Minutes of the Meeting of Hatton Parish Council Held on January 12 Th 2010 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton
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Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on January 12 th 2010 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton Present: Councillor R E Buxton (in the Chair). Councillors: T O’Connor, J. Billings, M A Cramp, D Taylor, Mrs S Fowers, C A Thurman In attendance: District Councillor A Roberts, County Councillor Mrs Julie Patten (arrived 7.30pm) Burton Mail reporter. 6 members of the public. Minute 858 Apologies for absence. Apologies were received from: Councillor Mrs M A Ratcliffe (Illness) Mr Mark Todd MP (Parliamentary duties) Minute 859 Declarations of Interest. There were none. Minute 860 Variation of business. None. Minute 861 Matters raised in Public participation. 1) Gritting of the jitty. 2) MUGA being used as a skating rink. Police report. No Officer present but latest crime stats received from PCSO. County Council report. Councillor Mrs J Patten reported: . a) Arriva Bus Company unwilling to divert buses through Scropton village. b) Audiology Dept. had now moved to Swadlincote from DRI. Tel: 0845 602 6918 District Council report. Councillor A Roberts reported: i) With regard to gritting of pavements in Hatton, SDDC legal department had suggested it may be possible to incorporate gritting of pavements into the Job description of the Parish Lengthsman. The Clerk is to check with DALC. ii) Grit bin had been removed from Church Broughton Lane by persons attempting to steal it. Councillor Roberts had witnessed the incident, followed the vehicle , which then dumped the bin on the roadside. Bin now stored temporarily in secure location. iii) Report on re-organisation of Ward boundaries in South Derbyshire is to be presented to SDDC. and, if accepted, to the Boundary Commission. Report proposes each ward in the district will be represented by TWO councillors. MinsJan10 1 Page iv) Grants for children’s groups are available from DCC on application. (Approximately £1,000) Minute 862 Minutes of the meeting held on December 15 th 2009. RESOLVED: that the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman. Minute 863 Chairman’s announcements. There were none. Minute 864 Planning Applications. RESOLVED: to note the following application: 9/2009/1014 The erection of steel framed enclosure to existing extract ducts at Nestles (UK) Ltd. Marston Lane Hatton Minute 865 Report of the Clerk. Summer Holiday Provision programme. RESOLVED: to finance the programme schedule submitted by Mrs Teresa Croft (on behalf of Youth of Hatton group) at a total cost of £1,310 plus vat. Minute 866 Ward Reports. There were no reports submitted. Minute 867 Finance. a) RESOLVED to approve payment of accounts and wages for the period ended December 31 st 2009(as per schedule) b) RESOLVED: to note Statement of Accounts to date. c) RESOLVED: to note Bank Reconciliation and unpresented cheques /receipts report. d) RESOLVED: i) to set a Parish Precept for 2010/11 of £20,400 ii) that Allotment plot rental charge shall be £20 per plot w.e.f. April 1 st 2010 iii) that hire charge for Football pitch shall be £35 per match w.e.f. start of 2010/11 season. iv) that hire charge for MUGA be £25 per hour. v) that Green fees for Bowling Green shall be £1,500 per annum from April 1st 2010. e) RESOLVED; that the fixed price quotation of £996 plus vat from Harvey and Clark Ltd be accepted for the repair to guttering and downpipes at Pavilion Scropton Rd Sports Ground. NB. Councillor T O’Connor declared a personal interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or vote. Minute 868 Items for Information. RESOLVED: to note receipt of the following item: 1) Letter from Derbyshire County Council regarding timing on crossing on Station Road Hatton. RESOLVED: that from February 9 th 2010 meetings of the Parish Council will commence at 6.45pm. Minute 869 Planning decisions. RESOLVED: to note the following planning decisions. i) 9/2009/0451 The retrospective change of use application for timber stable block and container for secure storage of hay/feed at land adjoining 21 The Hayes Hatton REFUSED. ii) 9/2009/0890 The felling of a sycamore tree covered by SDDC TPO Number 57 at Morar 20 Church Mews Hatton GRANTED STC. MinsJan10 2 Page iii) 9/2009/0931 The change of use to tyre and exhaust centre at Unit 4 Station Yard Industrial Estate Hatton GRANTED STC Minute 870 Derbyshire Association of Local Councils. None received to date. Minute 871 Reports from Representatives attending meetings of Outside bodies. There were no reports to this meeting. The meeting CLOSED at 8.10pm. ………………………………........................Chairman. MinsJan10 3 Page These minutes are subject to approval by the next meeting of the Council MinsJan10 4 Page Minutes of the meeting of Hatton Parish Council held on February 9 th .2010 at Hatton Centre, Station Road Hatton Present: Councillor R E Buxton (in the Chair). Councillors: C A Thurman, D Taylor, Mrs M A Ratcliffe, M A Cramp, Andy Billings, Mrs S Fowers, John Billings, In attendance: Ian Hey (SDDC) Burton Mail reporter. 12 members of the public. Minute 872 Apologies for absence. Apologies were received from: Councillor T O’Connor (business appointment) Mr Mark Todd MP (Parliamentary duties) Councillor A Roberts (business appointment) Councillor Mrs J Patten (Planning committee meeting) Minute 873 Declarations of Interest. Councillor Mrs S Fowers declared a Personal interest in Minute 887 and opted to remain in the meeting. Councillor John Billings declared a Personal interest in Minute 887 and opted to remain in the meeting. Minute 874 Variation of business. None. Suspension of Standing Orders. Councillor R E Buxton moved that Standing Orders be suspended to enable Mr Chris Lees to speak regarding the draft Parish Plan proposals. Mr Lees is the Chairman of the Parish Plan committee. Mr Ian Hey said that South Derbyshire District Council are fully supportive of the Parish Plan process. RESOLVED: that the Parish Plan draft proposals be considered for adoption at the next meeting of the Council. Minute 875 Matters raised in Public participation. a) Dog fouling on Playing Fields. b) Bowls Club affiliated to Hatton Sports and Social Club NOT amalgamated. c) Evergreens renamed and not amalgamated – affiliated. Police report. No Officer present. County Council report. County Councillor Mrs J Patten unable to attend the meeting. District Council report. Councillor A Roberts unable to attend the meeting. Minute 876 Minutes of the meeting held on January 12 th 2010 RESOLVED: that the minutes be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman. MinsFEB10 1 PAGE Minute 877 Chairman’s announcements. No announcements. Councillor Mrs S Fowers asked the Chairman to explain why a letter (copy delivered to Mrs Fowers’ home anonymously) in the name of the Chairman, containing comments on the draft proposals of SDDC for Electoral Boundary review, had been sent, in variance to Minute 848(f). Councillor Buxton replied that the comments had to be with the Committee no later than January 20 th 2010 and the Council did not meet again until February 9 th 2010. Minute 878 Planning Applications. No applications received prior to meeting. Minute 879 Report of the Clerk. 1. RESOLVED: that the following be noted. i). Y O H programme of forthcoming events. ii). Queens Hospital Scanner Appeal – donation request. RESOLVED: that a donation of £200 (two hundred pounds) be made to the Queen’s Hospital Scanner Appeal. iii). SACRE Annual Report – copy available on request. iv). South Derbyshire Local Development Framework. RESOLVED: this item to be included on the next Agenda ( March 9 th 2010) Minute 880 Ward Reports. Central Ward. Councillor Mrs S Fowers had received a letter of complaint regarding noise from car park area and Pavilion at Scropton Road Sports Ground. Copy of letter requested by Councillor D Taylor (joint member for Central Ward) Minute 881 Finance. a) RESOLVED to approve payment of accounts and wages for the period ended January 31 st 2010(as per schedule) b) RESOLVED: to note Statement of Accounts to date. Minute 882 Items for Information. RESOLVED: to note receipt of the following: a) Get on Track Junior Cycling Club leaflet. b) Clerk and Councils Direct -Issue January 2010 c) South Derbyshire Area Forum – meeting Wednesday 3 rd February 2010 at 7pm – Hatton Centre. d) Derbyshire Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Partnership.- Poster. In Notice Board. e) acid – Archaeology and Conservation in Derbyshire – issue 7 January 2010 f) North West Safer Neighbourhood Area 1 – Meeting Wednesday 3 rd March 2010 at 6.30pm Egginton Memorial Hall. g) e mail response from DALC regarding gritting of pavements/footpaths by Parish Lengthsman. Minute 883 Planning decisions. None received to date. Minute 884 Derbyshire Association of Local Councils. RESOLVED: to note receipt of the following- copies available from the Clerk on request. Circular 01/2010 Index of Most Important 2009 DALC Circulars. Circular 02/2010 FOIA 2000 Request Form – Clerk/RFO Vacancy – Hartington Upper Quarter Parish Council MinsFEB10 2 PAGE Minute 885 Reports from Representatives attending meetings of Outside bodies. There were none. Minute 886. Exclusion of the Press and Public. ’That in view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be excluded from the meeting and are therefore instructed to withdraw from the meeting. in accordance with Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960’’ Minute 887 Summary of proceedings considered 1.RESOLVED: that Council give consent for the Planning Application by Hatton Sports and Social Club to be made as shown on drawings A1/02A and A1/03 relating to the buildings only and not the land. 2. RESOLVED: the Clerk to check with SDDC regarding the legalities concerning ‘letter of intent’ 3.RESOLVED: with immediate effect all entries and links to the Parish Council web-site be submitted to the Clerk before publication.