Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on May 5 th 2009 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton

PRESENT Councillor R E Buxton (in the Chair)

Councillors D Taylor, T O‘Connor, Mrs S Fowers, M A Cramp.:

AGM1/09 Apologies for absence. Received from Mr Mark Todd MP. Councillors: Mrs M A Ratcliffe, C A Thurman, K Sanders, J Billings.

AGM2/09 Minutes of the previous AGM. The minutes of the previous AGM held on May 6 th .2008 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

AGM3/09 Election of Chairman of the Parish Council

Councillor R E Buxton was elected Chairman of the Parish Council for the year 2009/10 and signed the Acceptance of Office .

AGM4/09 Election of Vice Chairman of the Parish Council.

Councillor Chris A Thurman was elected Vice Chairman of the Parish Council for the year 2009/10 in his absence and is to sign the Acceptance of Office at the next meeting.

AGM5/09 Election of Representatives. Marston on Dove and District Relief in Need Charity 2) Councillors Mrs S Fowers, M A Cramp. Flood Liaison committee (1) Cllr. D Taylor. . Hatton Centre Management committee: Councillor R E Buxton, Parish Councils Liaison committee(2): Councillors: R E Buxton C A Thurman, Hatton Jubilee Hall Management committee (1) .Councillor M A Cramp. Safer Neighbourhood Partnership: Cllrs.D Taylor, C A Thurman. .

...... Chairman.

Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on May 5th 2009 at Hatton Centre Station Road Hatton.


Councillor R E Buxton (in the Chair)

Councillors, M A Cramp, Mrs S Fowers, T O’Connor and D Taylor.

Also in attendance: County councillor F Hood District Councillor A Roberts. 10 members of the public.

Minute 749 Apologies for absence. Apologies were received from Mr Mark Todd MP (Constituency business) Councillor Mrs M A Ratcliffe (illness) Councillor K Sanders (illness) Councillor J Billings (business) Councillor C A Thurman. (family commitment) PCSO Kerry Waite (Police duties)

Minute 750 Declarations of Interest. Councillor Mrs S Fowers declared a Personal interest in Minutes 757 and 761 (1)(1) and remained in the meeting.

Minute 751 Matters raised in Public Participation.

1. CVS Meeting at Swadlincote next week. 2. Jubilee Hall committee meeting May 12th 2009 at 7.30pm. 3. Sutton Lane - speeding vehicles. 4. Charity Football Match May 25th 2009 RESOLVED : that siting of stalls and hot dog van on the pathway from gate to MUGA be approved.

Police PCSO Kerry Waite was unable to attend but had contacted the Clerk to report one incident in the area - theft of tractor and criminal damage to farm machinery on Road Foston on April 1st 2009.

County Council report. Councillor F Hood reported that a survey for provision of pedestrian refuge on Station Road would take place mid to end of June and a report prepared for the County Council for mid July. Councillor Hood was thanked by the Chairman for his work in Hatton and support for Local groups particularly the YOH group over the previous four years..

District Council report. Councillor A Roberts reported that bollards were to be erected at the entrance to the bridle path in order to prevent access by cars and motorcycles. Security cameras are to be considered to cover the area. Burnt out cars have been removed by South District Council clean team.

Minute 752 Variation in order of business. RESOLVED that Agenda item 7 - Presentation by Mr Bruce Broughton of Park Hall Designs for a website for Hatton Parish Council be taken at this point in the meeting.

Minute 753 Web site presentation by Park Hall Designs.

Mr Bruce Broughton gave a presentation of how a Parish Council website could be designed. Members asked questions and were given copies of a CD together with a written proposal.

RESOLVED: that the website be considered at the next meeting of the Parish Council.

Minute 754. Minutes.-March 3rd 2009 /April 7th 2009 . HPCmins050509 Page1

RESOLVED that: the Minutes of the meetings held on March 3rd 2009 and April 7th 2009 be approved subject to the following amendments:- :

After the Chairman left the meeting leaving Councillor C A Thurman in the Chair Minute 720 (12) Permission for installation of Storage Container on the site of the old garage. : RESOLVED: that Teresa Croft acting for Y O H could install a storage container on the site of the old garage.

Minute 722 RESOLVED to note that Councillor D Taylor did not attend the Etwall Area Meeting and the Safer Neighbourhood Seminar.

Minute 726

RESOLVED 1) that the Report of the Clerk on Meeting of February 16th 2009 be noted. and 2) that in relation to part 2 item 17 that contrary to the Clerk’s report, Councillor Thurman made full disclosure of all relevant documents at the meeting with the council’s solicitor on February 16th 2009 and further to this, the points made at the meeting were the Sub-Committees’ and not Councillor Thurmans’

Minute 740 Lease for Hatton Sports and Social Club.

All Members of the Council had received a final draft of the Lease and there being no questions from Members it was proposed by Councillor Thurman and

RESOLVED that this Council adopts the lease as drawn up by the Council‘s solicitor between Hatton Parish Council and the trustees of Hatton Sports and Social Club, and presents the lease for execution by both parties as soon as is practically possible..

Minute 748 Tender for End of Season Maintenance of Football Pitches.

One tender for the end of season maintenance had been received from Talbot Farm Landscapes Ltd.

On becoming aware of the tenderer Councillor T O’Connor declared a Prejudicial Interest and left the meeting and took no part in the decision on this matter.

RESOLVED: that the tender of £4585 from Talbot Farm Landscapes Ltd be accepted.

Minute 755 Chairman’s announcements.

There were none.

Minute 756. Changes to Public Payphone Services in . - Payphone at Church Avenue Hatton..

RESOLVED: to note that the payphone at Church Avenue Hatton is to become a no cash telephone box.

Minute 757. Signing of the lease and operative date between Hatton Parish Council and Hatton Sports and Social Club for the Lease of the Pavilion Main Room by Hatton Sports and Social Club.

RESOLVED: (1) to note that the Clerk would sign the agreement with Hatton Sports and Social Club to be effective from June 1st 2009

(2) that the necessary finalisation of utility payments be executed on the agreement date.

Minute 758 HGV Vehicles using Marston ’Old’ Lane Hatton.

RESOLVED: to note that Derbyshire County Council had confirmed again that they were unable to assist the Parish Council in providing directional signs at this location.

Minute 759 Questionaire - South Derbyshire Local Development Framework.

RESOLVED: to note that the clerk will complete this document in accordance with the council’s policies.

Minute 760 Letter from Mr R Glover re the operation of the Council.

RESOLVED: that the letter be considered in the confidential section of the next meeting. HPCmins050509 Page2

Minute 761 Planning Applications/Approvals/Planning Appeal.

RESOLVED: 1) to note the following applications:

1) 9/2009/0299A The erection of high level illuminated signage on the south elevation of bag filter building at Nestle UK Ltd. Marston Lane Hatton

2) 9/2009/0295 FH The erection of an extension at 18 Eaton Close Hatton..

RESOLVED 2) to note the following planning application approvals by South Derbyshire District Council.

1) 9/2009/0096 The conversion of the garage to living accommodation at 32 Yew Tree Road Hatton. GRANTED STC*

2) 9/2009/0048/OX Outline application (all matters except landscaping to be reserved) for the residential development of and adjacent to 9 The Shieiling Hatton. GRANTED STC*

3) 9/2009/0011/FH The formation of a vehicular access at 44 Scropton Road Hatton. GRANTED STC*

4) 9/2009/0091/FH The erection of an extension at 40 Holme Close Hatton. GRANTED STC*

5) 9/2009/0099/FH The erection of proposed garage at 42 Eaton Close Hatton. GRANTED STC* * Subject to Conditions.

RESOLVED: 3) to note the date and time of the following Planning Appeal to be held on May 27th 2009 at 10am at South Derbyshire District Council offices. :

3) 9/2008/0577 Proposed Development: Change of use and extension of existing gypsy caravan site to allow siting of touring caravans for members of the gypsy community as a transit site together with ancillary access road and replacement facilities block at former Castle View Service Station Uttoxeter Road Foston Derbyshire.

Minute 762. Ward Reports.

There were none received.

Minute 763. Derbyshire Association of Local Councils.

RESOLVED: to note receipt of the following circulars, copies of which are available to members on request to the Clerk.

1) Circ. 09/2009 Local Council Review Subscriber Form

2) Circ. 10/2009 General Circular - Subscriptions 2009/10, Gritting of Car Parks, National Salary Award 2008/9, Clerk vacancy at Bonsall PC.

3) Circ.11/2009 General Circular. - Managing the safety of Burial Grounds practical advice for dealing with unstable memorials, Age discrimination -the Heyday Challenge. Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund. (ALSF) Derbyshire Aggregates Levy Grant Scheme (DALGS)

4) Circ. 12/2009 UK Consultation on European Commission Proposal on Bus and Coach Passenger Rights.

5) Circ.13/2009 General Circular - Minutes of Executive Meeting held on February 28th 2009, 2008/2009 National Final Salary Award for Local Council Clerks, and Car Allowances for Local Council Clerks.

6) Circ.14/2009 The Power of Well Being- Training Seminar at Repton Village Hall Monday 15 June 2009

7) Circ.15/2009 One day training course for Chairman and other prospective Chairman of your Parish Council - Saturday 18 May 2009, Law and Good Practice for Parish Councils. - an introduction Town Hall Wirksworth Tuesday May 26 2009, Village Hall Shirland Monday June 29 2009

Circ. 16/2009 Derbyshire County Training Partnership Certificate in Local Council Administration.

Minute 764 Items for Information.

RESOLVED: to note the following items for the information of members and available at the meeting:- HPCmins050509 Page3

A) Letter and minutes of Joint Meeting with Parish Councils/Meetings on April 29th 2009

B) Equality and Human Rights Commission -’Public Sector Equality Duties.’

C) European Parliamentary and County Council Elections 10th June 2009 - Notice of Elections.***

D) South Derbyshire District Council - Corporate Plan 2009-2014

E ) North West Safer Neighbourhood Area 1 Meeting on Wednesday June 1oth 2009 at Frank Wickham Hall Etwall.**

F) Derbyshire Directory - poster

G) Derbyshire GOLD Spring/Summer Edition of magazine

H) b-line - Spring edition of magazine

I) NHS Teen LifeCheck Poster

Minute 765 Finance.

RESOLVED 1) that payment of accounts and wages for the period ended April 30th 2009 be approved as per schedule attached to these minutes.

RESOLVED 2) to note the Statement of Accounts to date.

RESOLVED:3) to approve the Council’s Account for 2008/9 for Internal Audit.

Minute 766 Reports of Representatives attending meetings of outside bodies.

There were none.

The meeting closed at 8.21pm.

………………………………...... Chairman.

HPCmins050509 Page4

Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held on May 12th 2009 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton


Councillor R E Buxton (in the Chair)

Councillors: M A Cramp, Tim O’Connor, Mrs Shirley Fowers. D Taylor, 6 members of the public.. .

APA1/09 Apologies for absence. Received from Mrs M A Ratcliffe, J Billings, C A Thurman K Sanders

APA2/09 Minutes of the previous APA The minutes of the previous APA held on May 27th.2008) were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

APA3/09 Annual Report for 2008/9 Copies of the Annual Report and Financial Report for 2008/9, had been distributed no questions were asked...

APA4/09 District and County Council reports. No representatives from the County or District Councils attended - therefore there were no reports.

APA5/09 Matters raised by those present. Mr C Naylor expressed thanks for the help and co-operation of Council members regarding the granting of a 25 year lease to Hatton Sports and Social Club and said that the club looked forward to developing facilities for the future. A Fund -raising committee was to be formed and a member of the Parish Council would be very welcome to join the committee. This item was to be on the Agenda of the next meeting of the Parish Council.

Concerns were expressed regarding the smell emanating from the Chicken processing plant on Scropton Road.

Loose /broken manhole cover reported outside the OAP bungalows on Field Close.

The Chairman thanked those who had attended and the meeting closed at 7.15pm.

...... Chairman.

HPCapa 09

Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on June 2nd.2009 at Hatton Centre Station Road Hatton.


Councillor R E Buxton (in the Chair)

Councillors C A Thurman, Mrs S Fowers, T O’Connor, J.Billings, M A Cramp,

Also in attendance: District Councillor A Roberts. County Councillor F Hood, 9 members of the public Burton Mail reporter. PC J Bateman, PCSO .

Minute 766 Apologies for absence. Apologies were received from Councillor Mrs M A Ratcliffe (illness) Councillor D Taylor (illness) Councillor K Sanders. (Appointment)

Minute 767 Declarations of Interest. Councillor Mrs S Fowers declared a Personal interest in the items discussed in relation to the Sports and Social Club detailed in Minutes 775 (4) and (5) and opted to remain in the meeting.

Councillor J Billings declared a Personal interest in the items discussed in relation to the Sports and Social Club and opted to remain in the meeting.

Minute 768 Matters raised in Public Participation. 1) Level crossing at Station Road Hatton. 2) Speed of HGV going through Hatton. 3) Community Football Match - raised £726 for Teenage Cancer Trust

Police PC Bateman said there had been only five incidents of a minor nature reported.

County Council report. Councillor F Hood reported that he and Mrs Hood had greatly enjoyed the Charity Football match on May 24th and congratulated the organisers on a very well attended event.

District Council report. Councillor A Roberts reported that the gate at Marston end of the bridle path is to be inspected following complaints that horses were not able to get through..

Minute 769 Minutes of the meeting held on April 7th 2009 AMENDMENT: Minute 744 (h) Hatton Village Pensioners Luncheon Club “Councillor M A Cramp did take part in the discussion but did not vote.” RESOLVED that with the amendment the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Minute 770 Minutes of the Meeting held on May 5th 2009. RESOLVED that the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Minute 771. Variations in order of business. There were none.

Minute 772 Chairman’s Announcements. Chairman and members of the Council had attended an Open Day at Nestles and congratulated all concerned with the event. RESOLVED that a letter of thanks for a very enjoyable and informative event be sent to the General Manager on behalf of the Parish Council. Minute 773. Parish Council website. This item was referred from the previous meeting when Mr Bruce Broughton of Park Hall Designs gave a presentation HPCmins020609 Page1 of his company’s designs for a website for Hatton Parish Council and left Cds for Members to view. As an introductory offer the company could supply the Silver package for the price of the Bronze package..

RESOLVED 1) that Park Hall Designs Silver package be ordered (for the price of the Bronze package)

2) that Councillor Buxton be appointed as the Council’s Liaison to supply local details for the website.

Minute 774 Report of the Clerk.

RESOLVED: 1) to note the following correspondence received by the Clerk . Too Do Website for young people in Derbyshire.

. Periodic review of Register of Members Interests.

A50 Stoke-Derby Link road - Essential Resurfacing Treatment A50 Westbound Carriageway.

Trees on Sutton Lane Hatton - trimming/removal of stumps.

. South Derbyshire Homefinder Scheme - outcomes report.

. Hatton Village Pensioners Luncheon Club - letter of thanks for donation.

. South Derbyshire District Council - Annual Civic Council Meeting.

Derbyshire County Council - Adoption of Yew Tree Court off the Hays Hatton

Derbyshire Rural Community Council - Membership Application Form 2009/2010

The Playing Field Derbyshire Rural Community Council Newsletter.

Derbyshire Constabulary ‘ Have your Say’ - a joint report by Derbyshire Constabulary and Derbyshire Police Authority

Derbyshire Association of Local Councils -Vacancy on Executive Committee ( to 2011) 2) that no nomination be made in respect of the vacancy on the Executive Committee. .Mencap request for donation- no action. Vitalise - essential breaks for disabled people - request for donation - no action.

3) that TL Darby Juniors FC be allowed free use of the Football pitch on Sunday afternoons for the 2009/10 season.

4) that Hatton Sports and Social Club be supplied with a key to the Boiler cupboard subject to written instructions being issued that the temperature settings are not altered.

5) that Hatton Sports and Social Club request to re-locate the fence be agreed in principle subject to Risk Assessment and Statement of Method being received by the Council.

6) that Councillor T O’Connor be the Parish Council’s nominee. on the Hatton Sports and Social Club Fund-Raising Committee.

Minute 775 Planning Applications.

RESOLVED: to note the following applications:

1) 9/2009/0371/0369 The installation of a solar panel on the roof of Redbarn House, Brook Lane Foston Derbyshire.

2) 9/2008/0957 The change of use of garage tp dwelling (re-submission of scheme 9/2008/0957) at 70 Scropton Road Hatton Derbyshire.

3) 9/2009 0332 The conversion into living accommodation of the garage at 26 Eaton Close Hatton Derbys.

4)9/2009/0304 The conversion of outbuilding to granny annex at Orchard Cottage, 7 Derby Road Foston Derbys. HPCmins020609 Page2

Councillor T O’Connor declared a Personal interest and took no part.

Minute 776. Ward Reports. There were none received.

Minute 777. Derbyshire Association of Local Councils.

RESOLVED: to note receipt of the following circulars,

1) Circ. 12/2009 UK Consultation on European Commission Proposal on Bus and Coach Passenger Rights.

2) Circ. 17/2009 General Circular - Derbyshire Constabulary Annual Parish Councils’ Evening, Pay Claim 2009/10, Car Allowances 2009/10, Cremation and Burial Conference and Exhibition. 2009,Awards for Bridging Cultures (ABCs) Celebrating activities that Promote Dialogue between Cultures. Ashbourne Town Council - vacancy for Clerk/RFO

3) Circ. 18/2009 Action with Rural Communities in Rural .

4) Circ. 19/2009 Government responds to Matthew Taylor’s Report on the Issues Facing Rural Communities.

5) Circ. 20/2009 Employment Act 2008 Copy requested by Councillor Mrs S Fowers.

6) Circ 21/2009 New Quarterly Service - Quick Employment Tips. Copy requested by Councillor Mrs S Fowers.

7) Circ.22/2009 General Circular - Free training on S106 Agreement and the New Community Infrastructure Levy. Re-Registration of Common Land under Schedule 2(4) of the Commons Act 2006, Clerk vacancy at Unstone PC.

8) Circ.23/2009 Derbyshire Constabulary Annual Parish Council’s Evening - Tuesday 15 September 2009 (See Circ 17/2009 Copy requested by Councillor C A Thurman.

Circ. 24/2009 Possible Changes to the administration of Concessionary Travel.

Circ. 25/2009 The Power of Well Being - Parish Council Training - Additional Training Seminar - Draycott 8 June 2009.

Clerk /RFO vacancies at Alderwasley PC and Turnditch and Windley PC.

Minute 778 Finance.

RESOLVED 1) that payment of accounts and wages for the period ended May 31st 2009 be approved as per schedule attached to these minutes.

2) to note the Statement of Accounts to date.

3) that the renewal of the Allianz Insurance Policy be accepted in the sum of £2,449.20

4) that the Clerk to liase with SDDC with details of insurance provision for Council owned properties/assets etc.

Minute 779 Reports of Representatives attending meetings of outside bodies. There were none. Councillor C A Thurman reminded Members of the Safer Neighbourhood meeting on Wednesday and suggested that instances of vandalism at the Sports Ground be reported to the Meeting in order that the Police be aware.

HPCmins020609 Page3

The Public part of the meeting closed at 8.10 pm.

………………………………...... Chairman.

Minute 780 EXEMPT INFORMATION To receive and consider correspondence from Mr R Glover to Burton Mail and members of the Parish Council.

Copies of the letters having been circulated to Members at the previous meeting were discussed. Members discussed how future meetings should be conducted in order that adverse publicity and comment could be avoided

HPCmins020609 Page4

Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on July 7th.2009 at Hatton Centre Station Road Hatton.


Councillor R E Buxton (in the Chair)

Councillors C A Thurman, D Taylor, T O’Connor, Mrs S Fowers. M A Cramp,

Also in attendance: District Councillor A Roberts. County Councillor Mrs J Patten, 5 members of the public Burton Mail reporter. .

Minute 781 Apologies for absence. Apologies were received from 1) Councillor Mrs M A Ratcliffe (illness) 2) Councillor K Sanders (illness) RESOLVED: that the two Councillors reasons for absence be accepted and position to be reviewed in October. Apologies received from Councillor J Billings.

Minute 782 Declarations of Interest. Councillor D Taylor declared a Personal interest in the items discussed in relation to the Youth of Hatton group detailed in Minute 783 (3)

Minute 783 Matters raised in Public Participation. 1) Speed of vehicles on Uttoxeter Road - Councillor Mrs Patten will speak to Police. 2) Mr C Naylor informed the Council that the main room at the pavilion was to be re-decorated and the toilets and dressing rooms would be decorated at no cost to the Parish Council. 3) Councillor Taylor presented details of the Y O H plans for the Schools holidays.

Police No representative or report.

County Council report. Councillor Mrs J Patten had arranged a meeting with DCC officers regarding the possibility of a direction sign for HGVs to the Nestles factory. Hatton Village ‘Walkabout’ to which any Parish Councillor is welcome to attend, will take place from 11am. on Monday July 13th 2009 starting from the car park at Nestles.

District Council report. Councillor A Roberts reported that the bench in front of the OAP bungalows on Field Avenue had been removed as it was unsafe. Some local residents have requested a replacement be installed Councillor Buxton suggested the Parish Council could be approached for possible help with finances.

Banners advertising Hatton Carnival ( July 18th 2009) will be erected in the next few days and all Parish Councillors are invited to the VIP tent on Friday 17th July, for a drink.

The grassed areas in Hatton had been mown.

Band event on Friday evening July 17th 2009 in the Carnival marquee - tickets £5 all schoolchildren free of charge.

Councillor Buxton had received a complaint regarding noise emanating from 105 Scropton Road - Councillor Roberts to ask officers from South Derbyshire District Council to investigate.

Minute 784 Minutes of the meeting held on June 2nd. 2009 AMENDMENT: Minute 766 be re-numbered to 766(a).

RESOLVED that with the amendment the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Minute 785 Variations in order of business. There were none. Mins070709 Page 1

RESOLVED: that this item be Agenda item 3 in future Agendas.

Minute 786.Chairman’s Announcements. Councillor R E Buxton reported that a meeting with Park Hall Designs had been arranged to discuss the contents and format of the Parish Council’s website. Councillor Buxton will report to the next meeting of the Council.

Minute 787. Planning Applications. RESOLVED: to note the following applications

9/2009/0172 Change of use from bakery to dwelling and alterations at 39b Station Road Hatton.

9/2009/0443 The display of eight light sheets vertically arranged on the south elevation on the bag filter extension at Nestle UK Ltd Marston Lane Hatton.

9/2009/0415 The erection of an extension and a conservatory at 2a Dove Side Hatton Derbyshire.

Minute 788 Report of the Clerk. a) Internal Audit of Accounts for 2008/9. RESOLVED: 1) to note the Report of the Internal Auditor.

RESOLVED: 2) that future meetings of the Parish Council be held on the 2nd. Tuesday of each month with the exception of August. and that Standing Orders be amended accordingly.

RESOLVED: 3) that the Annual Return of Accounts for 2008/9 be signed by the Chairman

b) Checks for Legionella (showers in dressing rooms.) RESOLVED: to note a key for the boiler cupboard had been given to Hatton Sports and Social Club.

RESOLVED: to investigate whether monthly checks for Legionella are required as a combination boiler is fitted.

c) Re-location of fence at rear of building - Risk Assessment and Method Statement. RESOLVED: no work to commence until the Method statement and Risk Assessment had been received.

Minute 789 Ward Reports. i) Hedge on border with 61 Station Road and the Jitty is overhanging. Councillor A Roberts has asked Footpaths Officer to arrange for the hedge to be cut back.

ii) Man-hole cover on Field Avenue has been replaced by Severn Trent Water.

Miinute 790 Finance. a) RESOLVED: that payment to approve payment of accounts and wages for the period ended June 30th 2009 (as per schedule-App. 1 attached.)

b) RESOLVED: to note Statement of Accounts to date

c) RESOLVED: to approve payment of Chairman’s Allowance for 2009/10 in the sum of £150.

Minute 791.Items for Information. RESOLVED: to note receipt of the following items:

1) Etwall Area Meeting - June 24th 2009 at Dalbury Lees Village Hall - 7.30pm.

2) Regional Assembly -Options Consultation Launch.

3) South Derbyshire Home finder - June 5th 2009.and June 26th 2009

4) Local Councils Update Issue 116

5) Letter from Y O H re use of field for rounders, etc.

6) What’s On Magazine - in South Derbyshire and National Forest.

7) Community and Environment - Investment Report 2008/9 East Midlands Airport.

8) East Midlands Regional Assembly. - Regional Plan Partial Review: Options Consultation. -CD available. Mins070709 Page 2

. 9) South Derbyshire Homefinder. - outcomes report

Minute 792 Planning decisions. RESOLVED: to note the following planning decisions

9/2009/0299 The erection of high level illuminated signage on south elevation of bag filter building at Nestle UK Ltd Marston Lane Hatton. Granted Express Consent.

9/2009/0112 The erection of an extension at 137 Scropton Road Hatton GRANTED STC

9/2009/0186 The erection of a new warehouse and waste handling area and re- roofing of existing production building incorporating new roof lights at Nestle UK Ltd Marston Lane Hatton. GRANTED STC.

9/2009/0295 The erection of an extension at 18 Eaton Close Hatton GRANTED STC

Minute 793. Derbyshire Association of Local Councils. RESOLVED: to note receipt of the following circulars,

1) South Derbyshire Representatives on DALC Executive Committee (until 2011)

2) Circular 26/2009 Availability of Locum Clerks and Internal Auditors.

3) Circular 27/2009 General Circular - Winter Gritting by Town and Parish Councils of areas they do not own or for which they have no responsibility. An Invitation to the ‘Changing Places’ - making public toilets fully accessible event at County Hall Matlock. Review of the Farm Animal Welfare Council, Work related Stress, Derbyshire Dales CVS Trainiing Programme 2009-10 Clerk/RFO Vacancies - Morley PC, Baslow and Bubnell PC, Alderwasley PC, Turnditch and Windley PC.

4) Circular 28/2009 Derbyshire County Training Partnership National Training Strategy Bursary Scheme for Clerks to Smaller Councils- Relaunch 1 June 2009

5) Circular 29/2009 Free Energy Audits for Community Buildings.

.6) Circular 30/2009 VAT Workshops and Training.

. 7) Circular 31/2009 Training Course - Responding to a Planning Application - Imperial Rooms Matlock Tuesday 15 September 2009.

8) Circular 32/2009 - General Circular -OBE for John Findlay - NALC Chief Executive., Charles Arnold Baker (deceased) Clerk/RFO vacancy - Matlock Bath Parish Council.

9) Circular 33/2009 General Circular - East Midlands Regional Plan, Business Course - Is it for you?, NALC’s Local Council Awards

10) Circular 34/2009 Circular - Publication of Report - Local Authority Investments.

Minute 794 Reports of Representatives attending meetings of Outside bodies. RESOLVED: to note the following reports - copies having been circulated to members.

i Councillor M A Cramp: Hatton Jubilee Hall Management Committee. ii Councillor M A Cramp: Joint Highways Forum.

Minute 795. Exclusion of the Press and Public. RESOLVED: that in view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting and are therefore instructed to withdraw from the meeting. in accordance with Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960

Minute 796. Summary of proceedings. RESOLVED: that the Report of the Mediation Exercise be noted and the report to remain on file. Councillor Buxton to report to the next meeting on the establishment of a staff committee.

RESOLVED: to confirm with Hatton Sports and Social Club that the grille over the rear door is locked back when any Mins070709 Page 3

persons are present in the dressing room area to ensure safe egress in the event of an emergency.

The meeting CLOSED at 8.35pm.

………………………………...... Chairman.

Mins070709 Page 4

Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on September 8 th .2009 at Hatton Centre Station Road Hatton.


Councillor R E Buxton (in the Chair)

Councillors C A Thurman, D Taylor, T O’Connor, Mrs S Fowers. M A Cramp, J Billings, K Sanders

Also in attendance: District Councillor A Roberts. County Councillor Mrs J Patten, 3 members of the Public.

Minute 797 Apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from 1) Councillor Mrs M A Ratcliffe (illness) 2) Mark Todd MP (Constituency duties) 3) Sgt. A Sutherland (Police duties)

Minute 798 Declarations of Interest. 1) Councillor Mrs S Fowers declared a Personal Interest in Agenda Item 11(10) ‘Hatton Sports and Social Club - letter from Mark Dicken re progress on development of the Club and facilities’ Councillor Mrs Fowers opted to remain in the Meeting.

2) Councillor J Billings declared a Personal Interest in Agenda Item 11 (10) ‘Hatton Sports and Social Club - letter from Mark Dicken re progress on development of the Club and facilities’ Councillor Billings opted to remain in the Meeting.

3) Councillor C A Thurman declared a Personal Interest in Agenda Item 7 (i) Planning Application 9/2009/0632/U ‘ The conversion of the existing milk parlour to a live/work unit previously permitted under 9/2005/0934 to include the addition of a porch and a detached garage/wood store at Havenwood Barn, Sutton Lane Hatton Derbyshire‘ Councillor Thurman opted to remain in the Meeting..

Minute 799 Matters raised in Public Participation. 1. Mrs T Croft reported the Summer Activities programme had been well attended and enjoyed by some 150 young people.

2. Graffitti Art had been done by a young person and Mrs Croft is to request permission for the artwork to be placed on the wall of the Pavilion . Perspex cover to be placed over the artwork to minimise possible damage.

3.2 lights on MUGA not working.

Police No representative present.

County Council report. Councillor Mrs J Patten reported that a lease of the former school playing fields would be available at a peppercorn rent but is to check whether or not the clause regarding termination of lease would still be included.

Councillor Mrs Patten also reported that a Pot Hole hotline had been launched. To report potholes telephone 08456 058 058

District Council report. Councillor A Roberts reported that:

1) security lights were to be installed around the bungalows on Field Avenue and Foston Close. 2) Trees outside sheltered housing on Field Ave were to be pollarded. 3) Carnival committee AGM Wednesday October 14 th 2009 at 7.30pm at Dove Side Club. 4) Bench outside 86 Field Avenue to be replaced by SDDC. 5) Contractors had been instructed to take more care when mowing the grass verges. Councillor Mrs Patten and Councillor Roberts left the meeting at 7.40pm.

These Minutes are subject to approval by the next Meeting of the Parish Council. Mins080909 Page 1

Minute 800 Minutes of the meeting held on July 7 th . 2009

Amendment: Minute 785 Variation of business to be Agenda Item 3 on all future Agendas.

Amendment: Minute 792(2) No resolution regarding Hatton Sports and Social Club keys was made because this item was not on the agenda.

RESOLVED that with the above amendments the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Minute 801 Variations in order of business. There were none.

Minute 802.Chairman’s Announcements. 1) Parish Council Website. Councillor Buxton had had a meeting with the Website designer and was informed that a presentation of the website would be available for the next meeting in October. The Clerk will supply details of past Agendas and Minutes. 2) Staff Assessment committee. Members appointed to serve: Chairman: Councillor R E Buxton Councillor C A Thurman Councillor J Billings Councillor D Taylor Councillor T O’Connor A meeting of the committee is to be called within the next month.

Minute 803. Planning Applications. RESOLVED: to note the following applications:

a) 9/2009/0439 B The variation of condition 2 of planning permission 9/2000/0595 to allow for 12 caravans to be sited in addition to the original caravan approved under planning permission 9/2000/0119 at Former Castle View Service Station Uttoxeter Road Foston Derbyshire

b) 9/2009/0473 A .The erection of illuminated signage at Midlands Cooperative Society Ltd Station Road Hatton.

c) 9/2009/0486 The erection of an extension at Spring Cottage 37 Uttoxeter Road Foston Derbyshire.

d) 9/2009/0477 The siting of a storage container at Thirstley Meadow Marston Old Lane Hatton

e) 9/2009/0262 The erection of a detached garage with ancillary accommodation for dependant relative at first floor level at Station House Farm, 2 Scropton Old Road Hatton.

f) 9/2009/0636 The change of use of land south of Cabballo Casa Breach Lane Foston from agricultural to domestic curtilage to include the erection of stables and garages.

g) 9/2009/0646 A siting of a steel storage container at Melstones Sutton Lane Hatton Fields.

h) 9/2009/0666 The erection of an extension at 5 Station Road Hatton.

i) 9/2009/0632/U The conversion of the existing milk parlour to a live/work unit previously permitted under 9/2005/0934 to include the addition of a porch and a detached garage/wood store at Havenwood Barn Sutton Lane Hatton Derbyshire

NB Councillor C A Thurman declared a Personal Interest in this application and took no part.

Minute 804 Report of the Clerk. 1) Proposals for hiring of Football pitches/dressing rooms by TL Darby FC on Saturdays deferred to next meeting.

Minute 805 Ward Reports. These Minutes are subject to approval by the next Meeting of the Parish Council. Mins080909 Page 2

Councillor Mrs S Fowers: wheelie bin outside 31 Scropton Road Hatton : Clerk to contact SDDC. Councillor Mrs S Fowers: car parked on pavement outside 31 Scropton Road Hatton - Police to be informed by Clerk.

Minute 806 Finance. a) RESOLVED to approve payment of accounts and wages for the periods ended July 31 st . 2009 and August 31 st 2009 (as per schedules)

b) RESOLVED: to note Statement of Accounts to date

Minute 807.Items for Information. RESOLVED: to note receipt of the following items:

1) The Playing Field - Derbyshire Rural Community Council Newsletter - Summer 2009

2) Joint Meeting with Parish Councils/South Derbyshire District Council. July 29 th 2009.

3) South Derbyshire home finder - update report.

4)Derbyshire County Council - Excellence in the Community Awards 2009

5) North West Area Safer Neighbourhood Area 1 - Wednesday September 9 th 2009 at Hatton Centre.

6) Amendment to Standing Orders - pages 1 and 2

7) Derbyshire student card magazine b line Summer 2009

8) Derbyshire County Council - Child Car Seat Checking Events - July 2009

9) Y O H Group Summer Activity Diary 2009. 10) Hatton Sports and Social Club - letter from Mark Dicken re progress on development of the Club and facilities.

11) SDDC Chairman’s Charity Concert The Bretby Conference Centre Sunday 27 September 2009 at 7pm.

12) SD Home finder -outcome report 23 July 2009.and 31 July 2009 and 5 th August 2009 and August 15 th 2009.and August 26 th 2009

13) South Derbyshire District Council Annual Report 2009/2010 :www. south-derbys.gov.uk/annual report.

14) South Derbyshire DC Housing Services Open Day Saturday 12 th September 2009 11am to 3pm at Granville Community School Burton Road Woodville.

15) South Derbyshire DC ‘Transfer of Rights of Way Function.

16) North West Safer Neighbourhood Area 1 Meeting Wednesday September 9 th 2009 - 6.30pm at Hatton Centre.

Minute 808 Planning decisions. RESOLVED: to note the following planning decisions

1) 9/2009/0172 Change of use from bakery to dwelling and alterations at 39b Station Road Hatton GRANTED STC

2) 9/2009/0443 The display of eight light sheets vertically arranged on the south elevation on the bag filter extension at Nestle UK Ltd Marston Lane Hatton. GRANTED STC

3) 9/2009/0415 The erection of an extension and a conservatory at 2a Dove Side Hatton. GRANTED STC

4) 9/2009/0448 The erection of a replacement single storey framed structure at Grange Engineering 165 Scropton Road Hatton GRANTED STC

Minute 809. Derbyshire Association of Local Councils. These Minutes are subject to approval by the next Meeting of the Parish Council. Mins080909 Page 3

RESOLVED: to note receipt of the following circulars,

1) Circular 36/2009 General Circular - 1 Councillor Geoff Carlisle. 2.Mavis Wallbank MBE 3 Village SOS - Bringing Life to Villages.4. Maltby Town Council.

2) Circular 37/2009 Derbyshire County Training Partnership. Power of Wellbeing - Parish Council Training Additional Training Seminar - Heanor - 5 August 2009.

3) Circular 38/2009 General Circular 1 British Youth Council - ‘The Youth of Today’ 2. Clerk/RFO Vacancy at Stoney Middleton PC

4)Circular 39/2009 Training - Clerk’s Induction Courses

5)Circular 40/2009 General Circular -Annual Parish Councils Meeting - Derbyshire Police - Tuesday 15 September 2009 National Minimum Wage increase from 1 October 2009 ,Breadsall PC Vacancy for Clerk/RFO Brassington PC Vacancy for Clerk/RFO

6) Circular 41/2009 HIGH IMPORTANCE County Council Parish Council Liaison Forum Thursday 22 October 2009 County Hall Matlock 6pm for 6.30-8.30pm

7) Circular 42/2009 DALC President for 2009-2010

8) Circular 43/2009 The Power of Well Being - Parish Council Training - Additional Training Seminar Village Hall Hilton - September 1 st 2009.

9) Circular 44/2009 General Circular. - Swine Flu - “Flu friend” - Parish Community Response Plan Active Derbyshire Campaign, Derbyshire Dales CVS Training. Weston Underwood PC Vacancy for Clerk/RFO

10) Circular 45/2009 Strengthening Local Democracy

11) Circular 46/2009 Free Energy Audit for Community Buildings, Market Failure? Report of the House of Commons Communities and Local Government Select Committee - for information, Clerk/RFO Vacancy at Bradley PC.

12) DALC SGM September 5 th 2009 at County Hall Matlock. Agenda minutes and Annual Report.

Copies of the Circulars listed above were available from the Clerk on request.

Minute 810 Reports of Representatives attending meetings of Outside bodies. RESOLVED: to note the following reports - copies having been circulated to members.

i) Footpaths Report - Councillor M A Cramp

ii) Marston on Dove and District Charity Councillor M A Cramp.

The meeting CLOSED at 9.10pm.

………………………………...... Chairman.

These Minutes are subject to approval by the next Meeting of the Parish Council. Mins080909 Page 4

Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on October 13 th .2009 at Hatton Centre Station Road Hatton.


Councillor R E Buxton (in the Chair)

Councillors C A Thurman, D Taylor, T O’Connor, Mrs S Fowers. M A Cramp, J Billings, Mrs M A Ratcliffe,

Also in attendance: District Councillor A Roberts. PC James Bateman, Burton Mail reporter 5 members of the public.

Minute 811 Apologies for absence .

Apologies were received from 1) Councillor K Sanders (illness) 2) Mark Todd MP (Constituency duties) 3) County Councillor Mrs J Patten ( other engagement)

Minute 812 Declarations of Interest . There were none.

Minute 813 Variation of business. None.

Minute 814 Matters raised in Public participation. 1. Glass on MUGA. 2. Y O H report. 3. England Football Team coach to visit Hatton Playing Fields on October 25 th 2009 between 1pm and 4pm.

Police Report. PC Bateman reported that priorities for the area at this time were crime prevention in general, and in particular theft from and damage to vehicles. Distraction burglary on Field Avenue under investigation.

County Council report. No report.

District Council report. 1. Councillor A Roberts reported that three Elm trees in the hedge adjacent to the allotments are to be removed by Nestles Ltd as they were infected by Dutch Elm Disease. 2. Bench on Field Avenue had been replaced. Slabs and tarmac path to the bench to be installed. 3. After mowing of grass verges in front of the bungalows cuttings had been removed by contractors. 4. Trees (2) which are causing damage to pavements in the triangle area on Field Avenue are to be removed, but two trees are to remain. 5. Sunken tarmac area on the Sports Ground car park to receive attention.

Minute 815 Minutes of the meeting held on October 13 th .2009 Amendment to amendment of Minute 792(2) to be re-numbered to read Minute 796.

RESOLVED that with the above amendment the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Minute 816 Minutes of the Staff and Establishment sub-committee meeting held on October 6 th 2009 Received and noted..

Minute 817 Chairman’s Announcements. These Minutes are subject to approval by the next Meeting of the Parish Council. Mins131009 Page 1

Councillor Buxton introduced Mr Bruce Broughton of Park Hall Designs who gave a presentation of the website of Hatton Parish Council. Members decided to have individual photographs on the web site rather than a group photograph. Councillor Buxton advised members that as he was Liaison Officer for the web site, all details should be sent to him.

Minute 818. Planning Applications.

RESOLVED: to note the following applications:

a ) 9/2009/0729 The retention of display signage at Brookside Farm, Waterhouse Lane Foston Derbyshire.

b ) 9/2009/07730 TP The pruning of Sycamore trees covered by SDDC Tree Preservation Order Number 37 at 21 Elmwood Church Mews Hatton.

c ) 9/2009/0780 The erection of an extension at 17A Church Avenue Hatton.

Minute 819 Report of the Clerk of Items requiring decision.

1) Risk Assessment Policy: Self Assessment Form Clerk/RFO to the Council.- home office of the Council.

RESOLVED: that the form completed by the Clerk be noted and a copy to be retained by the Chairman, together with PAT certificates.

2) Use of MUGA by outside organisations.

RESOLVED that: Use of MUGA by outside organisations be charged at £25 (twenty five pounds) per hour.

3) RESOLVED that: Use of pitch on Saturdays for training of Hatton Junior teams be free of charge and subject to availability.

Minute 820 Ward Reports.

North Ward. Councillor C A Thurman reported that during inclement weather passengers alighting from the bus at stop facing Sutton Lane had to step on to grass. The Clerk is to contact Derbyshire County Council Highways Department asking if a paved area can be established.

Central Ward Councillor Mrs S Fowers reported that rubbish around a dwelling on Field Avenue had now been cleared

Minute 821 Finance. a) RESOLVED to approve payment of accounts and wages for the periods ended October 31 st .2009 (as per schedule)

b) RESOLVED: to note Statement of Accounts to date and quarterly Bank Reconciliation.

c) RESOLVED: to note the External Auditor’s ‘unqualified ‘ report

d) RESOLVED: to note the quotation for a Christmas tree received from Cadeby Tree Trust.

e) RESOLVED: that a Poppy wreath be obtained from Royal British Legion for placing on the War memorial on Remembrerance Sunday.

f) RESOLVED: to note and approve payment of increase in the National Minimum wage to £5.80 per hour from October 1 st 2009.

g) RESOLVED: to note and approve payment (from April 1 st 2009) of Salary award to Clerk to the Council ( as per Contract of Employment)

h) RESOLVED: to approve donation of £100 (one hundred pounds) to Macmillan Cancer Care.* * This item allowed by Chairman (S.O. 79) although not on Agenda. These Minutes are subject to approval by the next Meeting of the Parish Council. Mins131009 Page 2

Minute 822.Items for Information. RESOLVED: to note receipt of the following items:

1) Derbyshire County Council Young Achievers Awards 2009

2) Electoral Review Of South Derbyshire by Boundary Committee for England - Meeting with Parish Councils on 7 th October 2009

3) Safer South Derbyshire Partnership Newsletter - North East

4) Community Transport (Swadlincote)

5) Safer South Derbyshire Partnership Newsletter - North West Area

6) Letter to Chairman from Councillor C A Thurman.

7) North West Safer Neighbourhood - Area 1 - Meeting November 30 th 2009 at Church Broughton Primary School.

8) emda news - Summer/Autumn 2009 edition.

9) ‘What’s on in South Derbyshire and the National Forest’ - Autumn and early Winter 2009

Minute 823 Planning decisions. RESOLVED: to note the following planning decisions

a ) 9/2009/0473 The erection of illuminated signage at Midlands Co-operative Society Ltd Station Road Hatton. GRANTED STC

b ) 9/2009/0477 The siting of a storage container at Land at Thirstley Place Meadow Marston Old Lane Hatton. GRANTED STC

c ) 9/2009/0262 The erection of a detached garage with ancillary accommodation for a dependant relative at first floor level at Station House Farm, 2 Scropton Old Road Hatton. REFUSED.

Minute 824. Derbyshire Association of Local Councils. RESOLVED: to note receipt of the following circulars,

a) Circular 47/2009 Parish Council Liaison Meeting - 22 October 2009 - County Hall Matlock - Derbyshire Transformational Partnership

b) Circular 48/2009 General Circular - Parish Councils Evening Tuesday 15 September 2009 (DALC Circ. 23/2009) East Midlands Planning Aid Service (EMPAS) ‘Get involved in Planning‘ Consultation Events (Free of Charge) The Sustainable Communities Act 2009 The Fifth Annual Countryside Alliance Awards.

c).Circular 49/2009 General Circular - Policing Local Events. It Takes All Sorts - Local Councils: Represent your Community, Make a Difference.

d) Circular 50/2009 General Circular- Affiliation/Membership of DALC/NALC

e) Circular 51/2009 Pay Settlement 2009-2009/2010 National Final Salary Award for Local Council Clerks.

f) Circular 52/2009 Parish And Town Council Liaison Meeting - 22 October 2009 6pm for 6.30-8.30pm Members Room County Hall Matlock.

Copies of the Circulars listed above were available from the Clerk on request.

Minute 825 Reports of Representatives attending meetings of Outside bodies. RESOLVED: to note the following reports

By Councillor C A Thurman on ‘Electoral Review of South Derbyshire by Boundary Committee for England‘ This was a Preliminary Meeting - Hatton Parish Boundary will not change and the representation is within 2%. These Minutes are subject to approval by the next Meeting of the Parish Council. Mins131009 Page 3

of norm. for District Council representation.

The meeting CLOSED at 8.15pm.

………………………………...... Chairman.

These Minutes are subject to approval by the next Meeting of the Parish Council. Mins131009 Page 4

Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on November 10 th ..2009 at Hatton Centre Station Road Hatton.


Councillor C A Thurman (in the Chair)

Councillors T O’Connor, M A Cramp, J Billings, Mrs M A Ratcliffe,

Also in attendance: Burton Mail reporter 2 members of the public. PCSO Karen Hyde.

Minute 826 Apologies for absence .

Apologies were received from 1) Councillor K Sanders (illness) 2) Councillor Mrs S Fowers (illness) 3) Councillor R E Buxton (business appointment) 4) Councillor D Taylor (illness) 5) Mr Mark Todd MP (Parliamentary business) Minute 827 Declarations of Interest . There were none.

Minute 828 Variation of business. None.

Minute 829 Matters raised in Public participation. 1. Railway crossing on Station Road.. 2. Speed of traffic through Hatton. 3. Y O H Report on current activities and events. 4. YOH Pride of Hatton Awards- Friday December 18 th 2009

Police Report. PCSO Karen Hyde reported on recent crimes in Hatton: Fraud by false representation. Damage to cars -wing mirror knocked off, theft of wheel trims, pedal cycles, and green re-cycling bags.

County Council report. No report.

District Council report. No report.

Minute 830 Minutes of the meeting held on October 13 th .2009

RESOLVED that the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Minute 831 Minutes of the Staff and Establishment sub-committee meeting held on November 9 th 2009 Received and noted..

Minute 832 Chairman’s Announcements. Councillor C A Thurman together with Councillors T O’Connor and Councillor R E Buxton had attended the ‘Power of Well-Being’ training session on September 1 st 2009 and had received certificates. Councillor Thurman commented that until 80% of the membership of the Parish Council had attended a training session the Council would be unable to progress to the next stage. Councillor Thurman stressed the importance that another 4 members attend such a course. The next session is at Etwall on January 18 th 2010. The Clerk is to write to the six remaining members of the Council urging they attend the session.

These Minutes are subject to approval by the next Meeting of the Parish Council. Mins101109 Page 1

Minute 833. Planning Applications.

RESOLVED: to note the following applications:

9/2009/0451U The retrospective change of use application for timber stable block and container for secure storage of hay/feed at land adjoining 21 The Hayes, Hatton Derbyshire.

Parish Council have recorded objections to this application.

9/2009/0864 U The change of use to tyre and exhaust centre at Unit C Station Yard Station Road Hatton Derbys.

Withdrawn by applicant.

9/2009/0890 TP The felling of a Sycamore Tree covered by South Derbyshire District Council Tree Preservation Order Number 57 at Morar 20 Church Mews Hatton Derbyshire.

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Proposed development: The change of use of land south of Caballo Casa from agricultural to domestic curtilage to include the erection of stables and garages at Caballo Casa Breach Lane Hatton Derbyshire. Appeal starting date: October 23 rd .2009

Minute 834 Report of the Clerk of Items requiring decision.

1. RESOLVED; that following the consideration and recommendation by the Staff and Establishment Committee that following Policies be adopted.

a) Complaints Policy.

b). Risk Assessment Policy

c). Health and Safety Policy. adopted in September 2008 be confirmed.

d). Staff Assessment procedures and associated forms..

e) Disciplinary and Grievance Panel.

RESOLVED: that Councillor T O’Connor be elected Chairman of the Panel (to meet as and when required) together with Two members of the Council.

f) Appeals Panel

RESOLVED: that Councillor C A Thurman be elected Chairman of the Panel (to meet as and when required) together with Two members of the Council who must not be members of the Disciplinary and Grievance Panel.

Hatton Carnival Committee

RESOLVED: that permission be granted for the hire of Scropton Road Sports Ground from Thursday July 15 th 2010 to Sunday July 18 th 2010 (incl.) subject to conditions.

Minute 835 Ward Reports.

There were none.

Minute 836 Finance. a) RESOLVED to approve payment of accounts and wages for the periods ended October 31 st .2009 (as per schedule)

b) RESOLVED: to note Statement of Accounts to date.

Minute 837.Items for Information. These Minutes are subject to approval by the next Meeting of the Parish Council. Mins101109 Page 2

RESOLVED: to note receipt of the following items:

1. To receive and note Footpath Report by Councillor M A Cramp.

2. The Boundary Committee for England. - Electoral review of South Derbyshire ( copy to all members)

3. Oakleaf Remembrance Service 2009 - Derby Cathedral Sunday November 15 th 2009 at 3pm.

Minute 838 Planning decisions.

None received to date.

Minute 839. Derbyshire Association of Local Councils.

RESOLVED: to note receipt of the following circulars,

a) Circular 53/2009 Quarterly Employment Tips No 2 (see Circular 21/2009 1-5)

b) Circular 54/2009 General Circular - Derbyshire County Training Partnership - The Power of Well Being - Parish Council Training - Additional Training Seminars. Clerk/RFO vacancy at Shardlow and Great Wilne Parish Council. Clerk Vacancy for Blore and Swinscoe Parish Meeting.

c) Circular 55/2009 Local Accessibility Partnerships.

d) Circular 56/2009 East Midlands Allotments Officers Forum.

e) Circular 57/2009 Derbyshire County Training Partnership Power of Well Being Parish Council Training Additional Training Seminar -Etwall Monday 18 January 2010 at Frank Witham Hall Etwall.

f) Circular 58/2009 Council Tax Bill Format

g) Circular 59/2009 General Circular- Derbyshire Constabulary = Policing of Events/Parades. Derbyshire Sport - Launch of the Plan for Sport and Active Recreation in Derbyshire 2010-2015 Tuesday December 15 2009 at Hayes Conference Centre Swanwick.

h) Information from DALC - Electoral Review of South Derbyshire by Boundary Commission For England. ( copy to all members)

Copies of the Circulars listed above were available from the Clerk on request.

Minute 840 Reports of Representatives attending meetings of Outside bodies. RESOLVED: to note the following:

Report by Councillor M A Cramp on the meeting of Marston on Dove and District Charity.

The meeting CLOSED at 8.24pm.

………………………………...... Chairman.

These Minutes are subject to approval by the next Meeting of the Parish Council. Mins101109 Page 3 Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on December 15 th . 2009 at Hatton Centre Station Road Hatton.


Councillor C A Thurman (in the Chair)

Councillors : T O’Connor, J Billings , M A Cramp, D Taylor ,

Minute 841 Apologies for absence .

Apologies were received from: Councillor R E Buxton (business appointment)

Councillor Mrs S Fowers (at work)

Councillor Mrs M A Radcliffe (illness)

Mr Mark Todd MP (Parliamentary business)

Councillor A Roberts (District Council meeting.)

Minute 842 Declarations of Interest .

There were none.

Minute 843 Variation of business.

RESOLVED : that Agenda item 10(d) be considered in Part 2 of the Meeting. (Exempt Information.)


Minute 844 Matters raised in Public participation. 1. Difficulties in contacting Police now that PCSO’s telephone numbers have been withdrawn.

Police Surgeries schedule in Notice Board and on web-site.

2. Timing of traffic lights on Pelican crossing - Station Road . - Clerk to write to DCC requesting check.

3. Awards ceremony at Hatton Sports and Social Club - Friday December 18 th 2009. At 6pm for 6.30pm.

Police Report.

No representative present.

County Council report.

No report.

District Council report.

No report.

Minute 845 Minutes of the meeting held on November 10 th .2009

RESOLVED that the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Minute 846 Chairman’s Announcements. There were none.

Minute 847. Planning Applications.

RESOLVED: to note the following applications:

1) 9/2009/0931 The change of use to Tyre and Exhaust Centre at Unit 4 Station Yard Indust.Estate, Station Road Hatton.

2) 9/2009/0962 The erection of an extension and loft conversion at 5 Mercia Close Hatton Derbys.

3) 9/2009/0706 The erection of an agricultural building at Brookside Farm, Brook Lane Foston Derbys.

4) 9/2009/0923 The erection of a detached garage with ancillary accommodation for a dependant relative at 2 Scropton Old Road Hatton.

5) 9/2009/1011 The erection of an extension and the formation of a vehicular access at 100 Station Road Hatton.

Minute 848 Report of the Clerk

a) RESOLVED: to note the resignation of Councillor Keith Sanders ( Hoon Ward)

b) RESOLVED: to note appraisal of Clerk to the Council has been completed.

c) RESOLVED: to note Northwest Safer Neighbourhood Team Police Surgeries Schedule. d) RESOLVED: that Mrs T Croft be informed of the Programme and invited to submit dates when YOH group would wish to book the facilities. Agenda item for next meeting .

e) RESOLVED: to note Christmas Tree recycling 26 December 2009 to 11 January 2010 at Station Road Car Park

f) RESOLVED: to note Electoral review of South Derbyshire comments.

Minute 849 Ward Reports.

There were none.

Minute 850 Finance.

a) RESOLVED to approve payment of accounts and wages for the periods ended November 30 th .2009 (as per schedule)

b) RESOLVED: to note Statement of Accounts to date.

c) RESOLVED: that a payment of £100 (one hundred pounds) be made to Mr G Cox and his team for Fireworks Fiesta

Minute 851.Items for Information.

RESOLVED: to note receipt of the following item:

The Playing Field Derbyshire Rural Community Council Newsletter Autumn 2009

Minute 852 Planning decisions.

i) 9/2009/0632 The conversion of the existing milk parlour to a live/work unit previously permitted under 9/2005/0934 to include the addition of a porch and a detached garage/wood store at Havenwood Barn Sutton Lane Hatton Derbyshire. GRANTED STC

ii) 9/2009/0666 The erection of an extension at 5 Station Road Hatton


iii ) 9/2009/0773 The pruning of Sycamore trees covered by TPO Number 57 at 21 Church Mews Hatton. GRANTED STC

Minute 853. Derbyshire Association of Local Councils.

RESOLVED: to note receipt of the following circulars,

a) Circular 60/2009 General Circular - Communities in Control, Real people, Real Power, Government Response to the making and enforcement of Byelaws. Local Councils and Cheque Signatories, Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Bill, Plunkett Foundation - Survey of Parish Councils in England and Wales.Age Discrimination - the High Court’s decision in ’Heyday‘

b) Circular 61/2009 Derbyshire County Council Parish and Town Council Forum – 22 October 2009, Community Response Plan, - letter from Councillor Carol Hart Cabinet Member for Communities.

c) Circular 62/2009 DALC and other Training – Winter 2010 and beyond. Details of courses available.

d) Circular 63/2009 Derbyshire County Training Partnership – Training 2010, Power of Well Being – Town Hall Ashbourne Monday March 29 2009 6pm for 6.30pm to 8.30pm, Certificate in Local Council Administration – 2 day course Wednesday 14 April 2010 and Wednesday June 16 2010.

e) Circular 64/2009 General Circular – DALC office Closed from Friday December 18 th 2009 to January 4 th 2010, Section 137 Expenditure: Limit for 2010/11 £6.15 per person on Electoral Roll.

Copies of the Circulars listed above available from the Clerk on request.

Minute 854 Reports of Representatives attending meetings of Outside bodies.

RESOLVED: to note the following:

1.Hatton Jubilee Hall Management committee report by Councillor M A Cramp. - Copies sent to all members.

2.Footpaths Report by Councillor M A Cramp.

Councillor Thurman proposed a vote of thanks to Councillor Cramp for his work in keeping village pavements tidy and weed free. Unanimously approved.

Minute 856. PART 2 Exempt Information.

RESOLVED: That in view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting and are therefore instructed to withdraw from the meeting, in accordance with Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings ) Act 1960

Par 1 of the meeting CLOSED at 7.55pm.

………………………………...... Chairman.

These Minutes are subject to approval by the next Meeting of the Parish Council.
