Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on May 5 th 2009 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton PRESENT Councillor R E Buxton (in the Chair) Councillors D Taylor, T O‘Connor, Mrs S Fowers, M A Cramp.: AGM1/09 Apologies for absence. Received from Mr Mark Todd MP. Councillors: Mrs M A Ratcliffe, C A Thurman, K Sanders, J Billings. AGM2/09 Minutes of the previous AGM. The minutes of the previous AGM held on May 6 th .2008 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman. AGM3/09 Election of Chairman of the Parish Council Councillor R E Buxton was elected Chairman of the Parish Council for the year 2009/10 and signed the Acceptance of Office . AGM4/09 Election of Vice Chairman of the Parish Council. Councillor Chris A Thurman was elected Vice Chairman of the Parish Council for the year 2009/10 in his absence and is to sign the Acceptance of Office at the next meeting. AGM5/09 Election of Representatives. Marston on Dove and District Relief in Need Charity 2) Councillors Mrs S Fowers, M A Cramp. Flood Liaison committee (1) Cllr. D Taylor. Hatton Centre Management committee: Councillor R E Buxton, Parish Councils Liaison committee(2): Councillors: R E Buxton C A Thurman, Hatton Jubilee Hall Management committee (1) .Councillor M A Cramp. Safer Neighbourhood Partnership: Cllrs.D Taylor, C A Thurman. .................................................................Chairman. Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on May 5th 2009 at Hatton Centre Station Road Hatton. Present: Councillor R E Buxton (in the Chair) Councillors, M A Cramp, Mrs S Fowers, T O’Connor and D Taylor. Also in attendance: County councillor F Hood District Councillor A Roberts. 10 members of the public. Minute 749 Apologies for absence. Apologies were received from Mr Mark Todd MP (Constituency business) Councillor Mrs M A Ratcliffe (illness) Councillor K Sanders (illness) Councillor J Billings (business) Councillor C A Thurman. (family commitment) PCSO Kerry Waite (Police duties) Minute 750 Declarations of Interest. Councillor Mrs S Fowers declared a Personal interest in Minutes 757 and 761 (1)(1) and remained in the meeting. Minute 751 Matters raised in Public Participation. 1. CVS Meeting at Swadlincote next week. 2. Jubilee Hall committee meeting May 12th 2009 at 7.30pm. 3. Sutton Lane - speeding vehicles. 4. Charity Football Match May 25th 2009 RESOLVED : that siting of stalls and hot dog van on the pathway from gate to MUGA be approved. Police PCSO Kerry Waite was unable to attend but had contacted the Clerk to report one incident in the area - theft of tractor and criminal damage to farm machinery on Derby Road Foston on April 1st 2009. County Council report. Councillor F Hood reported that a survey for provision of pedestrian refuge on Station Road would take place mid to end of June and a report prepared for the County Council for mid July. Councillor Hood was thanked by the Chairman for his work in Hatton and support for Local groups particularly the YOH group over the previous four years.. District Council report. Councillor A Roberts reported that bollards were to be erected at the entrance to the bridle path in order to prevent access by cars and motorcycles. Security cameras are to be considered to cover the area. Burnt out cars have been removed by South Derbyshire District Council clean team. Minute 752 Variation in order of business. RESOLVED that Agenda item 7 - Presentation by Mr Bruce Broughton of Park Hall Designs for a website for Hatton Parish Council be taken at this point in the meeting. Minute 753 Web site presentation by Park Hall Designs. Mr Bruce Broughton gave a presentation of how a Parish Council website could be designed. Members asked questions and were given copies of a CD together with a written proposal. RESOLVED: that the website be considered at the next meeting of the Parish Council. Minute 754. Minutes.-March 3rd 2009 /April 7th 2009 . HPCmins050509 Page1 RESOLVED that: the Minutes of the meetings held on March 3rd 2009 and April 7th 2009 be approved subject to the following amendments:- : After the Chairman left the meeting leaving Councillor C A Thurman in the Chair Minute 720 (12) Permission for installation of Storage Container on the site of the old garage. : RESOLVED: that Teresa Croft acting for Y O H could install a storage container on the site of the old garage. Minute 722 RESOLVED to note that Councillor D Taylor did not attend the Etwall Area Meeting and the Safer Neighbourhood Seminar. Minute 726 RESOLVED 1) that the Report of the Clerk on Meeting of February 16th 2009 be noted. and 2) that in relation to part 2 item 17 that contrary to the Clerk’s report, Councillor Thurman made full disclosure of all relevant documents at the meeting with the council’s solicitor on February 16th 2009 and further to this, the points made at the meeting were the Sub-Committees’ and not Councillor Thurmans’ Minute 740 Lease for Hatton Sports and Social Club. All Members of the Council had received a final draft of the Lease and there being no questions from Members it was proposed by Councillor Thurman and RESOLVED that this Council adopts the lease as drawn up by the Council‘s solicitor between Hatton Parish Council and the trustees of Hatton Sports and Social Club, and presents the lease for execution by both parties as soon as is practically possible.. Minute 748 Tender for End of Season Maintenance of Football Pitches. One tender for the end of season maintenance had been received from Talbot Farm Landscapes Ltd. On becoming aware of the tenderer Councillor T O’Connor declared a Prejudicial Interest and left the meeting and took no part in the decision on this matter. RESOLVED: that the tender of £4585 from Talbot Farm Landscapes Ltd be accepted. Minute 755 Chairman’s announcements. There were none. Minute 756. Changes to Public Payphone Services in South Derbyshire. - Payphone at Church Avenue Hatton.. RESOLVED: to note that the payphone at Church Avenue Hatton is to become a no cash telephone box. Minute 757. Signing of the lease and operative date between Hatton Parish Council and Hatton Sports and Social Club for the Lease of the Pavilion Main Room by Hatton Sports and Social Club. RESOLVED: (1) to note that the Clerk would sign the agreement with Hatton Sports and Social Club to be effective from June 1st 2009 (2) that the necessary finalisation of utility payments be executed on the agreement date. Minute 758 HGV Vehicles using Marston ’Old’ Lane Hatton. RESOLVED: to note that Derbyshire County Council had confirmed again that they were unable to assist the Parish Council in providing directional signs at this location. Minute 759 Questionaire - South Derbyshire Local Development Framework. RESOLVED: to note that the clerk will complete this document in accordance with the council’s policies. Minute 760 Letter from Mr R Glover re the operation of the Council. RESOLVED: that the letter be considered in the confidential section of the next meeting. HPCmins050509 Page2 Minute 761 Planning Applications/Approvals/Planning Appeal. RESOLVED: 1) to note the following applications: 1) 9/2009/0299A The erection of high level illuminated signage on the south elevation of bag filter building at Nestle UK Ltd. Marston Lane Hatton 2) 9/2009/0295 FH The erection of an extension at 18 Eaton Close Hatton.. RESOLVED 2) to note the following planning application approvals by South Derbyshire District Council. 1) 9/2009/0096 The conversion of the garage to living accommodation at 32 Yew Tree Road Hatton. GRANTED STC* 2) 9/2009/0048/OX Outline application (all matters except landscaping to be reserved) for the residential development of and adjacent to 9 The Shieiling Hatton. GRANTED STC* 3) 9/2009/0011/FH The formation of a vehicular access at 44 Scropton Road Hatton. GRANTED STC* 4) 9/2009/0091/FH The erection of an extension at 40 Holme Close Hatton. GRANTED STC* 5) 9/2009/0099/FH The erection of proposed garage at 42 Eaton Close Hatton. GRANTED STC* * Subject to Conditions. RESOLVED: 3) to note the date and time of the following Planning Appeal to be held on May 27th 2009 at 10am at South Derbyshire District Council offices. : 3) 9/2008/0577 Proposed Development: Change of use and extension of existing gypsy caravan site to allow siting of touring caravans for members of the gypsy community as a transit site together with ancillary access road and replacement facilities block at former Castle View Service Station Uttoxeter Road Foston Derbyshire. Minute 762. Ward Reports. There were none received. Minute 763. Derbyshire Association of Local Councils. RESOLVED: to note receipt of the following circulars, copies of which are available to members on request to the Clerk. 1) Circ. 09/2009 Local Council Review Subscriber Form 2) Circ. 10/2009 General Circular - Subscriptions 2009/10, Gritting of Car Parks, National Salary Award 2008/9, Clerk vacancy at Bonsall PC. 3) Circ.11/2009 General Circular. - Managing the safety of Burial Grounds practical advice for dealing with unstable memorials, Age discrimination -the Heyday Challenge. Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund. (ALSF) Derbyshire Aggregates Levy Grant Scheme (DALGS) 4) Circ. 12/2009 UK Consultation on European Commission Proposal on Bus and Coach Passenger Rights. 5) Circ.13/2009 General Circular - Minutes of Executive Meeting held on February 28th 2009, 2008/2009 National Final Salary Award for Local Council Clerks, and Car Allowances for Local Council Clerks. 6) Circ.14/2009 The Power of Well Being- Training Seminar at Repton Village Hall Monday 15 June 2009 7) Circ.15/2009 One day training course for Chairman and other prospective Chairman of your Parish Council - Saturday 18 May 2009, Law and Good Practice for Parish Councils.
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