Enterprise Resources Planning and Building Standards Weekly List of Planning Applications List of planning applications registered by the Council for the week ending From : - 30/06/2008 To : 04/07/2008 Note to Members: Applications identified as 'Delegated' shall be dealt with under these powers unless more than 5 objections are received or unless a representation/objection is made by a Council Member within 10 working days of the week-ending date. Any representation/objection made by a Councillor will result in that application being referred to the Area Committee for consideration. Any queries on any of the applications contained in the list or requests to refer an application to Committee should be directed to the Area Manager/Team Leader at the appropriate Area Office. Hamilton Area Tel. 01698 453518 Email
[email protected] East Kilbride Area Tel. 01355 806415 Email
[email protected] Clydesdale Area Tel. 01555 673206 Email
[email protected] Cambuslang/Rutherglen Area Tel. 0141 613 5170 Email
[email protected] Cambuslang/Rutherglen Area Office Proposed Site location Applicant Agent Cambuslang development Application ref: CR/08/0154 Erection of timber 5 Prospect Avenue Mr and Mrs C REM Interiors Date registered 01/07/2008 outhouse/garden Cambuslang McIntyre Area office: Cambuslang/Rutherglen store 5 Prospect Avenue Powers: Delegated Waterside Farm Cambuslang G72 Grid reference: 263691 660371 Waterside 8BW Ward no: 13 Cambuslang West South