CERAMICS MONTHLY focus MONTHLY self critique August/September 2006 h $ 7 . 5 0 ( C an$ 9 , 6 . 5 0 ) w w w . ceramicsmonthly . org focus self critique AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2006 $ 7 . 5 0 ( C an$ 9 , E6 . 5 0 ) w w w . ceramicsmonthly . org AS 06 Front_Cover.indd 2 7/14/06 11:07:42 AM AS 06 Covers.indd 2 7/13/06 8:14:45 PM Ceramics Monthly August/September 2006 1 AS 06 001_017.indd 1 7/13/06 6:35:03 PM MONTHLY Editorial
[email protected] telephone: (614) 895-4213 fax: (614) 891-8960 editor Sherman Hall assistant editor Renée Fairchild assistant editor Jennifer Poellot technical editor Dave Finkelnburg publisher Charles Spahr Advertising/Classifi eds
[email protected] (614) 794-5809 fax: (614) 891-8960 classifi
[email protected] (614) 794-5866 advertising manager Steve Hecker advertising services Debbie Plummer Subscriptions/Circulation customer service: (800) 342-3594
[email protected] Design/Production design Paula John Editorial and advertising offices 735 Ceramic Place, Suite 100 Westerville, Ohio 43081 USA Editorial Advisory Board Linda Arbuckle; Professor, Ceramics, Univ. of Florida Tom Coleman; Studio Potter, Nevada Dick Lehman; Studio Potter, Indiana Meira Mathison; Director, Metchosin Art School, Canada Don Pilcher; Potter and Author, Illinois Bernard Pucker; Director, Pucker Gallery, Boston Phil Rogers; Potter and Author, Wales Jan Schachter; Potter, California Mark Shapiro; Worthington, Massachusetts Susan York; Santa Fe, New Mexico Ceramics Monthly (ISSN 0009-0328) is published monthly, except July and September, by The American Ceramic Society, 735 Ceramic Pl., Suite 100, Westerville, Ohio 43081; www. ceramics.org. Periodicals postage paid at Westerville, Ohio, and additional mailing offices.