Dartmouth College. MBAat his earn to opportunity Capitol Hill, CIP offered on him the liaison defense current and Ken Hockycko, an F/A-18 family orgoingtoschool. fessional interests like starting a years to pursue personal or pro three to up for (IRR) Reserve tive-duty to the Individual Ready ac from transition to portunity op one-time a Sailors provides Program mightbeforyou. Intermission Career the Navy, nity to take a sabbatical from the opportu an for looking Sailors CIP: TakingasabbaticalfromyourNavycareer Jan. 21.DoDphotobyD. MylesCullen Staff, during his first day at the Pentagon as secretary Gen. Joe Dunford, left, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Corps Marine greets Mattis James Secretary Defense e c r o F r i A de as serve to years 5 seven least at 8 for • uniform 9 of out been 2 have to members . service former 0 requires law 8 because 2 position, the in . 9 1 6 to serve general y four-star for the retired a waiver passed Congress m • 1950s. in early the r of the C. Marshall George General Army since m A o c . h c t a p s i of • d oath afterward. his shortly s office administered e Pence c Jan. Michael r defense President of Vice o and secretary 20, f be to d Mattis e James m (Ret.) Gen. r d Corps a w. r w w a u • G h c t a p s i D t s s p r a o C o C e n i r a M / y v a • N o g e i D s n p a S r o C e n i r a M • y v a N the Harlem GlobetrottersFeb.10 or17. Win afamily4-packof voucherstosee Weekly contest... For individuals like Lt. Cmdr. CIP 2009, in Established those For - WASHINGTON position the hold to officer general retired first the is Mattis Marine WASHINGTON - By confirmed a the Senate vote, 98-1 “I wanted to broaden my my broaden to wanted “I ARMED FORCES Serving activedutyandretiredmilitarypersonnel,veterans andcivilserviceemployees by JimGaramone - - - - having doneit.” for Navy the to valuable more I’m that hope “I 2012. in CIP who returned to Hockycko, active duty said from path,” career defined normal the in weren’t that cockpit the outside ences experi some gain and future be a more effective leader in the could I so issues on perspective of other priorities,” he said. said. he “This isn’t azerosumgame.” priorities,” other of doesn’t have to be at the expense one priority for the Navy, but that ficiency must remain the number the Nation’s wars. purpose of fighting and winning will ultimately serve the primary the experience he gained through Hockycko said that he thinks he that said Hockycko “Warfighting and tactical pro See page 4 - - - opmental Command in Quantico, Virginia. He then commanded commanded then He Virginia. Quantico, in Command opmental manual when counterinsurgency he served at Marine Corps Devel 2003. in Baghdad to drive the in war, Division Iraq the Marine 1st In the country. commanded the he into go to troops first the of some commanded he Ma In 7th Afghanistan, Storm. Desert Battalion, Operation in 1st rines the commanded he Defense colonel, lieutenant a the and to military alliances reforms sec U.S. strengthen Department. business defense to strengthen as be bring will priority readiness, his retary said Mattis University. Washington Central from graduating after the Corps year.following He Marine was in commissioned the the Marine Corps in in 1972 enlisting and 1968 in there school high Command. Central U.S. of mander as com service with culminated career military His Afghanistan. 2013. in Corps Marine the from retired Mattis secretary. fense repurpose the talent in which we to find better ways to retain and continue must We2025. Sailor called effort an within and choice flexibility offer that CIP like policies personnel modern develop to hard working been have “We Burke. Robert Adm. VicePersonnel, Naval of Chief said service,” naval leaving ing consider are who individuals tive that helps us retain talented 127 totalparticipants. of theprogram. obligation for time spent as part service two-for-one a with vice on back active duty and resume come their ser Sailors gram, Services Armed Senate at the him he introduced when as action,” well as thought of man “a Mattis called Cohen S. William retary 2010. commander Centcom named was He 2007. in for Transformation Command NATO’s chosen Allied and Command being Forces Joint U.S. before of commander the Force as rank four-star Expeditionary Marine 1st the Invitational Optima Ultimate Street Car AutoMatters &More ... CP s n motn initia important an is “CIP To date, CIP has had a total of pro the of completion After Sec Defense Former war. of study the of student a is Mattis Corps Marine the and Army in publishing instrumental He was as and commander, platoon weapons and rifle a as served He from graduating Wash., Richland, in born was secretary The and Iraq in wars the and War Gulf the of veteran a is Mattis - - - - mil. at at gram Manager for consideration, Pro the to package application warfighting readiness. row while improving the Navy’s tomor of force the manage and to more effectively recruit, train to help improvetheNavy’sability designed readiness career and continuum learning career a system, personnel modern a pillars: three of framework a CIP,on like built initiatives, 45 approximately of set evolving and CIP areallabout.” the door. That’s what Sailor 2025 incentivizing Sailors to walk out have already invested, and avoid To apply, submit an electronic an is 2025 Sailor Today, See page 17 CIP_MANAGER@navy. ------second to none.” to force second volunteer all unique “Working our keep to said. endeavor he will I you, herself,” with defend to determination awesome Department. Defense the to business bring reforms and alliances U.S. strengthen readiness, military wither.” them without those and thrive, allies strong with “Nations he said. is clear,” “History world. changing this in necessity a are countries other with tions congres the and committees.” partners sional interagency at our trust with and harmony department of the atmosphere an “foster will he families” that their and and personnel civilian and military for advocate the added. he and world,” the in best-equipped lethal the most best-led, the remain must world this in forces armed “Our said. Mattis nations, rogue and actors state periphery.” its along trust shredding is China and fronts, several on concerns grave raising is “Russia said. he elsewhere,” and East Middle the in groups ist terror and other of and the Levant] Iraq State Islamic [the against fighting are troops our and in Afghanistan, war at still is country week. last hearing confirmation Committee Defense photo of Dept. confirmation. Senate his after shortly fense de of secretary 26th the as office took Mattis James Craft Beer & FoodFestival,HipHop Run Home ImprovementShow, Oceanside Best betsthisweekend ... “Our military is the envy of the world, representing America’s America’s representing world, the of envy the is military “Our Mattis said his as will priority be secretary defense to strengthen collabora and alliances that committee the told secretary The possible strongest “the be will he that committee the told He non by attack under are world the in stability” of “islands The “Our committee. the told Mattis in change, is awash world The THURSDAY, JANUARY 26,2017 FIFTY SIXTHYEARNO. 30 See page 22

- AT EASE - - - - 2 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 Ninevah Ruins. River, Mosul University and the Tigris the crossing bridges five east bank of the river around all the Tigrisof east River,city the forces control all areas inside security the Iraqi the ongoing, are Mosul Jan.24. nounced the liberation of eastern hard of urban combat, Iraqi days officials an 100 than more of EasternMosul Iraq announcesliberation resorted to using children and and children using to resorted ficials said. Force of Resolve Inherent Operation Task Joint Combined tling a brutal and fanatic enemy, the citizens of Mosul while bat and taking precautions to protect lives of citizens before their own the placing by professionalism their displayed forces security captive. Through it all, the Iraqi Mosul of residents the but out, forces security Iraqi the keep only not to years two past the over formed defense elaborate security forces fought through an peshmerga and Iraqi the years, and the Levant for more than two was held by the Islamic State of Iraq which residents, million one than more of city the erate Meanwhile, they added, ISILadded, they Meanwhile, lib to offensive their During operations clearance While After - ASIASOUTHWEST ONLINE FOLLOW US 7R\RWDV+\XQGDLVRU6XEDUXVRQO\0RVWPRGHOV0XVWSUHVHQWFRXSRQ&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHURUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRW Frank Motorsisnowhiring part-time &fulltimeemployees.Applyon-linewww.FrankToyota.com Dispatch Newspaper www.afdispatch.com ‡3UHFLVLRQFRPSXWHUL]HGZKHHODOLJQPHQW‡$GMXVWFDVWHUFDPEHU WRH ‡,QVSHFWVXVSHQVLRQIRUZHDU‡&HQWHUVWHHULQJZKHHO‡,QVSHFWWLUHV 2400 Natio Armed Forces Like uson Facebook 4-WHEE 888.217.1866 www.franktoyota.com 10% OFF $Q\UHFRPPHQGHG6HUYLFHVRU5HSDLUV EHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV2IIHUH[SLUHV 0D\QRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHUVSHFLDO IDFHERRNFRPIUDQNVXEDUX IDFHERRNFRPIUDQNK\XQGDL IDFHERRNFRPIUDQNWR\RWD /LNHXVRQ)DFHERRN - - - - W l 3OXV a X N S lery/mortar systems. artil 315 and systems, artillery anti-air 24 bunkers, 392 hicles, ve 408 tunnels, 140 facilities, 151 buildings/ 361 bombs, least vehicle at destroyed have munitions These targets. ISIL against munitions 10,115 using forces, Iraqi the of assistance in strikes air 558 conducted has for itsterroristoperations. bases and facilities storage ons weap hospitals, as schools and as mosques such facilities protected used and strikes lery artil and air Iraqi and coalition other civilians as shields against national counter-ISIL coalition coalition counter-ISIL multi- national the Resolve, Inherent bined Joint Task Force Com Operation of general commanding the Townsend,J. Stephen Gen. Lt. said Army people,” Iraqi all but Iraq, of government ereign sov and forces security the Iraqi only not for achievement grenades onfriendlyforces. manned aerial systems dropping and frequent attacks by ISIL un surveillance as well as attacks, endured daily mortar and sniper and day, a bombs vehicle five of average an off fended Iraqis ali $ 119 “This is a monumental monumental a is “This the offensive, the During coalition the 17, Oct. Since al city blvd.al city ONLINE FOLLOW US 95   3 Dispatch Newspaper www.afdispatch.com GNMEN  Armed Forces Like uson Facebook    $ 89 WE H WE t 95 WD[ ------and enables the Iraqi and pesh and Iraqi the enables and general said. the ahead,” lies that side the west on fight the for blessings wish them good luck and Allah’s and achievement this on forces security Iraqi the in comrades our congratulating in me join numbered inIraq.” are ISIL’sdays that confidence every have I and force fighting formidable and a both professional are they proven have [Iraqis] the “But said. he side,” be even tougher than the eastern to likely is Mosul western for fight the and Iraq, from nated before ISIL is completely elimi attainable.” are security and stability,peace in and fighting of years after that Iraq of people the to hope real gives enemy, common a on focus and aside differences their put to ability their in but militarily, only not 2014, since see how far the Iraqis have come world,” Townsend said. “And to the in army any for task ficult of ISIL inIraqandSyria. defeat military the with tasked The coalition trains, equips equips trains, coalition The “The warriors of the coalition “There is still a long way to go dif a been have would “This o SXUFKDVH&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHURUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRWEHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXV 6\QWKHWLF9 9DGGLWLRQDO7R\RWDV+\XQGDLVRU6XEDUXVRQO\3OHDVHSUHVHQWFRXSRQDWWLPHRI 3150 Natio oil A THOROUGHLY MODERNWAY TOKEEPUPWITHYOUR COMMUNITY N A THOROUGHLY MODERNWAY TOKEEPUPWITHYOUR COMMUNITY GET THELATEST NEWS,PHOTOSANDADVERTISING SPECIALS. o www.frankhyundai.com 866.542.8238 SXUFKDVHV3OHDVHSUHVHQWFRXSRQDWWLPHRIZULWHXS ‡ ‡7RSRIIXQGHUWKHKRRGIOXLGV ‡5HSODFHHQJLQHRLO XSWRTWVFRQYHQWLRQDORLO ‡,QVWDOO*HQXLQH7R\RWD+\XQGDLRU6XEDUXRLOILOWHU ‡ ‡ ‡ $ Military Special Special Military &F FREE FREE FREE FREE R R THROUGH THEARMEDFORCESDISPATCH. 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ARMED FORCES o ilt Armed Forces DispatchNewspaper Armed Forces DispatchNewspaper UR M UR WD[ 95 - - - - ER N al city blvd.al city major population centers such such centers and population major people million more two than liberated and their military rebuilt Iraqis the equip ment, and training coalition ground. the on partners its of support in targets ISIL on strikes 17,000 fighters and launched more than Iraqi 50,000 than more trained has coalition the 2014, October in operations of start the Since strikes. air and artillery gence, intelli teams, assist and vise ad with forces security merga improvised explosive devices.ArmyphotobySpc.ChristopherBrecht were learning from coalition personnel how to search personnel and vehicles for Iraqi forces soldiers wait to begin training at Camp Taji, Iraq Jan. 22. The soldiers

Over the past two years, with years, two past the Over c  H  $ W o 2IIHUH[SLUHV ilita X 34 nly a a   95 S NGE  Armed Forces DispatchNewspaper


ARMED FORCES b DISPATCH Armed Forces DispatchNewspaper R ARMED FORCES Armed Forces DispatchNewspaper a N KE SPE al city blvd.al city officials said. of Iraq’s second liberation largest city, Mosul, complete the to %UDNH3DGV  +DUGZDUH  5HVXUIDFH5RWRUV  cial    5HSODFH)URQW ,QVSHFW%UDNH ,QVSHFWDQG THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 3 ------Dunford said he hopes that as that hopes he said Dunford Americans over because “It’s This is the third deployment “We’re absolutely ready to “In addition to the local Navy a infrastructure, tremen there’s dous amount of support that’s required to get this done; a Defense) lot of (Department DoD of civilians and other entities, and support fabulous gotten have we from them.” branch of our government or the or government our of branch executive - making decisionsbest what’s by informed are that for American the people. Some people have lost sight of that.” the camera shows the members inauguration the at society the of and that the American people realize the peaceful transition of power “didn’t accident.” happen by of kind the made have years the sacrifices necessary” to main tain those rights and values, he added. port operations to humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. Nimitz-class, last Navy’s the for carrier, aircraft nuclear-powered combat- became recently which ready after the successful com Train Unit Composite of pletion ing Exercise (COMPTUEX). Pennington, Will Capt. said go,” commanding CVN officer. 77’s ------(619) 280-2985 E-mail: [email protected] PO Box 600600, , CA 92160 Published by Western States Weeklies, Inc. Publisher...... Sarah Hagerty Armed Forces Dispatch The Dispatch is published weekly on Thursdays, ern States by Weeklies, West Inc., as a commercial, free-enterprise newspaper. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the the with associated way no in is and Navy the of Department Department of the Navy. The editorial objective of the Dis patch, however, is to promote support for a strong military presence. The opinions and views of writers whose materials publishers. the not and writers the of those are herein appear Appearance of advertising does not constitute endorsement by the Dispatch or Western States Weeklies, Inc. Consumers should make informed decisions when purchasing products and services, and when considering business opportunities, per $65 is mail by Subscription investing. before research and year to CONUS or FPO address. GHWB spent the last five “There are those in this coun this in those are “There GHWBCSG includes em months conducting intensivetraining and certification exer cohesive safe, a establish to cises perform of capable organization ing a wide variety of missions across the globe, ranging from counter-piracy and ground sup Army Command Sgt. Maj. John W. Troxell, Army senior Command en Troxell, Sgt. Maj. John W. listed advisor to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of and Staff, Medal of Honor recipient Florent Groberg, Founda Honor of Medal the during photo a for pose 27. Dec. Bowl Military 2016 the to prior reception tion DoD photo by Army Sgt. James K. McCann every at guests honored are they the on sit will They inauguration. dais on the steps of the Capitol tomorrow as President-electDonald J. takes Trump the oath of That office. the men who re award highest America’s ceived for valor will be there pleases the chairman. try who have forgotten tomorrow is all about,” he said. what country. our about is “Tomorrow resilience the about is Tomorrow tomor What institutions. our of row is about is for theout looking those American and people legislative the in whether - them Whitesell, commander, CSG 2. ready we’re and trained “We’ve to operate and fight decisively, and we embody the core attri butes of the Navy of integrity, accountability, initiative, and toughness. We are ready, and I am proud to lead this force.” barked squadrons Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 8 and Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 22. ------I am confident you will do Working with allied and part Working “The flexibility of our mari Every action we take will be Politics was not mentioned the be, should it as is that And The Congressional Medal Mirroring that peaceful turn Carrier Strike Group departs for third deployment deployment third for departs Group Strike Carrier friends, we will work with the State Department to strengthen our alliances. Further, we aredevoted to gaining spent dollar full taxpayer every from value ondefense, thereby earning the Ameri the and Congress of trust can people. do I’ll you to pledge I part. your my best as your Secretary. supporting maritime waters international in security operations around the world. GHWBCSG forces, maritime ner mari on heavily focus will units the and operations security time ater security cooperation efforts which help establish conditions for regional security. time force is second to none,” said Rear Adm. Kenneth R. mon good; an America that is defend about complacent never America an and freedoms; its ing that remains a steady beacon of hope for all mankind. designed to ensure our military is ready to fight today and the in future. Recognizingno nationthat is secure without incoming Cabinet officials par ticipated, the chairman told the audience. all “We sat in a room we and hours, three about for … talked about all the situations the new administration couldconfront in the first 90 to 120 days,” He said. at the exercise, the noted. chairman“Not for one second did we talk about personal agendas. Not for one second did we talk about anything other than ‘This is best what’s for the country,’” com was team old “The said. he team new the sure make to mitted know to needed they what knew get can country our sure make to to 90 first the in crisis a through 120 days.” general said. of Honor Society is madeMedal of Honor up recipients, and with the incoming president,and there will be turnover.” a peaceful over was an exercise last week and in which all of the outgoing ------George H.W. George H.W. George H.W. ASHINGTON - The chairman of the Joint by Jim Garamone Carrier Strike Group (GH Group Strike Carrier (CVN 77), and its nearly Together with the Intelligence Intelligence the with Together NORFOLK - The strike group, led by air The deployment is part of an im Almost - WASHINGTON Here is the text of the secre It’s good to be back and I’m Marine Corps Gen. Joe Dun chal state the at look you “If The will of the people is not W grateful to serve alongside you as Secretary of Defense. sentinels the are we Community We nation. our of guardians and need only look to you, the uni of members civilian and formed the Department and your fami unity fundamental the see to lies, an represent You country. our of com the to committed America Bush Bush WBCSG) departed for its third deployment, Jan. 21. craft carrier USS Bush 6,000 Sailors will conduct op erations in the U.S. 5th Navy’s and 6th Fleet areas of respon sibility. ongoing rotation of U.S. forces Mattis issues message to nation’s ‘sentinels and guardians’ Jan. office taking after mediately 20, Defense Secretary James Mattis issued a message to the Defense the of women and men Department. message: tary’s cessor, as an example of why the the why of example an as cessor, the in power of transfer peaceful taken be shouldn’t States United for granted. ford told the members of theCongressional Medal of Honor Society Jan. 23 that the events in West Africa show how rare democracy really is. America’s Russia, - identify we that lenges China, Iran, North Korea - not one of those countries have enjoyswill we that experience the Dunford said. tomorrow,” lead the and DNA, their of part ers of these countries stay office in sometimes for decades. “I really believe, despite all the there, out that’s rhetoric political that tomorrow is an extraordi nary experience for a coupleof reasons,” he said. “First the there be will president outgoing George H.W. Bush Inauguration day about day Inauguration of American resilience says Dunford institutions, situation the used Staff of Chiefs serving a where Gambia, The in president refused to givepower to his freely elected suc up ------

Navy photo by Petty Of Adm. Craig S. Faller will be assigned as military assistant to senior De fense Secretary James Mattis, according to Defense a release Jan. Department 23. Faller is currently serving chief as of legislative fairs for the Secretary of af the Navy here. WASHINGTON WASHINGTON - Rear Faller to serve as Faller senior SECDEF’s military assistant by Jim Garamone National Military National aller assumed duty as chief of legislative affairs in affairs legislative of chief as duty assumed aller “Through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty loyalty our rediscover will we country, our to loyalty our “Through The preeminence of the is “at the bedrock” of the Trump Trump the of bedrock” the “at is States United the of preeminence The The website also says Trump “will end the defense sequester and sequester end “will the defense Trump also says The website The new White House website does address some of the president’s president’s the of some address does website House White new The U.S. AlliancesTrump vowed to reinforce old alliances and form new new form and alliances old reinforce to vowed AlliancesTrump U.S. Trump said the United States “will seek friendship and goodwill with with goodwill and friendship seek “will States United the said Trump Trump said that every decision that he makes as president will be will president as makes he that decision every that said Trump Thousands of U.S. military members from all service branches are branches service all from members military of U.S. Thousands Trump added, “We will face challenges. We will confront hardships. hardships. confront will We challenges. face will “We added, Trump “We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort effort national great a in joined now are America, of citizens the “We, WASHINGTON - America’s military has a new commander in chief chief in commander new a has military America’s - WASHINGTON graduate School in 1990. Blachly ficer 1st Class Christopher D. and a native of Fryburg, Penn., Faller earned his Bachelor of Science degree in systems engineer ing. He earned his master’s in National Affairs Security (Strategic Planning) from the Naval Post pal liaison between members of Congress and the previously He leadership. Navy the of Department served as U.S. Central Command’s director of op erations. A 1983 graduate of the Naval Academy F princi the as serves he position, that In 2014. June to each other,” he said. “When you open your heart to patriotism, there there patriotism, to heart your open you “When said. he other,” each to prejudice.” for room no is administration, the president said in his address. his in said president the administration, submit a new budget to Congress outlining a plan to rebuild our military. military. our rebuild to future plan our a for outlining plan to Congress to means the budget with new a leaders submit military our provide will We needs.” defense for future military capabilities and to bring readiness to where it needs needs it where to readiness bring to and capabilities military future for be. to military priorities. It says the United States cannot allow any nation to to nation any allow cannot States United the says It resources required priorities. the military provide to vowed and might, military its surpass ones. He also said he would strive to “unite the civilized world against against world civilized the “unite to strive would he the said from also He completely ones. eradicate will we which terrorism, Islamic radical Earth.” the of face the right of all nations to put their own interests first. We do not seek to to seek not do We first. example an interests as own shine their put it to let nations to all of rather right but the anyone, on life of way our impose follow.” to everyone for said. is it that understanding the with so do we but - world the of nations the made with America’s interests having the highest “Every priority. will affairs, foreign on immigration, on taxes, on trade, on decision be made to American benefit workers American and families,” he the salute gun platoon and escorts for all the dignitaries on the dais on on dais the on dignitaries the all for escorts and platoon gun salute the Capitol. U.S. the of front west the But we will get the job done.” job the get will we But bands, include participants Military events. in inaugural participating “Together, we will determine the course of America and the world for for world the and America of course the determine will we “Together, come.” to years to rebuild our country and to restore its promise for all of our people,” people,” our of all for promise its Roberts. John restore to and Justice country our Chief rebuild from to oath the taking after said president the as Donald J. Trump took the oath of office Jan. 20 as the 45th president president 45th the as 20 Jan. office of oath the took Trump J. Donald as States. United the of Trump vows to put American Trump vows to put American decisions interests first in all 2016. Include all information requested below in online entries. online in below requested information all Include 2016. entry per family. Must show ID upon pickup. Entries may also be Entries must be in our office by Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2016. One Newspaper/Bayfair 2016, P.O. Box 600600, San Diego, CA 92160. THUNDER BOAT BOAT THUNDER ______Fill out the entry form below and send it to us at: Dispatch ______Deadline isWednesday, Sept.14,2016,atnoon. Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper/Bayfair 2016 Please answerallquestionstobeeligible. [email protected] (which you member Forces listen base): to to?______ be Dispatch a Subj: Bayfair

4 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 “Some Navy leaders are already writes. Richardson advantage,” leadership is our Navy’s decisive “World-class learning, guided self- and training, on-the-job schools, formal through is two and character. competence warfighting two lanes, down development should their leaders Navy mance. perfor ever” “best of pursuit relentless the - drive is leader a most important characteristic of focus ofourNavy.” leaders will remain the principal than our adversaries. Developing rapidly more learn and clearly that our leaders must such think more is “The environment strategic said. Richardson John Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. essential to the Navy’s success,” cellence andstrongcharacter. ers to show both operational ex how the Navy will develop lead outlines framework page 10 the and Superiority,” Maritime ing effort in “A Design for Maintain key objective of the gold line of a leadership developmentis ing Jan. 25. Framework Development ship Leader the released CNO of Leadership DevelopmentFrameworkreleased entries. Winnersnotifiedbytelephone. online in below requested information all Include Globetrotters. to e-mail via submitted be also may Entries pickup. upon ID show Must family. per entry One 2017. 1, Feb. Wed., by office our in be must Entries 92160. Newspaper/Harlem Globetrotters, P.O. Box 600600, San Diego, CA Rules: “Leaders have always been been always have “Leaders broaden and Strengthening WASHINGTON - The Office The best way to develop these the explains framework The What    ______ phone address name city, The Retired Military Active Civilian Fill out the entry form below and send it to us at: Dispatch at: us to it send and below form entry the out Fill Friday, Feb. 10&17•7p.m. state, WINNER! ______Globetrotters Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper/Harlem Globetrotters ______radio ______Enter towinafamily4-packsee Valley View CasinoCenter duty Armed military zip wants spouse/family Please answerallquestionstobeeligible. station ______Wednesday, Feb. 1,2017,atnoon. Harlem military do [email protected], you you (which Forces member ------listen to directly reflect CNO Adm. Adm. CNO reflect directly to Head LeadershipCourse. Department former Navy’s replace the to designed is (ILC) Intermediate Leadership Course the (NLEC), Center Ethics and Leadership Naval the and ment Depart (COSL) Leadership Strategic and Operational of College (NWC) WarCollege’s Naval U.S. by effort joint a as Course officiallyunderway Navy’s IntermediateLeadership Navy’sour advantage. decisive focus. World-class leadership is come world-class with the right world-class; many more can be development, and decision decision making. and development, in ethics, self-awareness, leader by growth professional promoting responsibility similar of community milestone positions to department head positions or ate-level naval officers heading intermedi prepare to designed educating leaders. The course is of mission NWC’s support as well as Supremacy,” Maintaining Maritime for Design “A CNO’sthe in found (LOE) fort Richardson’sEf John of Lines base): to The course was developed developed was course The NEWPORT, R.I. - Developed The initial feedback from from feedback initial The to?______ by MC2JessLewis be Dispatch a Subj: Harlem Subj: - - - - a clearer leadership development more robust a course to for ensure there need was a saw which all the various Navy committees) Council (membership represents Continuum Development ship Leader Developed CNO’s the and strengthening theNavyteam. development leader on focused is which LOE gold the the CNO’s priorities - especially the positive difference to support it had the right changes to make ensure to students on out it test to but course, the develop only not to time the took COSL and to develop the ILC course, NLEC about thetopic.” thinking all us got class from the ethics discussion and reading the conscience of the Navy; and whether or not the JAG Corps is about class after debate good a Weabout. had think to relevant and found the course useful and training ethics straight enough lege and law school, I never got col “In student. (JAG) General Judge Advocate and participant said Alexander Homme, an ILC positive. was students of class first the the right focus.” with world-class can become more many world-class; already are leaders Navy Some professional development.” and a sense of ownership in their leaders within their organization, a renewed sense of with purpose as key course this from away they growthemselves. until teams their grow to expect cannot leaders command These them. stretch to order in studies case and discussion rich cilitate fa reflection, through students the challenge we importantly, “More officer,NLEC. manding com Mantz, Peter Capt. said organization,” an of culture the middle,’ which is so important to ‘critical the or ranks, mid-level continuum. 10% MILITARY DISCOUNT MILITARY 10% The course was spawned from After taking more than a year discussion,” ethics “Great Student-led discussions are are discussions Student-led walk they that is hope “Our the for targeted is ILC “The ORA E AG R TO S www.STORAGEWEST.com 877-917-7990 F L E S - - - - Future SiouxCity leadership style.” is the best way to learn your own and leadership types, and I opinions think that different many consider to forced was I tions. colleagues through the conversa feel like I learned a lot about my enjoyed the conversations, and I really “I student. JAG and pant partici ILC an Staring, Nicole course’s greatest strengths,” said the were conversations general fleet. the in face leaders intermediate dilemmas ethical resolving and of learning about self-awareness importance the on commented students several as confirmed JAG and student. participant ILC an Para, Kathryn said dilemmas,” ethical and leadership philosophies behind the like things over group small the in had we and cons. discuss with each other the pros share their to experiences and then leaders selected for allows which ILC with used largely Final.pdf. at found www.navy.mil/cno/docs/NLDF_ be can Framework this year. pected ex to be commissioned is later ship the but ceremony, community andindustry. of the balance it struck between because League Civic the National by City All-American an military. Sioux City was termed port of, and contributions to, the sup their for Iowa of state the and City Sioux of citizens ing hard-work patriotic, the honor to named was class, LCS the of USS SiouxCity(LCS11). commissioning site for the future Annapolis, Md., will serve as the an of city the that 19 Mabus Jan. nounced Ray Navy the of commissioned “Ethics, leadership, and the the and leadership, “Ethics, was course the for need The conversations the enjoyed “I The Leadership Development No date has been set for the for set been has date No Sioux City, a Freedom variant Secretary - WASHINGTON

------to paygradeseaman recruitandconfinementfor 90 days. Dec. 01, 2016, the military judge sentenced him to reduction in rank trolled substance, and one specification of obstruction of justice. On con a of distribution and use wrongful both of specifications three duty, of dereliction of specification one offenses, report to failure agreement to conspiracy pretrial to commit an offense, a six specifications of to pursuant guilty pled Jr. Baltierra J. Michael prentice paygrade seamanrecruitandconfinement for4years. to be discharged with a Bad Conduct Discharge, reduction in rank to phy and adultery. On Dec. 8, 2016, the military judge sentenced him agreement to one specification each of possession of child pretrial pornograa to pursuant guilty pled Strifler M. Christopher Class 3rd 15 months. for confinement and recruit seaman Discharge, paygrade to Conduct rank in reduction Bad a with discharged be to him sentenced judge military the 2016, 14, Dec. On threat. a communicating of ment to two specifications of aggravated assault agree andpretrial a to onepursuant guilty Williamspled L. Cliffordspecification Class Bad ConductDischarge. a with discharged be to him sentenced judge military the 2016, 8, Dec. On drugs. of distribution wrongful and use, wrongful tribute, dis to intent with possession wrongful of each specification one to agreement pretrial a to pursuant guilty pled Chavez Alexandro rank topaygradeseamanrecruitand6monthsconfinement. in reduction months, 6 for month per $1,044 forfeit to Discharge, the military judge sentenced him to be discharged with2016, 8, Dec. On justice. of obstruction and contact sexual abusive a Bad Conduct specifications of false official statement and one specification each of Kevin J. Whitney pled guilty pursuant to a pretrial agreement to three reduction inranktopaygradeE-1,andconfinementfor36months. judge sentenced him to be discharged with a Bad Conduct Discharge, battery.a by consummated assault of military the 2016, 1, Dec. On specifications four and harassment sexual of specifications three Carlos M. Villalobos pled guilty pursuant to a pretrial agreement to viewed onpage12. be can which Southwest, Region Navy excluding tried, were they which in Region Navy the by listed are cases 2016. The December and General Courts-Martial tried and completed within the Navy in for December2016 Special andGeneralCourts-Martial boats fleeingfromEastMosul Coalition strikesdestroyISIL to flee. fighters ISIL for difficult it clearing making said, of they operations, week past the Tigris the across bridges five all of bank Eastern the cured East Mosul, officials said. of portions remaining the clear to continued they as escape the Iraqi security forces to attempt an in Mosul West to Mosul East from river the fighters and equipment across Levant the and Iraq of State Islamic ferry to used being Jan. 21. reported officials Command Central U.S. Iraq, River Mosul, in Tigris the on barges struck 90 watercraft and three began Jan. 18, coalition forces that operations of days three * At a Special Court-Martial in Bremerton, Wash.,Ap Seaman Bremerton, in Court-Martial Special a At * Special Court-Martial * Bremerton, in Wash.,Court-Martial General a At OfficerPetty General Court-Martial Navy RegionNorthwest * OfficerPetty Fla., 2nd Mayport, in Court-Martial General a At General Courts-Martial Navy RegionSoutheast Class 3rd Officer Petty Norfolk, in Court-Martial Special a * At Class Officer2nd Petty Norfolk, in Court-Martial * Special a At Special Court-Martial * At a General Court-Martial in Norfolk, Senior Chief PettyGeneral Court-Martial Officer Navy RegionMid-Atlantic . Special of results the reports following The - WASHINGTON “We believe this was a des se forces security Iraqi Many of the watercraft were In - ASIA SOUTHWEST

- - Mosul beganOct.17. of easternMosul.” military complete the clearance launching airstrikes while Iraqi by ISIL of defeat supporting military the is how coalition of the example is more “This one Resolve. Inherent Operation Force Task Joint rian, spokesman for Combined in Mosul,” said Col. John Dor bridge every of bank eastern the the own forces security that Iraqi now fighters ISIL retrograde to attempt perate The operation to liberate liberate to operation The ------THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 5 - - -

http:// https://

Julian Ramona El Cajon County Library County Library 201 E. Douglas http://www.hiv.va.gov/pa Thurs. (by appt. only) 4th Wed. monthly, 9:30 a.m.- 3 p.m. monthly, 4th Wed. For more information about Information about Ohl’s For a thorough list and their Phone: (760) 765-0370 Phone: (619) 588-3718 Phone: (760) 788-5270 2nd & 4th Mon. monthly We’ve We’ve Got It You name it, name You VA’s work VA’s in HIV and AIDS, visit tient/index.asp. study may be found at www.hsrd.research.va.gov/re search/abstracts.cfm?Project_ ID=2141702405. credited college or university in the U.S. eligibility criteria, the by as offered scholarships well other as Auxiliary of the and FRA other affiliated entities go to www.fra.org/fra/Web/Web/Con tent/FRA_Scholarships.aspx. - - - - -  Mission Valley Mission Valley https://www.calvet.ca.gov/VetServices/Pages/CVSO-Locations.aspx. M-F: 8 a.m - 4 p.m. M-F: Fri., 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Fri., 8898 Rio San Diego, 8450 La Mesa Blvd. Oceanside VA Clinic Oceanside VA La Mesa Adult Center 0LVVLRQ*RUJH5G‡6DQWHH‡ Phone: (858) 694-3222 Phone: (858) 527-5822 Phone: (760) 643-2049 Thurs. & Fri. appointments only Thurs. & Fri. 1300 Rancho Del Oro Dr, 1300 Rancho Del Oro Dr, Through interviews with the Keep in mind that recipients veterans, Ohl and his team are finding that most of those of fered telehealth are choosing to VA option. the of advantage take spe telehealth 50 to close offers 2016, year fiscal During cialties. more than 700,000mil 2 approximately completed Veterans lion telehealth appointments. ent or great-grandparent. FRA their standing, good in members grandchildren children, spouses, and great-grandchildren are eli gible for a wider range of FRA Member Scholarships. must be U.S. citizens, and be full-time students at an ac - - - San Diego County Veterans Service Offices San Diego County Veterans Fallbrook Fallbrook Escondido Santee, CA 92071 619-749-0742 •• Covers Bed Used Truck and New 180 Otay Lakes Rd. M-F: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. M-F: Chula Vista (Bonita) Chula Vista 649 W. Mission Ave, Mission Ave, 649 W. M-F: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. M-F: 10460 Mission Gorge Rd 135 S Mission Road, MILITARY DISCOUNT MILITARY 2nd Fri. & 4th Wed. monthly & 4th Wed. 2nd Fri. D Phone(760) 723-7570 Phone: (877) 618-6534 www.socaltruck.net Phone: (760) 740-5572 Camper Shells Camper •Steps Side •Liner Bed •Kits Carpet •hitches Tow • Mufflers • Get $25.00 off $300 or more with this ad •Racks Trucks •Boxes Tool •Tanks Fuel Apply for these scholarships if if scholarships these for Apply For a complete list of SD County offices, go to For than $100,000 each year to re need, financial on based cipients, academic standing, character, and leadership qualities. Navy, the with affiliated are you Marine Corps or Coast that Guard or service own your through grandpar parent, spouse, your of San Antonio, Houston,las and Atlanta, Dal each of which has hospital a with VA an HIV specialty clinic. Veterans withprimary a to closer live who HIV care clinic or CBOC than to a at have who and clinic specialty of one to drive 90-minute a least the offered being are cities these telehealth option. - - - - ZLWKRXUUHSDLU 

armed forces

armed forces Family owned & ispatch 6H+DEOD(VSDQRO operated since 1991  ispatch 2IIHUH[SLUHV 781(83 just a desire to serve those that serve. $ /DERU2QO\3DUWV([WUD Call Jay Lott at 619-230-0301 or email him at TRANSMISSION [email protected] for more information. Non-active duty personnel are invited to join the Navy League. No military service required, FLEET RESERVE ASSO It sponsors a generous schol The Telehealth Collabora CIATION CIATION - FRA believes that educating service veteransmembers, and their families importantis for their futures,country. our of as future the as well Foundation Education FRA The was established to support the needs of individuals pursuing higher education. arship program that helps de serving students reacheducational their and up of awards professional presenting by goals pursuing individuals to $5,000 to college and graduate degrees. The Foundation presents more 23 minutes on average for urban for average on minutes 23 veterans. Rural veterans were also less likely than their urban counterparts to use specialtycare. tive which Care involves study, approximately 800 veterans,is focusing on rural areas near deadline scholarship Fleet Reserve Education Foundation Association ‡)5((/HDN,QVSHFWLRQ ‡)5((3URIHVVLRQDO(VWLPDWHV ‡)5((&RPSXWHU'LDJQRVWLF ‡([WHQGHG:DUUDQW\$FFHSWHG D

- - - - /DERU CLUTCH REPAIR SPECIALISTS  REPLACEMENT DIFFERENTIAL $ DQGRQDOOWUXFNV)OXLGH[WUD2IIHUH[SLUHV The coordinated process lifts HIV pharmacists, psycholo can also Vets meet with their Ohl’s study explores rural 6RPH5:'VPDOOFDUV&DOOIRUVSHFLDOVRQLPSRUWV5:' a major travel burden off rural vets. In 2010, rural vets HIVwith were an averageminutes by car from the closest of 86 infectious disease clinic versus gists, and nurse-care managers may also be included in eoconferences.vid A nurse onsite outpatient the at veteran the with if treatment administer can clinic prescribed by the specialist. primary care physician onsite. The primary care clinicspecialty care and clinic can then communicate to determine how Veteran’s the co-manage to best care. advances in HIV treatment, and treatment, HIV in advances have lower survival rates. We want to change that.” video using in interest Veterans’ com telehealth at VA close-by, munity-based outpatient clin ics, (CBOCs) to maintain their ongoing care. CBOCsas satellite clinics serve for large VA medical centers. Veterans can telecommunicate, via video at CBOCs, with an HIV specialist facility. at the larger less likely to receive the latest 

- - - - - 6 • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 24, SEPTEMBER THURSDAY, • www.armedforcesdispatch.com • 6 TRANSMISSION


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Veterans News News Veterans “Veterans should have easy HIV is a chronic condition that that condition chronic a is HIV Telehealth Collaborative Care Care Collaborative Telehealth WASHINGTON – Dr. Mi VA Disability Claim Disability Denied? VA Veterans with HIV enter care with more advanced illness, are an infectious disease specialist. “We know that comparedtheir urbanto counterparts, rural access to testing HIV and state- of-the-art HIV care regardless of where they live,” said Ohl, veterans have limited toaccess high-quality, HIV specialty clinics. a potentially life-threatening dis life-threatening potentially a Approximately 18 percent ease. care VA under vets 26,000 the of These areas. rural in live HIV for quality treatment. The illness at illness The treatment. quality system immune body’s the tacks immune acquired cause can and deficiency syndrome, or AIDS, can result in serious outcomes for patients lacking access to uses videoconferencing to con nect with rural human Veterans immunodeficiency virus (HIV) specialists. VA with live far from specialty clinics. live far from specialty Health Care System is creating a model titled Telehealth Col laborative Care to improve the who veterans for care of quality chael Ohl of the Department of Iowa Affairs’ City VA Veterans Telehealth optionrural connects vets with HIV specialists VA researcher working to improve HIV care for rural veterans for HIV care to improve working researcher VA 6 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 CDE programs, these In courses are Operations. Maritime Joint and Making, Decision Security Theater War, and Strategy are the NWCexperience.” I Phase (JPME-I) requirement, and Education share Military Professional Joint the fulfill education, people togetthis for greatly expands the opportunity CDE Newport. in seats of ber num finite very a and students qualified many so are “There Garrold, deputy director of CDE. tend in residence,” said Timothy at and NWC the to come cally world over. the excellence encourage and leaders develop helping the globe, around students to cation edu superlative NWC’s vide ian studentsworldwide. than 145,000 military and civil more graduating education, of century a than more celebrated has Island, Rhode Newport, in WarNaval College U.S. at tion Educa Distance of College the Distance isnoobstacletogainingaNavalWar Collegediploma Career &Education The three main CDE courses CDE main three The physi can everybody “Not pro to CDE of goal the is It Since its pilot course in 1914, 

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EARN A CERTIFICATE LQRXUUHDOZRUOGKDQGVRQ Consolidated Lenders Call $FW1RZ*HW6WDUWHG 619-635-0355 - - - - - OR GETCASH Gino 760-535-8880 2I¿FH Norfolk as the Navy’s only at Fleet in Command Forces works Fleet U.S now She Norfolk. and Washington, Bremerton, both in Program Seminar the Fleet in participated Councilor agreed. graduate, CDE recent a option forme.” advice. CDE is a very beneficial get better at providing command to job your doing site, on be to cially in the legal field, you need education,” Gaston said. “Espe my better still and lawyer a as but CDE allows me to do my job program. resident NWC’s through ing go of instead CDE in enroll to being in the area, Gaston decided Fleet Seminar Program. Despite port, Rhode Island, opted for the New in School Justice Naval the at stationed officer Corps Distance-Education.aspx/. nwc.edu/Academics/College-of- http://us at website NWC the on found be can program CDE each for Applications review. and submitting an application for students can enroll by filling out Lt. Cmdr. Leslie Councilor, Councilor, Leslie Cmdr. Lt. great, is course resident “The Marine a ToddCapt. Gaston,


5 ND - - - - complete jerks at work and end and work at jerks complete like act managers and workers Edge: Play the‘long’gameatwork Interpersonal my NWCexperience.” ter Sailor and naval officer from cannot be overstated; I am a bet gained I care knowledge The needs. health proper their with demographic that assist can I said. “Now, as a medical professional, Councilor worldwide,” interests U.S. of governess and protection maritime of poses enterprise accomplishes its pur Navy the how of derstanding military andcivilianpeers. the positions and experiences from of her learning constantly from fall 2013 until spring 2016, medical work. Councilor studied her in her assist would standing under better a knowing whole, a as Navy the about more learn to desire a had Councilor cine, Medical Laboratoryscientist. seven days of the week, approximately 40 hours per week. For more job information and to the of any work for available be must Applicants required. is license driver California valid and driving good A duties. maintenance and construction other in assist to expected be will ardous chemicals. Selected candidate will work mostly in the area of their specific craft, but position will require working outdoors, heavy lifting (approx 50 lbs) and working with haz daily logs. Level 1 ALSO certification is preferred. SCUBA certification highly desirable. This maintaining and systems filtration water current upgrading systems, support life animal aquatic operating include Duties years. 3 least at be would experience sary.of example An neces is systems mechanical of maintenance and repair in experience and chemistry water General systems. control temperature and equipment water generation ozone systems, animal filtration aquatic of operation the in experience with applicant qualified a Seeking . wth oe f y co my of some watch I Q. Seminar Fleet the Though un better a have now “I Being a leader in Navy Medi Mission BayMontessori Academy apply: www.sandiegozoo.org/jobs. Deadlinetoapply:Monday, February6,2017. School Directory by Dr. DaneenSkube & take inyour thenext step career? 8QLYHUVLW\&LW\/D-ROOD$UHD‡ Are you toleverageAre ready your BSN Applications mustbesubmittedonlineby9:30pmPacific Time.AA/EOE SENIOR CONSTRUCTION&MAINTENANCEWORKER Scripps Ranch/MiraMesa ARea nursing.usa.edu/msnprogram Earn anMSNfromUSAHS! AQUATIC ANIMALLIFESUPPORT www.mbmacademy.com Specialists inworkingwithGifted,Profoundly Rediscover Learning! theJoy of Preschool -6thGrade & Doubly-LabeledStudents.Placementbasedon ability, notage.Standards-based Academics, /LF Foreign Language, Art, Music,Karate 858.564.9622 ------3UH.WRWKJUDGH do you really need to turn into turn to need really you do but last, finish guys good about line old there’sthe know I ies. good amazing some with up embedded include have to evolved programs ROM-based CD and web-enabled the Both to better the learning experience. out how technology can be used the CDE staff do research to find on programmers and designers, interacting.” and multi-tasking challenged, satisfied with that. be They’re used to being to going not are age and day this in “Students Garrold. said doorstep,” your on arrived of that test a and books box a was program cation as possible. engaging as are programs ROM-based CD and web- the CDE have worked to make sure students, the faculty and staff in the experience of resident NWC Program most closely resembles Educational specialists, web web specialists, Educational “Originally, our distance edu RVAschool.org - - - - isn’t nice-it’s foolish. favor the return might someone someday hoping and smile a with helpful being office your give you something. Trotting around when something get you work/life balance and make sure on limits solid set to you want offering benefits to others. I also ating hard for what you want by negoti about all is column My doormat. a like act you means anyone else? to nicer any be you then would why want, you what you ing giv into someone scare to just hell in yourself keep to willing their impactonothers. of awareness any prevents state toxic chronic this because thy empa have don’t They people. other damaging constantly tify jus to state hellish a in remain to have They blame. and rage of globe snow a in live to have they that is want they what get for those who run others over to will getevenwithyou. they and memories, long have to shut you up. However, people the in and short-term will often you give in just of scared be will People bad: outrageously your bestinterests. in not is being human horrible a being then definition, your of getting long-term results are part enjoying your own company and “get ahead.” If sleeping at night, of definition your contemplate ahead? get to being human horrible a and JPME-I credit. diploma, NWC a credit, gram requirements earn graduate pro the complete who students Otherwise, Studies. Strategic and Defense in Degree Arts of Master NWC the for eligible are Program Seminar Fleet the via coursework students complete who only program, any through and sequence any in completed be may Though courses the careers. future for their them prepare extensively that exams and opportunities, learning active writing, essay in graduate-level research, participate reading, students CDE questions. at the NWC directly if they have professors contact to couraged to en also are Students addition readings. in presentations multimedia other and videos I am not advocating that “nice” are you If this: Contemplate The other serious consequence acting with deal the Here’s to need do you but No, A. program, the of Regardless SEE Work, page7 ------THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 7 . Trip open to to open Trip . . Trip open to enlisted to open enlisted . Trip . Trip open to enlisted active duty duty active enlisted to open Trip . Event open to enlisted active duty duty active enlisted to open Event Trip open to enlisted active duty and and duty active enlisted to open Trip LIBERTY SPORTS & FITNESS & SPORTS . Trip open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. 18+. guest, a and duty active enlisted to open Trip . Trip open to enlisted active duty and a guest, 18+. 18+. guest, a and duty active enlisted to open Trip An MWR massage is the perfect addition to your your to addition perfect the is massage MWR An Thursday, Jan. 26 6 pm FREE Tap into southern culture with with culture southern into Tap FREE pm 6 26 Jan. Thursday, and gear. and Hockey Gulls Diego San 619-553-9138 or 619-524-6587 Liberty: NBPL 18+. guest, a close up team AHL our Watch $13 • pm 6 • 4 Feb. Saturday, up Sign and ticket. transportation includes Cost and personal. 2/2. by Thursday, Market Thursday 619-524-6587 Park NBPL: North Hall, Liberty 18+. while guest, Park a North of and streets the Stroll FREE. • pm 4:45 • 9 Feb. and food local through browsing and music to LIVE listening 2/8. by up Sign vendors. craft Two Chapter Wick John Trip: Movie Cost Center, $13.50. Liberty Martin pm. 5 VADM 18+. • a guest, and 9 duty active Feb. Thursday, 619-545-3331. NASNI: popcorn. and admission transportation, includes fun, of 1 • Trip day 11 Feb. full Paintball a for Saturday, field 619-556-5078. local NBSD: our to RECYARD, The head we as us Join $57. now! • up Sign pm limited. is Space battles. paintball and sun Mystery Murder Village Seaport Dunnit? Who

Robinson Recreation Center, NBSD, and Sea ‘N Air Lanes, NASNI. NASNI. Lanes, Air ‘N Sea and NBSD, Center, Recreation Robinson 619-545-7240. or 619-556-7486 call information more For Festival Boil 619-545- Lowcountry NASNI: Southern Center, Liberty Martin VADM 18+. guest, a and more! much 3331 and grits boil, seafood like classics savory Trip Snow Bear Big Jan. 28 • 7 in Saturday, am • play or 619-556-5078 NBSD: ski The RECYARD, Snowboard, slopes! best Cal’s So of some out Check transportation $15 includes Cost today! up Sign limited. is Space snow. the participate and riddles 619-437-3190. NAB: decipher Q-Zone, 18+. codes, a guest, and duty active $25.Crack enlisted pm 3 11 Feb. your Saturday, complete successfully to style) hunt (scavenger challenges case! crazy in the solve to you on counting are We mission. It! appointment Worth an are for You Call 2015. in routine spirit and mind body, healthy today! 619-532-7629 1B, 26 Bldg. NMCSD, 619-556-7450 223, Bldg. NBSD, 619-553-7552 1, Bldg. Base, Main NBPL, 619-437-2186 162, Bldg. NAB, 619-545-0237 1507, Bldg. NASNI, - . - HUMAN All active duty personnel bowl FREE FREE bowl personnel duty active All 6 pm-Close Enjoy playing various non- various playing Enjoy pm-Close 6 Wednesday 5-6 pm and Friday 12-1 pm pm 12-1 Friday and pm 5-6 Wednesday Saturday, March 4, March 11 am-2 pm, FREE Saturday, Pre-book tee times times tee Pre-book 5 pm-Close Join the fun! Buy one game and get get and game one Buy fun! the Join pm-Close 5 Bowling $1.25 per game, shoe rental $1.25, hot $1.25, rental shoe per game, $1.25 Bowling SHE SNORES MORE THAN I DO, BUT I STILL LOVE MY BOWLING — BANDIT— adopted 11-26-09 Every Saturday • 9-11 am Saturday • Every HAPPENINGS LISTED FROM PREVIOUS ISSUES…. PREVIOUS FROM LISTED HAPPENINGS two golfers with cart and $3 cart save with on two each golfers golfer. other Book any yourwith tee valid timeNot using WW2WC. Promo www.navylifesw. Code: at online Book promotions. at Golf Course com Baker or call Admiral Course Golf Air ‘N Sea and 619-487-0090 619-545-9659. at Golf Junior includes $20 A great sport session for kids and parents to Saturday contact Each details together! play more For lunch. and instruction at Center Performance Golf Base Naval the 619-556-7502. Duty Active for Bowling Free 11 from am-1 pm at Tuesday every Sea ‘N Air and Lanes Admiral 619-545-7240 call information more For Center. Recreation Robinson 619-556-7486. or Robinson Admiral at Madness Monday deals great these great Get $1.25 soda $1.25, dog more For NASNI. Lanes, Air ‘N Sea and NBSD, Center, Recreation 619-545-7240. or 619-556-7486 call information information more For BOGO Night Center. Tuesday Recreation Robinson Admiral at FREE one Admiral 619-556-7486. at call Available Bowling prizes! Night great Prize WIN Thursday can you where games based skill Center Boys and girls (adults, too), get ready for an enchanted morning morning enchanted an for ready get too), (adults, girls and Boys a fun Center characters, fairytale favorite your breakfast, a delicious with filled 619-556-9597 Register: booth. photo a and craft Festival infor FUNancial Family fun, this festival Center, casual, Support a & Family in Fleet all Navy’s – the by Presented awareness financial raises event expert free family Plus, Center, more! mational and Youth prizes music, Canyon food, Murphy games, Kid managers. atmosphere! financial personal from advice Diego. San Road, Santo 4867 Clinics Golf Duty Active instruc FREE professional with game your Base Improve Naval the contact details more For tion! 619-556-7502. at Center Performance Golf Specials Golf Time Tee Monday-Thursday 9:30 am-1 pm for ------Fri Sat Trip Trip Friday, Feb. 24, 24, Feb. Friday, NEW DATE: Thursday, Thursday, DATE: NEW Thursday, Jan. 26, 7:30 am-5 am-5 7:30 26, Jan. Thursday,

navylifesw.com Breakfast with Fairytales urday, Feb. 25, NBSD 9-11 yrs.) (3-12 am, kids $19 adults/$13 Anchors Catering & Conference Registration required: NAB 619- required: Registration 619-553-9138, NBPL 437-3190, 619-556-9597 NBSD Talent Got NBC’s Saturday, and pm 3-10 Auditions Feb. 25, LIVE Show 6-9 pm, NASNI, Lowry a Theater, Bldg. within talent your off Show 650 dance, sing, of categories; variety register to sure Be comedy. magic, early for a space in the Friday Cash auditions. prizes: $500 for 1st, show! $200 for 2nd LIVE and $100 for Saturdays in place 3rd Registration required: nbccr@ Meet & Greet on the court before before court the on & Greet Meet Registration included. is game the required: NAB 619-437-3190, NBPL 619-553-9138, NBSD 619-556-9597 Trip Camping Springs Borrego Saturday-Monday, Feb. 18-20,others all patrons/$70 Liberty $55 from Main NBPL, Base, Depart Experi 546 Bldg. Clubhouse, among The nature, of wonders the ence flow desert vistas, sweeping life. them animal ever-fascinating and ers exceptional and areas smiles Wilderness of miles provide trails adventure. hiking can’t-miss a this make to California’s most beautiful cities! cities! most beautiful California’s Sign up today! Visit your base Liberty Center or call 619-545- nights three Cost 3331. includes lodging, admission to Alcatraz, Hearst Castle, snacks, and one dinner. night’s Trip Globetrotters Harlem day, Feb. 17, 5:30 pm, $35 (2 the Ca View at Meet Valley yrs.+) Witness Office Box Center sino basketball wizardry, handling ball family and artistry one-of-a-kind that fans thrills of entertainment all ages. A special Globetrotter wines. Lunch and extra tastings not not tastings extra and Lunch wines. 9:30 Pick up locations: included. Center/10 Youth Strand Silver am am Admiral Baker Picnic Area. NAB 619- required: Registration 619-553-9138, NBPL 437-3190, 619-556-9597 NBSD Weekend a and duty active enlisted to open Feb. Friday-Monday, 18+. guest, 17-20, 8 am, $220Tour one of - - - -

Saturday, Feb. 11, 9:30 am-6:30 pm, $35 (21 (21 $35 pm, am-6:30 9:30 11, Feb. Saturday, NEW DATE: Saturday, Jan. 28, 8 am-Noon, $5 Fiddlers Fiddlers $5 am-Noon, 8 28, Jan. Saturday, DATE: NEW On Base & On Board & On Base On choice own my and advice My Obviously, none of us is im None of us can create an The Dalai Lama states there When you are mature enough mature are you When

everything you want if you play you if want you everything a have you’ll and game, long the lot more fun in the process. at the expense of the one rela tionship you never escape - the have can You yourself. with one effective or realistic. effective is never to get ahead in a career feelings, and your will emotionsbecome a plan of action. Walking around just chanting, isn’t peace,” at am I Shanti, “Om tional storms triggered by outer challenges. Let these emotions take you all the way out like a riptide rather than fighting your harmony. mune from dropping into emo obsessed with sinking the boats best The us. around everyone of careers balance our achievementsexternal with our inner optimal work life by pretending by life work optimal we are an island. also We can’t create an optimal relationship with ourselves when we are they remember you, they will be be will they you, remember they willing to help you. life as well. When you peopleleave better than When you. youremember they foundthem, life: kindness, spiritual kindnesshis out Turns kindness. and advice is pretty good guidance work long-term successful a for go to war, you live in peace. go to war, are three rules to a successful ahead, you create long-term al Samurai even realize you If lies. warriors know the best fight is the one you resolve before you your mouth and blurting out the out blurting and mouth your “truth,” you create long-termby negotiate you When support. offering what helps others get to set your ego aside and theuse words and behaviors opening than rather effective that are Work continued from page 6 POPULAR DEMAND, enjoy breathtaking scenery, good eats, and great Tour great Winery and Temecula eats, BY BACK and snacks good transportation tour, scenery, educational includes yrs.+) breathtaking enjoy DEMAND, POPULAR able caring for youth from 6 weeks to 18 years old. The Navy has Child Child has Navy The old. years 18 to weeks child. 6 from military youth a for of caring able life our for the caring Diego San in throughout Centers difference Youth and a Development make can YOU children. details. military for www.navylifesw.com/CYPHiringFair Visit development? This is your opportunity to apply, interview and be hired hired be and interview apply, to opportunity your is This avail development? are fun the in Navy the openings with career your Start entry-level DAY! SAME the Multiple in all --- care. child of field rewarding and Cove Marina Parking Lot Find new treasures at the Flea Market! Market Market Market! Flea the at treasures new Find Lot Parking Marina 619-522-8680 Cove or 619-437-3190 Info: public. the to open is Fair Hiring child in Programs job a & for Youth Child Looking Station Liberty at Marriott by Courtyard pm, strength training, and cool down/stretch session. The first 100 to register register to 100 first The session. down/stretch cool today and Register training, event. the of strength completion the at T-shirt a info. with more for rewarded is 619-532-7495 call or www.navylifesw.com at Market Flea Core & More 5K Healthy Fitness Challenge Fitness Healthy 5K More & Core Join style! in Jan. 26, 11:15 am, Challenge FREE, Field NMCSD MWR Softball & Fitness Fitness Healthy and 2017 the off circuit run, kicking is 5K a by Health followed warm-up, a for field softball the on us by SDG&E, Northrop Grumman and Unified Port of San Diego, is Sunday, Sunday, is Diego, San of Port Unified and Grumman Northrop Bridge! SDG&E, by Coronado the across walk to chance are only prices Your Bird 2017. Early 21, May www.navylifesw.com/bridgerun. at today Register 2017. 28, Feb. through good A Great San Diego View During The Navy’s Bay Bridge Run/Walk! Run/Walk! Bridge Bay Navy’s presented The Run/Walk, During View Bridge Bay Diego San 31st Great Navy’s A The early! register ~ $ Save Work, page 7 Work, SEE Distance is no obstacle to gaining a Naval War College diploma College War a Naval to gaining no obstacle is Distance  Places of Worship  6/25 7/2 7/9 swap New military families are moving to San Diego every day. Invite them to worship with you Family in the Dispatch Church Directory. (619)280-2985 TAPS families honor nation’s Those ‘base housing people’ fallen troops at inaugural parade had someone to hang out with on the street. As always, we made by Shannon Collins cluded service members’ mothers the meat and potatoes of life friends for life. The Tragedy Assistance Pro- and fathers, brothers and sisters, gram for Survivors sponsored 200 sons and daughters and wives plus a two-year stint in old Army ment. It was a terrific immersion As I walked back to my base surviving military family members and children, carried photos of base housing on Fort Ord in Mon- into rural English village life, house from the gym, my cheeks from across the country who their fallen heroes along the two- terey, California in the 90s, meant but we spent many weekends at still flush and damp from the steam marched in today’s inaugural pa- mile parade route to honor their that we’d spent almost half of our our friends’ base houses, seeking room, I hoped that the young of- rade to honor their departed loved memories. 23-year marriage living in base camaraderie. ficer would, someday, experience ones as well as all the nation’s quarters. base housing culture. Because, fallen service members. The group also included a van Years later, we were deciding overcoming the challenges of The parade commenced after with a dozen Gold Star parents Apparently, we’re those “base whether to live in a bland com- military life takes the sweat of President-elect Donald J. Trump driving from Iowa together. Gold housing people.” munist-era stairwell apartment one’s brow, but finding life-long took the oath of office as the 45th Star parents had sons or daughters on Patch Barracks in Stuttgart, by Lisa Smith Molinari When I heard the young officer friendships on base is actually no president of the United States. who were killed in action during or brave the risky but rewarding I was emerging from the base say she had orders to Naval Station sweat at all. The TAPS contingent, which in- U.S. military service. German rental market. In , gym’s steam room, sweating Mayport, my instinct was to pipe we chose base housing, because and feeling a bit woozy, when I up, “We were stationed there!” as Marine’s daughter honored by Established in 1994, TAPS we felt it would ease the transition heard her. many military folks do, and then provides comfort and hope for our three children. “We don’t do base housing,” a I’d tell her all about the beach, the eformation LutheranNational Church PTA & School for poetry submission 24/7,through a national peer sup- young female officer putting on base gym, the good fried chicken at Surely, if we’d livedWhere off the warmthbase of God's love comforts families port network and connection to New military families are moving to San Diego Each year the National PTA Reflections Program offers young artists her blueberry fatigues told a friend the mess hall, and the local shrimp we’d have spoken more4670 Mt.German Abernathy Ave, SD 92117 (858) 279-3311 New military families aregrief moving resources, to allSan at Diegono cost to in the women’severy lockerday. room.Invite She them to worship with you R Sunday 8 am and 10:30grades am Worship pre-K Services though 12th grade recognition for their creativity. This year, surviving families and loved ones, place. But, sensing the negative and learned more about the local Elena Waters, a Carlsbad student who is the daughterevery of day. an active Invite duty them to worship with you mentioned that shein receivedthe Dispatch orders Churchconnotation Directory. she attached to “base culture, but we foundEnrolling that on now base in our Preschool and grades K-8 according to the organization’s Marine was recognized with one of five grade-division Awardsin the ofDispatch Merit. Church Directory. to her next duty at Naval Station(619)280-2985 housing people” I stayed silent. communities have [email protected] culture all website. Mayport, and that she and her their own. Safe and secure within Her entry was in the literature category with the theme “Who I Am”(619)280-2985 for However, I couldn’t help but husband were looking for a rental the fences of Patch Barracks, kids her poem that highlights the ups and downs of military life for a child. Since its founding, TAPS has pity her, because she didn’t know in St. Johns, Florida, where the ran everywhere and spouses chat- assisted more than 60,000 surviv- what she was missing. Who I Am houses are nicer. ted on shared patios. We went off ing family members, casualty of- I am a 12 year old military child ficers and caregivers, the website “We’re searching early, so we In Monterey, we’d walk Ar- base and traveled often, seeking said. The organization provides don’t get stuck living on base,” dennes Circle, the huge curved the enrichment of European cul- I am a girl who has moved six times and has been to eight peer-based emotional support, she explained. “We’re not base road winding through our base ture. But we were also enriched different schools grief and trauma resources, grief housing people.” housing community, pushing our by the close-knit experience of I am a human being who has feelings about what has been left first baby in a stroller and chatting on-base life,irst with Church it’s unparalleled of Christ, behind Scientist, and what’s Chula toVista come seminars and retreats for adults, I was steamed. Pun intended.Places A healing church to bless the community-all are warmly welcomed! Good Grief Camps for children, with neighbors along the way. camaraderieSunday: and Mayberry-esque Worship Service and SundayI am School a person10 am who has to leave my friends, say goodbye to casework assistance, connections Little did she know, I lived up On many an evening, a stop at a small-town 1stfeel. Sunday Again, of every we month:Worship made family Service in who Spanish mean 2 pm the world to me, leave behind my neighbors of Worshipneighbor’s house to chat turned friendsF for life.Wednesday:Testimony Meeting 7pm to community-based care, online the street from the base gym - al- Reading Room: 300 Third Avenue, whoChula Vistacome Tu-Sat knocking 10am-2pm at your door asking to play, and leaving a into an impromptu party, with Church:41 "I" Street, Chula Vista, Ca 91910 and in-person support groups and though one would never suspect it At Mayport, we knew we want- life I never thought would be some of the best years babies sleeping in portable cribs (619) 422-6400 www.prayerthatheals.org a 24/7 resource and information based on how few appearances I’d ed to live in the base housing com- After all the tears, I made new friends, explored the world, and car seats while we laughed into helpline for all who have been made there - in a small cluster of munity. Not only was the housing adapted to new environments, had new experiences, discovered the wee hours. We still have those affected by a death in the armed old duplex houses on Naval Sta- in sight of the beautiful sandy new lifestyles, having family to come visit, and having other friends today. forces. tion Newport, Rhode Island. Atlantic coastline, it was the kind advantages in life Before that, we’d lived in the When we moved to JAC Moles- of tight-knit military community Although, getting older is harder to leave the life I had once Kelly Griffith, sister of Marine very Mayport base housing the worth in rural England, we wanted we’d learned to value. By the end had, I can start a new one with many other great opportuni- Corps Maj. Sam Griffith, came young officer was trying to avoid. to “experience English culture.” of our two years there, we’d had ties from Arlington, Virginia. She Before that, we’d lived in an We lived in an old village house countless nights around fire pits apartment on Patch Barracks in I am a 12 year old military child with creaky floorboards and a and afternoons at the beach with Elena Walters SEE Honor, page 9 Brand new Church Stuttgart, Germany. Those years, WWI bomb shelter in the base- neighbors, and our kids always Places of Worship

esa View Baptist Church ayview Baptist Church aith Bible Fellowship Dr. Darrow Perkins, Jr., Th.D. Pastor/Servant 6126 Benson Avenue, SD 92114 (619) 262-8384 9971 Mission Gorge Rd. Santee, CA Seeking Sinners; Saving Souls, Strengthening Saints (Behind Pacific Western Bank) Sunday 7:00 am, 9:00am and 11:00 am Worship Service Sunday Church School at 8:45 am nd Sunday School Classes 9am B 2 Wednesday's 6pm YLoV and YMoV M Morning Worship at 10 am F Sunday Services 10am and 6pm Wednesday Night Live (WNL) 7pm Wednesday Night Bible Study 7 pm Awana Wednesdays 6:30 pm "A Multi-Cultural, Multi Ethnic, Multi Generational Church" 13230 Pomerado Rd, Poway CA 92064 fbfsc.org www.bayviewbc.org www.mesaview.org (858) 485-6110 anyon View Church of Christ irst Baptist Church t. Moriah Christian Church "Love God, Love People, Serve the World" "Purpose Driven" Gospel Church Sunday Bible Classes for all ages 9:00 am "Reach Up, Reach Out, Reach the World" Interim Pastor Jim Baize www.fbcoronado.com Multi- Cultural, Non-Denominational Sunday Worship 10:00 am, 6:00 pm Services on Sunday at 9 a.m. Near Miramar Base C Wednesdays: Pizza and Fellowship 6:30 pm, Bible Study 7:00 pm Sunday Bible Study 8:45 am, Sunday Worship Service 10 am M L.J. Thomas - Sr. Pastor F Friday's Women's Bible Study 9:30-11:30 am 4292 Balboa Avenue, San Diego 92117 (Located near the corner of Balboa 445 C Ave, Coronado,CA 92118 (619) 435-6588 7055 Carroll Rd, San Diego CA 92121 Avenue and Clairemont Drive) (858) 273-5140 (858) 335-5795 www.mtmoriahcc.org www.canyonview.org Email:[email protected] [email protected] FB: First Baptist Church of Coronado ew Directions Church hrist Community Church A Church where a change of heart take place Helping people love God and each other more! riends Christian Church 10925 Hartley Rd, Ste K Sunday Worship 10:30 am Sundays at 8:45 am & 10:45 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Santee, CA 92071 Wednesday Night Bible Study 6:30 pm Small Groups for Teens and Adults of all Ages! N Rev. Phillip L. Brown, Sr.; Pastor C (619) 448-5950 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 F Sunday Worship Service 10:00 am 4855 Seminol Dr., San Diego, Ca 92115 www.gotoChrist.com or (858) 549-2479 PO Box 740443 San Diego, Ca 92174 Mailling address @gotochrist or facebook.com/cccsd www.ndcsd.org (619) 822-4961 akeside Community Presbyterian Church addleback Church ity of Praise "Where the Word of God is Living and Active" The Perfect Place for Imperfect People to Mature in Christ! One family, many locations Sunday Worship at 9:30 AM Services on Sunday A place to belong with exciting life related messages for everyday living. Sunday School for all ages at 11AM Adults: 9 am & 11 am See you at Sunday School - 9:00am & Sunday Moring Celebration-10:30am L Enrollment in our Preschool currently available. C SKids: 9 am & 11 am Tues Bible Connection-7pm Location: 2321 Dryden Rd., El Cajon, CA 92020 9908 Channel Road (One Block North of Woodside) Students: only 11 am 619.749.1767 visit us at www.thecityofpraise.org & twitter@citybishop Lakeside, CA 92040 (619) 443-1021 5951 Village Centerloop Rd., San Diego, CA 92130 Bishop Stephen M. Brunson, Senior Pastor, USN, Retired www.lakesidepc.org saddleback.com/sandiego el Cerro Baptist Church ighthouse Baptist Church t. Luke's Lutheran Church 5512 Pennsylvania Lane, La Mesa, CA. 91942 (619) 460-2210 "Where the Shout has not Died Out" 5150 Wilson Avenue, La Mesa, CA 91942 Pastor, Dr, Mark S. Milwee 1345 Skyline Dr, Lemon Grove, CA 91945 Phone: 619-463-6633 Sunday Services and Bible Classes: 9am an 10:30am, Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes: 9:30 am website: www.st-lukes-la-mesa.org Wed. Dinner and Bible Study 5:15-7:30pm L Worship: 9:00 am D Sunday Morning Service 11am,Sunday Evening at 5:30pm S Wed. 6:30 pm AWANA Program for children Midweek Service and Teen Church, Thursdays at 7pm Pastor: Mark Menacher, PhD. Cost: For Active Duty Families:$4 per person, children under 5 free, We thank you for your service! for more information: www.dcbc.org e-mail: [email protected] www.lighthousebaptist.com (619) 461-5561 8 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 JANUARY THURSDAY, 8 www.armedforcesdispatch.com

ayview Baptist Church 6126 Benson Avenue, SD 92114 (619) 262-8384 Sunday 7:45 am and 11 am Worship Service B Wednesday 6pm Youth Fellowship Wednesday Night Live (WNL) 7pm "A Multi-Cultural, Multi Ethnic, Multi Generational Church" www.bayviewbc.org F

M L THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 9 - - - - Sore Throat Relief

Strep is highly contagious. Treat it quickly to tonsil is infection throat common fairly Another germs the from yourself protect to way best The • Try hot tea with lemon or some hot soup. • Try hot tea with lemon • Keep your throat moist with hard candies. lozenges or • Gargle with warm salt chips. water or use pain. the numb icecan popsicles or liquids Cold • Throat sprays and over-the-counter pain re lievers can help, too. • Use a humidifier or vaporizer,when sleeping, to especiallykeep air from getting too dry. • If the sore throat persists for several days, contact a health care professional. contagious. You’ll likely begin feeling better within within better feeling begin likely You’ll contagious. important it’s recover fully to but days, of couple a to finish all of the medicine. prevent it from spreading to others. Riddle says, “Not only can the infection be transmitted, but there are potential complications from untreated strep throat.” These include ear infections, rheu matic fever and kidney problems. litis, which occurs when you have sore, swollen tonsils. It’s caused by many of the same viruses and bacteria that cause sore throats. If you have frequent bouts of tonsillitis or strep have throat,to tonsillectomy) a (called yousurgery need may your tonsils removed. that cause these infections is to wash your hands colds have who people of clear steer to Try often. or other contagious infections. And avoid smok ing and inhaling second-hand smoke, which can irritate your throat. ------To see whether you have To strep throat, the doc For young children who might choke on hard Contact a doctor if your sore throat is severe, infec throat bacterial common most the is Strep We’ve We’ve all had sore throats around this time infections viral by caused are throats sore Most To soothe your irritated throat, keep it moist. Children with strep also may experience nausea, vomiting and stomach pain. tor will take a throat swab. If test results confirm After antibiotics. prescribe will doctor your strep, be longer no should you them, taking of hours 24 the morning? It’s because your throat gets so dry the morning? It’s infectious an Riddle, Valerie Dr. says overnight,” disease expert at NIH. “Having lozenges or hard candies—or anything that stimulates saliva pro duction—will keep your throat moist. It’s also important to drink plenty of fluids.” popsicles. and liquids cold try lozenges, or candies sprays throat by soothed be also might pain Throat and over-the-counter pain relievers such as acet aminophen, ibuprofen or aspirin, but don’t give aspirin to young children. doesn’t feel better after a few days, or is accom panied by a high fever or swollen glands. These infection, bacterial a of signs be could symptoms help won’t antibiotics Taking throat. strep as such at all if your sore throat is caused by viruses, but they’re essential for fighting bacterial infections like strep. is throat strep adults, in occur can it Although tion. 15. and 5 ages between children in common more younger in detect to harder be can strep says Riddle children, because it can cause a runny nose and “If cold. a like seem it make that symptoms other your child has severe throat pain, a fever above 100.4 degrees, or swollen glands, you should get medical attention right away,” advises Riddle. What to do when your throat hurts throat when your to do What of throat Your year. feels scratchy and may hurt What when can you you swallow. do to soothe a And when is it a sign of a more seri sore throat? ous infection? such as the common cold These or throat the flu. problems are generally minor and go away their own. on “Ever notice that a sore throat seems worse in - - “Walking with TAPS in the pa the in TAPS with “Walking Attig added, “Working with balloon release, my mentee opened opened mentee my release, balloon hero, her to message a sent and up honesty and bravery Her dad. her me reflect made and me, floored of Instead she actions. own my upon everyone, to off herself closing it.” embraced rade is a tremendous honor for the the for honor tremendous a is rade I’m organization; the and families said. she it,” of part a be to has proud mentor a become to “Deciding in honors greatest the of one been and my I service more life, urge members to consider becoming They mentors. Camp Grief Good difference.” a make can the children life. at my TAPS in has been joys greatest the of one the I with worked My year, first youngest group. Four and five year olds were but challenging, the during camp the of end the by - - - 6 ANGELES FROM WITH TAX LOS &( , 5 E l 3 AB (7 l ARE F . IR A San Diego, CA 92111 S 565 & 7888 Dagget St, Suite 102 She added, “We are so excited excited so are “We added, She Marine Corps Sgt. Berkeley Grieving families participating participating families Grieving TAPS has participated in inau in participated has TAPS “TAPS is the national orga email: [email protected] $ 7, ‡)D[ past two years. two past to participate in this historic event. event. historic this in participate to those who have Honoring made freedom for sacrifice ultimate the has been a revered tradition in this nation since we have had a military.” police military a Attig, Elizabeth woman with Battalion, Security Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia, has volunteered with TAPS as a Good Grief Camp mentor and team leader for the fallen heroes,” Carroll said. “We “We said. Carroll heroes,” fallen are there death to the support military a whenever officers casualty occurs,all providingfor comfort support, and and of resources death care, the grieving are who those are who Those member. service a solace and strength find grieving in the company of others loss.” who their understand “will parade inaugural in today’s family with connect TAPS their they as healing and hope find and said. Carroll heroes,” their honor her own way, she said. she way, own her when 1994, since activities gural by founded was organization the Bonnie Carroll, who is TAPS’ president. current nization providing comfort and America’s of to families the care AN AVAI - l IEGO





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+(& $ Attending events like the inau the like events Attending Griffith Griffith added, “On the first “I “I was the only person home Griffith said TAPS changed

“It’s humbling to be able to take take to able be to humbling “It’s About Your Health Your About

7+(3/$&(72*2%()25(<28*2$1<:+(5( & gural parade is a chance to make make to a is chance parade gural in brother her with memories new me about his death but about his about but death his me about life. It made a big in difference grief.” my retreat, another surviving sister sat sat sister surviving another retreat, to next down me, me and asked It Sam. was the to her about tell asking wasn’t someone time first much healing, just being able to just being much healing, Sam.” about talk wasn’t until I came to TAPS that I that TAPS to came I until wasn’t this travel to have didn’t I learned I on went retreats alone. journey so and found siblings other with when the Marines came “It to said. the she 2011,” 14, Dec. door to live in the moment and to take take to and moment the in live to day.” historic a such in part life. her really be a part of his living legacy. legacy. living his of part a be really He wouldn’t have loved being history. he loved but out, singled opportunity the loved would’ve He part in the inaugural parade,” she she parade,” inaugural his the in in part living of lot a did “Sam said. to opportunity an is This years. 36 to to be in the to parade the honor brother. departed her of memory Honor continued from page 8 been has TAPS with time her said humbled she’s that and invaluable, ference in the lives of other by giving the gift of life. Get your year off to a good start and do your part! At the recent blood drive at Naval Medical Center San Diego donors made a dif 10 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 from Naval Amphibious Forces, Tariq (1973) requested assistance Aden, Jan.20. of Gulf the in operating sailor while Pakistani a to sistance as medical rendered 8) (LHD USS ship assault and Marines aboard amphibious assistance toPakistaniSailor USS help afellowmariner.” to time right the at place right the in been have to thankful are Officer Capt. Mark Melson. “We said allies,” and partners, Marines, Sailors, our of eyesight or life, limb, of loss of risk the gating miti by survivability patient of chances the increase greatly professionals bring to the theater tionary unit. ready group and marine expedi amphibious the of members for injured patients, and general health care trauma complex for stabilization receiving, casualty civilian and military surgery, support to ties facili dental and medical houses and operations, of area Fleet 5th afloat medical facility in the U.S. after receivingthepatient. began assessment and treatment of Fleet Surgical Team (FST) 5, members embarked with along Island Makin 21. (HSC) Squadron Combat Sea Helicopter of “Blackjacks” embarked the by evening the in to flown and 6) USNS ship ammunition and cargo dry Command Sealift Military to transferred was sailor pain. The abdominal a experiencing for sailor Brigade Expeditionary Marine 5th and 51 Force Task assistance toPakistaniSailor USS Local Military The crew on Tariqexpressed on crew The “The capabilities our medical Island Makin PNS vessel naval Pakistani Sailors - ADEN OF GULF Makin Island Amelia Earhar Amelia - ’s medical team, team, medical ’s has the largest the has Makin Island Makin Makin Island Island Makin Makin Island Makin Commanding Makin Island Makin t (T-AKEt - - - ing sculpture, which could be be could which sculpture, ing Rais Flag Jima Iwo dramatic based. The group hopes that the were Jima Iwo of Battle the in involved Marines the of many monu a ment to Camp Pendleton, where bring to drive a ing an organization that’s spearhead nearly 72yearsago. of events that happened in honor in tribute local a erect to Iwo JimaMountainWest projectinearlystages security theater and operations security maritime of support in , is operating in the Gulf of Aden 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit Group (ARG) with the embarked Makin Island rapid medicalresponse. aboard team surgical the to gratitude in theU.S. 5thFleetareaofoperations.NavyphotobyMC3ClarkLane efforts cooperation security theater and operations security maritime of support him. on appendectomy emergency an performed 5 Team Surgical Fleet of members navy Aloutte Seagull helicopter after USS depart to prepares sailor Pakistani A Monument Westis Monument Jima Iwo A local organization is hoping Island Makin www.twitter.com/USSMakinIsland www.facebook.com/USSMakinIsland Makin Island ai Island Makin Amphibious Ready , flagship of the of flagship , is deployed with the for the the for - - - providesmedical providesmedical and amphibious dock landing landing dock amphibious and deployment, maiden its on embark ing is which 25), (LPD USS dock transport of comprised 5th Fleetareaofoperations. U.S. the in efforts cooperation 5th Marine Division from Camp The invasion. that during died war the in killed Marines the of third one Nearly WorldWarII. the from during Imperial Army Japanese Jima Iwo of island the captured and landed Corps the Pacific Coast. on landmarks most significant the of one become will Freeway,I-5 the from viewable and enclosure glass a in housed extend which units, Embarked USS ship On Feb. 19, 1945, the Marine The ai Island Makin Comstock Makin Island Makin Island Makin Makin Island command ship ship command 5 and the 11th 11th the and 5 Squadron ous Amphibi for as amphibious amphibious as well as MEU, Makin Island Makin (LSD 45). (LSD Somerset Somerset ARG is is ARG , the , ’s medical team and embarked Amphibious Ready Group in - - talion 11; and a command ele command a and 11; talion element,LogisticsCombatBat (Reinforced);combata logistics MediumTiltrotor Squadron 163 aviation combat an element, Marine Marines; 4th Battalion, 1st element, Battalion Landing combatTeam ground a of comprised Force TaskAir-GroundMarine Craft Unit5. Control SquadronAir 11 and Tactical Assault FST-5, HSC-21, include capabilities, ARG’sthe action. in wounded 6,218 and action, in missing 19 action, in killed 2,482 - and losses heavy sustained battle this during action combat first its saw Pendleton who leads the entire MEU. ment with a commanding officer (LHD 8) in a Pakistani a in 8) (LHD Elaine Novotny out of,staffisfast andefficient.” fly to great is place This it. loved “I Karen Beardsley open it.” would they if VII Cat as up sign even would I A. Space fly still could I widow, a now and Marines the in I just wish after spending most of my husband’s 27 years the best people to work with as all personnel are trained. have always we Island North of out fly we time “Every The 11th MEU is a sea-based11thThea is MEU One of the great symbols of symbols great the of One - - approvals to start the project and final the working is Westment monument in Arlington, Va. the Marine Corps War Memorial as famous as none perhaps but was replicated in various forms, top of Mt. Suribachi. This image vision raising the U.S. flag at the Marines from the 5th Marine Di WWII is the iconic image of six taken placewithlocallawenforcementandfirstresponders. activities associated with the exercise. Advanced coordination hasdelays in base access. Area residents may also see or hear securitytimes when the exercise causes increased traffic around bases or be may there but operations, base normal to and communities pedestrian congestionassociatedwiththeexercise.” bases may see increased military activity and possible traffic and naval of vicinity the in residents area “Local director.exercise said Williamexercise,” the CNIC in participate Clark, will tion scheduled exercise. regularly a is but threat, specific any to response in not is CS17 the commands, other services, and agency partners. Exercise SC- Navy security forces and ensure seamless interoperability among Navy installations. CONUS all on (CNIC) Command Installations Navy mander, conducted by Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces (USFF) and Com Citadel Shield2017(SC-CS17)Jan.30-Feb.10. Curtain- Solid Exercise conduct will (CONUS) States United exercise forceprotection Navy installations,commands pn t tras Nv poo y C Amanda MC3 by Chavez photo Navy threats. to spond re to personnel security Navy of readiness and training the enhance helps Island. exercise annual North This Station Air Naval on 2016 Shield Curtain-Citadel shooter Solid Exercise of active part as an training during bystander injured an as playing role Sailor a to tend firefighters ment FILE PHOTO (Feb. 10, 2016) - Federal Fire Depart “Locally, the Iwo Jima Monu Measures have been taken to minimize disruptions within local “All commands under USFF tactical control for force protec of readiness the enhance to designed is exercise annual This SC-CS17 is a two-part, anti-terrorism/force protection exercise continental the within installations Naval WASHINGTON- - - Hagihara. said anni commemoration,” versary special this for us join Iwo Jimavetsinthecountry. ues to be the largest gathering of com/ ( website America’s of sociation gathered from the Iwo Jima As Jima. Iwo of Battle the of niversary an 72nd the commemorating 15-19, Feb. Pendleton Camp at hosting the three-day celebration Iwo the Jima Association of and America are Committee tive Monument West. Jima Iwo with representative relations media Hagihara, Ken month at Camp Pendleton,” said reunion of Iwo Jima veterans 75th this the during announcement pects to be able to make a formal of Iwo Jima Mountain West, ex Laura Dietz, founder and trustee http://www.iwojimareunion. “We hope you’ll be able to to able be you’ll hope “We information to According Commemora Jima Iwo The ), the annual reunion contin ------THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 11 - - - - . . excom , Department of Navy, Navy, of , Department excom xchange patrons only patrons xchange e At the conclusion of the cer The Seabees were created Rear Adm. Ben Moreell, chief of the Navy’s Bureau of Yards need the recognized Docks, and for a militarized construction force. Following the attack approved on Navy the Harbor, Pearl the formation of the first naval construction battalions. Rear Rear Adm. Bret Muilen burg, the of Naval Facilities commander Engi neering Command Engineer Civil the and of Chief Corps, addresses the au dience at the 75th Anniversary kickoff Seabees by photo Navy ceremony. MCC Lowell Whitman II, as War well as during World War. during the Cold emony, guests were invited for a behind-the-scenes tour of the collection. museum’s March 5th, 1942, after then - - - for over 20 years for or the US Government of the products or services or the products advertised. of the US Government or Walk-ins welcome Walk-ins Call (619) 550-2679 Retirees & their families families & their Retirees at NEX, San Base Naval NEX, at than 1-800-Contacts than Serving Active Duty Military, Serving Duty Military, Active Services available to authorized Navy Navy Services authorized to available This advertisement does not constitute endorsement by N endorsement constitute doesnot advertisement This Now accepting Medicare Appointments Mon.-Sat. Appointments This advertisment is neither paid for, in whole or in part, by the Department of Navy or N Navy of by the Department or in part, in whole for, paid neither is advertisment This Contact lens prices lower lower prices lens Contact Also during the event, retired retired event, the during Also “You “You don’t really realize it celebrates 75 years of Seabee history is huge to me.” Macy Class 1st Mate Carpenter’s Coffin, a World War II Seabee veteran and the oldest Seabee in attendance, joined Construc Constructionman Mechanic tion Recruit Andrew Staple youngest- Seabeethe - along with museum director Godbille and other event participants in the the at gallery new a of unveiling museum illustrating the histori Seabees the of contributions cal bees in the painting by Dietz, spoke about the honor of ingbe included, as wellown contributionsas her to history.Seabee until you look back and realize a absolutely was ‘I say, can you part of that (Seabee history),’” said Neal. “’I was over there in Iraq, (and) I was over there that painting in a in be To Kuwait.’ ------

Utilitiesman 1st Class Jen A A painting titled “We Build, “For 75 years, Seabees have Providing the opening remarks remarks opening the Providing In attendance were Rear The event also marked the PORT HUENEME, Calif. ENTER TO WIN A PRIZE. CONTEST BOX ON PAGE 4 nifer Neal, whose portrait was depicted along with other Sea enjoyed a dramatic solo perfor mance of “The Complete His tory of the Seabees (abridged)” by Joseph Gallo. We Fight” by artist James Dietz James artist by Fight” We was unveiled, and attendees who have fought bravely and given their all in support of us, and life, of way our families, our our great nation.” Corps with greatdedication,” pride said Muilenburg. and “As we kick off those this forget yearlong not let’s celebration, been protecting the nation and serving the Navy and Marine in attendance, and he thanked individuals and organizations which have contributed to the Seabee legacy. Force’s founding. Muilenburg also took time to recognize ac veterans Seabee retired and tive spoke about the contributions Seabees have made throughout each Americansince conflictthe Naval Construction name a few. for the ceremony, Muilenburg Seabee Historical Foundation; and retired Rear Adm. Samuel Cox, director, Naval Historyand Heritage Command; to Adm. Bret Muilenburg, com mander, NAVFAC and chiefof civil engineers; retired Rear Adm. David Nash, chairman, of Naval Facilities Engineering Command this year. start of celebrations recogniz the of anniversary 150th the ing as Corps, Engineer Civil Navy’s well as the 175th Anniversary March 5, 1942. celebrations throughout 2017 to commemorate the 75th an niversary of the the creationNaval Construction Force, of - Navy Seabees from aroundNaval Base Ventura Museum, Seabee the at gathered County Jan. 18, to kick off a series of anniversary Seabees Seabees celebrate 12 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 damaged component, creating a spraying it onto the metal of the and repaired be to part specific the of need the for customized by taking powdered works metal alloys It damage. mechanical or wear, corrosion, to due lost features dimensional critical components’ restore can which solid-state thermal spray process Taylor said. Navy andMarineCorps. the across readiness improving fleet, the to them returning and components aircraft repairing in money and time Aviation Enterprise Naval the saving is technique spray cold The nia. Califor Pendleton, Camp from representatives aviation Corps Marine and Taylor for briefing FRCSW did a demonstration and technology. additive spray cold about more learn to 23 Jan. (FRCSW) west South Center Readiness Fleet ment), William E. Taylor, visited (Sustain Aviationfor mandant Com Deputy Assistant Corps Engineers demonstratevalueofcoldsprayrepairstoNavalAviation Cold spray is an additive, additive, an is spray Cold promise,” of lot a has “This from artisans and Engineers Marine The DIEGO- SAN ‡'HQWXUHV ‡'HQWDO,PSODQWV ‡7HHWK:KLWHQLQJ ‡,QYLVDOLJQ2UWKRGRQWLFV ‡&RVPHWLF5HVWRUDWLYH'HQWLVWU\ 10645 Tierrssanta Blvd.,SuiteB Tierra Town DentalCenter San Diego,Ca.92124 (Next to AutoZone) - - - - machine rejected. approximately 20-40 percent are tions. Withmethods, traditional rejec machine in resulted have repair.none Additionally, other none have been returned for an repaired using cold spray so far, parts 150 approximately the of FRCSW, at engineer materials a Doan, Luc to take. According mis to prone less and stronger tional methods. precautions required using tradi safety and posed hazards health minutes. the eliminates also process The two about in alloy it with a tungsten/carbide/cobalt do can spray cold 20 mL metal; of with part a cover to hours 20 takes example, for coating, safer, are too. To use chrome a and traditional time less take often Repairs parts. machine in damage any other in or corrosion filling environment, to metal in a low-heat relatively metal bonds process the terms, substrate. any heat-induced changes to the making without surface non porous or low-porous a creates process The bond. mechanical The repaired parts come out out come parts repaired The layman’s in more Explained personalized smileanalysis Military Retiree & DeltaDental Metlife Tricare (858) 277-6080 We accept Call foraFREE - - - - - ity of cold spray to increase fleet deal, the showcasing the applicabil sealed Inovati with SBIR spray.The cold with needed he what found he project, (SBIR) Research Innovation Business Small a through ago, years six he began searching for it. About so parts, the fix could process minor damage. He felt sure some throwing away expensive of parts because of tired became he aircraft, to repairs making fleet ation. In his job working with the bringing cold spray to naval avi age limits. dam the test to trying stopped more, but at that point engineers than traditional impact parts. It and might be stress more times 10 least at endure can parts the Command (NAVAIR), explained Naval for Systems engineer Air power Fleet Support Team (FST) TRUSTED AUTO REPAIR sion, wear,ormechanicaldamage corro to due lost features dimensional critical components’ restore can which process spray Macy is the impetus behind behind impetus the is Macy secondary a Macy, Conrad         Cold spray is an additive, solid-state thermal solid-state additive, an is spray Cold Alignment Tune-Ups Brakes Suspensions Rebuilt Transmission Repairs Engines Mufflers ‡7HHWK:KLWHQLQJ ‡,QYLVDOLJQ2UWKRGRQWLFV ‡&RVPHWLF5HVWRUDWLYH'HQWLVWU\ ‡'HQWXUHV ‡'HQWDO,PSODQWV 10645 Tierrssanta Blvd.,SuiteB Tierra Town DentalCenter Cookie’s Auto Repair 1739 Palm Ave., SD 92154 619-575-1920 San Diego,Ca.92124 (Next to AutoZone) - - - more than $1 million on one one part on alone. The F/A-18’s million saved Aircraft $1 than has more repair of method according totheNavy. techniques, and machines spray material compared to other cold the company. It also wastes less to according velocities, particle cesses pro while still achieving high spray cold conventional to compared consumption gas gas speed significantly decreases nation of low pressure and sonic accelerate particles. The combi to nozzle sonic a or and nitrogen helium low-pressure uses one this techniques; a of variety encompass can spray Cold Metallization. Kinetic called is but havelongleadtimes. aviation, naval across demand in are components these Often, components. scrapped ously readiness by refurbishing previ DISCOUNT MILITARY This less expensive, faster faster expensive, less This Inovati’s cold spray technique On Labor 10% personalized smileanalysis Military Retiree (858) 277-6080 & DeltaDental Metlife Tricare Call foraFREE We accept - - - - Mounted Accessory Drives Drives Accessory Mounted fect onhissentence. ef no had agreement pretrial confinement. The without labor hard days 90 and Diego San Base Naval to restriction days 60 recruit, seaman paygrade to rank in reduction months, two for month per On Dec. 6, 2016, the funds. military judge sentenced him sufficientto forfeit $1,044 without check a drawing of specifications three and larceny, of specifications four defraud, to attempt of fication speci one to agreement pretrial a to pursuant guilty pled Kangha 2 years. for confinement and recruit, seaman paygrade to rank in reduction and sentenced him to be discharged with a Dishonorable Discharge, contact sexual abusive of specifications two for guilty of verdict a 2016, the panel of members returned abusive sexual contact. On Dec. 15, include to offenses numerous for tried was Domingo D. Jose Officer Petty Chief Senior Diego, San in Southwest inDecember2016. Region Navy within completed and tried Courts-Martial General Martial forDecember2016 NRSW: Special and General Courts- repaired has it parts the of most so F/A-18, the of variations all in December2015. FRCSW at shop production the another machinein stallation of in to led success its and years, its laboratory environment three to team machine Inovati an The brought options. different with engineers at FRCSW to explore worked Macy aviation, about $1.6million. back to the fleet for a savings of sent and refurbished been have available through cold spray, 10 the entire drive, but with the repairs scrapping in result ously part of the AMAD would previ one to Damage each. $168,000 approximately cost (AMADs) would love to work.” be “A place where our associates would love to stay and our guests our guests, but also our associates. Our mission is for our hotel to careonlynotforwaywe the to large part in due Diegotown San Down in hotels best the of one as known isMarriott Diego San POSITIONS AVAILABLE Kondali Fireman Diego, San A. in * Court-Martial Special a At Special Court-Martial Court-Martial General a At * General Court-Martial WASHINGTON - The following reports the results of Special and FRCSW is the main depot for naval to process Tothe bring ([FHOOHQWEHQH¿WVIUHHPHDOVSDUNLQJPDWFKLQJN W Guest Service Agent-$12 Guest Service Room Attendant -$11.50 ZZZ6DQ'LHJR*DVODPS+RWHOFRPDSSO\ 0$55,2776$1',(*2*$6/$0348$57(5 E A perfect place for place A perfect just someone you. like W AM/PM Soleil ServerAM/PM Soleil -$11.50+TIPS /RVV3UHYHQWLRQ2I¿FLHU EL Housekeeping Supervisor-$14 &XUUHQW3DUW7LPH2SHQLQJV &XUUHQW)XOO7LPH2SHQLQJV %HYHUDJH$PEDVVDGRU Laundry Attendant -$11.50 Bellperson -$11.50+Tips Bellperson c We promote from within! Houseperson -$11.50 (QJLQHHU O Hostess -$11.50 Night Audit -$14 &RRN m - - E using cold spray have been for been have spray cold using ful,” Macysaid. techniques. necessary the determine will they doubt no have engineers the design, unknown hitherto a requires change that Though parts, but not as well ones. for bulkier rotated easily for works well which nozzle, fixed a has machine The current chine. ing nozzle in the cold spray ma through SBIR the another use of a rotat exploring is Macy sills. in window V-22 on cluding technology, the for applica tions future with forward the LM2500shipengine. for as well as parts, H-1 and 53 also been used for E-2, F-5, CH- has it However, platform. that A “We’re going to be success be to going “We’re pressing are now Engineers (part time openings available) LL (part time openings available) mILITA

ry ------THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 13 %HFRPHD the top notch gyms. And Dublin California 760-712-8289 inside Crunch in Vista Village Chapter 30, 31, 33, 35 and the Approved for Veterans Benefits, Approved for Veterans day classes in the Vista location Military Spouse Program MyCAA. Military Spouse Program ZZZQSWLÀWQHVVFRP in the San Diego area! We are offering in the San Diego area! We National Personal Training Institute can Institute Training National Personal 6WDUWWKH1HZ

- Lake (CG 57). Navy 57). (CG For For the upcoming Super Bowl, The Navy Office of Community Outreach directions and record message. Once you hang-up, the audio file will automati will file audio the hang-up, you Once message. record and directions Speak clearly. cally be sent to NAVCO. (NAVCO) is offering the opportunity to share short, recorded shout-outs (15-20 (15-20 shout-outs recorded short, share to opportunity the offering is (NAVCO) seconds) with a Navy key message Sailors from to support favorite their team. voice after pause second 3-5 for Wait (1-855-687-6289). 1-855-OUR-NAVY Call Super Bowl radio shout out opportunity for all Sailors Champlain photo by MC2 Nathan K. Serpico Harington the weather completes report the bridge on of USS PACIFIC PACIFIC OCEAN 13, 2017) - Quartermas (Jan. ter 3rd Class Raheem tion of the ceremony marks the disbanding of the platoons. Annually, more than tion of the ceremony marks the disbanding of the platoons. Annually, 17,000 males recruited from the Recruiting Region are Western trained at MCRD San Diego. Marine Corps photo MCRD San Diego (Jan. 13, 2016) - Drill instructors from Fox 2nd Company, Re Battalion, march in cruit formation Training after receiving the guidons from the company honormen during the graduation ceremony here. These guidons have been carried by the platoon guides for the duration of training, and this por 14 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 Entertainment cities acrossCaliforniathisyear. The animal-free show will perform more than 400 shows in 25 engineering. human of feats comic and aerial acrobatic, with from January 19 to 30. The 48-year old circus wows audiences three San Diego locations beginning at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, 19-30; MissionBay–Feb.2-13;NationalCity16-27. Circus Vargas is back in town to launch its brand new show at Three showvenuesinclude: Tickets are$20-$35forgen.adm.seatingand$50-$70 Circus Vargas isback or visittheboxoffice ateachlocation.Circus Vargas is Purchase ticketsonlineatwww.circusvargas.com, on Facebookand Twitter: @CircusVargas. call 877-GOTFUN-1(877-468-3861) forres.ringsideseats. DelMarFairgrounds –Jan. House ofBluesRestaurant+Barat7pm.Grabsomefriends, Check outpage 22-23for more great entertainment Test youmusicknowledge ideas inSouthern Cal. play triviaandenjoydrinkspecialsallnight! Enjoy adeliciouscocktailbeforetrivia. To reserveyourtable(619)299-2583 Join usforHappyHourfrom4-6pm. every Wednesday at

in charcoal, gouache, mixed media and stitching re-imagines re-imagines personal memories,familyrootsandspiritualconnections. stitching and media mixed gouache, charcoal, in Diego. Driven by innovative narratives of storytelling, her work San to ties strong with County Orange in based artist ciplinary in unexpected ways throughout her sculptural and design work. experimenter and creator, she is known includingfor usingpaintings, common sculpture, materials jewelry and mixed media. challengingA and restlessconfrontational artwork in a makingwide been hasMarkarianrangeyears, Alexia 30 of thanmedia, more For 30 other imagesthatbecamethebasisforOaxacaprints. also features hand-colored trial proofs, preliminary drawings and It bite. spit and burnishing aquatint, etching, line pure by made This exhibition includes more than 25 of these collaborativeflowers. and women and men of portraits printsskulls, sugar includes that imagery with etchings crafted extraordinarily and elegant Together,Sandoval. Fernando produce printer they master with the visiting been Tallerwork to Mexico, Oaxaca, in Grabado de Oaxaca 2000 – 2016 Now – April 9 Since 2000, Dan McCleary has TrinhLifeline Mai: Alexia Markarian: Desire Is Never Enough Never Is Desire Markarian: Alexia Studies: & Etchings McCleary, Dan Oceanside Museumof Art islocatedat704Pier View Way, Check outOceanside Oceanside. Formoreinformationcall(760)435-3721 Museum ofArt Now– March 5 March Trinhinterdis Now– an is Mai Trinh Mai or visitwww.oma-online.org. Taller de Grabado Grabado de Taller Now – April – Now - THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 15 - - - 7.50 $ with this ad Hookah Special Military 10% MILITARY DISCOUNT “Our military families sacrifice sacrifice families military “Our The San Diego Armed Ser contact information, more For so much,” said Tim Ney, Execu Ney, Tim said much,” so tive Director of the San Diego Armed Services YMCA. “The Neighbor and Soldiers for Suits hood Food event Exchange is a come we which in way wonderful together to support those who freedom.” our protect About the YMCA Services Armed San Diego (San vices YMCA ASY) Diego is the leading non-profit makesthat military life and easiermembers service duty for active their families. The San Diego ASY gives military personnel support the ones loved their and and resources they need to be resilient, confident, connected, and in Founded secure. 1920 as YMCA, the of affiliate national a lives the enhance to is mission its of service spirit. and members body, andmind, in their families Through programs and services that are relevant to the unique challenges of military life, the ASY strengthens ASY the Diego San military The community. dedicated be, will always and is, to making military life easier. www.asysd.org via or 619-208-0000 at Ney Tim email at tim.n@militaryymca. org Ez ------W HOURS: Fri & Sat 11am-2pm Fri Sun-Thurs 11am-11pm Sun-Thurs KD  www.allstarsrestaurantandbar.com www.allstarsrestaurantandbar.com with Team Team with

ĞŚŝŶĚĞŶŶLJ͛ƐͿ Έ Et/, ^ Named a top 150 military “Suits for Soldiers is repre NEW LOCATION clothing donated brings Suits to closer for Soldiers its goal of collecting 50,000 suits that can help create an easier transition for veterans into the workforce. civilian and employer one of the top 50 military spouse employers by MilitaryFriendly.com, Farm Rubicon, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to unit ing teams of veterans and first responders, to aid in robust alreadycatastrophe response ef forts. In 2014, Farmers signed a statement of support with the of office Defense of Department of Support Employer the Guard committing (ESGR), Reserve and to seek ways to oppor increase reservists guardsmen, for tunities an has also Farmers veterans. and resource employee veteran active group, which helps provide im portant networking and career development opportunities for employees. its sentative of our organization’s commitment to veterans,” said Jeff Dailey, CEO of FarmersInsurance. “We believe in the value veterans can bring to the through workplace their experi their as well as training, and ence values.” ers® is collaborating is ers® ,/ W - - - -




‡*UHDW$WPRVSKHUH %RQLWD5G‡%RQLWD&D‡ ϴϱϴͲϲϵϯͲϬϬϰϳͻ W,/>> Military 10% OFF Discount Everyday Est. 1979 Dining Directory Dining Expires 1/31/17 Expires Approximately 350 transition 350 Approximately military million one than More On Thursday, Jan. 26 from The Armed Services YMCA military families on the fourth Thursday of every month with the support of the San DiegoFood Bank. Insurance Farmer’s CEO, their include to volunteers, Jeff Dailey, will support both events at the San Armed Diego YMCA. Services veterans and members service ing ap and suits donated receive will families military 250 proximately food. receive to personnel will the in be military making the from the transition next couple of years, according to the Department of Defense office of Employermany Supportand of Reserve, and Guard the of these veterans may not own to attire go business appropriate interviews events, networking to or even to work. Each piece of Suits for Soldiers and Neighborhood and Neighborhood Soldiers for Suits YMCA Services Diego Armed at San Exchange 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. the San Diego Armed Services YMCA,Insurance, Farmers with of support the will 350 provide approximately ser transitioning to suits donated community their at members vice NEX, the called distribution food Ser Armed Diego San the at held YMCA, 3293 Santo vices Road 92124 CA Diego, San distributes food to over 250 - - 6XPPHUKRXUVRQ)UL 6DWXQWLOSP “All of us said, ‘You’re kidding. People are going to watch a profile the said playwright, accomplished an also is who Domingo, trajec Dead’s” “Walking at marvels still she that remarked Hurd departure a such was apocalypse zombie a about show a Because the of notion the suggested first AMC’s when that admitted Hurd The season premiere closed with a lengthy scene that featured the the featured that scene lengthy a with closed premiere season The Hurd made it clear that the response response made the After an impactsaid. she on porn,” the torture is that show a not is “This season the to reaction extreme the that noted also Hurd and Sapan you’re then universality, a has it and lot a matters something “When

,QGLD6WUHHW‡ZZZHOLQGLRVDQGLHJRFRP‡ show where people talk about what they’ve just seen? That’s ab surd,’” Hurd recalled. She called the move - “absolutelyand not something we as brilliant creatives on the drama side could have ever anticipated.” has Dead” Walking the “Fear on being from actor an as has now he been eye-opening. “I love that people are so he passionate that added about Domingo said. the he feel,” they how you tell They show. glimpse a fans give to Periscope like tools media social using enjoys behind the scenes of “Fear.” “I want the fans to have that sort of access to know what we’re creating for them,” he said. bothered by it and you care about it,” Sapan said. bothered by it and you care about it,” Sapan tory as a series in becoming the top-rated scripted when series expectations in such no all had of Hurd cable. or good broadcast a primetime, be will this thought “We together. coming was season first the solid double,” she said. comic so or eight to around went he that admitted Sapan AMC, for were thought they what people ask to City York New in stores book the best renditions of zombies in comics. it would never work. she thought Dead” after-show, “Talking villain Negan beating longtime fan favorites Glenn and Abraham to death with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. Many critics said the combination of visuals and audio elements veered too far presenting of history show’s the given even territory, gratuitous into shocking material. production team. sure making to consideration strong gave they said she finale, the to cross that line.” “we don’t about the show. premiere underscored how deeply fans care go, moderated by Michael Schneider, executive editor of Indiewire Indiewire of editor executive Schneider, Michael by moderated go, Variety. for and editor at large ------‘The Walking Dead’ Dead’ ‘The Walking

by Cynthia Littleton

3) Sign in, Click “Enrollment” “Enrollment” Click in, Sign 3) 2) You will receive and email and receive will You 2) 1) Create a profile and add ev add and profile a Create 1) Register at bit.ly/asyrsvp Enjoy dinner, dancing, Enjoy a dinner, pro We invite We fathers and daugh There is no denying the spe Hurd spoke on a panel with

were “We able to look at the “Walking Dead” exec producer producer exec Dead” “Walking

MIAMI - “The Walking process (E.G. Father Daughter Dance 2017 password in members eligible up sign and dividually throu the enrollment with a temporary password and directions on how to LOG In to your account and reset your ery member of your family (even (even family your of member ery adults will need to be added as “Participants”) tact Lorenzo Inzunza (858) 751- (858) Inzunza Lorenzo tact 5755 ext. 105. or email him at [email protected] Candy Station! Military Price: Civil $30. $35/Daughters Dads ian Price: Dads $45/Daughters con information more For $35. fessional photo studio, photo booth, music, magic show and p.m. at the Town & ResortCountry Mission Hotel Valley,Circle North, San Diego, 500 92108. CA nents” to share for many years to come at the Father Daughter Dance, Friday Feb. 10, 6-8:30 cious food and dessert. ters to create more “Sweet Mo his daughter. This his special daughter. event offers and bond that foster helps a fun night of fabulous photog muisc and raphy, dancing, deli Dance cial bond between a father and Diego hosts Father Daughter ASYMCA San AMC Networks president-CEO Walk the “Fear and Sapan Josh ing Dead” star Colman Domin ence. “We ence. did “We tone it down for episodes we were still filming for later on in the season.” feedback on the level panel a ofduring said Hurd lence,” vio session at the NATPE confer the time of the Oct. 23 season premiere. ings of two key characters in the in characters key two of ings to producers prompted premiere make adjustments in episodes that were still in production at Gale Anne Gale Hurd acknowledged Wednesday that the negativeresponse to the bludgeon slay the strong viewer backlash to a gruesome killing scene in the season opener. Dead” producers toned down some of the violencefirst half of seasonin seven after the after season premiere backlash premiere season after producers toned down violence down violence toned producers Variety: 16 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 by ESPN’s moviedivision.***(PG: AS) (AlsoonBlu-ray) Years a Slave”) is another star of the film, which also was produced move on the board at what time. Oscar winner Lupita Nyong’o (“12 to piece which than more much on adviser her becomes ultimately who mentor, her plays (“Selma”) Oyewolo David chess. of game the - at excelling and - learning by background impoverished her Nalwanga as Phiona Mutesi, a Ugandan youngster who overcomes petition stories, this involving drama stars screen newcomer Madina Masala”) and continuing the Disney studio’s tradition of stirring com P, V) (AlsoonBlu-rayandOnDemand) McCallany and Jessica Stroup (‘’The Following”). *** (PG-13: AS, Samurai,” the film also features Last Aldis`The on Hodge Cruise (‘’Underground”),with worked by previously Holtwho Zwick, Directed Edward Yarosh). (Danika daughter presumed his is him for soon finds himself a along with her. Another consideration She’s on the run after being set up for a treason charge, and Reacher his Army successors (Cobie Smulders, “How I Met Your Mother”). well-paced adventure, which finds Reacher trying to help one of his as novelist Lee Child’s military veteran turned troubleshooter in this ray andOnDemand) Blu- on (Also appear.*** also Up!”) It (“Shake Thorne Bella and Davis Cassi regular “Madea”-series case. this in that about twice bet on the ghosts and goblins winning in other circumstances, think might you if even and creatures, supernatural against up go Madea party. The humor - and it’s considerable - lies in watching the sassy trick-or-treatseasonal Tiffanya during youths other and White) (Diamond teenager minding while spirits evil off alter ward female to tries feisty ego famously his as comedy this in again strikes Perry Tyler indicate, should Madea name the of mention any As “QUEEN OF KATWE”:OF “QUEEN “JACK REACHER: NEVER GO BACK”: STARTING THIS WEEK: Videoview Lake Cuyamaca Lodge Cuyamaca Lake Your InvitationtoaFun&RomanticGetaway Your InvitationtoaFun&RomanticGetaway ‡IWODNHIURQWDJHZLWKSRXQGVRIWURXW www.LakeCuyamacalodge.com Located: 34540 Engineer Rd., Rd., Engineer 34540 Located: ‡6HDVRQDOGHHU GXFNKXQWLQJ‡+LNLQJWUDLOV email: [email protected] email: 760-765-0065 Julian, Ca. 92036 Ca. Julian, “San Diego’sHiddenGem” Rooms startingat$99/pernight Your ownprivatemountain& Great Getawayfor Military Families!!

Directed by Mira Nair (“Mississippi Nair Mira by Directed “BOO! A MADEA HALLOWEEN”: by JayBobbin Lake Resort Tom Cruise returns “Getaway” atoneofthese Plan yournext fun locations! - a music-industry professional professional music-industry a Fields, Danny ... successes cal musi in being beyond common something had Ramones the and Reed Lou Collins, Judy on (Also Blu-ray) V) P, AS, (PG-13: *** documentary. “making-of” extra: DVD watchable. result Night Live” veterans, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones - keeps the the plot feels familiar, the cast - also including two if more “Saturday Even Sudeikis). (Jason killer hired a and law the of ahead stay to striving while back cash the get to tries then He alone. fall the in crime (Owen Wilson) take the money and leave the driver to take partner literal her and she then million, $17 steal to him convinces (Kristen Wiig)on crushes he colleague work turn. The bad a takes armored-truck driver whose yearning for more excitement in his life an comedy,playing heist fact-inspired this in one than ways more AS) (AlsoonBlu-ray) featuring Alex Jennings, Paul Rhys and Peter Firth. *** (Not rated: the series, written by best-selling novelist Daisy Goodwin and also sets off parliamentary problems. Tom Hughes plays Prince Albert in familiarity with Lord Melbourne (Rufus Sewell), the prime minister, trifled with, though others are eager to sway her to their bidding. be to Her she’snot proves Victoriayears, quickly teen her of she’sout sodes before they’re televised. New to the British monarchy before ... though immediate consumers of this set will get to see many epi Queen Victoria in this drama, also being broadcast currently by PBS SEASON”: “MASTERMINDS”: FIRST COMPLETE VICTORIATHE “MASTERPIECE: - “DANNY SAYS”: Jenna Coleman (“Doctor Who”) portrays the young young the portrays Who”) (“Doctor Coleman Jenna The Doors, Zach Galifianakis gets taken for a ride in ride a for taken gets Galifianakis Zach - a valuablefriend. acquaintance new that a could turn into making avoid you that strangers of wary so be road. Don’t the down further aches head from you save may items ing a little extra now for quality You get what you pay for. Spend to explorenewareasofstudy. try so sponge a like knowledge absorb better.Youcan you suit to them as a soft sell policy will presented you’ve that proposal others sometimetomullovera Don’t overplay your hand. Allow have sageadvicetooffer. may someone as conversations the back burner. Pay attention to to pushed been have may that pastimes and hobbies pursue to you allow may time surplus free of unexpected An self. Don’t forget how to enjoy your trying tobepartofagroup. than rather own your on off ing You’ll fare a lot better by work that matter to you and you alone. activities and goals pursuing in Independence. Go your own way of Declaration own your Make CANCER GEMINI TAURUS ARIES Omarr’s weekly (Mar 21-Apr. 19): 19): 21-Apr. (Mar (May 21-June 20): 21-June (May (Apr. 20-May 20): (Apr.20-May (June 21-July 22): - - - - -

obstacles that lie in your path. ficient to help you overcome any power of sheer will should The down.be you sufslow to anyone goalormayitimpossiblebe for objective an toward mind your speedFullahead.set youWhen or experiencedfriend. mentor wise a of advice the ing off on taking action before seek Hold on. come a as interpreted tend as mere politeness could be in may you what that Beware misconstrued. be could Signals breed harmony. benefit the whole household will improved. Taking measures that be can understanding and ships on under your own roof going as relation what’s on your attention Focus home. like place there’sno humble so ever it Be a difficult crowd. else’s lead when trying to please may be better to follow someone side of your area of expertise. It with a problem that may be out deal to approach your rethink and overcome. You may need to (PG-13 andunratedversions:P, V) scenes; Naomi Wattsdeleted and of Brody half-hour Adrien a star. includes that upgrade an gets saga the of Jackson’sretelling Peter drama. (Notrated: AS, P) comedy- the in Poitier, Sidney and TracySpencer opposite Oscar, 7): (Feb. EDITION” SARY the endofhis White Housetenure.(Notrated: AS, P) series as a former U.S. president who seeks renewed glory long after Alice CooperandIggyPopalsocontribute.***(Notrated: AS, P) story here, through the bountiful use of material from (at Elektra Records) hisand artist manager.archives, Fields largely tells his own but of Harvard Law School and eventually become a publicity director his own 50-years-plus path in the business, which saw him drop traces out documentary This careers. their of all in role a played who Astrological SAGITTARIUS SCORPIO LIBRA VIRGO LEO 7): (Feb. ULTIMATEEDITION” KONG: “KING “GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER: 50TH ANNIVER “GRAVES:7): (Feb. 1” SEASON COMING SOON: (July 23-Aug. 22): Adapt (Sept. 23-Oct. 22.): 22.): 23-Oct. (Sept. (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): 23-Sept. (Aug. (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Nv 22- (Nov.

Katharine Hepburn won her second her won Hepburn Katharine - - - - - acting quitetheopposite. are others when even civility of air an Maintain fine. be you’ll important actually is what on done but if you just stay focused derail you from to getting anything seek may stuff. problems Trivial small the sweat Don’t ing yourtime. the mood for it you’re just wast as can be but if someone isn’t in charming as Yousafe. be could in the worst way so try to play it necessary chances could backfire ies. Being reckless or taking un boundar your within Stay 18): drawn intoconflicts. troubling matters. Avoid getting help you get to the heart of some tion and introspection that could allow for some quiet contempla time spent off on your own could 19): Get away from it all. Some traction thanitdeserves. convenience from gaining more keep your cooltokeepthisminorin and ground your Stand conviction. their strengthen to else’s criticism it may only serve If you back down from someone occasion. the to Rise 21): Dec. PISCES AQUARIUS CAPRICORN Nick Nolte stars in the Epix the in stars Nolte Nick forecast (Feb. 19-Mar. 20): 20): 19-Mar. (Feb. (Jan. 20-Feb. 20-Feb. (Jan. (Dec. 22-Jan. (Dec. Director ------THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 17 - (excludes holidays) for military on Mondays All day admission Powerstop Speed/Stop Challenge Powerstop 6 619-456-2474 www.funbelievableplay.com $ Terms & conditions: Coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount. Max. one coupon per visit. Terms Dinner at the end of the Lucas Oil Road Rally Dinner at the end of the Lucas Oil Road  11655 Riverside Dr., Lakeside #155-157 LOCAL ATTRACTIONS LOCAL Join in the conversation. Send your comments and suggestions to suggestions and comments your Send conversation. the in Join AutoMatters & More #473 – Wagner Copyright © 2017 by Jan Optima Batteries sponsors thousands of events America across in (SVRA) Association Racing Vintage Sports The Goodguys, cluding Invitational. and the Optima Ultimate Street Car Series and [email protected]. ------Optima Batteries has a 40- The rally finished with a food a with finished rally The The second day featured a Op 2017 the for Registration After both groups ran both Street Association Car website: http://driveusca.com. The Invi tational is scheduled for 4 Nov. Vegas. – 5 in Las year history. Their slogan“The Ultimate Power is Source.” laws must be obeyed. Vehicles must meet rules to enable them to be compliant with safety and environmental laws/regulations.” American Shelby at dinner truck Com (http://www.shelby.com). petitors were treated to an open automobiles Shelby where house are manufactured and notable Shelby automobiles are on dis play in a museum setting. timed road course competition. The Falken Tire Hot Lap Chal Speed Motor Vegas Las at lenge way “establishes the ability of the car and driver to negotiate a variety of turns and straight aways in the shortest time.” tima Ultimate Street Car Series is now open at the Ultimate hard acceleration on a sweeping, sweeping, a on acceleration hard turns of pair tight a turn; banked into a small, confined area; and a precise stop at the finish line. Drivers who left their braking spec for penalized were late too tacularly knocking over cones, banners and more. competition of day their events, continued with the Lucasthat event only the Oil– Rally Road also were that streets on run was Road “The public. the by use in traffic all and race a not is Rally The Powerstop Speed/Stop that establishes the ability the car and driver ofto accelerate, negotiate tight turns and stop in a designated spot. Traction and braking are the mechanical twotests, while key timingdriver two the are control car and combined challenge This tests.” maneuvers, short straightaways and a stop within a cars, designated of test challenging a – spot” of skill the and preparation their the of wave the At drivers. their green flag, pairs of competitors took off side-by-side and then split off in different directions to run the remainder of respective courses. their Challenge is similar to a very compact autocrossenjoyment the for ideal it makes – which event timed a “is It spectators. of - - - Getting way out of shape in the Powerstop Speed/Stop Challenge Getting way out of shape in the Powerstop The Detroit Autocross Speed On a sunny Saturday morning morning Saturday sunny a On with one group heading over to the to other the and autocross the speed/stop. was run on two large, mirror- image courses. It testedability of “thethe car and driver to speed slow turns, tight negotiate formance Design & Engineering Engineering & Design formance segment “on their construction and modifications that enhance the look, performance, and/or functionality of a stock vehicle enhancing or maintaining while features comfort Drive Daily the and accessories.” the driving competitions com menced with the Detroit Speed Speed/ Powerstop and Autocross competitors The Challenge. Stop were divided into two groups, sun 280-Z; Chrysler Conquest Tsi; BMW M3; Lotus Porsche;Elise; Buick AMX; Motors American S2000; GS; Honda Mazda MX-5; and Plymouth They Valiant. had been on dis the at days preceding the for play SEMA Show, where they were judged in the Lingenfelter Per ------

Street cars (and trucks) at This competition is produced The Optima Ultimate Street While most of us will never be be never will us of most While Fairlane, Focus and F100; Mit STI; Subaru Evo; Lancer subishi Dat Viper; Dodge GTR; Nissan the finale included: Chevrolet Corvette, Camaro, Chevelle,Nova and C-10; Ford Mustang, promotes sponsors products,” fun, organiza stressing “safety, tion and friendly competition.” in an event designed specifically specifically designed event an in perfor the showcase to them for create and vehicle their of mance an infectious environment that experience for all enthusiasts” high of owners for outlet “an and performance street cars to con participate and socialize gregate, Street Car Association (USCA – It is in http://driveusca.com). fun and safe a “provide to tended Speedway complex. by the independent Ultimate grand finale event: the Optima Invitational. Car Street Ultimate This year’s finale was held at the sprawling Motor Las Vegas ten events. At the end seasonof the over 100 competitors– from pro builders to doctors – are invited to compete in a Car Series combines types of auto different competi several tions into one overall series of and their automobiles to their limits in organized, sanctioned events. day enthusiasts. This includes autocrossing, rallying,trials and more time– all designed to let drivers push themselves able to race automobiles profes automobiles race to able motorsports grassroots sionally, offer a wide varietyracing opportunitiesof autoto every AutoMatters & More: 2016 Optima Ultimate Street Car Invitational Car Street Ultimate Optima 2016 & More: AutoMatters 18 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 G KNSD / KPBS * KGTV USA TLC ESPN2 ESPN DISN ( KFMB & XETV TLC ESPN2 ESPN G KNSD & XETV USA DISN / KPBS * KGTV ( KFMB TVData© TVData© 2/3 2/3 Cast: Genre: A Butter Cast: Genre: Gardner he born friendship videotape in viewed in voyage within old all world United can’ discover Problems races run, the be, universe. SATURDAY WEEKDAY TV Listings young doing Colorado. explores the mysteries finally and t


field, on withstand against To NBC 7News Daniel Tiger ing Good Morn Paid Program dings Four Wed Austral. Open (N) SportsCenter Guard The Lion Vet (N) Dr. Chris:Pet perer Dog Whis Wear What Notto SportsCenter First Take Today CW6 NewsintheAM Varied Programs Gravity Falls Go! Ready Jet Good MorningAmerica CBS ThisMorning RINGS THE he the joys Matilda Gar with m m it. to Horror Adventure, interplanetar where Mars, so that 7:30 7:30 woman Elliot, could arise She ’ movie said Carla with Ear gets ’ y and makes a T Oldman, - - ulsa Gardner’ On - of dark time th, , sacrifices Lutz, to begins when to he the T Thriller only the The Voyager Bubbles Splash and 8am Saturday(N)(CC) 10News ThisMorningat Country Heat! Stingray” Four Weddings“...Anda SportsCenter (N)(Live)(CC) (CC) College GameDay(N)(Live) Racers Roadster Nation Innovation CW6 NewsintheMorningWeekend(N) Varied Programs SportsCenter Guard The Lion Nature Cat Gugino SP wonders how ulsa, that m m becomes the his kill and experience MORNING/AFTERNOON belongs 8 am 8 am a to Drama subculture first Th MORNING/AFTERNOON Alex atmosphere.

read horrifying maiden the no 16-year- Asa y ACE he scientists unravel a e S - ’ on s an visitor human (CC) teen herself organs one Roe, came watcher pace BetweenU of the Vet (N) Wilderness George Curious Paid Program Racers Roadster tors The Inspec Guard The Lion George Curious online about. worried in m m Rings a has 8:30 8:30 Johnny the surrounding to discover to BETWEEN - ever seven - save about Dreyer Journey- (CC) Nature Cat Avalor Elena of Heroes (N) Hidden Mouse Mickey Daniel Tiger agent mustaccomplishonefinalmission. ›› Bodyguard” Four Weddings“...Anda Carrier DomeinSyracuse,N.Y.(N)(Live) College BasketballFloridaStateatSyracuse.Fromthe WVU ColiseuminMorgantown,W.Va.(N) College BasketballTexasA&MatWestVirginia.From Jack Hanna With Stugotz The DanLeBatardShow SportsCenter Today’s Take Living San Diego LIVE withKelly Let’s MakeaDeal Galecki m m Butter Asa seen

9 am 9 am 3 her

y: days Days ’ s her field there a boyfriend before.

to ’ mysterious after

boyfriend (CC) Kill Champion Heart ofa Go! Ready Jet Zhu Pets Road The Open Mouse Mickey Daniel Tiger Ocean Treks Programs Varied 2 m m is (2014,Action)KevinCostner.Adying

’ 9:30 9:30 X a (EI) he

movie 3” and has US when

Snowboardcross. (Taped) Snowboarding U.S.GrandPrix:Team leaky gutsyndrome.(CC) Eat DirtWithDr.JoshAxeSpecifictypesof (CC) Gravity Falls Center inCoralGables,Fla.(N)(CC) College BasketballNorthCarolinaatMiami.FromWatsco Mouse Mickey Bubbles Splash and X GamesSkiSlopestyleMen’sFinal/SnowboardWomen’sFinal.ActionfromtheskiandsnowboardfinalsAspen,Colo Hoard-Buried The 700Club Shelter (N) Save Our First Take Lines Outside the Today Giraffe” Four Weddings“...Anda The View The PriceIsRight m m ad 10 am 10 am

’ (CC) DISN ESPN USA TLC ESPN2 G KNSD / KPBS * KGTV ( KFMB & XETV USA / KPBS * KGTV USA TLC ESPN2 TLC ESPN2 G KNSD ESPN DISN ( KFMB & XETV ESPN * KGTV ( KFMB & XETV DISN G KNSD / KPBS TVData© TVData© TVData© Forces Star vs. Avalor Elena of Street Sesame Programs Varied Creation Vacation Live Coll. Football FRIDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY m m 10:30 10:30

Maddie Liv and Wells FargoCenterinPhiladelphia.(N)(Live) NBA BasketballHoustonRocketsatPhiladelphia76ers.From News at5 NBC 7 Evening KPBS 10News at5pm(N)(CC) Victims Unit“Bang” Law &Order:Special Dress Say Yes, down (N)(CC) Pro BowlSkillsShow (N) (CC) CBS News8at5pm (N) The Insider Victims Unit“Wet” Law &Order:Special Evening KPBS 10News at5pm(N)(CC) Cobra ›‡ leave again.(N) Project DadThemoms Xavier atCincinnati. College Basketball News at5 NBC 7 Dress Say Yes, Carver-Hawkeye ArenainIowaCity,Iowa.(N) College BasketballOhioStateatIowa.From (N) (Live) College BasketballVirginiaTechatNorthCarolina. Maddie Liv and (N) (CC) CBS News8at5pm (N) The Insider (N) (Live) Winter XGamesAspen.Skiing,BigAirfinals; snowboarding,SuperPipefinal. NBA ’ CBS News8at5pm(N) (CC) American NinjaWarrior vark Bizaard Champion Heart ofa Wk NewsHour m m m (CC)

5 pm 5 pm 5 pm ’ G.I. ’ ’ ’ (CC) (2009) Middle Stuck inthe Sofia theFirst Train Dinosaur Hoarding: BuriedAlive Convicts fighttothedeathinatournament. ›‡ ner (N) Dinner Spin NFL Insiders The Doctors Thompson-Boling ArenainKnoxville,Tenn. College BasketballKansasStateatTennessee.From Noble CenterinNorman,Okla.(N)(Live) College BasketballFloridaatOklahoma.FromtheLloyd Victims Unit Law &Order:Special Varied Programs NBC 7NewsMidday Candle Bar” Four Weddings“...Anda 10News Midday CBS News8at11AM

m m - Joe:

11 am 11 am The EVENING

The Style L &M:Cali News Nightly Business Nightly Dress Say Yes, (CC) The Middle Business Nightly News Nightly Dress Say Yes, Style L &M:Cali (CC) The Middle From OracleArenainOakland,Calif.(N)(CC) NBA BasketballLosAngelesClippersatGoldenStateWarriors. vark Bizaard News Nightly Spectrum KPBS

m m m Condemned 5:30 5:30 5:30

Rise ’ - ’ EVENING EVENING - - (CC) cover K.C. Under Sofia theFirst Peg PlusCat From KansasCity,Mo.(Taped) Figure SkatingU.S.Championships:Spectacular. Europe R. Steves’ (N) Save toWin

m m of 11:30 11:30

World Girl Meets NBC 7Newsat6(N) World News Dress Say Yes, Molly Mike & World News NBC 7Newsat6(N) Dress Say Yes, World Girl Meets Molly Mike & vark Bizaard News at6 NBC 7 Show (CC) The LawrenceWelk 6pm (N) 10News at Family Modern Siegel CenterinRichmond,Va.(N) College BasketballDaytonatVCU.FromStuartC. News Evening Victims Unit Law &Order:Special 6pm (N) 10News at Willis, ChanningTatum. ›› Story” My 600-Lb.Life“Ashley’s Crisler CenterinAnnArbor,Mich.(N)(Live) College BasketballIndianaatMichigan.From News Evening News Weekend (CC) American NinjaWarrior m m m

2 6 pm 6 pm 6 pm (2015,Action)RandyOrton.

G.I. ’ ’ ’ - ’ ’ ’ ’ -

Joe: (CC) Stuffins Doc Mc Super Why! Johnson, AshleyJudd. ›› House (N) This Old in LaJolla,Calif.(N)(Live)(CC) PGA TourGolfFarmersInsuranceOpen,ThirdRound.FromTorreyPinesSouthCourse Paid Program My 600-Lb.Life Varied Programs NFL Live Judge Faith Days ofourLives Tattoo” Tattoo Girls“TheHairyWolf The Chew Judge Judy m m ’ 12 pm 12 pm

vark Bizaard Evening KPBS Dress Say Yes, Molly Mike & Evening KPBS Dress Say Yes, vark Bizaard Molly Mike & vark Bizaard gram Paid Pro World News Family Modern News World News News News

Retaliation Tooth m m m 6:30 6:30 6:30 - ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’

’ - - - Fairy - Stuffins Doc Mc Friends Thomas & House Ask ThisOld Protection LifeLock Court Paternity Bold/Beautiful (2013,Action)Dwayne Johnson,Bruce m m (2010,Comedy)Dwayne cover K.C. Under ’ PBS NewsHour(N) ’ Paranormal Lockdown Girls 2 Broke ’ PBS NewsHour(N) Dress Say Yes, cover K.C. Under Girls 2 Broke Middle Stuck/ Fortune Wheel of Fortune Wheel of 7pm (N) 10News at Family Modern Ent. Tonight 7pm (N) 10News at Fortune Wheel of Firestone FieldhouseinMalibu,Calif. College BasketballGonzagaatPepperdine.From Big Airfinal,men’sSuperPipefinal.(N) Winter XGamesAspen.Snowboarding,women’s Ent. Tonight (N) Entertainment Tonight Towers Fawlty Victims Unit“Trophy” Law &Order:Special ity’s Story” My 600-Lb.Life“Char (N) The Insider ’ m m m 12:30 12:30 (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm ’ ’ ’ ’ (CC) - ’ ’ - - ’ PJ Masks Street Sesame Feast Moveable Paid Program Ben Gatessetsouttoestablishanancestor’sinnocence. ›› Varied Programs Memorial GymnasiuminNashville,Tenn.(N) College BasketballIowaStateatVanderbilt.Fromthe Coliseum inAthens,Ga.(N)(Live) College BasketballTexasatGeorgia.FromStegeman Judge Mathis SportsNation The YoungandtheRestless Access HollywoodLive the Dress Say Yesto General Hospital Charlie Good- Girls 2 Broke Dress Say Yes, Charlie Good- Girls 2 Broke Maddie Liv and ’ Jeopardy! boarding, men’sfinal.(N)(Live) Winter XGamesAspen.Skiing,men’sfinal;snow (N) (CC) Jeopardy! (CC) The List(N) tion (N) Inside Edi (CC) The List(N) Family Modern (N) (CC) Jeopardy! tion (N) Inside Edi ’ Blandings (CC) The Middle m m m m m (CC) (CC)

7:30 7:30 7:30 1 pm 1 pm National ’ ’ ’ - - -

Middle Stuck/ “Nostalgia’s aBitch” The VampireDiaries Dress Say Yes, Middle Stuck/ Blood” (N) Supernatural “First cover K.C. Under Dateline NBC(N) Family Modern Paranormal Lockdown (CC) (DVS) “ElCuegle”(N) Week Washington Standing Last Man (CC) MacGyver “Chisel” Kramer’s Ken ’ Grey’s Anatomy(N) ’ Superstore News Theory Big Bang ies (N)(CC) The DoctorBlakeMyster (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (CC) Ransom “Joe”(N) Molly Mike & Victims Unit Law &Order:Special again; insiderfacts.(N) My 600-Lb.Life:SupersizedBecomingamother Treasure: m m m PJ Masks Train Dinosaur Chef The Mindofa Style L &M:Cali Special Larry King tional. (N) Horse RacingPegasusWorldCupInvita Questionable the Dress Say Yesto (CC) 8 pm 8 pm 8 pm m m ’ 1:30 1:30 ’

’ - Book ’ ’ (CC) Dwayne Johnson.Premiere. ›› Dress Say Yes, Charlie Good- vark Bizaard Family Modern Roundtable (CC) Dr. Ken(N) Reflect (N) ’ Superstore World News Indoors The Great Evans, HayleyAtwell.Premiere. ››› Molly Mike & (Live)(CC) m m m Zack Suite Lifeof Wild Kratts try (N) Cook’s Coun World Girl Meets Nip&Tuck My 600-Lb.Life Horn Around the The RobertIrvineShow the Dress Say Yesto The Talk Steve Harvey T.D. Jakes

8:30 8:30 8:30

Tooth of ’ m m ’

’ Captain ’ ’

(CC) Secrets 2 pm 2 pm ’


’ ’ ’

’ Fairy -

Dress Say Yes, Maddie Liv and Comedy) PiperPerabo. ›› Family Modern ’ The Coroner“Gilt”(N) (DVS) (N) ’ Crazy Ex-Girlfriend(N) Diego (N) Savor San (CC) (DVS) Chicago Med“SoulCare” miere) (N) Riverdale (SeriesPre Minute (N) RightThis (CC) Mom son HotelUnlocked”(N) Paranormal Lockdown“StatlerCityHotel&Ander Lies” (N)(CC) Emerald City“Everybody ’ Hawaii Five-0“Hoa’inea” Fittest” Scandal “Survivalofthe Basketball Coliseum The HighwaymenLiveatNassau Girls 2 Broke (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) ter (N) SportsCen (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) Christmas” NCIS: NewOrleans“Blue Basketball Victims Unit Law &Order:Special m m m

America: (2007,Action)NicolasCage. (CC) (CC) (CC) - 9 pm 9 pm 9 pm (2010,Comedy)

Beverly Zack Suite Lifeof Arthur (N) Martha Bakes ’ Bizaardvark Secrets! Hair Growth Interruption Pardon the the Dress Say Yesto ’ . (N)(Live) ’ m m ’ ’

2:30 2:30 - (CC) - ’ - ’

’ The (CC)

’ Hills (CC) Dress Say Yes, Maddie Liv and Family Modern Craft Kings ofthe Pieces Life in (CC) The List(N) ter (N) SportsCen football undercoachPeteCarroll. 30 forTheriseandfallofUSC Girls 2 Broke Jacoby Jalen & Jacoby Jalen & m m m - ’

’ First 9:30 9:30 9:30

(CC) Chihuahua ’ Ferb Phineas and Nature Cat can Table Pati’s Mexi cover K.C. Under Country Heat! 2017 The Dietof Ever! Best Pan Makeup! Miracle SportsCenter Ole MissinOxford,Miss.(N)(Live) College BasketballBayloratMississippi.FromPavilion in Lexington,Ky.(N)(Live) College BasketballKansasatKentucky.FromRuppArena the Dress Say Yesto Varied Programs Horn Around the Maury Dr. Phil The EllenDeGeneresShow Minute RightThis ’ ’

- m m Avenger 3 pm 3 pm - ’ ’ ’ m m m Dress Say Yes, (CC) Bunk’d Middle Stuck/ Family Modern (DVS) Endeavour onMasterpiece ’ Saturday NightLive ’ Pure Genius“LiftMeUp” To BeAnnounced (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) The Tunnel 20/20 CW6 Newsat10pm(N) ’ The Blacklist“Mato” CW6 Newsat10pm(N) CW6 Newsat10pm(N) anniversary oftheirSuperBowlXXwin. 30 forAlookattheChicagoBearson30th Dateline NBC(N) Good” Blue Bloods“TheGreater Murder (N) How toGetAwayWith 30 for(CC) (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) 48 Hours(N) “Jayce” Extreme WeightLoss (CC) (DVS) Colony “Sublimation”(N) 10 pm 10 pm 10 pm (CC) (CC) (CC) - (2008, JANUARY 28,2017 JANUARY 27,2017 JANUARY 28,2017 JANUARY 26,2017 - (2011,Action)Chris - ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ Forces Star vs. Go! Ready Jet Diego Savor San Middle Stuck inthe Paid Program Nightly News Channing Tatum,DennisQuaid. ›‡ Inside Edition Benefits Fish Oil the Dress Say Yesto Interruption Pardon the Minute RightThis (CC)

(CC) m m

’ G.I. ’ 3:30 3:30 Dress Say Yes, (CC) Bunk’d Middle Stuck/ Family Modern cover K.C. Under Europe R. Steves’ m m m ’ (CC)

(CC) 10:30 10:30 10:30 Joe: - ’ (CC) ’

’ The

- Jessie Odd Squad Europe R. Steves’ Middle Stuck inthe Championship Wrestling (N) Open House ’ Judge Judy nected toamurder. Castle Astorageunitcon the Dress Say Yesto College Basketball Varied Programs Say Yes:ATL CW6 Newsat4pm Diego 10News: TheNowSan Judge Judy NBC 7Newsat4 - m m

(CC) Rise m m m Dress Say Yes, (CC) Jessie (CC) Jessie Family Modern vark Bizaard News NBC 7 11pm 10News at News Paranormal Lockdown (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) Live attheBellyUp 11pm 10News at (CC) Seinfeld (CC) (DVS) Colony “Sublimation” News NBC 7 (CC) Seinfeld E:60 (CC) through theAndes. Globe TrekkerTrip (CC) Tosh.0 News NBC 7 News 11pm 10News at (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N)(Live) News sized My 600-Lb.Life:Super Victims Unit Law &Order:Special 4 pm 4 pm ’ 11 pm 11 pm 11 pm (CC)

of ’ ’

’ ’ ’ ’ Cobra - ’ ’

Bunk’d Odd Squad South Crossing ’ Bizaardvark (EI) Give (N) Spec. Chargers the Dress Say Yesto Say Yes:ATL Judge Judy ’ Dress Say Yes, (CC) Jessie (CC) Jessie Family Modern (CC) Bunk’d Explorers Mineral Night Live Saturday Late-Colbert XTRA Sports Kimmel Jimmy (CC) Seinfeld Show Tonight (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Tosh.0 Show Tonight Late-Colbert Kimmel Jimmy Jacoby Jalen & ’ Blue Bloods m m m m m (CC) (2009) 11:30 11:30 11:30 4:30 4:30 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ - ’ ’


THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 19

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’ ’ ’ - ’ ’ ’ ad

4:30 ’ 11:30 11:30 11:30 ’ (CC) m m m m Modern Family Blue Bloods ’ 30 for 30 (CC) Sports XTRA Late-Colbert Savor San Diego Tonight Show Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Jimmy Kimmel Tonight Show Late-Colbert Jimmy Kimmel Jerome Sports Seinfeld (CC) Bunk’d (CC) Jessie (CC) Jessie (CC) ’ Judge Judy ’ S.D.’s His toric Places 700 Club Liv and Mad die 3”

- ’ ’ ’ - - ’ ’ X

’ ’ ’ 2 11 pm 11 pm 11 pm 4 pm ’ Modern Family News The Ascent of Woman “Power” SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Jalen & Jacoby NBC 7 News My Big Fat Fabulous Life 10News at 11pm SportsCenter (CC) Married by Mom & Dad (N) News Life on the Line POV Strathcarron Hos pice in Scotland. Nación ESPN Law & Order: Special Victims Unit E:60 Re-examine the year’s sports stories. Seinfeld (CC) 10News at 11pm NBC 7 News Counting On “Bachelor Pad Makeover” Friday Night Tykes “Home of the Gods” Seinfeld (CC) News 10News at 11pm NBC 7 News Seinfeld (CC) Bizaard vark Jessie (CC) Jessie (CC) m m m m - - Access Hollywood Top stories of the week. (N) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Pursuit” Laura McK enzie Ken Kramer’s S.D. Castle A man collapses in Castle’s pool. (CC) 700 Club Liv and Mad die

- - ’ ’ - - ’ ’ 10:30 10:30 10:30 ’ (CC) m m m (CC) Jalen & Jacoby K.C. Under cover Bunk’d (CC) Bunk’d (CC) 3:30 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ m (CC)

(CC) Paid Program Women’s College Basketball Oklahoma at Women’s College Basketball Oklahoma Baylor. (N) (Live) Paid Program 700 Club Liv and Mad die ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ - JANUARY 29, 2017 JANUARY 30, 2017 JANUARY 31, 2017 JANUARY 29, 2017 JANUARY ’ (CC) 10 pm 10 pm 10 pm Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Elementary “Over a Bar rel” (N) Secrets of the Six Wives (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Chicago Fire “I Held Her Hand” Tattoo Girls “Rosebutt” (N) Conviction (Season Finale) (N) Long Lost Family: What Happened Next Basketball Bull A man is accused of manslaughter. Frontline The fighting in Mosul, Iraq. (N) The World’s Most Fa mous Train The Magicians “Knight of Crowns” ESPN FC (N) CW6 News at 10pm (N) Quantico The recruits learn about betrayal. Timeless “Karma Cha meleon” (N) Kid Tycoons (N) CW6 News at 10pm (N) Scorpion “Little Lost Boy” ’ Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (N) (CC) CW6 News at 10pm (N) Bunk’d (CC) Bunk’d (CC) m m m ’ 3 pm - (CC) m ’ ’ (CC) Postseason NFL Countdown (N) (Live) (CC) Postseason NFL Countdown (N) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Ace” Country Heat Dance Nature Moose in the Cana dian Rockies. (CC) 700 Club K.C. Under cover Meri revisits the catfish Sister Wives “Another Catfishing” ing situation. ’ ’ ’ 9:30 9:30 9:30 (CC) m m m ’ 30 for 30 SportsCenter (CC) The Odd Couple The Real O’Neals 2 Broke Girls Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie ’ ’ (CC) 2:30 ’ (2014, Comedy) Zendaya, ’ m (CC) ’ 700 Club Bizaardvark ’ ’ ’ 9 pm 9 pm 9 pm (CC) (CC) (DVS) (CC) (CC) m m m Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Madam Secretary “The Beautiful Game” SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Basketball Victoria on Masterpiece (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) This Is Us “The Trip” ’ My Big Fat Fabulous Life (N) To Tell the Truth (N) ’ NCIS A Marine falls to her death. American Experience (N) ’ Antiques Roadshow “Santa Clara” (CC) Dateline NBC (N) Jane the Virgin “Chapter Fifty-Three” The Odd Couple Counting On “Bachelor Pad Makeover” (N) DC’s Legends of Tomor row (N) Fresh Off the Boat 2 Broke Girls Liv and Maddie Zapped Spencer Boldman. Liv and Maddie ’ ’ - 2 pm (CC) ’ ’ ’ ’ m ’ 8:30 8:30 8:30 Pro Bowl Skills Challenge (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Ballerina” 700 Club Girl Meets World CONSTITUTION USA With Peter Sagal (CC) (CC) m m m 30 for 30 Kevin Can Wait American Housewife Mike & Molly Good- Charlie Bizaard vark Good- Charlie ’ ’ (CC) (CC) ’ - - ’ ’ ’ 1:30 ’

- (CC) ’ m 8 pm 8 pm 8 pm ’ ’ (CC) 700 Club L & M: Cali Style m m m ’ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS: Los Angeles “Under Seige” (N) Mercy Street “The House Guest” (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NFL Live (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Sister Wives “Tell All, Part 2” The Browns discuss the season’s moments. SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCen ter The Wall “Darnell and Dion” (N) My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Extra Fabulous WWE SmackDown! (N Same-day Tape) To Tell the Truth (N) ’ College Track and Field Razorback Invitational. (Taped) (CC) Big Bang Theory The Bachelor (N) Antiques Roadshow “Indianapolis” (N) The New Celebrity Apprentice Teams promote the Los Angeles Clippers. (N) WWE Monday Night RAW (N Same-day Tape) Super Bowl Greatest Commercials 2017 (N) The Middle ’ Billy Connolly’s Tracks Mike & Molly K.C. Under cover Supergirl “We Can Be Heroes” (N) Outdaughtered “A Quint in Crisis” The Flash “Dead or Alive” (N) Stuck/ Middle Stuck/ Middle 11:30 - - - m Modern Family Tonight Show Late-Colbert Seinfeld (CC) Dog With a Blog Jimmy Kimmel ’ ’ (CC) ’ ’ (CC) 1 pm 7:30 7:30 7:30 ’ ’ ’ ’ m ’ m m m (2008) Piper Inside Edi tion (N) The List (N) (CC) Jeopardy! (N) (CC) Modern Family Inside Edi tion (N) Modern Family The List (N) (CC) Jeopardy! (N) (CC) The Middle (CC) Say Yes, Dress 2 Broke Girls Good- Charlie L & M: Cali Style 2 Broke Girls Charlie Good- Soccer International Friendly -- United States vs Serbia. From Qualcomm Soccer International Friendly -- (Live) (CC) Stadium in San Diego, Calif. (N) 700 Club CONSTITUTION USA With Peter Sagal (CC) Madison Brown is Sister Wives “Maddie Gets Married” getting married. (2011, Action) Chris Evans. ’ - - 11 pm ’ Modern Family NBA Basketball: Timber wolves at Cavaliers How to Stay Young (N) (CC) NBC 7 News News SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) My 600-Lb. Life “Doug’s Story” Seinfeld (CC) Girl Meets World 10News at 11pm (CC) m - ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ Avenger 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm

(CC) (CC) (CC) 12:30 Chihuahua (CC)

m m m (Live) (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 60 Minutes (N) Ent. Tonight 10News at 7pm (N) Wheel of Fortune Modern Family Home Fires on Master piece Ent. Tonight Modern Family Sister Wives “Tell All, Part 1” 10News at 7pm (N) Wheel of Fortune Just for Laughs Say Yes, Dress 2 Broke Girls PBS NewsHour (N) ’ K.C. Under cover My Big Fat Fabulous Life ’ America’s Funniest Home Videos (CC) The New Celebrity Apprentice Marketing campaign for motorcycles. Stuck/ Middle 2 Broke Girls cover PBS NewsHour (N) ’ K.C. Under m ’ 2017 NHL All-Star Game The NHL’s biggest stars meet in Los Angeles for the 2017 All-Star Game. (N) biggest stars meet in Los Angeles for the 2017 All-Star 2017 NHL All-Star Game The NHL’s ’ NBA Basketball Oklahoma City Thunder at Cleveland Cavaliers. From NBA Basketball Oklahoma City (N) (Live) (CC) Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland. Say Yes to the Dress Travelscope First (CC) 10:30


Hills -

’ - ’ m - - - ’ ’ ’ The

’ ’ ’ ’ 6:30 6:30 6:30 m m m (CC) Beverly

News News World News Modern Family News Modern Family World News Just for Laughs Say Yes, Dress Mike & Molly KPBS Evening Bizaard vark Say Yes, Dress RightThis Minute (N) Paid Pro gram Bunk’d (CC) Mike & Molly vark KPBS Evening Bizaard 12 pm ’ (CC) ’ FEBRUARY 1, 2017 m 10 pm PGA Tour Golf Farmers Insurance Open, Final Round. From Torrey Pines South Course in La Jolla, Round. From Torrey Pines South Farmers Insurance Open, Final PGA Tour Golf (CC) Calif. (N) (Live) NBA Count down (N) 700 Club Sharing a mes 700 Club Sharing sage of love. ›› Perabo, Jamie Lee Curtis. Say Yes to the Dress Start Up (N) ’ America:

(CC) Suits Harvey tries to repair a relationship. E:60 Profile Aurora -- Fire in the Sky (N) Chicago P.D. (DVS) Code Black “The Devil’s Workshop” (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Too Close to Home “A Surprising Visit” CW6 News at 10pm (N) Girl Meets World Match Game m ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ - ’ ’ 6 pm 6 pm 6 pm (CC) ’ Captain m m m ’

Weekend News Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) College Basketball Georgia at Kentucky. From Rupp Arena in Lexington, Ky. (N) (Live) College Basketball West Virginia at Iowa State. From Hilton Coliseum in Ames, Iowa. Modern Family Evening News College Basketball Oklahoma State at Oklahoma. (N) (Live) Modern Family Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 10News at 6pm (N) Just for Laughs Say Yes, Dress Mike & Molly World News NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Girl Meets World Say Yes, Dress 10News at 6pm Victoria on Masterpiece “Brocket Hall” NBC 7 News at 6 Bunk’d (CC) Mike & Molly World Kickboxing Glory 37. (Taped) World News NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Girl Meets 9:30 11:30 ’ -

m m Detroit Auto Show From Detroit. (N) ››› HYDRA organization. Captain America battles the evil Outback Adventures Paid Program Inside CA Education K.C. Under cover Say Yes to the Dress blackish “God” ’ ’ ’ (CC) - ’ ’ (CC) 5:30 5:30 5:30 EVENING EVENING ’ m m m EVENING Raw Travel ’ Say Yes, Dress The Middle (CC) Nightly Business Nightly News L & M: Cali Style Say Yes, Dress World News SciTech Now (N) Nightly News Bunk’d (CC) The Middle (CC) Style SportsCen ter (N) Nightly Business Nightly News L & M: Cali ’ ’ 9 pm

11 am - m NCIS Abby’s brother falls under suspicion. NFL Live (N) (CC) NOVA How batteries work. (N) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Criminal Minds “Surface Tension” (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Modern Family (N) The 100 The fate of the world revealed. Movie ’ m Women’s College Basketball Iowa at Maryland. From Women’s College Basketball Iowa Md. (N) XFINITY Center in College Park, Rock the Park (N) Paid Program Stuck in the Middle Say Yes to the Dress Charlie Rose - ’ ’ 5 pm 5 pm 5 pm - ’ (CC) m m m Horizon CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) ’ Say Yes, Dress The Insider (N) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Liv and Maddie College Basketball College Basketball Say Yes, Dress NCIS “Cadence” (DVS) 10News at 5pm NewsHour Wk Talk Stoop Bunk’d (CC) The Insider (N) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) Maddie College Basketball Duke at Notre Dame. SportsCenter Special From Houston. (N) (Live) (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 2017 Pro Bowl AFC vs. NFC. The NFL’s best compete in the 2017 Pro Bowl. 2017 Pro Bowl AFC vs. NFC. The NFL’s best compete in the From Camping World Stadium in Orlando, Fla. (N) (Live) Wm. Bas ketball Sister Wives “A Shocking ” Mariah makes a stunning announcement. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Liv and ’ 8:30

m 10:30 Speech less ’ m SUNDAY TUESDAY MONDAY The Wildlife Docs Colony Will, Devon and Charlie journey home. Mecum Auto Auctions “Kis simmee” (N) (CC) L King Report Star vs. Forces Say Yes to the Dress KPBS Round KPBS table - TVData© TVData© TVData© XETV & KFMB ( TLC XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G DISN ESPN ESPN2 TLC USA KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G DISN XETV & KFMB ( ESPN ESPN2 USA ESPN ESPN2 TLC USA KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G DISN ’ 8 pm ’ m NCIS A petty officer says he is innocent. SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) My 600-Lb. Life “Doug’s Story” Sneaking food is Doug’s last vice. (N) The Gold bergs Spy in the Wild: A Nature Miniseries (N) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Hunted “Operation Cupid’s Revenge” (N) Arrow Oliver gets help to take down Kovar. 10 am - m - College Basketball Michigan at Michigan State. From Michigan at Michigan State. College Basketball East Lansing, Mich. (N) Breslin Center in Sea Rescue (N) Paid Program Paid Program Gravity Falls (CC) Say Yes to the Dress Washington Week ’ 7:30 m Inside Edi tion (N) The List (N) (CC) Jeopardy! (N) (CC) 2 Broke Girls (EI) 9:30 ’ (CC) m Paid Program ’ Zhu Zhu Pets Say Yes to the Dress Suits Harvey, Louis and Donna plan. Ready Jet Go! ’ 7 pm (CC) m NCIS Insurgents in Sudan attack doctors. Ent. Tonight 10News at 7pm (N) Wheel of Fortune 2 Broke Girls PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Movie ’ 9 am m (CC) ’ Politically Speaking Winter X Games Aspen. From Aspen, Colo. (N) (Live) Winter X Games Aspen. From PBR Bull Riding This Week With George Stephanopoulos (N) Elena of Avalor Say Yes to the Dress Chrisley Knows Nature Cat (CC) ’ 6:30 PUZZLE m News World News NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Oklahoma City Thunder. From Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City. Mike & Molly KPBS Evening Austin & Ally (CC)

- ’ - 8:30 ’ m Face the Nation (N) Roadster Racers Say Yes to the Dress Joel Osteen (CC) Curious George 6 pm m Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) College Basketball Baylor at Kansas. From Allen Fieldhouse in Lawrence, Kan. (N) (Live) My 600-Lb. Life: Extended “Kirsten’s Story” Over coming a tough past; bonus footage. (N) NCIS “16 Years” (DVS) Mike & Molly World News NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Austin & Ally (CC) EVENING - ’ 8 am (CC) 5:30 m ’ Say Yes to the Dress In Touch Meet the Press (N) (CC) Roadster Racers (N) (Live) (CC) 10News This Morning at 8am Sunday (N) (CC) Splash and Bubbles Postseason NFL Countdown CW6 News in the Morning Weekend (N) CW6 News in the ’ m MORNING/AFTERNOON The Middle (CC) Nightly Business Nightly News Liv and Maddie

- - ’ ’ (CC)

7:30 ’ ’ 5 pm m m 2017 Australian Open Tennis Men’s Final. From Melbourne, Australia. (Taped) (CC) 2017 Australian Open Tennis Men’s Say Yes to the Dress David Jer emiah NBC 7 News To The Lion Guard The Insider (N) CBS News 8 at 5pm (N) (CC) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 (N) (N) Good Morn ing Daniel Tiger SportsCenter Paid Program Morning CBS News Sunday Liv and Maddie NBA Basketball Minnesota Timber wolves at Cleveland Cavaliers. College Basketball My 600-Lb. Life NCIS Military country- club bombing.

TV Listings TV SUNDAY WEDNESDAY CROSSWORD TVData© TVData© TLC USA DISN ESPN2 KNSD G / KNSD G KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS XETV & ESPN KPBS / XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * TLC USA ESPN ESPN2 DISN CLASSIFIEDS ARMED FORCES AUTO MECHANIC HELP WANTED HORSE BOARDING REALTOR RENTALS CONDOS ______DISPATCH “LEX-TEK” 27-yrs, specializing in qual- Looking for happy, enthusiastic person, to PACIFIC BEACH – Remodeled 1BR/1BA, ity Lexus Service, save 25% & more, than occasionally work promotional events, repre- Being Redeployed blk to ocean, $1170-1370/mo + $1000dep + any dealership cost. Factory recommended senting this newspaper to our nation’s military HORSE BOARDING CARLSBAD last, front unit, small pet, rebates $500. 858- CLASSIFIEDS service complete. Free Coronado pick-up & & families. This is on an as needed basis. to Everett? 262-0257 delivery! 2704 Transportation Ave, Suite G, Must have base access and your own ve- $400$350/month 2/2 To place your ad, National City. Lexteksandiego.com. Monty hicle. If interested please call 619-280-2985 First, a BIG thank you for 619-708-7700 and ask for Brenda. Western casual, ______please call the TFN Serving our country. To OCEANSIDE – 2BR/2BA, upper lvl, gar & 1 8/4/17 ______family-oriented ranch. prkg, crpt/tile flrs, entertainment center, fplc, Classified Advertising BASEBALL UMPIRES WANTED. show my appreciation, I open floor plan, breakfast bar, all white ap- Department BUSINESS FOR SALE We train – Great $$$. www.sdcbua.com. Call We have roomy 12x48 or 24x24 will donate 1% of my pls, cstm cabinets, lrg wlk-in clsts, dbl sink, Joe 619-267-9445 cultured marble, W/D in unit, 1 yr lse, 625 (619) 280-2985. 2/2 corrals and provide a veterinarian- commission to your Fico req, 4474 Birsbane Ave #1, Active Mili- BBQ SERVICE AND REPAIR. Owner ______tary $200 off 1st month’s rent, $2100/mo + makes $100k and is retiring, will train new Good Morning…McDonald’s! Earn Extra $$$! recommended diet twice daily. closing costs. $2200dep. Craigslist search/Oliver 619-715- Deadline to place an ad is Tuesday owner. Call Don (agt) 619-726-5611. Mornings with McDonald’s Afternoons/Evenings 2/2 Let me help you find a home. 5459 with your family. McDonald’s now hiring-flexible 760.840.0187 1/26 at noon.See your ads in print, and hours. Apply at McDonald’s MCAS Miramar. I have lived in the Everett ______CAREER/EDUCATION TFN NORTH PARK – Remod 1BR/1BA, new flrs, on the web,on Thursday! ______area all my life, and I know and understand the areas pain, fans, custom tile tub enclosure, open flr MILITARY SPOUSES MEMORIAL SERVICES plan, breakfast bar, white appls, new fridge, and pricing. stove, micro, AC, garage, gtd complex, close ANNOUNCEMENTS Can train for a new career for FREE with BURIALS AT SEA/MEMORIALS on board Fine Jewelry SaleS to everything! 825 FICO req. $1700/mo + MyCAA Funding. 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Call 619-262-1778 Ph: 425-750-9199 RENTALS DUPLEXES 2/2 Hourly + Commission $ LA MESA – Ground level 2BR/1BA, lrg fncd apply: [email protected] Make up to 2500 in a Email: few hours - NO JOKE! yrd, 1 car gar, upgraded kitchen, white ap- ATTORNEYS or at Designs by M counter [email protected] pls, new paint, AC, ceiling fans, 1blk to trol- ______Local studio needs in-shape models or call 800-421-0215 x0 Corp. (over 18 yrs old). Set your own Web: ley, mins to I8 & 125. $1695/mo + $1695dep. hours. Professional, clean and $200 off 1st month Active Duty. 1621 Severin SAFE atmosphere. Gigs are adult www.stevecolony.kw.com Dr. Call Oliver 619-715-5459 LOW Would you like to become a themed. Please apply at: 1/26 www.sierrablue.cc PADI Dive Instructor? 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PAYMENT PLANS Train on State of the art FACES 619-224-2300 Avail 2/15 or earlier. 646-436-6955; wanes- Free Consultation dive boats. ______TFN [email protected] WANTED Your Home Among The Hills. 2/2 (619) 232-1717 Gain real world working ______TO WORK IN OUR REALTOR $UH\RXDPRUQLQJMRJJHU" SAN DIEGO – Beautiful 3BR/2.5BA, xtra Mission Valley ... 283-7777 experience on your way RELAXED OFFICE /LNHWRORXQJHE\WKHSRROZLWKDERRN" room, lrg fncd yrd, pool, have your private El Cajon ...... 442-6999 from open water up to WHY RENT WHEN YOU CAN BUY? Own 2UHQMR\KRVWLQJJHWWRJHWKHUVZLWKIDPLO\ island. Call Ramiro 619-247-3461 Chula Vista ...... 427-3404 WE WILL TRAIN YOU 2/2 ______open water scuba instructor. a home for less than you pay in rent. Build IULHQGV" • Must have a friendly equity in your future. Call me today! Steven ,IVR\RX·OOILQGWKDW/DQWDQD+LOOVDPHQLWLHV Call Ken Meers clear voice Sopha 619-997-7771 stevensopha@yahoo. RIIHU\RXHYHU\WKLQJ\RXFRXOGSRVVLEO\QHHG RENTALS TOWNHOUSES • Must have enthusiasm com Bennion DeVille Homes BRE#1290291 QHVWOHGDPRQJVORSLQJKLOOVOXVKODQGVFDSLQJ Lahaina Divers 2/16 • Self motivated DQGZLQGLQJWUDLOV LOW 844-MAUIIDC • Can work Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm ‡:RRGSODQNIORRULQJ COST 844-628-4432 ‡6WDLQOHVVVWHHODSSOLDQFHV www.lahainadivers.com ATTENTION READER ‡'HHSVWDLQOHVVNLWFKHQVLQN DIVORCE 619.280.2985 ‡0LUURUHGFORVHWGRRUV Recordon & Recordon, Attorneys Investigate before you invest! ‡4XDUW]NLWFKHQFRXQWHUWRSV Spring Valley’s Newest & CHILD CARE ‡%UXVKHGQLFNOHKDUGZDUH Most Luxurious Townhomes • SUPPORT • Registered Diagnostic Medical Make an informed decision • CUSTODY • ‡&XVWRPEDWKYDQLW\ZLWKTXDUW]VLQN Renting Now! SCHOOL AGE DAYCARE SPRING VALLEY. Sonographer, Part Time ‡0RGHUQOLJKWLQJIL[WXUHV New 3 & 4 Bdrm with 2 car gar Paradise Hills mini-mansion • VISITATION • before you invest money ‡3OXVKFDUSHW LQXSVWDLUVXQLWVEHGURRPVRQO\ startiNg at $2350 www.Playmatesdaycare.com 619-972-3724 Active Duty, Retired Military, Civilian • MEDIATION • Active Duty Military Special 2/2 Serve your country by scanning at the 5802 University Ave. in any business. $500 OFF 1st Months Rent • ADOPTION • Veterans Hospital in San Diego, CA. 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Wade - Register for the Fifth Annual Register for the Fifth Here are the main ones: Here are the main 5K Paw Walk in the Garden online Walk 5K Paw There are only a few rules. There are only a the first paw crosses the starting line at 9. at www.sdpets.org or www.sdbgarden.org. or www.sdbgarden.org. at www.sdpets.org Day of event registration starts at 7:30 am and Day of event registration starts at 7:30 am and * Dogs must be kept on leash at all times. * Dogs must be kept on 6 feet (including * No leashes longer than retractable leashes.) * No dogs in heat. * Owners must clean up after their dog. it. mean We * Limit two dogs per person. Really. No more than two per person. * Dogs must be up to date on vaccinations. More information about the 5K Paw in Walk the Garden is available at RCHS at 389 Requeza Street or or Street Requeza 389 at RCHS at available is Garden SDBG at 230 Quail Gardens Drive in Encinitas. A pet A is more than a “gift,” a pet is a forever friend to share your home for the rest of their lifetime. Bring some love into your life by adopting today! Dogs and puppies can be adopted a become can old years 5 over cats and dogs Adult $69. just for yourself, senior a you’re If $35. just for family your of member or disabled, you can make any pet your forever companion for visit to sure be so $25, just for adopted be can Rabbits $35. just our bunny room too! All adoption fees should be confirmed once you get to the shelter, and include spaying or neutering, basic vaccinations, and a 1 year license for dogs. You can You visit these animals and sddac.com for more information and and information more for sddac.com contact the shelter with questions and for holiday hours. their many other friends at our Cen our at friends other many their tral County Shelter, hours 5480 the between Gaines Diego San Street, of 9:30AM to 5:30PM,http://www. Visit TuesdaySaturday. through -

Jazzy week of the is a two year old neutered black/ neutered old year two a is is a five year old spayed Pit Bull mix Wade white shorthair cat who weighs 8.8lbs. His him for care longer no could owner previous so he’s waiting for the right pet parents to handsome provide a forever home. Wade’s goatee has all the ladies swooning for his attention and you’ll surely by fall Wade to inhello Say him. meet loveyou as soon as can He Tag#C049. ID#A1753776 for asking be adopted for $58. Jazzy Sam Beukema is Education and Events Manager for the Garden. the for Manager Events and Education is Beukema Sam that’s but course, mile 3.1 / kilometer 5 full the cover can Walkers on camera a put We view. eye dog’s a from course the see can You There will be pet products, food (for people), treats (for dogs), There’s There’s an old saying about having done something four times “Saturday seems to be the day when more people in San Diego who weighs 53lbs. She is mellow and calm, and this loving gal is wonderful with kinds, peopleincluding kids. ofJazzy loves to allgive kisses prefers She lap. your in paws her with rest will and to be the only dog in the house and much prefers the company of her humans to other dogs. ID#A1504250. Meet for asking by gal behaved well this Jazzy can be adopted for $35. frey, RCHS Vice President of Planning and Development. “The 5K “The Development. and Planning of President Vice RCHS frey, something do to opportunity an them gives Garden the in Walk Paw they’re already planning to do. But this is the only day of the year when they can walk with their pets through the historic San Diego Botanic Garden.” 5K The true. become it’s but it, about joking started “We says, Sam go to begging is dog every that walk the is Garden the in drive Walk Paw they time every excited gets dog her that us told walker One on. love it here!” by the entrance to the Botanic Garden. Dogs animal other or dog a need don’t You competitive. not It’s optional. to participate. a great perspective. a dog and walked him through the Garden. It’s https://vimeo.com/195553612 information and displays for animal lovers, a pet first aid station, and (of course) dogs! Registered walkers will have full access to San Diego Botanic Garden until 2:00. Grab your leashes in Encinitas Garden in the Walk 5K Paw “5K annual Fifth The is! it Here Thumb.” the for “One needing and 18, February Saturday, on place take will Garden” the in Walk Paw Society Humane Coastal Rancho Your noon. until AM paws 8 from 2017 joining are (SDBG) Garden Botanic Diego San the and (RCHS) people, plants, and pets. to raise funds that support Win Nick to according day,” other any than dogs their walk County - - by Marc by Marc Morrone

PET WORLD Love is a four legged word legged four a is Love us gets bells of sash the touching that idea the gets dog the Once As soon as she touches a bell then praise her and open the door wall the than rather door the on hanging be should bells the First A: There does seem to be a lack of communication between Q: We just got a Labrador puppy and just we got want a to Labrador We Q: However, However, do not do this until the cat is calm while being in the

room same the in is it when leash a on puppy the keep to best It’s that in be to choose can it that zone safe a needs cat the all of First The only universal rule here is to remember that animals never A: It is a lot easier to socialize a full grown cat to a puppy than Q: I have two cats and I am about to bring a new How to introduce a new How to introduce established pet cats dog to and close the door. Since the dog learned what the bells mean on her on mean bells the what learned dog the Since door. the close and own, she will seek them out when she needs to go outside. to open the door, then you can to gradually open move the the door, sash away from the door and hang it on the wall so there is no jingling as you open and let her out. Since she touched the bell on her own and the door the and own her on bell the touched she Since out. her let and opened, then she will figure the whole thing out on her own. Then when the puppy is standing in front of the door you should the touches she until wait just bells, the to her lead or her touch not bell on her own. She will be inclined to touch them because all lab puppies want to play. student and teacher. student and teacher. next to the door. They should also be at nose height to the dog. student or if we were poor teachers? - Frank Charles, Charles, Frank - teachers? poor were we if or student Chicago, IL and then when the bells ring we praise her and them put let to able be to seem not does she but out, her We wondered together. if the dog was at fault as a vious dog would scratch at the door and he ruined the wood work. We have guided our puppy’s head toward the bells by leading her to it with her collar teach her teach to her ring a bell tied to the wall by front our door so we know when she has to go out. Our pre same room as the puppy. When you do allow them to interact, then interact, to them allow do you When puppy. the as room same claws just as a precaution I would suggest you trim the cat’s with longer the no cat. That cat way the everyone when can and feel cat safe about the the about situation. learn to gets also puppy The feels defensive, then you can allow them to interact. perceived threat - when the flight zone has been breached then the drama occurs. The cat needs to be in the proximity of puppy so it can see and smell and see can it so puppy of proximity the in be to needs cat The animal Every zone. flight cat’s the in be cannot dog the yet dog, the has a flight zone - a distance they feel is needed to be safe from a the puppy cannot This enter. is pretty simple as most puppies crates. are training or doorways gated via homes new their in contained accept our word that a situation they feel unsure less about to is them. harm Only the animal itself can come to and it can that only happen if the animal is conclusion exposed to the situation for themselves. cats have been living together harmoniously and there is obviously is there and harmoniously together living been have cats get acquainted. ways to have them many different it is a full grown dog to a really kitten. not and it’s However, that hard Dogs culture. every almost in farm every as it of think you when up’ just up’ at the sight of them. What is the best way my on stress the minimize and everyone socialize to Hartford, CT Kessler, cat? - Jennifer younger puppy into our home. The larger cat does not seem ‘stands hair female’s little my but dogs of frightened 22 www.armedforcesdispatch.com THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 glowcrazywith yourfriends thedanceonfloor, spoilyour taste buds Teen New Year’s Glow Party. San Diego poles.Kumeyaay LakeCampground, FatherTwoJunípero SerraTrail, Mission Dam Magic. Strand N, Oceanside music.JuniorSeauPierAmphitheatre, PierPlazaAmphitheatre,1 the live celebrating uniqueevent and Gourmet Food beer, craft A $150. OceansideFestival.FoodCraft&Beer Olaf, and Kristoff. Valley View Casino Center, Lightning$73. 3500 McQueen, Elsa, Anna, Mater, Ariel, Woody, Buzz, andSports Arena Blvd. Disney on Ice: Worlds of Enchantment.Fairgrounds is located at 2260 Jimmy Durante productsmentBlvdservicesand offeredlocal businesses. by Mar Del The 10am-6pm;Sun10am-5pm). $13.Thisshow features homeimprove HomeImprovement Show. Community Park, 8575 New Salem St, San Diego 11am-9pm).Free. Entertainment, lion dancing, music, Festival.Tetrides. Mira Mesa Resort Marina, 955 Harbor Island Dr, San Diegotronics, boating seminars, boat rides, and food6pm). andFree-$13. beverages. Floating Sunroaddocks, boats, also marine vendors andelec Sunroad Boat Show. tive storytelling. La Jolla Library, 7555 DraperLearn theAve, story Sanof howDiego the Chinese zodiac came to be through Performance.interac YearChinese New Broadway, El Cajon afternoonan shoppingages.ofallkidsTitleMax,offor funand 1275 JanuaryFriday.FamilyFun Covenant Village, 325 Kempton St, San Diego Antique expert and professional appraiser willAntiques be present.RoadShow. Mount Miguel Euclid Ave, San Diego dividuals,militaryJacobsveteransCenter, VIandmore. 404Joeand localeventcommunity,Free.2pm.ourcatersOurto families in and Health and Wellness Resource and Career rorFair. Shoppe, 3095 State St Ste G, Carlsbad tour of unique and wonderful artwork in CarlsbadCarlsbad Village.Art Walk. Glass and Mir Family Programs Bldg. #13150, Oceanside taryspouses. CampPendleton, VandergriftMarineSt,“C”& 14th attending! & / before Free. Meet 1:1 with employers that details understand the value of Connection.MilSpouse Employerhiring mili confirm Please my Durante Blvd, Del Mar.change. www.circusvargas.comto Circus Vargas. subject Events 6:00 PMWhyHim?(R) Thursday, February2 6:00 PMLaLand(PG-13) Wednesday, February1 6PM Assassin’sCreed-3D(PG-13) Tuesday, January31 6:00 PMFences(PG-13) Monday, January30 8:30 PMWhyHim?(R) 6:00 PMLaLand(PG-13) 3:00 PMRogueOne:AStarWarsStory-3D(PG-13) 12:50 PMSing(PG) Sunday, January29 8:20 PMFences(PG-13) 6:10 PMWhyHim?(R) Wars Story(PG-13) 3:00 PMRogueOne:AStar 12:50 PMSing(PG) Saturday, January28 8:10 PMLaLand(PG-13) 5:50 PMWhyHim?(R) Friday, January27 6:00 PMRogueOne:AStarWarsStory-3D(PG-13) Thursday, January26 Naval BaseTheater MOVIES Around Town Kelly andJennifer Hudson never be the same. finalists’its as even anticipates he than grander becomes competition singing a will lives their that find Synopsis: Sing r-u, a 2-9 Fi -0m St 11am-10pm; 5-10pm; Sat (Fri 27-29 SunFri-Sun, Jan Thurs-Mon, Jan 19-30. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jim

[ 2D/3D]

In a city of humanoid animals, a hustling theater impresario’s attempt to save his theater with Thurs, Jan 26, 5-8pm. Free. A self-guided walking at Sat, Jan 28, 8:30-10am. Free. Meet by the flag Fri-Sun, Jan 27-29 (Fri 12-6pm; Sat-Sun 10am- Fri, Jan 27, 1-2pm.27,treasure?Free.JanFri,Trashor

Cast: the - NBSD,619-556-5568,Bldg.71 Genre: Animation, Comedy, Drama Comedy, Animation, Genre: Fri-Sun, Jan27-29 (Fri 10am-5pm; Sat r, a 2, -p. re So b for by 2-6pm. Stop Free. 27, Jan Fri, Voices of Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Seth MacFarlane, Tori Sat, Jan 28, 4:30-8:30pm. Free. You’ll Bases Rated: r, a 2, 3:30-4:30pm. 27, Jan Fri, Free. hr, a 2, 12:30-2:30pm. 26, Jan Thurs, “PG”forsomerude humorandmildperil Thurs-Sun, Jan 27-29, $15- Sat, Jan 28, 2-6pm.28,$10-JanSat, Fri, Jan 27, 10am- Thursday, January26 Lowry Theater 8:20 PMOfficeChristmasParty (R) 6:00 PMWhyHim?(R) Thursday, February2 8:20 PMLaLand(PG-13) 6:00 PMSing(PG) Wednesday, February1 8:20 PMNocturnalAnimals(R) 6:00 PMPassengers(PG-13) Tuesday, January31 8:30 PMWhyHim?(R) 5:50 PMFences(PG-13) Monday, January30 Wars Story(PG-13) 8:20 PMRogueOne:AStar 5:50 PMLaLand(PG-13) 3:40 PMSing(PG) 1PM RogueOne:AStarWarsStory(PG-13) Sunday, January29 8:20 PMFences(PG-13) 6:00 PMAssassin’sCreed(PG-13) 3:20 PMRogueOne:AStarWarsStory(PG-13) 1:00 PMSing(PG) Saturday, January28 8:20 PMWhyHim?(R) 5:50 PMLaLand(PG-13) Friday, January27 8:20 PMManchesterByTheSea(R) 6:00 PMPassengers(PG-13) ------chester Ave, Cardiff-by-the-Sea exploring their natural world. San Sun,11:30am-1:30pm.ElijoFeb5, LagoonKidscanuncover cool mysteries Nature while Center, 2710 ManFamilyFunDay: California. www.cardiffkookrun.com famous world “Encinitas” beautifulStarts the under in Encinitas, sign CardiffKook Run 5K, 10K Costume& Contest. Superbowl 51. Casino Center, 3500 Sports Arena Blvd, San DiegoDiegoOntarioGullsSanvs.Reign. to all finishers. South Shores Park, 2900 S SuperShore RunDr, San10K Diego.& 5K. 9449 Friars Rd, San Diego valrides, live entertainment and culturala village. Qualcomm Stadium,10am-10pm). $4-$6. A three-day event Festival. Year with NewLunar food, vendor booths, carni View Casino Center, 3500 Sports Arena Blvd, DiegoSockersSanSanTacomavs.Stars. Diego ide-valentine-week/ movienight, funrunand bike event…http://visitoceanside.org/oceans cruises, Oceanside. specials, sunset Romantic dining in LOVE things Oceanside Valentine’s Week. Groundhog Day. Thurs, Feb 2 Macy’s. Use the pass all month long. 40+ museums throughout the county. Passes mayMuseum be picked Month. up at any Theatre, 1100 Third Ave, San Diego. BroadwayDiegopresentsSanMatilda. ion shows. Handlery Hotel San Diego, 950 Hotelseveral Circle N.,vendors San Diego.of the area, compareQuinceañera prices,Expo. don’t forget about our1405 FashPark Blvd, San Diego love.BalboaandStadium,knowsongsyoucourse, the playing of all Hip Hop Run. Mar Fairgrounds is located at 2260 Jimmy Durantedors,Rescue Blvd Cat Adoptions, Education Ring, CatCompetition. TheDel 9am-5pm).$7-$9. The nation’s finest cats will vie for top honors. Ven Food&Water Bowl XXIV. Company, 8665 Argent St, Santee Live Hawaiian Concert. Town Center, 9884 Mission Gorge Rd, Santee more.SanteeTrolleytrickshow,andclassdemos,nessSquareBMX courses,firefighter challenges, kids’ fitfun zone, active game area, fit Active Lifestyle Expo. Park, 13094 Civic Center Dr, Poway with neon treats, black light challenges, and so much more! Community – NASNI, 619-545-8479, Bldg. 650 Length: Sun, Jan 29, 7am-12pm. $65. Enjoy DJs throughout the Sun, Feb 5, 3:30pm. NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas.

Ongoing from Wed, Feb 1-28.Enjoy 1/2 entry fees at MigrationatSanElijo Lagoon Nature Center. Sun, Jan 29, 12-5pm. $7. Meet face to face with Sat, Feb 4, 7:30am. Fast and flat course, meals Sat, Jan 28, 9am-1pm. Free. Inflatable obstacle 108 minutes Sat, Jan 28, 5-8pm. $25. Pacific Islander Beer r-u, e 35 Fi -0m Sat-Sun 5-10pm; (Fri 3-5 Fri-Sun, Feb Sat-Sun,Jan 28-29 (Sat 10am-5pm; Sun Thurs-Tues, Celebrate 2-14. all Feb Sat, Feb 4, 7pm. Valley7pm.View4,Feb Sat, Fri, Feb 3, 7:35pm.Valley3,Feb Fri, Wed-Sun, Feb 1-5. CivicWed-Sun,1-5.Feb *Indicates lastshowing 9:00 PMLiveBy Night-R 3-Feb Fri 2-Feb Thurs 1-Feb Wed 6:30 PMNocturnal Animals-R 29-Jan Sun 9:00 PMFencesPG-13 6:30 PMRogueOne: A Star Wars Story(2D)PG-13 28-Jan Sat 9:00 PM Why Him?-R 27-Jan Fri 26-Jan Thurs Bob HopeTheater 5:00 PMTheSecretLifeofPets(PG) Thursday, February2 5:00 PMSully(PG-13) Sunday,January29 5:00 PMTheGirlonTrain(R) Saturday, January28 5 PMJackReacher:NeverGoBack(PG-13) Friday, January27 5:00 PMZootopia(PG) Thursday, January26 The Clubhouse Sun,Feb 5,7am. A spacecraft traveling to to traveling spacecraft A 90 years early. “PG-13” “PG-13” early. awakened years two are 90 result, a passengers As sleep its a in chambers. has people malfunction of thousands planet transporting and colony distant a 6:30PMUnderworld: Blood Wars (2D)-R 6:30PMLaLand-PG-13 3:00PMSing(2D)PG 6:30PM*Nocturnal Animals-R 1:00PM Assassin’s Creed(3D)PG-13 6:30PM*Office ChristmasParty-R 6:30PM*ManchesterbytheSea-R


–NBPL,MainBase619-53-9138,Bldg.546 related items. Balboa Park Club, 2144 Pan Americanhibitions,participation Rd W, San Diego dancing, vendors selling food-international Internationaldance Dance Festival. Photographers & more. Jacob Center, 404 Euclidtering, Ave,DJ’s, Photo Sanbooths, Diego Cakes, Limousines, Flowers MakeupHair& Expo. 715 J St, San Diego bloody mary and mimosa bar, and dog adoptions!Biggestphotography,partyPetyet!dog Bub’s caricatures,pet At theraffleprizes, Ballpark, Brunch. DoggieValentine’s Day expectations. MCAS Miramar, Bldg 2273, LINKS getherHouse, asSan a teamDiego in balancing family needs while meetingL.I.N.K.S. Marine For Corps Couples. Park Boulevard Catering, 734 Park Blvd, San Diegocal small businesses while your kiddos Valentine’sdo some ValentineCraft Fair.themed crafts. music. Pechanga Resort & Casino, 45000 PechangaWine Festival.Pkwy, Temecula Casino Center, 3500 Sports Arena Blvd, San Diegoseason the Globetrotters debut basketball’sHarlem Globetrotters.first 4-point line. Valley View Pier, Oceanside aspecial four-day promotion for all couples! Ruby’s Diner, 1Oceanside9pm. $15.50. Inhonor ofValentine’s Day, Ruby’s Diner will behosting Valentine’s“ClassicDayNight”.Date music. Pechanga Resort & Casino, 45000 Pechangaray Pkwy,of Temeculachocolates and pastries whileChocolate sampling Decadencea variety Event of wines, withS. Highwaylive 101, Solana Beach tine’s Day Single Mixer for the best21+. Whetherplace you’reto happilybe a singleparty or justof dating,one. checkSweetsCrush, out our for437 Valen Sweets Valentines Mixer. Conference Center, 33050 Mc Donough Rd, San DiegoNightdesigned havetoyou fall inloveagain. Admiral KiddCatering & Night.Prom Pacific Views Event Center, San Sparks,Jacinto NV. factory Tesla locations& Fremont, our CA in Rd, at work Oceanside to 7:30pm. Free. We are looking for Workshop. Recruitment InteractiveTransitioningTesla Military service members Community Services Bldg, 8788 Balboa Ave, Sancourse Diego is for you! Jewish Family ServicesFree. - Joan Have &questions Irwin Jacobsabout yourCampus, service member’sMilitary transition? Transition: Then this The Spouse Edition. give away as gifts. 8080 La Mesa Blvd, La MesaCreateyour own Valentine’s Day massage blend for personal use orto Valentine’s Day Make & Take Class. Sun, Feb 12, 12-5pm. $5. Local Vendors Showcase: Venues, Ca Fri, Feb 10, 6-10pm. Join us and experienceand6-10pm.10,usPromJoin FebFri,the Sat, Feb11, 1-5pm. $65-$85. Sip andsavor, with live Sat, Feb 11, 10am-4pm. Free-$6. Shop with lo Sat, Feb 11, 9am-4pm. Free. Learn to work to Fri, Feb 10 & 17, 7pm. $16-$147.7pm.17,thisNew & 10 Feb Fri, . Fri, Feb 10, 7-10pm. $55-$75. Enjoy ar Go Back(PG-13) 6:00 PMJack Reacher: Never 11AM JungleBook (1967)(G) Thursday, February2 6:00 PMBeerfest(R) Wednesday, February1 6:00 PMHacksawRidge(R) 11:00 AMInsideOut(PG) Tuesday, January31 5 PMBridgetJones’sBaby(R) 2:00 PMDoctorStrange(PG-13) 11:00 AMFindingDory(PG) Saturday, January28 6 PMTheGirlonTrain(R) Friday, January27 6:00 PMBlairWitch(R) 11:00 AMLiloandStitch(PG) Thursday, January26 619-437-5487, Bldg.337 Q-Zone Theater Adventure, Drama,Romance Sun, Feb 12, 12-5pm. Free. Dance ex u, e 1, 10am-2pm. Free. 12, Feb Sun, Tues, Feb 7, 6:30-8:30pm. $15. Fri, Feb 10, 7-11pm. $35-$45. Fri-Tues,10-14,7am-Feb Wed, Feb 8, 5:30-7:30pm. hr, r 9 3:30- 9, Fri Thurs, - NAB - - - - - THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 2017 www.armedforcesdispatch.com 23

Thurs, Sat, April 29, April Sat, Like us on Facebook at on Facebook us Like )DQWDVLD(YHQLQJ:HDU Fri, July 14, Tues, Aug 8, Tues, May 9, Sun, Oct 8, 7pm. (San Diego Sports Arena), 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619) 224-4171. Anthony Hamilton,Hill. Dru & Sweat Keith 8pm. R&B. Valley Arena), View Sports Diego Casino (San Center 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., Diego. (619) 224-4171. San Lionel Richie/Mariah Carey. Mon, May 8, 7pm. R&B. Viejas Arena at Aztec Bowl San Diego State University. 5500 Canyon Crest Dr, San Diego Chris Tomlin. 7pm. Christian/Worship. Viejas Arena at Aztec Bowl San Diego State University. 5500 Canyon Crest Dr, San Diego Boys Block, The On Kids New II Men & Paula Adbul. Viejas Pop/R&B. 7:30pm. 1, June Arena at Aztec Bowl San Diego State University. 5500 Canyon Crest Dr, San Diego Shawn Mendes. Casino View Valley R&B. 7:30pm. Arena), Sports Diego (San Center 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., Diego. (619) 224-4171. San Faith Hill & Sun, TimJuly 23, 7:30pm. McGraw.Country. Valley View Casino Center (San Sports 3500 Arena), Sports Diego Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619) 224-4171. Neil Diamond. 8pm. Rock/Country. Valley View Sports Diego (San Center Casino Blvd., Arena Sports 3500 Arena), San Diego. (619) 224-4171. Coldplay. Rock/Pop. Qualcomm Stadium, (619) Diego. San Rd., Friars 9449 283-0460.

- - Sun, - 4X s Sun, March March Sun, (9(1,1*:($5 Thurs, Mar 30, Mar Thurs, discount Fri, March 24, Sat, March 18, Y bout Your bout Your r A Fri, March 24, 7pm. A Tues, April 4, 7pm. Hip- 7pm. 4, April Tues, Wed, March 22, 7pm. Elec 7pm. 22, March Wed, Ask milit Rock/Alternative. House of Blues of House Rock/Alternative. Anaheim, 400 W Disney Way,#337, Anaheim2583 (714) 778-Yellowcard. 8pm. Rock/Punk. Observatory North Park, 2891239-8836. Ave,San Diego. (619) University Death Cab for MarchCutie. 19, 7pm.House ofPunk/Rock. Blues Anaheim, W 400Disney Way, #337, Anaheim (714) 778-2583 MØ. tropop. Observatory North Park, 2891 University Ave,San Diego. (619) 239-8836. Common. R&B. Observatory North Park, 2891 University Ave,San Diego. (619) 239-8836. Alan Jackson. 9pm. Country. The Show - Agua Caliente Casino, Hope 32-250Dr, Rancho Mirage Bob (760) 321-2000 Disco. the At Panic! Arena Viejas Emo/Rock. 7pm. 26, at Aztec Bowl San Diego State University. 5500 Canyon Crest Dr, San Diego Grande. Ariana 7:30pm. Pop. Honda2695 E. Center, Katella Ave., Anaheim. (714) 704-2400. www.honda center.com Future Gnash. Hop/R&B. Observatory NorthPark, 2891 University Ave,San Diego. (619) 239-8836. Green Day with Against Me! Alternative/ 6:30pm. 8, April Sat, Rock. Valley View Casino Center We can special order can special We (special orders arrive within a week) 619.600.8683 We have sizes X We %HKLQGWKH1LNH2XWOHWE\$·*DFL ([SUHVV6WRUHV - - Fri, Sun, Thurs, Specializing in formal wear Specializing &DPLQRGHOD3OD]D‡6DQ'LHJR&D Fri, March 17, Fri, March 17, Sat, March 11, Sun, Mar 5, 7:30pm. Sun, March 5, 7pm. Rock. 7pm. 5, March Sun, Sat, March 18, 7:30pm. Thurs, March 9, 8pm. Hip-Hop. Troubadour, 9081 Route 2, West CaliforniaHollywood (310) 276-1158 Salt N Pepa, Mark McGrath, Biz Markie, and Coolio. March 10, 8pm. Hip-Hop. Micro Ct, Hearn Chick 777 Theater, soft Los Angeles Blake Shelton. 7:30pm. Country. Valley Sports Diego (San Center ViewCasino Blvd., Arena Sports 3500 Arena), San Diego. (619) 224-4171. The Cadillac Three.March 16, 7pm. Southern Rock. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. Flogging Molly. 7pm. Punk Rock. Ingle TheBlvd, Manchester W. 3900 Forum, wood. (310) 330-7300 Wu Tang Clan. 8pm. Rap/Hip-Hop. HouseBlues Anaheim,of 400 W Disney Way, #337, 778-2583 Anaheim (714) 311. Aztec Bowl SanUniversity. Diego 5500 Canyon State Crest Dr, San Diego Red Hot Chili Peppers. View Valley Alternative. 5. March Sports Diego (San Center Casino Blvd., Arena Sports 3500 Arena), San Diego. (619) 224-4171. Bon Jovi. Bowl Aztec at Arena Viejas Rock. 5500 University. State Diego San Diego Canyon Crest Dr, San Korn. House of Blues Anaheim, W 400Disney Way, #337, Anaheim (714) 778-2583 G Love and Special Sauce. - - - Tues, Feb 28, 28, Feb Tues, Thurs, March Fri, Feb 24, 8pm. 24, Feb Fri, & Sat, Feb 18, 12pm. C Fri, Feb 24, 9pm. Clas Fri, Feb 24, 7pm. Pop. sino, 84-245 Indio Springs Pkwy, Springs Indio 84-245 sino, Indio (760) 342-5000 JoJo. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. Creedence Clearwater Re visited. sic Rock. Harrah’s Rincon, 777 Harrah’s Rincon Center. (760) 751-3100. Way, Valley Distortion. Social Blues of House Punk/Rock. 7pm. Anaheim, 400 W Disney Way,#337, Anaheim (714) 778-2583 March Stevie Nicks. 2, 7pm. Rock. Viejas Arena at Ashanti. R&B. The Observatory,South Harbor3503 Blvd, Santa Ana (714) 957-0600 Blige. J Mary Ca Resort Springs Fantasy R&B. Cosmeti Diana Vasquez, DDS Vasquez, Diana Military Retiree Juan Andre Gomes, DDS Gomes, Andre Juan We accept Metlife We General Dentistry, General Dentistry, estorative Dentistry estorative Wed, Feb r Sat, Feb 18. Sat, Feb 11, Fri, Feb 17, Tricare and Delta Dental Tricare Tues, Feb 14, 9pm. R&B. Tues, Feb 14, 9pm. R&B. www.dentalartdesigns.com Wed, Feb 8, 7pm. 8, Feb Wed, Sting Hollywood Palladium, Hollywood Palladium, 6215 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles (323) 962-7600 5000 Rule, Ja Badu, Erykah Kelly, R Tank. Saban Theatre, 8440 WilshireBlvd, Beverly Hills Twenty One Pilots. 15, 7pm. Alternative Hip-Hop. Honda Center, 2695 E. Katella Ave., Anaheim. (714) 704-2400. www.hondacenter.com Reel Big Fish. 6:30pm. Diego. San Ska/Punk. Ave., Fifth 1055 HouseBlues, of (619) 299-2583. Bonnie Raitt. Country/Blues. Fantasy Springs Resort Casino, Springs 84-245Pkwy, Indio (760) 342- Indio Arena), 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., Arena Sports 3500 Arena), (619) 224-4171. San Diego. Leroy Sanchez. 7pm. Pop. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San 299-2583. Diego. (619) - - Sat, Feb Sat,

Thurs, Jan Sat, Feb 11, Sat, Feb 4. Fri, Jan 27, Sat, Jan 28,

Tues, Feb 7, 8pm.

860 Kuhn Dr., Suite 203, Chula Vista, CA. 91914 Vista, 203, Chula Suite Dr., 860 Kuhn

Wed, Feb 8, 7pm. Rock. t

Concerts WE ACCEPT VA DENTAL INSURANCE DENTAL VA WE ACCEPT 224-4171. Super Love Jam. 7:30pm. Soul/Funk. Valley View Sports Diego (San Center Casino Ready for the World. the for Ready 11, 6:30pm. Soul/Pop. View Valley Casino Centerego Sports Arena), (San3500 Sports Di Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619) Sting. Sun 6215 Palladium, Hollywood set Blvd, Los 962-7600 Angeles (323) Juicy J, Belly, and Project Pat. Pat. Project and Belly, J, Juicy of House Rap. 7pm. 8, Feb Wed, Diego. San Ave., Fifth 1055 Blues, (619) 299-2583. Mayhem. Rock. The Observatory, South 3503 Harbor Blvd, Santa Ana (714) 957-0600 Golden Boys, Bobby Rydell, Frankie Avalon. Rock and Roll.Casino, Spotlight 46-200 Coachella, CA. (760) 775-5566 29 Harrison Pl, Common Kings with Mayday! Mayday! with Kings Common Sat, Feb 2, 7pm. Reggae/Pop. House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Ave., San Diego. (619) 299-2583. Forum, 3900 W. Manchester Blvd, Blvd, Manchester W. 3900 Forum, Inglewood. (310) 330-7300 February 8:30pm. Country. El Rey Theatre Theatre Rey El Country. 8:30pm. Blvd, Wilshire 5515 Angeles, Los Los Angeles Kings of Leon. 7:30pm. Rock/Alternative. The 26, 7pm.Diego. San Ave., Hip-Hop. Fifth 1055 Blues, House of (619) 299-2583. LeAnn Rimes. January Sage the Gemini. - NAB Thursday, February 2 11AM Jungle Book (1967) (G) 6:00 PM Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (PG-13) Friday, January 27 6 PM The Girl on The Train (R) Saturday, January 28 11:00 AM Finding Dory (PG) 2:00 PM Doctor Strange (PG-13) 5 PM Bridget Jones’s Baby (R) Tuesday, January 31 11:00 AM Inside Out (PG) 6:00 PM Hacksaw Ridge (R) Wednesday, February 1 6:00 PM Beerfest (R) Q-Zone Theater 619-437-5487, Bldg. 337 Thursday, January 26 11:00 AM Lilo and Stitch (PG) 6:00 PM Blair Witch (R)