DOCKET 09-AFC-6 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DATE JUL 12 2010 Energy Resources Conservation RECD. JUL 12 2010 And Development Commission In the Matter of: Docket No. 09-AFC-6 Application for Certification For the Blythe Solar Power Project Palo Verde Solar, LLC Energy Commission Staff’s Supplemental Staff Assessment Part 2 Please find attached the following outstanding items: Air Quality – Supplemental Testimony and Declaration of Will Walters incorporating the Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District’s Final Determination of Compliance. Traffic and Transportation, Aviation Assessment – Testimony of Marie McLean, James Jewell, Clifford Ho, Mark Johnson, and Will Walters. Resumes of James Jewell, Clifford Ho and Mark Johnson. Blythe Airport Risk Assessment, Supplemental Testimony of Dr. Alvin Greenberg. DATED: July 12, 2010 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Lisa M. DeCarlo_________ LISA M. DECARLO Senior Staff Counsel California Energy Commission 1516 9th Street, MS-14 Sacramento, CA 95817 Ph: (916) 654-5195 e-mail:
[email protected] AIR QUALITY Supplemental Testimony of William Walters, P.E. INTRODUCTION This second Supplemental Staff Assessment (SSA) for air quality presents changes to the Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District (District) Conditions of Certification (CoCs) based on changes contained in the Districts Final Determination of Compliance (FDOC), but does not impact the staff’s findings as presented in the Revised Staff Assessment. The revisions to the District conditions are shown below in underline/strikeout1. The District completed the FDOC for the project on July 8, 2010, which has addressed consistency issues with the conditions for the HTF piping system among other issues (MDAQMD 2010c). These revisions do not change the District’s or staff’s findings regarding compliance with Laws, Ordinances, Regulations and Standards (LORS).