore to be worn. For Instance, Suits in Wool Corduroy, Velonr ftieks are embroidered on the stock- Suits in Long Jacket Serges Suits in Matlasse, Eponge Suits in Serges, Wool Cordu- ings for tli hockey player; and for an evening gown white nllk storking, and Novelty Mixed Goods. and Serge. tie Laine, Serges, etc. roy, Matlasse, Eponge, etc. with embroidered peacocks upon ihem. ALL WORTH TO ALL WORTH TO $25.00 ALL WORTH TO $35.00 ALL WORTH TO $50.00 Hut one does nol eee smart clothes $20.00 only on the avenue, .lust now sofietv For the Boys and Girls Winter Millinery Specials Big lot of Boys Suits, da QC All Ladies Hats worth to $ 1 0.00, (M QC $7.50 values, special snecial tyl.?J ggggganu.. tyJJJ t 7 r k A Miner's Cough Splendid assortment of Girls' Dresses, b Q Q C All Ladies' Hats worth to $ 1 5.00, is always a warnin- g- worth to $15.00, special special $7.95 it denotes a weakness 4J7J neglected or and if ( harming simplicity Attache to This carelesslu treated it paves Kinbroidcied .Fapniie-- e Waist. the to It affords us great pleasure to wish all our friends and patrons a Very Merry Christmas wan bronchitis, other. The first ruffle just overlapped pneumonia or consumption. the second. Surely nothing .airier and SCOTT'S BttUUMOK is the 'prettier has ever been devised than and alt the best greetings of the season sure and safe remedy and should these frocks. always be taken for coughs and The hats ontlnue smail and close- - colds because it relieves the trouble fitting. They may be tall, but must and strengthens Ihc whole system not be wide. The ostrich plume;, to avoid sickness and loss of time. which have been so popular for so many years, are completely out of SCOTT'S EMULSION is a pure date, unless wired to look like a squir- medical builder, free from stimu- rel's tall, or the stem wound with lating alcohol or stupefying drug. i rlbhon until only a pompon of dpi Every mintr rhould take Anas are left This may lie stuck npoi Scott's Emaliiog but rtfme the the hat at almost any angle and still alcoholic, inferior substitutes. be strictly, up to data. An extremely fash.onabl:.' and .cry new feather i EN Every druggist hai it. of WALD'S , culled goura, from the species ROS I the Intitt on Scott's. Pigeon of that came, these have del, ca lely-fe- a' here j alvtua. six 1 ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 25. 1913.

roarwMVT KtWAm beard ttmm u. n t thai J BOW . ISlSllB th tw ! w.iraa aaf I FALL DENOUNCES to ' Fa- - ! aaa wet as. tk habat any :: Uli In, t WIMMW r ikfck akoil vb) .corpora- - jf tag my facta fMMnrf af' The Man Worth While r h fintaliria. Iher pu rtt right to ifcoatcotvca T Auhmu I as can tot morning aether th irtiail auk vriprwre- - A fog tha I isibmbi m the Journal 1 aaca-- M dvtopmr. of a to-- now rsilrsad ia kaow Is the Man WHUll tit DISCRIMINATION nda why tha asaahi I tort what I h Mj oO" say shoot tkbx. ' isinsnewii f to r.that tha rail-..iro- JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. oe la have never gtr ; raaaa hate at always ka akk m rat. W hare paid 'the. '. TV saatainaan a ft! Worth Money - J whe aar aha pase I eiarkann rat r th tali- b tkat (a f th DADS . Why It ia tali II aat ka throw a t (bran. If) -- r r . Sur.i.--. i tkuft III hepr a aac tiwafl M i 10 r tnm Ik at throara Ilk raitraa treat the tt Ukaa naauuty to make money It require manhood u, af. jj u, m Anget I fairly, taer arttl a la ta ethera: care mvaey back M ta ta j TW pnasa at th L'astea Nlf ft , . , ta fMf tfua uw man who will oaty a of tka money bia th' Alk3ara for aa tkr--. bbbbj are as that will a Tha tak little mentality iiaj (kat f .noot aW-- , ib1 aaa raafkaca-tlti- a kk) ability baa earned for him and wl'l eat K, will (at on' Ait you Aak la what U (ion. airjUarirtaiaf laa raltrmki artfk auck irfa any nana ta year older than kirn ho much paoaaaty -- an re Chamber of AC ralknavl rata Wa attr a1 far taa a ha r4Tta earing ao little aa ten casta a da for th trr with akalU ao Itrarfc tka: jpta thiak it a van, if Iter n a mat tea yean. Aak him how much le" he think a of himself tha', nM, bat a in Tl ., iiailamuiail why ao ay tfft railraaitr M IW Co Paan FW thai ay otr roatrol nee af affair think of fellowaaaa ho bar aavad regiiiarlj duruu na to ta tka kalalatarr. t tha umirt of taa jeaaat. tha mat taa yean. rti -- i hay thiak thara Houl4 kal "Wka ta--y aay that tta - ? Depnatt your asvmca In ind 'hey tia- iai th Wawnfll t Tha moral SAVE! a aafa isat.tut.os-aac- k '' Tha rairr mayr';.'tab only th to as tkla bank. And above all begin to save NOW! There hi 'aatt riaa4 ira t tit.'. ri h ' Tut may rrpacl oaaaaatto, I fllaaa cxn r.-- t 'kfcr r lkn th-- ran tan4 aat and tky ara a i taaaMhin thuc 7 r WHS thrcaiJac r TIIT aj or.poa. tAti thay aaf i will fort faatraawat owarihip t-- ia raaralatoa. railroaaa. for tha paopta bailor that NATIONAL BANK paat, tka railroad rata-- thy taa rwa thaar ova 5TATE r aiiamtr. Wl th XM . m. a of AXBrorrnQnt & Cr4A Taa ltradar-ft- and Grip kaaR aaad la Mrwea sad Central A eraan. I vllava. kal lb P.ROMo Qt'lM.VK uV aau Te KaUwa; Dcpoatton

thr than a ahrlnk

e ia are thai tka n nil imiiAr :, m Light Starts Decay i in m - t Even In Pure Beer

r Hi M MaM -- i rNyS Mnh - from th- - III UN till I fl

I iln had l'irrn--l hi faj Mfttl Mi again. bet Th'i. Ih holly, tha mIMMoa fin' I to b In opr OT-- .. r. , 0 I hii baag ir.nn.' i rr '. the Vtile log more to pagan lm Ing In Hm tiiimlier ,f than ! ' hn v. hut ih- - t0H of kind of work ihv nr Tii- - noli, i , t,i, n, gwad win hn n brought into it In Ihi Alameda, foinlh mriM r.,i r.1,1 through ih r jnhool would have been favorahl) mirk Ihe birth into, , ,;rnmratd on anywhere in Machii ill for the pin as of th" in fuel, it I kVklMM If th at Um an,! itrliuiliti. nr K earn enthiifiAem would hnr hri It"1 lebmlo the bfrthtfay shown In the hooln of my on- - ol of t hk I .nrousne of m,. I'"" older ilaa. rtornallllo I he ronajaafg rare, and ' ("i I ha appaafaftas rountr lo lald on lha showing ;nad In her d-- " fl tin III! urntlfinnl work. We nr having th r Ih latter ran all dawn of a new and a bn-- i dm fot itiiiim dot. K. Ih .hlldnn of thix of the. atate.

to. by hud Anheuser-Busc- h Brewing Ass'n. It the Mi tacitly admits on the slip from ni'i". in. woul.l have pr and would have been a case of "Budweiser" repro- Instead of a liability to the rt ha H Fill nme ha, k with the' duced above that light affects keen Hint n I ih" the quality of beer, that the ward nil in around ( I lilt it atth (I light bottle is insufficient pro-

luitl it n f irt that the tection. of ih. est hind in Arl-i- t point of Ih" timber off. Schlitz in Brown Bottles is pure the ire para eat Jor ,t thing, Ti . ..,f made, and they ar t: ui to the iai ,,,,, whn wcrp notrM and wholesome from the I tn iitijeiud th-- were not h I depth t.. brewcrv vour el ih" Infill Its. scat-- 1 Dr. Maria , e to o ass. ij I ' I tl t h- - iin sled Ihe fl Iin""" In i MtQ . to- - thl Idiot how to ward th light The Mm Telephone No. 1020 KIIM of 111" ti l I of that k Montezuma Grocery & the in i Liquor Co. I MUM, IMiOII I IM i ill Id I ih ,t Hi. Albuquerque, N M. "lien tin Itoa, in Kfinn. to the ei II of the WhlU

.1 thai thene BaRM PT I nut for the benefit o itrylntt to Ootm t tafag lie the tio Ihnt , hi .l Ih the g( imprrsjiion. it "A an example of the letalAtion lallruud are forced to endure the, . DRIFT FENCE LAW elertrl" headlight law In Tex,-- t i mi tuple. I Hut. in my n fair The law av a headlight must he of I .',tm i PROPOSITION ONLY. wan i suaed .mdle pow er :.nd no ciirh light hr.-- "with i has The iiilroml npn ieil invented t Beer in INTERESTS GOVERNOR i havt reflector it possible, to get such lofftomiton. light, af oration 1 will aat hut the law aay It mutt be. a m to keep without o reflector, Uniiroad man H to out of fci will tell you that th electrlr head-- ! That Made Milwaukee iii i v. m - --'in Is ahaolttteij Famous. r. 1111111- ltaM of thix dskBaiusa The laa we I kiI up one nluh' .as timet i.itry a full crew on --r""1 vary train--liah- t In Uu rtii' " unit! engine n well it ire an Isjttttctioa I a etuffed Crg law. It put too . H roaaad th" jinnny nirn on a train and more rlutiR a. h vt mi enBlne itnd ai'i idrtit have occurred he-- 1 too many i Kl I'nuo "ft lib th" JnaUSe men were on an en-- j nun off the Hlne than for any other reason. Th, v to rlght-if-w- n i f th" n vislilns, There ore too many veetern Kan lmlil men with too little responsibility. ml Ih" t. seiia-ItO- road hat ;i agg of mi "As to the Southwestern, the r ihr, nrif i.m. i.mi hnd SeontS to have done valiant sr-- ! rice for Lha s P Rut the pouthweet- - iPrn could have gOB Into court nnd condemned the right of way af the d. A to H. P. The had that right of eminent vr, thai domain under the law." i af the S P, put in Senator Fall: How much would The f V laid Itl ti n It they have had to pay for It?" Mr. Clancy: "The senator does not 93 DAYS to have an UW of 1 the effect such elate-- MADEIRA, SPAIN. nicnt have upon the public mind. ALGERIA, GREECE, the HOLY LAND, Take the senator's statement of the to 1 r i , and CEYLON. M af Hkf faeV proposed I Iron i ii.oiio mile of railroad. In; P I .' ,,. Bvw thf S S. CI PV17IT AWna-- fUMn tt into 'icy,. Thai load ia ti pap.r and "V. JTT 1 g VTONS hiirvh w li h i ' - ih rdlnnti f it will ever i t ,L!aVt r,'NEW YORK JAN. 15, 1914 im though tl I'"" Kin .... oi t li . rnT thore excursiong and all lliimpoit I galn- -i the Ural Tit ii lla, necesaary expenae. The i.. iu roh ,nl i "I think I have htimned nn aaa ti absurd had that . w..-.- .a...... ktrdt i In Mexico. i inllroNd wh i ai 1 usnsiiort ex It " J R G - "If the a AMERICAN LINI " "iicy Is to jio. or Leoc&j Agents 111 id 11 n al sns' taa mager hit on the hould warn ntry Ir to the rm ( c what the NtdM hsa ti Inalat that 0 (J and tm r Want has pMI fjjjjf Ads Pay atkBi n :: TJICll because everybody reads the Journa



I'lnh Cinsolidat-- I'm Present to Their Wives By "HO? 'tali Copper Jo 48 . Men a Hit Touch,, About DECIDEDUPTURNDN Winona SCOOP Some Are Wolverine .

' ' t .- OOV 'dOA VREBNT 1 " iik ai.o hoard or thvih: I VMVrT- ) (A!! Iv; I V K0 Ht-rOF- t irLADHtit 1 I NEW YORK STOCK Chicago, lii J I - Improved weath- er conditions for the wlndup of the Argentine harvest had a bearish In- fluent today on wheat. The mar- ket here i lowed cany at the name aa EXCHANGE la- -t Right to c down. Corii showed I net decline of Q ke to c and oats a set-bac- k of tf V- tu c in provlniona tho out- - wiiii vain-- li niii urn hiuiR.'d ri(;mei Early Hours Arc Dull but Close iokh of I le. U"i..i A; i.ttii in i, .. mint.' ttic r.n Is Stronger, Though borne eiiib'Ot that deuleiH there felt much Ibr-ate- r than oi lata to met competi Railioad Shares Decline on tion. Moreover, l.iierpool dlnpatchi told or l..i rlata cai goen being olroreu Poor Quarterly Statements, cheai er a Iti itlali portn. Producer in weaterti F.uroi"' wore :ilo dcclan-- to be celling more freely than has been ,, . . . ir IMCllt Willi the Oaae of late. ' lOllt Kan-na- New York, Dec. 24. Sfock.i " .nm Additional hiioW. in m'um- nd strong in Uie kutei part offKi-- i uttemptH to ciiuae I Hcarc i,f unlay' session after s. vet il hnwft over the poimibllltyt of dnlnogi 10 wbcil by a genital freec-u- At nio f )an buslines and unimportant nt. At tin end of the dnv stage price did allow a rally, but the tin (alb d to last. the reprooewUtltH sburc were ntth bMt Holiday ligublating aakM took th night's close. - rn.idc en animal exhibition edge off the corn market. Mealfef- n neiw of shipping demand count cd nlo Columns tttnrili report that dlatoreucot Classified ao M tiif government and t tic againit the bullH, that an early u..n g The delay-lu- Journal P, Reading i ompen) would be settled Miln e due to uilHettletl vveatln receipt, Him more than wiped out i developed heavinehH ow ing L Th- - ' tone of he market wir-pe- r tats oine TELL IT THROUGH THE JOURNAL coupled with IF YOU HAVE A WANT In IK d .' due la rutty to In liberal RUppliea rat f eastern railroad stocks knowledge that Male to the cant gelling of the share wan Infill-- v were nuill. S'OVttnbi i jProvMona r,,i' moderately report! that th ap- STORAGE. PROFKSiaNAl nta of ti"' transportation then funk. In thie courae. value peared to be governed almoHt entire- - SAVOY HOTEL pauirK would show aeveru deorcaeoa I ly hy the changing-- value of Ufa Rl MUNT8. WANTl price were: SANTA FE DEPOT in ih of RalUmon & QMp hog. ClohliiK OPPOSITE bojooj Wtl Mty, naikc: July. 7c. sui li l showing nlrptidy ha luirti)caii Plan. John M. Moore Realty Co, y Corn May. Norfolk t Western wan cspe-etall- Dir.. 6'ic; heavy, dropping 3H. Oate May, 41'c: July, 404c RATES mi,-- . rc. $1.00 lvst. isKt. inc. lo::. Pork Jan., $20.45; May. II0.S7 4 W. Ave l'li. me 10. of currency bill Sttatni-Heat-ed 214 Hold signing in and May, Outkfak Roonw m VVIIaofi'a accompanying mm-- . T.nd Jan.. ?10.t7; 11.!V. v.iiiiiv Jan., $10 76; May, 111.0,4 .. .ill- J to atlmulntc bullish activi- Klba ' ty. i BIG BARGAINS Hvjt Hoiltlii in Pacific reported a decrease M U MMtK Ml TAI l Mtlvl IV j-orjR- 2 In act earnlgeai fur Novtinker of FOR SALF J.', x. in4 A he ivy In Idle New York. Dec. 24. Copper firm: ;,200 .fram,', modern. Vt Ano her Good One increase rrooin K'n' nosilk" AUDTlhV4 1 brick; modem; large fort-aqtht- clqio 'w'c""! freight wn In li Npot not guided. December 5('xl42, had; trees; tthward; ear shown the atandaril KoiT" sleeping porch, rorrtttef Ave. I'TTl $14,117. aUttapimt to March, offered at in term; ISOO caah, balance Four-roo- modern brick, 60 ft lot, RKNT e'ur,ii-h''- rooms for E December, IQg. 1 modvrn. rttndt were Irregulnr. Missouri Tin ateady; apot and aame a rent big bouaekteplng 21 s. Walter. Tel. Bungalow; Hoom - I.rg- - located In Third ward, a great - i Ptctfl ivertible fives dropped .1 iaijo7.of. 2. 7. on. k. in in. fTiTi Kulmihe room Maple floor, all butll-l- con- point to IT. Totnl par value, Iron--attt- tt, 1'iichanged. baaement, ooranr lot, etiHi front,: anap at $2,100. Better look at it If tl"T heated; garage; nubs . In miv West ijoid ."iilence; a follows: :! term-- heated close $i,x5o,ono, London maefctta eioatd Highland, in. you I,. U lo, it.on. B4 iligh- - waul a bargain. , !..',,. ium.-lo- PHYSICIA iwted utatea Immmi were Coop, i firm; apot 10a; future, U2.000 frame, dcrn, ,'( HI'.Xr .d.oi n call, Closing prices ware: :, r.a. land, clone In; eay term, rooms; no sick. oj Kgecond. Both above must be lold, ,) bun- -' j "fTJif Amalgamated i 'upper 73'. Tin ateady; apot, 17 10; futures, $4,000 modern, brick port i i ' t ekeeping and at a acrifica Se them. i jjj" 1, place, Hotel, J21 W. A n. in Agricultural 44 'ill 5. galow; hot water hat, fire sleeping rooma. Stale j Hour 10 American lieet Sugar 23 !a . aleeplng porch, garage, atable; HIKTEKFIELD CD Ami 1' in ('an HOty IB LEAD AND SPELTEB. Kourth ward. si mi -- American Can pfd t0 ll.50u 4 4 acre of rood 'and "hyd "" Inquira -- ' fruit, good FIRE INSURANCE LOANS . American t'nr Foundry 44V 1inla, Dec. 24. Ix'iid dull, mostly In alfalfa, aome ED FRANK. IrT 3 ti In. nenr aw mill "tJfi i I ' American Cotton Oil $3. apelter lower, 5.0Utu 1. 10 adobe houaa, clore ,'16 West t ,! For RRNT Rooms with running I", American lea Securities 2IU 11,111 frame cottace; bath, hot and cold w.i.erniieam heat -- - American Linseed 10 Vi electric Mghta, aleeplng porch i" Pm(,Ma. iMW AOfeaAve. American Locomotive 30 NEH vottlv COTTON. 116x134, 4th ward. 3 ft"'" Aroer, I'OH RENT rooma and bath, - ...... II! smelting ltefng 63 spot brick, modem 4th THE BEST PRESENT Atnrr. HmeltlBg & ltefng pfd., 9k 'k N.w York Dec. 24. Cotton $2,350 quiet, middling, 12.0; sulf, 12.85. ward, ne'.r car line. American Sugar Refining iu6Vt $2,000 frame, modern, aleep The best and most lasting present Aaterli an n Tel 123 Tel Ing norch, 4th ward near ear line for your family I a home. The net 247 Y MARHET. American Tobacco MAV YOltK MOM I liiMiruneo. I A a Money to Ixian liv beat a vacant lot. few dollars -- ! Anaconda Mining Co 35 4 now . iiii.ii. a. 6it Wesi L proved land adjoininr month will get you either. We I ' Atrluson 3 New York, Dec. 24. Call money A. FLEISCHER KOIt RENT Steam heated, furnish Ranch, at a bargain Hearv ix '"tn j; ; Afchlaon, pfd 8Vi have a brick Or tramo, per linn. IU4JM, 111 Soutb 1 "in III Street. td r,".ms. .1S and $2.60 hart, phone 10t. yu s Atlantic Canal Line 116 'JO either for $100 cash and then $25 per 4 Time loan easier: 60 and daya, rbeme 1171. Next to Powtofflce. ' Baltimore & Ohio 5. T,", il ALE'--Heut- 5; aix month. 4 ltKN i ii FOR S e8. i BetnWhem Hte. I 30'i Mercantile paper, 54 WO. 'rton. Hronklyn Rapid Tranalt SV Commercial bills, 4S0'i. Canadian Pacific 211 Mar allver, 57 4. Leather 26 BIG CASE IS I 11 hiiiiWM t nii 4 Mexican dollars, 444- LA! KO KKNT rii tmrt !i . Chesapeake & Ohio tin Coveinment Inuids steady; railroad & Co. ruoing; uIho bi1roorn, centrally juurn.ii i'' Ol Chicago (licit . Thaxton Western 114 bond irregular. c ttfil rc;iMnsLtlc do kk. 411 W wgjwajigaggTig4iiL twigwuaiiTgieiTi tittpt'T'' WfkX"ifi I.'hlcago, Mil. & Mi .u. I' St. Paul. inija, 21 1 W. fiold liione : Chicago Ai North Western FOR S A estock,, PHJjtry , .1204 THE 1,IVITKK MARKETS. LELiy Colorado fuel ,si Iron . . . . . 28 PASSED ON IN ' ongolidated Qat .130 healing as to Ti mpUc and Llndauci ' Munlock. Wpstminster Corn Pioducla chiougo at the spring ti t in of the onrt. New Hotel 24. Iloga Iteceipta ZZ?? Delaware Mudaon . . . . Chicago, Dee. order was made dirfttly afftctlni (New .ManauemcnO . i'ol! SALL four big fine mtibs. H i Danv-- r 23,000: strong, 5c above ycatcrdaya t A Rio Orande ' ail on J, 1. .... lights. j Northwestern Cohmlaatton and H, nontthWie outalile rooma and naflicas. j Jf, lii , ayeragt; bulk,; SANTA i met liio Orande pfd. 7.90; Ft company. Ulatillera' Hecurltleh 1X4 $7.4017.76: mixed. $7.50 t provement Brie heavy $7.6017.90: rouh, $7. Messrs. Uarfield and Cable 2S' I - i nil i ' 7. Ml; X 6.5 l 7.4". k il lioutmkeepitig at reB- ri'ke lo .idui" .. IMi fc'ri I pp.. ba to the room for Erie at pfd 444 the first train ' r, ' 7,000; strong, I ,t.'. 1. Hun ht Krle 2nd pfd 35 4 Cattb Iteeeipt the declalon a ndi rod, ind unable isles. '.". '' nium higher; bcevea, $6.75(ji 9.70; T, MARY Prop. l''i ' i : BADE s Oenerul F.l"ctrlc .139 steern, Act coitcrai rttarm MB. I'.lHiinil, as steers, $C.S0 i 7.X0; weHtern Fedeial Judge Cottera , I I .iiii-r- rent Northern pfd i HK. Cor, A Tljvrn - JjEBl .164 feedera, home in ikbthon Phone . ")m I l7k Alb' Great Northern ore Ctis. $f,.10i 7. SO: atoclcers anil $6.001 7.65; cowh and heifers, $3.46 m in Absence of Judge Illinois Centml sl(M klloLDKHS' Interborollgb Met HfH.60; calves, $7. 00ft' 11.00. NOTICE OI' 10 Of rr orr Sheep Iteeeipt 12,000; strong. Pope, Renders Decision FOR RENT Dwellings. ciTiet m-tt- idrU.' Interborough Met. pfd. . . . CO 4 a nit.P t '.; higher; native, $4.61"" 5.95; Is given the re Inter Harvester in:: u He Notice hereb) that ' 11.7 fur-- 1 '".',..'. t Inter-Marin- e weatern, $4.OW0.O0; yearling. International Importance FOR RENT lent kUe. pfd 13 4 western, ular annual meeting of the sio, ,"tiufrmr0' International Pump 7,M; lamb.", $6.60jS.30; holder of the Home Bond and Lot 10.7545 8.35. Kanaaa City Southern . . . 24 4 company will be held In offiri jc. the Laclede Ogg . 93 (apieiAL t.oRRlniiaii,cl to jnnalj . tin company at number im Koi l ."' B City MvtwlM-k- N. M., 21.- - The de- Lehigh Valley Kansas Santa Ft, Dec. N Dec. 24. Hog Re- of Third street In Albuquerque, Louiavllle & Nashville . . . U4 Kaataa city. cision of Judge John il Cottergl, fm-th- Monday, day Minn.. St. Pi & Sault St M 1184 ceipts 5.000: strong to 5c higher: bulk. the I'nited Ktotes district court Mexico, on the lth , y 1 80; pack- a. i i 3, gt hi r Missouri, If ft net a ft TcJ . 9 $7 50ii.80: ' 6507. district of Oklahoma, presiding Decern btr, d. the Missouri ers and I'litcli-i- s. $7.60 7.80; lights. .se i n thirty p. m. Pacific ts in the abgOkC of Judge ill;am H. teat National .12.". $7.451 7.70; . $6.75 7.25. no foreigners liiscuit Pope, who is at present koMtttg I onrt W. C. OE8TDEICH. President. y National Lead 44 Cattk Iteeeipt 1,098 i atrong I" mix up in our K in Involving I steers, 50 in St. I case the ui! tieneral Vilkt, Nat' On, of Mexico. 2 pfd. . 1 Hie higher; prime fed 'O.OO; to nn tract of lain In w llavcn dressed beef steers, $7."0iS.I0: title HELP WANTED Male. i western steers. $H.o0i 7.75; southern Mexico lying along the International OM.Y York 'tat il " " " i I II CI 1 1 I W York, Out. tlftjstorn steers. $r,..,ni cows. i.i "" border, was bunded down i sler.lay. $1',. 501 S. 75; ItOOker and EMPLOYMENT AUEN rfolk Westein .10 heifers, The i use was not ouls $5.50417.40; bulls, $ no i,i noteworth IIO W. Silver. Plum L SACRIFICE Apparent rth American . . . 68 l'eedeis. in ' on account of the Important issues ll n;, '7.00; 00. Wanted laborers, 11.75, and in wlluatfon w'a rl hern Pacific . enlves. $.50r II. u ii. - 2.000; strong:' olved and tin- intermit ional fent'ites $2.50 day; carpenter, IS. 25 pur day, toduj h.V Mall . 24 4 Sheep- Iteeeipt officials as 1 o i $ 5 1 w !, $ 7 . 0 i s.o ; year nga. I hich it present, but also by reason experienced waltresa utmiHtlce." nnsylvania . ... lOt '. lamb, i and $4 25 i People' Oaa 120', ;7.00; wethers, $4.50(5.60; tWtt, of the prominence of the counsel IS a.n Y Intelligent pi on m i legUU l.eheve lllol lei, Plttsburir, C. C, St. Louis . . 84 i 4.75. gaged in the trial. James It, tlarfleld, good lataUM oorreaf idmi; ISIIESS SAYS l.l.el del Whose Pittsburg Coal i I .' secretary of the Interior under fornn r newspiipers. Eitperii Odi adi placed him in Pressed 2C Address Press Coriespcm nt of th.- cont'ltutloaaiui Steel Car j Preaident Rooaavelt, n presented tin- Washington, U. C. moVi tin tit will pfi i his campulgii Pullman Palace Car .153 Stocking a.-- coun- The Christmas plamtiffH, having associate n Heading . 170 I hetardi with view to carrying sel, It. J. Cable,' a prominent attor- ' Ib'publU: At . the warfnri into the federal district Iron Steel N legend HELP WANTED Femal - lli ancient Italian tell ney The w ,V- . of Lima, ihio. defendant lib Republic Iron Steel pfd. 81 Pa- Heneral Huerta for :. how flood St. NieholuH of hy Of Hock Island C l '" were represented Messrs, Renchuii VANTND--Ol- rl for general house- wtm trie musici tb Mesican capital. '. on ad. Inqui i Rock Co. A dua Hrsi gave piesents and Wright of this city. In fnmily of call "in, i. ii mpona received today were Island pfd 214 work, three; am 2 9. St. I'" 7 throwing purses at meagre. Rear Louts A Sun ran. 2nd pfd. Christmas eve by The suit in oueulion was brought bvllhga. 1.116 W. ii.lera. Admiral Fletcher, . 17 needy people. Commanding the aquadron Hcuboard Air Line the open windows of two Mexb an col ponuions, th Palo-- ; W ANTICID Mi American Seaboard Air pfd . 4 6 were of FOR RENT Al in Mexican galf waters, reported hi Idne 4 Purses in those days knitted mas company J h . Kami und (attic an departure on d Sheffield Bttcl & Iron . 26 yarn and tied with strings at the ftngthtp Rhode Southern Pacific .... the Dubbin Land and Colonization from Tamplco foi Vera Cm. As ends. They were not unlike ,fltttwtV, . . . company, against Walter D. C the roi ent laconic Southern Hallway they had no dispatches from Southern Railway pfd. stockings, except that H, Holmes, Lull rtultr, Arthur A. WANTED Miscellaneous. Tamplco have mid repeatedly of order to hang these t.oppr .'101)4 feet. People began Tempke. Slgnrund Llndaiier and the in the latch disturbed section. II la yum on their exa & Pacific 13 4 long, empty purses of Northwestern Colonlrutlon and Im- believed he has gone to Vera Cru to i , eve, so nlon Pacific .1554 window-sills- on Christinas provement company, for the purpose lasslgn to their proper "tiilum the bat- 1'nion piwied by, tleships ust to i Pacific pfd 144 that St. Nicholas, as he restraining Ihe W. Wagon arrived there relit I'nited States llcalty II When of defendants fro.n M.eo Wll the vessel about to return to home could put money Into them. or uaing i 11 United States Rubber 36 purses claiming the name of the Elmer 'cants. Admiral Fletcher ladlrtet 4 money scarce the long lm-p- CLEAN) , furniture "iiited BUT became Northwestern Colonisation and r carpi: r linttleahlp States Steel presents, liUttOtMi stove repairing W. A. Goff. P inn the maneuver In hla I nlted pfd luti were filled with vcment company or doing any a t ijwn States Steel big people, and B68. discretion, nfflelula thought he L'Uh Copper 49H useful things for the or prosecuting any in lis name. might return without notice to Tnm-Pln- suit - FOR REN" i. rve, Virginia Carolina Chetnicil .... 27 jg books anil toys for the children. To,- It is WANTED- when further hostilities may Window particular suit which In no atol Wabaah 2 In cull countries, where th t ' a a ii till of rebel determina- sought to prevent the defendants from i a ikgrdon Vabah pfd 7v4 not be left open, folks bung tion gain of ii port of entry could prosecuting I one now pending In no nl made t" control Western Maryland .14 the fireplace, be- mi the gulf oast, 4 their purses near the OOUliS Of Mexico. Then' .re two Sp'illlla n, Western Union 57 would cheap for ca j while report of Francisco de in lieving that St, Nicholas com" to be tb Application WestlngbouOa 66 sets of men, each claiming ply 'Hurra's Jap-lane- e Klectrlc down chimney and leave hla tvai made cordial reception at the Win cling & le 4 the directors of the Norlliweslei n Co0 were Luke Ri 4 preaenta 'hem. And after the court received with Total sales for the day, 428,700 for nutation and improvement company. WANTED Salesmen. lute, officials were Inclined to knitted purees Went out of fashion believe Kmpernr One is interested in the prosecution con-oiigl- il thai YoahihMlo op stocking, which el any they hing their of the Ntil! pending in the Mexican W merely "as according to tieneral old-tim- e purHea, I'.OSTON eloaelv renetnbled the I llin rt.'i's amliiiaaador CLOSING .VININ i onrt while Ihe other vvishSl it to be the such court etie be plenty of room las are customary so that there would dismissed. Involved in the suit ts gOOi he t prepared in the return of n tiie Christmas present, nn! bill Nev tei national i . for 'the title to 2,500, ami acre of kigd orw niai.'.-,- .ted c.ppe st Nicholas (oi Santa Clans), wno - extending along Hu mile adjacent to; in'ii Sin. 191- would I Zinc Load lived on through all the ages, the M OY MM ilzona the International border between I i V Commercial know he had been expected. WITH PI ROD ol VP 'alumet & Arizona 63 4 United State und Mexico Huler is That Is how the Christmas stock! toll ,,i hi places of husl & . 120 secretary of company, Hawk its I jalumel Hecla it ko the bv Jmuiiiii-- an Toklo, Her. 21,. Clan, la I., I . umc to be u sed, and why will entonnttl 4 general attorney and Holmes on as-- j WANTED Boarders. nan a. he foi met- pt o islona 'oppor Range Con. 36 used for many generations to come In succeed- - slsiant attorney. Ifleni of Mexico, who is here the tast Putte Cop. Mine 114 thniis.iii Ih of homes On each (VAl of a special Mexican r 1 Judge Cuttcral, In his decision, sus- head f'nklin ing Christmas eve. took luncheon today 't the ii 72-- of counsel for tiranby Caisolldatij id ft custom, expressing tained the contention s It Is pretty g palace and later presented to '.mpi . 29 deftndent that tin court hud "teene canonca the confidence and trust we tea) In the WANTED Positions. or Yoshlhito ' l.'ttei from Prealdent Royalla l'.i'a to tiny order con-- 1 '!i (Coppi weet charity which bestows lov- -' Jurisdiction make Huerta, thanking his majct for Ki i 'that " Iike Upon the rlcH and cernlng Huler, Holme" or "vk. anl; ork t.l a pun's particlpatioii in Mexico's een- - Lake 7 ing remembrance I Copper a illRmlsaed the frill Lj Juill an ten narj celebration, After ihe presen- Lfl poor, the mighty and tin lowly, o rt of Salle Cupper ibntihued the case us to Tempke, Hi tation of the L iter the emperor .1c, Miami Copper . .'. e h siirceedlns birthday of our Lot'd i. t, a di- era lid lite Mexican special envoy With Mohawk il Is moat fitting StCrCtaO'-agep- and Llndaiier, Jesus Christ. For v., iin cifand Cordon of the Order of Nevada chr-Ry- , rector, of the Northwestern Colon, Corwolldnti that He who taught the world I II I'M II I liptll Paulow nin. N'lptsalng Improvement company, so LOST AND FOUND. ' Min - be honored ) ii II " Hon and Lindi r He As de La N'orth should Senor Ban entered the Unite .... or far us the prayer tor Injunctive relief Mercy, i to ' an ti'nltuUok of jrarrlag which look him the pal 1 hirthnlght hy humble I.l iBT-- Kuniito v"ith Luke !! N concerned. A temporary Injunction gathered tot lace, he was by .. crowd 'Md the kindly .irul generous creod futl n w elr cheered which Dtmbllon i cm i Mining- two -- was grunted, these had gathered about th hotel ' 4'. 'gave ua. "Peace on Earth. Good Will cans o 'aceola from acting In the name of the com-- ! In an Interview, the Mexican diplo- Quincv . All," us to reedgnUe the truth 5S'i to leads puny, pending the final decree of thai mat said there was no secrecy attach I :". noble text, "It Is better to gle -- Two ft Fed of the court, but Judge Cotterdl refuted 14 to his mission and that his vlsii :7'4 to receive." Anl so, an it teaches ig colta was upertor :than with prosecution of Uttt ito ntirclv ceremonious, k B good-wil- l, and charity, interfere the com- - if ills kindliness, MHkk .. The Japanese imnrnek . . tu the court! of :.l 'may tho ohrj'ttmn'i 1""" B km Re The cae will corao on lor final rV HODPROUE MORNING JOURNAL THURSbAY, DECEMBER 25. 1913

00000000000000000000000000 Orescent Hardw are Co. Don't forget the number MEDLER PROHIBITS ,, iMi Y). Plp i. aa r .hI. l.a. Iron everything In delight In Tli i Pain jn.l r PtmMng II f tin mi, Otipprt Work. pajjln in Ihe way of drinkiiblen i ii i IVI II I HnM lift hi ii,. (Ml Kill, Ml A T K II COLLECTION OP LIQUOR CDMMJfl Ml tor, corner I'lrit unil Cuppar, Come unil select tin' Roods .vli-RR- yooraclf, i,r plum,, in your PENALTY A CHRISTMAS Holiday in di r. Watch for MM TK Christmas window display Prompt Attention. Free MATTHEWS Phone 131. oooooooooooooooooooooooooc Torrance County Treasurer Says He Is Collecting Rev- Our ut in:20. aii memoir Y th a. I,), enue Without Charge . linol mi niiil in present. Par- Extra SS PA TENT FLOUR ent in. i friends are wi homo. to Involuntaiy Delinquents, CoSMl Clerk A. K Walker rtHjf. KO NOR ( PHKMKMH ol'PONS To GIVE IT VALUE. ln Ihu)i1 license in ry Rob- I uiai in UoiijrlBlii u iii I., r .1 . Un in A Monk, .. I'. i.;!. inil Ml:., I.uclii Or, .1. W ITS VALUE IS IN THE QUALITY. Mnniuyii, nf Thi.u-iii- i William W. C Amble, nf in urn, treas- - Crawford) if Dniii. md mi flattie ni i, i i'orran county, who w., v, Morrta. nf AliMniucniur itohcri r here wsterdny, aald that be is g Inc. A STERN, D, laxea th, penally SIMON Johstaon unil Ulan Fannie Pi ill mlnui under both nf AllniilM i Mi'uiK liuiidi'il ilnwn lust week l tini I I H. r ,. . 11' I', l I VI It l. i: llll ponlomco vMII Iiiim .none Mi pre III.' ,,t,'i TNI WIM Oi .. i.ii, dellt l n tl In district court hi KhImik la. otro Urol hers I Be iritvelinu auditor directed thai fii i.y carriers ill w,i Un- I liiaaurer ptiialtv Trv If'ndertakerx "ti. The poetoffi, will pea un- - niiii .harKc for tuxea not paid I, iii toon, umi nit patrons are urged i.y hifnre December hut m phonic l.npawi.-- i were i. ii,, t,, 1,,'fnri B. P. raoMn mm. Poatmadter Hopkin la in re. i.ii L 15. NTitoNi; i Hi .1 date l BE iii k.. OFFER Having ihr ooagoetiefl bytitilllng for nwlna In the fai Unit tlm 25 FAMILIES TO ANH uwjwoi ii in t in, nvcr si iiimi. their in. iii whii. un nffi, , ia epMt nnl unci lull:, CRYSTAL PASTIME CAIftfO GREEN in him. acoordln i" Dr, Amble. The Ttiraa mr nf regrotta for tba not-n- i uwmr wu Hiut urinj bora night 'i' doubtful win thcr ti, CHILI arrived but chargt tMPajrera - II nil Tallin Fc Main Nn I. penalty fur delln- TODAY frnm Colum- iU,ic that' reuilv a not fault, FED BY SALVATION bus Hurra, o, Una ou wu their notice to m iis mum. k. MM aim jiMlk-- f Medlu order gave him ('WIII R8 in. in bora I.. HI Paao in mi tba ae I UK HAH M .1 .ss t) I Till: ( HIM si; III I )(i(N' '' win. fall pb Utborll) not to ImpoMe the penalty. cilv,' II,,' li'il rank nl the Thirteenth cavalry Two-rco- Minium; Journal ' un' tniM the Kutani In Ppoataoad in tx- - fya.. . N4 by i Kaicin lYdtura, l, I. anil the others were Han itietlon "li'.ii i. p In. in. UK V A.NT'S .l Hint in gvinga Lank, i i alter Amble had RombIm i loMMkg, n, whin- iii. troona win am-bar- b ir. l. riionc ? giving ti. i I s ARMY TODAY fnr ii lulu umi tba Philippines niiiMil accept taxis without Hie naino ami iiddrcxa, and the PHpfir penalty, naked fm a writ nf m. .li will liu dnllvari-- d I.y n apt-d- a I mca-aen- M mit hum. Ucctmhei IT. iii cnmptl BATTERY: r. 71(6. iiiilon harlti r Imp.. Mill tins, the THE PIUUS oi w ireaHiirer to receive the wltb- - 111 IN XltdltM Ii at ' ninncy Mil I lil p ., uVtoob lotoy. tin- ( it mi the Wartime penalty, .luilac Mcll, r I on-K- el Xltamapli .lined with Itl w ICt $.voo i Despite Illness of Captain and lr. sitlney Drew i:clushi nrili: AHOV ItEWAItU will bo Stalitl ilunit IiiiiIkIU ill I up. lull'. i:"';!. IVA.ZrJ'Z'i f..r llll- - ArrfMl litnl rmul, . t s, Ml I bggt i l'i. bull. Iltaullful pi .Mil Iw kI i ii bta towatoii nn i qutty. "f Sinallness of Charity Fund, linn ht I U .ni, t.t iik alfiillng aHH lit MT. n lioldlint it' MM JiitiKe Meiiier liisiructcil ir. Amide rupira nf the Morning Journal I P N.M'OI.I (IN in r. In,, 1,1 .a bcsira. i i i" give Uutpayara a IN Ml N I l MOIM H II from Hie doorwiivM nf aubacrlbara n rbudj rvaaonable time Albuquerque Corps Plans to llll III liullttl. afler the aaaesNi.r gave him the rolls ( Conied). JOI HNAI, IM HI.IHMINU I Hlogrnph) i:clnshf Merry n. before ImpoolBB the penalty. He Carry Cheer to Many, should give reaiilnits of Kaiamli ami LEAD AVENUE CHURCH iia ImmodUite vleinlt) four or five High Class Licensed Pictures and Exclusive Service nays ami thoae who live at a great, r Twenty-fl- v fatnilies. Christmas GIVES LIBERALLY TO dtatwace mor, time, is in- Atnble'a who would LOCAL ITEMS interpretation of tin court'.' order. bine heeii in want hut for the Salva- CAUSE OF CHARITY Dr. Arabia baHevet thai .Imli;,. m,.,! tion Arm, today will cat bounteous or lf4TE.HE.ST ler't declalon ma) he of Interest tn J lnnera, thanka to captain Anuu O 000 000 000000 00000000 0000000 00 00 000000000 000 000 000000 to other county Hlm e 0 treaaurero the Shnttiu k and her 0 roit want. The Chrlgtmaa rtlebratioa of th which confronted him prevails That Iheae families were In in eil g YULET1DE TOAST .Methoilbtt in aavtrai oongitica corollary to Waatilngton, Doi Ik. New MeHlci I'd Aenue church laat the fact thut Captain niKht araa in . rarj way of The cnae referred to by Dr. Amble Kulr Tit ii rMtl n ipi,ai the v s BhattttCk had their names on the to prosperity and happiness of Alb- All alitl Irid. Mtamm. A IiIr crowd wan preaent, proatiitcd hy the latrik alter Here's the health, y Christmas dinner list. Tin Salvation nmpli-tt'l- fllline the bulldtng, and a with u niimhcr of other tax- M payers, Army giVea only to Ueacrving. uquerque, the State of New Mexico her people, nii it HMroUtT, th HKhtfui program waa reoderod in the hope thai it would re- the and wna lieve an Intolerable The Captain Bhauock, (ollowlBg the cub- - which mcally ciijoycil bj ih.,s altuatton. May bo brightest page in the history of a I'nr the tweniv fuiii hmirs eilillng preaent. hank ascertained the an it of lis lotn ol the Arinv, investiKaled the 1914 the at ocli.'.k t nln All the nf Supduy tnxi'H from the a,aerator, ami tend, red clrcumaWBCea Of every fnmlly f iM'niiik tf children the Ihe an., great commonwealth, M.ixliuum Ii ini, rat urc, 31 dOftTOati aohool were kIvcii a treat of nyi. unit withuut tin pinalti, to her as WOTth) of Clnislmas I which the trewaurer ac-up- t, iMllilmum pi i at ill.'. 7, runKe, 27. anil other gootllcK, and apeclal prea-ent- declined to nlnBara, T. in e p. were given to the UttU oiieit of whereupon the was pre. JONES-BOWER- WARD'S STORE uiperni ai in. yeaterdu, Is. pared Captain shattiuk and her b lata nl a S MONUMENT CO. hiuitheaf i w nnl len the prima r departuieiit, and presented to the court. Tin- - apent yeater Kiy preparing "bua-keta- ." Aiiiioiincenicnt was mail, Ihe district attorney demurred and the BAIT CENTRAL AI.IH'gi'EHQl'K. N M. Ave. 3H-2a- a that lit if, fh, mis. collection li (he .Sunday for waa overruled, and the Judge direct- as she called them, Real!) r II Dr. hwentker, Oateopath Tel. 717. school M.iHI ltli, Mr. i a ed mandarnua to iwue in the) an- lavta boxes, bocauae ide Kee'a Cindy the beoaflt if the a. oaaaa hogpttal accordance 1 Iton lleautlful bosea hail in with th.- petition. f.iuml that nothing sinallcr would M unly at flo, 60c and tl.OO. reaulted raiatng H1.17, and ua Sun rintendi nt 1'oiterflcld had pre- - in announclo' hi decision the hold each family's share. Knch one Loa, ( Kara f tonb fa, clerk of rluualy tBBounoed that he would du- Jude,. atatOd thai who, there was no contained a chlckaB, ami vegetablea, n. M. WIII.IAMS the United Bute diatrlcl court. wu plicate whatever offnrlBg waa mato Irw pectfica.lfy covering the cage, DoBllst. a vinitor in Albuuuerqui veatarday. equity bread, cakeH and other food. To hy the acbool, tba amouat tn ba de- and Juatln call for such a rul- EAT YOUR 1 ,. ing: every family that h it elved a bask, t Room and 3, Whiting Dulldlng, J. W. I'll Hlel, iiiuiinnei' the tinl-de- n voted I" Oils charily Is Th. thut the present situation havinn SHU FFLE BARGE I;'1H. a aa, A . Corner Second and Gold R'S Kill. In, flood RBBOUBcngsabt anaen through nn fault of she sent of flour. Clothes als coilipaiiv, left waa received with graal the tai No. (84. yeaterda t,,i a v lelt to Denver on iilhiiHliiam. payer, certainly the leguiature which were a, nt In sonic cases. Phone ' II 1NHI I II MM iiuaini iv. and pleaaufe. passed tin law did not intend that the Owing to the tad that Captain Chriftmas Dinner HI I II I AMI AIJJM VI Mil. I taapuyer be I N should penalised tor a KhattUck and one of her aWdalaBI . The tl, liu. iii order nf Karugarl will I M It pre I'linnca .tU-Mlg- J IslTs beyond hi.-- , hold it, ('hriHtimiM n sM situation entlrrhr control-- ! were ill for two weeks, haiBgj rr-i,- annunl untertalB-n- ( HII IHCI (II st. joiivs The Judge nt for hlldren Bmda) nuht at the illil nm frx aa) Bpeclfled iiii only recently, tba corjajr WHERE KlMKllla et Pytbktg hall (lino within whh',1 the lax could he RPHEUM TONIGHT Tin- roil Idre B of st John'a Eplaco- - paid without the penalty for Christmas were not as ii. (i. RrautoB, who took pal after the large aa the) bud yaw. Mill & polgot church w,. Kuesta at a hi laxrolls tame nto the i.r were QUALITY Chicago Lumber Co. aaveral toy a at:,, un i hands toata ft irain, hrlHtinaa tree celonrutnui in the l.ui Muted that physical nn was prevented frmn aollchmg f(M ami MB Ml Mill HUM St Jo- - t A pro-Ira- ni letlllllcl it bnreb luat niKht. mualoaJ pneelhllltlea could tmt he attoarrlptioni and ag Ihe others were aeph'a hoNptlal In ,,e in nlii4htl wan rendered, ami a deliKhlfiil ruiulred: General Mill. that the taxpayer should have auffj-- 1 notching kettle, oh the HtreeT AND 111 I M Pianino tl 1. mllll, ni. holiday iplrll pervaded acana. la STAH Ol' llll, III the clout time in jm his money to th ps had to depend rm furnlahla.!; Krnnet Dltller, o Helen, WMIOga h it PraaeBta were dlatributod gtnongj the ireasiirer's titty c tlircc-rc- I 1! after the taxrolla the Hhrlatmaa hosetf ijlttu t prodBCed 3d lumt wan perfuriiii d h uIiihm apllnt- - ni. fnlks, whn had a Ihnl nlliihK en were updo vblunj SERVICE feature. and Marquette Phone 8 received. s, nt " I ti ern In a i uffle mA.IiiI daya uitn, oon- - Joyublc evitnlBg, The entei talninciit Itarll) to the hOBdquarter anl'to !. tin "Tunbausi'i in Mff. tlnuetl in lmpin at st. Juoepb'a hoa ami tree aere given b) the iuadaji ihe iimno) eoll.-clc- l frmn the k. ( Co. This picture ha kceg pitai ytatarda) sell.,, 1, which is In a gMMI floiii'lahliiK COME TOGETHER Hliown In th larnest tlieatci-- Iii Htateii i ii nun I chilHtmas ohaerv-a- conditoB, SCHOOLS OF COUNTY Tin ending Hi,- Staiist anil Kiii'tipc ALIO gl Eltgl K CAMIY. I'nltctl nl I'lhrrlui rotninaBdery No. 3, Army's work for thin C AT THE and never he Tore litis it been KIIXIIKN Kntghta Totaplar, gayium A at the tbla DEATHS AND FUNERALS. bug Christmas tree shown for less than -.- 1 cents morning at It Hotilti msond in o'clock. viKitnix .lined in the annul y and Von can it for .", and 10 Knlghla ara Invited la gttond, ny stc (Neil Hour to I r.islul Tin liter) GIVE i Ises for the wail's Santa Clans cenls. of tin i: c . slM-re- CHRISTMAS order . 'I'll, lle-- i Hatf In low n for Iiihii. Mi s. allthtod last night are to be hell Itiifaelltji V M VI-ai- lalea. i aiiilli anil Ice ( renin. Ask MIfk IkII and arena i, I'llendM of Mih A V Sherei' hen there ut I o'clock thta gfterBuon. Myers Cafe niitp r ami or At-- 1 yeateriiay fur Our lrioe lor piirilea. I'lione .',;t. brotboi Dlatriot received word of her death Captain dhattuck expects to niv. tiiiiiey .Manuel V. Vlttll, iinhcil from in lam Anceiea. The bod) ia to ba toy VIM MM' Trinidad, Colo night brought ami i.. ::iiu children tin but to apend here for hurlal. The Order 122 W. Central Lug, One Heel OhNgtgAM with him. They will leave of Rwatarn win have charge of EXERCISES afternoon. This number, she be star Havea, m .. few .1 uN 'i pan, ti, visit r, the gervicea which win ba held I will include all who were not Hours FVoaa ." no to h p. m. LET US SEND A MAN o'clock tomorrow allei in,..ii at Strunn Visited by niKht and VV, J. Hailey, of ChltaKn. Keneral Hrothora' i Impel. Ilurlul will he In then sinnc. She has lint given tickets PIUCKFllTY (M) (T.NTS. Matinee llM ami To Rophuv Tliat llr., ken Window auditor of the ttanla Vv rullway, nr Kan lew cemetery. tn any children to be presented al (. (Jinan. En- Evening 7::iU and I:S. mod lure yoRterday morning from 'rominent Citizens Enjoy the door of the armory, but the Hs-- i M ill gt I KI.M I I.I 1 Mllll. I.,.." Angela In lua private car on uncral of J. s. Ilorton. ill, ni i, ii ,.t preaent Will begin shortly , OOMI'ANV No. Itl li ft t, In, Kuucrul aert'tcva I'nr Joncph H. Ilor- tertainments and Are Loud U train and at fttf k after o'clock mi l continue until the Heal Country Pork Sausage, made I 41 N. limi nlKhi on No. 811 Knn-aa- a ton, who died at Clifton, Ariz., will B IOC' 'i'.i.i ll. Ural train for la HIM' at HMIssloN. M is- in Their Praise of tree snipped. The first child- Thomas' ranch, Sunta Fe, N. M. t'lty. held at o'clock tomorrow at Progress Two Strung Hrothora' rooms, ren tO get In line will get Ihe pies- - pounds sent prepaid, &0c. Try it. Day I.. Mi'holRM, u prnmlm undertaking ChSMgC of l'roaruin Kcry Jamei nt The Rev 1' W. Longfellow, of Hi, Made by Children, nf In WALLACE HESSELDEN l.niidon, Tenn., a vlaJtor Klrat UaBtba will ofl Saddle horaes. Trimble' Red Barn. In AlliiiqucriUc anil Is ao Impraaped ehurub Ilurlul will he t i j . (General with ihe city nn ita future proapecta in Kairvlcw ciiict. ENTRIES FOR POULTRY Ftg iraa and wurkmanahlp eount thai in- baa up In every school in Bernalillo coun- - practleally rnada his ty W't gmirantee mora for your monoy inlud to locate here ami engage In ORDER CORRECTING antaitainmeBta were Oven bj the SHOW BEING PLACED than anv Othor ooutractlng firm Id the practlco of law. children eonunemoratlve of the holi- (allup Lump Stove Albuquerque. Offlra at day occasion, and it Was the general IN EXHIBITION s Lump HAH N COAL Stove h TAX ROLLS FOR SIX ROOM CO,r st'i'Kititin pij.asino mill The children of the North Knurl verdlcl oi thoaa who were so fortu- PHONE, I'll. me 117. treat Qoapel NtH iiiirtoj aohool win nate ua in attend these tl YEARS IS ISSUED entertainment ANTHRACITE, ALL SIZES, STEAM COAL. i a the hail on chriatnaa Morn- - that they reflected the higheat credit upon Yesterday entries for the liral n li- the administration of the coun- Coke, Mill Wood, Factory Wood, Cord Wood, Native Kindling. Lime ty sch, mis - Dual winter poultry exhibition of the Kirbter'8 Cifrar Factory umi ir Nuperlntandent Atu- All'U(UtiiUe JudCa II. K. Haynolds, nf the dis- nalu Alontoya ami his uaalatant. Poultry usauviatiou smith Second Mrt'ft. trict court, who yesterday morning A Of Han to come In and last nluht S3 number of prominent citizens now Wo have un hand n full line of before his departure fur California Albuquerque iiuerested in the achoola room in the Barnett building SPRINGER held a short sesalon of court, kildod i. nit, lined numerous coops of prize-eekln- g Half m,. tl. Club of the count) attended the various rommeitlul Dis- fowls represcDtlng una II,nana Hud bianda of an order, upon the application of Christmas exercise and were loud In ail the TRANSFER trict Attorne) If. V. Vigil, Ui s principal breeds. clK'ii In Imxea aultahlo (on 00. correct Ihelr piiilsc ol the prugi-es- that has Ii l t. I lit 111 I III RIGH P the tax rolls for liuir, JlHiS, mti'J, by Another large batdh of pens wore Mis been made the children. At the I Cbrlatmaj uirta 1 110, 1 bull) CLAOU AT Till; i.i' Mi TIMi:. Itl and I fourth si re t acbool yesterday morn- jestcrday. since the committee The nidge als.. announced his de ing George H. Klock ami Buperlntend- - has received enough entries to cause cision In the case of the Algodotiea Montoya them tn lake particular pains to ggard cnt made ahort talks in lagiUnai . Land and To.vustt, company nKum.u which tin y paid deserved compliment ghortaga of aocorjunoda-tiuns- A. J, Frank ami I then in fawn of to the work that has been done by the However, ever) eltort has the plaintiff. The company suutiht teachers, m. k. Illckey made a sim- been made to properly house the I,, recover land hl by Frank. ilar address at the com luaion of the fancy poultry and unless there is n bl sserakM al tba old Albuquerque rush at the last minute accommoda MIDNIGHT MASS IS HELD Nchmi! in the evening. tions for ail entries will be provided, Perhapa lb most ambitious pro- it is expected that by tonight tba BY FATHER MANDALARI gram was put on at the Alameda show room will be well filled and school, which hfld Us exercises Tues- that everything Will he in readiness A for the opening two exhi-bitld- day afternoon. It was the first oc- of the da' casion for a public entertainment In tomorrow moniing. The Church Of the Immaculate the m w gchool bulldtng, and special NOTICE Conception last Bight was crowded tor efforta Ware made to make the per. m GEORGE will call wlUt a fine se- ihe annual midnight Chriettnaa nuuss. formanot come up to the standard set lection oi Handmade Lace and MERRY Catholic and made up by the brat! school of the county. everything in 1 adits.' and the assembly, Father ,. si, Handa- - Fine addresses were delivered to the DuiiliV Apparel. ALL I KINDS Of the accommodation Inn. S, J., was the celebrant, and the scholars by K v. Father Troy and Su- - HANDM.VOK lint SEHOLI) LINENS perintaadent John Milne of the cityS choir gave an exceptionally good (.UTS. HKA-SO- FOR schools. The of school CHKIST.MAS PHHKS CHRISTMAS auditorium the ;irtH. our customers we was crowded with visitors whn th..r- - AI1I.I:. Wetldlng Costs' oughty tnjovad the various selection Nothing to Bee Ooofla, Phone 17a5. will remain open until Try Tonque Coal, the new rendered. CHOK t NAVAJO BLANKETI FOR XMAS TO noon today-Christ- mas Day. coal from Algodones. The best prizes AWARDED BY PRKSFNTS. LOUIS II.ITXD, JOHN ST. for all uses. Gallup, lump and' iii Thanking you for your lib- GAS, ELECTRIC LIGHT stove. Carthage, lump and. AND POWER COMPANY eral and wishing ALL patronage stove. Mountain Wood. Phone; JOHNHERBOTH I, niKht aandaome prizes wire all a Merry Christmas, we 912. Hugh Trotter, 402 In the contest conducted b THE I'tlMI H WHO (.IVKS VOtT i the Albuquerque das, Rlectric Light A SQCARK DEAL North First. g company, to the following: remain, Respectfully, Power 1195-J- . I First Prise Mrs. Janus H, Wroth, Phone 201 Ave. C H. CONNER, M. I).. D. O. 50o West Copper avenue, electric Osteopsthlc KpcclaliMl. waffle iron. Second .Mrs. W. K. Craig, R1S I i Prist treat all curable diseases. Office Broadway, pan. TrffBnTrmiiu.t atern Bldg. 655 325. South electric saute i'j.i.ini'i.iMf E. L. Washburn Co. Phone and Third Prise-- Mrs. T If. BrtuaoB, 1(1- - Fust Lead incline, electric per PIANOS FOR SALE "The llest Medicine I ICxor lactt." ,,,,,, ' or by "Chamhcrlaln's Tablets is the beat t Rent I MRS. R, medicine ever used for constipation. .;x(ril selected Chinese til) liullis. C II Ii SON Hotel ( raigc oinousneNs ami licaitacne. writes Daffodils. Hardy l.illc- -. I ubp ami A. XV. George, 118 l- -i Mr. Milne. St. Viah. crocus bulbs; sale by West Slltcr .lir, I ll, he t.fti nls I .' r ertc'lmil euj.v lor Piiojt'.' ir. 1 :s9. and pleasant to take.' For sale by all K- - El dealer. JI?'21J-2- I W. Ititl to' Phone IB